AND A SYNDICATE OF BANKS OF WHICH
                         COMMERZBANK, FRANKFURT, GERMANY
                                 SERVES AS AGENT

                          COLLATERAL POOLING AGREEMENT

The following agreement is entered into

by and between

     1.  Commerzbank AG, Reutlingen Branch
         (hereinafter the "Pool Manager")
     2.  Baden-Wurttembergische Bank AG, Reutlingen Branch
     3.  Deutsche Bank AG, Reutlingen Branch
     4.  Kreissparkasse Reutlingen
     5.  Landesgirokasse Stuttgart
     6.  Stuttgarter Bank AG

         (hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Banks" and individually
          as a "Bank").

                                (Section Mark) 1

(1)      The Banks have business relationships with the following firms

                  Wandel & Goltermann Management Holding GmbH, Einigen
                  (hereinafter the "Firm" or "WGMH" )


                  Wandel & Goltermann GmbH & Co. Elektronische Messtechnik,
                  Einigen (hereinafter the "Firm" or "WGR")

                  (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Firms")

         and have granted or will grant to both Firms the bank lines of credit
         listed below, the Firms being jointly and severally liable and each
         bank acting independently and on the basis of its respective General
         Business Terms:

            Commerzbank                    DM       50,000,000.00
            BW Bank                        DM       30,000,000.00
            Deutsche Bank                  DM       90,000,000.00
            Kreissparkasse                 DM       10,000,000.00
            Landesgirokasse                DM       25,000,000.00
            Stuttgarter Bank               DM       25,000,000.00

            Total                          DM      170,000.000.00

         The line of credit from the Landesgirokasse is a loan facility which,
         as the Banks are aware from Point 2 of the letter of the
         Landesgirokasse to WGMH dated July 8, 1997, will be made available in
         two tranches in the amounts of DM 18,000,000 and DM 7,000,000. As
         regards performance of


         balance equalization (ss. 7) and distribution of proceeds (ss. 8) - and
         only in this respect - the tranches of the loan facility already made
         available to the Firm as of the date in question will constitute the
         controlling line of credit of the Landesgirokasse.


(2)      The Firms shall be entitled to draw on the cash lines of credit listed
         above under (1) in the form of guarantee credits, discount credits,
         acceptance credits and Eurocredits, if so provided by the credit
         agreements. A draw on the cash lines of credit in the form of
         Eurocredits shall also be permitted by means of credit/surety order at
         the Banks' foreign affiliates or subsidiaries or at other intermediary
         institutions (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Intermediary
         Credit Institutions"). The agreements made between the Banks regarding
         pooled collateral shall apply to the Intermediary Credit Institutions
         in these cases also, with the proviso that their rights and obligations
         must be safeguarded by the respective Bank in a fiduciary capacity.

         The cash lines of credit listed under (1) above can also be used to set
         up special lines in favor of companies in the Wandel & Goltermann Group
         against credit/surety order of the Firms to the domestic and foreign
         affiliates and subsidiaries of the Banks. Through their affiliates and
         subsidiaries where such special lines are set up, the Banks shall
         endeavor to individually secure their claims against the WG Group
         companies under the respective special lines. Provided the lines are
         secured, each respective Bank's claims against the WG Group company in
         question under such special lines will only be considered in the
         distribution of proceeds under ss. 8 to the extent of any shortfall
         remaining after sale of the collateral posted by the WG Group
         companies. If such shortfall is not determined until after proceeds
         have been distributed under ss. 8, the procedure under ss. 8 (5) shall
         be followed.

(3)      The Firms shall be entitled to independently access lines of credit and
         credits, subject to the provision in No. (5). The Banks shall be
         exclusively and directly entitled to the receivables arising from the
         credits granted by them.

(4)      The Banks mutually agree to maintain the lines of credit for the term
         of this Agreement and not to reduce and delete them except by mutual
         agreement. This shall not apply to credits granted outside the pool.

