DATED 22 DECEMBER 1999

                         GLYCYX PHARMACEUTICALS, LTD (1)

                                  ASTRA AB (2)



             The information below marked by [ * ] has been omitted
      pursuant to a request for confidential treatment filed with the SEC.

AGREEMENT dated  22 December 1999


(1)      GLYCYX PHARMACEUTICALS, LTD a company incorporated under the laws of
         Bermuda (company registration number EC17200) and whose registered
         office is at Milner House, 18 Parliament Street, Hamilton, HM12,
         Bermuda ("GLYCYX"); and

(2)      ASTRA AB a company incorporated under the laws of Sweden (company
         registration number 556011-7482) and whose principal place of business
         is at SE-151 85 Sodertalje, Sweden and which is in the process of
         changing its name to AstraZeneca AB ("ASTRA").


A.       Biorex Laboratories Limited ("BIOREX") has developed a therapeutic
         pharmaceutical product for treatment and maintenance of colitis based
         upon the compound Balsalazide and by an agreement between Biorex and
         Glycyx dated 17 September 1992 (replacing an earlier agreement dated 18
         March 1992) Biorex granted to Glycyx the exclusive right and licence to
         manufacture, use and sell products incorporating Balsalazide.

B.       On 21 September 1992, Glycyx and Astra entered into (i) a Research and
         Development Agreement (the "RESEARCH AGREEMENT") under which they
         agreed to collaborate in a programme of product development and
         creation of a master dossier for submission to regulatory authorities
         and (ii) a Distribution Agreement (the "DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT")
         whereby Glycyx granted to Astra the exclusive sales right in respect of
         Balsalazide in all countries in the World, excluding Italy, Spain,
         Portugal, Greece, USA, Japan, Taiwan and Korea.

C.       Glycyx and Astra have agreed (i) to confirm the termination of the
         Research Agreement; and (ii) to terminate the Distribution Agreement,
         upon the terms set out in this Agreement.

D.       Astra has agreed for a limited period of time to continue to distribute
         Balsalazide in the territories of United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark
         only, upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


NOW IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1 In this Agreement the following words shall have the following meanings:

              "APPLICATIONS" means use for the treatment of and the maintenance
              of remission of ulcerative colitis in humans.

              "ASSOCIATE" means in relation to each Party any company which is a
              holding company or subsidiary of such Party and any other
              subsidiary of any such holding company or subsidiary and for this

              (i) a company shall be deemed to be a "subsidiary" of another if
              that other either:

                           (a)     is a member of it and controls the
                                   composition of its board of directors (and
                                   for such purpose the composition of a
                                   company's board of directors is deemed to be
                                   controlled by another company if that other
                                   company by the exercise of some power
                                   exerciseable by it without the consent or
                                   concurrence of any other person can appoint
                                   or remove all or a majority of the
                                   directors); or

                           (b)     holds more than half in nominal value of its
                                   equity share capital; and

              (ii) a company is deemed to be another's holding company if the
              other is its subsidiary.

              "ASTRA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" means any information, data and
              know-how of a confidential or proprietary nature, whether oral,
              written or in any other form, owned by or within the control of
              Astra or any Astra Associate as at the Effective Date or otherwise
              during the term of this Agreement relating to the development,
              formulation, manufacture, sale or use of Balsalazide or the
              Product, including for the


              avoidance of doubt all such information in respect of any Astra
              Intellectual Property, Astra Product Information and Astra
              Regulatory Data.

              "ASTRA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means all know-how, copyright,
              patents (or applications therefor) (other than the Astra Patents)
              and other intellectual property rights owned by or within the
              control of Astra or any Astra Associate as at the Effective Date
              or otherwise during the term of this Agreement relating to
              Balsalazide, the Product or any formulation of Balsalazide or the
              Product or any process for the manufacture or formulation of
              Balsalazide or the Product, including any intellectual property
              rights owned by or within the control of Astra or any Astra
              Associate in Astra Product Information and Astra Regulatory Data
              but excluding only any such rights in respect of any Astra
              proprietary name or logo.

              "ASTRA IP INFORMATION" means Astra Confidential Information
              relating exclusively to the Astra Intellectual Property or
              contained in the Astra Product Information and Astra Regulatory

              "ASTRA PATENTS" means the patent and applications for patent
              listed in Schedule 2.

              "ASTRA PRODUCT INFORMATION" means (in written or in any other
              form, including electronic format):

              (i)   correspondence with the Regulatory Authorities relating to
                    Balsalazide or the Product;

              (ii)  marketing information used to support the marketing and
                    distribution of Balsalazide or the Product (including,
                    without limitation, sales training materials, promotional
                    materials and customer lists);

              (iii) manufacturing know-how relating to the manufacture of
                    Balsalazide or the Product; and

              (iv)  information relating exclusively to the prosecution and
                    maintenance of the Astra Patents,

              owned by or within the control of Astra or any Astra Associate as
              at the Effective Date or otherwise during the term of this


              "ASTRA REGULATORY DATA" means any documents or data filed or
              required to be filed (either written or in any other form,
              including electronic format) in connection with the Product
              Registrations and any adverse event database in respect of the
              Product owned by or within the control of Astra or any Astra
              Associate as at the Effective Date or otherwise during the term of
              this Agreement.

              "ASTRA TERRITORY" means the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark.

              "BALSALAZIDE" means 5-[4 (2- carboxyethylcarbamoyl) - phenylazo] -
              salicylic acid including all salts, primary metabolites, or
              isomers thereof.

              "BIOREX" means Biorex Laboratories Limited a company incorporated
              in England under Company Registration Number 390233 whose
              registered office is at 2 Crossfield Chambers, Gladbeck Way,
              Enfield, Middlesex EN2 7HT.

              "BIOREX AGREEMENT" means the agreement between Biorex and Glycyx
              dated 17 September 1992 (replacing an earlier agreement dated 18
              March 1992) as amended from time to time in accordance with its

              "BIOREX/ASTRA AGREEMENTS" means two agreements entered into
              between Biorex and Astra dated 21 September 1992 and 30 April 1993
              respectively as amended from time to time in accordance with their

              "DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT" means the Distribution Agreement between
              Glycyx and Astra AB dated 21 September 1992 as amended from time
              to time in accordance with its terms or otherwise varied by
              agreement in writing between the Parties.

              "EFFECTIVE DATE" means 22 December 1999.

              "FORCE MAJEURE" means in relation to either Party any
              circumstances beyond the reasonable control of that Party,
              including strike, lock out or other form of industrial action, act
              of God, war, riot, accident, breakdown in plant or machinery,
              fire, flood, explosion or government action.

              "GLYCYX CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" means any information, data and
              know-how of


              a confidential or proprietary nature, whether oral, written or in
              any other form, disclosed by or on behalf of Glycyx (or any Glycyx
              Associate) to Astra (or any Astra Associate) under or in
              connection with the Research Agreement, the Distribution Agreement
              or this Agreement or otherwise, relating to the development,
              formulation, manufacture, sale or use of Balsalazide or the
              Product and, with effect from the Effective Date, all information,
              data and know-how of a confidential or proprietary nature relating
              to the Astra Patents insofar as it relates exclusively to

              "GLYCYX INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means all know-how, copyright and
              other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Glycyx
              relating to the Product (excluding only the Patents and Trade

              "GLYCYX TERRITORY" means all the countries in the world excluding
              Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, United States of America, Japan,
              Taiwan and Korea and excluding the Astra Territory.

               "NET RECEIPTS" means

                          (A) all capital sums, royalties, fees, commissions or
                          other consideration in money or money's worth received
                          by Glycyx or any Glycyx Associate from a Third Party
                          Licensee in respect of rights granted by Glycyx or
                          such Associate to such Third Party Licensee in or to
                          products containing Balsalazide excluding (for the
                          avoidance of doubt) sums paid in respect of
                          prospective bona fide research and development costs
                          and sales receipts for products sold to Third Party
                          Licensees; and

                          (B) net profit made by Glycyx or any Glycyx Associate
                          on the sale of products containing Balsalazide to such
                          Third Party Licensee provided that "NET PROFIT" shall
                          be calculated as the aggregate gross invoice price of
                          product sold to such Third Party Licensee on arm's
                          length terms after deducting the following items to
                          the extent they are actually paid or allowed:

                          (i) Sales or value added or other direct taxes
                          actually incurred and paid in connection with the sale
                          or delivery of product to such


                          Third Party Licensee;

                          (ii) Normal discounts actually granted;

                          (iii) Credit actually allowed for product returned or
                          not accepted by such Third Party Licensee;

                          (iv) Rebates, chargebacks and other post-sale
                          performance-related rebates and retroactive price
                          reductions; LESS

                          (v) all costs incurred by Glycyx in the manufacture
                          and supply of the product to such Third Party
                          Licensee; and

                          (vi) all sums payable by Glycyx to Biorex in respect
                          of such product under the Biorex Agreement.

