EXHIBIT (b)(6)

                         Investment Banking Presentation


                            THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF
                            THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF

                                 March 10, 1998

                          THE ROBINSON-HUMPHREY COMPANY
                          Investment Bankers Since 1894

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Introduction and Methodology
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o   The  special  committee  of the Board of  Directors  of Wandel &  Goltermann
    Technologies,   Inc.  ("WGTI")  has  asked   Robinson-Humphrey   to  provide
    information  to the Special  Committee in connection  with its evaluation of
    the proposal for the  acquisition  of WGTI shares  currently held by persons
    other than Wandel & Goltermann Management Holding GmbH ("WG Holding").

o   In  evaluating  a per  share  purchase  price range for the  shares  of WGTI
    currently held by persons other than WG Holding, Robinson-Humphrey
    conducted, among other analyses, a

         (i)   Review of the industry and the competitive  climate in which WGTI
               operates, and its competitive position;

         (ii)  Review of the  business,  historical  financial  performance  and
               future prospects of WGTI;

         (iii) Review of the  historical  and current  market prices and trading
               patterns of the Common Stock of WGTI;

         (iv)  Review and analysis of the market  prices of  securities  of, and
               financial data of, other companies engaged in similar  businesses
               as WGTI;

         (v)   Review and  analysis  of prices and  premiums  paid in, and other
               terms of, other recent "going private" acquisition  transactions;
               and a

         (vi)  Discounted cash flow analysis of WGTI.

o   Robinson-Humphrey   also  held   discussions  with  members  of  the  senior
    management  of WGTI  regarding  the  Company's  past  and  current  business
    operations, financial condition and future prospects.

o   Robinson-Humphrey  relied without independent verification upon the accuracy
    and completeness of all of the financial and other  information  reviewed by
    it  for  purposes  of  its  analysis.  Robinson-Humphrey  assumed  that  the
    financial  forecasts of WGTI were reasonably prepared on a basis  reflecting
    the best  current  available  estimates  and  judgements  of  WGTI's  senior
    management as to the future financial performance of WGTI.

o   See  attached  Exhibit  A  for  the  historical  and  projected   financial
    statements Robinson-Humphrey used in its analysis.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summary of Selected Comparable Company Analysis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o   Robinson-Humphrey  reviewed and compared  certain  financial,  operating and
    stock  market  information  of WGTI and two  comparable  groups of publicly
    traded companies in the Network Solutions industry.

o   The "Network  Analysis"  publicly-traded companies  included in our analysis
    were Applied  Digital Access,  Concord  Communications,  Digital  Lightwave,
    Hewlett-Packard,  Network  Associates,  RADCOM,  Tekelec and Tektronix.  The
    "Network Management and Equipment" publicly-traded companies included in our
    analysis  include the "Network  Analysis"  companies plus  Dynatech,  Fluke,
    GenRad,  Keithley  Instruments,  MicroTest,  Objective Systems  Integrators,
    Retix, TCSI, Teradyne, Bay Networks, Cabletron, Cisco and 3Com.

o   Robinson-Humphrey  calculated  current  market  price as a multiple  of book
    value and as a multiple of estimated earnings per share ("EPS") for calendar
    1998  and  1999.  The EPS  estimates  were  based  on the  mean of  publicly
    available  earnings estimates made by research analysts as provided by First
    Call Investor Service. In addition, Robinson-Humphrey calculated firm value
    (market  capitalization  plus debt minus cash) to calendar 1997 revenues for
    each of the publicly traded companies.

o   Robinson-Humphrey  averaged  the  multiples of the  comparable  companies in
    order to apply these  multiples  to WGTI's  values.  To  accurately  reflect
    average values for statistical purposes,  Robinson-Humphrey excluded certain
    outlying  values that  differed  from the  relative  groupings  of the other
    values.  Robinson-Humphrey  believes that these outlying  values for certain
    companies reflect temporary market aberrations that can skew mean values.

o   With respect to the "Network  Analysis"  companies,  the estimated  calendar
    1998  price/earnings  ratios ranged from 87.9x to 10.0x, with an average of
    31.8x,  thus  implying a value of $19.63 per share for WGTI.  The  estimated
    calendar  1999  price/earnings  ratios  ranged from 43.3x to 10.5x,  with an
    average of 24.1x,  thus  implying  a value of $24.75 per share for WGTI. The
    current market value to book value multiples ranged from 12.7x to 1.8x, with
    an average of 6.1x,  thus implying a value of $27.13 per share for WGTI. The
    firm value to calendar  1997 revenue  multiples  ranged from 7.53x to 1.08x,
    with an  average  of 3.11x,  thus  implying  a value of $32.39 per share for

