WORKOUT AGREEMENT

         THIS WORKOUT AGREEMENT, dated September ____, 1996, among The Provident
Bank ("Bank"),  and Quality Products,  Inc., a Delaware corporation  ("Parent"),
American  Liberty  Mining  Corp.,  a Nevada  corporation  ("American  Liberty"),
Quality Toys, Inc., a Nevada corporation  ("Quality Toys"), QPI Multipress Inc.,
an Ohio  corporation  ("Multipress")  and Technical  Metals Company,  a Michigan
corporation   ("Technical   Metals"),   (collectively   referred  to  herein  as


         WHEREAS,  Bank,  Borrowers  and Q.P.I.  Consumer  Products  Corporation
("Consumer Products") entered into a Loan and Security Agreement dated April 26,
1994,  which  agreement  was amended by a First  Amendment  to Loan and Security
Agreement  dated March 3, 1995 and by a Second  Amendment  to Loan and  Security
Agreement  dated  March 15, 1995  (collectively  referred to herein as the "Loan
Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS,  Consumer  Products filed a bankruptcy  petition  commencing a
Chapter 11 case  pending in the  Bankruptcy  Court for the  Middle  District  of
Florida,  Tampa Division  ("Bankruptcy  Court"),  known as In Re Q.P.I. Consumer
Products  Corp.,  Case  No.   95-8633-8C1   ("Bankruptcy   Case")  which  filing
constitutes a default under the Loan Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  on December  15,  1995,  Bank and  Borrowers  entered into an
Agreement ("December  Agreement") modifying the terms of the Loan Agreement with
respect to the Borrowers during the pendency of the Bankruptcy Case; and


         WHEREAS, the  Borrowers  are  in  default  under  the terms of the Loan
Agreement and the December Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  Technical  Metals has ceased  operations  and  liquidated its
assets in an orderly  manner  pursuant to an  agreement  by and among  Technical
Metals,  National  Steel  Corporation  and Bank,  which  governs  the  manner of
liquidation of its assets; and

         WHEREAS,  Parent,  Multipress,  Quality Toys and American  Liberty have
requested certain concessions from Bank in order to allow them an opportunity to
restructure or reorganize without the necessity of a bankruptcy filing; and

         WHEREAS, Bank is willing to modify the terms of the Loan Agreement  and
the December Agreement as set forth herein;

         NOW  THEREFORE,  for good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of which the  parties  hereby  acknowledge,  the  parties  agree as

         1. Definitions. Capitalized terms not assigned definitions herein shall
have the  meaning  ascribed  to them in the Loan  Agreement,  as modified by the
December  Agreement.  In addition,  all terms defined in the Uniform  Commercial
Code as adopted in Ohio shall have the meanings given therein  unless  otherwise
defined herein.

         2. Obligations.  For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Obligations"
shall mean, without limitation, all Loans (as defined in the December Agreement)
and all other debts,  obligations,  or liabilities of every kind and description
of all Borrowers to Bank, whether owed directly to Bank or assigned by Parent to
Bank,  including Borrowers'  obligations under this Workout Agreement,  the Loan
Agreement and the December Agreement, including but not limited to the


guaranty of the Consumer Products  Obligations  contained therein, now due or to
become due, direct or indirect,  absolute or contingent,  presently  existing or
hereafter arising, joint or several,  secured or unsecured,  whether for payment
or  performance,  regardless  of how  the  same  arise  or by  what  instrument,
agreement  or book account they may be  evidenced,  or whether  evidenced by any
instrument,  agreement or book account, including, without limitation, all loans
(including any loan by renewal or extension),  all  overdrafts,  all guarantees,
all bankers  acceptances,  all agreements,  all letters of credit issued by Bank
for  Borrowers  and the  applications  relating  thereto,  all  indebtedness  of
Borrowers to Bank,  all  undertakings  to take or refrain from taking any action
and all  indebtedness,  liabilities  and  obligations  owing from  Borrowers  to
others,  including  Parent,  which Bank has  obtained or may obtain by purchase,
negotiation,  discount, assignment or otherwise.  Obligations shall also include
all  interest  and other  charges  chargeable  to the  Borrowers or due from the
Borrowers to the Bank from time to time and all costs and  expenses  referred to
in the December Agreement and herein.

         3.       Interest and Fees.

                  3.1  As of the  date  of  this  Agreement,  all of  Borrowers'
Obligations  to Bank shall bear  interest at a rate equal to the Prime Rate plus
three  percent  (3%) per annum,  computed on the basis of a year of 360 days for
the actual number of days elapsed  until repaid.  On the first day of each month
commencing  on October 1, 1996,  Borrowers  shall pay to Bank  monthly  interest
payments  in the  amount  of  the  Prime  Rate  plus  one  percent  (1%)  on the
outstanding  balance of the Obligations.  Interest accrued but not paid pursuant
to this Section ("Deferred  Interest") shall be deferred until October 31, 1996.
If no Acceleration Event has occurred and all Obligations to Bank

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have been paid in full by October  31,  1996,  the  Deferred  Interest  shall be
waived by Bank. Upon the occurrence of an Acceleration Event or upon October 31,
1996,  whichever  occurs  first,  interest  shall  accrue  at a rate of four (4)
percentage  points greater than the stated rate.  "Prime Rate" as used herein is
that annual  percentage  rate of interest which is established by Bank from time
to time as its prime rate, whether or not such rate is publicly  announced,  and
which  provides  a  base  to  which  loan  rates  may be  referenced;  it is not
necessarily the lowest lending rate of Bank.

                  3.2 Monthly  service  charges  payable under Section 13 of the
December  Agreement and Section 12 of this Agreement and accruing after the date
of this Agreement  shall be deferred until October 31, 1996. If no  Acceleration
Event  has  occurred  and all  Obligations  to Bank have been paid in full on or
before October 31, 1996, the deferred service charges shall be waived by Bank.

         4.  Forbearance.  Bank agrees to forbear from demanding full payment of
all  Obligations  due  from  Borrowers  until  October  31,  1996  ("Forbearance
Period"),  provided that (a) Technical Metals continues to comply with the terms
of the Forbearance and Collateral  Liquidation Agreement among Technical Metals,
Bank  and  National  Steel  Corporation  ("Technical  Metals  Agreement"),   (b)
Borrowers  diligently  pursue  financing  or other  sources  of capital to allow
Borrowers to pay all Obligations to Bank in full and (c) an  Acceleration  Event
has not occurred. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, all
Obligations  of Borrowers to Bank shall be due and payable no later than October
31, 1996.

         5.       Outstanding Loans and Short Term Advance.

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                  5.1  The  parties  acknowledge  that  as of the  date  of this
Agreement  Borrowers  are  indebted  to Bank  under the Loan  Agreement  and the
December  Agreement in the amount of $1,427,032.68,  and that none of Borrowers'
Obligations are subject to any defenses, offsets, or counterclaims as to Bank or
Parent. Bank shall have no obligation to make any loans or advances to Borrowers
during the  Forbearance  Period.  All proceeds of the  liquidation  of Technical
Metals and Consumer  Products  net of expenses  approved by Bank and all amounts
approved and ordered paid by the Bankruptcy Court ("Liquidation Proceeds") shall
be applied to the Obligations in permanent reduction of those Obligations.  Bank
shall have no obligation to readvance the Liquidation  Proceeds to any Borrower.
Proceeds from the  collection of  Borrowers'  assets other than the  Liquidation
Proceeds shall be held by Bank in a cash  collateral  account ("Cash  Collateral
Account").  Borrowers  shall be  permitted  to use funds in the Cash  Collateral
Account to pay Borrowers' ordinary operating expenses.