               Provided that:

                          (vii) for the avoidance of doubt "net profit" shall
                          not include any sums received by Glycyx under
                          subclause (A) above; and

                          (viii) where product is sold on other than arm's
                          length basis and the gross invoice price is less than
                          would be achieved on normal trade terms then the gross
                          invoice price for the purpose of this Clause shall be
                          deemed to be the price that would have been achieved
                          had the product been sold on an arm's length basis.
                          Product supplied and used in clinical trials or for
                          other research and development purposes or for
                          commercial sampling shall be ignored for the purpose
                          of calculating Net Receipts; and

                          (ix) for the purpose of calculating the Net Receipts
                          on bundled products, deductions shall be apportioned
                          across all products in the bundle on a fair and
                          reasonable basis Provided that the percentage rebate
                          or discount apportioned to the product


                          containing Balsalazide shall not exceed the percentage
                          rebate or discount applied in total to the bundled
                          products. Similarly the total price payable for a
                          bundled product shall be apportioned between product
                          containing Balsalazide and other product within the
                          bundle on a fair and reasonable basis; and

                          (x) in the event that Glycyx or its Associate sells
                          product containing Balsalazide to a Third Party
                          Licensee who also purchases other products or services
                          from Glycyx or its Associates and if Glycyx or its
                          Associate discounts the purchase price of the product
                          containing Balsalazide to a greater degree than Glycyx
                          or its Associate, respectively, generally discounts
                          the price of its other products or services to such
                          customer then in such case the Net Receipts for the
                          sale of product containing Balsalazide to such Third
                          Party Licensee shall be calculated by applying the
                          weighted average discount granted by Glycyx or its
                          Associate to such customer. For the purposes of this
                          provision "discounting" includes establishing the list
                          price at a lower than normal level.

              "NET SALES PRICE" means the gross invoice price of each Product
              sold to an independent third party on arm's length terms by Astra
              or any Astra Associate after deducting the following items to the
              extent they are actually paid or allowed:

                          (i) Sales or value added or other direct taxes
                          actually incurred and paid in connection with the sale
                          or delivery of Product to such third parties;

                          (ii) Normal discounts actually granted;

                          (iii) Credit actually allowed for Product returned or
                          not accepted by customers;

                          (iv) Rebates, chargebacks and other post-sale
                          performance-related rebates and retroactive price

              Provided that:


                          (v) where Product is sold on other than arm's length
                          basis and the gross invoice price is less than would
                          be achieved on normal trade terms then the gross
                          invoice price for the purpose of this Clause shall be
                          deemed to be the price that would have been achieved
                          had the Product been sold on an arm's length basis.
                          Product supplied and used in clinical trials or for
                          other research and development purposes or for
                          commercial sampling shall be ignored for the purpose
                          of calculating Net Sales Price; and

                          (vi) for the purpose of calculating the Net Sales
                          Price on bundled products, deductions shall be
                          apportioned across all products in the bundle on a
                          fair and reasonable basis Provided that the percentage
                          rebate or discount apportioned to the Product shall
                          not exceed the percentage rebate or discount applied
                          in total to the bundled products. Similarly the total
                          price payable for a bundled product shall be
                          apportioned between Product and other product within
                          the bundle on a fair and reasonable basis; and

                          (vii) in the event that Astra or its Associate sells
                          Product to a third party who also purchases other
                          products or services from Astra or its Associates and
                          if Astra or its Associate discounts the purchase price
                          of the Product to a greater degree than Astra or its
                          Associate, respectively, generally discounts the price
                          of its other products or services to such customer
                          then in such case the Net Sales Price for the sale of
                          Product to such third party shall be calculated by
                          applying the weighted average discount granted by
                          Astra or its Associate to such customer. For the
                          purposes of this provision "discounting" includes
                          establishing the list price at a lower than normal

              "PATENTS" means the patents and applications for patents relating
              to Balsalazide listed in Schedule 1, all patent applications which
              may hereafter be filed by or on behalf of the owners of such
              patents or patent applications or by Glycyx or its Associates and
              which either are based on or claim priority from any of the said
              patents or patent applications and all patents which may be
              granted pursuant to any of such patent applications and any
              Supplemental Protection Certificate(s) relating to Balsalazide and
              any such patents or patent applications.


              "PRODUCT" means a pharmaceutical preparation in capsule form
              containing Balsalazide for the Applications.

              "PRODUCT REGISTRATIONS" means all product licenses or approvals,
              marketing approvals and pricing or reimbursement approvals granted
              to Astra or any Astra Associate by any Regulatory Authority or any
              applications (whether prepared, but not submitted, pending or
              withdrawn or rejected) for any of the same in respect of the

              "REGULATORY AUTHORITY" means any body responsible for the grant of
              product licences or approvals, marketing approvals or pricing or
              reimbursement approvals or for determination of Good Manufacturing
              Practice within Europe.

              "RESEARCH AGREEMENT" means the Research and Development Agreement
              between Glycyx and Astra dated 21 September 1992 as amended from
              time to time in accordance with its terms or otherwise varied by
              agreement in writing between the Parties.

              "SALIX" means Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc a company incorporated
              under the laws of California, whose registered office is at 3600
              W. Bayshore Road, Suite 205, Palo Alto, California 94303 USA, a
              Glycyx Associate.

              "THIRD PARTY LICENSEE" means a third party (whether or not a
              licensee) granted rights by Glycyx or any Glycyx Associate to
              distribute, market and/or sell any product containing Balsalazide
              in any part of the Glycyx Territory and/or the Astra Territory.

              "TRADE MARK" means each and all of:

                          (i) the trade mark "Colazide" registered as a trade
                          mark for use on pharmaceutical preparations in the
                          United Kingdom;

                          (ii) the trade mark "Colazid" registered as a trade
                          mark for use on pharmaceutical preparations in Sweden;


                          (iii) the trade mark "Colazid" and "Premid" each
                          registered as a trade mark for use on pharmaceutical
                          preparations in Denmark.

1.2           In this Agreement, where appropriate, words denoting the masculine
              gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders and vice
              versa; words denoting a singular number shall include the plural
              and vice versa; references to the definite article shall include
              the indefinite article and vice versa; references to persons shall
              include firms, companies and other organisations and vice versa;
              and words such as "include" or "including" are to be construed
              without limiting the generality of the preceding words.

1.3           In this Agreement, references to the Parties shall mean Glycyx and

1.4           In this Agreement, references to requirements of law shall include
              the requirement of any applicable court or arbitral order or any
              applicable and relevant regulatory body.

1.5           The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall
              not affect its interpretation.


2.1           Upon the Effective Date each of the Research Agreement and the
              Distribution Agreement and all (if any) other agreements between
              the Parties and/or their Associates relating to Balsalazide and/or
              products containing Balsalazide throughout the world excluding
              only the USA, shall terminate, and, save only in respect of any
              claim under the provisions of Clause 9 or 16 of the Distribution
              Agreement in respect of Product delivered prior to the Effective
              Date or in respect of any claim concerning a breach of the
              provisions of Clause 17 of the Distribution Agreement occurring
              prior to the Effective Date ("a Product Claim"):

              2.1.1 each Party hereby releases the other Party, its
                    predecessors, successors, assigns and its present and former
                    officers, directors, partners, shareholders, employees,
                    agents, parent companies and Associates from any and all
                    past, present and future claims, demands, obligations,
                    liabilities and causes of action of any kind or nature,
                    whether known or unknown, accrued or unaccrued
                    (collectively, "Claims") whatsoever relating to or


                    arising under, out of, or in connection with such agreements
                    or the termination of such agreements Provided Always that
                    neither Party hereby releases the other from any Claims
                    arising under the terms of this Agreement or from any
                    Product Claim; and

              2.1.2 each Party to this Agreement covenants and agrees not to
                    commence, aid, prosecute or cause to be commenced or
                    prosecuted any action or other proceeding based upon any
                    claims, demands, obligations, or causes of action relating
                    to, arising under, out of, or in connection with the matters
                    subject to mutual release as set out in Clause 2.1.1; and

              2.1.3 the provisions of this Clause 2 and other provisions of this
                    Agreement are in part a compromise and settlement of claims
                    and are not intended to be, nor shall be construed as, any
                    admission of liability or wrongdoing by any Party hereto or
                    any other person or entity.

