WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 8-K/A-3

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                       PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                     THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Date of Report: April 10, 1998
                        (Date of earliest event reported)

                             NationsBank Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                                 North Carolina
                 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

            1-6523                                    56-0906609
            ------                                    ----------
      (Commission File Number)            (IRS Employer Identification Number)

                          NationsBank Corporate Center
                            Charlotte, North Carolina
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                   (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (704) 386-5000


      The Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 10, 1998 and filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on April 17, 1998, as amended by Form
8-K/A-1 filed April 24, 1998 and Form 8-K/A-2 filed May 18, 1998, is amended to
amend and restate Item 7 in its entirety as follows:


(a)   Financial Statements of Business Acquired.

      The following consolidated financial statements of BankAmerica are
incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1 filed herewith:

      1. Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 1997 and 1996.

      2. Consolidated Statement of Operations for the years ended December 31,
         1997, 1996 and 1995.

      3. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31,
         1997, 1996 and 1995.

      4. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity for the years
         ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995.

      5. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

      The Other Events in Item 5 of this Form 8-K should be read in connection
with these consolidated financial statements.

      The report of Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, on the consolidated
financial statements of BankAmerica as of December 31, 1997 and 1996 and for the
three years then ended is filed herewith as part of Exhibit 99.1 and the related
consent is filed herewith as Exhibit 99.2. Both the opinion and consent are
incorporated herein by reference.

      Certain unaudited financial information regarding BankAmerica, including a
Consolidated Balance Sheet as of March 31, 1998, and Consolidated Statement of
Operations, Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and Consolidated Statement of
Changes in Stockholders' Equity for the three months ended March 31, 1998 and
March 31, 1997, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.3.


      Certain unaudited financial information regarding BankAmerica, including a
Consolidated Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1998, Consolidated Statement of
Operations for the three and six months ended June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1997,
and Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and Consolidated Statement of Changes
in Stockholders' Equity for the six months ended June 30, 1998 and June 30,
1997, is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 99.4.

(b) Pro Forma Financial Information.


      The following Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Balance Sheet as of June 30,
1998 combines the historical consolidated balance sheets of NationsBank
Corporation ("NationsBank") and BankAmerica Corporation ("BankAmerica") as if
the Reorganization had been effective on June 30, 1998, after giving effect to
certain adjustments described in the attached Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma
Condensed Financial Information. NationsBank's historical financial statements,
restated to give retroactive effect to the merger of NationsBank with Barnett
Banks, Inc. ("Barnett") on January 9, 1998, are included in NationsBank's
Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on April 16, 1998. In addition,
NationsBank's historical interim financial statements for the quarter ended June
30, 1998 are included in NationsBank's Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on August
14, 1998. BankAmerica's historical financial statements are incorporated by
reference in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997
as filed with the SEC on March 16, 1998 and its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
June 30, 1998 as filed with the SEC on August 13, 1998. The unaudited Pro Forma
Condensed Financial Information should be read in conjunction with the
historical financial statements of NationsBank and BankAmerica.

      The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Statements of Income for the six months
ended June 30, 1998 and the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 present
the combined results of operations of NationsBank and BankAmerica as if the
Reorganization had been effective at January 1, 1995, after giving effect to
certain adjustments described in the attached Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma
Condensed Financial Information.

      The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information and accompanying
Notes to the Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information reflect the application
of the pooling of interests method of accounting for the Reorganization. Under
this method of accounting, the recorded assets, liabilities, shareholders'
equity, income and expenses of NationsBank and BankAmerica are combined and
reflected at their historical amounts.

      NationsBank's acquisition of Boatmen's Bancshares, Inc. ("Boatmen's") on
January 7, 1997, was accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.
Accordingly, the results of operations of Boatmen's have been included in the
NationsBank historical financial statements from the date of acquisition. Under
the purchase method of accounting, the purchase price was allocated to assets
acquired and liabilities assumed based on their estimated fair values at the
closing date of the transaction.