                  5.2  Subject to the terms of this  Agreement,  Bank  agrees to
lend to Borrowers the amount of $50,000 ("Short Term Advance").  This Short Term
Advance  shall bear interest at the rate of the Prime Rate plus one percent (1%)
and shall be due and  payable on October 31,  1996.  Borrowers  shall  execute a
promissory  note in a form  satisfactory  to Bank to  evidence  the  Short  Term

         6.       Allocation of Liability.

                  6.1  Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to the  contrary,  the
Obligations  of each  Borrower  (other than Parent) to Provident  under the Loan
Agreement, the December Agreement,  this Agreement and all documents executed in
connection therewith and herewith shall be limited

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to the  Maximum  Credit  Liability  (as  defined  below)  for each  Borrower  as
determined at the earlier of the date of  commencement  of a case under Title 11
of the United States Code (or any successor provision) in which such Borrower is
a debtor or the date  enforcement  is sought  under such  agreements;  provided,
however,  that each  Borrower  shall be  jointly  and  severally  liable for all
advances,  charges,  costs and expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys' fees
incurred or paid by Bank in exercising any right,  power or remedy  conferred by
this Agreement or any enforcement thereof.

                  6.2  Each  Borrower  agrees  that  in the  event  of  (i)  the
dissolution  or  insolvency  of any  Borrower,  other than  Technical  Metals or
Quality Toys, (ii) the inability of any Borrower, other than Technical Metals or
Quality  Toys,  to pay its debts as they become due,  (iii) an assignment by any
Borrower for the benefit of its creditors other than Technical Metals or Quality
Toys,  or (iv) the  institution  of any  bankruptcy  or other  proceeding  by or
against any Borrower  alleging  that such Borrower is insolvent or unable to pay
its debts as they  become due,  the other  Borrowers  shall pay the  Obligations
promptly upon demand.  Each  Borrower  agrees that upon the filing by or against
any other  Borrower of any proceeding  under any present or future  provision of
the  United  States  Bankruptcy  Code,  or any other  similar  federal  or state
statute,  other Borrowers shall have no right to contribution,  indemnification,
or any  recourse  whatsoever  against the bankrupt  Borrower  for any  liability
incurred by the other  Borrowers  under the terms of this  Agreement or the Loan
Agreement.  Each  Borrower  agrees  that this  provision  shall  continue  to be
effective or be reinstated,  as the case may be, if at any time any payment,  or
any part thereof, of principal, interest or any other amount with respect to the
Obligations  is  rescinded  or must  otherwise be restored by Agent or the Banks
upon the  bankruptcy  or  reorganization  of any  Borrower,  any other Person or

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                  Each  Borrower  further  agrees  that,  to the extent that any
Borrower makes a payment to Bank,  which payment or payments or any part thereof
are subsequently  invalidated,  declared to be fraudulent or  preferential,  set
aside or  otherwise  required  to be repaid to  another  Borrower,  its  estate,
trustee,  receiver or any other party,  including without limitation,  under any
bankruptcy law, state or federal law, common law or equitable cause, then to the
extent of such payment or  repayment,  the  Obligation or part thereof which has
been paid, reduced or satisfied by such amount shall be reinstated and continued
in full  force and  effect as of the date such  initial  payment,  reduction  or
satisfaction occurred.

                  6.3        For purposes of this Agreement the following  terms
shall have the following definitions:

                             (a) "Maximum  Credit  Liability"  for any Borrower,
         other than Parent, shall mean, as of any date of determination thereof,
         the sum of (i) with  respect to each Loan,  the  proceeds  of which are
         used to make or the issuance of which  constitutes a Valuable  Transfer
         to such  Borrower,  the  amount of such Loan plus (ii) with  respect to
         each Loan,  the  proceeds of which are not used to make or the issuance
         of which does not constitute a Valuable Transfer to such Borrower,  the
         lesser  of (A) the  outstanding  amount of such Loan as of such date or
         (B) the greater of (I) ninety-five  percent (95%) of the Subsidiary Net
         Worth at the time of such Loan,  or (II)  ninety-five  percent (95%) of
         the  Subsidiary  Net Worth of such Borrower at the earliest of (x) such
         date, (y) the date of the  commencement of a case under Title 11 of the
         United States Code (or any successor  provision) in which such Borrower
         is a debtor, or (z) the date enforcement hereunder is sought.

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                             (b) "Subsidiary  Net Worth" of any Borrower,  other
         than Parent,  shall mean, as of any date of determination  thereof, the
         excess of (i) the amount of the "present  fair  saleable  value" of the
         assets of such Borrower as of the date of such determination, over (ii)
         the  amount  of  all  "liabilities  of  such  Borrower,  contingent  or
         otherwise," as of the date of such determination,  as such quoted terms
         are  determined in accordance  with  applicable  federal and state laws
         governing determinations of the insolvency of debtors.

                             (c)  "Valuable Transfers" shall mean, in respect of
         any  Borrower, (i) all loans, advances or capital contributions made to
         or for  the  benefit  of such Borrower with the proceeds of Loans, (ii)
         all debt securities or other  obligations  of such Borrower acquired by
         such Borrower or retired by such  Borrower  with proceeds of, (iii) the
         fair market value of all property  acquired with the proceeds of Loans,
         and transferred, absolutely and not  as  collateral,  to such Borrower,
         and (iv) all equity  securities  of  such  Borrower  acquired  by  such
         Borrower with proceeds of Loans.

         7.   Grant of Security Interest.  To secure the payment and performance
of all of the Obligations, as herein defined, the Borrowers (other than  Parent)
hereby grant to Parent a continuing security interest in and  assign  to  Parent
all  of  Borrowers' respective Collateral (as that term is defined in  the  Loan
Agreement).  Parent hereby grants to Bank a continuing  security interest in all
of Parent's  Collateral  and assigns to Bank the Restated Notes and the security
interests  granted  to  Parent  by the Borrowers   hereunder.  These  continuing
security  interests  are not in  substitution  for  or  novation of the grant of
security  interests  granted  in  connection  with  the  Loan Agreement  and the
December  Agreement,  which  security  interests  are   specifically   ratified,
confirmed and preserved.

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         8.     Representations and Warranties.  Each Borrower hereby represents
and warrants to the Bank that:

                  8.1  Organization  and  Authority.  (a)  Each  Borrower  is  a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of its  incorporation  and has the corporate power and authority to
conduct its business as now conducted and as proposed to be conducted while this
Agreement is in effect; (b) the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
performance of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby are within the
corporate  authority of each Borrower and has been duly authorized by all proper
and necessary corporate action; (c) the execution and delivery of this Agreement
and the performance of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby will not
violate or contravene any provisions of law or the articles of  incorporation or
bylaws of any Borrower, or result in a breach or default in respect of the terms
of any other agreement to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound,
which breach or default would result in the creation,  imposition or enforcement
of any lien  against  any of the  Collateral,  or would have a material  adverse
affect on the conduct of the  Borrowers'  business as it is now being  conducted
and  proposed  to be  conducted  while this  Agreement  is in  effect,  or would
otherwise  impair the value of the security  interest  granted to the Parent and
assigned to the Bank  hereunder;  and (d) each  Borrower is duly  qualified as a
foreign  corporation  and is in good standing and duly authorized to do business
in every  jurisdiction  where the nature of its properties or the conduct of its
business requires such qualification and authorization.

