Exhibit 1

(Galey & Lord                              P.O. Box 35528
logo appears here)                         Greensboro, North Carolina 27425-0528


                                                  Contact:     Michael R. Harmon

    Galey & Lord Reports Signing Operating Agreement with DT Acquisition Inc.

Greensboro, N.C., December 22, 1997/PRNewswire/ - On Friday, December 19, 1997,
DT Acquisition Inc. (DTA), an affiliate of Polymer Group Inc., purchased
approximately 98% of the common stock and approximately 96% of the first
preferred stock of Dominion Textiles Inc. As part of Galey & Lord, Inc.'s (NYSE:
GNL) agreement with Polymer and DTA, Galey loaned $141 million to DTA and
entered into an operating agreement with DTA to operate the Swift Denim, Swift
Europe, and Klopman International businesses of Dominion Textiles Inc. The
operating agreement grants Galey & Lord the daily management of these businesses
effectively immediately. Galey & Lord anticipates completing the actual purchase
of the above businesses from DTA in late January or early February 1998 after
DTA completes the tender offer to purchase the current outstanding Dominion
Textiles (USA) Inc. bonds. Galey & Lord's total purchase price for Swift Denim,
Swift Europe and Klopman International including all fees and expenses will be
approximately $480 million. Galey entered into new financing agreements on
12/19/97 to provide funds for its loan to DTA, to provide it with funds for the
purchase of the businesses and to refinance Galey's existing debt. The new debt
consists of both senior bank debt and senior subordinated bonds.

Galey & Lord currently estimates that the Company's combined sales on a pro
forma basis including the acquisition would have been $1.1 billion for fiscal
1997. The Company estimates that the adjusted pro forma income for fiscal year
1997 would have been slightly better than the $1.12 earnings per share that
Galey actually reported for fiscal 1997 and estimates that adjusted pro forma
EBITDA would have been in excess of $125 million including syngeries that are
expected from combining the businesses. Final adjusted pro forma numbers for
fiscal year 1997 are not available, as many factors still have to be finalized
and such pro forma results may not be indicative of the Company's future
operating results.

Arthur Wiener, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Galey & Lord, said "that
the Company is extremely excited about this acquisition. It is and has been
Galey & Lord's strategy to grow both by internal means and acquisitions. The
resulting company will be one of the leaders in the world producing fabrics for
apparel. Management believes it will be either the number one or number two
producer in each of the markets it competes in. With revenues of $1.1 billion,
the Company will be:
   1.   A leading producer in the world in terms of both revenues and product
        mix of

        cotton woven fabrics for causal wear.
   2.   The only vertical producer of corduroy in the United States.
   3.   The number two worldwide producer of denim fabrics with factories in
        the United States, Canada and Tunisia, as well as having worldwide sales
   4.   An international supplier of workwear fabrics with fabric forming
        facilities in the United States and Europe.
   5.   A leader in selling "garment packages" produced at the Company's owned
        and operated garment making facilities in Mexico.

This combination of businesses makes Galey & Lord a truly globalized company,
offering high valued added products world-wide."

Both December quarter 1997 and March quarter 1998 P&L's will be adversely
affected by charges related to the acquisition. In the December quarter, the
Company will incur losses related to the acquisition including cost for hedging
the Canadian dollar, increased interest expense, and an extraordinary charge to
write off the unamortized cost of its existing financing. The March quarter 1998
is expected to include acquisition related charges for amortization of bridge
financing fees, increased interest expense, as well as the expensing of certain
other cost related to the acquisition.

Galey & Lord is a leading manufacturer of high-quality woven cotton and
cotton-blended apparel fabrics, sold principally to manufacturers of sportswear
and commercial uniforms. The Company also manufactures fabrics used in home
furnishings, including comforters, bedspreads and curtains. In June 1996, the
Company began offering finished garments to its branded apparel customers
through G&L Service Company, North America, Inc.

This press release contains statements which constitute forward-looking
statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current
expectations of the Company and its management team. Prospective investors are
cautioned that any such forward looking statements are not guarantees of future
performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may
differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements.