
                                  UNITED STATES


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

        Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                   For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1997

                          Commission File Number 1-4928


                           EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN OF
                                 PANENERGY CORP
                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES
                            (Full title of the plan)

                             Duke Energy Corporation
          (Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan)

                             422 South Church Street
                        Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
          (Address, including zip code, of principal executive office)

                                 (704) 594-0887
                     (Telephone number, including area code)



                           EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN OF
                                 PANENERGY CORP
                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES



                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Independent Auditors' Report..........................................     3

Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits
     (with Fund Information), December 31, 1997.......................     4

Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits
     (with Fund Information), December 31, 1996.......................     5

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
     (with Fund Information), year Ended December 31, 1997............     6

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
     (with Fund Information), Year Ended December 31, 1996............     7

Notes to Financial Statements.........................................     8



Schedule I - Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes,
     December 31, 1997................................................    S-1

Schedule IV - Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions,
     Year Ended December 31, 1997.....................................    S-4

All other schedules are omitted because they are not applicable or not required.


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Administrative Committee
Employees' Savings Plan
   of PanEnergy Corp
   and Participating Affiliates:

     We have audited the  accompanying  statements  of net assets  available for
benefits of the Employees' Savings Plan of PanEnergy Corp and Participating
Affiliates (the Plan) as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related
statements of changes in net assets available for benefits for each of the years
in the two-year period ended December 31, 1997. These financial statements are
the responsibility of the Plan's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

    We conducted  our audits in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

    In our opinion,  the financial  statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material  respects,  the net assets available for benefits of the Plan as
of December  31,  1997 and 1996,  and the  changes in net assets  available  for
benefits  for the  years  then  ended  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles.

    Our audits were performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial  statements taken as a whole. The supplemental  schedules as listed in
the accompanying index are presented for the purpose of additional  analysis and
are not a required part of the basic financial  statements but are supplementary
information  required by the  Department  of Labor's Rules and  Regulations  for
Reporting and Disclosure  under the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
1974.  The Fund  Information  in the  statements  of net  assets  available  for
benefits of the Plan as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the Fund  Information
in the related  statements  of changes in net assets  available for benefits for
the years then ended is presented for the purposes of additional analysis rather
than to present the net assets  available  for benefits of each fund and changes
in net assets  available for benefits of each fund. The  supplemental  schedules
and Fund Information have been subjected to the auditing  procedures  applied in
the audits of the basic  financial  statements  and, in our opinion,  are fairly
stated in all material  respects in relation to the basic  financial  statements
taken as a whole.

KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

Houston,  Texas
June 19, 1998


                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                             (WITH FUND INFORMATION)
                                December 31, 1997

(To be filed under cover of Form SE)


                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                             (WITH FUND INFORMATION)
                                December 31, 1996

(To be filed under cover of Form SE)


                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                             (WITH FUND INFORMATION)
                          Year Ended December 31, 1997

(To be filed under cover of Form SE)


                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                             (WITH FUND INFORMATION)
                          Year Ended December 31, 1996

(To be filed under cover of Form SE)


                             EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN
                                 PANENERGY CORP
                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.  Description of the Plan


    The Employees'  Savings Plan of PanEnergy Corp and Participating  Affiliates
(the Plan), formerly the Employees' Savings of Panhandle Eastern Corporation and
Participating  Affiliates,  was adopted by the Board of  Directors  of PanEnergy
Corp (PanEnergy),  formerly Panhandle Eastern Corporation,  effective January 1,
1991,  at which time the  assets and  obligations  of the  predecessor  plan and
certain other related plans were transferred to the Plan. The Plan, administered
by an  Administrative  Committee (the Committee) which is appointed by the Board
of  Directors  of  PanEnergy,  is  subject  to the  provisions  of the  Employee
Retirement Income Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA).

    On December 31, 1997 there were 3,302 active employees  participating in the
Plan.  The  companies   participating  in  the  Plan  included   PanEnergy  Corp
(PanEnergy) and certain of its affiliated companies (the Company).  Although the
Company  includes  PanEnergy,  PanEnergy  does not have  employees at this time.
Therefore,  no  contributions  are made  directly  by  PanEnergy,  but rather by
affiliated companies who participate in the Plan. See Note 3.