2.2           Termination of the Distribution Agreement shall not terminate the
              continuing obligations of Astra to Glycyx:-

              2.2.1 to make payment in respect of deliveries of Product effected
                    prior to the Effective Date; and

              2.2.2 to account in accordance with the provisions of Clause 14.4
                    of the Distribution Agreement for the Trade Mark license fee
                    in respect of all Product bearing the Trade Mark supplied by
                    Glycyx to Astra (or any Astra Associate) prior to the
                    Effective Date (whether supplied by Astra or any Astra
                    Associate to any third party either before or after the
                    Effective Date).


              2.3.1 It is acknowledged that Glycyx is currently seeking a
                    marketing partner to assume development, distribution,
                    marketing and sale of the Product in the Glycyx Territory
                    and, subject always to the terms of this Agreement, in the
                    Astra Territory. Astra undertakes to provide Glycyx with
                    reasonable and timely access to relevant employees of Astra
                    and any Astra


                    Associate who are familiar with Balsalazide and the Product
                    or otherwise have material information in connection with

                            (a)    the development, formulation, manufacturing,
                                   distribution, marketing and sale of
                                   Balsalazide or Product; or

                            (b)    the Product Registrations

              to assist in a smooth transfer of development, distribution,
              marketing and sales rights to Glycyx or any such new marketing
              partner of Glycyx, in respect of the Glycyx Territory and the
              Astra Territory and to assist in a smooth transfer of all Product
              Registrations and in connection with matters arising in respect of
              such Product Registrations prior to the date of transfer, such
              access to be free of charge except that Glycyx shall bear any
              travel, hotel or other out of pocket expenses reasonably and
              solely incurred by Astra in providing such assistance.

              2.3.2 The Parties shall establish a Joint Committee to liaise
                    regularly and to coordinate the access to and assistance of
                    Astra under Clause 2.3.1 and in respect of the matters
                    specified in Clause 4. Such Committee shall meet in Sweden
                    or London, unless otherwise agreed, and shall liaise
                    regularly by telephone and other communication. It is
                    proposed that the initial members of the Joint Committee
                    shall be:

              Astra:                David Price, Gunilla Nygard, Paul Brennan

              Glycyx:      John Brough, Lorin Johnson, Randy Hamilton.

              Each Party shall use reasonable endeavours to maintain effective
              membership of the committee and, if a person shall cease to be a
              member of the committee, shall replace him with a suitably
              qualified replacement.

2.4           Astra hereby warrants and undertakes that:

2.4.1         the Product has been launched under the terms of the Distribution
              Agreement only in the Astra Territory and only under the Trade
              Marks and has not prior to


              the Effective Date been sold or supplied by Astra or any Astra
              Associate otherwise than for the purposes of clinical development
              outside the Astra Territory; and

              2.4.2 Astra (or any Astra Associate) has applied for and obtained
                    only such Product Registrations as are specified on the full
                    and complete list to be provided by Astra to Glycyx within
                    10 days of the Effective Date.

2.5           Astra undertakes to deliver to Glycyx as at the Effective Date
              duly executed for and on behalf of Astra a letter addressed to
              Biorex in the agreed form in connection with the Biorex/Astra
              Agreements and Glycyx undertakes to deliver to Astra as at the
              Effective Date a copy of such letter in the agreed form
              countersigned by Biorex confirming its unconditional acceptance of
              the terms of such letter with effect from the Effective Date.

              3. GRANT OF RIGHTS

3.1           With effect from the Effective Date and in accordance with the
              terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, Glycyx hereby
              appoints Astra as its distributor for the Product within and
              throughout the Astra Territory only.
3.2           The rights granted hereunder to Astra shall be in respect of the
              Product only and Astra shall have no rights in respect of any
              indications or applications for Balsalazide other than the


4.1           Astra undertakes within 60 (sixty) days of the Effective Date to
              deliver free of charge to Glycyx (or as it may direct) copies of
              all Astra Product Information and Astra Regulatory Data Provided
              that Astra shall be entitled to make deletions from such copies of
              information subject to applicable confidentiality privileges or
              required for the protection of proprietary information of Astra
              not related to the development, formulation, manufacture,
              commercialisation, sale or use of Balsalazide or the Product.


4.2           Astra hereby undertakes to assign to Glycyx free of any charge or
              payment and free of any third party right, claim or license in
              respect of all or any part thereof all its rights in and to the
              Product Registrations relating to any part of the world excluding
              only the USA and the Astra Territory. Astra undertakes to provide
              to Glycyx free of charge such assistance as may be reasonably
              required in connection with the transfer of such Product
              Registrations. In the case of non-European Union countries the
              Parties shall seek to effect such transfers as soon as practicable
              and not later than 31 March 2000. In the case of European Union
              countries, the transfers shall be effected not later than the last
              date of transfer of the Product Registrations in the Astra
              Territory. In the case of any country where the Product
              Registration is pending, prior to the transfer being effected it
              shall be the responsibility of Glycyx to prepare and compile all
              data required for responses to the Regulatory Authority and Astra
              shall file such responses with the Regulatory Authority.

4.3           In respect of Astra Intellectual Property which relates
              exclusively to Balsalazide or the Product, forthwith on the
              Effective Date Astra hereby assigns to Glycyx free of any charge
              or payment, and free of any third party right, claim or license in
              respect of all or any part thereof, all its right, title and
              interest therein and Glycyx on the Effective Date hereby grants to
              Astra a non-exclusive royalty-free perpetual licence to use the
              same (with the right to sub-license) Provided that Astra shall not
              prior to 30 September 2012 use the same or grant to any other
              person any right to use the same in any manner in connection with
              Balsalazide or the Product except in the exercise of its rights
              and performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

4.4           In respect of Astra Intellectual Property which does not relate
              exclusively to Balsalazide or the Product, forthwith on the
              Effective Date Astra hereby grants to Glycyx a royalty-free
              perpetual license to use the same in the development, manufacture,
              formulation, use or exploitation of Balsalazide and/or the Product
              only (with the right to sub-license) and Astra undertakes that it
              will not prior to 30 September 2012 use the same or grant to any
              other person any right to use the same in the development,
              manufacture , formulation, use or exploitation of Balsalazide
              and/or the Product except in the exercise of its rights and
              performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

4.5           Astra hereby undertakes to Glycyx with effect from the Effective
              Date that it will not prior to 30 September 2012 use or grant to
              any other person any right to use the Astra IP


              Information in any manner in connection with Balsalazide or the
              Product except in the exercise of its rights and performance of
              its obligations under this Agreement.

4.6           Each Party undertakes to execute such further documents in
              connection with such assignment or licensing of the Astra
              Intellectual Property or the transfer of the Product Registrations
              under Clause 4.2 as may reasonably be required from time to time
              by the other Party.

4.7           Forthwith on the Effective Date, Astra hereby assigns to Glycyx
              the Astra Patents free of any third party license. Astra
              undertakes to execute such further documents as Glycyx shall
              reasonably require for the purpose of assigning the Astra Patents
              to Glycyx or its designee, all external costs relating to the
              assignment of the Astra Patents and registration of Glycyx or its
              designee as the proprietor thereof being borne by Glycyx. It is
              agreed that Glycyx shall have no obligation to take any assignment
              of any Astra Patent and that from the Effective Date neither Party
              shall have any obligation to maintain the Astra Patents in force
              Provided that forthwith on the Effective Date Astra shall notify
              Glycyx in writing of any time deadlines in respect of the
              prosecution or maintenance of the Astra Patents which will occur
              on or prior to 29 February 2000 and shall at Glycyx's written
              request pay any renewal fees or other sums which shall be payable
              to the patent registration authorities in relation to such
              deadlines, and such sums shall be repayable by Glycyx to Astra
              within 14 days of written demand. For so long as the Astra Patents
              remain in force Glycyx hereby grants to Astra a non-exclusive
              royalty-free license under the Astra Patents (with the right to
              sub-license) to manufacture, sell and use any products other than
              products containing Balsalazide.

4.8           Astra warrants as at the Effective Date that so far as its Patent
              Department is aware:

              4.8.1 such Patent Department has not received any written notice
                    alleging that the Astra Patents infringe any rights of any
                    third party;

              4.8.2 such Patent Department has not received any written
                    notification indicating that any Astra Patent application
                    has been rejected; and

              4.8.3 all actions and payments required prior to the Effective
                    Date in connection with the


                    prosecution, maintenance or renewal of the Astra Patents
                    have been taken or made in accordance with the requirements
                    of any relevant authority.

