(RULE 14A-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION


 Filed by the registrant [ X ]

 Filed by a party other than the registrant [   ]

 Check the appropriate box:

 [X]   Preliminary proxy statement.

 [ ]   Definitive proxy statement.

 [ ]   Definitive additional materials.

 [ ]   Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12.

 [ ]   Confidential, for use of the Commission only (as permitted by
       Rule 14a-6(e)(2)).

                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

[  ]    No fee required.

[X ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

        (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction 
             applies:       Common Stock

        (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction 
             applies:        3,010,526 shares

        (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
             pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
             the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

             $8,050,000           assets acquired
                819,933           liabilities assumed
             $8,869,933           total value of transaction

        (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: $8,869,933

        (5)  Total fee paid: $1,774

        [  ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

        [  ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
             Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
             offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by
             registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date
             of its filing.

             (1)  Amount Previously Paid: _____________________________________

             (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: _______________

             (3)  Filing Party: _______________________________________________

             (4)  Date Filed: _________________________________________________


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                          1901 MAIN STREET, SUITE 1200
                         COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA 29201

                      TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1998


         The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("UCI"), will be held on Monday, March 30, 1998 at 10:00
a.m., local time, at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 200 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia,
South Carolina 29210 for the following purposes:

         A. In connection with the transaction in which UCI will acquire certain
assets and assume certain liabilities of MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, a
Delaware corporation, UCI stockholders will be asked:

                  1.  To approve the issuance of shares of UCI common stock in
                      connection with the transaction.

                  2.  To approve an amendment to the Amended and Restated
                      Certificate of Incorporation of UCI to increase the
                      authorized shares of UCI common stock from 10 million
                      shares to 30 million shares.

         B. In connection with the Annual Meeting, UCI stockholders will be

                  1.  To approve the election of three members of the UCI Board
                      of Directors, each to hold office for a three-year term
                      ending on the date of the annual meeting of stockholders
                      in the year 2001 and until such director's respective
                      successor shall have been duly elected and qualified.

                  2.  To approve the adoption of the UCI 1997 Stock Incentive
                      Plan for officers, directors, employees and consultants.

                  3.  To ratify the appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP as the
                      firm of independent auditors to audit the consolidated
                      financial statements of UCI and its subsidiaries for the
                      fiscal year ending September 30, 1998.

         C. To transact such other business as may properly come before the
Annual Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

         The foregoing items of business are more fully described in the Proxy
Statement accompanying this Notice.

         Only stockholders of record of UCI common stock at the close of
business on February 10, 1998 are entitled to notice of, and will be entitled to
vote at, the Annual Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

                                     BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                     M. F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                                     CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD
                                     AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

March 5, 1998




            The accompanying Proxy Statement is dated March 5, 1998,
             and was first mailed to stockholders on March 6, 1998.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


The Parties to the Acquisition....................................................................................1
Recommendations to Stockholders...................................................................................2
Risk Factors......................................................................................................2
The Acquisition...................................................................................................2
Annual Meeting Proposals..........................................................................................4
Markets and Market Prices.........................................................................................6
Selected Historical Financial Data of the Company.................................................................7
Selected Historical Financial Data of MHC.........................................................................8
Selected Pro Forma Financial Data of the Company..................................................................9

                                                   RISK FACTORS

Financial Status of MHC..........................................................................................10
Integration of Operations; Management of Growth..................................................................10
Financing as a Condition to Closing..............................................................................11
Resales of Common Stock and Market Volatility....................................................................13
Government Regulation............................................................................................13
Possible Nasdaq Delisting........................................................................................16

                                                  THE ACQUISITION

Description of the Acquisition...................................................................................18
         Background .............................................................................................18
         Reasons for the Acquisition.............................................................................19
         Recommendation of the UCI Board.........................................................................20
         Fairness Opinion........................................................................................20
         Financing of the Acquisition............................................................................22
         Certain Federal Income Tax Matters......................................................................23
         Accounting Treatment....................................................................................23
         Resales of Common Stock.................................................................................23
         Absence of Dissenters' Rights...........................................................................24
         Interests of Certain Persons in the Acquisition.........................................................24
Description of the Agreements....................................................................................25
         Acquisition Agreement...................................................................................25
         Related Agreements......................................................................................28
                  Non-Solicit Agreements.........................................................................28
                  Registration Rights Agreement..................................................................28
                  Shareholder Agreements.........................................................................28

                                        FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS INFORMATION

Market Price and Dividend Information............................................................................29
Description of MHC...............................................................................................30
Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements......................................................31

                                                THE ANNUAL MEETING

Business to Be Conducted at the Annual Meeting...................................................................37
         Proposals to be Voted Upon..............................................................................37
         Date, Time and Place of Meeting.........................................................................37
         Record Date.............................................................................................37
         Shares Outstanding and Entitled to Vote.................................................................38
         Voting and Revocation of Proxies........................................................................38
         Vote Required...........................................................................................39
         Solicitation of Proxies and Expenses....................................................................39
Description of Proposals.........................................................................................40
         Share Issuance Proposal.................................................................................40
         Authorized Capital Stock Proposal.......................................................................40
         Election of Directors...................................................................................40
         1997 Incentive Plan Proposal............................................................................41
         Ratification of Auditors Proposal.......................................................................44
Directors and Executive Officers.................................................................................44
         Executive Officers......................................................................................46
         Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.................................................46
         Board of Directors and Board Committees.................................................................46
         Executive Compensation..................................................................................47
         Director Compensation...................................................................................49
         Employee Contracts......................................................................................50
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management...................................................50
Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions.............................................................52

                                              ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements.......................................................56
Stockholder Proposals............................................................................................56
Other Matters....................................................................................................56
Annual Report....................................................................................................56
Where You Can Find More Information..............................................................................57


Appendix A - Fairness Opinion...................................................................................A-1
Appendix B - Proposed Amendment to the UCI Certificate..........................................................B-1
Appendix C - MHC Historical Financial Statements................................................................C-1



         This Proxy Statement is being furnished to the holders of common stock,
par value $0.05 per share (the "Common Stock"), of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.,
a Delaware corporation ("UCI"), in connection with the solicitation of proxies
by the UCI Board of Directors (the "UCI Board") for use at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of UCI to be held Monday, March 30, 1998 at 10:00 a.m., local time,
at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 200 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, South Carolina for
the following purposes:

         o                 To approve certain proposals relating to the proposed
                           acquisition (the "Acquisition") by UCI and certain of
                           its affiliated entities of substantially all of the
                           assets and certain of the liabilities of MainStreet
                           Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation
                           ("MHC"), and its affiliated entities, and

         o                 To approve certain proposals presented as part of the
                           regularly scheduled Annual Meeting of Stockholders of




         UCI is a holding company that operates through its wholly-owned
subsidiary, UCI Medical Affiliates of South Carolina, Inc., a South Carolina
corporation ("UCI-SC"), providing nonmedical management and administrative
services for its network of 40 freestanding medical centers (the "UCI Centers")
located throughout South Carolina. In compliance with applicable laws governing
the corporate practice of medicine, all medical services at the UCI Centers are
provided by or under the supervision of Doctor's Care, P.A. ("DC-SC"), a South
Carolina professional corporation affiliated with UCI and UCI- SC. DC-SC was
formed and operates solely to fulfill the licensed medical provider
responsibilities associated with the UCI Centers pursuant to an administrative
services agreement between DC-SC and UCI-SC. UCI's executive offices are located
at 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia, South Carolina 29201 and its
telephone number is (803) 252-3661.


         UCI-GA is a South Carolina corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
UCI formed solely for the purpose of acquiring the assets and liabilities of MHC
pursuant to the Acquisition. Following the closing of the Acquisition, UCI-GA
will perform the same functions with respect to the medical centers acquired
from MHC as are currently and will continue to be performed by UCI-SC with
respect to the UCI Centers.


         Each of DC-GA, a Georgia professional corporation, and DC-TN, a
Tennessee professional corporation (collectively, the "UCI-PCs), are to be
formed prior to the closing of the Acquisition for the


purpose of acquiring the assets and liabilities of the MHC-PCs (defined below),
and thereafter will be operated solely to fulfill the licensed medical provider
responsibilities associated with the medical centers acquired by UCI-GA in the
Acquisition. These responsibilities, as well as various administrative,
management and support functions, will be carried out pursuant to an
administrative services agreement to be entered into between UCI-GA and each of
the UCI-PCs at the closing of the Acquisition.




         MHC is a privately held corporation that provides nonmedical management
and administrative services for its network of 11 freestanding medical centers
(the "MHC Centers") located in Georgia and Tennessee. In compliance with
applicable laws governing the corporate practice of medicine, all medical
services at the MHC Centers are provided by or under the supervision of the two
professional corporations identified in the following paragraph. MHC's executive
offices are located at 2370 Main Street, Tucker, Georgia 30084 and its telephone
number is (770) 938-9355.


         MHC-GA, a Georgia professional corporation, and MHC-TN, a Tennessee
professional corporation (collectively, the "MHC-PCs"), were formed and operate
solely to fulfill the licensed medical provider responsibilities associated with
the MHC Centers pursuant to administrative services agreements between each of
the MHC-PCs and MHC.


         The UCI Board believes the Acquisition is in the best interests of the
Company and its stockholders and recommends, by the unanimous consent of all
directors, that you vote FOR the proposals related to the Acquisition, FOR the
amendment to UCI's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, FOR each
of the three nominees for director named in this Proxy Statement and FOR each of
the other proposals being submitted to you.


         For a description of certain things which you should consider in
connection with your vote on the proposals relating to the Acquisition, in
addition to the other information described in this document, see the
disclosures beginning on page 10 in this Proxy Statement under the heading "Risk


         The Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated February 9,
1998 (the "Acquisition Agreement") is the legal document that governs the
Acquisition. This agreement is summarized in this Proxy Statement under the
heading "The Acquisition - Description of the Agreements - Acquisition



         At the closing of the Acquisition, the following will take place:

         o  MHC will transfer to UCI-GA substantially all of the assets of MHC
            in exchange for the following:

            o  assumption by UCI-GA of certain liabilities, including certain
               line of credit and capital lease obligations of MHC aggregating
               $819,933; and

            o  cash and stock having an aggregate value of $8.05 million, to be
               exchanged in one of the following two combinations to be elected
               by MHC on or before March 23, 1998:

               o  cash payment of $900,000 to MHC and issuance of Common Stock
                  to MHC valued at $7.15 million (as calculated pursuant to the
                  share price formula in the Acquisition Agreement); or

               o  cash payment of $1.25 million to certain creditors of MHC
                  (within 10 days following the closing) and issuance of Common
                  Stock to MHC valued at $6.8 million (as calculated pursuant to
                  the share price formula in the Acquisition Agreement).

               Subject to a maximum of $3.125 per share and minimum of $2.375
               per share, the price per share of Common Stock to be utilized in
               the share price formula for the determination of the number of
               shares of Common Stock to be issued to MHC under either of the
               above alternatives will be the average of the closing prices of
               the Common Stock as reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market for
               the trading days during the 30 calendar day period ending on the
               day before the closing.

               The cash portion of the consideration to be paid by UCI-GA in the
               Acquisition will be decreased dollar-for-dollar to the extent the
               aggregate of the line of credit and lease obligations of MHC to
               be assumed by UCI-GA at the closing date exceeds a designated
               ceiling amount. The number of shares of Common Stock to be issued
               in the Acquisition will be increased (pursuant to the share price
               formula in the Acquisition Agreement) to the extent such line of
               credit and lease obligations of MHC are less than the designated
               ceiling and will be decreased (per the share price formula) to
               the extent that any downward adjustment of the cash
               consideration, as described above, exceeds the applicable cash

         o  The MHC-PCs will transfer to the UCI-PCs all of the assets of the
            MHC-PCs in exchange for the following:

            o  assumption by the UCI-PCs of the obligations of the MHC-PCs under
               employment agreements with medical service providers; and

            o  cash payment of $100 to each of the MHC-PCs.



         The Acquisition includes Non-Solicit Agreements and a Registration
Rights Agreement which are summarized in this Proxy Statement under the heading
"The Acquisition - Description of the Agreements Related Agreements."


         In deciding to approve the Acquisition, the UCI Board considered, among
other things, advice from Dr. Oliver G. Wood, Jr., an independent consulting
economist. UCI's Board has received an opinion from Dr. Wood that as of the date
of his opinion the terms of the Acquisition are fair to UCI and its stockholders
from a financial point of view. Dr. Wood's opinion is attached as Appendix A to
this Proxy Statement. We encourage you to read it thoroughly.


         UCI intends to finance the cash portion of the consideration to be
issued in the Acquisition using a portion of the net proceeds expected to be
received by UCI in a private placement by UCI of $2.5 million of Common Stock
concurrently with the closing of the Acquisition. The closing of the private
placement is a condition to the closing of the Acquisition.


         For U.S. federal income tax purposes, no income, gain or loss will be
recognized by UCI or the stockholders of UCI as a result of the Acquisition.


         The Acquisition is expected to be accounted for as a purchase in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


         All of the shares of Common Stock to be issued in the Acquisition will
be considered "restricted securities" under federal and state securities laws.
Consequently, the transferability of such shares by their holders will be
limited during the two years following the closing of the Acquisition and will
remain limited thereafter to the extent such shares are held by affiliates of
UCI. To assist the holders of such shares in the public resale of such shares
during the year following the closing of the Acquisition, UCI has granted MHC
and its stockholders certain registration rights.


         UCI stockholders will not be entitled under Delaware law to seek
appraisal of their shares of Common Stock in connection with the Acquisition.



         Because the number of shares of Common Stock to be issued in the
Acquisition will exceed 20 percent of the number of outstanding shares of Common
Stock prior to the Acquisition, approval by UCI


stockholders of the issuance of the Common Stock is required under the rules of
the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD").


         UCI's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the "UCI
Certificate") currently authorizes 10 million shares of Common Stock. The
authorized capital stock proposal provides that the authorized shares of Common
Stock will be increased to 30 million shares. Any authorized but unissued shares
of Common Stock may be used by UCI for general corporate purposes, including for
possible future acquisitions. The increase in the authorized number of shares of
Common Stock is required to complete the Acquisition.


         At the Annual Meeting, UCI stockholders will be asked to elect the
following three director nominees: Charles P. Cannon, A. Wayne Johnson and Ashby
M. Jordan, M.D.


         The UCI Board has approved the UCI 1997 Stock Incentive Plan. At the
Annual Meeting, you will be asked to approve this plan.


         UCI has appointed Price Waterhouse LLP as the independent auditors of
the Company's consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 1998. At the Annual Meeting, you will be asked to ratify this


         Only holders of record of Common Stock at the close of business on
February 10, 1998 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Common Stock is entitled to one vote per share on each matter that is presented
for stockholder approval at the Annual Meeting.

         The proposal to issue shares of Common Stock to MHC pursuant to the
Acquisition must be approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the total votes cast on the proposal.

         The proposal to amend the UCI Certificate to increase the number of
authorized shares of Common Stock must be approved by the affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

         The three nominees receiving the greatest number of votes cast
(although not necessarily a majority of the votes cast) in the election of
directors will be elected to the UCI Board.

         The proposal to approve the adoption of the UCI 1997 Stock Incentive
Plan and the proposal to ratify auditors must each be approved by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of Common Stock
represented in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

         M.F. McFarland, III, M.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of UCI,
and certain subsidiaries of Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina ("BCBS")
have indicated to UCI that each of them intends to vote the shares of Common
Stock controlled by them in favor of each of the proposals scheduled to be
presented for stockholder approval at the Annual Meeting. In addition, each of
Dr. McFarland and


such subsidiaries of BCBS have executed separate agreements with MHC in which
they have agreed to vote their shares in favor of the proposals relating to the
Acquisition presented for stockholder approval. As of the record date for the
Annual Meeting, these shares represented 52.3 percent of the outstanding Common



         The Common Stock is traded on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market under the
symbol "UCIA". For information regarding the historical market price of the
Common Stock, see "Financial and Business Information - Market Price and
Dividend Information."

         On February 12, 1998, the last trading day prior to the public
announcement of the Acquisition, the Common Stock closed at $2.3125 per share.
On March , 1998, the last trading day before the printing of this Proxy
Statement, the Common Stock closed at $ per share.

         MHC is a privately held corporation, and there is no public trading
market for its securities.



         In the tables below, we provide you with selected historical financial
data of the Company. We prepared this data using the consolidated financial
statements of the Company. When you read this selected historical consolidated
financial data, you should read the historical financial statements and
accompanying notes that the Company has included in its Annual Report on Form
10-KSB/A for the year ended September 30, 1997 (which accompanies this Proxy
Statement) and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the three months ended
December 31, 1997. You can obtain these reports by following the instructions we
provide in this Proxy Statement under the heading "Additional Information -
Where You Can Find More Information."

         It is also important that you read the unaudited pro forma combined
financial information and accompanying notes that we have included in this Proxy
Statement under the heading "Financial and Business Information - Unaudited Pro
Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements."

                SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED                         THREE MONTHS ENDED               FISCAL YEAR ENDED
            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS DATA                    DECEMBER 31, 1997               SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
           -------------------------------                  -------------------             -------------------
Revenues.............................................       $     8,077,876                  $    27,924,772
Income (loss) from operations........................             (596,992)                           54,684
Net income (loss)....................................             (877,340)                         (83,726)
Net income (loss) per common and common                              (0.15)                           (0.02)
   equivalent share (basic)..........................
Weighted average common shares and common equivalent
   shares outstanding................................             6,041,980                        5,005,081

                 BALANCE SHEET DATA                          DECEMBER 31, 1997               SEPTEMBER 30, 1997
                --------------------                        -------------------             -------------------
Working capital......................................        $    3,243,183                 $      2,921,045
Total assets.........................................            22,961,152                       20,863,532
Long-term debt, net..................................             8,398,333                        6,920,470
Capital..............................................             9,440,528                        9,488,497



         In the table below, we provide you with selected historical financial
data of MHC. We prepared this data using the consolidated financial statements
of MHC. When you read this selected historical combined financial data, it is
important that you read the historical financial statements of MHC and
accompanying notes that we have included as Appendix C to this Proxy Statement.

         It is also important that you read the unaudited pro forma combined
financial information and accompanying notes that we have included in this Proxy
Statement under the heading "Financial and Business Information - Unaudited Pro
Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements."

Summary Consolidated Statements      Three Months Ended       Fiscal Year Ended
       of Operations Data            December 31, 1997         March 31, 1997
       ------------------            -----------------         --------------
Revenues .........................      $1,641,319               $ 3,665,982
Income (loss) from operations.....        (356,654)               (1,318,509)
Net income (loss).................        (458,974)               (1,569,273)

     Note: MHC was not required to, and did not, compute earnings per share.

      Summary Consolidated
       Balance Sheet Data            December 31, 1997         March 31, 1997
       ------------------            -----------------         --------------
Working capital...................      $(1,122,717)             $   327,283
Total assets......................        5,655,242                  795,876
Long-term debt, net...............          680,852                  765,444
Total stockholders' deficit.......       (3,389,869)             (1,471,937)



         In the table below, we attempt to illustrate the financial results that
might have occurred if the Acquisition had been completed previously. Presented
is combined statement of operations information for the Company for the three
months ended December 31, 1997 and the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 as
if the Acquisition and the Private Placement (as defined herein) had been
completed on October 1, 1996. Also presented is combined balance sheet
information for the Company as of December 31, 1997 as if the Acquisition and
the Private Placement had been completed on that date.

         It is important to remember that this information is hypothetical, and
does not necessarily reflect the financial performance that would have actually
resulted if the Acquisition and the Private Placement had been completed on
those dates. It is also important to remember that this information does not
necessarily reflect future financial performance if the Acquisition and the
Private Placement actually occur.

         Please see the information in this Proxy Statement under the heading
"Financial and Business Information - Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed
Financial Statements" for a more detailed explanation of this analysis.

              SUMMARY PRO FORMA COMBINED                       THREE MONTHS ENDED              Fiscal Year Ended
             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DATA                       DECEMBER 31, 1997              September 30, 1997
            ------------------------------                     -------------------             ------------------
Revenues...............................................          $  9,719,195                      $   33,933,214
Income (loss) from operations..........................              (928,405)                         (2,382,433)
Net income (loss)......................................            (1,311,073)                         (2,925,554)
Net income (loss) per common and common
  equivalent share (basic).............................                 (0.12)                              (0.31)
Weighted average common shares and common equivalent
  shares outstanding...................................            10,526,759                           9,489,860

                  BALANCE SHEET DATA
Working capital........................................  $          5,099,322
Total assets...........................................            32,587,158
Long-term debt, net....................................             8,445,936
Capital................................................            18,510,528


                                  RISK FACTORS

         Each UCI stockholder should carefully consider and evaluate the
following factors, among others, before voting.


         MHC has experienced losses and operating deficits since its inception
in February 1996. UCI expects that following the Acquisition, the operations
associated with the assets acquired in the Acquisition may continue to
experience losses and require the infusion of substantial capital to build those
operations to a profitable state. Although UCI management believes that the
assets acquired from MHC in the Acquisition are valuable to the Company's
operations and are expected to contribute to long-term profitability and
enhanced stockholder value, there can be no assurance that such expectations can
be realized or that UCI can achieve profitability following the Acquisition.

         In addition, following the Acquisition, MHC will continue to have
various repayment obligations to its third-party creditors. To the extent that
MHC is unable to satisfy its obligations to such creditors, MHC could be forced
to file for protection under applicable bankruptcy laws or could be placed into
an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding by its creditors. In such event, the
transfer of assets to UCI pursuant to the Acquisition could come under review of
a bankruptcy trustee, who could seek to characterize the transfer in the
Acquisition as a preference that could be set aside under applicable bankruptcy
law, requiring UCI and MHC to reverse the transactions comprising the
Acquisition. Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, MHC, the MHC-PCs and certain
of the MHC stockholders represent and warrant that they will not hinder, delay,
defraud or avoid any obligation to any past, present or future creditor in the
transactions contemplated by the Acquisition Agreement; that the consideration
to be received by MHC and the MHC-PCs is more than a reasonably equivalent value
in exchange for the transfer of the assets of MHC and the MHC-PCs; that each of
MHC and the MHC-PCs is currently solvent and will not be rendered insolvent as a
result of the transactions contemplated by the Acquisition Agreement; and that
neither MHC nor any of the MHC-PCs has initiated, nor does it intend to initiate
or expect to have initiated against it as debtor, any proceeding under federal
or any state's bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws. Additionally, MHC and the
MHC-PCs have represented and warranted to UCI-GA that MHC and the MHC-PCs shall,
as and when due, use their reasonable best efforts within eleven months after
the closing of the Acquisition to pay all valid liabilities of MHC and the
MHC-PCs which are not assumed by the Company. The Company's remedy for any
breach of the foregoing by MHC, the MHC-PCs or the MHC stockholders is subject
to certain limitations which apply to all breaches of the Acquisition Agreement.
See "The Acquisition - Description of Agreements - Acquisition Agreement -
Representations, Indemnifications and Holdback Shares." Although MHC has
represented that it intends to satisfy its third-party creditor obligations
following the Acquisition, in the event of a set-aside pursuant to applicable
bankruptcy law, the expected benefits to UCI from the Acquisition would not be
achieved and, subject to a possible recovery under the applicable
indemnification provisions of the Acquisition Agreement, the transaction costs
associated with the Acquisition would not be recoverable by UCI, thereby
adversely affecting UCI's operations.


         In determining that the Acquisition is in the best interests of the
Company, the UCI Board addressed the cost savings, operating efficiencies, and
other synergies that may result from the consummation of the Acquisition. The
consolidation of functions and the integration of departments, systems and
procedures will present significant management challenges requiring the
dedication of management resources that will temporarily detract attention from
the day-to-day business of the Company following the Acquisition. The
difficulties of assimilation may be increased by the necessity of coordinating
geographically separated organizations, integrating personnel with disparate
business backgrounds and combining different corporate cultures. The process of
combining the MHC assets may


cause an interruption of, or a loss of momentum in, the Company's business,
which could have an adverse effect on the revenues and operating results of the
combined Company, at least in the near term. There can be no assurance that the
combined entity will be able to retain all of its key management and other
operating personnel or that the combined entity will realize any of the other
anticipated benefits of the Acquisition.


         One of the conditions to the Company's obligation to close the
Acquisition is the concurrent closing by UCI of a $2.5 million private placement
of Common Stock (the "Private Placement"). See "The Acquisition - Description of
the Acquisition - Financing of the Acquisition." The placement agent engaged by
UCI in connection with the Private Placement has not provided any indication to
UCI that the Private Placement as described in this Proxy Statement will not
close as scheduled at the closing of the Acquisition. Nevertheless, as of the
date of this Proxy Statement, no subscription agreement or other binding
agreement for the sale of securities in the Private Placement has been delivered
to UCI by any potential investor, and UCI is not currently in negotiation with
any potential investors in contemplation of the Private Placement. There can be
no assurance that UCI will be able to close the Private Placement concurrently
with the anticipated closing of the Acquisition, currently scheduled for March
31, 1998, if at all, or that the structure and amount of any such Private
Placement will not vary substantially from the contemplated structure and amount
described in this Proxy Statement. In the event UCI is unable to close the
Private Placement concurrently with the anticipated closing of the Acquisition,
UCI will be faced with having to seek alternative sources of financing to close
the Acquisition as scheduled, or will have to reach an agreement with MHC and
its affiliated entities to delay the closing of the Acquisition as necessary to
complete the Private Placement or an alternative financing arrangement. There
can be no assurance that if faced with such circumstances the Company could
obtain alternative financing on satisfactory terms or obtain the agreement of
MHC to delay the closing of the Acquisition. Any delay in the closing of the
Acquisition would subject the Company to additional transaction costs, which
could be substantial. Furthermore, the terms of any alternative financing
arrangement made necessary by the failure to close the Private Placement could
be substantially less attractive to UCI and its stockholders than the terms of
the Private Placement as currently contemplated by UCI and described in this
Proxy Statement.



         Depending upon the purchase price alternative selected by MHC under the
Acquisition Agreement, up to 3,010,526 shares of Common Stock may be issued to
MHC in the Acquisition. In addition, assuming the sale of Common Stock in the
Private Placement at a price of $2.3125 per share (the closing price of the
Common Stock on the day prior to the public announcement of the Acquisition) up
to 1,081,081 shares of Common Stock may be issued to investors in the Private
Placement. Such additional shares of Common Stock issued in the Acquisition and
in the Private Placement would represent, in the aggregate, approximately 40.3
percent of the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately after
the closing of such transactions. Furthermore, to the extent the price per share
of the Common Stock expected to be sold in the Private Placement is lower than
the assumed price referenced above, a larger number of shares would be issued in
the Private Placement. Accordingly, the Acquisition and the Private Placement
will have the effect of substantially reducing the percentage voting interest in
UCI represented by a share of the Common Stock immediately prior to the closing
of such transactions.

         As of the date of this Proxy Statement, Companion HealthCare
Corporation ("CHC") and Companion Property and Casualty Company ("CP&C"), each a
wholly-owned subsidiary of BCBS (individually, a "BCBS Subsidiary," and
collectively, the "BCBS Subsidiaries"), own in the aggregate 2,624,623 shares,
or 43.37 percent, of the outstanding Common Stock. Under various agreements
between UCI and the BCBS Subsidiaries (the "Anti-Dilution Agreements"), the BCBS
Subsidiaries have the right at any time to purchase from UCI such number of
shares of the voting stock of UCI as is


necessary for BCBS and its affiliated entities, as a group, to maintain an
aggregate ownership of 47 percent of the outstanding voting stock of UCI. To the
extent either of the BCBS Subsidiaries exercises such right in conjunction with
a sale of voting stock by UCI, the price to be paid by the BCBS Subsidiary is
the average price to be paid by the other purchasers in such sale. Otherwise,
the price is the average closing bid price of the UCI voting stock on the ten
trading days immediately preceding the election by the BCBS Subsidiary to
exercise its purchase rights. Consequently, to the extent any of the BCBS
Subsidiaries elect to exercise any or a portion of their rights under the
Anti-Dilution Agreements following the Acquisition and the Private Placement,
the sale of shares of Common Stock to such BCBS Subsidiary will have the effect
of further reducing the percentage voting interest in UCI represented by a share
of the Common Stock immediately prior to such sale.

         The substantial ownership of Common Stock by the BCBS Subsidiaries, MHC
and other affiliates of the Company following the Acquisition and the Private
Placement will provide them with the ability to exercise substantial influence
in the election of directors and other matters submitted for approval by the UCI
stockholders. As a result, it may be difficult for other stockholders of UCI to
successfully oppose matters which are presented by such entities for action by
stockholders, or to take actions which are opposed by such entities. Such
ownership may also have the effect of delaying, deterring or preventing a change
in control of UCI without the consent of such entities. In addition, sales of
Common Stock by such entities could result in another stockholder obtaining
control over UCI.


         The price of Common Stock provided in the Acquisition Agreement for
purposes of determining the number of shares of Common Stock to be issued in the
Acquisition (the "Formula Price") is the average of the closing prices of the
Common Stock as reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market for the trading days
during the 30 calendar day period ending on the day before the closing of the
Acquisition, subject to a maximum of $3.125 per share and a minimum of $2.375
per share. This range will not be adjusted in the event of any increases or
decreases in the Formula Price or in the actual market price of the Common Stock
occurring prior to the closing of the Acquisition. The Formula Price and the
actual market price of the Common Stock may vary within this range and may fall
below or rise above such range prior to the closing of the Acquisition. Such
variations may be the result of changes in the business, operations, or
prospects of the Company; market assessments of the likelihood that the
Acquisition will be consummated; the timing of the Acquisition; the prospects of
the Acquisition and post-Acquisition operations; regulatory considerations;
general market and economic conditions; and other factors. Consequently, there
can be no assurance that the Formula Price or the actual market price of the
Common Stock at the closing will be within the range established in the
Acquisition Agreement. The closing of the Acquisition is expected to occur on
March 31, 1998, the day after the Annual Meeting, but the closing may be
extended upon mutual agreement of the parties to the Acquisition. To the extent
that the Formula Price is above $3.125 per share, the $3.125 per share price
will be utilized in determining the number of shares to be issued, which number
would exceed the number of shares that would have been issued had such upper
limit on the Formula Price not been in effect. In such event, the issuance of
additional shares in the Acquisition could be viewed as resulting in some degree
of economic dilution of the Common Stock held by stockholders immediately prior
to the Acquisition.


         On a pro forma basis, the closing of the Acquisition and the Private
Placement will have a dilutive effect on earnings per share of UCI for the
fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 (from $(0.02) per share to $(0.31) per
share) and an anti-dilutive effect for the three-month period ended December 31,
1997 (from $(0.15) per share to $(0.12) per share). These pro forma amounts are
based on the assumptions reflected in the notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma
Combined Condensed Financial Statements included elsewhere in this Proxy
Statement and, consequently, may not be reflective of all of the actual cost
savings or other synergies, if any, or the related expenses that may be realized
or incurred by the Company as a result of the Acquisition and the Private
Placement. The extent of dilution to UCI stockholders with respect to future
earnings per share and book value per


share will depend on the actual results achieved by the Company following the
Acquisition and the Private Placement as compared to the results that could have
been achieved by the Company on a stand-alone basis over the same period in the
absence of such transactions. No assurance can be given as to such future
results, and, accordingly, as to whether the Acquisition and the Private
Placement will ultimately be dilutive to UCI stockholders with respect to future
earnings per share or book value per share.


         Depending upon the purchase price alternative selected by MHC under the
Acquisition Agreement, up to 3,010,526 shares of Common Stock may be issued to
MHC in the Acquisition. In addition, assuming the sale of Common Stock in the
Private Placement at a price of $2.3125 per share (the closing price of the
Common Stock on the day prior to the public announcement of the Acquisition) up
to 1,081,081 shares of Common Stock may be issued to investors in the Private
Placement. Such additional shares of Common Stock issued in the Acquisition and
in the Private Placement would represent, in the aggregate, approximately 40.3
percent of the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately after
the closing. Furthermore, Common Stock purchase warrants are expected to be
issued in the Private Placement on the basis of one warrant for every two shares
sold. Although the shares to be issued in connection with both the Acquisition
and the Private Placement will be considered "restricted securities" under
applicable securities laws, thereby limiting the resale of such shares into the
public market, the holders of shares to be issued in the Acquisition have been
granted, and the purchasers of shares in the Private Placement may be granted,
registration rights which entitle or will entitle such holders to have all or a
portion of such shares registered for sale into the public market. To the extent
that such holders do not exercise such registration rights, all of such shares
will nevertheless become eligible for sale in the public market in accordance
with the Securities and Exchange Commission's Rule 144 or Rule 145 one year
following the closing of the Acquisition and the Private Placement, with certain
volume and manner of sale limitations continuing only for one year thereafter
(except as to shares held by persons deemed to be affiliates of UCI). In
addition, if the proposed amendment to the UCI Certificate is approved by the
stockholders at the Annual Meeting, UCI will increase by 20 million the number
of shares of Common Stock available for issuance. Sales of substantial amounts
of Common Stock, or the availability of substantial amounts of Common Stock for
future sale, could adversely affect the prevailing market price of the Common

         As of the date of this Proxy Statement, approximately 2,624,453 shares,
or 43.4 percent, of the outstanding Common Stock is held by nonaffiliates of
UCI. Trading in the Common Stock has historically been very limited, and there
can be no assurance that an active trading market for the Common Stock will
develop or be sustained. Because of the limited trading liquidity in the Common
Stock, the market price of the Common Stock has been vulnerable to significant
fluctuations in response to very limited market trading in such shares. The
market price of the Common Stock will remain subject to significant fluctuations
in response to such factors as well as in response to operating results and
other factors affecting the stock market generally. The stock market in recent
years has experienced price and volume fluctuations that often have been
unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of companies. These
fluctuations, as well as general economic and market conditions, may adversely
affect the market price of the Common Stock in the future.


         As participants in the health care industry, the Company's and MHC's
operations and relationships are subject to extensive and increasing regulation
by a number of governmental entities at the federal, state and local levels.



         Federal law and the laws of many states, including Georgia, South
Carolina and Tennessee, generally specify who may practice medicine and limit
the scope of relationships between medical practitioners and other parties.
Under such laws, business corporations such as UCI, UCI-SC, UCI-GA and MHC are
prohibited from practicing medicine or exercising control over the provision of
medical services. In order to comply with such laws, all medical services at the
UCI Centers and the MHC Centers are provided by or under the supervision of
DC-SC or, as applicable, the MHC-PCs, which have contracted with UCI-SC or MHC,
as applicable, to provide the medical direction of the related medical centers.
DC-SC and the MHC-PCs are organized so that all physician services are offered
by the physicians who are employed by DC-SC or the MHC-PCs, as applicable. None
of UCI, UCI-SC, UCI-GA or MHC employ practicing physicians as practitioners,
exert control over any physician's decisions regarding medical care or represent
to the public that it offers medical services. UCI-SC has entered into an
administrative services agreement with DC-SC, and MHC has entered into an
administrative services agreement with the MHC-PCs, for the performance by
UCI-SC and MHC, as applicable, of all administrative, management and support
functions of their respective medical centers. As set forth in the Acquisition
Agreement, DC-GA and DC-TN will purchase all of the assets, including the
medical records and physician employment agreements, of MHC-GA and MHC-TN,
respectively. As part of the Acquisition, UCI-GA will enter into an
administrative services agreement with each of DC-GA and DC-TN which will
replace similar agreements currently in place between each of the MHC-PCs and
MHC. UCI- SC believes that the services it provides to DC-SC and the services
UCI-GA will provide to the UCI-PCs, which currently result, or after the
Acquisition will result, in control over the assets of DC-SC, or the UCI- PCs,
as applicable, and mandate financial statement consolidation under generally
accepted accounting principles do not and will not constitute the practice of
medicine under applicable laws. Accordingly, UCI believes that it is not in
violation of applicable state laws relating to the practice of medicine, and
will not be in violation of such laws following or as a consequence of the

         Nevertheless, because of the unique structure of the relationships
between UCI-SC and DC-SC and between MHC and the MHC-PC's, many aspects of UCI's
and MHC's business operations have not been the subject of state or federal
regulatory interpretation. There can be no assurance that a review by the courts
or regulatory authorities of the business currently conducted by any or all of
the Company, MHC or the MHC-PCs or proposed to be conducted by the Company
following the Acquisition will not result in a determination that could
adversely affect the operations of any or all of them or that the healthcare
regulatory environment will not change so as to restrict the existing operations
or proposed expansion of the Company's business.


         Approximately five percent of the revenues of the Company and
approximately 15 percent of the revenues of MHC are derived from payments made
by government-sponsored health care programs (principally, Medicare and
Medicaid). As a result, any change in reimbursement regulations, policies,
practices, interpretations or statutes could adversely affect their operations.
There are also state and federal civil and criminal statutes imposing
substantial penalties, including civil and criminal fines and imprisonment, on
healthcare providers that fraudulently or wrongfully bill governmental or other
third-party payors for healthcare services. Each of the Company and MHC believes
it is in material compliance with such laws, but there can be no assurance that
their activities prior to, or the Company's activities following, the
Acquisition will not be challenged or scrutinized by governmental authorities.


         Certain provisions of the Social Security Act, commonly referred to as
the "Anti-kickback Statute," prohibit the offer, payment, solicitation or
receipt of any form of remuneration in return for the referral of Medicare or
state health program patients or patient care opportunities, or in return for
the recommendation, arrangement, purchase, lease or order of items or services
that are covered by Medicare or state health programs. Many states have adopted
similar prohibitions against payments intended to induce referrals of Medicaid
and other third-party payor patients. Although each of the Company and


MHC believes that it is not in violation of the Anti-kickback Statute or similar
state statutes, their operations prior to, and the Company's operations
following, the Acquisition will not fit within any of the existing or proposed
federal safe harbors.


         Significant prohibitions against physician referrals were enacted by
the U.S. Congress in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Subject to
certain exemptions, a physician or a member of his immediate family is
prohibited from referring Medicare or Medicaid patients to an entity providing
"designated health services" in which the physician has an ownership or
investment interest or with which the physician has entered into a compensation
arrangement. While each of the Company and MHC believes it is currently in
compliance with such legislation, future regulations following the Acquisition
could require the Company to modify the form of its relationships with physician
groups. Some states have also enacted similar self-referral laws, and the
Company believes it is likely that more states will follow. Each of the Company
and MHC believes that its practices fit within exemptions contained in such
laws. Nevertheless, expansion of the operations of the Company following the
Acquisition to certain additional jurisdictions may require structural and
organizational modifications of the Company's relationships with physician
groups to comply with new or revised state statutes. Such modifications could
adversely affect the operations of the Company following the Acquisition.


         Because each of the UCI-PCs and the MHC-PCs is a separate legal entity,
each may be deemed a competitor subject to a range of antitrust laws which
prohibit anti-competitive conduct, including price fixing, concerted refusals to
deal and division of market. The Company believes it is in compliance with such
state and federal laws which may affect its development of integrated healthcare
delivery networks, but there can be no assurance that a review of the Company's
business by courts or regulatory authorities either prior to or following the
Acquisition will not result in a determination that could adversely affect the
operations of the Company following the Acquisition.


         As a result of the continued escalation of healthcare costs and the
inability of many individuals to obtain health insurance, numerous proposals
have been or may be introduced in the U.S. Congress and in state legislatures
relating to healthcare reform. There can be no assurance as to the ultimate
content, timing or effect of any healthcare reform legislation, nor is it
possible at this time to estimate the impact of potential legislation, which may
be material, on the Company following the Acquisition.


         Federal and state laws regulate insurance companies, health maintenance
organizations and other managed care organizations. Generally, these laws apply
to entities that accept financial risk. Certain of the risk arrangements entered
into by the Company and MHC could possibly be characterized by some states as
the business of insurance. Each of the Company and MHC, however, believes that
the acceptance of capitation payments by a healthcare provider does not
constitute the conduct of the business of insurance. Many states also regulate
the establishment and operation of networks of healthcare providers. Generally,
these laws do not apply to the hiring and contracting of physicians by other
healthcare providers. Each of the Company and MHC believes that it is in
compliance with these laws in the states in which it currently does business,
but there can be no assurance that future interpretations of these laws by the
regulatory authorities in Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee or the states in
which the Company may expand following the Acquisition will not require
licensure of the Company's operations as an insurer or provider network or a
restructuring of some or all of the Company's operations. In the event the
Company is required to become licensed under these laws, the licensure process
can be lengthy and time consuming and, unless the regulatory authority permits
the Company to continue to operate while the


licensure process is progressing, the Company could experience a material
adverse change in its business while the licensure process is pending. In
addition, many of the licensing requirements mandate strict financial and other
requirements which the Company may not immediately be able to meet. Further,
once licensed, the Company would be subject to continuing oversight by and
reporting to the respective regulatory agency.


         The Common Stock is currently listed for trading on the Nasdaq SmallCap
Market. The continued trading of the Common Stock on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market
is conditioned upon the Company meeting certain quantitative and qualitative
requirements regarding assets, capital, earnings surplus, stock price and
corporate governance features. During 1997, the NASD expanded the quantitative
and qualitative listing criteria for all companies listed on the Nasdaq Stock
Market and placed additional corporate governance listing standards on companies
currently listed on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market. These new requirements for
continued listing became effective as to the Company on February 23, 1998. UCI
has been notified by the Nasdaq Stock Market that the Company is not currently
in compliance with the new requirements for continued listing as a consequence
of its failure to meet the requirement of at least $2 million in net tangible
assets. As of December 31, 1997, the Company had net tangible assets of
approximately $1 million. Upon completion of the Acquisition and the Private
Placement, the Company expects that its net tangible assets will exceed the $2
million requirement, such that the Company would then be in compliance with the
Nasdaq Stock Market net tangible assets requirement as well as with all other
applicable listing requirements. The Company has submitted a proposed plan of
compliance to the Nasdaq Stock Market indicating its proposed timetable for
satisfying the new listing requirements. As of the date of this Proxy Statement,
the Company has not received confirmation from the Nasdaq Stock Market that the
Company's proposed compliance program will be satisfactory. To the extent that
the Company is unable to satisfy the new maintenance criteria, the Common Stock
will be subject to being delisted, and trading in the Common Stock thereafter,
if any, will likely be conducted in the over-the-counter market. As a
consequence of any such delisting, it is expected that stockholders of UCI will
find it more difficult to dispose of, or to obtain accurate quotations as to the
market value of, the Common Stock. In addition, any such delisting will make the
Common Stock substantially less attractive as collateral for margin and purpose
loans, for investment by financial institutions under their internal policies or
state legal investment laws, as consideration in the financing of future
acquisitions of other medical practices by the Company, and for issuance by the
Company in future capital raising transactions. Although following a delisting,
the Common Stock may be eligible for quotation on the over-the-counter bulletin
board, the Company is informed that the NASD may presently be considering higher
standards for permitting quotations of securities on such bulletin board,
thereby foreclosing this trading market to UCI stockholders as well.

         UCI believes that the Acquisition and the concurrent Private Placement
will enable the Company to satisfy the new listing criteria of the Nasdaq Stock
Market. UCI does not presently have in place any other plan to bring about
compliance with such criteria. Consequently, UCI believes that it is critically
important that the Acquisition and the concurrent Private Placement be completed
as proposed in this Proxy Statement in order to preserve the listing of the
Common Stock on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market.


         The UCI Centers and the MHC Centers face competition, in varying
degrees, from hospital emergency rooms, private doctor's offices and other
competing freestanding medical centers. Some of these providers have financial
resources which are greater than those of the Company. In addition, traditional
sources of medical services, such as hospital emergency rooms and private
physicians, have had, in the past, a higher degree of recognition and acceptance
by patients than centers such as those operated by UCI and MHC. Following the
Acquisition, the Company intends to change the name under which the MHC Centers
publicly conduct business. While the Company's management believes that
following the Acquisition the MHC Centers will be able to compete on the basis
of accessibility, including evening and


weekend hours, a non-appointment policy, the attractiveness to large employers
and third-party payors of the Company's state-wide network, and on the basis of
a competitive fee schedule, there can be no assurance that the MHC Centers will
be able to compete successfully in the future, or that the proposed change in
the name of such centers will not adversely affect the operations of such


                                 THE ACQUISITION



         The Company has experienced significant growth in the last few years as
a result of acquisitions of medical practices. Management has sought to increase
the Company's bargaining power with insurance payors and to lower operating
costs through negotiated discounts on medical supplies by enhancing the
Company's negotiating leverage through the clout associated with an expanding
number of medical practices under the Company's control and an expanding number
of medical providers employed by the Company. In this regard, several
out-of-state acquisition targets have been evaluated by the Company over the
past few years.

         In the third calendar quarter of 1997, A. Wayne Johnson, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of MHC, contacted M.F. McFarland, III, M.D., Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer of UCI, to discuss the potential benefits of a
combination of UCI and MHC. Following their initial discussions, a determination
was reached by the two executives to informally exchange information about their
respective companies. In September 1997, several meetings took place among Dr.
McFarland, Mr. Johnson, Jerry F. Wells, Jr., Executive Vice President of Finance
and Chief Financial Officer of UCI, and Robert G. Riddett, Jr., President of
MHC. During these meetings, the possible combination of UCI and MHC was
discussed and analyzed at length in the context of both the existing operations
of the respective companies and the potential growth and estimated synergies
that could result.

         The content and findings from the September 1997 meetings were
discussed with the UCI Board at its regularly scheduled September 1997 meeting
in the context of potential growth opportunities and the enhancement of
long-term value for the UCI stockholders.

         During October 1997, Dr. McFarland and Mr. Johnson authorized the
continued exploration of combination possibilities at an expanded level,
involving only a few members of senior management from each company. Thereafter,
Mr. Wells notified Mr. Johnson of the kinds of additional information UCI would
need to conduct more in-depth due diligence with respect to MHC. Following the
receipt and review by UCI of this information from MHC, meetings among the top
executive officers of UCI and MHC were held in October and November of 1997 to
discuss and clarify the information provided, and to give UCI the opportunity to
provide MHC with UCI's preliminary business plan and ideas for a possible
acquisition of MHC by UCI.

         Through a series of telephone conversations in November 1997, Dr.
McFarland and Mr. Wells discussed with and recommended to the UCI Board that UCI
pursue the acquisition of the MHC medical practices. As part of such
conversations, Dr. McFarland and Mr. Wells reported to the UCI Board members on
the course of negotiations related to the proposed acquisition, summarized the
results of the due diligence that had been conducted on MHC, discussed the
potential benefits and risks of the proposed acquisition, provided their
respective views of the business and financial condition of MHC, and responded
to questions from the directors.

         At the regularly scheduled December 1997 UCI Board meeting, results of
due diligence to date, forecasts for combined operations, and purchase price
negotiation details were presented by Dr. McFarland and Mr. Wells to the UCI
Board. Following extensive deliberation, UCI's Board unanimously approved
proceeding with the proposed acquisition of MHC in accordance with the
objectives that had been set forth by UCI senior management.

         In January 1998, the UCI Board engaged the services of Dr. Oliver G.
Wood, Jr., an independent consulting economist, to conduct a financial analysis
of the proposed acquisition and to render an opinion as to the fairness of the
proposed acquisition to UCI and its stockholders from a financial point of view.


         A letter of intent relating to the proposed acquisition was negotiated
in the first week of February 1998 among top management officials of both
companies, outside counsel and financial advisors. Over the course of the same
period, Dr. McFarland and Mr. Wells continued to hold discussions with members
of the UCI Board and provided board members with oral and written information
regarding the proposed acquisition. The letter of intent and the form of a
definitive acquisition agreement, including additional supporting agreements,
was unanimously approved by the UCI Board in the first week of February 1998.

         During the first week of February 1998, Dr. Wood provided an oral
indication to the Company of his initial assessment that the proposed
acquisition was fair to UCI and its stockholders from a financial point of view.
Dr. Wood subsequently confirmed in writing his opinion to the effect that, as of
February 9, 1998 and based on and subject to certain matters stated in his
opinion, the proposed acquisition was fair from a financial point of view to UCI
and its stockholders.

         On February 9, 1998, the definitive Acquisition Agreement was executed
by UCI and MHC.

         During December of 1997, senior management of MHC provided the members
of the Board of Directors of MHC (the "MHC Board") with information on the
status of the discussions and negotiations with UCI and due diligence on UCI. A
meeting of the MHC Board was held on February 6, 1998. Prior to that meeting,
each director of MHC was provided with materials outlining and analyzing the
proposed acquisition. At the meeting of the MHC Board, MHC senior management
presented to the MHC Board the background of the proposed acquisition, the
outline of the terms and conditions of the proposed acquisition, a financial
analysis of the proposed acquisition, and the potential benefits and risks of
the proposed acquisition. MHC senior management also responded to questions from
directors. During the first week of February 1998, the MHC Board approved the
form of a definitive purchase agreement and related documentation, subject to
finalization by MHC management and its legal advisors.

         On February 13, 1998, UCI issued a press release announcing the
Acquisition. Following the date of the press release and continuing through the
date of this Proxy Statement, UCI and MHC continued to meet to exchange
information and to prepare for the anticipated consummation of the Acquisition.


         The UCI Board and UCI senior management believe that the terms of the
Acquisition are fair to, and in the best interests of, UCI and the UCI
stockholders. In reaching its determination to approve the Acquisition, the UCI
Board identified and analyzed the following factors and potential benefits,
among others, relating to the Acquisition:

o       alternatives for growth in the healthcare business, including internal
        development, which the UCI Board viewed as less advantageous due to
        UCI's limited development resources as well as the uncertainty of the
        success of such development efforts, none of which appeared to present
        the opportunity that an acquisition of MHC presented;

o       the strategic value of further developing a multi-state presence for the

o       the competitive advantage gained by increasing the medical provider base
        in negotiating insurance reimbursement rates and discounts to medical
        supply costs;

o       the expectation that the assets of MHC represented a complementary
        business and that the Acquisition may be viewed favorably by investors
        due to such complementary nature;

o       the benefits of enjoying economies of scale by combining the two
        companies and eliminating certain duplications of overhead;


o       information concerning the Company's and MHC's respective prospects,
        financial performance, financial condition, assets and operations;

o       the financial terms of the Acquisition and its effect on future

o       the opinion of Dr. Oliver G. Wood Jr. that the terms of the Acquisition
        are fair, from a financial point of view, to UCI, as well as the
        underlying financial analysis of Dr. Wood presented in connection with
        such opinion; and

o       a review with UCI's outside legal counsel of the terms of the
        Acquisition Agreement and related agreements.

         Following its deliberations concerning such factors, the UCI Board
concluded that the Acquisition may increase the long-term prospects of the
Company for continued growth, may increase stockholder value and was in the best
interests of UCI and its stockholders from both a financial and strategic

         The UCI Board also considered a variety of potentially negative factors
in its deliberations concerning the Acquisition, including: (i) the possible
dilutive effect of the issuance of Common Stock in the Acquisition; (ii) the
charges expected to be incurred in connection with the Acquisition, including
the transaction costs and costs of integrating the businesses of the companies;
(iii) the risk that, despite the efforts of the combined company, key personnel
of MHC may not be retained by the Company and the MHC assets may continue to be
unprofitable; and (iv) the risk that other benefits sought to be obtained by the
Acquisition might not be obtained.

         In view of the wide variety of factors, both positive and negative,
considered by the UCI Board, the UCI Board did not find it practical to, and did
not quantify or otherwise assign relative weights to the specific factors
considered. In addition, individual members of the UCI Board may have given
different weights to the various factors considered.





         Dr. Oliver G. Wood, Jr. has delivered his opinion to the effect that
the terms of the Acquisition are fair, from a financial point of view, to UCI
and its stockholders.

         The full text of the written opinion of Dr. Wood, dated February 9,
1998, is attached as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement and describes the
assumptions made, matters considered and limits on the review undertaken. UCI
stockholders are urged to read the opinion in its entirety. Dr. Wood's opinion
is directed to the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the terms of the
Acquisition to UCI and does not constitute a recommendation of the Acquisition
over other courses of action that may be available to UCI or constitute a
recommendation to any holder of Common Stock concerning how such holder should


with respect to the proposals relating to the Acquisition. The summary of the
opinion of Dr. Wood set forth in this Proxy Statement is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the full text of such opinion.

         In arriving at his opinion, Dr. Wood (i) reviewed the terms and
conditions of the Acquisition, including drafts of the Acquisition Agreement and
agreements ancillary to the Acquisition Agreement; (ii) analyzed certain
financial aspects of the Acquisition and consideration to be paid by UCI and
UCI-GA in connection with the Acquisition, (iii) reviewed and analyzed publicly
available historical business and financial information relating to UCI, as
presented in documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") as well as historical financial information relating to MHC provided to
him by UCI and MHC; (iv) analyzed selected non-public financial and operating
results of operations of UCI and MHC; (v) analyzed the financial conditions and
prospects of UCI and MHC; (vi) reviewed and analyzed public information,
including certain stock market data and financial information of selected
companies with operating and financial characteristics similar to those of UCI
and MHC; (vii) reviewed the trading history of the Common Stock, including such
stock's performance in comparison to market indices and to selected companies
with operating and financial characteristics similar to those of UCI; (viii)
conferred with the management teams of UCI and MHC; (ix) reviewed public
financial and transaction information relating to multiples paid in selected
merger and acquisition transactions similar to the Acquisition or relevant
portions thereof; and (x) conducted such other financial analyses and
investigations as deemed necessary or appropriate for the purposes of his

         In connection with his review, Dr. Wood assumed and relied on the
accuracy and completeness of the information he reviewed for the purpose of his
opinion and did not assume any responsibility for independent verification of
such information or for any independent evaluation or appraisal of the assets of
UCI or MHC. With respect to UCI's and MHC's non-public financial and operating
data, Dr. Wood assumed that they had been reasonably prepared on bases
reflecting the best currently available estimates and judgments of the
managements of UCI and MHC. Dr. Wood expressed no opinion with respect to such
non-public financial and operating data or the assumptions on which they were
based. Dr. Wood's opinion was necessarily based upon business, market, economic
and other conditions as they existed on, and could be evaluated as of, the date
of his opinion. Dr. Wood's opinion does not imply any conclusion as to the
likely trading range of the Common Stock following the consummation of the
Acquisition, which may vary depending on, among other factors, changes in
interest rates, dividend rates, financial and operating performance of UCI
market conditions, general economic conditions and other factors that generally
influence the price of securities.

         Dr. Wood's analysis focused primarily upon the purchase prices and
implied transaction multiples paid in selected merger and acquisition
transactions involving physician practices. Included in the transactions relied
upon by Dr. Wood were mergers and acquisitions involving InPhyNet Medical
Management/MedPartners, Inc., AHI Healthcare Systems, Inc./FPA Medical
Management, Inc., ReadiCare, Inc./HealthSouth Corp., Sterling Healthcare Group,
Inc./FPA Medical Management, Inc., Caremark International, Inc./MedPartners,
Inc. and Pacific Physician Services, Inc./MedPartners, Inc. The weighted average
acquisition value-to-target net sales multiplier of the indicated transactions
was 1.017:1. Also considered by Dr. Wood were the acquisition value-to-target
net sales multipliers for the pending HealthSouth Corp./Company Doctor
acquisition (1.74:1) and the weighted average acquisition value-to-target net
patient revenue multiplier for six recently completed physician practice
acquisitions by the Company (0.823:1). Applying the same analysis, Dr. Wood
calculated an acquisition value-to-target net patient revenue multiplier for the
Acquisition of 1.301:1. In making his evaluation, Dr. Wood also considered
certain other factors, including, among other things, the changing dynamics of
the medical care consumer price index and its reflection of competitive
pressures in the healthcare industry, the potential for various synergies and
cost reductions in consolidation of selected marketing, operations and
administrative activities of the Company and MHC, the potential for growth in
certain geographic areas of MHC and various risks associated with the

         No company used in the comparable transaction analyses conducted by Dr.
Wood is identical to UCI or MHC, and no acquisition used in such analyses is
identical to the Acquisition. Accordingly, any


such analysis of the consideration to be paid by UCI in connection with the
Acquisition involves complex considerations and judgments concerning differences
in the potential financial and operating characteristics of the comparable
companies and acquisitions and other factors in relation to the trading and
acquisition values of the comparable companies.

         The preparation of a fairness opinion is not susceptible to partial
analysis or summary description. Dr. Wood believes that his analyses and the
summary set forth above must be considered as a whole and that selecting
portions of his analyses and the factors considered by him, without considering
all analyses and factors, could create an incomplete view of the processes
underlying the analysis set forth in his opinion. Dr. Wood has not indicated
that any of the analyses which he performed had a greater significance than any

         In determining the appropriate analyses to conduct and when performing
those analyses, Dr. Wood made numerous assumptions with respect to industry
performance, general business, financial, market and economic conditions and
other matters, many of which are beyond the control of UCI and MHC. The analyses
which Dr. Wood performed are not necessarily indicative of actual values of
actual future results, which may be significantly more or less favorable than
suggested by such analyses. Such analyses were prepared solely as part of Dr.
Wood's analysis of the fairness, from a financial point of view, to UCI of the
terms of the Acquisition. The analyses do not purport to be appraisals or to
reflect the prices at which a company might actually be sold or the prices at
which any securities may trade at the present time or any time in the future.

         Dr. Wood is engaged in the general business of providing valuations of
businesses and securities in connection with private placements and valuations
for corporations and other purposes. Dr. Wood was engaged by UCI primarily
because of his regional reputation in performing valuations and financial
analyses of the kind provided in connection with the Acquisition. Prior to the
engagement of Dr. Wood by UCI in connection with the matters discussed above,
neither UCI, MHC nor any affiliate of such companies had any material
relationship with Dr. Wood.

         UCI entered into an agreement with Dr. Wood pursuant to which Dr. Wood
agreed to act as UCI's financial advisor in connection with the Acquisition and
to evaluate the fairness, from a financial point of view, of the terms of the
Acquisition to UCI and its stockholders. As compensation for his services, Dr.
Wood will receive approximately $10,000, plus reimbursement of certain
out-of-pocket expenses, payable without regard to the financial analyses
presented or the conclusions reached in the opinion rendered.


         UCI has engaged Laidlaw Global Securities, Inc. ("Laidlaw") as its
financial advisor to assist UCI in the private offering and sale of
approximately $2.5 million of Common Stock (the "Private Placement") scheduled
to close concurrently with the closing of the Acquisition. Warrants for the
purchase of Common Stock are expected to be attached to the shares sold in the
Private Placement on the basis of one warrant for every two shares of Common
Stock. The price per share of Common Stock in the Private Placement and the
exercise price of the attached warrants have not yet been determined and will be
subject to matters to be negotiated among UCI, Laidlaw and the investor or
investors in the Private Placement. UCI expects the net proceeds to UCI from the
sale of Common Stock in the Private Placement (after payment of related
commissions and expenses) will be approximately $2,270,000.

         UCI intends to finance the cash portion of the consideration to be
issued in the Acquisition using a portion of the net proceeds expected to be
received by UCI in the Private Placement. Although the closing of the Private
Placement is a condition to the closing of the Acquisition, the definitive terms
of the Private Placement are subject to a number of factors not within the
complete control of UCI, including negotiations with third parties. There can be
no assurance that UCI's expectations regarding the Private Placement will be
realized, or that the Private Placement will be completed on schedule or in the


contemplated by UCI as described in this Proxy Statement. See "Risk Factors -
Financing as a Condition to Closing."

          The shares of Common Stock and the attached warrants to be sold in the
Private Placement are expected to be issued pursuant to exemptions from the
registration requirements of federal and state securities laws. Consequently,
the transferability of such securities will be restricted following the Private
Placement. UCI may enter into a registration rights agreement with the investor
or investors in the Private Placement that will provide the investor or
investors with certain registration rights. See "Risk Factors Dilution - Voting
Control" and "Risk Factors - Resales of Common Stock and Market Volatility."


         For U.S. federal income tax purposes, no income, gain or loss will be
recognized by UCI or the stockholders of UCI as a result of the Acquisition.


         In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, the
Acquisition will be accounted for as a purchase of certain assets and an
assumption of certain liabilities of MHC and its affiliated entities with the
Company treated as the acquiror for accounting purposes in accordance with
Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 16, "Business Combinations," as amended.

         Representatives of Price Waterhouse LLP are expected to be present at
the Annual Meeting. Such representatives will have the opportunity to make a
statement if they desire to do so and are expected to be available to respond to
appropriate questions.


         All shares of Common Stock to be issued in connection with the
Acquisition and the Private Placement will be deemed to be "restricted
securities" as that term is defined in Rule 144 under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"). As a consequence, such shares may not be
sold, pledged or otherwise transferred by the stockholders receiving such shares
except in transactions permitted by the resale provisions of Rule 145 under the
1933 Act (with respect to shares issued in the Acquisition) and Rule 144 under
the 1933 Act (with respect to persons purchasing such shares in the Private
Placement and persons who are or become affiliates of UCI), or as otherwise
permitted under the 1933 Act. See "Risk Factors - Resales of Common Stock and
Market Volatility."

          In general, under Rule 145 (with respect to shares received in the
Acquisition) and Rule 144 (with respect to shares received in the Private
Placement) during the first year following the closing of the Acquisition or the
Private Placement, as applicable, any person receiving shares of Common Stock in
either of such transactions would be able to sell or otherwise transfer such
shares only pursuant to an effective registration statement under the 1933 Act
or in compliance with an exemption from the registration requirements of the
1933 Act. During the second year following the receipt of such shares, such
person would be entitled to sell such shares only through unsolicited "brokers'
transactions" or in transactions directly with a "market maker," as such terms
are defined in Rule 144. Additionally, the number of shares to be sold by such
person (together with certain related persons) within any three-month period for
the purposes of Rule 144 and Rule 145 could not exceed the greater of 1 percent
of the outstanding shares of Common Stock or the average weekly trading volume
of such stock during the four calendar weeks preceding such sale. Rules 144 and
145 will only remain available, however, if UCI remains current with its
informational filings with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the "1934 Act"). Two years after the closing of the Acquisition or the
Private Placement, as applicable, a person who received Common Stock in either
transaction would be able to sell such Common Stock without such manner of sale
or volume limitations, provided that UCI was current with its 1934 Act
informational filings and such person had not been an affiliate of UCI for at
least three months prior to such sale. Persons who


may be deemed to be affiliates of UCI generally include individuals or entities
that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with, UCI, and may
include certain officers and directors of UCI as well as principal stockholders
of UCI.

         In order to help assure compliance with Rule 144 and Rule 145 under the
1933 Act, each of MHC and its stockholders and each purchaser in the Private
Placement will be required to sign an agreement providing that such person or
entity will not transfer any Common Stock received in the respective transaction
except in compliance with the 1933 Act, and a restrictive legend referencing
such transfer restrictions will be placed on the reverse side of certificates
representing such shares.

         Under the terms of the Registration Rights Agreement, MHC and the MHC
Stockholders have certain demand and piggyback registration rights pursuant to
which they may require UCI, subject to certain terms and conditions, to register
under the 1933 Act all or part of the Common Stock received by such stockholders
in connection with the Acquisition. See "Description of the Agreements - Other
Agreements - Registration Rights Agreement."


         UCI is incorporated in the State of Delaware, and accordingly, is
governed by the provisions of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the "DGCL").
UCI stockholders are not entitled to appraisal rights under the DGCL with
respect to the Acquisition. Although approval of the stockholders of UCI is
required for the issuance of Common Stock in the Acquisition under the rules and
bylaws of the NASD, the approval of the Acquisition by the stockholders of UCI
is not required under the DGCL.


         Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, UCI has agreed to undertake
appropriate corporate action to have A. Wayne Johnson, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of MHC, appointed to the UCI Board. The UCI Board has
nominated Mr. Johnson as one of the three nominees in the election of directors
at the Annual Meeting. To the extent Mr. Johnson is not elected as a director at
the Annual Meeting, promptly following the closing of the Acquisition, the UCI
Board is expected to vote to increase the size of the UCI Board from seven to
eight members and to appoint Mr. Johnson to fill the vacancy created by the
expansion in the number of directors. In the event Mr. Johnson is elected as a
director at the Annual Meeting and the closing of the Acquisition is delayed or
ultimately fails to take place, there is no arrangement or understanding
currently in place or contemplated that would limit or otherwise restrict his
service on the UCI Board for the full three-year term to which he is elected.

         DC-GA and DC-TN are expected to be formed prior to the closing of the
Acquisition for the purpose of acquiring the assets and the liabilities of
MHC-GA and MHC-TN, respectively, and thereafter will be operated solely to
fulfill the licensed medical provider responsibilities associated with the MHC
Centers that will be acquired by UCI-GA in the Acquisition. Dr. Michael Stout,
M.D. is expected to be the sole owner of each of DC-GA and DC-TN as of the date
of the closing of the Acquisition. Pursuant to the terms of an administrative
services agreement between UCI-GA and each of DC-GA and DC-TN, Dr. Stout is not
expected to receive any economic benefit as a consequence of his sole ownership
of DC- GA and DC-TN. Dr. Stout is the Executive Vice President of Medical
Affairs of UCI and is a principal stockholder of UCI.






         The Acquisition Agreement (which includes as exhibits the Non-Solicit
Agreements and the Registration Rights Agreement) is the legal document that
governs the Acquisition. The Acquisition Agreement provides for the acquisition
by UCI-GA of substantially all of the assets of MHC (the "MHC Assets") and the
acquisition by the UCI-PCs of certain assets of the MHC-PCs (the "MHC-PC
Assets"), all in exchange for the assumption by UCI-GA of certain liabilities of
MHC (the "MHC Liabilities") and the payment of approximately $8.05 million in
value, comprised of a combination of cash paid by UCI-GA and the UCI-PCs and
Common Stock issued by UCI.


         If the requisite approvals of the stockholders of UCI are received, the
Acquisition is expected to be consummated as soon as practicable after the
satisfaction or waiver of each of the conditions set forth in the Acquisition
Agreement applicable to the Acquisition. The closing of the Acquisition is
currently scheduled for March 31, 1998, but the parties may mutually agree to
extend the closing date.


         The MHC Assets include the MHC accounts receivable, machinery,
furniture, furnishings, equipment, computer hardware and software, inventory,
supplies, leasehold interests, other contract rights, permits, licenses and
goodwill. Excluded from the MHC Assets are cash and cash accounts (other than
any holdback amounts associated with MHC's line of credit, as described below),
accounts receivable from employees, automobile leases, certain real property,
and any furniture, equipment and software used at the MHC headquarters facility.
Each of MHC and the MHC-PCs (collectively, the "Selling Entities") will also
transfer or otherwise assign to the Company all of their rights to all corporate
and trade names used by each of the Selling Entities or their divisions. All MHC
Assets, with the exception of MHC's accounts receivable which are pledged in
support of the MHC line of credit obligation, will be conveyed free and clear of
all liens and encumbrances.

         The MHC-PC Assets primarily include medical records and the rights
under the various employment agreements with medical providers employed at the
MHC Centers.

         The MHC Liabilities include the obligations of MHC under existing
operating and capital equipment leases, the obligations of MHC under certain of
its existing real property leases (or, at UCI's option, the obligations under
new leases with similar terms), and the MHC line of credit obligation with Bank
One, N.A. UCI-GA will not assume any other of the Selling Entities' obligations
or liabilities, including current and long-term liabilities, contingent
liabilities, medical malpractice claims, environmental claims, workers'
compensation claims, and sales, income and payroll taxes.


         Subject to the adjustments described below, the aggregate purchase
price for the MHC Assets will be $8.05 million, plus the assumption of the MHC
Liabilities, including certain line of credit and capital lease obligations of
MHC aggregating $819,933. The purchase price will be payable in accordance with
either of the following two alternatives, one of which must be selected by MHC
and disclosed in writing to UCI no later than the close of business on March 23,


         Alternative A: At closing, UCI-GA will tender to MHC a cash payment of
$900,000 and a number of shares of Common Stock calculated under a formula in
the Acquisition Agreement as having an aggregate value of $7.15 million, with
both the cash portion and the number of shares subject to adjustment as
described below.

         Alternative B: At closing, UCI-GA will tender to MHC a number of shares
of Common Stock calculated under a formula in the Acquisition Agreement as
having an aggregate value of $6.8 million. In addition, UCI-GA will pay, within
10 days after closing, an aggregate of $1.25 million in cash directly to certain
creditors of MHC as directed by MHC in writing no later than the date of
closing. Both the number of shares and the amount of cash paid are subject to
adjustment as provided below.

         The price per share of the Common Stock to be utilized for determining
the number of shares to be issued to MHC will be the average of the closing
prices of the Common Stock as reported on the Nasdaq Stock Market for the
trading days during the 30 calendar day period immediately prior to the closing,
subject to a maximum price per share of $3.125 and a minimum price per share of

         The cash portion of the consideration to be paid by UCI-GA in the
Acquisition will be decreased dollar-for-dollar to the extent the aggregate of
the line of credit and lease obligations of MHC to be assumed by UCI-GA at the
closing date exceeds a designated ceiling amount. The number of shares of Common
Stock to be issued in the Acquisition will be increased (pursuant to the share
price formula in the Acquisition Agreement) to the extent such line of credit
and lease obligations of MHC are less than the designated ceiling and will be
decreased (per the share price formula) to the extent that any downward
adjustment of the cash consideration, as described above, exceeds the applicable
cash consideration.

         The purchase price for the MHC-PC Assets will be $200 which will be
paid by the UCI-PCs to the MHC-PCs at the closing of the Acquisition.

         The purchase price is to be allocated among the MHC Assets pursuant to
a letter to be provided by UCI-GA to MHC within 30 days following the closing.
In such allocation, the amount to be allocated to the fixed assets of the
Selling Entities is to be determined by an appraisal firm selected by UCI-GA.


         Although the parties anticipate that the purchase of the MHC Assets
will qualify as a tax-free reorganization under Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the Company will not be
responsible for assuring that the transaction so qualifies, and the Acquisition
is not conditioned upon such qualification.


         Each of MHC and the MHC-PCs agrees in the Acquisition Agreement not to
compete with the Company anywhere within the states of South Carolina, Tennessee
and Georgia for a period of three years after the closing. In addition, the
holders of the Class B voting common stock of MHC (the "Class B Shareholders")
will each execute a Non-Solicit Agreement attached as an exhibit to the
Acquisition Agreement. See "Related Agreements - Non-Solicit Agreements."


         The parties' obligations to close under the Acquisition Agreement will
be subject to approval of the shareholders of UCI of the proposals relating to
the Acquisition to be presented at the Annual Meeting, as well as to customary
contingencies (including compliance at closing with obligations under the
Acquisition Agreement, continued accuracy of representations and warranties
through the closing, availability of necessary governmental and third party
consents and authorizations, the absence of litigation prohibiting the
Acquisition, and the absence of adverse conditions), and the successful
completion of the


Private Placement. The Company's obligation to close is also subject to UCI-GA
entering into, as of closing, leases or lease assumptions for all of the MHC


         Each of the Selling Entities will make available for employment by the
Company all of each of the Selling Entities' employees, but the Company will not
be obligated to employ any particular employee. The Company's obligation to
close under the Acquisition Agreement will be subject to at least ten of the
physician-employees and/or physician assistant/nurse practitioner employees of
the Selling Entities (collectively, the "Medical Providers") executing, as of
the date of closing, employment agreements with the Company. The Company
reserves the right to require MHC to deliver executed employment agreements from
certain Medical Providers to be disclosed by the Company to MHC prior to the
closing. All such employment agreements will also include non-compete provisions
which are consistent with such employee's current non-compete agreements with
MHC and the MHC-PCs, as applicable. MHC and the MHC-PCs will satisfy, and the
Company will be protected against, all accrued employee benefits, severance,
accrued vacation or other paid leave, and all obligations or liabilities to each
of the employees of MHC and the MHC-PCs arising in connection with their
employment by any of MHC and the MHC- PCs.


         The Acquisition Agreement contains certain customary comprehensive
representations and warranties of the Selling Entities, the Class B Shareholders
and the Company. The Acquisition Agreement also contains mutual indemnification
provisions which are subject to the following limitations which apply to all
claims for indemnification other than claims by the Company related to the
Selling Entities' pending and threatened litigation: (a) a basket of $125,000,
below which such indemnifying party will have no obligation for breaches of
representations, warranties and certain covenants, but when exceeded will
require payment of the first dollar of loss, (b) a general twelve-month survival
period for indemnification for breaches of representations, warranties and
certain covenants, and (c) a cap of $3 million for the total aggregate liability
of the indemnifying parties for breaches of representations, warranties and
certain covenants. Each Class B Shareholder is severally but not jointly liable
for any other Class B Shareholder's breach of the Acquisition Agreement. Also,
each Class B Shareholder's liability is limited to an agreed upon percentage of
the indemnified party's total damages which approximates each Class B
Shareholder's pro rata equity interest in MHC.

         To provide the Company additional security in the event a claim for
indemnification by the Company arises, MHC will place into escrow for a period
of one year after the date of closing a number of shares of Common Stock having
an aggregate value equal to $300,000, as calculated using the share price
formula in the Acquisition Agreement (the "Holdback Shares"). In the event
ownership of the Holdback Shares is transferred to a stockholder of MHC upon the
liquidation of MHC, or upon any other distribution by MHC, the Holdback Shares
will remain in escrow as an asset of such stockholder of MHC. Subject to certain
limitations described above, in the event a claim by the Company for
indemnification arises, the Company may elect to recover such indemnification
damages from the Selling Entities, the Class B Shareholders and the Holdback
Shares, or any one or more of them.


         The Company has agreed to bring about the appointment to the UCI Board
of A. Wayne Johnson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MHC, promptly
following the closing. In anticipation of this obligation, the UCI Board has
nominated Mr. Johnson for election as a director at the Annual Meeting. To the
extent permitted by law, as long as MHC or PENMAN Private Equity and Mezzanine
Fund, L.P. ("PENMAN") is the holder or record of five percent or more the issued
and outstanding Common Stock, a representative of PENMAN will be invited to
attend, at PENMAN's expense, all meetings of the UCI Board.



         Each of the Selling Entities and the Class B Shareholders has agreed
not to buy or sell Common Stock from February 3, 1998 until the earlier of the
date of closing and the lawful termination of the Acquisition Agreement.



         Each of the Class B Shareholders will enter into a non-solicit
agreement with the Company which prohibits each of the Class B Shareholders for
a period of two years after closing from soliciting or inducing any person
employed by any of Selling Entities or the Company to terminate such person's
contract of employment with such entity. In addition, each of the Class B
Shareholders will be obligated under a covenant in the Acquisition Agreement
which prohibits each of the Class B Shareholders for a period of five years
after closing from soliciting or inducing up to three senior management
employees of the Selling Entities, to be disclosed by the Company to MHC prior
to closing, to terminate such senior management employee's contract of
employment with the Company.


         Under the registration rights agreement between UCI, MHC and each of
the MHC stockholders, UCI, upon written demand of the holders of at least 20
percent of the shares (the "Demand"), agrees to register on one occasion, all or
any portion of the shares so requested to be registered. In addition, UCI grants
to MHC and its stockholders certain "piggyback" registration rights, subject to
standard underwriter cutbacks and company deferral for good cause. The
registration rights terminate one year after the date of closing. Provided UCI
receives the Demand within 30 days after the date of the closing of the
Acquisition, UCI will file with the SEC such registration statement within 60
days after the receipt of the Demand. UCI agrees to use its reasonable best
efforts to cause such registration statement to become effective and to maintain
its effectiveness for a period of nine months after its effective date.


         Each of Dr. M.F. McFarland III, CHC and CP&C have executed and
delivered to MHC separate agreements to vote their shares of Common Stock at the
Annual Meeting in favor of the transactions described in the Acquisition
Agreement. As of the record date for the Annual Meeting, Dr. McFarland, CHC and
CP&C held, in the aggregate, shares representing 52.3 percent of the outstanding
Common Stock. Accordingly, if Dr. McFarland, CHC and CP&C vote as indicated,
each of the proposals relating to the Acquisition are assured to be approved,
regardless of the votes that may be cast by any other holders of Common Stock
entitled to vote.




         The Common Stock is traded on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market under the
symbol UCIA. The prices set forth below indicate the high and low bid prices
reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market for the indicated periods.

                                                                               BID PRICE

                                                                   HIGH                          LOW
                                                               -------------             -------------------

     1st quarter (10/01/97 - 12/31/97)                           $ 3-1/4                      $ 1-3/4


     1st quarter (10/01/96 - 12/31/96)                           3-3/8                          2-3/8   
     2nd quarter (01/01/97 - 03/31/97)                           3-3/8                          2-1/2   
     3rd quarter (04/01/97 - 06/30/97)                           2-11/16                        1-11/16 
     4th quarter (07/01/97 - 09/30/97)                           2-3/4                          1-5/16  


     1st quarter (10/01/95 - 12/31/95)                           4-1/4                          3-1/8
     2nd quarter (01/01/96 - 03/31/96)                           5-1/8                          3-1/4
     3rd quarter (04/01/96 - 06/30/96)                           4                              3-1/4
     4th quarter (07/01/96 - 09/30/96)                           3-3/4                          2-7/8


     1st quarter (10/01/94 - 12/31/94)                           3-1/8                          1-1/2
     2nd quarter (01/01/95 - 03/31/95)                           3-1/4                          1-1/2
     3rd quarter (04/01/95 - 06/30/95)                           3-3/8                          2-1/4
     4th quarter (07/01/95 - 09/30/95)                           3-1/4                          1-3/4

         The foregoing quotations reflect inter-dealer prices without retail
markup, markdown or commission and may not necessarily reflect actual

         On February 12, 1998, the last trading day prior to the public
announcement of the Acquisition, the Common Stock closed at $2.3125 per share.
On March 1998, the latest practicable trading day before the printing of this
Proxy Statement, the Common Stock closed at $ per share.

         As of February 10, 1998, there were 631 stockholders of record of
Common Stock, excluding individual participants in security position listings.

         UCI has not paid cash dividends on the Common Stock since its inception
and has no plans to declare cash dividends in the foreseeable future.



         MHC provides nonmedical management and administrative services for the
11 MHC Centers located in Georgia and Tennessee (nine operating as MainStreet
Healthcare in the Atlanta, Georgia area and two operating as Prompt Care in
Knoxville, Tennessee).

         As a consequence of the matters described in this Proxy Statement under
"Risk Factors Government Regulation," the organizational structure of MHC
closely parallels the organizational structure of the Company. All medical
services at the MHC Centers are provided by or under the supervision of the
MHC-PCs which have contracted with MHC to provide the medical direction of the
MHC Centers. The medical directors operate the MHC Centers under the financial
and operational control of MHC. However, medical supervision of the MHC Centers
is provided solely by the MHC-PCs. The MHC-PCs are organized so that all
physician services are offered by the physicians who are employed by the MHC-
PCs. MHC does not employ practicing physicians as practitioners, exert control
over their decisions regarding medical care or represent to the public that it
offers medical services. MHC has entered into administrative services agreements
with the MHC-PCs for the performance of all administrative management and
support functions. See "Risk Factors - Government Regulation."

         The MHC Centers are staffed by licensed physicians, other healthcare
providers and administrative support staff. The medical support staff includes
licensed nurses, certified medical assistants, laboratory technicians and x-ray

         The MHC Centers offer out-patient medical care, with and without
appointment, for treatment of acute and episodic medical problems. The MHC
Centers provide a broad range of medical services which would generally be
classified as within the scope of family practice and occupational medicine. The
medical services are provided by licensed physicians, nurses and auxiliary
support personnel. The services provided at the MHC Centers include, but are not
limited to, the following:

o       Routine care of general medical problems, including colds, flu, ear
        infections, hypertension, asthma, pneumonia and other conditions
        typically treated by primary care providers;

o       Treatment of injuries, such as simple fractures, dislocations, sprains,
        bruises and cuts;

o       Minor surgery, including suturing of lacerations and removal of cysts
        and foreign bodies;

o       Diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, electrocardiograms, complete blood
        counts, urinalysis and various cultures; and

o       Occupational and industrial medical services, including drug testing,
        workers' compensation and physical examinations.

         At any of the MHC Centers, a patient with a life-threatening condition
would be evaluated by the physician, stabilized and immediately referred to a
nearby hospital.

         The fees charged to a patient are determined by the nature of medical
services rendered. Management of MHC believes that the charges at the MHC
Centers are significantly lower than the charges of hospital emergency
departments and are generally competitive with the charges of local physicians
and other providers in their respective areas.

         The MHC Centers accept payment from a wide range of sources. These
include patient payment at time of service (by cash, check or credit card),
patient billing and assignment of insurance benefits (including Blue Cross Blue
Shield, workers' compensation and other private insurance). Private pay billings
represent the most significant source of revenues.


         As of February 19, 1998, MHC had 86 full-time equivalent employees and
18 part-time employees. Included in these numbers are 21 medical providers
employed by the MHC-PCs.

         Attached as Appendix C to this Proxy Statement are the audited
financial statements of MHC for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1997, the
unaudited interim financial statements of MHC for the three-month and nine-month
periods ended December 31, 1997, and MHC's management's discussion and analysis
of financial condition and results of operations relating to such annual and
interm period financial statements.


         The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial
statements (the "Condensed Statements") have been prepared to give effect to the
Acquisition and the Private Placement. The purchase method of accounting was
used to give effect to all transactions.

         The Condensed Statements reflect certain assumptions regarding the
proposed Acquisition and the Private Placement and are based on the historical
consolidated financial statements of the respective entities. The Condensed
Statements, including the notes thereto, are qualified in their entirety by
reference to, and should be read in conjunction with, the audited financial
statements and the unaudited interim financial statements, including the notes
thereto, of UCI, which are incorporated by reference in this Proxy Statement,
and the unaudited financial statements of MHC as of and for the twelve months
ended September 30, 1997 and the unaudited interim financial statements of MHC
for the three months ended December 31, 1997, as presented in the pro forma
combined condensed financial statements.

         The pro forma combined condensed balance sheet as of December 31, 1997
gives effect to the Acquisition and the Private Placement as if they had
occurred on December 31, 1997 and combines the unaudited balance sheets of UCI
and MHC as of that date.

         The pro forma combined condensed statements of operations combine UCI's
historical results of operations for the three months ended December 31, 1997
and the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 with MHC's historical results of
operations for the three months ended December 31, 1997 and the twelve months
ended September 30, 1997, respectively, giving effect to the Acquisition and
the Private Placement as if they had occurred on October 1, 1996.

         After the consummation of the Acquisition, UCI will determine the fair
value of significant assets, liabilities and business operations acquired, which
may include the use of independent appraisals. In connection with finalizing the
purchase price allocation, UCI is currently evaluating the fair value of assets
acquired and liabilities assumed. Using this information, UCI will make a final
allocation of the excess purchase price, including allocation to the intangibles
other than goodwill. Accordingly, the purchase accounting information is
preliminary and has been made solely for the purpose of developing such
unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial information.

         The Condensed Statements are presented for illustrative purposes only
and are not necessarily indicative of the financial position or results of
operations which would have actually been reported had the Acquisition occurred
as of December 31, 1997, or for the three months ended December 31, 1997, or for
the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997, nor are the Condensed Statements
necessarily indicative of future financial position or results of operations.


              Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Balance Sheet
                                December 31, 1997

                                                                                 PRO FORMA           PRO FORMA
                                           UCI                 MHC              ADJUSTMENTS           COMBINED
                                      --------------     ---------------      ---------------      --------------
   Cash and cash equivalents          $             ---      $    84,340        $ (1,535,944)  (a)
                                                                                     (84,340)  (b)
                                                                                    2,270,000  (c)  $     734,056
   Accounts receivable, net                6,862,480           1,486,930             (51,701)  (b)      8,297,709
   Medical supplies inventory                538,396              30,310                  ---             568,706
   Deferred taxes                            334,945                 ---                  ---             334,945
   Prepaids and other assets                 629,653             164,947                  ---             794,600
                                      --------------     ---------------      ---------------      --------------
       Total current assets                8,365,474           1,766,527              598,015          10,730,016
   Property, plant and equipment,
       net                                 4,474,621           1,562,140            (271,909)  (b)      5,764,852
   Deferred taxes                          1,417,237                 ---                  ---           1,417,237
   Goodwill                                8,437,440           1,515,883            3,644,658  (d)     13,597,981
   Other assets                              266,380             810,692                  ---           1,077,072
                                                         ---------------                           --------------
       Total assets                      $22,961,152          $5,655,242        $   3,970,764        $ 32,587,158
                                      ==============     ===============      ===============      ==============

Liabilities and Capital
   Current portion - long-term debt    $     916,411         $   441,204       $    (434,857)  (b)  $     922,758
   Current debt to employees                 201,518                 ---                  ---             201,518
   Accounts payable                        2,956,625           1,089,166          (1,089,166)  (b)      2,956,625
   Accrued payroll                           676,107             373,433            (373,433)  (b)        676,107
   Other accrued liabilities                 371,630             985,441            (483,385)  (b)        873,686
                                      --------------     ---------------      ---------------      --------------
       Total current liabilities           5,122,291           2,889,244          (2,380,841)           5,630,694
   Long-term debt, net of current          7,833,551             680,852            (633,249)  (b)      7,881,154
   Non-current debt to employees             564,782                 ---                  ---             564,782
       Total liabilities                  13,520,624           3,570,096          (3,014,090)          14,076,630
                                      --------------     ---------------      ---------------      --------------

   Preferred stock                               ---           4,779,000          (4,779,000)  (b)            ---
   Common stock                              302,608             760,620            (760,620)  (b)
                                                                                      143,158  (a)
                                                                                       54,054  (c)        499,820
   Paid-in capital                        16,249,546              84,478             (84,478)  (b)
                                                                                    6,656,842  (a)
                                                                                    2,215,946  (c)     25,122,334
   Accumulated deficit                   (7,111,626)         (3,538,952)            3,538,952  (b)     (7,111,626)
       Total capital                       9,440,528           2,085,146            6,984,854          18,510,528

                                      --------------     ---------------      ---------------      --------------
   Total liabilities and capital         $22,961,152          $5,655,242        $   3,970,764        $ 32,587,158
                                      ==============     ===============      ===============      ==============


              Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit
                                   for the three months ended December 31, 1997

                                                                                      PRO FORMA             PRO FORMA
                                              UCI                  MHC               ADJUSTMENTS            COMBINED
                                        ---------------     ------------------     ---------------      ----------------
Revenue                                 $      8,077,876    $           1,641,319  $                --- $       9,719,195
Operating costs                               8,243,266              1,602,252            (78,750)  (e)
                                                                                          (37,500)  (f)        9,729,268
     Operating margin                         (165,390)                 39,067             116,250              (10,073)

General and administrative expenses              25,434                367,670                 ---               393,104
Depreciation and amortization                   406,168                 28,051              86,009  (g)
                                                                                             5,000  (h)          525,228
Income (loss) from operations                 (596,992)              (356,654)              25,241             (928,405)

Interest expense, net                         (279,351)              (102,320)                 ---             (381,671)
Gain (loss) on equipment                          (439)                    ---                 ---                 (439)
                                        ---------------     ------------------     ---------------      ----------------
Income (loss) before income tax               (876,782)              (458,974)              25,241           (1,310,515)
Income tax benefit                                (558)                    ---                 ---                 (558)
                                        ---------------     ------------------     ---------------      ----------------

Net income (loss)                       $      (877,340)    $           (458,974)  $          25,241    $     (1,311,073)
                                        ===============     ==================     ===============      ================

Net income (loss) per common and
     common equivalent share            $           (0.15)             --- (i)                 ---      $             (0.12)

Weighted average common shares and
    common share equivalents
    outstanding                               6,041,980                --- (i)                 ---            10,526,759


                                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1997

                                                                                          PRO FORMA               PRO FORMA
                                                 UCI                   MHC               ADJUSTMENTS               COMBINED
                                          -----------------      ----------------      ----------------        ----------------
Revenue                                         $27,924,772         $   6,008,442      $            ---            $ 33,933,214
Operating costs                                  26,466,294             6,790,444             (315,000)   (e)
                                                                                              (150,000)   (f)        32,791,738
                                          -----------------      ----------------      ----------------        ----------------
  Operating margin                                1,458,478             (782,002)               465,000               1,141,476

General and administrative expenses                 153,445             1,420,580                   ---               1,574,025
Depreciation and amortization                     1,250,349               335,499               344,036   (g)
                                                                                                 20,000   (h)         1,949,884
                                          -----------------      ----------------      ----------------        ----------------
Income (loss) from operations                        54,684           (2,538,081)               100,964             (2,382,433)

Interest expense, net                             (812,749)             (273,721)                   ---             (1,086,470)

Gain (loss) on equipment                              8,809             (130,990)                   ---               (122,181)
                                          -----------------      ----------------      ----------------        ----------------
Income (loss) before income tax                   (749,256)           (2,942,792)               100,964             (3,591,084)
Income tax benefit                                  665,530                   ---                   ---                 665,530
                                          -----------------      ----------------      ----------------        ----------------

Net income (loss)                          $       (83,726)       $   (2,942,792)        $      100,964         $   (2,925,554)
                                          =================      ================      ================        ================

Net income (loss) per common and
     common equivalent share              $            (.02)              --- (i)                   ---         $          (0.31)

Weighted average common shares and
    common share equivalents outstanding          5,005,081               --- (i)                   ---               9,489,860



(a)     The pro forma combined condensed balance sheet as of December 31, 1997
        has been prepared to give effect to the Acquisition as if it had
        occurred on December 31, 1997 at an aggregate purchase price of
        $8,891,950. Pro forma adjustments reflect the following components of
        the purchase price and its preliminary allocation:

Common Stock valued at $6.8 million                     Accounts receivable......................$1,435,229
allocated as follows:
   Stated capital
   (2,863,158 shares, $0.05 par value)........$143,158  Inventory....................................30,310
   Additional paid-in capital................6,656,842  Furniture and equipment...................1,290,231
Lease liabilities assumed......................556,006  Prepaids and other assets...................975,639
Cash paid....................................1,535,944  Goodwill..................................5,160,541
                                             ---------                                            ---------
                                            $8,891,950                                           $8,891,950
                                             =========                                            =========

        The presentation of purchase price components reflected above assumes
        (i) the use of a share price of $2.375 in the share price formula of the
        Acquisition Agreement (resulting in 2,863,158 shares issued), and (ii)
        the selection by MHC of purchase price payment Alternative B as set
        forth in this Proxy Statement under "The Acquisition - Description of
        the Agreements - Acquisition Agreement - Consideration to be paid in the

(b)     Not included in the assets and liabilities of MHC acquired in the
        Acquisition are the following: certain deposits ($84,340), employee
        receivables ($51,701), certain furniture and equipment ($271,909),
        accounts payable ($1,089,166), long-term debt ($1,068,106), payroll and
        other accrued liabilities ($856,818) and MHC stockholders' equity

(c)     The pro forma financial statements assume that the $2.5 million Private
        Placement will be fully subscribed, resulting in net proceeds to UCI of
        $2,270,000 after payment of placement agent commissions and expenses.
        Solely for purposes of these pro forma financial statements, the Private
        Placement is assumed to result in the sale of 1,081,081 shares of Common
        Stock at a price of $2.3125 (the closing price of the Common Stock on
        the day prior to the public announcement of the Acquisition), and the
        issuance of one attached Common Stock purchase warrant for every two
        shares of Common Stock sold, for a total of 540,540 warrants issued. The
        earnings per share computation includes the shares issuable under these

        The following reflects the effects of the Private Placement on the pro
forma financial statements:

        $     54,054  Common Stock (1,081,081 shares, par value $0.05 per share)
           2,215,946  Additional paid-in capital
          $2,270,000  Net increase in cash

(d)     Excess of acquisition cost over the fair values of net assets acquired
        represents goodwill of $5,160,541, which when reduced by acquired
        goodwill of $1,515,883 results in a $3,644,658 adjustment to goodwill.

(e)     Net decrease in salaries paid to former corporate officers is $78,750
        for three months and $315,000 annually.



(f)     Net decrease in salaries for clinic based administrative personnel is
        $37,500 for three months and $150,000 annually.

(g)     Amortization of goodwill on a straight line basis over 15 years is
        $86,009 for three months and $344,036 annually.

(h)     Net increase in amortization expense related to building improvements in
        leased real estate is $5,000 for three months and $20,000 annually.

(i)     As a privately held corporation, MHC was not required to, and did not,
        compute earnings per share.


                               THE ANNUAL MEETING



         This Proxy Statement is furnished to holders of Common Stock in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by the UCI Board for use at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of UCI to be held for the purposes described in
this Proxy Statement. Each copy of this Proxy Statement mailed to a holder of
Common Stock is accompanied by a form of proxy for use at the Annual Meeting.
There are two sets of proposals - one set relates to the Acquisition and the
other set relates to general business in connection with the Annual Meeting.


         UCI stockholders will be asked at the Annual Meeting to approve the
following proposals which relate to the Acquisition:

         1. Issuance of shares of Common Stock in connection with the
Acquisition (the "Share Issuance Proposal").

         2. Amendment of Article Fourth of the UCI Certificate to increase the
authorized shares of Common Stock from 10 million shares to 30 million shares
(the "Authorized Capital Stock Proposal").


         In connection with the Annual Meeting, UCI stockholders will be asked:

         1. To elect three members of the UCI Board, each to hold office for a
three-year term ending on the date of the annual meeting of stockholders in the
year 2001 and until such director's respective successor shall have been duly
elected and qualified.

         2. To approve the adoption of the UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. 1997
Stock Incentive Plan for officers, directors, employees and consultants of UCI
and its subsidiaries (the "1997 Incentive Plan Proposal").

         3. To ratify the appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP as the firm of
independent auditors to audit the consolidated financial statements of the
Company for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998 (the "Ratification of
Auditors Proposal").


         The Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, March 30, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.
local time, at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 200 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, South
Carolina 29210.

         RECORD DATE

         Only holders of record of Common Stock at the close of business on
February 10, 1998 (the "Record Date") are entitled to notice of and will be
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.



         The Common Stock is entitled to one vote per share on each matter that
is presented for stockholder approval at the Annual Meeting. At the close of
business on the Record Date, there were 6,052,164 shares of Common Stock
outstanding and entitled to vote, held of record by 631 stockholders. All of
such shares are eligible to be voted on each matter currently scheduled to come
before the Annual Meeting.


         The form of proxy accompanying this Proxy Statement is solicited on
behalf of the UCI Board for use at the Annual Meeting. You are requested to
complete, date and sign the accompanying form of proxy and promptly return it in
the accompanying envelope or otherwise mail it to UCI. All proxies that are
properly executed and returned, and that are not revoked, will be voted at the
Annual Meeting in accordance with the instructions indicated on the proxies. If
no instructions are indicated, such proxies will be voted FOR each of the
proposals described in this Proxy Statement, including election of the director
nominees set forth in this Proxy Statement.

         The UCI Board does not presently intend to bring any business before
the Annual Meeting other than the specific UCI proposals referred to in this
Proxy Statement and specified in the notice of the Annual Meeting. So far as is
known to the UCI Board, no other matters are to be brought before the Annual
Meeting. If any other business properly comes before the Annual Meeting,
however, it is intended that proxies, in the form enclosed, will be voted on
such matters in accordance with the judgment of the persons voting such proxies.

         Any UCI stockholder who has signed the proxy referred to in this Proxy
Statement may revoke it at any time before it is exercised at the Annual Meeting
by (i) delivering to the Corporate Secretary of UCI a written notice, bearing a
date later than the proxy, stating that the proxy is revoked, (ii) signing and
so delivering a proxy relating to the same shares and bearing a later date prior
to the vote at the Annual Meeting or (iii) attending the Annual Meeting and
voting in person (although attendance at the Annual Meeting will not, by itself,
revoke a proxy). Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, you are
urged to sign and return the enclosed proxy.


         The quorum required for the transaction of business at the Annual
Meeting is a majority of shares of Common Stock, or 3,026,083 shares, issued and
outstanding on the Record Date, which shares must be present in person or
represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting. Directions to withhold authority to
vote for directors, abstentions and broker non-votes will be considered shares
present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote and therefore will be counted
for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum at the Annual Meeting. If
a quorum is not present or represented at the Annual Meeting, the chairman of
the meeting or the stockholders holding a majority of the shares of Common Stock
entitled to vote, present in person or represented by proxy, have the power to
adjourn the meeting from time to time, without notice other than an announcement
at the meeting, until a quorum is present or represented. Directors, officers
and employees of UCI may solicit proxies for the reconvened Annual Meeting in
person or by mail, telephone or telegraph. At any such reconvened Annual Meeting
at which a quorum is present or represented, any business may be transacted that
might have been transacted at the meeting as originally scheduled.




         Under the NASD rules, approval by the affirmative vote of the holders
of a majority of the total votes cast on the Share Issuance Proposal, in person
or by proxy, is required to approve the Share Issuance Proposal. Accordingly,
abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on the outcome of the vote.

         Under the DGCL, approval by the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote is required
to approve the Authorized Capital Stock Proposal. Accordingly, abstentions and
broker non-votes will have the same effect as a vote against the proposal.

         Under the DGCL, the three director nominees receiving the greatest
number of votes cast (although not necessarily a majority of the votes cast) in
the election of directors at the Annual Meeting will be elected to the Board of
Directors. Accordingly, directions to withhold authority, abstentions and broker
non-votes will have no effect on the outcome of the vote. The UCI Certificate
does not allow for cumulative voting in the election of directors.

         Approval by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
shares of Common Stock present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual
Meeting and entitled to vote is required to approve each of the 1997 Incentive
Plan Proposal and the Ratification of Auditors Proposal. Accordingly,
abstentions and broker non-votes will have the same effect as a vote against
such proposals. Approval of the 1997 Incentive Plan Proposal is required
pursuant to the rules and bylaws of the NASD and by the Code.

                           A broker non-vote occurs when a broker or other
nominee holding shares for a beneficial owner
votes on one proposal, but does not vote on another proposal because the broker
or other nominee does not have the discretionary voting power and has not
received voting instructions from the beneficial owner.


         Each of M. F. McFarland, III, M.D., CHC and CP&C has separately agreed
with MHC in agreements dated February 9, 1998, to vote shares of Common Stock as
to which each of them has voting control in favor of the proposals relating to
the Acquisition to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Each of them has also
indicated to the Company their intent to vote in favor of all other proposals
scheduled to be presented at the Annual Meeting. As of the Record Date, these
shares represented 52.3 percent of the outstanding Common Stock.



         UCI will bear the cost of preparing, assembling and mailing this Proxy
Statement and the accompanying form of proxy to stockholders. In addition to
solicitation by mail, the directors, officers and employees of UCI may solicit
proxies from stockholders by telephone, telegram, letter, facsimile or in
person. No compensation will be paid for such solicitations. UCI may request
brokers, custodians, nominees and other record holders to forward copies of the
proxy and other soliciting materials to persons for whom they hold shares of
Common Stock and to request authority for the exercise of proxies. In such
cases, UCI, upon the request of the record holders, will reimburse such holders
for their reasonable expenses.



         The UCI Board has considered each of the proposals described in this
Proxy Statement and believes that each proposal is in the best interests of UCI




         Because the shares of Common Stock to be issued in the Acquisition
exceed 20 percent of the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding, the NASD
rules require that UCI stockholders approve the share issuance. Approval of this
proposal is also required to consummate the Acquisition.