Plan Composition

    During the year ended  December  31,  1997,  the Plan was  comprised  of the
following  investment  programs (funds):  the Duke Energy Stock Fund, the Equity
Fund,  the  Bond  Fund,  the  Money  Market  Fund,   Large  Cap.  Equity  Index,
Small-to-Mid Cap. Equity Index, International  Equity Index. A separate fund,
the Loan  Fund,  is used to  segregate  members'  loans from  other  funds.  See
discussion below regarding loans.


    All costs  and  expenses  for  administering  the  Plan,  if not paid by the
Company,  shall be paid by the trustee from Plan assets.  Investment  management
fees for the various funds, totaled $0.4 million in both 1997 and 1996, and were
paid by the trustee from Plan  assets.  All other costs and expenses in 1997 and
1996 were paid by the Company.

Management of Trust Fund

    During 1997 and 1996,  the  Northern  Trust  Company was trustee of the Plan
(the  Trustee).   The  Trustee  is  responsible  for  receiving   contributions,
collecting dividends, investing cash contributions and dividends, making benefit
payments as authorized by the plan  administrator  and investing  Plan assets in
accordance with investment manager instructions. The Trustee has Bankers Blanket
Bonds in amounts and forms which  cover  acting in such a capacity.  The Trustee
received  $0.1  million  in both 1997 and 1996  from the  Company  for  services
provided as trustee of the Plan.


Provisions of the Plan

    The  Plan  is a  defined  contribution,  profit-sharing  plan  sponsored  by
PanEnergy.  The following information  describes  significant  provisions of the
Plan as they existed during the year ended December 31, 1997.  Provisions of the
Plan are further explained in the Plan documents, which may be obtained from the

    Membership  in the Plan is  voluntary.  Under  the  terms of the  Plan,  any
eligible  employee  may  become a member  of the Plan  upon the first day of the
first month  coincident  with or  immediately  following  the date on which such
employee has first completed a year of vesting service,  as defined. An eligible
employee  is any  employee  of the  Company  other  than (1) an  employee  whose
employment  is  governed  by  a  collective  bargaining  agreement  unless  such
agreement provides for the employee's participation in the Plan, (2) an employee
who is a  non-resident  alien with no United States source income or who is on a
"Non-U.S.  Payroll",  (3) an employee employed pursuant to a written  employment
contract that provides that the employee  shall not  participate in the Plan, or
(4) a leased  employee.  A leased  employee is someone who is not an employee of
the  Company  but  who  provides  services  to the  Company  through  a  leasing

    Each member may make  after-tax  contributions  through  authorized  payroll
deductions. A Compensation Reduction Option under Section 401(k) of the Internal
Revenue Code (the Code) is also available under the Plan which allows  employees
to defer up to 15% of Plan compensation, not to exceed $9,500 in 1997, with such
amount  adjusted   automatically  to  reflect  any  cost-of-living   adjustments
authorized by the Code. Plan  compensation is defined by the Plan and is limited
to an annual maximum imposed by the Code. Any "excess  deferrals," as defined by
the Code,  are  distributed  during the following year pursuant to provisions of
the Code. The allowed amount of a member's combined  contribution ranges from 1%
to 15% of Plan  compensation  for each pay period.  Members'  contributions  are
remitted semi-monthly to the Trustee.

    Also on a  semi-monthly  basis,  the Company  contributes  on behalf of each
member,  as  Company  matching  contributions,  100% of the  member's  after-tax
contributions and 110% of tax-deferred contributions, up to an aggregate maximum
of 6% of the  member's  Plan  compensation,  depending  upon  length of  vesting
service,  in accordance with the following  table.  Generally,  Company matching
contributions are invested in the Duke Energy Stock Fund only.