              Save only as expressly provided in Clauses 4.7 and 4.8, Astra
              gives no warranty or representation as to the validity or value of
              the Astra Patents or Astra Intellectual Property.

4.9           Subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, including
              without limitation Clauses 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and Clause 14 the
              Parties hereby acknowledge and agree that nothing contained in
              this Agreement or in any agreements terminated under Clause 2.1
              shall limit or prevent or hinder in any manner the ability of
              either Party to compete with the other Party in the Astra
              Territory and the Glycyx Territory or to pursue any and all
              activities in connection with the development and/or
              commercialisation of one or more products that may compete with
              Balsalazide or the Products.


5.1           Glycyx shall maintain or cause to be maintained a database of all
              adverse and other reactions or events in connection with the
              Product occurring in any part of the Glycyx Territory and shall
              use reasonable commercial endeavours to procure that any such
              adverse and other reactions are notified to it in a timely manner
              by any sub-licensee and/or distributor of the Product.

5.2           Astra shall maintain a database of all adverse and other reactions
              or events in connection with the Product occurring within the
              Astra Territory and shall use all reasonable commercial endeavours
              to procure that any such adverse and other reactions are notified
              to it in a timely manner by its sub-licensees and/or distributors
              of the Product in the Astra Territory.

5.3           Astra undertakes to notify Glycyx:

              5.3.1 forthwith (or in any event in sufficient time to allow
                    Glycyx to report such information in compliance with
                    applicable law) in the event that it becomes aware of any
                    serious or previously unknown adverse reaction


                    or contra indications to the Product; and

              5.3.2 on a quarterly basis (within three months of the end of each
                    quarter) (or in any event in sufficient time to allow Glycyx
                    to report such information in compliance with applicable
                    law) of other adverse reactions or contra indications to the

5.4           Glycyx undertakes to notify Astra:

              5.4.1 forthwith (or in any event in sufficient time to allow Astra
                    to report such information in compliance with applicable
                    law) in the event that it becomes aware of any serious or
                    previously unknown adverse reaction or contra indications to
                    the Product; and

              5.4.2 on a quarterly basis (within three months of the end of each
                    quarter) (or in the event in sufficient time to allow Astra
                    to report such information in compliance with applicable
                    law) of other adverse reactions or contra indications to the

5.5           In the event that Glycyx or any third party shall conduct clinical
              studies in support of any promotional or marketing activities of
              Glycyx or such third party in respect of the Product within the
              Astra Territory or the Glycyx Territory, Glycyx shall use
              reasonable endeavours to grant or procure the grant to Astra of
              full unrestricted access to the results of such trials so that
              Astra shall be entitled to use such results in connection with the
              marketing, sale and use of the Product in the Astra Territory

              6. ASTRA'S UNDERTAKINGS

6.1           Astra shall use reasonable commercial endeavours to distribute the
              Product in the Astra Territory. Astra shall not disparage
              Balsalazide or the Product to any material extent and shall use
              all reasonable endeavours to procure that no Astra Associate and
              no employee of Astra or any Astra Associate shall disparage
              Balsalazide or the Product to any material extent, but Astra shall
              have no obligation to promote or market the Product in the Astra


6.2           Astra shall distribute the Product in the Astra Territory entirely
              in accordance with the terms of any product license, price
              approval (where applicable), and other restrictions and
              regulations for the Product as may be relevant and applicable in
              each country within the Astra Territory.

6.3           Astra further undertakes:

              6.3.1 to distribute the Product in each part of the Astra
                    Territory under the relevant Trade Mark only and not to use
                    any other trade name, trade mark or logo for or on the
                    Product, provided that the name "Balsalazide" may be used
                    but only as a generic name for the Product in accordance
                    with and as required by applicable laws and regulations;

              6.3.2 to enter into Trade Mark user agreements and such other
                    agreements (whether relating to the Trade Mark, Technical
                    Standards or otherwise) as may reasonably be required by
                    Glycyx or is required by applicable regulations in any part
                    of the Astra Territory in connection with the exploitation
                    by Astra of the Product and/or the use by Astra of the Trade

              6.3.3 to notify Glycyx immediately of any improper or wrongful use
                    of the Trade Mark, the Patents, Glycyx Intellectual Property
                    or Glycyx Confidential Information coming to Astra's

              6.3.4 forthwith to refer to Glycyx all enquiries for the supply of
                    the Product received from potential distributors or
                    sub-licensees of Product whether within or outside the Astra

              6.3.5 not actively to seek customers for the Product outside the
                    Astra Territory;

              6.3.6 not to use any misleading statements or misrepresentations
                    on the Product packaging or use any defective packaging
                    materials and to comply in all respects with all local
                    regulations and laws in connection with the Product
                    packaging and the information provided thereon;


              6.3.7  in its sale and use of the Product in each part of the
                     Astra Territory to comply with all relevant regulatory
                     health and pricing regulations and approvals in such part
                     of the Astra Territory. For the avoidance of doubt Glycyx
                     shall not be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever
                     for Astra's compliance with any such regulations and
                     approvals (whether or not it shall have assisted Astra in
                     or approved the sale or use of the Product by Astra in such
                     part of the Astra Territory);

              6.3.8  not to use any packaging which may adversely affect the
                     Product in any way, including the Product's approved

              6.3.9  not to incur any liability on behalf of Glycyx or in any
                     manner, pledge or purport to pledge Glycyx's credit or
                     accept any order or make any contract binding on Glycyx or
                     give or make any representation or warranty with reference
                     to the Product on behalf of Glycyx and in all
                     correspondence and dealings with third parties shall
                     clearly indicate that it is acting as principal;

              6.3.10 to be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its
                     employees and representatives in connection with the
                     performance of its rights and obligations hereunder; and

              6.3.11 promptly upon request provide at the expense of Glycyx such
                     assistance as Glycyx may reasonably require in connection
                     with obtaining any extension, renewal or Supplementary
                     Protection Certificate of or in respect of any Patent in
                     the Astra Territory.

6.4           Astra shall be solely responsible for effecting (at its sole cost
              and expense) such amendments and translations to any Astra
              Regulatory Data as may be required to procure that such Astra
              Regulatory Data complies with and satisfies the requirements of
              any Regulatory Authority within any particular part of the Astra
              Territory Provided that Astra shall not be obliged to conduct any
              further test or development work required in connection therewith.
              In the event that Astra becomes aware that any such further test
              or development work is required by any such Regulatory Authority,


              undertakes promptly to notify Glycyx. Glycyx shall not be
              obliged to incur any cost or conduct any further test or
              development work or otherwise amend or translate any such Astra
              Regulatory Data but shall be entitled at its own cost to conduct
              any such test or development work if it wishes to do so. Whilst
              Astra shall remain the owner of the Product Registrations, it
              shall file with the Regulatory Authority data derived from such
              test or development work provided to it by Glycyx for filing.

6.5           Astra shall be responsible for the collection of debts due to it
              and shall bear all losses owing to its failure so to do.

              7. SUPPLY OF PRODUCT

7.1           Astra shall notify Glycyx in writing of its forecast monthly
              requirements for quantities of the Product during the period of 12
              months following the date of such forecast. Such forecasts shall
              be delivered as at the Effective Date and subsequently on January
              1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st in each year. Any
              subsequent forecast shall contain revised forecasts for the
              subsequent 12 month period. Such forecasts shall be prepared in
              good faith but shall be non-binding and shall not be construed as
              constituting any representation by Astra that it will not exercise
              its right to terminate this Agreement during any such 12 month

7.2           Glycyx shall use all reasonable endeavours to fulfil on a timely
              basis all written orders placed on it by Astra for the Product in
              accordance with the previous forecast delivered, including the
              outstanding orders details of which including current estimated
              delivery dates are listed in Schedule 4 ("Outstanding Orders").

7.3           Subject to Clause 7.2, Astra undertakes to take delivery and
              effect payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement of
              all Product specified in the Outstanding Orders.

7.4           Glycyx hereby warrants and undertakes that all quantities of the
              Product supplied to Astra after the Effective Date shall as at the
              date of delivery be supplied fully in accordance with the Bulk
              Product Specification and the Finished Product Specification
              contained in Schedule 3 and shall have been manufactured in
              accordance with the European Community Good Manufacturing Practice
              and the Drug Master File for the Product.


7.5           Upon receipt of any delivery of the Product from Glycyx, Astra
              shall test such Product (in accordance with the Quality Test
              Procedures agreed and incorporated as Schedule 3 to this
              Agreement) and in the event that such Quality Test Procedures
              reveal any breach of the warranty given in Clause 7.4, Astra shall
              be entitled to reject the full shipment of the Product within 45
              days of receipt of such shipment, by notice in writing to Glycyx.

