(RULE 14A-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION


Filed by the Registrant [X]     
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement    [ ] Confidential, for use of the
                                       Commission only (as permitted by
                                       Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                  LODGIAN, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): 
[X} No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and O-11.
(1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
                    Common Stock, par value $.01 per share                     
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
    pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
    filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5) Total fee paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
    Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
    paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
    number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.
(1) Amount Previously Paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(3) Filing party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4) Date filed:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  LODGIAN, INC.
                      3445 PEACHTREE ROAD, N.E., SUITE 700
                             ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30326

                                  May 11, 1999

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

               You are cordially invited to attend the 1999 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Lodgian, Inc. which will be held on Friday, June 25, 1999,
commencing at 9:30 a.m. local time, at The Resource Forum, 3340 Peachtree Road
N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30326.

               At the Annual Meeting, you will be asked to consider and vote
upon the election of one Class I director to serve for a three-year term and to
consider and act upon such other business as may properly come before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

               Your Board of Directors recommends that you vote your shares in
favor of this proposal.

               We hope you will find it convenient to attend in person. Whether
or not you expect to attend, please promptly date, sign and mail the enclosed
proxy in the return envelope provided to ensure your representation at the
Annual Meeting and the presence of a quorum.

               On behalf of your Board of Directors and the associates of the
Company, I would like to express our appreciation for your continued support.

               By now you should have received a copy of Lodgian's 1998 Annual
Report to Stockholders, as well as a description of the recently adopted Lodgian
Shareholder Rights Plan.


                                         /s/ Robert S. Cole
                                         Robert S. Cole
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                  LODGIAN, INC.
                      3445 PEACHTREE ROAD, N.E., SUITE 700
                             ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30326

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                           To be held on June 25, 1999

To the Stockholders of Lodgian, Inc.:

               Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
Lodgian, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Lodgian"), will be held on Friday, June
25, 1999, commencing at 9:30 a.m. local time, at The Resource Forum, 3340
Peachtree Road N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30326 for the following purposes:

               1. To elect one Class I director to serve for a three-year term
                  expiring at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

               2. To consider and act upon such other business as may properly
                  come before the Annual Meeting.

               The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on May
7, 1999 as the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to
notice of and to vote on any matters which may properly come before the Annual

               All stockholders are cordially invited to attend the Annual
Meeting in person. Even if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, you are
requested to mark, sign, date and return the accompanying proxy as soon as
possible. If you are planning to attend the Annual Meeting, please notify the
Secretary or Assistant Secretary.

               Please note that shares of Servico, Inc. ("Servico") and units of
Impac Hotel Group LLC ("Impac") which have not been exchanged for Lodgian shares
pursuant to the merger of Servico and Impac (the "Merger") as of the record date
will not be eligible to vote. All stockholders with outstanding Servico shares
or Impac units are encouraged to exchange their holdings for Lodgian shares as
soon as possible.

                                           By order of the Board of Directors,

                                           /s/ Robert M. Flanders
                                           Robert M. Flanders
                                           Assistant Secretary
Dated: May 11, 1999
Atlanta, Georgia

                                  LODGIAN, INC.
                      3445 PEACHTREE ROAD, N.E., SUITE 700
                             ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30326

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

               This Proxy Statement is furnished by the Board of Directors of
Lodgian, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Lodgian" or the "Company"), in
connection with Lodgian's solicitation of proxies for use at the 1999 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders of Lodgian (the "Annual Meeting"), which will be held on
Friday, June 25, 1999, commencing at 9:30 a.m. local time, at The Resource
Forum, 3340 Peachtree Road N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30326, and at any adjournments
thereof, for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting
of Stockholders. All stockholders are entitled and encouraged to attend the
Annual Meeting in person. This Proxy Statement and the accompanying Proxy Card
are being mailed to stockholders of Lodgian on or about May 11, 1999.

               All properly executed proxies delivered pursuant to this
solicitation and not revoked will be voted in accordance with the directions
given, and, in connection with any other business that may properly come before
the Annual Meeting, in the discretion of the persons named in the proxy. In
voting by proxy with regard to the election of directors, stockholders may vote
in favor of the nominee or withhold their votes as to the nominee. If no
direction is given on a proxy, it will be voted for the election of the nominee
for director.

               A stockholder who has given a proxy may revoke it at any time
before it is exercised by giving notice of revocation to the Secretary or
Assistant Secretary of Lodgian, by submitting a proxy bearing a later date or by
attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person. Attendance at the Annual
Meeting will not, in itself, constitute revocation of a proxy.


               The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on May
7, 1999 as the record date for determination of stockholders entitled to notice
of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting. Holders of record of the common stock,
par value $.01 per share (the "Common Stock"), of Lodgian as of May 7, 1999,
will be entitled to one vote for each share held. On April 22, 1999, there were
27,103,348 shares of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN


               The following table sets forth certain information regarding
ownership of Common Stock as of April 22, 1999, by (i) each person known to the
Company to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the issued and outstanding
Common Stock as of April 22, 1999, (ii) each of the members of the Company's
Board of Directors, (iii) each of the Company's executive officers named in the
"Summary Compensation Table" under "Executive Compensation" below, and (iv) all
directors and executive officers of the Company as a group. All shares were
owned directly with sole voting and investment power unless otherwise indicated.

                                                              SHARES OF COMMON      PERCENT OF COMMON 
- ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------    ----------------
Heitman/PRA Securities Advisors, Inc.                            2,205,100 (3)             8.1%     
180 North LaSalle Street, Suite 3600                                                                
Chicago, IL  60601                                                                                  
Eagle Asset Management, Inc.                                     1,788,310 (4)             6.6%     
880 Carillon Parkway                                                                                
St. Petersburg, FL  33716                                                                           
Prudential Insurance Company of America                          2,113,000 (5)             7.8%     
751 Broad Street                                                                                    
Newark, NJ  07102-3777                                                                              
Dimensional Fund Advisors                                        1,538,000 (6)             5.7%     
1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor                                                                       
Santa Monica, CA 90401                                                                              
Jeffrey Neal                                                     2,579,743 (7)             9.5%     
5575 DTC Parkway, Suite 355                                                                         
Englewood, CO 80111                                                                                 
Robert S. Cole                                                     607,843 (8)             2.2      
Joseph C. Calabro                                                  261,100 (9)             *        
John M. Lang                                                     2,234,734 (10)            8.2%     
Michael A. Leven                                                    30,700 (11)            *        
Peter R. Tyson                                                      55,500 (12)            *        
Richard H. Weiner                                                   55,100 (12)            *        
NON-DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS:                                                                    
David Buddemeyer                                                   304,219 (13)            1.1%     
Karyn Marasco                                                       77,700 (12)            *        
Warren M. Knight                                                   138,311 (14)            *        
Peter J. Walz                                                       49,000 (15)            *        
Lawrence Carballo                                                   17,400 (16)            *        
All directors and executive officers as a group (11              3,831,607 (17)           13.8%     


- -----------------------------
*     Represents less than 1%.
(1)   This number does not include those shares of Lodgian to be distributed
      upon conversion of Servico shares and Impac units pursuant to the Merger
      which have as yet not been converted.
(2)   Ownership percentages are based on 27,103,348 shares of Common Stock
      outstanding as of April 22, 1999 and any Common Stock that such named
      individual or group has the right to acquire within 60 days.
(3)   Heitman/PRA Securities Advisors, Inc. filed a Schedule 13G dated October
      15, 1998 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") reporting
      ownership of 2,205,100 shares of Common Stock of the Company's
      predecessor, Servico, with sole voting power with respect to 2,147,400
      shares, sole dispositive power with respect to 2,172,500 shares, and
      shared dispositive power with respect to 32,600 shares.
(4)   Eagle Asset Management, Inc. filed a Schedule 13G dated January 29, 1999
      with the SEC reporting ownership of 1,788,310 shares of Common Stock with
      sole voting and dispositive power with respect to such shares.
(5)   Prudential Insurance Company of America filed a Schedule 13G dated January
      8, 1999 with the SEC reporting ownership of 2,113,000 shares of Common
      Stock with sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 1,204,100
      shares and with shared voting and dispositive power with respect to
(6)   Dimensional Fund Advisors filed a Schedule 13G dated February 12, 1999
      with the SEC reporting ownership of 1,538,000 shares of Common Stock with
      sole voting and dispositive power with respect to such shares.
(7)   Jeffrey Neal filed a Schedule 13D dated December 21, 1998 with the SEC
      reporting ownership of 2,520,102 shares of Common Stock with sole voting
      and dispositive power with respect to 724,597 shares and with shared
      voting and dispositive power with respect to 1,795,505 shares. Includes
      158,541 shares issued out of escrow since the filing of his Schedule 13D
      and excludes 98,900 shares distributed to the limited partners of ProTrust
      Properties I, Ltd. for which Mr. Neal was deemed to hold beneficial
      ownership. As set forth in his Schedule 13D, Mr. Neal expressly disclaims
      beneficial ownership of 2,548,197 shares deemed to be beneficially owned
      by him, beyond his ownership interest in the general partner of each
      entity holding such shares.
(8)   Mr. Cole filed a Form 4, dated March 17, 1999, with the SEC reporting
      ownership of 554,189 shares of Common Stock. Includes 33,654 shares issued
      out of escrow, and 20,000 shares purchased in market transactions, since
      the filing of his Form 4.
(9)   Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 55,000 shares. Mr.
      Calabro has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 203,100 of
      such shares and shares voting and dispositive power with respect to 3,000
      shares with his spouse.
(10)  John M. Lang filed a Schedule 13D/A dated March 3, 1999 with the SEC
      reporting ownership of 2,104,074 shares of Common Stock with sole voting
      and dispositive power with respect to 308,569 shares and with shared
      voting and dispositive power with respect to 1,795,505 shares. Includes
      130,662 shares issued out of escrow since the filing of his Schedule
      13D/A. Mr. Lang expressly disclaims beneficial ownership of 1,795,505
      shares owned by ProTrust Properties IV, Ltd., ProTrust Properties V, Ltd.,
      Hotel Investors, L.P., and ProTrust Equity Growth Fund I, L.P.
      (collectively, the "Entities"), as set forth in his Schedule 13D/A, deemed
      to be beneficially owned by him, and disclaims beneficial ownership of
      109,507 shares issued out of escrow to the Entities since the filing of
      his Schedule 13D/A, also deemed to be beneficially owned by him, beyond
      his ownership interest in the general partner of each Entity holding such
      shares. The shares in the table above do not include shares beneficially
      owned by Hotel Capital II, LLC, a limited liability company whose manager,
      with sole voting and dispositive power, is Robert H. Woods (a partner in
      Lang Capital Partners, LLC), with respect to which Mr. Lang is not a
      member or manager, and does not have voting or dispositive power with
      respect to those shares; therefore, such shares are not included in Mr.
      Lang's beneficial ownership.
(11)  Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 25,000 shares of Common
      Stock and 5,700 shares owned by Mr. Leven's spouse.
(12)  Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 55,000 shares of Common
(13)  Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 274,400 shares of 
      Common Stock.
(14)  Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 134,600 shares of 
      Common Stock.
(15)  Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 49,000 shares of Common
(16)  Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 17,400 shares of Common
(17)  Includes currently exercisable options to purchase 720,400 shares of 
      Common Stock.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


               The Restated Bylaws of Lodgian provide that the Lodgian Board
will consist of not less than six members, the exact number to be determined by
resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of all directors of
Lodgian. The number of directors is currently set at six. The Board of Directors
is divided into three classes; directors in each class are elected for a
three-year term in staggered years.

               Peter R. Tyson, the Class I director whose term expires at the
1999 Annual Meeting, has been nominated for re-election to the Board of
Directors to hold office for a full three-year term expiring at the 2002 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders or until a successor has been duly elected and
qualified. The nominee is presently a director of Lodgian and has consented to
be named as a nominee and to serve as a director if elected. Should the nominee
be unable or unwilling to serve as a director, the enclosed proxy will be voted
for such other person or persons as the Board of Directors may recommend.
Management does not anticipate that such an event will occur.