   Credited Vesting Service                 Company Matching Contributions
   ------------------------                 ------------------------------

     Less Than Five Years                4% of a member's Plan compensation

     Less Than Nine Years                5% of a member's Plan compensation

     Ten Years Or More                   6% of a member's Plan compensation

    At the  discretion of the Chief  Executive  Officer of  PanEnergy,  for each
month, the Company may contribute for members who have completed 20 or more
years of vesting service, an amount that equals 100% of the member's after-tax
contributions plus 110% of the tax-deferred contributions which, in the
aggregate, were more than 6% but not in excess of 8% of Plan compensation. Also
at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of PanEnergy, for each month,
the Company may contribute as supplemental matching contributions on behalf of
each member a specified dollar amount, a specified percentage of Plan
compensation or a specified percentage of members' after-tax contributions
and/or tax-deferred contributions; all of which shall be uniform for all
members. No such contributions were made during 1997 and 1996.

    The plan was amended to prohibit any  contributions  made to the Plan on and
after January 1, 1995 as a result of investment tax credits claimed by PanEnergy
on its federal income tax return.  Any such  contributions  would be


made  to  the  Tax  Credit  Employee   Ownership  Plan  of  PanEnergy  Corp  and
Participating  Affiliates,  which was  established  effective  January  1, 1995.


    A member may withdraw all  rollover  contributions,  as defined by the Plan,
and any after-tax  contributions  (and related  earnings)  that have been in the
Plan for 24  months or more.  A member  who has  participated  in the Plan (or a
prior  plan)  for five or more  years may also  withdraw  all  Company  matching
contributions  (and  related  earnings)  in their  account.  Any  member who has
participated  in the Plan for less than five  years  may only  withdraw  Company
matching  contributions  (and related earnings) that have been in their accounts
for 24 months or more. A member's account balances may be distributed  following
termination of employment with PanEnergy and all of its affiliated companies.

    Any member who has a financial hardship, as determined by the Committee, may
withdraw  from the  member's  accounts an amount not to exceed the value of such
accounts  (excluding  earnings on the  deferred  account)  and not to exceed the
amount  determined  by the  Committee as being  available  for  withdrawal.  The
decision of the Committee shall be final and binding,  provided that all members
similarly situated shall be treated in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner.


    Upon   application   by  any  member  and   subject  to  such   uniform  and
nondiscriminatory  rules and  regulations  as the Committee may  establish,  the
Committee  may,  at its  discretion,  direct the  Trustee to make a loan to such
member from the member's  accounts,  in an amount not to exceed a percentage  of
the combined value in all the member's accounts, as defined, as follows:

Combined Value of All Accounts              Amounts Available for Loan
- ------------------------------              --------------------------

     Less Than $2,000           None
     $2,000 Or More             50%, up to a maximum of $50,000 less the highest
                                outstanding loan balance in the previous
                                12 months

    The interest rate for a regular loan is the current three-year Treasury bill
rate and for home  loans is the  current  10-year  Treasury  bill  rate plus two
percentage points.

Obligation for Benefits

    It is expected  that the Plan will  continue in the  future,  but  PanEnergy
reserves the right to amend or terminate  the Plan,  in whole or in part, at any
time.  Such  action  would not  affect any vested  benefits  of members  (unless
required  in order to comply  with  qualification  requirements  by the Code and
ERISA) and no such action would cause any part of the assets held in trust to be
used for  purposes  other than the  exclusive  benefit  of the  members or their

2.   Basis of Presentation

    The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been  prepared on the accrual
basis in conformity with generally  accepted  accounting  principles and present
the Plan's net assets available for benefits,  at fair value, and changes in net
assets available for benefits.

    The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect  certain  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities,
benefit obligations and changes therein at the date of the financial statements.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Investment Valuation

    The  investments  in Duke Energy common stock in 1997 and  PanEnergy  common
stock in 1996 and other equity  securities  are stated at fair values based upon
quotations  obtained from national security exchanges at the balance sheet date.
Money  market  funds and  loans to  participants  are  recorded  at cost,  which
approximate  fair values.  Purchases and sales of  securities  are recorded on a
trade-date  basis.  Net realized  gains and losses on disposition of investments
are  reported  on the  revalued  cost  method,  which is the  fair  value of the
investment  at  the  beginning  of the  Plan  year  or  historical  cost  if the
investment was acquired since the beginning of the Plan year.