                  8.2  Binding Effect of Documents.  This Agreement is the legal
and  binding  obligation  of  each  Borrower  enforceable in accordance with its

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                  8.3        Government Consent.  The execution and delivery  of
this Agreement and  the  performance of the transactions contemplated hereby and
thereby  do not  require any approval or consent  of any governmental  agency or
authority, or of any other party.

                  8.4 No Other  Liabilities.  Except  to the  extent  listed  on
Schedule 8.4 hereto or reflected in the Borrowers'  financial statements for the
year or other period  ending  September  30, 1995,  which have been  provided to
Bank, no Borrower,  as of the date of this  Agreement,  knows or has  reasonable
grounds to know of any basis for the assertion  against it of any liabilities or
obligations of any nature, direct or indirect,  accrued, absolute or contingent,
including,  without limitation,  liabilities for taxes then due or to become due
whether  incurred in respect of or measured by the income of such  Borrower  for
any period prior to the date of this  Agreement  or arising out of  transactions
entered into, or any state of facts existing prior thereto.

                  8.5 Taxes. Each Borrower has filed all federal,  state,  local
and other tax returns and reports  required to be filed by it,  except for those
listed on  Schedule  8.5  hereto,  and such  returns  and  reports  are true and
correct.  Each Borrower has paid all taxes,  assessments and other  governmental
charges  lawfully  levied or imposed on or against it or its  properties,  other
than those presently payable without penalty or interest.

                  8.6 No  Litigation.  Except as listed on Schedule  8.6 hereto,
there is no litigation or proceeding or governmental  investigation  pending or,
to the knowledge of any Borrower,  threatened  against or relating to Borrowers,
their properties or business which is not reflected in the financial  statements
described in Section 8.4 hereof.

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                  8.7  Compliance  with  Laws.   Borrowers  are  not,  to  their
respective knowledge, in violation of or default under any statute,  regulation,
license,   permit,   order,  writ,  injunction  or  decree  of  any  government,
governmental department,  commission, board, bureau, agency,  instrumentality or
court,  which  violation or default would have a material  adverse effect on the
business, properties or condition, financial or otherwise, of any Borrower.

                  8.8 Location of Collateral. Each Borrower maintains a place of
business  and owns  collateral  only at the address  set forth in  Schedule  8.9
attached  hereto and maintains  its books of account and records,  including all
records  concerning  Collateral,  only at the  foregoing  addresses.  The Parent
maintains its chief  executive  office at Suite 201,  1718 East Seventh  Street,
Tampa, Florida 33605 and each Subsidiary maintains its Chief Executive Office at
the locations set forth in Schedule 8.9 attached hereto.

                  8.9 Title to Collateral.  With respect to the  Collateral,  at
the time the  Collateral  becomes  subject  to the Bank's or  Parent's  security
interest,  the  Borrower  is and at all times will be the sole owner of and have
good and marketable title to the Collateral,  free from all liens,  encumbrances
and  security  interests  in favor of any  person  other than the Bank or Parent
except  Permitted  Liens (as  defined in the Loan  Agreement)  and that  certain
security  interest  granted to National Steel Corp. by Technical  Metals Company
that is subject to a  Subordination  Agreement dated August 21, 1995 in favor of
Bank (the "National Steel Lien"), and has full right and power to grant the Bank
a security  interest therein.  All information  furnished to Bank concerning the
Collateral  is and  will be  complete,  accurate  and  correct  in all  material
respects when furnished.

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Without limiting the foregoing,  Parent further  represents and warrants to Bank
that it holds title to all assets used in the  operation  of the QPI  Multipress

                  8.10  Rights of  Borrower  to  Accounts.  As to each and every
Account (a) it is a bona fide existing obligation, valid and enforceable against
the respective Debtor for a sum certain for sales of goods shipped or delivered,
or goods leased,  or services  rendered in the ordinary course of business;  (b)
all  supporting  documents,  instruments,  chattel  paper and other  evidence of
indebtedness,  if any,  delivered to the Bank are complete and correct and valid
and  enforceable  in  accordance  with  their  terms,  and  all  signatures  and
endorsements that appear thereon are genuine,  and all signatories and endorsers
have full  capacity  to  contract;  (c) the  Debtor is liable  for and will make
payment of the amount  expressed in such Account  according to its terms; (d) it
will be subject to no discount,  allowance or special  terms of payment  without
the prior  approval  of the Bank;  (e) it is subject to no  dispute,  defense or
offset, real or claimed;  (f) it is not subject to any prohibition or limitation
upon  assignment;  (f) the Borrower has full right and power to grant the Bank a
security  interest therein and the security  interest granted in such Account to
the Bank in this  Agreement,  when  perfected,  will be a valid  first  security
interest which will inure to the benefit of the Bank without further action. The
warranties set out herein shall be deemed to have been made with respect to each
and every Account now owned or hereafter acquired by each Borrower.

                  8.11 Rights of Borrower in Inventory. The Inventory (a) is and
will be of good and merchantable  quality, free from defects and (b) none of the
inventory is or will be stored with a bailee  without the prior written  consent
of Bank.

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                  8.12  Accuracy  of   Representations.   No  representation  or
warranty by or with respect to Borrowers  contained herein or in any certificate
or other  document  furnished by Borrowers  pursuant  hereto or contained in the
Loan Agreement or December Agreement contains any untrue statement of a material
fact or omits to state a material fact necessary to make such  representation or
warranty not misleading in light of the circumstances under which it was made.

                  8.13 Patents and Trademarks.  Attached hereto as Schedule 8.13
is  a  complete  and  accurate  list  of  all  trademarks,  patents  and  patent
applications owned, held or used by Borrowers.

                  8.14  Representations  as  Inducement  to Bank.  The foregoing
representations  and  warranties  are made by Borrowers  with the  knowledge and
intention  that the Bank will rely thereon,  and shall survive the execution and
delivery of this Agreement.

         9.       Affirmative Covenants. Each Borrower covenants and agrees that
until all  of the  Obligations have  been paid  in full,  unless the  Bank shall
otherwise consent in writing:

                  9.1 Refinancing.  Borrowers shall diligently  pursue financing
or other sources of capital that will allow Borrowers to repay all of Borrowers'
Obligations to Bank in full. Borrowers shall on the last of each month provide a
written  report  to the  Bank  disclosing  all  financial  institutions  to whom
Borrowers  submitted an application or applications for such  refinancing  other
sources of capital during the previous month.

                  9.2        Continuing Obligations. Borrowers hereby ratify and
confirm and shall continue to comply with all terms and provisions of  the  Loan
Agreement, the December Agreement

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and all  documents  executed in connection  therewith  except to the extent that
those terms and provisions are directly amended or modified by this Agreement.

