NEWS RELEASE                                                [HCIA logo]
HCIA Inc.                                       Contact: Jean Chenoweth
300 East Lombard Street                                  (410) 895-7515
Baltimore, MD 2l202

                           HCIA ANNOUNCES PRELIMINARY
                             THIRD QUARTER RESULTS

      Baltimore,  MD.,  September  30,  l996 -- HCIA Inc.  (NASDAQ:  HCIA) today
announced that it expects earnings per share for the quarter ended September 30,
1996 to be in the  range of $0.10 to $0.15 per  share,  before  the  effect of a
previously  announced  one-time  charge.  HCIA anticipates that it will record a
one-time  charge  of  approximately  $41.2  million  relating  to  the  acquired
in-process research and development  associated with the August 1996 acquisition
of LBA Health Care Management, Inc.

      George D. Pillari,  Chairman and CEO of HCIA,  stated  "Simply put, we did
not achieve our revenue  goals for the third  quarter,  largely as a result of a
shortfall in our Commercial  Markets group,  which  primarily  focuses on larger
customer  relationships  in  the  pharmaceutical,  medical  device  and  supply,
employer,  and  consulting  firm markets.  Given the size and intensity of these
relationships,  HCIA senior  officers  have often been  involved in  initiating,
structuring  and  implementing  them.  As a result of their  involvement  in the
Company's  several  acquisitions  and equity  offerings  this year,  a number of
senior  officers,   including  myself,   traditionally  involved  in  developing
relationships  of this  type were  unable to  participate  in these  efforts  at
historical levels, particularly during the third quarter of 1996."

      Moving forward,  the Company has organized into four major  client-focused
units,  each lead by senior  officers  and staffed  with its own sales force and
production teams -- Commercial Markets,  Managed Care Markets,  Provider Markets
and  HCIA-Europe.  Commercial  Markets will continue to focus on larger customer
relationships,  and will also include the CHAMP unit and the syndicated  product
line.  Managed Care Markets,  which includes  HCIA's Response  subsidiary,  will
focus on  product  lines  targeted  at  HMO's,  PPO's,  and other  managed  care
organizations.  Provider  Markets will  include all of HCIA's and LBA's  product
lines targeted at hospitals and integrated delivery systems. The Company intends
to focus its sales efforts  through its targeted  business units and to increase
the  involvement  of senior  management in operations and sales efforts now that
the Company's public offerings have been completed.

      HCIA currently  anticipates that earnings per share for the fourth quarter
will be in the range of $0.15 to $0.20.  For 1997, the Company  believes that it
can return to its historical revenue and earnings per share growth rates, and at
this time believes that analysts and investors  should consider modest decreases
in the current estimates of the Company's l997 earnings per share.

      An investor  conference  call is  scheduled  for 8:30 a.m. EDT on Tuesday,
October 1, l996.  Please  contact Ms.  Jean  Chenoweth,  Senior Vice  President,
Industry Relations,  at (410) 895-7515,  for further  information  regarding the

      HCIA is a leading health care  information  content  company that develops
and markets  clinical and financial  decision support systems used by hospitals,
integrated  delivery  systems,   managed  care  organizations,   employers,  and
pharmaceutical  manufacturers.  The Company's databases and products are used to
benchmark clinical performance and outcomes,  profile best practices, and manage
the cost and delivery of health care.

      This press release, other than historical financial information,  consists
of  forward-looking  statements  within  the  meaning  of  Section  27A  of  the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section 21E of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  as amended.  These  statements  include  statements  regarding the
intent,  belief or  current  expectations  of the  Company  and its  management.
Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward looking statements are
not  guarantees  of  future  performance  and  involve  a number  of  risks  and
uncertainties,  and that  actual  results  could  differ  materially  from those
indicated by such forward looking  statements.  Among the important factors that
could cause actual  results to differ  materially  from those  indicated by such
forward  looking  statements  are (i) that the  information  is of a preliminary
nature and may be subject to further  adjustment,  (ii)  variations in quarterly
results,  (iii) the  assimilation  of  acquisitions,  (iv) the management of the
Company's  growth  and  expansion,   (v)  dependence  on  key  personnel,   (vi)
development by competitors of new or superior  products or entry into the market
of new competitors,  (vii) dependence on major customers,  (viii)  dependence on
intellectual  property  rights,  (ix) integrity and reliability of the Company's
data,  (x) volatility of the Company's  stock price,  (xi) changes in the health
care industry from both a regulatory and financial perspective,  and (xii) other
risks  identified  from time to time in the Company's  reports and  registration
statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.