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summary of Selected Comparable Company Analysis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o   With  respect to the  "Network  Management  and  Equipment"  companies,  the
    estimated  calendar 1998  price/earnings  ratios ranged from 87.9x to 10.0x,
    with an  average  of 24.5x,  thus  implying  a value of $15.10 per share for
    WGTI. The estimated calendar 1999 price/earnings ratios ranged from 43.5x to
    10.5x, with an average of 21.9x, thus implying a value of $22.52 per share
    for WGTI. The current market value to book value multiples ranged from
    12.7x to 1.5x, with an average of 5.2x, thus implying a value of $23.09 per
    share for WGTI. The firm value to calendar 1997 revenue multiples ranged
    from 7.53x to 0.61x, with an average of 2.68x, thus implying a value of
    $28.08 per share for WGTI.

o   See attached Exhibit B for the implied valuation averages  Robinson-Humphrey
    used in its analysis.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summary of Selected Mergers and Acquisitions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o   Robinson-Humphrey  reviewed  and  compared  21 selected  recent  mergers and
    acquisitions in the network solutions industry,  including (i) Bay Network's
    proposed   acquisition  of  Netsation;   (ii)  Clayton  Dubilier's  proposed
    acquisition  of Dynatech;  (iii) McAfee  Associates'  acquisition of Network
    General;  (iv) Tivoli Systems'  acquisition of Unison Software;  (v) Network
    General's  acquisition  of Cinco  Networks;  (vi)  Ascend's  acquisition  of
    Cascade;  (vii) 3Com's acquisition of US Robotics;  (viii) Network General's
    acquisition of 3DV Technology;  (ix) Compaq's  acquisition of Microcom;  (x)
    Dynatech's  acquisition of Itronix;  (xi) McAfee Associates'  acquisition of
    FSA;  (xii)  Computer  Sciences'  acquisition  of  Continuum;  (xiii) McAfee
    Associates'   acquisition  of  Vycor;   (xiv)   Dynatech's   acquisition  of
    Synergistic  Solutions;  (xv) IBM's  acquisition  of Tivoli  Systems;  (xvi)
    Microtest's  acquisition  of Hotware;  (xvii)  Adobe's  acquisition of Frame
    Technology; (xviii) McAfee Associates' acquisition of Saber Software; (xix)
    Microcom's acquisition of Extension Technology; (xx) Sybase's acquisition of
    Powersoft;   and  (xxi)  McAfee   Associates'   acquisition   of  Brightwork

o   For these selected mergers and  acquisitions,  Robinson-Humphrey  calculated
    purchase  price as a multiple  of book value and firm value as a multiple of
    latest twelve months  revenues.  The purchase price to book value  multiples
    ranged from 13.0x to 2.4x, with an average of 7.7x, thus implying a value of
    $34.68 per share for WGTI.  The firm value to latest twelve months  revenues
    multiples  ranged  from  7.39x to 1.08x,  with an  average  of  3.32x,  thus
    implying a value of $34.47 per share for WGTI.

o   Robinson-Humphrey  also specifically  focused on the multiples to book value
    and  latest  twelve months  revenues  for the recent  acquisition  by McAfee
    Associates  of  Network  General  and the  proposed  acquisition  by Clayton
    Dubilier of Dynatech. These two acquisitions involved companies (Network
    General and Dynatech) which are competitors of WGTI. The purchase price to
    book value multiples for these two transactions ranged from 6.0x to 4.7x,
    with an average of 5.3x, thus implying a value of $23.90 per share for WGTI.
    The firm value to latest twelve months revenues multiples ranged from 3.21x
    to 1.94x, with an average of 2.57x, thus implying a value of $27.07 per
    share for WGTI.

o   See attached Exhibit C for the implied valuation averages  Robinson-Humphrey
    used in its analysis.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summary of Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o   Robinson-Humphrey  performed a discounted  cash flow analysis using detailed
    projections  developed by the Company for fiscal 1998 through fiscal 2001 as
    the financial  extension of its  strategic  planning  process.  It should be
    noted that WG Holding was actively involved in this process and has approved
    the validity of these projections.

o   Robinson-Humphrey calculated a net present value of free cash flows (defined
    as earnings before interest after taxes plus  depreciation  and amortization
    less  capital  expenditures  and any  increase in net working  capital)  for
    fiscal 1998 through  2002 using  discount  rates  ranging from 15% to 27.5%.
    Robinson-Humphrey  calculated the Company's  terminal  values in fiscal 2002
    based on multiples of fiscal 2002 projected EBIT ranging from 6.0x to 11.0x.

o   Using a discount  rate of 20% and a terminal  value  multiple of 8.0x fiscal
    2002 EBIT, the discounted cash flow analysis  provides a valuation of $18.89
    per share for WGTI.

o   See   attached   Exhibit   D  for  the   discounted   cash   flow   analysis
    Robinson-Humphrey used in its analysis.