      The combined company expects to achieve certain merger benefits in the
form of operating cost savings which may be significant. The pro forma earnings,
which do not reflect any direct costs or potential savings which are expected to
result from the consolidation of operations of NationsBank and BankAmerica, may
not be indicative of the results of future operations. The unaudited pro forma
earnings for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 do not reflect any
direct costs or potential savings from the consolidation of operations of
Barnett. No assurances can be given with respect to the ultimate level of
expense savings. The merger and restructuring items reflected in the pro forma
condensed balance sheet include severance and change in control and other
employee-related expenses, conversion and related costs and occupancy and
equipment expenses (primarily lease exit costs and the elimination of duplicate
facilities and other capitalized assets), exit costs related to contract
terminations and other merger and restructuring costs (including legal and
investment banking fees).




                                                                       AT JUNE 30, 1998
                                                                                   PRO FORMA       BANKAMERICA   
                                                      NATIONSBANK   BANKAMERICA   ADJUSTMENTS        COMBINED    
                                                      -----------   -----------   -----------      ------------  
                                                                       (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS)                     
Cash and cash equivalents                                 $ 12,568       $ 14,053        $  -          $ 26,621  
Time deposits placed                                         1,680          5,566           -             7,246  
Investment securities                                       44,958         15,994           -            60,952  
Federal funds sold and securities purchased                                                           
   under agreements to resell                               12,409         12,220           -            24,629  
Trading account assets                                      22,696         28,461           -            51,157  
Loans, leases and factored accounts receivable,                                                       
   net of unearned income                                  180,897        166,621           -           347,518  
Allowance for credit losses                                 (3,215)        (3,517)          -            (6,732) 
                                                        -----------      ----------      -------       ----------
Loans, leases and factored accounts receivable,                                                       
   net of unearned income and allowance                                                                          
   for credit losses                                       177,682        163,104           -           340,786  
Premises and equipment, net                                  4,010          3,528           -             7,538  
Customers' acceptance liability                              1,046          2,688           -             3,734  
Intangible assets                                           11,589          6,201           -            17,790  
Other assets                                                19,347         12,070           -            31,417  
                                                        -----------      ----------      -------       ----------
  Total assets                                           $ 307,985      $ 263,885        $  -         $ 571,870  
                                                        ===========      ==========      =======       ==========
Deposits                                                 $ 169,238      $ 178,094         $ -         $ 347,332  
Borrowed funds                                              54,645         23,805           -            78,450  
Trading account liabilities                                 14,130         13,984           -            28,114  
Acceptances outstanding                                      1,046          2,689           -             3,735  
Accrued expenses and other liabilities                       8,038          9,541         800  (2)       18,379  
Trust preferred securities                                   2,705          2,212           -             4,917  
Long-term debt                                              31,513         13,521           -            45,034
                                                        -----------      ----------      -------       ----------  
  Total liabilities                                        281,315        243,846         800           525,961  
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                                             
Preferred stock                                                 85              -           -                85  
Common stock                                                10,499          1,210       3,826  (4)       15,535  
Additional paid-in capital                                       -          8,022      (8,022) (4)            -  
Retained earnings                                           15,767         14,922        (800) (2)       29,889  
Common stock in treasury, at cost                                -         (4,196)      4,196  (4)            -  
Other, including loan to ESOP trust                            319             81          -                400
                                                        -----------      ----------      -------       ----------  
  Total shareholders' equity                                26,670         20,039        (800)           45,909
                                                        -----------      ----------      -------       ----------
  Total liablities and shareholders' equity              $ 307,985      $ 263,885        $ -          $ 571,870  
                                                        ===========      ==========      =======       ==========




