AGREEMENT dated May 1, 1995 by and between
Joseph A. Bank Mfg. Co., Inc. (North Ave. Coat Shop, Hampstead
                                Coat Shop, Brookhill Road Cutting
                                Floor, Rubin Bldg. Pants
                                Division & Hampstead Distribution
(hereinafter  referred to as the "Employer" or "Manufacturer"  and the BALTIMORE
unincorporated  association,  for and in behalf of itself and the  employees now
employed, or hereafter to be employed by the Employer (hereinafter  collectively
referred to as the "Union").

WHEREAS,  the  employer  and the Union are  parties to a  collective  bargaining
agreement   dated  as  of  October  1,  1993  and  the  parties  have  requested
modification of certain of the provisions of said agreement, and

WHEREAS, the parties have reached agreement, and

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements
herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
                                    ARTICLE I
A. The term "Employees" as used in this Agreement shall include all employees of
the Employer except executive,  administrative,  office  clericals,  supervisory
and  guards as  defined in the National Labor Relations Act.

                                   ARTICLE II
A. The Employer  recognizes  the Union as the  exclusive  collective  bargaining
agent for the employees in the bargaining unit described above with reference to
wages, hours and working conditions.

B. The  Employer  shall  recognize  and deal  with such  representatives  of the
employees   as  the  Union  may  elect  or  appoint   and  shall   permit   such
representatives elected or appointed by the Union to visit its plant at any time
during working hours in accordance with existing rules.

C.  The  Employer  agrees  to make  available  to the  Union  such  payroll  and
production  records  as the  Union  may  reasonably  require  as the  collective
bargaining agent and/or contracting party hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE III
A. In the manner and to the extent  permitted by law  membership in the Union on
completion  of the trial  period of each  employee  or on and after the 30th day
following execution of this Agreement,  whichever is later, shall be required as
a condition of employment of each employee.  In the event that the trial  period
is less than thirty (30) days,  membership in the Union shall  not  be  required
until  thirty (30)  days  after  date  of employment.  All employees who are now
members or hereafter  become  members  of the Union  shall,  as a  condition  of
continued employment, remain members in good standing during  the  term  of this

B. Trial  Period:  Hampstead  Coat  Shop,  Brookhill  Road  Cutting  Floor,  and
Distribution  Center  and North  Avenue  Coats and  Pants;  All new  experienced
employees  shall  have a trial  period of two (2) weeks.  All new  inexperienced
employees shall have a trial period of ninety (90) days.

It is agreed that the Employer  shall pay to an employee who has  completed  his
probationary  period indicated in the collective  bargaining  agreement at least
twenty-five  (25) cents an hour above the then existing Federal or State minimum
wage  whichever is higher.  This provision is not to substitute for or supersede
locally negotiated higher time work and piece work minimum rates, if any exist.

                                   ARTICLE IV
1.  Time Rate Employees:

    (a) Effective  October 2, 1995,  the Employer shall grant a wage increase of
twenty (20) cents per hour to all time rate employees.
    (b) Effective  September 30, 1996,  the Employer shall grant a wage increase
of twenty (20) cents per hour to all time rate employees.
    (c) Effective  September 29, 1997,  the Employer shall grant a wage increase
of twenty (20) cents per hour to all time rate employees.

2.  Piece Rate Employees:
   (a)  Effective  October 2, 1995,  the  Employer  shall  incorporate  into all
existing  piece rates the  equivalent  of the time rate wage  increase of twenty
(20) cents per hour.
    (b) Effective  September 30, 1996, the Employer shall  incorporate  into all
existing  piece rates the  equivalent  of the time rate wage  increase of twenty
(20) cents per hour.
    (c) Effective  September 29, 1997, the Employer shall  incorporate  into all
existing  piece rates the  equivalent  of the time rate  increase of twenty (20)
cents per hour.

3. In the event an employee is regularly and formally  scheduled to work more or
less than forty (40) hours per week,  or more or less than thirty six (36) hours
per week in the case of cutters,  the  payments in paragraph 1 and 2 above shall
be adjusted pro rata.

4. During the term of this  Agreement the Employer  shall,  by mutual  agreement
with  the  Union,  have  the  option  to  incorporate  all  or any  part  of the
on-the-clock  payments into the piece rates of all piece workers except the June
3, 1968 increase of twenty-five cents (25(cent)) per hour. The 25(cent) per hour
on-the-clock shall not apply to any employee hired after October 1, 1985.