               The table below sets forth the names and ages of the directors,
including the nominee, and the executive officers of the Company, as well as the
positions and offices held by such persons. A summary of the background and
experience of each of these individuals is set forth after the table.

NAME                                AGE      POSITION WITH LODGIAN
- -------------------------------     -----    -----------------------
IN 2002:

   Peter R. Tyson                   52        Director                                            
CONTINUING DIRECTORS WHOSE                                                                        
TERMS EXPIRE IN 2000:                                                                             
   Joseph C. Calabro                47        Director and Chairman of the Office of the Chairman of the Board   
   John M. Lang                     44        Director and Member of the Office of the Chairman of the Board     
   Michael A. Leven                 61        Director and Member of the Office of the Chairman of the Board     
CONTINUING DIRECTORS WHOSE                                                                        
TERMS EXPIRE IN 2001:                                                                             
   Robert S. Cole                   37        Director, Chief Executive Officer and President     
   Richard H. Weiner                48        Director                                            
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS WHO ARE NOT                                                                    
   Karyn Marasco                    41        Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President               
   Lawrence Carballo                56        Interim Chief Financial Officer 
   Kenneth R. Posner                51        Chief Financial Officer (effective May 1, 1999)                    


                  ROBERT S. COLE has been the Chief Executive Officer and
    President of the Company since the Merger. From 1990 until the Merger, Mr.
    Cole was the President of Impac and its predecessors and affiliates. Prior
    to that time, he held a variety of general manager positions in hotels
    throughout the United States.

                  KARYN MARASCO has been the Chief Operating Officer and
    Executive Vice President of the Company since the Merger. From 1997 until
    the Merger, Ms. Marasco was the Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice
    President of Servico. Prior to such time, Ms. Marasco was affiliated with
    Westin Hotels & Resorts for 18 years. Most recently, Ms. Marasco served as
    Westin's Area Managing Director, based in Chicago.

                  LAWRENCE CARBALLO served as Interim Chief Financial Officer of
    the Company from March 1, 1999 until April 30, 1999. In addition, since the
    Merger, he has been and continues to be Vice President and Corporate
    Controller of Lodgian. From 1991 until the Merger, Mr. Carballo was Vice
    President and Corporate Controller of Servico.

                  KENNETH R. POSNER was appointed Chief Financial Officer of
    Lodgian, effective May 1, 1999. From 1981 until he joined Lodgian, Mr.
    Posner served as Chief Financial Officer of the Hyatt Group of Companies.

                  JOSEPH C. CALABRO has been a director of Lodgian since the
    Merger and was a director of Servico from August 1992 until the Merger. Mr.
    Calabro has been a principal of Joseph C. Calabro, C.P.A., a Devon,
    Pennsylvania accounting firm, since 1982. Mr. Calabro has also been an
    officer and director of Bibsy Corporation, which previously owned and
    operated a Holiday Inn hotel in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, since 1971.

                  JOHN M. LANG has been a director of Lodgian since the Merger.
    Mr. Lang is the President of Lang Capital Partners, LLC, a private real
    estate venture firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. From June 1996 until May
    1998, Mr. Lang served as Chief Executive Officer of ProTrust Capital, Inc.
    ("ProTrust"), a private investment firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Lang
    is a co-manager and member of the general partners of ProTrust Properties
    IV, Ltd., ProTrust Properties V, Ltd., Hotel Investors, L.P., and ProTrust
    Equity Growth Fund I, L.P. Each of these partnerships made investments in
    hotels acquired or developed by Impac. Prior to joining ProTrust in June
    1996, Mr. Lang, an attorney, was the managing partner of Reece & Lang,
    P.S.C., a London, Kentucky law firm with offices in Atlanta.


                  MICHAEL A. LEVEN has been a director of Lodgian since the
    Merger and was a director of Servico from August 1997 until the Merger.
    Since October, 1995, Mr. Leven has been President and Chief Executive
    Officer of US Franchise Systems, Inc., which sells franchises for Hawthorne
    Suites, Best Inns and Microtel Inns hotel brands. From October 1990 until
    September 1995, Mr. Leven was President and Chief Operating Officer of
    Holiday Inn Worldwide.

                  PETER R. TYSON has been a director of Lodgian since the Merger
    and was a director of Servico from August 1992 until the Merger. From
    December 1990 to the present, Mr. Tyson has been President of Peter R. Tyson
    & Associates, Inc., a firm offering consulting services to clients in the
    hospitality industry. Prior to forming Peter R. Tyson & Associates, Inc.,
    Mr. Tyson was the partner-in-charge of the hospitality industry consulting
    practice in the Philadelphia office of the accounting and consulting firm of
    Laventhol & Horwath, with which he was associated for 20 years.

                  RICHARD H. WEINER has been a director of Lodgian since the
    Merger and was a director of Servico from August 1992 until the Merger. Mr.
    Weiner is a senior partner in the Albany, New York law firm of Cooper,
    Erving, Savage, Nolan & Heller, where he has practiced law since 1975.


                  During 1998, Servico paid non-employee directors a total
    annual retainer of $18,000, as well as a fee per board meeting or board
    committee meeting of $1,000. Mr. David Buddemeyer, who served as Chairman of
    the Board of Servico until his resignation from that Board in November 1998,
    received no compensation for serving as Servico's Chairman from January to
    November 1998.

                  In December 1998, Lodgian adopted a fee schedule for board
    members to provide for a $24,000 total annual retainer, as well as fees of
    $1,500 per board meeting, $1,000 per board committee meeting, and $500 per
    telephonic board or board committee meeting. In addition, Mr. Joseph C.
    Calabro, in lieu of the normal annual retainer and per meeting fees, is
    receiving annual director compensation of $100,000 for services rendered to
    Lodgian in his capacity as Chairman of the Office of the Chairman of the
    Board. Mr. Robert Cole, who served on Lodgian's Board of Directors from
    December 11 until December 31, 1998, received no compensation for serving as
    a member of Lodgian's Board.