                                                                       Exhibit A
                                                                          Page 1

                             Project TroubleShooter
                    Historical Income Statement Information
                  (In Thousands, Except for Per Share Amounts)

                                                             Fiscal Year Ended September 30,
                               1989       1990       1991     1992        1993        1994        1995       1996       1997
                               ----       ----       ----     ----        ----        ----        ----       ----       ----
Nonaffiliates                $ 7,485    $10,421    $11,387   $14,438     $18,005    $21,785     $23,658    $33,186    $29,001
Affiliates                     6,881      6,659      9,211    12,768      15,080     18,387      21,604     25,900     25,454
                             -------    -------    -------  -------      -------    -------     -------    -------    -------
Total Revenues                14,366     17,080     20,598    27,206      33,085     40,172      45,262     59,086     54,455
% Revenue Growth                   -      18.9%      20.6%     32.1%       21.6%      21.4%       12.7%      30.5%     (7.8%)

Cost of Revenues              10,300      9,977     10,440    10,569      12,176     12,731      16,576     23,234     24,381
                             -------    -------    -------   -------      -------    -------     -------    -------    -------
Gross Profit                   4,066      7,103     10,158    16,637      20.909     27,441      28,686     35,852     30,074
Gross Profit Margin %          28.3%      41.6%      49.3%     61.2%       63.2%      68.3%       63.4%      60.7%      55.2%

Selling, General, and
Administrative Expenses        4,216      5,166      5,633     8,506      10,603     12,984      15,872     18,934     19,360
Product Development Expenses   2,963      3,414      3,504     5,033       6,545      9,059      10,469      9,804     10,712
Restructuring Change               0          0          0         0           0          0       1,279          0          0
                              -------    -------    -------  -------      -------    -------     -------    -------    ------

Operating Income (Loss)       (3,113)    (1,477)     1,021     3,098       3,761      5,398       1,066      7,114          2
Operating Income Margin%      (21.7%)    (8.6%)      5.0%     11.4%       11.4%       13.4%        2.4%      12.0%       0.0%

Interest Expense                (626)      (834)    (1,032)     (688)      (779)       (460)          0          0          0
Interest Income                    0         63         16         0         274        295         313        350        639
Foreign currency                 (74)      (614)       491        34         498        213        (245)      (104)      (217)
Gains (Losses)                -------    -------    -------   -------     -------    -------     -------    -------    -------

Income from Continuing
Operations Before
Income Taxes                  (3,813)    (2,862)       496     2,444       3,754      5,446       1,134      7,360        424

Benefit from (Provisions
for) Income Taxes                 89        188          0     1,103         867     (2,124)        (98)    (2,208)         0
                             -------    -------    -------   -------     -------    -------     -------    --------    -------
Income (Loss) from
Continuing Operations         (3,724)    (2,674)       496     3,547       4,621      3,322       1,036      5,152        424

Income (Loss)from
Discontinued Operations          856        314     (3,885)   (1,795)        135        204           0          0          0
                             -------    -------    -------   -------     -------    -------     -------     -------    -------
Net Income                   ($2,868)   ($2,360)   ($3,389)   $1,752      $4,756     $3,526      $1,036     $5,152       $424
                             ========   =======    ========  =======     =======    ========    ========    =======    =======
Net Income Margin %           (20.0%)    (13.8%)    (16.5%)     6.4%       14.4%       8.8%        2.3%       8.7%       0.8% 

Per Share Data:

Income (Loss) from    
Continuing Operations         ($1.47)    ($0.82)     $0.15     $0.93       $1.23      $0.76       $0.20      $0.98      $0.08
                            ========   ========    ========  =======     =======    ========    ========    =======    =======

Net Income                    ($1.13)    ($0.72)    ($1.04)    $0.47       $1.27      $0.80       $0.20      $0.98      $0.08     
                            ========   ========    ========  =======     =======    ========    ========    =======    =======    

Weighted Average Number
of Common Shares 
Outstanding                   $2,537      3,264      3,265     3,750       3,750      4,398       5,245      5,231      5,359
                            ========   ========    ========  =======     =======    ========    ========    =======    ======= 


                                                                      Exhibit A
                                                                         Page 2

                             Project TroubleShooter
                     Historical Income Statement Information
                  (In Thousands, Except for Per Share Amounts)

                                                         Fiscal 1995               
                                          First     Second     Third      Fourth   
                                          -----     ------     -----      ------   
Nonaffiliates                            $6,420     $5,735    $5,728      $6,225   
Affiliates                                5,396      5,881     5,106       5,221   
- ----------                              -------    -------   -------     -------   
Total Revenues                           11,816     11,616    10,384      11,446   

Cost of Revenues                          3,683      3,451     3,995       5,447   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Gross Profit                              8,133      8,165     6,389       5,999   
Gross Profit Margin %                     68.8%      70.3%     61.5%       52.4%   