5. Except as otherwise provided in sub-paragraph A hereof, in the event that any
of the operations of the Employer are changed or new operations are added, piece
rates for such  operations  shall be mutually  agreed upon between the Union and
the Employer and shall  become  effective as of the time that such  operation is
changed or new operation  begun.  The new piece rates shall maintain the average
earnings of the  employees  prevailing at the time that the operation is changed
or new operation  begun.  It is understood  that the phrase maintain the average
earnings of the  employees'  refers to maintaining  the average  earnings of the
section, and not to individual employees within the section.

A.  Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding the Employer shall recognize
and abide by specifications  and grades  generally  prevailing  in the  clothing
industry. Any change in such specifications  affecting grades shall be effective
only when mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Union.

6. If an  employee  is  temporarily  transferred  from one job or  operation  to
another at the request of the  Employer,  he shall,  while working on the job or
operation  to which  he has  been  transferred,  be paid  his  average  earnings
prevailing at the time of the transfer.  The  conditions to apply upon permanent
transfer shall be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Union at the time
of such transfer.

7. Minima of Schedule "A" shall apply only to indicated  operations  and workers

                                    ARTICLE V
Employees  who report for work at their regular  starting  time, or at such hour
designated by the Employer,  shall be paid their  established time or piece rate
earnings  for all work  performed  between the hour they report for work and the
hour that they are  dismissed,  but in no event shall they be paid less than six
(6) hours,  or four (4) hours on  Saturday.  This clause  shall not apply in the
event of power  failure,  fire,  or other cause over which the  Employer  has no
control.  In the case of the  first  five (5) hours of call in pay,  failure  of
other  employees  to report  for work shall be  considered  cause over which the
Employer has no control  only if an emergency  arises which it could not foresee
and it had taken adequate steps to train and provide relief  workers.  Excessive
absenteeism  shall relieve the Employer of the  obligation to pay the sixth hour
of call in pay.

                                   ARTICLE VI
1. Regular Work Week:  The regular  hours of work for all employees may be eight
(8) hours in any one day,  from Monday to Friday  inclusive.  The time when work
shall begin and end each day shall be agreed upon by the Employer and the Union.
The thirty-six (36) hour week for all  manufacturing  operations in which it has
been heretofore established shall be maintained.

2.  Overtime:  Time and one-half  shall be paid for all work outside the regular
daily hours. No work shall be performed on Saturday  except by mutual  agreement
of the  parties.  Time and  one-half  shall be paid  for all work  performed  on
Saturdays  irrespective  of the number of hours worked  during the week. No work
shall be  performed on a designated  holiday  except by mutual  agreement of the
parties,  and,  if agreed  upon,  at  double  time.  Overtime  pay for work on a
designated  holiday shall be in addition to holiday pay to which the employee is
entitled pursuant to the Paragraph dealing with holidays.

3. Notice of Overtime:  The  Employer  agrees to give  reasonable  notice to the
employees and the appropriate union shop committee  representative when overtime
is to be worked.

                                   ARTICLE VII
An  employee  paid on piece rate basis who is  required  to wait for work due to
machine  breakdown  beyond his control shall be  compensated  at the rate of the
employee's  average  hourly  earnings  for all such  waiting  time in  excess of
fifteen  (15)  minutes per day.  An  employee  paid on a piece rate basis who is
required to wait for work due to cause beyond his control other than for machine
breakdown  shall be  compensated  at the rate of the  employee's  average hourly
earnings  for all such  waiting  time in excess of thirty (30)  minutes per day.
However, in no event will the combined unpaid machine down time and waiting time
exceed  thirty  minutes per day. Any employee who finds it necessary to wait for
work shall, on each separate occasion,  notify his immediate  supervisor both at
the  beginning  and end of such waiting  period.  Payment for waiting time shall
cover only such time as follows  such  notification.  The  Employer may transfer
such employees to another machine during machine down time, on the same job, the
employee will be paid piece rate earnings.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

A.  Vacation  Period.  It is mutually  agreed that there shall be the  following
vacation  periods for the  employees  entitled to  vacation  pay as  hereinafter

1. The Summer Vacation Period shall be two consecutive  weeks beginning with the
last full week of July and the first week of August, unless the Employer and the
Union shall  mutually  agree upon some other two  consecutive  weeks  during the
summer months.

2. The Christmas  Vacation Period shall be between  Christmas Day and New Year's
Day of each year.

3. Fourth Week of Vacation:  Any employee with 20 years, or more, of employment,
with the Employer or predecessor employers is entitled to a fourth (4th) week of
paid vacation to be taken during the ensuing twelve (12) month period  following
the date that the employee reaches 20 or more years of employment.  The schedule
of vacations  by section  shall be fixed by mutual  agreement  with the Union in
accordance  with the needs of  production.  Individual  employees may bid for an
available week in order of section  seniority or such other rotational system as
mutually  agreed to with the Union.  If mutually agreed to with the Union at the
local  level,  an  employee  may elect to work  during  the  employee's  week of
vacation at straight  time in addition to vacation  pay.  The amount of time off
and pay shall be the same as the preceding Winter Vacation.