                  Servico and Lodgian also reimbursed directors for expenses
    associated with attending Board and committee meetings of the respective


                 Under the Company's Stock Option Plan, each non-employee
    director is automatically granted, on the date such director's term of
    office commences and each year thereafter on the day following any annual
    meeting of stockholders (as long as such director's term as a director is
    continuing for the ensuing year), an option to acquire 5,000 shares of
    Common Stock at an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the
    Common Stock on the date of grant. All options granted to non-employee
    directors become exercisable upon grant.


                  The Boards of Directors of Servico and Lodgian collectively
    held 12 meetings during the last fiscal year. No director attended fewer
    than 75% of the total aggregate number of the respective company's meetings
    of the Board of Directors and any committee of the Board of Directors on
    which such director served during his tenure as a director or committee

                   The Board of Directors of Lodgian currently has two standing
     committees: the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee. The full
     Board of Directors currently serves as the Nominating Committee.

                  The principal functions of the Audit Committee are to review
    the Company's financial statements and management's disclosures, recommend
    to the Board of Directors the appointment of independent public accountants
    to be employed by the Company, confer with the independent public
    accountants concerning the scope of their audit and, on completion of their
    audit, review the accountants' findings and recommendations, review the
    adequacy of the Company's systems of internal accounting controls, review
    areas of possible conflicts of interest and sensitive payments and consider
    such other matters as the committee deems appropriate. The Audit Committees
    of Servico and Lodgian held three formal meetings during the last fiscal
    year. The present members of the Audit Committee are Joseph C. Calabro, John
    M. Lang, Peter R. Tyson and Richard H. Weiner.

                  The principal functions of the Compensation Committee are to
    approve or, in some cases, to recommend to the Board of Directors,
    remuneration arrangements and compensation plans involving the Company's
    directors and executive officers, review bonus criteria and bonus
    recommendations, review compensation of directors and administer the
    Company's Stock Option Plan. The Compensation Committee held one formal
    meeting during the last fiscal year. The present members of the Compensation
    Committee are John M. Lang, Michael A. Leven, Peter R. Tyson and Richard H.



               The following table sets forth certain summary information
concerning compensation paid or accrued by the Company, to or on behalf of the
Chief Executive Officer and to each of the Company's four most highly
compensated executive officers other than the Chief Executive Officer during the
year ended December 31, 1998.

                                         SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                         ANNUAL COMPENSATION                COMPENSATION
                                    ----------------------------------    --------------
                                                              OTHER       --------------
                                                              ANNUAL        SECURITIES      ALL OTHER
                                                              COMPEN-       UNDERLYING        COMPEN-
- ----------------------------- ----  ----------    --------    --------    ----------------  ----------
Robert S. Cole                1998   17,308         --          --          185,000            --
Chief Executive Officer
and President (1)

David Buddemeyer              1998  358,269         --       1,282,500 (5)       --            --   
Chairman of the Board, Chief  1997  385,000       120,000       --          400,000         2,948         
Executive Officer and         1996  350,000        96,745       --           13,500         4,726         
President (2)                                                                                         
Karyn Marasco                 1998  235,000       100,000       --               --        20,106         
Chief Operating Officer and   1997  137,269        60,000       --          125,000            --
Executive Vice President (3)                                                                          
Warren M. Knight              1998  215,000        60,000       --             --           2,500         
Chief Financial Officer and   1997  188,000        60,000       --           75,000         3,556         
Vice President--Finance       1996  170,000        46,990       --           13,500         4,844         
Peter J. Walz                 1998  157,500           --      249,909 (6)      --           2,500         
Vice President--Acquisitions  1997  150,000           --      174,700 (6)   100,000         3,793         
(4)                           1996  122,596           --      139,438 (6)    15,000         2,375         
Lawrence Carballo             1998  128,000        40,000       --             --             419         
Vice President--Corporate     1997  118,519        40,000       --           20,000         4,750         
Controller (Interim Chief     1996  110,250        15,000       --            5,000         4,750         
Financial Officer)                                                                                    
(1) Mr. Cole has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since December 11, 1998.
(2) Mr. Buddemeyer served as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of Servico until
    his resignation on November 10, 1998.
(3) Ms. Marasco's employment with Servico began in May 1997.
(4) Mr. Walz's employment with Servico began in January 1996.
(5) Represents severance payments made to Mr. Buddemeyer in connection with his separation from the Company. 
(6) Represents commission payments made to Mr. Walz. 
(7) Represents the number of shares of common stock underlying the options/SARs. 
(8) Each item included in this column represents a contribution made by Servico under its 401(k) Plan on
    behalf of the named executive based on such executive's annual elective pre-tax deferred contribution 
    (included under Salary) to such plan, except for Ms. Marasco, whose figure also includes a relocation 
    allowance of $19,687.



               The Company's Stock Option Plan provides for the issuance of
incentive stock options within the meaning of Section 422A of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Internal Revenue Code") and non-qualified stock
options not intended to meet the requirements of Section 422A of the Internal
Revenue Code. The plan is administered by a committee of the Board of Directors
which, subject to the terms of the plan, determines to whom grants are made and
the vesting, timing and amounts of such grants.

               The following table sets forth information concerning stock
option grants made during 1998 to the executive officers named in the "Summary
Compensation Table," including the potential realizable value of each grant
assuming that the market value of the Common Stock appreciates from the date of
grant to the expiration of the option at annualized rates of 5% and 10%, in each
case compounded annually over the term of the option. These assumed rates of
appreciation have been specified by the Securities and Exchange Commission for
illustration purposes only and are not intended to predict future prices of the
Common Stock. The actual future value of the options will depend on the market
value of the Common Stock.