7.6           In the event of any dispute between the Parties concerning any
              allegation of breach of the warranty contained in Clause 7.4 or
              concerning any rejection or purported rejection of any shipment of
              the Product, a sample quantity of the Product in question shall
              (at the joint cost and expense of the Parties) be delivered to an
              independent laboratory (nominated by the agreement of the Parties
              or in the absence of agreement on the application of either Party
              by the President by the time being of the Royal Pharmaceutical
              Society of Great Britain) which shall be supplied with copies of
              the Bulk Product Specification, the Finished Product Specification
              and the Drug Master File and shall carry out testing in accordance
              with the Quality Test Procedures and whose decision as to the
              quality of such Product and as to any breach of warranty by such
              Product, shall in the absence of manifest error be final and
              binding on the Parties.

7.7           The terms and conditions relating to the supply of the Product by
              Glycyx to Astra after the Effective Date (including for the
              avoidance of doubt all Product specified in the Outstanding
              Orders) shall be as set out in this Agreement and each written
              order placed on Glycyx by Astra shall form a separate contract for
              the supply of the Product.

7.8           Astra will not take any action to transfer or change any part or
              aspect of any product license(s) and/or marketing authorisation(s)
              for the Product (including, without limitation, any aspect of any
              Drug Master File, manufacturing method or specification), nor to
              allow piggyback or similar licenses with respect thereto, to the
              extent such actions reasonably affect the ability of Glycyx to
              manufacture and supply the Product to Astra, without the prior
              written consent of Glycyx (such consent not to be unreasonably


7.9           So long as Astra remains owner of the Product Registrations it
              shall file with the Regulatory Authorities in the Astra Territory
              and other European Union countries such applications for
              amendments and variations to the Product Registrations as Glycyx
              shall request:

              7.9.1 to obtain approval of additional suppliers and bulk
                    manufacturers of Balsalazide or the Product; or

              7.9.2 to reflect changes in the manufacturing process to the
                    extent Astra is not materially adversely affected by such

7.10          Astra will use reasonable endeavours to procure that UCB S.A. in
              respect of its premises at Chemin de Foriest, B-1420 Braine
              L'Alleud, Belgium and Omnichem S.A. in respect of its premises at
              Rue du Fonds Jean Paques 8, B-1438 Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium and
              at Cooppallaan 91 B-9230 Wetteren Belgium are added on relevant
              Product Registrations in the Astra Territory and other European
              Union countries. It shall be the responsibility of Glycyx to
              prepare and compile all data required for the purpose of such
              applications and Astra shall act in accordance with Clause 7.9 in
              respect of such request.


              8. PRICE AND PAYMENT

8.1           The price charged for the Product by Glycyx to Astra shall be
              established in pounds sterling as follows:

              8.1.1 The price for the Product delivered during the period of
                    seven full calendar months after the Effective Date shall be
                    [ * ] pence per capsule;

              8.1.2 Thereafter the price for the Product delivered during each
                    succeeding six calendar months shall be equal to [ * ]% of
                    the weighted average Net Sales Price for the Product in the
                    Astra Territory during the said six calendar months and it
                    is agreed that:

                            (i)    if this Agreement shall terminate on a date
                                   other than the final day of any such period
                                   of six calendar months, the last period shall
                                   be reduced accordingly;

             The information above marked by [ * ] has been omitted
      pursuant to a request for confidential treatment filed with the SEC.


                            (ii)   the price shall be finally determined within
                                   three months after the end of each such
                                   period of six or fewer calendar months. Prior
                                   to such final determination of the price for
                                   each such period, Astra shall pay on account
                                   the price applicable in respect of the
                                   immediately preceding period; and

                            (iii)  for the conversion of the relevant currencies
                                   into pounds sterling under Clause 8.1.2, the
                                   closing mid point exchange rates for the sale
                                   and purchase of foreign currency as published
                                   in the Financial Times, London edition on the
                                   last banking day of the period in question
                                   shall be applied.

8.2           Payment of the sums due to Glycyx under Clause 8.1 and Clause 11
              and any reimbursement due to Astra under Clause 8.1.2 shall be net
              cash within 30 days from the date of invoice payable in pounds
              sterling. Payment should be made by express payment through the
              banking system into such bank account as the payee shall designate
              for such purpose.

8.3           If payment is not made as set out in Clause 8.2:

              8.3.1 interest will be charged at the rate of 2% (two percent) per
                    annum above the base rate for the time being of Barclays
                    Bank Plc on the unpaid balance (such interest to accrue on a
                    day to day basis from the date of payment as well after as
                    before any judgment); and

              8.3.2 in the event of default by Astra, Glycyx shall be entitled
                    to require payment in advance for any delivery of the
                    Product made prior to receipt of such payment in full.

8.4           Astra shall keep full proper and up-to-date books of account and
              records showing clearly all transactions relating to the
              calculation of the Net Sales Price.

8.5           Astra shall allow an independent accountant appointed by Glycyx
              and approved by Astra, such approval not to be unreasonably
              withheld or delayed, to inspect the financial records


              of Astra or any Astra Associate in order to verify the Net Sales
              Price and the prices payable by Astra for the supply of Product
              under this Clause 8. Such verification shall be undertaken at the
              sole cost and expense of Glycyx provided that in the event that
              any such verification shall reveal an under reporting and/or
              accounting in respect of Net Sales Price or the price per Product
              payable hereunder in excess of 3% the cost and expense of such
              verification shall be borne by Astra.

              9. DELIVERY

9.1           Delivery of the Product to Astra by Glycyx shall be Ex Works any
              of the approved manufacturing plants designated by Glycyx
              (Incoterms 1990) and otherwise as agreed in writing between the

9.2           The Product shall be shipped to Astra by such method of transport
              as Astra shall nominate and such transport shall be arranged and
              paid for by Astra. Glycyx shall not be liable for any loss of or
              damage to the Product after delivery and whilst in transit.

9.3           Risk in the Product shall pass to Astra on delivery and Astra
              shall be responsible for insuring the Product from the date of
              delivery and in transit at its own cost and expense.

              10. PRODUCT LIABILITY

10.1          Glycyx hereby agrees to indemnify Astra against any action, claim,
              loss and damage suffered by or awarded against Astra in connection
              with any claim against Astra from a third party arising from any
              breach by Glycyx (or its subcontractors or nominees) of the
              warranty and undertaking contained in Clause 7.4 Provided Always
              that such indemnity shall not extend to any liability, cost,
              expense or damage, suffered or incurred by reason of any defect in
              any Product which was detected or should have been detected by
              Astra by means of the Quality Test Procedures applied (or which
              should have been applied) by Astra within 45 days of the date of
              delivery of the Product under the provisions of Clause 9.1.

10.2          Astra undertakes to indemnify and hold Glycyx harmless against all
              and any loss, damage, claim or liability suffered or incurred by
              Glycyx in respect of Product distributed or sold by Astra on or
              after the Effective Date, save only where Glycyx is liable under
              Clause 10.1.


              11. CONSIDERATION

11.1          In consideration of the agreed termination of the Distribution
              Agreement Astra agrees to pay to Glycyx a fee of [ * ] pence per
              capsule in respect of all deliveries of Product to Astra effected
              by Glycyx after the Effective Date during the period of seven
              calendar months after the Effective Date.

              12. LOAN

12.1          Glycyx shall use reasonable commercial efforts to enter into an
              agreement with a Third Party Licensee under which Net Receipts of
              not less than US $500,000 (five hundred thousand US dollars) are
              paid to Glycyx by the Third Party Licensee on or before 1 April
              2000. If Glycyx shall not receive such minimum Net Receipts on or
              before 1 April 2000, Astra shall advance to Glycyx the sum of US
              $500,000 (five hundred thousand US dollars) (less the amount of
              any Net Receipts received by Glycyx from any Third Party Licensees
              on or before 1 April 2000) ("the Loan Sum") such loan to be made
              by Astra to Glycyx on 1 April 2000 by express payment to such bank
              account as Glycyx may designate for such purpose.

12.2          Whilst Astra shall remain under any actual or contingent
              obligation to pay the Loan Sum to Glycyx or whilst any part of the
              Loan Sum shall remain outstanding, Glycyx shall provide Astra with
              such financial information with respect to any agreements entered
              into by Glycyx or Glycyx's Associates with Third Party Licensees
              as shall be sufficient to inform Astra of the time, manner and
              amounts in which the Loan Sum is anticipated to be paid out of Net
              Receipts under such agreements.