4. In the event that a paid holiday falls within the vacation period,  employees
entitled to holiday  pay shall be  entitled  to such  holiday pay in addition to
vacation pay hereinafter provided.

B.  Eligibility and Pay for Employees Employed Prior to October 1, 1985:

1.  For the Summer Vacation Period:
(a) All  employees who have been on the payroll of the Employer for at least six
(6) months prior to the  commencement  of the Summer Vacation period and, except
as  hereinafter  provided,  who are on such payroll at the  commencement  of the
Summer Vacation Period are eligible for a paid vacation.

(b) The amount of each  employee's  vacation pay for the Summer  Vacation Period
shall  be  determined  in the  manner  set  forth in this  subparagraph.  If the
employee has been on the payroll of the Employer:

(i) Six (6) months but less than nine (9) months,  he shall receive  one-half of
one week's pay,

(ii) Nine (9) months but less than one (1) year, he shall receive  three-fourths
of one week's pay,

(iii) One year or more, he shall receive two (2) week's pay.

(c)(i) First Week:  In the case of hourly and weekly  employees,  one week's pay
shall be the employee's  current  regular weekly rate. In the case of piece work
employees,  one week's pay shall be forty (40) times the  individual  employee's
straight time average hourly earnings for the four (4) consecutive busiest weeks
of the current  vacation year beginning  June 1st in the previous  calendar year
and ending May 31st in the current vacation year. If an employee did not work in
each of the said four (4) weeks,  his vacation pay shall be forty (40) times his
straight  time average  hourly  earnings  for the four (4) busiest  weeks of the
vacation year in which he did work all four (4) weeks. The Company and the Union
have agreed to use the first (1st) calendar quarter (January,  February & March)
of the year to  compute  vacation  pay.  The full  amount of the wage  increases
scheduled to be paid on October 2, 1995,  September  29, 1996 and  September 27,
1997 shall be included as applicable.

(ii) Second Week:  An eligible  employee who has worked not less than 1000 hours
in the 12 months beginning June 1st in the previous calendar year and ending May
31st in the current  vacation year shall receive for his second week's  vacation
pay the same amount as the employee's vacation pay for the first week.

For  eligible  employees  who  worked  less than 1000  hours  during  the entire
aforesaid twelve (12) months period, the second week's vacation pay shall be two
and one-half  percent (2 1/2%) of the  employee's  straight time earnings in the
twelve (12) months  beginning June 1st in the previous  calendar year and ending
May 31st in the current vacation year.

2.  For the Christmas Vacation Period:

(a) All  employees who have been on the payroll of the Employer one year or more
prior to  December  1st and,  except as  hereinafter  provided,  who are on such
payroll at the commencement of the Christmas  Vacation Period are eligible for a
paid Christmas vacation.

(b) The amount of each employee's vacation pay for the Christmas Vacation Period
shall be determined in the manner set forth in the following subparagraphs;

(i) An employee who has worked not less than 1000 hours in the entire  aforesaid
twelve (12) months period,

(a) If an hourly or weekly  employee,  he shall  receive his  current  rate less
three-quarters  of the wage  increase  scheduled  to be paid on October 2, 1995,
September 29, 1996 and September 27, 1997, as applicable.

(b) If a piece work  employee,  he shall  receive  forty (40) times his straight
time  average  hourly  earnings  for the four (4)  busiest  weeks of the current
vacation year,  beginning  December 1st in the previous calendar year and ending
November  30th in the current  year,  which  average  hourly  earnings  shall be
adjusted by three-quarters of the wage increase  scheduled to be paid on October
2, 1995,  September 29, 1996 and September 27, 1997, as applicable.  The Company
and the Union have  agreed to use the first  (1st)  calendar  quarter  (January,
February & March) of the year to compute vacation pay.

(ii) An employee who worked less than 1000 hours in the entire  aforesaid twelve
(12)  months  period  shall  receive  two and  one-half  percent (2 1/2%) of his
straight time earnings in the twelve (12) months  beginning  December 1st in the
previous calendar year and ending November 30th in the current vacation year.

C.  Eligibility for Employees Employed After October 1, 1985:

Each  employee  hired by the Employer on or after  October 1, 1985 shall receive
vacation pay in accordance with the following requirements:

(i) On  completion  of 1 year of service,  1 week  vacation at the next  ensuing
regularly  scheduled  vacation period (either winter or summer,  whichever comes

(ii) On Completion of 2 years of service, 2 weeks of summer vacation except that
an employee who first  becomes  eligible for two weeks of vacation  prior to the
winter vacation shall receive one week of winter vacation and one week of summer

(iii) On completion of 3 years of service, 2 weeks of summer vacation and 1 week
of winter vacation.