(5)      In addition, Commerzbank has made a redeemable loan available to WGR,
         in the original amount of DM 15,000,000, pursuant to a credit agreement
         dated March 24, 1994. This loan has been guaranteed up to 66.66%
         (deficiency guarantee) by the LAKRA Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg
         at the request of the State of Baden-Wurttemberg by a declaration on
         December 1, 1993. It is unanimously agreed that the credit risk in the
         amount of 33.34% that is not covered by this deficiency guarantee
         (originally corresponding to DM 5,000,000) shall be allocated among the
         Banks as follows:

     Commerzbank         29.42%   (originally corresponding to DM  1,471,000.00)
     BW Bank             17.65%   (originally corresponding to DM    882,500.00)
     Deutsche Bank       17.65%   (originally corresponding to DM    882,500.00)
     Kreissparkasse       5.68%   (originally corresponding to DM    294,000.00)
     Landesgirokasse     14.70%   (originally corresponding to DM    735,000.00)
     Stuttgarter Bank    14.70%   (originally corresponding to DM    735,000.00)

                        100.00%   (originally corresponding to DM  5,000,000.00)


         The other Banks hereby guarantee, each in the amount of its share of
         risk indicated above, excluding joint and several liability, upon
         request of WGR to Commerzbank, the portion of Commerzbank's claims
         against WGR under the above-mentioned redeemable loan that is not
         guaranteed by the LAKRA. These guarantee assumptions shall take place
         as a charge against the lines of credit listed in ss. 1 (1) for the
         respective guaranteeing bank.

         All Pool Banks are familiar with the guarantee declaration dated
         December 1, 1993, as well as the commitment letter of LAKRA dated
         December 1, 1993 (including the special guarantee provisions therein),
         and the General Terms and Conditions for Guarantees of the State of

                                (Section Mark) 2

(1)      WGMH has furnished the following collateral or will immediately furnish
         said collateral on an equal-ranking basis in favor of the Pool Manager
         as well as each individual Bank:

         a)   positive declaration, and at the special request of the Pool
              Manager, a pledge of all limited partnership interests in Wandel &
              Goltermann GmbH & Co. Elektronische Messtechnik with a par value
              of DM 13,000,000 (corresponding to 100%),

         b)   positive declaration, and at the special request of the Pool
              Manager, a pledge of all shares in Wandel & Goltermann GmbH & Co.
              CTS S.A. (France) with a par value of FRF 11,930,000.00
              (corresponding to 100%),

         c)   negative declaration, of the type standard in banking practice,
              with respect to all shares in Wandel & Goltermann Technologies
              Inc. (USA) currently held and to be acquired in future,

         d)   positive declaration, and at the special request of the Pool
              Manager, a pledge of all shares in Wandel & Goltermann Management
              Ltd. (Great Britain) with a par value of GBP 3,000,000.00
              (corresponding to 100%),

         e)   positive declaration, and at the special request of the Pool
              Manager, a pledge of all shares in Wandel & Goltermann
              Vertriebsholding GmbH with a par value of DM 50,000 (corresponding
              to 100%),

         f)   pledge of trademarks held at present and in future.

(2)      WGMH has furnished the following collateral or will immediately furnish
         said collateral to the Pool Manager:

         a)   assignment of claims against licensees arising from licenses that
              have been/will be granted on the basis of the pledged trademarks
              (see (1) f) above).

(3)      WGMH has furnished the following collateral or will immediately furnish
         said collateral to the Pool Manager:

         a)   DM 30,000,000 in mortgages on various properties in Eningen
              (Eningen real-estate register, Book 13, BV No. 3, 7, 9, 19, 22, 28
              and 30; Book 4224, BV No. 2, 6-9; Book 5334, BV No. 1-3, 5, 6),

         b)   security interest in repayment claims with respect to senior


         c)   security interest in all warehouse inventory, including raw
              materials and supplies per agreement dated April 28, 1994,

         d)   security interest in all existing and future receivables from
              merchandise deliveries and services per agreement dated August 24,

         e)   security interest in claims against licensees arising from
              licenses that have been/will be granted on the basis of pledged
              patents (see (4) a) below).

(4)      WGR has furnished the following collateral or will immediately furnish
         said collateral on an equal-ranking basis in favor of the Pool Manager
         as well as each individual Bank:

         a)   pledge of domestic and foreign patents held at present and in the

(5)      It is agreed as of now that any further collateral that any Bank may
         receive in future for any of the lines of credit listed in ss. 1 (1)
         shall be included in this Pooling Agreement.

(6)      It is agreed as of now that any further collateral that any Bank may
         receive in future for any further credits that it may grant to the
         Firms shall be included in this Pooling Agreement. Proceeds of sales
         shall first be used to pay back these additional credits.

