
                           CDW ACQUISITION CORPORATION

            FIRST: The name of the Corporation is CDW Acquisition Corporation.

            SECOND: The Corporation's registered office in the State of Delaware
is at Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street in the City of Wilmington,
County of New Castle. The name of its registered agent at such address is The
Corporation Trust Company.

            THIRD: The nature of the business of the Corporation and its purpose
is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be
organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

            FOURTH: The total number of shares of stock which the Corporation
shall have authority to issue is 1,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $.01
per share.

            FIFTH: The name and mailing address of the incorporator is as

                  Euphemia B. Warren
                  c/o Debevoise & Plimpton
                  875 Third Avenue
                  New York, New York 10022

            SIXTH: The following provisions are inserted for the management of
the business and for the conduct of the affairs of the Corporation and for the
purpose of creating, defining, limiting and regulating the powers of the
Corporation and its directors and stockholders:

            (a) The number of directors of the Corporation shall be fixed and
      may be altered from time to time in the manner provided in the By-Laws,
      and vacancies in the Board of Directors and newly created directorships
      resulting from any increase in the authorized number of directors may be
      filled, and directors may be removed, as provided in the By-Laws.

            (b) The election of directors may be conducted in any manner
      approved by the stockholders at the time when the election is held and
      need not be by ballot.

            (c) All corporate powers and authority of the Corporation (except
      as at the time otherwise provided by law, by this Certificate of
      Incorporation or by the By-Laws) shall be vested in and exercised by the
      Board of Directors.

            (d) The Board of Directors shall have the power without the assent
      or vote of the stockholders to adopt, amend, alter or repeal the By-Laws
      of the Corporation, except to the extent that the By-Laws or this
      Certificate of Incorporation otherwise provide.

            (e) No director of the Corporation shall be liable to the
      Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of his or
      her fiduciary duty as a director, provided that nothing contained in this
      Certificate of Incorporation shall eliminate or limit the liability of a
      director (i) for any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the
      Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good
      faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of
      the law, (iii) under Section 174 of the General Corporation Law of the
      State of Delaware or (iv) for any transaction from which the director
      derived an improper personal benefit.

            SEVENTH: The Corporation reserves the right to amend or repeal any
provision contained in this Certificate of Incorporation in the manner now or
hereafter prescribed by the laws of the State of Delaware, and all rights herein
conferred upon stockholders or directors are granted subject to this

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the undersigned, being the incorporator
hereinabove named, for the purpose of forming a corporation pursuant to the
General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, do make and file this
Certificate, hereby declaring and certifying that the facts herein stated are
true, and accordingly have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of August, 1993.

                                          /s/ Euphemia B. Warren
                                                Euphemia B. Warren


                   : ss.:

            BE IT REMEMBERED that on the 16th day of August, 1993 personally
appeared before me, JULIE A. FERGANG a notary public for the State of New York,
Euphemia B. Warren, the party to the foregoing Certificate of Incorporation,
known to me personally to be such, and acknowledged the said Certificate to be
her act and deed and that the facts therein stated are true.

            GIVEN under my hand and seal of office the day and year aforesaid.

                                                                   [NOTARY SEAL]

                                          /s/ Julie A. Fergang
                                                Notary Public

                                               Julie A. Fergang        
                                       Notary Public, State of New York
                                                No. 31-8002308
                                         Qualified in New York County
                                       Commission Expires Sep. 28, 1994

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT

                                     OF THE

                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                           CDW ACQUISITION CORPORATION

                            Under Section 242 of the
                        Delaware General Corporation Law

            CDW Acquisition Corporation, a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of the State of Delaware (the "Corporation") hereby certifies

            1. The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation was filed
with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware on August 17, 1993.

            2. The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation is hereby
amended, as authorized by Section 242 of the Delaware General Corporation Law,
to change the name of the Corporation to "WESCO Distribution, Inc."

            3. To effect such amendment, Article FIRST of the Certificate of
Incorporation of the Corporation is hereby amended to read as follows:

            "FIRST: The name of the Corporation is WESCO Distribution, Inc."

            4. The foregoing amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of
the Corporation has been duly adopted in accordance with Sections 228 and 242 of
the Delaware General Corporation Law, by unanimous written consent of the Board
of Directors and of the Sole Stockholder of the Corporation.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this certificate to
be executed by Alexander F. Brigham, its Vice President, and attested by William
A. Barbe, its Vice President and Secretary, this 28th day of February, 1994.

                                          /s/ Alexander F. Brigham
                                          Alexander F. Brigham
                                          Vice President


/s/ William A. Barbe
- - - - --------------------------
William A. Barbe
Vice President and Secretary