Selling, General, and
Administrative Expenses                   3,660      3,941     3,717       4,554   
Product Development Expenses              2,379      2,519     2,642       2,929   
Restructuring Charge                          0          0         0       1,279   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Operating Income (Loss)                   2,094      1,705        30      (2,763)  
Operating Income Margin %                 17.7%      14.7%      0.3%      (24.1%)  

Interest Income                              93         80        68          72   
Foreign Currency Gains(Losses)               83       (338)      (24)         34   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Income Before Income Taxes                2,270      1,447        74      (2,657)  

Benefit from (Provision for)
Income Taxes                               (726)      (463)      (23)      1,114   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Net Income                               $1,544       $984       $51     ($1,543)  
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Net Income Margin %                       13.1%       8.5%      0.5%      (13.5%)  

Earnings Per Share                        $0.30      $0.19     $0.01      ($0.39)  
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Weighted Average Number of
Common Shares Outstanding                 5,226      5,243     5,260       5,237   
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   

                                                         Fiscal 1996              
                                          First     Second     Third      Fourth  
                                          -----     ------     -----      ------  
Nonaffiliates                            $7,172     $8,154    $8,895      $8,965  
Affiliates                                6,291      6,342     6,528       6,739  
- ----------                              -------    -------   -------     -------  
Total Revenues                           13,463     14,496    15,423      15,704  

Cost of Revenues                          5,412      5,649     6,243       5,930  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------  
Gross Profit                              8,051      8,847     9,180       9,774  
Gross Profit Margin %                     59.8%      61.0%     59.5%       62.2%  

Selling, General, and
Administrative Expenses                   4,631      4,667     4,528       5,108  
Product Development Expenses              2,621      2,413     2,445       2,325  
Restructuring Charge                          0          0         0           0  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------  
Operating Income (Loss)                     799      1,767     2,207       2,341 
Operating Income Margin %                   5.9%      12.2%     14.3%      14.9% 

Interest Income                              53         60        79         158  
Foreign Currency Gains(Losses)              (21)       (93)      (46)         56  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------  
Income Before Income Taxes                  831      1,734     2,240       2,555 

Benefit from (Provision for)
Income Taxes                               (266)      (553)     (719)       (670) 
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------  
Net Income                                 $565      $1,181   $1,521      $1,885 
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======  
Net Income Margin %                        4.2%       8.1%      9.9%       12.0% 

Earnings Per Share                        $0.11      $0.23     $0.29       $0.36 
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======
Weighted Average Number of
Common Shares Outstanding                 5,218      5,155     5,275       5,273  
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======  

                                                         Fiscal 1997                   1998
                                          First     Second     Third      Fourth      First
                                          -----     ------     -----      ------      -----
Nonaffiliates                            $6,482     $7,247    $8,581      $6,691     $7,809
Affiliates                                8,973      7,095     4,639       4,747      6,542
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------    -------
Total Revenues                           15,455     14,342    13,220      11,438     14,351

Cost of Revenues                          6,112      6,260     5,587       6,422      7,477
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------    -------
Gross Profit                              9,343      8,082     7,633       5,016      6,874
Gross Profit Margin %                     60.5%      56.4%     57.7%       43.9%      47.9%

Setting, General, and
Administrative Expenses                   5,134      4,673     4,937       4,616      4,998
Product Development Expenses              2,450      2,482     2,686       3,094      2,604
Restructuring Charge                          0          0         0           0          0
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------    -------
Operating Income (Loss)                   1,759        927        10      (2,694)      (728)
Operating Income Margin %                 11.4%       6.5%      0.1%      (23.6%)     (5.1%)

Interest Income                             148        172       155         164        188
Foreign Currency Gains(Losses)               (7)      (263)      (19)         72         26 
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------    -------
Income Before Income Taxes                1,900        836       146      (2,458)      (514)

Benefit from (Provision for)
Income Taxes                               (570)      (251)      (44)        865        103
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------    -------
Net Income                               $1,330       $585      $102     ($1,593)     ($411)
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======    =======
Net Income Margin %                        8.6%       4.1%      0.8%      (13.9%)     (2.9%)

Earnings Per Share                        $0.25      $0.11     $0.02      ($0.30)    ($0.08)
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======    =======
Weighted Average Number of
Common Shares Outstanding                 5,361      5,427     5,285       5,274      5,277
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======    =======

                                                                      Exhibit A
                                                                         Page 3


                        Project TroubleShooter
                 Historical Balance Sheet Information
             (In Thousands, Except for Per Share Amounts)