3.   Investment Programs

    Each  member  designates  the  manner  in which the  member's  contributions
allocated  to the  after-tax  or deferred  account  will be  invested,  in whole
percentage increments, from among the following options:

             Fund                                            Description
             ----                                            -----------
Duke Energy  (before             Shares of Duke Energy  (before June 18,  1997,  PanEnergy) common stock. 
June 18, 1997,  PanEnergy)       Amounts invested under this option are invested as one fund.

Equity                           General diversified equity investments (including common investment
                                 funds which may hold securities issued by Duke Energy), managed by Smith
                                 Barney Capital Management. Amounts invested under this option are
                                 invested as one fund.

Bond                             General diversified fixed income investments (including common
                                 investment funds which may hold debentures or other debt securities
                                 issued by Duke Energy), managed by BZW Barclays Global Investors (BGI).

Money Market                     General money market investments. Amounts invested under this option are
                                 invested as one fund.

Large Cap Equity Index           Wholly invested in the BGI Daily Equity Index Fund which is held and
                                 managed by BGI.

Small-to-Mid Cap                 Wholly invested in shares of the Extended Market Portfolio
 Equity Index                    of the Vanguard Index Trust (Vanguard Mutual Fund). The Vanguard Mutual
                                 Fund is managed by the Core Management Group of the Vanguard Group, Inc.

International                    Wholly invested in the BGI Daily EAFE Equity Index Fund, which is held 
 Equity Index                    and managed by BGI.

    A separate stock fund, The Anadarko Stock Fund, was  established to maintain
the common stock of Anadarko Petroleum  Corporation  (Anadarko)  received by the
predecessor plan pursuant to the PanEnergy spin-off of Anadarko.  Beginning July
1, 1997, the Anadarko Stock Fund was terminated and all  investments in the fund
liquidated by the Trustee and the proceeds transferred to the Money Market Fund.

         The  Money  Market  Fund,  as well as any cash held in any of the other
funds, is currently invested in the Northern Trust Company Collective Short Term
Investment Fund.


         A summary of contributions made to the Plan by participating  employees
and their employers follows:

    Millions                                                  Employees                   Employers
    --------                                                  ---------                   ---------
                                                         1997        1996             1997          1996
                                                         ----        ----             ----          ----
    Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation.......      $   4.7     $   4.5           $   3.8      $   3.7
    Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company..........          2.9         2.5               2.4          2.2
    Pan Service Company..........................          1.1         3.4               0.7          2.6
    Texas Eastern Products Pipeline Company......          1.8         1.7               1.4          1.3
    Trunkline Gas Company........................          1.0         1.4               0.9          1.2
    Algonquin Gas Transmission Company...........          1.2         1.2               0.8          0.9
    PanEnergy Services LP........................          2.7           -               1.9            -
    Trunkline LNG Company........................          0.2         0.2               0.2          0.2
                                                     ---------   ---------         ---------    ---------
           Total.................................      $  15.6     $  14.9           $  12.1      $  12.1
                                                       =======     =======           =======      =======

    At December 31, 1997, a total of 4,381  participants  had investments in the
Duke Energy Stock Fund,  2,388  participants had investments in the Equity Fund,
946  participants  had  investments  in the Bond Fund,  1,651  participants  had
investments in the Money Market Fund, 260  participants  had  investments in the
Large-Cap  Equity Fund, 362 participants had investments in the Small-to-Mid Cap
Equity Fund, and 160  participants had investments in the  International  Equity
Fund. In addition, 1,826 participants had loans outstanding in the Loan Fund.