(7)      WGMH and WGR shall be obligated to notify the Banks before furnishing
         collateral to third parties. This shall not apply to reservations of
         ownership by suppliers that are standard in the industry or to the lien
         and security interests furnished on the basis of the General Business
         Terms of the credit institutions.

                                (Section Mark) 3
                               PURPOSE OF SECURITY

(1)      The collateral furnished by WGMH under ss. 2 (1) and (2), as well as
         any additional collateral that may be furnished by WGMH and included in
         this Pooling Agreement under ss. 2 (5) and (6), shall be used to secure
         all existing, future and contingent claims that are owed by the Firms
         to the Banks (with their all domestic and foreign business locations)
         arising from the respective bank-related business relationship, or owed
         to the Intermediary Credit Institutions arising from the granting of
         credits per ss. 1 (1, 2). The collateral shall also be used to secure
         LAKRA's claims against WGR under the deficiency guarantee mentioned in
         ss. 1 (5).

(2)      The collateral furnished by WGR per ss. 2 (3) a), b), c), d), e), (4)
         a), as well as any additional collateral that may be furnished by WGR
         and included in this Pooling Agreement per ss. 2 (5) and (6), shall be
         used to secure, on an equal-ranking basis, all existing, future and
         contingent claims that

         - are owed to the Banks by the Firms under the credit grants pursuant
             to (section mark) 1 (1, 2),
         - are owed to the Pool Manager by WGR under the redeemable loan
             pursuant to (section mark) 1 (5),
         - are owed to LAKRA by WGR under the deficiency guarantee mentioned in
             (section mark) 1 (5),
         - are owed to the other Banks by WGR under the guarantee assumed under
             (section mark) 1 (5).

(3)      The collateral pursuant to ss. 2 (3) a), b), c), d), e), (4) a) shall
         then be used to secure all existing, future and contingent claims owed
         to the Banks by the Firms arising from excess balances of the lines of
         credit under ss. 1 (1), as well as by WGR under the other
         banking-related business relationship.

(4)      If WGMH and/or WGR have assumed liability for obligations of any other
         customer of the respective Bank (e.g., as guarantor), the respective
         collateral shall secure the debt arising from


         the assumption of liability only upon maturity thereof, and only if
         WGMH and/or WGR is simultaneously the party furnishing the security.

                                (Section Mark) 4
                              RELEASE OF COLLATERAL

(1)      After satisfaction of their claims secured per ss. 3, the Banks shall
         be required to return the collateral included in this Pooling Agreement
         to the respective party that furnished it and to surrender any surplus
         proceeds, provided the collateral has not been levied on. This shall
         not apply if the Banks are obligated to transfer collateral/sales
         proceeds to a third party (e.g., a guarantor which has satisfied one or
         more Banks).

(2)      The Banks are obligated as of now to release pool collateral in whole
         or in part upon request, if and provided that the value that can be
         realized from the pool collateral exceeds 120% of the secured claims of
         the Banks for a period that is not merely temporary. The value of the
         collateral that can be realized shall be determined by the provisions
         of the individual security agreements; in the absence of such
         provisions, the value shall be determined from the type of collateral
         in question.

(3)      The stipulations on coverage limits and release obligations contained
         in the individual security agreements shall be supplemented by the
         foregoing provisions for the term of this Pooling Agreement.

                                (Section Mark) 5

(1)      The Pool Manager shall simultaneously act as fiduciary for the other
         Banks, and in this capacity shall administer and if necessary sell the
         collateral included in this Agreement. The Pool Manager shall also
         administer and sell the accessory rights mentioned in ss. 2 (1) a), b),
         c), d), e), f), (4) a) (lien rights) as pool collateral in the name and
         on behalf of the other Banks. In addition to the Banks holding the
         collateral, the Pool Manager shall have the right but not the
         obligation to exercise all control and administration rights in its own
         name. Release or partial release of collateral shall require the
         consent of the Banks. In the scope of a release obligation per ss. 4
         (2), such consent shall be necessary only for the choice of collateral
         to be released.

(2)      Upon request of the other Banks, the Pool Manager shall send copies of
         the agreements relating to collateral held by the Pool Manager to such
         Banks, for examination under their own responsibility. The other Banks
         shall notify the Pool Manager without delay of any objections, so that
         a mutually-acceptable provision can be agreed to among the Banks. If
         collateral is held by a Bank other than the Pool Manager, the foregoing
         provision shall apply analogously.