         The Authorized Capital Stock Proposal provides that Article Fourth of
the UCI Certificate will be amended to increase the authorized shares of Common
Stock from 10 million shares to 30 million shares. The remaining shares of
authorized but unissued Common Stock may thereafter be used for general
corporate purposes, including in connection with future acquisitions. Approval
of this proposal is required to consummate the Acquisition. The full text of the
Authorized Capital Stock Proposal is included in Appendix B attached to this
Proxy Statement.


         Three directors are to be elected at the Annual Meeting. The UCI
Certificate provides for a classified Board of Directors so that, as nearly as
possible, one-third of the UCI Board is elected each year to serve a three-year
term. Pursuant to the authority granted to it under the UCI Bylaws, the UCI
Board has set the size of the UCI Board at seven members with staggered terms
expiring at the forthcoming Annual Meeting and at the annual meetings of
stockholders in the years 1999 and 2000. Charles P. Cannon, A. Wayne Johnson and
Ashby M. Jordan, M.D. have been nominated by the UCI Board for election as
directors at the forthcoming Annual Meeting for terms expiring at the annual
meeting of stockholders in the year 2001. Mr. Cannon's and Dr. Jordan's terms as
directors expire at the forthcoming Annual Meeting. See "Directors and Executive

         The persons named in the accompanying proxy have been designated by the
UCI Board and, unless authority is specifically withheld, they intend to vote
for the election of the nominees listed above. A stockholder executing the
enclosed proxy may vote for the nominees or may withhold such vote from the
nominees. In each case where the stockholder has appropriately specified how the
proxy is to be voted, it will be voted in accordance with such stockholder's
specifications. Although it is not contemplated that the nominees will become
unable to serve prior to the Annual Meeting, the persons named on the enclosed
proxy will have the authority to vote for the election of another person in
accordance with their best judgment.

         Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, in the event Mr. Johnson is not
elected to the UCI Board at the Annual Meeting, promptly following the closing
of the Acquisition, the UCI Board, acting pursuant to the authority granted to
it under the UCI Bylaws, will increase the size of the UCI Board to eight
directors, and Mr. Johnson is to be appointed by the UCI Board as the director
to fill the vacancy created by such expansion of the size of the UCI Board.



         GENERAL. The UCI Board approved the adoption of the UCI Medical
Affiliates, Inc. 1997 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Stock Plan") effective as of
December 17, 1997, subject to the approval of the Stock Plan by the stockholders
at the Annual Meeting. The following discussion of the Stock Plan is qualified
in its entirety by reference to the Stock Plan. UCI will provide promptly, upon
request and without charge, a copy of the full text of the Stock Plan to each
stockholder to whom a copy of this Proxy Statement is delivered. Requests should
be directed to: Mr. Jerry F. Wells, Jr., Chief Financial Officer, UCI Medical
Affiliates, Inc., 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia, South Carolina 29201
(803) 252-3661.

         PURPOSE. The Stock Plan is intended to provide UCI with maximum
flexibility to meet the evolving needs of UCI and its subsidiaries over the next
ten years in providing stock-based incentives and rewards to officers, directors
and employees of UCI, and to consultants and advisors to UCI, who are and have
been in a position to contribute materially to improving UCI's profits. The
enhanced employment incentives available through the Stock Plan are expected to
promote the interests of UCI and its stockholders by strengthening UCI's ability
to attract and retain key officers and employees. Through the operation of the
Stock Plan, such present and future officers and employees may be encouraged to
acquire, or to increase their acquisition of, Common Stock, thus maintaining
their personal and proprietary interests in UCI's continued success and

         ADMINISTRATION. The UCI Board will oversee and carry out the provisions
of the Stock Plan, and may establish one or more Committees (the "Committee") to
assume such duties and any other duties as are contemplated for any of such
Committees under the terms of the Stock Plan. When and if established by the UCI
Board, the Committee will be responsible to the UCI Board for the operation of
the Stock Plan and will make recommendations to the UCI Board with respect to
participation in the Stock Plan by officers, directors and employees of, and
consultants and advisors to, UCI and its subsidiaries, and with respect to the
extent of that participation. (All further references to the Committee contained
in this description of the Stock Plan should be deemed to be references to the
UCI Board to the extent that a Committee has not been established by the Board.)
The interpretation and construction by the Committee of any provisions of the
Stock Plan or of any award granted under it will be final. All awards made under
the Stock Plan will be evidenced by written agreements between UCI and the

         OPERATION. The Stock Plan provides for the grant of incentive stock
options ("ISOs"), nonqualified stock options ("NSOs"), stock appreciation rights
("SARs") and restricted stock awards ("Restricted Stock"). The Stock Plan will
be effective for a term of ten years after the effective date of its adoption by
the UCI Board. A maximum of 1,500,000 shares of Common Stock may be issued
pursuant to awards granted under the Stock Plan, and the UCI Board has reserved
1,500,000 shares for this purpose. The number of shares reserved for issuance
under the Stock Plan will be adjusted in the event of an adjustment in the
capital stock structure of UCI affecting the Common Stock (in connection with a
merger, consolidation, recapitalization, reclassification, combination, stock
dividend, stock split or similar event), and the Committee is authorized to
adjust the terms of awards under the Stock Plan in the event of a change in the
capital stock in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of awards under the
Stock Plan. UCI intends to register the shares of Common Stock reserved under
the Stock Plan under the 1933 Act.

         All obligations of UCI under the Stock Plan and under any award granted
under the Stock Plan will be binding upon any successor to UCI, whether the
existence of such successor is the result of a direct or indirect purchase of
all or substantially all of the business or assets of UCI, or a merger,
consolidation or otherwise. Unless otherwise specifically prohibited by the
terms of any award or under any applicable laws, rules or regulations, upon the
occurrence of a change in control of UCI, each then outstanding option and SAR
that is not otherwise exercisable will become immediately and fully exercisable,
and any restrictions imposed on Restricted Stock will lapse. Under the Stock
Plan, events constituting a change in control include the acquisition by any
third party or group of 35 percent or more of the outstanding Common Stock; the
change over a two-year period of the makeup of a majority of the members of the


Board; a tender offer to acquire control of the outstanding Common Stock; and
shareholder approval of the liquidation of UCI, the sale of substantially all of
its assets, or the merger, consolidation or reorganization of UCI where the
voting securities of UCI prior to such event do not continue to constitute at
least 65 percent of the voting securities of the surviving entity.

         ELIGIBILITY. Each officer, director and employee of UCI or any of its
subsidiaries is eligible to participate in the Stock Plan, and awards under the
Stock Plan may also be granted from time to time to persons serving as
consultants or advisors to UCI or any of its subsidiaries. The Committee will
select the individuals who will participate in the Stock Plan, and members of
the Committee will not be restricted under the terms of the Stock Plan from
participating in the Stock Plan while serving as members of the Committee. On
the date of this Proxy Statement, seven directors, approximately 450 employees
and no consultants and advisors were eligible to participate in the Stock Plan.
The Committee may grant awards under the Stock Plan to any officer, director or
other employee of, or any consultant or advisor to, UCI or any of its
subsidiaries. Awards that are granted at the same or at different times under
the Stock Plan are not required to contain similar provisions.

         No awards may be granted under the Stock Plan after December 17, 2007.
The Board may terminate the Stock Plan sooner without further action by the
stockholders. The UCI Board also may amend the Stock Plan without stockholder
approval, except that no amendment that increases the number of shares of Common
Stock that may be issued under the Stock Plan or changes the class of
individuals who may be selected to participate in the Stock Plan will become
effective until it is approved by the stockholders.

         STOCK OPTIONS. The Stock Plan permits the granting of non-transferable
ISOs that qualify as incentive stock options under Section 422A(b) of the Code
and non-transferable NSOs that do not so qualify. The option exercise price of
each option will be determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, but may
not be less than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date the
option is granted in the case of ISOs and may not be less than 50 percent of
such fair market value in the case of NSOs. On March ____, 1998, the reported
last sale price of the Common Stock on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market was $______
per share.

         The term of each option will be fixed by the Committee, but may not
exceed ten years from the date of grant. The Committee will determine at what
time or times each option may be exercised. Options may be made exercisable in
installments, and the exercisability of options may be accelerated by the
Committee. The exercise price of options granted under the Stock Plan must be
paid in cash or by delivery of shares of Common Stock or a combination of cash
and shares.

         Except as otherwise provided below, upon termination of a participant's
employment, an option will terminate upon the earliest to occur of the full
exercise of the option, the expiration of the option by its terms, and the date
three months following the date of employment termination. Should termination of
employment (a) result from the death or permanent and total disability of a
participant, such three-month termination period shall extend to one year, or
(b) be for cause, the option will terminate on the date of employment
termination. The employment of a consultant or advisor will be deemed terminated
upon UCI's notice to the participant that UCI will no longer transact business
with the consultant or advisor.

         To qualify as ISOs, options must currently meet additional federal tax
requirements, including limits on the value of shares subject to ISOs first
exercisable annually to any participant, and a shorter exercise period and
higher minimum exercise price in the case of certain large stockholders. To the
extent these special requirements are changed or eliminated, the Stock Plan will
be amended accordingly.

         STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS. The Committee may also grant
non-transferrable rights, alone or in conjunction with options, entitling the
holder upon exercise to receive an amount in any combination of cash or shares
of Common Stock (in the sole discretion of the Committee) equal to the increase
since the


date of grant in the fair market value of the shares covered by such SAR over
the SAR price for such shares. The SAR price will be established at the date of
grant of the SAR and will be determined by the Committee in its sole discretion,
except that the SAR price may not be less than the fair market value of the
Common Stock on the date the SAR is granted in the case of an SAR issued in
tandem with an ISO, and may not be less than 50 percent of such fair market
value in the case of all other SARs. The restrictions applicable to the exercise
of SARs under the Stock Plan in the context of termination of employment with
UCI are the same as those restrictions applicable to the exercise of stock
options under the Stock Plan as discussed above.

         RESTRICTED STOCK AWARDS. The Committee may also award shares of Common
Stock subject to such conditions and restrictions, if any, as the Committee may
determine. The purchase price, if any, of shares of Restricted Stock shall be
determined by the Committee. Recipients of Restricted Stock may be required to
enter into a Restricted Stock award agreement with UCI in such form as the
Committee may determine, setting forth the restrictions to which the shares are
subject and the date or dates on which the restrictions will lapse. The
Committee may at any time waive such restrictions or accelerate such dates.
Shares of Restricted Stock will be non-transferable. If a participant who holds
shares of Restricted Stock terminates employment for any reason (including
death) prior to the lapse or waiver of any restrictions, then the shares shall
be forfeited to UCI for no payment. Prior to the lapse of any restrictions on
shares of Restricted Stock, the participant will have all rights of a
stockholder with respect to the shares, including voting and dividend rights,
subject only to the conditions and restrictions generally applicable to
Restricted Stock or specifically set forth in any Restricted Stock award

         CURRENT AWARDS. The number and value of awards that may be granted
under the Stock Plan in the future to officers, directors and employees of, and
consultants and advisors to, UCI or any of its subsidiaries cannot currently be
determined and will be within the discretion of the Committee. As of the date of
this Proxy Statement, one award of an ISO for the purchase of 60,000 shares of
Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.75 per share was made effective December
17, 1997 to an officer (non-executive) of UCI. One-third of that ISO vests on
each of the first three anniversaries of its date of grant. As of the date of
this Proxy Statement, no other grants of any awards have been approved under the
Stock Plan to any other persons.

         FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES. The following discussion is intended
only as a brief summary of the federal income tax rules currently in effect that
are generally relevant to stock incentive awards. The laws governing the tax
aspects of awards are highly technical and such laws are subject to change.

         INCENTIVE STOCK OPTIONS: For regular income tax purposes, no taxable
income is realized by the optionee upon the grant or exercise of an ISO. As long
as no disposition of shares issued upon exercise of the ISO is made by the
optionee within two years from the date of grant or within one year after the
transfer of such shares to the optionee, then (a) upon sale of such shares, any
amount realized in excess of the option price will be taxed to the optionee as a
long-term capital gain, and any loss sustained will be a long-term capital loss,
and (b) no deductions will be allowed to UCI for federal income tax purposes.
However, the exercise of an ISO will give rise to an item of tax preference that
may result in alternative minimum tax liability for the optionee.

         If shares acquired upon the exercise of an ISO are disposed of prior to
the expiration of the holding periods described above (a "disqualifying
disposition"), generally (a) the optionee will realize ordinary income in the
year of disposition in an amount equal to the excess (if any) of the fair market
value of the shares at exercise (or, if less, the amount realized on a sale of
such shares) over the option price thereof, and (b) UCI will be entitled to
deduct such amount. Any further gain realized will be taxed as short-term or
long-term capital gain and will not result in any deduction by UCI. Special
rules apply when all or a portion of the exercise price of the ISO is paid by
tendering shares of Common Stock, and special rules may also apply where the
optionee is subject to Section 16(b) of the 1934 Act. A disqualifying


will eliminate the item of tax preference associated with the exercise of the
ISO if it occurs in the same taxable year as the exercise of the ISO.

         NONQUALIFIED STOCK OPTIONS: No income is realized by the optionee at
the time an NSO is granted. Generally, (a) at exercise, ordinary income is
realized by the optionee in an amount equal to the difference between the option
price and the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise, and UCI
receives a tax deduction for the same amount, and (b) at disposition,
appreciation or depreciation after the date of the exercise is treated as either
short-term or long-term capital gain or loss, depending on how long the shares
have been held. Special rules could apply in some situations if the optionee is
subject to Section 16(b) of the 1934 Act.

         STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS: No income will be realized by a participant
in connection with the grant of an SAR. When the SAR is exercised, or when a
participant receives payment in cancellation of an SAR, the participant will
generally be required to include as taxable ordinary income in the year of such
exercise or payment an amount equal to the amount of cash received and the fair
market value of any stock received. UCI will generally be entitled at the same
time to a deduction for federal income tax purposes equal to the amount
includable as ordinary income by such participant.

         RESTRICTED STOCK AWARDS: The recipient of Restricted Stock generally
will realize ordinary income equal to the fair market value of the stock at the
time the stock is no longer subject to forfeiture, minus any amount paid for
such stock, and UCI will receive a corresponding deduction. However, unless
prohibited by any award agreement, a recipient may elect under Section 83(b) of
the Code to realize ordinary income on the date of issuance equal to the fair
market value of the shares of Restricted Stock at that time (measured as if the
shares were unrestricted and could be sold immediately), minus any amount paid
for such stock. If the shares are forfeited, the recipient will not be entitled
to any deduction, refund or loss for tax purposes with respect to the forfeited
shares. Upon sale of the shares after the forfeiture period has expired, the
holding period to determine whether the recipient has long-term or short-term
capital gain or loss begins when the restriction period expires (or upon earlier
issuance of the shares, if the recipient elected immediate recognition of income
under Section 83(b) of the Code). If Restricted Stock is received in connection
with another award under the Stock Plan, the income and the deduction, if any,
associated with such award may be deferred in accordance with the rules
described above for Restricted Stock.

         The foregoing discussion is provided for the information of
stockholders and is not a complete description of the federal tax consequences
in respect of transactions under the Stock Plan, nor does it describe state or
local tax consequences.


         The UCI Board, adopting the recommendation of the Audit Committee of
the UCI Board (the "Audit Committee"), has appointed the certified public
accounting firm of Price Waterhouse LLP as UCI's independent auditors for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, subject to ratification by the
stockholders at the Annual Meeting. Representatives of Price Waterhouse LLP are
expected to be present at the Annual Meeting and will be available to respond to
questions and may make a statement if such representatives so desire.



         The following sets forth certain information concerning the persons
nominated for election as directors and the current directors whose terms will
continue beyond the Annual Meeting.



         CHARLES P. CANNON, 47, has served as a director of UCI since September
1995, as Vice President, Corporate Controller and Assistant Treasurer for BCBS
since April 1988 and as Assistant Treasurer for its subsidiary, CHC, since April
1988. Prior to joining BCBS in April 1988, he was a Senior Manager and
consultant for Price Waterhouse LLP for eleven years. Mr. Cannon is a member of
the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the South Carolina
Association of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Management
Accountants and the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants.

         A. WAYNE JOHNSON, 46, has served as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of MHC from its inception in February 1996. Mr. Johnson has 23 years of
entrepreneurial and business operations experience in the field of financial
services and corporate development. Prior to co-founding MHC in February 1996,
Mr. Johnson had served since 1991 as President of one of the major operating
subsidiaries of First Data Corporation and Chief Marketing Officer and strategic
planner for First Data Card Services Group, a subsidiary of First Data
Corporation. Mr. Johnson was the founder of both Integratec, a collection
company, and QualiServ, a credit card outsourcing service company.

         ASHBY M. JORDAN, M.D., 58, has served as a director of UCI since August
1996 and as Vice President of Medical Affairs of BCBS since December 1986. Prior
to joining BCBS, Dr. Jordan was the Vice President of Medical Affairs for CIGNA
HealthPlan of South Florida, Inc. Dr. Jordan is Board Certified by the American
Board of Pediatrics.


         M.F. MCFARLAND, III, M.D., 49, has served as Chairman of the Board,
President and Chief Executive Officer of UCI since January 1987 and as a
director of UCI since September 1984. From September 1984 until January 1987, he
served as Vice President of UCI. He has served as President and as the sole
director of UCI-SC and DC-SC for over five years and of UCI-GA since its
organization in February 1998. He served as Associate Professional Director of
the Emergency Department of Richland Memorial Hospital in Columbia, South
Carolina from 1978 to 1981 and was President of the South Carolina Chapter of
the American College of Emergency Physicians in 1979. Dr. McFarland is currently
a member of the Columbia Medical Society, the South Carolina Medical Association
and the American Medical Association.

         CHARLES M. POTOK, 48, has served as a director of UCI since September
1995 and as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of CP&C since
March 1984. Mr. Potok is an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a
member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Prior to joining CP&C, Mr. Potok
served as Chief Property and Casualty Actuary and Director of the Property and
Casualty Division of the South Carolina Department of Insurance.


         HAROLD H. ADAMS, JR., 50, has served as a director of UCI since June
1994 and as President and owner of Adams and Associates, International, Adams
and Associates, and Southern Insurance Managers since June 1992. He served as
President of Adams Eaddy and Associates, an independent insurance agency, from
1980 to 1992. Mr. Adams has been awarded the Chartered Property Casualty
Underwriter designation and is currently a member of the President's Board of
Visitors of Charleston Southern University in Charleston, South Carolina. He has
received numerous professional awards as the result of over 25 years of
involvement in the insurance industry and is a member of many professional and
civic organizations.


         THOMAS G. FAULDS, 56, has served as a director of UCI since August 1996
and as Executive Vice President of Private Business for BCBS since October 1991.
Mr. Faulds has been with BCBS since March 1972 where he has served in key senior
management positions in government programs, information systems and operations.


         The following sets forth certain information concerning the persons who
currently serve as executive officers of UCI who do not also serve on the UCI

         JERRY F. WELLS, JR., 35, has served as Chief Financial Officer and
Executive Vice President of Finance of UCI since he joined UCI in February 1995
and as Corporate Secretary of UCI since December 1996. He has served as
Executive Vice President of Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate
Secretary of UCI-SC since December 1996, and of UCI-GA since its organization in
February 1998, and as Corporate Secretary of DC-SC since December 1996. Prior to
joining UCI, he served as a Senior Manager and consultant for Price Waterhouse
LLP from 1985 until February 1995. Mr. Wells is a certified public accountant
and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the
South Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants and the North
Carolina CPA Association.

         D. MICHAEL STOUT, M.D., 52, has served as Executive Vice President of
Medical Affairs of UCI since 1985. He is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine
and is a member of the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Columbia
Medical Society and the American College of Physician Executives.

         JON G. KEITH, 48, has served as Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer of UCI and as Chief Operating Officer of UCI-SC since he
joined the Company in January 1997. From 1985 until he joined the Company, Mr.
Keith served as Vice President for Corporate Services and Vice President for
Administration for Baptist Healthcare System of South Carolina and Baptist
Medical Center. Mr. Keith is a Diplomate with the American College of Healthcare
Executives and a member of the Medical Group Management Association.

         JITENDRA S. MEHTA, 46, has served as Executive Vice President of
Development and Procurement of UCI since he joined the Company in November 1993.
Mr. Mehta has an extensive background in hospital and medical personnel
administration. He served as Business Director of Multispecialty Clinic in
Maryland from 1985 to 1989 and served as Vice President and Partner of Citrus
Diagnostic Center from 1990 to 1993. Mr. Mehta is currently a member of American
Registry for Radiological Technology and the Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Certification Board.


         Section 16(a) of the 1934 Act requires the directors and officers of
UCI to file reports of holdings and acquisitions in Common Stock with the SEC.
Based on UCI records and other information, UCI believes that all SEC filing
requirements applicable to its directors and officers were complied with in
respect to the Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1997.


         THE UCI BOARD

         The UCI Board had a total of four regular meetings and no special
meetings during the Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1997. No director
attended fewer than 75 percent of the total of such Board meetings and the
meetings of the committees upon which the director served. Among the standing
committees established by the UCI Board are a Compensation Committee, an Audit
Committee, and a Revenue Enhancement Committee. The UCI Board does not have a
nominating committee for


recommending to stockholders candidates for positions on the UCI Board.
Currently, seven directors serve on the UCI Board.


         The Audit Committee consists of Messrs. Adams and Cannon. This
committee recommends to the UCI Board the engagement of the independent auditors
for the Company, determines the scope of the auditing of the books and accounts
of the Company, reviews the reports submitted by the auditors, examines
procedures employed in connection with the Company's internal control structure,
reviews and approves the terms of acquisitions between the Company and any
related party entities, undertakes certain other activities related to the
fiscal affairs of the Company and makes recommendations to the UCI Board as may
be appropriate. This committee met once during the Company's fiscal year ended
September 30, 1997.


         The Compensation Committee consists of Messrs Adams, Cannon, Potok and
Russell J. Froneberger. (Mr. Froneberger is not standing for reelection at the
Annual Meeting.) This committee monitors the Company's executive compensation
plan, practice and policies, including all salaries, bonus awards and fringe
benefits, and makes recommendations to the UCI Board with respect to changes in
existing executive compensation plans and the formation and adoption of new
executive compensation plans. This committee met once during the Company's
fiscal year ended September 30, 1997.


         The Revenue Enhancement Committee consists of Messrs. Adams, Faulds,
Froneberger and Potok. This committee monitors the Company's ancillary and
complementary services, and makes recommendations to the UCI Board with respect
to changes in such existing services. This committee met once during the
Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1997.


         The following table sets forth the total compensation earned during the
fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 and during each of the two prior fiscal
years by the President and Chief Executive Officer of UCI and the executive
officers of UCI whose annual compensation from UCI exceeded $100,000 for all
services provided to the Company. No other executive officer of the Company
earned compensation in excess of $100,000 for services provided to the Company
in any of the three fiscal years reflected in the table.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                           Long Term

                                                Annual Compensation                          Awards
                                  -----------------------------------------------      ------------------
                                   Fiscal                                              Underlying                All Other
Name and Principal  Position        Year        Salary(1)        Bonus (1)              Options               Compensation(2)
- ----------------------------       ------      -----------      -----------            ---------             ----------------
M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.          1997     $ 316,540 (3)      $   - 0- (4)             141,675                 $ 7,968
   CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENT AND         1996       315,000 (3)        63,500 (4)              30,000                   7,368
   CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER         1995       194,616 (3)       145,000 (4)              35,000                   6,818

D. Michael Stout, M.D.             1997     $ 216,825 (5)      $   - 0- (6)              79,825                 $ - 0-
   EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF     1996       198,316 (5)          - 0- (6)              10,000                   - 0-
   MEDICAL AFFAIRS                 1995       157,600 (5)        32,000 (6)              20,000                    -0-

(1)     Amounts included under the heading "Salary" and "Bonus" include
        compensation from both UCI-SC and DC-SC.

(2)     Amounts included under the heading "All Other Compensation" are
        comprised of premiums for long term disability and life insurance
        provided by the Company for the benefit of Dr. McFarland.

(3)     For services performed by Dr. McFarland for UCI-SC, a wholly-owned
        subsidiary of UCI, Dr. McFarland received an annual salary of $157,500
        and $157,500 during the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996,
        respectively. Dr. McFarland served without compensation from UCI-SC for
        his services during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1995. For
        services performed by Dr. McFarland for DC-SC, an affiliated
        professional association wholly owned by Dr. McFarland that contracts
        with UCI-SC to provide all medical services at UCI's medical facilities,
        Dr. McFarland received an annual salary of $159,040, $157,500, and
        $194,616 for the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996, and 1995,

(4)     Pursuant to the employment agreement dated October 1, 1995 between
        UCI-SC and Dr. McFarland, UCI-SC accrued incentive bonuses during the
        fiscal years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996 payable to Dr. McFarland
        of zero and $63,500, respectively, and made no payments to Dr. McFarland
        against accrued bonuses. DC-SC accrued a bonus payable to Dr. McFarland
        during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1995 of $145,000. Dr.
        McFarland received draws from DC-SC out of previously accrued bonuses of
        $62,000, $120,000 and $167,430 during the fiscal years ended September
        30, 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.

(5)     For services performed by Dr. Stout for UCI-SC, Dr. Stout received an
        annual salary of $50,000 and $45,833 during the fiscal years ended
        September 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively. Dr. Stout served without
        compensation from UCI-SC for his services during the fiscal year ended
        September 30, 1995. For services performed by Dr. Stout for DC-SC, Dr.
        Stout received an annual salary of $166,825, $152,483, and $157,600 for
        the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.

(6)     DC-SC accrued and paid bonuses to Dr. Stout of zero, zero and $32,000
        during the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995,


         The following table sets forth certain information with respect to
options to purchase Common Stock granted during the fiscal year ended September
30, 1997 to certain of the executive officers of UCI. (All options reflected
below vest one-third on each of the first three anniversaries of the grant


                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR
                                INDIVIDUAL GRANTS

                                                                 PERCENT OF TOTAL
                                     NUMBER OF SECURITIES        OPTIONS GRANTED          EXERCISE OR
                                      UNDERLYING OPTIONS           TO EMPLOYEES            BASE PRICE            EXPIRATION
             Name                          GRANTED                 IN FY 1997             PER SHARE                DATE
- ------------------------------      -----------------------     ------------------      ----------------      ----------------

M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.                    20,000                       4.49%             $  2.8875          Dec. 18, 2001
   CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENT AND                  121,675                      27.31                 2.1313          June 18, 2002

A. Michael Stout, M.D.                        5,000                       1.12                 2.6250          Dec. 18, 2006
   EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF               74,825                      16.80                 1.9375          June 18, 2007


         The following table sets forth certain information with respect to
unexercised options to purchase Common Stock held at September 30, 1997. None of
the named executive officers exercised any options during the fiscal year ended
September 30, 1997.

                              1997 FISCAL YEAR-END
                                  OPTION VALUES

                                         NUMBER OF SECURITIES UNDERLYING                VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                             UNEXERCISED OPTIONS AT                         IN-THE-MONEY
                                                 FISCAL YEAR END                     OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR END
                                     ---------------------------------------      ---------------------------------

               NAME                      EXERCISABLE           Unexercisable         Exercisable        Unexercisable
                                     ------------------      -----------------      -------------      ----------------
M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.                    33,333               173,342             $   -0-             $   44,862

A. Michael Stout, M.D.                       16,666                93,159                 -0-                42,090


          Non-employee directors are paid a fee of $500 for attendance at each
meeting of the UCI Board. Non-employee directors of UCI are reimbursed by UCI
for all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by them in the discharge of
their duties as directors, including out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
attending meetings of the UCI Board.

          During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996, UCI adopted a
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan (the "1996 Non-Employee Plan"). The 1996
Non-Employee Plan provides for the granting


of options to two non-employee directors for the purchase of 10,000 shares of
Common Stock at the fair market value as of the date of grant. Under this plan,
5,000 options were issued to Harold H. Adams, Jr. and 5,000 options were issued
to Russell J. Froneberger. These options are exercisable during the period
commencing on March 20, 1999 and ending on March 20, 2006. At September 30,
1997, there were stock options outstanding under the 1996 Non-Employee Plan for
10,000 shares, none of which were exercisable.

          During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997, UCI adopted a
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan (the "1997 Non-Employee Plan"). The 1997
Non-Employee Plan provides for the granting of options to four non-employee
directors for the purchase of 20,000 shares of Common Stock at the fair market
value as of the date of grant. Under this plan, 5,000 options were issued each
to Charles P. Cannon, Thomas G. Faulds, Ashby M. Jordan, M.D., and Charles M.
Potok. These options are exercisable during the period commencing on March 28,
2000 and ending on March 28, 2007. At September 30, 1997, there were stock
options outstanding under the 1997 Non-Employee Plan for 20,000 shares, none of
which were exercisable.


          Effective October 1, 1995, Dr. McFarland entered into a five-year
contract with UCI-SC that provides for annual compensation of $157,500, the use
of one automobile and an incentive bonus payable at the end of the fiscal year,
subject to the determination of the UCI Board and based upon net income and
gross revenue of UCI for the same year. Also, effective October 1, 1995, Dr.
McFarland entered into a five-year contract with DC-SC that provides for annual
compensation of $157,500.

          Effective November 1, 1995, Dr. Stout entered into a five-year
contract with UCI-SC that provides for annual compensation of $50,000. Also,
effective November 1, 1995, Dr. Stout entered into a five-year contract with
DC-SC that provides for annual compensation of $160,000.


          The following table sets forth certain information known to UCI
regarding the beneficial ownership of Common Stock as of December 31, 1997.
Information is presented for (i) stockholders owning more than five percent of
the outstanding Common Stock, (ii) each director, director nominee and executive
officer of UCI, individually, and (iii) all directors and executive officers of
UCI, as a group.


                                                                 Number of Shares
                          NAME                                Beneficially Owned (1)           Percentage
- --------------------------------------------------------     ------------------------      -----------------
Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina (2)....................... 2,624,623                  43.37 %
M.F. McFarland, III, M.D. (3).........................................589,128                   9.65
Harold H. Adams, Jr.....................................................2,500                      *
Charles P. Cannon.........................................................-0-                     -0-
Thomas G. Faulds..........................................................-0-                     -0-
Russell J. Froneberger..................................................2,000                      *
A. Wayne Johnson..........................................................-0-                     -0-
Ashby M. Jordan, M.D......................................................-0-                     -0-
Jon G. Keith.......................................................... 20,500 (4)                  *
Jitendra Mehta.........................................................18,334 (5)                  *
Charles M. Potok..........................................................-0-                     -0-
D. Michael Stout, M.D.................................................280,627 (6)               4.62
Jerry F. Wells, Jr.....................................................33,333 (7)                  *
All current directors and executive officers
   as a group (11 persons)............................................946,422                  15.28 %

- ------------------------
*       Amount represents less than 1.0 percent.
(1)     Beneficial ownership reflected in the table is determined in accordance
        with the rules and regulations of the SEC and generally includes voting
        or investment power with respect to securities. Shares of Common Stock
        issuable upon the exercise of options currently exercisable or
        convertible, or exercisable or convertible within 60 days, are deemed
        outstanding for computing the percentage ownership of the person holding
        such options, but are not deemed outstanding for computing the
        percentage ownership of any other person. Except as otherwise specified,
        each of the stockholders named in the table has indicated to UCI that
        such stockholder has sole voting and investment power with respect to
        all shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by that stockholder.
(2)     The business address of the named beneficial owner is I-20 at Alpine
        Road, Columbia, SC 29219. The shares reflected in the table are held of
        record by CHC (2,006,442 shares) and CP&C (618,181 shares), each of
        which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BCBS.
(3)     The business address of the named beneficial owner is 1901 Main Street,
        Suite 1200, Columbia, SC 29201. Shares reflected in the table include
        50,000 shares issuable pursuant to currently exercisable stock options.
(4)     Includes 20,000 shares issuable pursuant to currently exercisable stock
(5)     All shares are issuable pursuant to currently exercisable stock options.
(6)     Includes 21,667 shares issuable pursuant to currently exercisable stock
(7)     All shares are issuable pursuant to currently exercisable stock options.





         Pursuant to a Facilities Agreement between UCI-SC and DC-SC (the
"Facilities Agreement"), UCI- SC supplies to DC-SC the facilities, equipment and
assets of the UCI Centers as well as such non-medical personnel as are
reasonably required by DC-SC in the operation of the UCI Centers. In exchange,
DC-SC provides the necessary staffing for the performance of medical services at
the UCI Centers, including a physician to serve as Executive Medical Director
having overall responsibility for the operations of the UCI Centers. From the
fees paid each month to DC-SC for services rendered at the UCI Centers, DC-SC
retains an amount equal to the cost of all narcotic drugs purchased by DC-SC
during the month and an amount sufficient to satisfy the payroll and related
personnel costs of DC-SC for physicians and other medical providers at the UCI
Centers, with the balance of the fees paid to UCI-SC. During the Company's
fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996, and 1995, DC-SC received an
aggregate of approximately $27,925,000, $23,254,000, and $17,987,000,
respectively, in fees prior to deduction by DC-SC of its payroll and other
related deductible costs covered under the Facilities Agreement. For accounting
purposes, the operations of DC-SC are combined with the operations of UCI and
are reflected in the consolidated financial statements of UCI. Pursuant to the
employment agreement between DC-SC and Dr. McFarland, Dr. McFarland serves as
Executive Medical Director of the UCI Centers, and is paid an annual salary for
his services in such position. Footnotes (3) and (4) of the Summary Compensation
Table in this Proxy Statement describe compensation paid to Dr. McFarland by
DC-SC during the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995. Pursuant
to the employment agreement between DC-SC and Dr. Stout, Dr. Stout provides
medical services to DC-SC, and is paid an annual salary for such services.
Footnotes (5) and (6) of the Summary Compensation Table in this Proxy Statement
describe compensation paid to Dr. Stout by DC-SC during the fiscal years ended
September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995. In September 1996, the Facilities Agreement
was renewed for an additional fifteen-year term. In January 1995, the Facilities
Agreement was modified to provide UCI-SC with certain rights to terminate the
Facilities Agreement (a) upon the death of Dr. McFarland, (b) upon Dr. McFarland
ceasing to own, either directly or indirectly, a controlling interest in DC-SC,
or (c) upon Dr. McFarland becoming a "disqualified person" as defined by the
South Carolina Business Corporation Act of 1988, as amended. Dr. McFarland is
the President, sole director and sole owner of DC-SC.


         Pursuant to a Facilities Fee Refund Agreement (the "Refund Agreement")
entered into among UCI, UCI-SC and DC-SC, DC-SC was entitled to receive a refund
of a portion of the fees payable to UCI-SC under the Facilities Agreement with
respect to fourteen of the UCI Centers. The Refund Agreement was terminated
effective October 1, 1995. During UCI's fiscal years ended September 30, 1997
and 1996, UCI-SC made payments to DC-SC of $62,000 and $120,000, respectively,
against accumulated refunds payable. At September 30, 1997 and 1996, UCI-SC had
refunds payable to DC-SC of approximately $94,000 and $156,000, respectively.


         UCI-SC leases six medical center facilities from CHC and one medical
center facility from CP&C under operating leases with fifteen-year terms
expiring in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The terms of these leases are believed to be no
more or less favorable to UCI-SC than those that would have been obtainable
through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar
arrangements. Each of these leases has a five-year renewal option, and a rent
guarantee by DC-SC. One of the leases has a purchase option allowing UCI-SC to
purchase the center at fair market value after February 1, 1995. Total lease


made by UCI-SC under these leases during the fiscal years ended September 30,
1997 and 1996 were $319,730 and $306,178, respectively.

         Several of the UCI Centers are leased or were leased from entities
owned or controlled by certain principal stockholders and/or members of UCI's
management. The terms of these leases are believed to be no more or less
favorable to UCI-SC than those that would have been obtainable through
arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar arrangements.

         The Doctor's Care Northeast facility is leased from a partnership in
         which Dr. McFarland is a general partner. The lease was renewed in
         October 1994 for a five-year term. The lease has two five-year renewal
         options and provides UCI-SC with an option to purchase the facility at
         its fair market value after October 1995. Total lease payments made by
         UCI-SC under this lease during the fiscal years ended September 30,
         1997 and 1996 were $45,600 and $45,600, respectively, plus utilities
         and real estate taxes.

         The Doctor's Care Lexington facility was leased from a general
         partnership in which Dr. McFarland and Dr. Stout were general partners.
         The Doctor's Care Lexington facility was sold in February 1996 to
         unrelated third parties who lease it to UCI-SC. Total lease payments
         made by UCI-SC under this lease during the fiscal years ended September
         30, 1997 and 1996 were zero and $14,125, respectively, plus utilities
         and real estate taxes.

         The Doctor's Care West Columbia and the Doctor's Care Beltline
         facilities were leased from a general partnership in which Dr.
         McFarland and Dr. Stout were general partners. Both of these centers'
         facilities were sold in May 1996 to unrelated third parties who lease
         them to UCI-SC. Total lease payments made by UCI-SC under these two
         leases during the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996 were
         zero and $46,516, respectively, plus utilities and real estate taxes.
         In connection with its agreement to lease these two facilities, UCI-SC
         guaranteed the lessor's mortgage debt relating to the two facilities.
         At September 30, 1997 and 1996, the outstanding balance of such debt
         was zero.

         The Doctor's Care Lugoff facility was leased directly from Dr.
         McFarland. This facility was sold in May 1996 to an unrelated third
         party who leases it to UCI-SC. Total lease payments made by UCI-SC
         under this lease during the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997 and
         1996 were zero and $16,613, respectively, plus utilities and real
         estate taxes.


                  At December 31,1997, CHC owned 2,006,442 shares of Common
Stock and CP&C owned 618,181 shares of Common Stock, which combine to
approximately 43.37 percent of the outstanding Common Stock. Each of CHC and
CP&C is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BCBS. The following is a historical summary
of purchases of Common Stock by BCBS subsidiaries directly from UCI.

                                                                 Price               Total
      DATE                BCBS               Number               per              Purchase
    PURCHASED          Subsidiary           of Shares            Share               Price
- -----------------     -------------      ---------------       ----------       ---------------
    12/10/93               CHC                   333,333         $1.50            $     500,000
    06/08/94               CHC                   333,333          3.00                1,000,000
    01/16/95               CHC                   470,588          2.13                1,000,000
    05/24/95               CHC                   117,647          2.13                  250,000
    11/03/95               CHC                   218,180          2.75                  599,995
    12/15/95               CHC                   218,180          2.75                  599,995
    03/01/96               CHC                   109,091          2.75                  300,000
    06/04/96              CP&C                   218,181          2.75                  599,998


    06/23/97              CP&C                   400,000          1.50                  600,000

         The Common Stock acquired by CHC and CP&C directly from UCI was
purchased pursuant to exemptions from the registration requirements of federal
and state securities laws. Consequently, the ability of the holders to resell
such shares in the public market is subject to certain limitations and
conditions. The shares acquired by CHC and CP&C were purchased at share prices
below market value at the respective dates of purchase in part as a consequence
of the lower issuance costs incurred by UCI in the sale of these unregistered
securities and in part as a consequence of the restricted nature of the shares.
CHC and CP&C have the right to require registration of the stock under certain
circumstances as described in the respective stock purchase agreements. BCBS and
its subsidiaries have the option to purchase as many shares as may be necessary
for BCBS and its subsidiaries to maintain ownership of 47 percent of the
outstanding Common Stock in the event that UCI issues additional stock to other
parties (excluding shares issued to employees or directors of UCI).

         During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994, UCI-SC entered into a
capital lease purchase agreement with BCBS for a new billing and accounts
receivable system, which includes computer equipment, for an aggregate purchase
price of $504,000. UCI-SC has the option to purchase the equipment at the end of
the lease term for $1. The lease obligation recorded at September 30, 1997 is
$340,916, which includes lease addenda. The terms of the lease purchase
agreement are believed to be no more or less favorable to UCI-SC than the terms
that would have been obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated
third parties for a similar billing and accounts receivable system, which
includes computer equipment.

         During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994, UCI-SC entered into an
agreement with CP&C pursuant to which UCI-SC, through DC-SC, acts as the primary
care provider for injured workers of firms carrying worker's compensation
insurance through CP&C. Additionally, during the fiscal year ended September 30,
1995, UCI-SC executed a $400,000 note payable to CP&C payable in monthly
installments of $4,546 (including 11 percent interest) from April 1, 1995 to
March 1, 2010, collateralized by certain accounts receivable. The terms of the
agreement with CP&C are believed to be no more or less favorable to UCI-SC than
those that would have been obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with
unrelated third parties for similar arrangements.

         UCI-SC, through DC-SC, provides services to members of a health
maintenance organization operated by CHC who have selected DC-SC as their
primary care provider. The terms of the agreement with CHC are believed to be no
more or less favorable to UCI-SC than those that would have been obtainable
through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar

         During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996, BCBS provided a
non-interest bearing advance to UCI in the amount of $600,000. This advance was
paid in full in December 1996. The terms of this advance are believed to have
been no more or less favorable to UCI than those that would have been obtainable
through arm's-length negotiations with related third parties for similar

         The employees of UCI and its subsidiaries are offered health, life, and
dental insurance coverage at group rates from BCBS and its subsidiaries. The
group rates offered to the employees of UCI and its subsidiaries are believed to
be no more or less favorable to UCI and its subsidiaries than those that would
have been obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third
parties for similar services.

         UCI and its subsidiaries contract with Adams and Associates for
worker's compensation, and professional liability insurance coverage, which in
turn contracts with CP&C to be the insurance carrier for the workers
compensation insurance coverage of UCI and its subsidiaries. Aggregate premiums
paid during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 in connection with such
policies were approximately $155,000. During the fiscal year ended September 30,
1996, Adams and Associates provided short-term financing to UCI for
approximately $17,000 in workers compensation audit premiums, which was paid in


full during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997. Harold H. Adams, Jr. is
the President and owner of Adams and Associates and is also a director of UCI.
Effective November 1, 1997, UCI and its subsidiaries no longer contract through
Adams and Associates for any of their insurance coverage. Management of UCI
believes that the terms of its contracts with Adams and Associates were no more
or less favorable to UCI and its subsidiaries than those that would have been
obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for
similar services.

         UCI contracts with Global Consulting, Inc. for certain financial and
marketing consulting services. Russell J. Froneberger is the President and owner
of Global Consulting, Inc. and is also a director of UCI whose term expires at
the forthcoming Annual Meeting. Mr. Froneberger is not standing for reelection
as a director at the Annual Meeting. Fees paid during the fiscal year ended
September 30, 1997 in connection with these services were approximately $96,000.
The terms of the contracts with Global Consulting, Inc. are believed to be no
more or less favorable to UCI than those that would have been obtainable through
arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar services.


                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


         We have made forward-looking statements in this document that are
subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements
include the information concerning possible or assumed future results of
operations of the combined company set forth under "Risk Factors" and "The
Acquisition - Description of the Acquisition - Reasons for the Acquisition" and
"- Fairness Opinion" and those preceded by, followed by or that include the
words "believes," "expects," "anticipates" or similar expressions. Such
statements reflect the current views of UCI and/or MHC with respect to future
events. For those statements as they relate to UCI only, we claim the protection
of the safe harbor for forward- looking statements contained in the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, to the extent provided by applicable
law. This safe harbor does not apply to forward-looking statements of MHC
because MHC has never registered its securities with the SEC. You should
understand that the important factors set forth below, in addition to those
discussed elsewhere in this document and in the documents which we incorporate
by reference, could affect the future results of the Company and could cause
those results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in our
forward-looking statements. Although UCI's management believes that their
expectations of future performance are based on reasonable assumptions within
the bounds of their knowledge of their business and operations, there can be no
assurance that actual results will not differ materially from their
expectations. Factors which could cause actual results to differ from
expectations include, among other things, the difficulty in controlling the
Company's costs of providing healthcare and administering its network of medical
centers; the possible negative effects from changes in reimbursement and
capitation payment levels and payment practices by insurance companies,
healthcare plans, government payors and other payment sources; the difficulty of
attracting primary care physicians; the increasing competition for patients
among healthcare providers; possible government regulations in multiple
jurisdictions negatively impacting the existing organizational structure of the
Company; the possible negative effects of prospective healthcare reform; the
challenges and uncertainties in the implementation of the Company's expansion
and development strategy; the dependence on key personnel, a significant delay
in the expected date of the closing of the Acquisition; the ability to
successfully integrate the management structures of MHC and consolidate the
operations of MHC with those of the Company; and other factors described in this
document and in other document filed by UCI with the SEC.


         Proposals of stockholders of UCI which are intended to be presented by
such stockholders at the next Annual Meeting of UCI stockholders must be
received by UCI no later than November 6, 1998 in order to be considered for
inclusion in the proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting.


         The UCI Board knows of no other matters which are likely to be brought
before the Annual Meeting. If any matters are brought before the Annual Meeting,
the proxy agents named in the enclosed proxy will vote on such matters in
accordance with their best judgment.


         A copy of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB/A for the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1997, which has been filed with the SEC, is included in
the Company's 1997 Annual Report to Stockholders which accompanies this Proxy



         UCI files annual, quarterly and special reports, proxy statements and
other information with the SEC. You may read and copy any reports, statements or
other information that we file at the SEC's public reference rooms in
Washington, D.C., New York, New York and Chicago, Illinois. Please call the SEC
at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference rooms. Our SEC
filings are also available to the public from commercial document retrieval
services and at the Internet web site maintained by the SEC at
"" Reports, proxy statements and other information should
also be available for inspection at the offices of the NASD.

         The SEC allows us to "incorporate by reference" information into this
Proxy Statement, which means that we can disclose important information to you
by referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC. The
information incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this Proxy
Statement, except for any information superseded by information contained
directly in this Proxy Statement. This Proxy Statement incorporates by reference
the documents set forth below that we have previously filed with the SEC. These
documents contain important information about UCI and its finances.

     UCI SEC Filings (File No. 0-13265)                                                     Period
     ----------------------------------                                                     ------
     Annual Report on Form 10-KSB/A.............................................Fiscal year ended September 30, 1997
     Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB............................................Quarter ended December 31, 1997
     Current Report on Form 8-K.................................................Filed February 17, 1998
     A description of Common Stock
     contained in UCI's Registration
     Statement on Form 8-A......................................................Dated March 6, 1985

         We are also incorporating by reference additional documents we file
with the SEC from the date of this Proxy Statement to the date of the Annual
Meeting. Any statement in this document or in a document incorporated or deemed
to be incorporated by reference in this document shall be deemed to be modified
or superseded for purposes of this document to the extent that a statement
contained in this document or in any other subsequently filed document which
also is or is deemed to be incorporated by reference in this document modifies
or supersedes such statement. Any such statement so modified or superseded shall
not be deemed to constitute a part of this document, except as so modified or

         UCI has supplied all information contained or incorporated by reference
in this Proxy Statement relating to UCI. MHC has supplied all such information
relating to its operations. UCI does not take any responsibility for the
accuracy of the information provided by MHC.

         A copy of the UCI Form 10-KSB/A for the fiscal year ended September 30,
1997 is included in the UCI Annual Report to Stockholders which accompanies this
Proxy Statement. If you are a stockholder, we may have already sent you some of
the other documents incorporated by reference, but you can obtain any document
incorporated by reference through us, the SEC, or the SEC's Internet web site as
described above. Documents incorporated by reference are available from us
without charge, excluding all exhibits unless we have specifically incorporated
by reference an exhibit in this Proxy Statement. Stockholders may obtain
documents incorporated by reference in this Proxy Statement by requesting them
in writing or by telephone to us at the following address:

                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                          Investor Relations Department
                          1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
                         Columbia, South Carolina 29201
                                 (803) 252-3661


         If you would like to request documents from us, please do so by March
20, 1998 to receive them before the Annual Meeting.



                                                                      APPENDIX A

                                                         February 9, 1998

The Board of Directors
UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
Columbia, SC 29201

Members of the Board of Directors:

         You have requested my opinion, as of this date, as to the fairness,
from a financial point of view, to UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("UCI"), and its stockholders of the terms of the proposed
transactions referred to below.

         Pursuant to the proposed Acquisition Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization (the "Acquisition Agreement") dated as of the date hereof, to be
entered among UCI, UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc. ("UCI-GA"),
MainStreet Healthcare Corporation ("MainStreet") and certain of its affiliated
entities, the parties thereto are to effect a business combination transaction
pursuant to which, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the
Acquisition Agreement (the "Proposed Transactions"): (i) UCI-GA and certain of
its affiliates will acquire from MainStreet and its affiliates certain assets
and liabilities for a purchase price of $8,870,000 consisting of a combination
of cash, common stock of UCI and assumption of certain liabilities. I understand
that all approvals required for the consummation of the Proposed Transactions
have been or, prior to consummation of the Proposed Transactions will be,

         In arriving at my opinion, I have among other things:

                  (i)     reviewed the terms and conditions of the Proposed
                          Transactions, including the draft Acquisition
                          Agreement and the draft agreements ancillary thereto;

                  (ii)    analyzed certain financial aspects of the Proposed
                          Transactions and consideration to be paid by UCI and
                          UCI-GA in connection with the Proposed Transactions;

                  (iii)   reviewed and analyzed publicly available historical
                          business and financial information relating to UCI and
                          its affiliated entities, as presented in documents
                          filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and
                          otherwise provided to me by UCI, as well as historical
                          financial information relating to MainStreet and its
                          affiliated entities as provided to me by UCI and

                  (iv)    analyzed selected summary non-public financial and
                          operating results of operations of UCI (consolidated)
                          and MainStreet;

                  (v)     analyzed the financial conditions and prospects of UCI
                          and MainStreet;

                  (vi)    reviewed and analyzed public information, including
                          certain stock market data and financial information
                          relating to selected companies with operating
                          statistics and dynamics similar to those of UCI and


The Board of Directors
UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
February 9, 1998
Page 2

                  (vii)   reviewed the trading history of UCI's common stock,
                          including such stock's performance in comparison to
                          market indices and to selected companies with
                          operating statistics and dynamics similar to those of

                  (viii)  conferred with the management teams of each of UCI and

                  (ix)    reviewed public financial and transaction information
                          relating to premiums and multiples paid in certain
                          merger and acquisition transactions similar to the
                          Proposed Transactions or relevant portions thereof;

                  (x)     conducted such other financial analyses and
                          investigations as I deemed necessary or appropriate
                          for the purposes of the opinion expressed herein.

         In rendering my opinion, I have assumed and relied upon the accuracy
and completeness of the financial and other information respecting UCI and
MainStreet and any other information provided to me by the parties, and we have
not assumed any responsibility for any independent verification of such
information or any independent valuation or appraisal of any of the assets or
liabilities of UCI and MainStreet. With respect to selected summary financial
and operating results referred to above, I have assumed they were reasonably
prepared on a basis reflecting the best currently available information and the
good faith estimates and judgements of the management of UCI as to the future
financial performance of UCI and the management of MainStreet as to the future
financial performance of MainStreet.

         In addition to my review and analysis of the specific information set
forth above, my opinion herein reflects and gives effect to my assessment of
general economic, monetary and market conditions existing as of the date of this
letter as they may affect the business and prospects of UCI and MainStreet.

         My engagement and the opinion expressed herein are for the benefit of
the Board of Directors of UCI in its evaluation of the Proposed Transactions and
may not be used for any other purpose without my prior written consent, except
that this opinion may be included in its entirety and referred to in any filing
made by UCI with the Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to the
Proposed Transactions. Furthermore, the opinion rendered herein does not
constitute a recommendation that UCI pursue the Proposed Transactions over any
other alternative transactions which may be available to UCI or that any
stockholder of UCI vote to approve the Proposed Transactions.

         Based on and subject to the foregoing, I am of the opinion that, as of
the date of this letter, the terms of the Proposed Transactions are fair, from a
financial point of view, to UCI and its stockholders.

                                           Very truly yours,

                                           /s/ Oliver G. Wood, Jr.

                                           Oliver G. Wood, Jr.


                                                                      APPENDIX B



                  The Authorized Stock Proposal provides that the UCI
Certificate will be amended by restating the first paragraph of Article Fourth
to read in its entirety as follows:

                  "FOURTH: The total number of shares of stock which the
corporation shall have authority to issue is as follows: Thirty Million
(30,000,000) shares of Common Stock, having a par value of five cents ($.05) per
share, amounting in the aggregate to One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,500,000) and Ten Million (10,000,000) shares of Preferred Stock having a par
value of one cent ($.01) per share, amounting in the aggregate to One Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($100,000)."


                                                                      APPENDIX C

                        INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF

Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements, for the three months and nine
     months ended December 31, 1997 and 1996:

          Consolidated Balance Sheets ..........................................................................C-2
          Consolidated Statements of Operations.................................................................C-3
          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.................................................................C-4
          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements............................................................C-5

Consolidated Financial Statements as of March 31, 1997 and for the period from
     February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997:
          Independent Auditors' Report .........................................................................C-6
          Consolidated Balance Sheet ...........................................................................C-7
          Consolidated Statement of Operations..................................................................C-8
          Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Deficit ......................................................C-9
          Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.................................................................C-10
          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements...........................................................C-11

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
     Results of Operations.....................................................................................C-20


                       MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
                          Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                             December 31, 1997       March 31, 1997
                                                             -----------------       --------------
                                                                (unaudited)            (audited)
Current Assets:                                                 $    84,340          $     1,950
Accounts receivable, less allowances for contractural
     adjustments and uncollectible accounts of $1,788,679 and
     $1,258,571, respectively                                     1,486,930            1,110,019
Accounts receivable, stockholders                                    75,576
Redeemable preferred stock subscriptions receivable                    --                750,000
Other receivables                                                    17,995              110,658
Prepaid and other                                                   101,686               44,010
                                                             -----------------       --------------
     Total current assets                                         1,766,527            2,016,637
Property and equipment, net                                       1,562,140            1,422,594
Intangible assets, net                                            1,708,799            1,968,252
Other assets                                                        617,776              388,393
                                                             -----------------       --------------
     Total assets                                               $ 5,655,242          $ 5,795,876
                                                             =================       ==============

Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficit
Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable                                           $ 1,089,166          $   695,411
     Other accrued expenses and liabilities                       1,339,398              615,237
     Current portion of notes payable                               372,052              357,053
     Current portion of capital lease obligations                    69,152                3,401
     Stockholder loan                                                19,476               18,252
                                                             -----------------       --------------
          Total current liabilities                               2,889,244            1,689,354
Notes payable, less current portion                                 589,777              751,261
Capital lease obligations, less current portion                      91,075               14,183
                                                             -----------------       --------------
     Total liabilities                                            3,570,096            2,454,798

Redeemable preferred stock, $.01 par value; 412 shares
     authorized, no shares issued and outstanding                   412,000                 --
5% cumulative redeemable preferred stock, $1,000
     redemption value; 6,000 authorized, 4,367 and 4,117
     shares issued and outstanding                                4,367,000            4,117,000
Class A nonvoting convertible common stock, $.01 par value;
     5,000,000 shares authorized, 276,000 and 268,000 shares
     issued and outstanding, respectively                           696,015              696,015
Stockholder's Deficit
Class B common stock, $.01 par value; 20,000,000 shares
     authorized, 6,460,452 and 5,875,000 shares issued and
     outstanding, respectively                                       64,605               58,750
Additional paid-in capital                                           84,478               81,550
Accumulated deficit                                              (3,538,952)          (1,612,237)
                                                             -----------------       --------------
     Total stockholder's deficit                                 (3,389,869)          (1,471,937)
                                                             -----------------       --------------
     Total liabilities and stockholders' deficit                $ 5,655,242          $ 5,795,876
                                                             =================       ==============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                       MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
                     Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                               Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                                  December 31,                  December 31,
                                           --------------------------    --------------------------
                                               1997           1996           1997           1996
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Net patient service revenue                $ 1,641,319    $ 1,039,691    $ 5,078,264    $ 2,107,199
Operating expenses:
     Cost of affiliated physician
          services                             673,764        410,487      2,410,887        777,738
     Clinic salaries, wages and benefits       541,798        309,222      1,789,758        604,091
     Clinic rent and lease expense             140,030         48,763        426,453        120,820
     Clinic supplies                           160,243        136,262        515,767        270,277
     Other clinic costs                        197,259        106,818        671,126        197,666
     General corporate expenses                256,828        127,365        724,258        201,485
     Depreciation and amortization              28,051         29,610        252,462        100,867
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
          Total expenses                     1,997,973      1,168,527      6,790,711      2,272,944
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Operating loss                                (356,654)      (128,836)    (1,712,447)      (165,745)
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Other income (expense):
    Interest expense, net                     (102,320)       (37,148)      (214,268)       (37,148)
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
          Loss before income taxes            (458,974)      (165,984)    (1,926,715)      (202,893)
Income taxes                                      --             --             --             --
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
               Net loss                    $  (458,974)   $  (165,984)   $(1,926,715)   $  (202,893)
                                           ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                       MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
           For the nine month period ended December 31, 1997 and the
       period from February 6, 1996 (incorporation) to December 31, 1996

                                                           1997                  1996
                                                          ________              _______
Net income                                               $(1,926,715)          $(202,893)
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided
  by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                            252,462             100,867
    Intangible assets and organizational costs              (108,001)                --
    (Increase) decrease in assets:
       Accounts receivable, net                             (376,911)           (307,187)
       Other receivables                                      92,663              (9,898)
       Prepaid expenses and other assets                     (57,676)            (73,009)
    Increase (decrease) in liabilities:
       Accounts payable                                      393,755             455,631 
       Other accrued expenses and liabilities                764,161             161,276
                                                            _________           _________
         Net cash provided (used) by operating activities   (966,262)            124,787
                                                            _________           _________
Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash acquired             (80,000)          (1,226,480)
Purchases of property and equipment                         (173,937)            (306,826)
                                                            __________          __________
        Net cash used by investing activities               (253,937)          (1,533,306)
                                                            __________          __________
Net proceeds from issuance of perferred stock                550,972            2,071,607
Proceeds from shareholder loans                                1,224            1,370,300
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                         4,235               65,810
Net borrowings under capital lease obligations               222,643                   --
Receipt of preferred stock subscriptions                     750,000                   --
Repayments of notes payable                                 (226,485)            (317,523)
Repayments of shareholder loans                                   --             (295,141)
                                                           __________           __________
     Net cash provided by financing activities             1,302,589            2,895,053
                                                           ___________          __________
     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                82,390            1,486,534
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                 1,950                   --
                                                           ___________          ___________
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                  $   84,340          $ 1,486,534
                                                           ===========          ===========
Cash paid during the year:
  Interest                                                $   90,757          $    17,947
                                                           ===========          ===========
  Income taxes                                            $       --          $        --
                                                           ===========          ===========

 The Accompanying Notes Are An Integral Part Of These Financial Statements.


                       MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with the requirements for interim financial statements and,
accordingly, they are condensed and omit disclosures which would substantially
duplicate those contained in the most recent audited financial statements. The
financial statements as of December 31, 1997 and for the interim periods ended
December 31, 1997 and 1996 are unaudited and, in the opinion of management,
include all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered
necessary for a fair presentation. Year to date operating results for 1996 are
measured from the date of incorporation, February 6, 1996. Operating results
for the nine month or the three month periods ended December 31, 1997 are not
necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the fiscal year
ended March 31, 1998. The financial information as of March 31, 1997 has been
derived from the audited financial statements as of that date. For further
information, refer to the financial statements and the notes included in the
financial report of MainStreet Healthcare Corporation ("MHC").


On February 9, 1998, management of MHC signed a definitive Acquisition Agreement
whereby UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. agreed to purchase substantially all of the
assets of MHC for $8,050,000, plus the assumption of certain capital lease
obligations and the assumption of MHC's debt under its existing line of credit
agreement with a financial institution. The acquisition of MHC by UCI Medical
Affiliates, Inc is conditioned upon a successful private placement of UCI
Medical Affiliates, Inc common stock with parties unrelated to the Acquisition
Agreement. The transaction is subject to approval by the stockholders of UCI
Medical Affiliates, Inc.


KPMG Peat Marwick LLP 
303 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Suite 2000
Atlanta, GA 30308

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors
MainStreet Healthcare Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation as of March 31, 1997, and the related consolidated
statements of operations, stockholders' deficit, and cash flows for the period
February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997. These consolidated
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial
statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation at March 31, 1997, and the results of its operations and
its cash flows for the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March
31, 1997 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming
that MainStreet Healthcare Corporation will continue as a going concern. As
discussed in note 1(b) to the consolidated financial statements, MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation has suffered recurring losses and has a working capital
deficiency that raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a
going concern. Management's plans in regard to these matters are also described
in note 1(b). The accompanying consolidated financial statements do not include
any adjustment that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

November 14, 1997, except
    as to note 12(b), which is
    as of February 3, 1998                        /s/ KPMG Peat Marwick LLP



                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                 March 31, 1997


Current assets:
    Cash                                                                       $     1,950
    Accounts receivable, less allowances for contractual adjustments
      and uncollectible accounts of $1,258,571                                   1,110,019
    Redeemable preferred stock subscriptions receivable (notes 4 and 11)           750,000
    Other receivables                                                              110,658
    Prepaid and other                                                               44,010
           Total current assets                                                  2,016,637

Property and equipment, net (notes 3 and 6)                                      1,422,594
Intangible assets, net (notes 3 and 5)                                           1,968,252
Other assets                                                                       388,393
           Total assets                                                        $ 5,795,876

                      Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficit

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                                           $   695,411
    Other accrued expenses and liabilities                                         615,237
    Current portion of notes payable (notes 3 and 7)                               357,053
    Current portion of capital lease obligation (note 7)                             3,401
    Shareholder loan (note 8)                                                       18,252
           Total current liabilities                                             1,689,354

Long-term liabilities:
    Notes payable, less current portion (notes 3 and 7)                            751,261
    Capital lease obligation, less current portion (note 7)                         14,183
           Total long-term liabilities                                             765,444

           Total liabilities                                                     2,454,798

Redeemable preferred stock, $.01 par value; 13,250 shares authorized,
    no shares issued and outstanding                                                  --
5% cumulative redeemable preferred stock, $1,000 redemption value;
    6,000 shares authorized, 3,367 shares issued and outstanding, 750
    shares subscribed (notes 4, 11, and 12)                                      4,117,000
Class A nonvoting convertible common stock, $.01 par value;
    5,000,000 shares authorized, 268,000 shares issued and outstanding             696,015

Stockholders' deficit (note 4):
    Class B common stock, $.01 par value; 20,000,000 shares authorized,
      5,875,000 shares issued and outstanding                                       58,750
    Additional paid-in capital                                                      81,550
    Accumulated deficit                                                         (1,612,237)
           Total stockholders' deficit                                          (1,471,937)

           Total liabilities and stockholders' deficit                         $ 5,795,876

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                      Consolidated Statement of Operations

    For the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997

Net patient service revenue                         $ 3,665,982

Operating expenses:
    Cost of affiliated physician services             1,733,826
    Clinic salaries, wages, and benefits              1,131,729
    Clinic rent and lease expense (notes 7 and 8)       306,571
    Clinic supplies                                     287,431
    Other clinic costs                                  428,987
    General corporate expenses (note 8)                 571,499
    Depreciation and amortization (notes 5 and 6)       217,029
    Clinic start-up expenses                            307,419
           Total expenses                             4,984,491

           Operating loss                            (1,318,509)

Interest expense, net (note 7)                          161,774
Loss on clinic disposals (note 12(a))                    88,990
           Loss before income taxes                  (1,569,273)

Income taxes (note 9)                                      --
           Net loss                                 $(1,569,273)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                 Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Deficit

    For the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997

                                        Class B   
                                     Common Stock         Additional                   Total
                                ----------------------      Paid-in   Accumulated    Stockholder's
                                  Shares       Amount       Capital     Deficit        Deficit
                                  ------       ------       -------     -------        -------
Balance at February 6, 1996          --     $     --           --           --            --
Issuance of common stock        5,875,000       58,750       38,586                     97,336
Accretion of difference
   Between fair value and
   guaranteed value of stock
   issued in connection with
   acquisition (note 3)              --           --         42,964      (42,964)         --
Net loss                             --           --           --     (1,569,273)   (1,569,273)
                               ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------
Balance at March 31, 1997       5,875,000   $   58,750       81,550   (1,612,237)   (1,471,937)
                               ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========    ==========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

    For the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997

Operating activities:
    Net loss                                                             $(1,569,273)
    Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided
      (used) by operating activities:
        Depreciation and amortization                                        217,029
        Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of effects of
             Accounts receivable, net                                       (517,720)
             Other receivables                                              (110,658)
             Prepaid expenses and other assets                               (64,010)
             Accounts payable                                                580,688
             Other accrued expenses and liabilities                          615,237
                Net cash used by operating activities                       (848,707)

Investing activities:
    Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash acquired (note 3)             (1,226,480)
    Purchases of property and equipment                                     (631,279)
                Net cash used by investment activities                    (1,857,759)

Financing activities:
    Net proceeds from issuance of preferred stock                          2,071,607
    Proceeds from shareholder loans                                        1,370,300
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                    65,810
    Net borrowings under capital lease obligations                            17,584
    Repayment of notes payable                                              (423,363)
    Repayment of shareholder loans                                          (393,522)
                Net cash provided by financing activities                  2,708,416

                Net increase in cash                                           1,950

Cash at beginning of period                                                     --

Cash at end of period                                                    $     1,950

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information-
    cash paid during the period for:
      Interest                                                           $    55,476
      Income taxes                                                              --

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                                 March 31, 1997

(1) Organization and Basis of Presentation

        (a) Description of Business

            MainStreet Healthcare Corporation ("the Company") was incorporated
            on February 6, 1996. The Company was organized to purchase general
            practitioner outpatient clinics in Georgia and Tennessee. After
            purchasing a clinic, the Company focuses on centralizing fixed costs
            and reducing the overall overhead of each outpatient clinic in order
            to maximize income and cash flow. During the period from February 6,
            1996 to March 31, 1997, MainStreet acquired 12 primary care clinics.

        (b) Basis of Presentation

            The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the
            accrual basis of accounting and include the accounts of the Company
            and the affiliated professional corporations ("Professional
            Corporations"). Through the clinic services agreements between the
            Company and the Professional Corporations, the Company has assumed
            full responsibility for the operating expenses in return for the
            assignment of the revenue of the professional corporations.

            The Company has perpetual, unilateral control over the assets and
            operations of the Professional Corporations, and notwithstanding the
            lack of technical majority ownership of the stock of such entities,
            consolidation of the various professional corporations is necessary
            to present fairly the financial position and results of operations
            of the Company because of control by means other than ownership of
            stock. Control by the Company is perpetual rather than temporary
            because of (i) the length of the original terms of the agreements,
            (ii) the successive extension periods provided by the agreements,
            (iii) the continuing investment of capital by the Company, (iv) the
            employment of the nonphysician personnel, and (v) the nature of the
            services provided to the Professional Corporations by the Company.
            All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in
            the consolidation.

            The Company has experienced recurring losses since its inception,
            including approximately $1,900,000 (unaudited) from April 1, 1997
            through December 31, 1997, and has a net working capital deficiency
            of approximately $1,200,000 (unaudited) as of December 31, 1997.
            Management has entered into a letter of intent to sell its operating
            clinics at an amount that in its opinion would generate sufficient
            value to satisfy all its outstanding debt obligations in either cash
            or stock (see note 12(b)). The financial statements do not include
            any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this

(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

        (a) Property and Equipment

            Property and equipment are recorded at cost, less accumulated
            depreciation and amortization. Depreciation of property and
            equipment is calculated using the straight-line method over the
            estimated useful lives of the assets.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

            Equipment held under capital leases and leasehold improvements are
            amortized on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease
            term or estimated useful life of the assets.

        (b) Intangible Assets

            (1) Noncompete Agreements

                In connection with certain clinic acquisitions, the Company
                entered into noncompete agreements with physicians. Such
                agreements are being amortized using the straight-line method
                over the terms of the agreements, generally three to five years.

            (2) Excess of Cost

                Goodwill, which represents the excess of purchase price over
                fair value of net assets acquired, is amortized on a
                straight-line method over the expected periods to be benefited,
                generally fifteen years. The Company assesses the recoverability
                of this intangible asset by determining whether the amortization
                of the goodwill balance over its remaining life can be recovered
                through undiscounted future operating cash flows of the acquired
                operation. The amount of goodwill impairment, if any, is
                measured based on projected discounted future operating cash
                flows using a discount rate reflecting the Company's average
                cost of funds. The assessment of recoverability of goodwill will
                be impacted if estimated future operating cash flows are not
                achieved. In management's estimation, the remaining amount of
                goodwill has continuing value.

        (c) Net Revenue

            Patient revenue is recorded at established rates reduced by
            allowances for doubtful accounts and contractual adjustments.
            Contractual adjustments arise due to the terms of certain
            reimbursement and managed care contracts. Such adjustments represent
            the difference between charges at established rates and estimated
            recoverable amounts and are recognized in the period the services
            are rendered. Any differences between estimated contractual
            adjustments and actual final settlements under reimbursement
            contracts are reported as contractual adjustments in the year final
            settlements are made.

        (d) Income Taxes

            The Company accounts for income taxes using the asset and liability
            method of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109,
            ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES ("SFAS No. 109"). Under SFAS No. 109,
            deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future
            tax consequences attributable to differences between financial
            statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and
            their respective tax bases. Deferred income tax assets and
            liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply
            to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences
            are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred
            income tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is
            recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

            Prior to the merger of MainStreet Georgia with and into MainStreet
            Delaware, as discussed in note 4, the Company was taxed as an S
            Corporation under the Internal Revenue Code. As a result, the
            Company has been taxed in a manner similar to a partnership for the
            period prior to December 9, 1997, and has not provided any federal
            or state income taxes as the results of operations were passed
            through to, and the related income taxes became the individual
            responsibility of the Company's shareholders.

        (e) Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

            Financial Accounting Standards No. 121 ("SFAS No. 121"), ACCOUNTING
            BE DISPOSED OF, requires the Company to review for the impairment of
            long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles to be held
            and used by the Company whenever events or changes in circumstances
            indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be

            The statement also addresses the accounting for long-lived assets
            that are expected to be disposed. SFAS No. 121 is applicable for
            most long-lived assets, identifiable intangibles, and goodwill
            related to those assets. Management has determined that long-lived
            assets are fairly stated in the accompanying consolidated balance
            sheet and that no indicators of impairment are present.

        (f) Redeemable Preferred Stock Offering Costs

            Costs associated with the issuance of mandatory redeemable preferred
            stock have been capitalized and are being amortized using a
            straight-line method over five years and are included in other
            assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet (see note 5).

        (g) Use of Estimates

            Management of the Company has made certain estimates and assumptions
            relating to the reporting of assets and liabilities and the
            disclosure of contingent liabilities to prepare these financial
            statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting
            principles. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

(3) Acquisitions

    The Company acquired, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, certain
    operating assets of 12 primary care physician clinics.

    Simultaneous with each acquisition, the Company enters into long-term clinic
    services agreements. Under these agreements, the Company manages all aspects
    of the affiliated practice other than the provision of medical services,
    which is controlled by the physician groups. For providing services under
    the clinic services agreements, the physicians receive compensation based on
    individually negotiated contracts. Generally, the clinic service agreements
    cannot be terminated by the physician group or the Company without cause,
    which includes material default or bankruptcy of either party.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

    The acquisitions have been accounted for by the purchase method of
    accounting and, accordingly, the purchase price has been allocated to the
    net assets acquired and the liabilities assumed based upon the fair values
    at the dates of acquisition. In connection with the acquisitions, the
    Company issued 268,000 shares of common stock in MainStreet Healthcare
    Corporation. The Company guaranteed the fair market value of the stock to be
    $5 per share at various dates in the future and recorded the stock by
    discounting the guarantee price using a risk- based interest rate of 15%.
    The difference between the fair value and guaranteed value of stock issued
    in connection with the issuance of stock of $643,395 is being accreted over
    the period from the date of issuance to the various settlement dates through
    periodic charges to accumulated deficit. The Company also issued $1,531,677
    in notes payable. The excess of the purchase price over the fair values of
    the net assets acquired was $1,813,179 and has been recorded as goodwill and
    is being amortized using a straight-line method over 15 years. The
    composition of acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired, is set forth

    Working capital, other than cash                     $   477,577 
    Property and equipment                                   862,916 
    Noncompete agreements                                    300,500 
    Excess of costs over fair value of assets acquired     1,813,179 
       Value of stock issued                                (696,015)
       Value of notes payable issued                      (1,531,677)
              Cash purchase price, net of cash acquired  $ 1,226,480 

    The operating results of the acquired clinics have been included in the
    consolidated statement of operations from the respective dates of

(4) Reorganization

    MainStreet Healthcare Corporation (MainStreet Georgia) was organized on
    February 6, 1996 as a Georgia Corporation and was authorized 10,000,000
    shares of no par common stock of which 5,375,000 shares were issued.

    On December 4, 1996, MainStreet Healthcare Corporation (MainStreet Delaware)
    was incorporated and was authorized 10,000,000 shares of no par common
    stock. Effective December 9, 1996, the shareholders of MainStreet Georgia
    exchanged their shares for equal shares in MainStreet Delaware pursuant to a
    merger of MainStreet Georgia with and into MainStreet Delaware.

    On December 11, 1996, MainStreet Delaware amended and restated the
    Certificate of Incorporation in order to give MainStreet Delaware the
    authority to issue preferred stock and common stock as follows:

         (a) 20,000 shares of Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share.
             MainStreet Delaware's Board of Directors has the authority to fix
             the terms of the Preferred Stock.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

         (b) 5,000,000 shares of Class A Non-Voting Convertible Common Stock,
             par value $.01 per share. One share of Class A Non-Voting is
             convertible upon: (i) a Qualified Public Offering; (ii) a sale of
             MainStreet Delaware; or (iii) a sale of a majority of the Class B
             Common Stock, into one fully paid and non-assessable share of Class
             B Common Stock.

         (c) 20,000,000 shares of Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 per
             share. The Class A and Class B common stocks are identical, except
             with respect to voting rights, where the Class A shares have no
             voting rights. The Class A shares are nonvoting convertible into
             one share of Series B stock upon: (i) a Qualified Public Offering;
             (ii) a sale of the Company; or (iii) a sale of a majority of the
             shares of Class B stock.

    Effective December 12, 1996, MainStreet Delaware entered into a
    recapitalization agreement. The shareholders of MainStreet Georgia exchanged
    a total of 5,375,000 shares of no par common stock in MainStreet Georgia and
    $948,026 of debt owed by MainStreet Georgia to the shareholders for
    2,350,000 shares of no par common stock and 927 shares of five percent
    cumulative mandatory redeemable preferred stock in MainStreet Delaware. In
    addition, Penman Private Equity and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., (Penman) purchased
    3,525,000 shares of Class B Common Stock for $60,000 and 2,440 shares of
    five percent mandatory redeemable preferred stock in MainStreet Delaware for
    $2,071,607, net of offering expenses of $368,393. The preferred stock is
    mandatory redeemable on December 12, 2001.

    On March 21, 1997, Penman subscribed to 750 shares of the five percent
    mandatory redeemable preferred stock for $750,000. On April 8, 1997, the
    Company received $750,000 for the subscribed preferred stock.

(5) Intangible Assets

    Intangible assets consists of:

    Excess of cost over fair value of assets acquired   $ 1,813,179
    Noncompete agreements                                   300,500
    Less accumulated amortization                          (145,427)
                                                        $ 1,968,252

(6) Property and Equipment

    Property and equipment consists of:

    Land                                                $ 104,600 
    Buildings and improvements                            406,635 
    Furniture and fixtures                                181,621 
    Clinic equipment                                      559,451 
    Office equipment                                      193,843 
    Leasehold improvements                                 48,046 
    Accumulated depreciation and amortization             (71,602)



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(7) Long-Term Debt and Leases

    Long-term debt and capital leases consists of:

    Notes payable to physician groups with interest
        rates ranging from 7% to 10.5%, with payments
        due at varying intervals through March 1, 2006   $1,108,314
    Capital leases                                           17,584
    Less amounts due within one year                        360,454
                                                         $  765,444

    The following is a schedule of principal maturities of long-term debt,
    including capital leases, as of March 31, 1997.

    1998                                                    $  360,454 
    1999                                                       360,717 
    2000                                                       161,691 
    2001                                                        37,929 
    2002                                                        34,814 
    Thereafter                                                 170,293 
          Total                                             $1,125,898 
    CAPITAL LEASES: The Company is the lessee of equipment under a capital lease
    which expires during the next ten years. The related equipment is being
    amortized over ten years and the related amortization expense is included
    with depreciation expense in the consolidated statement of operations.

    The following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments under the
    capital leases together with the present value of the net minimum lease
    payments as of March 31, 1997.

    1998                                                $  6,045
    1999                                                   6,045
    2000                                                   6,045
    2001                                                   5,892
           Total minimum lease payments

    Less amounts representing interest                    (6,443)
    Obligation under capital leases                       17,584
    Less current portion of capital lease obligations     (3,401)
           Long-term obligations under capital leases   $ 14,183

    Capitalized equipment leases included in equipment was $18,600 at March 31,
    1997. The imputed interest rate was 16.45% at March 31, 1997.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

    OPERATING LEASES: Operating leases generally consist of short-term lease
    agreements for professional office space where the medical practices are
    located. These leases generally have five-year terms with renewal options.
    Lease expense of $250,000 for 1997 consists of corporate office space,
    corporate equipment and medical office space, and equipment for the
    operating practices.

    The following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments under
    noncancelable operating leases as of March 31, 1997.

                  1998                                    $ 512,353
                  1999                                      453,355
                  2000                                      426,199
                  2001                                      411,586
                  2002                                      258,130
                  Thereafter                                 76,757

(8) Related Party Transactions

    The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of the Company made
    loans to finance the Company's operations in the amounts of $1,345,000 and
    $25,300, respectively, of which $20,000 and $500, respectively, of
    contributed capital was converted to debt under the Reorganization discussed
    in note 4. Of the $1,345,000, $927,000 was converted into preferred stock;
    $21,026 was converted into Class B common stock; $378,722 was repaid during
    the year; and the remainder of $18,252 is outstanding at March 31, 1997. Of
    the $25,300, $10,500 was converted into Class B common stock, and $14,800
    was repaid during the year.

    During the period ended March 31, 1997, the Company made payments of
    $116,260 to related parties for rent expense in connection with the clinic
    facilities. Also, the Company made principal and interest payments of
    $14,220 on behalf of the Chief Executive and Operations Officers of the
    Company for the corporate office location.

    In the process of acquiring the physician clinic groups, the Company paid
    $47,650 to a consultant who became an officer of the Company.

(9) Income Taxes

    Because of operating losses, the Company has not provided any income tax
    expense for the year ended March 31, 1997. The Company has operating loss
    carryforwards, which may be used to reduce future taxable income, of
    approximately $280,014 at March 31, 1997 which expire beginning in 2010.

    The income tax recognition of temporary differences originating before the
    Company became a C Corporation will reverse. Accordingly, an income tax
    liability of $101,500 was recorded as of the date the Company became a C



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

    Deferred income taxes determined in accordance with Statement 109 reflect
    the net tax effects of (a) temporary differences between carrying amounts of
    assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used
    for income tax purposes and (b) operating loss and tax credit carryforwards.
    In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management considers
    whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred
    tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax
    assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the
    periods in which those temporary differences become deductible. Management
    considers the scheduled reversal of deferred tax liabilities, projected
    future taxable income, and tax planning strategies in making this
    assessment. Due to the uncertainty of future realization, the Company's
    deferred tax assets are subject to a valuation allowance that results in the
    recognition of no deferred tax asset at March 31, 1997.

    The tax effects of significant items comprising the Company's deferred
    income taxes for March 31, 1997 are as follows:

    Deferred tax assets:
         Accrual to cash                      $ 207,000
         Net operating loss carryforwards       106,400
         Other                                   49,300
    Less valuation allowance                   (318,600)
          Net deferred tax assets                44,100

    Deferred tax liabilities - depreciation     (44,100)

          Net deferred taxes                   $     -

    The significant components of the deferred income tax expense (benefit) for
    the period ended March 31, 1997 are as follows:

    Deferred income tax benefit               $ 420,100
    Change in tax status from S Corporation
       to C Corporation                        (101,500)
    Increase in valuation allowance            (318,600)

              Deferred income tax expense     $       -

(10) Contingencies

     In addition to the general liability and malpractice insurance carried by
     the individual physicians, the Company is insured with respect to general
     liability and medical malpractice risks on a claims-made basis. To the
     extent that any claims-made coverage is not renewed or replaced with
     equivalent insurance, claims based on occurrences during the term of the
     coverage, but reported subsequently, would be uninsured. Management
     anticipates that the claims-made coverage currently in place will be
     renewed or replaced with equivalent insurance as the term of such coverage



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(11) Redeemable Preferred Stock

     Five percent preferred stock is cumulative, mandatory redeemable nonvoting
     shares issued in connection with the reorganization described in note 4.
     The five percent dividend is payable when declared by the Company. During
     1997, the Company declared a dividend of $47,046 based on the preferred
     stock issuance date of December 12, 1996. Upon sale of the Company or a
     Qualified Public Offering, the Company will redeem the preferred stock at
     the redemption price which is $1,000 per share plus the amount of accrued
     and unpaid dividends at such date. The preferred shares are mandatory
     redeemable on December 12, 2001. If the Company is unable or does not
     redeem the preferred shares, the dividend rate will increase to nine

     The Company granted options to acquire up to 146,875 shares of Class B
     common stock to officers of the Company, which are vested and are
     exercisable at $5.50 per share.

(12) Subsequent Events

     (a) Subsequent to March 31, 1997, the Company closed two physician clinics
     which were purchased during the period. The amount of the loss, including
     write-off of goodwill, accounts receivable, and property and equipment, was

     (b) The Company has signed a letter of intent dated February 3, 1998 for
     the sale of substantially all of its assets to UCI Medical Affiliates Inc.
     ("UCI"). The consideration paid by UCI to the Company for the assets, as
     defined in the letter of intent, shall be $8,050,000 plus assumption of
     debt of $685,000.




     The following discussion and analysis provides information which the
Mainstreet Healthcare Corporation ("MHC") believes is relevant to an assessment
and understanding of MHC's consolidated results of operations and financial
condition. This discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
financial statements of MHC and the notes thereto.

     The consolidated financial statements of MHC include the accounts of MHC,
MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, P.C. of Georgia and MainStreet Healthcare
Medical Group PC of Tennessee (collectively, the "MHC-PCs"). The financial
statements of the MHC-PCs are consolidated with MHC because MHC has unilateral
control over the assets and operations of the MHC-PCs and notwithstanding the
lack of technical majority ownership, consolidation of the MHC-PCs with MHC is
necessary to present fairly the financial position and results of operations of
MHC. The management agreement between MHC and the MHC-PCs conveys to MHC
perpetual, unilateral control over the assets and operations of the MHC-PCs.
Control is perpetual rather than temporary because of: (i) the length of the
term of the agreement, (ii) the continuing investment of capital by MHC, (iii)
the employment of all of the nonphysical personnel by MHC, and (iv) the nature
of the services provided to the MHC-PCs by MHC.

     Procedurally, the management agreement calls for the MHC-PCs to provide
medical services and charge a fee to the patient or to the patient's insurance
carrier or employer for such services. Physician salaries are paid out of these
revenues and all remaining revenues are passed to MHC as a management fee. MHC
provides all support personnel (nurses, technicians, receptionists), all
administrative functions (billing, collecting, vendor payment), and all
facilities, supplies and equipment. The consolidated accounts of MHC include all
revenue and all expenses including physician salaries of all three entities.

     The MHC-PCs enter into employment agreements with physicians for terms
ranging from 1-10 years. All employment agreements have clauses that allow for
early termination of the agreement if certain events occur such as the loss of a
medical license. The physicians employed by the MHC-PCs. are paid on a salary
basis. A few of the physicians have incentive compensation agreements. As of
December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, the MHC-PCs employed 16 and 20 medical
providers, respectively.


     Revenues of $1,641,319 for the quarter ending December 31, 1997 reflects an
increase of 60% from those of the quarter ending December 31, 1996. MHC
commenced its operations in March of 1996 with the acquisition of its first
medical practice and grew through a series of acquisitions through July of 1997
when a maximum of 14 clinics had been acquired. During August and September of
1997, MHC closed three unprofitable practices in South Georgia (Valdosta, Adel,
Thomaston) and continued their liquidation through fiscal year-end.

     MHC's revenues per practice per month increased from $34,656 in fiscal 1996
to $49,727 in fiscal 1997, a growth of 43%. This was due to intensive management
of the hours of operation, the addition of providers, the addition of ancillary
services such as x-ray, lab and physical therapy, and increased marketing to
insurance carriers.

     Revenues were short of goals for the quarter due in part to the increased
competition from hospitals and other providers in the metropolitan Atlanta
market. In this area, regional hospitals have acquired or opened new primary
care physician practices that compete directly with the company for


patients. In each case, the hospital owners of our competition are believed to
have significantly greater resources than the company. Management believes that
such competition will continue into the future and plans to compete on a basis
of quality service and accessibility.

     An operating loss of $356,654 was incurred during the third quarter of
fiscal 1997 as compared to an operating loss of $165,984 realized for the third
quarter of fiscal 1996. Management believes that lack of improvement in the
margin is mainly the result of increased start-up and development costs being
absorbed for the locations added since December 1996.

     Depreciation and amortization expense decreased to $28,051 in the third
quarter of fiscal 1997 down from $29,610 in the third quarter of fiscal 1996.
This decrease reflects lower depreciation expense as a result of the reduction
in the number of MHC's medical centers. Interest expense increased from $37,147
in the third quarter of fiscal 1996 to $102,320 in the third quarter of fiscal
1997, primarily as a result of the interest costs associated with the
indebtedness incurred in MHC's purchase of these centers and as a result of the
issuance of 13,250 shares of 5% cumulative redeemable preferred shares ($1,000
redemption value).


     Net revenues of $5,078,264 reflect an increase of 141% from the same period
in fiscal 1996 and is attributable to the expansion, marketing and line of
business factors discussed above.


     Cash and cash equivalents decreased by $250,110 during the nine months
ended March 31, 1997. Cash was utilized mainly for working capital needs and to
fund the expansion previously discussed.

     Accounts receivable increased 34% during the period, reflecting the
addition of medical centers and the overall growth in patient visits to existing
medical centers.

     The decrease in goodwill of $259,453 is attributable to the amortization
recorded and adjustment to the March 31, 1997 figures for the three clinics that
were closed in south Georgia during the period.

     Total liabilities increased from $2,454,798 at March 31, 1997 to $3,570,096
at December 31, 1997 primarily as a result of indebtedness incurred in capital
leases for equipment purchases and an increase in unpaid accounts payable and
accrued expenses. MHC's current liabilities exceeded it's current assets at
December 31, 1997 by $1,122,717.

     Management believes that MHC should be able to continue to operate and meet
its continuing current operating costs out of cash generated from operations.


     MHC requires capital principally to fund growth (acquire new medical
centers), for working capital needs and for the retirement of indebtedness.
MHC's capital requirements and working capital needs have been funded through a
combination of external financing (including receivable funding and proceeds
from the sale of 5% cumulative redeemable preferred stock) and credit extended
by suppliers.



     In February of 1998, MHC entered into a definitive agreement to sell
substantially all of the assets of MHC to UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. for
$8,050,000 plus the assumption of certain indebtedness and capital leases of



                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.


     The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting
of Stockholders and Proxy Statement, each dated March 5, 1998 and appoints each
of Jerry F. Wells, Jr. and Jon R. Keith as proxy and attorney-in-fact of the
undersigned, each with full power of substitution, to vote all of the shares of
common stock of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation, held or
owned by the undersigned or standing in the name of the undersigned at the 1998
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company and at any adjournments thereof,
and the undersigned hereby instructs said proxies and attorneys to vote as

1. To approve the issuance of shares of Common Stock of the Company in
   connection with the Acquisition.

   FOR [ ]                AGAINST [ ]             ABSTAIN [ ]

2. To approve the amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of
   Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of the Company's
   common stock.

   FOR [ ]               AGAINST [ ]              ABSTAIN [ ]

3. Election of Directors:           Terms Expiring in 2001

   FOR the nominee listed below             WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
                                            to vote as to the nominee
   Charles P. Cannon      [   ]             [   ]
   A. Wayne Johnson       [   ]             [   ]
   Ashby M. Jordan, M.D.  [   ]             [   ]

4. To approve the adoption of the Company's 1997 Stock Incentive Plan.

   FOR [ ]               AGAINST [ ]              ABSTAIN [ ]

5. To ratify the appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP as the firm of independent
   auditors for the Company for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998.

   FOR [ ]               AGAINST [ ]              ABSTAIN [ ]

6. In the discretion of each proxy and attorney-in-fact, upon any other business
   which may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

DATE:_____________ , 1998                    ___________________________________

                                             (Please sign exactly as shown on 
                                              the envelope addressed to you.)

NUMBER OF SHARES: _______________            ___________________________________
                                                (Signature, if held jointly)

*Note:  When shares are held by joint tenants, both should sign. When
        signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or
        corporate officer or partner, please give full title as such. If a
        corporation, please sign in corporate name by president or other
        authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by
        authorized person.


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                            1997 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN


       1.1. The purposes of the UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.1997 Stock Incentive
Plan are to (i) provide an incentive and reward to directors and employees of
the Company and any Parent or Subsidiary, and consultants and advisors to the
Company and any Parent or Subsidiary, who are and have been in a position to
contribute materially to improving the Company's profits, (ii) aid in the growth
of the Company, and (iii) encourage ownership of Shares by directors and
employees of the Company and any Parent or Subsidiary.


       2.1. For purposes of this Plan the following terms shall have the
definition which is attributed to them below, unless another definition is
clearly indicated by a particular usage and context.

              (a) "Agreement" means the written document issued by the Committee
       to a Participant whereby an Award is made to that Participant.

              (b) "Award" means the issuance pursuant to this Plan of an Option,
                  an SAR or Restricted Stock.

              (c) "Awarded Shares" means Shares subject to outstanding Awards.

              (d) "Board" means the Company's Board of Directors.

              (e) "Cause" means theft or destruction of property of the Company,
       a Parent or Subsidiary, disregard of Company rules or policies, or
       conduct evidencing willful or wanton disregard of the interest of the
       Company. Such determination shall be made by the Committee based on
       information presented by the Company and the Participant and shall be
       final and binding on all parties to the Agreement.

              (f) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

              (g) "Committee" means the Stock Incentive Plan Committee(s)
       appointed by the Board pursuant to Section 3.1. To the extent the Board
       has not established a Committee hereunder, all references herein to the
       Committee shall be deemed to be references to the Board.

              (h) "Company" means UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a corporation
       incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware, and any successor

              (i) "Consultant" means any person or entity that provides services
                  to the Company as a consultant or advisor.

              (j) "Director" means any individual appointed or elected to the

              (k) "Effective Date of Grant" means the effective date on which
                  the Committee
       makes an Award.

              (l) "Employee" means any individual who performs services as a
       common law employee for the Company, a Parent or Subsidiary, and is
       included on the regular payroll of the Company, a Parent or Subsidiary.

              (m) "Fair Market Value" means the value established by the
       Committee based upon such factors as the Committee in its sole discretion
       shall decide including, but not limited to, a valuation prepared by an
       independent third party appraiser selected or approved by the Committee.
       If at any time the Shares are traded on an established trading system, it
       means the last sale price reported on any stock exchange or over-the
       counter trading system on which Shares are trading on a specified date
       or, if not so trading, the average of the closing bid and asked prices
       for a Share on a specified date. If no sale has been made on the
       specified date, then prices on the last preceding day on which any such
       sale shall have been made shall be used in determining fair market value
       under either method prescribed in the previous sentence.

              (n) "Incentive Stock Option" means any option granted under this
       Plan which meets the requirements of Code ss.422A and any regulations or
       rulings promulgated thereunder and is designated by the Committee as an
       Incentive Stock Option.

              (o) "Nonqualified Stock Option" means any Option granted under
       this Plan which is not an Incentive Stock Option.

              (p) "Option" means the right to purchase from the Company a stated
       number of Shares at a specified price.

              (q) "Option Price" means the purchase price per Share subject to
       an Option and shall be fixed by the Committee.

              (r) "Parent" means any corporation (other than the Company) in an
       unbroken chain of corporations ending with the Company if, at the time of
       the granting of the Award, each of the corporations (other than the
       Company) owns stock possessing 50% or more of the total combined voting
       power of all classes of stock in one of the other corporations in such
       chain within the meaning of Code ss.425(e) and any regulations or rulings
       promulgated thereunder.

              (s) "Participant" means a Director, an Employee or a Consultant
       who has received  an Award under this Plan.


              (t) "Permanent and Total Disability" shall have the same meaning
       as given to that term by Code ss.22(e)(3) and any regulations or rulings
       promulgated thereunder.

              (u) "Plan" means this UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. 1997 Stock
       Incentive Plan, as evidenced herein and as amended from time to time.

              (v) "Restricted Stock" means Shares issued to the Participant
       pursuant to Section 9 hereof which are subject to the restrictions of
       this Plan and the Agreement.

              (w) "Restriction Period" means a period commencing on the
       Effective Date of Grant and ending on such date or upon the achievement
       of such performance or other criteria as the Committee shall determine.
       The Restriction Period may, in the sole discretion of the Committee, be
       structured to provide for a release of restrictions in installments.

              (x) "SAR" means stock appreciation rights issued to a Participant
       pursuant to Section 8 hereof.

              (y) "SAR Price" means the base value established by the Committee
       for an SAR on the Effective Date of Grant used in determining the amount
       of benefit, if any, paid to a Participant.

              (z) "Share" means one share of the common stock of the Company.

              (aa) "Subsidiary" means any corporation in an unbroken chain of
       corporations beginning with the Company if, at the time of the granting
       of the Award, each of the corporations (other than the last corporation)
       in the unbroken chain owns stock possessing 50% or more of the total
       combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of the other
       corporations in such chain, within the meaning of Codess.425(f) and any
       regulations or rulings promulgated thereunder.

              (bb) "1933 Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

              (cc) "1934 Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as


         3.1. This Plan shall be administered by the Board, or at the Board's
election, by an existing or newly established Committee whose members are
appointed by the Board, or by more than one such Committee if desired and deemed
necessary by the Board in order to provide separate Committee authority for the
granting of Awards to separate categories of eligible Participants. Any such
Committee shall consist of not less than two members. The Board may from time to
time remove members from or add members to the Committee. Vacancies on the
Committee, howsoever caused, shall be filled by the Board.


         3.2. The action of a majority of the Committee at which a quorum is
present, or an action approved in writing by a majority of the Committee, shall
be the valid action of the Committee.

       3.3. The Committee shall from time to time at its discretion designate
the Directors, Employees and Consultants who shall be Participants, determine
all the terms and conditions as set forth in Section 6.1 or otherwise, including
the type of Award to be made to each, the exercise period, expiration date and
other applicable time periods for each Award, the number of Shares subject to
each Award, with respect to each Option whether it is an Incentive Stock Option
or Nonqualified Stock Option and, if applicable, the Option Price or SAR Price
and the general terms of the Award.

       3.4. The interpretation and construction by the Committee of any
provisions of this Plan or of any Option granted under it and all actions of the
Committee shall be final and binding on all parties hereto. No member of the
Board or the Committee shall be liable for any action or determination made in
good faith with respect to this Plan or any Award granted under it.


         4.1. Each Participant shall be a Director, an Employee or a Consultant
of the Company, a Parent or a Subsidiary as selected by the Committee in its
sole discretion from time to time.

         4.2. A Participant may hold more than one Award, but only on the terms
and subject to the restrictions set forth in this Plan.


         5.1. The securities subject to the Awards shall be 1,500,000 Shares.
Such number shall be adjusted as appropriate in order to give effect to changes
made in the number of outstanding Shares as a result of a merger, consolidation,
recapitalization, reclassification, combination, stock dividend, stock split, or
other relevant change.

         5.2. In the event that any outstanding Award under this Plan expires or
is terminated for any reason, the Awarded Shares subject to that Award may again
be the subject of an Award under this Plan.


         6.1. Awards granted pursuant to this Plan shall be authorized by the
Committee under terms and conditions approved by the Committee and shall be
evidenced by Agreements in such form as the Committee shall from time to time
approve, which Agreements shall contain or shall be subject to the following
terms and conditions, whether or not such terms and conditions are specifically
included therein:


              (a) Number of Shares. Each Award shall state the number of Shares
       to which it pertains.

              (b) Date. Each Award shall state the Effective Date of Grant.

              (c) Price. With respect to each Award or portion thereof, which
       requires payment of an Option Price, it shall state the Option Price.
       With respect to an SAR, it shall state the SAR Price.

              (d) Method and Time of Payment. With respect to an Award, or
       portion thereof, which requires payment of an Option Price, the Option
       Price shall be payable on the exercise of the Award and shall be paid in
       (i) cash, (ii) Shares, including Shares acquired pursuant to this Plan,
       or (iii) part in cash and part in Shares. Shares transferred in payment
       of the Option Price shall be valued as of date of transfer based on their
       Fair Market Value.

              (e) Transfer of Option or Stock. No Award, Option, SAR, or
       Restricted Stock (prior to the expiration of the Restriction Period)
       shall be transferable by the Participant, except by will or the laws of
       descent and distribution upon the Participant's death and subject to any
       other limitations of this Plan. In addition to any other restriction
       hereunder or otherwise provided in the Agreement with the Participant, no
       Shares acquired pursuant to an Award of any type may be sold, transferred
       or otherwise disposed of prior to the end of the six month period which
       begins on the Effective Date of Grant of such Award.

              (f) Recapitalization. The Committee shall make appropriate
       adjustments in the number of Awarded Shares or in the Option Price or SAR
       Price in order to give effect to changes made in the number of
       outstanding Shares as a result of a merger, consolidation,
       recapitalization, reclassification, combination, stock dividend, stock
       split, or other relevant change.

              (g) Investment Purpose.

                     (i) The Company shall not be obligated to sell or issue any
              Shares pursuant to any Award unless such Shares are at that time
              effectively registered or exempt from registration under the 1933
              Act. The determination of whether a Share is exempt from
              registration shall be made by the Company's legal counsel and its
              determination shall be conclusive and binding on all parties to
              the Agreement.

                     (ii) Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary,
              each Award under this Plan shall be granted on the condition that
              the purchases of Shares thereunder shall be for investment
              purposes and not with a view for resale or distribution except
              that in the event the Shares subject to such Award are registered
              under the 1933 Act, or in the event of a resale of such Shares
              without such registration that would otherwise be permissible,
              such condition shall be inoperative if in the opinion of counsel
              for the Company such condition is not required under the 1933 Act
              or any other applicable law, regulation, or rule of any
              governmental agency.