                  9.3 Ongoing  Liquidations.  Borrowers  shall  cooperate in the
orderly  liquidation  of Consumer  Products and Technical  Metals and shall take
such acts and execute and deliver such  documents as may reasonably be requested
by Bank to facilitate the liquidation of the assets of those entities.

                  9.4 Books and Records.  Borrowers shall maintain  complete and
accurate  books of account  and records  pertaining  to the  Collateral  and the
operations of the  Borrower,  and all such books of account and records shall be
kept and  maintained  at the location  specified  in Section 8.9. The  Borrowers
shall not move such books of account and records or change its respective  chief
executive  office without giving the Bank at least 30 days prior written notice.
Prior to moving  any of such  books of  account  and  records  or  changing  the
location of its respective chief executive  office,  the Borrowers shall execute
and deliver to the Bank financing statements  satisfactory to the Bank. All such
books of account and records and all financial  statements and reports furnished
to the Bank shall be  maintained  and  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with prior periods.

                  9.5 Access to Information.  Borrowers shall grant the Bank, or
its representatives, full and complete access to the Collateral and to all books
of account, records,  correspondence and other papers relating to the Collateral
during normal business hours and the right to inspect,  examine, verify and make
abstracts from the copies of such books of account, records,

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correspondence  and  other  papers,  and  to  investigate  such  other  records,
activities  and  business  of the  Borrowers  as  they  may  deem  necessary  or
appropriate at the time.

                  9.6 Evidence of Accounts.  Borrowers shall,  upon the creation
of Accounts,  or from time to time as the Bank may require,  deliver to the Bank
schedules  of  all  outstanding  Accounts.  Such  schedules  shall  be  in  form
satisfactory to the Bank and shall show the age of such Accounts in intervals of
not more than 30 days, and contain such other  information and be accompanied by
such  supporting  documents  as the  Bank may from  time to time  request.  Each
Borrower shall also deliver to the Bank copies of Debtor's  invoices,  evidences
of shipment or delivery and such other schedules and information as the Bank may
reasonably  request.  The items to be  provided  under  this  Section  are to be
prepared and delivered to the Bank from time to time solely for its  convenience
in maintaining records of the Collateral and the failure of any Borrower to give
any of such items to the Bank shall not affect,  terminate,  modify or otherwise
limit the Bank's security interest granted herein.

                  9.7 Financial Information. Borrowers shall deliver to the Bank
such  periodic  financial  information  as Bank may require,  including  without
limitation  (a) not more  than 20 days  after the end of each  month,  financial
statements for the immediately  preceding  month,  including a balance sheet and
profit  and loss  statement  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles,  and (b) not more  than 90 days  after  the date of this
Agreement, or within such further time as the Bank may permit,  consolidated and
consolidating  financial  statements  for  Borrowers  for the fiscal  year ended
September 30, 1995, including a balance sheet and related profit

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and loss statement,  prepared in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting
principles by independent certified public accountants acceptable to the Bank.

                  9.8        Records of Advances.  Borrowers shall  maintain  an
accurate record of loan advances to and payments from each Borrower.

                  9.9        Other Information.  Borrowers shall furnish  to the
Bank  such  other  financial  and  business  information and reports in form and
substance satisfactory to the Bank as and when the Bank may from  time  to  time

                  9.10  Maintenance  of  Existence  and  Licenses.   While  this
Agreement  remains in effect and until the  Obligations  have been paid in full,
each Borrower shall (a) maintain its corporate  existence in good standing;  (b)
make no  change in the  nature or  character  of its  business  or engage in any
business in which it was not engaged on the date of this Agreement; (c) maintain
and keep in full force and effect all  licenses  and  permits  necessary  to the
proper conduct of its business and (d) at the request of the Bank,  qualify as a
foreign  corporation and obtain all requisite licenses and permits in each state
(other than the state of its incorporation) where the Borrower does business.

                  9.11 Maintenance and Insurance of Properties.  Borrowers shall
maintain and keep all of their respective properties, real and personal, in good
working  order,  condition  and  repair and  insure  and keep  insured  all such
properties  at all times against loss of damage by fire,  theft,  and such other
risks and hazards as are customarily  insured against by corporations in similar
circumstances,  or as the Bank may specify from time to time,  with insurers and
in amounts  acceptable  to the Bank.  If  Borrowers  fail to do so, the Bank may
obtain such insurance and charge the cost thereof to the Borrowers'  account and
add it to the Obligations. Borrowers agree that, if any

                                     - 17 -

loss should occur, the proceeds of all such insurance policies may be applied to
the payment of all or any part of the Obligations,  as the Bank may direct. Bank
shall be named loss payee on such  insurance  policies  to the extent  that such
policies insure the Collateral.  All policies shall provide for at least 30 days
prior written notice of  cancellation  to the Bank.  Borrowers  shall deliver at
least  annually  to Bank,  or  sooner  if  requested  by Bank,  certificates  of
insurance evidencing Borrowers'  compliance herewith.  Bank or Bank's designated
agent   is   hereby   irrevocably    constituted   and   appointed    Borrowers'
attorney-in-fact  to  (either in the name of  Borrowers  or in the name of Bank)
make adjustments of all insurance losses,  sign all  applications,  releases and
other papers necessary for the collection of any such loss, make settlements and
endorse and collect all instruments payable to Borrowers or issued in connection

                  9.12  Liability  Insurance.  At  all  times,  Borrowers  shall
maintain in full force and effect such  liability  insurance with respect to its
activities and business  interruption  and other  insurance as may be reasonably
required by Bank,  such  insurance to be provided by  insurer(s)  acceptable  to
Bank, and if requested by Bank,  such insurance shall name Bank as an additional
insured.  Borrowers  shall  deliver  at least  annually  to Bank,  or  sooner if
requested by Bank,  certificates of insurance evidencing  Borrowers'  compliance

                  9.13  Notice of Certain  Events.  Borrowers  shall give prompt
notice in writing to the Bank of any  Acceleration  Event  hereunder,  or of any
condition which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would
give  rise  to an  Acceleration  Event,  and of any  development,  financial  or
otherwise,  which would materially adversely affect its business,  properties or
affairs or

                                     - 18 -

the ability of any Borrower to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the
Loan Agreement or the December Agreement.

                  9.14  Payment  of  Taxes.   Borrowers  shall  pay  all  taxes,
assessments or governmental charges lawfully levied or imposed on or against its
respective properties prior to the date when such taxes,  assessments or charges
shall become delinquent,  unless the Borrower shall contest the validity thereof
in good faith and shall post any bond or other  security  required by applicable
law or by the Bank against the payment thereof.

                  9.15  Dealings in  Inventory.  With respect to the  Inventory,
Borrowers  shall  (a) sell or  dispose  of the  Inventory  only to buyers in the
ordinary course of business,  (b)  immediately  notify the Bank of any change in
location of any of the  Inventory  and,  prior to any such  change,  execute and
deliver to the Bank such financing  statements  satisfactory  to the Bank as the
Bank may request and (c) report,  in form satisfactory to the Bank and with such
frequency as determined by the Bank,  such  information  as the Bank may request
regarding the Inventory.