D.  General Conditions:

1. In the event a paid  holiday  falls  within the  vacation  period,  employees
entitled to holiday  pay shall be  entitled  to such  holiday pay in addition to
vacation pay heretofore provided.

2. An  employee  otherwise  eligible  for a paid  vacation  shall  not be deemed
ineligible  because  of the fact that he is  temporarily  laid off or ill at the
commencement  of the  vacation  period.  The  Impartial  Chairman  is  expressly
empowered to determine in accordance with the arbitration  procedure provided in
this Agreement  whether an employee,  discharged  prior to the commencement of a
vacation period but otherwise eligible for a paid vacation, shall be entitled to
vacation pay.

3. An employee who has been in the employ of the Employer a sufficient length of
time to have earned a paid vacation as herein set forth but whose employment has
been  terminated  because of  termination of business or the closing of a plant,
shall be entitled to vacation  pay  pro-rated as of the date of  termination  of

4. Vacation pay as hereinabove provided shall be paid on the pay day immediately
preceding the applicable vacation period.

5. Where an employee has been  permanently  and formally  scheduled to work less
than the regular work week for his  operation the  eligibility  and vacation pay
scheduled  for  such  employee  shall  be  adjusted  pro-rata.  The  1000  hours
requirement contained in paragraph C above shall be similarly pro-rated.

6.  Retired and Permanently Disabled Employees:
Employees who, during any vacation year, retire under either an Amalgamated plan
or a Company plan, whichever is in effect at the time of retirement,  or receive
Federal  Old Age Social  Security  Retirement  Benefits,  or become  totally and
permanently  disabled  so as to become  eligible  for and  subsequently  receive
disability  insurance  benefits pursuant to the Social Security Act, as amended,
shall receive  pro-rata  vacation pay for the vacation  year,  measured from the
commencement of the preceding vacation periods,  summer, Christmas,  and,  where
applicable,  the fourth week, to the date last worked. The vacation  pay  herein
provided shall be paid upon  presentation to the Employer of proof of retirement
or the  Certificate  of Award issued by the Social  Security Administration,  as

7. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding  contained in this Article VIII, the
Union shall have the right to present to the  Employer  the question of vacation
pay for the  Christmas  vacation  period on behalf of an  employee  who does not
qualify  for same  because  he was  employed  after  December  1st but  prior to
Christmas Day during the previous  calendar year. If agreement between the Union
and the Employer is not reached the Impartial Chairman is expressly empowered to
settle said matter.

8.  For the  purpose  of  Section  B and C, an  employee  who  has  completed  a
probationary period with an employer in contractual relations with the Union and
who has been unemployed  because of layoff or plant closing and is reemployed in
the same local market within one year of loss of employment shall receive credit
for each year of employment with the prior employer.

                                   ARTICLE IX

A. 1. All employees shall be entitled to the following eleven (11) holidays with
pay subject to paragraph E:

New Years Day; National  Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday;  Good
Friday;  Easter Monday;  Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving
Day; Friday After  Thanksgiving  Day; Last Weekday Prior to the  Commencement of
Christmas Vacation; Christmas Day.

The Employer and the Union may  substitute  two other  holidays for those listed
above, by mutual agreement. Should any of the above holidays fall on Sunday, the
day celebrated as such shall be considered the holiday.

2. All such holidays  shall be paid for  irrespective  of the day of the week on
which the holiday falls.

3. In the event of  back-to-back  paid  holidays,  if a worker is absent without
reasonable  excuse,  either  the day  before or the day after the paid  holiday,
he/she shall lose only one holiday's pay.

B. In the case of hourly and weekly employees, the pay for each holiday shall be
one-fifth (1/5) of the employee's  current regular weekly rate plus any increase
due at that  time.  In the case of piece  workers  the  employee's  pay for each
holiday shall be eight (8) times the  employee's  straight time  average  hourly
earnings as such earnings were computed for the purpose of determining the first
week's  vacation  pay for the  summer vacation period immediately preceding such
holiday, plus any increase due at that time.

C. Any employee who, without  reasonable excuse, is absent from work or who does
not work all  his/her  scheduled  hours on the work day  before  or the work day
after a holiday shall not be entitled to holiday pay. Reasonable excuse shall be
limited to the following:

    1.  Illness of the employee;
    2.  Death in the immediate family of the employee;
    3.  Lack of work for the employee.