             The information above marked by [ * ] has been omitted
      pursuant to a request for confidential treatment filed with the SEC.


12.3          The Loan Sum shall be advanced as an unsecured and non-interest
              bearing loan and Glycyx shall effect repayment of the Loan Sum by
              paying or procuring the payment to Astra of [ * ]% of all Net
              Receipts until the total of the Loan Sum has been repaid or at any
              time at Glycyx's sole option by payment to Astra of any of the
              amount of the Loan Sum then outstanding Provided that the Loan Sum
              shall become immediately repayable in full on demand in writing by
              Astra in the following circumstances:

              (i)          if  Glycyx shall enter into liquidation; or

              (ii)         if Glycyx shall commit any act or omit to perform any
                           obligation in consequence whereof there shall cease
                           to be any reasonable prospect of Net Receipts being
                           received by Glycyx to cause the Loan Sum to be
                           repayable in full under the provisions of this Clause
                           12.3.; or

              (iii)        if Glycyx shall fail to effect repayment of any part
                           of the Loan Sum on or before the due date for payment
                           set out in Clause 12.4.

12.4          So long as any part of the Loan Sum shall remain outstanding
              Glycyx shall keep true and accurate records of Net Receipts and
              Glycyx shall within thirty (30) days of the end of each period of
              three months ending on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31
              December send to Astra a full report and statement of the
              calculation of all sums due and owing to Astra under the terms of
              this Clause 12 and with such statement shall effect payment of the
              sums due in respect of Net Receipts in the preceding quarter.

12.5          So long as any part of the Loan Sum shall be outstanding Glycyx
              shall allow an independent accountant appointed by Astra and
              approved by Glycyx, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld
              or delayed, to inspect the financial records of Glycyx in order to
              verify the accuracy and calculation of any statement delivered
              under Clause 12.4. Such verification shall be undertaken at the
              sole cost and expense of Astra

             The information above marked by [ * ] has been omitted
      pursuant to a request for confidential treatment filed with the SEC.


Provided that in the event that any such verification shall reveal an under
reporting and/or accounting of Net Receipts and the sums due hereunder in
repayment of the Loan Sum in excess of 3% of the sums actually repaid the cost
and expense of such verification shall be borne solely by Glycyx.

12.6          In the event of any dispute between the Parties concerning the
              calculation of any sum due under Clause 8.1 or Clause 12.3, an
              independent auditor shall be appointed by agreement of the Parties
              or in the absence of agreement at the request of either Party by
              the President for the time being of the Institute of Chartered
              Accountants in England and Wales who acting as an expert and not
              as an arbitrator shall have full and free access to all relevant
              information and data and shall be asked to determine and settle
              any such dispute and in the absence of manifest error his decision
              shall be final and binding on the Parties. The independent
              auditor's fees shall be paid by the Parties in such proportions as
              he shall direct.

12.7          All sums due by either Party to the other Party under the terms of
              this Agreement are, unless otherwise expressly stated, exclusive
              of any valued added tax or equivalent sales tax which shall be
              payable (if applicable) upon submission of valued added tax
              invoices in respect thereof.

              13. TRADE MARK LICENCE

13.1          Glycyx hereby grants to Astra an exclusive royalty-free licence to
              use the Trade Mark on the Product and in connection with the
              marketing and exploitation of the Product in the Astra Territory
              only, but for no other purpose.

13.2          Glycyx confirms that it has procured or shall procure the grant by
              Biorex as owner (if appropriate) of the Trade Mark of such rights
              and licences as may be required to give effect to Clause 13.1 and
              undertakes to procure (if applicable) that Biorex shall execute
              such agreements as are referred to in Clause 6.3.2.

13.3          Astra hereby confirms and acknowledges that it is licensed to use
              the Trade Mark only as set out in this Agreement and further

              13.3.1 that all goodwill in the Trade Mark in any part of the
                     Astra Territory (whether or not


                     generated by the activities of Astra under this Agreement)
                     shall vest in Glycyx or its designee;

              13.3.2 that any application for registration of any Trade Mark
                     shall be made in the name of Glycyx or its designee only;

              13.3.3 that it will transfer and assign to Glycyx or its designee
                     any right, title or interest of Astra in any Trade Mark
                     necessary for registration of the Trade Mark in any part of
                     the Astra Territory in the name of Glycyx or its designee
                     and for all goodwill in any Trade Mark in the Astra
                     Territory to vest in Glycyx or its designee.


14.1          Astra undertakes to Glycyx that it will hold and maintain in
              confidence all Glycyx Confidential Information and will not
              disclose to any third party or use Glycyx Confidential Information
              except to the extent necessary to exercise its rights and perform
              its obligations under this Agreement or as required by law. If
              required by law to disclose any Glycyx Confidential Information,
              Astra shall promptly notify Glycyx in writing in order to provide
              Glycyx with the opportunity to challenge such disclosure
              obligation. Astra further undertakes to Glycyx that it will
              exercise all reasonable precautions (being no less than it uses to
              protect its own Confidential Information) to prevent and restrain
              the unauthorised disclosure or use of any Glycyx Confidential
              Information and shall ensure that all employees, consultants or
              contractors of Astra who shall obtain any Glycyx Confidential
              Information in connection with the performance of this Agreement
              or shall have obtained any Glycyx Confidential Information prior
              to the Effective Date in connection with any agreement terminated
              under Clause 2.1 shall be bound and continue to be bound by
              obligations of confidentiality substantially similar to the
              obligations set out in this Clause.

14.2          Glycyx undertakes to Astra that it will hold and maintain in
              confidence all Astra Confidential Information and will not
              disclose to any third party or use Astra Confidential Information
              except in connection with the development, formulation,
              manufacture, sale or use of Balsalazide or the Product, the
              exercise of rights granted to Glycyx under this Agreement or as
              required by law. If required by law to disclose any Astra


              Confidential Information, Glycyx shall promptly notify Astra in
              writing in order to provide Astra with the opportunity to
              challenge such disclosure obligation. Glycyx further undertakes to
              Astra that it will exercise all reasonable precautions (being no
              less than it uses to protect its own Confidential Information) to
              prevent and restrain the unauthorised disclosure or use of any
              Astra Confidential Information and shall ensure that all
              employees, consultants or contractors of Glycyx who shall obtain
              Astra Confidential Information in connection with the performance
              of this Agreement or shall have obtained any Astra Confidential
              Information prior to the Effective Date in connection with any
              agreement terminated under Clause 2.1 shall be bound and continue
              to be bound by obligations of confidentiality substantially
              similar to the obligations set out in this Clause.

14.3          Both Parties recognise the importance of keeping all material
              information relating to the Product confidential and shall use all
              reasonable endeavours to make sure that no such information is
              made public or otherwise made available to third parties (save as
              expressly contemplated by this Agreement) in any manner which
              would materially jeopardise the value of the rights of the Parties
              in respect of the Product.

14.4          The restrictions on disclosure and use set out in Clauses 14.1,
              14.2 and 14.3 shall not apply to information:

              14.4.1 which was available to the public or part of the public
                     domain at the time of disclosure by the disclosing Party,

              14.4.2 which becomes available to the public or part of the public
                     domain through no fault of the receiving Party after such
                     disclosure, or

              14.4.3 which the receiving Party can establish by competent proof
                     was already known to the receiving Party prior to
                     disclosure by the disclosing Party without restriction on
                     disclosure or use, or

              14.4.4 which the receiving Party can establish by competent proof
                     was received by the receiving Party from a third party
                     without restriction on disclosure or use, or


              14.4.5 which the receiving Party can establish by competent proof
                     was independently developed by the receiving Party without
                     the use of confidential information of the disclosing

14.5          The restrictions set out in this Clause 14 shall be enforceable
              until 30 September 2012 or in connection with any Glycyx
              Confidential Information relating to the Astra Patents, if later,
              until expiry of the last to expire of the Astra Patents.


15.1          Astra acknowledges that save as expressly stated herein Astra
              shall have no right, title, interest or licence in or to the
              Patents, the Glycyx Intellectual Property or other intellectual
              property rights of Biorex or Glycyx in Balsalazide or the Product.

15.2          In the event that either Party becomes aware of any infringement
              by any third party within the Astra Territory of any Glycyx
              Intellectual Property or other intellectual property rights of
              Glycyx and/or Biorex in the Patents, Balsalazide, the Product or
              the Trade Mark it shall forthwith notify the other Party. Glycyx
              shall be entitled to take such action (or procure such action by
              Biorex) as it shall consider appropriate against any such third
              party infringer, provided that:

              15.2.1 Astra shall give such assistance as Glycyx may reasonably
                     require in connection with any such action subject to
                     reimbursement by Glycyx of all costs reasonably incurred by
                     Astra; and

              15.2.2 Glycyx shall keep Astra informed of the conduct and
                     progress of such action but shall be entitled to conduct,
                     pursue and settle such action in such manner as it shall
                     reasonably consider appropriate and to retain any damages
                     awarded against any such infringer.