                     STOCK OPTION GRANTS IN FISCAL YEAR 1998

                        INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                       NUMBER OF     PERCENT OF    
                      SECURITIES       TOTAL                                  POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                      UNDERLYING    OPTIONS/SARS     EXERCISE                  VALUE AT ASSUMED
NAME                    GRANTED      EMPLOYEES (%)   ($/SH)       DATE        PRICE APPRECIATION FOR OPTION
- --------------------  ------------  ------------    --------    ----------    -----------------------------
                                                                                 5% ($)        10% ($)
                                                                               ----------  -----------
Robert S. Cole(1)       185,000       24.5%           $6.125     12/11/08       712,616    1,805,909 
David Buddemeyer(2)       --           --               --          --            --          --    
Karyn Marasco             --           --               --          --            --          --    
Warren M. Knight          --           --               --          --            --          --    
Peter J. Walz             --           --               --          --            --          --                              

- ----------------------------
(1) Mr. Cole has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company
    since December 11, 1998; Mr. Cole's options were initially issued with an
    exercise price of $17.75, but were repriced on December 18, 1998 to $6.125
    (see table below regarding "10-Year Option/SAR Repricings").
(2) Mr. Buddemeyer served as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief
    Executive Officer of Servico until his resignation on November 10, 1998.


               The following table sets forth certain summary information
concerning exercised and unexercised options to purchase Servico's Common Stock
as of December 31, 1998, under Servico's Stock Option Plan held by the executive
officers named in the "Summary Compensation Table."

                                   STOCK OPTION EXERCISES IN FISCAL YEAR
                                   1998 AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                              NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED      VALUE OF UNEXERCISED IN-THE-
                                                              OPTIONS/SARS HELD AT         MONEY OPTIONS/SARS AT
                                                                FISCAL YEAR-END (#)        FISCAL YEAR-END ($)(3)
  NAME AND POSITION DURING   ACQUIRED ON       VALUE         ------------------------     ---------------------------  
  ------------------------   ------------    -----------    -----------   -------------   -----------   ------------- 
Robert S. Cole                     --         --                     --     185,000            --         --  
 Chairman of the Board,                                                                                   
 President and Chief                                                                                      
 Executive Officer(1)                                                                                     
David Buddemeyer                   --         --                270,700     252,800        78,750         --  
 Chairman of the Board,                                                                                   
 President and Chief                                                                                      
 Executive Officer(2)                                                                                     
Karyn Marasco                      --         --                 50,000      75,000            --         --  
 Chief Operating Officer                                                                                  
 and Executive Vice                                                                                       
Warren M. Knight                   --         --                130,900      55,100        69,375         --  
 Chief Financial Officer                                                                                  
 and Vice President-Finance                                                                               
Peter J. Walz                      --         --                 46,000      69,000            --         --  
 Vice President-Acquisitions                                                                              
Lawrence Carballo                  --         --                 16,400      16,600            --         --  
 Interim Chief Financial                                       

- ---------------------------

(1) Mr. Cole has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company 
    since December 11, 1998.
(2) Mr. Buddemeyer served as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief 
    Executive Officer of Servico until his resignation on November 10, 1998.
(3) The value of unexercised in-the-money options/SARs represents the number of
    options/SARs held at year-end 1998 multiplied by the difference between the
    exercise price and $4.75, the closing price of Lodgian's Common Stock at
    year-end 1998.


               The following table sets forth certain summary information
concerning the repricing of options to purchase Lodgian's Common Stock as of
December 31, 1998.

                                       10-YEAR OPTION/SAR REPRICINGS
                                       NUMBER OF       MARKET                                     LENGTH OF
                                      SECURITIES      PRICE OF       EXERCISE                       ORIGINAL   
                                      UNDERLYING      STOCK AT      PRICE AT TIME                 OPTION TERM
                                      OPTIONS/SARS     TIME OF      OF REPRICING        NEW       REMAINING AT
- ---------------------------  ----     -------------  -----------     -------------    ---------   ----------------- 
Robert S. Cole               12/18/98  185,000           4.875       17.75             6.125        10    
 Chairman of the Board,                                                                                   
 President and Chief                                                                                      
 Executive Officer(1)                                                                                     
David Buddemeyer             12/18/98        0          --           --                  --         --    
 Chairman of the Board,                                                                                   
 President and Chief                                                                                      
 Executive Officer(2)                                                                                     
Karyn Marasco                12/18/98   50,000           4.875       15.25             6.125         8.4  
 Chief Operating Officer                75,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  
 and Executive Vice                                                                                       
Warren M. Knight             12/18/98    5,000           4.875        9.50             6.125         6.4  
 Chief Financial Officer                13,500           4.875       10.75             6.125         7.1  
 and Vice President-Finance             75,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  
Peter J. Walz                12/18/98   15,000           4.875       10.75             6.125         7.1  
 Vice President-Acquisitions           100,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  
Lawrence Carballo            12/18/98    8,000           4.875        9.50             6.125         5.7  
 Interim Chief Financial                 5,000           4.875       10.75             6.125         7.1  
 Officer                                20,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  
Joseph C. Calabro            12/18/98    5,000           4.875        8.25             6.125         5.5  
 Director and Chairman of                5,000           4.875        9.5              6.125         6.4  
 the Office of the Chairman              5,000           4.875       16.125            6.125         7.4  
 of the Board                            5,000           4.875       15.25             6.125         8.4  
                                        20,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  
Michael A. Leven             12/18/98   25,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  
 Director and Member of the                                                                               
 Office of the Chairman of                                                                                
 the Board                                                                                                
Peter R. Tyson               12/18/98    5,000           4.875        8.25             6.125         5.5  
 Director                                5,000           4.875        9.5              6.125         6.4  
                                         5,000           4.875       16.125            6.125         7.4  
                                         5,000           4.875       15.25             6.125         8.4  
                                        20,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  
Richard H. Weiner            12/18/98    5,000           4.875        8.25             6.125         5.5  
 Director                                5,000           4.875        9.5              6.125         6.4  
                                         5,000           4.875       16.125            6.125         7.4  
                                         5,000           4.875       15.25             6.125         8.4  
                                        20,000           4.875       16.75             6.125         8.7  

(1) Mr. Cole has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company 
    since December 11, 1998.
(2) Mr. Buddemeyer  served as Chairman of the Board,  President and Chief 
    Executive Officer of Servico until his resignation on November 10, 1998.