              (h) Other Provisions. Awards authorized under this Plan may
       contain any other provisions or restrictions as the Committee in its sole
       and absolute discretion shall deem advisable including, but not limited

                     (i) Offering Options in tandem with or reduced by other
              Options, SARs or other employee benefits and reducing one Award by
              the exercise of another Option, SAR or benefit; or

                     (ii) Providing for the issuance to the Participant upon
              exercise of an Option and payment of the exercise price thereof
              with previously owned Shares, of an additional Award for the
              number of shares so delivered, having such other terms and
              conditions not inconsistent with this Plan as the Committee shall

              (i) Duration of Award. Each Award shall be for a term of up to ten
       years from the Effective Date of Grant as determined in the sole
       discretion of the Committee. In the case of a grant of an Incentive Stock
       Option to a person who owns more than 10% of the voting power of the
       Company's voting stock on the Effective Date of Grant, such Incentive
       Stock Option shall not be exercisable after the expiration of five (5)
       years from its Effective Date of Grant.

       6.2. The Company may place such legends on stock certificates
representing the Shares as the Company, in its sole discretion, deems necessary
or appropriate to reflect restrictions under this Plan, the Agreement, the Code,
the securities laws or otherwise.

       6.3. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, employment
shall be at the pleasure of the Board, of its designees, of the Company, a
Parent or Subsidiary, as the case may be, at such compensation as the
appropriate board or designee shall determine. Nothing contained in this Plan or
in any Award granted pursuant to it shall confer upon any Participant any right
to continue in the employ of the Company, Parent or Subsidiary, as the case may
be, or to interfere in any way with the right of the Company, Parent or
Subsidiary to terminate employment at any time. So long as the Participant shall
continue to be a Director, an Employee or a Consultant, the Award shall not be
affected by any change of the Participant's duties or position except to the
extent the Agreement with the Participant provides otherwise.

       6.4. Any person entitled to exercise an Option or an SAR may do so in
whole or in part by delivering to the Company at its principal office, attention
Corporate Secretary, a written notice of exercise. The written notice shall
specify the number of Shares for which an Option or SAR is being exercised.

              (a) With respect to an Option, the notice shall be accompanied by
       full payment of the Option Price for the Shares being purchased.

              (b) During the Participant's lifetime, an Option or SAR may be
       exercised only by the Participant, or on the Participant's behalf by the
       Participant's legal guardian.



       7.1. The Committee in its sole discretion may designate whether an Award
to an Employee is to be considered an Incentive Stock Option or a Nonqualified
NONQUALIFIED STOCK OPTION. The Committee may grant both an Incentive Stock
Option and a Nonqualified Stock Option to the same Employee. However, where both
an Incentive Stock Option and a Nonqualified Stock Option are awarded at one
time, such Awards shall be deemed to have been awarded in separate grants, shall
be clearly identified, and in no event will the exercise of one such Award
affect the right to exercise the other such Award except to the extent the
Agreement with the Participant provides otherwise.

       7.2. Any Award to an Employee designated by the Committee as an Incentive
Stock Option will be subject to the general provisions applicable to all Awards
granted under this Plan. In addition, the aggregate Fair Market Value of Shares
(determined at the Effective Date of Grant) with respect to which Incentive
Stock Options granted under all Incentive Stock Option Plans of the Company, a
Parent or Subsidiary, are exercisable by the Employee for the first time during
any calendar year shall not exceed $100,000.

       7.3. The Option Price shall be established by the Committee in its sole
discretion. With respect to an Incentive Stock Option, the Option Price shall
not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Effective Date
of Grant, and in the case of a grant of an Incentive Stock Option to a person
who owns more than 10% of the voting power of the Company's voting stock on the
Effective Date of Grant, shall not be less than 110% of the Fair Market Value of
a Share on the Effective Date of Grant. With respect to a Nonqualified Stock
Option, the Option Price shall not be less than 50% of the Fair Market Value of
a Share on the Effective Date of Grant.

       7.4. Any Award to an Employee will be considered to be a Nonqualified
Stock Option to the extent that any or all of the grant or the exercise of such
option is in conflict with Section 7.2, Section 7.3 or with any requirement for
Incentive Stock Options pursuant to Code ss.422A and the regulations issued

       7.5. An Option may be terminated as follows:

              (a) During the period of continuous employment with the Company,
       Parent or Subsidiary, an Option will be terminated only if it has been
       fully exercised or it has expired by its terms.

              (b) In the event of termination of a Participant's employment with
       the Company, the Option will terminate upon the earliest to occur of (i)
       the full exercise of the Option (ii) the expiration of the Option by its
       terms, and (iii) the date three months following the date of employment
       termination; provided, however, should termination of employment (A)
       result from the death or Permanent and Total Disability of the
       Participant, such three-month period shall be one year or (B) be for
       Cause, the Option will terminate on the date of employment


       termination. For purposes of this Plan, a leave of absence approved by
       the Company shall not be deemed to be termination of employment except
       with respect to an Incentive Stock Option as required to comply with Code
       ss.422A and the regulations issued thereunder.

              (c) Subject to the terms of the Agreement with the Participant, if
       a Participant shall die or becomes subject to a Permanent and Total
       Disability prior to the termination of employment with the Company,
       Parent or Subsidiary and prior to the termination of an Option, such
       Option may be exercised to the extent that the Participant shall have
       been entitled to exercise it at the time of death or disability, as the
       case may be, by the Participant, the estate of the Participant or the
       person or persons to whom the Option may have been transferred by will or
       by the laws of descent and distribution.

       7.6. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Agreement with the
Participant, in no event will the continuation of the term of an Option beyond
the date of termination of employment allow the Participant, or the
beneficiaries or heirs of the Participant, to accrue additional rights under
this Plan, or to purchase more Shares through the exercise of an Option than
could have been purchased on the day that employment was terminated.

       7.7. A Participant shall have no rights as a stockholder with respect to
any Shares subject to an Option until the date of the issuance of a stock
certificate to such Participant for such Shares.
No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in
cash, securities or other property) or distributions or other rights for which
the record date is prior to the date such stock certificate is issued, except as
provided in Section 6.1.(f).

       7.8. The continuous employment of a Consultant will be deemed terminated
for purposes of this Plan upon receipt of written notice from the Company to the
effect that the Company will no longer transact business with the Consultant.


       8.1. The Committee, in its sole discretion, may grant to a Participant an

       8.2. The SAR Price shall be established by the Committee in its sole
discretion. The SAR Price shall not be less than 100% of Fair Market Value of a
Share on the Effective Date of Grant for a SAR issued in tandem with an
Incentive Stock Option and for other SARs, shall not be less than 50% of Fair
Market Value of a Share on the Effective Date of Grant.

       8.3. Upon exercise of an SAR, the Participant shall be entitled, subject
to the terms and conditions of this Plan and the Agreement, to receive the
excess for each Share being exercised under the SAR (i) the Fair Market Value of
a Share on the date of exercise over (ii) the SAR Price for such Share.


       8.4. At the sole discretion of the Committee, the payment of such excess
shall be made in (i) cash, (ii) Shares, or (iii) a combination of cash and
Shares. Shares used for this payment shall be valued at their Fair Market Value
on the date of exercise of the applicable SAR.

       8.5. An Award of an SAR shall be considered an Award for purposes of the
number of Shares subject to an Award pursuant to Section 5.1, unless the
Agreement making the Award of the SAR provides that the exercise of an SAR
results in the termination of an unexercised Option for the same number of

       8.6. An SAR may be terminated as follows:

              (a) During the period of continuous employment with the Company,
       Parent or Subsidiary, an SAR will be terminated only if it has been fully
       exercised or it has expired by its terms.

              (b) Upon termination of employment, the SAR will terminate upon
       the earliest of (i) the full exercise of the SAR (ii) the expiration of
       the SAR by its terms, and (iii) not more than three months following the
       date of employment termination; provided, however, should termination of
       employment (I) result from the death or Permanent and Total Disability of
       the Participant, such three month period shall be one year or (II) be for
       Cause, the SAR will terminate on the date of employment termination. For
       purposes of this Plan, a leave of absence approved by the Company shall
       not be deemed to be termination of employment unless otherwise provided
       in the Agreement or by the Company on the date of the leave of absence.

              (c) Subject to the terms of the Agreement with the Participant if
       a Participant shall die or becomes subject to a Permanent and Total
       Disability prior to the termination of employment with the Company,
       Parent or Subsidiary and prior to the termination of an SAR, such SAR may
       be exercised to the extent that the Participant shall have been entitled
       to exercise it at the time of death or disability, as the case may be, by
       the Participant, the estate of the Participant or the person or persons
       to whom the SAR may have been transferred by will or by the laws of
       descent and distribution.

              (d) Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Agreement with
       the Participant, in no event will the continuation of the term of an SAR
       beyond the date of termination of employment allow the Employee, or his
       beneficiaries or heirs, to accrue additional rights under this Plan, have
       additional SARs available for exercise or to receive a higher benefit
       than the benefit payable as if the SAR was exercised on the date of
       employment termination.

       8.7. If an SAR which was considered an Award for purposes of Section 8.5
is terminated or unexercised for any reason, the number of Shares of such SAR
that were unexercised shall be again available for Award under this Plan.


       8.8. The Participant shall have no rights as a stockholder with respect
to an SAR. In addition, no adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or
extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property) or distributions
or rights except as provided in Section 6.1.(f).


       9.1. The Committee may award to a Participant Restricted Stock under such
terms or conditions as the Committee, in its sole discretion, shall determine
and as otherwise provided herein.

       9.2. Restricted Stock shall be Shares which are subject to a Restriction

       9.3. Should the Participant terminate employment for any reason, all
Restricted Stock which is still subject to the Restriction Period shall be
forfeited and returned to the Company for no payment.

       9.4. Upon such forfeiture, shares representing such forfeited restricted
Stock shall obtain become available for Award under the Plan.

       9.5. The Committee may require under such terms and conditions as it
deems appropriate or desirable that the certificates for Restricted Stock
awarded under this Plan may be held by the Company or its designee until the
Restriction Period expires. In addition, the Committee may place upon such
certificate such legend as the Committee deems necessary or appropriate and may
require as a condition of any receipt of Restricted Stock that the Participant
shall deliver a stock power endorsed in blank relating to the Restricted Stock.


       10.1. The Board may at any time amend, suspend, or discontinue this Plan;
provided, however, that without further approval of the shareholders of the
Company no amendments by the Board shall:

              (a) Change the class of Employees eligible to participate; or

              (b) Except as provided in Section 5, increase the number of Shares
       which may be subject to Options granted under this Plan.

       10.2. No amendment to this Plan shall alter or impair any Award granted
under this Plan without the consent of the holder of such Award.



       In addition to such other rights of indemnification as they may have as
Directors or as members of the Committee, the members of the Committee shall be
indemnified by the Company against the reasonable expenses, including attorneys'
fees, actually incurred in connection with the defense of any pending,
threatened or possible action, suit or proceeding, or in connection with any
pending, threatened or possible appeal therein, to which they or any of them may
be a party by reason of any actual or alleged action taken or failure to act
under or in connection with this Plan or any option granted thereunder, and
against all amounts paid by them in settlement thereof (provided such settlement
is approved by the Company) or paid by them in satisfaction of a judgment in any
such action, suit or proceeding, except in relation to matters as to which it
shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding that such Committee member
is liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of his
duties: provided that within sixty days after institution of any such action,
suit or proceeding a Committee member shall in writing offer the Company the
opportunity, at its own expense, to handle and defend the same.


       The granting of an Option or SAR shall impose no obligation upon the
Participant to exercise such Option.


       13.1. This Plan shall become effective as of December 17, 1997.

       13.2. No Award may be made after the tenth anniversary of the effective
date of this Plan.


       The making of an Award under this Plan shall not give the Participant any
right to similar grants in future years or any right to be retained in the
employ of the Company, the Parent or a Subsidiary, but a Participant shall
remain subject to discharge to the same extent as if this Plan were not in


       15.1. Treatment of Outstanding Awards. Upon the occurrence of a Change In
Control, as defined below, unless otherwise specifically prohibited under
applicable laws, or by the rules and regulations of any governmental agencies or
national securities exchanges, or by the express provisions of any Agreement,
(a) each Option and each SAR then outstanding hereunder that is not otherwise
exercisable shall become immediately and fully exercisable, and shall remain
exercisable throughout their entire term, notwithstanding any provision in the
Agreement relating


to such Option or SAR for the exercise of such Option or SAR in installments or
otherwise pursuant to a vesting schedule, and (b) any Restriction Period and
restrictions imposed on Restricted Stock shall lapse.

       15.2. Change in Control Defined. For purposes of this Section, a Change
In Control shall mean that any of the following events shall have occurred:

              (i) A person, partnership, joint venture, corporation or other
              entity, or two or more of any of the foregoing acting as a group
              (or a "person" within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of the 1934
              Act), other than the Company, a majority-owned subsidiary of the
              Company, an employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the
              Company or such subsidiary, become(s) after the effective date of
              this Plan the "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule 13(d)(3)
              under the 1934 Act) of 35% or more of the then outstanding voting
              stock of the Company;

              (ii) During any period of two consecutive years, individuals who
              at the beginning of such period constitute the Board (together
              with any new director whose election by the Board or whose
              nomination for election by the Company's shareholders, was
              approved by the vote of at least two-thirds of the directors then
              still in office who either were directors at the beginning of such
              period or whose election or nomination for election was previously
              so approved) cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the
              directors then in office;

              (iii) The Board determines that a tender offer for the Company's
              shares indicates a serious intention by the offeror to acquire
              control of the Company; or

              (iv) The shareholders of the Company approve (a) a plan of
              complete liquidation of the Company; or (b) an agreement for the
              sale or disposition of all or substantially all of the Company's
              assets; or (c) a merger, consolidation, or reorganization of the
              Company with or involving any other corporation, other than a
              merger, consolidation, or reorganization that would result in the
              voting securities of the Company outstanding immediately prior
              thereto continuing to represent (either by remaining outstanding
              or by being converted into voting securities of the surviving
              entity) at least sixty-five percent (65%) of the combined voting
              power of the voting securities of the Company (or such surviving
              entity) outstanding immediately after such merger, consolidation
              or reorganization.

       15.3. Termination, Amendment and Modifications of Change in Control
Provisions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan or any Agreement,
the provisions of this Section may not be terminated, amended or modified on or
after the effective date of a Change in Control to affect adversely the
operation of any Award theretofore granted under the Plan without the prior
written consent of the Participant with respect to said Participant's
outstanding Awards.



       16.1. All obligations of the Company under this Plan or any Agreement
with respect to any Award granted hereunder shall be binding on any successor to
the Company, whether the existence of such successor is the result of a direct
or indirect purchase of all or substantially all of the business and/or assets
of the Company, or a merger, consolidation or otherwise. Specifically, in case
of any capital reorganization of the Company, or of any reclassification of any
Shares (other than a change as a result of subdivision or combination), or in
case of the consolidation of the Company with or the merger of the Company with
any other corporation (other than a consolidation or merger in which (i) the
Company is the continuing corporation and (ii) the holders of the Shares
immediately prior to such merger or consolidation continue as holders of Shares
after such merger or consolidation) or of the sale of the properties and assets
of the Company as, or substantially as, an entirety to any other corporation,
each Option and each SAR then outstanding shall after such reorganization,
reclassification, consolidation, merger or sale be exercisable, upon the terms
and conditions specified herein and in the Agreement relating to such Option or
SAR, for or with respect to the number of Shares or other securities or property
to which a holder of the number of Shares relating to such Option or SAR (at the
time of such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger or sale)
upon exercise of such Option or SAR would have been entitled in connection with
such reorganization, reclassification, consolidation, merger or sale; and in any
such case, if necessary, the provisions set forth in this Section with respect
to the rights and interests thereafter of the holder of the Option or SAR shall
be appropriately adjusted so as to be applicable, as nearly as may reasonably
be, to any shares of stock or other securities or property thereafter
deliverable on the exercise of the Option or SAR.



       This Agreement, dated as of , (the "Effective Date of Grant") implements
the grant to the party identified as optionee on the signature page hereof (the
"Optionee") of an Incentive Stock Option pursuant to and subject to the terms
and conditions of the UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. 1997 Stock Incentive Plan
(the "Plan") and the terms and conditions set forth below. Terms defined in the
Plan shall have the same meaning herein as in the Plan.

       The Committee desires to afford the Optionee the opportunity to acquire
Shares of the Company's common stock so the Optionee has a proprietary interest
in the Company, and the Optionee desires the opportunity to acquire Shares.
Accordingly, the Company and the Optionee agree as follows:

1. Grant of Option and Purchase Price. The Company, pursuant to action of the
Committee, grants to the Optionee an Option to purchase Shares (the "Option
Shares") at a price of $ per share ("Option Price"), which has been determined
to be not less than the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Effective Date of
Grant of this Option.

2. Expiration of the Option. This Option shall expire ("Expiration Date") on the
earliest to occur of (i) ten (10) years from the date hereof; (ii) three (3)
months after the Optionee ceases to be an Employee of the Company, a Parent or a
Subsidiary (twelve (12) months if termination of employment is due to the
Optionee's death or the Optionee having incurred a Permanent and Total
Disability); (iii) the date this Option is fully exercised; (iv) the date
mutually agreed to by the Committee and the Optionee;or (v) the date of
termination of employment, if termination of employment is for Cause.

3. Exercise of Option

       3.1. Subject to any other conditions herein, this Option shall vest and
become exercisable:


              [   ]  on the Effective Date of Grant;

              [   ]  on the _________ anniversary of the Effective Date of

              [   ]  in ( ) installments, the Optionee having the right
                     hereunder to purchase from the Company the following number
                     of Shares upon exercise of the Option, on and after the
                     following dates, in cumulative fashion:

                     (a)          on and after the anniversary of the Effective
                                  Date of Grant, up to % (ignoring fractional
                                  shares) of the total number of Option Shares;


                     (b) on and after the anniversary of the Effective Date of
                     Grant, up to an additional % (ignoring fractional shares)
                     of the total number of Option Shares; and

                     (c) on and after the anniversary of the Effective Date of
                     Grant, the remaining Option Shares.

              [    ] in accordance with the vesting schedule set forth in
                     Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein by

The Optionee's vested percentage of the total grant hereunder shall be fixed as
of the date the Optionee is no longer an Employee of the Company, a Subsidiary
or a Parent and shall not increase during the additional period, if any, during
which this Option may be exercised under Section 2, 2 hereof. Vested portions of
this Option may be exercised at any time, in whole or in part, before the
Expiration Date.

       3.2. This Option may be exercised by mailing or delivering to the
Company, Attention: Corporate Secretary, 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia,
South Carolina 29201, (i) a written signed notice of such exercise which
specifies the Effective Date of Grant of this Option, and the number of Shares
being purchased, and (ii) payment for such Shares by check (which clears in due
course) payable to the Company and/or by surrender of Shares previously owned by
the Optionee valued at the Fair Market Value thereof on the date received by the
Company. The Option shall be deemed exercised and the Shares purchased thereby
shall be deemed issued as of the date such payment is received by the Company.

4. Non-transferability of Option. This Option shall not be transferable by the
Optionee other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution and shall be
exercisable during the Optionee's lifetime only by the Optionee.

5. Adjustment in Shares Subject to the Option. The Committee will make
appropriate adjustments in the number of Shares subject to this Option or the
Option Price in order to give effect to changes made in the number of
outstanding Shares as a result of a merger, consolidation, recapitalization,
reclassification, combination, stock dividend, stock split, or other relevant

6. Rights as Shareholder or Employee.

       6.1. This Option shall not entitle the Optionee to any rights as a
shareholder of the Company with respect to any Shares subject to this Option
until it has been exercised and any such Shares issued.

       6.2. This Option does not confer upon the Optionee any right with respect
to continuation of employment by the Company or a Subsidiary, nor does it in any
way interfere with or affect Optionee's right, the Company's right or a
Subsidiary's right to terminate such employment at any time.


7. Withholding. The Committee will make whatever arrangements the Company deems
necessary or appropriate to comply with all applicable withholding requirements.
The Committee and the Company shall have no obligation to deliver a certificate
evidencing the Shares purchased upon exercise of the Option unless and until
withholding arrangements satisfactory to the Company are made. The Optionee's
failure to comply with the required withholding arrangements shall result in a
forfeiture of any benefits hereunder.

8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the provisions of the Plan
which are incorporated herein by reference, constitutes the entire Agreement
between the Optionee and the Company with respect to the Option granted

       9. Applicable Law. The Plan and this Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the State of South Carolina.

                                     UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.





       This Agreement, dated as of , (the "Effective Date of Grant") implements
the grant to the party identified as optionee on the signature page hereof (the
"Optionee") of a Nonqualified Stock Option subject to the terms and conditions
of the UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.1997 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan") and
the terms and conditions set forth below. Terms defined in the Plan shall have
the same meaning herein as in the Plan.

       The Committee desires to afford the Optionee the opportunity to acquire
Shares of the Company's common stock so the Optionee has a proprietary interest
in the Company, and the Optionee desires the opportunity to acquire Shares.
Accordingly, the Company and the Optionee agree as follows:

1. Grant of Option and Purchase Price. The Company, pursuant to action of the
Committee, grants to the Optionee an Option to purchase Shares (the "Option
Shares") at a price of $ per share ("Option Price"), [OPTIONAL: WHICH HAS BEEN

2. Expiration of the Option. This Option shall expire ("Expiration Date") on the
earlier of (i) the date ten (10) years from the date hereof; (ii) the date three
(3) months after the Optionee ceases to be a Director, an Employee or a
Consultant of the Company, a Parent or a Subsidiary (twelve (12) months if
termination of employment is due to the Optionee's death or the Optionee having
incurred a Permanent and Total Disability); (iii) the date this Option is fully
exercised; (iv) the date mutually agreed to by the Committee and the Optionee;
or (v) the date of termination of employment, if termination of employment is
for Cause.

3. Exercise of Option

       3.1. Subject to any other conditions herein, this Option shall vest and
become exercisable:


              [   ]  on the Effective Date of Grant;

              [   ]  on the _________ anniversary of the Effective Date of 

              [   ]  in ( ) installments, the Optionee having the right
                     hereunder to purchase from the Company the following number
                     of Shares upon exercise of the Option, on and after the
                     following dates, in cumulative fashion:

                     (a)          on and after the anniversary of the Effective
                                  Date of Grant, up to % (ignoring fractional
                                  shares) of the total number of Option Shares;


                     (b) on and after the anniversary of the Effective Date of
                     Grant, up to an additional % (ignoring fractional shares)
                     of the total number of Option Shares; and

                     (c) on and after the anniversary of the Effective Date of
                     Grant, the remaining Option Shares.

              [    ] in accordance with the vesting schedule set forth in
                     Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein by

The Optionee's vested percentage of the total grant hereunder shall be fixed as
of the date the Optionee is no longer a Director, an Employee or a Consultant of
the Company, a Subsidiary or a Parent and shall not increase during the
additional period, if any, during which this Option may be exercised under
Section 2, 2 hereof. Vested portions of this Option may be exercised at any
time, in whole or in part, before the Expiration Date.

       3.2. This Option may be exercised by mailing or delivering to the
Company, Attention: Corporate Secretary, 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia,
South Carolina 29201, (i) a written signed notice of such exercise which
specifies the Effective Date of Grant of this Option, and the number of Shares
being purchased, and (ii) payment for such Shares by check (which clears in due
course) payable to the Company and/or by surrender of Shares previously owned by
the Optionee valued at the Fair Market Value thereof on the date received by the
Company. The Option shall be deemed exercised and the Shares purchased thereby
shall be deemed issued as of the date such payment is received by the Company.

4. Non-transferability of Option. This Option shall not be transferable by the
Optionee other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution and shall b
exercisable during the Optionee's lifetime only by the Optionee.

5. Adjustment in Shares Subject to the Option. The Committee will make
appropriate adjustments in the number of Shares subject to this Option or the
Option Price in order to give effect to changes made in the number of
outstanding Shares as a result of a merger, consolidation, recapitalization,
reclassification, combination, stock dividend, stock split, or other relevant

6. Rights as Shareholder or Employee.

       6.1. This Option shall not entitle the Optionee to any rights as a
shareholder of the Company with respect to any Shares subject to this Option
until it has been exercised and any such Shares issued.

       6.2. This Option does not confer upon the Optionee any right with respect
to continuation of employment by the Company or a Subsidiary, nor does it in any
way interfere with or affect Optionee's right, the Company's right or a
Subsidiary's right to terminate such employment at any time.


7. Withholding. The Committee will make whatever arrangements the Company deems
necessary or appropriate to comply with all applicable withholding requirements.
The Committee and the Company shall have no obligation to deliver a certificate
evidencing the Shares purchased upon exercise of the Option unless and until
withholding arrangements satisfactory to the Company are made. The Optionee's
failure to comply with the required withholding arrangements shall result in a
forfeiture of any benefits hereunder.

8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the provisions of the Plan
which are incorporated herein by reference, constitutes the entire Agreement
between the Optionee and the Company with respect to the Option granted

9. Applicable Law. The Plan and this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
the State of South Carolina.

                                        UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.





         This Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Reorganization ("Agreement") is
made as of the 9th day of February, 1998, by, between and among UCI Medical
Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("UCI"); UCI Medical Affiliates of
Georgia, Inc., a South Carolina corporation ("UCI of GA"); MainStreet Healthcare
Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("MainStreet"); MainStreet Healthcare
Medical Group, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation ("MHMG-GA"); MainStreet
Healthcare Medical Group, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation ("MHMG-TN");
Prompt Care Medical Center, Inc., a Georgia corporation ("Prompt Care"); Michael
J. Dare ("Dare"); A. Wayne Johnson ("Johnson"); PENMAN Private Equity and
Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("PENMAN"); and Robert G.
Riddett, Jr. ("Riddett").


         MainStreet provides non-medical management and administrative functions
for nine medical facilities located in the State of Georgia (the "Georgia
Facilities") and two medical facilities located in the State of Tennessee (the
"Tennessee Facilities"). The medical services of the Georgia Facilities are
provided by MHMG-GA, and the medical services of the Tennessee Facilities are
provided by MHMG-TN. Prompt Care is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MainStreet, and
as of the date hereof has no assets or liabilities. The Class B Shareholders are
the sole holders of the Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of

         UCI of GA desires to acquire substantially all the assets of MainStreet
in transactions MainStreet intends will qualify as a reorganization under
Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, all upon
the terms and conditions set forth herein. In connection therewith, Doctor's
Care of GA desires to purchase substantially all the assets of MHMG-GA, and
Doctor's Care of TN desires to purchase substantially all the assets of MHMG-
TN, each pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein.


         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and the mutual
covenants hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto
agree as follows:

1. DEFINITIONS. The following terms used in this Agreement shall have the
following meanings ascribed to them:

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 1

         1.1 "Agreement" shall mean this Acquisition Agreement And Plan of
Reorganization, in its entirety, together with all schedules and exhibits
attached hereto, which are incorporated herein by reference.

         1.2 "Assets" shall mean collectively all the MainStreet Assets, MHMG-GA
Assets, and MHMG-TN Assets which are to be transferred to the Transferees
hereunder, excepting only the Excluded Assets.

         1.3 "Assumed MainStreet Liabilities" shall have the meaning set forth
in Section 7.1.3 below.

         1.4 "Business" shall mean collectively the MainStreet Business, MHMG-GA
Business, and MHMG-TN Business.

         1.5 "Certified List of MainStreet Security Holders" shall have the
meaning set forth in Section 8.3.23 below.

         1.6 "Class B Shareholders" shall mean collectively Dare, Johnson,
PENMAN, and Riddett, and "Class B Shareholder" shall mean one of them.

         1.7 "Closing" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1 below.

         1.8 "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         1.9 "Dare" shall mean Michael J. Dare.

         1.10 "Doctor's Care of GA" shall mean Doctor's Care of Georgia, P.C., a
Georgia professional corporation to be formed prior to Closing.

         1.11 "Doctor's Care of TN" shall mean Doctor's Care of Tennessee, P.C.,
a Tennessee professional corporation to be formed prior to Closing.

         1.12 "ERISA" shall mean the Employment Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974, as amended.

         1.13 "Employee Benefit Plan" shall mean any fringe or benefit plans,
including without limitation, any retirement, pension, profit sharing,
thrift-savings, non-qualified deferred compensation, incentive compensation,
stock bonus, stock option (qualified or non-qualified), cash bonus, employee
stock ownership (including, without limitation, payroll related employee stock
ownership), insurance, medical, welfare or vacation plans of any kind and any
"employee benefit plan" (as defined in Section 3(3) of Title I of ERISA or any
voluntary employees' beneficiary association (as defined in Section 501(c)(9) of
the Code) or combination of the foregoing.

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 2

         1.14 "Encumbrances" means any and all restrictions on transfer, liens,
encumbrances, charges, pledges, security interests, taxes, claims, options,
warrants, purchase rights, contracts, commitments, equities, claims and demands.

         1.15 "Excluded Assets" shall mean collectively the MainStreet Excluded
Assets, MHMG-GA Excluded Assets, MHMG-TN Excluded Assets, and such Excluded
Assets described in Section 6 below.

         1.16 "Facilities" shall mean collectively the Headquarters, Georgia
Facilities, and Tennessee Facilities.

         1.17 "Financial Statements" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         1.18 "GAAP" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.10.

         1.19 "Georgia Facilities" shall have the meaning set forth in the
introduction hereinabove, and as more fully described in Exhibit 1.19 attached

         1.20 "Headquarters" shall mean the premises located at 2370 Main
Street, Tucker, Georgia, at which the Business is headquartered.

         1.21 "Indemnity Damages" shall mean all losses, damages, liabilities,
claims, suits, demands, penalties, assessments, obligations, causes of action,
or costs (including reasonable litigation expenses and legal fees) with respect
to which an indemnification right applies hereunder.

         1.22 "Investment Letter" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         1.23 "Johnson" shall mean A. Wayne Johnson.

         1.24 "Knowledge" shall mean actual knowledge, and the Knowledge of
MainStreet shall mean the actual knowledge of the officers, directors, and/or
Class B Shareholders of MainStreet, or any one of them.

         1.25 "MainStreet" shall mean MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, a
Delaware corporation.

         1.26 "MainStreet Assets" shall mean collectively all the assets of
MainStreet, which are to be transferred to UCI of GA hereunder, as more fully
described in Section 2.1, excepting only the MainStreet Excluded Assets.

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 3

         1.27 "MainStreet Business" shall mean MainStreet's medical management
business and related business operations headquartered at the Headquarters, and
primarily conducted by the Transferors at the Facilities.

         1.28 "MainStreet Equipment Leases" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 7.1.3 below.

         1.29 "MainStreet Excluded Assets" shall mean the assets and rights
described in Section 2.2 to be retained by MainStreet.

         1.30 "MainStreet Real Estate Leases" shall have the meaning set forth
in Section 7.1.3 below.

         1.31 "MHMG-GA" shall mean MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, P.C., a
Georgia professional corporation.

         1.32 "MHMG-GA Assets" shall mean collectively all the assets of
MHMG-GA, which are to be transferred to Doctor's Care of GA hereunder, as more
fully described in Section 3.1, excepting only the MHMG-GA Excluded Assets.

         1.33 "MHMG-GA Business" shall mean MHMG-GA's medical business and
related business operations headquartered at the Headquarters, and primarily
conducted by MHMG-GA at the Georgia Facilities.

         1.34 "MHMG-GA Excluded Assets" shall mean the assets and rights
described in Section 3.2 to be retained by MHMG-GA.

         1.35 "MHMG-TN" shall mean MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, PC, a
Tennessee professional corporation.

         1.36 "MHMG-TN Assets" shall mean collectively all the assets of
MHMG-TN, which are to be transferred to Doctor's Care of TN hereunder, as more
fully described in Section 4.1, excepting only the MHMG-TN Excluded Assets.

         1.37 "MHMG-TN Business" shall mean MHMG-TN's medical business and
related business operations headquartered at the Headquarters, and primarily
conducted by MHMG-TN at the Tennessee Facilities.

         1.38 "MHMG-TN Excluded Assets" shall mean the assets and rights
described in Section 4.2 to be retained by MHMG-TN.

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 4

         1.39 "Non-Solicits" shall mean the non-solicit covenants to be entered
between UCI of GA and each of the Class B Shareholders pursuant to this
Agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.7.

         1.40 "Parties" shall mean collectively the UCI of GA, UCI, the
Transferors, and the Class B Shareholders, and "Party" shall mean one of them.

         1.41 "PENMAN" shall mean PENMAN Private Equity and Mezzanine Fund,
L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.

         1.42 "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, limited
partnership, limited liability company, trust, entity or unincorporated
organization, or a government or any agency or political subdivision thereof.

         1.43 "Private Placement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
8.6.3 below.

         1.44 "Prompt Care" shall mean Prompt Care Medical Center, Inc., a
Tennessee corporation.

         1.45 "Purchase Price" shall mean the total price for the MainStreet
Assets as described in Section 7.1.

         1.46 "Riddett" shall mean Robert G. Riddett, Jr.

         1.47 "Schedule of Exceptions" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 9 below.

         1.48 "Subsidiary" means any corporation with respect to which a
specified Person (or Subsidiary thereof) owns any capital stock or has the power
to vote or direct the voting of sufficient securities to elect one or more

         1.49 "Tennessee Facilities" shall have the meaning set forth in the
introduction hereinabove, and as more fully described in Exhibit 1.49 attached

         1.50 "Transferees" shall mean UCI of GA, Doctor's Care of GA, and
Doctor's Care of TN.

         1.51 "Transferors" shall mean collectively MainStreet, MHMG-GA,
MHMG-TN, and Prompt Care.

         1.52 "UCI" shall mean UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
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         1.53 "UCI of GA" shall mean UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc., a
South Carolina corporation.

         1.54 "Universal" shall mean Universal Diagnostics, Inc., a Georgia


         2.1 Transfer of MainStreet Assets. At the Closing, for the
consideration herein provided, MainStreet shall convey, transfer, assign and
deliver, or cause to be conveyed, transferred, assigned, and delivered, to UCI
of GA, and UCI of GA shall purchase and accept from MainStreet, all of
MainStreet's right, title, and interest (as the case may be) in and to the
following assets (collectively "MainStreet Assets"):

                  2.1.1 All accounts receivable, machinery, equipment, computer
and telephone systems (including hardware and software), inventory, furniture,
furnishings, supplies, office equipment, and related tangible personal property
respecting the MainStreet Business conducted in the Facilities, including
(without limitation) the items described in Exhibit 2.1.1 attached hereto,
excluding only the MainStreet Excluded Assets.

                  2.1.2 All of the contract rights, leasehold interests,
goodwill, permits, licenses, computer hardware and software and related
intangible personal property of the MainStreet Business, excluding only the
MainStreet Excluded Assets. MainStreet shall be responsible for obtaining the
necessary consents, if any, to assignment of such intangible assets.

                  2.1.3 All of the inventory of the MainStreet Business,
wherever located, excluding only the MainStreet Excluded Assets.

                  2.1.4 Leases and contracts to be assumed by UCI of GA (which
are acceptable to UCI of GA in its sole discretion) at Closing, including
(without limitation) the MainStreet Equipment Leases and MainStreet Real Estate
Leases described in Section 7.1.3 herein. The parties hereto acknowledge and
agree that, except as expressly assumed hereunder, UCI of GA shall not assume
any contracts, equipment leases, personal property leases, real property leases,
or any other liabilities of any Transferor and/or shareholder of the
Transferors. MainStreet shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary
consents, if any, to the assignment of such leases, if any.

                  2.1.5 All repair and service contracts and warranties (which
are acceptable to UCI of GA in its sole discretion) used or useful in the
MainStreet Business, excluding only the MainStreet Excluded Assets.

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                  2.1.6 All processes, patents, trademarks, trade names
(including without limitation "Prompt Care", "MainStreet Healthcare" and
"MainStreet Healthcare Corporation"), service marks and trade secrets, used or
useful in the Business.

                  2.1.7 All hold-back accounts associated with MainStreet's
credit obligations with Bank One, L.P. (formerly NPL-LP, Inc.).

                  2.1.8 All medical records and files associated with the
Business, to the extent such medical records or files are owned by MainStreet.

                  2.1.9 Every other asset (whether tangible, intangible,
personal, real, or mixed property, or interests therein) of MainStreet used or
useful in the ordinary course of the Business, including (without limitation)
promotional materials, licenses and permits, operations or other manuals,
recipes, menus, forms, prepaid expenses, deposits, warranties and contract
rights or commitments, excluding only the MainStreet Excluded Assets.

         2.2 MainStreet Excluded Assets. Subject to Section 6 below, anything
contained in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the parties hereto
acknowledge and agree that MainStreet will not sell, assign, or convey to UCI of
GA, and UCI of GA will not acquire, any right, title, or interest whatsoever in
or to any of the assets or property of MainStreet listed in Exhibit 2.2 attached
hereto (collectively "MainStreet Excluded Assets"). MainStreet will make all
reasonable efforts to complete removal of the MainStreet Excluded Assets located
at the Facilities, if any, as of the date of Closing. Neither UCI of GA,
Doctor's Care of GA, nor Doctor's Care of TN shall be an insurer of the safety
or condition of the MainStreet Excluded Assets after Closing; and MainStreet
shall retain the risk of loss with respect to any MainStreet Excluded Assets
after Closing.

         2.3 Assets Owned By Prompt Care or Universal. In the event any of the
Assets are owned in whole or part by Prompt Care and/or Universal which would
otherwise be Assets, Prompt Care and Universal will at Closing convey, transfer,
assign and deliver such Assets to UCI of GA.

         2.4 Method of Transfer. The transfer and sale of the MainStreet Assets
will be evidenced by appropriate Bills of Sale, assignments and other
instruments executed and delivered by MainStreet to UCI of GA at Closing, as set
forth in this Agreement. UCI of GA shall take, and MainStreet shall deliver,
possession of the MainStreet Assets at completion of Closing.


         3.1 Transfer of MHMG-GA's Assets. At Closing, for One Hundred and
No/100 ($100.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and no other monetary
consideration, MHMG-GA shall transfer and

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deliver to Doctor's Care of GA all of MHMG-GA's right, title and interest in and
to all the assets of MHMG-GA, including without limitation all medical records
and files in MHMG-GA's possession that were made in treating patients of MHMG-GA
or its predecessors, all records transferred to MHMG-GA concerning prior
treatment of any patient, and all employment and non-compete agreements to which
MHMG-GA is a party (the "MHMG-GA Assets"), excluding only the MHMG-GA Excluded
Assets, if any.

         3.2 MHMG-GA Excluded Assets. Subject to Section 6 below, anything
contained in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the parties hereto
acknowledge and agree that MHMG-GA will not sell, assign, or convey to Doctor's
Care of GA, and Doctor's Care of GA will not acquire, any right, title, or
interest whatsoever in or to any of the assets or property of MHMG-GA listed in
Exhibit 3.2 attached hereto (collectively "MHMG-GA Excluded Assets"). MHMG-GA
will make all reasonable efforts to complete removal of the MHMG-GA Excluded
Assets located at the Facilities, if any, as of the date of Closing. Neither UCI
of GA, Doctor's Care of GA, nor Doctor's Care of TN shall be an insurer of the
safety or condition of the MHMG-GA Excluded Assets after Closing; and MHMG-GA
shall retain the risk of loss with respect to any MHMG-GA Excluded Assets after

         3.3 Method of Transfer. The transfer of the MHMG-GA Assets will be
evidenced by an appropriate bill of sale substantially in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 8.3, executed and delivered by MHMG-GA to Doctor's Care of GA
at the Closing, as set forth in this Agreement. Doctor's Care of GA shall take,
and MHMG-GA shall deliver, possession of the MHMG-GA Assets at completion of
Closing. MHMG-GA at its sole expenses shall comply with any applicable law,
regulation, rule, or ordinance related to the transfer of medical records
hereunder, including but not limited to the publication of any required public


         4.1 Transfer of MHMG-TN's Assets. At Closing, for One Hundred and
No/100 ($100.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and no other monetary
consideration, MHMG-TN shall transfer and deliver to Doctor's Care of TN all of
MHMG-TN's right, title and interest in and to all the assets of MHMG-TN,
including without limitation all medical records in MHMG-TN's possession that
were made in treating patients of MHMG-TN or its predecessors, all records
transferred to MHMG-TN concerning prior treatment of any patient, and all
employment and non-compete agreements to which MHMG-TN is a party (the "MHMG-TN
Assets"), excluding only the MHMG-TN Excluded Assets, if any.

         4.2 MHMG-TN Excluded Assets. Subject to Section 6 below, anything
contained in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the parties hereto
acknowledge and agree that MHMG-TN will not sell, assign, or convey to Doctor's
Care of TN, and Doctor's Care of TN will not acquire, any right, title, or
interest whatsoever in or to any of the assets or property of

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MHMG-TN listed in Exhibit 4.2 attached hereto (collectively "MHMG-TN Excluded
Assets"). MHMG-TN will make all reasonable efforts to complete removal of the
MHMG-TN Excluded Assets located at the Facilities, if any, as of the date of
Closing. Neither UCI of GA, Doctor's Care of GA, nor Doctor's Care of TN shall
be an insurer of the safety or condition of the MHMG-TN Excluded Assets after
Closing; and MHMG-TN shall retain the risk of loss with respect to any MHMG-TN
Excluded Assets after Closing.

         4.3 Method of Transfer. The transfer of the MHMG-TN Assets will be
evidenced by an appropriate bill of sale substantially in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 8.4, executed and delivered by MHMG-TN to Doctor's Care of TN
at the Closing, as set forth in this Agreement. Doctor's Care of TN shall take,
and MHMG-TN shall deliver, possession of the MHMG-TN Assets at completion of
Closing. MHMG-TN at its sole expenses shall comply with any applicable law,
regulation, rule, or ordinance related to the transfer of medical records
hereunder, including but not limited to the publication of any required public

5. NOT A SALE OF BUSINESS. This transaction constitutes the sale of assets by
each Transferor and not the sale of a business; provided, however, that anything
contained in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, it is the intent of
the parties that the Transferees purchase and acquire and each Transferor sell
and transfer the complete operating process of the Business and all properties
and interest necessary to operate the MainStreet Business, MHMG-GA Business, and
MHMG-TN Business, respectively, substantially as each is presently being
operated, excepting only the MainStreet Excluded Assets, MHMG-GA Excluded
Assets, and MHMG-TN Excluded Assets.

6. ADDITIONAL EXCLUDED ASSETS. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the
following assets shall be retained by Transferors as Excluded Assets and shall
not be included in the Assets sold, transferred, assigned, conveyed, and
delivered to Transferees hereunder:

         6.1 Employee Benefit Plan Assets. The rights of any Transferor under,
and any funds and property held in trust or any other funding vehicle pursuant
to, any Employee Benefit Plan and any contracts, agreements or other documents
relating to Employee Benefit Plans to the extent that no liabilities relating to
or arising from such Employee Benefit Plans assets appear in the Financial
Statements; and

         6.2 Certain Corporate Records. The corporate minute books and records,
stock ledger, corporate seal, and income tax records and returns of each
Transferor, and any worksheets, notes, files or documents primarily related
thereto, wherever located.


         7.1 MainStreet Consideration. Subject to Section 7.3 below, the
aggregate purchase price (the "Purchase Price") for the MainStreet Assets will
be Eight Million Fifty Thousand and

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No/100 ($8,050,000) Dollars, plus the assumption of certain liabilities of
MainStreet as described in Section 7.2 below. Such purchase price shall be
payable in accordance with either of the following options which shall be
selected by MainStreet and disclosed to UCI to GA in writing no later than the
close of business on March 23, 1998:

                  7.1.1 Purchase Price Option A. At Closing, UCI of GA will
         tender to MainStreet a cash payment of Nine Hundred Thousand and No/100
         ($900,000) Dollars, and the balance of the purchase price will be paid
         in shares of the voting common stock of UCI, $0.05 par value per share
         (the "Shares"); or

                  7.1.2 Purchase Price Option B. At Closing, UCI will tender to
         MainStreet such number of Shares having an aggregate value of Six
         Million Eight Hundred Thousand and No/100 ($6,800,000.00) Dollars, as
         adjusted pursuant to Section 7.3 below as necessary. In addition, UCI
         of GA will pay, within ten (10) days after Closing, an aggregate of One
         Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 ($1,250,000.00) Dollars
         directly to certain creditors of MainStreet as directed to UCI of GA by
         MainStreet in writing no later than the date of Closing.

         The Shares when issued, will be duly authorized, validly issued, fully
paid and non-assessable. For purposes hereof, the price per share of the Shares
utilized for determining the number of Shares to be issued to MainStreet will be
the average of the closing prices of the $0.05 par value voting common stock of
UCI as conclusively determined by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. for the trading
days during the thirty calendar day period immediately prior to Closing;
provided however, the price per share utilized for such determination shall not
be less than $2.375, nor more than $3.125 per share; provided however,
appropriate adjustments in the price per share utilized shall be made in order
to give effect to changes in the number of outstanding shares as a result of
stock dividends, stock splits, reverse stock splits, consolidations,
recapitalization or other relevant change. The parties hereto acknowledge that
the Shares shall be issued to MainStreet pursuant to an exemption from
registration under the securities laws, such as Rule 506 of SEC Regulation D,
and the Shares shall be restricted shares subject to Rule 144 of the Securities
Act of 1933. The certificates evidencing the Shares shall bear a restrictive
legend in substantially the following form:


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         7.2      Assumption of Certain MainStreet Liabilities.

                  7.2.1 The Transferees will not assume each of the Transferor's
obligations and liabilities, including (without limitation) the current and
long-term liabilities, contingent liabilities, medical malpractice claims,
environmental claims, workers' compensation claims, and sales, income and
payroll taxes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as of the date of Closing, UCI of
GA shall assume the following liabilities of MainStreet (the "Assumed MainStreet
Liabilities"): (a) UCI of GA will assume MainStreet's existing operating and
capital equipment leases (the "MainStreet Equipment Leases"), more fully
described on Exhibit 7.2.1(a) attached hereto, provided the aggregate
outstanding balances of such MainStreet Equipment Leases as of the date of
Closing do not exceed the amount shown on Exhibit 7.2.1(a) attached hereto; (b)
UCI of GA will elect at UCI of GA's option to either assume MainStreet's
existing real property leases for the Georgia Facilities and Tennessee
Facilities (the "MainStreet Real Estate Leases") more fully described on Exhibit
7.2.1(b) attached hereto or enter into new leases with similar terms; and (c)
UCI of GA will assume MainStreet's line of credit obligation with Bank One, N.A.
(formerly NPL-LP, Inc.) provided the outstanding balance (less applicable
lending hold-back amounts) of such obligation as of the date of Closing does not
exceed Six Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand ($685,000) Dollars and the terms remain
unchanged (unless otherwise requested or agreed by UCI of GA in writing).

                  7.2.2 Unless MainStreet selects Purchase Price Option B as set
forth in Section 7.1.2 above, the Parties hereby acknowledge and agree that UCI
of GA shall not assume or agree to pay, perform, or discharge any liability or
obligation of MainStreet which is not expressly set forth above. As of the date
of Closing, MainStreet shall be current with respect to all payments then due
and owing pursuant to the Assumed MainStreet Liabilities, and none of the
Assumed MainStreet Liabilities shall otherwise be in default or subject to

                  7.2.3 MainStreet shall be responsible for obtaining the
consent, if any, to the assumption of any such Assumed MainStreet Liabilities by
UCI of GA. UCI of GA agrees to cooperate with MainStreet in MainStreet's efforts
to obtain such consents and the written release of MainStreet for the Assumed
MainStreet Liabilities; provided however, UCI of GA shall not be required to
pre-pay or refinance any of the Assumed MainStreet Liabilities or incur any
additional liability or pay any additional amount in connection with any such
consents or releases.

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         7.3 Adjustment For Certain Assumed MainStreet Liabilities.

                  7.3.1 In the event MainStreet selects Purchase Price Option A
as described in Section 7.1.1 above and the aggregate outstanding balance of the
MainStreet Equipment Leases as of the date of Closing exceed the amounts shown
on Exhibit 7.2.1(a) attached hereto, and/or the outstanding balance (less
applicable lending hold-back amounts) of MainStreet's line of credit obligation
with Bank One, N.A. (formerly NPL-LP. Inc.) as of the date of Closing exceeds
Six Hundred Eight-Five Thousand ($685,000) Dollars, the Purchase Price tendered
by UCI of GA at Closing as set forth in Section 7.1.1 above, shall be reduced by
the aggregate amount such liabilities exceed such limits. In the event of any
such adjustment, such Purchase Price set forth in Section 7.1.1 shall be
adjusted and applied in the following order to the extent necessary: (i) first
to reduce the cash amount payable to MainStreet, and (ii) second to reduce the
number of Shares to be delivered by UCI to MainStreet.

                  7.3.2 In the event MainStreet selects Purchase Price Option B
as described in Section 7.1.2 above and the aggregate outstanding balance of the
MainStreet Equipment Leases as of the date of Closing exceed the amounts shown
on Exhibit 7.2.1(a) attached hereto, and/or the outstanding balance (less
applicable lending hold-back amounts) of MainStreet's line of credit obligation
with Bank One, N.A. (formerly NPL-LP. Inc.) as of the date of Closing exceeds
Six Hundred Eight-Five Thousand ($685,000) Dollars, such adjustment shall be
applied in the following order to the extent necessary: (i) first to reduce the
cash tendered by UCI of GA to the designated creditors of MainStreet as set
forth in Section 7.1.2 above, and (ii) second to reduce the number of Shares to
be delivered by UCI to MainStreet.

                  7.3.3 In the event the aggregate outstanding balance of the
MainStreet Equipment Leases as of the date of Closing in less than the amounts
shown on Exhibit 7.2.1(a) attached hereto, and/or the outstanding balance (less
applicable lending hold-back amounts) of MainStreet's line of credit obligation
with Bank One, N.A. (formerly NPL-LP. Inc.) as of the date of closing is less
than Six Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand ($685,000) Dollars, the purchase price and
the stock tendered by UCI and UCI of GA at Closing each as set forth in Section
7.1.1 and 7.1.2 above, shall be increased by the aggregate amount such
liabilities is less than such limits.

         7.4 Limitation On Amount Of Assumed MainStreet Liabilities.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the sum of the cash portion of
the Purchase Price paid by the Transferees hereunder and the total amount of the
Assumed MainStreet Liabilities assumed by UCI of GA exceed twenty (20%) percent
of the Purchase Price.

         7.5 Allocation of Purchase Price. The purchase price for the MainStreet
Assets shall be allocated among the MainStreet Assets as set forth in a letter
to be provided by UCI of GA to MainStreet within thirty (30) days of the
Closing; provided however, the amount allocated to the fixed assets of the
Transferors shall be determined by an appraisal firm selected by UCI of GA in
its sole discretion. The cost and expenses of such appraisal shall be paid by
UCI of GA. The

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Parties shall use the foregoing allocation for reporting the purchase and sale
of the Assets for federal, state, and local tax purposes and for completing the
requisite filings with the Internal Revenue Service.


         8.1 Date of Closing. The closing of the sale and purchase of the Assets
and related transactions to be effective as of 11:59 p.m. on the date of
Closing, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, shall take
place on March 31, 1998, commencing at 10:00 a.m. (local time), at the offices
of Nexsen Pruet Jacobs & Pollard, LLP, 1441 Main Street, Suite 1500, Columbia,
South Carolina or such other time and place as may be mutually agreed upon in
writing by the parties (the "Closing"). In the event Closing set forth in this
Section 8 is changed to a different date, all references in this Agreement to
Closing shall be deemed to refer to the time and date agreed upon by the
parties, in the manner set forth herein.

         8.2 Transactions at Closing. At the Closing, and subject to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement:

                  8.2.1 UCI of GA shall pay to MainStreet the consideration then
owing to it pursuant to, and in accordance with, Section 7.1 above.

                  8.2.2 Doctor's Care of GA shall pay to MHMG-GA the
consideration then owing to it pursuant to, and in accordance with, Section 3.1

                  8.2.3 Doctor's Care of TN shall pay to MHMG-TN the
consideration then owing to it pursuant to, and in accordance with, Section 4.1

                  8.2.4 Each of the Transferors and the Class B Shareholders, as
applicable, shall execute and deliver to UCI, UCI of GA, Doctor's Care of GA, or
Doctor's Care of TN, as applicable, the bills of sale, assignments, titles,
certificates, and other documents, agreements and instruments, in form and
substance required by this Agreement, as described in Section 8.3 below.

                  8.2.5 UCI of GA, Doctor's Care of GA, and Doctor's Care of TN
shall execute and deliver to each of the Transferors and the Class B
Shareholders, as applicable, the documents, agreements and instruments in form
and substance required by this Agreement, as described in Section 8.4..

                  8.2.6 All employees of each of the Transferors directly and
primarily associated with the Business will cease to be employees of the
Transferors, and the Transferees, or any one of them, may, subject to the
exercise of the Transferees' sole discretion, offer immediately or thereafter to
hire any or all of such persons. The Transferees, or any one of them, shall no
less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of Closing, notify Mainstreet of
the Transferor's

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employees who the Transferees, or any one of them, shall offer employment as of
Closing. The Transferees shall be required to hire only those employees of the
Transferors which the Transferees, or any one of them, elects in its sole
discretion to hire, and the Transferees shall not assume any liability
whatsoever to any employee of any of the Transferors not hired by any of the
Transferees. Each of the Transferors jointly and severally will be responsible
for paying and reporting all costs and liabilities, including but not limited to
compensation, federal and state withholding taxes, federal and state
unemployment taxes, all employee benefit costs, and worker's compensation claims
incurred or accrued prior to the date of Closing.

                  8.2.7 The parties hereto will take such other actions
contemplated at Closing by this Agreement.

         8.3 Transferors' and Class B Shareholders' Documents. At Closing, each
of the Transferors and each of the Class B Shareholders, as applicable, shall
deliver, or cause to be delivered, at Transferors' expense, the following duly
executed, lawful and effective documents and instruments:

                  8.3.1 A bill of sale for tangible personal property and
fixtures composing portions of the MainStreet Assets substantially in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.1 to UCI of GA.

                  8.3.2 An assignment of intangible personal property composing
portions of the MainStreet Assets substantially in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit 8.3.2 to UCI of GA.

                  8.3.3 A bill of sale for tangible personal property and
fixtures composing portions of the MHMG-GA Assets substantially in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.3 to Doctor's Care of GA.

                  8.3.4 An assignment of intangible personal property composing
portions of the MHMG-GA Assets substantially in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit 8.3.4 to Doctor's Care of GA.

                  8.3.5 A bill of sale for tangible personal property and
fixtures composing portions of the MHMG-TN Assets substantially in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.5 to Doctor's Care of TN.

                  8.3.6 An assignment of intangible personal property composing
portions of the MHMG-TN Assets substantially in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit 8.3.6 to Doctor's Care of TN.

                  8.3.7 Each of the Class B Shareholders shall each execute and
deliver to UCI of GA a non-solicit covenant substantially in the form of Exhibit
8.3.7 attached hereto (the "Non- Solicits").

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                  8.3.8 MainStreet and each of the security holders of
MainStreet (including without limitation the Class B Shareholders) shall execute
and deliver to UCI an Investment Letter substantially in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 8.3.8 (the "Investment Letter").

                  8.3.9 MainStreet will deliver to UCI of GA copies of such duly
filed UCC termination statements, mortgages or lien satisfactions and other
documents, as are reasonably required by UCI of GA to evidence UCI of GA's
clear, marketable and insurable title to the MainStreet Assets; provided
however, the Parties acknowledge that Bank One, L.P. shall retain a lien on
MainStreet's accounts receivable as collateral for MainStreet's line of credit
obligation being assumed by UCI of GA as set forth in Section 7.1.3 above.

                  8.3.10 MHMG-GA will deliver to Doctor's Care of GA copies of
such duly filed UCC termination statements, mortgages or lien satisfactions and
other documents, as are reasonably required by Doctor's Care of GA to evidence
Doctor's Care of GA's clear, marketable and insurable title to the MHMG-GA

                  8.3.11 MHMG-TN will deliver to Doctor's Care of TN copies of
such duly filed UCC termination statements, mortgages or lien satisfactions and
other documents, as are reasonably required by Doctor's Care of TN to evidence
Doctor's Care of TN's clear, marketable and insurable title to the MHMG-TN

                  8.3.12 Each Transferor will deliver to UCI of GA such duly
executed termination statements, or upon UCI of GA's request lease assignments,
of the MainStreet Real Estate Leases and other documents, as are reasonably
required by UCI of GA to evidence UCI of GA's clear, marketable and insurable
leasehold interest in each of the Georgia Facilities and Tennessee Facilities.

                  8.3.13 Each Transferor shall deliver to UCI of GA such duly
executed consents, if the assignment of the MainStreet Equipment Leases, to UCI
of GA.

                  8.3.14 Copy of the patient list of each Transferor as of the
date of Closing.

                  8.3.15 MHMG-GA's Articles of Amendment, in a form satisfactory
to UCI of GA, changing the name of MHMG-GA to a name other than "MainStreet
Healthcare Medical Group, P.C.", thus making such name available to UCI of GA.

                  8.3.16 MHMG-TN's Articles of Amendment, in a form satisfactory
to UCI of GA, changing the name of MHMG-TN to a name other than "MainStreet
Healthcare Medical Group, PC", thus making such name available to UCI of GA.

                  8.3.17 Each Transferor shall deliver to UCI of GA at Closing
evidence of insurance as set forth in Section 9.19.3 herein.

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                  8.3.18 MainStreet shall execute and deliver to UCI of GA an
Affidavit and Certificate of Assumed Liabilities substantially in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.18.

                  8.3.19 Officers' Certificate of each of the Transferors
substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.19.

                  8.3.20 Legal Opinion of Transferors' and Class B Shareholders'
counsel dated the date of Closing, substantially in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit 8.3.20.

                  8.3.21 MainStreet shall cause the owner as of Closing of
MainStreet's facility located at 2362 Main Street, Tucker, Georgia to execute
and deliver to UCI of GA a lease of MainStreet's facility located at 2362 Main
Street, Tucker, Georgia, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
8.3.21. As of the date hereof, MainStreet is the owner of such facility. On or
before the Closing, MainStreet shall not convey such facility to any person or
entity other than a Class B Shareholder without the prior written consent of UCI
which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

                  8.3.22 Certificate of Existence or Good Standing of each of
the Transferors issued by the Secretary of State of its state of formation and
dated within twenty days prior to Closing.

                  8.3.23 MainStreet shall execute and deliver to UCI of GA a
true and complete list of the holders of MainStreet's securities as of the date
of Closing, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.23 (the
"Certified List of MainStreet Security Holders").

                  8.3.24 A report of each Transferor's accounts receivable (with
aging data) and unbilled cost of fee by patient or customer as of the date of
Closing, and a schedule of advance payments (advances) by patient or customer as
of the date of Closing.

         8.4 Documents of UCI, UCI of GA, Doctor's Care of GA, or Doctor's Care
of TN. At Closing, UCI and/or UCI of GA, at their expense, shall deliver or
cause to be delivered to the Transferors or the Class B Shareholders (as the
case may be) the following duly executed, lawful, and effective documents and

                  8.4.1 UCI will deliver a copy of the instructions to the
transfer agent of UCI's common stock instructing the transfer agent to issue
certificate(s) evidencing the Shares to MainStreet.

                  8.4.2 UCI will deliver to MainStreet the registration rights
agreement substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 8.4.2.

                  8.4.3 Officers' Certificate of each of the Transferees
substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 8.4.3.

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                  8.4.4 Legal Opinion of Transferees' counsel dated the date of
Closing, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 8.4.4.

                  8.4.5 UCI of GA shall execute and deliver to MainStreet a
lease of MainStreet's facility located at 2362 Main Street, Tucker, Georgia,
substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 8.3.21, and shall pay such
initial rental thereunder.

                  8.4.6 Certificate of Existence or Good Standing of UCI and
each of the Transferees issued by the Secretary of State of its state of
formation and dated within twenty days prior to Closing.

         8.5 Conditions of Title.

                  8.5.1 Assets. At Closing, the Assets shall be conveyed by
appropriate instruments of conveyance free and clear of all claims, security
interests, liens and Encumbrances except (a) personal property and ad valorem
taxes for the year of Closing (which shall be prorated as provided in this
Agreement), and (b) Bank One, L.P. shall retain a lien on MainStreet's accounts
receivable as collateral for MainStreet's line of credit obligation being
assumed by UCI of GA as set forth in Section 7.1.3 above.

                  8.5.2 Leasehold. At Closing, UCI of GA shall hold a leasehold
interest in each of the Georgia Facilities and Tennessee Facilities free and
clear of all claims, security interests, liens and Encumbrances except real
property taxes for the year of Closing which are not yet due and payable.

         8.6 Covenants Prior to Closing.

                  8.6.1 Access to Information. Subject to any restrictions of
applicable law or third party confidentiality agreements, upon reasonable
notice, each Party shall, and shall cause its Subsidiaries to, afford to the
officers, directors, employees, accountants, counsel, investment bankers,
financial advisors, financing sources and other representatives of the other
Parties hereto (collectively, "Representatives") reasonable access, during
normal business hours throughout the period prior to the date of Closing, to all
of its properties, books, contracts, commitments and records and, during such
period, each party shall and shall cause its Subsidiaries to, furnish promptly
to the other (i) access to each report, schedule and other document filed or
received by it or any of its Subsidiaries pursuant to the requirements of
federal or state securities laws or filed with or sent to the SEC or any other
federal or state regulatory agency or commission and (ii) access to all
information concerning themselves, their Subsidiaries, directors, officers and
shareholders and such other matters as may be reasonably requested by the other
party in connection with any filings, applications or approvals required or
contemplated by this Agreement.

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                  8.6.2 Reasonable Best Efforts. Subject to the terms and
conditions herein provided and to applicable legal requirements, each of the
Parties agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken,
all action and so do, or cause to be done, all things necessary, proper or
advisable under applicable laws and regulations to consummate and make effective
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including, without limitation,
the obtaining of all necessary waivers, consents and approvals and the effecting
of all necessary registrations and filings.

                  8.6.3 Private Placement. UCI will use its commercially
reasonable best efforts to consummate a private placement through Laidlaw & Co
of up to $2.5 million (the "Private Placement"). UCI, based on conditions that
are prevailing of the date hereof and that have been brought to its attention,
knows of no circumstance or condition that it expects will prevent the
successful completion of the Private Placement.

                  8.6.4 UCI Stockholders Meeting. UCI, acting through its Board
of Directors, shall, subject to and in accordance with applicable law and its
Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, and its By-Laws, (i) promptly and duly
call, give notice of, convene and hold as soon as practicable following the date
hereof a meeting of the holders of UCI common stock for the purpose of voting to
approve to the extent required by applicable law the transaction contemplated
herein, and recommend approval and adoption thereof, (ii) prepare and file with
the SEC and upon clearance thereof submit to stockholders a proxy statement in
appropriate form for the solicitation of proxies with respect to the foregoing,
and (iii) take all reasonable action to solicit and obtain such approval.

                  8.6.5 Operation in Regular Course. Until Closing, UCI shall
carry on its business substantially in the same manner as it was carried on
prior to the date hereof; provided however nothing contained herein shall
preclude or in any way restrict UCI's acquiring one or more medical practices or
consummating the Private Placement.

         8.7 Transactions Subsequent to Closing.

                  8.7.1 Employment Matters. Nothing contained herein shall be
construed to create any liability for UCI or any of the Transferees to present
or past employees of any Transferor or any other person or entity or regulatory
agency for periods prior to the date of Closing.

                  8.7.2 Books and Records. To the extent that any of
Transferors' books, records and documents are to be transferred to Transferees
hereunder, and Transferors may have need to have access to such transferred
books, records, and documents held by Transferees after the Closing, the
Transferees agree that they shall maintain for at least three (3) years after
the Closing (or for such longer period as may be required by applicable law) the
respective books, records and documents transferred hereunder. During said
period, representatives of Transferors shall be permitted to inspect and make
copies of said books, records and documents transferred to

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Transferees, if any, during normal business hours and upon reasonable notice for
purposes related to winding up the affairs relating to the Business or for any
other appropriate purpose.

                  8.7.3 Trade Name. Each Transferor and Class B Shareholder
shall discontinue use of the trade names "MainStreet Healthcare" and "Prompt

                  8.7.4 Accounts Receivable. Each Transferor shall cooperate
with UCI of GA's attempts to collect the accounts receivable constituting
portions of the Assets and will promptly pay over to UCI of GA any proceeds of
such accounts receivable.

                  8.7.5 Transitional Permits. Each Transferor agrees, to the
extent permitted by law, that Transferees may operate for a period of up to 30
days after Closing under any permits or licenses of Transferors respecting the
Business which may not be assignable until similar permits or licenses are
issued to Transferees, provided Transferees promptly make and pursue application
for such permits and licenses and indemnifies Transferors for any loss or damage
from Transferees' operations under such permits or licenses. In the event that
any such permit or license is held in the name of an officer or agent of any
Transferor, Transferors shall use best efforts to cause such person to cooperate
in carrying out the intent of this Section.

                  8.7.6 Restrictions Against Competition.

                  For a period of three (3) years after
Closing, none of the Transferors:

                           shall own, operate, or establish,
         in competition with UCI and/or any of the Transferees, an urgent care,
         family care, or industrial and/or occupational medical business located
         anywhere within the States of South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia.

                           shall, directly or through an
         affiliate, solicit or divert (or assist another person or entity to
         solicit or divert) any patient of the Business from purchasing or using
         any of the services of the Transferees, or any one of them.

                           shall, directly or through an
         affiliate, solicit or in any manner attempt to solicit or induce any
         person employed by, or an agent of, one or more of the Transferees to
         terminate such person's association or contract of employment or
         agency, as the case may be, with such entity.

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                  If any Transferor shall violate any of the
provisions of this Section 8.6.6, the Transferees shall be entitled to recover
any non-speculative lost profits incurred by any one or more of the Transferees
as a result of, growing out of, or in connection with, any such violation by a
Transferor. This remedy shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any
injunctive relief or other rights, remedies, or damages, to which any one or
more of the Transferees is or may be entitled as a result of this Agreement. In
the event of a breach or threatened breach by a Transferor of any of the
provisions of this Section 8.6.6, the Transferees, in addition to, and not in
limitation of, any other rights, remedies, or damages available to any one or
more of the Transferees at law or in equity, shall be entitled to a temporary
restraining order, preliminary injunction, and permanent injunction in order to
prevent or restrain any such breach by a Transferor or by a Transferor's
partners, agents, representatives, servants, employers, employees, companies,
consulting clients, and/or any and all persons directly or indirectly acting for
or with a Transferor. Each Transferor agrees that in the event of any breach by
a Transferor of the covenants set forth in this Section 8.6.6, the Transferees
shall suffer irreparable harm for which the remedy of monetary damages may be

                  Each of the Transferors acknowledges and
agrees that the restrictions contained in this Section 8.6.6 is reasonably
related to the value of the Assets sold to Transferees hereunder and that the
scope of this restriction is reasonable in time and territory. In the event
that, notwithstanding the foregoing, any of the provisions of this Section 8.6.6
or any parts thereof shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining
provisions or parts thereof shall nevertheless continue to be valid and
enforceable as though the invalid or unenforceable portions or parts had not
been included therein. In the event that any provisions of Section 8.6.6
relating to the time period and/or the areas of restriction and/or the scope of
restricted activities and/or related aspects shall be declared by a court of
competent jurisdiction to exceed the maximum restrictiveness such court deems
reasonable and enforceable, the time period and/or areas of restriction and/or
the scope of restricted activities and/or related aspects deemed reasonable and
enforceable by the court shall become and thereafter be the maximum restriction
in such regard, and the restriction shall remain enforceable to the fullest
extent deemed reasonable by such court. In the event any Class B Shareholder
violates the terms of their respective Non- Solicit, a form of which is attached
hereto as Exhibit 8.3.7, such violation shall be deemed to be a violation by
each of the Transferors of the terms of this Section 8.6.6.

                           8.7.7 Confidentiality. Subsequent to Closing, each of
the Transferors shall hold in confidence all documents and information
concerning the Business and the Assets (except that Transferors may, after
reasonable notice to UCI of GA disclose such documents and information, or
copies or summaries thereof, to Transferors professional advisors, shareholders,
creditors, and any governmental authority reviewing the transactions
contemplated hereby, or as required in Transferors' reasonable judgment pursuant
to federal or state laws or regulations or court order). Such confidential
information shall not include information that can be demonstrated by

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independent documentary evidence to be publicly available other than as a result
of acts in breach of this Section or any Non-Solicit.

                  8.7.8 Publicity. Upon UCI of GA's request (if any), at a date
reasonably agreed upon by UCI of GA and MainStreet, but no later than thirty
(30) business days after Closing, MainStreet, at UCI of GA's expense, shall mail
to all those patients of Transferors designated by UCI of GA, a letter
substantially on the form provided by UCI of GA, subject to MainStreet's
approval (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) advising of the sale
hereunder and containing a request of Transferors that to the extent requested
by UCI of GA, such patient shall continue its relationships with Transferees.
Other than as directed or expressly permitted by Transferees or expressly
required by law, the Transferors and the Class B Shareholders shall not take any
action or make any disclosures which might reasonably be anticipated to have an
adverse affect on the Transferee's respective business operations relating to
the Assets. This provision shall not, however, be construed to prohibit any
Party from making any disclosures to any governmental authority which it is
required to make by law or from filing this Agreement with, or disclosing the
terms of this Agreement to, any governmentally-regulated institutional lender to
such Party, or prohibit Transferees or Transferors from disclosing to their
respective investors, lenders, and financial advisors such terms of this
transaction as are customarily disclosed to them in connection with the
disposition of such assets. The Parties hereto acknowledge and agree that UCI
may elect, either prior to or after Closing, in it sole discretion, to issue a
press release after consulting with MainStreet, and file documents with the SEC
and Nasdaq concerning the proposed acquisition and this Agreement.

                  8.7.9 Taxes. Each of the Transferors shall file such tax
returns and reports and pay such taxes to be paid by them as are required for
periods ending with the date of Closing.

                  8.7.10 Creditors. Each of the Transferors shall as and when
due use their reasonable best efforts within eleven (11) months after the date
of Closing to pay all of Transferors' valid liabilities not expressly assumed by
UCI of GA pursuant to Section 7.1.3 hereunder, and perform all of Transferors'
valid obligations which any of the Transferors have incurred in connection with
the Assets or the operation of the Business.

                  8.7.11 Miscellaneous Required Acts. The parties hereto shall
take such other actions and comply with other obligations as are required after
Closing under this Agreement or under documents ancillary hereto.

                  8.7.12 Audit. At UCI of GA's expense, Transferors, no later
than May 30, 1998, shall provide UCI with the audited financial statements of
the Transferors for the period commencing April 1, 1997, and ending March 31,

                  8.7.13 Board of Directors. On or about the date of Closing,
Johnson shall be appointed to the Board of Directors of UCI. Also, to the extent
permitted by law, as long as

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MainStreet or PENMAN is the holder of record of not less than five (5%) of the
issued and outstanding shares of the common stock of UCI, a representative of
PENMAN shall be invited to attend, at PENMAN's expense, all meetings of the
Board of Directors of UCI occurring after the date of Closing. For so long as
such representative of PENMAN is entitled to such invitation as set forth above,
such representative of PENMAN shall be given notice of all meetings of the Board
of Directors of UCI at the same time such notices are given to the directors of
UCI, and, to the extent permitted by law, shall be entitled to all information
generally made available to the directors of UCI. Such representative shall not
be entitled to vote on any matter.

         8.8 Other Actions. The parties hereto agree that they will at any time
and from time to time do, execute, acknowledge and deliver, or will cause to be
done, executed, acknowledged and delivered, all such further acts, deeds,
assignments, transfers, conveyances, documents, instruments and assurances as
may be reasonably required by the other party in order to carry out fully and to
effectuate the transactions herein contemplated under, and in accordance with,
the provisions of this Agreement.

Except as otherwise set forth in the Schedule of Exceptions attached hereto as
Exhibit 9 (the "Schedule of Exceptions"), each of the Transferors and Class B
Shareholders severally and not jointly represent, warrant, and covenant to UCI
and the Transferees that the representations and warranties contained in this
Section 9 are true, correct and complete as of the date of this Agreement:

         9.1 Organization of MainStreet; Authority. MainStreet is a corporation
duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
State of Delaware, with the corporate power and authority to enter into this
Agreement and the other documents related thereto and to carry out and perform
its obligations under the terms of this Agreement and such other documents
related thereto. MainStreet has the full and unrestricted corporate power and
authority to own, operate and lease its assets and properties and to carry on
its business as currently conducted. MainStreet is qualified to do business and
in good standing in the State of Georgia, and as of the date of Closing the
State of Tennessee, which jurisdictions constitute the only jurisdictions in
which the nature of MainStreet's business requires it to be so qualified or in
which the failure to be so qualified, if required, would have a material adverse
effect on the MainStreet Business taken as a whole. The execution and delivery
of this Agreement and documents related thereto and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by all
requisite corporate or other action on the part of MainStreet and each of the
Class B Shareholders. This Agreement has been, and at the Closing the documents
related thereto shall be, duly executed and delivered by MainStreet and each of
the Class B Shareholders and constitutes the valid, binding and enforceable
obligation of MainStreet and each of the Class B Shareholders, enforceable in
accordance with its terms and conditions, subject to applicable bankruptcy,
reorganization, insolvency, moratorium and other laws affecting creditors'
rights generally from time to time in effect and to general equitable

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Plan of Reorganization
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         9.2 Organization of MHMG-GA; Authority. MHMG-GA is a professional
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Georgia, with the corporate power and authority to enter into
this Agreement and the other documents related thereto and to carry out and
perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement and such other
documents related thereto. MHMG-GA has the full and unrestricted corporate power
and authority to own, operate and lease its assets and properties and to carry
on its business as currently conducted. MHMG-GA is qualified to do business and
in good standing in every jurisdiction in which the nature of MHMG-GA's business
requires it to be so qualified or in which the failure to be so qualified, if
required, would have a material adverse effect on the MHMG-GA Business taken as
a whole. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and documents related
thereto and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby
have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate or other action on the part
of MHMG-GA. This Agreement has been, and at the Closing the documents related
thereto shall be, duly executed and delivered by MHMG-GA and constitutes the
valid, binding and enforceable obligation of MHMG-GA, enforceable in accordance
with its terms and conditions, subject to applicable bankruptcy, reorganization,
insolvency, moratorium and other laws affecting creditors' rights generally from
time to time in effect and to general equitable principles.

         9.3 Organization of MHMG-TN; Authority. MHMG-TN is a professional
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Tennessee, with the corporate power and authority to enter into
this Agreement and the other documents related thereto and to carry out and
perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement and such other
documents related thereto. MHMG-TN has the full and unrestricted corporate power
and authority to own, operate and lease its assets and properties and to carry
on its business as currently conducted. MHMG-TN is qualified to do business and
in good standing in every jurisdiction in which the nature of MHMG-TN's business
requires it to be so qualified or in which the failure to be so qualified, if
required, would have a material adverse effect on the MHMG-TN Business taken as
a whole. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and documents related
thereto and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby
have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate or other action on the part
of MHMG-TN. This Agreement has been, and at the Closing the documents related
thereto shall be, duly executed and delivered by MHMG-TN and constitutes the
valid, binding and enforceable obligation of MHMG-TN, enforceable in accordance
with its terms and conditions, subject to applicable bankruptcy, reorganization,
insolvency, moratorium and other laws affecting creditors' rights generally from
time to time in effect and to general equitable principles.

         9.4 Organization of Prompt Care; Authority. Prompt Care is a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Tennessee, with the corporate power and authority to enter into
this Agreement and the other documents related thereto and to carry out and
perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement and such other
documents related thereto. Prompt Care is a wholly-owned Subsidiary of
MainStreet. As of the Closing, Prompt Care owns no assets and owes no
liabilities and has no interest in the

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Assets to be sold to Transferees hereunder or the proceeds thereof. The
execution and delivery of this Agreement and documents related thereto and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby have been duly
authorized by all requisite corporate or other action on the part of Prompt
Care. This Agreement has been, and at the Closing the documents related thereto
shall be, duly executed and delivered by Prompt Care and constitutes the valid,
binding and enforceable obligation of Prompt Care, enforceable in accordance
with its terms and conditions, subject to applicable bankruptcy, reorganization,
insolvency, moratorium and other laws affecting creditors' rights generally from
time to time in effect and to general equitable principles.

         9.5 Ability to Carry Out the Agreement. None of the Transferors or
Class B Shareholders is subject to or bound by any provision of:

                  (i) any law, statute, rule, regulation, ordinance or judicial
         or administrative decision;

                  (ii) any articles or certificate of incorporation or bylaws;

                  (iii) any contract, agreement, mortgage, deed of trust, lease,
         note, stockholders' agreement, bond, indenture, other instrument or
         agreement, license, permit, trust, custodianship or other restriction
         of any kind or character whatsoever: or

                  (iv) any judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree of any
         court, governmental body, administrative agency or arbitrator;

that would prevent or be violated by, or would result in any penalty, forfeiture
or material contract termination as a result of, or under which there would be a
default as a result of, nor is the consent of any Person under any contract or
agreement which has not been obtained required for, the execution, delivery and
performance by each of the Transferors and Class B Shareholders of this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

         9.6 Capitalization of MainStreet; Ownership. The authorized capital
stock of MainStreet consists solely of: (i) 20,000 shares of preferred stock,
par value $.01 per share (the "MainStreet Preferred Shares") of which 6,000
shares of the MainStreet Preferred Shares are 5.0% cumulative redeemable
preferred stock of which 4,367 shares are issued and outstanding, and the
remaining 14,000 shares of MainStreet Preferred Shares are "blank check
preferred" of which 2,500 shares have been designated 10% cumulative redeemable
preferred stock of which 412 shares are issued and outstanding; (ii) 5,000,000
shares of Class A non-voting convertible common stock, par value $0.01 per
share, of which 276,000 shares are issued and outstanding, and (iii) 20,000,000
shares of Class B common stock, par value $.01 per share, of which 6,460,452
shares are issued and outstanding. The shares of capital stock and other
securities described in Exhibit 9.6 hereto are the only shares of capital stock
and other securities of

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MainStreet which are issued and outstanding. All shares of the securities of
MainStreet are held of record by the respective security holders as set forth in
Exhibit 9.6 hereto.

         9.7 Capitalization of MHMG-GA; Ownership. The authorized capital stock
of MHMG-GA consists solely of one hundred thousand (100,000) shares of common
stock, no par value, of which 5,000 shares are issued and outstanding and owned
by Pamela K. Erdman, M.D., and 5,000 shares are issued and outstanding and owned
by Harold Holloway, M.D.

         9.8 Capitalization of MHMG-TN; Ownership. The authorized capital stock
of MHMG- TN consists solely of two thousand (2,000) shares of common stock, of
which 100 shares are issued and outstanding and owned by Laykoon Huang, M.D.

         9.9 Universal, Subsidiaries and Affiliates. Universal is a Georgia
corporation whose Article of Incorporation were filed with the Georgia Secretary
of State on January 27, 1997, but no further steps have been taken to organize
Universal, including but not limited to the issuance of stock. Universal owns no
assets and owes no liabilities and has no interest in the Assets to be sold to
Transferees hereunder or in the proceeds thereof. MainStreet does not have, and
has never had, any Subsidiary other than Prompt Care and Universal and does not
control, directly or indirectly, or have any direct or indirect equity
participation or any interest in any corporation, partnership, limited liability
company, trust, venture, business, enterprise, firm or other business
association other than Prompt Care and Universal. Neither MHMG-GA nor MHMG-TN
has, and has never had, any Subsidiary and does not control, directly or
indirectly, or have any direct or indirect equity participation or any interest
in any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, venture,
business, enterprise, firm or other business association.

         9.10 Financial Statements. Attached hereto as Exhibit 9.10 are the
following financial statements of the Transferors (collectively the "Financial
Statements"): (i) the audited consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 1997,
audited consolidated statements of operations, audited consolidated statement of
stockholder's equity, and audited consolidated statement of cash flows for the
fiscal year ended March 31, 1997; and (ii) the unaudited consolidated balance
sheet, unaudited consolidated statements of operations, unaudited consolidated
statement of stockholder's equity, and unaudited consolidated statement of cash
flows as of and for the nine (9) months ended December 31, 1997. The Financial
Statements (including the notes thereto) have been prepared in conformity with
United States generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") applied on a
consistent basis throughout the periods covered thereby, are true, correct and
complete, fairly present in all material respects the financial position of the
Transferors at the dates thereof and the results of operations of the
Transferors for the periods covered thereby (subject in the case of unaudited
statements to normal year-end adjustments), and are consistent with the books
and records of the Transferors (which books and records are materially correct
and complete).

         9.11 Conduct of Business Since March 31, 1997; Absence of Material
Adverse Change. Since March 31, 1997, there has been no material adverse change
in the Business, operations,

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results of operations, assets, properties or financial condition of any of the
Transferors. Since such date, except as contemplated in this Agreement: (i) each
of the Transferors has conducted its respective businesses in the manner
theretofore conducted and only in the ordinary course consistent with past
practices; and (ii) without limiting the generality of the foregoing, none of
the Transferors has:

                  9.11.1 incurred any loss of, or injury to, the assets or
properties of any of the Transferors as the result of any fire, explosion,
flood, windstorm, earthquake, labor trouble, riot, accident, act of God, public
enemy or armed forces, or other casualty (whether or not covered by insurance
payable to any of the Transferors);

                  9.11.2 mortgaged, pledged or subjected to lien, charge,
security interest or any other Encumbrance, other than in the ordinary course of
business, any of its assets or properties with respect to any obligations;

                  9.11.3 sold, exchanged, transferred or otherwise disposed of
any of its assets or properties, tangible and intangible, or cancelled any debts
or claims, other than in the ordinary course of business;

                  9.11.4 written down the value of any assets or properties or
written off as uncollectible any notes or accounts receivable, except
write-downs and write-offs in the ordinary course of business consistent with
past practices;

                  9.11.5 made any material change in any method of accounting or
accounting practice except where required by a change in GAAP or reflected in
the Financial Statements;

                  9.11.6  waived or released any rights of material value; or

                  9.11.7 agreed or committed, whether in writing or not, to do
any of the foregoing.

         9.12 Title to Assets; Absence of Liens.

                  9.12.1 MainStreet has good, valid and marketable title to, or
valid and subsisting leasehold interests in, all the MainStreet Assets, free and
clear of any and all Encumbrances, except for Encumbrances reflected in the
Financial Statements including that certain lien on MainStreet's accounts
receivable held by Bank One, L.P., and which do not unreasonably or materially
interfere with the conduct of MainStreet's business operations as currently

                  9.12.2 MHMG-GA has good, valid and marketable title to all the
MHMG-GA Assets, free and clear of any and all Encumbrances. The MHMG-GA Assets
consist solely of the medical records of the patients of MHMG-GA.

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                  9.12.3 MHMG-TN has good, valid and marketable title to all the
MHMG-TN Assets, free and clear of any and all Encumbrances. The MHMG-TN Assets
consist solely of the medical records of the patients of MHMG-TN.

         9.13 Status of Assets. The Assets sold hereunder constitute all of the
assets of the Business (taking into account the Excluded Assets) and include all
property, rights, and intangibles necessary for Transferees to operate after
Closing a business similar to the Business as is presently conducted. All
material inventory systems, computer systems, telephone systems, machinery,
equipment, and other tangible property which are portions of the Assets are
generally sound, in good repair, may be safely operated within all applicable
standards or regulations in their present conditions, and are in good and
merchantable condition. All material contracts, commitments, and similar rights
which are portions of the Assets are valid, binding, enforceable, and without
known default in violation of law. The information related to accounts
receivable provided to UCI of GA is materially accurate, and such accounts
receivable reflect valid, binding, and enforceable rights of the Business which
shall be lawfully transferred to UCI of GA hereunder.

         9.14 Litigation. There are no judicial or administrative actions or
proceedings pending, or to the best of each Transferors's and/or each Class B
Shareholders' Knowledge, threatened that question the validity of this Agreement
or any transaction contemplated hereby or that relate to the Assets or to the
conduct of Business, including but not limited to condemnation or bankruptcy
proceedings, which if adversely determined would have a material adverse effect
upon any of the Transferors' and/or any Class B Shareholders' ability to enter
into this Agreement or perform its obligations hereunder or upon the use,
enjoyment, or value of the Assets for the Transferees.

         9.15 Compliance with Laws. Each of the Transferors is in compliance
with all laws, ordinances, and regulations that govern their respective
ownership and present use of the Assets, the violation of which would have a
material adverse effect on the Assets or the Business. All of the Assets sold
hereunder, and each of the Facilities leased hereunder, substantially comply
with applicable environmental, zoning, health, OSHA, consumer products, and fire
safety regulations where such non-compliance does not have a material effect on
the Business or Assets.

         9.16 Brokers. None of the Transferors nor any Class B Shareholder has
dealt with any broker in connection with this transaction other than Laidlaw &
Company, and no brokerage commission nor claim thereof shall accrue or become
payable to any person or entity respecting this transaction other than Laidlaw &
Company. Each of the Transferors and Class B Shareholders acknowledge and agree
that any and all commissions payable to Laidlaw & Company in connection with
consummation of the transactions contemplated herein shall be paid by
MainStreet. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties acknowledge that certain
commissions shall be payable to Laidlaw & Company by UCI in connection with
certain capital raising transactions unrelated to the transactions contemplated
herein, including but not limited to that certain Private Placement.

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         9.17 Payables, Taxes, and Creditors. Each of the Transferors and Class
B Shareholders shall not hinder, delay, defraud, or avoid any obligation to any
past, present or future creditor in the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement. The consideration to be received by the Transferors from the
Transferees pursuant to this Agreement is more than a reasonably equivalent
value in exchange for the transfer of the Assets. Each of the Transferors is
currently solvent and will not be rendered insolvent as a result of the
transactions contemplated hereby. None of the Transferors has initiated, nor
does it intend to initiate with respect to itself as debtor, has had initiated
or expects to have initiated against it as debtor, any proceeding under federal
or any state's bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws.

         9.18 Employee Benefits.

                  9.18.1 Exhibit 9.18.1 lists each Employee Benefit Plan that
any of the Transferors maintain or to which any of the Transferors contribute.
Each such Employee Benefit Plan (and each related trust, insurance contract or
fund) complies in form and in operation in all material respects with the
applicable requirements of ERISA, the Code, and other applicable laws.

                  9.18.2 All required reports and descriptions (including Form
5500 Annual Reports, Summary Annual Reports, PBGC-1's and Summary Plan
Descriptions) have been filed or distributed appropriately with respect to each
such Employee Benefit Plan. The requirements of Part 6 of Subtitle B of Title I
of ERISA and of Code Section 4980B have been met with respect to each such
Employee Benefit Plan which is an Employee Welfare Benefit Plan.

                  9.18.3 All contributions (including all employer contributions
and employee salary reduction contributions) which are due have been paid to
each such Employee Benefit Plan which is an Employee Pension Benefit Plan, and
all contributions for any period ending on or before the date of Closing which
are not yet due, have been paid to each such Employee Pension Benefit Plan or
accrued in accordance with the past custom and practice of the Transferors. All
premiums or other payments for all periods ending on or before the date of
Closing have been paid with respect to each such Employee Benefit Plan which is
an Employee Welfare Benefit Plan.

                  9.18.4 Each such Employee Benefit Plan which is an Employee
Pension Benefit Plan meets the requirements of a "qualified plan" under Code
Section 401(a) and has received, within the last two (2) years, a favorable
determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service.

                  9.18.5 The Transferors have delivered to UCI of GA correct and
complete copies of the plan documents and summary plan descriptions, the most
recent determination letter received from the Internal Revenue Service, the most
recent Form 5500 Annual Report and all related trust agreements, insurance
contracts and other funding agreements which implement each such Employee
Benefit Plan.

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Plan of Reorganization
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                  9.18.6 None of the Transferors has incurred any accumulated
funding deficiency within the meaning of ERISA or any liability to the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation established under ERISA, nor has any tax been
assessed against any of the Transferors for the alleged violation of the Code
with respect to the Business, or their respective operations.

         9.19 Insurance.

                  9.19.1 Exhibit 9.19.1 sets forth the following information
with respect to each insurance policy (including policies providing property,
casualty, liability or workers' compensation coverage or bond or surety
arrangements) or self-insurance arrangement to which any of the Transferors is a
party, a named insured, or otherwise the beneficiary of coverage as of the date

                           (i) the name, address and telephone number of the

                           (ii) the name of the insurer, the name of the
         policyholder and the name of each covered insured;

                           (iii) the policy number and the period of coverage;

                           (iv) the scope (including an indication of whether
         the coverage was on a claims made, occurrence or other basis) and
         amount (including a description of how deductibles and ceilings are
         calculated and operate) of coverage; and

                           (v) a description of any retroactive premium
         adjustments or other loss-sharing arrangements.

                  9.19.2 With respect to each such insurance policy: (i) to the
Knowledge of each Transferor and each Class B Shareholder, the policy is legal,
valid, binding, enforceable and in full force and effect; (ii) to the Knowledge
of each Transferor and each Class B Shareholder, the policy if it is an
"occurrence policy" shall continue to be legal, valid, binding, enforceable and
in full force and effect on identical terms following the consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement; (iii) to the Knowledge of each
Transferor and each Class B Shareholder, each of the Transferors are not nor is
any other party to the policy in breach or default (including with respect to
the payment of premiums or the giving of notices), and no event has occurred
which, with notice or the lapse of time, would constitute such a breach or
default, or permit termination, modification or acceleration, under the policy;
(iv) no party to the policy has repudiated any provision thereof; and (v) no
claims have been made during the past five years. Each of the Transferors has
been covered since their respective dates of formation by insurance in scope and
amount consistent with current coverage, taking into account the growth of their
respective businesses.

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Plan of Reorganization
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                  9.19.3 For a period of one (1) year after the date of Closing,
the Transferors, at their expense, shall maintain a comprehensive general
liability "claims made" policy for discontinued operations of the Transferors in
the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, and UCI and each of the Transferees
shall be listed as additional insureds under such policy. Evidence of such
insurance shall be delivered to Transferees at Closing.

         9.20 Directors, Officers and Employees. Exhibit 9.20 contains a correct
and complete listing as of the date hereof of all of the directors, officers and
employees of each of the Transferors, respectively, showing their names,
positions and current wage or salary and rights to bonuses.

         9.21 Labor Relations; Employees.

                  9.21.1 None of the Transferors has a collective bargaining
agreement with any of its employees; there is no labor union organizing activity
pending or, to the Knowledge of each of the Transferors, threatened with respect
to any Transferor; and none of the Transferors has experienced any strikes,
grievances, claims of unfair labor practices or other collective bargaining
disputes. None of the Transferors has committed any unfair labor practices.

                  9.21.2 There is no pending claim nor, to the Knowledge of each
Transferor, threatened (including, but not limited to, governmental agencies of
any kind) against any of the Transferors arising out of any federal, state,
county, local or foreign statute, ordinance or regulation relating to
discrimination against employees or any other employee practices, including
without limitation retirement or labor relations, or occupational, safety and/or
health standards, sexual harassment or intentional infliction of emotional

         9.22 Real Property.

                  9.22.1 Other than MainStreet's facility located at 2362 Main
Street, Tucker, Georgia which is owned by MainStreet, none of the Transferors
owns any real property.

                  9.22.2 Exhibit 7.2.1(b) lists and describes briefly all real
property leased or subleased to or by each of the Transferors, including but not
limited to each of the MainStreet Real Estate Leases. MainStreet has delivered
to UCI of GA correct and complete copies of the leases and subleases (as amended
to date) listed in Exhibit 7.2.1(b). With respect to each such lease and

                  (i) to each Transferor's Knowledge, the lease or sublease is
         legal, valid, binding, enforceable and in full force and effect:

                  (ii) None of the Transferors is, and, to MainStreet's
         Knowledge, no other party to the lease or sublease is, in breach or
         default, and, to the Knowledge of MainStreet, no

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Plan of Reorganization
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         event has occurred which, with notice or lapse of time, would
         constitute a breach or default or permit termination, modification or
         acceleration thereunder;

                  (iii) no party to the lease or sublease has repudiated any
         provision thereof;

                  (iv) there are no disputes, oral agreements or forbearance
         programs in effect as to the lease or sublease;

                  (v) with respect to each sublease, the representations and
         warranties set forth in clauses (i) through (iv) above are true and
         correct with respect to the underlying lease;

                  (vi) none of the Transferors has assigned, transferred,
         conveyed, mortgaged, deeded in trust or encumbered any interest in the
         leasehold or subleasehold;

                  (vii) all facilities leased or subleased thereunder have
         received all approvals of governmental authorities (including licenses
         and permits) required in connection with the operation thereof and have
         been operated and maintained in accordance with applicable laws, rules
         and regulations;

                  (viii) all facilities leased or subleased thereunder are
         supplied with utilities and other services necessary for the operation
         of said facilities;

                  (ix) to the Knowledge of MainStreet, the owner of the facility
         leased or subleased has good and marketable title to the parcel of real
         property, free and clear of any Encumbrance, easement, covenant or
         other restriction, except for installments of special easements not yet
         delinquent and recorded easements, covenants and other restrictions
         which do not unreasonably interfere with the Transferors' current use
         of the property; and

                  (x) as of the date of Closing, MainStreet shall have paid all
         payments then due and owing pursuant to such leases and such leases
         shall not otherwise be in default or subject to acceleration.

         9.23 Equipment Leases. Exhibit 7.2.1(a) lists and describes briefly all
equipment leased to or by each of the Transferors, including but not limited to
each of the MainStreet Equipment Leases. MainStreet has delivered to UCI of GA
correct and complete copies of the leases (as amended to date) listed in Exhibit
7.2.1(a). With respect to each such lease:

                  (i) to each Transferor's Knowledge, the lease is legal, valid,
         binding, enforceable and in full force and effect:

                  (ii) None of the Transferors is, and, to MainStreet's
         Knowledge, no other party to the lease is, in breach or default, and,
         to the Knowledge of MainStreet, no event has

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         occurred which, with notice or lapse of time, would constitute a breach
         or default or permit termination, modification or acceleration

                  (iii) no party to the lease has repudiated any provision

                  (iv) there are no disputes, oral agreements or forbearance
         programs in effect as to the lease;

                  (v) none of the Transferors has assigned, transferred,
         conveyed, mortgaged, deeded in trust or encumbered any interest in the

                  (vi) all equipment leased thereunder has received all
         approvals of governmental authorities (including licenses and permits)
         required in connection with the operation thereof and has been operated
         and maintained in accordance with applicable laws, rules and

                  (vii) to the Knowledge of MainStreet, the owner of the
         equipment leased has good and marketable title to equipment, free and
         clear of any Encumbrance; and

                  (viii) as of the date of Closing, MainStreet shall have paid
         all payments then due and owing pursuant to such leases and, to the
         Knowledge of each Transferor and each Class B Shareholder, such leases
         shall not otherwise be in default or subject to acceleration.

         9.24 Line of Credit. As of the Closing, none of the terms of
MainStreet's line of credit obligation with Bank One, N.A. (formerly NPL-LP.
Inc.) shall have changed from the terms set forth in those certain loan
documents supplied by MainStreet to UCI of GA (unless otherwise requested or
agreed by UCI of GA in writing). As of the date of Closing, MainStreet shall
have paid all payments then due and owing pursuant to such line of credit and
such obligation shall not otherwise be in default or subject to acceleration.
The Parties hereto acknowledge that Bank One, L.P shall retain a lien on
MainStreet's accounts receivable being conveyed to UCI of GA hereunder.

         9.25     Environmental Matters.

                  9.25.1 In all material respects, each of the Transferors is in
compliance with all local, state and federal statutes, ordinances, and
regulations dealing with the protection of the environment or public health and
safety, including, but not limited to, the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (codified as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et
seq.) ("CERCLA") and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (codified as
amended, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.) ("RCARA").

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                  9.25.2 Each of the Transferors has obtained all required
local, state and federal permits, licenses, certificates and approvals, if any,
relating to: (i) air emissions; (ii) discharges to surface water or groundwater;
(iii) noise emissions; (iv) solid or liquid waste disposal; (v) the use,
generation, storage, transportation or disposal of toxic or hazardous substances
or wastes (intended hereby and hereafter to include any and all such materials
listed in any local, state or federal statute, ordinance or regulation); (vi)
the use, storage, transportation or disposal of petroleum or petroleum products;
or (vii) other environmental, health and safety matters.

                  9.25.3 Each of the Transferors has not caused, suffered,
permitted or sustained any emission, spill, release or discharge of any toxic or
hazardous substances or wastes, or any petroleum products, into or upon: (i) the
air; (ii) soils or any improvements located thereon, whether on a Transferors'
property or elsewhere; (iii) surface water or groundwater; or (iv) a sewer,
septic system or waste treatment, storage or disposal system except in
accordance with applicable law or a valid government permit, license,
certificate or approval.

                  9.25.4 None of the Transferors, nor any of the Class B
Shareholders has received written notice of any actual or potential claims,
orders, directives, citations or causes of action based on actual or alleged
violations of any local, state, or federal statutes, ordinances or regulations
dealing with the protection of the environment or public health and safety,
including, but not limited to, CERCLA or RCARA, or written notice of any actual
or potential common law claims or causes of action based upon any Transferor's
actual or alleged involvement with or use of any substance regulated by local,
state or federal statutes, ordinances or regulations dealing with the protection
of the environment or public health and safety.

                  9.25.5 None of the Transferors, nor any of the Class B
Shareholders has received oral or written notice of any actual or potential
claims, orders, directives, citations or causes of action under any local, state
or federal statutes, ordinances or regulations dealing with the protection of
the environment or public health and safety, including, but not limited to,
CERCLA and RCARA, based upon or arising out of its actual or alleged disposal of
hazardous wastes or substances, whether on or off real property being operated
by any of the Transferors.

         9.26 Consents. No consent, approval or authorization of or designation,
declaration or filing with any state, federal or foreign governmental authority
is required in connection with the valid execution and delivery of this
Agreement and the consummation by the Transferors and Class B Shareholders of
the transactions contemplated hereby. At Closing, no consent of any third party
which has not been obtained is required in connection with the transfer and
assignment of the Assets hereunder.

         9.27 Zoning. To the best of each Transferor's and each Class B
Shareholder's Knowledge, each of the Georgia Facilities and Tennessee Facilities
is currently zoned for commercial operations and are in compliance with
applicable zoning laws and ordinances; and

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Plan of Reorganization
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each of the Transferors and Class B Shareholders does not know that the status
of such zoning is in question or subject to change by the appropriate
governmental authorities.