                                                               FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1998           
                                                                                     PRO FORMA   BANKAMERICA     
                                                         NATIONSBANK   BANKAMERICA   ADJUSTMENTS  COMBINED
                                                        ------------   ------------  ----------- ------------       
                                                           (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
INTEREST INCOME                                                                                                  
 Interest and fees on loans and leases                        $ 7,572        $ 6,755        $ -      $ 14,327    
 Interest and dividends on securities                           1,644            558          -         2,202    
 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under                                                     
   agreements to resell                                           339            510          -           849    
 Trading account securities                                       660            770          -         1,430    
 Other interest income                                            260            207          -           467
                                                             ---------        --------      ------   --------    
   Total interest income                                       10,475          8,800          -        19,275    
INTEREST EXPENSE                                                                                                 
 Deposits                                                       2,441          2,942          -         5,383    
 Borrowed funds                                                 1,555            989          -         2,544    
 Trading account liabilities                                      366            170          -           536    
 Long-term debt                                                 1,056            579          -         1,635
                                                             ---------        --------      ------   --------        
   Total interest expense                                       5,418          4,680          -        10,098
                                                             ---------        --------      ------   --------        
NET INTEREST INCOME                                             5,057          4,120          -         9,177    
Provision for credit losses                                       530            475          -         1,005
                                                             ---------        --------      ------   --------        
NET CREDIT INCOME                                               4,527          3,645          -         8,172    
Gains on sales of securities                                      260             73          -           333    
Noninterest income                                              3,635          3,583          -         7,218    
Foreclosed properties expense (income)                             21            (10)         -            11    
Merger and restructuring items                                    470              -          -           470    
Noninterest expense                                             4,960          4,520          -         9,480
                                                             ---------        --------      ------   --------        
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                      2,971          2,791          -         5,762    
Income tax expense                                              1,066          1,066          -         2,132
                                                             ---------        --------      ------   --------        
NET INCOME BEFORE PREFERRED DIVIDENDS                           1,905          1,725          -         3,630    
Preferred dividends                                                 3             19          -            22
                                                             ---------        --------      ------   --------        
NET INCOME AVAILABLE TO COMMON SHAREHOLDERS                   $ 1,902        $ 1,706       $  -       $ 3,608
                                                             =========       =========      ======  =========    
Basic earnings per share                                       $ 1.99         $ 2.49                   $ 2.09 
                                                             =========       =========              =========    
Diluted earnings per share                                     $ 1.95         $ 2.41                   $ 2.03
                                                             ---------       ---------              ---------     
Average common shares - Basic (thousands)                     954,040        684,264                1,728,353    
                                                             =========       =========              =========    
Average common shares - Diluted (thousands)                   978,032        707,773                1,778,948    
                                                             =========       =========              =========    




                                                             FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997       
                                                                                   PRO FORMA    BANKAMERICA     
                                                    NATIONSBANK     BANKAMERICA    ADJUSTMENTS   COMBINED
                                                    -----------    -------------   -----------  -----------     
                                                        (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS) 
INTEREST INCOME                                                                                              
 Interest and fees on loans and leases               $ 15,270         $ 13,932         $ -      $ 29,202      
 Interest and dividends on securities                   2,140            1,123           -         3,263      
 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under                                                           
   agreements to resell                                   699              817           -         1,516      
 Trading account securities                             1,352            1,230           -         2,582      
 Other interest income                                    226              415           -           641      
                                                       -------          -------         ----      ------      
   Total interest income                               19,687           17,517           -        37,204      
INTEREST EXPENSE                                                                                             
 Deposits                                               4,891            5,793           -        10,684      
 Borrowed funds                                         2,435            1,676           -         4,111      
 Trading account liabilities                              678              297           -           975      
 Long-term debt                                         1,966            1,166           -         3,132      
                                                        ------           ------        ---       -------      
   Total interest expense                               9,970            8,932           -        18,902      
                                                        ------           ------        ---       -------      
NET INTEREST INCOME                                     9,717            8,585           -        18,302      
Provision for credit losses                               954              950           -         1,904      
                                                        ------           ------        ---         -----      
NET CREDIT INCOME                                       8,763            7,635           -        16,398      
Gains on sales of securities                              155               26           -           181      
Noninterest income                                      5,929            6,042           -        11,971      
Foreclosed properties expense (income)                      9              (22)          -           (13)     
Merger and restructuring items                            374                -           -           374      
Noninterest expense                                     9,234            8,399           -        17,633      
                                                      --------           ------        ---        ------      
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                              5,230            5,326           -        10,556      
Income tax expense                                      1,898            2,116           -         4,014      
                                                      --------           ------        ---        ------      
NET INCOME BEFORE PREFERRED DIVIDENDS                   3,332            3,210           -         6,542      
Preferred dividends                                        11              100           -           111      
                                                      --------           ------        ---        ------      
NET INCOME AVAILABLE TO COMMON SHAREHOLDERS           $ 3,321          $ 3,110        $  -       $ 6,431      
                                                      ========         ========       ====       =======      
Basic earnings per share                               $ 3.53           $ 4.45                    $ 3.71      
                                                      =======          =======                    ======       
Diluted earnings per share                             $ 3.44           $ 4.32                    $ 3.61      
                                                      =======          =======                    ======       
Average common shares - Basic (thousands)             941,992          699,189                 1,733,194      
                                                      ========         ========                =========      
Average common shares - Diluted (thousands)           967,672          719,777                 1,782,172      
                                                      ========         ========                =========      




