Riverview Bancorp, Inc.
             Stock Ownership Guide and Stock Order Form Instructions

Stock Ownership Guide

Individual - The Stock is to be registered in an individual's name only, You man
not list beneficiaries for this ownership

Joint Tenants - Joint tenants with rights of survivorship identifies two or more
owners.  When  stock is held by  joint  tenants  with  rights  of  survivorship,
ownership  automatically  passes to the surviving joint tenant(s) upon the death
of any joint tenant. You may not list beneficiaries for this ownership.

Tenants in Common - Tenants in common may also identify two or more owners. When
stock is to be held by  tenants  in  common,  upon the  death of one  co-tenant,
ownership  of the stock will be held by the  surviving  co-tenant(s)  and by the
heirs of the deceased co-tenant.  All parties must agree to the transfer or sale
of shares  held by tenants in common.  You may not list  beneficiaries  for this

Uniform Gift to Minors - For residents of many states,  stock may by held in the
name of a custodian  for the benefit of a minor under the Uniform Gift to Minors
Act.  For  residents  in other  states,  stock may be held in a similar  type of
ownership under the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act of the individual  state. For
either  ownership,  the minor is the  actual  owner of the stock  with the adult
custodian  being  responsible  for the investment  until the child reaches legal

Corporation/Partnership  -  Corporation/Partnerships  may purchase stock. Please
provide the Corporation/Partnership's  legal name and Tax I.D. To have depositor
rights,  the  Corporation/Partnership  must have an account  in the legal  name.
Please  contact  the Stock  Information  Center to verify  depositor  rights and
purchase limitations.

Individual  Retirement  Account - Individual  Retirement Account ("IRA") holders
may  make  stock   purchases   from  their   deposits   through  a   prearranged
"trustee-to-trustee" transfer

Fiduciary/Trust - Generally,  fiduciary  relationships (such as Trusts, Estates,
Guardianships, etc.) are established under a form of trust agreement or pursuant
to a court order. Without legal document establishing a fiduciary  relationship,
your stock may not be registered in a fiduciary capacity.

Stock Order Form Instructions

Item 1 and 2 - Fill in the number of shares  that you wish to  purchase  and the
total  payment due. The amount due is determined  by  multiplying  the number of
shares ordered bye subscription  price of $10.00 per share. The minimum purchase
is 25 shares. The maximum individual  subscription,  when combined with exchange
shares, is xx,xxx shares in the Subscription and Direct Community Offerings.

Riverview  Bancorp,  Inc.  reserves the right to reject the  subscription of any
order received in the Direct Community Offering, if any, in whole or in part.

Item 3 - Payment  for shares may be made in cash  (only if  delivered  by you in
person), by check, bank draft or money order payable to Riverview Bancorp,  Inc.
DO NOT MAIL CASH.  Your funds will earn interest at Riverview  Saving's  current
passbook rate of x.xx%.

Item 4 - To pay by withdrawal