                  9.16  Claims  Against  Borrower.   Immediately  upon  learning
thereof,  Borrowers  shall  report  to  the  Bank  any  reclamation,  return  or
repossession  of goods,  any claim or  dispute  asserted  by any debtor or other
obligor in which the amount in dispute  exceeds  $10,000,  and any other matters
affecting  the  value  and  enforceability  or  collectibility  of  any  of  the
Collateral.  In  addition,  the  Borrower  shall,  at its sole cost and  expense
(including  attorneys'  fees),  settle any and all such claims and  disputes and
indemnify and protect the Bank against any  liability,  loss or expense  arising
therefrom  or out of any such  reclamation,  return  or  repossession  of goods,
provided,  however,  if the Bank shall so elect,  it shall have the right at all
times to settle, compromise, adjust

                                     - 19 -

or litigate  all claims or disputes  directly  with the Debtor or other  obligor
upon such terms and  conditions  as it deems  advisable and charge all costs and
expenses thereof  (including  attorneys' fees) to the Borrowers' account and add
them to the Obligations.

                  9.17  Defense  of  Collateral.   Borrowers  shall  defend  the
Collateral  against all claims and  demands of all persons at any time  claiming
the same or any  interest  therein  and pay all  costs and  expenses  (including
attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with such defense.

                  9.18  Financing  Statements.  At  the  request  of  the  Bank,
Borrowers  shall execute and deliver such  financing  statements,  documents and
instruments,  and  perform  all  other  acts  as the  Bank  deems  necessary  or
desirable,  to carry out and perform  the intent and purpose of this  Agreement,
and pay, upon demand, all expenses  (including  attorneys' fees) incurred by the
Bank in connection therewith.  A photocopy of this Agreement shall be sufficient
as a  financing  statement  and may be filed in any  appropriate  office in lieu

                  9.19       Financial Covenants.  That  operating  division  of
Parent  doing  business  as  QPI  Multipress  ("Division")  shall  maintain  the
following financial covenants:

                             (a)    The  ratio  of  Current  Assets  to  Current
        Liabilities of not less than 3.3 to 1.0.

                             (b)    A level of Net Working Capital not less than

                             (c)    A Total Equity of not less than $875,000.00.

The following terms shall have the following meanings when used herein.

                  "Current Assets" and "Current  Liabilities" shall mean, at any
time, all assets or liabilities  respectively,  that should,  in accordance with
GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting

                                     - 20 -

Principles),   be   classified  as  current   assets  or  current   liabilities,
respectively, on the balance sheet of the Division.

                  "Liabilities"  shall mean all  indebtedness,  obligations  and
other liabilities of the Division,  whether matured or unmatured,  liquidated or
unliquidated,  direct  or  contingent  or  joint or  several,  that  should,  in
accordance  with GAAP, be classified as  liabilities on the balance sheet of the

                  "Net Working  Capital"  shall mean, at any time, the amount by
which Current Assets exceed Current Liabilities.

                  "Total Equity" shall be at any time,  the amount  reflected as
Total Equity on the financial statement of the Division submitted to the Bank as
required  herein  (prepared on a basis  consistent  with the attached  financial
statement  for the  Division  dated as of  September  30,  1995) and adjusted by
subtracting  the sum of (i) any surplus  resulting  from any write-up of assets,
(ii)  goodwill,  including any amounts,  however  designated  on a  consolidated
balance sheet of the Division representing the excess of the purchase price paid
for assets or stock acquired over the value assigned thereto on the books of the
Division, (iii) patents,  trademarks,  trade names and copyrights, (iv) deferred
expenses  and (v) any other  amount in respect of an  intangible  that should be
classified  as an asset on a balance  sheet of the Division in  accordance  with

                  9.20  Maintenance of Bank Accounts.  Borrowers  shall maintain
all  of  its  respective   depository  accounts  with  Bank,  including  without
limitation,  all demand deposit, lock box, time deposit,  concentration and zero
balance accounts,  but excluding such other accounts at such other banks as Bank
may permit in its sole discretion.

                                     - 21 -

         10.      Negative Covenants.  Each Borrower covenants and  agrees  that
until the Obligations have been paid in full, unless the  Bank  shall consent in
advance in writing, it shall not and shall not permit any subsidiary to:

                  10.1 Sale of Assets or Merger.  Discontinue  its  business  or
liquidate, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of a material part of its
assets  or of the  Collateral,  by sale,  merger,  consolidation  or  otherwise,
provided, however, that it may sell in the ordinary course of business and for a
full  consideration  in money or money's  worth,  any  product,  merchandise  or
service produced,  marketed or furnished by it. In no event, however,  shall any
Borrower make any transfer of an interest in property or incur any obligation if
the Borrower:

                             (a) made such transfer or incurred such  obligation
         with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud any person or entity to
         which  the  Borrower  was or  became,  on or after  the date  that such
         transfer was made or such obligation was incurred, indebted; or

                             (b)  received  less  than  a  reasonably equivalent
         value in exchange for such transfer or obligation; and

                                       (i)        was insolvent on the date that
                  such  transfer  was  made  or such obligation was incurred, or
                  became insolvent as a result of such transfer or obligation;

                                       (ii)       was  engaged  in business or a
                  transaction,  or  was   about  to  engage   in  business  or a
                  transaction,  for  which  any  property  remaining  with   the
                  Borrower was an unreasonably small capital; or

                                     - 22 -

                                       (iii)      intended to incur, or believed
                  that  the  Borrower  would  incur,  indebtedness that would be
                  beyond  the  Borrowers' ability to pay such indebtedness as it

                  10.2       Liens and Encumbrances. Sell, assign, pledge, grant
or suffer to exist a security interest,  lien, mortgage or other encumbrance  on
any of the Collateral to any person other than the  Bank, or  permit  any  lien,
encumbrance  or security interest to attach to any  of  the  Collateral,  except
Permitted Liens and purchase money security interests not exceeding $100,000  in
the aggregate.

                  10.3      Contingent Liabilities. Endorse, guarantee or become
surety for the obligations of any person, firm or corporation, except  that  the
Borrowers may endorse  checks  and  negotiable  instruments  for  collection  or
deposit in the ordinary course of business.

                  10.4       Loans.  Make any loans to an Affiliate (as  defined
in the Loan Agreement) or any other Borrower.

                  10.5 Change in Management or Business.  Change its  management
or make any  material  change in any of its  business  objectives,  purposes and
operations which might in any way adversely affect the repayment of the Loans.

                  10.6 Change in  Ownership.  Permit to occur a change in record
or beneficial  ownership of the voting stock of any Borrower  which Bank, in its
sole discretion, deems material with respect to the control of such Borrower.

                  10.7       Transaction with Affiliates.  Enter into, or  be  a
party  to,  any  transaction  with  any  of Borrowers' Affiliates, except in the
ordinary course of business, pursuant to the reasonable

                                     - 23 -

requirements of Borrowers'  business,  and upon fair and reasonable  terms which
are fully disclosed to Bank and are no less favorable to such Borrower than such
Borrower could obtain in a comparable arm's length transaction with a person not
an Affiliate of such Borrower.