                                                                 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996        
                                                                                    PRO FORMA        BANKAMERICA 
                                                       NATIONSBANK    BANKAMERICA   ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED   
                                                       -----------    -----------   -----------     -----------          
                                                            (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
INTEREST INCOME                                                                                                  
 Interest and fees on loans and leases                  $ 13,121   $      13,412        $ -      $    26,533     
 Interest and dividends on securities                      1,618           1,160          -            2,778     
 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under                                                               
   agreements to resell                                      689             682          -            1,371     
 Trading account securities                                1,228           1,001          -            2,229     
 Other interest income                                       176             453          -              629     
                                                          -------          ------      ----           ------     
   Total interest income                                  16,832          16,708          -           33,540     
INTEREST EXPENSE                                                                                                 
 Deposits                                                  4,246           5,359          -            9,605     
 Borrowed funds                                            2,274           1,430          -            3,704     
 Trading account liabilities                                 653             227          -              880     
 Long-term debt                                            1,435           1,063          -            2,498     
                                                           ------          ------      ----           ------     
   Total interest expense                                  8,608           8,079          -           16,687     
                                                           ------          ------      ----           ------     
NET INTEREST INCOME                                        8,224           8,629          -           16,853     
Provision for credit losses                                  760             885          -            1,645     
                                                           ------          ------      ----           ------     
NET CREDIT INCOME                                          7,464           7,744          -           15,208     
Gains on sales of securities                                  86              27          -              113     
Noninterest income                                         4,408           5,336          -            9,744     
Foreclosed properties expense                                 21               1          -               22     
Merger and restructuring items                               118             280          -              398     
Noninterest expense                                        7,283           8,053          -           15,336     
                                                           ------          ------      ----           ------     
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                 4,536           4,773          -            9,309     
Income tax expense                                         1,597           1,900          -            3,497     
                                                           ------          ------      ----           ------     
NET INCOME BEFORE PREFERRED DIVIDENDS                      2,939           2,873          -            5,812     
Preferred dividends                                           17             185          -              202     
                                                           ------          ------      ----            -----     
NET INCOME AVAILABLE TO COMMON SHAREHOLDERS              $ 2,922         $ 2,688       $  -          $ 5,610     
                                                         ========        ========      ====          =======     
Basic earnings per share                                  $ 3.56          $ 3.72                      $ 3.42     
                                                          =======         =======                     ======     
Diluted earnings per share                                $ 3.50          $ 3.65                      $ 3.36     
                                                          =======         =======                     ======     
Average common shares - Basic (thousands)                820,945         722,373                   1,638,382     
                                                         ========        ========                  =========     
Average common shares - Diluted (thousands)              837,706         736,055                   1,670,626     
                                                         ========        ========                  =========     