               ROBERT COLE entered into an employment agreement with Lodgian
relating to his employment as President and Chief Executive Officer, as of
December 11, 1998. The employment agreement provided for a base salary subject
to increases and bonuses, in each case, at the discretion of the Board of
Directors. The base salary paid to Mr. Cole during 1998 was $17,308 (base salary
of $300,000 for the period of December 11, 1998 through year end). Mr. Cole also
receives paid health insurance, paid disability insurance and is entitled to
participate, to the extent eligible, under any benefit plans provided to other
executives of Lodgian. Mr. Cole is entitled to a minimum of four weeks paid
vacation annually. Mr. Cole's employment agreement contains provisions for
payments to Mr. Cole in the event of a change in control, as described more
fully under "--Arrangements Regarding Termination of Employment and Changes of

               DAVID BUDDEMEYER entered into an employment agreement with
Servico relating to his employment as President and Chief Operating Officer, as
of May 14, 1993. Effective December 21, 1995, Mr. Buddemeyer was elected Chief
Executive Officer of Servico and continued in that position until November 10,
1998. The employment agreement provided for a base salary subject to increases
and bonuses, in each case, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The base
salary paid to Mr. Buddemeyer during 1998 was $348,411 (base salary of $405,000
for the period of January 1, 1998 through November 10, 1998). Mr. Buddemeyer
also received paid health insurance, paid disability insurance and was entitled
to participate, to the extent eligible, under any benefit plans provided to
other executives of Servico. Mr. Buddemeyer was entitled to a minimum of four
weeks paid vacation annually.

               KARYN MARASCO entered into a three-year employment agreement with
Servico relating to her employment as Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer of Servico on May 2, 1997. On November 24, 1998, the agreement
was extended for a period of one year. This agreement was assumed by Lodgian and
is still in effect. The employment agreement provides for a base salary of
$235,000 subject to increases and bonuses in the discretion of the Board. Ms.
Marasco is also entitled to receive the benefits offered other executive
officers. Pursuant to the terms of her employment agreement, Ms. Marasco was
granted options to acquire 50,000 shares of Lodgian Common Stock with options
with respect to 10,000 of such shares vesting immediately and 10,000 vesting
annually. The employment agreement is terminable upon 30 days notice but in the
event Ms. Marasco is terminated other than "for Cause," as defined in the
agreement, she will be entitled to her base salary and benefits under the
agreement for the greater of the unexpired term or one year.



               On November 10, 1998, David Buddemeyer, Servico's Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, resigned from Servico. Servico and Lodgian paid to Mr.
Buddemeyer an aggregate severance pay equal to $1,282,500. Lodgian will continue
insurance coverage for Mr. Buddemeyer, on the same terms and conditions as would
be applicable if Mr. Buddemeyer were an active employee, under Lodgian's life
insurance, group disability benefits and similar welfare benefit plans for a
period of one year. Mr. Buddemeyer holds currently exercisable stock options to
purchase 423,500 shares of Lodgian's Common Stock which were originally granted
to him pursuant to Servico's Stock Option Plan and 100,000 stock appreciation
rights. The stock options or stock appreciation rights will continue to vest at
the same time they would have vested had Mr. Buddemeyer remained an employee of

               In addition, on February 28, 1999, Warren Knight, Lodgian's then
Chief Financial Officer, resigned and was replaced on an interim basis by
Lawrence Carballo. Lodgian paid to Mr. Knight an aggregate severance pay equal
to $350,000 and a bonus in compensation for services rendered during 1998 equal
to $60,000. Lodgian will continue insurance coverage for Mr. Knight, on the same
terms and conditions as would be applicable if Mr. Knight were an active
employee, under the Company's life insurance, group disability benefits and
similar welfare benefit plans for a period of one year. Mr. Knight holds
currently exercisable stock options to purchase 173,500 shares of Lodgian's
Common Stock which were originally granted to him pursuant to Servico's Stock
Option Plan and 12,500 stock appreciation rights. The stock options or stock
appreciation rights will continue to vest at the same time they would have
vested had Mr.
Knight remained an employee of Lodgian.

               The employment agreement between Lodgian and Mr. Cole provides
for payments to Mr. Cole in an amount equal to two and one-half times his annual
base compensation, less any other cash severance payments contractually owed to
him by Lodgian, in the event that there is either a change in the majority of
the Board of Directors or the acquisition by any individual or group of in
excess of 50% of Lodgian's outstanding Common Stock, and the duties or
responsibilities of Mr. Cole are materially diminished within 24 months


               The compensation of Lodgian's executive officers, including its
Chief Executive Officer, is determined by the Compensation Committee of
Lodgian's Board of Directors (the "Compensation Committee"). Prior to the
Merger, the Compensation Committee was composed of the three then non-employee
directors, Joseph C. Calabro, Peter R. Tyson and Richard H. Weiner. From the
Merger forward, the Compensation Committee has been composed of John M. Lang,
Michael A. Leven, Peter R. Tyson, and Richard H. Weiner.


               Lodgian's executive compensation policies are designed to provide
competitive levels of compensation that integrate pay with Lodgian's short-term
and long-term performance goals, reward corporate performance and recognize
individual initiative and achievement. It is anticipated that these policies
will help Lodgian to continue to attract and retain quality personnel and
thereby enhance Lodgian's long-term profitability and share value.

               Executive compensation ranges have been designed to be
competitive with amounts paid to senior executives at companies in the
hospitality industry which compete with Lodgian, companies which are similar in
size and profitability to Lodgian and companies with which Lodgian competes for
senior executives. Within this framework, individual executive compensation is
based on personal and corporate achievement and the individual's level of
responsibility and experience. However, in any particular year, Lodgian's
executives may be paid more or less than executives in peer companies depending
upon Lodgian's performance.