                  10.8  Indebtedness.  Directly  or  indirectly  create,  incur,
assume, guaranty or be or remain liable with respect to any indebtedness, except
for (a) indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of Borrowers' business, (b)
the  Obligations,  (c) any  existing  indebtedness  disclosed  in the  financial
statements  referenced in Section 8.4 hereof,  and (d) any other indebtedness to
which Bank has consented in writing.

         11.      Collection of Collateral and Notice of Assignment.

                  11.1  Collections  on  Collateral.   All  collections  on  the
Collateral  shall be directed  to a lockbox at Bank and shall not be  commingled
with the  Borrowers'  other  funds or be  deposited  in any bank  account of the
Borrowers (except for the Cash Collateral Account), or used in any manner except
to pay the  Obligations  or for  such  other  purposes  as  expressly  permitted
hereunder.  All  collections on the  Collateral  (other than the proceeds of the
liquidation of Technical Metals and Q.P.I. Consumer,  which shall be immediately
applied to the balance of Borrowers' Obligations) shall be deposited in the Cash
Collateral  Account  of the  appropriate  Borrower  maintained  at Bank for that
purpose,  over which the Bank alone shall have the sole power of withdrawal.  In
no event shall Bank be obligated  to advance to Borrowers  any amounts in excess
of the collected  balance in the Cash  Collateral  Account.  Borrowers  shall be
entitled to use the funds in the Cash Collateral Account in Borrowers'  ordinary
course of  business.  The  crediting of items  deposited in the Cash  Collateral
Account to the  reduction of the  Obligations  shall be  conditioned  upon final
payment of the item and

                                     - 24 -

if any item is not so paid, the amount of any credit given for it may be charged
to the Obligations or to any other deposit account of such Borrower,  whether or
not the item is returned.

                  11.2  Notice of  Assignment.  The Bank shall have the right at
any time to notify  Debtors of its  security  interest  in the  Accounts  and to
require  payments to be made  directly to the Bank.  Upon request of the Bank at
any time,  Borrowers will so notify the account debtors and will indicate on all
billings to the account  debtors that the  Accounts are payable to the Bank.  To
facilitate  direct  collection,  the Borrowers  hereby  appoint the Bank and any
officer or employee of the Bank, as the Bank may from time to time designate, as
attorney-in-fact for the Borrowers to (a) receive,  open and dispose of all mail
addressed to the  Borrowers  and take  therefrom  any payments on or proceeds of
Accounts;  (b)  take  over  the  Borrowers'  post  office  boxes  or make  other
arrangements,  in which the Borrowers shall cooperate, to receive the Borrowers'
mail,  including notifying the post office authorities to change the address for
delivery of mail  addressed  to the  Borrowers to such address as the Bank shall
designate;  (c) endorse the name of the  Borrowers in favor of the Bank upon any
and all checks,  drafts, money orders, notes,  acceptances or other evidences or
payment or  Collateral  that may come into the Bank's  possession;  (d) sign and
endorse the name of the  Borrowers on any invoice or bill of lading  relating to
any of the Accounts,  on verifications of Accounts sent to any debtor, to drafts
against debtors,  to assignments of Accounts and to notices to Debtors;  and (e)
do all acts and things necessary to carry out this Agreement,  including signing
the name of the Borrowers on any instruments  required by law in connection with
the transactions contemplated hereby and on financing statements as permitted by
the Uniform Commercial Code. The Borrowers hereby ratify and approve all acts of
such attorneys-in-fact, and neither the Bank nor any other such

                                     - 25 -

attorney-in-fact  shall be liable for any acts of commission or omission, or for
any error of judgment or mistake of fact or law. This power,  being coupled with
an  interest,   is  irrevocable  so  long  as  any  of  the  Obligations  remain

                  11.3  Enforcement  of Accounts.  The Bank shall not, under any
circumstances,  be  liable  for any  error  or  omission  or  delay  of any kind
occurring  in the  settlement,  collection  or  payment of any  Accounts  or any
instruments  received in payment thereof or for any damage resulting  therefrom.
The Bank may,  without  notice to or  consent  from the  Borrowers,  sue upon or
otherwise  collect,  extend the time of payment of, or  compromise or settle for
cash, credit or otherwise upon any terms, any of the Accounts or any securities,
instruments  or  insurance  applicable  thereto  and/or  release  the  obligator
thereon. The Bank is authorized to accept the return of the goods represented by
any of the Accounts,  without notice to or consent by the Borrowers,  or without
discharging or any way affecting the Obligations hereunder.

                  11.4 Returned or Rejected Goods.  Upon receipt of any returned
or rejected goods Borrowers shall immediately issue and deliver a credit memo to
the Bank with respect thereto,  or, at the Bank's election,  Borrowers shall set
aside such  goods,  mark them in the Bank's  name and hold them in trust for the
Bank at Borrowers'  expense,  and,  upon  request,  shall pay the Bank the sales
price  thereof.  If the Bank shall  request  Borrowers to pay the sales price of
such goods and Borrowers  fail to forthwith pay the sales price to the Bank, the
Bank may take  possession  of such goods and sell or cause the goods to be sold,
at public or private  sale,  at such prices,  to such  purchasers  and upon such
terms as the Bank deems advisable. Borrowers shall remain liable to the

                                     - 26 -

Bank for any  deficiency  and shall pay the costs  and  expenses  of such  sale,
including reasonable attorneys' fees.

                  11.5  Limitation  of Bank's  Liability.  The Bank shall not be
liable for or prejudiced by any loss,  depreciation  or other damage to Accounts
or other  Collateral  unless caused by the Bank's willful and malicious act, and
the Bank  shall  have no duty to take any  action to  preserve  or  collect  any
Account or other Collateral.

                  11.6 Verification of Accounts. The Bank may confirm and verify
all Accounts in any reasonable manner at any time. Bank shall have no obligation
to disclose or discuss with  Borrowers  the names or identities of any customers
from whom the Bank obtains or requests  information  as to  Accounts.  Borrowers
agree  to  cooperate  with  Bank in the  confirmation  and  verification  of any
Accounts,  or reconciling any discrepancy  between those amounts verified by the
Bank and information provided to the Bank by the Borrower.

         12. Service  Charges.  In addition to the principal and interest on the
Loans and the  reimbursement  of  expenses to Bank  pursuant to this  Agreement,
Borrowers  shall  pay to the Bank a  monthly  service  charge  for the  services
provided by Bank in  connection  with this  Agreement  in the amount of $10,000,
which  service  charge may be increased or decreased in the sole  discretion  of
Bank upon 30 days prior written notice to Borrowers.

         13.  One General Obligation:  Cross Collateral.  All loans and advances
by  Bank  to  Borrowers  under  this  Agreement  and  under all other agreements
constitute one loan, and all indebtedness and obligations of Borrowers  to  Bank
under this and under all other agreements, present and  future,  constitute  one
general obligation secured by the Collateral and security held and

                                     - 27 -

to be held by Bank hereunder and by virtue of all other assignments and security
agreements  between  Borrowers  and  Bank  now  and  hereafter  existing.  It is
expressly understood and agreed that all of the rights of Bank contained in this
Agreement  shall likewise apply insofar as applicable to any  modification of or
supplement to this  Agreement and to any other  agreements,  present and future,
between Bank and Borrowers.