                                                             FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995        
                                                                             PRO FORMA         BANKAMERICA
                                                  NATIONSBANK  BANKAMERICA   ADJUSTMENTS        COMBINED
                                                  -----------   ----------   -----------      ------------
                                                     (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
INTEREST INCOME                                                                                           
 Interest and fees on loans and leases             $ 12,134   $    12,760        $ -            $   24,894   
 Interest and dividends on securities                 1,844         1,276          -                 3,120   
 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under                                                           
   agreements to resell                                 942           650          -                 1,592   
 Trading account securities                           1,100           741          -                 1,841   
 Other interest income                                  166           466          -                   632   
                                                      ------        ------       ---                ------   
   Total interest income                             16,186        15,893          -                32,079   
INTEREST EXPENSE                                                                                             
 Deposits                                             4,274         4,923          -                 9,197   
 Borrowed funds                                       2,858         1,160          -                 4,018   
 Trading account liabilities                            896           182          -                 1,078   
 Long-term debt                                         964         1,113          -                 2,077   
                                                      ------        ------       ---                ------   
   Total interest expense                             8,992         7,378          -                16,370   
                                                      ------        ------       ---                ------   
NET INTEREST INCOME                                   7,194         8,515          -                15,709   
Provision for credit losses                             505           440          -                   945   
                                                      ------        ------       ---                ------   
NET CREDIT INCOME                                     6,689         8,075          -                14,764   
Gains on sales of securities                             34            24          -                    58   
Noninterest income                                    3,787         4,469          -                 8,256   
Foreclosed properties expense                            30            18          -                    48   
Merger and restructuring items                            -             -          -                     -   
Noninterest expense                                   6,670         7,983          -                14,653   
                                                     -------        ------       ---               -------   
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                            3,810         4,567          -                 8,377   
Income tax expense                                    1,327         1,903          -                 3,230   
                                                     -------        ------       ---               -------   
NET INCOME BEFORE PREFERRED DIVIDENDS                 2,483         2,664          -                 5,147   
Preferred dividends                                      24           227          -                   251   
                                                    --------      -------        ---               -------   
NET INCOME AVAILABLE TO COMMON SHAREHOLDERS         $ 2,459       $ 2,437       $  -               $ 4,896   
                                                    ========      ========      ====               =======   
Basic earnings per share                             $ 3.18        $ 3.28                           $ 3.03     
                                                    ========       =======                         =======   
Diluted earnings per share                           $ 3.10        $ 3.24                           $ 2.98   
                                                    ========       =======                         =======   
Average common shares - Basic (thousands)           773,799       741,963                        1,613,404  
                                                    ========      ========                       =========  
Average common shares - Diluted (thousands)         800,104       751,112                        1,650,062  
                                                    ========      ========                       ========= 


                        NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED PRO FORMA


      On April 10, 1998, NationsBank entered into an Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization with BankAmerica. The Reorganization will create a new Delaware
holding company which will be headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. Each
outstanding share of BankAmerica common stock will be converted into 1.1316
shares of the new holding company's common stock and each share of NationsBank's
common stock will be converted into one share of the new company's common stock.

      The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information has been prepared
assuming that the Reorganization will be accounted for under the pooling of
interests method of accounting and is based on the historical consolidated
financial statements of NationsBank and BankAmerica. Certain amounts in the
historical financial statements of BankAmerica have been reclassified to conform
with NationsBank's historical financial statement presentation.

      The pro forma adjustments represent management's best estimates based on
available information at this time. Actual adjustments will differ from those
reflected in the unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information.
NationsBank and BankAmerica are still in the process of reviewing their
respective accounting policies relative to those followed by the other entity.
As a result of this review, it may be necessary to restate certain amounts in
NationsBank's or BankAmerica's financial statements to conform to those
accounting policies that are most appropriate. In management's opinion, any such
restatements will not be material.

      On January 9, 1998, NationsBank completed its merger with Barnett,
headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, resulting in the issuance of
approximately 233 million shares of NationsBank's common stock. The transaction
was accounted for under the pooling of interests method of accounting and
accordingly, the historical financial statements of NationsBank reflect the
merger with Barnett for all periods presented.

      On January 7, 1997, NationsBank completed the acquisition of Boatmen's,
headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, resulting in the issuance of approximately
195 million shares of NationsBank's common stock valued at $9.4 billion and
aggregate cash payments of $371 million to Boatmen's shareholders. At the
acquisition date, Boatmen's total assets and deposits were approximately $41.2
billion and $32.0 billion, respectively. The acquisition was accounted for under
the purchase method of accounting and, accordingly, is included in NationsBank's
historical financial statements from the date of acquisition.