         9.28 Normal Course. MainStreet has paid or caused to be paid promptly
when due all city, county and state ad valorem taxes and similar taxes and
assessments and all utility charges and assessments imposed upon or assessed
against the MainStreet Assets prior to the Closing. MHMG-GA has paid or caused
to be paid promptly when due all city, county and state ad valorem taxes and
similar taxes and assessments and all utility charges and assessments imposed
upon or assessed against the MHMG-GA Assets prior to the Closing. MHMG-TN has
paid or caused to be paid promptly when due all city, county and state ad
valorem taxes and similar taxes and assessments and all utility charges and
assessments imposed upon or assessed against the MHMG-TN Assets prior to the
Closing. Each of the Transferors shall exercise their respective best efforts to
preserve the goodwill of the employees, patients, suppliers and others having
business relationships with the Business through the date of Closing.

         9.29 Workers' Compensation. There are no worker compensation or similar
claims or actions pending or threatened, and each of the Transferors and/or each
of the Class B Shareholders do not know of facts which would make such claims
timely, by past or present employees of any of the Transferors.

         9.30 No Adverse Conditions. Except as previously disclosed in writing
to UCI of GA, to the best of each Transferor and/or Class B Shareholder's
Knowledge there are no adverse conditions or circumstances that may interfere
with the use and enjoyment of, or opportunity to resell or encumber, any of the
Assets, or might otherwise impede the Transferees' ability to operate a business
similar to the Business utilizing the Assets. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if
the condition or circumstance existed as of the date of execution of this
Agreement but was not disclosed as set forth above, no Transferor or Class B
Shareholder shall be in violation of this Section 9.30 in the event such adverse
condition or circumstance is cured as of Closing to UCI of GA's reasonable
satisfaction. In the event the adverse condition or circumstance arises
subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, and a Transferor or Class B
Shareholder has Knowledge of such condition or circumstance, such condition or
circumstance shall be disclosed in writing to UCI of GA.

         9.31 Copies of Documents. True, correct and complete copies of all
documents listed in the exhibits and schedules hereto with respect to the
representations and warranties contained in this Section 9 have been heretofore
delivered to UCI of GA.

         9.32 Disclosure. Each disclosure in the Schedule of Exceptions
disclosed as an exception to a representation or warranty of the Transferors and
Class B Shareholders shall be deemed adequate to disclose an exception to a
representation or warranty made herein to which it relates only if such
disclosure refers to an agreement delivered to UCI of GA or identifies the
exception with reasonable particularity and includes a brief description of the
facts or obligation.

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To the Knowledge of each of the Transferors and Class B Shareholders, no
information about any of the Transferors contained in this Agreement or any
document executed in connection therewith, the Financial Statements, or any
written statement furnished by or on behalf of the Transferors or Class B
Shareholders pursuant to the terms of this Agreement contains any untrue
statement of material fact or omits to state any material fact necessary in
order to make the statements and information contained herein or therein not
misleading in light of the circumstances under which made.

         9.33 Representations and Warranties at Closing. Except as expressly
otherwise permitted in this Agreement, the representations and warranties of
each Transferor and/or each Class B Shareholder set forth in this Agreement
shall be true as of the date of Closing as though such representations and
warranties were made on such date, unless they reference a specific earlier date
whereupon, as of the Closing, they shall be true as at the earlier date
referenced. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Transferor and the Class B
Shareholders shall promptly notify Transferees of any occurrence or state of
facts which would result in any of the representations and warranties contained
in this Section 9 not being true and correct if made anew at the time of such
notice. From time to time prior to Closing, Transferor and the Class B
Shareholders shall promptly supplement and amend any Exhibit referenced in this
Section 9 with respect to any matter hereafter arising which, if existing or
occurring at the date of this Agreement, would have been required to be set
forth or described on an Exhibit referenced in this Section 9. No such
supplement or amendment shall have the effect of curing any inaccuracy or
misrepresentation in any representation or warranty in this Agreement as of the
date hereof unless each Transferee elects in writing to waive such inaccuracy or

         9.34 Value of Assets and Future Profitability. Except as expressly set
forth herein, Transferors and the Class B Shareholders make no representation or
warranty of any kind whatsoever, including as to the value of the Assets or the
future profitability or future earnings performance of the business of UCI of GA
after the date of Closing.

GA, jointly and severally, represent, warrant, and covenant to the Transferors
and Class B Shareholders that the representations and warranties contained in
this Section 10 are true, correct and complete as of the date of this Agreement:

         10.1 Organization and Good Standing. UCI is a corporation duly
organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of
Delaware and has full corporate power to carry on its businesses and to own and
operate its properties and assets as presently owned and operated. UCI of GA is
a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the
laws of the State of South Carolina and has full corporate power to carry on its
businesses and to own and operate its properties and assets as presently owned
and operated.

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         10.2 Authority. Other than the approval of shareholders of UCI, UCI and
UCI of GA have taken all corporate action necessary to approve and authorized
the execution of this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated
hereby. Each of their respective representatives signing this Agreement has full
power and authority to execute this Agreement in the indicated capacity and to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been, and at
the Closing the documents related thereto shall be, duly executed and delivered
by UCI and UCI of GA, and constitute valid and binding obligations of UCI and
UCI of GA enforceable in accordance with its terms and conditions except as
enforcement may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws
effecting creditors rights generally and by principles of equity.

         10.3 Ability to Carry Out the Agreement. Other than the required
approval of the shareholders of UCI, neither UCI nor UCI of GA is subject to or
bound by any provision of:

                  (i) any law, statute, rule, regulation, ordinance or judicial
         or administrative decision;

                  (ii) any articles or certificate of incorporation or bylaws;

                  (iii) any contract, agreement, mortgage, deed of trust, lease,
         note, shareholders' agreement, bond, indenture, other instrument or
         agreement, license, permit, trust, custodianship other restriction of
         any kind or character whatsoever; or

                  (iv) any judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree of any
         court, governmental body, administrative agency or arbitrator;

that would prevent or be violated by or would result in any penalty, forfeiture
or contract termination as a result of, or under which there would be a default
as a result of, nor is the consent of any Person under any material agreement
which has not been obtained required for, the execution, delivery and
performance by either UCI or UCI of GA of this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby, other than violations, penalties, forfeitures, contract
terminations, defaults or failure to obtain consents which, singly or in the
aggregate, shall not have a material adverse effect on the enforceability or
validity of this Agreement or the ability of UCI and UCI of GA to perform their
respective obligations hereunder.

         10.4 Capitalization. UCI is authorized to issue: (i) Ten Million
(10,000,000) shares of UCI Common Stock of which 5,744,965 shares are issued and
outstanding as of the date hereof; and (ii) Ten Million (10,000,000) shares of
Preferred Stock, $0.01 par value per share, none of which is issued and
outstanding. Upon the approval of the shareholders of UCI which is anticipated
prior to Closing, UCI shall amend its certificate of incorporation to authorize
Thirty Million (30,000,000) shares of UCI common stock. As of Closing, all of
the Shares to be issued in the transaction described herein shall be duly
authorized and reserved for issuance pursuant to

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this Agreement, and, upon the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby, shall be validly issued, fully paid, nonassessable and not subject to
preemptive rights.

         10.5 Securities Law Filings. UCI has previously furnished to MainStreet
and the Class B Shareholders copies of: (i) its Annual Report on Form 10-KSB/A
for the year ended September 30, 1997, as filed with the SEC; and (ii) its
Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarters ended December 31, 1997. UCI
has filed all documents required to be filed with the SEC since January 1, 1996
(the "UCI SEC Documents"). As of their respective dates, the UCI SEC Documents
compiled in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, or the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as the
case may be, and none of the UCI SEC Documents contained any untrue statement of
a material fact or omitted to state any material fact required to be stated
therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. The consolidated
financial statements of UCI included in the UCI SEC Documents complied as to
form in all material respects with the applicable accounting requirements and
the published rules and regulations of the SEC with respect thereto, have been
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (except, in
the case of the unaudited statements, as permitted by Form 10-QSB of the SEC)
applied on a consistent basis during the periods involved (except as may be
indicated therein or in the notes thereto) and fairly, accurately and completely
present the consolidated financial position of UCI and its consolidated
Subsidiaries, at the respective dates thereof and the consolidated results of
its operations and its consolidated cash flows for the respective periods then
ended (subject, in the case of the unaudited statements, to normal year-end
audit adjustments and to any other adjustments described therein).

         10.6 Litigation. There are no judicial or administrative actions or
proceedings pending, or to the best Knowledge of UCI and UCI of GA, threatened
that question the validity of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated
hereby, which if adversely determined would have a material adverse effect upon
their ability to enter into this Agreement or perform their respective
obligations hereunder.

         10.7 Taxes. UCI has paid or caused to be paid promptly when due all
city, county and state ad valorem taxes and similar taxes and assessments
imposed upon or assessed against the assets of UCI or its Subsidiaries prior to
the Closing.

         10.8 Compliance with Laws. UCI and UCI of GA is in compliance with all
laws, ordinances, and regulations that govern their respective assets, the
violation of which would have a material adverse effect on the business of UCI
taken as a whole.

         10.9 Payables and Creditors. UCI of GA shall pay all accounts payable
and taxes, assessments, and charges respecting the Assets incurred after the
date of Closing within a reasonable amount of time following Closing in
accordance with their terms and will protect the

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reputation of the Transferors by paying all the valid debts and obligations of
each of the Transferors which have been expressly assumed by UCI of GA

         10.10 Disclosure. To the Knowledge of UCI and UCI of GA, no information
about any of the Transferees contained in this Agreement or any document
executed in connection therewith, or any written statement furnished by or on
behalf of the Transferees pursuant to the terms of this Agreement contains any
untrue statement of material fact or omits to state any material fact necessary
in order to make the statements and information contained herein or therein not
misleading in light of the circumstances under which made.

         10.11 Representations and Warranties at Closing. Except as expressly
otherwise permitted in this Agreement, the representations and warranties of UCI
and UCI of GA set forth in this Agreement shall be true as of the date of
Closing as though such representations and warranties were made on such date,
unless they reference a specific earlier date whereupon, as of the Closing, they
shall be true as at the earlier date referenced.


         11.1 Conditions of UCI and the Transferees. The obligations of UCI and
the Transferees hereunder shall be subject, to the extent not waived, to the
satisfaction of each of the following conditions at the Closing:

                  11.1.1 Representation and Warranties. The representations and
warranties of all of the Transferors and all of the Class B Shareholders
contained in this Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects
as of the date when made and, except for changes specifically contemplated by
this Agreement, on and as of the date of Closing as though such representations
and warranties had been made as of the date of Closing.

                  11.1.2 Performance of this Agreement. All of the Transferors
shall have performed and complied in all material respects with all covenants,
conditions, and agreements required by this Agreement to be performed or
complied with by it prior to or at the Closing.

                  11.1.3 Consents, Regulatory Filings, and Approvals. All third
party consents, approvals, licenses, and permits, if any, the granting of which
are necessary for the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby,
shall have been obtained, and all waiting periods specified by law, if any, the
passing of which are necessary for such consummation, shall have passed.

                  11.1.4 Litigation, Injunctions. There shall be no injunction,
order or decree of any court or governmental agency or authority prohibiting or
enjoining UCI or any of the Transferees from consummating the transactions
contemplated hereby or materially affecting the Assets.

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                  11.1.5 Deliveries. The deliveries of documents which each of
the Transferors and each of the Class B Shareholders is obligated to make under
Section 8.3 shall have been made.

                  11.1.6 Real Estate Leases. As of Closing, UCI of GA shall have
entered into valid and binding leases or validly assumed the existing leases for
all of the Georgia Facilities and Tennessee Facilities.

                  11.1.7 Computer Equipment Installation. Prior to Closing, each
of the Transferors shall provide UCI of GA and its agents during the term of
this Agreement reasonable access to each of the Georgia Facilities and Tennessee
Facilities to install any and all computer equipment, at UCI of GA's expense.

                  11.1.8 Medical Providers. As of Closing, Transferees shall
have entered into employment agreements with no less than ten (10) of the
physician-employees and/or physician assistant/nurse practitioner employees of
the Transferors (collectively the "Medical Providers") executing; provided
however, the Transferees reserve the right to require Transferors to deliver
executed employment agreements from certain Medical Providers to be disclosed by
UCI of GA to Transferors prior to Closing. All such employment agreements shall
also include non-compete provisions which are consistent with such employee's
current non-compete agreements with the Transferors.

                  11.1.9 Private Placement. As of Closing, UCI shall have
successfully completed the Private Placement.

                  11.1.10 Approval of Shareholders of UCI. The Parties hereto
acknowledge that the transactions described herein require the approval of the
shareholders of UCI. In the event, the shareholders of UCI fail for any reason
to timely approve the transactions described herein, this Agreement shall be
null, void, and without effect, and no Party shall have any further obligation
to any other Party hereunder.

                  11.1.11 No Material Adverse Change. Since December 31, 1997,
there shall have been no material adverse change in the assets, Business,
operations, results of operations or financial condition of MainStreet, except
events or changes contemplated by this Agreement, changes consented to in
writing by UCI of GA and changes in the ordinary course of business which are
not, either individually or in the aggregate, materially adverse.

         11.2 Transferors' Conditions. Each of the Transferors' and each of the
Class B Shareholders' obligations to sell the Assets shall be subject, to the
extent not waived, to the satisfaction of each of the following conditions at
the Closing:

                  11.2.1 Representation and Warranties. The representations and
warranties of UCI and the Transferees contained in this Agreement shall be true
and correct in all material respects

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as of the date when made and, except for changes specifically contemplated by
this Agreement, on and as of the date of Closing as though such representations
and warranties had been made as of the date of Closing.

                  11.2.2 Performance of this Agreement. UCI and the Transferees
shall have performed and complied in all material respects with all covenants,
conditions, and agreements required by this Agreement to be performed or
complied with by them respectively prior to or at the Closing.

                  11.2.3 Consents, Regulatory Filings, and Approvals. All third
party consents, approvals, licenses, and permits, if any, the granting of which
are necessary for the consummation by each of the Transferors of the
transactions contemplated hereby, shall have been obtained and all waiting
periods specified by law, the passing of which are necessary for such
consummation, if any, shall have passed.

                  11.2.4 Litigation, Injunctions. There shall be no injunction,
order or decree of any court or governmental agency or authority prohibiting or
enjoining any of the Transferors from consummating the transactions contemplated

                  11.2.5 Deliveries. The deliveries of documents which UCI and
the Transferees are obligated to make under Section 8.4 shall have been made.

                  11.2.6 No Material Adverse Change. Since December 31, 1997,
there shall have been no material adverse change in the assets, business,
operations, results of operations or financial condition of UCI, except events
or changes contemplated by this Agreement, changes consented to in writing by
MainStreet and changes in the ordinary course of business which are not, either
individually or in the aggregate, materially adverse.


         12.1 Transactional Cost. The Parties shall be responsible for their
respective attorney's fees, accountants' fees, experts' fees, and other expenses
incurred by them in connection with the negotiations and Closing of this
transaction; provided however, in the event litigation is commenced to enforce
any rights under this Agreement or to pursue any other remedy available to any
Party, all legal expense or other direct costs of litigation of the prevailing
Party shall be paid by the non-prevailing Party.

         12.2 Proration of Taxes and Charges. All personal property taxes and
like charges (which are not terminated and paid as of Closing by the
Transferors), if any, relating to the personal (tangible and intangible)
property comprising the Assets shall be prorated as of the date of closing, in
accordance with regular accounting procedure. Settlement at Closing will be made
on proration of estimates of such taxes and charges. If, as the result of such
proration at Closing,

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a net balance is owed by Transferors to Transferees, or visa versa, the amount
thereof shall be paid to such party at or within thirty (30) days after receipt
of the next succeeding payment notice. Transferors shall be responsible for, and
shall pay, all sales taxes, if any, applicable to the sale of the Assets as
called for herein.


         13.1 General Indemnity

                  13.1.1 By Transferors and Class B Shareholders. Each of the
Transferors and the Class B Shareholders shall jointly and severally (but with
respect to the Class B Shareholders severally and not jointly in accordance with
their respective Percentage of Responsibility as set forth in Section 13.5
below) indemnify and hold UCI and each of the Transferees and their respective
officers, directors and agents harmless, from any and all Indemnity Damages
asserted against or incurred by UCI or any of the Transferees as a result of any
breach by any of the Transferors and/or any of the Class B Shareholders of any
covenant, warranty representation, or agreement, made by any of the Transferors
and/or any of the Class B Shareholders herein or in agreements related hereto
including but not limited to litigation expenses and legal fees that might be
incurred because of such breach.

                  13.1.2 By Transferees and UCI. Each of the Transferees and UCI
shall indemnify and hold each of the Class B Shareholders and Transferors and
their respective officers, directors and agents harmless, from any and all
Indemnity Damages asserted against or incurred by any of the Transferors as a
result of any breach by UCI and/or any of the Transferees of any covenant,
warranty representation, or agreement, made by UCI and/or any of the Transferees
herein or in agreements related hereto including but not limited to litigation
expenses and legal fees that might be incurred because of such breach.

         13.2 Special Indemnities. Each of the Transferors and the Class B
Shareholders shall jointly and severally (but with respect to the Class B
Shareholders severally and not jointly in accordance with their respective
Percentage of Responsibility as set forth in Section 13.5 below) indemnify and
hold UCI and each of the Transferees and their respective officers, directors,
and agents harmless from any and all Indemnity Damages asserted against or
incurred by UCI or any of the Transferees as a result of:

                  13.2.1 Award or Settlement. Any lawsuit or similar claim
against any of the Transferors and/or any of the Class B Shareholders arising
from events or conditions prior to the date of Closing.

                  13.2.2 Title to Assets. Any challenge to: (a) any of the
Transferors' title to the Assets, or (b) the transfer of such title and interest
to the Transferees pursuant to the Agreement.

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                  13.2.3 Accounts Payable. Any accounts payable, taxes,
assessments, or charges of any of the Transferors and/or any of the Class B
Shareholders, provided such accounts payable is not expressly assumed by UCI of
GA herein.

                  13.2.4 Bulk Sales. Any and all Indemnity Damages asserted
against or incurred by UCI or any of the Transferees under any applicable
Uniform Commercial Code - Bulk Transfers Act respecting this Agreement.

                  13.2.5 Worker's Compensation Award. Any and all Indemnity
Damages asserted against or incurred by UCI or any of the Transferees as a
result of any Worker's Compensation award or settlement with respect to any
claim of an employee of any of the Transferors arising from an accident or
work-related injury occurring prior to the Closing.

                  13.2.6 Medical Malpractice Claims. Any and all Indemnity
Damages asserted against or incurred by UCI or any of the Transferees as a
result of any medical malpractice claim arising from prior to the Closing.

         13.3 Provisions of General Application. With respect to any right of
indemnification arising under this Agreement, the following provisions shall

                  13.3.1 Procedures. The indemnified Party and the indemnifying
Party agree to cooperate in the defense of any third party claim or action
subject to this Section 13, to permit the cooperation and participation of the
other Parties in any such claim or action, and to promptly notify the other
Parties of the occurrence of any indemnified event or any material developments
or amounts due respecting any indemnification event.

                  13.3.2 No Implications. Neither the rights of any Party to
indemnification from another Party nor the obligations of any Party to indemnify
another Party, under this Agreement shall in any way imply or create, and each
Party specifically disclaims, any responsibility whatsoever by such Party for
any other Party's liabilities to any other person or entity or governmental

                  13.3.3 Settlement. No settlement of an action covered by this
Section 13 shall be made without the prior written consent of UCI and
MainStreet, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed;
provided however, that anything in this Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding, (a) if there is a reasonable probability that a claim may
materially and adversely affect an indemnifying party other than as a result of
money damages or other money payments, the indemnifying party shall have the
right, at its own cost and expense, to compromise or settle such claim in any
reasonable manner, but (b) the indemnifying party shall not, without prior
written consent of the indemnified party, settle or compromise any claim or
consent to the entry of any judgment which does not include as an unconditional
term thereof the giving by the claimant or the plaintiff to the indemnified
party a release from all liability in respect of such

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claim. In any event, all Parties hereto shall retain the right to participate in
the prosecution of any such actions, and the Party prosecuting such action shall
act reasonably and in accordance with good business judgment giving due
recognition to the interests of the other Parties to this Agreement.

                  13.3.4 Insurance. Prior to enforcing any claim for
indemnification against the indemnifying parties under this Agreement, the
indemnified parties shall administratively file in good faith with any insurers
all forms and submissions required by applicable policies for the proceeds or
other benefits of insurance coverage, if any, applicable to the claim or event
from which such indemnification right arose. In the event that insurance
proceeds are paid to the indemnified parties respecting an event to which an
indemnification right applies hereunder, such indemnification right shall apply
only to the extent that the amount of damages indemnified against exceeds such
insurance proceeds actually paid to the indemnified parties; provided however,
that: (a) such insurance proceeds shall not affect or be applied towards the
maximum liability established in Section 13.4 (b) below, and (b) shall not be a
condition precedent to asserting such indemnification claim under this
Agreement. If the indemnifying parties incur indemnity costs or pay indemnity
damages under this Agreement, and the indemnified parties subsequently receive
insurance proceeds for the same claim or event, then the indemnified parties
shall refund such indemnity costs or damage payments to the indemnifying parties
from such insurance proceeds to the extent that the indemnified party has
received benefits from both sources (i.e., payments of indemnity damages from
the indemnifying party and such insurance proceeds) in excess of the amount of
indemnity damages incurred by or asserted against the indemnified parties.

                  13.3.5 Cooperation. The Parties agree to cooperate fully with
each other in connection with the mitigation, defense, negotiation or settlement
of any such legal proceeding, claim or demand, and in any event, all Parties
shall retain the right to participate in the defense of any such legal
proceeding, claim or demand. Subject to rights of or duties to any insurer or
other third person having liability therefor, the indemnifying parties shall
have the right within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the notice described in
Section 13.3.1 to assume the control of the defense, compromise or settlement of
any such action, suit, proceeding, claim, liability, demand or assessment,
including at its own expense, employment of counsel; provided however, that if
the indemnifying parties shall have exercised their right to assume such
control, the indemnified party: (a) may, in its sole discretion and expense,
employ counsel to represent it (in addition to counsel employed by the
indemnifying parties) in any such matter, and in such event counsel selected by
the indemnifying parties shall be required to cooperate with such counsel of the
indemnified party in such defense, compromise or settlement for the purpose of
informing and sharing information with such indemnified party; and (b) shall, at
its own expense, make available to the indemnifying parties those employees of
the indemnified parties and their affiliates whose assistance, testimony or
presence is reasonably deemed by the indemnifying parties necessary or
beneficial to assist them in evaluating and defending any such action, suit,
proceeding, claim, liability, demand or assessment; provided further, however,
that any such access shall be

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conducted in such a manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the operations
of the businesses of the indemnified parties.

         13.4 Limitations. Anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding: (a) each indemnifying party hereunder shall not be liable for
any claim for indemnification asserted by an indemnified party or by any party
pursuant to any provision of this Agreement after the first (1st) anniversary
date of the Closing; (b) the Transferors and Class B Shareholders aggregate
liability to the Transferees, and the Transferees aggregate liability to the
Transferors and Class B Shareholders, for such indemnification claims under this
Agreement shall each not exceed Three Million and No/100 Dollars
($3,000,000.00); and (c) an indemnifying party shall not become liable for any
such indemnification claims under this Agreement unless and until the aggregate
of all such claims exceeds One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars
($125,000.00) in which event the indemnified party shall be entitled to
indemnification from the first dollar of loss, but then only up to the amount
limitation in Section 13.4(b) above in the aggregate. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the limitations of Section 13.4 above shall apply to all claims for
indemnification under this Agreement except claims by any Transferee or UCI
related to any Indemnity Damages asserted or incurred by UCI or any of the
Transferees related to, or in connection with, any litigation or claim set forth
on Exhibit 9.14 attached hereto.

         13.5 Ratable Percentages. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to
the contrary, whenever any claim for Indemnity Damages arises pursuant to
Sections 13.1.1 or 13.2 above, payment by the Class B Shareholders thereunder in
each and every case shall be made to the indemnified parties in the following

              Responsible Party                  Percentage of Responsibility
              -----------------                  ----------------------------
              Johnson                            22.0%
              PENMAN                             78.0%
              Riddett                            0.0%
              Dare                               0.0%

In no event shall any Class B Shareholder be liable for Indemnity Damages with
respect to any individual claim hereunder in an amount in excess of the product
of multiplying: (i) such Class B Shareholder's Percentage of Responsibility set
forth opposite such Class B Shareholder's name above, by (ii) the aggregate
amount of such Indemnity Damages not paid by a Transferor. Nothing contained in
this Section 13.5 shall in any way be deemed to limit in any way the liability
of any Transferor hereunder.

         13.6 Holdback.

                  13.6.1 Holdback Shares. At Closing, MainStreet for itself and
on behalf of Johnson shall be deemed to have directed UCI to withhold from
issuance to MainStreet such number of Shares having an aggregate value equal to
Three Hundred Thousand and No/100

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($300,000.00). The withheld Shares are herein referred to as the "Holdback
Shares." For all purposes of this Section 13.6, including the price per share
utilized for determination of the number of Holdback Shares, shall be the price
per share utilized in Section 7.1 above. The Parties hereto acknowledge and
agree that such Holdback Shares are intended to be a portion of such Shares
distributable to Johnson upon the ultimate liquidation or other distribution by
MainStreet. Until such distribution occurs, it is agreed that such Holdback
Shares shall be an asset of MainStreet and available to satisfy claims of UCI
and the Transferees against MainStreet under this Agreement. After such
distribution, any Holdback Shares held in escrow as of such date, shall be
deemed to be an asset of Johnson, and Johnson will receive the Holdback Shares
subject to the escrow. At Closing, the Holdback Shares shall be issued to
MainStreet but delivered to Nexsen Pruet Jacobs & Pollard, LLP ("Escrow Agent")
to be held in escrow along with the stock powers relating thereto executed by
MainStreet, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. The
liability of Johnson under the indemnification provisions of this Section 13
shall be recovered at the indemnified party's sole discretion either from
Johnson individually, or following distribution to him, from such Holdback
Shares, or both. Such indemnified party shall not be required to make a claim
for any Holdback Shares prior to asserting a claim against Johnson individually.
As used in this Section 13.6, "J/MS" means MainStreet until the Holdback Shares
are distributed to Johnson, and Johnson thereafter.

                  13.6.2 Holdback Termination. The Holdback Shares shall be
distributed to J/MS as follows.

                  On the first anniversary of the date of
Closing, the Holdback Shares remaining in escrow shall be delivered to J/MS;
except that if any claims made pursuant to Sections 13.1.1 or 13.2 have not been
resolved as of such date, then the Holdback Shares equal to the amount of such
unresolved claims shall remain in escrow.

                  Any Holdback Shares not so distributed to
J/MS pursuant to the foregoing shall be retained in escrow until such claims are
resolved pursuant to Section 13.6.3 and 13.6.4 below.

                  13.6.3 Assertion of Claims Against Holdback. Subject to the
limitations set forth in Sections 13.4 and 13.5 above, if UCI or any Transferee
shall have any claim of indemnification against J/MS pursuant to Section 13
hereof, it shall promptly give written notice thereof to J/MS, including in such
notice a brief description of the facts upon which such claim or adjustment is
based and the amount thereof (the "Claim Notice"). Unless J/MS shall give
written notice, within twenty (20) days after receipt of the Claim Notice, to
UCI and the Escrow Agent objecting to the forfeiture of any Holdback Shares for
application to such claims, the lesser of (a) that number of the Holdback Shares
that is equal in value to the sum of the amount of claim or claims to be
satisfied, or (b) all the Holdback Shares, shall be forfeited to UCI. Such claim
or claims shall be deemed satisfied to the extent of such forfeiture.

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                  13.6.4  Resolution of Conflicts; Arbitration.

                  If J/MS gives such written objection to UCI
and the Escrow Agent, Escrow Agent shall continue to hold the Holdback Shares
until the rights of J/MS, on the one hand, and the indemnified party, on the
other hand, with respect thereto have been agreed upon between Johnson and the
indemnified party or until such rights are settled by arbitration or judicial

                  J/MS and the indemnified party shall attempt
promptly and in good faith for a period of thirty (30) days to agree upon the
rights of the parties with respect to each of such claims. If J/MS and such
indemnified party should so agree, a memorandum setting forth such agreement
shall be prepared and signed by both parties and the Holdback Shares shall be
distributed or forfeited in accordance with the terms thereof.

                  If no such agreement can be reached after
such period of good faith negotiation, either the indemnified party or J/MS may
demand arbitration of the matter unless the amount of the damage or loss is at
issue in pending litigation with a third party, in which event arbitration shall
not be commenced until such amount is ascertained or both parties agree to
arbitration; and in any such event the matter shall be settled by arbitration
conducted by three arbitrators. The indemnified party shall select one
arbitrator and J/MS shall select another arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so
selected shall select a third arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrators as to
the validity and amount of any claim in such Claim Notice shall be binding and
conclusive upon the Parties. Judgment upon any award rendered by the arbitrators
may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Any such arbitration shall be
held in Columbia, South Carolina. Any such arbitration shall be conducted under
the rules then in effect of the American Arbitration Association, and shall be
based on the provisions and limitations of this Section 13. The non-prevailing
party shall pay all costs and expenses of the prevailing party in connection
with any such arbitration.

         13.7 Exclusive Remedies. Anything contained in this Agreement to the
contrary notwithstanding, the indemnification rights set forth in this Section
13, all of which are subject to the terms, limitations, and restrictions of this
Article 13, shall be the exclusive remedy for monetary damages sustained as a
result of a breach of a representation, warranty, covenant, or agreement under
this Agreement. Such limitations set forth in this Section 13 shall not impair
the rights of any of the parties: (a) to seek non-monetary equitable relief,
including (without limitation) specific performance or injunctive relief to
redress any default or breach of this Agreement; or (b) to seek enforcement,
collection, damages, or such non-monetary equitable relief to redress any
default or breach of any Non-Solicits to be delivered at Closing hereunder. In
connection with the seeking of any non-monetary equitable relief, each of the
Parties acknowledges and agrees that the other Parties hereto would be damaged
irreparably in the event any of the provisions of this Agreement are not
performed in accordance with their specific terms or otherwise are breached.

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         13.8 Cross Default.

                  13.8.1 Transferees and UCI. Notwithstanding anything contained
herein to the contrary, in the event UCI or any of the Transferees breach this
Agreement or any other agreement or instrument ancillary hereto to which it is a
party, such breach thereof (at the expiration of the applicable grace period set
forth therein) shall constitute a breach by UCI and each of the Transferees of
this Agreement.

                  13.8.2 Transferors and Class B Shareholders. Notwithstanding
anything contained herein to the contrary but subject to Section 13.5, in the
event any of the Transferors and/or any of the Class B Shareholders breach this
Agreement or any other agreement or instrument ancillary hereto (other than a
Non-Solicit or any Investment Letter) to which it is a party, such breach
thereof (at the expiration of the applicable grace period set forth therein)
shall constitute a breach by each of the Transferors and Class B Shareholders of
this Agreement.

14. EXISTING LIABILITIES. Except as specifically set forth in Section 7.2 above,
neither UCI nor any of the Transferees assumes any, and hereby expressly
disclaims all, obligations or liabilities of each of the Transferors, contingent
or absolute, including (without limitation) liabilities for (i) federal or state
income, payroll, property, or sales taxes for any period, or (ii) any tort,
contract, or statutory liability resulting from or alleged to have resulted from
the Business prior to the Closing, except for the obligations arising and
maturing after the date of Closing to perform under those liabilities expressly
assumed by UCI of GA hereunder. All property taxes assessed against the Assets
sold hereby shall be prorated as of the date of Closing, and each of the
Transferors shall jointly and severally promptly pay when due, or reimburse
Transferees for, all such taxes which remain any of the Transferors'

15. RISK OF LOSS. In the event the Assets or any substantial part thereof shall
be damaged or destroyed prior to the date of Closing due to any casualty or
event, or there shall occur any actions for condemnation or eminent domain
having a material adverse affect on the Assets or any substantial part thereof,
each of the Transferors shall promptly notify UCI of GA that such damage,
destruction, or action has occurred and the estimated extent thereof. In the
event of such damage, destruction, condemnation or eminent domain, UCI of GA
must within five (5) days of receipt of such notice either:

         15.1 Termination. Terminate this Agreement by giving Transferors
written notice of such termination and thereupon all parties shall be released
of all further liability to the others; or

         15.2 Adjustment. Alternatively, and subject to the fulfillment of the
conditions set forth herein, require the consummation of the transactions
provided for in this Agreement and, in such case (or in case of any damage by
fire or other casualty, or condemnation or eminent domain action not entitling
UCI of GA to terminate this Agreement), all proceeds of insurance covering

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the Assets and all of the claims arising as a result of such damage or
destruction to such Assets or all proceeds of such condemnation or eminent
domain action for such Assets shall become the property of UCI of GA. In the
event UCI of GA elects to require the consummation of the transactions
contemplated herein, neither Transferor shall compromise or settle any such
claim or action at any time without the written consent of UCI of GA which shall
not be unreasonably withheld. Each Transferor shall cooperate with the
collection of such amounts. Further, in such event, the representations and
warranties of the Transferors and the Class B Shareholders, as set forth herein
shall be modified equitably to account for such claim or action.


         16.1 Termination.

                  16.1.1 This Agreement constitutes the binding and irrevocable
agreement of the Parties to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, the
consideration for which is comprised of the covenants set forth herein and the
expenditures and obligations incurred and to be incurred by the Parties in
respect of this Agreement, and this Agreement may be terminated or abandoned
only as follows:

                  By UCI of GA and MainStreet. This Agreement
         may be terminated without liability upon the mutual written consent of
         UCI of GA and MainStreet.

                  By UCI of GA. In the event that Closing has
         not been completed by April 15, 1998 as a result of the
         non-satisfaction or non-fulfillment in any material respect of any of
         the conditions upon Transferees' obligations specified in Section 11.1
         (which had not been previously waived by Transferees), then UCI of GA
         shall be entitled at its option to terminate this Agreement by notice
         to the other Parties; provided however, that UCI of GA shall not be
         entitled to terminate this Agreement if the non-satisfaction or
         non-fulfillment of any such condition resulted from or was proximately
         caused by UCI or any Transferee's breach of this Agreement or was
         frustrated or made impossible by the wrongful act or failure to act of
         UCI or any Transferee.

                  By MainStreet. In the event that Closing has
         not been completed by April 15, 1998 as a result of the non-fulfillment
         or non-satisfaction in any material respect of any of the conditions
         upon Transferors' obligations specified in Section 11.2 (which had not
         been previously waived by Transferors), then MainStreet shall be
         entitled at its option to terminate this Agreement by notice to the
         other Parties; provided however, that MainStreet shall not be entitled
         to terminate this Agreement if the non-satisfaction or non-fulfillment
         of any such condition resulted from or was proximately caused by any
         Class B Shareholder or Transferor's breach of this Agreement or was
         frustrated or made impossible by the wrongful act or failure to act of
         any Class B Shareholder or Transferor.

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                  16.1.2 Effect on Agreement. In the event of termination of
this Agreement pursuant Section above, this Agreement shall forthwith
become void, the transactions contemplated hereby shall be abandoned and there
shall be no liability or obligation on the part of the Transferors, Transferees
or Class B Shareholders or their respective officers, directors or partners. In
the event of termination of this Agreement pursuant Sections or above: (a) the Transferors and Class B Shareholders' exclusive remedy
for UCI or any Transferee's breach of this Agreement, or wrongful act or failure
to act by UCI or any Transferee, which was the cause for such termination of the
Agreement shall be pursuant to Section 13 above; and (b) UCI and each
Transferees' exclusive remedy for any breach of this Agreement by any Transferor
or Class B Shareholder, or wrongful act or failure to act by any Transferor or
Class B Shareholder, which was the cause for such termination of the Agreement
shall be pursuant to Section 13 above, and the terms and conditions set forth

                  16.1.3 Return of Documents. Upon termination of this Agreement
pursuant to Section 16.1.1 above, each Party, if so requested by any other
Party, will return promptly every document furnished to it by or on behalf of
the other Party in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby, whether
so obtained before or after the execution of this Agreement, and any copies
thereof (except for copies of documents publicly available) which may have been
made, and will use reasonable efforts to cause its representatives and any
representatives of financial institutions and others to whom such documents were
furnished promptly to return such documents and any copies of thereof any of
them may have been made.

         16.2 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the exhibits and
schedules attached hereto, embodies the entire Agreement and understanding
between the Parties hereto as to the matters herein addressed and supersedes all
prior agreements and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof.

         16.3 No Waiver. No failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising any
right, power or remedy hereunder or under any document delivered pursuant hereto
shall impair any right, power or remedy which the parties hereto may have, nor
shall any such delay be construed to be a waiver of any such rights, powers or
remedies, or any acquiescence in any breach or default under this Agreement, nor
shall any waiver of any breach or default of any Party hereunder be deemed a
wavier of any default or breach subsequently occurring.

         16.4 Survival. All representations, warranties, covenants, and
agreements herein contained shall survive the Closing hereunder; except that the
representations and warranties contained in Sections 9 and 10 shall terminate as
of the first (1st) anniversary date of the Closing.

         16.5 Amendment. No provision of this Agreement or any document or
instrument relating to the Agreement, may be amended, modified, supplemented,
changed, waived, discharged, or terminated, unless the Parties hereto consent
thereto in writing.

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         16.6 Notices. All notices, requests, approvals, consents, demands and
other communication provides for or permitted hereunder shall be in writing,
signed by an authorized representative of the sender and addressed to the
respective party at the address set forth below:

                  UCI of GA:           UCI Medical Affiliates of
                  ---------                Georgia, Inc.
                                       1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
                                       Columbia, SC  29201
                                       Attn.:  Jerry F. Wells

                  with copy to:        Julian Hennig III, Esquire
                                       Nexsen Pruet Jacobs & Pollard, LLP
                                       P.O. Drawer 2426
                                       Columbia, SC 29202

                  UCI:                 UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                  ---                  1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
                                       Columbia, SC  29201
                                       Attn.:  Jerry F. Wells

                  with copy to:        Julian Hennig III, Esquire
                                       Nexsen Pruet Jacobs & Pollard, LLP
                                       P.O. Drawer 2426
                                       Columbia, SC 29202

                  MainStreet:          MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
                  ----------           2370 Main Street
                                       Tucker, Georgia 30084
                                       Attn:  A. Wayne Johnson

                  with copy to:        Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                       S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                       1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                       Suite 1550
                                       Atlanta, GA 30338

                  MHMG-GA:             MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, P.C.
                  -------              2370 Main Street
                                       Tucker, Georgia 30084
                                       Attn:  A. Wayne Johnson

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                  with copy to:        Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                       S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                       1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                       Suite 1550
                                       Atlanta, GA 30338

                  MHMG-TN:             MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, PC
                  -------              2370 Main Street
                                       Tucker, Georgia 30084
                                       Attn:  A. Wayne Johnson

                  with copy to:        Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                       S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                       1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                       Suite 1550
                                       Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Prompt Care:         Prompt Care Medical Center, Inc.
                  -----------          2370 Main Street
                                       Tucker, Georgia 30084
                                       Attn:  A. Wayne Johnson

                  with copy to:        Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                       S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                       1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                       Suite 1550
                                       Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Dare:                Michael J. Dare
                  ----                 2370 Main Street
                                       Tucker, Georgia 30084

                  with copy to:        Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                       S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                       1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                       Suite 1550
                                       Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Johnson:             A. Wayne Johnson
                  -------              2370 Main Street
                                       Tucker, Georgia 30084

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 51

                  with copy to:        Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                       S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                       1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                       Suite 1550
                                       Atlanta, GA 30338

                  PENMAN:              PENMAN Private Equity and Mezzanine
                  ------                  Fund, L.P.
                                       333 West Wacker Drive
                                       Suite 510
                                       Chicago, IL 60606
                                       Attn:  Kelvin J. Pennington

                  with copy to:        Mark D. Schindel
                                       333 West Wacker Drive
                                       Suite 510
                                       Chicago, IL 60606

                  with additional
                   copy to:            Mark Kindelin, Esquire
                                       Altheimer & Gray
                                       10 South Wacker Drive
                                       Chicago, IL 60606

                  Riddett:             Robert G. Riddett, Jr.
                  -------              2370 Main Street
                                       Tucker, Georgia 30084

                  with copy to:        Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                       S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                       1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                       Suite 1550
                                       Atlanta, GA 30338

         A Party hereto may change its respective address by notice in writing
given to the other Parties to this Agreement. Any notice, request, approval,
consent, demand or other communication shall be effective upon the first to
occur of the following; (i) when delivered to the Party to whom such notice,
request, approval, consent, demand or the communication is being given, or (ii)
three (3) business days after being duly deposited in the United States mail,
certified, return receipt requested.

         16.7 Severability of Provisions. In case any one or more of the
provisions contained in this Agreement should be invalid, illegal or
unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 52

enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way
be affected or impaired thereby.

         16.8 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the
Parties, and their respective successors, heirs, and assigns, and shall inure to
the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors, heirs, and permitted

         16.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one Agreement, and
any party hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. The
authorized attachment of counterpart signature pages shall constitute execution
by the Parties.

         16.10 Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

         16.11 Venue and Jurisdiction. The Parties hereto hereby (i) agree that
any litigation, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this
Agreement shall be instituted in a state or federal court in the City and State
of Columbia, South Carolina, (ii) waive any objection which it might have now or
hereafter to any such litigation, action or proceeding based upon improper venue
or inconvenient forum, and (iii) irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of such
courts in any such litigation, action or proceeding.

         16.12 No Trading of UCI Common Stock. Each of the Transferors and the
Class B Shareholders hereby agrees not to buy or sell the common stock of UCI
from the date hereof until the earlier of: (a) the date of Closing, or (b) the
lawful termination of this Agreement.

         16.13 Third Parties. The provisions of this Agreement are not intended
to be for the benefit of any third parties other than Doctor's Care of TN and
Doctor's Care of GA, and no third party shall be deemed to have any privity of
contract with any of the Parties hereto by virtue of this Agreement other than
Doctor's Care of TN and Doctor's Care of GA.

         16.14 Time of Essence. The Parties acknowledge and agree that time is
of the essence in the performance of this Agreement.

         16.15 Cumulative Remedies. All rights and remedies of a Party hereunder
shall be cumulative and in addition to such rights and remedies as may be
available to a Party at law or equity.

         16.16 No Inference Against Author. No provision of this Agreement shall
be interpreted against any Party because such Party or its legal representative
drafted such provision.

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 53

         16.17 Usage. The section and paragraph headings contained in this
Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. Terms such as "hereof",
"hereunder", "hereto", "herein", and words of similar import shall refer to this
Agreement in its entirety and all references to "Articles", "paragraphs",
"Sections", and similar cross references shall refer to specified portions of
this Agreement, unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

         16.18 Further Instruments and Acts. From time to time at a Party's
request, whether at or after Closing and without further consideration, the
other Party(ies) shall execute and deliver such further instruments of
conveyance, transfer and assignment and upon reimbursement for actual reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses take such other action as the requesting Party reasonably
may require to more effectively convey and transfer to the requesting Party the
properties to be conveyed, transferred and assigned hereunder, and, if
necessary, will assist the requesting Party in the collection or reduction to
possession of such property. In addition, each Party agrees to provide
reasonable access to records respecting the Business as are requested by the
other Party(ies) for proper purpose with good cause shown (subject to
appropriate confidentiality agreements to be negotiated as such time) and agree
to reasonably cooperate in resolving any matters resulting from the transactions
contemplated hereby.

         16.19 Assignment. This Agreement is not assignable by any Party without
the prior written consent of the other Party(ies) hereto; except that upon
notice to MainStreet, any of the Transferees shall be entitled to assign its
right to receive title to its portion of the Assets hereunder to a corporation
or partnership controlled by, under common control with, or controlling, such
Transferee; provided that upon such assignment the assignee shall become bound
by and subject to this Agreement, such Transferee shall not be released from any
term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement, and the relevant instruments,
certificates, opinions, and documents to be delivered at Closing hereunder shall
be modified to accommodate such assignment.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE ATTACHED]

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 54

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Acquisition
Agreement and Plan of Reorganization under seal with the corporate parties
acting by and through their duly authorized officers, effective as of the date
first above written.


By: /s/ Jerry F. Wells, Jr.               By:   /s/ Robert G. Riddett, Jr.
    -----------------------                     --------------------------
   Its: Executive Vice President and            Its:    President
        Chief Financial Officer

   INC.                                      MEDICAL GROUP, P.C., a Georgia

By: /s/ Jerry F. Wells, Jr.               By:   /s/ Pamela K. Erdman, M.D.
    -----------------------                     --------------------------
    Its: Executive Vice President and           Its:      President
         Chief Financial Officer

  MEZZANINE FUND, L.P.                       MEDICAL GROUP, PC, a Tennessee
By:  PENMAN Asset Management, L.P.
Its:  General Partner
                                          By:   /s/ A. Wayne Johnson
     By:   /s/ Kelvin S. Pennington             Its:    Chairman and Secretary
            Kelvin J. Pennington
     Its:  General Partner                PROMPT CARE MEDICAL CENTER, INC.

                                          By:    /s/ A. Wayne Johnson
/s/ Robert G. Riddett, Jr.                       Its:    Chairman and Secretary
- ------------------------------
Robert G. Riddett, Jr.

/s/ Michael J. Dare
- ------------------------------
Michael J. Dare

/s/ A. Wayne Johnson
- ------------------------------
A. Wayne Johnson

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 55

                                INDEX OF EXHIBITS

 Exhibit 1.19      Addresses of Georgia Facilities
 Exhibit 1.49      Addresses of Tennessee Facilities
 Exhibit 2.1       List of MainStreet Assets
 Exhibit 2.2       List of MainStreet Excluded Assets
 Exhibit 3.2       List of MHMG-GA Excluded Assets
 Exhibit 4.2       List of MHMG-TN Excluded Assets
 Exhibit 7.2.1(a)  List of MainStreet Equipment Leases
 Exhibit 7.2.1(b)  List of MainStreet Real Estate Leases
 Exhibit 8.3.1     MainStreet Bill of Sale
 Exhibit 8.3.2     MainStreet Assignment and Assumption
 Exhibit 8.3.3     MHMG-GA Bill of Sale
 Exhibit 8.3.4     MHMG-GA Assignment and Assumption
 Exhibit 8.3.5     MHMG-TN Bill of Sale
 Exhibit 8.3.6     MHMG-TN Assignment and Assumption
 Exhibit 8.3.7     Form of Non-Solicits
 Exhibit 8.3.8     Form of Investment Letter
 Exhibit 8.3.18    Form of Affidavit and Certificate of Assumed Liabilities
 Exhibit 8.3.19    Form of Transferor's Officers Certificate
 Exhibit 8.3.20    Form of Legal Opinion of Transferors' and Class B
                         Shareholders' Counsel
 Exhibit 8.3.21    Form of Lease
 Exhibit 8.3.23    Certified List of MainStreet Security Holders
 Exhibit 8.4.2     Form of Registration Rights Agreement
 Exhibit 8.4.3     Form of Transferees' Officers Certificate
 Exhibit 8.4.4     Form of Legal Opinion of Transferees' Counsel
 Exhibit 9.6       Security holders of MainStreet
 Exhibit 9.10      Financial Statements
 Exhibit 9.18.1    Employee Benefit Plans
 Exhibit 9.19.1    Insurance
 Exhibit 9.20      List of Directors, Officers and Employees of each

Acquisition Agreement and
Plan of Reorganization
Page 56

                                  Exhibit 1.19

                         Addresses of Georgia Facilities

1.       Post Office Box 1135
         12 Seventh Street
         Auburn, GA  30011

2.       1678-A Mulkey Road
         Austell, GA  30106

3.       Post Office Box 81246
         1491 Old Salem Road
         Conyers, GA  30013

4.       4168 Tate Street
         Covington, GA  30014

5.       719 Scenic Hwy, SW
         Lawrenceville, GA  30046

6.       5014 Snapfinger Woods Drive
         Decatur, GA  30035

7.       2270 Oak Road
         Snellville, GA  30078

8.       1324 Rockbridge Road
         Stone Mountain, GA  30087

9.       2362 Main Street
         Tucker, GA  30084

                                  Exhibit 1.49

                        Addresses of Tennessee Facilities

1.       10412 Kingston Pike
         Knoxville, TN  37922

2.       180-B West Inskip Drive
         Knoxville, TN  37912

                                   Exhibit 2.1

                            List of MainStreet Assets

                                 [See Attached]

                                   EXHIBIT 2.1
                                MAINSTREET ASSETS

Asset Account:                          Location:                   Cost:
- --------------                          ---------                   -----
Building Improvements                   Tucker                      195,667
                                        Covington                     3,967
                                        Lawrenceville                19,658
                                        Valdosta                      3,275
                                        Knoxville                    10,774
                                        Austell                       5,542
                                        Snellville                    7,763
                                        Conyers                      10,141
                                        Snapfinger                    5,358

Furniture & Fixtures                    Tucker                       17,701
                                        Stone Mountain                  445
                                        Lawrenceville                 4,581
                                        Valdosta                        763
                                        Knoxville                     2,032
                                        Austell                      51,450
                                        Snellville                   58,734
                                        Auburn                        2,000
                                        Macon                           315
                                        Snapfinger                   22,900

Clinic Equipment                        Tucker                      119,372
                                        Stone Mountain               41,935
                                        Covington                    78,684
                                        Lawrenceville               130,654
                                        Valdosta                     17,000
                                        Knoxville                    61,663
                                        Austell                      51,216
                                        Snellville                  106,829
                                        Macon                        26,386
                                        Snapfinger                   60,247
                                        Ultrasound                   58,000

                                   EXHIBIT 2.1
                                MAINSTREET ASSETS

Signage                                 Tucker                          2,088
                                        Stone Mountain                    570
                                        Covington                       3,062
                                        Lawrenceville                   1,886
                                        Valdosta                        2,617
                                        Knoxville                       5,011
                                        Austell                           318
                                        Snellville                        132
                                        Conyers                         1,810

Office Equipment                        Tucker                            589
                                        Covington                         228
                                        Valdosta                          800
                                        Austell                         3,004

Computers                               Various                        76,041
                                        Tucker                          2,489
                                        Stone Mountain                  1,781
                                        Lawrenceville                     169
                                        Valdosta                        5,051
                                        Austell                         2,141

Computer Software                       Various                        94,150
Leasehold Improvements                  Tucker                            928
                                        Covington                       2,700
                                        Lawrenceville                   7,620
                                        Austell                         2,042
                                        Snellville                     37,449
                                        Conyers                         2,927
                                        Snapfinger                        425

Total Included Assets                                               1,433,080

                                   Exhibit 2.2

                       List of MainStreet Excluded Assets

1.       Cash and cash accounts located in corporate checking accounts and petty
         cash funds located in practices (other than the hold-back accounts
         associated with MainStreet's credit obligations with Bank One. L.P.
         (formerly NPL-LP, Inc.));

2.       Accounts receivable from employees of Transferors;

3.       Real property located at 2362 Main Street, Tucker, Georgia;

4.       Furniture, fixtures, equipment, and software used at 2370 Main Street,
         Tucker, Georgia (the "Headquarters");

5.       Any lease for the use of the Headquarters;

6.       Ford Motor Company leases (Ford 150 Truck & Ford 250 Van).

                                   Exhibit 3.2

                         List of MHMG-GA Excluded Assets


                                   Exhibit 4.2

                         List of MHMG-TN Excluded Assets


                                 Exhibit 7.2(a)

                       List of MainStreet Equipment Leases

                                 [See Attached]

                                 EXHIBIT 7.2(A)
                               LIST OF MAINSTREET
                                EQUIPMENT LEASES


                                                                           ORIGINAL        LEASE        MONTH        MONTH
LESSOR:                         LOCATION:         EQUIPMENT:                 COST:        PAYMENTS:    STARTED      ENDING
- -------                         ---------         ----------                 -----        ---------    -------      ------
BB&T LEASING CORPORATION        Tucker            XMA X-Ray System         18,600.00     24,180.48     Dec-96       Nov-00
P.O. Box 400
Asheville, NC 28802

AFFILIATED CAPITAL              Snellville        Matrix Pro-Elecdt        20,145.00     22,042.08     Jun-97       May-00
Finance Administration
P.O. Box 1207
Northbrook, IL 60065

MICHAEL DARE                    Lawrenceville     Matrix Pro-Elecdt        20,145.00     20,145.00     Aug-97       Mar-99
4704 Lavista Rd
Tucker, GA 30084

ROBERT RIDDETT                  Snapfinger        Matrix Pro-Elecdt        23,650.00     23,650.00     Aug-97       Jul-99
51 Hanarry Dr.
Lawrenceville, GA 30045

BELL SOUTH FINANCIAL SERV       Snapfinger        Norstar Tele System                    10,726.18     Feb-95       Jan-99
P.O. Box 105679
Atlanta, GA 30348

STATE BANK OF SOUTH ORANGE      Snapfinger        Biomedics EKG Syst       16,922.00     26,447.00     Jun-97       Oct.01
Valley & Third Street
South Orange, NJ 07079

COPELCO CAPITAL                 Mobile            BioSound AU3 System      58,000.00     68,381.00     May-97       Apr-02
700 East Gate Drive
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054

AFFILIATED CAPITAL              Snapfinger        Neurometer CPT Sys       11,545.00     11,298.96     Jun-97       May-00
Finance Administration
P.O. Box 1207
Northbrook, IL 60065

                                 EXHIBIT 7.2(A)  CONTINUED
                               LIST OF MAINSTREET
                                EQUIPMENT LEASES


Lessor:                       Location:                  Equipment:                    Ending                          Lessee
- ------                        --------                   ---------                     ------                          ------
COPELCO CAPITAL               Tucker                     (3) QBC Autoread              May-01                 MainStreet Healthcare
700 East Gate Drive           Lawrenceville
Mt. Laurel, NJ 0054           Covington

PITNEY BOWES                  Tucker                     (7) Meter Equipment           Jun-01                 MainStreet Healthcare
CREDIT                        Stone Mountain
P.O. Box 85460                Covington
Louisville, KY                Lawrenceville
40285                         Knoxville (n)
                              Knoxville (w)

IKON CAPITAL                  Headquarters               (4) Sharp Copiers             Feb-00                 MainStreet Healthcare
1738 Bass Road                Tucker
Macon, GA 31210               Lawrenceville

SYMRNA BANK &                 Austell                    Computer System               Sept-98                MainStreet Healthcare
P.O. Box 813000
Smyrna, GA 30080

COPELCO CAPITAL               Snapfinger                 Copier                        Sept-98                MainStreet Healthcare
700 East Gate Drive
Mt. Laurel, NJ

EASTSIDE BANK                 Snellville                 Various F,F,E                 Nov-01                 MainStreet Healthcare
P.O. Box 549
Snellville, GA 30278

FORT MOTOR CREDIT             Mobile                     1996 Ford Van                 Jun-98                 MainStreet Healthcare
P.O. Box 105332
Atlanta, GA 30353

                                 Exhibit 7.2(b)

                      List of MainStreet Real Estate Leases

                                 [See Attached]

                                 EXHIBIT 7.2(B)
                               LIST OF MAINSTREET
                               REAL ESTATE LEASES

                                                                                 (4/98-3/99)  (4/99-3/00)                
                                                                                 Predicated   Predicated   (4/00-3/01)
                                                 Month      Month      Type of     FY 1999      FY 2000   Predicated FY
Practice Location   #     Lessor                Started    Ending       Lease      Expense      Exense    2001 Expenses  
- -----------------   -     ------                -------    ------       -----      -------      ------    -------------  
Tucker              002   MainStreet Healthcare  Apr-96    Mar-05     Standard    48,068.88    48,068.88   48,068.88     
2352 Main Street          2370 Main Street
Tucker, GA 30084          Tucker, GA 30084

Stone Mountain      003   Dr. Harold Holloway    May-96    Apr-01     Standard    34,733.16    34,733.16   34,733.16     
1324 Rockbridge Rd        130 Mockingbird Dr.
Stone Mt., GA             Amercus, GA 31709

Covington           004   Dr. Edward R. Bailey   Apr-96    Mar-01     Standard    36,000.00    36,000.00   36,000.00     
4168 Tate Street          1840 Ridgemill Terr
Covington, GA             Dacula, GA 30211

Lawrenceville       005   Dr. M.T. Bagheri       Nov-97    Oct-99     Standard    30,557.85    16,334.61   n/a           
719 Scenic Hwy            719 Scenic Hwy
Suite B & C               Suite A
Lawrenceville, GA         Lawrenceville, Ga
30045                       30045

Knoxville (West)    007   Lay Properties         Dec-96    Nov-01     Standard    91,006.00    91,006.00   91,006.00     
10412 Kingston Pike       1463 N Campbell
Knoxville, TN                Start Rd.
  37912                   Knoxville, TN 37932

Knoxville (North)   007   Lay Properties         Dec-96    Nov-01     Standard    54,000.00    54,000.00   54,000.00     
108B Inskip Drive         1453 N Campbell
Knoxville, TN               Start Rd
   37912                  Knoxville, TN 37932

Austell             008   BAC Properties         Jan-97    Dec-01     Standard    54,000.00    54,000.00   54,000.00     
1678 Mulkey Road          1676 Mulkey Road
Suites A&B                Suite D
Austell, GA 30001         Austell, GA 30001

Snellville          010   Robert Robinson        Jan-97    Dec-02     Sublease    58,710.00    58,710.00   58,710.00     
2270 Oak Road             P.O. Box 6279
Snellville, GA            Fernandina Beach, FL
  30278                    32035

Conyers             011   Dr. Ellis/Petit        Jan-97    Dec-02     Sublease    54,000.00    54,000.00   54,000.00
1491 Old Salem Rd         Partnership
Conyers, GA 30208         535 Cooper Road
                          Loganville, GA 30052

Auburn              012   Columbia Barrow        Jan-98    Dec-98     Standard    8,937.00     n/a         n/a           
12 Seventh Street         Med Ctr.
Auburn, GA 30203          316 North Broad St
                          Winder, GA 30680

Snapfinger          014   Mildred L. Davis       Mar-97    Monthly    Standard    1,100.00     n/a         n/a           
6014 Snapfinger           3551 Knotsberry Lane                                  (Per Month)
   Woods                  Duluth, GA 30135
Decatur, GA 30035

Univ. Diagnostics   015   Dr. Robert F. Eaves    Apr-95    Annual     Sublease    12,000.00    n/a         n/a
2390 Main Street          5394 Leather Stking
Tucker, GA 30084             Lane
                          Stone Mtn. GA 30087

                                 EXHIBIT 7.2(B)
                               LIST OF MAINSTREET
                               REAL ESTATE LEASES

                                                    (4/01-3/02)   (4/02-Forward)
                                                   Predicated FY     Future
Practice Location   #     Lessor                   2002 Expenses   Obligation)
- -----------------   -     ------                   -------------   -----------
Tucker              002   MainStreet Healthcare     48,068.88       192,275.52
2352 Main Street          2370 Main Street
Tucker, GA 30084          Tucker, GA 30084

Stone Mountain      003   Dr. Harold Holloway       2,894.43        n/a
1324 Rockbridge Rd        130 Mockingbird Dr.
Stone Mt., GA             Amercus, GA 31709

Covington           004   Dr. Edward R. Bailey      n/a             n/a
4168 Tate Street          1840 Ridgemill Terr
Covington, GA             Dacula, GA 30211

Lawrenceville       005   Dr. M.T. Bagheri          n/a             n/a
719 Scenic Hwy            719 Scenic Hwy
Suite B & C               Suite A
Lawrenceville, GA         Lawrenceville, Ga
30045                       30045

Knoxville (West)    007   Lay Properties            60,672.00       n/a
10412 Kingston Pike       1463 N Campbell
Knoxville, TN                Start Rd.
  37912                   Knoxville, TN 37932

Knoxville (North)   007   Lay Properties            36,000.00       n/a
108B Inskip Drive         1453 N Campbell
Knoxville, TN               Start Rd
   37912                  Knoxville, TN 37932

Austell             008   BAC Properties            54,000.00       n/a
1678 Mulkey Road          1676 Mulkey Road
Suites A&B                Suite D
Austell, GA 30001         Austell, GA 30001

Snellville          010   Robert Robinson           58,710.00       44,032.50
2270 Oak Road             P.O. Box 6279
Snellville, GA            Fernandina Beach, FL
  30278                    32035

Conyers             011   Dr. Ellis/Petit           54,000.00       40,500.00
1491 Old Salem Rd         Partnership
Conyers, GA 30208         535 Cooper Road
                          Loganville, GA 30052

Auburn              012   Columbia Barrow           n/a             n/a
12 Seventh Street         Med Ctr.
Auburn, GA 30203          316 North Broad St
                          Winder, GA 30680

Snapfinger          014   Mildred L. Davis          n/a             n/a
6014 Snapfinger           3551 Knotsberry Lane  
   Woods                  Duluth, GA 30135
Decatur, GA 30035

Univ. Diagnostics   015   Dr. Robert F. Eaves       n/a             n/a
2390 Main Street          5394 Leather Stking
Tucker, GA 30084             Lane
                          Stone Mtn. GA 30087

                                  Exhibit 8.3.1

                             MainStreet Bill of Sale

                                 [See Attached]

                                  BILL OF SALE
           (MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation)

CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, with its principal office at 2370 Main
Street, Tucker, Georgia (the "Seller"), for the consideration paid by UCI
MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC., a South Carolina corporation with offices
at 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia, South Carolina 29201 (the "Buyer")
set forth in that certain Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated
as of February 9, 1998, by and between among others Seller; Buyer; UCI Medical
Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group,
P.C., a Georgia professional corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group,
PC, a Tennessee professional corporation; Prompt Care Medical Center, Inc., a
Georgia corporation; Michael J. Dare; A. Wayne Johnson; PENMAN Private Equity
and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and Robert G. Riddett,
Jr. (the "Agreement"), the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby
acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does sell, assign and
transfer unto Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to, all the
MainStreet Assets described in the Agreement, all as provided in the Agreement.

         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Buyer, its successors and assigns,
forever. AND Seller does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant and
agree to and with Buyer, its successors and assigns, to warrant and defend the
sale and conveyance of the aforesaid assets hereby sold unto Buyer.

         This Bill of Sale is made, executed and delivered pursuant to the
Agreement, and is subject to all of the terms, provisions, and conditions
thereof, including (without limitation) the indemnification therein. To the
extent of any conflict between the terms hereof and thereof, the terms of the
Agreement shall be controlling.

         All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement unless the context clearly requires

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has duly executed this Bill of Sale to be
effective as of 11:59 p.m. on the 31st day of March, 1998.

                                    Delaware corporation
                                                   (CORPORATE SEAL)

__________________________          By:_________________________________________
(Witness)                            Its:_______________________________________


____________________________             )
STATE OF                                 )              PROBATE
____________________________             )
COUNTY OF                                 

         PERSONALLY APPEARED before me the undersigned witness who, after first
being duly sworn, deposes and says that s/he saw the within named MAINSTREET
HEALTHCARE CORORATION, a Delaware corporation, by__________________________, its
______________________, sign, seal and, as its act and deed, deliver the within
written Bill of Sale for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that s/he
with the other witness whose signature appears above, witnessed the execution

SWORN to before me this_________
day of____________________________________, 1998.

Notary Public for___________________________________
My Commission Expires:_________________

                                  Exhibit 8.3.2

                      MainStreet Assignment and Assumption

                                 [See Attached]

           (MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation)

corporation with its principal office at 2370 Main Street, Tucker, Georgia (the
"Assignor"), for and in consideration of good and valuable consideration to it
in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, by UCI
MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC., a South Carolina corporation ("Assignee"),
the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby assigns to
Assignee all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to all the
intangible assets and rights composing portions of the MainStreet Assets as
described in the Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated
effective as of February 9, 1998, by and between Assignor; Assignee; UCI Medical
Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group,
PC, a Tennessee professional corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group,
P.C., a Georgia professional corporation; Prompt Care Medical Center, Inc., a
Georgia corporation; Michael J. Dare; A. Wayne Johnson; PENMAN Private Equity
and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and Robert G. Riddett,
Jr. (the "Agreement"), all as provided in the Agreement.

         Assignee hereby covenants with Assignor to assume and faithfully
perform and discharge all of the terms, covenants, liabilities and obligations
set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto (subject to the Agreement) maturing and
to be performed or discharged by Assignor, if any, under the above assigned
contracts beginning on the date hereof and henceforth.

         This Assignment is made, executed, and delivered pursuant to the
Agreement, and is subject to all the terms, provisions and conditions thereof,
including (without limitation) the mutual indemnifications therein. To the
extent of any conflict between the terms hereof and thereof, the terms of the
Agreement shall be controlling. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined
herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement unless the
context clearly requires otherwise.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE ATTACHED]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Assignment and
Assumption Agreement to be effective as of the 31st day of March, 1998.


                                    Delaware corporation
                                                 (CORPORATE SEAL)

_______________________             By:_________________________________________
(Witness)                            Its:_______________________________________



                                    UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC.,
                                    a South Carolina corporation




                                   SCHEDULE 1

                            LIABILITIES TO BE ASSUMED

         1. MainStreet Equipment Leases (as defined in the Agreement);

         2. MainStreet Real Estate Leases (as defined in the Agreement); and

         3. that certain line of credit obligation with Bank One, N.A. (formerly
NPL-LP, Inc.),

All as set forth in that certain Asset Purchase Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization dated as of February 9, 1998.


                                  Exhibit 8.3.3

                              MHMG-GA Bill of Sale

                                 [See Attached]

                                  BILL OF SALE
 (MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation)

GROUP, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation, with its principal office at
2370 Main Street, Tucker, Georgia (the "Seller"), for the consideration paid by
UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC., a South Carolina corporation with
offices at 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia, South Carolina 29201 (the
"Buyer") set forth in that certain Acquisition Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization dated as of February 9, 1998, by and between among others Seller;
Buyer; UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation; MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical
Group, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation; Prompt Care Medical Center,
Inc., a Georgia corporation; Michael J. Dare; A. Wayne Johnson; PENMAN Private
Equity and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and Robert G.
Riddett, Jr. (the "Agreement"), the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby
acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does sell, assign and
transfer unto Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to, all the
MHMG-GA Assets described in the Agreement, all as provided in the Agreement.

         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Buyer, its successors and assigns,
forever. AND Seller does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant and
agree to and with Buyer, its successors and assigns, to warrant and defend the
sale and conveyance of the aforesaid assets hereby sold unto Buyer.

         This Bill of Sale is made, executed and delivered pursuant to the
Agreement, and is subject to all of the terms, provisions, and conditions
thereof, including (without limitation) the indemnification therein. To the
extent of any conflict between the terms hereof and thereof, the terms of the
Agreement shall be controlling.

         All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement unless the context clearly requires

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has duly executed this Bill of Sale to be
effective as of 11:59 p.m. on the 31st day of March, 1998.

                                    P.C., a Georgia professional corporation
                                                 (CORPORATE SEAL)

__________________________          By:______________________________________
(Witness)                            Its:____________________________________


STATE OF ____________________________________________    )
                                                         )     PROBATE
COUNTY OF ___________________________________________    )

         PERSONALLY APPEARED before me the undersigned witness who, after first
being duly sworn, deposes and says that s/he saw the within named MAINSTREET
HEALTHCARE MEDICAL GROUP, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation, by
_____________________________, its ___________________________, sign, seal and,
as its act and deed, deliver the within written Bill of Sale for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned and that s/he with the other witness whose signature
appears above, witnessed the execution thereof.

SWORN to before me this__________
day of ___________________________________, 1998.

__________________________________________ (L.S.)
Notary Public for___________________________
My Commission Expires:______________

                                  Exhibit 8.3.4

                        MHMG-GA Assignment and Assumption

                                 [See Attached]

 (MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation)

Georgia professional corporation with its principal office at 2370 Main Street,
Tucker, Georgia (the "Assignor"), for and in consideration of good and valuable
consideration to it in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of
these presents, by UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC., a South Carolina
corporation ("Assignee"), the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby
acknowledged, hereby assigns to Assignee all of Assignor's right, title and
interest in and to all the intangible assets and rights composing portions of
the MHMG-GA Assets as described in the Acquisition Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization dated effective as of February 9, 1998, by and between Assignor;
Assignee; UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation; MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical
Group, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation; Prompt Care Medical Center,
Inc., a Georgia corporation; Michael J. Dare; A. Wayne Johnson; PENMAN Private
Equity and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and Robert G.
Riddett, Jr. (the "Agreement"), all as provided in the Agreement.

         Assignee hereby covenants with Assignor to assume and faithfully
perform and discharge all of the terms, covenants, liabilities and obligations
set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto (subject to the Agreement) maturing and
to be performed or discharged by Assignor, if any, under the above assigned
contracts beginning on the date hereof and henceforth.

         This Assignment is made, executed, and delivered pursuant to the
Agreement, and is subject to all the terms, provisions and conditions thereof,
including (without limitation) the mutual indemnifications therein. To the
extent of any conflict between the terms hereof and thereof, the terms of the
Agreement shall be controlling. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined
herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement unless the
context clearly requires otherwise.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE ATTACHED]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Assignment and
Assumption Agreement to be effective as of the 31st day of March, 1998.


                                    P.C., a Georgia professional corporation
                                                 (CORPORATE SEAL)

_______________________             By:_________________________________________
(Witness)                             Its:______________________________________



                                    UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC.,
                                    a South Carolina corporation




                                   SCHEDULE 1

                            LIABILITIES TO BE ASSUMED



                                  Exhibit 8.3.5

                              MHMG-TN Bill of Sale

                                 [See Attached]

                                  BILL OF SALE
 (MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation)

GROUP, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation, with its principal office at
2370 Main Street, Tucker Georgia (the "Seller"), for the consideration paid by
UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC., a South Carolina corporation with
offices at 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia, South Carolina 29201 (the
"Buyer") set forth in that certain Acquisition Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization dated as of February 9, 1998, by and between among others Seller;
Buyer; UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation; MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical
Group, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation; Prompt Care Medical Center,
Inc., a Georgia corporation; Michael J. Dare; A. Wayne Johnson; PENMAN Private
Equity and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and Robert G.
Riddett, Jr. (the "Agreement"), the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby
acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does sell, assign and
transfer unto Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to, all the
MHMG-TN Assets described in the Agreement, all as provided in the Agreement.

         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Buyer, its successors and assigns,
forever. AND Seller does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant and
agree to and with Buyer, its successors and assigns, to warrant and defend the
sale and conveyance of the aforesaid assets hereby sold unto Buyer.

         This Bill of Sale is made, executed and delivered pursuant to the
Agreement, and is subject to all of the terms, provisions, and conditions
thereof, including (without limitation) the indemnification therein. To the
extent of any conflict between the terms hereof and thereof, the terms of the
Agreement shall be controlling.

         All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement unless the context clearly requires

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has duly executed this Bill of Sale to be
effective as of 11:59 p.m. on the 31st day of March, 1998.

                                a Tennessee professional corporation
                                          (CORPORATE SEAL)

_______________________         By:_____________________________________
(Witness)                         Its:__________________________________


STATE OF ___________________________     )
                                         )                        PROBATE
COUNTY OF __________________________     )

         PERSONALLY APPEARED before me the undersigned witness who, after first
being duly sworn, deposes and says that s/he saw the within named MAINSTREET
HEALTHCARE MEDICAL GROUP, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation, by
_________________________, its _______________________, sign, seal and, as its
act and deed, deliver the within written Bill of Sale for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned and that s/he with the other witness whose signature appears
above, witnessed the execution thereof.

SWORN to before me this ______
day of ___________________________________, 1998.

Notary Public for__________________________________
My Commission Expires:_______________________

                                  Exhibit 8.3.6

                        MHMG-TN Assignment and Assumption

                                 [See Attached]

 (MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation)

Tennessee professional corporation with its principal office at 2370 Main
Street, Tucker, Georgia (the "Assignor"), for and in consideration of good and
valuable consideration to it in hand paid at or before the ensealing and
delivery of these presents, by UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC., a South
Carolina corporation ("Assignee"), the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby
acknowledged, hereby assigns to Assignee all of Assignor's right, title and
interest in and to all the intangible assets and rights composing portions of
the MHMG-TN Assets as described in the Acquisition Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization dated effective as of February 9, 1998, by and between Assignor;
Assignee; UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation; MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical
Group, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation; Prompt Care Medical Center,
Inc., a Georgia corporation; Michael J. Dare; A. Wayne Johnson; PENMAN Private
Equity and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and Robert G.
Riddett, Jr. (the "Agreement"), all as provided in the Agreement.

         Assignee hereby covenants with Assignor to assume and faithfully
perform and discharge all of the terms, covenants, liabilities and obligations
set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto (subject to the Agreement) maturing and
to be performed or discharged by Assignor, if any, under the above assigned
contracts beginning on the date hereof and henceforth.

         This Assignment is made, executed, and delivered pursuant to the
Agreement, and is subject to all the terms, provisions and conditions thereof,
including (without limitation) the mutual indemnifications therein. To the
extent of any conflict between the terms hereof and thereof, the terms of the
Agreement shall be controlling. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined
herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement unless the
context clearly requires otherwise.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE ATTACHED]

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Assignment and
Assumption Agreement to be effective as of the 31st day of March, 1998.


                                    P.C., a Tennessee professional corporation
                                                 (CORPORATE SEAL)

_______________________             By:_________________________________________
(Witness)                             Its:______________________________________



                                    UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC.,
                                    a South Carolina corporation



                                   SCHEDULE 1

                            LIABILITIES TO BE ASSUMED


                                  Exhibit 8.3.7

                              Form of Non-Solicits

                                 [See Attached]

                              NON-SOLICIT COVENANT

         THIS NON-SOLICIT COVENANT ("Agreement"), is made and entered into to be
effective as of this 31st day of March, 1998, by and between UCI Medical
Affiliates of Georgia, Inc., a South Carolina corporation ("UCI of GA"), and
_____________________________ ("Shareholder").

                              Preliminary Statement

         Shareholder is currently a shareholder of MainStreet Healthcare
Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Mainstreet"). Mainstreet has owned and
operated various medical-related facilities and equipment in the States of
Georgia and Tennessee (the "Business").

         Pursuant to that certain Acquisition Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization dated February ____, 1998 (the "Acquisition Agreement"), by and
among UCI of GA; UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("UCI");
Mainstreet; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, P.C., a Georgia corporation
("MSH of GA"); Mainstreet Healthcare Medical Group, PC, a Tennessee corporation
("MSH of TN"); Michael J. Dare; A. Wayne Johnson; PENMAN Private Equity and
Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership; and Robert G. Riddett,
Jr., Mainstreet transferred substantially all of Mainstreet's assets (the
"Assets") to UCI of GA as set forth in the Acquisition Agreement. Upon the
closing of the transactions contemplated in the Acquisition Agreement, UCI of GA
intends to operate the Assets acquired by it for UCI of GA's business similar to
the Business of Mainstreet. In connection therewith, UCI of GA has contracted
with Doctor's Care of Georgia, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation ("DC of
GA") to provide health care services at such facilities within the State of
Georgia, and with Doctor's Care of Tennessee, P.C., a Tennessee professional
corporation ("DC of TN") to provide health care services at such facilities
within the State of Tennessee. For purposes herein MainStreet, MSH of GA, and
MSH of TN are collectively referred to herein as the "MainStreet Entities".

         Mainstreet has conducted the Business for several years, and
Shareholder has made use of, acquired, and added to confidential and proprietary
information and trade secrets of Mainstreet, all of which are portions of the
Assets (which Assets are being transferred to UCI of GA pursuant to the
Acquisition Agreement).

         Shareholder also has developed unique information and knowledge about
the competitive market, locations, potential patients, processes and prospects
of the Business of Mainstreet.

         The value of the acquisition by UCI of GA pursuant to the Acquisition
Agreement would be diminished in the event that Shareholder were to violate the
terms of this Agreement. UCI, UCI of GA, DC of GA, and DC of TN (collectively
the "UCI Entities") have required, as a condition precedent to its purchase of
such Assets pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, that Shareholder covenant not
to divulge any confidential information and not to solicit the employees of the
UCI Entities, or any one of them, as set forth herein.

         Shareholder has agreed to provide such covenants as set forth herein as
a material inducement to the UCI Entities to enter into and close the
Acquisition Agreement and in consideration of the payments to be made
thereunder. Shareholder's covenants contained herein are ancillary to the
Acquisition Agreement. Shareholder acknowledges that he/she will benefit from
the Acquisition Agreement.

         Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, UCI of GA and Shareholder desire
to set forth the terms and conditions of their agreements and understandings
respecting such covenants.

Non-Solicit Covenant
Page 1

                             Statement of Agreement

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the
promises set forth herein, the Acquisition Agreement, and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, Shareholder and UCI of GA, intending to be legally bound, hereby
agree and covenant as follows:

         1. Non-Disclosure of Information. Shareholder shall not, at any time
after the date hereof, directly or indirectly, divulge or disclose to any person
or entity including without limitation any Affiliate (as defined below) of
Shareholder for any purpose whatsoever any confidential information that has
been developed or obtained by, or disclosed to, Shareholder at any time before
or after the date hereof (exclusive of such information as is in the public
domain or as is required to be disclosed pursuant to an applicable law, rule,
regulation, or final non-appealable order of a court of competent jurisdiction).
Shareholder acknowledges that such confidential information is of a special and
unique nature and value relating to matters of the Mainstreet's Business,
including, without limitation, the lists of patients and potential patients of
one or more of the Mainstreet Entities, leases or contacts (which were
specifically targeted by one or more of the Mainstreet Entities prior to
Closing), pricing information and lists, sales and marketing materials and
methods, proprietary information, trade secrets, trademarks, systems,
procedures, manuals, confidential reports, records, operational expertise, the
nature and type of services rendered by the Mainstreet Entities, or any one of
them, the equipment and methods used and preferred by patients and customers of
the Mainstreet Entities, or any one of them, and the fees paid by them (all of
which are deemed for all purposes to be confidential, proprietary, and trade
secrets of one or more of the Mainstreet Entities transferred to the UCI
Entities pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement).

         2. Covenants against Solicitation.


                  a. Employees. For a period of two (2) years after the
effective date hereof, Shareholder shall not solicit or in any manner attempt to
solicit or induce any person employed by, or an agent of, one or more of the UCI
Entities to terminate such person's association or contract of employment or
agency, as the case may be, with such entity.

                  b. Senior Employees. For a period of five (5) years after the
effective date hereof, Shareholder shall not solicit or in any manner attempt to
solicit or induce the following three (3) senior management employees of one or
more of the UCI Entities to terminate such person's association or contract of
employment or agency, as the case may be, with such entity:_____________________


                  a. Employees. For a period of two (2) years after the
effective date hereof, Shareholder shall not, directly or through an Affiliate
(as defined below) solicit or in any manner attempt to solicit or induce any
person employed by, or an agent of, one or more of the UCI Entities to terminate
such person's association or contract of employment or agency, as the case may
be, with such entity.

                  b. Senior Employees. For a period of five (5) years after the
effective date hereof, Shareholder shall not, directly or through an Affiliate
(as defined below) solicit or in any manner attempt to solicit or induce the
following three (3) senior management employees of one or more of the UCI
Entities to terminate such person's association or contract of employment or
agency, as the case may be, with such entity:___________________________________

Non-Solicit Covenant
Page 2

                  c. Definition of Affiliate. For purposes of this Agreement, an
"Affiliate" of Shareholder is a Person (as defined below) that directly, or
indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or
is under common control with Shareholder. For purposes of this Agreement, a
"Person" includes, in addition to such person, all of the following persons: (i)
any relative or spouse of such person, or any relative of such spouse, any one
of whom has the same home as such person; (ii) any trust or estate in which such
person or any of the persons specified in Section 2(c)(i) of this Agreement
collectively own ten percent (10%) or more of the total beneficial interest, or
of which any of such persons serve as trustee, executor or in any other
capacity; and (iii) any corporation, partnership, limited liability company or
other organization in which such person or any of the persons specified in
Section 2(c)(i) of this Agreement are the beneficial owners collectively of ten
percent (10%) of any class of equity securities, of the equity interest, or of
the partnership interest.

         3. Consideration. In consideration of the restrictions and covenants
contained herein, Shareholder hereby acknowledges the receipt and adequacy of
such other consideration set forth in the Acquisition Agreement.

         4. Remedies.

                  a. Accounting for Lost Profits. If Shareholder shall violate
any of the provisions of Sections 1 or 2, the UCI Entities shall be entitled to
recover any non-speculative lost profits incurred by any one or more of the UCI
Entities as a result of, growing out of, or in connection with, any such
violation by Shareholder. This remedy shall be in addition to, and not in
limitation of, any injunctive relief or other rights, remedies, or damages, to
which any one or more of the UCI Entities is or may be entitled as a result of
this Agreement.

                  b. Injunctive Relief. In the event of a breach or threatened
breach by Shareholder of any of the provisions of Sections 1 or 2, the UCI
Entities, in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other rights, remedies,
or damages available to any one or more of the UCI Entities at law or in equity,
shall be entitled to a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, and
permanent injunction in order to prevent or restrain any such breach by
Shareholder or by Shareholder's partners, agents, representatives, servants,
employers, employees, companies, consulting clients, and/or any and all persons
directly or indirectly acting for or with Shareholder. Shareholder agrees that
in the event of any breach by Shareholder of the covenants set forth in this
Agreement, the UCI Entities shall suffer irreparable harm for which the remedy
of monetary damages may be inadequate.

                  c. Alternatives. The UCI Entities shall have the option, in
their sole discretion, to enforce the various restrictions of Sections 1 and 2
cumulatively, in the alternative, or consecutively.

         5. Reasonableness of Restrictions.

                  a. Acknowledgment. Shareholder has carefully read and
considered the provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, and, having done so,
voluntarily agrees that the restrictions set forth in those Sections, including,
but not limited to, the time period of restriction, the geographical areas of
restriction, and the scope of restricted activities set forth in Section 2, are
fair and reasonable and are reasonably required for the protection of the
legitimate interests of each of the UCI Entities, and their respective parent or
subsidiary corporations, partnerships, officers, directors, partners, employees
and affiliates.

                  b. Enforcement. In the event that, notwithstanding the
foregoing, any of the provisions of Sections 1, 2, or 4 or any parts thereof
shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions or parts
thereof shall nevertheless continue to be valid and enforceable as though the
invalid or unenforceable portions or parts had not been included therein. In the
event that any provisions of Sections 1 or 2 relating to the time period and/or
the areas of restriction and/or the scope of restricted activities and/or
related aspects shall be declared

Non-Solicit Covenant
Page 3

by a court of competent jurisdiction to exceed the maximum restrictiveness such
court deems reasonable and enforceable, the time period and/or areas of
restriction and/or the scope of restricted activities and/or related aspects
deemed reasonable and enforceable by the court shall become and thereafter be
the maximum restriction in such regard, and the restriction shall remain
enforceable to the fullest extent deemed reasonable by such court.

         6. Miscellaneous.

                  a. Burden and Benefit. This Agreement shall be binding upon
UCI of GA's successors and assigns and Shareholder's heirs, personal and legal
representatives, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each
of the UCI Entities' respective successors and permitted assigns and
Shareholder's heirs, personal legal representatives, successors, and permitted

                  b. Modifications. This Agreement can only be modified by a
written agreement duly signed by Shareholder and an authorized representative of
UCI of GA. Moreover, in order to avoid uncertainty, ambiguity and
misunderstandings in their relationships, the parties hereto covenant and agree
not to enter into any oral agreement or understanding inconsistent or in
conflict with this Agreement; and the parties hereto further covenant and agree
that any oral communication allegedly or purportedly constituting such an
agreement or understanding shall be absolutely null, void and without effect.

                  c. Waiver. Any waiver by either party of any breach or any
term or condition hereof shall be effective only if in writing and such writing
shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent or other breach, term or
condition of this Agreement.

                  d. Assignments. Neither this Agreement nor any rights
hereunder may be assigned or otherwise transferred by Shareholder. This
Agreement may be assigned or otherwise transferred by UCI of GA to any entity
controlled by or under common control with UCI of GA, or in connection with the
merger or acquisition of, or sale of substantially all of, the assets of UCI of

                  e. Cumulative Remedies. All rights and remedies of a party
hereunder shall be cumulative and in addition to such rights and remedies as may
be available to a party at law or equity.

                  f. Venue and Jurisdiction. The parties hereto hereby (i) agree
that any litigation, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this
Agreement may be instituted in a state or federal court located in Richland
County, South Carolina, (ii) waive any objection which they might have now or
hereafter to any such litigation, action, or proceeding based upon improper
venue or inconvenient forum, and (iii) irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of
such courts in any such litigation, action or proceeding. For all purposes of
this Agreement, the parties hereto further agree that service of process may be
effected pursuant to United States mail.

                  g. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
supersedes all prior contemporaneous written or oral agreements and
representations between the parties with respect thereto.

                  h. Governing Law. The construction and interpretation of this
Agreement shall at all times and in all respects be governed by the laws of the
State of South Carolina.

                  i. Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability or any
provision of this Agreement shall not render invalid or unenforceable any other
provision hereof.

Non-Solicit Covenant
Page 4

                  j. Survival. All terms of this Agreement shall survive the
Closing under the Acquisition Agreement.

                  k. Usage. Capitalized terms used herein which are not
otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the
Acquisition Agreement. The section and paragraph headings contained in this
Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. Terms such as "hereof",
"hereunder", "hereto", "herein", and words of similar import shall refer to this
Agreement in its entirety and all references to "Paragraphs", "Sections", and
similar cross references shall refer to specified portions of this Agreement,
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

                  l. Enforcement. In the event litigation or other legal
proceedings are commenced to enforce any rights under this Agreement, all
reasonable legal expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) and other
direct costs of litigation of the prevailing party shall be paid by the
non-prevailing party. All remedies specified herein are cumulative and
non-exclusive, and parties shall be entitled to seek or enforce any other rights
or remedies available to them at law or in equity.

                  m. Notices. Any notice, request, approval, consent, demand or
other communication shall be effective upon the first to occur of the following:
(i) upon receipt by the party to whom such notice, request, approval, consent,
demand or other communication is being given; or (ii) three (3) business days
after being duly deposited in the United States certified mail, return receipt
requested, and addressed as follows:

                  UCI of GA:            UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.
                  ---------             1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
                                        Mail Code 1105
                                        Columbia, South Carolina 29201
                                        Attn.:  Jerry F. Wells, Jr.

                  Shareholder:          ________________________________________
                  -----------           ________________________________________

The parties hereto may change their respective addresses by notice in writing
given to the other party to this Agreement.

Non-Solicit Covenant
Page 5

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Non-Solicit Covenant is executed under seal by
UCI of GA and Shareholder to be effective as of the date first above written.

WITNESSES:                          SHAREHOLDER:
- ----------                          ------------

                                    Print Name:
                                    Social Security Number:


                                    UCI OF GA:

                                    UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA



Non-Solicit Covenant
Page 6

                                  Exhibit 8.3.8

                            Form of Investment Letter

                                 [See Attached]

                                INVESTMENT LETTER

                                 March 31, 1998

TO:      UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
         1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
         Columbia, SC 29201
         Attn:  President

RE:      Issuance of Common Stock in UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

Dear Sir:

         On this date, the Company is issuing to the undersigned shareholder
("Transferee") of MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation
("Main Street"), the number of shares of the common stock, $0.05 par value, of
UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), as are set
forth opposite Transferee's signature on the signature page hereof (the
"Shares"). In consideration of your agreement to issue the Shares to Transferee,
Transferee hereby represents and warrants to you and hereby covenants and agrees
with you, as follows:

         1. Transferee has carefully read this Investment Letter and, to the
extent Transferee believes necessary, has discussed with Transferee's counsel
and other professional advisor(s) the representations, warranties, covenants and
agreements which Transferee makes by signing it, and any applicable limitations
upon Transferee's transfer of the Shares issuable thereunder. Transferee
acknowledges that Transferee has not relied upon the legal counsel or
accountants for the Company regarding the Shares or the transactions
contemplated by this Investment Letter, and Transferee has been advised to
engage separate legal counsel and accountants to represent Transferee's
individual interest and advise Transferee regarding the structure of and risks
associated with such transactions.

         2. Transferee understands that as a publicly traded company, the
Company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") various
reports, including quarterly and annual financial statements, annual reports to
shareholders, and proxy statements, and that all of such reports, statements and
information are available to the public, including Transferee, from the SEC and
directly from the Company (collectively the "Documents"). Transferee has been
given the opportunity to obtain copies of such Documents and to ask questions
of, and receive answers from, representatives of the Company with respect to the
Company and the Shares, concerning the terms and conditions of the transfer of
the Shares by the Company to Transferee, and has been given the opportunity to
obtain such additional information necessary to verify the accuracy of any
information provided to Transferee by the Company in order for Transferee to
evaluate the merits and risks of an investment in the Company to the extent that
the Company possesses such information or could acquire it without unreasonable
effort or expense. Transferee has been furnished with all information concerning
the Shares and the Company that Transferee desires.

         Transferee further acknowledges that Transferee is executing and
delivering this Investment Letter solely on the basis of information contained
in the Documents and not on the basis of any information, representations, or
agreements made by any other person, and that no representations or warranties
of any nature have been made to Transferee with respect to the ultimate economic
consequences or tax consequences of Transferee's investment in the Company.

Investment Letter
Page 1

Transferee acknowledges that any forecasted financial data which may have been
given to Transferee is for illustration purposes only and no assurance is given
that actual results will correspond with the results contemplated in any such

         3. Transferee is _____ or is not _____ (initial one) an "accredited
investor" as that term is defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D promulgated by the
SEC under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"). For this
purpose, Transferee understands that an "accredited investor" includes:

         (i) any individual who: (A) has a net worth (with spouse) in excess of
         $1 million; or (B) has had an individual income in excess of $200,000
         (or joint income with spouse in excess of $300,000) in each of the two
         most recent years and who reasonably expects the same income level for
         the current year; or (C) who is an executive officer or director of the

         (ii) any entity in which all of the equity owners or partners are
         "accredited investors;" or

         (iii) any corporation or partnership with total assets in excess of
         $5,000,000 that was not formed for the specific purpose of purchasing
         the securities subscribed hereunder.

         4. Transferee considers himself/herself/itself to be a sophisticated
investor in companies similarly situated to the Company, and Transferee has such
knowledge and experience in financial and business matters as to be capable of
evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective investment in the Shares. Any
information Transferee may have furnished to you with respect to Transferee's
status as a sophisticated investor, Transferee's business experience or
Transferee's financial position is correct.

         5. If Transferee is an individual, Transferee's current state of
residency is the state reflected in Transferee's current address as set forth on
the signature page hereof, and Transferee has no present intention of moving
from such state of residency. If Transferee is an entity, Transferee's state of
incorporation or organization are as set forth on the signature page hereof. If
Transferee is an entity which does not meet the classification set forth under
Section 3 (iii) above, each of Transferee's equity owners and/or partners has
the same state of residence as the Transferee's state of incorporation or
organization and none of Transferee's equity owners and/or partners has any
present intention of moving from such state of residency.

         6. Transferee has been advised and acknowledges that the issuance of
the Shares will not be registered under the 1933 Act, in reliance upon the
exemption(s) from registration promulgated thereunder. Transferee also
acknowledges that the issuance of the Shares will not be registered under the
securities laws of any state. Consequently, Transferee agrees that the Shares
cannot be resold unless they are registered under the 1933 Act and applicable
state securities laws, or unless an exemption from such registration
requirements is available.

         7. Transferee understands and acknowledges that, except as specifically
set forth in that certain Registration Rights Agreement dated as of March 31,
1998, the Company is under no obligation to register the Shares for public sale
or to comply with the conditions of Rule 144 promulgated by the SEC under the
1933 Act or to take any other action necessary in order to make available any
exemption for the subsequent transfer of the Shares without registration.

         8. Transferee is purchasing the Shares solely for Transferee's own
account and not as nominee for, representative of, or otherwise on behalf of any
other person. Transferee is purchasing the Shares with the intention of

Investment Letter
Page 2

holding the Shares for investment, with no present intention of participating,
directly or indirectly, in a subsequent public distribution of the Shares unless
registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or unless an
exemption from such registration requirements is available. Transferee shall not
make any sale, transfer or other disposition of the Shares in violation of state
or federal law.

         9. Transferee has been advised and acknowledges that there is currently
no active public or private market for the Shares and that no active market for
the Shares may develop. Transferee is aware that Transferee's investment in the
Company is speculative and involves a high degree of risk of loss arising from,
among other things, substantial market, operational, competitive and other
risks, and having made Transferee's own evaluation of the risks associated with
this investment, Transferee is aware and Transferee has been advised that
Transferee must bear the economic risks of a purchase of the Shares

         10. Transferee is aware that the Company may offer and sell additional
shares of common stock in the future, thereby diluting Transferee's percentage
equity ownership of the Company.

         11. Transferee acknowledges that the Shares were not offered to
Transferee by means of any form of general or public solicitation or general
advertising, or publicly disseminated advertisements or sales literature,
including (i) any advertisement, article, notice or other communication
published in any newspaper, magazine, or similar media, or broadcast over
television or radio, or (ii) any seminar or meeting to which Transferee was
invited by any of the foregoing means of communications.

         12. Transferee understands and agrees that the Company and all current
and future shareholders of the Company are relying on the agreements and
representations contained herein. Transferee understands fully the meaning and
legal consequences of the provisions herein, and agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless the Company, and each other person, if any, subject to liability
because of such person's connection with the Company, against all actions,
claims, losses, damages and liabilities arising out of or based upon any false
representation or warranty herein, or any breach by the undersigned of any
provision hereof, and to reimburse the Company and each such other person for
any legal and other expenses incurred by the Company and each such other person
in connection with investigating, defending, and, if appropriate, settling any
action, claim, loss, damage or liability.

         13. In connection with the purchase of the Shares by Transferee,
Transferee has not and will not pay, and has no knowledge of the payment of, any
commission or other direct or indirect remuneration to any person or entity for
soliciting or otherwise coordinating the purchase of the Shares, except to such
persons or entities as are duly licensed and/or registered to engage in
securities offering and selling activities (or are exempt from such licensing
and/or registration requirements) in the state(s) in which such activities have
taken place in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Investment

         14. Transferee has been advised and agrees that there will be placed on
any certificates representing the Shares, or any substitution(s) thereof, a
legend stating in substance the following (and including any restrictions or
conditions that may be required by any applicable state law), and Transferee has
been advised and further agrees that the Company will refuse to permit the
transfer of the Shares out of Transferee's name in the absence of compliance
with the terms of such legend:

Investment Letter
Page 3


         15. Transferee has full power and authority to execute and deliver this
Investment Letter and has obtained the requisite corporate, governmental, and
third party approvals and consents necessary to execute and deliver this
Investment Letter.

         16. Transferee confirms that the representations Transferee has
previously made to the Company and those contained in this Investment Letter are
correct and complete as of the date hereof, and that if there should occur any
material change in such representations prior to the receipt of the Shares by
Transferee, Transferee agrees that Transferee will immediately furnish such
revised or corrected representations or information to the Company.

         This Investment Letter shall be binding upon Transferee and his/her
heirs, executors, administrators, successors, representatives and assigns and
shall enure to the benefit of the Company, and its successors and assigns. This
Investment Letter shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of South Carolina.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Transferee has executed this Investment Letter as
of the date set forth opposite Transferee's signature below.


Number of Shares of       _______________________________
UCI Medical Affiliates,   (Print name of Transferee here)
Inc. to be transferred:

Date:                     (Signature of Transferee or authorized representative)

                          (Street Address)

                          (City, State, Zip Code)

Investment Letter
Page 4

                                 Exhibit 8.3.18

            Form of Affidavit and Certificate of Assumed Liabilities

                                 [See Attached]


         PERSONALLY appeared before me ROBERT G. RIDDETT, JR. who first
being duly sworn, deposes and says that:

         1. Robert G. Riddett, Jr. is the President of MainStreet Healthcare
Corporation ("MainStreet"), and as such has access to, and knowledge of, the
business records of MainStreet.

         2. The outstanding balances of the MainStreet Equipment Leases as of
March 31, 1998 total $ , in the aggregate.

         3. The outstanding balances of the MainStreet Real Estate Leases as of
March 31, 1998 total $ , in the aggregate.

         4. The outstanding balance (less applicable lending hold-back amounts)
of MainStreet's line of credit obligation with Bank One, N.A. (formerly NPL-LP,
Inc.), as of March 31, 1998 totals $_________________________________________.

         5. This Affidavit and Certificate of Assumed Liabilities is being
delivered to UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc. ("UCI of GA") pursuant to
Section 8.3.18 of that certain Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
by and between among others UCI of GA and MainStreet, dated February 9, 1998
(the "Acquisition Agreement"), and may be relied upon by UCI of GA.

         6. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have
the respective meanings ascribed to them in the Acquisition Agreement.

         Executed as of the 31st day of March, 1998.

                                     Robert G. Riddett, Jr., President

Sworn to me this
31st day of March, 1998

Notary Public For______________________
My Commission Expires:_______________

                                 Exhibit 8.3.19

                    Form of Transferor's Officers Certificate

                                 [See Attached]

                                [Corporate Name]


         We hereby certify in connection with the Acquisition Agreement and Plan
of Reorganization (the "Agreement") dated _____________________, 1998,
respecting the purchase of substantially all of the assets of MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical
Group, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical
Group, PC, a Tennessee professional corporation; and Prompt Care Medical Center,
Inc., a Georgia corporation, by UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware
corporation; UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc., a South Carolina
corporation; Doctor's Care of Georgia, P.C., a Georgia professional corporation;
and Doctor's Care of Tennessee, P.C., a Tennessee professional corporation, that
we are officers of _______________________________________________________ (the
"Company") and, that as such, have access to the corporate records and
familiarity with the matters therein contained and herein certified, that we are
authorized to execute and deliver this certificate in the name and on behalf of
the Company, and that:

         1. Incumbency of Officers. The following named persons are on the date
hereof, and at all times since prior to the date of the Agreement, have been
duly elected, qualified, and acting officers of the Company holding the office
or offices set forth opposite his or her name, and that the signature set forth
opposite each such officer's name is his or her true and legal signature:

Name                          Office                    Signature
- ----                          ------                    ---------

- ---------------------         -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------         -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------         -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------         -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------         -----------------         ---------------------

         2. Incumbency of Directors. The following named persons are on the date
hereof, and were as of the date referenced in paragraph 5 below, the duly
elected, qualified, and acting directors of the Company, and constitute all the
directors of the Company at the date hereof and constituted all the directors at
the date referenced in paragraph 5 below:_______________________________________

         3. Articles of Incorporation. Attached as Exhibit A hereto is a true,
correct, and complete copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company as
filed with the Secretary of State of the Company's state of organization, which
Articles of Incorporation have not been amended, modified, or rescinded except
as may be reflected in Exhibit A, and remain in full force and effect as of the
date hereof.

         4. Bylaws. Attached as Exhibit B hereto is a true, correct, and
complete copy of the Bylaws of the Company, which Bylaws have not been amended,
modified, or rescinded except as may be reflected in Exhibit B and remain in
full force and effect as of the date hereof.