D.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of this  Paragraph,  it is understood  that
holiday pay shall not be paid any  employees if the  Employer's  factory is shut
down in all its  manufacturing  departments  for five (5)  consecutive  weeks as

    1. The entire  two (2) weeks  immediately  preceding  the week in which such
    paid holiday  occurs;  and

    2. The entire week during which such paid holiday occurs; and

    3. The entire  two (2) weeks  immediately  following  the week in which such
    paid holiday occurs.

E. Trial  Period,  Intervening  Holidays:  If a holiday falls within the initial
trial period,  the employee  shall receive his holiday pay on the first full pay
period following the successful  completion of the trial period. If the employee
does not  complete  the  initial  trial  period for any reason no holiday pay is
payable.  This paragraph  shall not apply to employees who have completed  their
initial trial period with any employer in contractual relations with the Union.

                                    ARTICLE X

A. An employee who has been on the payroll of the Employer for six (6) months or
more shall be granted  bereavement  pay in the event of a death in his immediate

B. The immediate family is defined as father, mother, sister,  brother,  spouse,
children,   mother-in-law,   father-in-law,    brother-in-law,    sister-in-law,
grandmother, grandfather and grandchildren.

C.  Bereavement  pay  shall be paid for the day  before,  the day of and the day
following the funeral when these days fall on days the employee would  otherwise
have worked.  In the event that the death occurs  outside the United  States and
notice thereof does not reach the employee until after the funeral,  Bereavement
Pay shall be paid for the three (3) days  following  receipt of notice  provided
that such days are days on which the employee  would otherwise have worked.

D.  Bereavement  pay shall be based on the  employee's  daily time or piece rate
earnings as established for the purpose of holiday pay.

E. No bereavement pay will be granted unless the employee  notifies the Employer
and requests  leave.  At its  discretion,  the Employer may require  evidence of
death and kinship.

                                   ARTICLE XI
During any slack season or whenever  there is  insufficient  work, the available
work shall be  divided,  insofar as is  practicable,  equally  among all regular
employees  of the  Employer  in  order  that  continuity  of  employment  may be
maintained unless the Employer and the Union shall mutually agree upon a lay-off
and the conditions applicable thereto.

It is understood  that this clause has been mutually  interpreted to provide for
seniority  of the employee as the basis for layoff and this  interpretation  has
been reflected in local agreements.

                                   ARTICLE XII

A. The Employer  agrees that he shall pay its  employees on a prescribed  day in
each week.

B. The  Employer  shall  deduct  from the wages of his  employees  upon  written
authorization of the employees, union dues, initiation fees and assessments. The
amounts  deducted  pursuant  to  such  authorization  shall  be  transmitted  at
intervals to the properly designated official of the Union, together with a list
of names of the  employees  from  whom the  deductions  were made on forms to be
provided by the Union.  Sums deducted by the Employer as union dues,  initiation
fees or  assessments  shall be kept separate and apart from general funds of the
Employer and shall be deemed trust funds.  The above mentioned  monies are to be
paid to the Baltimore Regional Joint Board,  A.C.T.W.U.  immediately after it is
collected at least once a month.

                                  ARTICLE XIII
The Employer agrees to contribute sums of money equal to a stated  percentage of
its payroll to the  Amalgamated  Insurance Fund (social  insurance),  and to the
Amalgamated  Cotton  Garment and Allied  Industries  Fund (social  insurance) as
provided in Exhibits I and II annexed  hereto,  the terms and provisions of said
Exhibits being specifically  incorporated herein by reference.  Contributions to
the Clothing  Fund are  applicable  to employees of Hampstead  Coat Shop,  North
Avenue Coat Shop and  Brookhill  Road Cutting Floor. Contributions to the Cotton
Fund  are applicable  to  employees of the Rubin  Building  Pants  Division  and
Hampstead Distribution Center.

                                   ARTICLE XIV
The Employer  agrees to contribute sums of money equal to two (2) percent of its
payroll to the Baltimore Regional Joint Board,  Amalgamated Clothing and Textile
Workers Union Health and Welfare Fund, to be used to provide  health and welfare
benefits  to the  members.  The  terms  and  provisions  of  Exhibit  III  being
specifically incorporated herein by reference.

                                   ARTICLE XV
The Employer agrees to affix copies of the label of the Amalgamated Clothing and
Textile Workers Union to men's and boy's clothing including, without limitation,
single pants  manufactured by the Employer or by registered Union contractors on
behalf of the Employer,  all as provided in Exhibit IV annexed hereto, the terms
and  provisions  of said Exhibit IV being  specifically  incorporated  herein by
reference.  In addition thereto, the Employer agrees that the size ticket placed
on  each  garment  shall  contain  a  legend  to the  effect  that  the  same is
manufactured  by ACTWU Union labor.  The exact wording to be affixed on the size
ticket  shall be set by mutual agreement   between  the  Clothing  Manufacturers
Association of the USA and the International Union.