      The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information should be read in
conjunction with the historical consolidated financial statements and the
related notes thereto of each of NationsBank and BankAmerica. NationsBank's
historical financial statements, restated to give retroactive effect of the
merger of NationsBank with Barnett, are included in NationsBank's Current Report
on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on April 16, 1998. In addition, NationsBank's
historical interim financial statements for the six months ended June 30, 1998
are included in NationsBank's Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on August 14, 1998.
BankAmerica's historical financial statements are incorporated by reference in
its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997 as filed
with the SEC on March 16, 1998 and its Form 10-Q for the six months ended June
30, 1998 as filed with the SEC on August 13, 1998.


      In connection with the Reorganization, the combined company expects to
incur pre-tax merger and restructuring items of approximately $1.3 billion ($800
million after tax), which will include severance and change in control and other
employee-related items, conversion and related costs and occupancy and equipment
expenses (primarily lease exit costs and the elimination of duplicate facilities
and other capitalized assets), exit costs related to contract terminations and
other Reorganization costs (including legal and investment banking fees). The
pro forma adjustments represent management's best estimates based on available
information at this time. Actual adjustments will differ from those reflected in
the unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information.

The following table presents the major components of the estimated pre-tax
merger and restructuring items (dollars in millions):

      Severance, change in control and other employee-related items   $ 450
      Occupancy and equipment expense                                   250
      Conversion and related costs                                      200
      Contract terminations                                             200
      Other                                                             200


      The combined company anticipates that, to comply with what the Federal
Reserve Board, the Department of Justice and certain state authorities may
require in connection with their review of the Reorganization, certain branches
of NationsBank and BankAmerica will need to be divested in various markets where
each of NationsBank and BankAmerica have a combined share of deposits. The
impact of anticipated branch divestitures on the combined company's financial
condition and results of operations is not expected to be material.



      In conjunction with the Reorganization, a new holding company will be
established, NationsBank (DE). Each outstanding share of BankAmerica common
stock will be converted into 1.1316 shares of the new holding company's common
stock and each share of NationsBank's common stock will be converted into one
share of the new company's common stock. Each share of the combined company's
common stock will have a par value of $0.01 per share. NationsBank and
BankAmerica had approximately 960 million and 685 million shares of common stock
outstanding as of June 30, 1998, respectively. The pro forma average common
share amounts used to calculate pro forma basic and diluted earnings per share
were derived from the actual average share amounts for NationsBank and the
average share amounts for BankAmerica as adjusted for the exchange ratio of
1.1316. The common stock in the Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Balance Sheet has
been adjusted to reflect the reclassification of BankAmerica's additional
paid-in capital and treasury stock to conform to NationsBank's presentation.
Unaudited pro forma retained earnings reflects the estimated adjustment for
anticipated merger and restructuring costs as described above.


      The combined company expects to achieve a certain level of cost savings
through the optimization of delivery systems, reduction of corporate overhead,
elimination of redundant staff functions, consolidation of business lines, data
processing and back office operations, infrastructure and vendor leverage and
the elimination of certain duplicate or excess facilities. No adjustment has
been included in the unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information for the
anticipated operating cost savings. There can be no assurance that anticipated
operating cost savings will be achieved in the expected amounts or at the times


(C) Exhibits.

      The following exhibits are filed herewith:


              99.1           Consolidated Financial Statements of BankAmerica
                             Corporation and Report of Ernst & Young LLP.*

              99.2           Consent of Ernst & Young LLP.

              99.3           Unaudited Interim Financial Statements of
                             BankAmerica as of March 31, 1998, and for the
                             three months ended March 31, 1998 and March
                             31, 1997, are incorporated by reference to
                             pages 2 through 15 of BankAmerica's Quarterly
                             Report on Form 10-Q dated May 14, 1998.

              99.4           Unaudited Interim Financial Statements of
                             BankAmerica as of June 30, 1998, and for the
                             three and six months ended June 30, 1998 and
                             June 30, 1997, are incorporated by reference
                             to pages 2 through 16 of BankAmerica's
                             Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated August
                             13, 1998.

* Previously filed.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                NationsBank Corporation

Date: August 17, 1998                          /S/ Marc D. Oken
                                                Marc D. Oken
                                                Executive Vice President
                                                and Chief Accounting Officer