(3)      The Banks shall authorize the Pool Manager to issue and accept all
         declarations necessary for the furnishing, administration and sale of
         collateral, including in its own name, and to undertake all necessary
         or appropriate negotiations. The Pool Manager shall be exempt from the
         restrictions of ss. 181 of the German Civil Code with respect to all
         actions taken on the basis of this Agreement.

(4)      The Pool Manager or any Bank holding collateral shall not transfer
         administration of the collateral to another fiduciary unless approved
         by the other Banks. The respective fiduciary shall be exempt from the
         restrictions of ss. 181 of the German Civil Code.


                                (Section Mark) 6

(1)      The Pool Manager shall sell the collateral mentioned in ss. 2 in its
         own name, but for the account of the Banks. Any collateral not held by
         the Pool Manager shall be sold by the respective holding Bank by
         approval of the Pool Manager for the account of the other Banks.

(2)      The Banks shall mutually decide as to whether and when collateral will
         be sold. In emergency situations the Pool Manager shall make the
         decision alone according to its due discretion; in this case the Pool
         Manager shall advise the other Banks without delay of the measures

(3)      The Banks shall observe the prerequisites for sale contained in the
         individual security agreements.

                                (Section Mark) 7
                              BALANCE EQUALIZATION

(1)      As far as possible, the Firms shall make pro rata use of the lines of
         credit listed inss.1 (1).

(2)      At the irrevocable request of the Firms, the Banks shall be obligated,
         in the event of a sale under ss. 6, to bring their credit receivables
         not exceeding the cash lines of credit per ss. 1 (1) to such a level by
         appropriate transfers that credit is available in the same ratio as
         said cash lines of credit for all Banks. The individual Banks shall
         then be required to set off any deposits to non-earmarked accounts of
         both Firms first of all against their credit receivables under the cash
         lines of credit mentioned in ss. 1 (1). Charges arising from debit and
         check returns shall be added to the receivables that can be taken into
         consideration in the scope of balance equalization. This shall not
         apply if the cash lines of credit listed in ss. 1 (1) are exceeded

(3)      If a cash line of credit has been granted as a mixed line, receivables
         arising from bill discounting and charged thereto shall be deemed a
         draw only to the extent that there is a deficit. Receivables arising
         from acceptance and surety credits as well as from opened letters of
         credit shall be deemed a draw on the line of credit only if payments
         were made in this regard by the Pool Banks.

(4)      The closing date for balance equalization shall be the effective date
         of a resolution to initiate the sales actions per ss. 6 (2) sentence 1
         or in urgent situations the earliest receipt by one of the other Banks
         of notice from the Pool Manager regarding initiation of sales actions
         pursuant to ss. 6 (2) sentence 2.

(5)      If the principles for calculating the balance equalization should
         change after it is implemented (e.g., by set-off of further deposits or
         payments from sureties), the balances shall be equalized again.

(6)      If legal reasons prevent the balance equalization from being effective
         as to the Firms or third parties, the Banks shall be obligated among
         themselves to bring about a corresponding result, in which case it
         shall be immaterial which of the Firms has accepted the credit funds
         with their joint and several liability.

                                (Section Mark) 8
                            DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS

(1)      The proceeds from sale of the collateral posted by WGMH (ss.2 (1), (2),
         (5), (6)) shall be used in the following ranking order:


         a)   to pay the costs, any taxes and other expenses generated by the
              administration and sale of the collateral as well as the Pool
              Manager's fee (ss. 9);

         b)   to pay claims that
              - are owed to the Banks by the Firms arising from the credit
                 grants per ss. 1 (1, 2),
              - are owed to the Pool Manager by WGR arising from the redeemable
                 loan per ss. 1 (5),
              - are owed to LAKRA by WGR arising from the indemnity guarantee
                 mentioned in ss. 1 (5),
              - are owed to the other Banks by WGR arising from their guarantee
                 assumptions per ss. 1 (5),
              to be effected on an equal-ranking basis in proportion to the
              respective claims. For claims arising from the credit grants per
              ss. 1 (1, 2), the amount of the respective availment of credit
              after application of the balance equalization per ss. 7 shall be
              the determining criterion, but only those receivables which do not
              exceed the lines of credit listed in ss. 1 (1) shall be used as
              basis for calculating the allocation formula.

         c)   to pay the claims of the Banks whose lines of credit perss.1 (1)
              have been exceeded, to be effected on an equal-ranking basis in
              proportion to the surpluses;

         d)   to pay the claims of the Banks arising from additionally granted
              credits, on an equal-ranking basis in proportion to the draw on
              the additional credits, provided they were not attributable to the
              proceeds of sale of the collateral furnished separately therefor
              (ss. 2 (6));

         e)   to pay the Banks' other claims against WGMH arising from the
              banking-related business relationship, on an equal-ranking basis
              in proportion to the other claims.