                                       As of September 30,               December 31, 1997
                                    -----------------------------   -----------------------
ASSETS                                 1995        1996      1997      Actual    Pro Forms
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------
Current Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents            $5,374     $10,286   $13,329     $13,395       $7,395 [1]
Accounts Receivable:
Nonaffiliates                         5,378       8,148     7,038       5,870        5,870
Affiliates                            3,934       5,068     3,964       6,226        6,226
Income Tax Receivable                 1,464         720     1,367         363          363
Inventories                           6,616       4,695     5,596       5,630        5,630
Deferred Tax Assets                   1,946       1,079     1,448       1,585        1,585
Other Current Assets                    395         349       927         849          849
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------
Total Current Assets                $25,107     $30,345   $33,669     $33,918      $27,918

Property and Equipment
Machinery and Equipment               4,189       4,401     4,614       4,667        4,667
Furniture and Fixtures                5,764       5,186     5,993       6,151        6,151
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------
                                      9,953       9,587    10,607      10,818       10,818
Accumulated Depreciation             (6,213)     (6,323)   (7,721)     (8,008)      (8,008)
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------
                                      3,740       3,264     2,886       2,810        2,810
Other Assets                            497         689       737         718        1,018 [1]
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------

Total Assets                        $29,344     $34,298   $37,292     $37,446      $31,746
                                    =======    ========   =======   =========   ==========


Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable:
Nonaffiliates                        $1,579      $1,327    $1,530      $1,085       $1,085
Affiliates                              258         950     1,789       2,856        2,856
Accrued Compensation                  1,683       1,855     1,467       1,412        1,412
Other Accrued Liabilities             1,470       1,344     1,847       1,843        1,843
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------
Total Current Liabilities            $4,990      $5,476    $6,633      $7,196       $7,196

Shareholders' Equity:
Common Stock                             52          52        53          53           53
Additional Paid-in Capital           25,740      25,056    26,468      26,470       26,470
Retained Earnings
(Accumlated Deficit)                 (1,438)      3,714     4,138       3,727       (2,573)[1]
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------
                                     24,354      28,822    30,659      30,250       23,950
                                    -------    --------   -------   ---------   ----------
Total Liabilities and
Shareholders' Equity                $29,344     $34,298   $37,292     $37,446      $31,146
                                    =======    ========   =======   =========   ==========

[1]Assumes $6.0 million paid in cash for technology acquisitions (Tinwald and Network Intelligence) with
a purchased technology write-off of $6.3 million with the difference going into goodwill under other assets.

                                                                      Exhibit A
                                                                         Page 4
                             Project TroubleShooter
                     Projected Income Statement Information
                          With Technology Acquisitions
                  (In Thousands, Except for Per Share Amounts)

                                             Fiscal Year Ended September 30,
                                           1998       1999      2000        2001
                                       --------    -------  --------     -------
Nonaffiliates                           $39,700    $56,000   $74,400     $96,700
Affiliates                               29,100     34,500    44,200      53,500
                                       --------    -------  --------     -------
Total Revenues                           68,800     90,500   118,600     150,200
%Revenue Growth                           26.3%      31.5%     31.0%       26.6%

Cost of Revenues                         30,700     40,200    52,800      66,200
                                       --------    -------  --------     -------
Gross Profit                             38,100     50,300    65,800      84,000
Gross Profit Margin %                     55.4%      55.6%     55.5%       55.9%

Selling, General, and
Administrative Expenses                  23,300     28,500    35,900      45,000
Product Development Expenses             12,300     15,500    18,500      20,300
Purchased Technology Write-off            6,300          0         0           0
                                       --------    -------  --------     -------
Operating Income (Loss)                 (3,800)      6,300    11,400      18,700
Operating Income Margin %                (5.5%)       7.0%      9.6%       12.5%

Interest Income                             300        500       800       1,200
Income (Loss) Before                   --------    -------  --------     -------
Income Taxes                            (3,500)      6,800    12,200      19,900

Provision for Income Taxes                (500)    (1,700)   (3,300)     (5,400)
                                       --------    -------  --------     -------
Net Income                             ($4,000)    $5,100     $8,900     $14,500
                                       ========   ========  ========    ========
Net Income Margin %                      (5.8%)       5.6%      7.5%        9.7%

Per Share Data:
Net Income                              ($0.76)     $0.96     $1.68        $2.46
                                       ========   ========  ========    ========
Net Income Excluding
Purchase Technology Write-Off             $0.44      $0.96     $1.68       $2.46
                                       ========   ========  ========    ========

                                                                      Exhibit A
                                                                         Page 5

                             Project TroubleShooter
                 Project Quarterly Income Statement Information
                          with Technology Acquisitions
                  (In Thousands, Except for Per Share Amounts)

                                                       Fiscal 1998       
                                          First     Second     Third      Fourth   
                                          -----     ------     -----      ------   
Nonaffiliates                            $7,809     $9,400   $10,800     $11,700   
Affiliates                                6,542      6,500     7,700       8,300   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Total Revenues                           14,351     15,900    18,500      20,000   

Cost of Revenues                          7,477      7,200     7,900       8,100  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Gross Profit                              6,874      8,700    10,600      11,900   
Gross Profit Margin %                     47.9%      54.7%     57.3%       59.5%   