               The base salaries of Lodgian's executive officers are based in
part on comparative industry data and on various quantitative and qualitative
considerations regarding corporate and individual performance. An executive's
base salary is determined only after an assessment of his or her sustained
performance, current salary in relation to an objective salary range for the
executive's job responsibilities and his or her experience and potential for
advancement. Further, in establishing base salaries for Lodgian's executive
officers the Compensation Committee considers numerous other factors, including
the following: 

        i. Industry compensation trends; 
       ii. Cost-of-living and other local and geographic considerations; 
      iii. Consultation with other Lodgian executives; 
       iv. Hospitality industry and job-specific skills and knowledge; 
        v. Historical and expected contributions to Lodgian's performance; and 
       vi. Level, complexity, breadth and difficulty of duties.

               In establishing the base salaries of the executive officers, the
Compensation Committee was cognizant of the roles of each executive officer in
the operations of Lodgian and its predecessors. The Compensation Committee
specifically recognized the results of operations and financial condition of
Lodgian's predecessors during the prior fiscal year and the roles and
responsibilities of each of the executive officers.



               An annual bonus program has been implemented at Lodgian. The
objective of the bonus program is to: motivate and reward the accomplishment of
corporate objectives; reinforce a strong performance orientation; provide a
direct link between corporate performance and executive compensation; and
provide a fully competitive compensation package which will attract, reward and
retain individuals of the highest quality. As a performance-based plan, cash
bonus awards are required to be paid under the plan only upon the achievement of
pre-established corporate performance objectives on a quarterly and annual
basis, and no bonuses are required to be paid if the minimum established
thresholds are not met. A maximum ceiling is also established for awards under
the bonus program which is determined after consideration of Lodgian's
competitive position in the industry, assessment of long-term goals and business
performance considerations.

               Under the 1998 bonus awards program, Lodgian, and before it
Servico, agreed to allocate to a bonus pool an amount equal to a percentage of
the amount by which actual and annual cash flow (as defined in the bonus
program) exceeded budgeted cash flow for each quarter subject to a calculation
based on the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding at the time the bonus
is determined.


               Lodgian's long-term executive compensation incentives are in the
form of stock option awards and stock appreciation rights. The Compensation
Committee believes that stock option awards and stock appreciation rights are an
effective means of advancing the long-term interests of Lodgian's stockholders
by integrating executive compensation with the long-term value of Lodgian Common
Stock. Awards are granted at the prevailing market price on the date of grant
and are valuable to executives only if Lodgian Common Stock appreciates. During
1998, the Compensation Committee awarded to executive officers options to
purchase an aggregate of 185,000 shares of Lodgian Common Stock. All of such
options were granted with an exercise price equal to $6.125 per share.

               Pursuant to the Merger, former Impac employees were awarded
options to purchase Lodgian shares at $6.125 per share. In December 1998, the
Board of Directors determined that it would be in Lodgian's best interests that
all employees' options should have identical exercise prices in light of the
firm's beginning its joint effort. The Board of Directors then reset the
exercise price for options held by former Servico employees, Robert S. Cole and
the members of the Board of Directors, such that all outstanding options would
be exercisable for $6.125 per share.



               Like the other executive officers listed in the "Summary
Compensation Table," compensation for 1998 for both David Buddemeyer, Servico's
President and Chief Executive Officer prior to the Merger, and Robert Cole,
Lodgian's President and Chief Executive Officer, consisted primarily of a base
salary and a discretionary bonus based on corporate performance.

               Servico's Compensation Committee determined Mr. Buddemeyer's
compensation for 1998 after considering many factors, including those factors
described above under "--Base Compensation" applicable to all executives.
Additionally, the Servico Compensation Committee focused on Mr. Buddemeyer's
role in the continuing profitability of Servico. In establishing Mr.
Buddemeyer's compensation, the Servico Compensation Committee also took
particular note of the continued improvement in Servico's financial condition,
Servico's successful secondary offering and Servico's growth during the prior

               Lodgian's Compensation Committee determined Mr. Cole's
compensation for 1998 based on the expectation that Mr. Cole would act as
Lodgian's President. Upon David Buddemeyer's resignation from the position of
Chief Executive Officer of Servico, Mr. Cole agreed to serve as Chief Executive
Officer of Lodgian upon consummation of the Merger, and Mr. Cole's compensation
was modestly increased in consideration of Mr. Cole's expanded role.

               Submitted by,

               John M. Lang
               Michael A. Leven
               Peter R. Tyson
               Richard H. Weiner



               Set forth below is a graph comparing the cumulative total
stockholder return on Lodgian's Common Stock with the Dow Jones Equity Market
Index and the Dow Jones Lodging Index. The Lodgian Common Stock traded on the
American Stock Exchange under the symbol "SER" from August 18, 1992 until June
18, 1997 and thereafter traded on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") until
December 11, 1998, at which time the symbol was changed to "LOD". The graph
assumes an investment of $100.00 on December 31, 1993 in (i) Lodgian's Common
Stock, (ii) the stocks comprising the Dow Jones Equity Market Index and (iii)
the Dow Jones Lodging Index.

                            LODGIAN PERFORMANCE GRAPH

                          December 1994-December 1998

                              [Performance Graph]

               DEC-94      DEC-95      DEC-96       DEC-97       DEC-98
               ------      ------      ------       ------       ------
  Lodgian       $148        $156        $239         $250         $ 72
  Lodging       $108        $130        $157         $219         $167
  Equity        $101        $139        $171         $229         $294



               The following parties had a direct or indirect material interest
in transactions with the Company since the beginning of its most recently
completed fiscal year and such transactions are described below.

               Mr. Cole is a minority shareholder of Impac Hotel Development
("IHD"), which provided acquisition and property development services to Impac
for a development fee of 4% of the total project cost of each property acquired
or developed. Impac agreed to terminate this agreement prior to the consummation
of the Merger so that Impac and its subsidiaries will have no further
obligations under the agreement after the Merger other than the payment of up to
a 4% development fee (not to exceed $2.5 million in the aggregate) in the event
Lodgian acquires or develops any of the hotels or properties identified in the
merger agreement as Impac's acquisition and development pipeline.