              In the event that such infringement shall continue and Glycyx
              shall fail to take or procure any action to prevent any continuing
              infringement Astra may in its sole discretion and at its sole
              expense initiate and pursue such action as it considers
              appropriate to prevent any continuing infringement, provided that:


              15.2.3 Glycyx shall give (and shall use reasonable commercial
                     endeavours to procure from Biorex) such assistance as Astra
                     may reasonably require in connection with any such action
                     subject to reimbursement by Astra of all costs reasonably
                     incurred by Glycyx and/or Biorex; and

              15.2.4 Astra shall keep Glycyx informed of the conduct and
                     progress of such action but shall be entitled to conduct,
                     pursue and settle such action in such manner as it shall
                     reasonably consider appropriate having regard to the
                     continuing value of any such intellectual property rights
                     to Glycyx and/or Biorex and the effect which any such
                     infringement shall have had or will have on the
                     exploitation in the Astra Territory by Astra of the Product
                     and shall be entitled to retain any damages awarded against
                     any such infringer.

15.3          In the event that any claim is made against Astra by any third
              party alleging infringement of any rights of any third party by
              the use and exploitation of the Product by Astra, Astra shall be
              entitled at its sole cost and expense to defend any such claim in
              such manner as it shall consider appropriate, provided that:

              15.3.1 Glycyx shall give (and shall use reasonable commercial
                     endeavours to procure from Biorex) such assistance as Astra
                     may reasonably require in such action subject to
                     reimbursement by Astra of all costs reasonably incurred by
                     Glycyx and/or Biorex;

              15.3.2 Astra shall keep Glycyx informed of the conduct and
                     progress of such action but shall be entitled to conduct,
                     pursue and settle such action in such manner as it shall
                     reasonably consider appropriate having regard to the
                     continuing value of any such intellectual property rights
                     to Glycyx and/or Biorex and the effect which any such
                     alleged infringement shall have had or will have on the
                     exploitation in the Astra Territory by Astra of the Product
                     and shall be entitled to retain any damages awarded against
                     any such infringer; and

              15.3.3 Glycyx shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to
                     Astra for any loss or damages suffered, incurred or awarded
                     against Astra in connection with


                     any such claim.


16.1          Astra shall not be entitled to appoint any sub-contractors,
              sub-licensees or distributor for the Product in the Astra
              Territory Provided that Astra may use an Astra Associate within
              the Astra Territory for the performance of all or part of its
              obligations hereunder.

16.2          Astra shall ensure that any Astra Associate performing any Astra
              obligations hereunder exercises its rights and performs its
              obligations in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement
              and notwithstanding any such appointment Astra shall remain solely
              liable for the performance of its obligations hereunder in each
              part of the Astra Territory.

              17. TERMINATION

17.1          This Agreement shall come into effect on the Effective Date and
              shall continue thereafter until terminated in accordance with
              Clauses 17.2 or 17.3 or 17.4 and 18.

17.2          Glycyx may at any time serve notice of termination in writing on
              Astra in respect of all or any part of the Astra Territory.

17.3          Astra may at any time after the expiry of seven months from the
              Effective Date serve notice of termination in writing on Glycyx in
              respect of all or any part of the Astra Territory.

17.4          Either Party shall be entitled at any time to give notice of
              termination in writing to the other in the event that:

              17.4.1 the other Party shall fail to pay any sum due hereunder on
                     the due date and shall fail to remedy such breach within
                     (30) thirty days of being required in writing so to do;

              17.4.2 the other Party shall commit a material breach of any of
                     the terms or conditions of this Agreement and shall fail to
                     remedy the same (if capable of remedy) within ninety (90)
                     days of being required in writing so to do Provided


                     that such right of termination shall not arise in the event
                     of any breach by Glycyx of its obligations under Clause 7.4
                     unless Glycyx shall fail within a reasonable period of time
                     to replace the defective Product;

              17.4.3 the other Party shall enter into liquidation (either
                     voluntary or compulsory) or shall be the subject of any
                     petition for winding up;

              17.4.4 the other Party shall make any assignment or arrangement
                     for the benefit of its creditors or shall cease or threaten
                     to cease to carry on its business in the ordinary course;

              17.4.5 a receiver, administrative receiver, or receiver and
                     manager, or judicial manager or administrator shall be
                     appointed over the whole or any part of the assets of the
                     other Party or if any Court proceedings are commenced for
                     the appointment of an administrator or receiver to either
                     Party; or

              17.4.6 the other Party shall become unable to pay its debts as
                     they become due in the ordinary course of business or shall
                     otherwise become subject to or seek relief under any law
                     relating to insolvency in any jurisdiction relevant to such
                     other Party.

17.5          Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party under or in
              connection with this Agreement for any indirect or consequential
              loss or damage suffered by the other Party, howsoever caused,
              including any claim for damages based upon loss of profits or loss
              of goodwill.

17.6          Any waiver by either Party of a breach of any provision of this
              Agreement shall not be considered as a waiver of any subsequent
              breach of the same provision or of any breach of any other
              provision of this Agreement.

17.7          Any termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to
              the right of either Party to recover any monies due to it under
              this Agreement or the rights or remedies of either Party in
              respect of any breach prior to the date of termination of this



18.1          In the event of notice of termination of this Agreement being
              served under Clauses 17.2, 17.3 or 17.4 in respect of all or any
              part of the Astra Territory, the Parties shall within 30 days
              apply to the relevant Regulatory Authorities for the transfer of
              the Product Registrations in the Astra Territory (or such part
              thereof) from Astra to Glycyx or its designee. Glycyx shall be
              responsible for providing Astra with such information concerning
              the transferee as Astra shall need for the purpose of making such
              applications and Astra shall be responsible for filing such
              applications. Each Party shall thereafter promptly take all such
              further action as may reasonably be required to effect such
              transfers with the object that Glycyx or any Third Party Licensee
              shall be able to assume marketing, distribution and sale of the
              Product in the Astra Territory (or any part thereof) without
              interruption of supply to customers. In the event of notice of
              termination of this Agreement being served under Clauses 17.2,
              17.3 or 17.4 in respect of all of the Astra Territory, the
              provisions of this Clause 18.1 shall also apply in respect of
              Product Registrations outside the Astra Territory.

18.2          Upon completion of the transfer of the Product Registrations in
              any part of the Astra Territory or cancellation of the Product
              Registrations in accordance with Clause 18.3 in any part of the
              Astra Territory this Agreement shall terminate in respect of such
              part of the Astra Territory and upon completion of the transfer or
              cancellation of all Product Registrations in the Astra Territory
              this Agreement shall terminate in full, subject to Clause 18.7.

18.3          If either Party ("First Party") shall commit any default in the
              performance of its obligations under Clause 18.1 the other Party
              ("Second Party") may by not less than 30 days' notice in writing
              specifying such default require that such default shall be
              rectified. If such default shall not be rectified within such
              period, Second Party shall be entitled by further notice in
              writing to First Party to require specific performance of its
              obligations under Clause 18.1 Provided that in the event of
              default by Glycyx under Clause 18.1 Astra shall be entitled by
              such further notice to require that Glycyx be named as transferee
              in the performance of its obligations under Clause 18.1 and,
              (regardless of whether Astra shall so require), if Glycyx's
              default in the performance of its obligations under Clause 18.1
              shall continue for more than 30 days after the date of service of
              such further notice, Astra shall be entitled thereafter to cancel
              any Product Registrations which are still registered in the name
              of Astra or any Astra Associate.