(2)      The proceeds from sale of the collateral posted by WGR perss.2 (3) a),
         b), c), d), e), (4) a), (5), (6) shall be used in the following ranking

         a)   to pay the costs, any taxes and other expenses incurred by
              administration and sale of the collateral as well as the Pool
              Manager's fee (ss. 9);

         b)   to pay the claims that
              - are owed to the Banks by the Firms arising from the credit
                 grants per ss. 1 (1, 2),
              - are owed to the Pool Manager by WGR arising from the redeemable
                 loan per ss. 1 (5),
              - are owed to LAKRA by WGR arising from the indemnity guarantee
                 mentioned in ss. 1 (5),
              - are owed to the other Banks by WGR arising from their guarantee
                 assumptions per ss. 1 (5),
              to be effected on an equal-ranking basis in proportion to the
              respective claims. For claims arising from the credit grants per
              ss. 1 (1, 2), the amount of the respective availment of credit
              after application of the balance equalization per ss. 7 shall be
              the determining criterion, but only those receivables which do not
              exceed the lines of credit listed in ss. 1 (1) shall be used as
              basis for calculating the allocation formula.

         c)   to pay the claims owed to the Banks by the Firms arising from
              excess balances of the lines of credit under ss. 1 (1), as well as
              by WGR under the other banking-related business relationship, to
              be effected on an equal-ranking basis in proportion to the

(3)      Proceeds that are no longer needed shall be remitted to the respective
         party furnishing security, unless the Banks are obligated to transfer
         such proceeds to a third party that has satisfied one or more Banks
         (e.g., a guarantor).

(4)      The existence of a draw on discount, surety and acceptance credits or
         on opened letters of credit shall be determined in accordance with ss.
         7 (3).

(5)      If the amount of the receivables to be taken into consideration has not
         yet been established as of the date of distribution of proceeds, they
         shall be left out of consideration for the time being when


         the ratio of participation in the sales proceeds is determined. Only
         once these amounts have been established conclusively shall a final
         calculation of the participation ratio be made. Any changes in the
         proceeds owed to the individual parties to the agreement that may
         result shall be offset against each other, even if payments in this
         respect have already been made.

(6)      The Banks shall have the right to amend the allocation formula at any

                                (Section Mark) 9
                           COSTS, TAXES, REMUNERATION

(1)      All costs and taxes arising from this Collateral Pooling Agreement and
         incurred by the Pool Manager or by any Bank holding collateral,
         especially in connection with administration as well as any sale of
         collateral, shall be charged to the Firms.

         In return for performing its duties arising from this Agreement, the
         Pool Manager shall have a claim against the Firm to an annual fee of
         0.25% of the lines of credit under ss. 1 (1) and (5), plus the
         statutory VAT tax imposed thereon. For the calendar year in which the
         agreement is entered into, this fee shall become due in the amount of a
         full calendar year as soon as the agreement is entered into, while for
         subsequent calendar years it shall be due in advance on the first
         business day of the calendar year in question.

(2)      If the costs and taxes are not paid by WGMH, they shall be absorbed by
         the Banks in proportion to the lines of credit listed inss.1.

                                (Section Mark) 10

(1)      The Pool Manager shall notify the other Banks of the status of
         processing according to its due discretion. The Banks shall make
         available to the Pool Manager the information necessary for this

(2)      The Banks shall notify each other whenever facts come to light that
         could permanently jeopardize recovery of the credits listed in ss. 1.

(3)      At the request of any one Bank, each Bank shall be obligated to provide
         the other Banks with information on its claims against the Firm and on
         the collateral, inasmuch as they relate to this Agreement and the
         performance hereof.

(4)      In this regard, the Firm and the other parties furnishing security
         exempt the Banks from the obligation of bank secrecy.