Selling, General, and
Administrative Expenses                   4,997      5,500     6,100       6,700   
Product Development Expenses              2,604      3,000     3,300       3,400   
Purchased Technology Write-Off                0      6,300         0           0   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Operating Income (Loss)                    (728)    (6,100)    1,200       1,800 
 Operating Income Margin %                (5.1%)    (38.4%)     6.5%        9.0%

Interest Income                             188          0         0         100   
Foreign Currency Gains(Losses)              (26)         0         0           0  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Income Before Income Taxes                 (513)    (6,100)    1,200       1,900   

Benefit from (Provision for)
Income Taxes                                103          0      (300)       (400)  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Net Income                                ($411)   ($6,100)     $900      $1,500   
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Net Income Margin %                       (2.9%)    (38.4%)     4.9%        7.5%   

Per Share Data:                      

Net Income                               ($0.08)    ($1.14)    $0.17       $0.29   
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Net Income Excluding                     ($0.08)     $0.04     $0.17       $0.29   
   Purchased Technology Write-off       =======    =======   =======     =======   

                                                       Fiscal 1999       
                                          First     Second     Third      Fourth   
                                          -----     ------     -----      ------   
Nonaffiliates                           $12,000    $13,700   $14,500     $15,800   
Affiliates                                7,300      8,100     8,900      10,200   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Total Revenues                           19,300     21,800    23,400      26,000   

Cost of Revenues                          8,700      9,700    10,300      11,500  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Gross Profit                             10,600     12,100    13,100      14,500   
Gross Profit Margin %                     54.9%      55.5%     56.0%       55.8%   

Selling, General, and
Administrative Expenses                   6,300      6,800     7,400       8,000   
Product Development Expenses              3,600      3,800     3,900       4,200   
Purchased Technology Write-Off                0          0         0           0   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Operating Income (Loss)                     700      1,500     1,800       2,300 
 Operating Income Margin %                 3.6%       6.9%      7.7%        8.8%

Interest Income                             200        100       100         100   
Foreign Currency Gains(Losses)                0          0         0           0  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Income Before Income Taxes                  900      1,600     1,900       2,400   

Benefit from (Provision for)
Income Taxes                               (200)      (400)     (500)      (600)  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Net Income                                 $700     $1,200    $1,400     $1,800   
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Net Income Margin %                        3.6%       5.5%      6.0%        6.9%   

Per Share Data:                      

Net Income                                $0.13      $0.23     $0.27       $0.34   
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Net Income Excluding                      $0.13      $0.23     $0.27       $0.34   
   Purchased Technology Write-off       =======    =======   =======     =======

                                                       Fiscal 2000       
                                          First     Second     Third      Fourth   
                                          -----     ------     -----      ------   
Nonaffiliates                           $15,700    $18,000   $19,500     $21,200   
Affiliates                                9,800     10,500    11,500      12,400   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Total Revenues                           25,500     28,500    31,000      33,600   

Cost of Revenues                         11,500     12,700    13,600      15,000  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Gross Profit                             14,000     15,800    17,400      18,600   
Gross Profit Margin %                     54.9%      55.4%     56.1%       55.4%   

Selling, General, and
Administrative Expenses                   8,300      8,600     9,300       9,700   
Product Development Expenses              4,400      4,500     4,700       4,900   
Purchased Technology Write-Off                0          0         0           0   
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Operating Income (Loss)                   1,300     2,700     3,400        4,000
 Operating Income Margin %                 5.1%       9.5%     11.0%       11.9%

Interest Income                             200        200       200         200   
Foreign Currency Gains(Losses)                0          0         0           0  
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Income Before Income Taxes                1,500      2,900     3,600       4,200   

Benefit from (Provision for)
Income Taxes                               (400)      (800)   (1,000)     (1,100)
                                        -------    -------   -------     -------   
Net Income                               $1,100     $2,100    $2,600     $3,100   
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Net Income Margin %                        4.3%       7.4%      8.4%        9.2%   

Per Share Data:                      

Net Income                                $0.21      $0.40     $0.49       $0.58   
                                        =======    =======   =======     =======   
Net Income Excluding                      $0.21      $0.40     $0.49       $0.58   
   Purchased Technology Write-off       =======    =======   =======     =======

The Robinson-Humphrey Company, LLC                                    Exhibit B
                                                                         Page 1

                             Project TroubleShooter
             Implied Valuation Analysis Utilizing Average of Network
                               Analysis Companies
                             (Dollars in Thousands)


                                                   Network Analysis Companies Average Multiple
                         TroubleShooter's    Price/                         Price/                         Price/
Valuation Parameter           Value          Calendar 1998 Net Income       Calendar 1999 Net Income       Book Value
- -----------------------  -----------------   ------------------------       -------------------------      ----------
Calendar 1998 Net Income(1)     $3,300         31.8 x
Calendar 1999 Net Income         5,500                                          24.1 x
Pro Forma 12/31/97 Book Value(1)23,950                                                                         6.1 x