                                   ARTICLE XVI
In the event that an employee enlists or is conscripted into the Armed Forces of
the  United  States of  America  or is called  into  service  as a member of the
National Guard or Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps Reserves, he shall, upon
discharge from service be reinstated with all his rights and privileges  enjoyed
by  him at the  time  he  entered  service;  provided,  that  he  shall  request
reinstatement  within the period  fixed by law and  provided  that the  Employer
shall  have the right to  discharge  any  person  whom it hired by reason of the
entry into military service of the person to be reinstated.

                                  ARTICLE XVII
A.  During the term of this  Agreement  the  Employer  agrees that it shall not,
without  the  consent of the Union,  remove or cause to be removed  its  present
plant or  plants  from the city or  cities in which  such  plant or  plants  are

B. Where the Employer  has a surplus of work,  or its present  factories  cannot
meet manufacturing  requirements,  including  anticipated  quarterly  production
needs,  because of model or make  variations,  cost,  customer  requirements  or
scheduling conflicts,  the Employer  shall inform the Baltimore  Joint Board  of
the  need  to  contract  out,  and  the  Baltimore  Joint  Board  shall have the
opportunity  within the next  ten  (10) calendar days, to meet with the Employer
and  suggest alternatives to the subcontracting of the needed work.

         Where no alternative to  subcontracting  is acceptable to the Employer,
the  Baltimore  Joint  Board  shall have one (1)  calendar  week after  being so
informed,  to refer the  Employer to plants in  contractual  relations  with the
ACTWU, and the Employer shall give preference to such plants,  provided they are
fully  capable  of  meeting  the   Employer's   scheduling,   cost  and  quality

           In  the  event  no  ACTWU  plant  is  able  to  meet  the  Employer's
scheduling, cost and quality requirements, or is available to perform the needed
work within the Employer's  time  requirements  then the Employer shall have the
right to determine the manufacturing  facility or facilities in which the needed
garments shall be made and shall notify the Baltimore Joint Board of its choice.

C. It is agreed that  imports  other than  corduroy  clothing  not made in Union
shops, are within the scope of Article XVII. The Employer shall notify the Union
of its intention as to such corduroy clothing,  and the quantities  involved and
shall make available to the Union all pertinent  documentation  involved in such
transaction. In the event corduroy clothing becomes an important production item
in shops under contract with  the   Union,   this  exception   to  Article  XVII
shall  be  subject  to renegotiation upon reasonable notice from the Union, then
existing commitments shall not be interfered with.

D.  Subject to the  provisions  of Part 2 -  Outsourcing  of this  Article,  the
Employer agrees that it shall not send out work for cut, make and trim.

                             PART TWO - OUTSOURCING

A. Permissible outsourcing. During the term of this agreement and subject to all
of the conditions contained herein the Employer shall be permitted to outsource:

           1. During the period  between  October 1, 1994 and September 30, 1995
the Employer may outsource no more than 10% of production;

           2. During the period  between  October 1, 1995 and September 30, 1996
the Employer may outsource no more than 15% of production;

           3. During the period  between  October 1, 1996 and September 30, 1997
the Employer may outsource no more than 20% of production;

           4. During the period  between  October 1, 1997 and September 30, 1998
the Employer may outsource no more than 22% of production.

Outward  processing  production  (known as "807" or "807 A" production)  will be
defined  as  outsourced  products.  Further,  outsourcing  will not  excuse  the
participating firm from making needed investment in its domestic  facilities and
equipment.  Any Employer  who  outsources  hereby  commits to invest in improved
physical plant, equipment and EDI systems in its own facilities.

           These "outsourcing"  provisions do not apply to production sourced to
domestic facilities within the United States. Such production is governed by the
"Other  factories  and  contractors"  provisions  contained  in Part One of this
Article XVII.

B. Notification.  The Employers must give the Union advance  notification of its
planned outsourcing. Said notification shall include:

           1.  The number and types of units the Employer plans to outsource;

           2.  The reasons why the outsourcing is planned;

           3.  Name and location of the source.

The Union  shall  have the  opportunity  to find a suitable  alternative  source
within one week of said notice.

C.  Guarantees.  If, during the term of this agreement,  an Employer  outsources
more than an experimental  level of production it shall,  for each contract year
during which it outsources,  guarantee that its current full time employees work
at least 1470 hours,  in addition to vacations and holidays during said contract
year.  An  experimental  level of production is defined as the  greater of  1000
units or 2% of the  domestic  production  in the preceding contract  year  to  a
maximum of 3000 units.