4.   Net Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of Investments

    A summary of transactions,  by fund,  affecting net unrealized  appreciation
(depreciation) of investments follows:

- --------       January 1,                                December  31,                               December 31,
    Fund          1996       Increase    Distributions        1996         Increase   Distributions       1997
    ----          ----       --------    -------------        ----         --------   -------------       ----

Duke Energy
   Stock*        $  68.5      $ 140.7      $  (4.8)         $ 204.4        $  85.1      $  (29.7)      $ 259.8
Equity              19.3         12.3         (4.2)            27.4           16.7          (5.5)         38.6
Bond                 0.8          -           (0.8)             -              1.0           0.1           1.1
Large cap            -            -            -                -              0.4           -             0.4
Sm.-to-Mid Cap       -            -            -                -              0.2           -             0.2
Int'l Equity         -            -            -                -             (0.1)          -            (0.1)
Anadarko Stock       9.2          0.8         (2.0)             8.0           (1.6)         (6.4)          -
                 -------      -------     --------          -------        -------      --------       -------
   Total         $  97.8      $ 153.8     $  (11.8)         $ 239.8        $ 101.7      $  (41.5)      $ 300.0
                 =======      =======     ========          =======        =======      ========       =======

- ---------------------------------
* Before June 18, 1997, PanEnergy


5.    Net Realized Gains

    A Summary of realized gains on sales/distributions of investments follows:

    Millions                 Proceeds/         Revalued          Net Realized
    --------              Distributions            Cost               Gains
                          -------------            ----               -----
- ----
      Duke Energy Stock      $ 111.0             $ 102.6           $   8.4
      Other Investments         35.1                32.8               2.3
                            --------          ----------          --------

        Total                $ 146.1             $ 135.4           $  10.7
                             =======             =======           =======

- ----
    PanEnergy Stock          $  69.0            $   59.8           $   9.2
    Other Investments           69.3                67.9               1.4
                            --------           ---------          --------

        Total                $ 138.3             $ 127.7           $  10.6
                             =======             =======           =======

6.  Purchases of Duke Energy Common Stock

    On November 25, 1996,  PanEnergy and Duke Power Company  (Duke)  announced a
definitive merger agreement for a tax-free,  stock-for-stock transaction.  Under
the agreement,  each share of PanEnergy common stock would be converted into the
right to receive 1.0444 common shares of Duke. The merger was conditioned  upon,
among  other  things,  the  approval of  PanEnergy  and Duke  stockholders,  and
approvals of  appropriate  state and federal  regulatory  agencies.  On June 18,
1997,  the merger was closed,  Duke changed its name to Duke Energy  Corporation
(Duke Energy) and PanEnergy became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Duke Energy.

    Purchases of Duke Energy  common stock by the Plan may be made either in the
open  market or by  purchasing  directly  from Duke  Energy any  authorized  but
previously  unissued shares or shares  previously  issued and reacquired by Duke
Energy.  No commission  shall be charged with respect to direct  purchases  from
Duke Energy.

    Shares  purchased  directly from Duke Energy shall be purchased at the lower
of (a) the unweighted  average of the reported daily high and low sale prices of
a share of Duke Energy  common  stock as quoted on The New York Stock  Exchange,
Inc. (NYSE) for the five  consecutive  trading days up to and including the date
on which the  Trustee and Duke  Energy  agree to the sale or (b) the  unweighted
average of the daily  reported  high and low sale prices for Duke Energy  common
stock on the NYSE for the day on which the Trustee and Duke Energy  agree to the

7.  Federal Income Tax

    In a  determination  letter dated  November 14, 1996,  the Internal  Revenue
Service held that the Plan met the  requirements  of Section 401(a) of the Code,
and that the trust established thereunder was entitled to exemption from federal
income tax under the provisions of Section 501(a) of the Code. The Plan has been
amended since receiving this determination  letter.  However,  the Committee and
its legal  counsel  believe  the Plan is  currently  designed  and  operated  in
compliance with the applicable requirements of the Code. Therefore, they believe
the Plan was qualified  and the related trust was  tax-exempt as of December 31,
1997.  Duke Energy intends that the Plan and its related  trust,  continue to so

    Contributions  made by the  Company  for the benefit of a member will not be
required to be included in the member's  taxable  income until the year or years
in which such contributions are distributed to the member.


8.  Reconciliation to IRS Form 5500

    The Plan's audited financial  statements are materially  consistent with the
amounts reported on the IRS Form 5500.



    Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as
amended,  the Administrative  Committee has duly caused this annual report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN OF
                                               PANENERGY CORP
                                        AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                                        By _____________________________
                                                    D.R. Church
                                             Administrative Committee

Date: June 19,  1998


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT

The Board of Directors
Duke Energy Corporation

We consent to  incorporation  by reference in the  registration  statement  (No.
333-29585) on Form S-8 of Duke Energy  Corporation  of our report dated June 19,
1998,  relating to the  statements  of net assets  available for benefits of the
Employees'  Savings Plan of PanEnergy  Corp and  Participating  Affiliates as of
December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related  statements of changes in net assets
available  for  benefits  for the years then ended;  and the related  schedules,
which report  appears in the December 31, 1997 Annual Report on Form 11-K of the
Employees' Savings Plan of PanEnergy Corp and Participating Affiliates.

KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

Houston, Texas
June 26, 1998


                                   SCHEDULE I
                           EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN OF
                                 PANENERGY CORP
                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                                December 31, 1997
                                  ($ Millions)

                        Investment                                Value                 Cost         Fair Value
                        ----------                                -----                 ----         ----------

Duke Energy Stock Fund
    Common Stock of Duke Energy Corp*                          8,532,756               $ 212.7          $ 472.5
    Northern Trust Company Collective Short Term
      Investment Fund                                          2,674,056                   2.7              2.7
                                                                                    ----------       ----------

             Total Duke Energy Corp Stock Fund                                         $ 215.4          $ 475.2
                                                                                       =======          =======

Equity Fund
    Common Stocks
      American Express Company                                     8,000               $   0.2         $    0.7
      American Home Products Corp.                                25,000                   1.4              1.9
      Amp Inc.                                                    35,000                   1.4              1.5
      AT&T Corp.                                                  30,000                   1.7              1.8
      Avon Products Inc.                                          35,000                   1.5              2.1
      Banc One Corp.                                              25,000                   1.2              1.3
      BankAmerica Corp.                                           44,000                   1.0              3.2
      Bankers Trust N.Y. Corp.                                    15,000                   1.1              1.7
      Baxter International Inc.                                   45,000                   1.9              2.3
      Bell Atlantic Corporation                                   12,000                   0.8              1.1
      Bristol Myers Squibb Co.                                    38,000                   3.1              3.6
      Chase Manhattan Corp.                                       25,000                   1.1              2.7
      Chevron Corporation                                         28,000                   1.2              2.1
      Chubb Corp.                                                 29,000                   1.9              2.2
      Consolidated Natural Gas Co.                                33,000                   1.6              2.0
      Crown Cork & Seal Co.                                       25,000                   1.2              1.3
      Dana Corporation                                            37,000                   1.0              1.8
      Dresser Industries Inc.                                     43,000                   1.0              1.9
      Du Pont, E I De Nemours & Co.                               27,000                   1.2              1.6
      Eastman Kodak Co.                                           20,000                   0.8              1.2
      Emerson Electric Co.                                        44,000                   1.2              2.5
      Exxon Corp.                                                 40,000                   1.2              2.4
      FPL Group Inc.                                              10,000                   0.3              0.6
      Ford Motor Co.                                              45,000                   1.1              2.2
      General Electric Co.                                        48,000                   1.0              3.5
      Goodrich, B.F. Co.                                          20,000                   0.6              0.8
      GTE Corp.                                                   34,000                   1.3              1.8
      Hartford Financial Services                                 10,000                   0.8              0.9
      Heinz, H.J. Co.                                             40,000                   1.3              2.0
      International Paper Co.                                     25,000                   1.0              1.1
      Kimberly-Clark Corp.                                        29,000                   0.9              1.4
      Lilly, Eli & Co.                                            60,000                   1.2              4.2


                           EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN OF
                                 PANENERGY CORP
                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                                December 31, 1997
                                  ($ Millions)

                        Investment                                Value                 Cost         Fair Value
                        ----------                                -----                 ----         ----------