                                (Section Mark) 11
                              TERM AND TERMINATION

(1)      This Pooling Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period of

(2)      Each Pool Bank shall have the right to terminate the Agreement at the
         end of a calendar year, but not before December 31, 1999, by giving
         three months' notice. Compliance with the notice period shall be
         determined by the date of receipt of the termination letter by the Pool
         Manager. If the Pool Manager gives notice of termination, compliance
         with the period of notice shall be determined by the date of receipt of
         the termination letter by the other Banks. The earliest date of receipt
         shall be


         decisive. As soon as termination becomes effective, the Bank in
         question shall resign from the Pool. The Pool shall be continued by the
         other Banks.

(3)      In the case of termination pursuant to paragraph (2), allocation of the
         collateral shall be subject to special arrangements between the Banks.
         The Firms and any third party granting security shall be obligated to
         cooperate in transfer of collateral to the extent legally necessary. If
         requested even by only one of the Banks, a balance equalization per the
         provision of ss. 7 shall be undertaken as of the date of resignation of
         the terminating Bank, with its participation.

                                (Section Mark) 12

(1)      Stuttgart is agreed as the place of performance and venue for all
         obligations arising from this Agreement.

(2)      This Agreement shall be subject to the law of the Federal Republic of

                                (Section Mark) 13

(1)      Changes and additions to this Agreement must be in writing in order to
         be effective. The same shall apply to a waiver of this formal
         requirement. No subsidiary agreements have been made.

(2)      This Agreement remain in effect in the event of a change of
         shareholders or change of the legal form of the Firms.

                                (Section Mark) 14

Should any one or several of the provisions of this Agreement prove to be
legally invalid or unenforceable, the effectiveness of the other provisions
shall not be affected thereby. The parties to the Agreement shall replace any
ineffective or unenforceable provisions by a provision that corresponds to the
economic intent and approaches the content of the provisions to be replaced as
closely as possible. An analogous remedy shall apply with respect to any matters
as to which this Agreement is silent.

                            [each bank name below imprinted by rubber stamp
                            and accompanied by 2 signatures]

  REUTLINGEN, 6 NOVEMBER 1997                                    COMMERZBANK
      (place/date)                                            REUTLINGEN BRANCH

  REUTLINGEN, 10 NOVEMBER 1997                            BADEN-WURTTEMBERG BANK AG
  -----------------------------                                Reutlingen Branch       
      (place/date)                                        ---------------------------

  REUTLINGEN, 10 NOVEMBER 1997                         Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft
  -----------------------------                           ---------------------------
      (place/date)                                             Reutlingen Branch           
                                                                (Deutsche Bank)


  REUTLINGEN, [ILLEGIBLE] 1997                            Kreissparkasse Reutlingen
   -----------------------------                      [Reutlingen District Savings Bank]
         (place/date)                                  --------------------------------   

  STUTTGARR, 11 NOVEMBER 1997                                  Landesgirokasse
  -----------------------------                     Public Bank and Regional Clearinghouse 
         (place/date)                                  --------------------------------        

  STUTTGARR, 11 NOVEMBER 1997                                Stuttgarter Bank AG
 -----------------------------                         P.O. Box 104441, D-70069 Stuttgart    
        (place/date)                                            Tel: [illegible]                 
                                                               (Stuttgarter Bank)   


We, Wandel & Goltermann Management Holding GmbH and Wandel & Goltermann GmbH &
Co. Elektronische Messtechnik, agree to all obligations under this Agreement
relating to use and otherwise consent thereto; this includes in particular the
provisions in ss. 3 (Purpose of Security), ss. 7 (Balance Equalization), ss. 9
(Costs) and ss. 10 (Notification).

                                                  [each company name below imprinted by rubber stamp]

     REUTLINGEN, 6 NOVEMBER 1997                  Wandel & Goltermann
     ----------------------------                 Management Holding GmbH
         (place/date)                             P.O. Box 1262, 72795 Eningen u.A.
                                                  [street address illegible]
                                                             [2 signatures]
                                                   (Wandel & Goltermann Management Holding GmbH)

     REUTLINGEN, 6 NOVEMBER 1997                  Wandel & Goltermann GmbH & Co.
         (place/date)                             Elektronische Messtechnik
                                                  P.O. Box 1262, 72795 Eningen u.A.
                                                  [street address illegible]
                                                             [1 signatures]
                                                   (Wandel & Goltermann Management Holding GmbH)