For the purpose of this Agreement, a suit or overcoat/topcoat  should count as 1
unit;  a coat as 2/3 of a unit;  a pair of  pants as 1/3 of a unit and a vest as
1/6th of a unit.

Such hours as are not worked (1) at the option of the  employee  or because  the
employee is not available for employment,  (2) because of power failure, fire or
other cause over which the firm has no control as defined in the  Reporting  Pay
provision of the Collective  Bargaining  Agreement (but not including short time
for lack of sales),  and (3) hours  otherwise  compensated  for  pursuant to the
firm's Collective  Bargaining  Agreement with the Union, shall be counted toward
fulfilling the guarantees.

For each unit  outsourced  pursuant to this  Agreement  up to 10%,  the Employer
shall pay $1.00 per unit divided  among all of the  employees of the Employer on
the payroll as of the beginning  and the end of the contract  year, as a holiday
bonus,  not later than  December 15 following  the end of each contract year for
which the employer is required to make such payments pursuant to the outsourcing
agreement.  This payment, if the employee so elects, may be made by the Employer
to the  National  Plus  401(K) program which will make such  arrangements as are
necessary to receive said  payments.   Subject  to the foregoing provisions, the
Employer shall pay $1.50 per unit for units outsourced  between 10% and 15%  and
$1.75 for outsourcing above 15%.

An Employer  electing to participate  in an outsourcing  program shall so notify
the Joint Board Manager and the Union's International President, with respect to
the planned  outsourcing by certified  mail, RRR. The Union's one week period to
find a suitable  alternative to the outsourcing shall begin to run upon earliest
receipt of that  notice.  All reports and  information  required by the National
Agreement  with respect to the  outsourcing  program  shall be made to the Joint
Board Manager and to the Union's International President.

D.  Shipping.  The Firm shall receive and ship all units subject to this Article
only in facilities under contract with the Union.

E. Records.  The Union shall be provided such records as are required to monitor
compliance with the terms of this Article,  in addition to all other rights with
respect  to  inspection  of  records  guaranteed  to  it  under  the  Collective
Bargaining Agreement. The information shall be kept confidential.  Any breach of
such  confidentiality  shall  terminate  the right of  the Union to examine such
records  upon the decision of an  arbitrator  that  the  Union  did  breach  the
confidentiality agreement.

F.  Continuation of Contracting.  Unless the Employer brings work, that had been
performed  by its  existing  contractors,  into its  facilities  covered by this
Agreement , it shall during any contract year in which it outsources  production
continue  to  supply  work to  contractors  at such  levels as  supplied  in the
previous year. Contractors shall include all contractors of shoulder pads, coats
fronts,  sponging and examining,  to the extent now  contracted.  The measure of
damages  payable to the Union for failure to supply the amount of work  required
by the  preceding  sentence  shall be that applied to other  violations  of this

G.  Damages.  Claims that any Employer is in violation of this Article  shall be
resolved through the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement.  If
the Arbitrator  finds that the Employer has violated this Article by outsourcing
in excess of the limits set forth herein,  the  Arbitrator  shall impose damages
equal to one and one half times the unit labor cost of these outsourced units in
excess of the limit. Said damages shall be paid to the Joint Board that is party
to an Agreement with the Employer for distribution to the affected employees.

STANDARDS:  It is agreed that all Employers  will comply with the following work
standards in any outsourcing:

Wages:  Companies  will only do business  with  partners,  contractors  or other
sources who provide wages and benefits that comply with any  applicable  law and
provide a living wage defined as a specified market-basket of consumerism priced
in local  currency  and  adjusted  for  inflation  in the country from which the
product is being sourced.

Working Hours:  Companies will only do business with partners,  contractors,  or
other sources outside the United States that comply with all applicable laws and
will not  utilize a source who  requires  more than a 48 hour work week and does
not provide at least one day off in each seven days.

Forced or Compulsory  Labor: In the manufacture of its products,  Companies will
not work with  business  partners  that use  forced or other  compulsory  labor,
including  labor  that  is  required  as a means  of  political  coercion  or as
punishment for holding or for peacefully  expressing political views.  Companies
will not  purchase  materials  that  were  produced  by  forced  prison of other
compulsory  labor and will  terminate  business  relationships  with any sources
found to utilize such labor.

Child  Labor:  Companies  will not work with  business  partners  that use child
labor.  The term "child"  generally refers to a person who is less than 14 years
of age, or younger than age for completing  compulsory  education if that age is
higher  than  14.  In  countries  where  the  law  defines  "child"  to  include
individuals who are older than 14, companies will apply that definition.