               IHD had contracted with Elegant Interiors, LLC ("Elegant"), an
entity wholly owned by Sheila Lang (the spouse of John M. Lang) to provide
interior design consulting services. In the event IHD, or its assignee, receives
payment of the above-referenced development fees, IHD, or its assignee, will pay
Elegant accrued consulting fees (not to exceed $250,000) with respect to any of
the hotels or properties identified in the merger agreement as being in Impac's
acquisition pipeline.


               Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires
Lodgian's directors, executive officers and 10% stockholders to file reports of
ownership and reports of changes in ownership of Lodgian's Common Stock and
other equity securities with the SEC and the NYSE. Directors, executive officers
and 10% stockholders are required to furnish Lodgian with copies of all Section
16(a) forms they file. Based on a review of the copies of such reports furnished
to it, Lodgian believes that during 1998, Lodgian's directors, executive
officers and 10% stockholders complied with all Section 16(a) filing
requirements applicable to them.


                During 1998, through the time of the Merger, the following
directors served on the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors: Joseph
C. Calabro, Peter R. Tyson and Richard H. Weiner. Following the Merger, the
following directors served on the Compensation Committee: John M. Lang, Michael
A. Leven, Peter R. Tyson and Richard H. Weiner. None of such persons is or has
been an executive officer of the Company, and no interlocking relationships
exist between any such person and the directors or executive officers of any
other Company.



               A majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock, represented
in person or by proxy, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at
the Annual Meeting. A stockholder who abstains from voting on any or all
proposals will be included in the number of stockholders present at the meeting
for the purpose of determining the presence of a quorum. However, an abstention
with respect to the election of the Class I director will not be counted either
in favor of or against the election of the nominee. Brokers who hold shares for
the account of their clients may vote such shares either as directed by their
clients or in their own discretion if permitted by the exchange or other
organization of which they are members. Accordingly, broker non-votes will have
no affect on the vote.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

               The Board of Directors does not intend to bring any other
business before the meeting, and as far as is known by the Board, no matters are
to be brought before the meeting except as disclosed in the Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders. However, as to any other business which may properly
come before the meeting, it is intended that proxies, in the form enclosed, will
be voted in respect thereof in accordance with the judgment of the persons
voting such proxies.

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

               The Board of Directors has appointed the firm of Ernst & Young
LLP, independent certified public accountants, to be Lodgian's auditors for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 1999. Ernst & Young also served as Lodgian's
independent certified public accountants for the fiscal year ended December 31,
1998. Representatives of Ernst & Young are expected to be present at the
meeting, will have the opportunity to make a statement, if they desire to do so,
and will be available to respond to appropriate questions from stockholders.


               A copy of Lodgian's 1998 Annual Report, including audited
financial statements, was sent to all stockholders of Lodgian along with this
Proxy Statement.


                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

               The proxy accompanying this Proxy Statement is solicited by the
Lodgian Board of Directors. Proxies may be solicited by officers, directors and
regular supervisory and executive employees of Lodgian, none of whom will
receive any additional compensation for their services. Such solicitations may
be made personally, or by mail, facsimile, telephone, telegraph or messenger.
Lodgian may reimburse brokers and other persons holding shares in their names or
in the names of nominees for expenses in sending proxy materials to beneficial
owners and obtaining proxies from such owners. Lodgian has engaged Corporate
Investor Communications, Inc. to coordinate the solicitation of proxies by or
through brokers, banks and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for a fee
of $4,750. All of the costs of solicitation of proxies will be paid by Lodgian.


               Lodgian's Bylaws have an advance notice procedure for
stockholders to bring business before an annual meeting of stockholders. The
advance notice procedure requires that a stockholder interested in presenting a
proposal for action at the 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders must deliver a
written notice of the proposal, together with certain specified information
relating to such stockholder's stock ownership and identity, to Lodgian's
Secretary not earlier than March 25 nor later than April 25, 2000.

               Stockholders' proposals intended to be included in Lodgian's
proxy statement and form of proxy for the 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
must be received by Lodgian no later than 120 days prior to the anniversary date
of the first notice of the 1999 Annual Meeting, or December 31, 1999.

                                       By order of the Board of Directors,

                                       /s/ Robert M. Flanders 
                                       Robert M. Flanders
                                       Assistant Secretary

Dated: May 11, 1999



                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    THE UNDERSIGNED
                                                    ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE
                                                    ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF
                                                    ANNUAL MEETING OF
                                                    STOCKHOLDERS AND THE PROXY
                                                    STATEMENT FOR THE JUNE
                                                    25, 1999 MEETING.
                                                    Dated:_______________, 1999
                                                    Signature of Stockholder(s)
                                                    Print Name(s) Here        
                                                    (Please sign exactly as
                                                    name or names appear
                                                    hereon. Full title of one
                                                    signing in representative
                                                    capacity should be clearly
                                                    designated after signature.
                                                    Names of all joint holders
                                                    should be written even if
                                                    signed by only one.)


                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE

                                 LODGIAN, INC.

                 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS -- JUNE 25, 1999

  The undersigned stockholder of Lodgian, Inc. ("Lodgian") hereby appoints
  Robert S. Cole and Robert M. Flanders, and each of them, the undersigned's
  proxies, with full power of substitution, to vote all shares of Common Stock
  of Lodgian which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally
  present at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on Friday, June 25,
  1999, commencing at 9:30 a.m. local time, at The Resource Forum, 3340
  Peachtree Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30326 and at any adjournments or
  postponements thereof, to the same extent and with the same power as if the
  undersigned were personally present at said meeting or such adjournments or
  postponements thereof and, without limiting the generality of the power
  hereby conferred, the proxy nominees named above and each of them are
  specifically directed to vote as indicated below.


  If there are amendments or variations to the matters proposed at the meeting
  or at any adjournments or postponements thereof, or if any other business
  properly comes before the meeting, this proxy confers discretionary
  authority on the proxy nominees named herein and each of them to vote on
  such amendments, variations or other business.

  1. Election of Peter R. Tyson as a Class I Director

   [ ] FOR the nominee listed           [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for the
                                            nominee listed

           (Continued, and to be signed and dated on the other side.)