                                           Network Analysis Companies Average Multiple
                          TroubleShooter's    Firm Value(2)/          Less
Valuation Paramenter           Value          LTM Revenues            Net Debt(3)
- -----------------------   ---------------- --------------------     ------------------
Calendar 1997 Revenues          $53,351           3.11 x                  (7,395)

               Implied        Equity
               Equity         Value
               Value         Per Share (4)
               --------      -------------
               $104,949       $19.63
                132,322        24.75
                145,055        27.13

               $173,175       $32.39
- ------------------------------------------
Average       $138,875       $25.97
Median        $138,689       $25.94
High          $173,175       $32.39
Low           $104,949       $19.63

- --------------------------
*Excluded from the average

(1) Based on projections including technology acquisitions and excludes $6.3
    million in purchased technology write-downs for fiscal 1998. Book value is
    adjusted for write-downs.
(2) Firm value equals market capitalization plus total debt and preferred stock
    minus cash and marketable securities.
(3) Net debt equals debt plus preferred stock less cash and marketable
    securities. Assumes cash outlay of $6.0 million for acquisitions (Tinwald
    and Network Intelligence) to be completed in the second quarter of fiscal
(4) Assumes 5,346,739 shares outstanding (including options using the
    treasury stock method).

The Robinson-Humphrey Company, LLC 
                                                                  Exhibit B
                                                                     Page 2

                        Project TroubleShooter
   Implied Valuation Analysis Utilizing Combined Average of Network Management
                             and Equipment Companies
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                                  Combined Average Multiple
                         TroubleShooter's           Price/                         Price/                         Price/
  Valuation Parameter            Value          Calendar 1998 Net Income       Calendar 1999 Net Income       Book Value
- ------------------------  -----------------    --------------------------      ------------------------      --------------
Calendar 1998 Net Income(1)     $3,300         24.5 x
Calendar 1999 Net Income         5,500                                          21.9 x
Pro Forma 12/31/97 Book Value(1) 23,950                                                                        5.2 x

                                                  Combined Average Multiple
                          TroubleShooter's    Firm Value(2)/          Less
Valuation Paramenter           Value          LTM Revenues            Net Debt(3)
- ----------------------    -----------------    ---------------       ------------
Calendar 1997 Revenues           $53,351           2.68 x                 ($7,395)

               Implied        Equity
               Equity         Value
               Value       Per Share (4)
               --------    -------------
               $80,731        $15.10
                120,388        22.52
                123,458        23.09

               $150,162       $28.08
- ----------------------------------------
Average        $118,685       $22.20
Median         $121,923       $22.80
High           $150,162       $28.08
Low            $ 80,731       $15.10

- ------------------------------
*Excluded from average

(1) Based on projections including technology acquisitions and excludes $6.3
    million in purchased technology write-downs for fiscal 1998. Book value is
    adjusted for write-downs.
(2) Firm value equals market capitalization plus total debt and preferred stock
    minus cash and marketable securities.
(3) Net debt equals debt plus preferred stock less cash and marketable
    securities. Assumes cash outlay of $6.0 million for acquisitions (Tinwald
    and Network Intelligence) to be completed in the second quarter of fiscal
(4) Assumes 5,346,739 shares outstanding (including options using the
    treasury stock method).

The Robinson-Humphrey Company, LLC
                                                                    Exhibit C
                                                                       Page 1

                             Project TroubleShooter
 Implied Valuation Analysis Utilizing Network Solution M&A Transaction Multiples
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                         TroubleShooter's         Average Multiple
Valuation Parameter           Value              Equity Value/Book
- --------------------     -----------------  ------------------------------
Pro Forma 12/31/97
Book Value (1)                    23,950                7.7 x

                                                      Average Multiple
                          TroubleShooter's    Firm Value(2)/       Less
Valuation Parameter           Value            LTM Revenues      Net Debt(3)
- -----------------------   ----------------   ---------------    -------------
Calendar 1997 Revenues           $53,351         3.32 x           ($7,395)

               Implied        Equity
               Equity         Value
               Value        Per Share (4)
               -------       -----------
               $185,421       $34.68

               $184,293       $34.47
- ----------------------------------------
Average:       $184,857       $34.57
High:          $185,421       $34.68
Low:           $184,293       $34.47

- -----------------------------
*Excluded from average.

(1) Adjusted $6.3 million for contemplated write-downs of purchased technology.
(2) Firm value equals equity value plus debt assumed minus cash and marketable 
    securities, if disclosed.
(3) Net debt equals debt plus preferred stock less cash and marketable 
    securities. Assumes cash outlay of $6.0 million for acquisitions (Tinwald
    and Network Intelligence) to be completed in the second quarter of fiscal
(4) Assumes 5,346,739 shares outstanding (includes outstanding options using the
    treasury stock method).