Equity Fund (Cont'd)
    Common Stocks (Cont'd)
      Limited Inc.                                                75,000               $   1.8          $   1.9
      Lockheed Martin Corp.                                       24,450                   0.7              2.4
      Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc.                                  20,000                   0.9              1.5
      Mcgraw Hill Cos. Inc.                                       24,000                   0.9              1.8
      Merck & Co. Inc.                                            20,000                   0.8              2.1
      Mobil Corp.                                                 34,000                   1.4              2.5
      Norfolk Southern Corp.                                      15,000                   0.3              0.5
      Olin Corp.                                                   4,000                   0.1              0.2
      Pfizer Inc.                                                  5,000                   0.1              0.4
      Phelps Dodge Corp.                                          15,000                   0.9              0.9
      Phillips Petroleum Co.                                      17,000                   0.6              0.8
      Reynolds Metals Co.                                         19,000                   1.2              1.1
      Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.                                   36,000                   0.7              2.0
      Sears, Roebuck & Co.                                        30,000                   0.4              1.4
      Sprint Corp.                                                46,000                   1.2              2.7
      Tenneco Inc.                                                31,000                   1.2              1.2
      Texas Utilities Co.                                         10,000                   0.4              0.4
      TRW, Inc.                                                   18,000                   0.5              1.0
      Union Pacific Corp.                                         30,000                   1.2              1.9
      United Technologies Corp.                                   20,000                   0.5              1.5
      Weyerhaeuser Co.                                            15,000                   0.5              0.7
      Williams Co. Inc.                                           80,000                   1.9              2.3
      Xerox Corp.                                                 46,000                   1.0              3.4
                                                                                     ---------        ---------

         Total Common Stocks                                                              57.4             96.0

    Northern Trust Company Collective Short Term
         Investment Fund                                                                   2.1              2.1
                                                                                     ---------        ---------

             Total Equity Fund                                                         $  59.5          $  98.1
                                                                                       =======          =======

Bond Fund
    Barclays U.S. Debt K Fund                                    998,044               $  11.9          $  13.0
                                                                                       =======          =======

Money Market Fund
    Northern Trust Company Collective Short Term
          Investment Fund                                     57,888,336               $  57.9          $  57.9
                                                                                       =======          =======


                           EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN OF
                                 PANENERGY CORP
                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                               December 31, 1997
                                  ($ Millions)

                        Investment                                Value                 Cost         Fair Value
                        ----------                                -----                 ----         ----------

Barclay's International Equity Fund
    BZW Barclay's  EAFE Index K                                  169,029               $   2.2          $   2.1
                                                                                       =======          =======

Barclay's Large Cap. Equity Fund
    Barclay's Equity Index H Fund                                186,456               $   4.5          $   4.9
                                                                                       =======          =======

Vanguard Small -Mid Cap Equity Fund
    Vanguard Index Trust Extended Market Portfolio               302,758               $   9.1          $   9.3
                                                                                       =======          =======

Loan Fund
    Loans to participants (at prevailing interest rates)                                $ 18.5           $ 18.5
                                                                                        ======           ======

- --------------


                           EMPLOYEES' SAVINGS PLAN OF
                                 PANENERGY CORP
                          AND PARTICIPATING AFFILIATES

                                December 31, 1997
                                  ($ Millions)

                                                    Number of                             Historical    Revalued       Realized
                        Investment                Transactions       Price/Proceeds          Cost           Cost          Gain
                        ----------                ------------       --------------          ----           ----          ----

    Northern Trust Company Collective
        Short Term Investment Fund                     477             $  199.3           $  -          $   -         $   -
    Common Stock of PanEnergy Corp*                     16                 21.2              -              -             -
    Common Stock of Duke Energy Corp*                   17                 26.1              -              -             -

    Northern Trust Company Collective
        Short Term Investment Fund                     475             $  191.6          $  191.6       $   -         $   -
    Common Stock of PanEnergy Corp*                     31                 24.6              12.9          24.1           0.5
    Common Stock of Duke Energy Corp*                   44                 50.1              23.8          43.0           7.1

"Reportable  transactions"  represent a single or series of related transactions
that exceeded 5% of the fair market value of Plan assets at the beginning of the

- --------------
* Party-in-interest
