REGULAR TRUSTEES OF
                              NB CAPITAL TRUST III

                                January 22, 1997

         As  authorized  by the terms and  provisions of an Amended and Restated
Declaration  of Trust for NB Capital Trust III (the "Trust") dated as of January
22, 1997, the undersigned Regular Trustees hereby execute this consent to action
by the Trust:


         WHEREAS,  the  Board  of  Directors  of  NationsBank  Corporation  (the
"Corporation")  has determined  that it is advisable and in the interests of the
Corporation to raise up to $1,000,000,000 in additional equity capital on behalf
of the Corporation (the "Additional Equity"),  which equity capital may take the
form of preferred securities  representing undivided beneficial interests in the
assets of a trust or other entity formed by or on behalf of the Corporation; and

         WHEREAS,  in order to facilitate the utilization of a plan of financing
involving such preferred securities,  the Corporation,  as Sponsor,  caused this
Trust to be formed  pursuant to the terms of a Declaration  of Trust dated as of
October  29,  1996,  as amended and  restated in its  entirety by an Amended and
Restated  Declaration of Trust dated as of January 22, 1997 (the  "Declaration")
and a  Certificate  of Trust  filed with the  Secretary  of State of Delaware on
November 1, 1996; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  and this Trust have  caused the filing of a
Registration  Statement  on Form  S-3,  Registration  No.  333-18273,  with  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission")  under the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended,  with respect to up to $1,000,000,000  aggregate  principal
amount of preferred  securities (the "Capital  Securities")  which  Registration
Statement  was amended by  pre-effective  Amendment No. 1 thereto filed with the
Commission on January 10, 1997,  and declared  effective on January 14, 1997 (as
so amended, the "Registration Statement"); and

         WHEREAS, no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration
Statement  has been  received by the  Corporation  and no  proceedings  for that
purpose have been instituted or threatened against the Corporation;

         RESOLVED,  that the Registration Statement is ratified and approved and
the Trustees  hereby are  authorized  and empowered to execute and file all such
other instruments and documents, to make all such payments and do all such other
acts and things in

connection with the Registration  Statement  (including the execution and filing
of any pre-effective or  post-effective  amendments  thereto),  as they may deem
necessary  or  advisable  in order to effect  such  filing  and to  procure  the
effectiveness  of  the  Registration  Statement  (and  any  such  post-effective
amendments  thereto),  and to make such supplements to the Prospectus  forming a
part of said Registration  Statement as may be required or otherwise as they may
deem advisable;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that  each of John E.  Mack,  Paul J.  Polking  and
Charles M. Berger  hereby is appointed  attorneys-in-fact  for, and each of them
with full power to act without the other hereby is  authorized  and empowered to
sign the Registration  Statement and any amendment or amendments  (including any
pre-effective or post-effective amendments) thereto on behalf of, the Trust;

         RESOLVED FURTHER, that Paul J. Polking is hereby designated
as Agent for Service of the Trust with all such powers as are
provided by the Rules and Regulations of the Commission;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that any of the Trustees  hereby is  authorized  to
determine the states or jurisdictions in which appropriate action shall be taken
to qualify or register for distribution the Capital Securities, as such Trustees
may deem  advisable;  that such  Trustees  hereby are  authorized  to perform on
behalf  of the  Trust  any and all  such  acts as they  may  deem  necessary  or
advisable  in order to comply  with the  applicable  laws of any such  states or
jurisdictions,  and in  connection  therewith to execute and file all  requisite
papers and documents,  including without limitation  resolutions,  applications,
reports,  surety bonds,  irrevocable  consents and appointments of attorneys for
service of  process;  and the  execution  by such  officers of any such paper or
document or the doing by them of any act in connection with the foregoing matter
shall establish  conclusively  their  authority  therefor from the Trust and the
approval and  ratification  by the Trust of the papers and documents so executed
and the actions so taken;