The Robinson-Humphrey Company, LLC
                                                                    Exhibit C
                                                                       Page 2

                             Project TroubleShooter
            Implied Valuation Analysis Utilizing Network General and
                         Dynatech Transaction Multiples
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                         TroubleShooter's    Equity Value/
Valuation Parameter           Value               Book
- --------------------     -----------------   ----------------
Pro Forma 12/31/97
Book Value (1)                    23,950          5.3 x

                          TroubleShooter's    Firm Value(2)/       Less
Valuation Parameter           Value           LTM Revenues       Net Debt(3)
- -----------------------    ----------------  ------------------  -------------
Calendar 1997 Revenues            $53,351         2.57 x            ($7,395)

               Implied        Equity
               Equity         Value
               Value        Per Share (4)
               -------       -----------
               $127,780       $23.90

               $144,717       $27.07

- ----------------------------------------
Average:       $136,249       $25.48
High:          $144,717       $27.07
Low:           $127,780       $23,90

- -----------------------------
*Excluded from average

(1) Adjusted $6.3 million for contemplated write-downs of purchased technology.
(2) Firm value equals equity value plus debt assumed minus cash and marketable 
    securities, if disclosed.
(3) Net debt equals debt plus preferred stock less cash and marketable 
    securities. Assumes cash outlay of $6.0 million for acquisitions (Tinwald
    and Network Intelligence) to be completed in the second quarter of fiscal
(4) Assumes 5,346,739 shares outstanding (includes outstanding options using the
    treasury stock method).

                             PROJECT TROUBLESHOOTER

                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

- -----------------------------------------------  
- -----------------------------------------------  
WACC:                                    20.00%
Multiple:                                 8.00
EBIT Terminal Value:                   $22,440

Present Value of Cash Flows:           $14,540
Present Value of Terminal Value:       $79,045
Total Value:                           $93,585

Plus: Cash (1)                          $7,395
Less: Debt                                  $0

Equity Value                          $100,980   
Equity Value per share                  $18.89
- -----------------------------------------------  

(1) Pro Forma as of 12/31/97.

                             PROJECT TROUBLESHOOTER

                             (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)            15.00%        17.50%       20.00%      22.50%      25.00%      27.50%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Present Value of Cash Flows:                      $16,635       $15,535      $14,540     $13,637     $12,816     $12,067
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Present Value of Terminal Value:
                              6.0 x               $71,798       $65,175      $59,284     $54,030     $49,335     $45,129
                              7.0                 $83,765       $76,038      $69,165     $63,035     $57,557     $52,650
Multiple                      8.0                 $95,731       $86,900      $79,045     $72,041     $65,780     $60,171
                              9.0                $107,698       $97,763      $88,926     $81,046     $74,002     $67,693
                             10.0                $119,664      $108,626      $98,806     $90,051     $82,225     $75,214
                             11.0                $131,631      $119,488     $108,687     $99,056     $90,447     $82,736
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Value:
                              6.0 x               $88,433       $80,710      $73,824     $67,667     $62,151     $57,196
                              7.0                $100,400       $91,573      $83,704     $76,672     $70,373     $64,717
Multiple:                     8.0                $112,366      $102,435      $93,585     $85,677     $78,596     $72,239
                              9.0                $124,332      $113,298     $103,466     $94,683     $86,818     $79,760
                             10.0                $136,299      $124,161     $113,346    $103,688     $95,041     $87,282
                             11.0                $148,265      $135,023     $123,227    $112,693    $103,263     $94,803
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity Value:
                              6.0 x               $95,829       $88,106      $81,219     $75,063     $69,546     $64,591
                              7.0                $107,795       $98,968      $91,100     $84,068     $77,769     $72,113
Multiple:                     8.0                $119,761      $109,831     $100,980     $93,073     $85,991     $79,634
                              9.0                $131,728      $120,694     $110,861    $102,078     $94,214     $87,156     
                             10.0                $143,694      $131,556     $120,742    $111,083    $102,436     $94,677
                             11.0                $155,661      $142,419     $130,622    $120,088    $110,658    $102,198
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Implied Total Value/Fiscal 1998 EBIT Multiple:
                              6.0 x                  35.4 x        32.3 x       29.5 x      27.1 x      24.9 x      22.9 x   
                              7.0                    40.2          36.6         33.5        30.7        28.1        25.9     
Multiple:                     8.0                    44.9          41.0         37.4        34.3        31.4        28.9     
                              9.0                    49.7          45.3         41.4        37.9        34.7        31.9     
                             10.0                    54.5          49.7         45.3        41.5        38.0        34.9     
                             11.0                    59.3          54.0         49.3        45.1        41.3        37.9     
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------