         5. Approving Resolutions. Attached as Exhibit C hereto is a true,
correct, and complete copy of the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the
Company (with any preamble thereto) authorizing the Company's entering into and
performing its obligations under the Agreement, which resolutions were duly
adopted on __________________________, 199 , and which resolutions are in full
force and effect on and as of the date hereof, not having been amended, altered,
repealed, or rescinded. Attached as Exhibit D hereto is a true, correct, and
complete copy of the resolutions of the shareholders of the Company (with any
preamble thereto) authorizing the Company's entering into and performing its
obligations under the Agreement, which resolutions were duly adopted on
__________________________, 199 , and which resolutions are in full force and
effect on and as of the date hereof, not having been amended, altered, repealed,
or rescinded.

         6. Bringdown of Representations and Warranties. Each representation and
warranty made by or respecting the Company in the Agreement is true and accurate
in all material respects as of the date of this certificate with the same effect
as if made on and as of the date of this certificate by the Company, except as
otherwise contemplated by the Agreement.

         7. Compliance with Agreement. The Company has performed and complied in
all material respects with each and every covenant, agreement, and condition
required to be performed or complied with by the Company under the Agreement on
or prior to the date hereof.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this certificate on behalf of the
Company in the capacities set forth below our signatures as of the ____ day of ,


                       Print Name:_______________________
                       Title:  President


                       Print Name:_______________________
                       Title:  Secretary


                                 Exhibit 8.3.20

     Form of Legal Opinion of Transferors' and Class B Shareholders' Counsel

                                 [See Attached]

                 [Letterhead of S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.]
                                [Date of Closing]

UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.
Suite 1200
1901 Main Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201

         RE:      Transfer of Assets of MainStreet HealthCare Corporation (the
                  "Seller") to UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc. (the

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         We have acted as special counsel to Seller, MainStreet HealthCare
Medical Group, P.C., a Georgia corporation ("MHMG of GA"); MainStreet HealthCare
Medical Group, PC, a Tennessee corporation ("MHMG of TN"); Prompt Care Medical
Center, Inc., a Tennessee corporation ("Prompt Care"); A. Wayne Johnson
("Johnson"); Robert G. Riddett, Jr. ("Riddett"); Michael J. Dare ("Dare"); and
Penman Private Equity And Mezzanine Fund, L.P. ("Penman") in connection with the
Acquisition Agreement And Plan of Reorganization executed on February 9, 1998
(the "Agreement") by and among the Seller; MHMG-GA; MHMG-TN; Prompt Care;
Johnson; Riddett; Dare; Penman; Buyer; and UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. This
opinion is furnished pursuant to the Closing requirements of Section 8.3.20 of
the Agreement. All capitalized terms used in this opinion letter that are not
otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the


         In our capacity as counsel to Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Johnson, Dare,
Riddett, Penman, and Prompt Care and for purposes of this opinion, we have
examined the following documents:

                  (i) Certain corporate records of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, and
Prompt Care including their respective articles of incorporation (or charter),
bylaws, and selected minutes;

                  (ii) The Agreement and all documents, instruments, statements,
and certificates required to be delivered by Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt
Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, or Penman at Closing thereunder (collectively the
"Ancillary Documents");

                  (iii) Such other documents, records, and matters of law as we
have deemed necessary and appropriate to render the opinion set forth in this
letter, subject to the limitations, assumptions, and qualifications noted below.

         As to questions of fact material to our opinions expressed herein, we
have, when relevant facts were not independently established, relied upon
certificates of, and information received from, officers of Seller, MHMG-GA,
MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and Penman and upon the
representations and warranties of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care,
Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and Penman contained in the Agreement. In this regard,
the certificates of officers of Seller,

UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.
[Date of Closing]
Page 2

MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, and Prompt Care upon which we are relying are the certificates
to be delivered at Closing as required by the Agreement and certain officer's
certificates which has been delivered in advance of this opinion letter. We have
also relied upon certificates and other documents from, and conversations with,
public officials. We have not independently investigated or verified the facts
represented in such certificates, information, representations, or warranties
and do not opine as to the accuracy of any such fact.


         Based upon our review of the foregoing and subject to the limitations,
assumptions, and qualifications as set forth herein, it is our opinion that, as
of the date of this letter:

         1. Seller is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, with the requisite
corporate power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to
conduct its business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and
perform its obligations under the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents.

         2. MHMG-GA is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Georgia, with the requisite
corporate power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to
conduct its business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and
perform its obligations under the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents.

         3. MHMG-TN is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Tennessee, with the requisite
corporate power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to
conduct its business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and
perform its obligations under the Agreement and Ancillary Documents.

         4. Penman is a limited partnership duly organized, validly existing,
and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, with the requisite
power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to conduct its
business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and perform its
obligations under the Agreement and Ancillary Documents.

         5. Neither the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the
Ancillary Documents, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated
thereby, constitute or, with the giving of notice or passage of time or both,
would constitute a violation of or a default under or conflict with any term or
provision of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, or Prompt Care's respective Articles of
Incorporation or Bylaws or, to the best of our knowledge, any of the material
terms, conditions or provisions of any material agreement or instrument known to
us to which Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and
Penman and upon the representations and warranties of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN,
Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and Penman is a party, or by which Seller,
MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, or Penman is or may be
bound, or constitute a violation of any statute, law or ordinance or any rule,
regulation, order of any governmental authority or any judicial decree, or to
the best of our knowledge, require Seller, MHMG- GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care,
Johnson, Riddett, Dare, or Penman to obtain the consent or approval of any
governmental authority (except for consents, approvals, or re-issuances
described in or required by the Agreement), lending institution, or other third
party except for such consents as have been

UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.
[Date of Closing]
Page 3

obtained by Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, or
Penman and delivered to you in advance of this opinion letter.

         6. All actions and proceedings necessary to be taken by or on the
behalf of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and
Penman in connection with the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents to which it
is a party and necessary to make the same effective have been duly and validly
taken. The Agreement and the Ancillary Documents to which it is a party have
been duly and validly executed and delivered by Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt
Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and Penman and constitute legal, valid, and
binding obligations of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett,
Dare, and Penman enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.

         7. To the best of our knowledge, there are no actions, suits, claims,
or proceedings pending or threatened against Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt
Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, or Penman before any federal, state, county,
municipal or other court, arbitrator, or other tribunal nor are there any
judgments, decrees, awards, regulations or orders of any such court, arbitrator,
or other tribunal outstanding against Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care,
Johnson, Riddett, Dare, or Penman which if adversely determined would prohibit
or materially call into question the consummation of the transactions
contemplated by the Agreement or the Ancillary Documents.

         8. Universal Diagnostics, Inc. ("Universal") is a Georgia corporation
whose Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Georgia Secretary of State
on January 27, 1997, but no further steps have been taken to organize Universal,
including but not limited to the issuance of stock. Universal owns no assets and
owes no liabilities and has no interest in the Assets to be sold to Buyer
hereunder or in the proceeds thereof.

         9. Prompt Care owns no assets and owes no liabilities and has no
interest in the Assets to be sold to Buyer hereunder or in the proceeds thereof.

         10. To the best of our knowledge, MainStreet has no Subsidiaries, and
has never had any Subsidiaries, other than Prompt Care and Universal and does
not control, directly or indirectly, or have any direct or indirect equity
participation or any equity interest in any corporation, partnership, trust,
venture, business, enterprise, firm or other business association other than
Prompt Care or Universal.


         In rendering these opinions we have assumed without investigation or
independent verification the following:

         (a) The authenticity of any document or other instrument submitted to
us as an original, the conformity to the originals of any document or other
instrument submitted to us as a copy, the legal capacity of natural persons and
the genuineness of all signatures on such originals or copies (other than
signatures of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and

         (b) All documents executed by a party other than Seller, MHMG-GA,
MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and Penman were duly and validly
executed and delivered by

UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.
[Date of Closing]
Page 4

such party in the proper exercise of their corporate, governmental, or
individual powers, as the case may be, and are legal, valid and binding
obligations of such party enforceable against such party in accordance with
their respective terms or are otherwise effective at the date hereof.

         (c) The absence of fraud, duress, or breach of fiduciary duty in the
inducement or effectuation of the subject transactions (in this connection we
affirm that we have no knowledge of the existence of any such fraud, duress, or
breach of fiduciary duty).


         These opinions are limited by and subject to the following

         (a) These opinions are strictly limited in scope and application to the
laws of the United Sates of America and the laws of the State of Georgia. No
opinion is expressed: as to the laws of any other jurisdiction; regarding the
extent to which or manner in which such other laws are applicable to matters
herein addressed; whether opinions herein stated are, in whole or in part,
superseded or invalidated by the application of such other laws; or as to the
application of choice of law provisions in any documents or of any jurisdiction.

         (b) The opinions expressed herein are subject to and may be affected or
limited by, and we do not purport to express any opinion herein concerning,
federal or state securities law and federal or state antitrust or related laws.

         (c) Opinions expressed "to the best of our knowledge" are based upon
inquiry of Seller, MHMG-GA, MHMG-TN, Prompt Care, Johnson, Riddett, Dare, and
Penman, or officers of the relevant entity or entities as to the subject matter
thereof, but without independent investigation or verification of any kind.
While no independent investigations or verifications have been conducted by us,
we have no knowledge of facts in material conflict with such opinions.

         (d) The opinions expressed herein are based upon applicable laws,
statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations as exist on this date, and we
express no opinion as to the effect which any future amendments, changes,
additions, or modifications thereof may have on the future performance or
validity of the Agreement or the Ancillary Documents, or on the consummation of
the transactions contemplated by the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents. We
assume no obligation to update or supplement our opinion to reflect any facts or
circumstances which may hereafter come to our attention or changes in law which
may hereafter occur.

         (e) The enforceability of the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents,
and the availability of certain rights and remedies provided therein, are
subject to, and may be affected or limited by the following: (i) the provisions
of applicable liquidation, conservatorship, insolvency, bankruptcy,
reorganization, moratorium, rearrangement and other similar laws, including
court decisions interpreting such laws; (ii) all other applicable federal or
state laws, constitutional requirements, statutes, ordinances, judicial
decisions, rules and regulations affecting creditors' rights generally,
including, without limitation, fraudulent conveyances, violable preferences,
non-judicial foreclosures and self-help remedies; (iii) general principles

UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.
[Date of Closing]
Page 5

of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in equity of
at law); (iv) the power of courts to deny enforcement of remedies generally
based upon public policy; (v) by the requirement that a party act with
reasonableness and in good faith to the extent required by the applicable law;
and (vi) such other matters of law which do not materially interfere with the
practical realization of the benefits intended to be conferred under the
Agreement and the Ancillary Documents.

         (f) We express no opinion as to the enforceability of any provisions in
the Agreement or the Ancillary Documents: (i) purporting to waive or affect any
rights to notices which may not be waived under applicable law; (ii) relating to
delay or omission of enforcement of remedies; (iii) with respect to
severability, exculpation, and set off rights; or (iv) respecting
indemnification rights which may be limited under applicable securities or other

         (g) We express no opinion as to the title of any party to its
properties or the priority or absence of any liens or encumbrances thereon or
claims thereto.

         (h) These opinions are provided to you as legal opinions only, and not
as guaranties or warranties of the matters discussed herein or of any
transaction or obligation.

         We are furnishing this opinion letter for the sole and exclusive
benefit of the addressee and its counsel, and this opinion letter is not to be
relied upon or used by, or circulated, quoted or otherwise distributed to, any
other person without the prior written consent of the undersigned.

                                 Exhibit 8.3.21

                                  Form of Lease

                                 [See Attached]

STATE OF GEORGIA                    )                    LEASE AGREEMENT
                                    )                          AND
COUNTY OF DEKALB                    )                    RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL

as of this 31st day of March, 1998, to be effective as of the 1st day of April,
1998, by and between MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation
(the "Landlord"), and UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA, INC., a South Carolina
corporation (the "Tenant").

         This Lease is executed and delivered in connection with that certain
Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Reorganization by and among others Landlord;
Tenant; and UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. dated as of February 9, 1998 (the
"Acquisition Agreement") related to the transfer of certain assets of MainStreet
by Tenant. In connection with the Acquisition Agreement, Tenant desires to lease
from Landlord the facility owned by Landlord located at 2362 Main Street,
Tucker, Georgia 30084, upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.

         In consideration of these premises and the mutual promises below, and
for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, Landlord and Tenant agree as

         1. Leased Premises. Landlord hereby leases, demises, and lets, to
Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord, that certain premises and all
improvements thereon located at 2362 Main Street, Tucker, Georgia 30084, all as
more fully described on Schedule 1 attached hereto (collectively the
"Premises"), upon the terms, covenants, and conditions hereinafter contained.

         2. Term. The term of this Lease shall be ten (10) years commencing on
April 1, 1998, and terminating on March 31, 2008, unless earlier terminated as
provided herein.

         3. Rent.

                  A. Subject to Section 22 below, commencing on April 1, 1998
and continuing though March 31, 2003, the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord an
annual rental of Fifty-Seven Thousand Six Hundred and No/100 ($57,600.00)
Dollars, in monthly installments of Four Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100
($4,800.00) Dollars, on the first (1st) day of each month, payable in advance
during the term of this Lease in lawful money of the United States, addressed to
Landlord at Landlord's address set forth in Section 43 herein.

                  B. Subject to Section 22 below, commencing on April 1, 2003
and continuing though the end of the term of this Lease, the Tenant shall pay to
the Landlord an annual rental of Sixty-One Thousand Two Hundred and No/100
($61,200.00) Dollars, in

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
Page 1

monthly installments of Five Thousand One Hundred and No/100 ($5,100.00)
Dollars, on the first (1st) day of each month, payable in advance during the
term of this Lease in lawful money of the United States, addressed to Landlord
at Landlord's address set forth in Section 43 herein.

         4. Utilities. Tenant shall pay throughout the term of this Lease, all
charges for air conditioning, heat, water, sewer, janitor, garbage collection,
security, gas, electricity, light, telephone, or any other communication or
utility service used in or rendered or supplied to the Premises through the term
of this Lease. Such items shall be prorated for periods outstanding at the
commencement or the termination of this Lease. Tenant shall make such payments
directly to the intended recipient thereof. Upon receipt of the actual bill for
such period, the party receiving such bill shall promptly forward same to the
other party and Landlord and Tenant shall then make such adjustment and payment
as shall be required to make such proration accurate.

         5. Real Estate Taxes. Landlord shall promptly pay all taxes and
assessments of every kind or nature which are now or may hereafter be imposed or
assessed upon the Premises by federal, state, or local government authority.
Tenant shall be entitled, but shall have no obligation, to pay any taxes or
assessments not promptly paid by Landlord as required above, in which case
Tenant may elect that the amount of such payment be either (i) deducted by
Tenant from the rent hereunder after notice of such payment is given by Tenant
to Landlord, or (ii) reimbursed to Tenant by Landlord within ten (10) days after
notice of such payment is given by Tenant to Landlord.

         6. Insurance on Building. Landlord shall at all times during the term
of this Lease maintain and shall pay all premiums for the fire and hazard
insurance on the building constituting a portion of the Premises for not less
than the replacement cost thereof.

         7. Other Insurance Coverage. Tenant shall at all times maintain the
following insurance coverage respecting the Premises and its business operations
thereon: public liability insurance for personal injury and property damage;
workers' compensation insurance required by South Carolina law; hazard insurance
on all contents and property of Tenant at the Premises and all property of other
persons temporarily stored at the Premises; and such other insurance coverages
required by this Lease or as are customarily carried on businesses such as that
to be conducted by Tenant at the Premises.

         8. Condition of Premises. Landlord shall, at its own expense, keep the
Premises in good repair and shall make any and all necessary repairs and
replacements to the Premises.

         9. Hazardous Substance Remediation. Notwithstanding anything contained
herein to the contrary, Tenant shall not be required to remediate, purge or
remove, or bear the cost of such remediation, purge or removal of, any hazardous
substance which contaminated the Premises prior to the commencement of the term
of this Lease or which existed at the

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
Page 2

commencement of the term of this Lease and worsened through no fault of Tenant
thereafter. In addition, Tenant shall not be obligated to take actions to
prevent such worsening of contamination which existed at the commencement of
this Lease. Landlord shall indemnify Tenant and hold Tenant and its officers and
agents harmless from any and all liability, claim, injury, damage, penalty, or
cost, (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of third party claims
or assertions resulting from any hazardous substances existing on the Premises
as of the effective date of this Lease.

         10. Americans With Disabilities Act. Notwithstanding any term or
provision to the contrary contained herein, the Landlord, at Landlord's sole
cost and expense, shall ensure that the Premise and improvements thereon shall
be in material compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, as the same
is amended from time to time (the "Act"). Tenant shall not be required to make
any alterations or additions to the Premises (both structural and
non-structural) that may be necessary from time to time to keep or bring the
Premises in compliance with the Act.

         11. Alterations. Tenant shall not make, or suffer to be made, any
alterations of the Premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of
Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

         12. Entry by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to enter the
Premises at reasonable times, for the purpose of inspection, posting notices or
supervising any necessary repairs and maintenance required hereto to be
performed by Landlord, upon reasonable written notice to Tenant.

         13. Signs and Parking. Tenant shall have the exclusive right to use the
parking area which is part of the Premises. Tenant, at its discretion, may erect
such signs as it deems necessary or appropriate, so long as the same comply with
applicable laws and zoning restrictions.

         14. Assignment and Subletting. Tenant shall have the right to make
subleases of all or any portion of the Premises and any permitted sublessee may
use the same for any lawful purpose permitted by this Lease, so long as Tenant
shall agree in writing to remain liable hereunder as though no subleases had
been made, unless Landlord acknowledges in writing that Tenant shall not remain
liable hereunder. Subject to Tenant's right to approval any assignee which will
not be unreasonably withheld, Landlord may assign this Lease and all rights
hereunder provided Tenant's use and enjoyment of the Premises during the term of
this Lease is not disturbed. Tenant shall be entitled to assign this Lease to
any corporation controlled by or under common control with Tenant, or in
connection with the acquisition of, or the sale of substantially all of, the
assets of Tenant. Landlord shall have the right to approval any purchaser of the
Premises, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

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And Right of First Refusal
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         15. Default of Tenant. The occurrence of any of the following events
shall constitute a breach of this Lease:

                  A. The failure of Tenant to pay rent or to make any other
payment of money as herein required when due for a period of ten (10) days after
delivery by Landlord of a written notice to Tenant of any such failure.

                  B. The expiration of a period of sixty (60) days following (I)
the adjudication of Tenant as a bankrupt by any court of competent jurisdiction,
(II) the entry of an order approving a petition filed by one other than Tenant,
seeking reorganization of Tenant under the National Bankruptcy Act or any other
applicable law of the United States or of any State, or (III) the appointment of
a trustee or receiver of all or substantially all of the business or property of
Tenant, or (IV) the levy of any attachments, execution or garnishment upon the
interest of Tenant hereunder, or upon the leasehold estate hereby created,
unless during such period such adjudication, order or appointment of a receiver
or trustee, attachment, execution or garnishment shall be vacated or unless
within such period Tenant shall have taken proper action to vacate such
adjudication, order or appointment of a receiver or trustee, attachment,
execution or garnishment, and in such event such occurrence shall not constitute
a breach of this Lease until final adjudication of the matter.

                  C. The filing by Tenant of a voluntary petition in bankruptcy
or the making of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the consenting by
Tenant to the appointment of a receiver or trustee of all or any part of its
property, the filing by Tenant of a petition or answer seeking reorganization
under the National Bankruptcy Act or any other applicable law, or the filing by
Tenant of a petition to take advantage of any insolvency act.

                  D. The failure of Tenant to correct any default hereunder,
other than those specified in subdivisions (A), (B), and (C) of this Section 15
within thirty (30) days after delivery by Landlord to Tenant of a written notice
of such default, or if the default is of such a nature that it cannot be
corrected within thirty (30) days, then the failure of Tenant within such period
to commence and thereafter proceed diligently to cure such default.

                  If any of the above-mentioned events of default shall occur,
the Landlord at its option may re-enter and take possession of the Premises, and
at its option terminate this Lease and accelerate all payments due or coming due

         16. Default of Landlord. If at any time during the term hereof
MainStreet or Landlord shall default in any of their respective obligations
under this Lease and/or the Acquisition Agreement, Tenant may give written
notice to Landlord of its intention to terminate the Lease together with a
statement of the nature of such default, and such termination shall become
effective on the thirtieth (30th) day after the date of such notice unless (a)
such default shall be cured within thirty (30) days after such notice, or (b) if
the default is of such a nature that it cannot be cured within such period, the
necessary steps to

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
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cure such default are duly commenced within such period and are thereafter
diligently pursued. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,
in the event Landlord breaches this Lease, the Acquisition Agreement, or any
document or instrument ancillary thereto to which it is a party, such breach
thereof (at the expiration of the applicable grace period set forth therein)
shall constitute a breach by Landlord of this Lease.

         17. Holding Over. In case Tenant holds over after the end of any term
herein provided, such tenancy shall be from month to month only, and not a
renewal hereof; subject, however, to every other term, covenant and condition of
this Lease, and the rent shall be at the monthly rate of the last year of the
lease term.

         18. Damage or Destruction. The damage or destruction of the
improvements now existing on the Premises in whole or in part by fire or other
cause, or such material injury thereto shall at the option of Tenant, exercised
by notice to Landlord, within thirty (30) days after the date of such damage,
destruction or unavailability, produce and work a termination of this Lease.
Upon damage or destruction of the Premises in whole or in part, by fire or any
other cause, if Tenant shall not exercise its option to terminate this Lease
within such thirty (30) days, Landlord shall at its expense promptly restore the
Premises to the condition they were in immediately prior to such damage.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the rent shall abate
during the period said Premises are untenantable.

         19. Condemnation. If any portion of the Premises shall be taken or
condemned by any competent authority for any public or quasi-public use or
purpose so as to render the remaining portion of the Premises unsuited for
Tenant's reasonable uses, even though the entire Premises be not so taken or
condemned, then Tenant, at any time thereafter, shall have the right to
terminate this Lease. Upon the termination of this Lease as herein provided,
Tenant shall be entitled to a refund of all rents paid in advance from the date
of termination to the date through which the rent shall have been paid. Tenant
hereby waives any and all rights to participate in the proceeds of any award
made in any condemnation proceedings for the taking of the Premises, or any
portion thereof, except the right to participate in Tenant's equitable portion
of any proceeds for the loss of Tenant's business at such location, if any.

         20. Quiet Enjoyment. Landlord agrees and warrants that Tenant, keeping
and performing the covenants herein contained on the part of Tenant to be kept
and performed, shall at all times during the term of this Lease peaceably and
quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises.

         21. Removal of Trade Fixtures / Related Leases. Upon the termination of
the Lease, all trade fixtures, furniture, equipment and other personal property
which Tenant placed upon the Premises may be removed by Tenant, provided Tenant
shall otherwise leave the Premises in reasonable condition.

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And Right of First Refusal
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         22. Set Off. Anything contained in this Lease to the contrary
notwithstanding, Tenant shall have the right of set off and recoupment against
amounts coming due hereunder in the event that Landlord breaches this Lease. In
the event Tenant elects to exercise the right of set off and recoupment set
forth herein, upon notice to Landlord the rental hereunder shall be deemed
reduced by the amount of any set off or recoupment to which the Tenant is
entitled. Landlord's right to lawfully contest such set off or recoupment in any
action to collect rental hereunder shall not be impaired by Tenant's exercise of
such set off or recoupment rights. The inclusion of this special set off or
recoupment provision shall not affect the availability, if any, of rights of set
off or recoupment arising at law or in equity.

         23. Subject to Acquisition Agreement. This Lease is made, executed and
delivered in connection with the Acquisition Agreement, and is subject to all
the terms, provisions, and conditions thereof. To the extent of any conflict
between the terms hereof and thereof, the terms of the Acquisition Agreement
shall be controlling.

         24. Representations and Warranties of Landlord. Landlord hereby
warrants, represents, and covenants as follows:

                  A. Authority. Landlord has taken all action necessary to
approve and authorize the execution of this Lease, and to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby. When executed and delivered, this Lease shall
constitute valid and binding obligations of Landlord, enforceable in accordance
with its terms and conditions except as enforcement may be limited by applicable
bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws affecting creditors rights generally and
by principles of equity. Neither the execution nor the delivery of this Lease
nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor compliance
with all of the terms and conditions hereof, will result in the breach by
Landlord of any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any trust, order,
judgment, law, or other contract, agreement or instrument to which he is a
party, or by which he is bound, or constitute a default of such indenture,
mortgage, deed of trust, order, judgment, law, or other contract, agreement or

                  B. Title to Premises. Upon execution and delivery of this
Lease, Landlord will have good, marketable and insurable title to the Premises,
and will not be indebted to any contractor, laborer, mechanic, material man or
any other person or entity for work, labor, materials or services in connection
with the Premises for which any such person or entity could claim a lien against
the Premises.

                  C. Consents. No consent of any third party which has not been
obtained is required in connection with Landlord's lease of the Premises
hereunder, including but not limited to the consent of any financial

                  D. Litigation. There are no judicial or administrative actions
or proceedings pending, or to the best of Landlord's knowledge threatened, that
question the

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
Page 6

validity of this Lease or any transaction contemplated hereby or that relate to
the Premises, including but not limited to condemnation or bankruptcy
proceedings, which if adversely determined would have an adverse affect upon
Landlord's ability to enter into this Lease or perform its obligations hereunder
or upon the use, enjoyment, or value of the Premises for Tenant.

                  E. Zoning. The Premises is currently zoned for commercial
operations and is in compliance with applicable zoning laws and ordinances; and
Landlord does not know that the status of such zoning is in question or subject
to change by the appropriate governmental authorities.

                  F. Environmental. The Premises is not now used and, to the
best of Landlord's knowledge, has never been used for the underground storage of
petroleum products, or as a garbage or refuse dump site, a landfill, a waste
disposal facility for the storage, processing, treatment or temporary or
permanent disposal of regulated waste materials, including without limitation
solid, industrial, toxic, hazardous, radioactive, nuclear or putrescible waste
or sewage, and, to the best of Landlord's knowledge, is in substantial
compliance with applicable environmental laws.

         25. Representations and Warranties of Tenant. Tenant hereby represents,
warrants, and covenants as follows:

                  A. Organization and Good Standing. Tenant is a corporation
duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the
State of South Carolina and has full corporate power to carry on its businesses
and to own and operate its properties and assets as presently owned and
operated. Tenant has taken all corporate action necessary to approve and
authorize the execution of this Lease, and to consummate the transactions
contemplated hereby. When executed and delivered, this Lease shall constitute
valid and binding obligations of Tenant, enforceable in accordance with its
terms and conditions except as enforcement may be limited by applicable
bankrupt, insolvency or similar laws effecting creditors rights generally and by
principles of equity. Neither the execution nor the delivery of this Lease nor
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor compliance with
all of the terms and conditions hereof, will result in the breach by Tenant of
any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any trust, order, judgment, law,
or other contract, agreement or instrument to which it is a party, or by which
it is bound, or constitute a default of such indenture, mortgage, deed of trust,
order, judgment, law, or other contract, agreement or instrument.

                  B. Consents. No consent of any third party is required in
connection with the lease of the Premises hereunder.

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And Right of First Refusal
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                  C. Litigation. There are no judicial or administrative actions
or proceedings pending, or to the best of Tenant's knowledge threatened, that
question the validity of this Lease or any transaction contemplated hereby.

         26. Rights of First Refusal. Landlord grants Tenant the right, at
Tenant's option, to purchase the Premises at the same price and upon the same
terms and conditions of any bona fide offer for the purchase thereof which
Landlord shall at any time during the term of this Lease be ready and willing to
accept. Landlord shall give Tenant written notice of all of the terms and
conditions of any such bona fide offer and Tenant shall have thirty (30) days
from and after the receipt of such notice in which to exercise its option to
purchase the Premises by giving written notice to Landlord. Such exercise of
said option to purchase the Premises shall create a binding agreement between
Landlord and Tenant for the sale and purchase of the Premises upon the same
terms and conditions contained in the bona fide offer. The right granted to
Tenant in this Section 26 shall be continuing until the lawful termination of
this Lease, and Tenant's failure to exercise such right with respect to any bona
fide offer shall not affect its rights as to any subsequent offers received by
Landlord or Landlord's heirs, successors, assigns, or legal representatives. In
the event Tenant should fail to exercise its right of first refusal option in
any instance, Landlord shall then be free to sell the Premises in accordance
with the offer of the prospective purchaser (or to any other purchasers upon
substantially the same terms) and to convey the Premises to such purchaser,
subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease; provided, however, that such
sale must be consummated within ninety (90) days after receipt by Tenant of
written notice of the terms and conditions of the offer. Tenant's rights under
this Section may be assigned to any person or entity controlling, controlled by,
or under common control with, Tenant. Tenant's failure to exercise its rights
under this Section shall not terminate this Lease nor extinguish Tenant's rights
or obligations under this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tenant shall
not have a right of first refusal in connection with the transfer of title to
the Premises from Landlord to A. Wayne Johnson.

         27. Binding Effect. This Lease shall inure to the benefit of the heirs,
successors, representatives, and permitted assigns of the parties hereto, and
shall bind the heirs, successors, representatives, and assigns of the parties

         28. References to Gender and Number Terms. Whenever the context
requires, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular,
and the use of any gender shall include all genders.

         29. Days Defined. Any reference in this Lease to a number of days shall
mean calendar days unless otherwise expressly provided.

         30. Attorney's Fees. If any action at law or in equity shall be brought
to recover any rent under this Lease, or for or on account of any breach of or
to enforce or interpret any of the covenants, terms or conditions of this Lease,
or for the recovery of the possession of the

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
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Premises, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party
as part of the prevailing party's cost a reasonable attorney's fee, the amount
of which shall be fixed by the court and shall be made a part of any judgment

         31. Headings. The headings of the paragraphs of this Lease are for
convenience or reference only and are not a part of this Lease.

         32. Modifications. This Lease can only be modified by a written
agreement duly signed by authorized representatives of each party hereto.
Moreover, in order to avoid uncertainty, ambiguity and misunderstandings in
their relationships, the parties hereto covenant and agree not to enter into any
oral agreement or understanding inconsistent or in conflict with this Lease; and
the parties hereto further covenant and agree that any oral communication
allegedly or purportedly constituting such an agreement or understanding shall
be absolutely null, void and without effect.

         33. Waiver. Any waiver by either party of any breach or any term or
condition hereof shall be effective only if in writing and such writing shall
not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent or other breach, term or
condition of this Lease.

         34. Relationship of the Parties. Nothing herein shall be deemed to
create any partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between the
parties. Neither party shall make any representation or statement (whether oral
or written) to any person or entity inconsistent with this paragraph.

         35. Third Parties. The provisions of this Lease are not intended to be
for the benefit of any third parties, and no third party shall be deemed to have
any privity of contract with either of the parties hereto by virtue of this

         36. Time of Essence. The parties acknowledge and agree that time is of
the essence in the performance of this Lease.

         37. Severability. If any provision or provisions of this Lease shall be
held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and
enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or
impaired thereby.

         38. Governing Law. The construction and interpretation of this Lease
shall at all times and in all respects be governed by the laws of the State of
South Carolina.

         39. Venue and Jurisdiction. The parties hereto hereby (i) agrees that
any litigation, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Lease
may be instituted in a state or federal court in the County of Richland, State
of South Carolina, (ii) waives any objection which it might have now or
hereafter to any such litigation, action or proceeding based upon improper venue
or inconvenient forum, and (iii) irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of such

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And Right of First Refusal
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courts in any such litigation, action or proceeding. For all purposes of this
Lease, the parties hereto irrevocably consents to personal jurisdiction of such
courts, and further agrees that service of process upon such party may be
effected pursuant to the United States mail.

         40. No Inference Against Author. No provision of this Lease shall be
interpreted against any party because such party or its legal representative
drafted such provision.

         41. Entire Lease. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between
the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior
contemporaneous written or oral agreements and representations between the
parties with respect thereto.

         42. Recordation. This Lease or a memorandum hereof may be recorded by
either party. The parties agree to execute for recording purposes any such

         43. Notices. Any notice, request, approval, consent, demand or other
communication shall be effective upon the first to occur of the following: (i)
upon receipt by the party to whom such notice, request, approval, consent,
demand or other communication is being given; or (ii) three (3) business days
after being duly deposited in the United States mail, certified or registered,
return receipt requested, and addressed as follows:

                  Landlord:         MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
                                    2370 Main Street
                                    Tucker, GA 30084

                  Tenant:           UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.
                                    1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
                                    Columbia, SC 29201
                                    Attn.:  Jerry F. Wells, Jr.

The parties hereto may change their respective addresses by notice in writing
given to the other party to this Lease.

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And Right of First Refusal
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         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease this
31st day of March, 1998, to be effective as of April 1, 1998.


                                    MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE

_________________________           By:_________________________________
(Witness as to Landlord)                Its:____________________________

(Witness as to Landlord)


                                    UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF GEORGIA,

_________________________           By:_________________________________
(Witness as to Tenant)                  Jerry F. Wells, Jr.
                                        Its: Chief Financial Officer

(Witness as to Tenant)

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
Page 11

                                    )                        PROBATE
COUNTY OF RICHLAND                  )

         PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned witness and made oath
that s/he saw the within-named MainStreet Healthcare Corporation by its sign,
seal, and as his act and deed, deliver the within-written instrument for the
uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that s/he with the other witness whose
signature appears above, witnessed the execution thereof.

SWORN TO before me this
31st day of March, 1998.

Notary Public for South Carolina
My Commission Expires:_____________________

                                    )                        PROBATE
COUNTY OF RICHLAND                  )

         PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned witness and made oath
that s/he saw the within-named UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc., by Jerry
F. Wells, Jr., its Chief Financial Officer, sign, seal, and as its act and deed,
deliver the within-written instrument for the uses and purposes therein
mentioned, and that s/he with the other witness whose signature appears above,
witnessed the execution thereof.

SWORN TO before me this
31st day of March, 1998.

Notary Public for South Carolina
My Commission Expires:_____________________

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
Page 12

                                   SCHEDULE 1


         ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND lying and being in Land Lot 213 of the
         18th District of DeKalb County, Georgia, being more particularly
         described as follows:

         BEGINNING at an iron pin on the southwesterly side of Main Street
         (Third Street), (based on an 80-foot right-of-way), 50 feet
         northwesterly as measured along the southwesterly side of Main Street
         from the intersection form by the southwesterly side of Main Street and
         the northwesterly side of First Avenue; thence southwesterly 213.4 feet
         to an iron pin on the northeasterly side of a 20-foot alley; thence
         northwesterly along the northeasterly side of said alley 85 feet to an
         iron pin; thence northeasterly 214.7 feet, more or less, to an iron pin
         on the southwesterly side of Main Street; thence southeasterly along
         the southwesterly side of Main Street 86.5 feet to the iron pin and the
         TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Being improved properly known as 2362 Main
         Street, Tucker, according to the present system of numbering houses in
         DeKalb County, Georgia.

Lease And Option Agreement
And Right of First Refusal
Page 13

                                 Exhibit 8.3.23

                  Certified List of MainStreet Security Holders

                                 [See Attached]


         PERSONALLY appeared before me ROBERT G. RIDDETT, JR. and A. WAYNE
JOHNSON who first being duly sworn, depose and say that:

         1. Robert G. Riddett, Jr. and A. Wayne Johnson are the President and
Secretary, respectively, of MainStreet Healthcare Corporation ("MainStreet"),
and as such have access to, and knowledge of, the business records of

         2. The identity of the holders of the securities of MainStreet, and a
description of such holdings, as of March 31, 1998, is set forth on Schedule A
attached hereto.

         3. This Certified List of Mainstreet Security Holders is being
delivered to UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc. ("UCI of GA") pursuant to
Section 8.3.23 of that certain Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
by and between among others UCI of GA and MainStreet, dated February 9, 1998
(the "Acquisition Agreement"), and may be relied upon by UCI of GA.

         4. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have
the respective meanings ascribed to them in the Acquisition Agreement.

         Executed as of the 31st day of March, 1998.

                                               Robert G. Riddett, Jr., President

                                               A. Wayne Johnson, Secretary

Sworn to me this
31st day of March, 1998

Notary Public For__________________
My Commission Expires:___________

                                   SCHEDULE A

                            List of Security Holders

                                  Exhibit 8.4.2

                      Form of Registration Rights Agreement

                                 [See Attached]

                          REGISTRATION RIGHTS AGREEMENT

         This Registration Rights Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into
as of March 31, 1998 among UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"); MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware corporation
("MainStreet"); Frank Corker, M.D. ("Corker"); Michael J. Dare ("Dare"); David
Ellis, D.O. ("Ellis"); Pamela K. Erdman, M.D. ("Erdman"); Harold Holloway, M.D.
("Holloway"); Laykoon Huang, M.D. ("Huang"); A. Wayne Johnson ("Johnson"); Izhak
Oliver, M.D. ("Oliver"); PENMAN Private Equity and Mezzanine Fund, L.P., a
Delaware limited partnership ("Penman"); Richard Petit, P.A. ("Petit"); Practice
Acquisition Consultants, Inc., a corporation ("PAC"); and Robert G. Riddett, Jr.
("Riddett"). Corker, Dare, Ellis, Erdman, Holloway, Huang, Johnson, Oliver,
Penman, Petit, PAC and Riddett are hereinafter collectively known as the
"Mainstreet Shareholders".


         This Agreement is made pursuant to that certain Acquisition Agreement
and Plan of Reorganization dated as of February 9, 1998 among the Company; UCI
Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc.; Mainstreet; MainStreet Healthcare Medical
Group, P.C.; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, PC; Prompt Care Medical
Center, P.C.; Johnson; Penman; Riddett; and Dare (the "Acquisition Agreement").
In order to induce the Holders, respectively, to enter into the Acquisition
Agreement and to accept shares of the Company's common stock as provided in the
Acquisition Agreement, the Company has agreed to provide the registration rights
set forth in this Agreement. In order to induce the Company to provide the
registration rights set forth in this Agreement and to issue shares of its
common stock to the Holders pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, the Holders
have agreed to provide the covenants set forth in this Agreement.

         In consideration of the foregoing premises, the mutual promises of the
parties contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby
agree as follows:

                               TERMS OF AGREEMENT

         1. Definitions. The following terms not otherwise defined shall have
the meanings ascribed to them below:

         1933 Act shall mean the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and all
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         Demand Right shall mean the right of a Demand Percentage of the Holders
to make one (1) demand for registration of the Registrable Shares as described
in Section 2 of this Agreement.

         Demand Percentage of the Holders shall mean the Holder or Holders at
the relevant time of more than twenty percent (20%) of the number of Registrable
Shares issued to the Holders in the aggregate upon the closing of the
Acquisition Agreement.


         Holder shall mean any one of Mainstreet, Corker, Dare, Ellis, Erdman,
Holloway, Huang, Johnson, Oliver, PAC, Penman, Petit, and Riddett, and Holders
shall mean collectively two or more of Mainstreet, Corker, Dare, Ellis, Erdman,
Holloway, Huang, Johnson, Oliver, PAC, Penman, Petit, and Riddett and their
respective successors and permitted assigns, if any.

         Piggy-Back Registration shall mean the right of the Holders to
participate as selling shareholders for the Registrable Shares in a public
offering registered with the SEC under the 1933 Act by the Company as described
in Section 3 of this Agreement.

         Registrable Shares shall mean the shares of the Company's common stock
issued to the Holders pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement.

         SEC shall mean the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

         Termination Date shall mean the first to occur of: (i) the first (1st)
anniversary of the date hereof, or (ii) the expiration of the holding period
applicable to resale by the Holders of the Registrable Shares under SEC Rule
144(d), as amended, or (iii) the registration of all the Registrable Shares.

         All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Acquisition Agreement.

         2. Demand Registration Rights. The Company shall provide to the Holders
demand registration rights for the Registrable Shares upon the following terms
and conditions:

                  (a) If on or before the Termination Date the Company receives
written demand from a Demand Percentage of the Holders requesting that all or a
portion of the Registrable Shares then held by them be registered pursuant to
this Section 2(a), then subject to the limitations set forth herein and provided
that the Company has not previously provided written notice to the Holders
pursuant to Section 3(a) specifying the Company's election to file a
registration statement, the Company shall within sixty (60) days following the
Company's receipt of such written demand, prepare and file with the SEC a Form
S-3 registration statement (or such other available form of registration
statement selected by the Company) as a "shelf" registration under Rule 415 (to
the extent available for use in such registration) under the 1933 Act governing
and permitting the resale to the public of the Registrable Shares then held by
such Holders and included in such written demand, and shall use its reasonable
best efforts to cause such registration statement to become effective and to
maintain the effectiveness of such registration statement for a period of nine
(9) calendar months after the initial effective date of such registration
statement. The Company shall use its best efforts to register or qualify the
securities covered by such registration statement under such other securities or
Blue Sky laws of such United States jurisdictions (not exceeding ten (10) in the
aggregate) as shall be reasonably requested by the Holders; provided that the
Company shall not be required in connection therewith or as a condition thereto
to qualify to do business or to file a general consent to service of process in
any such states or jurisdictions and further provided that (anything herein to
the contrary notwithstanding with respect to the bearing of expenses) if any
jurisdiction in which the Registrable Shares shall be qualified shall require
that expenses incurred in connection with the qualification therein of the
Registrable Shares be borne by selling shareholders, then such expenses shall be
payable by the Holders pro rata to the extent required by such jurisdiction. In
connection with any registration effected pursuant to this Section 2(a), the
Company shall apply for listing and use its best efforts to list


the Registrable Shares being registered on any national securities exchange on
which the Company's common stock is listed, or if the Company's common stock is
not listed on a national securities exchange, apply for qualification and use
its best efforts to qualify the Registrable Shares being registered for
inclusion on the automated quotation system of the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc.

                  (b) The Holders collectively shall be entitled to exercise the
Demand Right only one (1) time in the aggregate, and the number of Registrable
Shares subject to such Demand Right must not be fewer than the lesser of (i)
50,000 shares or (ii) all the Registrable Shares then held by such Holders. In
the event that a Demand Percentage of the Holders exercise the Demand Right, all
the Holders then holding Registrable Shares shall be given a reasonable
opportunity (upon not less than ten (10) days notice) to elect to participate in
such registered offering. The exercise of a Demand Right by any one or more of
the Holders shall eliminate the availability of such Demand Right as to all
Holders. In the event the Holders enter into an underwriting or similar
agreement with an underwriter selected by the Holders of Registrable Shares in
connection with such Holders' exercise of such Demand Right, then subject to the
limitations set forth in this Section 2(b), the Company hereby agrees to
cooperate with such underwriter, including entering into an agreement with the
managing underwriter of such offering (in usual and customary form applicable to
an issuer in an underwritten secondary offering of such issuer's securities held
solely by selling shareholders) and delivering applicable opinions of counsel
and accountant's comfort letters as may be reasonably requested by such managing
underwriter; provided: (a) such cooperation does not prohibit or in any way
limit the Company's use of a Form S-3 registration statement in connection with
the Holders' exercise of such Demand Right; (b) such cooperation does not
violate any applicable state or federal law or regulation, including without
limitation the rules and regulations of the SEC, (c) such underwriting is a
"firm commitment" underwriting and not a "best efforts" underwriting, and (d)
the Holders pay all costs, expenses, and commissions of such underwriter and any
costs reasonably incurred by the Company as a consequence of the Company being a
party to any agreement with, or making any representation or warranty to, such
underwriter (including the costs of any attorney fees incurred in connection
with the negotiation with any such underwriter or in connection with any
opinion(s) of counsel reasonably requested by such underwriter or any costs and
expenses relating to accountants' comfort letters).

                  (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to any demand
made pursuant to Section 2(a) that is received by the Company more than thirty
(30) days following the date of this Agreement

         (i) if the Company shall furnish to the Holders requesting to exercise
         the Demand Right a certificate signed by the president of the Company
         stating that in the good faith judgment of the Board of Directors, it
         would be seriously detrimental to the Company and its stockholders for
         such registration statement to be filed at the date filing would be
         required, and it is therefore essential to defer the filing of such
         registration statement, the Company shall have an additional period of
         not more than ninety (90) days within which to file such registration
         statement; and

         (ii) if the Company has begun in good faith to actively pursue the
         possibility of registering certain of its securities, either for its
         own account or the account of a security holder or holders, the Company
         shall not be obligated to take any action to effect a registration
         pursuant to Section 2(a) until one hundred twenty (120) days after the
         effective date of the registration statement with respect to the
         contemplated registration or the cessation by the Company of
         discussions regarding a possible offering; provided, however, that
         should the Company's


         obligation under Section 2(a) be suspended pursuant to the terms of
         this Section 2(c) by virtue of the commencement by the Company of
         discussions regarding a possible offering, such suspensions shall be
         effective for no more than ninety (90) days unless within such ninety
         (90) days the Company has filed a registration statement with respect
         to such offering.

                  (d) Should any registration effected hereunder be terminated
or withdrawn prior to its effectiveness as a consequence of the action or
inaction of the Holders requesting such registration or pursuant to an agreement
between the Company and the Holders requesting such registration with respect to
the Registrable Shares, the Company shall be deemed to have satisfied its
obligations hereunder and shall have no further obligation to effect any
registration hereunder; provided however, that to the extent the Holders
included in any registration statement withdrawn or terminated pursuant to this
Section 2(d) were not included in any earlier registration statement so
withdrawn or terminated, the Company shall not be deemed to have satisfied its
obligations hereunder to such Holders in the event such Holders immediately
reimburse the Company for all out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by the
Company in connection with such terminated or withdrawn registration.

                  (e) In the event MainStreet is the first Holder to exercise
the Demand Right, the Company agrees that in connection with such registration,
to the extent requested by MainStreet, the Company will prepare and file one (1)
post-effective amendment to the registration statement filed in such
registration for the sole purpose of including as a selling shareholder any
Holder of Registrable Shares whose shares were not included in such registration
statement as initially declared effective, provided that such request for such
post-effective amendment from MainStreet is made following the effective date of
such registration statement and on or before the date six (6) months following
the date of this Agreement, and provided further that any Holder included in any
such amendment pays all costs incurred by the Company in connection with the
printing and distribution of any offering documentation made necessary in
connection with such amendment.

         3. Piggy-Back Registration Rights. The Company shall provide to the
Holders piggy-back registration rights for the Registrable Shares upon the
following terms and conditions:

                  (a) If on or before the Termination Date the Company elects to
file a registration statement to register for public offering any shares of its
common stock of the same class as the Registrable Shares in an underwritten
public offering, the Company shall provide the Holders who then hold Registrable
Shares with not less than twenty (20) days prior written notice of the proposed
date of filing of such registration statement. Within ten (10) days after
receiving notice of the proposed registration, the Holders who then hold
Registrable Shares can elect to be selling shareholders and include their
Registrable Shares, or any portion thereof, in such offering (a "Piggy-Back
Registration"), subject to the restrictions set forth herein, in the 1933 Act,
and in the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC. The Company will not be
obligated or required to give such notice or to include any Registrable Shares
in any registration effected solely to implement an employee benefit or similar
qualified or non-qualified stock option plan (e.g., a Form S-8 registration
statement) or a merger or other transaction to which SEC Rule 145 or the
equivalent is applicable (e.g., a Form S-4 registration statement). In any
underwritten Piggy-Back Registration, the Company shall have the exclusive right
to select the investment bankers and managing underwriters for such registered
offering and to negotiate the underwriting or similar agreement. The Company may
at any time and from time to time, without the consent of any Holder, delay,
suspend, abandon or withdraw any Registration Statement described in this
Section 3(a) and any related, proposed or actual offering or other distribution
in which any Holder has requested inclusion of such Holder's Registrable Shares
pursuant to this Section 3(a).


                  (b) In connection with any offering involving an underwriting
of shares being issued by the Company, the Company shall not be required under
this Section 3 to include any of the Registrable Shares in such underwriting
unless the Holders accept the terms of the underwriting as agreed upon between
the Company and the underwriter selected by the Company and all other
shareholders participating in such offering, and then only in such quantity as
will not, in the written opinion of the underwriter, jeopardize the success of
the offering by the Company; provided, however, that the underwriter may not
limit the amount of the Registrable Shares included in such registration and
underwriting to less than an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the amount
of all the Company's securities included within such registration and

         4. Other Obligations Regarding Registration.

                  (a) Subject to Section 2(b), Section 2(e) and Section 7, all
expenses (excluding any underwriter or selling agent's discounts and commissions
applicable to Registrable Shares sold by the Holders) incurred in connection
with any registration pursuant to this Agreement shall be borne by the Company;
provided, however, that the Company shall not be required to pay fees and costs
of legal counsel or other advisors for the Holders.

                  (b) The Company agrees that, in connection with any
registration statement required by this Agreement, it shall prepare and file
whatever pre-effective and post-effective amendments and whatever supplements or
revised prospectuses that the 1933 Act or SEC may require and that it shall
furnish to the Holders and their advisors a reasonable number of preliminary,
final, supplemental, and revised prospectuses required under the 1933 Act. The
Company hereby agrees to cooperate with the counsel for the Holders in
connection with the preparation and filing of any registration statement
required by this Agreement, including any amendments and supplements thereto.

         5. Obligations of Holders.

                  (a) Each Holder of Registrable Shares proposed to be included
in any registration statement contemplated by this Agreement shall furnish to
the Company in writing such information as the Company may reasonably require
from such Holder, and otherwise reasonably cooperate with the Company in
connection with any registration statement with respect to such Registrable

                  (b) The failure of any Holder of Registrable Shares proposed
to be included in any registration statement contemplated by this Agreement to
furnish any information or documents in accordance with any provision contained
in this Agreement shall not affect the obligations of the Company under this
Agreement to any remaining Holders who furnish such information and documents
unless in the reasonable opinion of counsel to the Company or the managing
underwriter, such failure impairs or may impair they viability of the offering
or the legality of the registration statement or the underlying offering.

                  (c) The Holders of Registrable Shares included in any
registration statement contemplated by this Agreement shall not (until further
notice) effect sales thereof after receipt of telegraphic or written notice from
the Company to suspend sales to permit the Company to correct or update such
registration statement or prospectus; but the obligations of the Company with
respect to maintaining any registration statement current and effective shall be
extended by a period of days equal


to the period such suspension is in effect, and the Company shall use its best
efforts to lift such suspension.

                  (d) At the end of any period during which the Company is
obligated to keep any registration statement current and effective as provided
by Section 2 hereof (and any extensions thereof required by Section 5(c)), the
Holders of Registrable Shares included in such registration statement shall
discontinue sales of shares pursuant to such registration statement upon receipt
of notice from the Company of its intention to remove from registration the
shares covered by such registration statement which remain unsold, and such
Holders shall notify the Company of the number of shares registered which remain
unsold promptly after receipt of such notice from the Company.

                  (e) Each of the Holders, if the managing underwriters so
request in connection with any underwritten registration of the Company's
securities, shall not, without prior written consent of such underwriters,
effect any public sale or other distribution of any equity securities of the
Company, including any sale pursuant to SEC Rule 144, during the seven (7) days
prior to, and during the ninety (90) day period commencing on the effective date
of such underwritten registration, except in connection with such underwritten
registration. The Holders agree to execute and deliver such customary and
standard lock-up agreement as requested by the managing underwriters to
effectuate the foregoing restrictions, so long as the Company is not in default
under its obligations under this Agreement.

                  (f) No Holder may participate in any underwritten registration
pursuant to this Agreement unless such Holder (i) agrees to sell such Holder's
Registrable Shares on the basis provided in any underwriting arrangements
approved by the persons entitled under the provisions of this Agreement to
approve such arrangements, and (ii) completes, executes, and delivers all
questionnaires, powers of attorney, indemnities, custody agreements,
certificates, underwriting agreements, and other documents reasonably required
by the terms of such underwriting arrangements. Any Holder to be included in any
underwritten registration shall be entitled at any time to withdraw such
Registrable Shares from such registration prior to its effective date in the
event that such Holder shall disapprove of any of the terms of the related
underwriting agreement, but only if such Holder is permitted to do so by the
managing underwriters or pursuant to any agreement therewith.

                  (g) Each Holder acknowledges and agrees that to the extent
such Holder is the beneficial owner of five percent (5%) or more of the Common
Stock of the Company, or is a member of a "group" (as that term is defined in
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) that beneficially owns five percent (5%) or
more of the Common Stock of the Company, the underwriter or underwriters
selected by the Company to facilitate the public distribution of the Company's
securities in a registered public offering may require as a condition to such
underwriter's obligation to the Company that such Holder or group deliver to
such underwriter an executed agreement or other undertaking pursuant to which
such Holder or group agrees, without the prior written consent of such
underwriter, not to offer, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any shares of
the Company's Common Stock in the public market for a designated period
following the closing of such registered offering, and that in such event, each
Holder hereby agrees to execute such agreement or undertaking as may be
reasonably requested by the underwriter(s), but only to the extent all other
beneficial owners of five percent (5%) or more of the then outstanding Common
Stock also execute such agreement.


         6. Indemnification.

                  (a) The Company shall indemnify the Holders, each of the
Holders' officers and directors, and each person controlling the Holders, and
each underwriter, if any, with respect to such registration effected pursuant to
Section 2 or 3 hereof, against all claims, losses, damages and liabilities (or
action in respect thereto) arising out of or based on any untrue statement (or
alleged untrue statement) of a material fact contained in any prospectus,
offering circular or other document (including any related registration
statement, notification or the like) incident to any such registration or based
on any omission (or alleged omission) to state therein a material fact required
to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading,
or any violation by the Company of any rule or regulation promulgated under the
1933 Act applicable to the Company and relating to action or inaction required
of the Company in connection with any such registration, and will reimburse the
Holders, each of the Holders' officers and directors, and each person
controlling the Holders, for any legal and any other expenses reasonably
incurred in connection with investigating or defending any such claim, loss,
damage, liability or action, provided that the Company will not be liable in any
such case to the extent that any such claim, loss, damage or liability arises
out of or is based on any untrue statement or omission based upon information
furnished to the Company by the Holders or their respective agents in writing
for inclusion in the applicable registration statement.

                  (b) The Holders of Registrable Shares included in any
registration statement contemplated by this Agreement shall jointly and
severally indemnify the Company, each of its directors and officers, and each
underwriter, if any, of the Company's securities covered by such registration
statement, and each person who controls the Company within the meaning of the
1933 Act, against all claims, losses, damages and liabilities (or actions in
respect thereof) arising out of or based on any untrue statement (or alleged
untrue statement) of a material fact contained in any such registration
statement, prospectus, offering circular or other document, or any omission (or
alleged omission) to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, to the extent that
such untrue statement (or alleged untrue statement) or omission (or alleged
omission) is made in such registration statement, prospectus, offering circular
or other document in reasonable reliance upon information furnished to the
Company by the Holders in writing for inclusion in the registration statement
(provided that the Holders have been provided with the opportunity to review any
such registration statement prior to its effectiveness, and the Company has
responded to any comments of the Holders with respect to matters pertaining to
such Holders in the registration statement and such Holders have expressed their
satisfaction with such response(s)), or any violation by the Holders of any rule
or regulation promulgated under the 1933 Act applicable to the Holders and
relating to any action or inaction required of the Holders in connection with
any such registration, and will reimburse the Company, such directors, officers,
persons or underwriters for any legal or any other expenses reasonably incurred
in connection with investigating or defending any such claim loss damage,
liability or action; provided, however, that the indemnity agreement contained
in this subsection shall not apply to amounts paid in settlement of any such
loss, claim, damage, liability or action if such settlement is effected without
the consent of the Holder, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,
nor, in the case of a sale directly by the Company of its securities (including
a sale of such securities through any underwriter retained by the Company to
engage in a distribution solely on behalf of the Company), shall the Holder be
liable to the Company in any case in which such untrue statement or alleged
untrue statement or omission or alleged omission was contained in a preliminary
prospectus and corrected in a final or amended prospectus, and the Company
failed to deliver a copy of the final or amended prospectus at or prior to the
confirmation of the of the securities to the person asserting any such loss,
claim, damage or liability in any case where such delivery is


required to be made by the Company by the 1933 Act. Notwithstanding any other
terms of this Section 6(b) to the contrary, to the extent any other stockholder
to whom the Company has previously granted registration rights is a participant
(the "Participant") in a registration in which any Holder hereunder is a
participant, the indemnification obligation of such Holder to the Company
hereunder shall be construed so that it is no more or less favorable to such
Holder than if such Holder had been obligated under the indemnification
obligation applicable to the Participant under the Participant's registration
rights agreement with the Company.

                  (c) If the indemnification provided for in Section 6(a) or
6(b) is unavailable to or insufficient to hold harmless an indemnified party
under such Sections in respect of any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or
actions in respect thereof) referred to therein, then each indemnifying party
shall contribute to the amount paid or payable by such indemnified party as a
result of such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect
thereof) in such proportions as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of
the Company and each Holder in connection with the statements or omissions which
resulted in such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect
thereof), as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative
fault shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether the
untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or the omission or alleged
omission to state a material fact relates to information supplied by the Company
or such Holder and the parties' relative intent, knowledge, access to
information and the opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or
omission. The Company and the Holders agree that it would not be just and
equitable if contributions pursuant to this Section 6(c) were determined by pro
rata allocation or by any other method of allocation which does not take account
of the equitable considerations referred to above in this Section 6(c). The
amount paid or payable by an indemnified party as a result of the losses,
claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) referred to above
in this Section 6(c) shall be deemed to include any legal or other expenses
reasonably incurred by such indemnified party in connection with investigating
or defending any such action or claim. No person guilty of fraudulent
misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the 1933 Act) shall be
entitled to contribution from any person who was not guilty of such fraudulent

                  (d) The obligations of the Company and the Holders under this
Section 6 shall survive the completion of any offering of Registrable Shares in
a registration statement under this Agreement.

         7. Tax Consequences. The Company does not warrant or represent, and
shall not be liable for, the tax consequences to the Holders for the exercise of
the Holders' rights under this Agreement (including, without limitation, the
potential tax consequences of the exercise of any of the Holders' rights
hereunder or the treatment of the transactions under the Acquisition Agreement
as a tax-free reorganization under Section 368 of the U.S. Internal Revenue

         8. Miscellaneous.

                  (a) Amendments and Waivers. The provisions of this Agreement
may not be amended, modified, or supplemented and any waiver or consent to or
any departure from any of the provisions of this Agreement may not be given and
shall not become effective, unless and until (in each case) the Company shall
have agreed in writing thereto and shall have received the prior written consent
of (i) a Demand Percentage of the Holders to any such amendment, modification,


wavier, or consent and (ii) with respect to any such amendment, modification,
supplement, waiver, or consent which would be detrimental to a Holder, such

                  (b) Notices. All notices, requests, approvals, consents,
demands and other communication provided for or permitted hereunder shall be in
writing, signed by an authorized representative of the sender and addressed to
the respective party at the address set forth below:

                  UCI:                UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                                      1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
                                      Columbia, SC  29201
                                      Attn.:  Jerry F. Wells

                  with copy to:       Julian Hennig III, Esquire
                                      Nexsen Pruet Jacobs & Pollard, LLP
                                      P.O. Drawer 2426
                                      Columbia, SC 29202

                  MainStreet:         MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
                                      2370 Main Street
                                      Tucker, Georgia 30084
                                      Attn:  A. Wayne Johnson

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Corker:             Frank Corker, M.D.

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Dare:               Michael J. Dare
                                      2370 Main Street
                                      Tucker, Georgia 30084


                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Ellis:              David Ellis, D.O.

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Erdman:             Pamela K. Erdman, M.D.

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Holloway:           Harold Holloway, M.D.

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Huang:              Laykoon Huang, M.D.

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338


                  Johnson:            A. Wayne Johnson
                                      2370 Main Street
                                      Tucker, Georgia 30084

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  Oliver:             Izhak Oliver, M.D.

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

                  PENMAN:             PENMAN Private Equity and Mezzanine
                                          Fund, L.P.
                                      333 West Wacker Drive
                                      Suite 510
                                      Chicago, IL 60606
                                      Attn:  Kelvin J. Pennington

                  with copy to:       Mark D. Schindel
                                      333 West Wacker Drive
                                      Suite 510
                                      Chicago, IL 60606

                  with additional
                   copy to:           Mark Kindelin, Esquire

                  Petit:              Richard Petit, P.A.

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338


                  Riddett:            Robert G. Riddett, Jr.
                                      2370 Main Street
                                      Tucker, Georgia 30084

                  with copy to:       Sheldon E. Friedman, Esquire
                                      S. Friedman & Associates, P.C.
                                      1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
                                      Suite 1550
                                      Atlanta, GA 30338

         A party hereto may change its respective address by notice in writing
given to the other parties to this Agreement. Any notice, request, approval,
consent, demand or other communication shall be effective upon the first to
occur of the following; (i) when delivered to the party to whom such notice,
request, approval, consent, demand or the communication is being given, or (ii)
three (3) business days after being duly deposited in the United States mail,
certified, return receipt requested.

                  (c) Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the
benefit of and be binding of the successors and assigns of each of the parties,
including without limitation, subsequent Holders of the Registrable Shares, who
must agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement by
executing a joinder hereto.

                  (d) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or
more counterparts, and by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of
which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  (e) Headings. The headings in this Agreement are for
convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement,
nor shall they affect their meaning, construction, or effect.

                  (f) Governing Law. The validity, performance, construction,
and effect of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the internal laws of the State of South Carolina, without giving effect to
principles of conflicts of law. Jurisdiction and venue (subject to proper
service of process) shall be exclusively in the state and federal courts for the
County of Richland in the State of South Carolina.

                  (g) Severability. In the event that any one or more of the
provisions contained herein, or the applicable thereof in any circumstance, is
held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and
enforceability of any such provision in every other respect and of the remaining
provisions contained herein shall not be affected or impaired thereby.

                  (h) Entire Agreement. This Agreement is intended by the
parties as a final expression of their agreement and intended to be a complete
and exclusive statement of the agreement and understanding of the parties hereto
in respect of the subject matter contained herein. There are no promises,
warranties or undertakings, other than those set forth or referred to herein
with respect to the registration rights granted by the Company affecting the
Registrable Shares. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and
understandings between the parties with respect to such subject


matter, and supplements, but does not limit or abrogate, any similar provisions
of the Acquisition Agreement.

                  (i) Majority of Holders. After the exercise by the Holders of
a Demand Right hereunder, all decisions and actions of the Holders shall require
the approval of Holders owning greater than fifty (50) percent of the number of
Registrable Shares.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed and delivered this
Registration Rights Agreement to be legally binding and effective as of the date
first above written.


UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.                  __________________________________
                                              David Ellis, D.O.
Title:________________________________        __________________________________
                                              Pamela K. Erdman, M.D.

MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE                         __________________________________
 CORPORATION                                  Harold Holloway, M.D.

Name:_________________________________        __________________________________
Title:________________________________        Laykoon Huang, M.D.

  MEZZANINE FUND, L.P.                        __________________________________
By: Penman Asset Management, L.P.             A. Wayne Johnson
Its: General Partner

      By:_____________________________        __________________________________
             Kelvin Pennington                Izhak Oliver, M.D.
      Its: General Partner

_________________________________             Robert G. Riddett, Jr.
Richard Petit, P.A.

                                              PRACTICE ACQUISITION CONSULTANTS,
_________________________________             INC.
Frank Corker, M.D.

                                              By: ______________________________
_________________________________               Its:____________________________
Michael J. Dare


                                  Exhibit 8.4.3

                    Form of Transferees' Officers Certificate

                                 [See Attached]

                                [Corporate Name]


         We hereby certify in connection with the Acquisition Agreement and Plan
of Reorganization (the "Agreement") dated , 1998, respecting the purchase of
substantially all of the assets of MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware
corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, P.C., a Georgia professional
corporation; MainStreet Healthcare Medical Group, PC, a Tennessee professional
corporation; and Prompt Care Medical Center, Inc., a Georgia corporation, by UCI
Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation; UCI Medical Affiliates of
Georgia, Inc., a South Carolina corporation; Doctor's Care of Georgia, P.C., a
Georgia professional corporation; and Doctor's Care of Tennessee, P.C., a
Tennessee professional corporation, that we are officers of
_______________________________________________________ (the "Company") and,
that as such, have access to the corporate records and familiarity with the
matters therein contained and herein certified, that we are authorized to
execute and deliver this certificate in the name and on behalf of the Company,
and that:

         1. Incumbency of Officers. The following named persons are on the date
hereof, and at all times since prior to the date of the Agreement, have been
duly elected, qualified, and acting officers of the Company holding the office
or offices set forth opposite his or her name, and that the signature set forth
opposite each such officer's name is his or her true and legal signature:

Name                         Office                    Signature
- ----                         ------                    ---------

- ---------------------        -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------        -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------        -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------        -----------------         ---------------------

- ---------------------        -----------------         ---------------------

         2. Incumbency of Directors. The following named persons are on the date
hereof, and were as of the date referenced in paragraph 5 below, the duly
elected, qualified, and acting directors of the Company, and constitute all the
directors of the Company at the date hereof and constituted all the directors at
the date referenced in paragraph 5 below:_______________________________________

         3. Articles of Incorporation. Attached as Exhibit A hereto is a true,
correct, and complete copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company as
filed with the Secretary of State of the Company's state of organization, which
Articles of Incorporation have not been amended, modified, or rescinded except
as may be reflected in Exhibit A, and remain in full force and effect as of the
date hereof.

         4. Bylaws. Attached as Exhibit B hereto is a true, correct, and
complete copy of the Bylaws of the Company, which Bylaws have not been amended,
modified, or rescinded except as may be reflected in Exhibit B and remain in
full force and effect as of the date hereof.

         5. Approving Resolutions. Attached as Exhibit C hereto is a true,
correct, and complete copy of the resolutions (with any preamble thereto)
authorizing the Company's entering into and performing its obligations under the
Agreement, which resolutions were duly adopted on ____________________________,
199_, by the Board of Directors of the Company, and which resolutions are in
full force and effect on and as of the date hereof, not having been amended,
altered, repealed, or rescinded.

         6. Bringdown of Representations and Warranties. Each representation and
warranty made by or respecting the Company in the Agreement is true and accurate
in all material respects as of the date of this certificate with the same effect
as if made on and as of the date of this certificate by the Company, except as
otherwise contemplated by the Agreement.

         7. Compliance with Agreement. The Company has performed and complied in
all material respects with each and every covenant, agreement, and condition
required to be performed or complied with by the Company under the Agreement on
or prior to the date hereof.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this certificate on behalf of the
Company in the capacities set forth below our signatures as of the ____ day of ,


                       Print Name:_______________________
                       Title:  President


                       Print Name:_______________________
                       Title:  Secretary


                                  Exhibit 8.4.4

                  Form of Legal Opinion of Transferees' Counsel

                                 [See Attached]

               [Letterhead of Nexsen Pruet Jacobs & Pollard, LLP]
                                [Date of Closing]

MainStreet HealthCare Corporation
2370 Main Street
Tucker, Georgia 30084

         RE:      Transfer of Assets of MainStreet HealthCare Corporation (the
                  "Seller") to UCI Medical Affiliates of Georgia, Inc. (the

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         We have acted as special counsel to Buyer; UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
("UCI"); Doctor's Care of Georgia, P.C. ("DC of GA"); and Doctor's Care of
Tennessee, P.C. ("DC of TN") in connection with the Acquisition Agreement And
Plan of Reorganization executed on February 9, 1998 (the "Agreement") by and
among the Buyer; Seller; UCI; MainStreet HealthCare Medical Group, P.C., a
Georgia corporation; MainStreet HealthCare Medical Group, PC, a Tennessee
corporation; Prompt Care Medical Center, Inc., a Tennessee corporation; A. Wayne
Johnson; Robert G. Riddett, Jr.; Michael J. Dare; and Penman Private Equity And
Mezzanine Fund, L.P. This opinion is furnished pursuant to the Closing
requirements of Section 8.4.4 of the Agreement. All capitalized terms used in
this opinion letter that are not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.


         In our capacity as counsel to Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, and DC of TN, and
for purposes of this opinion, we have examined the following documents:

                  (i) Certain corporate records of Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, and DC
of TN, including their respective articles of incorporation (or charter),
bylaws, and selected minutes;

                  (ii) The Agreement and all documents, instruments, statements,
and certificates required to be delivered by Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, or DC of TN
at Closing thereunder (collectively the "Ancillary Documents");

                  (iii) Such other documents, records, and matters of law as we
have deemed necessary and appropriate to render the opinion set forth in this
letter, subject to the limitations, assumptions, and qualifications noted below.

         As to questions of fact material to our opinions expressed herein, we
have, when relevant facts were not independently established, relied upon
certificates of, and information received from, officers of Buyer, UCI, DC of
GA, and DC of TN and upon the

MainStreet HealthCare Corporation
[Date of Closing]
Page 2

representations and warranties of Buyer and UCI contained in the Agreement. In
this regard, the certificates of officers of Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, and DC of TN
upon which we are relying are the certificates to be delivered at Closing as
required by the Agreement and certain officer's certificates which has been
delivered in advance of this opinion letter. We have also relied upon
certificates and other documents from, and conversations with, public officials.
We have not independently investigated or verified the facts represented in such
certificates, information, representations, or warranties and do not opine as to
the accuracy of any such fact.


         Based upon our review of the foregoing and subject to the limitations,
assumptions, and qualifications as set forth herein, it is our opinion that, as
of the date of this letter:

         1. Buyer is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good
standing under the laws of the State of South Carolina, with the requisite
corporate power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to
conduct its business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and
perform its obligations under the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents.

         2. UCI is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in good
standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, with the requisite corporate
power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to conduct its
business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and perform its
obligations under the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents.

         3. DC of GA is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Georgia, with the requisite
corporate power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to
conduct its business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and
perform its obligations under the Ancillary Documents.

         4. DC of TN is a corporation duly organized, validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of Tennessee, with the requisite
corporate power and authority to own or lease its properties and assets, to
conduct its business to the extent now being conducted, and to enter into and
perform its obligations under the Ancillary Documents.

         5. Neither the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the
Ancillary Documents, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated
thereby, constitute or, with the giving of notice or passage of time or both,
would constitute a violation of or a default under or conflict with any term or
provision of Buyer, UCI, DC of GA or DC of TN's respective Articles of
Incorporation or Bylaws or, to the best of our knowledge, any of the

MainStreet HealthCare Corporation
[Date of Closing]
Page 3

material terms, conditions or provisions of any material agreement or instrument
known to us to which Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, or DC of TN is a party, or by which
Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, or DC of TN is or may be bound, or constitute a violation
of any statute, law or ordinance or any rule, regulation, order of any
governmental authority or any judicial decree, or to the best of our knowledge,
require Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, or DC of TN to obtain the consent or approval of
any governmental authority (except for consents, approvals, or re- issuances
described in or required by the Agreement), lending institution, or other third
party except for such consents as have been obtained by Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, or
DC of TN and delivered to you in advance of this opinion letter.

         6. All actions and proceedings necessary to be taken by or on the
behalf of Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, and DC of TN in connection with the Agreement
and the Ancillary Documents to which it is a party and necessary to make the
same effective have been duly and validly taken. The Agreement and the Ancillary
Documents to which it is a party have been duly and validly executed and
delivered by Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, and DC of TN and constitute legal, valid, and
binding obligations of Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, and DC of TN enforceable in
accordance with their respective terms.

         7. To the best of our knowledge, there are no actions, suits, claims,
or proceedings pending or threatened against Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, or DC of TN
before any federal, state, county, municipal or other court, arbitrator, or
other tribunal nor are there any judgments, decrees, awards, regulations or
orders of any such court, arbitrator, or other tribunal outstanding against
Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, or DC of TN which if adversely determined would prohibit
or materially call into question the consummation of the transactions
contemplated by the Agreement or the Ancillary Documents.

         8. The issuance, sale and delivery of the Shares in accordance with the
Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the
part of UCI. The Shares when so issued, sold and delivered in accordance with
the provisions of the Agreement will be duly and validly issued, fully paid and


         In rendering these opinions we have assumed without investigation or
independent verification the following:

         (a) The authenticity of any document or other instrument submitted to
us as an original, the conformity to the originals of any document or other
instrument submitted to us as a copy, the legal capacity of natural persons and
the genuineness of all signatures on such originals or copies (other than
signatures of Buyer, UCI, DC of GA, and DC of TN).

MainStreet HealthCare Corporation
[Date of Closing]
Page 4

         (b) All documents executed by a party other than Buyer, UCI, DC of GA,
and DC of TN were duly and validly executed and delivered by such party in the
proper exercise of their corporate, governmental, or individual powers, as the
case may be, and are legal, valid and binding obligations of such party
enforceable against such party in accordance with their respective terms or are
otherwise effective at the date hereof.

         (c) The absence of fraud, duress, or breach of fiduciary duty in the
inducement or effectuation of the subject transactions (in this connection we
affirm that we have no knowledge of the existence of any such fraud, duress, or
breach of fiduciary duty).


         These opinions are limited by and subject to the following

         (a) These opinions are strictly limited in scope and application to the
laws of the United Sates of America and the laws of the State of South Carolina.
No opinion is expressed: as to the laws of any other jurisdiction; regarding the
extent to which or manner in which such other laws are applicable to matters
herein addressed; whether opinions herein stated are, in whole or in part,
superseded or invalidated by the application of such other laws; or as to the
application of choice of law provisions in any documents or of any jurisdiction.

         (b) The opinions expressed herein are subject to and may be affected or
limited by, and we do not purport to express any opinion herein concerning,
federal or state securities law and federal or state antitrust or related laws.

         (c) Opinions expressed "to the best of our knowledge" are based upon
inquiry of UCI, Buyer, DC of GA, and DC of TN, or officers of the relevant
entity or entities as to the subject matter thereof, but without independent
investigation or verification of any kind. While no independent investigations
or verifications have been conducted by us, we have no knowledge of facts in
material conflict with such opinions.

         (d) The opinions expressed herein are based upon applicable laws,
statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations as exist on this date, and we
express no opinion as to the effect which any future amendments, changes,
additions, or modifications thereof may have on the future performance or
validity of the Agreement or the Ancillary Documents, or on the consummation of
the transactions contemplated by the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents. We
assume no obligation to update or supplement our opinion to reflect any facts or
circumstances which may hereafter come to our attention or changes in law which
may hereafter occur.

MainStreet HealthCare Corporation
[Date of Closing]
Page 5

         (e) The enforceability of the Agreement and the Ancillary Documents,
and the availability of certain rights and remedies provided therein, are
subject to, and may be affected or limited by the following: (i) the provisions
of applicable liquidation, conservatorship, insolvency, bankruptcy,
reorganization, moratorium, rearrangement and other similar laws, including
court decisions interpreting such laws; (ii) all other applicable federal or
state laws, constitutional requirements, statutes, ordinances, judicial
decisions, rules and regulations affecting creditors' rights generally,
including, without limitation, fraudulent conveyances, violable preferences,
non-judicial foreclosures and self-help remedies; (iii) general principles of
equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in equity of at
law); (iv) the power of courts to deny enforcement of remedies generally based
upon public policy; (v) by the requirement that a party act with reasonableness
and in good faith to the extent required by the applicable law; and (vi) such
other matters of law which do not materially interfere with the practical
realization of the benefits intended to be conferred under the Agreement and the
Ancillary Documents.

         (f) We express no opinion as to the enforceability of any provisions in
the Agreement or the Ancillary Documents: (i) purporting to waive or affect any
rights to notices which may not be waived under applicable law; (ii) relating to
delay or omission of enforcement of remedies; (iii) with respect to
severability, exculpation, and set off rights; or (iv) respecting
indemnification rights which may be limited under applicable securities or other

         (g) We express no opinion as to the title of any party to its
properties or the priority or absence of any liens or encumbrances thereon or
claims thereto.

         (h) These opinions are provided to you as legal opinions only, and not
as guaranties or warranties of the matters discussed herein or of any
transaction or obligation.

         We are furnishing this opinion letter for the sole and exclusive
benefit of the addressee and its counsel, and this opinion letter is not to be
relied upon or used by, or circulated, quoted or otherwise distributed to, any
other person without the prior written consent of the undersigned.

                                   Exhibit 9.1

1.       MainStreet is not authorized to do business in Tennessee as of this
         date; however, it shall qualify before Closing.

                                   Exhibit 9.5

1.       See Exhibit 9.26.

                                   Exhibit 9.6

                         Security holders of MainStreet

                                 [See Attached]

                                   EXHIBIT 9.6

Class A Non-Voting Common Stock:                        Number of Shares              Date of Issuance
- -------------------------------                         ----------------              ----------------
1.         Frank T. Corker                                    3,000                       12/04/96
2.         Laykoon Huang                                    160,000                       12/04/96
3.         Dennis R. Thomas*                                 20,000                       12/04/96
4.         Izhak Oliver                                      50,000                       12/20/96
5.         David Ellis                                       15,000                       01/15/97
6.         Richard G. Pettit                                 15,000                       01/15/97
7.         Practice Acquisition Consultants, Inc.             5,000                       05/21/97
8.         L. Lanier Allen*                                   8,000                       04/24/97
*Includes Allen & Thomas whose shares are going to be redeemed prior to the Closing.

Class B Common Stock:
1.         A. Wayne Johnson                              1,351,250                        12/12/96
2.         Robert G. Riddett, Jr.                          646,250                        12/12/96
3.         Michael J. Dare                                 352,500                        12/12/96
4.         PENMAN Private Equity and                     3,525,000                        12/  /96
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
5.         PENMAN Private Equity and                        423,458                        7/11/97
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
6.         A. Wayne Johnson                                 161,994                        7/11/97

5% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred:
1.         A. Wayne Johnson                                     927                       12/12/96
2.         PENMAN Private Equity and                          2,440                      12/   /96
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
3.         PENMAN Private Equity and                            750                        4/07/97
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
4.         PENMAN Private Equity and                            130                        6/05/97
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
5.         PENMAN Private Equity and                             20                        6/05/97
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
6.         PENMAN Private Equity and                            100                        5/22/97
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.

                                                Exhibit 9.6 (Continued)
10% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred:

PP-1       PENMAN Private Equity and                            298                        7/11/97
           Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
PP-2       A. Wayne Johnson                                     114                        7/11/97

                                   Exhibit 9.9

1.       Universal Diagnostics, Inc. Was formed on January 27, 1997. A stock
         certificate for 900 shares to MainStreet Healthcare Corporation was
         prepared, but has not been signed

                                  Exhibit 9.10

                              Financial Statements

                                 [See Attached]



                        Consolidated Financial Statements

                                 March 31, 1997

                    With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon

KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
303 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Suite 2000
Atlanta, GA 30308

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors
MainStreet Healthcare Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation as of March 31, 1997, and the related consolidated
statements of operations, stockholders' deficit, and cash flows for the period
February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997. These consolidated
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial
statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation at March 31, 1997, and the results of its operations and
its cash flows for the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March
31, 1997 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming
that MainStreet Healthcare Corporation will continue as a going concern. As
discussed in note 1(b) to the consolidated financial statements, MainStreet
Healthcare Corporation has suffered recurring losses and has a working capital
deficiency that raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a
going concern. Management's plans in regard to these matters are also described
in note 1(b). The accompanying consolidated financial statements do not include
any adjustment that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

November 14, 1997, except
    as to note 12(b), which is
    as of February 3, 1998                  /s/ KPMG Peat Marwick LLP



                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                 March 31, 1997


Current assets:
    Cash                                                                         $        1,950
    Accounts receivable, less allowances for contractual adjustments
      and uncollectible accounts of $1,258,571                                        1,110,019
    Redeemable preferred stock subscriptions receivable (notes 4 and 11)                750,000
    Other receivables                                                                   110,658
    Prepaid and other                                                                    44,010
           Total current assets                                                       2,016,637

Property and equipment, net (notes 3 and 6)                                           1,422,594
Intangible assets, net (notes 3 and 5)                                                1,968,252
Other assets                                                                            388,393

           Total assets                                                          $    5,795,876

                      Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficit

Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                                             $      695,411
    Other accrued expenses and liabilities                                              615,237
    Current portion of notes payable (notes 3 and 7)                                    357,053
    Current portion of capital lease obligation (note 7)                                  3,401
    Shareholder loan (note 8)                                                            18,252
           Total current liabilities                                                  1,689,354

Long-term liabilities:
    Notes payable, less current portion (notes 3 and 7)                                 751,261
    Capital lease obligation, less current portion (note 7)                              14,183
           Total long-term liabilities                                                  765,444
           Total liabilities                                                          2,454,798

Redeemable preferred stock, $.01 par value; 13,250 shares authorized,
    no shares issued and outstanding                                                          -
5% cumulative redeemable preferred stock, $1,000 redemption value;
    6,000 shares authorized, 3,367 shares issued and outstanding, 750
    shares subscribed (notes 4, 11, and 12)                                           4,117,000
Class A nonvoting convertible common stock, $.01 par value;
    5,000,000 shares authorized, 268,000 shares issued and outstanding                  696,015

Stockholders' deficit (note 4):
    Class B common stock, $.01 par value; 20,000,000 shares authorized,
      5,875,000 shares issued and outstanding                                            58,750
    Additional paid-in capital                                                           81,550
    Accumulated deficit                                                              (1,612,237)
           Total stockholders' deficit                                               (1,471,937)
           Total liabilities and stockholders' deficit                           $    5,795,876

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                      Consolidated Statement of Operations

    For the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997

Net patient service revenue                             $     3,665,982

Operating expenses:
    Cost of affiliated physician services                     1,733,826
    Clinic salaries, wages, and benefits                      1,131,729
    Clinic rent and lease expense (notes 7 and 8)               306,571
    Clinic supplies                                             287,431
    Other clinic costs                                          428,987
    General corporate expenses (note 8)                         571,499
    Depreciation and amortization (notes 5 and 6)               217,029
    Clinic start-up expenses                                    307,419
           Total expenses                                     4,984,491
           Operating loss                                    (1,318,509)

Interest expense, net (note 7)                                  161,774
Loss on clinic disposals (note 12(a))                             88,990
           Loss before income taxes                          (1,569,273)

Income taxes (note 9)                                                 -
           Net loss                                     $    (1,569,273)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                 Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Deficit

    For the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997

                                              Class B             Additional                              Total
                                           Common Stock            Paid-in        Accumulated        Stockholder's
                                   Shares             Amount       Capital          Deficit             Deficit
                                   ------             ------       -------          -------             -------
Balance at February 6, 1996              -        $          -           -                  -                  -
Issuance of common stock         5,875,000              58,750      38,586                                97,336
Accretion of difference
   Between fair value and
   garanteed value of stock
   issued in connection with
   acquisition (note 3)                  -                   -      42,964           (42,964)                  -
Net loss                                 -                   -           -        (1,569,273)        (1,569,273)
                                 ----------------  ---------------------------    -------------        -----------
Balance at March 31, 1997        5,875,000         $    58,750      81,550        (1,612,237)        (1,471,937)
                                 =========          ==========     =======       ============        ===========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

    For the period February 6, 1996 (date of incorporation) to March 31, 1997

Operating activities:
    Net loss                                                                          $(1,569,273)
    Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided
      (used) by operating activities:
        Depreciation and amortization                                                     217,029
        Changes in operating assets and liabilities,
          net of effects of acquisitions:
             Accounts receivable, net                                                    (517,720)
             Other receivables                                                           (110,658)
             Prepaid expenses and other assets                                            (64,010)
             Accounts payable                                                             580,688
             Other accrued expenses and liabilities                                       615,237
                Net cash used by operating activities                                    (848,707)

Investing activities:
    Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash acquired (note 3)                          (1,226,480)
    Purchases of property and equipment                                                  (631,279)
                Net cash used by investment activities                                 (1,857,759)

Financing activities:
    Net proceeds from issuance of preferred stock                                       2,071,607
    Proceeds from shareholder loans                                                     1,370,300
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                                 65,810
    Net borrowings under capital lease obligations                                         17,584
    Repayment of notes payable                                                          (423,363)
    Repayment of shareholder loans                                                      (393,522)
                Net cash provided by financing activities                               2,708,416

                Net increase in cash                                                        1,950

Cash at beginning of period                                                                     -

Cash at end of period                                                            $          1,950

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information cash paid during the period
      Interest                                                                   $         55,476
      Income taxes                                                                              -

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                                 March 31, 1997

(1)      Organization and Basis of Presentation

           (a)    Description of Business

                  MainStreet Healthcare Corporation ("the Company") was
                  incorporated on February 6, 1996. The Company was organized to
                  purchase general practitioner outpatient clinics in Georgia
                  and Tennessee. After purchasing a clinic, the Company focuses
                  on centralizing fixed costs and reducing the overall overhead
                  of each outpatient clinic in order to maximize income and cash
                  flow. During the period from February 6, 1996 to March 31,
                  1997, MainStreet acquired 12 primary care clinics.

           (b)    Basis of Presentation

                  The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on
                  the accrual basis of accounting and include the accounts of
                  the Company and the affiliated professional corporations
                  ("Professional Corporations"). Through the clinic services
                  agreements between the Company and the Professional
                  Corporations, the Company has assumed full responsibility for
                  the operating expenses in return for the assignment of the
                  revenue of the professional corporations.

                  The Company has perpetual, unilateral control over the assets
                  and operations of the Professional Corporations, and
                  notwithstanding the lack of technical majority ownership of
                  the stock of such entities, consolidation of the various
                  professional corporations is necessary to present fairly the
                  financial position and results of operations of the Company
                  because of control by means other than ownership of stock.
                  Control by the Company is perpetual rather than temporary
                  because of (i) the length of the original terms of the
                  agreements, (ii) the successive extension periods provided by
                  the agreements, (iii) the continuing investment of capital by
                  the Company, (iv) the employment of the nonphysician
                  personnel, and (v) the nature of the services provided to the
                  Professional Corporations by the Company. All intercompany
                  accounts and transactions have been eliminated in the

                  The Company has experienced recurring losses since its
                  inception, including approximately $1,900,000 (unaudited) from
                  April 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, and has a net working
                  capital deficiency of approximately $1,200,000 (unaudited) as
                  of December 31, 1997. Management has entered into a letter of
                  intent to sell its operating clinics at an amount that in its
                  opinion would generate sufficient value to satisfy all its
                  outstanding debt obligations in either cash or stock (see note
                  12(b)). The financial statements do not include any
                  adjustments that might result from the outcome of this

       (2)        Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

           (a)    Property and Equipment

                  Property and equipment are recorded at cost, less accumulated
                  depreciation and amortization. Depreciation of property and
                  equipment is calculated using the straight-line method over
                  the estimated useful lives of the assets.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                  Equipment held under capital leases and leasehold improvements
                  are amortized on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the
                  lease term or estimated useful life of the assets.

           (b)    Intangible Assets

                  (1)      Noncompete Agreements

                           In connection with certain clinic acquisitions, the
                           Company entered into noncompete agreements with
                           physicians. Such agreements are being amortized using
                           the straight-line method over the terms of the
                           agreements, generally three to five years.

                  (2)      Excess of Cost

                           Goodwill, which represents the excess of purchase
                           price over fair value of net assets acquired, is
                           amortized on a straight-line method over the expected
                           periods to be benefited, generally fifteen years. The
                           Company assesses the recoverability of this
                           intangible asset by determining whether the
                           amortization of the goodwill balance over its
                           remaining life can be recovered through undiscounted
                           future operating cash flows of the acquired
                           operation. The amount of goodwill impairment, if any,
                           is measured based on projected discounted future
                           operating cash flows using a discount rate reflecting
                           the Company's average cost of funds. The assessment
                           of recoverability of goodwill will be impacted if
                           estimated future operating cash flows are not
                           achieved. In management's estimation, the remaining
                           amount of goodwill has continuing value.

           (c)    Net Revenue

                  Patient revenue is recorded at established rates reduced by
                  allowances for doubtful accounts and contractual adjustments.
                  Contractual adjustments arise due to the terms of certain
                  reimbursement and managed care contracts. Such adjustments
                  represent the difference between charges at established rates
                  and estimated recoverable amounts and are recognized in the
                  period the services are rendered. Any differences between
                  estimated contractual adjustments and actual final settlements
                  under reimbursement contracts are reported as contractual
                  adjustments in the year final settlements are made.

           (d)    Income Taxes

                  The Company accounts for income taxes using the asset and
                  liability method of Statement of Financial Accounting
                  Standards No. 109, ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES ("SFAS No.
                  109"). Under SFAS No. 109, deferred tax assets and liabilities
                  are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to
                  differences between financial statement carrying amounts of
                  existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax
                  bases. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured
                  using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in
                  the years in which those temporary differences are expected to
                  be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred income tax
                  assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized
                  in income in the period that includes the enactment date.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                  Prior to the merger of MainStreet Georgia with and into
                  MainStreet Delaware, as discussed in note 4, the Company was
                  taxed as an S Corporation under the Internal Revenue Code. As
                  a result, the Company has been taxed in a manner similar to a
                  partnership for the period prior to December 9, 1997, and has
                  not provided any federal or state income taxes as the results
                  of operations were passed through to, and the related income
                  taxes became the individual responsibility of the Company's

      (e)         Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

                  Financial Accounting Standards No. 121 ("SFAS No. 121"),
                  LONG-LIVED ASSETS TO BE DISPOSED OF, requires the Company to
                  review for the impairment of long-lived assets and certain
                  identifiable intangibles to be held and used by the Company
                  whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
                  carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable.

                  The statement also addresses the accounting for long-lived
                  assets that are expected to be disposed. SFAS No. 121 is
                  applicable for most long-lived assets, identifiable
                  intangibles, and goodwill related to those assets. Management
                  has determined that long-lived assets are fairly stated in the
                  accompanying consolidated balance sheet and that no indicators
                  of impairment are present.

      (f)         Redeemable Preferred Stock Offering Costs

                  Costs associated with the issuance of mandatory redeemable
                  preferred stock have been capitalized and are being amortized
                  using a straight-line method over five years and are included
                  in other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet
                  (see note 5).

      (g)         Use of Estimates

                  Management of the Company has made certain estimates and
                  assumptions relating to the reporting of assets and
                  liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities to
                  prepare these financial statements in conformity with
                  generally accepted accounting principles. Actual results could
                  differ from those estimates.

     (3) Acquisitions

         The Company acquired, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, certain
         operating assets of 12 primary care physician clinics.

         Simultaneous with each acquisition, the Company enters into long-term
         clinic services agreements. Under these agreements, the Company manages
         all aspects of the affiliated practice other than the provision of
         medical services, which is controlled by the physician groups. For
         providing services under the clinic services agreements, the physicians
         receive compensation based on individually negotiated contracts.
         Generally, the clinic service agreements cannot be terminated by the
         physician group or the Company without cause, which includes material
         default or bankruptcy of either party.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

         The acquisitions have been accounted for by the purchase method of
       accounting and, accordingly, the purchase price has been allocated to the
       net assets acquired and the liabilities assumed based upon the fair
       values at the dates of acquisition. In connection with the acquisitions,
       the Company issued 268,000 shares of common stock in MainStreet
       Healthcare Corporation. The Company guaranteed the fair market value of
       the stock to be $5 per share at various dates in the future and recorded
       the stock by discounting the guarantee price using a risk-based interest
       rate of 15%. The difference between the fair value and guaranteed value
       of stock issued in connection with the issuance of stock of $643,395 is
       being accreted over the period from the date of issuance to the various
       settlement dates through periodic charges to accumulated deficit. The
       Company also issued $1,531,677 in notes payable. The excess of the
       purchase price over the fair values of the net assets acquired was
       $1,813,179 and has been recorded as goodwill and is being amortized using
       a straight-line method over 15 years. The composition of acquisition of
       businesses, net of cash acquired, is set forth below:

          Working capital, other than cash                      $    477,577
          Property and equipment                                     862,916
          Noncompete agreements                                      300,500
          Excess of costs over fair value of assets acquired       1,813,179
             Value of stock issued                                  (696,015)
             Value of notes payable issued                        (1,531,677)
          Cash purchase price, net of cash acquired             $  1,226,480

       The operating results of the acquired clinics have been included in the
       consolidated statement of operations from the respective dates of

       (4) Reorganization

       MainStreet Healthcare Corporation (MainStreet Georgia) was organized on
       February 6, 1996 as a Georgia Corporation and was authorized 10,000,000
       shares of no par common stock of which 5,375,000 shares were issued.

       On December 4, 1996, MainStreet Healthcare Corporation (MainStreet
       Delaware) was incorporated and was authorized 10,000,000 shares of no par
       common stock. Effective December 9, 1996, the shareholders of MainStreet
       Georgia exchanged their shares for equal shares in MainStreet Delaware
       pursuant to a merger of MainStreet Georgia with and into MainStreet

       On December 11, 1996, MainStreet Delaware amended and restated the
       Certificate of Incorporation in order to give MainStreet Delaware the
       authority to issue preferred stock and common stock as follows:

                 (a)       20,000 shares of Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per
                           share. MainStreet Delaware's Board of Directors has
                           the authority to fix the terms of the Preferred



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                 (b)       5,000,000 shares of Class A Non-Voting Convertible
                           Common Stock, par value $.01 per share. One share of
                           Class A Non-Voting is convertible upon: (i) a
                           Qualified Public Offering; (ii) a sale of MainStreet
                           Delaware; or (iii) a sale of a majority of the Class
                           B Common Stock, into one fully paid and
                           non-assessable share of Class B Common Stock.

                 (c)       20,000,000 shares of Class B Common Stock, par value
                           $.01 per share.

                           The Class A and Class B common stocks are identical,
                           except with respect to voting rights, where the Class
                           A shares have no voting rights. The Class A shares
                           are nonvoting convertible into one share of Series B
                           stock upon: (i) a Qualified Public Offering; (ii) a
                           sale of the Company; or (iii) a sale of a majority of
                           the shares of Class B stock.

       Effective December 12, 1996, MainStreet Delaware entered into a
       recapitalization agreement. The shareholders of MainStreet Georgia
       exchanged a total of 5,375,000 shares of no par common stock in
       MainStreet Georgia and $948,026 of debt owed by MainStreet Georgia to the
       shareholders for 2,350,000 shares of no par common stock and 927 shares
       of five percent cumulative mandatory redeemable preferred stock in
       MainStreet Delaware. In addition, Penman Private Equity and Mezzanine
       Fund, L.P., (Penman) purchased 3,525,000 shares of Class B Common Stock
       for $60,000 and 2,440 shares of five percent mandatory redeemable
       preferred stock in MainStreet Delaware for $2,071,607, net of offering
       expenses of $368,393. The preferred stock is mandatory redeemable on
       December 12, 2001.

       On March 21, 1997, Penman subscribed to 750 shares of the five percent
       mandatory redeemable preferred stock for $750,000. On April 8, 1997, the
       Company received $750,000 for the subscribed preferred stock.

       (5)        Intangible Assets

         Intangible assets consists of:

          Excess of cost over fair value of assets acquired     $     1,813,179
          Noncompete agreements                                         300,500
          Less accumulated amortization                                (145,427)

                                                                $     1,968,252
       (6)        Property and Equipment

         Property and equipment consists of:

          Land                                                  $       104,600
          Buildings and improvements                                    406,635
          Furniture and fixtures                                        181,621
          Clinic equipment                                              559,451
          Office equipment                                              193,843
          Leasehold improvements                                         48,046
          Accumulated depreciation and amortization                     (71,602)
                                                                   $  1,422,594



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

       (7) Long-Term Debt and Leases

           Long-term debt and capital leases consists of:

            Notes payable to physician groups with interest rates ranging from
               7% to 10.5%, with payments
               due at varying intervals through March 1, 2006                            $     1,108,314
           Capital leases                                                                         17,584
           Less amounts due within one year                                                      360,454
                                                                                        $        765,444

          The following is a schedule of principal maturities of long-term debt,
          including capital leases, as of March 31, 1997.

                  1998                                                                  $        360,454
                  1999                                                                           360,717
                  2000                                                                           161,691
                  2001                                                                            37,929
                  2002                                                                            34,814
                  Thereafter                                                                     170,293
                      Total                                                             $      1,125,898

          CAPITAL LEASES: The Company is the lessee of equipment under a capital
          lease which expires during the next ten years. The related equipment
          is being amortized over ten years and the related amortization expense
          is included with depreciation expense in the consolidated statement of

          The following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments under the
          capital leases together with the present value of the net minimum
          lease payments as of March 31, 1997.

                  1998                                                  $6,045
                  1999                                                   6,045
                  2000                                                   6,045
                  2001                                                   5,892
                         Total minimum lease payments                   24,027

                  Less amounts representing interest                    (6,443)
                  Obligation under capital leases                       17,584
                  Less current portion of capital lease obligations     (3,401)
                         Long-term obligations under capital leases    $14,183

          Capitalized equipment leases included in equipment was $18,600 at
          March 31, 1997. The imputed interest rate was 16.45% at March 31,



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

       OPERATING LEASES: Operating leases generally consist of short-term lease
       agreements for professional office space where the medical practices are
       located. These leases generally have five-year terms with renewal
       options. Lease expense of $250,000 for 1997 consists of corporate office
       space, corporate equipment and medical office space, and equipment for
       the operating practices.

       The following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments under
       noncancelable operating leases as of March 31, 1997.

                  1998                       $ 512,353
                  1999                         453,355
                  2000                         426,199
                  2001                         411,586
                  2002                         258,130
                  Thereafter                    76,757

       (8) Related Party Transactions

       The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of the Company
       made loans to finance the Company's operations in the amounts of
       $1,345,000 and $25,300, respectively, of which $20,000 and $500,
       respectively, of contributed capital was converted to debt under the
       Reorganization discussed in note 4. Of the $1,345,000, $927,000 was
       converted into preferred stock; $21,026 was converted into Class B common
       stock; $378,722 was repaid during the year; and the remainder of $18,252
       is outstanding at March 31, 1997. Of the $25,300, $10,500 was converted
       into Class B common stock, and $14,800 was repaid during the year.

       During the period ended March 31, 1997, the Company made payments of
       $116,260 to related parties for rent expense in connection with the
       clinic facilities. Also, the Company made principal and interest payments
       of $14,220 on behalf of the Chief Executive and Operations Officers of
       the Company for the corporate office location.

       In the process of acquiring the physician clinic groups, the Company paid
       $47,650 to a consultant who became an officer of the Company.

       (9) Income Taxes

       Because of operating losses, the Company has not provided any income tax
       expense for the year ended March 31, 1997. The Company has operating loss
       carryforwards, which may be used to reduce future taxable income, of
       approximately $280,014 at March 31, 1997 which expire beginning in 2010.

       The income tax recognition of temporary differences originating before
       the Company became a C Corporation will reverse. Accordingly, an income
       tax liability of $101,500 was recorded as of the date the Company became
       a C Corporation.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

       Deferred income taxes determined in accordance with Statement 109 reflect
       the net tax effects of (a) temporary differences between carrying amounts
       of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the
       amounts used for income tax purposes and (b) operating loss and tax
       credit carryforwards. In assessing the realizability of deferred tax
       assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some
       portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The
       ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the
       generation of future taxable income during the periods in which those
       temporary differences become deductible. Management considers the
       scheduled reversal of deferred tax liabilities, projected future taxable
       income, and tax planning strategies in making this assessment. Due to the
       uncertainty of future realization, the Company's deferred tax assets are
       subject to a valuation allowance that results in the recognition of no
       deferred tax asset at March 31, 1997.