         14. Acceleration.  The following shall constitute  Acceleration Events,
it being agreed that time is of the essence hereof: (a) failure of the Borrowers
to pay  when due or  within  five (5) days of the date on which it is due any of
the Obligations,  including  without  limitation the interest  payments required
under  Section 3 hereof;  (b) failure of the Borrowers to observe or perform any
covenant  contained  in this  Agreement  or in any other  agreement  between the
Borrowers and the Bank  including,  without  limitation,  the  Technical  Metals
Agreement;  (c) any representation or warranty at any time made by the Borrowers
to the Bank orally or in this  Agreement or in any other  agreement  between the
Borrowers and the Bank,  or in any document or instrument  delivered to the Bank
pursuant to this Agreement or any such other agreement is, or becomes, untrue or
misleading in any material respect; (d) Borrowers shall default under or breach,
and not cure such default or breach  within any  applicable  cure  periods,  any
material obligation for the payment of borrowed money or for the payment of rent
under  any  lease  agreement  covering  real  or  personal  property;   (e)  any
acceleration  of any  material  obligation  of any  Borrower  for the payment of
borrowed  money or for the  payment of rent under any lease  agreement  covering
real or personal property; (f) failure of the Borrowers or any guarantor,  after
request by the Bank, to furnish  within five (5) days of such request  financial
information  or to permit the  inspection of their books of account and records;

                                     - 28 -

suspension by the Borrowers or of the  operation of their present  business,  or
the calling any meeting of all or any of their  creditors or committing  any act
of  bankruptcy,  or the filing by or against any Borrower of any petition  under
any provision of the United States Bankruptcy Code, as amended,  or the entry of
any judgment or filing of any lien  against any Borrower in an amount  exceeding
$30,000;  (h) there shall occur any material  adverse  change in any  Borrowers'
condition  or  affairs  (financial  or  otherwise)  or in that of any  endorser,
guarantor  of surety for any of the  Obligations;  and (i) any  uninsured  loss,
theft, damage,  destruction or encumbrance of any of the Collateral or any levy,
seizure or attachment thereof.

         15.  Bank's  Rights and  Remedies of Bank.  Upon the  occurrence  of an
Acceleration  Event,  Bank may declare all  Obligations of the Borrowers to Bank
immediately due and payable,  without presentment,  notice, protest or demand of
any kind for the payment of all or any part of the Obligations, and exercise all
of its rights and remedies against Borrowers and any Collateral provided herein,
in any other  agreement  between  Borrowers  and Bank,  at law or in equity  and
exercise all rights granted to a secured party under the Ohio Uniform Commercial
Code or otherwise.  Without limiting the foregoing,  Bank may take possession of
the Collateral,  or any part thereof,  and Borrowers hereby grant Bank authority
to enter upon any premises on which the Collateral  may be situated,  and remove
the  Collateral  from such  premises  or use such  premises,  together  with the
materials,  supplies,  books and records of  Borrowers,  to maintain  possession
and/or the condition of the  Collateral  and to prepare the Collateral for sale.
Borrowers  shall,  upon  demand by Bank,  assemble  the  Collateral  and make it
available at a place  designated by Bank which is reasonably  convenient to Bank
and Borrowers. Borrowers shall not attempt to delay, obstruct or

                                     - 29 -

frustrate the Bank's exercise of its rights and remedies,  nor raise any defense
in any legal proceeding  commenced by Bank to avail itself of such remedies,  if
necessary.  Unless the Collateral is perishable or threatens to decline speedily
in value or is of a type customarily sold on a recognized market, Bank will give
Borrowers  reasonable notice of the time and place of any public sale thereof or
of the time after which any private sales or other intended  disposition thereof
is to be made. The requirement of reasonable  notice shall be met if such notice
is mailed,  postage prepaid, to the address of the Borrowers as set forth herein
at least five (5) days prior to the time of such sale or disposition.

                  15.1 Application of Proceeds. The Bank shall have the right to
apply the proceeds of any  disposition  of the  Collateral to the payment of the
Obligations  in  such  order  of  application  as the  Bank  may,  in  its  sole
discretion,  elect.  The Bank shall have no obligation to marshall any assets in
favor of the Borrowers or any other party.

                  15.2 Remedies Cumulative.  The rights, options and remedies of
the Bank shall be  cumulative  and no failure or delay by the Bank in exercising
any  right,  option or remedy  shall be deemed a waiver  thereof or of any other
right,  option or remedy,  nor shall any single or partial  exercise of any such
right,  power or remedy  preclude any other or further  exercise  thereof or the
exercise of any other right, power or remedy hereunder. Bank shall not be deemed
to have waived any of the Bank's rights  hereunder or under any other agreement,
instrument  or paper  signed by  Borrowers  unless such waiver be in writing and
signed by the Bank. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to restrict any of
Bank's  rights to seek,  in a  bankruptcy  court or any other court of competent
jurisdiction,  any  relief  that Bank may deem  appropriate  in the event that a
voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy petition is filed by or against Debtor.

                                     - 30 -

         16. Release of All Claims.  Borrowers hereby jointly and severally, for
themselves,   their   respective   heirs,   executors,   administrators,   legal
representatives,  successors and assigns:  (a) acknowledge  that no Borrower has
any  Claims  (as  herein  defined)  against  Bank;  (b) for  good  and  valuable
consideration,  receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged,  release  and  forever
discharge  Bank and its employees,  officers,  directors,  agents,  accountants,
attorneys and parent  companies,  and all direct and indirect  subsidiaries  and
affiliates of such parent  companies  and all  employees,  officers,  directors,
agents,  accountants and attorneys of such parent  companies,  subsidiaries  and
affiliates, and the heirs, executors, administrators,  successors and assigns of
all of the foregoing, jointly and severally (collectively,  the "Bank Parties"),
of and from the following  (collectively,  the  "Claims"):  any and all actions,
causes of  action,  suits,  debts,  accounts,  obligations,  defenses,  offsets,
counterclaims,  damages, judgments,  claims, demands and liabilities of any kind
or character whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, in contract
or in tort, in law or in equity, including,  without limitation,  fraud, duress,
mistake, usury, tortious interference, negligence, and other matters of any kind
whatsoever,  of Borrowers  had, have, may have or may in the future have against
any one or more of the Bank  Parties  arising  out of,  for or by  reason  of or
resulting  from or in any way  relating  to,  in whole or in part,  directly  or
indirectly,   any  past  or  present  act,  omission,  matter,  cause  or  thing
whatsoever,  including,  without limitation, this Agreement, the Loan Agreement,
the December Agreement, any Note, security document,  other document,  matter or
thing  relating  thereto  or to the Loans  generally,  any other past or present
financing or banking transactions between Bank and the Borrowers;  (c) agree not
to commence,  aid, cause,  permit, join in, prosecute or participate in any suit
or other proceeding in a position adverse to any of the Bank Parties, which

                                     - 31 -

suit or  proceeding  arises from or relates to, in whole or in part,  any of the
Claims;  (d) acknowledge that nothing  contained herein is to be construed as an
admission  that any Claims  exist or as an  admission of liability of any of the
Bank Parties;  and (e) agree that Bank hereby is forever discharged from any and
all duties or  obligations  under or relating in any way to the Loan  Agreement,
the December Agreement, or related documents.