18.4          Upon termination of this Agreement becoming effective under Clause
              18.2 in respect of all or any part of the Astra Territory, Astra
              shall (in respect of all or such part of the Astra Territory):

              18.4.1 forthwith cease all manufacture and distribution of the
                     Product (save only as expressly provided in Clause 18.4.6);

              18.4.2 immediately telegraphically transfer all monies due and
                     payable to Glycyx as at the date of termination into
                     Glycyx's bank account designated under Clause 8.2;

              18.4.3 immediately return to Glycyx all information and data of
                     whatsoever nature provided by or on behalf of Glycyx or any
                     Glycyx Associate relating to Balsalazide or the Product
                     which Astra or any Astra Associate may have in its
                     possession or under its control together with all copies
                     thereof but excluding any correspondence between Glycyx and
                     Astra and provided that Astra shall be entitled to keep one
                     copy of such information and data for regulatory purposes
                     and for dealing with any claims in respect of Product only
                     and Astra acknowledges that such retained copy shall not be
                     used for any other purpose whatsoever;

              18.4.4 immediately cease use of any Glycyx Confidential
                     Information, Glycyx Intellectual Property, Patents or Trade

              18.4.5 forthwith deliver to Glycyx free of charge copies of any
                     Astra Product Information and Astra Regulatory Data
                     described in Clause 4.1 not previously delivered under
                     Clause 4.1, subject to the proviso contained in Clause 4.1;

              18.4.6 if so required by Glycyx, sell to Glycyx all or part of
                     such stocks of the Product as Astra shall still have in its
                     possession once it has fulfilled all orders outstanding as
                     at the date of termination at a price calculated as cost
                     price to Astra (excluding cost of packaging), provided that
                     Glycyx shall


                     not purchase any of the stocks of the Product which do not
                     have at least two-thirds of their approved shelf life
                     unexpired or do not comply with the specification of the
                     Product as at such date and provided further that in the
                     event of Glycyx not purchasing all stocks of the Product in
                     Astra's possession, Astra shall be entitled to continue to
                     sell its remaining stock in accordance with the terms of
                     this Agreement only in the Astra Territory only upon
                     substantially the same terms (as to price, delivery and
                     liability) as previously applied by Astra to sales of
                     Product under the terms of this Agreement and Glycyx shall
                     grant to Astra free of charge a licence to use all
                     intellectual property rights owned by or within the control
                     of Glycyx or any Glycyx Associate for the purpose of
                     enabling Astra to sell such stock;

              18.4.7 grant to Glycyx free of charge a licence to use any Astra
                     trademark or tradename or logo or marking appearing on the
                     Product for the period reasonably required to enable Glycyx
                     to use all existing stocks, raw materials and work in
                     progress (other than packaging materials) and to effect
                     necessary changes to its manufacturing processes.

18.5          Upon termination of this Agreement becoming effective Glycyx shall
              immediately telegraphically transfer all monies due and payable to
              Astra as at the date of termination into such bank account as
              Astra shall have designated in accordance with Clause 8.2 Provided
              for the avoidance of doubt that such monies shall not include the
              repayment of the Loan Sum unless the Loan Sum in accordance with
              Clause 12.3 shall then be repayable.

18.6          Upon termination of this Agreement becoming effective, the
              provisions of Clauses 4.3, 4.4 and 4.6 shall apply mutatis
              mutandis in respect of any Astra Intellectual Property acquired or
              created by Astra after the Effective Date.

18.7          Notwithstanding termination the provisions of Clauses 2.1, 4.3,
              4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 22 and 23.5 shall continue
              in accordance with their terms.

              19. ASSIGNMENT


19.1          Subject to Clause 19.2, either Party may assign all or any of its
              rights or obligations under this Agreement to an Associate without
              the prior written consent of the other Party Provided that such
              assignment shall not result in adverse tax consequences for the
              other Party, but in all other cases any transfer or assignment by
              any Party of any of its rights or obligations hereunder shall
              require the prior written consent of the other Party, which shall
              not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. After such assignment to
              an Associate has taken place, in the event that it is reasonably
              anticipated that any assignee may cease to be an Associate of the
              original Party, prior to the assignee so ceasing to be an
              Associate of the original Party, the original Party shall reassume
              the rights or obligations hereunder which were so assigned to the
              Associate and shall procure that all such rights and obligations
              shall be assigned back to the original Party.

19.2          Either Party hereto may satisfy any of its obligations hereunder
              through any of its Associates Provided that:

                    (i)    each Party shall guarantee the performance of any of
                           such Party's obligations so delegated pursuant to
                           this Clause;

                    (ii)   such delegation shall not relieve the delegating
                           Party of its obligations in this Agreement; and

                    (iii)  such delegation shall not result in adverse tax
                           consequences for the other Party.

              20. FORCE MAJEURE

20.1          If the performance of any obligations under this Agreement by
              either Party is affected by Force Majeure it shall forthwith
              notify the other Party of the nature and extent thereof.

20.2          Neither Party shall be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement or
              otherwise be liable to the other by reason of any delay in
              performance or non-performance of any of its obligations hereunder
              to the extent that such delay or non-performance is due to any
              Force Majeure which has been notified to the other Party in


              21. COSTS

21.1          Each Party hereto shall bear its own costs in relation to the
              negotiation, drafting, preparation and execution of this

              22. CONFIDENTIALITY

22.1          Each Party undertakes to keep confidential and not to disclose to
              any third party (without the prior written consent of the other
              Party) the contents of the Research Agreement, the contents of the
              Distribution Agreement or this Agreement, negotiations pertaining
              to the Research Agreement, the Distribution Agreement or this
              Agreement or otherwise any matters arising in connection with the
              conduct of the Research Agreement and the Distribution Agreement
              or this Agreement Provided that nothing herein contained shall
              preclude a Party from disclosing information:

                    (i)    which is contained in press releases agreed between
                           the Parties,

                    (ii)   which the Parties agree in writing may be disclosed,

                    (iii)  which is in the public domain otherwise than as the
                           result of any breach of obligation of confidentiality
                           by such Party,

                    (iv)   which is required to be disclosed by law or by any
                           regulatory body or recognised stock-exchange,

                    (v)    which is reasonably required in writing by Glycyx to
                           be disclosed by employees of Astra in the performance
                           of their obligations under Clause 2.3, or

                    (vi)   which Glycyx wishes to disclose (subject to
                           confidentiality obligations) to any licensor,
                           licensee or investor or potential licensor, licensee
                           or investor of or in Glycyx or any Glycyx Associate
                           or to any Glycyx Associate.

              23. NATURE OF THE AGREEMENT


23.1          Nothing in this Agreement shall create or be deemed to create any
              partnership or joint venture or the relationship of principal and
              agent between the Parties.

23.2          Each Party acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it
              does not do so on the basis of and does not rely on any
              representation or warranty or other provision (except as expressly
              provided herein) and all conditions, warranties or other terms
              implied by statute or common law are hereby excluded to the
              fullest extent permitted by law.

23.3          This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement
              between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
              supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions
              between the Parties relating thereto.

23.4          This Agreement may not be released, discharged, abandoned, changed
              or modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing
              signed by a duly authorised officer or representative of each of
              the Parties.

23.5          This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects
              in accordance with the laws of England and each Party hereby
              submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Each
              Party agrees to maintain as its respective agent for service of
              process in connection with any action commenced before the High
              Court in England the following agent or such other agent as it
              shall from time to time by notice in writing to the other Party
              appoint in place of such agent and the Parties agree that the
              service of process or any other papers upon such agent by
              registered mail at its address set out below or at such other
              address as the appointing Party shall subsequently notify to the
              other Party as its agent's address for service shall be deemed
              proper and effective service on the appointing Party.

              Glycyx:      Glycyx Pharmaceuticals, Ltd
                           17 - 18 Coach House Cloisters
                           Hitchin Street
                           Herts  SG7 6AE

              Astra:       AstraZeneca UK Limited
                           15 Stanhope Gate
                           London  W1Y 6LN


              24. NOTICES

24.1          All notices to be served by the Parties shall be served only in
              the English language.

24.2          Notices shall be sufficiently served if dispatched by express
              courier to the address of the receiving Party set out below:

              Glycyx:      Milner House
                           18 Parliament Street
                           HM12, Bermuda
                           FAO: President

              With a copy to:  Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd
                           3600 W Bayshore Road
                           Suite 205
                           Palo Alto
                           CA 94303 USA
                           FAO: President

              Astra:       SE-151 85 Sodertalje
                           F.A.O: President

              Any modification to this address must be notified in writing to
              the other Party in accordance with the terms of this Clause.

24.3          In the absence of proof to the contrary notices properly sent
              hereunder shall be deemed to have been duly served 4 days after
              the date of dispatch.

24.4          Copies of any notices dispatched in accordance with Clause 24.2
              may be sent by facsimile transmission and for this purpose the
              following fax numbers below shall apply:


24.4.1        in the case of Glycyx at (+441) 296 5749 and marked for the
              attention of President with a copy to Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd
              at (+1) 650 856 1555 marked for the attention of the President;

24.4.2        in the case of Astra at (+46) 8 553 29000 and marked for the
              attention of the President.

AS WITNESS the hands of the duly authorised representatives of the Parties
hereto the day and year first above written.

SIGNED for and on behalf of         SIGNED for and on behalf of

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