       The tax effects of significant items comprising the Company's deferred
       income taxes for March 31, 1997 are as follows:

                    Deferred tax assets:
                        Accrual to cash                     $ 207,000
                        Net operating loss carryforwards      106,400
                        Other                                  49,300
                    Less valuation allowance                 (318,600)
                        Net deferred tax assets                44,100

                    Deferred tax liabilities - depreciation   (44,100)
                        Net deferred taxes                  $       -

       The significant components of the deferred income tax expense (benefit)
       for the period ended March 31, 1997 are as follows:

          Deferred income tax benefit               $       420,100
          Change in tax status from S Corporation
             to C Corporation                              (101,500)
          Increase in valuation allowance                  (318,600)
                    Deferred income tax expense     $             -

       (10) Contingencies

       In addition to the general liability and malpractice insurance carried by
       the individual physicians, the Company is insured with respect to general
       liability and medical malpractice risks on a claims-made basis. To the
       extent that any claims-made coverage is not renewed or replaced with
       equivalent insurance, claims based on occurrences during the term of the
       coverage, but reported subsequently, would be uninsured. Management
       anticipates that the claims-made coverage currently in place will be
       renewed or replaced with equivalent insurance as the term of such
       coverage expires.



                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

       (11) Redeemable Preferred Stock

            Five percent preferred stock is cumulative, mandatory redeemable
            nonvoting shares issued in connection with the reorganization
            described in note 4. The five percent dividend is payable when
            declared by the Company. During 1997, the Company declared a
            dividend of $47,046 based on the preferred stock issuance date of
            December 12, 1996. Upon sale of the Company or a Qualified Public
            Offering, the Company will redeem the preferred stock at the
            redemption price which is $1,000 per share plus the amount of
            accrued and unpaid dividends at such date. The preferred shares are
            mandatory redeemable on December 12, 2001. If the Company is unable
            or does not redeem the preferred shares, the dividend rate will
            increase to nine percent.

            The Company granted options to acquire up to 146,875 shares of Class
            B common stock to officers of the Company, which are vested and are
            exercisable at $5.50 per share.

       (12) Subsequent Events

            (a) Subsequent to March 31, 1997, the Company closed two physician
                clinics which were purchased during the period. The amount of
                the loss, including write-off of goodwill, accounts receivable,
                and property and equipment, was $88,990.

            (b) The Company has signed a letter of intent dated February 3, 1998
                for the sale of substantially all of its assets to UCI Medical
                Affiliates Inc. ("UCI"). The consideration paid by UCI to the
                Company for the assets, as defined in the letter of intent,
                shall be $8,050,000 plus assumption of debt of $685,000.


                           MainStreet Healthcare, Inc.
                                  Balance Sheet

                        ASSETS                        12/31/97      12/31/96
        Petty Cash                                      10,409            850
        Cash-Checking                                   73,931      1,995,684
          Total Cash                                    84,340      1,996,534
       Accounts Receivable
        Accounts Receivable-Medical                  3,219,829      2,304,372
        Less: Doubtful Accounts                     (1,788,679)    (1,129,406)
        A/R Lockbox Account                              4,079              -
        Accounts Receivable-Other                       51,701         19,738
           Total Accounts Receivable                 1,486,930      1,194,704
        Inventory-Medical Supplies                      25,250         14,500
        Supplies                                         5,060              -
          Total Inventory-Medical Supplies              30,310         14,500
        Prepaid Insurance                                  438           (871)
        Prepaid Interest                                     -         (7,828)
        Prepaid Other                                   29,149          4,054
        Deposits - Refundable                           41,789         33,154
           Total Prepaid                                71,376         28,509
       Other Current Assets
        Other Receivables                               17,995          9,898
           Total Other Assets                           17,995          9,898
              TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                   1,690,951      3,244,145
       Fixed Assets
        Land                                           104,600        104,600
        Buildings                                      162,900        162,900
        Building Improvements                          263,594        216,551
        Furniture & Fixtures                           181,947        181,066
        Clinic Equipment                               752,413        629,031
        Signs                                           19,804          6,499
        Trucks                                               -          1,700
        Office Equipment                                 5,117          1,313
        Computers                                      102,925         48,291
        Software                                       106,915         95,951
        Leasehold Improvements                          50,143         38,383
           Total Fixed Assets                        1,750,358      1,486,285
        Accumulated Depreciation                      (188,218)       (53,846)
              NET FIXED ASSETS                       1,562,140      1,432,439

       Other Assets
        Organizational Expense                           5,229         44,363
        Deferred Acquisition Costs                     196,625          5,334
        Deferred A/R financing fees                     30,285              -
        Deferred Conversion Costs                       11,144        (56,914)
        Deferred Recruiting Costs                        6,100              -
        Goodwill                                     1,515,883      1,580,126
        Non Compete                                    192,916        245,833
        Investments                                          -              -
        Bond Discount                                        -              -
             TOTAL OTHER ASSETS                      1,958,182      1,818,742
                  TOTAL ASSETS                       5,211,273      6,495,326

                           MainStreet Healthcare, Inc.
                                  Balance Sheet

                   LIABILITIES                      12/31/97         12/31/96
       Current Liabilities
        Notes Payable-Acquisitions                   345,719          485,719
        Contracts Payable - Current                   26,333           26,333
        Lease Payable - Current                       69,152                -
        Accrued Interest - Notes/Lease Payable        29,023            8,154
        NCFE Financing Payable                       613,543                -
        NCFE Financing Reserves                    (111,487)                -
        Accounts Payable - Trade                   1,149,097          400,839
        Payroll Taxes Payable                        107,195           78,317
        Health Insurance                               5,749           13,815
        401(k) Plan - Employee                         1,040           (7,715)
        Accrued Wages                                373,433           57,606
        Accrued Interest - Redeem. Shares            194,695            5,535
        Other Accrued Payables                       166,207            5,564
           Total Current Liabilities               2,969,699        1,074,167
       Long Term Liabilities
        LT Notes Payable - Acquisitions              312,272          430,171
        Contracts Payable - Long Term                277,505          302,403
        Lease Payable - Long Term                     91,075                -
        Shareholder Loans                             19,476           87,336
           Total Long Term Liabilities               700,328          819,910
              Total Liabilities                    3,670,027        1,894,077
         Common Stock                                      -                -
         Class A Common Stock                          2,480            2,480
         Class B Common Stock                         58,450           58,450
         Redeemable Preferred Stock                4,283,814        4,283,814
         Excess Paid in Capital                      715,454          715,454
         Accumulated Deficit                         (42,965)               -
         Retained Earnings                        (1,569,272)          (1,188)
         YTD Net Income                           (1,906,715)        (457,761)
       Total Equity                                1,541,246        4,601,249
       Total Liabilities & Equity                  5,211,273        6,495,326

                           MainStreet Healthcare, Inc.
                            MAINSTREET: CONSOLIDATED

                                                 Nine Months Ended      Nine Months Ended

        OTHER DIRECT COSTS:                     12/31/97       Pctg.    12/31/96      Pctg.
 6010   Advertising                              42,657        0.8%       5,852        0.3%
 6011   Yellow Pages                             31,413        0.6%         399        0.0%
 6400   Computer Supplies                        18,149        0.4%      14,305        0.7%
 7055   Computer Communications                   7,366        0.2%          --        0.0%
 6410   Computer Maintenance                     11,072        0.2%       1,402        0.1%
 6520   Collection Costs                            461        0.0%         226        0.0%
 6550   Dues & Subscriptions                      8,977        0.2%       7,950        0.4%
 6590   Entertainment                             8,986        0.2%       3,001        0.1%
(7000   Travel                                   45,840        0.9%      14,187        0.7%
 7130   Uniforms                                  5,914        0.1%          20        0.0%
 7150   Licenses                                  5,554        0.1%       4,760        0.2%
 7180   Office Supplies                          77,180        1.5%      40,851        1.9%
 7190   Outside Services                            258        0.0%       2,363        0.1%
 7280   Postage                                  36,432        0.7%       8,653        0.4%
                                             ----------                 -------
        Total Other Direct Costs                300,259        5.9%     103,969        4.8%
        Total Direct Clinic Costs:            1,625,382       32.0%     584,006       27.1%
        Profit (Loss) after Direct Costs       (825,769)     (16.3%)    (92,166)       4.6%


 6030   Acctng & Audit Fees                         550        0.0%       1,018        0.1%
 6031   Legal Fees                               22,384        0.4%       8,190        0.4%
 6050   Bad Check                                    --        0.0%       1,306        0.1%
 6070   Bank Service Charges                     30,765        0.6%       7,007        0.3%
 6510   Contributions                               (25)       0.0%         125        0.0%
 6530   Courier                                   8,093        0.2%       3,500        0.2%
 6535   Donations                                 1,296        0.0%          15        0.0%
(7155   Recruiting Costs                          8,007        0.2%       6,792        0.3%
 7290   Personnel Recuitment Fees                 7,900        0.2%       1,756        0.1%
 7120   Long Term Interest Expense               18,459        0.5%      27,730        1.3%
 7125   Capitalized Lease Interest Exp            4,607        0.0%          --        0.0%
(7300   Miscellaneous Items                       5,876        0.1%       9,229        0.4%
                                             ----------                 -------
        Total Indirect Clinic Costs             107,912        2.1%      66,668        3.1%
        Profit (Loss) after Indirect Costs     (933,681)     (18.4%)   (158,834)       1.5%


 5010   Management Salaries                     272,174        5.4%      25,460        1.2%
 7110   Officer Life Insurance                       --        0.0%          --        0.0%
 5020   Office Salaries                         187,934        3.7%      56,607        2.6%
 5030   Marketing Salaries                       28,321        0.6%      25,880        1.2%
 5050   Computer Wages                           37,917        0.8%      16,115        0.8%
 5040   Other Wages & Benefits                       --        0.0%         744        0.0%
 7210   Sales Promotion                              --        0.0%         180        0.0%
 7260   Franchise Taxes                           2,989        0.1%          --        0.0%
 9055   Program (Interest) Cost - A/R
        Finance                                  20,040        0.4%          --        0.0%
                                             ----------                 -------
        Total Corporate Expenses                549,735       10.8%     124,986        5.8%

                    MainStreet Healthcare, Inc.
                     MAINSTREET: CONSOLIDATED

                                                     Nine Months Ended                     Nine Months Ended
                                                     12/31/97      Pctg.        12/31/96         Pctg.
        Net Profits (Loss) before Non Cash Iter    (1,483,056)    (29.2)       (283,820)         (4.3%)
        Non Cash Items:
6560    Depreciation Expense                          114,394       2.3%         53,569           2.2%
6581    Amortization - Goodwill                        80,870       1.6%         51,511           1.6%
6582    Amortization - Non Compete                     55,000       1.1%         29,167           0.9%
6570    Amortization - Other                            2,221       0.0%            277           0.0%
9020    Imputted Interest - NP                         22,635       0.5%         33,882           0.2%
9060    Accrued Interest - Redeemable Shar            148,529       2.9%          5,535           0.3%
9070    Accredited Interest - Class A Stk                 -         0.0%              -           0.0%
9080    Restructure Goodwill                              -         0.0%              -           0.0%
9030    Loss on Disposal of Assets                        -         0.0%              -           0.0%
                                                   ----------                  ---------
        Total Non Cash Items                          423,549       8.3%         173,941          5.1%
        Net Profit/(Loss)                          (1,906,705)    (37.6%)      (457,761)        (9.4%)

                             Exhibit 9.11.1

       1.         None.

                             Exhibit 9.11.2

       1.         Bank One, N.A. financing.

                             Exhibit 9.11.3

       1.       Subsequent to March 31, 1997, MainStreet purchased the
           practice of L. Lanier Allen which included assets, etc.
           Subsequent to that date, the parties agreed to rescind the
           relationship. It has been agreed that Dr. Allen would return
           his 8,000 shares of Class A common stock and MainStreet would
           pay Dr. Allen approximately $20,000.00 and surrender all
           assets of the Thomaston practice inclusive of Accounts
           Receivable of $25,949 (gross) $19,037 (net).

       2.       With respect to the termination of the Adel/Thomaston
           practice, Dr. Dennis Thomas is no longer an employee of
           MainStreet and MainStreet has transferred to Dr. Thomas the

            1. Adel Receivables equal to $130,404 (gross) $18,982 (net);
            2. Adel Fixed Assets equal to $5,000; and
            3. Valdosta Receivables equal to $45,724 (gross) $5,293 (net).

       The note to Dr. Thomas for $50,000 was cancelled and he is to
           turn over his 20,000 shares of Class A stock of MainStreet
           once payment of $20,000 and expenses due have been made,
           which is anticipated to be paid prior to closing.

       3.       There was a pending action against Dr. Schock involving
          violation of non-compete provisions, but it has been recently

       4.       On or about August 31, 1997, MainStreet terminated the
          practice of Dr. Corker (Valdosta). The accounts receivable
          were transferred to Dr. Thomas and the fixed assets remained
          with MainStreet.

       5.       The Macon Creek/Columbia Coliseum practice was
          terminated on or about May 31, 1997.

       6.        MainStreet terminated the employment of Dr. Allen
           Miller, Dr. Gary Klein, Dr. Lanier Allen, Dr. Dennis Thomas.
           Kathleen Thomas resigned December, 1997.

       7.       Since March 31, 1997, MainStreet Healthcare Corporation
          purchased for $54,000 the practice of Harshad Mehta, M.D. of
          Covington, Georgia. The assets included furniture, fixtures,
          patient records, accounts receivable and goodwill. The
          corporation is paying him $3,000 per month for a period of 18
          months. The closing date was on or about September 1, 1997.

       8.       MainStreet has reached an agreement to terminate a
          contract to enter into a lease for a medical practice building
          under construction in Valdosta, Georgia in exchange for
          agreement to make a $70,000 payment to Rodlock Investments,

                             Exhibit 9.11.6

       1.         See Exhibits 9.11.3 and 9.14.

                             Exhibit 9.12.1

1. Real Estate taxes are past due in the following practices:

  a.       Snellville - 2270 Oak Road, Snellville, GA 30278; in the name
           of David Ellis in the amount of $961.92; due date - December
           20, 1997;

  b.       Gwinnett - in the name of David Ellis in the amount of
           $5,661.11; due date - December 15, 1997.

  We are in the process of having these taxes paid and they shall be
  paid in full as of the date of Closing.

                              Exhibit 9.13

       See 9.12.1.

                              Exhibit 9.14


       MainStreet Healthcare Corporation v. Theodore K. Schock, D.O. and
       Cherylene T. Johnson, Civil Action File No. 98-0078, Superior
       Court of Walton County, Georgia.  Filed January 1998.  This is a
       suit to enforce a restrictive covenant.  Dr. Schock threatened to
       file a counterclaim for a claimed unpaid bonus.  This matter has
       been settled with MainStreet allowing Dr. Schock to practice
       within the restricted territory and with Dr. Schock forgiving
       MainStreet's remaining payments of $100,000.00 due under the
       Asset Purchase Agreement.

       Paul Brewer, individually and as Administrator of the Estate of
       Alma Joan Brewer v. Harold Holloway, D.O. and MainStreet
       Healthcare, Corp., Civil Action No. 97-VS-127611-A, State Court
       of Fulton County,  Georgia.  Filed in or about May 1997.  This a
       medical malpractice case arising from the treatment and death of
       Mrs. Brewer prior to the purchase of Dr. Holloway's practice.
       This liability was not assumed.  Plaintiff's counsel has
       indicated he will dismiss MainStreet.  If he fails to do so, we
       will file a motion to dismiss.

       Physician Sales and Services, Inc. v. MainStreet Healthcare,
       Inc., Civil Action No. 97-CV- 12575, Superior Court of DeKalb
       County, Georgia. Filed October/November 1997. This is a suit on
       account for supplies (although it is alleged that equipment was
       included) in the amount of $190,915.13. This amount is unsecured.
       The answer is due February 9, 1998 under an extension of time.
       MainStreet has been remitting $10,000.00 per month since November
       1997. MainStreet disputes the amount owed and has demanded an
       accounting. MainStreet does not believe that payments in the
       amount of $97,000.00 made in 1997 have been credited properly.
       MainStreet believes that part of the amount claimed can be
       attributed to amounts owed by a South Georgia practice prior to
       its acquisition by MainStreet.

       Kay Gillon-Martin v. MainStreet Healthcare Corporation, Civil
       Action No. 97-1383-5, Superior Court of DeKalb County, Georgia.
       Filed December 9, 1997.  This is a suit to collect a fee in the
       amount of $36,000.00 allegedly owed to Plaintiff for the
       recruitment of physicians.  MainStreet has filed an answer and
       denies that any amount is owed. MainStreet denies that it had an
       agreement with Plaintiff.

       Deborah K. Gilmore v. MainStreet Healthcare Corporation and A.
       Wayne Johnson, Case No. 97M057144, Magistrate Court of DeKalb
       County, Georgia. Filed September 30, 1997. This suit has been
       settled and a dismissal with prejudice will be filed soon by the

       Pro-Scribe Services, L.L.C. v. MainStreet Healthcare Corporation,
       Civil Action File No. 97SCV853, State Court of Lowndes County,
       Georgia. Filed October 10, 1997.  This suit has been settled and
       a dismissal with prejudice was filed in November, 1997.

                        Exhibit 9.14 (Continued)

       Georgia Power Federal Credit Union, Plaintiff v. Patricia
       Oakenson, Defendant,/MainStreet Healthcare Corporation,
       Garnishee, Case No. 98G67092, State Court of DeKalb County,
       Georgia.  Filed January 15, 1998.  This is a garnishment action
       of a former employee's wages.  An answer indicating such will be

       Aalar, Ltd. d/b/a Atlanta Rent-a-Car v. Joseph Harris, Sr. v.
       MainStreet Healthcare, Garnishee, Civil Action File No.
       97G-63191, State Court of DeKalb County, Georgia. Judgment
       against garnishee entered April 7, 1997.  Judgment satisfied.

       Aalar, Ltd. d/b/a Atlanta Rent-a-Car v. MainStreet Healthcare
       Corporation v. NationsBank, N.A., Garnishee, Case No.
       97VX0031484AA, State Court of Fulton County, Georgia. This
       garnishment has been paid and satisfied in full.


       Karmeletta Oppenheimer; Ms. Oppenheimer has made demand for
       damages arising from an alleged breach of confidentiality, among
       other additional related claims.  No suit has been filed.

       Tracey Hunter; Ms. Hunter made a claim of sexual harassment and
       hostile work environment against MainStreet Healthcare
       Corporation and Harold Holloway, D.O. This claim has been

       L. Lanier Allen, M.D.; Dr. Allen's claims concern the termination
       of the Asset Purchase Agreement, the Employment Agreement and all
       other agreements between him and MainStreet Healthcare
       Corporation. Dr. Allen owns 8000 shares of Class A stock in
       MainStreet Healthcare Corporation. A settlement has been proposed
       that would require MainStreet to return all of the assets and pay
       Dr. Allen $20,000.00, and Dr. Allen to return all of the stock.
       The settlement has been consummated except the transfer of the
       8,000 shares to MainStreet and the tender of $20,000 to Allen.

       Gary Klein, M.D.;  This is a dispute concerning the termination
       of Dr. Klein's Employment Agreement.

       Imperial Capital Corporation f/k/a/ Avco Leasing Services, Inc.;
       This is a claim to certain computer equipment originally leased
       by Gwinnett Family Medicine, P.C. and Dr. David J. Ellis.
       MainStreet did not assume the lease(s) in question.

       Durr Medical Corporation; This is a claim on account for
       $23,023.73. Payments have been made on a semi-regular basis.

                        Exhibit 9.14 (Continued)

       Frank T. Corker; This is a claim against MainStreet for default
       of the Asset Purchase Agreement in the amount of $25,000.00. An
       additional, and final, payment of $25,000.00 is due August 1998.

       Dennis R. Thomas, M.D.; Dr. Thomas previously sold his practice
       to MainStreet Healthcare Corporation.  The arrangement was
       terminated and certain assets have been transferred to Dr. Thomas
       (See Exhibit 9.11.3).  Dr. Thomas still is owed $20,000.00 by
       MainStreet, at which time he will tender his 20,000 shares of
       Class A common stock.

                              Exhibit 9.17

       See Exhibit 9.12.1.

                             Exhibit 9.18.1

                         Employee Benefit Plans

                             [See Attached]

                             EXHIBIT 9.18.1
                         EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS

              Benefit Plan:                    Carrier:               Policy #:           Agent             Address
              ------------                     -------                --------            -----             -------
       1.     Group Health Insurance           United Healthcare      BPL29200-25120      David Asbury      1360 Peachtree St
                                                                                                            Atlanta, GA 30309
       2.     Group Life Insurance             United Healthcare      BPL29200-25120      David Asbury      1360 Peachtree St
                                                                                                            Atlanta, GA 30309
       3.     Group Dental Insurance           The Guardian           G-318872            David Asbury      1360 Peachtree St
                                                                                                            Atlanta, GA 30309
       4.     Vacation Day Company Policy      MainStreet             Internal
       5.     Holiday Company Policy           MainStreet             Internal
       6.     Sick Day Company Policy          MainStreet             Internal
       7.     Worker's Compensation Policy     State Farm Insurance   91-ES-4565-1        Robert Giganti    3145 Tucker
                                                                                                               Norcross Rd
                                                                                                            Tucker, GA 30084

        1.         404 846 3000

        2.         404 846 3000

        3.         404 846 3000

        7.         770 491 3999

                             Exhibit 9.19.1


                             [See Attached]

                             EXHIBIT 9.19.1

         Insurance Coverage:              Carrier:                Policy             Agent           Address
         ------------------              -------                 ------             -----            -------
  1.     MalPractice Insurance          Mag Mautual Ins. Co.    104620             Tom Harkins      8 Piedmon Ctr
                                                                                                    Atlanta, GA 30355
  2.     Business Liability Insurance   State Farm Ins.         91-M1-1254-4       Robert Giganti   3145 Tucker Norcross Rd.
                                                                                                    Tucker, GA 30084
  3.     Worker's Compensation          Star Farm Ins.          91-ES-4565-1       Robert Giganti   3145 Tucker Norcross Rd.
                                                                                                    Tucker, GA 30084
  4.     Group Health Insurance         United Healthcare Ins.  CBPL 29200-25120    David Asbury    1360 Peachtree St.
                                                                                                    Atlanta, GA 30309
  5.     Group Life Insurance           United Healthcare Ins.  CBPL 29200-25120    David Asbury    1360 Peachtree St.
                                                                                                    Atlanta, GA 30309
  6.     Group Dental Insurance         The Guardian Co.        G-318872           David Asbury     1360 Peachtree St.
                                                                                                    Atlanta, GA 30309

  1.            404 842 5600

  2.            770 491 3999

  3.            770 491 3999

  4.            404 846 3000

  5.            404 846 3000

  6.            404 846 3000

                              Exhibit 9.20

      List of Directors, Officers and Employees of each Transferor

                             [See Attached]

                                                   EXHIBIT 9.20
                                               MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE
                                                 MEDICAL GROUP PC

                                                                                                  Wages              Bonus
                                                                                                  ------             -----
       Corporate        Officers        Laykoon Huang                  President                  166,400.00         none
                                        Robert G. Riddett, Jr.         Secretary                  none               none
                                        A. Wayne Johnson               Chmn, Asst. Secy           none               none
                        Directors       Laykoon Huang                                             166,400.00         none
                                        Robert G. Riddett, Jr.                                    none               none
                                        A. Wayne Johnson                                          none               none

                                                   EXHIBIT 9.20
                                               MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE
                                                 MEDICAL GROUP PC
                                                   EMPLOYEE LIST

       Location          Departmen         Name                Salary               Wages           Expires           Bonus
       --------          ---------         ----                ------               -----           -------           -----
       Knox West         Provider          Jea Wook            50/hour                                                none
                                           Sim                 130,500.00           91,0                              none
                                           Craig Baker                              00.0
       Knox              Provider          Laykoon             166,400.00           166,400.0       12/31/00          none
       Nort                                Huang                                    0

                                                   EXHIBIT 9.20
                                               MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE
                                                 MEDICAL GROUP PC

       Corporate         Officers          Pamela K.                  President                             $ 96,000
                                           Erdman                     Vice President                         108,000
                                           Robert G. Riddett,         Secretary                              150,000
                                           Jr.                        Chairman                                88,400
                                           A. Wayne                   Asst. Secy.                                  0
                                           Johnson                    Treasurer
                                           Harold E.
                                           Michael J. Dare
                         Directors         Pamela K.                                                          96,000
                                           Erdman                                                            108,000
                                           Robert G. Riddett,                                                150,000
                                           Jr.                                                                88,400
                                           A. Wayne                                                                0
                                           Harold E.
                                           Michael J. Dare

- --------



                                                   EXHIBIT 9.20
                                               MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE

                                                 MEDICAL GROUP PC

       Location          Departmen         Name                     Salary              Wages           Expires         Computation
       ---------         ----------       -------                  --------            ------          --------         -----------
       Tucker            Provider          Laura Davidson           80,000.00           80,000.0        12/31/00        2.5%/gross
                                           Pamela Erdman            1000/day            0               12/31/98        none
                         PA                Ratna Kanumury           35/hour             96,000.0                        none
       Stn Mtn           Provider          Harold                   85/hour             88,400.0        5/1/99          none
                                           Holloway                 120,000.00          0               8/4/00          25%>108Q
                                           Lan Mahon                                    120,000.
       Covington         Provider          Nicholas Grego           50/hour             104,000.                        none
       Lawrville         Provider          Wilfred Danley           135,000.00          135,000.        12/31/01        35%>32M
                         PA                Beth Howard              45/hour             00                              none
       Austell           Provider          Izhak Oliver             208,000.00          208,000.        12/31/01        none
                                           Jasmine Jeffers          145,600.00          00              12/31/03        none
                         PA                Leslie Irvine            70,000.00           124,600.                        none
       Snellville        Provider          Frederic                 75/hour             12,000.0                        none
                         PA                Steinberg                130,000.00          0               10/15/03        30%>108Q
                                           John Tumor                                   130,000.
       Conyers           Provider          Shahid Rafique           130,000.00          130,000.        12/31/03        30%>105Q
       Auburn            Provider          Susan Tanner             75/hour             78,000.0        5/30/99         30%>base/.3Q
                         PA                Richard Petit            90,000.00           0               12/15/01        20%/70Q
       Snapfinger        Provider          Harshad Mehta            3000/month          36,000.0                        none
                                           Ruben                    112,320.00          0               12/31/01        20%/150Q
                                           Alexander                                    112,320.

                                                   EXHIBIT 9.20
                                               MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE
                                               DELAWARE CORPORATION

                                                                                                    Wages          Bonus
                                                                                                    ------         -----
       Corporate             Officer               Robert G. Riddett,         President            108,000         none
                                                   Jr.                        Secretary            150,000         none
                                                   A. Wayne Johnson           EVP, CFO                   0         none
                                                   Michael J. Dare
                             Directors             Mark D. Schindel                                      0         none
                                                   Kelvin J.                                             0         none
                                                   Pennington                                      150,000         none
                                                   A. Wayne                                        108,000         none
                                                   Robert G. Riddett,

                                                   EXHIBIT 9.20
                                               MAINSTREET HEALTHCARE
                                               DELAWARE CORPORATION
                                                   EMPLOYEE LIST

       Location           Department           Name                     Hourly Rate        Salaried         Wages         Bonus
       --------           ----------           ----                     ------             --------         -----         -----
       Tucker             Nursing              Barb Ernst               13.50                               28,080        none
                                               Cynthia Pinckney         13.50                               28,080        none
                                               Jill Nielsen             35.00                               72,800        none
                                               Jodi Crawford            35.00                               72,800        none
                                               Joy Johnson              15.00                               31,200        none
                                               Michelle                 12.50                               26,000        none
                          Practice Mgr         Freeman                  18.27              1,461.54         38,000        none
                          Clerical             Rebecca Mele              7.25                               15,080        none
                                               Melanie Ernst             9.75                               20,280        none
                                               Pamela Stroman           10.00                               20,800        none
                                               Sherry Juneau
       Stone Mtn          Nursing              Robbie Hart              20.63              1,650.00         42,900        none
                                               Kim Kneisel              11.50                               23,920        none
                          Practice Mgr         Judy Dobson              14.50              1,160.00         30,160        none
                          Clerical             Kelly O'Brien             9.25                               19,240        none
                                               Marie Hammond            10.65                               22,152        none
                                               Rita Ramsey              10.50                               21,840        none
       Covington          Nursing              Djuana Manning            9.00                               18,720        none
                                               Leatha Harris            10.00                               20,800        none
                          Practice Mgr         Debora Ballard           12.98              1,038.46         27,000        none
                          Clerical             Delbra Bailey            10.50                               21,840        none
                                               Sonja Crawley            11.00                               22,880        none
                                               Amily Jones              11.00                               22,880        none
       Lawville           Nursing              Linda Froman             10.00                               20,800        none
                                               Marthalyn                10.00                               20,800        none
                                               Mccurry                  11.75                               24,440        none
                          Practice Mgr         Joy Silvestri            12.50              1,000.00         26,000        none
                          Clerical             Carol Gebhard             7.00                               14,560        none
                                               Traci Copeland            8.50                               17,680        none
                                               Terri Eliasen            10.00                               20,800        none
                                               Lona Mills

       Location           Department           Name                     Hourly Rate        Salaried         Wages         Bonus
       --------           ----------           ----                     ------             --------         -----         -----

       Austell            Nursing              Lynne Davis              11.00                               22,880        none
                                               Joyce Lawson             10.50                               21,840        none
                                               Georgianne               13.00                               27,040        none
                                                  Donalson                                                  22,880        none
                                               Nancy Tipton             11.00                               21,840        none
                                               Lea Stephens             10.50
                          Practice Mgr                                                       416.52         10,830        none
                          Clerical             Janice Albertson          5.21                               20,800        none
                                               Peggy Mccombs            10.00              1,200.00         31,200        none
                                               Patricia Graben          15.00                               22,360        none
                                               Linda Hall               10.75                               23,920        none
                                               Barbara Bickford         11.50
       Snellville         Nursing              Janis Moore              12.00                               24,960        none
                                               Rita Patel                9.25                               19,240        none
                                               Sybil Gresham            12.50                               26,000        none
                          Practice Mgr         Lynne Swanger            16.83              1,346.16         35,000        none
                          Clerical             Heather Helms             7.50                               15,600        none
                                               Janet Lee                 8.75                               18,200        none
                                               Sue Stanely               7.50                               15,600        none
       Conyers            Nursing              Corinne                   8.50                               17,680        none
                                               Mcdonald                 11.00                               22,880        none
                          Practice Mgr         Laurie Ledford           16.83                               35,000        none
                          Clerical             Nancy Franklin            9.00                               18,720        none
                                               Amanda Warren
       Auburn             Nursing              Julie Hougland           11.54                               24,003        none
                                               Brenda Duncan            12.65                               26,312        none
                          Practice Mgr         Lynn Webb                16.83              1,346.15         35,000        none
                                               Kendra Danley              8.50                              17,680        none
       Snapfinger         Nursing              Felicia Johnston          9.00                               18,720        none
                                               Jacqueline               15.00                               31,200        none
                          Practice Mgr         Minter                   14.42              1,153.85         30,000        none
                          Clerical             Debra Upshaw             11.00                               22,880        none
                                               Debra Upshaw
       Knox West          Nursing              Shoba Ganta              11.70                               24,336        none
                                               Marilyn Geren            13.50                               28,080        none
                                               Tawfiq Nimri             11.44                               23,795        none
                                               Cheryl Ranz              10.40                               21,632        none
                                               Linda Russell             8.76                               18,221        none
                                               Fue Mel Tsai             10.40                               21,632        none
                          Practice Mgr         Linda Calloway            9.88              790.40           20,550        none
                          Clerical             Hannelore                 8.26                               17,181        none
                                               Phillips                  9.88                               20,550        none
                                               Colleen Riddle            7.72                               16,058        none
                                               Imogene Parris           7.80                                16,224        none
                                               Lof Chen

       Location           Department           Name                     Hourly Rate        Salaried         Wages         Bonus
       --------           ----------           ----                     ------             --------         -----         -----
       Knox North         Nursing              Karen Hurst               8.32                               17,306         none
                                               Betty Morton             15.86              1,268.80         32,989         none
                                               Melissa Quails            9.48                               19,718         none
                                               Marion Parker            11.28                               23,462         none
                                               Vickie Phillips          11.44                               23,795         none
                          Sales                Michael Farmer           17.31              1,384.62         36,000         none
                          Practice Mgr         Chan Mak                 14.42              1,153.60         29,994         none
                          Clerical             Karen Hurst               8.32                               17,306         none
                                               Meier Lue                 7.90                               16,432         none
       Ultrasound         Nurse                Robyn Hayman             14.42              1,153.85         30,000         none
                          Manager              Marc Upshaw              33.65              2,692.31         70,000         none
                          Driver               Derek O'Neal              5.73                458.33         11,917         none

       Corporate          Corporate            Robert Riddett           51.92              4,153.85         108,000        none
                                               Anne O'Neal              15.00                                 31,200       none
                          Practice             Walt Thom                46.15              3,692.31           96,000       none
                          Mgmnt                Ed Vinson                35.56              2,844.62           73,960       none
                                               Tim Hawkins              26.92              2,153.85           56,000       none
                          Accounting           Connie Viscarra          16.11              1,288.46           33,500       none
                                               Frank Brock              34.62              2,769.23           72,000       none
                          A/R                  Carol Griffin            13.00                                 27,040       none
                          Collecti             Tracey Hunter            11.00                                 22,880       none
                          ons                  Deanne Downs             10.00                                 20,800       none

                                                   Exhibit 9.21

       See Exhibit 9.14 (claim by Tracey Hunter).

                                                   Exhibit 9.26

       1.         Those consents required under the real estate leases,
                  equipment leases and the financing to Bank One, N.A.

                                  FORM 10-KSB/A
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
(Mark One)
          EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
         For the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997

              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
         For the transition period from _________________ to _________________

Commission File Number:  0-13265

                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            (Name of Small Business Issuer in its charter)

          Delaware                       59-2225346
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction 
of incorporation or organization)       (IRS Employer Identification Number)

1901 Main Street,  Suite 1200,  Mail Code 1105,  Columbia,  SC    29201 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                       (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code              (803) 252-3661
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:     None
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:     Common Stock, 
                                                                 $.05 par value

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934 during the  preceding  twelve  months (or for such shorter  period that the
registrant was required to file such  reports),  and (2) has been subject to the
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X     No
                                          --------    --------

Indicate by check mark if the disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item
405 of regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best  of  the  registrant's   knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part III of this Form  10-KSB or any
amendment to this Form 10-KSB. ( X )

The registrant's revenue for the year ended September 30, 1997, the registrant's
most recent year end, was $27,924,772.

The  aggregate  market  value  of  voting  stock  held by  nonaffiliates  of the
registrant on December 5, 1997, is approximately $5,801,885.*

     The number of shares outstanding of the registrant's common stock, $.05 par
value, was 5,744,965 at September 30, 1997.

Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format (check one):  Yes       No  X
                                                               -----    ------

* Calculated by excluding all shares held by officers, directors and controlling
shareholder  of  registrant   without   conceding  that  all  such  persons  are
"affiliates" of registrant for purposes of the federal securities laws.

           Total number of pages, including the cover page, is 97. Exhibit Index
is on pages 52-53.


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                             INDEX TO FORM 10-KSB/A

         PART I

Item 1   Description of Business.........................                   3

Item 2   Description of Property.........................                   7

Item 3   Legal Proceedings...............................                   8

Item 4   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders  ......        8

         PART II

Item 5   Market For Common Equity and
         Related Stockholder Matters................................        9

Item 6   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
         Condition and Results of Operations........................       10

Item 7   Financial Statements ......................................       17

Item 8   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants
         on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.....................       17

         PART III

Item 9   Directors, Executive Officers, Promoters and Control
         Persons; Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act.       18

Item 10  Executive Compensation.....................................       20

Item 11  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
         and Management.............................................       22

Item 12  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions  ...........       24

Item 13  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K  .........................       27


                                     PART I

Item 1.  Description of Business


UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc. ("UCI") is a Delaware corporation  incorporated on
August 25, 1982.  Operating  through its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  UCI Medical
Affiliates  of  South  Carolina,   Inc.  ("UCI-SC"),   UCI  provides  nonmedical
management and administrative  services for a network of 40 freestanding medical
centers (the  "Centers")  located  throughout  South  Carolina (29  operating as
Doctor's Care, one as Doctor's Surgical Group, one as Doctor's Orthopedic Group,
four as Progressive  Physical  Therapy Services and five family practice offices
operating under different names).

Organizational Structure

Federal law and the laws of South  Carolina  generally  specify who may practice
medicine and limit the scope of relationships  between medical practitioners and
other parties.  Under such laws, UCI and UCI-SC are prohibited  from  practicing
medicine or exercising control over the provision of medical services.  In order
to comply with such laws, all medical services at the Centers are provided by or
under the supervision of Doctor's Care, P.A. (the "P.A.," and collectively  with
UCI and UCI-SC, the "Company"),  which has contracted with UCI-SC to provide the
medical  direction of the  Centers.  The medical  directors  operate the Centers
under  the  financial  and  operational  control  of  UCI-SC.  However,  medical
supervision of the Centers is provided  solely by the P.A. The P.A. is organized
so that all physician services are offered by the physicians who are employed by
the P.A. Neither UCI nor UCI-SC employ  practicing  physicians as practitioners,
exert control over their  decisions  regarding  medical care or represent to the
public  that  it  offers   medical   services.   UCI-SC  has  entered   into  an
administrative  services  agreement  with the P.A.  for the  performance  of all
administrative,  management  and support  functions.  UCI-SC  believes  that the
services it provides to the P.A.  which result in control over the assets of the
P.A. and mandate  financial  statement  consolidation  under Generally  Accepted
Accounting   Principles  do  not  constitute  the  practice  of  medicine  under
applicable laws.

Nevertheless,  because of the  uniqueness of the  structure of the  relationship
described above, many aspects of the Company's business operations have not been
the subject of state or federal  regulatory  interpretation  and there can be no
assurance  that a review of the  Company's  business by the courts or regulatory
authorities  will not result in a determination  that could adversely affect the
operations of the Company or that the health care  regulatory  environment  will
not  change  so as to  restrict  the  Company's  existing  operations  or future

The Centers

The Centers are staffed by licensed  physicians,  other healthcare providers and
administrative  support  staff.  The medical  support  staff  includes  licensed
nurses,   certified  medical  assistants,   laboratory   technicians  and  x-ray

The Centers  typically are open for extended  hours  (weekends and evenings) and
out-patient  care  only.  When  hospitalization  or  specialty  care is  needed,
referrals to appropriate specialists are made.

The  Company's  Centers are broadly  distributed  throughout  the state of South
Carolina. There are twenty-two primary care Centers in the Columbia region, five
in the  Charleston  region,  five in the Myrtle Beach  region,  two in the Aiken
region, and six in the Greenville-Spartanburg region.

The Company is considering introducing its medical model into neighboring states
as management believes that the same conditions that led to the Company's growth
to date in South Carolina exist in other states.  Although  management  believes
that expansion into  neighboring  states is possible,  there can be no assurance
that expansion into other states would be successful.


Medical Services Provided at the Centers

The Company's Centers offer out-patient medical care, without  appointment,  for
treatment of acute and episodic  medical  problems.  The Centers provide a broad
range of medical  services  which would  generally be  classified  as within the
scope of family practice and  occupational  medicine.  The medical  services are
provided by licensed  physicians,  nurses and auxiliary support  personnel.  The
services provided at the Centers include, but are not limited to, the following:

  (bullet)   Routine care of general medical problems, including colds, flu, ear
             infections, hypertension, asthma, pneumonia and other conditions
             typically treated by primary care providers;

  (bullet)   Treatment of injuries, such as simple fractures, dislocations,
             sprains, bruises and cuts;

  (bullet)   Minor surgery, including suturing of lacerations and removal of
             cysts and foreign bodies;

   (bullet)  Diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, electrocardiograms, complete
             blood counts, urinalysis and various cultures; and

   (bullet)  Occupational and industrial medical services, including drug
             testing, workers' compensation and physical examinations.

At any of the Centers, a patient with a life-threatening condition would be
evaluated by the physician, stabilized and immediately referred to a nearby

Patient Charges and Payments

The fees charged to a patient are  determined by the nature of medical  services
rendered. Management of the Company believes that the charges at its Centers are
significantly  lower than the charges of hospital emergency  departments and are
generally  competitive  with the charges of local physicians and other providers
in the area.

The Company's Centers accept payment from a wide range of sources. These include
patient  payments at time of service (by cash,  check or credit  card),  patient
billing and assignment of insurance benefits  (including Blue Cross/Blue Shield,
Workers'  Compensation  and  other  private  insurance).  Private  pay  billings
represent  the most  significant  source of revenues.  The Company also provides
services  for  members  of the four  largest  health  maintenance  organizations
("HMOs")  operating  in  South  Carolina  -  Companion  HealthCare  Corporation,
HealthSource South Carolina, Inc., Physician's Health Plan, and Maxicare.

Capitated Reimbursement Arrangements

Medical services  traditionally  have been provided on a  fee-for-service  basis
with insurance companies assuming  responsibility for paying all or a portion of
such fees. The increase in medical costs under traditional indemnity health care
plans has been caused by a number of factors.  These  factors  include:  (i) the
lack  of   incentives   on  the  part  of  health  care   providers  to  deliver
cost-effective  medical care;  (ii) the absence of controls over the utilization
of costly  specialty care  physicians  and hospitals;  (iii) a growing and aging
population  which  requires  increased  health care  expenditures;  and (iv) the
expense involved with the introduction and use of advanced  pharmaceuticals  and
medical technology.

As  a  result  of  escalating  health  care  costs,   employers,   insurers  and
governmental entities all have sought cost-effective  approaches to the delivery
of and payment for quality health care  services.  HMOs and other managed health
care  organizations  have emerged as integral  components  in this effort.  HMOs
enroll members by entering into contracts with employer  groups or directly with
individuals  to provide a broad range of health care  services  for a capitation
payment,  with minimal or no deductibles or co-payments required of the members.
HMOs,  in  turn,  contract  with  health  care  providers  like the  Company  to
administer  medical care to HMO members.  These 


contracts provide for payment to the Company on either a discounted
fee-for-service or through capitation payments based on the number of members
covered, regardless of the amount of necessary medical care required within the
covered benefit period.

The Company negotiates  contracts with HMOs for the P.A.'s physicians to provide
health care on a capitated  reimbursement  basis.  Under these contracts,  which
typically are  automatically  renewed on an annual basis, the P.A.'s  physicians
provide  virtually  all covered  primary  care  services in exchange for a fixed
monthly  capitation  payment  from the HMOs for each  member who  chooses a P.A.
physician as his or her primary care physician.  The capitation  amount is fixed
depending  upon  the  age  and  sex of the HMO  enrollee.  Contracts  with  HMOs
accounted for approximately 11% of the Company's net revenues in fiscal 1997.

To the extent that enrollees  require more care than is  anticipated,  aggregate
capitation  payments may be insufficient to cover the costs  associated with the
treatment  of  enrollees.  No  capitation  contracts  currently  in place at the
Company  have been  determined  to be  insufficient  to cover  related  costs of
treatment.  Higher  capitation rates are typically  received for senior patients
because their medical needs are generally  greater and  consequently the cost of
covered care is higher.

Certain  third party  payors are  studying  various  alternatives  for  reducing
medical costs, some of which, if implemented,  could affect reimbursement levels
to the Company.  Management of the Company  cannot  predict  whether  changes in
present  reimbursement methods or proposed future modifications in reimbursement
methods will affect  payments  for services  provided by the Centers and, if so,
whether they will have an adverse impact upon the business of the Company.

Competition and Marketing

All of the Company's Centers face competition, in varying degrees, from hospital
emergency  rooms,  private  doctor's  offices and other  competing  freestanding
medical  centers.  Some of these  providers have financial  resources  which are
greater than those of the Company.  In addition,  traditional sources of medical
services, such as hospital emergency rooms and private physicians,  have had, in
the past, a higher degree of recognition and acceptance by patients than Centers
such as those  operated by the Company.  The  Company's  Centers  compete on the
basis of  accessibility,  including  evening and weekend hours, a no-appointment
policy,  the  attractiveness  of  the  Company's  state-wide  network  to  large
employers and third party payors,  and on a basis of a competitive fee schedule.
In an effort to offset the competition's community recognition,  the Company has
substantially    increased   its   marketing    efforts.    Regional   marketing
representatives have been added, focused promotional material has been developed
and a newsletter  for  employers  promoting the  Company's  activities  has been
initiated.  Additionally,  the Company has created a Family Practice Division to
attract those  patients who desire to visit the more  traditional  type doctor's
office - by appointment.

Government Regulation

Federal law and the laws of many states,  including  South  Carolina,  generally
specify who may practice  medicine and limit the scope of relationships  between
medical practitioners and other parties.  Under such laws, business corporations
such as UCI and UCI-SC are  prohibited  from  practicing  medicine or exercising
control  over the  provision of medical  services.  In order to comply with such
laws,  all  medical  services  at the  Centers  are  provided  by or  under  the
supervision of the P.A., which has contracted with UCI-SC to provide the medical
direction of the Centers.  The P.A. is organized so that all physician  services
are  offered by the  physicians  who are  employed  by the P.A.  Neither UCI nor
UCI-SC employ practicing  physicians as practitioners,  exert control over their
decisions  regarding  medical  care or  represent  to the public  that it offers
medical services.  UCI-SC has entered into an administrative  services agreement
with the P.A. for the  performance by UCI-SC of all  administrative,  management
and support functions. UCI-SC believes that the services it provides to the P.A.
which  result in  control  over the  assets of the P.A.  and  mandate  financial
statement  consolidation under Generally Accepted  Accounting  Principles do not
constitute  the practice of medicine under  applicable  laws.  Accordingly,  the
Company  believes that it is not in violation of applicable  state laws relating
to the practice of medicine.


As a  participant  in the health care  industry,  the Company's  operations  and
relationships are subject to extensive and increasing  regulation by a number of
governmental  entities  at the  federal,  state and local  levels.  The  Company
believes  its  operations  are in  material  compliance  with  applicable  laws.
Nevertheless,  because of the  uniqueness of the  structure of the  relationship
between UCI-SC and the P.A., many aspects of UCI's business  operations have not
been the subject of state or federal regulatory  interpretation and there can be
no  assurance  that a review  of UCI's  or the  P.A.'s  business  by  courts  or
regulatory  authorities will not result in a determination  that could adversely
affect the operations of UCI or that the health care regulatory environment will
not change so as to restrict UCI's existing operations or its expansion.

Approximately  five (5%)  percent of the revenues of the Company is derived from
payments  made  by  government-sponsored   health  care  programs  (principally,
Medicare and Medicaid).  As a result,  any change in reimbursement  regulations,
policies,  practices,  interpretations  or statutes could  adversely  affect the
operations  of the Company.  There are also state and federal civil and criminal
statutes imposing substantial penalties,  including civil and criminal fines and
imprisonment,  on health care providers  that  fraudulently  or wrongfully  bill
governmental or other third-party  payors for health care services.  The Company
believes  it is in  material  compliance  with  such  laws,  but there can be no
assurance that the Company's activities will not be challenged or scrutinized by
governmental authorities.

Certain  provisions  of the Social  Security  Act,  commonly  referred to as the
"Anti-kickback Statute", prohibit the offer, payment, solicitation or receipt of
any form of  remuneration in return for the referral of Medicare or state health
program  patients  or  patient  care   opportunities,   or  in  return  for  the
recommendation,  arrangement, purchase, lease or order of items or services that
are covered by  Medicare  or state  health  programs.  Many states have  adopted
similar  prohibitions  against payments intended to induce referrals of Medicaid
and other third-party  payor patients.  Although the Company believes that it is
not in violation of the  Anti-kickback  Statute or similar state  statutes,  its
operations  do not fit within  any of the  existing  or  proposed  federal  safe

Significant  prohibitions  against physician  referrals were enacted by the U.S.
Congress in the Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation  Act of 1993.  Subject to certain
exemptions,  a physician or a member of his immediate  family is prohibited from
referring  Medicare or  Medicaid  patients  to an entity  providing  "designated
health services" in which the physician has an ownership or investment  interest
or with which the physician has entered into a compensation  arrangement.  While
the  Company  believes  it  is  in  compliance  with  such  legislation,  future
regulations  could  require the Company to modify the form of its  relationships
with physician groups. Some states have also enacted similar  self-referral laws
and the Company believes it is likely that more states will follow.  The Company
believes that its practices fit within  exemptions  contained in such  statutes.
Nevertheless,   expansion   of  the   operations   of  the  Company  to  certain
jurisdictions  may require  structural and  organizational  modifications of the
Company's  relationships  with  physician  groups to comply  with new or revised
state statutes.

Because the P.A. remains a separate legal entity,  it may be deemed a competitor
subject to a range of antitrust  laws which prohibit  anti-competitive  conduct,
including price fixing,  concerted  refusals to deal and division of market. The
Company  intends to comply with such state and federal laws which may affect its
development  of integrated  health care delivery  networks,  but there can be no
assurance  that a review of the  Company's  business  by  courts  or  regulatory
authorities  will not result in a determination  that could adversely affect the
operation of the Company.

As a result of the  continued  escalation of health care costs and the inability
of many individuals to obtain health insurance,  numerous proposals have been or
may be introduced in the U.S. Congress and state legislatures relating to health
care reform.  There can be no assurance  as to the ultimate  content,  timing or
effect of any health care reform legislation, nor is it possible at this time to
estimate the impact of  potential  legislation,  which may be  material,  on the

Federal and state laws regulate insurance companies, HMOs and other managed care
organizations.  Generally,  these laws apply to entities  that accept  financial
risk.  Certain  of the  risk  arrangements  entered  into by the  Company  could
possibly be  characterized  by some states as the  business  of  insurance.  The
Company,  however, 


believes that the acceptance of capitation payments by a healthcare provider
does not constitute the conduct of the business of insurance. Many states also
regulate the establishment and operation of networks of healthcare providers.
Generally, these laws do not apply to the hiring and contracting of physicians
by other healthcare providers. There can be no assurance that regulators of the
states in which the Company may operate would not apply these laws to require
licensure of the Company's operations as an insurer or provider network. The
Company believes that it is in compliance with these laws in the state in which
it currently does business, but there can be no assurance that future
interpretations of these laws by the regulatory authorities in South Carolina or
the states in which the Company may expand will not require licensure or a
restructuring of some or all of the Company's operations. In the event that the
Company is required to become licensed under these laws, the licensure process
can be lengthy and time consuming and, unless the regulatory authority permits
the Company to continue to operate while the licensure process is progressing,
the Company could experience a material adverse change in its business while the
licensure process is pending. In addition, many of the licensing requirements
mandate strict financial and other requirements which the Company may not
immediately be able to meet. Further, once licensed, the Company would be
subject to continuing oversight by and reporting to the respective regulatory


As of  September  30,  1997 and 1996,  the  Company  had 480 and 429  employees,
respectively (384 and 330, respectively,  on a full-time equivalent basis). This
includes 84 and 72 medical providers, respectively, employed by the P.A.

Advisory Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain  of the  statements  contained  in this PART I, Item 1  (Description  of
Business)  and in PART II,  Item 6  (Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations) that are not historical facts are
forward-looking  statements  subject to the safe  harbor  created by the Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995. The Company cautions readers of this
Annual Report on Form 10-KSB that such forward-looking  statements involve known
and unknown  risks,  uncertainties  and other factors which may cause the actual
results,  performance or achievements of the Company to be materially  different
from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although the
Company's  management believes that their expectations of future performance are
based on reasonable  assumptions  within the bounds of their  knowledge of their
business and operations,  there can be no assurance that actual results will not
differ  materially  from their  expectations.  Factors  which could cause actual
results to differ from expectations include,  among other things, the difficulty
in controlling the Company's costs of providing healthcare and administering its
network of Centers;  the possible negative effects from changes in reimbursement
and  capitation  payment  levels and payment  practices by insurance  companies,
healthcare plans, government payors and other payment sources; the difficulty of
attracting  primary care  physicians;  the increasing  competition  for patients
among healthcare providers; possible government regulations negatively impacting
the existing  organizational  structure of the  Company;  the possible  negative
effects of prospective  healthcare  reform;  the challenges and uncertainties in
the  implementation  of the Company's  expansion and development  strategy;  the
dependence on key personnel,  and other factors  described in this report and in
other reports filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Item 2.  Description of Properties

All but one of the Company's  primary care Centers'  facilities are leased.  The
properties are generally  located on  well-traveled  major  highways,  with easy
access. Each property offers free,  off-street parking  immediately  adjacent to
the center.  One Center is leased from an entity  affiliated  with the Company's
Chairman.  Six Centers are leased from Companion HealthCare  Corporation and one
Center is  leased  from  Companion  Property  and  Casualty  Insurance  Company,
principal  shareholders  of the  Company.  Ten of the  Centers  are leased  from
physician  employees  of the P.A. See  additional  information  regarding  these
leases at Item 12, "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."


Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

The Company is party to various claims,  legal activities and complaints arising
in the  normal  course of  business.  In the  opinion  of  management  and legal
counsel,  aggregate  liabilities,  if any,  arising from legal actions would not
have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Company.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Not applicable.


                                     PART II

Item 5.  Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters

The common  stock of the Company is traded on the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market under
the symbol UCIA. The prices set forth below indicate the high and low bid prices
reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market for the indicated periods.

                                                     Bid Price

Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1997              High                     Low

1st quarter (10/01/96 - 12/31/96)              $3-3/8                   $2-3/8
2nd quarter (01/01/97 - 03/31/97)               3-3/8                    2-1/2
3rd quarter (04/01/97 - 06/30/97)               2-11/16                  1-11/16
4th quarter (07/01/97 - 09/30/97)               2-3/4                    1-5/16

                                                     Bid Price

Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1996              High                     Low

1st quarter (10/01/95 - 12/31/95)               $4-1/4                   $3-1/8
2nd quarter (01/01/96 - 03/31/96)                5-1/8                    3-1/4
3rd quarter (04/01/96 - 06/30/96)                4                        3-1/4
4th quarter (07/01/96 - 09/30/96)                3-3/4                    2-7/8

                                                     Bid Price

Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1995              High                    Low

1st quarter (10/01/94 - 12/31/94)               $3-1/8                   $1-1/2
2nd quarter (01/01/95 - 03/31/95)                3-1/4                    1-1/2
3rd quarter (04/01/95 - 06/30/95)                3-3/8                    2-1/4
4th quarter (07/01/95 - 09/30/95)                3-1/4                    1-3/4

The foregoing  quotations  reflect  inter-dealer  prices  without retail markup,
markdown or commission and may not necessarily reflect actual transactions.

As of September 30, 1997, there were 652 stockholders of record of the Company's
common stock, excluding individual participants in security position listings.

The Company has not paid cash dividends on its common stock since  inception and
has no plans to declare cash dividends in the foreseeable future.

Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities

During the  Company's  fiscal year ended  September  30,  1997,  the  securities
identified  below were  issued by the  Company  without  registration  under the
Securities Act of 1933. In each case, all of the shares were issued  pursuant to
the exemption from registration  contained in Section 4(2) of the Securities Act
of 1933 (the "Act") and Rule 506 of Regulation D under the Act as a transaction,
not involving a general solicitation,  in which the purchaser was purchasing for
investment.  The Company believes that each purchaser was given or had access to


detailed  financial  and other  information  with  respect  to the  Company  and
possessed requisite financial sophistication.

On August 1, 1997,  the Company issued 253,648 shares of its common stock to Dr.
Stephen F. Serbin,  253,648 shares of its common stock to Dr. Peter J. Stahl and
10,353 shares of its common stock to Dr. Sharon  Silverman as  consideration  in
connection with the merger of the medical practice of Doctors Serbin, Stahl, and
Silverman with UCI-SC.

On September 9, 1997,  the Company  issued  19,513 shares of its common stock to
Dr. Leif M. Adams as part of the purchase price in connection with the Company's
acquisition of  substantially  all of the assets of the medical  practice of Dr.

     Item 6.  Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and
Results of Operations

The following  discussion and analysis  provides  information  which the Company
believes  is  relevant  to an  assessment  and  understanding  of the  Company's
consolidated  results of operations  and financial  condition.  This  discussion
should be read in conjunction  with the  consolidated  financial  statements and
notes thereto.

                       STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DATA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                              (In thousands, except per share data)
                                                                For the year ended September 30,

                                               1997           1996           1995          1994          1993
                                            -----------     ---------     -----------    ----------    ----------

Revenues                                    $27,925          $23,254      $17,987          $12,540        $9,799
Income (loss) before extraordinary items        (84)             466       (1,360)             644           268
Net income (loss)                               (84)             466       (1,360)             644           407
Net income (loss) per share1                   (.02)             .11         (.43)             .28           .21
Weighted average number of shares 
  outstanding1                                5,000            4,294        3,137            2,324         1,971

                                                BALANCE SHEET DATA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  (In thousands, except per share data)
                                                                            At September 30,
                                                 1997            1996           1995           1994         1993
                                               ----------     -----------    -----------     ---------    ----------

Working capital                                 $  2,921         $ 2,020     $   (383)         $  763     $  (845)
Premises & equipment, net                          4,003           3,300        2,795           1,098         487
Total assets                                      20,864          15,733       10,216           6,674       2,940
Long-term debt                                     7,939           5,373        4,366           2,838         667
Stockholders' equity                               9,488           7,822        3,253           2,603         457

- ----------------------------

1 The net income  (loss)  per share and the  weighted  average  number of shares
outstanding  has been restated for all periods  presented to reflect the one for
five reverse stock split effected on July 27, 1994.


Consolidation with the P.A.

The  consolidated  financial  statements of the Company  include the accounts of
UCI, UCI-SC and the P.A. The financial  statements of the P.A. are  consolidated
with UCI because UCI-SC has unilateral control over the assets and operations of
the P.A., and  notwithstanding the lack of majority ownership of the P.A. by UCI
and  UCI-SC,  consolidation  of the P.A.  with UCI and  UCI-SC is  necessary  to
present  fairly the  financial  position  and results of  operations  of UCI and
UCI-SC.  The management  agreement between UCI-SC and the P.A. conveys to UCI-SC
perpetual, unilateral control over the assets and operations of the P.A. Control
is perpetual rather than temporary  because of (i) the length of the term of the
agreement,  (ii) the  continuing  investment  of capital  by  UCI-SC,  (iii) the
employment of all of the  non-physician  personnel by UCI-SC and (iv) the nature
of the services provided to the P.A. by UCI-SC.

In November 1997 the Emerging Issue Task Force (EITF)  finalized EITF 97-2 which
provides  guidance on consolidation of physician  practices and enhances related
disclosures  of  physician  practice  management  companies.  This  EITF 97-2 is
effective for fiscal years ending after  December 15 1998. The Company is in the
process of evaluating any potential effect on its financial reporting format.

Procedurally,  the management  agreement  calls for the P.A. to provide  medical
services and charge a fee to the patient or to the patient's  insurance  carrier
or employer for such services. Physician salaries are paid out of these revenues
and all  remaining  revenues  are passed to UCI-SC as a management  fee.  UCI-SC
provides  all  support  personnel  (nurses,  technicians,   receptionists),  all
administrative  functions  (billing,   collecting,   vendor  payment),  and  all
facilities,  supplies and equipment.  The  consolidated  accounts of the Company
include all revenue and all expenses (including physician salaries) of all three

The P.A.  enters into  employment  agreements  with physicians for terms ranging
from one to ten years.  All  employment  agreements  have clauses that allow for
early termination of the agreement if certain events occur such as the loss of a
medical license.  Over 80% of the physicians employed by the P.A. are paid on an
hourly basis for time  scheduled  and worked at the medical  centers.  The other
physicians  are salaried.  A few of the physicians  have incentive  compensation
arrangements,  however,  no amounts  were  accrued or paid during the  Company's
three prior fiscal  years that were  significant.  As of September  30, 1997 and
1996, the P.A.
employed 84 and 72 medical providers, respectively.

The net  assets  of the P.A.  are not  material  for any  period  presented  and
intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated. For the fiscal year
ended  September  30,  1997,  the  Company has shown a  substantial  increase in
revenues and in the number of medical centers under management. This growth is a
direct result of actions taken by management to increase marketing  efforts,  to
expand the  state-wide  network in South  Carolina  and to focus on the field of
occupational and industrial medicine.

Results of Operations for the Year Ended September 30, 1997 Compared to the Year
Ended September 30, 1996

For fiscal year 1997,  revenues of  $27,925,000  reflect an increase of 20% from
the amount reported for fiscal year 1996. The following  reflects revenue trends
from fiscal year 1993 through fiscal year 1997:

                           For the year ended September 30, (in thousands)
                           1997     1996      1995    1994     1993   
                         --------- --------- -------- -------- -------

Revenues                 $27,925  $23,254    $17,987  $12,540   $9,799
Operating Costs           26,466   21,525     18,180   11,881    9,133
Operating Margin           1,458    1,729       (193)     660      666

The  increase  in revenue for fiscal  year 1997 is  attributable  to a number of
factors. The Company engaged in a significant  expansion,  increasing the number
of primary care medical Centers in South Carolina from 29 to 33


(as of September 30, 1997). The expansion included the addition of seven Centers
and the closure of three Centers, for a net addition of three Centers to the
cluster in Columbia (bringing the total to 18) and one Center in Greenville
(bringing the total to six in this region). Myrtle Beach has four locations and
the Charleston area has the remaining five sites. The revenue from the net
increase in new locations in fiscal year 1997 and from the full year of
operations of the locations added in fiscal year 1996 represented the most
significant portion of the revenue growth. Of the $4,671,000 in revenue growth,
approximately $876,000 was from the net increase of four locations opened in
fiscal year 1997 and approximately $2,462,000 was the result of having the four
locations opened during fiscal year 1996 operating for all of fiscal year 1997.

The  increase of four  Centers in fiscal year 1997 was net of two centers in the
Columbia  area and one center in the Myrtle  Beach area that were closed  during
fiscal year 1997.  Each of these centers were  start-ups  (versus  acquisitions)
and,  therefore,  had no related  intangible  assets recorded,  and each had not
proven to be profitable in a reasonable  period of time. The aggregate  costs of
the three centers closed  exceeded their  aggregate  revenues by $253,000 during
fiscal year 1997.

The  remainder  of  the  revenue  growth  in  fiscal  year  1997  (approximately
$1,333,000)  was the  result of "same  center"  growth  in  patient  visits  and
charges.  This represents an average growth of approximately  seven (7%) percent
in revenue at these established centers.

The Company, in fiscal year 1997,  increased its services provided to members of
HMOs.  In  these  arrangements,  the  Company,  through  the  P.A.,  acts as the
designated  primary  caregiver  for members of HMOs who have selected one of the
Company's  centers or providers as their primary care  provider.  In fiscal year
1994, the Company began participating in an HMO operated by Companion HealthCare
Corporation  ("CHC"),  a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Blue Cross Blue Shield of
South Carolina  ("BCBS").  BCBS,  through CHC, is a primary  stockholder of UCI.
Including its  arrangement  with CHC, the Company now  participates in four HMOs
and is the primary care  "gatekeeper"  for more than 20,000  capitated  lives in
fiscal  year 1997  compared  to 18,000 in fiscal  year 1996 and 11,000 is fiscal
year 1995. While HMOs do not, at this time, have a significant  penetration into
the South Carolina market, the Company believes that HMOs and other managed care
plans will  experience  a  substantial  increase in market share in the next few
years,  and the Company is therefore  positioning  itself for this  possibility.
Capitated  revenue grew from  approximately  $2,400,000  for fiscal year 1996 to
$3,100,000  ($700,000,  or 15%, of the  $4,671,000 in total  revenue  growth) in
fiscal year 1997.

The Company negotiates  contracts with HMOs for the P.A.'s physicians to provide
health care on a capitated  reimbursement  basis.  Under these contracts,  which
typically  are  automatically  renewed on an annual basis,  the P.A.  physicians
provide  virtually all covered primary care services and receive a fixed monthly
capitation payment from the HMOs for each member who chooses a P.A. physician as
his or her primary care physician. The capitation amount is fixed depending upon
the  age  and  sex of the  HMO  enrollee.  Contracts  with  HMOs  accounted  for
approximately  11% of the  Company's net revenue in fiscal year 1997 compared to
10% in fiscal year 1996 and 8% in fiscal year 1995.

Increased  revenues in fiscal year 1997 also  reflect the  Company's  heightened
focus on occupational medicine and industrial health services. Focused marketing
materials,  including  quarterly  newsletters  for employers,  were developed to
spotlight the Company's services for industry.  The Company also entered into an
agreement  with  Companion  Property and  Casualty  Insurance  Company  ("CP&C")
wherein the Company  acts as the primary care  provider  for injured  workers of
firms insured through CP&C. CP&C is a primary stockholder of UCI. See additional
information at Item 12, "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions".

Patient  encounters  increased  to 393,000 in fiscal year 1997,  from 338,000 in
fiscal year 1996.

Even with the positive  effects of the factors  mentioned  above,  revenues were
short of goals  for the  year,  due in part to the  increased  competition  from
hospitals and other providers in Columbia,  Greenville, Sumter and Myrtle Beach.
In each of these areas,  regional  hospitals have acquired or opened new primary
care physician practices that compete directly with the Company for patients. In
each case, the hospital  owner of the Company's  competition is believed to have
significantly greater resources than the Company.  Management believes that


such competition will continue into the future and plans to compete on a basis
of quality service and accessibility.

An operating  margin of $1,458,000  was realized in fiscal year 1997 as compared
to  an  operating  margin  of  $1,729,000  in  fiscal  year  1996.  This  margin
deterioration was primarily the result of the increased  cost-cutting  pressures
being applied by managed care insurance  payors that cover many of the Company's
patients.  The  following  table  breaks out the  Company's  revenue and patient
visits by revenue source for fiscal year 1997:

                                       Percent (%) of            Percent (%) of
            Payor                      Patient Visits               Revenue
- -----------------------------       -------------------        -----------------

   Patient Pay                                24%                       24%
   Employer Paid                              15%                       11%
   HMO                                        10%                       11%
   Workers Compensation                       10%                       14%
   Medicare/Medicaid                          12%                        7%
   Managed Care Insurance                     24%                       28%
   Other                                       5%                        5%

As  managed  care  plans  attempt  to cut costs,  they  typically  increase  the
administrative  burden of providers  such as the Company by  requiring  referral
approvals and by requesting  hard copies of medical records before they will pay
claims.  The number of patients at the  Company's  Centers that are covered by a
managed  care  plan  versus a  traditional  indemnity  plan  continues  to grow.
Management expects this trend to continue.

The operating margin  deterioration was also contributed to by the high costs of
the three centers  closed during fiscal year 1997.  Costs  exceeded  revenues by
$253,000 at these three centers during the fiscal year 1997.

Depreciation  and  amortization  expense  increased to $1,250,000 in fiscal year
1997,  up from  $961,000  in fiscal year 1996.  This  increase  reflects  higher
depreciation  expense  as a result of  significant  leasehold  improvements  and
equipment upgrades at a number of the Company's Centers,  as well as an increase
in  amortization  expense  related to the  intangible  assets  acquired from the
Company's  purchase  of existing  practices  in  Greenville  and  Columbia.  Net
interest  expense  increased  from  $583,000  in fiscal year 1996 to $813,000 in
fiscal year 1997 primarily as a result of the interest costs associated with the
indebtedness  incurred in the  leasehold  improvements,  the  operating  line of
credit the Company  has with its  primary  bank,  and debt  associated  with the
acquisitions noted above.

     Results of  Operations  and  Balance  Sheet  Analysis  for Fiscal Year 1996
Compared to Fiscal Year 1995

Total  revenues  for  fiscal  year 1996  increased  by 29% to  $23,254,000  from
$17,987,000  for fiscal year 1995.  The Company  expanded  from 25 to 29 Centers
during fiscal year 1996.

The Company, in fiscal year 1996,  increased its services provided to members of
HMOs.  In  these  arrangements,  the  Company,  through  the  P.A.,  acts as the
designated  primary  caregiver  for members of HMOs who have selected one of the
Company's  Centers or providers  as their  primary  care  provider.  The Company
participated  in  four  HMOs  during  fiscal  1996  and  was  the  primary  care
"gatekeeper" for more than 18,000 capitated lives.

Patient  encounters  increased  to 393,000 in fiscal  year 1996 from  283,000 in
fiscal year 1995.

An operating  margin of $1,729,000 was realized in fiscal 1996 as compared to an
operating loss of $193,000 in fiscal year 1995. This  improvement was attributed
to cost cutting measures put into place in the third quarter of fiscal year 1995
which focused on personnel costs.


Depreciation and amortization expense increased to $961,000 in fiscal year 1996,
up from $579,000 in fiscal year 1995. This increase reflects higher depreciation
expense as a result of significant leasehold improvements and equipment upgrades
at a  number  of the  Company's  medical  centers,  as  well as an  increase  in
amortization  expense  related  to  the  intangible  assets  acquired  from  the
Company's  purchase  of existing  practices  in  Greenville  and  Columbia.  Net
interest  expense  increased  from  $505,000  in fiscal year 1995 to $583,000 in
fiscal year 1996 primarily as a result of the interest costs associated with the
indebtedness incurred in leasehold improvements and the operating line of credit
the Company had with its primary bank.

Effective October 1, 1993, the Company adopted Statement of Financial  Standards
No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" ("SFAS 109") which requires the use of an
asset and  liability  approach to accounting  for income  taxes.  As part of the
adoption of SFAS 109, the Company has  recognized a deferred tax asset  relating
to net  operating  loss carry  forwards  which are  available  to offset  future
taxable income.

Cash and cash  equivalents  increased  from  $77,000 at  September  30,  1995 to
$238,000 at September 30, 1996.  Cash was provided  mainly via the sale of stock
and the increase in debt.

Accounts  receivable   increased  from  $2,343,000  at  September  30,  1995  to
$4,187,000 at September 30, 1996.  This was  attributable to the opening of four
additional  primary  care  Centers and the overall  growth in patient  visits to
existing Centers.

The increase in property and equipment  during fiscal year 1996 is  attributable
to the  equipment  needs  of new  centers  and the  upgrading  of  equipment  at
established  centers.  The  excess  of cost  over  the net  assets  of  acquired
businesses  (goodwill)  totaled  $5,829,000  at September  30, 1996  compared to
$3,578,000  at the end of the  previous  fiscal  year and  reflects  the medical
practices acquired.

The current  portion of debt  decreased  in fiscal  year 1996 to  $914,000  from
$1,245,000 at the end of fiscal year 1995.  This reduction was mainly due to the
refinancing  of the line of  credit  to a  long-term  maturity.  Long-term  debt
increased from  $3,121,000 to $4,459,000  primarily as a result of  indebtedness
incurred  in  capital  leases for Center  upfits  and in the  utilization  of an
operating line of credit.

Overall,  the  Company's  current  assets  exceeded its current  liabilities  at
September 30, 1996 by $2,020,000.

Results of Operations for the Three Months Ended  September 30, 1997 as Compared
to the Three Months Ended September 30, 1996:

The following summarizes the fiscal 1997 fourth quarter results of operations as
compared to the prior year:

                                            For the Three Months Ended
                                  September 30, 1997        September 30, 1996
                                       (in 000's)                (in 000's)
                               ----------------------    ----------------------

  Revenues                          $   7,625                 $   6,250
  Operating Costs                       7,590                     6,012
  Operating Margin                         35                       238

  G&A Expenses                             25                        59
  Depreciation & Amortization             358                       273
  Interest Expense, net                   242                       156
  Benefit for Income Taxes                167                       266
  Net Income (loss)                      (423)                       16

     Revenues of $7,625,000 for the quarter ending September 30, 1997 reflect an
increase of twenty-two  (22%) percent from those of the quarter ending September
30, 1996.


Of the net increase of four centers during the year,  discussed  earlier,  three
were added  during the fourth  quarter  and  represented  $530,000  of the total
$1,375,000 in revenue growth from quarter to quarter.

     Patient  encounters  increased  to 106,000 in the fourth  quarter of fiscal
1997 from 88,000 in the fourth quarter of fiscal 1996.

Even with the positive  effects of the factors  mentioned  above,  revenues were
short of goals for the quarter,  due in part to the increased  competition  from
hospitals and other providers in Columbia,  Greenville, Sumter and Myrtle Beach.
In each of these areas,  regional  hospitals have acquired or opened new primary
care physician practices that compete directly with the Company for patients. In
each  case,  the  hospital  owners  of our  competition  are  believed  to  have
significantly greater resources than the Company.  Management believes that such
competition  will  continue  into the  future and plans to compete on a basis of
quality service and accessibility.

During  the fourth  quarter  of fiscal  year 1997,  the  Company  increased  its
allowance for doubtful accounts by $279,000.

The increases in depreciation, amortization and interest expense are all related
to the items  discussed in the  year-to-date  results with nothing unusual being
recorded in the fourth quarter.

Financial Condition at September 30, 1997

The Company grew significantly during the year ended September 30, 1997.

Cash and cash  equivalents  decreased  from  $238,000 at  September  30, 1996 to
$15,000  at  September  30,  1997.  Cash was used  mainly  for  acquisitions  of
equipment and practice intangibles.

Accounts  receivable   increased  from  $4,187,000  at  September  30,  1996  to
$5,944,000 at September  30, 1997.  This was  attributable  to the net growth of
four additional primary care Centers and the overall growth in patient visits to
existing Centers.  This growth was expected and management does not believe that
there has been a decline in the collectibility of accounts receivable.

The increase in property and equipment is attributable to the equipment needs of
new Centers and to the  up-grading  of equipment  at  established  Centers.  The
excess of cost over the net assets of  acquired  businesses  (goodwill)  totaled
$7,802,000  at  September  30,  1997  compared to  $5,829,000  at the end of the
previous fiscal year and reflects the medical practices acquired.

The growth in accounts  payable  ($1,392,000 at September 30, 1996 to $2,040,000
at September 30, 1997) and in accrued  salaries  ($751,000 at September 30, 1996
to $959,000 at September 30, 1997) is  attributable to the overall growth in the
Company  in terms  of the  number  of  centers  and  employees.  Long-term  debt
increased from  $4,459,000 to $6,920,000  primarily as a result of  indebtedness
incurred in capital leases for Center upfits, in the utilization of an operating
line of credit, and as part of practice  acquisitions.  Management believes that
it will be able to fund debt service requirements for the foreseeable future out
of cash generated through operations.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company requires  capital  principally to fund growth (acquire new Centers),
for working capital needs and for the retirement of indebtedness.  The Company's
capital  requirements  and  working  capital  needs have been  funded  through a
combination  of external  financing  (including  bank debt and proceeds from the
sale of common  stock to CHC and CP&C),  internally  generated  funds and credit
extended by suppliers.


The  Company  has  a  $3,000,000   bank  line  of  credit  with  an  outstanding
indebtedness  of  $2,906,000  at September  30,  1997.  The line of credit bears
interest of prime plus 1% with a maturity of December 1998. (Prime rate was 8.5%
as of  September  30,  1997.)  The line of  credit  is used to fund the  working
capital needs of the Company's expansion.

Operating  activities  used $461,000 of cash during  fiscal year 1997,  compared
with $1,197,000 used during fiscal year 1996. The increased  utilization of cash
for the increase of accounts receivable  resulting from the growth in the number
of  Centers  and in the number of patient  visits was offset by an  increase  in
accounts payable.

Investing activities used $808,000 of cash during fiscal year 1997 compared with
$693,000  in  fiscal  year  1996 as a result of  continued  expansion  activity.
Continued  growth is  anticipated  during  fiscal  year 1998.  (See  "Subsequent
Events" for a description of acquisition activity in the first quarter of fiscal
year 1998.)

The Company  received  $600,000 in cash during fiscal year 1997  resulting  from
private  placements  of stock  with CP&C  which  was used in part to manage  the
Company's rapid growth.  Should additional needs arise, the Company may consider
additional  capital  sources to obtain  funding.  There is no assurance that any
additional financing,  if required, will be available on terms acceptable to the
Company.  (See  "Subsequent  Events" for a description  of $1,500,000 in funding
received by the Company in the first quarter of fiscal year 1998.)

     Overall,  the Company's current assets exceeded its current  liabilities at
September 30, 1997 by $2,921,000 and by $2,020,000 at September 30, 1996.

The  Company has a plan in place to ensure that the  critical  computer  systems
that support the Company's business will be year 2000 compatible.

Subsequent Events

 On October 1, 1997,  the Company  acquired  certain  assets of a three facility
physical therapy  practice in Columbia,  South Carolina for $856,756 by assuming
certain  liabilities  and  issuing  276,976  shares of the  common  stock of the
Company.  The Company  entered  into  employment  agreements  with the  physical
therapists  who had been the owners of the  practice.  The Company  also entered
into lease  agreements or assumed  existing lease  agreements  from the previous
owners. The practice previously had annual revenues of approximately $964,000.

On October 6, 1997, the Company completed a private placement of a $1.5 million,
6.5% five-year convertible  subordinated  debenture with FPA Medical Management,
Inc., a national  physician  practice  management  company  headquartered in San
Diego,  California.  The debentures are  convertible to common stock at any time
within the five year period at a fixed price  premium to the current stock price
and are  subject to Rule 144 of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  when

On November 1, 1997, the Company  acquired  certain assets of a medical practice
in New  Ellenton,  South  Carolina  for  $262,004 by paying  $17,468 at closing,
financing  $159,536  with the seller,  and issuing  30,223  shares of the common
stock of the Company.  The Company entered into an employment agreement with the
physician who had been the sole  shareholder of the acquired  medical  practice.
The Company also entered into a lease agreement with the physician owner for the
facility occupied by the acquired medical practice.  The practice previously had
annual revenues of approximately $409,000.

On December 11, 1997,  the Company  renewed its long-term  debt  agreement  with
Carolina  First Bank for a  $3,000,000  line of credit,  bearing  interest at an
annual rate of prime plus one (1%) percent  (prime rate was 8.5% as of September
30,  1997).  This line of credit  balance at September 30, 1997 is classified as
long-term on the accompanying balance sheet.


Item 7.  Financial Statements

Reference is made to the Index to Financial Statements on Page 28.

     Item 8. Changes in and  Disagreements  with  Accountants  on Accounting and
Financial Disclosure

Not applicable.


                                    PART III

     Item 9.  Directors,  Executive  Officers,  Promoters  and Control  Persons;
Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act


The UCI Restated Certificate of Incorporation provides for a classified Board of
Directors so that, as nearly  possible,  one-third of the UCI Board of Directors
is  elected  each  year to serve a  three-year  term.  Currently,  the  Board of
Directors  consists of seven  directorships with staggered terms expiring at the
Annual  Meetings  of  Stockholders  in 1998,  1999  and  2000.  Pursuant  to the
authority granted to it by UCI's Bylaws, the Board of Directors has set the size
of the  Board of  Directors  at  seven  members.  Set  forth  below  is  certain
biographical information with respect to the directors of UCI.

Directors Whose Terms Expire in 2000

M.F.  McFarland,  III, M.D., 49, has served as Chairman of the Board,  President
and Chief  Executive  Officer of UCI since January 1987 and as a director of UCI
since  September 1984. From September 1984 until January 1987, he served as Vice
President of UCI. He has served as President  and as the sole director of UCI-SC
and the P.A. for over five years. He served as Associate  Professional  Director
of the Emergency  Department of Richland  Memorial  Hospital in Columbia,  South
Carolina  from 1978 to 1981 and was President of the South  Carolina  Chapter of
the American College of Emergency Physicians in 1979. Dr. McFarland is currently
a member of the Columbia Medical Society, the South Carolina Medical Association
and the American Medical Association.

Charles M. Potok,  48, has served as a director of UCI since  September 1995 and
as Executive Vice President and Chief  Operating  Officer of Companion  Property
and  Casualty  Insurance  Company  ("CP&C")  since March 1984.  Mr.  Potok is an
Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a member of the American Academy
of  Actuaries.  Prior to joining  CP&C,  Mr. Potok served as Chief  Property and
Casualty Actuary and Director of the Property and Casualty Division of the South
Carolina Department of Insurance.

Directors Whose Terms Expire in 1999

Harold H. Adams, Jr., 50, has served as a director of UCI since June 1994 and as
President  and  owner  of  Adams  and  Associates,   International,   Adams  and
Associates,  and  Southern  Insurance  Managers  since June  1992.  He served as
President of Adams Eaddy and Associates,  an independent  insurance agency, from
1980 to 1992.  Mr.  Adams  has been  awarded  the  Chartered  Property  Casualty
Underwriter  designation and is currently a member of the  President's  Board of
Visitors of Charleston Southern University in Charleston, South Carolina. He has
received  numerous  professional  awards  as the  result  of  over 25  years  of
involvement in the insurance  industry and is a member of many  professional and
civic organizations.

Thomas G.  Faulds,  56, has served as a director of UCI since August 1996 and as
Executive Vice President of Private Business for Blue Cross Blue Shield of South
Carolina  since October 1991. Mr. Faulds has been with Blue Cross Blue Shield of
South  Carolina  since  March 1972 where he has served in key senior  management
positions in government programs, information systems and operations.

Directors Whose Terms Expire in 1998

Charles P. Cannon,  47, has served as a director of UCI since September 1995, as
Vice President, Corporate Controller and Assistant Treasurer for Blue Cross Blue
Shield of South  Carolina  since April 1988 and as Assistant  Treasurer  for its
subsidiary, Companion HealthCare Corporation, since April 1988. Prior to joining
BCBS in April 1988, he was a Senior Manager and consultant for Price  Waterhouse
LLP for  eleven  years.  Mr.  Cannon is a member of the  American  Institute  of
Certified Public Accountants, the South Carolina Association


of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Management Accountants, and
the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Russell J. Froneberger,  52, has served as a director of UCI since June 1994 and
as President of Global  Consulting,  a  multinational  marketing  and  financial
consulting  firm,  since  1991.  Mr.   Froneberger  has  over  thirty  years  of
international corporate finance and marketing experience, having been associated
with  Manufacturers  Hanover Trust Company from 1967 to 1972, and South Carolina
National  Bank,  where he served as  Senior  Vice  President  of  Marketing  and
Corporate  Development  Relations  from 1972 to 1991. He has lectured on finance
and  capital  formation  at major  universities  and was the  founder  and first
Chairman of the Midlands  International  Trade  Association  in Columbia,  South

Ashby Jordan, M.D., 58, has served as a director of UCI since August 1996 and as
Vice  President of Medical  Affairs of Blue Cross Blue Shield of South  Carolina
since December 1986. Prior to joining Blue Cross Blue Shield, Dr. Jordan was the
Vice President of Medical  Affairs for CIGNA  HealthPlan of South Florida,  Inc.
Dr.Jordan is Board Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics.

Executive Officers

The names and certain other biographical  information of the executive officers,
who are not also directors of UCI are as follows:

Jerry F. Wells,  Jr., 35, has served as Chief  Financial  Officer and  Executive
Vice President of Finance of the Company since he joined the Company in February
1995 and as  Corporate  Secretary of the Company  since  December  1996.  He has
served  as Chief  Financial  Officer  and  Corporate  Secretary  of  UCI-SC  and
Corporate  Secretary of the P.A. since  December 1996.  Prior to joining UCI, he
served as a Senior  Manager and  consultant  for Price  Waterhouse LLP from 1985
until February 1995. Mr. Wells is a certified public  accountant and is a member
of the American  Institute of Certified Public  Accountants,  the South Carolina
Association  of  Certified  Public   Accountants  and  the  North  Carolina  CPA

D. Michael  Stout,  M.D.,  52, has served as Executive Vice President of Medical
Affairs of UCI since 1985. He is Board Certified in Emergency  Medicine and is a
member of the American College of Emergency  Physicians and the Columbia Medical
Society.  Dr.  Stout is also a  member  of the  American  College  of  Physician

Jon G. Keith,  48, has served as Executive  Vice  President and Chief  Operating
Officer of UCI and as Chief  Operating  Officer of UCI-SC  since  January  1997.
Prior to that time,  Mr. Keith served as Vice  President for Corporate  Services
and Vice President for  Administration  for Baptist  Healthcare  System of South
Carolina and Baptist Medical Center from 1985 until January 1997. Mr. Keith is a
Diplomate with the American College of Healthcare Executives and a member of the
Medical Group Management Association.

Jitendra S. Mehta, 46, has served as Executive Vice President of Development and
Procurement of UCI since November 1993. Mr. Mehta has an extensive background in
hospital and medical personnel administration. He served as Business Director of
Multispecialty Clinic in Maryland from 1985 to 1989 and served as Vice President
and  Partner  of  Citrus  Diagnostic  Center  from  1990 to 1993.  Mr.  Mehta is
currently a member of American  Registry  for  Radiological  Technology  and the
Nuclear Medicine Technologist Certification Board.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section 16(a) of the  Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 requires the directors
and officers of UCI to file reports of holdings and  transactions  in the common
stock of UCI with the Securities and Exchange Commission  ("SEC").  Based on UCI
records and other  information,  UCI believes  that all SEC filing  requirements
applicable  to its  directors  and officers were complied with in respect to the
fiscal year ended September 30, 1997.


Item 10.   Executive Compensation

Executive Compensation

The following table sets forth the total  compensation  earned during the fiscal
year ended  September  30, 1997 and during each of the two prior fiscal years by
the Company's  President and Chief Executive Officer and the executive  officers
of the Company whose annual  compensation from the Company exceeded $100,000 for
all services provided to UCI, UCI-SC, and the P.A. No other executive officer of
UCI, UCI-SC or the P.A.  earned  compensation in excess of $100,000 for services
provided to UCI,  UCI-SC or the P.A. in any of the three fiscal years  reflected

                                               SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                   Long Term
                                            Annual Compensation                   Underlying               All Other
Name and Principal Position        FY        Salary(1)         Bonus(1)             Options             Compensation(2)
                                 -------- ----------------- ---------------    ------------------      -------------------

M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.         1997      $  316,540 (3)   $       0 (4)         141,675               $  7,968
Chairman, President and           1996         315,000 (3)      63,500 (4)          30,000                  7,368
Chief Executive Officer           1995         194,616 (3)     145,000 (4)          35,000                  6,818

D. Michael Stout, M.D.            1997      $  216,825 (5)   $       0 (6)          79,825              $       0
Executive Vice President of       1996         198,316 (5)           0 (6)          10,000                      0
Medical Affairs                   1995         157,600 (5)      32,000 (6)          20,000                      0

(1)  Amounts   included   under  the  heading   "Salary"  and  "Bonus"   include
     compensation from both UCI-SC and the P.A.

(2)  Amounts included under the heading "All Other  Compensation"  are comprised
     of premiums for long term  disability  and life  insurance  provided by the
     Company for the benefit of Dr. McFarland.

(3)  For  services  performed  by  Dr.  McFarland  for  UCI-SC,  a  wholly-owned
     subsidiary of UCI, Dr. McFarland  received an annual salary of $157,500 and
     $157,500  during  the  fiscal  years  ended  September  30,  1997 and 1996,
     respectively. Dr. McFarland served without compensation from UCI-SC for his
     services  during the fiscal year ended  September  30,  1995.  For services
     performed  by Dr.  McFarland  for  the  P.A.,  an  affiliated  professional
     association  that contracts with UCI-SC to provide all medical  services at
     the Company's medical  facilities,  Dr. McFarland received an annual salary
     of $159,040,  $157,500,  and $194,616 for the fiscal years ended  September
     30, 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.

(4)  Pursuant to the employment  agreement  dated October 1, 1995 between UCI-SC
     and Dr. McFarland, UCI-SC accrued incentive bonuses during the fiscal years
     ended  September  30, 1997 and 1996  payable to Dr.  McFarland  of zero and
     $63,500, respectively and made no payments to Dr. McFarland against accrued
     bonuses.  The P.A.  accrued a bonus  payable  to Dr.  McFarland  during the
     fiscal year ended September 30, 1995 of $145,000.  Dr.  McFarland  received
     draws from the P.A. out of previously accrued bonuses of $62,000,  $120,000
     and $167,430  during the fiscal years ended  September 30, 1997,  1996, and
     1995, respectively.

(5)  For  services  performed by Dr.  Stout for UCI-SC,  Dr.  Stout  received an
     annual  salary of  $50,000  and  $45,833  during  the  fiscal  years  ended
     September  30,  1997 and  1996,  respectively.  Dr.  Stout  served  without
     compensation  from  UCI-SC for his  services  during the fiscal  year ended
     September 30, 1995.  For services  performed by Dr. Stout for the P.A., Dr.
     Stout received an annual salary of $166,825, $152,483, and $157,600 for the
     fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.

(6)  The P.A. accrued and paid bonuses to Dr. Stout of zero, zero and $32,000
     during the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995,


Option Grants

The following  table sets forth certain  information  with respect to options to
purchase Common Stock granted during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 to
certain of the Company's executive  officers.  (All options reflected below vest
one-third in each of the three years following grant date.)

                                          OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR
                                                  Individual Grants

                                        Number of
                                       Securities         Percent of Total
                                       Underlying          Options Granted        Exercise or
                                         Options            to Employees          Base Price            Expiration
             Name                        Granted             in FY 1997            Per Share               Date
- --------------------------------     ----------------    --------------------    --------------     -------------------

M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.                  20,000                   4.49%           $  2.8875       Dec. 18, 2001
Chairman, President and Chief             121,675                  27.31%              2.1313       June 18, 2002
Executive Officer

D.Michael Stout, M.D.                       5,000                   1.12%              2.6250       Dec. 18, 2006
Executive Vice President of                74,825                  16.80%              1.9375       June 18, 2007
Medical Affairs

Fiscal Year-End Option Values

The following table sets forth certain  information  with respect to unexercised
options to purchase  Common Stock held at September 30, 1997.  None of the named
executive  officers exercised any options during the fiscal year ended September
30, 1997.

                                          1997 FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                      Number of Securities Underlying                    Value of Unexercised
                                      Unexercised Options at 09/30/97              In-the-Money Options at 09/30/97
                                  ----------------------------------------     -----------------------------------------
                                     Exercisable           Unexercisable          Exercisable           Unexercisable
                                  ------------------     ------------------    ------------------     ------------------

M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.                 33,333              173,342                $         0           $   44,862
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer

D.    Michael Stout, M.D.                 16,666               93,159                          0               42,090
Executive Vice President of
Medical Affairs

Compensation of Directors

Non-employee  directors are paid a fee of $500 for attendance at each meeting of
the Board of Directors.  Non-employee directors of UCI are reimbursed by UCI for
all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by them in the discharge of their
duties as  directors,  including  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred in attending
meetings of the Board of Directors.


During the fiscal year 1996,  UCI adopted a  Non-Employee  Director Stock Option
Plan (the "1996 Non-Employee Plan"). The 1996 Non-Employee Plan provides for the
granting of options to two  non-employee  directors  for the  purchase of 10,000
shares of UCI's  common  stock at the fair market value as of the date of grant.
Under this plan,  5,000  options  were issued to Harold H. Adams,  Jr. and 5,000
options were issued to Russell J.  Froneberger.  These  options are  exercisable
during the period  commencing on March 20, 1999 and ending on March 20, 2006. At
September  30,  1997,  there  were  stock  options  outstanding  under  the 1996
Non-Employee Plan for 10,000 shares, none of which were exercisable.

During the fiscal year 1997,  UCI adopted a  Non-Employee  Director Stock Option
Plan (the "1997 Non-Employee Plan"). The 1997 Non-Employee Plan provides for the
granting of options to four  non-employee  directors  for the purchase of 20,000
shares of UCI's  common  stock at the fair market value as of the date of grant.
Under this plan, 5,000 options were issued each to Charles P. Cannon,  Thomas G.
Faulds,  Ashby H.  Jordan,  M.D.,  and  Charles  M.  Potok.  These  options  are
exercisable  during the period  commencing on March 28, 2000 and ending on March
28, 2007. At September 30, 1997, there were stock options  outstanding under the
1997 Non-Employee Plan for 20,000 shares, none of which were exercisable.

Employee Contracts

Effective  October 1, 1995, Dr. McFarland entered into a five year contract with
UCI-SC  that  provides  for  annual  compensation  of  $157,500,  the use of one
automobile,  and an incentive  bonus payable at the end of the Company's  fiscal
year subject to the Board of Directors'  determination and based upon net income
and gross revenue of the Company for the same year. Also,  effective  October 1,
1995,  Dr.  McFarland  entered  into a five  year  contract  with the P.A.  that
provides for annual compensation of $157,500.

Effective  November 1, 1995,  Dr. Stout  entered into a five year  contract with
UCI-SC  that  provides  for annual  compensation  of  $50,000.  Also,  effective
November 1, 1995, Dr. Stout entered into a five year contract with the P.A. that
provides for annual compensation of $160,000.

Item 11. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  known  to the  Company
regarding  the  beneficial  ownership of the common stock of UCI as of September
30, 1997.  Information is presented for (i)  shareholders  owning more than five
percent of the  outstanding  common  stock,  (ii) each  director  and  executive
officer of UCI, individually,  and (iii) all directors and executive officers of
UCI, as a group. Except as otherwise  specified,  each of the shareholders named
in the table has  indicated  to UCI that such  shareholder  has sole  voting and
investment power with respect to all shares of common stock  beneficially  owned
by that  shareholder.  Beneficial  ownership  reflected  in the  table  below is
determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of the SEC and generally
includes voting or investment power with respect to securities. Shares of common
stock   issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  options   currently   exercisable  or
convertible,  or  exercisable  or  convertible  within  sixty  days,  are deemed
outstanding  for computing the  percentage  ownership of the person holding such
options,  but are not deemed outstanding for computing the percentage  ownership
of any other person.


                                                              Number of Shares
                         Name                                Beneficially Owned          Percentage
- -------------------------------------------------------     ----------------------    ------------------

Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina                               2,624,6231                45.69%
I-20 at Alpine Road
Columbia, SC  29219

M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.                                                572,4612                 9.91%
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105
Columbia, SC  29201

D. Michael Stout, M.D.                                                   275,1263                 4.78%
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105
Columbia, SC  29201

Harold H. Adams, Jr.                                                        2,000                     *
6137 Hampton Ridge Road
Columbia, SC  29209

Charles P. Cannon                                                               0                     0
I-20 at Alpine Road
Columbia, SC  29219

Thomas G. Faulds                                                                0                     0
I-20 at Alpine Road
Columbia, SC  29219

Russell J. Froneberger                                                      2,000                     *
1201 Main Street, Suite 1980
Columbia, SC  29201

Ashby  Jordan, M.D.                                                             0                     0
I-20 at Alpine Road
Columbia, SC  29219

Jitendra Mehta                                                            16,6674                     *
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105
Columbia, SC  29201

Jon G. Keith                                                                  500                     *
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105
Columbia, SC  29201

Charles M. Potok                                                                0                     0
I-20 at Clemson Road
Columbia, SC  29219

Jerry F. Wells, Jr.                                                       25,0005                     *
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105
Columbia, SC  29201

All current directors and executive officers
   as a group (11 persons)                                               893,754                15.56%

- ------------------------------------

     * Amount  represents  less than  1.0%.  
     1  Shares are held of record by CHC (2,006,442 shares) and CP&C (618,181
        shares), each of which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BCBS.
     2  Includes 33,333 shares which may be acquired pursuant to the exercise of
        stock options.
     3  Includes 16,666 shares which may be acquired pursuant to the exercise of
        stock options.
     4  Includes 16,667 shares which may be acquired pursuant to the exercise of
        stock options.
     5  Includes 25,000 shares which may be acquired pursuant to the exercise of
        stock options


Item 12. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

Agreements with Doctor's Care

Facilities Agreement.  Pursuant to a Facilities Agreement between UCI-SC and the
P.A. (the "Facilities  Agreement"),  UCI-SC supplies to the P.A. the facilities,
equipment and assets of the Centers as well as such non-medical personnel as are
reasonably  required by the P.A. in the  operation of the Centers.  In exchange,
the P.A. provides the necessary staffing for the performance of medical services
at the Centers,  including a physician to serve as  Executive  Medical  Director
having overall  responsibility for the operations of the Centers.  From the fees
paid each month to the P.A.  for  services  rendered  at the  Centers,  the P.A.
retains an amount equal to the cost of all narcotic drugs  purchased by the P.A.
during the month and an amount  sufficient  to satisfy  the  payroll and related
personnel  costs of the P.A. for physicians  and other medical  providers at the
Centers,  with the  balance  of the fees paid to UCI-SC.  During  the  Company's
fiscal years ended  September 30, 1997,  1996,  and 1995,  the P.A.  received an
aggregate  of   approximately   $27,925,000,   $23,254,000,   and   $17,987,000,
respectively,  in fees prior to  deduction  by the P.A. of its payroll and other
related deductible costs covered under the Facilities Agreement.  For accounting
purposes,  the  operations of the P.A. are combined  with the  operations of the
Company  and are  reflected  in the  consolidated  financial  statements  of the
Company.  Pursuant  to  the  employment  agreement  between  the  P.A.  and  Dr.
McFarland,  Dr. McFarland  serves as Executive  Medical Director of the Centers,
and is paid an  annual  salary  for his  services  in such  position.  Refer  to
footnotes (3) and (4) of the Summary Compensation Table for compensation paid to
Dr.  McFarland  by the P.A.  during the fiscal years ended  September  30, 1997,
1996, and 1995.  Pursuant to the employment  agreement  between the P.A. and Dr.
Stout,  Dr. Stout provides  medical  services to the P.A., and is paid an annual
salary  for  such  services.  Refer  to  footnotes  (5) and  (6) of the  Summary
Compensation  Table for  compensation  paid to Dr. Stout by the P.A.  during the
fiscal years ended  September 30, 1997,  1996, and 1995. In September  1996, the
Facilities Agreement was renewed for an additional fifteen-year term. In January
1995,  the  Facilities  Agreement  was  modified to provide  UCI-SC with certain
rights  to  terminate  the  Facilities  Agreement  (a)  upon  the  death  of Dr.
McFarland, (b) upon Dr. McFarland ceasing to own, either directly or indirectly,
a  controlling  interest  in the  P.A.,  or (c) upon Dr.  McFarland  becoming  a
"disqualified  person" as defined by the South Carolina Business Corporation Act
of 1988, as amended.

Refund  Agreement.  Pursuant to a Facilities  Fee Refund  Agreement (the "Refund
Agreement")  entered into among UCI,  UCI-SC and the P.A., the P.A. was entitled
to  receive a refund  of a  portion  of the fees  payable  to  UCI-SC  under the
Facilities  Agreement  with  respect  to  fourteen  of the  Centers.  The Refund
Agreement was terminated  effective  October 1, 1995.  During UCI's fiscal years
ended  September 30, 1997 and 1996,  UCI-SC made payments to the P.A. of $62,000
and $120,000,  respectively,  against  accumulated refunds payable. At September
30,  1997 and 1996,  UCI-SC had  refunds  payable to the P.A.  of  approximately
$94,000 and $156,000, respectively.