         17.      Miscellaneous

                  17.1 Governing Law;  Jurisdiction and Venue. The provisions of
this Agreement  shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws
of the State of Ohio.  The Bank and  Borrower  hereby  designate  all  courts of
record sitting in Cincinnati,  Ohio, both state and federal, as forums where any
action, suit or proceeding in respect of or arising out of this Agreement or the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement may be prosecuted as to all parties,
their  successors  and assigns,  and by the foregoing  designation  the Bank and
Borrowers consent to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts.


                                     - 32 -

                  17.3 Other Waivers.  The Borrowers waive notice of nonpayment,
demand,  notice of demand,  presentment,  protest  and  notice of  protest  with
respect to the  Obligations,  or notice of  acceptance  hereof,  notice of Loans
made,  credit extended,  Collateral  received or delivered,  or any other action
taken in reliance hereon,  and all other demands and notices of any description,
except such as are expressly provided for herein.

                  17.4 Collection  Costs. All costs and expenses incurred by the
Bank to obtain,  enforce or  preserve  the  security  interests  granted by this
Agreement  and  to  collect  the  Obligations,  including,  without  limitation,
stationery  and  postage,  telephone  and  telegraph,  secretarial  and clerical
expenses, all costs incurred and amounts paid directly or indirectly by the Bank
in  connection  with the  Bankruptcy  Case,  including all amounts paid or costs
incurred in connection with the confirmation and execution of Consumer Product's
plan of reorganization,  the fees or salaries of any collection agents utilized,
all costs to maintain and preserve the Collateral  and all  attorneys'  fees and
legal  expenses  incurred  in  obtaining  or  enforcing  payment  of  any of the
Obligations  or  foreclosing  the  Bank's  security   interest  in  any  of  the
Collateral,  whether through judicial proceedings or otherwise,  or in enforcing
or protecting  its rights and interests  under this Agreement or under any other
instrument or document delivered pursuant hereto, or in protecting the rights of
any holder or holders with respect  thereto,  or in defending or prosecuting any
actions or  proceedings  arising out of or  relating to the Bank's  transactions
with the Borrowers, shall be paid by the Borrowers to the Bank, upon demand, or,
at the Bank's election,  charged to the appropriate Borrowers' account and added
to the Obligations, and the Bank may take judgment against the Borrowers for all
such  costs,  expense  and fees in  addition  to all other  amounts due from the
Borrowers hereunder.

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                  17.5  Expenses.  Borrowers  shall  reimburse  the Bank for all
out-of-pocket  costs and expenses  incurred by the Bank in  connection  with the
preparation of this Agreement and the making of the Loans  hereunder,  including
the reasonable fees and expenses of the Bank's counsel,  and for all UCC search,
filing,  recording and other costs  connected  with the perfection of the Bank's
security interest in the Collateral.

                  17.6  Notices.  All notices,  requests,  directions,  demands,
waivers and other  communications  provided  for herein  shall be in writing and
shall be  deemed  to have  been  given or made  when  delivered  personally,  by
telecopy,  or sent by registered or certified  mail,  postage prepaid and return
receipt  requested,  addressed to Borrowers or the Bank,  as the case may be, at
their respective  addresses set forth below. Notices of changes of address shall
be given in the same manner.

         If to Bank:                   The Provident Bank
                                       Attention: Michael Giulioli
                                       Suite 200
                                       10 West Broad Street
                                       Columbus, OH 43215

         If to Borrowers:              Quality Products, Inc.
                                       Suite 201
                                       1718 East Seventh Avenue
                                       Tampa, FL  33605

                  17.7  Severability.  Any provision of this Agreement  which is
prohibited and unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction,
be ineffective to the extent of such  prohibition  or  unenforceability  without
invalidating  the  remaining  provisions  hereof or  affecting  the  validity or
enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.

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                  17.8 Entire Agreement, Modification,  Benefit. This Agreement,
taken  together  with the  Loan  Agreement  and the  December  Agreement,  shall
constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the matters dealt
with herein and no provision of this Agreement, including the provisions of this
Section,  may be modified,  deleted or amended in any manner except by agreement
in writing executed by the parties. All terms of this Agreement shall be binding
upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their
respective successors and assigns,  provided,  however, that Borrowers shall not
assign or transfer their rights hereunder.

                  17.9  Construction.  All  references in this  Agreement to the
single  number and neuter  gender shall be deemed to mean and include the plural
number and all  genders,  and vice  versa,  unless the context  shall  otherwise

                  17.10      Headings.  The underlined headings contained herein
are  for  convenience  only  and  shall  not  affect  the interpretation of this

                  17.11      Counterparts.  This Agreement may  be  executed  in
more than one counterpart, each of which shall be deemed an original.

                  17.12  Nonliability  of Bank.  The  relationship  between  the
Borrower  and the Bank shall be solely  that of borrower  and  lender.  The Bank
shall  not  have  any  fiduciary  responsibilities  to the  Borrowers.  The Bank
undertakes no  responsibility to the Borrowers to review or inform the Borrowers
of any  matter  in  connection  with any  phase of the  Borrowers'  business  or

                  17.13  Warrant  of  Attorney.   The  Borrowers  authorize  any
attorney at law,  including  an attorney  engaged by the Bank,  to appear in any
court of  record in the State of Ohio or any  other  State or  Territory  of the
United States, after the occurrence of an Event of Default

                                     - 35 -

hereunder  and waive the  issuance  and service of process and confess  judgment
against the Borrowers or any one of them in favor of the Bank, for the amount of
the Obligations then appearing due, together with costs of suit and,  thereupon,
to release all errors and waive all rights of appeal and stay of execution,  but
no such judgment or judgments against any one of the Borrowers shall be a bar to
a  subsequent  judgment  or  judgments  against any one or more than one of such
persons against whom judgment has not been obtained hereon. The Borrowers hereby
expressly  waive any conflict of interest  that the Bank's  attorney may have in
confessing  such  judgment  against  Borrowers  and  expressly  consent  to  the
confessing  attorney  receiving a legal fee from the holder for confessing  such
judgment  against  Borrowers.  This warrant of attorney to confess judgment is a
joint and several warrant of attorney.  The foregoing  warrant of attorney shall
survive any  judgment;  and if any judgment be vacated for any reason,  the Bank
nevertheless  may thereafter use the foregoing  warrant of attorney to obtain an
additional  judgment or  judgments  against the  Borrowers or any one or more of

         18.  Effect  on  Loan  Agreement  and  December  Agreement.  Except  as
specifically  modified  hereby as between the parties  hereto,  the terms of the
Loan Agreement and the December Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
Nothing contained herein shall have any effect upon Consumer Products' rights or
obligations under the Loan Agreement.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed and delivered by their proper and duly authorized officers.


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BY:                                   BY:
    _________________________             ___________________________

Title:                                Title:
      _______________________                ________________________


BY:                                   BY:
    _________________________             ___________________________

Title:                                Title:
       ______________________                ________________________

WITNESSES:                            AMERICAN LIBERTY MINING

Secretary or Assistant Secretary      BY:


                                      THE PROVIDENT BANK