         RESOLVED FURTHER, that such Trustees hereby are authorized and directed
to do any and all things which in their judgment may be necessary or appropriate
in order to obtain a permit, exemption, registration or qualification for, and a
dealer's license with respect to, the distribution of the Capital  Securities in
accordance  with and pursuant to the terms of any  underwriting  or distribution
agreements,  under the  securities  or insurance  laws of any one or more of the
states or  jurisdictions  as such officers may deem  advisable and in connection
therewith  to  execute,  acknowledge,  verify,  deliver,  file and  publish  all
applications,  reports,  resolutions,  consents, consents to service of process,
powers of  attorneys,  commitments  and other papers and  instruments  as may be
required  under such laws and to take any and all further  action which they may
deem necessary or appropriate in order to secure and to maintain such permits,


exemptions, registrations and qualifications in effect for so
long as they shall deem in the best interest of the Trust;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that  if the  securities  or blue  sky  laws of any
jurisdiction  or the  regulations  or  governing  authority  of any  exchange or
trading entity require that particular forms of resolutions  covering any matter
mentioned in the preceding  resolutions  be adopted,  all such  resolutions  are
hereby adopted as if the same had been so presented and adopted herein;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that in order to  facilitate  the  operation of the
Trust,  the  Trustees  are  authorized  to execute  and  deliver a  Subscription
Agreement between the Corporation and the Trust (the  "Subscription  Agreement")
pursuant to which the  Corporation  will agree to purchase  and own  directly or
indirectly  all  of the  Trust's  outstanding  Common  Securities  (the  "Common

         RESOLVED FURTHER,  that in order to facilitate the raising of necessary
funds,  the Trustees are  authorized to join with the  Corporation  and execute,
deliver and perform an Underwriting  Agreement dated as of January 22, 1997 (the
"Underwriting  Agreement") between the Corporation and the Trust and NationsBanc
Capital Markets,  Inc., Bear,  Stearns & Co. Inc. and Lehman Brothers,  Inc., as
representatives  (the  "Representatives")  of  the  several  underwriters  named
therein (the "Underwriters") pursuant to which the Trust will agree to issue and
sell 500,000 Capital  Securities  representing  preferred  undivided  beneficial
interests in the assets of the Trust and  denominated  as Floating  Rate Capital
Securities to the Underwriters;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that the  Trustees  are  authorized  to execute and
deliver a Note Purchase  Agreement  between the  Corporation  and the Trust (the
"NPA")  pursuant  to which  the  Corporation  will  sell up to an  aggregate  of
$515,500,000 of its Floating Rate Junior Subordinated  Deferrable Interest Notes
2027 (the "Notes") to the Trust;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that the  Trustees  are  authorized  to execute and
deliver a Calculation  Agency  Agreement  dated as of January 22, 1997 among the
Corporation,  the  Trust  and  The  Bank  of New  York in  connection  with  the
determination of the interest rate on the Notes;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that the listing of the Capital  Securities  on the
Luxembourg  Stock Exchange (the "LSE") and the  appointment of Banque Generale a
Luxembourg as listing agent for purposes of the LSE listing is hereby  ratified,
confirmed and approved;

         RESOLVED FURTHER,  that John E. Mack, or any other Regular Trustee, be,
and hereby is  authorized  to take any and all steps  necessary  or desirable to
accomplish  the  LSE  listing,  including  the  preparation  and  filing  of all
requisite listing applications,


fee agreements, papers and documents and the payment of all fees
deemed necessary or desirable;

         RESOLVED   FURTHER,   that  the  facilities  of  the  Euroclear  System
("Euroclear")  and Cedel Bank,  societe  anonyme ("Cedel Bank") shall be used in
connection  with the  issue  and  transfer  of the  Capital  Securities  and the
execution,  delivery and performance by this Corporation of engagement  letters,
letters of  understanding  or other  agreements with Euroclear and Cedel Bank is
hereby ratified and approved;

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,  that the terms,  conditions  and  provisions of the
Declaration, the Subscription Agreement, the Underwriting Agreement, and the NPA
are hereby  ratified and approved,  with such changes and upon such terms as the
Trustees executing then shall determine;

         RESOLVED FURTHER,  that all actions previously taken by the Trustees or
agents of the Trust in anticipation  of, or in connection with the  transactions
described in these resolutions,  be and the same are hereby ratified,  confirmed
and approved; and

         RESOLVED  FURTHER,   that  each  of  the  Regular  Trustees  hereby  is
authorized and directed to execute documents and certificates as such individual
deems  necessary  or  appropriate  and  to do  any  and  all  things  necessary,
appropriate or convenient to carry into effect the foregoing resolutions