Facility Leases

UCI-SC  leases six medical  center  facilities  from CHC and one medical  center
facility from CP&C under  operating  leases with fifteen year terms  expiring in
2008,  2009 and 2010.  The terms of these  leases are  believed to be no more or
less  favorable  to UCI-SC  than those that would have been  obtainable  through
arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar arrangements.
Each of these leases has a five year renewal option, and a rent guarantee by the
P.A.  One of the leases has a purchase  option  allowing  UCI-SC to purchase the
center at fair market value after February 1, 1995. Total lease payments made by
UCI-SC under these leases during the Company's  fiscal years ended September 30,
1997 and 1996 were $319,730 and $306,178, respectively.

Several of the medical center  facilities  operated by UCI-SC are leased or were
leased from  entities  owned or  controlled  by certain  principal  shareholders
and/or  members  of the  Company's  management.  The terms of these  leases  are
believed  to be no more or less  favorable  to UCI-SC than those that would have
been obtainable through  arm's-length  negotiations with unrelated third parties
for similar arrangements.


(bullet)      The Doctor's Care Northeast facility is leased from a partnership
              in which Dr. McFarland is a general partner. The lease was renewed
              in October 1994 for a five year term. The lease has two five-year
              renewal options and provides UCI-SC with an option to purchase the
              facility at its fair market value after October 1995. Total lease
              payments made by UCI-SC under this lease during the fiscal years
              ended September 30, 1997 and 1996 were $45,600 and $45,600,
              respectively, plus utilities and real estate taxes.

(bullet)      The Doctor's Care Lexington facility was leased from a general
              partnership in which Dr. McFarland and Dr. Stout were general
              partners. The Doctor's Care Lexington facility was sold in
              February 1996 to unrelated third parties who lease it to the
              Company. Total lease payments made by UCI-SC under this lease
              during the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997 and 1996 were
              zero and $14,125, respectively, plus utilities and real estate

(bullet)      The Doctor's Care West Columbia and the Doctor's Care Beltline
              facilities were leased from a general partnership in which Dr.
              McFarland and Dr. Stout were general partners. Both of these
              centers' facilities were sold in May 1996 to unrelated third
              parties who lease them to the Company. Total lease payments made
              by UCI-SC under these two leases during the fiscal years ended
              September 30, 1997 and 1996 were zero and $46,516, respectively,
              plus utilities and real estate taxes. In connection with its
              agreement to lease these two facilities, UCI-SC guaranteed the
              lessor's mortgage debt relating to the two facilities. At
              September 30, 1997 and 1996, the outstanding balance of such debt
              was zero and zero, respectively, plus utilities and real estate

(bullet)      The Doctor's Care Lugoff facility was leased directly from Dr.
              McFarland. This facility was sold in May 1996 to an unrelated
              third party who leases it to the Company. Total lease payments
              made by UCI-SC under this lease during the fiscal years ended
              September 30, 1997 and 1996 were zero and $16,613, respectively,
              plus utilities and real estate taxes.

Other Transactions with Related Parties

Blue  Cross  Blue  Shield of South  Carolina  ("BCBS")  owns  100% of  Companion
HealthCare Corporation ("CHC"),  Companion Property & Casualty Insurance Company
("CP&C") and Companion  Technologies,  Inc. ("CT").  At September  30,1997,  CHC
owned 2,006,442 shares of UCI's outstanding  common stock and CP&C owned 618,181
shares of UCI's outstanding  common stock, which combine to approximately 46% of
UCI's outstanding common stock.

The following is a historical summary of BCBS and its subsidiaries' purchases of
UCI's common stock.

                                                      Price             Total
   Date                             Number             per            Purchase
Purchased         Entity          of Shares          Share             Price
- -----------    ----------     --------------     ----------      --------------
12/10/93            CHC               333,333        1.50          $    500,000
06/08/94            CHC               333,333        3.00          $  1,000,000
01/16/95            CHC               470,588        2.13          $  1,000,000
05/24/95            CHC               117,647        2.13          $    250,000
11/03/95            CHC               218,180        2.75          $    599,995
12/15/95            CHC               218,180        2.75          $    599,995
03/01/96            CHC               109,091        2.75          $    300,000
06/04/96           CP&C               218,181        2.75          $    599,998
06/23/97           CP&C               400,000        1.50          $    600,000

Including  shares  purchased by CHC from third  parties,  at September 30, 1997,
BCBS controls 2,624,623 shares, or approximately 46% of UCI's outstanding common
stock.  The shares acquired by CHC


and CP&C from UCI were purchased pursuant to stock purchase agreements and were
not registered. The shares acquired by CHC and CP&C were purchased at amounts
below fair value at time of purchase due to lower issuance costs incurred by UCI
of these unregistered securities. CHC and CP&C have the right to require
registration of the stock under certain circumstances as described in the
agreement. BCBS and its subsidiaries have the option to purchase as many shares
as may be necessary for BCBS to maintain ownership of 47% of the outstanding
common stock of UCI in the event that UCI issues additional stock to other
parties (excluding shares issued to employees or directors of UCI).

During the Company's  fiscal year ended September 30, 1994,  UCI-SC  purchased a
new billing and accounts  receivable  system from CT for an  aggregate  purchase
price of $504,000.  The Company  entered into a capital lease agreement for this
system,  which  includes  computer  equipment.  The  Company  has the  option to
purchase the equipment at the end of the lease term for $1. The lease obligation
recorded at September 30, 1997 is $340,916,  which includes  lease addenda.  The
terms  of the  purchase  agreement  are  believed  to have  been no more or less
favorable  to UCI-SC  than the terms  that would  have been  obtainable  through
arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for a similar billing and
accounts receivable system, which includes computer equipment.

During the Company's  fiscal year ended September 30, 1994,  UCI-SC entered into
an agreement with CP&C pursuant to which UCI-SC,  through the P.A.,  acts as the
primary  care  provider  for  injured   workers  of  firms   carrying   worker's
compensation insurance through CP&C.  Additionally,  during the Company's fiscal
year ended  September 30, 1995,  UCI-SC  executed a $400,000.00  note payable to
CP&C payable in monthly  installments  of $4,546  (including  11% interest) from
April 1, 1995 to March 1, 2010,  collateralized by certain accounts  receivable.
The  terms  of the  agreement  with  CP&C  are  believed  to be no  more or less
favorable  to  UCI-SC  than  those  that  would  have  been  obtainable  through
arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar arrangements.

UCI-SC,  through the P.A.,  provides services to members of a health maintenance
organization ("HMO") operated by CHC who have selected the P.A. as their primary
care provider. The terms of the agreement with CHC are believed to be no more or
less  favorable  to UCI-SC  than those that would have been  obtainable  through
arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar arrangements.

During the year ended September 30, 1996,  BCBS provided a non-interest  bearing
advance to the Company in the amount of $600,000.  This advance was paid in full
in December  1996.  Management  of the Company  believes  that the terms of this
advance are no less favorable than those that would have been obtainable through
arm's-length negotiations with related third parties for similar services.

The  employees of the Company are offered  health,  life,  and dental  insurance
coverage at group rates from BCBS and its subsidiaries.  The group rates offered
to the employees of the Company are believed to be no more or less  favorable to
the  Company  than those that would have been  obtainable  through  arm's-length
negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar services.

The Company contracts with Adams and Associates for its workers compensation and
professional  liability insurance  coverage.  Aggregate premiums paid during the
fiscal year ended  September  30, 1997 in  connection  with such  policies  were
approximately  $155,000.  Adams  and  Associates  contracts  with CP&C to be the
insurance carrier for the Company's  workers  compensation  insurance  coverage.
During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996,  Adams and Associates  provided
short-term  financing  to the  Company  for  approximately  $17,000  in  workers
compensation audit premiums, which was paid in full during the fiscal year ended
September 30, 1997. Harold H. Adams, Jr. is the President and owner of Adams and
Associates  and is also a director of the Company.  Effective  November 1, 1997,
the Company no longer  contracts  through  Adams and  Associates  for any of its
insurance  coverage.  Management  of the Company  believes that the terms of its
contracts  with  Adams  and  Associates  were no more or less  favorable  to the
Company  than  those  that  would  have  been  obtainable  through  arm's-length
negotiations with unrelated third parties for similar services.

The Company has contracted since September 1994 with Global Consulting, Inc. for
financial and  marketing  consulting  services.  Russell J.  Froneberger  is the
President  and owner of Global  Consulting,  Inc.  and is also a


director of the Company. Fees paid during the fiscal year ended September 30,
1997 in connection with these services were approximately $96,000. Management of
the Company believes that the terms of its contracts with Global Consulting,
Inc. are no more or less favorable to the Company than those that would have
been obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties
for similar services.

Item 13.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

A listing of the  exhibits to the Form 10-KSB is set forth on the Exhibit  Index
which immediately precedes such exhibits in this Form 10-KSB.

Reports on Form 8-K

         The  Company  filed a Form 8-K on  August 5, 1997  which  reported  the
acquisition  by UCI-SC of  Springwood  Lake  Family  Practice  Center,  P.A.  of
Columbia,  South Carolina.  Financial  statements of the acquired entity and pro
forma financial  information  regarding the combined entity were filed in a Form
8-K/A on October 18, 1997.

The Company filed a Form 8-K on September 1, 1997 which reported the acquisition
by UCI-SC of Clifton G. Aycock, M.D., P.A. of Camden, South Carolina.  Financial
statements of the acquired entity and pro forma financial  information regarding
the combined entity were filed in a Form 8-K/A on November 13, 1997.

The Company filed a Form 8-K on September 9, 1997 which reported the acquisition
by UCI-SC of Leif Martin  Adams,  D.O.,  P.A. of  Summerville,  South  Carolina.
Financial statements of the acquired entity and pro forma financial  information
regarding the combined entity were filed in a Form 8-K/A on November 19, 1997.




Report of Independent Accountants...........................                30

Consolidated Balance Sheets at September 30, 1997 and 1996..                31

Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years
         ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995  ..........                32

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
         for the years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995..            33

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years
         ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995  ..............            34

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements......................         35-50

All other  schedules are omitted because they are not applicable or the required
information  is  included  in the  consolidated  financial  statements  or notes


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.


                           SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 AND 1996


                        Report of Independent Accountants

December 4, 1997

To the Board of Directors and
Stockholders of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets and the related
consolidated statements of operations, of changes in stockholders' equity and of
cash flows present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of
UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc. at September 30, 1997 and 1996, and the results of
its  operations  and its cash  flows for each of the three  years in the  period
ended  September 30, 1997,  in conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles.  These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management;  our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements  based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion  expressed

Columbia, South Carolina

                                 IS ON FILE WITH
                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.


                                         UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                                          Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                  September 30,
                                                                            1997                  1996
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                                         $         14,676         $  237,684
   Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts
       of $878,469 and $1,021,856                                           5,943,884          4,187,394
   Inventory                                                                  502,888            407,617
   Deferred taxes                                                             334,945            197,056
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                  579,217            441,384
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------
Total current assets                                                        7,375,610          5,471,135

Property and equipment less accumulated depreciation of
   $2,724,222 and $2,025,970                                                4,002,699          3,300,048
Deferred taxes                                                              1,417,237            855,126
Excess of cost over fair value of assets acquired, less
   accumulated amortization of $1,664,739 and
   $1,210,569                                                               7,801,607          5,828,963
Other assets                                                                  266,379            277,422
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------
Total Assets                                                         $     20,863,532        $15,732,694
                                                                     ===================     ================

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities
   Current portion of long-term debt                                 $        840,879        $   795,652
   Current portion of long-term debt payable to employees                     177,445            118,097
   Accounts payable                                                         2,039,506          1,391,858
   Accrued salaries and payroll taxes                                         959,068            750,745
   Other accrued liabilities                                                  437,667            394,635
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------
Total current liabilities                                                   4,454,565          3,450,987

   Long-term debt, net of current portion                                   6,438,655          4,442,503
   Long-term debt payable to employees, net of current portion                481,815             16,981
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------
 Total Liabilities                                                         11,375,035          7,910,471
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------

Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' Equity
   Preferred stock, par value $.01 per share:
      Authorized shares - 10,000,000; none issued
                                                                                    0                 0
   Common stock, par value $.05 per share:
      Authorized shares - 10,000,000
      Issued and outstanding- 5,744,965 and 4,807,807
         shares                                                               287,248           240,390
   Paid-in capital                                                         15,435,535        13,732,393
   Accumulated deficit                                                     (6,234,286)       (6,150,560)
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------
Total Stockholders' Equity                                                  9,488,497         7,822,223
                                                                     -------------------     ----------------

Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                           $     20,863,532      $ 15,732,694
                                                                     ===================     ================

            The  accompanying  notes are an integral part of these  consolidated
financial statements.


                                         UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                                     Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                                            For the Years Ended September 30,
                                                                   1997                    1996                   1995
                                                             -----------------      -------------------    -------------------

Revenues                                                     $  27,924,772          $  23,254,351          $  17,987,147
Operating costs                                                 26,466,294             21,525,421             18,180,080
                                                             -----------------      -------------------    -------------------
Operating margin                                                 1,458,478              1,728,930               (192,933)

General and administrative expenses                                153,445                148,637                 87,616
Depreciation and amortization                                    1,250,349                961,115                579,224
                                                             -----------------      -------------------    -------------------
Income (loss) from operations                                       54,684                619,178               (859,773)

Other income (expenses)
   Interest expense, net of interest income                       (812,749)              (582,937)              (505,459)
   Gain (loss) on disposal of equipment                              8,809                  2,105                  5,493
                                                             -----------------      -------------------    -------------------
Other income (expense)                                            (803,940)              (580,832)              (499,966)

Income (loss) before benefit for income taxes                     (749,256)                38,346             (1,359,739)
Benefit for income taxes                                           665,530                427,733                      0
                                                             =================      ===================    ===================
Net income (loss)                                            $     (83,726)        $      466,079           $ (1,359,739)
                                                             =================      ===================    ===================

Net Income (loss) per common and
   common equivalent share                                   $        (.02)        $          .11           $       (.43)
                                                             =================      ===================    ===================
Weighted average common shares
   outstanding                                                   5,005,081              4,294,137              3,136,544
                                                             =================      ===================    ===================

            The  accompanying  notes are an integral part of these  consolidated
financial statements.


                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
           Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity

                                          Common Stock                   Paid-In            Accumulated
                                     Shares           Par Value          Capital              Deficit               Total
                                 ----------------    -------------    ---------------    ------------------    ----------------

Balance, September 30, 1994          2,622,178         $131,109         $7,728,554           $ (5,256,896)     $ 2,602,767
   Net income (loss)                       ---              ---                ---             (1,359,739)      (1,359,739)
   Issuance of common stock            885,888           44,294          1,975,706                     --        2,020,000
   Other                                    98                5            (10,004)                    (4)         (10,003) 
                                 ----------------    -------------    ---------------    ------------------    ----------------
Balance, September 30, 1995          3,508,164          175,408           9,694,256            (6,616,639)        3,253,025
                                 ----------------    -------------    ---------------    ------------------    ----------------
   Net income (loss)                       ---              ---                 ---               466,079           466,079
   Exercise of Stock Options             2,300              115                 460                   ---               575
   Issuance of common stock          1,297,350           64,868           4,077,677                   ---         4,142,545
   Other                                    (7)              (1)            (40,000)                  ---           (40,001)
                                 ----------------    -------------    ---------------    ------------------    ----------------
Balance, September 30, 1996          4,807,807          240,390          13,732,393            (6,150,560)        7,822,223
                                 ----------------    -------------    ---------------    ------------------    ----------------
   Net income (loss)                       ---              ---                 ---               (83,726)          (83,726)
   Issuance of common stock            937,162           46,858           1,703,142                   ---         1,750,000
   Other                                    (4)             ---                 ---                   ---               ---
                                 ================    =============    ===============    ==================    ================
Balance, September 30, 1997          5,744,965       $  287,248        $ 15,435,535          $ (6,234,286)       $9,488,497

                                 ================    =============    ===============    ==================    ================

            The  accompanying  notes are an integral part of these  consolidated
financial statements.


                                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                            For the Years Ended September 30,
                                                                      1997                 1996                 1995
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------
Operating activities:
Net income (loss)                                               $      (83,726)       $     466,079        $   (1,359,739)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
   cash provided by  (used in) operating activities:
      (Gain) loss on disposal of equipment                              (8,809)              (2,105)               (5,493)
      Provision for losses on accounts receivable                    1,106,252              627,508               544,208
      Depreciation and amortization                                  1,250,349              961,115               579,224
      Common stock issued                                                    0                    0                 4,125
      Deferred taxes                                                  (700,000)            (440,000)                    0
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
   (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                       (2,679,489)          (2,447,650)           (1,379,019)
   (Increase) decrease in inventory                                    (83,521)            (142,549)              (47,992)
   (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and other
      current assets                                                  (137,833)            (159,324)             (158,536)
   Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued
      expenses                                                         876,253              (59,707)            1,363,180
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------

Cash provided by (used in) operating activities                       (460,524)          (1,196,633)             (460,042)
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------

Investing activities:
Purchases of property and equipment                                   (531,941)            (438,491)             (620,584)
Acquisitions of goodwill                                              (286,896)            (239,832)              (24,426)
(Increase) decrease in other assets                                     11,042              (14,654)                2,760
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------

Cash provided by (used in) investing activities                       (807,795)            (692,977)             (642,250)
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------

Financing activities:
Proceeds from issuance of common stock,
   net of redemptions                                                 600,000             2,089,990             1,240,000
Net borrowings (payments) under line-of-credit agreement            2,030,844               400,000               475,000
Proceeds from issuance of common stock under
   stock option plan                                                        0                   575                     0
Proceeds from increase in long-term debt                              280,000               600,095
Payments on long-term debt                                         (1,865,533)           (1,039,879)             (746,481)
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------

Cash provided by financing activities                               1,045,311             2,050,781               968,519
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                     (223,008)              161,171              (133,773)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                        237,684                76,513               210,286
                                                                ------------------    ----------------     ----------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                        $      14,676         $     237,684         $      76,513
                                                                ==================    ================     ================

            The  accompanying  notes are an integral part of these  consolidated
financial statements.


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 1997

1.       Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Presentation

The consolidated  financial  statements of UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc. include
the  accounts  of  UCI  Medical  Affiliates,  Inc.  ("UCI"),  its  wholly  owned
subsidiary,  UCI Medical  Affiliates  of South  Carolina,  Inc.  ("UCI-SC")  and
Doctor's  Care,  PA ("the  P.A."),  collectively  the  "Company".  The financial
statements of the P.A. are  consolidated  with UCI because UCI-SC has unilateral
control over the assets and operations of the P.A. and, notwithstanding the lack
of technical majority ownership, consolidation of the P.A. with UCI is necessary
to present  fairly the  financial  position  and results of  operations  of UCI.
UCI-SC  provides  non-medical  management  and  administrative  functions for 40
medical  clinics  (the  "Centers").  All  medical  services  at the  Centers are
provided by or under the  supervision  of the P.A.,  which has  contracted  with
UCI-SC to provide the medical direction of the Centers. The P.A. is wholly owned
by M.F.  McFarland,  III, M.D.,  who also serves as the President,  Chairman and
Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company.  The  medical  directors  operate the
Centers under the financial and operational control of UCI-SC. However,  medical
supervision  of the centers is provided  solely by the P.A.  The P.A.  remits to
UCI-SC all medical service  revenues  generated by the Centers,  net of expenses
incurred  by  the  P.A.  All  medical  service  revenues  are  recorded  in  the
accompanying  financial statements as revenue.  Control of the P.A. is perpetual
and other than  temporary  because of the  nature of this  relationship  and the
management  agreements  between the  entities.  The  management  and  facilities
agreement  expires on  September  30,  2010.  The net assets of the P.A. are not
material for any period  presented and  intercompany  accounts and  transactions
have been eliminated.

Refer to Note 9 for additional information.

In November 1997 the Emerging Issue Task Force (EITF)  finalized EITF 97-2 which
provides  guidance on consolidation of physician  practices and enhances related
disclosures  of  physician  practice  management  companies.  This  EITF 97-2 is
effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 1998. The Company is in the
process of evaluating any potential effect on its reporting format.

The P.A.  enters into  employment  agreements  with physicians for terms ranging
from one to ten years.  All  employment  agreements  have clauses that allow for
early termination of the agreement if certain events occur such as the loss of a
medical license.  Over 80% of the physicians employed by the P.A. are paid on an
hourly basis for time  scheduled  and worked at the medical  centers while other
physicians  are salaried.  A few of the physicians  have incentive  compensation
arrangements  which are  contractually  based upon factors such as productivity,
collections and quality.

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and revenues and expenses
and the disclosure of contingent  assets and  liabilities.  Actual results could
differ from those estimates and assumptions. Significant estimates are discussed
in these footnotes, as applicable.

The Company operates as one segment as defined by SFAS 131.

Medical Supplies and Drug Inventory

The  inventory of medical  supplies and drugs is carried at the lower of average
cost or market.


Property and Equipment

Depreciation  is  provided  principally  by the  straight-line  method  over the
estimated useful lives of the assets, ranging from three to thirty years.

Maintenance,  repairs and minor renewals are charged to expense.  Major renewals
or betterments, which prolong the life of the assets, are capitalized.

Upon disposal of  depreciable  property,  the asset  accounts are reduced by the
related cost and  accumulated  depreciation.  The resulting gains and losses are
reflected in the consolidated statements of operations.

Intangible Assets

Prior to  September  30,  1994,  the  excess of cost  over fair  value of assets
acquired (goodwill) was amortized on the straight-line  method over periods from
15 to 30 years.  Since October 1, 1994,  goodwill arising from  acquisitions has
been  amortized  on the  straight  line method over 15 years.  Subsequent  to an
acquisition,  the  Company  periodically  evaluates  whether  later  events  and
circumstances have occurred that indicate that the remaining balance of goodwill
may not be recoverable or that the remaining  useful life may warrant  revision.
When external  factors  indicate that goodwill  should be evaluated for possible
impairment, the Company uses an estimate of the related center's discounted cash
flows over the  remaining  life of the  goodwill and compares it to the center's
goodwill  balance  to  determine  whether  the  goodwill  is  recoverable  or if
impairment  exists, in which case an adjustment is made to the carrying value of
the asset.

Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized  at estimated  net amounts to be received from  employers,
third party  payors,  and others at the time the related  services are rendered.
Capitation  payments from payors are paid monthly and are  recognized as revenue
during the period in which  enrollees  are  entitled  to receive  services.  The
Company  recognizes  capitation revenue from HMOs that contract with the Company
for the delivery of health care  services on a monthly  basis.  This  capitation
revenue  is  at  the  contractually  agreed-upon  per-member,  per-month  rates.
Capitation revenue was approximately  $3,100,000,  $2,400,000 and $1,400,000 for
the fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

Earnings Per Share

The computation of income per common and common equivalent share is based on the
weighted average number of common shares  outstanding during the period plus (in
periods  in which  they have a  dilutive  effect)  the  effect of common  shares
issuable from stock options and warrants,  using the treasury stock method. SFAS
128 redefines the terms and method of calculating  earnings per share.  SFAS 128
is effective for periods ended after December 15, 1997. Had the Company  adopted
SFAS 128 during the year ended  September 30, 1997,  there would be no change to
the earnings per share reported.

Income Taxes

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recorded based on the difference between
the financial  statement and tax bases of assets and  liabilities as measured by
the  enacted  tax  rates  which  are  anticipated  to be in  effect  when  these
differences  reverse.  The deferred tax (benefit) provision is the result of the
net change in the deferred tax assets to amounts expected to be realized.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers all short-term deposits with a maturity of three months or
less at acquisition date to be cash equivalents.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The estimated  fair value of financial  instruments  has been  determined by the
Company  using  available   market   information   and   appropriate   valuation
methodologies.  However,  considerable judgment is required in interpreting data
to develop the estimates of fair value.  Accordingly,  the  estimates  presented
herein are not  necessarily  indicative  of the amounts  that the Company  could
realize in a current market exchange.  The fair value estimates presented herein
are based on pertinent  information  available to management as of September 30,
1997 and 1996.  Although  management  is not  aware of any  factors  that  would
significantly  affect the estimated  fair value  amounts,  such amounts have not
been  comprehensively  revalued for purposes of these financial statements since
that date and current estimates of fair value may differ  significantly from the
amounts presented herein. The fair values of the Company's financial instruments
are estimated based on current market rates and  instruments  with the same risk
and  maturities.  The  fair  values  of  cash  and  cash  equivalents,  accounts
receivable,  accounts  payable,  notes  payable and payables to related  parties
approximate the carrying values of these financial instruments.


Certain 1995 amounts  have been  reclassified  to conform with the 1996 and 1997

2.       Property and Equipment

Property and equipment consists of the following at September 30:

                                                                         1997                     1996
                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Leasehold improvements                                               $     827,218            $     558,098
Property and equipment, including capitalized leases                     5,899,703                4,767,920
                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
                                                                         6,726,921                5,326,018
Less, accumulated depreciation and amortization                         (2,724,222)              (2,025,970)
                                                                 ---------------------     --------------------
                                                                     $  4,002,699             $   3,300,048
                                                                 =====================    =====================

At September  30, 1997 and 1996  capitalized  leased  equipment  included  above
amounted  to  approximately  $3,063,000  and  $2,298,000,   net  of  accumulated
amortization   of  $969,000  and  $538,000,   respectively.   Depreciation   and
amortization expense equaled $796,179, $619,817 and $384,638 for the years ended
September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

3.       Business Combinations

During the fiscal year ended  September 30, 1997,  the Company  acquired the net
assets of five medical  practices,  and in most cases,  entered into  employment
agreements with the physician owners of those practices.  The acquisitions  were
accounted for under the purchase  method,  and the financial  activity since the
date of  acquisition  of  these  acquired  practices  has been  included  in the
accompanying  consolidated financial statements.  The combined pro forma results
listed  below  reflect  purchase  price  accounting   adjustments  assuming  the
acquisitions occurred at the beginning of each fiscal year presented. Individual
pro forma  disclosures  are not provided here as the information is deemed to be
insignificant for separate presentation.


Refer to Note 14 for  details  regarding  business  combinations  in fiscal year

                                               1997                1996
                                         ---------------     ---------------

Revenue                                     $30,124,821      $26,287,192
Net income (loss)                           $    26,717      $   583,222
Net income (loss) per common 
   and common equivalent share              $         0      $       .12

4.       Income Taxes

The  components of the (benefit)  provision for income taxes for the years ended
September 30 are as follows:

                                           1997                 1996
                                    ---------------    -----------------
   Federal                            $   31,675           $   12,267
   State                                   2,795                   --
                                     --------------    -----------------
                                          34,470               12,267
                                     --------------    -----------------
                                        (643,243)            (404,324)
   State                                 (56,757)             (35,676)
                                     --------------    -----------------
                                        (700,000)            (440,000)
                                     --------------    -----------------

Total income tax benefit               $(665,530)           $(427,733)
                                     ==============    =================

Deferred taxes result from temporary  differences in the  recognition of certain
items  of  income  and  expense,  and the  changes  in the  valuation  allowance
attributable to deferred tax assets.

The  principal  sources of temporary  differences  and the related  deferred tax
effects as of September 30, were as follows:

                                    1997            1996             1995
                                -------------    ------------    -------------
Allowance for doubtful accounts  $  53,053       $ (151,008)     $   169,043
Related party accruals              22,940           21,734           (7,673)
Operating loss carryforwards      (238,726)         180,489         (687,242)
Accumulated depreciation            68,809           75,388           58,324
                                -------------    ------------    -------------
                                   (93,924)         126,603         (467,548)
Changes in valuation allowance    (606,076)        (566,603)         467,548
                                -------------    ------------    -------------
                                 $(700,000)       $(440,000)     $       ---
                                =============    ============    =============

At  September  30,  1997,  1996 and  1995  the  Company's  deferred  tax  assets
(liabilities) and the related valuation allowances are as follows:

                                    1997             1996              1995
                                 -----------      ----------      ------------
Allowance for doubtful accounts $  325,034        $   378,087     $    227,079
Related party accruals              58,420             81,360          103,094
Operating loss carryforwards     2,993,578          2,754,874        2,935,363
Accumulated depreciation          (279,548)          (210,762)        (135,374)
                                 -----------      -----------     ------------
                                $3,097,483        $ 3,003,559     $ 3,130,162
                                 ===========      ===========     ============

Valuation allowance             $1,345,301        $ 1,951,377     $ 2,517,980
                                 ===========      ===========     ============


The principal  reasons for the differences  between the consolidated  income tax
(benefit)  expense and the amount  computed by applying  the  statutory  federal
income tax rate of 34% to pre-tax  income  were as follows  for the years  ended
September 30:

                                                               1997                 1996                 1995
                                                         -----------------    -----------------    ------------------

Tax at federal statutory rate                            $ (254,747)          $    13,038            $ (462,311)
Effect on rate of:
  Amortization of goodwill                                   67,528                48,704                15,708
  Non deductible expenses                                    12,068                32,091                21,107
  Life insurance premiums                                       815                 5,392                 3,044
  Other, net                                                114,882                27,378               (45,096)
  Change in valuation allowance                            (606,076)             (566,603)              467,548
                                                         -----------------    ------------------    -----------------
                                                         $ (665,530)          $  (440,000)           $      ---
                                                         =================    =================    ==================

At  September  30,  1997,   the  Company  has  net  tax  operating   loss  (NOL)
carryforwards expiring in the following years ending September 30,

                          2000            $    910,935
                          2001               1,783,595
                          2002               1,802,220
                          2003                 458,112
                          2005                 470,006
                          2006                  76,306
                          2010               1,944,371
                          2012                 645,206
                                           $ 8,090,751

During the year ended  September 30, 1996, the Company  experienced an ownership
change which limits the amount of net operating losses the Company may use on an
annual  basis for income tax  purposes.  The  Company  may use  $893,507  of net
operating losses on an annual basis.  This limitation  should not severely limit
the Company's ability to utilize its net operating loss carryforwards.

In determining  that it was more likely than not that the recorded  deferred tax
asset would be realized, management of the Company considered the following:

(bullet)       The generation of future taxable income in excess of income
               reported on the consolidated financial statements.

(bullet)       The budgets and forecasts that management and the Board of
               Directors had adopted for the next five fiscal years including
               plans for expansion.

(bullet)       The ability to utilize NOL's prior to their expiration.

(bullet)       The potential limitation of NOL utilization in the event of a
               change in ownership.

The Company has $7,800 and $8,450 of investment tax credit  carryforwards  which
expire in 1999 and 2000, respectively.


5.       Long-Term Debt

Long-term debt consists of the following at September 30:

                                                                                      1997                 1996
                                                                                  -----------------    -----------------

Line of Credit with a financial  institution  in the amount of $3,000,000  dated
December  9, 1996,  bearing  interest  at a rate of prime plus 1% (prime rate is
8.5% as of September  30,  1997),  secured by certain  accounts  receivable  and
inventory, and the personal guarantee of an
officer of the Company, renewable annually in December of each year.              $2,905,845            $       0

Note payable in the amount of  $1,600,000  with monthly  installments  of $8,889
plus  interest at prime plus 6% (prime rate is 8.5% as of September  30,  1997),
through February 1, 2009 collateralized by certain accounts
receivable and leasehold interests and the guarantee of the P.A.                   1,208,889            1,315,556

Note payable to Companion  Property & Casualty Insurance Company (a shareholder)
in the amount of $400,000,  with monthly  installments of $4,546  (including 11%
interest) from April 1, 1995 to March 1, 2010,
collateralized by certain accounts receivable                                        368,624              381,832

Note payable to a financial  institution in the amount of $280,000,  dated March
11, 1997, with monthly  installments  (including  interest at a variable rate of
prime plus 1%) (prime  rate is 8.5% as of  September  30,  1997) of $3,100  from
April 1997 to February 2002, with a final payment of all remaining principal and
accrued interest due in March 2002,
collateralized by a mortgage on one of the Company's medical facilities.             274,715                    0

Note payable to a financial  institution  in the amount of $194,782,  payable in
monthly installments of interest only at a rate of 9.25%, maturing on January 1,
2005, personally guaranteed by three physician
employees of the P.A.                                                                194,782                    0

Note payable in the amount of $250,000 with monthly  installments of $1,389 plus
interest at prime plus 2% (prime rate is 8.5% as of September
30, 1997), through February 1, 2009 collateralized by a condominium                  188,889              205,556

Note  payable to a financial  institution  in the amount of $99,209,  payable in
monthly installments of interest only at a rate of 9%, maturing on May
1, 2002, personally guaranteed by three physician employees of the P.A.               99,209                    0

Note  payable in the  amount of  $240,000  dated  March 1,  1996,  with  monthly
installments of $11,075  (including 10% interest) from April 1, 1996 to March 1,
1998, collateralized by a security agreement executed by UCI-SC
and the P.A.                                                                          54,016              174,866

Note  payable in the amount of $43,500  dated  September  1, 1997,  with monthly
installments (including 8% interest) of $1,500, payable from
January 1998 to September 2000.                                                       43,500                    0

Notes payable in monthly installments over three to four years at
interest rates ranging from 3.9% to 10.5%, collateralized by related                  18,508               39,662


5.       Long-Term Debt (Continued)
                                                                                       1997                 1996
                                                                                 -----------------    -----------------
Note payable in the amount of $725,000 dated March 22, 1996, bearing interest at
a rate of prime plus 1.5% (prime rate is 8.5% as of September
30, 1997), due October 23, 1996, collateralized by a personal investment                   0              725,000
of an officer of the Company

Note payable in the amount of $150,000 dated August 15, 1996,  bearing  interest
at a rate of prime plus 1.5% (prime rate is 8.5% at September
30, 1997), due October 23, 1996, collateralized by a personal investment                   0              150,000
of an officer of the Company

Advance payable to Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC (a shareholder) in the
amount of $600,000 dated September 24, 1996, bearing no interest.                          0              600,000
                                                                            -----------------    -----------------

     Subtotal                                                                      5,356,977            3,592,472

Note payable to a physician employee of the P.A. in the amount of
$294,000 with monthly installments (including 8.5% interest) of $6,032
from August 1997 to August 2002.                                                     286,073                    0

Note payable to a physician employee of the P.A. in the amount of
$294,000 with monthly installments (including 8.5% interest) of $6,032
from August 1997 to August 2002.                                                     286,073                    0

Note payable to a physician employee of the P.A. in the amount of $43,000,  with
monthly  principal  payments of $4,000  from  October  1997 to January  1998 and
$3,000 from February 1998 to October 1998, plus interest
at 8%.                                                                                39,000                    0

Note payable to a physician employee of the P.A. in the amount of $80,000
with monthly installments (including 8.25% interest) of $3,174 from
October 1996 to October 1998.                                                         36,438                    0

Note payable to a physician employee of the P.A. in the amount of $12,000
with monthly installments (including 8.5% interest) of $246 from August
1997 to August 2002.                                                                  11,676                    0

Note payable to a physician  employee of the P.A. in the amount of $350,000 with
monthly  installments  (including  9% interest) of $25,000 from July 15, 1995 to
September 15, 1995, and $12,842 from October 15,
1995 to September 15, 1997.                                                                0              135,078
                                                                            -----------------    -----------------

     Subtotal - payable to employees                                                 659,260              135,078
                                                                            -----------------    -----------------

Capitalized lease obligations                                                      1,920,725            1,617,400
Other                                                                                  1,832
                                                                            -----------------    -----------------
                                                                                   7,938,794            5,373,233
Less, current portion                                                               -840,879             -795,652
Less, current portion payable to employees                                          -177,445             -118,097
                                                                            -----------------    -----------------
                                                                                $  6,920,470         $  4,459,484
                                                                            =================    =================


Aggregate  maturities  of notes  payable and capital  leases in each of the five
years 1998 through 2002 are as follows:

                              Notes Payable      Capital Leases
Year ending September 30:                                              Total
                              --------------     --------------    ------------
              1998            $     402,144     $       616,180    $   1,018,324
              1999                3,188,388             589,373        3,777,761
              2000                  292,597             390,557          683,154
              2001                  284,319             228,674          512,993
              2002                  598,929              95,941          694,870
              Thereafter          1,251,692                   0        1,251,692
                              ================   ================= =============
                               $  6,018,069       $   1,920,725     $  7,938,794
                              ================   ================= =============

At September 30, 1997,  the Company is in default of a debt covenant  related to
the Line of Credit. The Company has received a written waiver from the financial
institution  indicating that the financial  institution  does not intend to take
action  related to this default.  This Line of Credit is classified as long-term
debt on the Balance  Sheet at September 30, 1997, as the line was renewed for an
additional twelve (12) month period in December 1997. (See Note 15,  "Subsequent

6.       Employee Benefit Plans

The Company has an employee savings plan ( the "Savings Plan") that qualifies as
a deferred salary arrangement under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Under the Savings  Plan,  participating  employees  may defer a portion of their
pretax earnings,  up to the Internal Revenue Service annual  contribution limit.
Effective in June 1995, the Company discontinued its matching  contribution.  In
February  1996,  the Company  reinstated  its matching  contribution.  Effective
January 1, 1997, the Company increased its matching contribution from 50% to 75%
of each  employee's  contribution  up to a  maximum  of 3.75% of the  employee's
earnings.  The  company's  matching  contributions  were  $172,792,  $97,610 and
$71,463 in fiscal years 1997, 1996, and 1995, respectively.

The incentive  stock option plan adopted in 1984 (the "1984 Plan") expired under
its terms in December 1993.

Pursuant to the  Company's  incentive  stock option plan  adopted in 1994,  (the
"1994 Plan"),  "incentive  stock options",  within the meaning of Section 422 of
the Internal Revenue Code, may be granted to employees of the Company.  The 1994
Plan provides for the granting of options for the purchase of 750,000  shares at
100% of the fair  market  value of the stock at the date of grant (or for 10% or
higher  shareholders,  at 110% of the fair market value of the stock at the date
of grant).  Options granted under the 1994 Plan vest at a rate of 33% in each of
the three years following the grant.  Vested options become exercisable one year
after the date of grant  and can be  exercised  within  ten years of the date of
grant, subject to earlier termination upon cessation of employment.

During  the  fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  1996,  the  Company  adopted a
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan (the "1996 Non-Employee Plan"). The 1996
Non-Employee  Plan  provides  for the  granting  of options to two  non-employee
directors for the purchase of 10,000 shares of the Company's common stock at the
fair market value as of the date of grant.  Under this plan,  5,000 options were
issued to Harold H.  Adams,  Jr.  and 5,000  options  were  issued to Russell J.
Froneberger. These options are exercisable during the period commencing on March
20, 1999 and ending on March 20, 2006.

During  the  fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  1997,  the  Company  adopted a
Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan (the "1997 Non-Employee Plan"). The 1997
Non-Employee  Plan  provides  for the  granting of options to four  non-employee
directors for the purchase of 20,000 shares of the Company's common stock at the
fair market  value of the date of grant.  Under this plan,  5,000  options  were
issued each to Charles P. Cannon,  Thomas G. Faulds,  Ashby  Jordan,  M.D.,  and
Charles M. Potok.  These options are exercisable during the period commencing on
March 28, 2000 and ending on March 28, 2007.


Please  refer  to  Note  7,  "Stockholders'  Equity"  for  activity  information
regarding these four stock option plans.

7.       Stockholders' Equity

On June 30, 1994,  the  Company's  shareholders  approved an amendment to, and a
restatement of, the Restated Certificate of Incorporation to provide for a 1 for
5 reverse stock split.  The Amended and Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation
increased  the number of  authorized  shares of common  stock from  4,000,000 to
10,000,000  (as  adjusted for the reverse  stock split as  discussed  above) and
increased  the par value per share of common  stock from one cent ($.01) to five
cents ($.05). In addition, the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
authorized  the  Company  to issue up to  10,000,000  shares  of $.01 par  value
preferred  stock to be issued in one or more  series.  The Board of Directors is
authorized, without further action by the stockholders, to designate the rights,
preferences,  limitations  and  restrictions  of and upon shares of each series,
including  dividend voting,  redemption and conversion rights. All references in
the financial  statements to average  number of shares  outstanding  and related
prices,  per share  amounts,  common  stock and stock option plan data have been
restated to reflect the split . The  following  table  summarizes  activity  and
weighted  average fair value of options  granted for the three  previous  fiscal
years for the Company's  four stock option plans.  (Please refer also to Note 6,
"Employee Benefit Plans.")

                                                                        1996        1996 Non-      1997      1997 Non-
                                  1984      1984      1994      1994    Non-Employee Employee   Non-Employee  Employee
       Stock Options              Plan      Plan      Plan      Plan       Plan        Plan        Plan         Plan
- ----------------------------    ---------- -------- ---------- -------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------

Outstanding at 10/01/94            20,600                   0
   Granted FY 94/95                     0             242,000
   Exercised FY 94/95                   0                   0
   Forfeited FY 94/95             (5,100)                   0
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------
Outstanding at 09/30/95            15,500             242,000
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------

   Exercisable at 09/30/95         15,500                   0
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------
   Weighted average fair
    value of options
    grantedduring fiscal year
 for options whose                          N/A                 2.9318                     N/A                      N/A
    exercise price:                         N/A                 2.8750                     N/A                      N/A
    (1)   equals fair value
    (2)   exceeds fair

   Granted FY 95/96                     0             140,500               10,000
   Exercised FY 95/96             (2,300)                   0                    0
   Forfeited FY 95/96               (400)            (23,000)                    0
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------
Outstanding at 09/30/96            12,800             359,500               10,000
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------

   Exercisable at 09/30/96         12,800              73,000                    0
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------
   Weighted average fair
    value of options
    during fiscal year
    for options whose                          N/A              3.5395                  3.5000                      N/A
    exercise price:                            N/A              4.0000                     N/A                      N/A
    (1)   equals fair value
    (2)   exceeds fair

   Granted FY 96/97                     0             445,500                    0                   20,000
   Exercised FY 96/97                   0                   0                    0                        0
   Forfeited FY 96/97                   0            (55,000)                    0                        0
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------
Outstanding at 09/30/97            12,800             750,000               10,000                   20,000
                                ----------          ----------          -----------             ------------

   Exercisable at 09/30/97         12,800             164,500                    0                        0
   Weighted average fair
    value of options
    during fiscal year
    for options whose                          N/A              2.1608                     N/A                   2.5000
    exercise price:                            N/A              2.6250                     N/A                      N/A
    (1)   equals fair value
    (2)   exceeds fair value


The following  table  summarizes  the weighted  average  exercise price of stock
options exercisable at the end of each of the three previous fiscal years:

                                                                                1996                  1997
         Weighted Average                                                   Non-Employee          Non-Employee
          Exercise Price                 1984 Plan        1994 Plan             Plan                  Plan
- ------------------------------------    -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------

Outstanding at 10/01/94                          .25                0
   Granted FY 94/95                                0           2.9941
   Exercised FY 94/95                              0                0
   Forfeited FY 94/95                            .25                0
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------
Outstanding at 09/30/95                          .25           2.9941
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------

   Exercisable at 09/30/95                       .25                0
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------

   Granted FY 95/96                                0           3.7055                 3.50
   Exercised FY 95/96                            .25                0                    0
   Forfeited FY 95/96                            .25           2.8750                    0
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------
Outstanding at 09/30/96                          .25           3.2797                 3.50
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------

   Exercisable at 09/30/96                       .25           3.0066                    0
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------

   Granted FY 96/97                                0           2.1934                    0                   2.50
   Exercised FY 96/97                              0                0                    0                      0
   Forfeited FY 96/97                              0           3.3409                    0                      0
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------
Outstanding at 09/30/97                          .25           2.6320                 3.50                   2.50
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------

   Exercisable at 09/30/97                       .25           3.1591                    0                      0
                                        -------------    -------------    -----------------     ------------------

The following  table  summarizes  options  outstanding  and exercisable by price
range as of September 30, 1997:

                                       Options Outstanding                          Options Exercisable
                        ---------------------------------------------------    ------------------------------
                                               Average          Weighted                          Weighted
                                              Remaining         Average                           Average
                                             Contractual        Exercise                          Exercise
  Range of Price         Outstanding            Life             Price          Exercisable        Price
- -------------------     ---------------    ----------------   -------------    --------------   -------------

$0.00 to $  .99                 12,800        5.25 years               .25            12,800             .25
$1.00 to $1.99                 210,825        9.67                  1.9375                 0             N/A
$2.00 to $2.99                 388,675        7.06                   2.583            87,667           2.875
$3.00 to $3.99                 137,500        6.81                   3.364            62,500           3.301
$4.00 to $4.99                  43,000        4.68                   4.279            14,333           4.279
                        ===============                                        ==============
                               792,800                                               177,300
                        ===============                                        ==============

The Company has adopted the disclosure-only provisions of Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards  No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based   Compensation."
Accordingly,  no  compensation  cost has been  recognized  for the stock  option
plans.  Had  compensation  costs  for the  Company's  stock  option  plans  been
determined  based on the fair value at the grant date for awards in fiscal 1997,
1996 and 1995 consistent with the provisions of SFAS


     No. 123,  the  Company's  net income and earnings per share would have been
reduced to the pro forma amounts  indicated below. The fair value of each option
granted is estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing

                                          Fiscal Year Ended September 30
                                              1997                 1996
                                      -----------------    ------------------

         Net income - as reported            (83,726)               466,079
         Net income - pro forma             (171,232)               455,188
         Earnings per share - as reported       (.02)                   .11
         Earnings per share - pro forma         (.03)                   .11
         Weighted average number of shares  5,005,081             4,294,137

The fair value of each option  granted is  estimated  on the date of grant using
the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the following assumptions:

         Expected Dividend Yield                               0        
         Expected Stock Price Volatility                   35.77%  
         Risk-free Interest Rate                   5.45% to 6.75%  
         Expected Life of Options                    1 to 6 years  

During the year ended September 30, 1997, warrants for the purchase of shares of
the Company's  common stock were issued,  ranging in exercise price from $1.9375
to $5.00.  Fifty-five  thousand (55,000) warrants were issued in connection with
services to be rendered by an investor  relations  advisor to the  Company.  Two
hundred  fifty  thousand  (250,000)  warrants  were  issued in  connection  with
consulting  and  financial  analysis  services to be rendered  (i.e.,  financial
analyst  report,  etc.).  The  following  is a schedule of  warrants  issued and
outstanding during the year ended September 30, 1997:

                                     Number of           Exercise             Date             Expiration
                                      Warrants            Price            Exercisable            Date
                                   ---------------    ---------------    ----------------    ---------------

Outstanding at 09/30/96                         0 
Activity during FY 96/97:
     Issued at $1.9375                     30,000             1.9375        06/18/97            06/18/02
     Issued at $3.125                     137,500             3.1250        10/09/96            09/16/99
     Issued at $5.00                      137,500             5.0000        10/09/96            09/16/99
     Exercised                                  0
     Expired                                    0
Outstanding at 09/30/97                   305,000

     In accordance with SFAS No. 123, no expense has been recognized in relation
to these warrants.

8.       Lease Commitments

UCI-SC leases  office and medical  center space under  various  operating  lease
agreements.  Certain operating leases provide for escalation payments, exclusive
of renewal options.


Future  minimum lease  payments  under  noncancellable  operating  leases with a
remaining term in excess of one year as of September 30, 1997, are as follows:

                           Year ending September 30:
                             1998                                $    1,848,037
                             1999                                     1,836,627
                             2000                                     1,697,263
                             2001                                     1,605,596
                             2002                                     1,289,692
                              Thereafter                              7,685,245
                           Total minimum lease payments           $  15,962,460

Total rental expense under  operating  leases for fiscal 1997, 1996 and 1995 was
approximately $1,475,000, $1,188,000, and $923,000, respectively.

9.       Related Party Transactions

Relationship between UCI-SC and the P.A.

Pursuant  to  an  agreement   between  UCI-SC  and  the  P.A.,  UCI-SC  provides
non-medical management services and personnel,  facilities,  equipment and other
assets to the Centers . UCI-SC  guarantees  the  compensation  of the physicians
employed by the P.A. The  agreement  also allows  UCI-SC to negotiate  contracts
with HMOs and other  organizations  for the provision of medical services by the
P.A.'s  physicians.  Under  the terms of the  agreement,  the P.A.  assigns  all
revenue  generated  from  providing  medical  services  to UCI-SC  after  paying
physician salaries. The P.A. is owned by M.F. McFarland, III, M.D. Dr. McFarland
is also President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of UCI and UCI-SC.

Relationship between the Company and Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina

Blue  Cross  Blue  Shield  of  South  Carolina  (BCBS)  owns  100% of  Companion
HealthCare Corporation ("CHC"),  Companion Property & Casualty Insurance Company
("CP&C") and Companion  Technologies,  Inc. ("CT").  At September  30,1997,  CHC
owned 2,006,442 shares of the Company's  outstanding common stock and CP&C owned
618,181  shares of the  Company's  outstanding  common  stock,  which combine to
approximately 46% of the Company's outstanding common stock.

Facility Leases

UCI-SC  leases six medical  center  facilities  from CHC and one medical  center
facility from CP&C under  operating  leases with fifteen year terms  expiring in
2008, 2009 and 2010. Each of these leases has a five year renewal option,  and a
rent  guarantee  by the P.A.  One of the leases has a purchase  option  allowing
UCI-SC to purchase the center at fair market value after February 1, 1995. Total
lease  payments made by UCI-SC under these leases  during the  Company's  fiscal
years ended  September 30, 1997,  1996,  and 1995 were $319,730,  $306,178,  and
$271,100, respectively.

Several of the medical center  facilities  operated by UCI-SC are leased or were
leased from  entities  owned or  controlled  by certain  principal  shareholders
and/or members of the Company's management.  Total lease payments made by UCI-SC
under these leases during the fiscal years ended  September  30, 1997,  1996 and
1995 were $45,600, $122,854, and $244,300, respectively.


Ten of the medical center facilities  operated by UCI-SC are or were leased from
physician  employees of the P.A. Total lease payments made by UCI-SC under these
leases during the Company's fiscal years ended September 30, 1997, 1996 and 1995
were $258,026, $189,945, and $140,100, respectively.

Other  Transactions with Related Parties

The following is a historical summary of BCBS and its subsidiaries' purchases of
the Company's common stock.

                 Date                               Number             Price              Total
               Purchased           Entity          of Shares         Per Share       Purchase Price
           ------------------    -----------     --------------     -------------   ------------------

               12/10/93             CHC                333,333          1.50            $     500,000
               06/08/94             CHC                333,333          3.00            $   1,000,000
               01/16/95             CHC                470,588          2.13            $   1,000,000
               05/24/95             CHC                117,647          2.13            $     250,000
               11/03/95             CHC                218,180          2.75            $     599,995
               12/15/95             CHC                218,180          2.75            $     599,995
               03/01/96             CHC                109,091          2.75            $     300,000
               06/04/96             CP&C               218,181          2.75            $     599,998
               06/23/97             CP&C               400,000          1.50            $     600,000

Including  shares  purchased by CHC from third  parties,  at September 30, 1997,
BCBS  controls   2,624,623   shares,  or  approximately  46%  of  the  Company's
outstanding  common stock.  The shares acquired by CHC and CP&C from the Company
were purchased  pursuant to stock purchase  agreements and were not  registered.
CHC and CP&C have the right to require  registration  of the stock under certain
circumstances as described in the agreement.  BCBS and its subsidiaries have the
option to  purchase  as many  shares as may be  necessary  for BCBS to  maintain
ownership  of 47% of the  outstanding  common  stock of the Company in the event
that the Company  issues  additional  stock to other parties  (excluding  shares
issued to employees or directors of the Company).

In June 1997,  CP&C purchased  400,000 shares of the Company's  common stock for
$600,000.  The purchase  price was below fair value due to lower  issuance costs
incurred by the Company.

During the Company's  fiscal year ended September 30, 1994,  UCI-SC  purchased a
new billing and accounts  receivable  system from CT for an  aggregate  purchase
price of $504,000.  The Company  entered into a capital lease agreement for this
system,  which  includes  computer  equipment.  The  Company  has the  option to
purchase the equipment at the end of the lease term for $1. The lease obligation
recorded at September 30, 1997 is $340,916, which includes lease addenda.

During the Company's  fiscal year ended September 30, 1994,  UCI-SC entered into
an agreement with CP&C pursuant to which UCI-SC,  through the P.A.,  acts as the
primary  care  provider  for  injured   workers  of  firms   carrying   worker's
compensation insurance through CP&C.  Additionally,  during the Company's fiscal
year ended September 30, 1995, UCI-SC executed a note payable to CP&C consisting
of monthly installments of $4,546 (including 11% interest) from April 1, 1995 to
March 1, 2010, collateralized by certain accounts receivable.

UCI-SC,  through the P.A.,  provides services to members of a health maintenance
organization ("HMO") operated by CHC who have selected the P.A. as their primary
care provider.

During the year ended September 30, 1996,  BCBS provided a non-interest  bearing
advance to the Company in the amount of $600,000.  This advance was paid in full
in December 1996.


The  employees of the Company are offered  health,  life,  and dental  insurance
coverage at group rates from BCBS and its subsidiaries.

The Company contracts with Adams and Associates for its workers compensation and
professional  liability insurance  coverage.  Aggregate premiums paid during the
fiscal year ended  September  30, 1997 in  connection  with such  policies  were
approximately  $155,000.  Adams  and  Associates  contracts  with CP&C to be the
insurance carrier for the Company's  workers  compensation  insurance  coverage.
During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996,  Adams and Associates  provided
short-term  financing  to the  Company  for  approximately  $17,000  in  workers
compensation audit premiums, which was paid in full during the fiscal year ended
September 30, 1997. Harold H. Adams, Jr. is the President and owner of Adams and
Associates and is also a director of the Company.

     The Company has contracted  since  September  1994 with Global  Consulting,
Inc. for financial and marketing consulting services.  Russell J. Froneberger is
the President and owner of Global Consulting, Inc. and is also a director of the
Company. Fees paid during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997 in connection
with these services were approximately $96,000.

10.   Earnings Per Share

The  calculation of earnings per share and common  equivalent  share is based on
the weighted  average  number of shares  outstanding  (5,005,081 in fiscal 1997,
4,294,137  in fiscal  1996 and  3,136,544  in fiscal  1995).  Outstanding  stock
options and warrants are common stock  equivalents,  but had no dilutive effects
on earnings per share in either of the three fiscal years presented.

In February  1997, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued
Statement  No. 128,  "Earnings Per Share,"  ("SFAS No. 128") which  requires the
Company to disclose  both basic and diluted  earning per share.  SFAS No. 128 is
effective for fiscal years ending after  December 15, 1997.  SFAS 128 would have
had no impact on the reported earnings per share for the Company for each of the
three years ended September 30, 1997.

11.      Concentration of Credit Risk

In the normal course of providing  health care services,  the Company may extend
credit to patients without requiring  collateral.  Each individual's  ability to
pay balances due the Company is assessed and reserves are established to provide
for management's estimate of uncollectible balances.

Future revenues of the Company are largely  dependent on third-party  payors and
private insurance  companies,  especially in instances where the Company accepts

12.      Commitments and Contingencies

In the ordinary course of conducting its business,  the Company becomes involved
in litigation,  claims,  and  administrative  proceedings.  Certain  litigation,
claims,  and  proceedings  were pending at September  30, 1997,  and  management
intends to  vigorously  defend the Company in such  matters.  While the ultimate
results cannot be predicted  with  certainty,  management  does not expect these
matters to have a material  adverse effect on the financial  position or results
of operations of the Company.

13.   Significant Fourth Quarter Adjustment

During the quarter  ended  September  30, 1997,  the Company made a change in an
accounting  estimate  totalling  approximately  $279,000  ($.06 per share).  The
change  involved  increasing the allowance for doubtful  accounts to provide for
higher than anticipated  write-offs of uncollectible  accounts. Bad debt expense
is reflected as a component of operating costs on the Statement of Operations.


14.      Supplemental Cash Flow Information

Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information

The Company made interest payments of $813,569,  $583,981,  and $448,311, in the
years ended September 30, 1997, 1996, and 1995,  respectively.  The Company made
income tax payments of $0, $15,350 and $0 in the years ended September 30, 1997,
1996 and 1995, respectively.

Supplemental Non-Cash Operating Activities

In July  1995,  the  Company  paid for  certain  corporate  expenses  through an
issuance  of 6,000  shares  of  common  stock of the  Company  in the  amount of
$16,500,  of which  $4,125 was  expensed  in fiscal 1995 and the  remainder  was
expensed in fiscal 1996.

Supplemental Non-Cash Financing Activities

Capital lease  obligations of $1,004,837,  $711,569 and $1,069,915 were incurred
in fiscal  1997,  1996 and 1995.  Additionally,  in February  1995,  the Company
acquired  property  which was  financed  through a note payable in the amount of

In January 1995, the Company  acquired  certain assets of a medical  practice in
West  Columbia,  South  Carolina for $291,000,  consisting of 145,500  shares of
common stock of the Company.

In May 1995, the Company  acquired a medical  practice in Cayce,  South Carolina
for $150,000, consisting of 46,153 shares of common stock of the Company.

In August 1995, the Company  acquired  certain  assets of a medical  practice in
Greenville,  South Carolina for $662,500, by financing $350,000 with the seller,
and issuing 100,000 shares of common stock of the Company.

In December 1995, the Company  acquired  certain assets of a medical practice in
Greenville, South Carolina for $300,000, by paying $30,000 at closing, financing
$30,000 with the seller,  and issuing  60,000  shares of the common stock of the

In December 1995, the Company acquired a medical practice in Myrtle Beach, South
Carolina for  $334,400,  consisting  of 70,400 shares of the common stock of the
Company. The Company commenced management of the facility in January 1995, prior
to the closing date of the  acquisition in December 1995.  Financial  results of
operations  of the acquired  facility  since  January 1995 are included in these
consolidated financial statements for fiscal years 1995 and 1996.

In March 1996,  the Company  acquired  certain  assets of a medical  practice in
Columbia,  South  Carolina  for  $125,000,  by assuming  $25,000 in the seller's
accounts payable, and issuing 24,243 shares of the common stock of the Company.

In March 1996,  the Company  acquired  certain  assets of a medical  practice in
Murrells  Inlet,  South  Carolina for  $600,000,  by paying  $60,000 at closing,
financing  $240,000  with the seller,  and issuing  72,728  shares of the common
stock of the Company.

In April 1996,  the Company  acquired  certain  assets of a medical  practice in
Greenville,  South Carolina for $513,931, by paying $6,315 at closing, financing
$69,462 with the seller,  and issuing  125,187 shares of the common stock of the


In June 1996,  the  Company  acquired  certain  assets of a medical  practice in
Lugoff,  South Carolina for $675,000,  by paying  $15,000 at closing,  financing
$60,000 with the seller,  and issuing  172,588 shares of the common stock of the

In October 1996, the Company  acquired  certain assets of a medical  practice in
Aiken, South Carolina for $80,000 by financing $80,000 with the seller.

In October 1996, the Company  acquired  certain assets of a medical  practice in
Simpsonville, South Carolina for $25,000 by financing $25,000 with the seller.

In August  1997,  the  Company  acquired a three  facility  medical  practice in
Columbia, South Carolina for $2,271,250, by paying $200,000 at closing, assuming
$371,250  in notes  payable,  financing  $600,000  with the seller  and  issuing
517,649 shares of the common stock of the Company.

In September 1997, the Company  acquired certain assets of a medical practice in
Camden,  South  Carolina for $45,000 by paying  $1,500 at closing and  financing
$43,500 with the seller.

In September 1997, the Company  acquired certain assets of a medical practice in
Summerville,  South Carolina for $100,000 by paying $7,000 at closing, financing
$43,000  with the seller and issuing  19,513  shares of the common  stock of the

15.      Subsequent Events

On October 1, 1997,  the Company  acquired  certain  assets of a three  facility
physical therapy  practice in Columbia,  South Carolina for $856,756 by assuming
certain  liabilities  and  issuing  276,976  shares of the  common  stock of the
Company.  The Company  entered  into  employment  agreements  with the  physical
therapists  who had been the owners of the  practice.  The Company  also entered
into lease  agreements or assumed  existing lease  agreements  from the previous
owners. The practice previously had annual revenues of approximately $964,000.

On October 6, 1997, the Company completed a private placement of a $1.5 million,
6.5% five-year convertible  subordinated  debenture with FPA Medical Management,
Inc., a national  physician  practice  management  company  headquartered in San
Diego,  California.  The debentures are  convertible to common stock at any time
within the five year period at a fixed price  premium to the current stock price
and are  subject to Rule 144 of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  when

On November 1, 1997, the Company  acquired  certain assets of a medical practice
in New  Ellenton,  South  Carolina  for  $262,004 by paying  $17,468 at closing,
financing  $159,536  with the seller,  and issuing  30,223  shares of the common
stock of the Company.  The Company entered into an employment agreement with the
physician who had been the sole  shareholder of the acquired  medical  practice.
The Company also entered into a lease agreement with the physician owner for the
facility occupied by the acquired medical practice.  The practice previously had
annual revenues of approximately $409,000.

On December 11, 1997,  the Company  renewed its long-term  debt  agreement  with
Carolina  First Bank for a  $3,000,000  line of credit,  bearing  interest at an
annual rate of prime plus one (1%) percent  (prime rate is 8.5% at September 30,
1997).  This line of credit  balance at  September  30,  1997 is  classified  as
long-term on the accompanying balance sheet.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

Date:  January 28, 1998                   By:      /s/    M. F. McFarland
                                                   M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                                                   President and
                                                   Chief Executive Officer

                                          By:      /s/    Jerry F. Wells, Jr.
                                                   Jerry F. Wells, Jr.
                                                   Executive Vice President of 
                                                   Finance, Chief Financial 
                                                   Officer, and Principal 
                                                   Accounting Officer


                                         UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

                                                                                PAGE NUMBER OR INCORPORATION BY
EXHIBIT NUMBER                                                                            REFERENCE TO
- ----------------    -------------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------

      3.1           Amended and Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation of    Exhibit 3.1 on the Form 10-KSB
                    UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. ("UCI")                      filed for fiscal year 1995

      3.2           Amended and Restated Bylaws of UCI                        Exhibit 3.2 on the Form 10-KSB
                                                                              filed for fiscal year 1995

      3.3           Amendment to Amended and Restated Bylaws of UCI           Exhibit 3.3 on the Form 10-KSB
                                                                              filed for fiscal year 1996

      4.1           Convertible   Subordinated   Debenture  of  UCI  dated                     54
                    October  6, 1997  payable to FPA  Medical  Management,
                    Inc. ("FPAMM")

      4.2           Stock  Purchase  Warrant  Agreement  dated  October 6,                     60
                    1996 between UCI and FPAMM

     10.1           Facilities  Agreement dated May 8, 1984 by and between    Exhibit 10.1 on the Form 10-KSB
                    UCI  Medical   Affiliates  of  South  Carolina,   Inc.    filed for fiscal year 1996
                    ("UCI-SC")  and  Doctor's   Care,   P.A.,  as  amended
                    September 24, 1984 and January 13, 1995

     10.2           Amendment  No.  3  dated  September  17,  1996  to the                     65
                    Facilities  Agreement  listed as Exhibit  10.1 to this

     10.3           Employment  Agreement  dated  October 1, 1995  between    Exhibit 10.4 on the Form 10-KSB
                    UCI-SC and M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.                      filed for fiscal year 1995

     10.4           Employment  Agreement  dated  October 1, 1995  between    Exhibit 10.5 on the Form 10-KSB
                    Doctor's Care, P.A. and M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.         filed for fiscal year 1995

     10.5           Employment  Agreement  dated  November 1, 1995 between    Exhibit 10.6 on the Form 10-KSB
                    UCI-SC and D. Michael Stout, M.D.                         filed for fiscal year 1995

     10.6           Employment   Agreement   November   1,  1995   between    Exhibit 10.7 on the Form 10-KSB
                    Doctor's Care, P.A. and D. Michael Stout, M.D.            filed for fiscal year 1995

     10.7           Lease and  License  Agreement  dated  March  30,  1994    Exhibit 10.8 on the Form 10-KSB
                    between  Doctor's  Care,  P.A.  and  Blue  Cross  Blue    filed for fiscal year 1995
                    Shield of South Carolina

     10.8           Note Payable dated  February 28, 1995 between  UCI-SC,                     67
                    as  payor,   and   Companion   Property  and  Casualty
                    Insurance Company, as payee


                                                                                PAGE NUMBER OR INCORPORATION BY
EXHIBIT NUMBER                                                                            REFERENCE TO
- ----------------    -------------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------

     10.9           Revolving  Line of  Credit  dated  November  11,  1996                     70
                    between Carolina First Bank and UCI

     10.10          Stock  Option  Agreement  dated March 20, 1996 between                     76
                    UCI and Harold H. Adams, Jr.

     10.11          Stock  Option  Agreement  dated March 20, 1996 between                     79
                    UCI and Russell J. Froneberger

     10.12          Stock  Option  Agreement  dated March 27, 1997 between                     82
                    UCI and Charles P. Cannon

     10.13          Stock  Option  Agreement  dated March 27, 1997 between                     85
                    UCI and Thomas G. Faulds

     10.14          Stock  Option  Agreement  dated March 27, 1997 between                     88
                    UCI and Ashby Jordan, M.D.

     10.15          Stock  Option  Agreement  dated March 27, 1997 between                     91
                    UCI and Charles M. Potok

     10.16          UCI Medical  Affiliates,  Inc.  1994  Incentive  Stock    Exhibit 10.9 on the Form 10-KSB
                    Option Plan                                               filed for fiscal year 1995

     10.17          Consulting  Agreement  dated December 10, 1996 between                     94
                    UCI and Global Consulting, Inc.

      21            Subsidiaries of the Registrant                            Exhibit 21 on the Form 10-KSB filed
                                                                              for fiscal year 1996

      27            Financial Data Schedule                                   Filed separately as Article Type 5
                                                                              via Edgar


                                   EXHIBIT 4.1


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                       Convertible Subordinated Debenture
                    $1,500,000 Principal Amount Denomination
                                 5-Year Maturity
                            6.50% Fixed Interest Rate
                         Issuance Date: October 6, 1997

         FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,   UCI  MEDICAL   AFFILIATES,   INC.,  a  Delaware
corporation (the "Company"),  hereby promises to pay to FPA MEDICAL  MANAGEMENT,
INC., a Delaware corporation,  or registered assigns (the "Holder"),  the sum of
One Million Five Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars  ($1,500,000.00) on October
5, 2002,  upon  presentation  and  surrender of this  Debenture at the principal
offices of the Company at 1901 Main Street, Suite 1200, Columbia, South Carolina
29201,  or at such other  address as the Company may  designate by notice to the
Holder (the "Company Office"), and to pay interest computed from October 6, 1997
(the "Issue  Date") at the fixed rate of six and  one-half  (6.50%)  percent per
annum payable  annually on each  anniversary of the Issue Date, until payment of
the principal amount of this Debenture has been made.

         Payments  of  principal  and the  final  payment  of  interest  on this
Debenture  will be made at the Company  Office.  All other  payments of interest
shall be made by check mailed to the Holder at the address which shall appear on
the Register (as defined below).

         1.  Holder  Deemed  Owner.  The  Company  shall cause to be kept at the
Company   Office  a  register  in  which  the  Company  shall  provide  for  the
registration  of transfers of this Debenture (the  "Register").  The Company may
treat the person in whose name the Debenture is registered as the absolute owner
thereof for all  purposes,  whether or not the  Debenture  is  overdue,  and the
Company shall not be affected by notice to the contrary.

         2.  Transferability.  This Debenture is transferable by the Holder only
on the Register of the Company,  upon surrender of the Debenture for transfer at
the Company Office,  duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument of
transfer in form  satisfactory  to the Company  duly  executed by, the Holder or
such  Holder's  attorney  duly  authorized  in  writing,  and  thereupon  a  new
Debenture,  for the same  aggregate  principal  amount,  will be  issued  to the
designated  transferee.  No service  charge shall be made for any such transfer,
but the  Company  may require  payment of a sum  sufficient  to cover any tax or
other governmental charge payable in connection therewith.


         3. Subordination. The rights of the Holder of this Debenture to receive
payment of any principal or interest  hereon is subject and  subordinate  to the
prior payment of the  principal  of, (and premium,  if any) and the interest on,
all other  indebtedness of the Company,  whether now outstanding or subsequently
incurred,  whether  secured  or  unsecured,  and  any  deferrals,   renewals  or
extensions of such  indebtedness  or any debentures,  bonds or notes  evidencing
such   indebtedness   (the  "Senior   Indebtedness").   Upon  any  receivership,
insolvency, assignment for the benefit of creditors, bankruptcy, reorganization,
sale of all or substantially all of the assets,


dissolution, liquidation, or any other marshalling of the assets and liabilities
of the Company, or in the event this Debenture is declared due and payable upon
the occurrence of a default as defined in this Debenture, then no amount shall
be paid by the Company with respect to principal and interest hereon unless and
until the principal of, and interest on, all Senior Indebtedness then
outstanding is paid in full.

         4. Conversion.  Subject to the provisions hereof, the Holder shall have
the  right,  at its sole  option,  at any time  after the date  hereof and on or
before the maturity date of the Debenture to convert the  outstanding  principal
amount  of this  Debenture  in  whole  but  not in  part  into  fully  paid  and
nonassessable  shares of common  stock,  $0.05 par value per share (the  "Common
Stock"),  of the  Company  at the price of Three and 20/100  ($3.20)  Dollars of
principal  per share (the  "Conversion  Price") or, in the event the  Conversion
Price has been adjusted as hereinafter provided, then at the Conversion Price as
last adjusted.

         To convert this Debenture, the Holder shall surrender this Debenture to
the Company at the Company Office duly endorsed for  conversion,  or accompanied
by written  notice to the Company  stating that the Holder elects to convert the
Debenture (the "Notice of  Conversion").  The conversion shall be deemed to have
been  effected on the date (the  "Conversion  Date") on which the Company  shall
have  received the  Debenture so endorsed or  accompanied  by such notice and at
such time the  rights  of the  Holder as to the  Debenture  shall  cease and the
Holder  shall  become the holder of record of the shares of Common  Stock  being
issued upon such conversion.  As promptly as practicable  thereafter the Company
shall issue,  at its expense,  and shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the
Holder a certificate  or  certificates  for the number of whole shares of Common
Stock issuable upon the  conversion.  Also,  immediately  upon  conversion,  the
Company shall pay to the Holder the accrued and unpaid interest on the amount of
principal so  converted.  No  fractional  shares of Common Stock shall be issued
upon the conversion of the Debenture. In lieu of issuing a fractional share, the
Company  shall  pay a cash  adjustment  equal  to the  Conversion  Price of such
fractional share.

         The Company  shall at all times  reserve and keep  available out of its
authorized  Common  Stock  that  number of shares of Common  Stock  equal to the
number of shares of Common Stock  issuable upon  conversion of the entire unpaid
principal  amount of this  Debenture.  All Common Stock which is delivered  upon
conversion shall be validly issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable  and free and
clear of all liens, pledges, security interests and encumbrances of any kind.

         No payment or  adjustment  shall be made by or on behalf of the Company
on the Common  Stock  issued upon  conversion  on account of any cash  dividends
which were declared for payment to the holders of Common Stock of record as of a
date prior to the  Conversion  Date.  The Holder  shall have no right to receive
notice of or to vote as a stockholder at meetings of the Company's stockholders.

         Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  if the Company shall
be a party to any transaction  which involves any consolidation or merger of the
Company with another  corporation,  which  corporation does not control,  is not
controlled  by or is not  under  common  control  with the  Company,  and  which
transaction  is effected in such a way that the holders of Common Stock shall be
entitled to receive  stock,  securities  or other  assets with  respect to or in
exchange  for Common  Stock,  then the right to  convert  this  Debenture  shall
terminate at the close of business on the date as of which the holders of Common
Stock of record  shall be entitled to exchange  their shares of Common Stock for
securities or other assets deliverable upon such  consolidation,  merger or sale
or, if later,  twenty (20) days  following  written  notice of such event to the

         If after the date  hereof the  Company  (a) pays a dividend  or makes a
distribution in shares of Common Stock, (b) subdivides its outstanding shares of
Common  Stock into a greater  number of shares,  (c)  combines  its  outstanding
shares of Common Stock into a smaller  number of shares or (d)  reclassifies  or
recapitalizes  its  Common  Stock or any other  shares of  capital  stock of the
Company,  the Conversion Price in effect  immediately prior to such action shall
be adjusted so that the Holder may receive the number of shares of capital stock
to which such Holder  would have been  entitled  upon such action if such Holder
had converted the entire  principal  amount of the Debenture  immediately  prior
thereto. Any such adjustment shall become effective immediately after the record
date for the  determination  of owners of Common Stock  entitled  thereto in the
case of a dividend or distribution and shall become effective  immediately after
the   effective   date  in  the   case   of  a   subdivision, 


combination or reclassification. Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted, as
provided herein, the Company promptly shall give written notice of such
adjustment to the Holder, at the Holder's last address appearing in the

         5.  Redemption.  This  Debenture  may be  redeemed at any time prior to
maturity in whole but not in part at the option of the  Company,  at the Company
Office,  upon the notice  referred  to below and given as  provided  herein (the
"Notice of  Redemption"),  at the  following  redemption  prices  (expressed  in
percentages  of the principal  amount of this  Debenture)  together with accrued
interest to the date of redemption:

Date of Redemption                               Percentage of Principal Amount

October 6, 1997, through April 5, 1998...............................     108.5

April 6, 1998 through October 5, 1998................................     108

October 6, 1998 through April 5, 1999................................     107.5

April 6, 1999 through October 5, 1999................................     107

October 6, 1999 through April 5, 2000................................     106.5

April 6, 2000 through October 5, 2000................................     106

October 6, 2000 through  April 5, 2001...............................     105.5

April 6, 2001 through October 5, 2001................................     105

October 6, 2001 through April 5, 2002................................     104.5

April 6, 2002 through October 5, 2002................................     104

         Where Notice of Conversion precedes Notice of Redemption, the Company's
redemption rights do not apply. Conversely,  where Notice of Redemption precedes
Notice of Conversion, the Holder's conversion right does not apply. If Notice of
Conversion  and  Notice of  Redemption  are deemed  given on the same day,  then
Notice of Redemption will be considered to have been first given for purposes of
this Debenture.

         Notice of Redemption to the Holder of this Debenture  shall be given by
the  Company  not later than the 30th day,  and not  earlier  than the 60th day,
before the date fixed for  redemption to the Holder at the address of the Holder
as set forth in the Register.  The Company shall have the right to revoke Notice
of Redemption upon notice of such revocation to the Holder at the address of the
Holder as set forth in the Register  given by the Company not later than the 5th
day before the date fixed for redemption by the Notice of Redemption.

     6. Default.  An "Event of Default" or "Default"  shall mean,  whenever such
terms are used in this Debenture, any one or more of the following events:

                  (a)      The  Company  fails  to  pay  any  interest  on  this
                           Debenture when it is due and payable, and the failure
                           continues  for a period of five (5) days after notice
                           of  non-payment  is  delivered  to the Company by the

                  (b)      The Company fails to pay the principal of this
                           Debenture at its maturity;

                  (c)      The Company commences any voluntary proceeding under
                           any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement,
                           insolvency, readjustment of debt, receivership,
                           dissolution, or liquidation law or statute, of any
                           jurisdiction, whether now or subsequently in effect;
                           or the Company is adjudicated insolvent or bankrupt
                           by a court of competent jurisdiction; or the Company
                           petitions or applies for, acquiesces in, or consents
                           to, the appointment of any receiver or trustee of the
                           Company or for


                           all or substantially all of its property or assets;
                           or the Company makes an assignment for the benefit of
                           its creditors; or the Company admits in writing its
                           inability to pay its debts as they mature; or

                  (d)      There is commenced against the Company any proceeding
                           relating to the Company under any bankruptcy,
                           reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, readjustment
                           of debt, receivership, dissolution, or liquidation
                           law or statute, of any jurisdiction, whether now or
                           subsequently in effect, and the proceeding remains
                           undismissed for a period of ninety (90) days or the
                           Company by any act indicates its consent to, approval
                           of, or acquiescence in, the proceeding; or a receiver
                           or trustee is appointed for the Company or for all or
                           substantially all of its property or assets, and the
                           receivership or trusteeship remains undischarged for
                           a period of ninety (90) days; or a warrant of
                           attachment, execution or similar process is issued
                           against any substantial part of the property or
                           assets of the Company, and the warrant or similar
                           process is not dismissed or bonded within ninety (90)
                           days after the levy.

         If an Event of  Default  shall have  occurred  and be  continuing,  the
entire  amount of this  Debenture  plus all  accrued  interest  shall be due and
payable immediately at the election of the Holder. It is further agreed that the
acceptance  after  maturity of any payment or payments  shall not  constitute  a
waiver  of the  right of the  Holder to  demand  payment  in full of any  unpaid
balance.  The Holder may exercise this option to accelerate  during any Event of
Default regardless of any prior forbearance.  If suit is brought to collect this
Debenture,  the Holder  shall be entitled to collect  all  reasonable  costs and
expenses of suit, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees.

         No delay or failure on the part of the  Holder in the  exercise  of any
right or remedy  shall  operate  as a waiver  thereof,  and no single or partial
exercise by the Holder of any right or remedy  shall  preclude  other or further
exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy.  The Holder shall
be under no duty to exercise any or all of the rights and remedies given by this
Debenture,  and the Company  shall not be  discharged  from its  obligations  or
undertaking  hereunder  (a) should  the  Holder  release or agree not to sue any
person against whom the Company has, to the knowledge of the Holder,  a right of
recourse  or (b) should the Holder  agree to suspend  its right to enforce  this
Debenture or otherwise discharge such person.

         The Company expressly waives presentment, protest and demand, notice of
protest, demand and dishonor and nonpayment of this Debenture. No recourse shall
be had for the payment of the  principal  of, or interest on, this  Debenture or
for any claim  based  hereon,  or  otherwise  in any manner in  respect  hereof,
against any  incorporator,  stockholder,  officer or  director,  as such,  past,
present  or  future,   of  the  Company  or  of  any  predecessor  or  successor
corporation,  whether by virtue of any  constitutional  provision  or statute or
rule of law, or by the  enforcement of any assessment or penalty or in any other
manner, all such liability being expressly waived and released by the acceptance
hereof and as part of the consideration for the issuance hereof.

         7. Notices.  All notices and other  communications  provided for herein
shall be in writing, signed by the sender or an authorized representative of the
sender,  and  addressed  to the receiver as follows:  if to the Company,  at the
Company Office;  and if to the Holder, at the address of the Holder as set forth
in the Register.  Any notice or other  communication  hereunder  shall be deemed
given and effective upon the first to occur of the following:  (i) upon delivery
by hand to the receiver at the  receiver's  notice  address,  or (ii) upon being
deposited in the U.S. Mail, certified,  with return receipt requested,  directed
to the receiver's notice address.

         8.  Miscellaneous.  This  Debenture  shall be  enforced,  governed  and
construed  in all  respects  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of South
Carolina.  In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Debenture
should be  invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  in any  respect,  the  validity,
legality and enforceability of the remaining  provisions  contained herein shall
not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.  This Debenture  constitutes the
entire  agreement of the Company  respecting the subject matter hereof and shall
not be modified or amended except by written  instrument  signed by both parties
hereto.  Whenever the context and construction so require, all words used in the
singular number herein shall be deemed to be used in the plural, 


and vice versa, and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter
and the neuter shall include the masculine and feminine. The section and
paragraph headings contained in this Debenture are for reference purposes only
and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Debenture.
Terms such as "hereof", "hereunder", "hereto", "herein", and words of similar
import shall refer to this Debenture in its entirety and all references to
"Paragraphs", "Sections", and similar cross references shall refer to specified
portions of this Debenture, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. This
Debenture shall be binding upon the Company, the Holder, and their respective
assigns; and shall inure to the benefit of the Company and its successors and
permitted assigns, and the Holder and its permitted successors and assigns.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has signed and sealed this Convertible
Subordinated Debenture as of this 6th day of October, 1997.

                                UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

   /s/ Jerry F. Wells           By: /s/ M. F. McFarland
- ---------------------               --------------------------
Its:  Secretary                 Its:   President and Chief Executive Officer
(Corporate Seal)


                                   EXHIBIT 4.2

                             STOCK PURCHASE WARRANT



                             STOCK PURCHASE WARRANT

                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                                  COMMON STOCK
                                ($0.05 Par Value)

50,000 Shares                                             Dated: October 6, 1997

         This certifies that, for value received, FPA MEDICAL MANAGEMENT,  INC.,
a Delaware  corporation  ("FPA"),  is entitled  upon the due exercise  hereof to
purchase up to Fifty Thousand (50,000) shares of Common Stock,  $0.05 par value,
(the "Warrant Shares"), of UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES,  INC., a Delaware corporation
(hereinafter  called the  "Company"),  upon the terms and  conditions  set forth

         1.       Grant of Warrants

                  A. First Warrant.  At any time during the period commencing on
the date hereof and  terminating at 5:00 P.M.  Columbia,  South Carolina time on
September 30, 2000, FPA may purchase up to Twenty-Five Thousand (25,000) Warrant
Shares for a cash  purchase  price of $2.5625 per Warrant  Share (the  "Exercise
Price"),  payable upon the exercise of this First Warrant, subject to adjustment
upon the  occurrence  of the  contingencies  set forth  hereinbelow.  This First
Warrant may be exercised in whole or in part but not as to a fractional share of
Common Stock.

                  B.  Second  Warrant.  So  long as on  April  6,  1998  (a) the
principal amount of the Convertible  Subordinated Debenture described in Section
2 below (the  "Debenture")  remains  outstanding,  and (b) the Debenture has not
been converted  into Common Stock pursuant to the terms thereof,  the Company on
such date grants to FPA a warrant (the  "Second  Warrant") to purchase up to Ten
Thousand  (10,000)  additional  Warrant  Shares at any time  during  the  period
commencing  on April 6,  1998  and  terminating  at 5:00  P.M.  Columbia,  South
Carolina time on April 5, 2001 for the Exercise  Price per Warrant Share payable
upon the  exercise  of this  Second  Warrant,  subject  to  adjustment  upon the
occurrence of the contingencies set forth  hereinbelow.  This Second Warrant may
be  exercised  in whole or in part but not as to a  fractional  share of  Common

                  C.  Third  Warrant.  So long as on  October  6,  1998  (a) the
principal amount of the Debenture remains outstanding, and (b) the Debenture has
not been converted into Common Stock pursuant to the terms thereof,  the Company
on such date grants to FPA a warrant (the "Third Warrant") to purchase up to Ten
Thousand  (10,000)  additional  Warrant  Shares at any time  during  the  period
commencing  on  October 6, 1998 and  terminating  at 5:00 P.M.  Columbia,  South
Carolina  time on  October  5, 2001 for the  Exercise  Price per  Warrant  Share
payable upon the exercise of this Third Warrant,  subject to adjustment upon the
occurrence of the contingencies set forth hereinbelow. This Third Warrant may be
exercised in whole or in part but not as to a fractional share of Common Stock.


                  D.  Fourth  Warrant.  So long as on  October  6,  1999 (a) the
principal amount of the Debenture remains outstanding, and (b) the Debenture has
not been converted into Common Stock pursuant to the terms thereof,  the Company
on such date grants to FPA a warrant  (the  "Fourth  Warrant") to purchase up to
Ten Thousand  (10,000)  additional  Warrant Shares at any time during the period
commencing  on  October 6, 1999 and  terminating  at 5:00 P.M.  Columbia,  South
Carolina  time on  October  5, 2002 for the  Exercise  Price per  Warrant  Share
payable upon the exercise of this Fourth Warrant, subject to adjustment upon the
occurrence of the contingencies set forth  hereinbelow.  This Fourth Warrant may
be  exercised  in whole or in part but not as to a  fractional  share of  Common

                  E.  Fifth  Warrant.  So long as on  October  6,  2000  (a) the
principal amount of the Debenture remains outstanding, and (b) the Debenture has
not been converted into Common Stock pursuant to the terms thereof,  the Company
on such date grants to FPA a warrant (the "Fifth Warrant") to purchase up to Ten
Thousand  (10,000)  additional  Warrant  Shares at any time  during  the  period
commencing  on  October 6, 2000 and  terminating  at 5:00 P.M.  Columbia,  South
Carolina  time on  October  5, 2003 for the  Exercise  Price per  Warrant  Share
payable upon the exercise of this Fifth Warrant,  subject to adjustment upon the
occurrence of the contingencies set forth hereinbelow. This Fifth Warrant may be
exercised in whole or in part but not as to a fractional share of Common Stock.

         2. Subject to  Debenture.  This Stock  Purchase  Warrant is executed in
connection  with,  and is subject  to,  that  certain  Convertible  Subordinated
Debenture in the original  principal amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand
and No/100 Dollars ($1,500,000.00) executed as of the date hereof by the Company
in favor of FPA.

         3.  Exercise.  Upon  delivery  of notice of  exercise,  duly  executed,
together  with payment of the Exercise  Price in cash or by check for the shares
of Common Stock thereby  purchased,  at the principal  executive  offices of the
Company,  FPA shall be  entitled  to  receive,  and shall  promptly  receive,  a
certificate  or  certificates  in proper form for the shares of Common  Stock so

         4. No Transfer of Warrant.  This Warrant and all rights  hereunder  may
not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged or hypothecated in whole or in part,
except  FPA upon  written  notice to the  Company  may  assign  its  rights  and
obligations, if any, hereunder to any corporation wholly-owned by FPA.

         5.  Adjustment  of  Exercise  Price and  Number  of Shares  Purchasable
Hereunder.  In case  the  Company  shall  at any  time  after  the  date of this
Agreement (i) declare a dividend or make a  distribution  on the Common Stock in
shares of its Common Stock, (ii) subdivide the outstanding  Common Stock,  (iii)
combine or  reclassify  the  outstanding  Common Stock into a smaller  number of
shares, or (iv) issue any shares of its capital stock in a  reclassification  of
the Common Stock  (including  any such  reclassification  in  connection  with a
consolidation or merger in which the Company is the continuing corporation), the
Exercise  Price in effect at the time of the record date for such dividend or of
the effective date of such subdivision, combination or reclassification shall be
proportionately  adjusted so that the holder of the Warrant exercised after such
time shall be  entitled to receive  the  aggregate  number and kind of shares of
capital stock which,  if such Warrant had been  exercised  immediately  prior to
such date,  he would have owned upon such  exercise and been entitled to receive
by virtue of such dividend, subdivision,  combination or reclassification.  Such
adjustment  shall be made  successively  whenever  any event  listed above shall

         6. Charges,  Taxes and Expenses. The issuance of certificates of shares
of Common Stock upon any exercise or  conversion  of this Warrant  shall be made
without  charge to the holder  hereof for any tax or other expense in respect to
the issuance of such certificates, all of which taxes and expenses shall be paid
by the Company.


         7.  Covenants  of Issuer.  The  Company  covenants  and agrees that all
Common Stock and, if applicable,  other  securities  that may be issued upon the
exercise of the rights represented by this Warrant will, upon issuance, be fully
paid and nonassessable  and free from all taxes,  liens and charges with respect
to the issue  thereof  (other than taxes in respect of any  transfer to a person
other  than the holder of this  Warrant  occurring  contemporaneously  with such
issue).  The Company further  covenants and agrees that during the period within
which the rights represented by this Warrant may be exercised,  the Company will
at all times  have  authorized  and  reserved a  sufficient  number of shares of
Common Stock and, if applicable, other securities to provide for the exercise in
full of the rights represented by this Warrant.  The Company will provide to, or
make  available  to, as the case may be,  the  holder of this  Warrant  the same
information,  reports and notices as it shall provide to, or make  available to,
the holders of its Common Stock.

     8. Holder's Rights.  No holder of this Warrant,  as such, shall be entitled
to vote or receive dividends or be deemed to be a shareholder of the Company for
any purpose.

     9.  Applicable Law. The validity,  interpretation,  and performance of this
Warrant shall be governed by the laws of the State of South Carolina.

         10.  Successors  and  Assigns.  This  Warrant and the rights  evidenced
hereby  shall inure to the  benefit of and be binding  upon the  successors  and
assigns of the Company and the holder hereof.

     11.  Headings.   Headings  of  the  paragraphs  in  this  Warrant  are  for
convenience and reference only and shall not, for any purpose,  be deemed a part
of this Warrant.

         12. Notices. Any notice,  request,  approval,  consent, demand or other
communication  shall be effective upon the first to occur of the following:  (i)
upon  receipt  by the party to whom such  notice,  request,  approval,  consent,
demand or other  communication  is being given;  or (ii) three (3) business days
after being duly  deposited in the United States mail,  registered or certified,
return receipt requested, and addressed as follows:

                  Company:          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                                    1901 Main Street
                                    Suite 1200
                                    Columbia, SC 29201
                                    Attn:  Jerry F. Wells, Jr.

                  FPA:              FPA Medical Management, Inc.
                                    3636 Nobel Drive
                                    Suite 200
                                    San Diego, CA 92122
                                    Attn:  Steve Lash

The parties  hereto may change their  respective  addresses by notice in writing
given to the other party to this Agreement.

         13.  Number of Days.  In  computing  the number of days for purposes of
this  Agreement,  all days shall be counted,  including  Saturdays,  Sundays and
holidays; provided, however, that if the final day of any time period falls on a
Saturday,  Sunday  or  holiday  on which  Federal  banks  are or may elect to be
closed,  then the  final  day  shall be deemed to be the next day which is not a
Saturday, Sunday or holiday.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Stock Purchase Warrant
to be signed by its duly authorized officer and its corporate seal to be affixed

                               UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                               By:  /s/ M. F. McFarland
ATTEST:                        Its:  President and Chief Executive Officer

 /s/ Jerry F. Wells
- --------------------


                                  EXHIBIT 10.2




         This Amendment to Facilities  Agreement (this "Amendment") entered into
to be  effective  as of this 27th day of  September,  1996,  by and  between UCI
Medical  Affiliates of South  Carolina,  Inc., a South Carolina  corporation and
wholly-owned  subsidiary of UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc. ("UCISC") and Doctor's
Care, P.A.
("Doctor's Care").

         Introduction.  UCISC and  Doctor's  Care  previously  entered into that
certain  Facilities  Agreement  dated  May 8,  1984  (the  "Agreement")  whereby
Doctor's  Care  agreed to provide  medical  and  medically  related  services at
certain primary care clinics in South Carolina owned and/or leased by UCISC. The
Agreement was amended on September 24, 1984 and on January 13, 1995. The parties
hereto  desire to further amend the terms of the Agreement to extend the term of
the  Agreement  as set  forth  in this  Amendment.  All  capitalized  terms  not
otherwise  defined  herein shall have the  respective  meanings set forth in the

         Agreement.  NOW,  THEREFORE,  for and in  consideration  of the  mutual
promises set forth herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and  adequacy of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties do hereby agree as

1. The Agreement shall continue, unless earlier terminated by the parties, until
September 30, 2010.

2.       All terms and conditions of the Agreement,  except as modified  hereby,
         shall remain in full force and effect.

                               UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF
                               SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.     (SEAL)

                               By:      /s/ M. F. McFarland
                               Its:     President

                               DOCTOR'S CARE, P.A.        (SEAL)

                               By:     /s/ M. F. McFarland
                               Its:    President


                                  EXHIBIT 10.8

                                  NOTE PAYABLE
                             DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1995
                            BETWEEN UCI-SC, AS PAYOR,


                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$400,000.00                                             Columbia, South Carolina
                                                               February 28, 1995

"Borrower"),  promises to pay to the order of  COMPANION  PROPERTY  AND CASUALTY
($400,000.00)  with interest  thereon at an annual rate equal to Eleven  percent

         Borrower  shall pay monthly  payments of principal  and interest in the
amount of Four Thousand Five Hundred  Forty-Six and 39/100  ($4,546.39)  Dollars
beginning  April  1,  1995,  and  continuing  on the  first  day of  each  month
thereafter through the Maturity Date.

         The  entire  outstanding   principal  balance  of  this  Note  and  any
outstanding  accrued  interest shall be due and payable in full on the fifteenth
anniversary of the date of this Note (the "Maturity Date").

         All payments under this Note shall be applied first to late charges, if
any,  then to  accrued  interest  and then to  principal.  All  installments  of
principal  and all interest are payable in lawful money of the United  States of
America,  which shall be legal  tender in payment of all debts and dues,  public
and private, at the time of payment; and in the event of (a) failure to pay this
Note in full on the  Maturity  Date,  or (b) default in the payment of any other
installment  of interest or principal  or any other sum payable  pursuant to the
terms of this Note or any lien document securing this Note, not cured within ten
days after written notice from Lender,  then or at any time  thereafter,  at the
option of lender, the whole of the principal sum then remaining unpaid hereunder
together  with all interest  accrued  thereof shall  immediately  become due and
payable  without  further  notice,  and the liens given to secure the payment of
this Note may be  foreclosed.  From and after the  maturity  of this Note either
according to its terms or as the result of a declaration of maturity, the entire
principal  remaining unpaid hereunder shall bear interest at a rate of five (5%)
percent per annum above the rate  otherwise in effect  hereunder  (the  "Default
Rate"), or the highest applicable lawful rate, whichever is the lesser.  Failure
to exercise  such option or any other rights Lender may in the event of any such
default be entitled to,  shall not  constitute a waiver of the right to exercise
such option or any other rights in the event of any subsequent default,  whether
of the same or different nature.

         If this Note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or is
collected through any legal  proceedings,  Borrower promises to pay all expenses
of collection and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by Lender.

         In the event the interest  provisions hereof or any exactions  provided
for herein or in the lien documents or any other instruments  securing this Note
shall result,  because of the monthly reduction of principal or any other reason
related or unrelated to the interest provisions,  at any time during the life of
the loan,  in an  effective  rate of  interest  which,  for any  period of time,
transcends  the  limit of the  usury or any  other  law  applicable  to the loan
evidenced hereby,  all sums in excess of those lawfully  collectible as interest
for the period in question shall, without further agreement or notice between or
by any party hereto,  be applied to principal  immediately  upon receipt of such
monies  by  Lender  with the same  force  and  effect  as  though  the payor had
specifically  designated  such and agreed to accept such extra  payment(s)  as a
premium free payment.

         Lender  may  collect  a  late  charge  of  five  (5%)  percent  of  any
installment  of principal or interest  which is not paid within ten (10) days of
the due date  thereof to cover the extra time and  expense  involved in handling
delinquent  payments.  Such late charge  shall apply to late  payments  prior to
maturity or acceleration. Upon maturity or acceleration, no further late charges
shall be assessed,  but  Borrower  shall pay the Default Rate of interest on all
amounts due from the date of maturity or acceleration  until the Note is paid in
full.  The  collection


of the late charge shall not be deemed a waiver by Lender of interest accruing
after the due date of any installment or of any of Lender's other rights under
this Note.

         Borrower  agrees  that  the  large  charge  provided  above is fair and
reasonable  compensation  to Lender for the additional  administrative  time and
effort  incurred in collecting  and  processing  delinquent  payments.  Borrower
further agrees that the Default Rate is a fair and  reasonable  rate of interest
to be  charged  after  maturity  or  acceleration  of this  Note in light of the
increased  risks to Lender  inherent  in a past due loan and the  administrative
time and effort incurred in collecting a past due loan.

         Borrower and all  endorsers,  guarantors  and all persons  liable or to
become  liable on this Note  waive  presentment,  protest  and  demand,  note of
protest,  demand and dishonor and nonpayment of this Note, ad consent to any and
all renewals and extensions of the time of payment hereof,  and agree,  further,
that at any time and from time to time  without  notice,  the  terms of  payment
herein may be modified or the security  described in the lien document  securing
the Note  released in whole or in part,  or  increased,  changed or exchanged by
agreement  between  lender  and any  owner of  premises  affected  by said  lien
document  securing  this Note without in anywise  affecting the liability of any
party to this  instrument or any person liable with respect to any  indebtedness
evidenced hereby.

         Lender is not required to rely on the collateral for the payment of the
Note in the event of default by the maker,  but may proceed directly against the
maker, endorsers,  or guarantors,  if any, in such manner as it deems desirable.
None of the rights and remedies of Lender  hereunder is to be waived or affected
by failure or delay to exercise them.  All remedies  conferred on Lender by this
Note or any other  instrument  or  agreement  shall be  cumulative,  and none is
exclusive.  Such  remedies may be exercised  concurrently  or  consecutively  at
Lender's option.

         The Borrower may prepay this Note at any time without penalty.

         This  Note  shall  be   governed   as  to   validity,   interpretation,
construction, effect, and in all other respects by the laws and decisions of the
State of South Carolina.

                  By:  /s/ M.F. McFarland, III            (SEAL)
                  Its:  President

         The undersigned  hereby  guarantees  payment in full of this Promissory
Note.  The  undersigned's  obligation is primary and not  secondary,  and Lender
shall not be required to bring suit  against  Borrower or to  foreclose  on this
Promissory Note before enforcing this Guaranty.  The undersigned  shall also pay
all reasonable attorney's fees and expenses incurred in enforcing this Guaranty.

                  DOCTOR'S CARE, P.A.

                  By:      /s/ M.F. McFarland, III, MD        (SEAL)
                  Its:     President


                                  EXHIBIT 10.9

                            REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT


UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.           Carolina First Bank                   ID # 1971
1901 Main Street, Ste 1200             1225 Lady Street                      Loan Number  __________
Columbia, SC  29201                    Columbia, SC  29201                   Date  _________________
                                                                             Maturity Date  __________
BORROWER'S NAME AND ADDRESS            LENDER'S NAME AND ADDRESS             Loan Amount $3,000,000
"I" includes each borrower above,      "You" means the lender, its           Renewal Of  ___________
joint and severally.                   successors and assigns.               57-07844959

For value  received,  I promise to pay to you,  or your order,  at your  address
listed  above  the   PRINCIPAL   sum  of  Three   Million  and  00/100   Dollars

     _____  Single  Advance:  I  will  receive  all  of  this  principal  sum on
_____________. No additional advances are contemplated under this note.

   XX    Multiple  Advance:  The principal sum shown above is the maximum amount
         of  principal I can borrow  under this note.  On  _____________  I will
         receive the amount of  $__________  and future  principal  advances are

         Conditions:  The conditions for future advances are     
   XX    Open End  Credit:  You and I agree that I may borrow up to the  maximum
         amount of principal more than one time.  This feature is subject to all
         other conditions and expires on December 2, 1998.

     _____  Closed  End  Credit:  You and I agree  that I may  borrow  up to the
maximum only one time (and subject to all other conditions).

INTEREST:  I agree to pay  interest on the  outstanding  principal  balance from
_________________  at the rate of P + 1.0% per year  until  date the Index  Rate

  XX     Variable Rate:  This rate may then change as stated below.

  XX     Index  Rate:  The future  rate will be 1.0% above the  following  index

     ______ No Index:  The future  rate will not be subject to any  internal  or
external index. It will be entirely in your control.

