Exhibit 7

  Pro Forma Data Disclosing the Effect of the Reverse Stock Split and Buyback of
Fractional Shares on the Company's Statement of Income, Earnings Per Share
Amounts, and Ratio Of Earnings to Fixed Charges for the Most Recent Fiscal Year

                           BOWLES FLUIDICS CORPORATION

                                    For the Year Ended October 25, 1997
                                               Reverse Split
                                                & Buyback
                                    Reported   Adjustments  Pro Forma

Net Sales                           $18,842,673              $18,842,673

   Cost of sales                     13,065,374               13,065,374
                                  -------------           --------------

Gross Profit                          5,777,299                5,777,299

   Selling, general and
    administrative expenses           3,094,769                3,094,769
   Research and development
       costs                          1,005,183                1,005,183
                                  -------------           --------------

Operating income                      1,677,347                1,677,347

   Interest income                      117,541    ($12,774)     104,767
   Other income  (expense),
net                                       4,555                    4,555

Income before income taxes            1,799,443     (12,774)   1,786,669

   Provision for income taxes           657,420      (4,667)     652,753

Net income                            1,142,023      (8,107)   1,133,916

   Preferred stock dividends
      accrued                           (74,646)          0      (74,646)

Income applicable to common
   shareholders                      $1,067,377     ($8,107)  $1,059,270

Primary earnings per share:
   Income applicable to
      common shareholders            $1,067,377     ($8,107)  $1,059,270
   Weighted average of
      common shares outstanding      12,633,764 (12,621,324)      12,440
   Add: Assumed  exercise of
        stock options                    48,607     (48,558)          49
   Number of common shares
      outstanding adjusted           12,682,371 (12,669,882)      12,489

    Primary earnings per share            $0.08                   $84.82
                                  =============           ==============

Fully diluted earnings per share:
   Net income                        $1,142,023     ($8,107)  $1,133,916
   Weighted average of common
      shares outstanding             12,633,764 (12,621,324)      12,440
   Add: Assumed conversion of
         preferred stock              3,732,320  (3,728,588)       3,732
        Assumed exercise of
         stock options                   57,636     (57,578)          58
   Number of common shares
      outstanding adjusted           16,423,720 (16,407,490)      16,230

   Fully diluted earnings per share       $0.07                   $69.87
                                  =============           ==============

Ratio of  earnings to fixed
charges                                     N/a                      N/a

                                 Exhibit 7 - 1

                           BOWLES FLUIDICS CORPORATION

                                   For the Nine Months Ended July
                                              25, 1998
                                             Reverse Split
                                                & Buyback
                                   Reported   Adjustments  Pro Forma

Net Sales                         $15,105,362            $15,105,362

   Cost of sales                   11,196,107             11,196,107
                                  -----------            -----------

Gross Profit                        3,909,255              3,909,255

   Selling, general and
     administrative expenses        1,993,702              1,993,702
   Research and development
     costs                            582,743                582,743
                                  -----------            -----------

Operating income                    1,332,810              1,332,810

   Interest income                     52,022    ($9,580)     42,442
   Other income (expense), net         23,749                 23,749

Income before income taxes          1,408,581    ($9,580)  1,399,001

   Provision for income taxes         521,631     (3,548)    518,083

Net income                            886,950     (6,032)    880,918

   Preferred stock dividends
      accrued                         (55,985)               (55,985)

Income applicable to common
   shareholders                      $830,965     ($6,032)  $824,933

Basic earnings per share:
   Income applicable to common
      shareholders                   $830,965     ($6,032)  $824,933
   Weighted average of common
      shares outstanding           12,655,011 (12,642,550)    12,461

        Basic earnings per share        $0.07                 $66.20
                                  ===========               ========

Diluted earnings per share:
   Net income                        $886,950     ($6,032)   880,918
   Weighted average of common
      shares outstanding           12,655,011 (12,642,550)    12,461
   Add: Assumed conversion of
          preferred stock           3,732,320  (3,728,588)     3,732
        Assumed exercise of
          stock options                14,847     (14,832)        15
   Number of common shares
      outstanding adjusted         16,402,178 (16,385,970)    16,208

    Diluted earnings per share          $0.05                 $54.35
                                  ===========            ===========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges  N/a                   N/a

                                 Exhibit 7 - 2

                           BOWLES FLUIDICS CORPORATION

Reverse Split and Buyback Adjustments

1. Income Statements: Year Ended October 25, 1997, and Nine Months Ended July
   25, 1998

   The pro forma income statements reflect the reduction in interest income, net
   of income taxes, to give effect to the $242,600 reduction of cash and cash
   equivalents to acquire the estimated fractional common shares outstanding
   (194.077 shares) after the 1-for-1,000 reverse common stock split at $1,250
   per share, as if the reverse split and buyback occurred at October 27, 1996.

   The pro forma primary and fully diluted earnings per share reflect the lower
   net income and the lower number of common shares outstanding after the
   reverse stock split and buyback of fractional common shares at $1,250 per

                                 Exhibit 7 - 3