  XX     Frequency  and  Timing:  The rate on this  note may  change as often as
         DAILY. A change in the interest rate will take effect  IMMEDIATELY  THE

______   Limitations:  During  the  term of this  loan,  the  applicable  annual
         interest rate will not be more than _____% or less than _____%.

     Effect  of  Variable  Rate:  A change  in the  interest  rate will have the
following effect on the payments:

   XX The amount of each scheduled payment will change.

______   The amount of the final payment will change.

ACCRUAL METHOD:  Interest will be calculated on a ACTUAL/360 day basis.


POST MATURITY  RATE: I agree to pay interest on the unpaid  balance of this note
owing after maturity, and until paid in full, as stated below:

  XX on the same fixed or  variable  rate basis in effect  before  maturity  (as
indicated above).

_____    at a rate equal to __________.

     XX LATE  CHARGE:  If a payment is made more than 20 days after it is due, I
agree to pay a late  charge  of the  greater  of 5% of pmt or  $25.00.

  XX     ADDITIONAL  CHARGES:  In  addition  to  interest,  I  agree  to pay the
         following  charges  which ___ are XX are not included in the  principal
         amount above: $15,000 fee.

PAYMENTS:  I agree to pay this note as follows:

   XX Interest: I agree to pay accrued interest due monthly beginning January 2,

   XX Principal: I agree to pay the principal at maturity, December 2, 1998.

     _____  Installments:  I agree to pay this note in ____ payments.  The first
payment will be in the amount of $_________ and will be due _________________. A
payment of $_______ will be due _______________ thereafter. The final payment of
the entire unpaid balance of principal and interest will be due -----------.

ADDITIONAL TERMS:  This loan is secured by A/R, inventory, and stock.

PURPOSE:  The purpose of this loan is Line of Credit.

I have received a copy on today's date.

UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

/s/ M.F. McFarland, CEO

Signature for Lender

/s/ Alfred H. Barnett, Vice President


APPLICABLE  LAW:  The law of the state in which you are located will govern this
note.  Any  term of this  note  which  contrary  to  applicable  law will not be
effective,  unless the law permits you and me to agree to such a  variation.  If
any provision of this agreement cannot be enforced  according to its terms, this
face will not affect the  enforceability of the remainder of this agreement.  No
modification of this agreement may be made without your express written consent.
Time is of the essence in this agreement.

PAYMENTS:  Each  payment I make on this note will first  reduce the amount I owe
you for charges which are neither interest nor principal.  The remainder of each
payment will then reduce accrued unpaid interest, and then unpaid principal.  If
you and I agree to a different  application  of payments,  we will  describe our
agreement  on this note.  I may prepay a part of, or the entire  balance of this
loan  without  penalty,  unless we specify  to the  contrary  of this note.  Any
partial  prepayment will not excuse or reduce any later scheduled  payment until
this note is paid in full (unless,  when I make the prepayment,  you and I agree
in writing to the contrary).

INTEREST: If I receive the principal in more than one advance, each advance will
start to earn  interest  only when I receive the advance.  The interest  rate in
effect on this note at any given time will apply to the entire principal advance
at that time.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary,  I do not agree to pay
and you do not intend to charge  any rate of  interest  that is higher  than the
maximum rate of interest you could charge under applicable law for the extension
of credit  that is  agreed to here  (either  before or after  maturity).  If any
notice of interest accrual is sent and is in error, we mutually agree to correct
it, and if you  actually  collect  more  interest  than  allowed by law and this
agreement, you agree to refund it to me.

INDEX  RATE:  The index will serve only as a device for setting the rate on this
note. You do not guarantee by selecting this index, or the margin, that the rate
on this  note will be the same  rate you  charge on any other  loans or class of
loans to me or other borrowers.

ACCRUAL  METHOD:  The  amount of  interest  that I will pay on this loan will be
calculated  using the interest rate and accrual  method stated on page 1 of this
note. For the purpose of interest calculation, the accrual method will determine
the number of days in a "year". If no accrual method is stated, then you may use
any reasonable accrual method for calculating interest.

POST  MATURITY  RATE:  For purposes of deciding  when the "Post  Maturity  Rate"
(shown  on page 1)  applies,  the  term  "maturity"  means  the date of the last
scheduled  payment  indicated on page 1 of this note or the date you  accelerate
payment on the note, whichever is earlier.

SINGLE  ADVANCE  LOANS:  If this is a single advance loan, you and I expect that
you will make only one advance of principal.  However, you may add other amounts
to the principal if you make any payments  described in the "PAYMENTS BY LENDER"
paragraph below.

MULTIPLE  ADVANCE  LOANS:  If this is a multiple  advance loan, you and I expect
that you will make more than one  advance  of  principal.  If this is closed end
credit,  repaying a part of the  principal  will not  entitle  me to  additional

PAYMENTS BY LENDER:  If you are  authorized  to pay, on my behalf,  charges I am
obligated to pay (such as property insurance premiums), then you may treat those
payments made by you as advances and add them to the unpaid principal under this
note, or you may demand immediate payment of the charges.

SET-OFF: I agree that you may set off any amount due and payable under this note
against any right I have to receive money from you.

"Right to receive money from you" means:

     1.  any deposit account balance I have with you;

     2.  any money owed to me on an item presented to you or in your possession
         for collection or exchange; and

     3.  any repurchase agreement or other nondeposit obligation.


"Any amount due and payable under this note" means the total amount of which you
are entitled to demand  payment under the terms of this note at the time you set
off.  This  total  includes  any  balance  the due date for which  you  properly
accelerate under this note.

If my right to  receive  money  from you is also  owned by  someone  who has not
agreed to pay this note,  your right of set-off will apply to my interest in the
obligation  and to any other  amounts I could  withdraw  on my sole  request  or
endorsement.  Your  right of  set-off  does not  apply  to an  account  or other
obligation where my rights are only as a representative.  It also does not apply
to any Individual Retirement Account or other tax-deferred retirement account.

You will not be liable for the  dishonor of any check when the  dishonor  occurs
because you set off this debt  against any of my  accounts.  I agree to hold you
harmless from any such claims arising as a result of your exercise of your right
of set-off.

REAL ESTATE OR RESIDENCE  SECURITY:  If this note is secured by real estate or a
residence  that is  personal  property,  the  existence  of a  default  and your
remedies for such a default will be determined  by applicable  law, by the terms
of any separate instrument creating the security interest and, to the extent not
prohibited  by law  and not  contrary  to the  terms  of the  separate  security
instrument, by the "Default" and "Remedies" paragraphs herein.

DEFAULT:  I will be in default if any one or more of the following  occur: (1) I
fail to make a  payment  on time or in the  amount  due;  (2) I fail to keep the
property insured,  if required;  (3) I fail to pay, or keep any promise,  on any
debt or  agreement I have with you; (4) any other  creditor of mine  attempts to
collect any debt I owe him  through  court  proceedings;  (5) I die, am declared
incompetent,  make an  assignment  for  the  benefit  of  creditors,  or  become
insolvent (either because my liabilities  exceed my assets or I am unable to pay
my debts as they become  due);  (6) I make any written  statement or provide any
financial  information that is untrue or inaccurate at the time it was provided;
(7) I do or fail to do something  which causes you to believe that you will have
difficulty  collecting  the amount I owe you; (8) any  collateral  securing this
note is used in a manner  or for a purpose  which  threatens  confiscation  by a
legal authority; (9) I change my name or assume an additional name without first
notifying you before making such a change;  (10) I fail to plant,  cultivate and
harvest crops in due season;  (11) any loan proceeds are used for a purpose that
will  contribute  to  excessive  erosion  of  highly  erodible  land  or to  the
conversion  of  wetlands  to  produce  an  agricultural  commodity,  as  further
explained in 7 C.F.R. Part 1940, Subpart G, Exhibit M.

     REMEDIES: If I am in default on this note you have, but are not limited to,
the following remedies:

1.   You  may  demand  immediate  payment  of  all I owe  you  under  this  note
     (principal, accrued unpaid interest and other accrued charges).

2.   You may set off this debt  against any right I have to the payment of money
     from you, subject to the terms of the "Set-Off" paragraph herein.

3.   You may demand security,  additional security,  or additional parties to be
     obligated to pay this note as a condition for not using any other remedy.

4. You may refuse to make advances to me or allow purchases on credit by me.

5. You may use any remedy you have under state or federal law.

By selecting any one or more of these  remedies you do not give up your right to
later use any other  remedy.  By waiving  your right to declare an event to be a
default, you do not waive your right to later consider the event as a default if
it continues or happens again.


COLLECTION  COSTS AND  ATTORNEY'S  FEES: I agree to pay all costs of collection,
replevin or any other or similar  type of cost if I am in default.  In addition,
if you hire an  attorney to collect  this note,  I also agree to pay any fee you
incur with such attorney  plus court costs (except where  prohibited by law). To
the extent  permitted by the United States  Bankruptcy Code, I also agree to pay
the  reasonable  attorney's  fees and costs you  incur to  collect  this debt as
awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code.

     WAIVER: I give up my rights to require you to do certain things. I will not
require you to:

1.    demand payment of amounts due (presentment);
2.    obtain official certification of nonpayment (protest); or
3.    give notice that amounts due have not been paid (notice of dishonor).

OBLIGATIONS INDEPENDENT:  I understand that I must pay this note even if someone
else has also agreed to pay it (by, for example, signing this form or a separate
guarantee or endorsement). You may sue me alone, or anyone else who is obligated
on this note, or any number of us together,  to collect this note. You may do so
without  any  notice  that it has not been paid  (notice of  dishonor).  You may
without notice release any party to this agreement  without  releasing any other
party. If you give up any of your rights,  with or without  notice,  it will not
affect my duty to pay this note.  Any  extension  of new credit to any of us, or
renewal  of this note by all or less than all of us will not  release me from my
duty to pay it. (Of  course,  you are  entitled  to only one payment in full.) I
agree that you may at your option  extend this note or the debt  represented  by
this note,  or any portion of the note or debt,  from time to time without limit
or notice and for any term without  affecting  my  liability  for payment of the
note. I will not assign my obligation  under this  agreement  without your prior
written approval.

CREDIT INFORMATION: I agree and authorize you to obtain credit information about
me from time to time (for example,  by requesting a credit report) and to report
to others your credit experience with me *such as a credit reporting  agency). I
agree to provide you, upon request,  any financial  statement or information you
may deem  necessary.  I warrant that the financial  statements and information I
provide to you are or will be accurate, correct and complete.

NOTICE:  Unless  otherwise  required by law,  any notice to me shall be given by
delivering  it or by mailing it by first class mail  addressed  to me at my last
known address. My current address is on page 1. I agree to inform you in writing
of any change in my  address.  I will give any notice to you by mailing it first
class  to your  address  stated  on page 1 of this  agreement,  or to any  other
address that you have designated.

                               Borrower's                                                       Interest
    Date of       Principal     Initials      Principal    Principal   Interest     Interest    Paid
  Transaction      Advance        (not        Payments      Balance      Rate       Payments     Through
- ---------------- ------------ -------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- -----------

                 $                           $            $                    %  $
                 $                           $            $                    %  $
                 $                           $            $                    %  $
                 $                           $            $                    %  $
                 $                           $            $                    %  $
                 $                           $            $                    %  $


                                  EXHIBIT 10.10

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     This Option  Agreement is made to be effective as of the 20th day of March,
1996, by and between UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES,  INC., a Delaware  corporation (the
"Company"), and Harold H. Adams, Jr. ("Optionee").

                              Preliminary Statement

         The Board of  Directors  has deemed that it is in the best  interest of
the Company and its shareholders that each non-employee  director of the Company
on the effective date hereof be granted a non-statutory  option for the purchase
of shares of the common stock of the Company,  $0.05 par value (the "Stock"), in
connection  with their  service on the Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  In
accordance  therewith and in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and other
matters set forth herein, the Company and Optionee hereby agree as follows:

         1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee the right and
option  (the  "Option")  to  purchase  from  the  Company  all or any part of an
aggregate  of Five  Thousand  (5,000)  shares  of the  Stock,  on the  terms and
conditions  set forth  herein.  This Option shall not be treated as an incentive
stock option within the meaning of Section 422A(b) of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         2.  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price per share of the Stock to be
purchased  pursuant to the exercise of this Option (the "Purchase  Price") shall
be Three and 50/100 ($3.50)  Dollars,  the closing ask price of the Stock on the
effective  date hereof which price is hereby  confirmed by the Company to be the
fair market value of the Stock on the effective date hereof.

         3. Term. This Option shall be exercisable  during the period commencing
on March 20, 1999 and ending at 11:59 p.m.  eastern time on March 20, 2006. This
Option shall expire on March 21, 2006.  This Option may be exercised  during the
term hereof only by Optionee during Optionee's lifetime, except that if Optionee
dies during the term of this Option  Agreement,  Optionee's  estate may exercise
this  Option in full at any time  during the period of six (6) months  following
the date of Optionee's  death,  but only as to the number of shares of the Stock
that  Optionee was entitled to purchase  hereunder as of the date of  Optionee's

         4. Exercise and Closing.  This Option shall be  exercisable  by written
notice to the  Company at its  principal  executive  offices,  addressed  to the
attention  of its  Chief  Financial  Officer,  at any time and from time to time
during  the  term of this  Option  as set  forth  herein,  for any or all of the
aggregate number of shares covered by this Option. No fraction of a share of the
Stock shall be issued by the Company upon any exercise of this Option.  Multiple
exercises  of this  Option  shall be  permitted  so long as the total  number of
shares of the Stock  purchased  pursuant  to this  Option does not exceed in the
aggregate the total number of shares as to which this Option is  exercisable  as
set forth in  Paragraph 1 hereof.  Closing of the  purchase of the shares of the
Stock as to which this Option may be  exercised  shall take place in the offices
of the  Company  on or before  thirty  (30) days  following  the  receipt by the
Company of the written  notice of  exercise  by  Optionee.  The  Purchase  Price
multiplied by the number of shares as to which this Option is exercised shall be
paid in full to the  Company  at the  time of such  closing  in cash  (including
check, bank draft, or money order payable to the order of the Company).

         5.  Stock  Restrictions.  Option  understands  that at the  time of the
execution  of this  Option  Agreement,  the  shares of the Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of this Option have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or under any state  securities  law, and that the
Company  currently  does not  intend to effect any such  registration.  Optionee
agrees that the shares of the Stock  which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising
this Option  shall be purchased  by Optionee  for  investment  without a view to
distribution within the meaning of the Act, and shall not be sold,  transferred,
assigned,  pledged,  or  hypothecated 


unless such transfer has been registered under the Act and applicable state
securities laws, or the transfer duly qualifies for an applicable exemption from
the registration requirements of the Act and any applicable state securities
laws. In any event, Optionee agrees that the shares of the Stock which Optionee
may acquire by exercising this Option shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of
in any manner which would constitute a violation of any applicable securities
laws, whether federal or state. In addition, Optionee agrees that (i) the
certificates representing the shares of the Stock purchased under this Option
may bear such restrictive legend or legends as the Company's legal counsel deems
appropriate in order to assure compliance with applicable securities laws, (ii)
the Company may refuse to register the transfer of the shares of the Stock
purchased under this Option on the stock transfer records of the Company if such
proposed transfer would, in the opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company,
constitute a violation of any applicable securities laws, and (iii) the Company
may give related instructions to its transfer agent to stop registration of the
transfer of the shares of Stock purchased under this Option.

     6. Binding  Effect.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of any successors to the Company and all persons lawfully claiming under

     7.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

     8. Transferability. This Option is not transferable or assignable, in whole
or in part, by Optionee.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Option Agreement to be
duly  executed  by its officer  thereunto  duly  authorized,  and  Optionee  has
executed this Option Agreement, all to be effective as of the day and year first
above written.

                   UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                   By:   /s/ M. F. McFarland
                        M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                   Its: President and Chief Executive Officer


                   /s/ Harold H. Adams, Jr.
                   Print Name: Harold H. Adams, Jr.


                                  EXHIBIT 10.11

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

         This Option  Agreement  is made to be  effective  as of the 20th day of
March, 1996, by and between UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"), and Russell J. Froneberger ("Optionee").

                              Preliminary Statement

         The Board of  Directors  has deemed that it is in the best  interest of
the Company and its shareholders that each non-employee  director of the Company
on the effective date hereof be granted a non-statutory  option for the purchase
of shares of the common stock of the Company,  $0.05 par value (the "Stock"), in
connection  with their  service on the Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  In
accordance  therewith and in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and other
matters set forth herein, the Company and Optionee hereby agree as follows:

         1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee the right and
option  (the  "Option")  to  purchase  from  the  Company  all or any part of an
aggregate  of Five  Thousand  (5,000)  shares  of the  Stock,  on the  terms and
conditions  set forth  herein.  This Option shall not be treated as an incentive
stock option within the meaning of Section 422A(b) of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         2.  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price per share of the Stock to be
purchased  pursuant to the exercise of this Option (the "Purchase  Price") shall
be Three and 50/100 ($3.50)  Dollars,  the closing ask price of the Stock on the
effective  date hereof which price is hereby  confirmed by the Company to be the
fair market value of the Stock on the effective date hereof.

         3. Term. This Option shall be exercisable  during the period commencing
on March 20, 1999 and ending at 11:59 p.m.  eastern time on March 20, 2006. This
Option shall expire on March 21, 2006.  This Option may be exercised  during the
term hereof only by Optionee during Optionee's lifetime, except that if Optionee
dies during the term of this Option  Agreement,  Optionee's  estate may exercise
this  Option in full at any time  during the period of six (6) months  following
the date of Optionee's  death,  but only as to the number of shares of the Stock
that  Optionee was entitled to purchase  hereunder as of the date of  Optionee's

         4. Exercise and Closing.  This Option shall be  exercisable  by written
notice to the  Company at its  principal  executive  offices,  addressed  to the
attention  of its  Chief  Financial  Officer,  at any time and from time to time
during  the  term of this  Option  as set  forth  herein,  for any or all of the
aggregate number of shares covered by this Option. No fraction of a share of the
Stock shall be issued by the Company upon any exercise of this Option.  Multiple
exercises  of this  Option  shall be  permitted  so long as the total  number of
shares of the Stock  purchased  pursuant  to this  Option does not exceed in the
aggregate the total number of shares as to which this Option is  exercisable  as
set forth in  Paragraph 1 hereof.  Closing of the  purchase of the shares of the
Stock as to which this Option may be  exercised  shall take place in the offices
of the  Company  on or before  thirty  (30) days  following  the  receipt by the
Company of the written  notice of  exercise  by  Optionee.  The  Purchase  Price
multiplied by the number of shares as to which this Option is exercised shall be
paid in full to the  Company  at the  time of such  closing  in cash  (including
check, bank draft, or money order payable to the order of the Company).

         5.  Stock  Restrictions.  Option  understands  that at the  time of the
execution  of this  Option  Agreement,  the  shares of the Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of this Option have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or under any state  securities  law, and that the
Company  currently  does not  intend to effect any such  registration.  Optionee
agrees that the shares of the Stock  which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising
this Option  shall be purchased  by Optionee  for  investment  without a view to
distribution within the meaning of the Act, and shall not be sold,  transferred,
assigned,  pledged,  or  hypothecated 


unless such transfer has been registered under the Act and applicable state
securities laws, or the transfer duly qualifies for an applicable exemption from
the registration requirements of the Act and any applicable state securities
laws. In any event, Optionee agrees that the shares of the Stock which Optionee
may acquire by exercising this Option shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of
in any manner which would constitute a violation of any applicable securities
laws, whether federal or state. In addition, Optionee agrees that (i) the
certificates representing the shares of the Stock purchased under this Option
may bear such restrictive legend or legends as the Company's legal counsel deems
appropriate in order to assure compliance with applicable securities laws, (ii)
the Company may refuse to register the transfer of the shares of the Stock
purchased under this Option on the stock transfer records of the Company if such
proposed transfer would, in the opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company,
constitute a violation of any applicable securities laws, and (iii) the Company
may give related instructions to its transfer agent to stop registration of the
transfer of the shares of Stock purchased under this Option.

     6. Binding  Effect.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of any successors to the Company and all persons lawfully claiming under

     7.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

     8. Transferability. This Option is not transferable or assignable, in whole
or in part, by Optionee.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Option Agreement to be
duly  executed  by its officer  thereunto  duly  authorized,  and  Optionee  has
executed this Option Agreement, all to be effective as of the day and year first
above written.

                   UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                   By:  /s/ M. F. McFarland
                        M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                   Its: President and Chief Executive Officer


                   /s/ Russell J. Froneberger
                   Print Name:    Russell J. Froneberger


                                  EXHIBIT 10.12

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

         This Option  Agreement  is made to be  effective  as of the 27th day of
March, 1997, by and between UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"), and Charles P. Cannon ("Optionee").

                              Preliminary Statement

         The Board of  Directors  has deemed that it is in the best  interest of
the Company and its shareholders that each non-employee  director of the Company
on the effective date hereof be granted a non-statutory  option for the purchase
of shares of the common stock of the Company,  $0.05 par value (the "Stock"), in
connection  with their  service on the Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  In
accordance  therewith and in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and other
matters set forth herein, the Company and Optionee hereby agree as follows:

         1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee the right and
option  (the  "Option")  to  purchase  from  the  Company  all or any part of an
aggregate  of Five  Thousand  (5,000)  shares  of the  Stock,  on the  terms and
conditions  set forth  herein.  This Option shall not be treated as an incentive
stock option within the meaning of Section 422A(b) of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         2.  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price per share of the Stock to be
purchased  pursuant to the exercise of this Option (the "Purchase  Price") shall
be Two and 50/100  ($2.50)  Dollars,  the  closing ask price of the Stock on the
effective  date hereof which price is hereby  confirmed by the Company to be the
fair market value of the Stock on the effective date hereof.

         3. Term. This Option shall be exercisable  during the period commencing
on March 27, 2000 and ending at 11:59 p.m.  eastern time on March 27, 2007. This
Option shall expire on March 28, 2007.  This Option may be exercised  during the
term hereof only by Optionee during Optionee's lifetime, except that if Optionee
dies during the term of this Option  Agreement,  Optionee's  estate may exercise
this  Option in full at any time  during the period of six (6) months  following
the date of Optionee's  death,  but only as to the number of shares of the Stock
that  Optionee was entitled to purchase  hereunder as of the date of  Optionee's

         4. Exercise and Closing.  This Option shall be  exercisable  by written
notice to the  Company at its  principal  executive  offices,  addressed  to the
attention  of its  Chief  Financial  Officer,  at any time and from time to time
during  the  term of this  Option  as set  forth  herein,  for any or all of the
aggregate number of shares covered by this Option. No fraction of a share of the
Stock shall be issued by the Company upon any exercise of this Option.  Multiple
exercises  of this  Option  shall be  permitted  so long as the total  number of
shares of the Stock  purchased  pursuant  to this  Option does not exceed in the
aggregate the total number of shares as to which this Option is  exercisable  as
set forth in  Paragraph 1 hereof.  Closing of the  purchase of the shares of the
Stock as to which this Option may be  exercised  shall take place in the offices
of the  Company  on or before  thirty  (30) days  following  the  receipt by the
Company of the written  notice of  exercise  by  Optionee.  The  Purchase  Price
multiplied by the number of shares as to which this Option is exercised shall be
paid in full to the  Company  at the  time of such  closing  in cash  (including
check, bank draft, or money order payable to the order of the Company).

         5. Stock  Restrictions.  Optionee  understands  that at the time of the
execution  of this  Option  Agreement,  the  shares of the Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of this Option have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or under any state  securities  law, and that the
Company  currently  does not  intend to effect any such  registration.  Optionee
agrees that the shares of the Stock  which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising
this Option  shall be purchased  by Optionee  for  investment  without a view to
distribution within the meaning of the Act, and shall not be sold,  transferred,
assigned,  pledged,  or  hypothecated  unless such transfer has been  registered
under  the Act and  applicable  state  securities  laws,  or the  transfer  duly


qualifies for an applicable exemption from the registration  requirements of the
Act and any applicable state securities laws. In any event, Optionee agrees that
the shares of the Stock which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising  this Option
shall not be sold or otherwise  disposed of in any manner which would constitute
a violation of any applicable  securities  laws,  whether  federal or state.  In
addition,  Optionee agrees that (i) the certificates  representing the shares of
the Stock  purchased  under  this  Option  may bear such  restrictive  legend or
legends as the  Company's  legal counsel  deems  appropriate  in order to assure
compliance  with  applicable  securities  laws,  (ii) the  Company may refuse to
register the transfer of the shares of the Stock  purchased under this Option on
the stock transfer  records of the Company if such proposed  transfer  would, in
the opinion of counsel  satisfactory  to the Company,  constitute a violation of
any  applicable  securities  laws,  and  (iii)  the  Company  may  give  related
instructions  to its transfer agent to stop  registration of the transfer of the
shares of Stock purchased under this Option.

     6. Binding  Effect.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of any successors to the Company and all persons lawfully claiming under

     7.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

     8. Transferability. This Option is not transferable or assignable, in whole
or in part, by Optionee.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Option Agreement to be
duly  executed  by its officer  thereunto  duly  authorized,  and  Optionee  has
executed this Option Agreement, all to be effective as of the day and year first
above written.

                   UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                   By:  /s/ M. F. McFarland
                        M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                   Its: President and Chief Executive Officer


                   /s/ Charles P. Cannon
                   Charles P. Cannon


                                  EXHIBIT 10.13

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

         This Option  Agreement  is made to be  effective  as of the 27th day of
March, 1997, by and between UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"), and Thomas G. Faulds ("Optionee").

                              Preliminary Statement

         The Board of  Directors  has deemed that it is in the best  interest of
the Company and its shareholders that each non-employee  director of the Company
on the effective date hereof be granted a non-statutory  option for the purchase
of shares of the common stock of the Company,  $0.05 par value (the "Stock"), in
connection  with their  service on the Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  In
accordance  therewith and in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and other
matters set forth herein, the Company and Optionee hereby agree as follows:

         1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee the right and
option  (the  "Option")  to  purchase  from  the  Company  all or any part of an
aggregate  of Five  Thousand  (5,000)  shares  of the  Stock,  on the  terms and
conditions  set forth  herein.  This Option shall not be treated as an incentive
stock option within the meaning of Section 422A(b) of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         2.  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price per share of the Stock to be
purchased  pursuant to the exercise of this Option (the "Purchase  Price") shall
be Two and 50/100  ($2.50)  Dollars,  the  closing ask price of the Stock on the
effective  date hereof which price is hereby  confirmed by the Company to be the
fair market value of the Stock on the effective date hereof.

         3. Term. This Option shall be exercisable  during the period commencing
on March 27, 2000 and ending at 11:59 p.m.  eastern time on March 27, 2007. This
Option shall expire on March 28, 2007.  This Option may be exercised  during the
term hereof only by Optionee during Optionee's lifetime, except that if Optionee
dies during the term of this Option  Agreement,  Optionee's  estate may exercise
this  Option in full at any time  during the period of six (6) months  following
the date of Optionee's  death,  but only as to the number of shares of the Stock
that  Optionee was entitled to purchase  hereunder as of the date of  Optionee's

         4. Exercise and Closing.  This Option shall be  exercisable  by written
notice to the  Company at its  principal  executive  offices,  addressed  to the
attention  of its  Chief  Financial  Officer,  at any time and from time to time
during  the  term of this  Option  as set  forth  herein,  for any or all of the
aggregate number of shares covered by this Option. No fraction of a share of the
Stock shall be issued by the Company upon any exercise of this Option.  Multiple
exercises  of this  Option  shall be  permitted  so long as the total  number of
shares of the Stock  purchased  pursuant  to this  Option does not exceed in the
aggregate the total number of shares as to which this Option is  exercisable  as
set forth in  Paragraph 1 hereof.  Closing of the  purchase of the shares of the
Stock as to which this Option may be  exercised  shall take place in the offices
of the  Company  on or before  thirty  (30) days  following  the  receipt by the
Company of the written  notice of  exercise  by  Optionee.  The  Purchase  Price
multiplied by the number of shares as to which this Option is exercised shall be
paid in full to the  Company  at the  time of such  closing  in cash  (including
check, bank draft, or money order payable to the order of the Company).

         5. Stock  Restrictions.  Optionee  understands  that at the time of the
execution  of this  Option  Agreement,  the  shares of the Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of this Option have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or under any state  securities  law, and that the
Company  currently  does not  intend to effect any such  registration.  Optionee
agrees that the shares of the Stock  which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising
this Option  shall be purchased  by Optionee  for  investment  without a view to
distribution within the meaning of the Act, and shall not be sold,  transferred,
assigned,  pledged,  or  hypothecated  unless such transfer has been  registered
under  the Act and  applicable  state  securities  laws,  or the  transfer  duly


qualifies for an applicable exemption from the registration  requirements of the
Act and any applicable state securities laws. In any event, Optionee agrees that
the shares of the Stock which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising  this Option
shall not be sold or otherwise  disposed of in any manner which would constitute
a violation of any applicable  securities  laws,  whether  federal or state.  In
addition,  Optionee agrees that (i) the certificates  representing the shares of
the Stock  purchased  under  this  Option  may bear such  restrictive  legend or
legends as the  Company's  legal counsel  deems  appropriate  in order to assure
compliance  with  applicable  securities  laws,  (ii) the  Company may refuse to
register the transfer of the shares of the Stock  purchased under this Option on
the stock transfer  records of the Company if such proposed  transfer  would, in
the opinion of counsel  satisfactory  to the Company,  constitute a violation of
any  applicable  securities  laws,  and  (iii)  the  Company  may  give  related
instructions  to its transfer agent to stop  registration of the transfer of the
shares of Stock purchased under this Option.

     6. Binding  Effect.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of any successors to the Company and all persons lawfully claiming under

     7.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

     8. Transferability. This Option is not transferable or assignable, in whole
or in part, by Optionee.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Option Agreement to be
duly  executed  by its officer  thereunto  duly  authorized,  and  Optionee  has
executed this Option Agreement, all to be effective as of the day and year first
above written.

                   UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                   By:  /s/ M. F. McFarland
                        M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                   Its: President and Chief Executive Officer


                   /s/ Thomas G. Faulds
                   Thomas G. Faulds


                                  EXHIBIT 10.14

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     This Option  Agreement is made to be effective as of the 27th day of March,
1997, by and between UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES,  INC., a Delaware  corporation (the
"Company"), and Ashby Jordan, M.D. ("Optionee").

                              Preliminary Statement

         The Board of  Directors  has deemed that it is in the best  interest of
the Company and its shareholders that each non-employee  director of the Company
on the effective date hereof be granted a non-statutory  option for the purchase
of shares of the common stock of the Company,  $0.05 par value (the "Stock"), in
connection  with their  service on the Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  In
accordance  therewith and in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and other
matters set forth herein, the Company and Optionee hereby agree as follows:

         1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee the right and
option  (the  "Option")  to  purchase  from  the  Company  all or any part of an
aggregate  of Five  Thousand  (5,000)  shares  of the  Stock,  on the  terms and
conditions  set forth  herein.  This Option shall not be treated as an incentive
stock option within the meaning of Section 422A(b) of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         2.  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price per share of the Stock to be
purchased  pursuant to the exercise of this Option (the "Purchase  Price") shall
be Two and 50/100  ($2.50)  Dollars,  the  closing ask price of the Stock on the
effective  date hereof which price is hereby  confirmed by the Company to be the
fair market value of the Stock on the effective date hereof.

         3. Term. This Option shall be exercisable  during the period commencing
on March 27, 2000 and ending at 11:59 p.m.  eastern time on March 27, 2007. This
Option shall expire on March 28, 2007.  This Option may be exercised  during the
term hereof only by Optionee during Optionee's lifetime, except that if Optionee
dies during the term of this Option  Agreement,  Optionee's  estate may exercise
this  Option in full at any time  during the period of six (6) months  following
the date of Optionee's  death,  but only as to the number of shares of the Stock
that  Optionee was entitled to purchase  hereunder as of the date of  Optionee's

         4. Exercise and Closing.  This Option shall be  exercisable  by written
notice to the  Company at its  principal  executive  offices,  addressed  to the
attention  of its  Chief  Financial  Officer,  at any time and from time to time
during  the  term of this  Option  as set  forth  herein,  for any or all of the
aggregate number of shares covered by this Option. No fraction of a share of the
Stock shall be issued by the Company upon any exercise of this Option.  Multiple
exercises  of this  Option  shall be  permitted  so long as the total  number of
shares of the Stock  purchased  pursuant  to this  Option does not exceed in the
aggregate the total number of shares as to which this Option is  exercisable  as
set forth in  Paragraph 1 hereof.  Closing of the  purchase of the shares of the
Stock as to which this Option may be  exercised  shall take place in the offices
of the  Company  on or before  thirty  (30) days  following  the  receipt by the
Company of the written  notice of  exercise  by  Optionee.  The  Purchase  Price
multiplied by the number of shares as to which this Option is exercised shall be
paid in full to the  Company  at the  time of such  closing  in cash  (including
check, bank draft, or money order payable to the order of the Company).

         5. Stock  Restrictions.  Optionee  understands  that at the time of the
execution  of this  Option  Agreement,  the  shares of the Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of this Option have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or under any state  securities  law, and that the
Company  currently  does not  intend to effect any such  registration.  Optionee
agrees that the shares of the Stock  which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising
this Option  shall be purchased  by Optionee  for  investment  without a view to
distribution within the meaning of the Act, and shall not be sold,  transferred,
assigned,  pledged,  or  hypothecated


unless such transfer has been registered under the Act and applicable state
securities laws, or the transfer duly qualifies for an applicable exemption from
the registration requirements of the Act and any applicable state securities
laws. In any event, Optionee agrees that the shares of the Stock which Optionee
may acquire by exercising this Option shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of
in any manner which would constitute a violation of any applicable securities
laws, whether federal or state. In addition, Optionee agrees that (i) the
certificates representing the shares of the Stock purchased under this Option
may bear such restrictive legend or legends as the Company's legal counsel deems
appropriate in order to assure compliance with applicable securities laws, (ii)
the Company may refuse to register the transfer of the shares of the Stock
purchased under this Option on the stock transfer records of the Company if such
proposed transfer would, in the opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company,
constitute a violation of any applicable securities laws, and (iii) the Company
may give related instructions to its transfer agent to stop registration of the
transfer of the shares of Stock purchased under this Option.

     6. Binding  Effect.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of any successors to the Company and all persons lawfully claiming under

     7.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

     8. Transferability. This Option is not transferable or assignable, in whole
or in part, by Optionee.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Option Agreement to be
duly  executed  by its officer  thereunto  duly  authorized,  and  Optionee  has
executed this Option Agreement, all to be effective as of the day and year first
above written.

                   UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                   By:  /s/ M. F. McFarland
                        M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                   Its: President and Chief Executive Officer


                  /s/ Ashby Jordan
                  Ashby Jordan, M.D.


                                  EXHIBIT 10.15

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                              NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTOR
                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

         This Option  Agreement  is made to be  effective  as of the 27th day of
March, 1997, by and between UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"), and Charles M. Potok ("Optionee").

                              Preliminary Statement

         The Board of  Directors  has deemed that it is in the best  interest of
the Company and its shareholders that each non-employee  director of the Company
on the effective date hereof be granted a non-statutory  option for the purchase
of shares of the common stock of the Company,  $0.05 par value (the "Stock"), in
connection  with their  service on the Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  In
accordance  therewith and in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and other
matters set forth herein, the Company and Optionee hereby agree as follows:

         1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee the right and
option  (the  "Option")  to  purchase  from  the  Company  all or any part of an
aggregate  of Five  Thousand  (5,000)  shares  of the  Stock,  on the  terms and
conditions  set forth  herein.  This Option shall not be treated as an incentive
stock option within the meaning of Section 422A(b) of the Internal  Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         2.  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price per share of the Stock to be
purchased  pursuant to the exercise of this Option (the "Purchase  Price") shall
be Two and 50/100  ($2.50)  Dollars,  the  closing ask price of the Stock on the
effective  date hereof which price is hereby  confirmed by the Company to be the
fair market value of the Stock on the effective date hereof.

         3. Term. This Option shall be exercisable  during the period commencing
on March 27, 2000 and ending at 11:59 p.m.  eastern time on March 27, 2007. This
Option shall expire on March 28, 2007.  This Option may be exercised  during the
term hereof only by Optionee during Optionee's lifetime, except that if Optionee
dies during the term of this Option  Agreement,  Optionee's  estate may exercise
this  Option in full at any time  during the period of six (6) months  following
the date of Optionee's  death,  but only as to the number of shares of the Stock
that  Optionee was entitled to purchase  hereunder as of the date of  Optionee's

         4. Exercise and Closing.  This Option shall be  exercisable  by written
notice to the  Company at its  principal  executive  offices,  addressed  to the
attention  of its  Chief  Financial  Officer,  at any time and from time to time
during  the  term of this  Option  as set  forth  herein,  for any or all of the
aggregate number of shares covered by this Option. No fraction of a share of the
Stock shall be issued by the Company upon any exercise of this Option.  Multiple
exercises  of this  Option  shall be  permitted  so long as the total  number of
shares of the Stock  purchased  pursuant  to this  Option does not exceed in the
aggregate the total number of shares as to which this Option is  exercisable  as
set forth in  Paragraph 1 hereof.  Closing of the  purchase of the shares of the
Stock as to which this Option may be  exercised  shall take place in the offices
of the  Company  on or before  thirty  (30) days  following  the  receipt by the
Company of the written  notice of  exercise  by  Optionee.  The  Purchase  Price
multiplied by the number of shares as to which this Option is exercised shall be
paid in full to the  Company  at the  time of such  closing  in cash  (including
check, bank draft, or money order payable to the order of the Company).

         5. Stock  Restrictions.  Optionee  understands  that at the time of the
execution  of this  Option  Agreement,  the  shares of the Stock  issuable  upon
exercise of this Option have not been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or under any state  securities  law, and that the
Company  currently  does not  intend to effect any such  registration.  Optionee
agrees that the shares of the Stock  which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising
this Option  shall be purchased  by Optionee  for  investment  without a view to
distribution within the meaning of the Act, and shall not be sold,  transferred,
assigned,  pledged,  or  hypothecated  unless such transfer has been  registered
under  the Act and  applicable  state  securities  laws,  or the  transfer  duly


qualifies for an applicable exemption from the registration  requirements of the
Act and any applicable state securities laws. In any event, Optionee agrees that
the shares of the Stock which  Optionee  may acquire by  exercising  this Option
shall not be sold or otherwise  disposed of in any manner which would constitute
a violation of any applicable  securities  laws,  whether  federal or state.  In
addition,  Optionee agrees that (i) the certificates  representing the shares of
the Stock  purchased  under  this  Option  may bear such  restrictive  legend or
legends as the  Company's  legal counsel  deems  appropriate  in order to assure
compliance  with  applicable  securities  laws,  (ii) the  Company may refuse to
register the transfer of the shares of the Stock  purchased under this Option on
the stock transfer  records of the Company if such proposed  transfer  would, in
the opinion of counsel  satisfactory  to the Company,  constitute a violation of
any  applicable  securities  laws,  and  (iii)  the  Company  may  give  related
instructions  to its transfer agent to stop  registration of the transfer of the
shares of Stock purchased under this Option.

     6. Binding  Effect.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of any successors to the Company and all persons lawfully claiming under

     7.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina.

     8. Transferability. This Option is not transferable or assignable, in whole
or in part, by Optionee.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Company has caused this Option Agreement to be
duly  executed  by its officer  thereunto  duly  authorized,  and  Optionee  has
executed this Option Agreement, all to be effective as of the day and year first
above written.

                   UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                   By: /s/ M. F. McFarland
                        M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                   Its: President and Chief Executive Officer


                   /s/ Charles M. Potok
                   Charles M. Potok


                                  EXHIBIT 10.17

                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT



December 10, 1996

Dr. M.F. McFarland, III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
UCI Medical Affiliates, Incorporated
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
Columbia, South Carolina  29201

Dear M.F.:

     Re:  Agreement  dated  September  20,  1996 (copy  attached  for  immediate

The subject Agreement is amended as follows:

     1. The term is extended  from March 31, 1997 to  September  30, 1998 at ten
(10) hours per month (at $2,000 per month).

     2. The Agreement  may be  terminated  by either UCI or Global,  upon ninety
(90) days written notice, with or without reason.

     3.  Section  5.  Additional  Hours:  will  include a  calendar  semi-annual
adjustment on September 30, 1997, March 31, 1998 and September 30, 1998.

All other terms and conditions of the subject Agreement remain unchanged.

I hope this amendment meets your requirements.  If it does, please sign and date
in the spaces provided below and return one original of this amendment to me.


/s/ Russ

Russell J. Froneberger

                            For UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

                            Authorized Signature: /s/ M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.

                            Date:  /s/ 12/10/96



September 20, 1996

Dr. M.F. McFarland, III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
UCI Medical Affiliates, Incorporated
1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
Columbia, South Carolina  29201

Dear M.F.

This letter is intended to serve as an agreement between UCI Medical Affiliates,
Incorporated ("UCI") and Global Consulting ("Global").

Global will become UCI's  financial  and marketing  consultant  and will perform
duties as follows:  update and  facilitate in the  implementation  of the firm's
business and marketing plans;  assist the Chief Financial  Officer in developing
and maintaining  sufficient  banking and other financing  facilities  which will
comfortably  provide for UCI's working  capital and other credit needs;  and, to
advise the Chief  Executive  Officer in the growth and  development  of UCI as a
leading primary health care provider.

To accomplish the preceding, UCI and Global agree to the following:

     1. Term:  Six (6) months,  beginning  October 1, 1996 and ending  March 31,
1997, renewable in six (6) month increments.

2.   Monthly Retainer Amount: $5,000, payable on or about the end of each month,
     beginning  October 1, 1996.  Global  will bill UCI  approximately  ten days
     before each due date.

3.   Hours: The Monthly Retainer Amount provides for up to twenty-five (25)
     hours of consultant's time each month.

4.   Hours Not Utilized: Hours not utilized in one month will be carried forward
     to subsequent months for so long as this agreement is in force.

5.   Additional Hours:  Where Global's services are required beyond  twenty-five
     (25) hours per month, and there are no accumulated hours (number 4. above),
     such  additional  hours will be carried  forward to March 31, 1997 at which
     time these hours will be multiplied by $200 per hour. The resultant  amount
     will be payable to Global by April 15, 1997.

6.   Expenses:   Out-of-pocket   expenses  (such  as  travel  and  long-distance
     telephone)  will be billed  and  payable  at the same  time as the  Monthly
     Retainer Amount.

UCI also agrees to reimburse  Global for consulting  done between August 1, 1996
and September 30, 1996, at $175 per hour, plus  out-of-pocket  expenses.  Global
will bill UCI for this  time/expense  on or about  October  1, 1996 with the sum
payable by October 9, 1996.

Both parties agree that any  modification  to this agreement shall be set out in
writing and agreed to by both parties.


Page Two
M.F. McFarland
September 20, 1996

I hope this arrangement  meets your  requirements.  If it does,  please sign and
date in the spaces  provided  and return one  original  to me,  after which this
agreement will be in force.


Russell J. Froneberger

For UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.                   For Global Consulting

/s/ M.F. McFarland, III                            /s/ Russ
Authorized Signature                               Russell J. Froneberger
Date:  /s/09/24/96                                 Date:  September 20, 1996


                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                   Form 10-QSB

(Mark One)

     ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended:                December 31, 1997


For the transition period from:                     to
                                ---------------             ------------------

Commission file number:                  0-13265

                                UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            (Exact name of small business issuer as specified in its charter)

   Delaware                                             59-2225346
- --------------------------------         --------------------------------------
 (State or other jurisdiction of         (IRS Employer Identification No.)
  or organization)

1901 Main Street,  Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105, Columbia,  SC 29201  
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (803) 252-3661
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           (Issuer's telephone number)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Former name, address or fiscal year, if changed since last report)

     Check  whether  the issuer (1) filed all  reports  required  to be filed by
Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Exchange  Act during the past 12 months (or for such
shorter period that the  registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2)
has been subject to such filing  requirements for the past 90 days. ( X )Yes ( )


     Check whether the registrant filed all documents and reports required to be
filed by Section 12, 13, or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the  distribution of
securities under a plan confirmed by a court. ( )Yes ( ) No


State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of common
equity, as of the latest practicable date:

        6,052,164 shares of $.05 common stock outstanding at December 31, 1997

  Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format (check one): ( )Yes ( X ) No


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.


                  Item 1   Financial Statements

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets - December 31, 1997
                           and September 30, 1997                                                   3

                           Consolidated Statements of Operations for the quarters
                           ended December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996                            4

                           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the quarters
                           ended December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996                            5

                           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                               6

                  Item 2   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                           Condition and Results of Operations                                 7 -  9


                  Items 1-6                                                                        10

SIGNATURES                                                                                         11


                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                     December 31, 1997        September 30,
                                                                     -------------------     -----------------
                                                                         (unaudited)               (audited)

Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                                         $              0         $       14,676
   Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts
       of $923,721 and $878,469                                            6,862,480               5,943,884
   Inventory                                                                 538,396                 502,888
   Deferred taxes                                                            334,945                 334,945
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                 629,653                 579,217
                                                                     -------------------    ----------------
Total current assets                                                       8,365,474               7,375,610

Property and equipment less accumulated depreciation of
   $2,957,691 and $2,724,222                                               4,474,621               4,002,699
Deferred taxes                                                             1,417,237               1,417,237
Excess of cost over fair value of assets acquired, less
   accumulated amortization of $1,821,679 and
   $1,664,739                                                             8,437,440                7,801,607
Other assets                                                                266,380                  266,379
                                                                     -------------------     -----------------
Total Assets                                                         $   22,961,152            $  20,863,532
                                                                     ===================     =================

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities
   Current portion of long-term debt                                 $      916,411          $       840,879
   Current portion of long-term debt payable to employees                   201,518                  177,445
   Accounts payable                                                       2,956,625                2,039,506
   Accrued salaries and payroll taxes                                       676,107                  959,068
   Other accrued liabilities                                                371,630                  437,667
                                                                   ----------------         -----------------
Total current liabilities                                                 5,122,291                4,454,565

Long-term debt, net of current portion                                    7,833,551                6,438,655
Long-term debt payable to employees, net of current portion                 564,782                  481,815
                                                                     -------------------     -----------------
Total Liabilities                                                        13,520,624               11,375,035
                                                                     -------------------     -----------------

Commitments and contingencies                                                     0                        0

Stockholders' Equity
   Preferred stock, par value $.01 per share:
      Authorized shares - 10,000,000; none issued                                 0                        0
   Common stock, par value $.05 per share:
      Authorized shares - 10,000,000
      Issued and outstanding- 6,052,164 and 5,744,965 shares                302,608                  287,248
   Paid-in capital                                                       16,249,546               15,435,535
   Accumulated deficit                                                   (7,111,626)              (6,234,286)
                                                                     -------------------     -----------------
Total Stockholders' Equity                                                9,440,528                9,488,497
                                                                     -------------------     -----------------

Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                           $   22,961,152            $  20,863,532
                                                                     ===================     =================

              The accompanying  notes are an integral part of these consolidated
financial statements.


                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                                  Three Months Ended December 31,
                                                                    1997                    1996
                                                             --------------------     ------------------

Revenues                                                     $   8,077,876            $   6,487,908
Operating costs                                                  8,243,266                6,130,191
                                                             --------------------     ------------------
Operating margin                                                  (165,390)                 357,717

General and administrative expenses                                 25,434                   37,709
Depreciation and amortization                                      406,168                  289,474
                                                             --------------------     ------------------
Income (loss) from operations                                     (596,992)                  30,534

Other income (expense)
   Interest expense, net of interest income                       (279,351)                (166,794)
   Gain (loss) on disposal of equipment                               (439)                       0
                                                             --------------------     ------------------
Other income (expense)                                            (279,790)                (166,794)

Income (loss) before benefit (provision ) for
   income taxes                                                   (876,782)                (136,260)
Benefit (provision )for income taxes                                  (558)                 166,382
                                                             --------------------     ------------------

Net income (loss)                                            $    (877,340)          $       30,122
                                                              ==================     ====================

Basic earnings (loss) per share                              $        (.15)          $          .01
                                                             ====================     ==================

Basic weighted average common shares outstanding                 6,041,980                4,807,807
                                                             ====================     ==================

Diluted earnings (loss) per share                            $        (.14)          $          .01
                                                             ====================     ==================

Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding               6,061,945                4,819,491
                                                             ====================     ==================

              The accompanying  notes are an integral part of these consolidated
financial statements.


                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                   Three Months Ended December 31,
                                                                      1997                 1996
                                                                ------------------    ----------------
Operating activities:
Net income (loss)                                               $    (877,340)        $      30,122
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
   cash provided by  (used-in) operating activities:
      (Gain) loss on disposal of equipment                                439                     0
      Provision for losses on accounts receivable                     244,613               130,720
      Depreciation and amortization                                   406,168               289,474
      Deferred Taxes                                                        0              (175,000)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
   (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                        (899,080)             (684,836)
   (Increase) decrease in inventory                                   (35,508)               (4,776)
   (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and other
      current assets                                                  (50,435)             (165,981)
   Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued
      expenses                                                        562,078              (164,782)
                                                              ----------------     ------------------

Cash provided by (used in) operating activities                      (649,065)             (745,059)
                                                             ------------------    ------------------

Investing activities:
Purchases of property and equipment                                 (289,260)              (135,519)
Acquisitions of goodwill                                            (106,863)               (20,718)
(Increase) decrease in other assets                                        0                   (377)
                                                              ----------------     ------------------

Cash provided by (used in) investing activities                     (396,123)              (156,614)
                                                             ------------------    ----------------

Financing activities:
Net borrowings (payments) under line-of-credit agreement            (125,921)             1,355,760
Increase in long-term debt                                         1,500,000                269,400
Payments on long-term debt                                          (343,567)              (882,949)
                                                                ------------------    ----------------

Cash provided by (used in) financing activities                    1,030,512                742,211
                                                                ------------------    ----------------

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                     (14,676)              (159,462)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                      14,676                237,684
                                                                ------------------    ---------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                      $            0        $     78,222
                                                                ==================    ================

              The accompanying  notes are an integral part of these consolidated
financial statements.


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.



The accompanying  unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared
in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting   principles  for  interim
financial information and with the instructions to Form 10-QSB and Article 10 of
Regulation S-X of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Accordingly,  they do
not include all of the information and footnotes  required by generally accepted
accounting  principles  for  complete  financial  statements.  In the opinion of
management,  all  adjustments  (consisting  only of those of a normal  recurring
nature)  considered  necessary  for a  fair  presentation  have  been  included.
Operating  results for the three month  period  ended  December 31, 1997 are not
necessarily  indicative  of the results that may be expected for the fiscal year
ending  September  30,  1998.  For  further  information,  refer to the  audited
consolidated   financial  statements  and  footnotes  thereto  included  in  the
Company's annual report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended September 30, 1997.

     The consolidated  financial  statements of the Company include the accounts
of UCI  Medical  Affiliates,  Inc.  ("UCI"),  UCI  Medical  Affiliates  of South
Carolina,  Inc.  ("UCI-SC") and Doctor's Care, P.A. (the "P.A.").  The financial
statements of the P.A. are  consolidated  with UCI because UCI-SC has unilateral
control over the assets and operations of the P.A., and notwithstanding the lack
of majority  ownership of the P.A. by UCI and UCI-SC,  consolidation of the P.A.
with UCI and UCI-SC is necessary to present  fairly the  financial  position and
results of operations of UCI and UCI-SC. The management agreement between UCI-SC
and the P.A. conveys to UCI-SC perpetual, unilateral control over the assets and
operations of the P.A. Control is perpetual rather than temporary because of (i)
the  length of the term of the  agreement,  (ii) the  continuing  investment  of
capital by UCI-SC, (iii) the employment of all of the non-physician personnel by
UCI-SC and (iv) the nature of the services provided to the P.A. by UCI-SC.

In November 1997 the Emerging Issue Task Force (EITF)  finalized EITF 97-2 which
provides  guidance on consolidation of physician  practices and enhances related
disclosures  of  physician  practice  management  companies.  This  EITF 97-2 is
effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 1998. The Company is in the
process of evaluating any potential effect on its financial reporting format.

Procedurally,  the management  agreement  calls for the P.A. to provide  medical
services and charge a fee to the patient or to the patient's  insurance  carrier
or employer for such services. Physician salaries are paid out of these revenues
and all  remaining  revenues  are passed to UCI-SC as a management  fee.  UCI-SC
provides  all  support  personnel  (nurses,  technicians,   receptionists),  all
administrative  functions  (billing,   collecting,   vendor  payment),  and  all
facilities,  supplies and equipment.  The  consolidated  accounts of the Company
include all revenue and all expenses (including physician salaries) of all three

     The net assets of the P.A. are not material  for any period  presented  and
intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.


The computation of basic earnings  (loss) per share and diluted  earnings (loss)
per  share is in  conformity  with the  provisions  of  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting Standards No. 128.


                                     PART I
                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                                     ITEM 2


The following  discussion and analysis  provides  information  which the Company
believes  is  relevant  to an  assessment  and  understanding  of the  Company's
consolidated  results of operations  and financial  condition.  This  discussion
should be read in conjunction  with the  consolidated  financial  statements and
notes thereto.

The  consolidated  financial  statements of the Company  include the accounts of
UCI, UCI-SC and the P.A. The financial  statements of the P.A. are  consolidated
with UCI because UCI-SC has unilateral control over the assets and operations of
the P.A., and  notwithstanding the lack of majority ownership of the P.A. by UCI
and  UCI-SC,  consolidation  of the P.A.  with UCI and  UCI-SC is  necessary  to
present  fairly the  financial  position  and results of  operations  of UCI and
UCI-SC.  The management  agreement between UCI-SC and the P.A. conveys to UCI-SC
perpetual, unilateral control over the assets and operations of the P.A. Control
is perpetual rather than temporary  because of (i) the length of the term of the
agreement,  (ii) the  continuing  investment  of capital  by  UCI-SC,  (iii) the
employment of all of the  non-physician  personnel by UCI-SC and (iv) the nature
of the services provided to the P.A. by UCI-SC.

In November 1997 the Emerging Issue Task Force (EITF)  finalized EITF 97-2 which
provides  guidance on consolidation of physician  practices and enhances related
disclosures  of  physician  practice  management  companies.  This  EITF 97-2 is
effective for fiscal years ending after  December 15 1998. The Company is in the
process of evaluating any potential effect on its financial reporting format.

Procedurally,  the management  agreement  calls for the P.A. to provide  medical
services and charge a fee to the patient or to the patient's  insurance  carrier
or employer for such services. Physician salaries are paid out of these revenues
and all  remaining  revenues  are passed to UCI-SC as a management  fee.  UCI-SC
provides  all  support  personnel  (nurses,  technicians,   receptionists),  all
administrative  functions  (billing,   collecting,   vendor  payment),  and  all
facilities,  supplies and equipment.  The  consolidated  accounts of the Company
include all revenue and all expenses (including physician salaries) of all three

The P.A.  enters into  employment  agreements  with physicians for terms ranging
from one to ten years.  All  employment  agreements  have clauses that allow for
early termination of the agreement if certain events occur such as the loss of a
medical license.  Over 80% of the physicians employed by the P.A. are paid on an
hourly basis for time  scheduled  and worked at the medical  centers.  The other
physicians  are salaried.  A few of the physicians  have incentive  compensation
arrangements,  however,  no amounts  were  accrued or paid during the  Company's
three prior  fiscal  years that were  significant.  As of December  31, 1997 and
1996, the P.A. employed 98 and 71 medical providers, respectively.

     The net assets of the P.A. are not material  for any period  presented  and
intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.

Results of Operations

     Revenues of $8,078,000 for the quarter ending  December 31, 1997 reflect an
increase of 25% from those of the quarter ending December 31, 1996.

This  increase in revenue is  attributable  to a number of factors.  The Company
engaged in a significant  expansion,  increasing  the number of medical  centers
from 30 to 40. This expansion included Springwood Lake Family Practice, Woodhill
Family Practice and Midtown Family Practice, all of Columbia, South Carolina and
all acquired in August 1997;  Doctor's Care - Camden acquired in September 1997;
three  Progressive  Therapy  Services  offices 


all located in Columbia, South Carolina and all acquired in October 1997;
Doctor's Care - New Ellenton acquired in November 1997; a Physical Therapy
practice in Columbia, South Carolina opened in November 1997; and Ridgeview
Family Practice of Columbia, South Carolina opened in December 1997. Of the
$1,590,000 in revenue growth for the first quarter of fiscal 1997 to the first
quarter of fiscal 1998, approximately $1,080,000 or 68% of this growth was from
the ten locations opened after December 31, 1996.

The Company has increased its services provided to members of Health Maintenance
Organizations (HMOs). In such arrangements,  the Company, through Doctor's Care,
P.A., acts as the designated  primary  caregiver for members of the HMO who have
selected  Doctor's  Care as their  primary  care  provider.  The  Company  began
participating   in  an  HMO   operated  by  Companion   HealthCare   Corporation
("Companion"),  a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Blue Cross Blue  Shield of South
Carolina. The Company now acts as primary care provider for four HMOs, including
Companion and is the primary care  "gatekeeper"  for more than 23,000  capitated
lives. While HMOs do not, at this time, have a significant  penetration into the
South  Carolina  market,  the Company  believes that HMOs and other managed care
plans will  experience  a  substantial  increase in market share in the next few
years,  and the Company is therefore  positioning  itself for that  possibility.
Capitated  revenue  grew from  approximately  $705,000  in the first  quarter of
fiscal 1997 to approximately $900,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1998.

The Company negotiates  contracts with HMOs for the P.A.'s physicians to provide
health care on a capitated  reimbursement  basis.  Under these contracts,  which
typically  are  automatically  renewed on an annual basis,  the P.A.  physicians
provide  virtually all covered primary care services and receive a fixed monthly
capitation payment from the HMOs for each member who chooses a P.A. physician as
his or her primary care physician. The capitation amount is fixed depending upon
the  age  and  sex of the  HMO  enrollee.  Contracts  with  HMOs  accounted  for
approximately  11% of the  Company's net revenue in fiscal 1997 and in the first
quarter of fiscal 1998.

To the extent that enrollees  require more care than is  anticipated,  aggregate
capitation  payments may be insufficient to cover the costs  associated with the
treatment of  enrollees.  Higher  capitation  rates are  typically  received for
senior  patients   because  their  medical  needs  are  generally   greater  and
consequently the cost of covered care is higher.

Increased  revenues also reflect the Company's  heightened focus on occupational
medicine and industrial health services. Focused marketing materials,  including
quarterly  newsletters for employers,  were developed to spotlight the Company's
services for industry. The Company also entered into an agreement with Companion
Property and Casualty Insurance Company, wherein the Company acts as the primary
care provider for injured  workers of firms insured through  Companion  Property
and Casualty  Insurance  Company.  Companion  Property  and  Casualty  Insurance
Company is wholly  owned by Blue Cross Blue  Shield of South  Carolina  and is a
primary shareholder of the Company.

     Patient encounters increased to 115,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1998
from 96,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1997.

Even with the positive  effects of the factors  mentioned  above,  revenues were
short of goals for the quarter,  due in part to the increased  competition  from
hospitals and other providers in Columbia,  Greenville, Sumter and Myrtle Beach.
In each of these areas,  regional  hospitals have acquired or opened new primary
care physician practices that compete directly with the Company for patients. In
each  case,  the  hospital  owner  of  our   competition  is  believed  to  have
significantly greater resources than the Company.  Management believes that such
competition  will  continue  into the  future and plans to compete on a basis of
quality service and accessibility.

An operating  margin of $358,000 was earned  during the first  quarter of fiscal
1997 as compared to an operating  deficit of $165,000  for the first  quarter of
fiscal 1998.

Management believes that this margin  deterioration is mainly the result of some
start-up  costs being  absorbed for the  locations  added since  December  1996.
Additionally, patient visits did not meet budget for the first quarter of fiscal
1998, possibly due to the competition  factors discussed above.  Management does
not currently believe that this negative trend is indicative of the results that
may be expected for the fiscal year 1998.


This  margin  deterioration  is  also  attributable  to  increased  cost-cutting
pressures being applied by managed care insurance  payors that cover many of the
Company's  patients.  As managed care plans attempt to cut costs, they typically
increase the administrative burden of providers such as the Company by requiring
referral  approvals and by requesting hard copies of medical records before they
will pay  claims.  The number of  patients  at the  Company's  Centers  that are
covered by a managed care plan versus a traditional  indemnity plan continues to

Management expects this trend to continue.

Depreciation and amortization expense increased to $406,000 in the first quarter
of fiscal  1998,  up from  $289,000 in the first  quarter of fiscal  1997.  This
increase  reflects  higher  depreciation  expense  as a  result  of  significant
leasehold  improvements  and  equipment  upgrades  at a number of the  Company's
medical centers,  as well as an increase in amortization  expense related to the
intangible assets acquired from the Company's  purchase of existing practices as
noted above.  Interest  expense  increased from $167,000 in the first quarter of
fiscal  1997 to  $279,000 in the first  quarter of fiscal  1998  primarily  as a
result of the interest costs  associated with the  indebtedness  incurred in the
Company's  purchase  of  these  assets  and  centers  and for the  usage  of the
operating line of credit.

Financial Condition at December 31, 1997

Cash and cash equivalents decreased by $15,000 during the quarter ended December
31,  1997 and were  utilized  mainly for working  capital  needs and to fund the
expansion previously discussed.

Accounts receivable increased 15% during the quarter, reflecting the addition of
the ten  centers  described  above and the overall  growth in patient  visits to
existing centers.

The increase in goodwill  attributable  to the purchases of the eight  practices
since December 31, 1996 was somewhat offset by the amortization recorded.

Long-term debt increased from  $6,920,000 at September 30, 1997 to $8,398,000 at
December  31, 1997  primarily  as a result of  indebtedness  incurred in capital
leases for Center upfits,  the  utilization of an operating line of credit,  and
the debt incurred as a result of practice acquisitions. Management believes that
it will be able to fund debt service  requirements out of cash generated through

On October 6, 1997, the Company  completed a private  placement of $1.5 million,
6.5% five-year convertible  subordinated  debenture with FPA Medical Management,
Inc., a national  physician  practice  management  company  headquartered in San
Diego,  California.  The debentures are  convertible to common stock at any time
within the five year period at a fixed price  premium to the current stock price
and are  subject to Rule 144 of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  when

Overall,  the  Company's  current  assets  exceeded its current  liabilities  at
December 31, 1997 by $3,243,000.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company requires  capital  principally to fund growth (acquire new centers),
for working capital needs and for the retirement of indebtedness.  The Company's
capital  requirements  and  working  capital  needs have been  funded  through a
combination  of external  financing  (including  bank debt and proceeds from the
sale of common stock to Companion HealthCare  Corporation and Companion Property
& Casualty Insurance Company), internally generated funds and credit extended by

Operating  activities  used  $649,000 of cash during the first quarter of fiscal
1998.  This  reflects  growth in the  Company's  accounts  receivable as well as
prepaid  expenses and a decrease in accounts payable and accrued  expenses.  The
growth in accounts  receivable is the result of growth in the number of Centers,
patient visits and charges per patient visit.

Investing  activities  used  $396,000  of cash during the quarter as a result of
expansion  efforts.  Continued  growth is  anticipated  during the  remainder of
fiscal 1998.


                                     PART II
                                OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1            Legal Proceedings

                  The  Company is not a party to any  pending  litigation  other
                  than  routine  litigation  incidental  to the business or that
                  which is immaterial in amount of damages sought.

Item 2            Changes in Securities

                  Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities

                  During  the  three  months  ended   December  31,  1997,   the
                  securities identified below were issued by the Company without
                  registration  under the  Securities Act of 1933. In each case,
                  all of the shares were issued  pursuant to the exemption  from
                  registration  contained in Section 4(2) of the  Securities Act
                  of  1933  as  a   transaction,   not   involving   a   general
                  solicitation,  in  which  the  purchaser  was  purchasing  for
                  investment. The Company believes that each purchaser was given
                  or had access to detailed financial and other information with
                  respect  to the  Company  and  possessed  requisite  financial

                  On October 1, 1997,  the Company  issued 163,102 shares of its
                  common  stock  to L.D.,  P.A.  (formerly  Progressive  Therapy
                  Services,   P.A.)  and  113,874  shares  to  L.D.,  Jr.,  P.C.
                  (formerly  Bar-Ed,  Professional  Corporation)  as part of the
                  purchase prices in connection  with the Company's  acquisition
                  of  substantially  all the assets of such  entities'  physical
                  therapy practices.

                  On November 1, 1997, the Company issued 30,223 shares of its
                  common stock to Marvin Dees, M.D. as part of the purchase
                  price in connection with the Company's acquisition of
                  substantially all the assets of the medical practice of Dr.

Item 3            Defaults upon Senior Securities

                  This item is not applicable.

Item 4            Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

                  This item is not applicable.

Item 5            Other Information

                  This item is not applicable.


Item 6            Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                  (a) Exhibits.  The exhibits  included on the attached  Exhibit
                      Index are filed as part of this report.

                  (b) Reports on Form 8-K.

                  The  Company  filed  a Form  8-K on  October  15,  1997  which
                  reported  the  acquisition  by UCI-SC of  Progressive  Therapy
                  Services, P.A. and Bar-Ed,  Professional Corporation,  each of
                  Columbia, South Carolina. Financial statements of the acquired
                  entity  and pro  forma  financial  information  regarding  the
                  combined  entity  were filed in a Form 8-K/A on  December  11,

                  The  Company  filed  a Form  8-K on  November  5,  1997  which
                  reported the acquisition by UCI-SC of Marvin Dees, M.D. of New
                  Ellenton, South Carolina. Financial statements of the acquired
                  entity  and pro  forma  financial  information  regarding  the
                  combined entity were filed in a Form 8-K/A on January 7, 1998.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

/s/ M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.               /s/ Jerry F. Wells, Jr.
- ------------------------------             -------------------------------
Marion F. McFarland, III, M.D.             Jerry F. Wells, Jr.
President, Chief Executive Officer,        Executive Vice President of Finance,
and Chairman of the Board                  Chief Financial Officer and
                                           Principal Accounting Officer

Date:  February 12, 1998


                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

NUMBER                                 DESCRIPTION                                      PAGE NUMBER
- ----------------    -------------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------

     10.18          Employment  Agreement  dated  January 23, 1997 between                     14
                    UCI Medical  Affiliates  of South  Carolina,  Inc. and
                    Jon G. Keith

      21            Subsidiaries of the Registrant                                             26

      27            Financial Data Schedule                                   Filed separately as Article Type 5
                                                                              via Edgar


                                  EXHIBIT 10.18

                   EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT DATED JANUARY 23, 1997
                                AND JON G. KEITH


                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT is made this 23rd day of January,  1997, by
and between UCI Medical  Affiliates of South  Carolina,  Inc., a South  Carolina
corporation (UCI), and Jon G. Keith ("Employee").

     WHEREAS, UCI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc.,
a Delaware Corporation ("Parent");

         WHEREAS,  Doctor's Care, P.A., a South Carolina corporation  ("Doctor's
Care"), is an affiliate of UCI and shall benefit from this Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  UCI desires to employ  Employee  and  Employee  desires to be
employed by UCI, in accordance  with the terms and  conditions  hereinafter  set

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  promises herein set
forth, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, the parties, intending to be legally bound, agree
as follows:

         1.  Employment.  UCI hereby  agrees to employ  Employee  to perform the
duties  described in Section 3 below subject to and in accordance with the terms
and conditions hereof, and Employee hereby accepts such employment.

         2.  Term.  Employee's  employment  shall  commence  on the  27th day of
January, 1997, and shall continue for a period of three (3) years unless earlier
terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of this Agreement.

         3.       Duties of Employee.

                  A. In accepting  employment by UCI,  Employee shall  undertake
and assume the  responsibility of performing for and on behalf of UCI the duties
of the Chief Operating Officer of UCI in Columbia,  South Carolina.  Except with
his written  consent,  Employee  shall not be assigned to any other  position or
required  to spend a  significant  amount of time  assigned  to any  location(s)
outside of Richland or Lexington Counties, South Carolina.

                  B.  During  the term of this  Agreement,  Employee  shall be a
full-time employee of UCI, and shall devote his full working time and efforts to
his duties hereunder.  Employee shall perform all of his duties hereunder to the
best of his ability and shall not, directly or indirectly, engage or participate
in any activities in conflict with the best interests of UCI.  Without  limiting
the generality of the  foregoing,  Employee shall not engage in any activity for
compensation  or pecuniary gain other than his employment  hereunder and passive
investing  for the  account of himself  or  members of his  household.  "Passive
investing"  shall include,  but not be limited to the owning and leasing of real
properties  and the  ownership  of  securities,  partnership  interests or other
investments  which  do not  require  active  participation  by  Employee  during
Employee's normal work day.

         4.  Compensation.  As  compensation  for the services to be rendered by
Employee for UCI under this  Agreement,  Employee shall be compensated by UCI on
the following basis:

                  A.  Base  Salary;  Signing  Bonus.  During  the  term  of this
Agreement  Employee  shall  receive  from UCI an annual  salary  of One  Hundred
Fifteen  Thousand  Dollars  ($115,000),  payable in pay periods as determined by
UCI,  but in no event less  frequently  than  monthly  (the "Base  Salary").  In
addition,  Employee  shall be  entitled  to  receive  a  "signing"  bonus of Six
Thousand Dollars ($6,000),  payable within 15 days after the commencement of his


                  B. Dues. During the term of this Agreement,  UCI shall pay the
initiation or initial membership fee and all dues of Employee as a member of one
private  dining/social  club, so long as the aggregate  annualized cost for such
fees and dues does not  exceed Two  Hundred  Dollars  ($200) per month,  for the
purpose of  entertainment of UCI's clients in connection with the performance of
the duties of Employee.

                  C. Vacation.  During the term of this Agreement Employee shall
be entitled to a total of 10 business days of paid vacation during the first two
years of this  Agreement and 15 business days during the third year and, if this
Agreement is extended by mutual agreement, thereafter. Such vacation days are to
be taken at such time or times as Employee may  reasonably  request,  subject to
UCI's  convenience and prior approval,  which approval shall not be unreasonably
withheld.  Vacation  time may  cumulate  from year to year up to a maximum of 60

                  D. Automobiles.  During the term of this Agreement,  UCI shall
provide to Employee  the use of one  automobile,  at least  comparable  to a new
Toyota Avalon, with all gasoline,  taxes, insurance,  maintenance and repairs to
be paid by UCI.

                  E.  Reimbursement  For  Expenses.  During  the  term  of  this
Agreement,  UCI shall reimburse Employee for all reasonable expenses incurred by
Employee  for the  benefit of UCI in the  performance  of his duties  hereunder;
provided,  however,  reimbursement for aggregate  expenses each calendar year in
excess of $7,500 shall require the prior written approval of the CEO of UCI.

                  F. Other Benefits. During the term of this Agreement, Employee
shall  receive  from UCI such other  benefits  (e.g.,  family  health  insurance
coverage,   life  insurance  coverage,   participation  in  pension  plans,  and
participation in stock option plans of Parent,  etc.) reasonably  comparable to,
and no worse than, those benefits,  if any,  generally  provided to other senior
executives of UCI. Additionally, UCI will furnish to Employee, at UCI's expense,
a term  life  insurance  policy  that at the time of his  death  will pay to his
spouse  or other  designated  beneficiary(s)  a  benefit  of at least  two times
Employee's Base Salary. The health insurance coverage shall begin immediately as
of the effective date of Employee's  employment,  but if the insurer  requires a
waiting period prior to coverage, UCI shall reimburse Employee for the amount of
premiums  payable  by him for  family  coverage  under  the  plan  of his  prior
employer, promptly upon presentation to UCI of the premium notice(s).

                  G.  Incentive  Bonus.  During  the  term  of  this  Agreement,
annually on or about the end of UCI's fiscal year, Employee shall be eligible to
receive from UCI an incentive bonus up to 20% of his Base Salary,  provided that
he has met or exceeded the performance  criteria set forth in Exhibit "A", to be
attached  hereto.  It is acknowledged  that, upon the signing of this Agreement,
the  final  terms of  Exhibit  "A" have not been  negotiated;  however,  UCI and
Employee  agree to  negotiate  in good faith to reach  mutual  agreement  on the
performance criteria to be incorporated into Exhibit "A", within forty-five (45)
days of the date of Employee's  commencement of employment.  Exhibit "A" will be
signed by UCI and Employee and may be amended by mutual  written  agreement from
time to time.

                  H. Stock  Options.  UCI hereby  agrees to grant to Employee an
option to purchase 60,000 shares of common stock of Parent (the "Option Shares")
pursuant  to the terms of the 1994  Incentive  Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Plan")
attached  hereto as Exhibit "B". With respect to the plan and the Option Shares,
UCI represents and warrants to Employee as follows:

                           (i)  The   Plan  was  duly   approved   by   Parent's
         shareholders and is in full force and effect, and the Option Shares are
         available for issuance thereunder to Employee, as an employee of UCI;

                           (ii)  Parent  has  taken  any  actions  necessary  or
         appropriate to reserve the Option Shares for issuance to Employee,  and
         the  Directors of Parent and the Stock Option  Committee  have approved
         the  execution by M. F.  McFarland,  III,  M.D.,  as CEO of UCI, of the
         Incentive Stock Option Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "C".


                           (iii)  The  Plan  and the  Option  Shares  have  been
         registered  for public sale pursuant to an S-8  Registration  Statement
         No. 333-02943 dated May 29, 1996; and

     (iv) UCI  acknowledges  that the grant of the Incentive Stock Options was a
material factor in Employee's decision to accept employment with UCI.

         5. Confidentiality and Secrecy.  Employee acknowledges that in and as a
result of his employment hereunder, he will be making use of, acquiring,  and/or
adding to  confidential  information  of a special  and unique  nature and value
relating  to UCI,  Parent,  and  Doctor's  Care's  business,  including  without
limitation technological know-how,  copyrights,  proprietary information,  trade
secrets,   systems,   procedures,   manuals,   confidential  reports,   records,
operational  expertise,  lists of customers and projects, the nature and type of
services  rendered by UCI,  Parent and Doctor's  Care, the equipment and methods
used and preferred by UCI customers, and the fees paid by them (all of which are
deemed for all purposes confidential and proprietary).  As a material inducement
to UCI to enter into this Agreement and to pay Employee the compensation  stated
in Section 4 herein,  Employee  covenants and agrees that during the term of his
employment  hereunder,  and for five (5) years after the termination thereof, he
shall not, directly or indirectly,  make use of, or disclose to any person,  any
confidential information of UCI, Parent, and/or Doctor's Care.

         6. Covenants Against Competition. In view of the unique value to UCI of
the services of Employee for which UCI has contracted hereunder,  because of the
confidential  information  to  be  obtained  by or  disclosed  to  Employee,  as
hereinabove set forth, and because of the employment of Employee  hereunder will
result  in  Employee's  development  of a unique  relationship  with  customers,
suppliers  and  employees,  as a material  inducement  to UCI to enter into this
Agreement  and to pay to Employee the  compensation  stated in Section 4 hereof,
Employee covenants and agrees as follows:

                  A.  During the  employment  of Employee  hereunder,  and for a
period of two (2) years  after the  termination  of the  employment  of Employee
hereunder for any reason,  Employee shall not directly or indirectly  solicit or
divert  employment of any employee of UCI, Parent,  or Doctor Care's business or
employ any person  employed by UCI,  Parent and/or Doctor's Care during the term
of Employee employment by UCI.

                  B.  During the  employment  of Employee  hereunder,  and for a
period of two (2) years  after the  termination  of Employee  hereunder  for any
reason,  Employee shall not directly or indirectly solicit,  divert, or convert,
or assist another person or entity to solicit,  divert or convert, the customers
of UCI, Parent, and/or Doctor's Care to any other company or entity.

                  C.  During the  employment  of Employee  hereunder,  and for a
period of one (1) year after the  termination of Employee's  employment with UCI
for any reason  other than UCI's  termination  of  Employee  "without  cause" as
defined in Section 8 hereof,  Employee  shall not  within  the  geographic  area
specified  below  engage in any  business or perform any  services,  directly or
indirectly, in competition with the business of UCI, Parent and/or Doctor's Care
or have any interest, whether as a proprietor,  partner,  employee,  stockholder
(directly or beneficially),  principal, agent, consultant, director, officer, or
in any  other  capacity  or  manner  whatsoever,  in any  consultant,  director,
officer,  or in any other capacity or manner whatsoever,  in any enterprise that
shall so engage;  except that Employee  shall be permitted to own for investment
purposes  only,  directly or  beneficially,  up to (but not more than) 2% in the
aggregate of the stock of a competing  corporation which is publicly traded on a
national  stock  exchange  or the  NASDAQ  National  Market  System,  so long as
Employee is not a controlling  person of, or a member of a group that  controls,
such  corporation and Employee is not otherwise  affiliated in any capacity with
such  corporation.  The restrictions of this Section 6(c) shall apply everywhere
within a five (5) mile radius of (1) any primary or urgent care  facility  owned
or operated by UCI,  Parent,  or Doctor's  Care,  and (iii) each other  location
where UCI, Parent, or Doctor's Care maintains an office which is in existence as
of the date of such termination.


         7.       Reasonableness, Enforceability and Remedies.

                  A. Employee has carefully  read and  considered the provisions
of Sections 5, 6, and 7, and, having done so, agrees that the  restrictions  set
forth in these  Sections,  including,  but not  limited  to, the time  period of
restriction  and  geographic  limitations  set forth in  Section 6, are fair and
reasonable  and are  reasonably  required for the  protection of the interest of
UCI,  Parent  and  Doctor's  Care  and  their  respective  officers,  directors,
shareholders and employees.

                  B. In the event that,  notwithstanding  the foregoing,  any of
the  provisions of Sections 5, 6, or 7 hereof or any parts thereof shall be held
to be invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining provisions or parts thereof shall
nevertheless  continue  to be valid and  enforceable  as though  the  invalid or
unenforceable portions or parts had not been included therein. In the event that
any  provision  of Sections 5 or 6 hereof  relating  to the time  period  and/or
geographic  restrictions  and/or related aspects shall be declared by a court of
competent  jurisdiction to exceed the maximum  restrictiveness  such court deems
reasonable  and  enforceable,  the time period  and/or  geographic  restrictions
and/or  related  aspects deemed  reasonable  and  enforceable by the court shall
become  and  thereafter  be the  maximum  restriction  in such  regard,  and the
restriction shall remain  enforceable to the fullest extent deemed reasonable by
such court.

                  C. Employee acknowledges that the services he is to render are
of a special and  unusual  character  with a unique  value to UCI,  Parent,  and
Doctor's Care, the loss of which cannot  adequately be compensated by damages in
an action at law. In the event of a breach or  threatened  breach by Employee of
any  provision of Sections 5 or 6 hereof,  UCI,  Parent,  and Doctor's  Care, in
addition to and not in  limitation  of, any other rights,  remedies,  or damages
available to UCI,  Parent,  and  Doctor's  Care under this  Agreement,  shall be
entitled to a  permanent  injunction  in order to prevent or  restrain  any such
breach by Employee and/or any person or entity directly or indirectly acting for
or with Employee.

                  D. Employee  covenants and agrees that if he shall violate any
of his covenants or agreements under Sections 5 or 6 hereof,  UCI,  Parent,  and
Doctor's  Care shall be entitled  to: (1) an  accounting  and  repayment  of all
profits,  compensation,   commissions,  remuneration,  or  other  benefits  that
Employee  directly or indirectly  has realized  and/or is likely to realize as a
result  of,  growing  out of, or in  connection  with any such  violation;  (ii)
recover actual damages  incurred by UCI, Parent and Doctor's Care as a result of
any such  violation;  (iii) any  injunctive  relief  to which  UCI,  Parent  and
Doctor's  Care  are or may  be  entitled  at law  or in  equity  or  under  this
Agreement;  and (iv)  exercise  its  other  rights  respecting  a breach of this
Agreement as set forth herein.

                  E. The  obligations  of Employee under Sections 5 and 6 hereof
shall  survive  any  termination  of  employment  hereunder,   except  that  the
provisions of Section 6(c) shall not apply in the event of a termination  by UCI
of Employee's employment without cause pursuant to Section 8(B) below.

         8.       Termination.

                  A.  For  Cause by UCI.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision
hereof,  UCI may  terminate  the  employment  of Employee  under this  Agreement
immediately  at any time for  "cause",  upon  written  notice to  Employee.  For
purposes  hereof,  the term "cause" shall be defined as the commission of any of
the  following by Employee:  embezzlement;  theft;  fraudulent  breach of trust;
indictment  of a felony or a  misdemeanor  involving  moral  turpitude;  drug or
alcohol addiction;  repeated  incompetence in the performance of material duties
on behalf of UCI; gross  negligence or willful  misconduct  detrimental to UCI's
business; violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement; or willful or
recurring refusal to comply with reasonable,  good faith  instructions of UCI or
Parent. All compensation  (including without limitation the Base Salary, and all
perquisites and fringe  benefits) to which Employee would otherwise be entitled,
shall  be  discontinued   and  forfeited  as  of  the  effective  date  of  such


                  B. Without  Cause by UCI.  UCI may  terminate  this  Agreement
"without  cause" at  anytime  upon  sixty  (60)  days  prior  written  notice to
Employee.  In the event of such termination,  Employee shall be paid: a lump sum
severance  payment equal to two times  Employee's  Base Salary for the remaining
term of this Agreement. All other compensation (including without limitation any
perquisites  and fringe  benefits,  if any) to which Employee would otherwise be
entitled  (for periods after the effective  date of such  termination)  shall be
discontinued and forfeited as of the effective date of such termination.

                  C. Termination By Employee. Employee may with or without cause
terminate  this Agreement upon 90 days prior written notice to UCI. In the event
of such termination,  all compensation  (including  without  limitation the Base
Salary and any perquisites and fringe benefits,  if any) to which Employee would
otherwise be entitled (for periods after the effective date of the  termination)
shall  be  discontinued   and  forfeited  as  of  the  effective  date  of  such

                  D.  Disability.  In the event of the  disability  (as  defined
below) of  Employee  during  the term of his  employment  with  UCI,  Employee's
employment under this Agreement shall terminate. For purposes of this Agreement,
"disability"  shall mean the  inability  of  Employee,  due to sickness or other
incapacity, to perform his duties under this Agreement for a period in excess of
one hundred eighty (180) substantially  consecutive days. Such termination shall
become  effective  upon the  expiration  of such one  hundred  eighty  (180) day
period.  Upon  termination  of  employment  under  this  Agreement  due  to  the
disability of Employee,  then Employee  shall be entitled to payment of his Base
Salary and other benefits up to the date of termination.

                  E. Death.  In the event  Employee dies during the term of this
Agreement,  this  Agreement  shall  terminate and UCI shall pay to the estate of
Employee  all Base Salary  accrued  but unpaid  through the date of the death of
Employee,  together with any incentive  bonus amounts which have accrued but are
unpaid at the time of his death.

         9. Burden and Benefit.  This Agreement shall be binding upon, and shall
inure to the benefit of UCI,  Parent,  Doctor's  Care,  and Employee,  and their
respective heirs, personal and legal representatives, successors, and assigns.

         10. Assignment. This Agreement and any rights hereunder are personal to
Employee and shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred by Employee.

         11. Governing Law/Jurisdiction.  The construction and interpretation of
this Agreement shall at all times and in all respects be governed by the laws of
the  State of  South  Carolina.  Employee  and UCI  hereby  (1)  agree  that any
litigation,  action or proceeding  arising out of or relating to this  Agreement
may be instituted in a state or federal court in Columbia,  South Carolina, (ii)
waive  any  objection  which  they  might  have  now or  hereafter  to any  such
litigation,  action or  proceeding  based upon  improper  venue or  inconvenient
forum,  and (iii)  irrevocably  submit to the jurisdiction of such courts in any
such  litigation,  action or  proceeding.  For all  purposes of this  Agreement,
Employee and UCI hereby  further agree that service of process upon either party
may be effected pursuant to United States mail.

         12.  Usage.  The  section  and  paragraph  headings  contained  in this
Agreement  are for  reference  purposes only and shall not affect in any way the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.  Terms such as "hereof',  "hereof',
"herein"  and words of  similar  import  shall  refer to this  Agreement  in its
entirety and all references shall refer to specified portions of this Agreement,
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

         13.  Severability.  The  provisions of this  Agreement  shall be deemed
severable,  and the  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any one or more of the
provisions of this Agreement shall not affect validity and enforceability of any
other provision.


         14. Notice. Any notice,  request,  approval,  consent,  demand or other
communication  hereunder  shall be effective if in writing and upon the first to
occur of the  following  (1) upon  receipt  by the  party to whom  such  notice,
request, approval,  consent, demand or other communications being given; or (ii)
three (3) business days after being duly deposited in the U. S. Mail, Certified,
Return Receipt Requested, and addressed as follows:

  To Employee:                Jon G. Keith
                              320 Post Oak Way
                              Columbia, SC  29212

  To UCI:                     UCI Medical Affiliates of South Carolina, Inc.
                              1901 Main Street, Suite 1200
                              Mail Code 1105
                              Columbia, SC 29201
                              Attention: M. F. McFarland, III, MD

The parties  hereto may change their  respective  addresses by notice in writing
given to the other parties within this Agreement.

         15. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement and
understanding  by and between UCI and Employee with respect to the employment of
Employee  and  no  representations,  promises,  agreements,  or  understandings,
written or oral not contained herein shall be of any force or effect.  No change
or  modification  of this  Agreement  shall be valid or binding  unless it is in
writing  and  signed  by the  party  against  whom the  waiver  is  sought to be
enforced.  No valid waiver of any provision of this  Agreement at any time shall
be deemed a waiver of any other  provision of this  Agreement at such time or at
any other time.

         16. Litigation  Expenses.  If either party should institute  litigation
against  the other  party to  enforce  its  rights  under  this  Agreement,  the
prevailing  party in such action  shall be  entitled  to recover its  litigation
costs and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  UCI and Employee have duly executed this Agreement
under seal to be effective as of the day and year first above written.


                                     UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES OF
                                     SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.
/s/ Elaine H. Fowler
/s/ Patricia J. Hammond              By:  /s/ M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.   (SEAL)
                                          M. F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                                          Chief Executive Officer

/s/ Elaine H. Fowler
/s/ Pat Paschal                     /s/ Jon G. Keith  (SEAL)
                                    Jon G. Keith


                                    EXHIBIT A

                          UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

                      Executive Bonus Plan for Jon G. Keith
                              Bonus Potential - 20%

                                                                                               Percentage of Bonus

1.  Site Development           Develop feasibility plan for new facilities and begin                    10%
                               implementation within six months of commencement of employment

2.  Diagnostic Services        Develop plan and proforma for diagnostic facility concept                 5%
                               within twelve months and be prepared to implement within
                               eighteen months of commencement of employment

3.  Clinic Organization        Develop a standardization plan for all clinic sites that                 25%
                               attempts to bring consistency to the organization and
                               operation of each site within nine months of commencement of

4.  Business Planning          Develop and begin implementation of comprehensive business               20%
                               plan that includes all 29 facilities within twelve months of
                               commencement of employment

5.  Budget                     Attain budgeted net income for the UCI (less extraordinary               25%
                               items not within Employee's control), annually

6.  Specialty Integration      Develop, plan and initiate dialog with local physicians and              15%
                               hospitals that may lead to acquisitions, mergers or
                               cooperative ventures


                                    EXHIBIT B

                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                         GRANT OF INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION

                         Date of Grant: January 27, 1997

         THIS GRANT, dated as of the date of grant first stated above (the "Date
of Grant"), is delivered to UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"), to Jon G. Keith,(the "Grantee"),  who is an officer or employee
of the Company or a subsidiary of the Company.

         WHEREAS,  the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Board")  has
adopted, subject to shareholder approval, the UCI Medical Affiliates,  Inc. 1994
Incentive Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"); and,

         WHEREAS,  the Plan provides for the granting of incentive stock options
by the Board to officers and  employees of the Company and its  subsidiaries  to
purchase shares of the Common Stock of the Company (the "Stock"),  in accordance
with the terms and provisions thereof; and,

         WHEREAS, the Board considers the Grantee to be a person who is eligible
for a grant of incentive  stock options under the Plan, and has determined  that
it would be in the best  interest  of the Company to grant the  incentive  stock
options documented herein.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  the parties  hereto,  intending  to be legally  bound
hereby, agree as follows:

1. Grant of Option.  Subject to the terms and conditions  hereinafter set forth,
the Company,  with the approval and at the direction of the Board, hereby grants
to the  Grantee,  as of the Date of Grant,  an option to  purchase  up to 60,000
shares of Stock at a price of $2.75 per share, the fair market value on the date
hereof. Such option is hereinafter referred to as the "Option" and the shares of
Stock purchasable upon exercise of the Option are hereinafter sometimes referred
to as the "Option  Shares".  The Option is intended by the parties hereto to be,
and shall be  treated  as, an  incentive  stock  option (as such term is defined
under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code")).

2.  Installment  Exercise.  Subject to such further  limitations as are provided
herein,  the Option  shall become  exercisable  in three (3)  installments,  the
Grantee  having the right  hereunder to purchase  from the Company the following
number of Option Shares upon exercise of the Option,  on and after the following
dates, in cumulative fashion:

         (a) on and  after  the first  anniversary  of the Date of Grant,  up to
one-third (ignoring fractional shares) of the total number of Option Shares;

         (b) on and after the second  anniversary of the Date of Grant, up to an
additional  one-third (ignoring fractional shares) of the total number of Option
Shares; and,

         (c) on and  after  the  third  anniversary  of the Date of  Grant,  the
remaining Option Shares.


3.       Termination of Option.

         (a) The Option and all rights  hereunder with respect  thereto,  to the
extent such rights shall not have been  exercised,  shall  terminate  and become
null and void after the expiration of ten (10) years from the Date of Grant (the
"Expiration Date").

         (b) Upon the  occurrence of the Grantee's  ceasing for any reason to be
employed by the Company (such  occurrence  being a "termination of the Grantee's
employment"),  the  Option,  to  the  extent  not  previously  exercised,  shall
terminate  and become null and void  immediately  upon such  termination  of the
Grantee's  employment,  except in a case where the  termination of the Grantee's
employment is by reason of  retirement,  disability or death,  the Option may be
exercised during the following  periods,  but only to the extent that the Option
was outstanding  and  exercisable on any such date of retirement,  disability or

         (i) the one-year period  following the date of such  termination of the
         Grantees  employment in the case of a disability (within the meaning of
         Section 22(e)(3) of the Code),

         (ii) the  six-month  period  following  the date of issuance of letters
         testamentary   or  letters  of   administration   to  the  executor  or
         administrator of a deceased Grantee, in the case of the Grantee's death
         during his employment by the Company, but not later than one year after
         the Grantee's death, and

         (iii) the three-month  period following the date of such termination in
         the case of retirement on or after attainment of age 65, or in the case
         of disability other than as described in (i) above.

In no event, however, shall any such period extend beyond the Expiration Date.

         (c) In the  event  of the  death  of the  Grantee,  the  Option  may be
exercised by the Grantee's legal representative(s),  but only to the extent that
the Option would otherwise have been exercisable by the Grantee.

         (d) A transfer of the Grantee's  employment between the Company and any
subsidiary of the Company, or between any subsidiaries of the Company, shall not
be deemed to be a termination of the Grantee's employment.

         (e)  Notwithstanding  any other  provisions  set forth herein or in the
Plan,  if the  Grantee  shall (i) commit any act of  malfeasance  or  wrongdoing
affecting  the Company,  (ii) breach any  covenant not to compete or  employment
contract  with the Company,  or (iii)  engage in conduct that would  warrant the
Grantee's  discharge  for  cause  (excluding  general  dissatisfaction  with the
performance of the Grantee's duties,  but including any act of disloyalty or any
conduct clearly  tending to bring  discredit upon the Company),  any unexercised
portion of the Option shall immediately terminate and be void.

4.       Exercise of Options.

         (a) Subject to such further  limitations  as are provided  herein,  the
Option shall be  exercisable at any time and from time to time during the period
commencing  one (1) year from the Date of Grant and ending ten (10) years  (five
(5) years for 10 percent shareholders as described in the Plan) from the Date of
Grant.  The Grantee may  exercise  the Option with respect to all or any part of
the number of Option Shares then  exercisable  hereunder by giving the Secretary
of the  Company  written  notice of intent to  exercise.  The notice of exercise
shall  specify  the  number  of Option  Shares  as to which the  Option is to be
exercised  and the date of exercise  thereof,  which date shall be at least five
days after the  giving of such  notice  unless an  earlier  time shall have been
mutually agreed upon.

         (b) Full  payment (in U.S.  dollars) by the Grantee of the option price
for the Option  Shares  purchased  shall be made on or before the exercise  date
specified in the notice of exercise in cash, or, with the prior written  consent
of the  Secretary,  in whole or in part  through  the  surrender  of  previously
acquired shares of Stock at their fair market value on the exercise date.


         On the  exercise  date  specified  in the  Grantee's  notice or as soon
thereafter  as is  practicable,  the Company  shall cause to be delivered to the
Grantee,  a  certificate  or  certificates  for the  Option  Shares  then  being
purchased (out of theretofore unissued Stock or reacquired Stock, as the Company
may elect) upon full payment of such Option Shares.  The Grantee shall upon each
exercise of a part or all of the option  granted  represent and warrant that his
purchase of stock pursuant to such option is for investment only, and not with a
view to distribution  involving a public offering. The obligation of the Company
to deliver Stock shall, however, be subject to the condition that if at any time
the Board shall  determine in its discretion  that the listing,  registration or
qualification of the Option or the Option Shares upon any securities exchange or
under any state or federal  law, or the consent or approval of any  governmental
regulatory  body,  is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in connection
with, the Option or the issuance or purchase of Stock thereunder, the Option may
not be  exercised  in  whole  or in  part  unless  such  listing,  registration,
qualification,  consent or approval shall have been effected or obtained free of
any conditions not acceptable to the Board.

         (c) If the Grantee fails to pay for any of the Option Shares  specified
in such  notice or fails to accept  delivery  thereof,  the  Grantee's  right to
purchase such Option Shares may be terminated by the Company. The date specified
in the  Grantee's  notice as the date of  exercise  shall be deemed  the date of
exercise of the Option,  provided  that payment in full for the Option Shares to
be purchased upon such exercise shall have been received by such date.

5.  Adjustment  of and  Changes  in  Stock  of the  Company.  In the  event of a
reorganization, recapitalization, change of shares, stock split, spin-off, stock
dividend, reclassification, subdivision, consolidation or combination of shares,
merger,  consolidation,  rights  offering,  or any other change in the corporate
structure  or shares of capital  stock of the  Company,  the Board may make such
adjustment  as it deems  appropriate  in the  number and kind of shares of Stock
subject to the Option or in the option price;  provided,  however,  that no such
adjustment shall give the Grantee any additional benefits under the Option.

6.  No  Rights  of   Stockholders.   Neither  the   Grantee  nor  any   personal
representative  shall be, or shall have any of the rights and  privileges  of, a
stockholder  of the Company with respect to any shares of Stock  purchasable  or
usable upon the exercise of the Option,  in whole or in part,  prior to the date
of exercise of the Option.

7.  Non-Transferability  of Option.  During the Grantee's  lifetime,  the Option
hereunder  shall be  exercisable  only by the  Grantee or any  guardian or legal
representative of the Grantee,  and the Option shall not be transferable except,
in  case of the  death  of the  Grantee,  by will  or the  laws of  descent  and
distribution or pursuant to a qualified  domestic  relations order as defined by
the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended,  or Title I of the  Employee
Retirement Income Security Act, or the Rules thereunder, nor shall the Option be
subject to attachment,  execution or other similar process.  In the event of (a)
any attempt by the Grantee to alienate, assign, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise
dispose of the  Option,  except as provided  for herein,  or (b) the levy of any
attachment,  execution  or similar  process  upon the rights or interest  hereby
conferred,  the Company may terminate the Option by notice to the Grantee and it
shall thereupon become null and void.

8. Employment Not Affected.  Neither the granting of the Option nor its exercise
shall be  construed  as  granting  to the  Grantee  any right  with  respect  to
continuance of employment with the Company or any of its subsidiaries. Except as
may  otherwise  be limited by a written  agreement  between  the Company and the
Grantee,  the right of the Company or any subsidiary of the Company to terminate
at will the  Grantee's  employment  with it at any time  (whether by  dismissal,
discharge,  retirement or otherwise) is specifically  reserved by the Company or
any  subsidiary of the Company,  as the  employer,  and is  acknowledged  by the

9. Amendment of Option.  The Option may be amended by the Board or the Committee
at any time (i) if the Board or the Stock Option  Committee  determines,  in its
sole  discretion,  that  amendment is necessary or advisable in the light of any
addition to or change in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or in the regulations
issued  thereunder,  or any  federal  or state  securities  law or other  law or
regulation, which change occurs after the Date of Grant and by its terms applies
to the Option; or (ii) other than in the circumstances  described in clause (i),
with the consent of the Grantee.


10. Notice.  Any notice to the Company  provided for in this instrument shall be
addressed to it in care of its Secretary at its  executive  offices at 1901 Main
Street,  Suite 1200, Mail Code 1105,  Columbia,  South Carolina  29201,  and any
notice to the Grantee  shall be addressed to the Grantee at the current  address
shown on the payroll  records of the  Company.  Any notice shall be deemed to be
duly given if and when properly  addressed and posted by registered or certified
mail, postage prepaid.

11.  Incorporation  of Plan by Reference.  The Option is granted pursuant to the
terms of the Plan, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference,  and
the Option shall in all respects be interpreted in accordance with the Plan. The
Stock  Option   Committee  shall  interpret  and  construe  the  Plan  and  this
instrument,  and its interpretations and determinations  shall be conclusive and
binding  on the  parties  hereto  and any  other  person  claiming  an  interest
hereunder, with respect to any issue arising hereunder or thereunder.

12. Governing Law. The validity, construction, interpretation and effect of this
instrument  shall  exclusively be governed by and determined in accordance  with
the law of the  State of South  Carolina,  except  to the  extent  preempted  by
federal law, which shall to such extent govern.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused its duly authorized officers
to execute and attest this Grant of Incentive Stock Option,  and the Grantee has
placed his or her signature hereon, effective as of the Date of Grant.

                                UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.

                                By: /s/ Jerry F. Wells, Jr.

                                Its:EVP of Finance and Chief Financial Officer

                                ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO:

                                By:      /s/ Jon G. Keith
                                        Jon G. Keith, Grantee


                                 EXHIBIT NO. 21

                         SUBSIDIARIES OF THE REGISTRANT



                                                                                Name Under Which
                                    State of Jurisdiction                         Subsidiary Does
Name of Subsidiary                      of Incorporation                            Business

 UCI Medical Affiliates
 of  South Carolina, Inc.               South Carolina                               Doctor's Care

UCI Medical Affiliates
 of Georgia, Inc.                       South Carolina                               Doctor's Care