Freedom  of  Association:  Companies  will use  business  partners  that share a
commitment  to the right of  Employees to establish  and join  organizations  of
their own choosing, and abide by international standards as specified by the ILO
regarding freedom of association.

Companies  will  assure  that no  employee  is  penalized  because of his or her
exercise  of this  right.  Companies  recognize  and  respect  the  right of all
employees to organize and bargain collectively, and to strike.

Discrimination: Companies will not use business partners who discriminate on the
basis of personal  characteristics  rather than people's  ability to do the job.
They will not utilize  partners  who use corporal  punishment  or other forms of
mental or physical coercion.

Safe and Healthy Work  Environment:  Companies will have business  partners that
provide employees a safe and healthy workplace and that do not expose workers to
hazardous conditions.

Continued  Violators:  If the Union  determines that countries or companies have
repeatedly  violated the foregoing work standards or are pervasive  violators of
human  rights,  it shall  notify the  Employer and give it 60 days to remedy the
violations.  If the union chooses it may take the alleged  violations to binding
expedited arbitration.  If the union proves its case, the company shall cease to
contract with that country or company.

Monitoring: Employers and the ACTWU shall periodically monitor the compliance of
their  contractors/suppliers  with  the  above  standards  and  reports  of this
monitoring will be made available to the other party.

H. The  Employer  agrees that none of its work will be performed in the homes of
any employees.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII
A. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be discharged without just cause.
The Union shall present all  complaints  of discharge  without just cause to the
Employer within seven (7) days after the discharge.  If the complaint  cannot be
adjusted by mutual consent, it shall be submitted to the Arbitrator  hereinafter
designated  in this  Agreement  for  determination  pursuant  to  the  procedure
provided.  The  Arbitrator  shall issue  his decision and award within seven (7)
days from the  conclusion  of the hearing  of  the  discharge in dispute. If the
Arbitrator finds that the employee was discharged  without  just cause, he shall
order reinstatement and may require the payment of back pay  in  such amount as,
in his judgment,  the circumstances  warrant. This paragraph shall not apply  to
an employee during his trial period.

B. In the manner and to the extent permitted by law, it shall not be a violation
of this  Agreement  nor ground for  discharge,  discipline  or  replacement  for
employees  covered  by this  Agreement  to refuse  to cross a picket  line or to
refuse to perform work on the clothing of any other employer.

                                   ARTICLE XIX
A. Any  complaint,  grievance  or  dispute  arising  under,  out of or  relating
directly or indirectly to the provisions of this Agreement  between the Union or
any employees and the Employer,  or the  interpretation or performance  thereof,
shall, in the first instance be taken up for adjustment by a  representative  of
the Union and a representative of the Employer.  Any and all matters in dispute,
including  a  dispute  concerning  the  interpretation  or  application  of  the
arbitration  provision,  which have not been adjusted  pursuant to the procedure
therein provided shall be referred for arbitration  and final  determination  to
a member of a panel or arbitrators herein designated,  and his decision or award
shall be final,  conclusive and binding on all parties;  and the parties  hereby
stipulate and consent  that  the Arbitrator  may  make  findings,  decisions and
awards which may be enforced by appropriate  judgment thereon to be entered in a
Court of Law or Equity.

Any  grievance  which is submitted to  arbitration  shall be heard by one of the
members of a panel of three  arbitrators,  who shall be Jerome H. Ross,  Bernard
Cushman and Joseph M. Sharnoff.  These  arbitrators  shall hear  grievances on a
rotating basis in order set forth above,  provided that if the arbitrator  whose
turn it is to hear a grievance  cannot meet the timetable set forth herein,  the
next  available  arbitrator  shall hear the case and the rotation shall continue
from there.  If none of the arbitrators can hear the case within said timetable,
then the arbitrator who can hear it first will be utilized and the rotation will
continue from there.

Hearings shall be held no later than fifteen  calendar days after the arbitrator
has received his assignment at a place  mutually  agreeable to the Union and the
Company.  The hearing shall be conducted by the  arbitrator  in whatever  manner
will  most  expeditiously  permit  the full  presentation  of all  evidence  and
arguments for both parties,  provided,  however, that the parties shall have the
right to file written  briefs with the  arbitrator  within seven  calendar  days
following the closing of the hearing record.

The award of the  arbitrator  shall be rendered no later than ten calendar  days
from the day the  hearing  concluded  or the  briefs  are  submitted  unless  an
extension  of time is mutually  agreed upon by the  parties.  A lengthy  opinion
shall not be requested or required from the arbitrator.  Rather,  the arbitrator
is  instructed  to issue an award and a summary  statement  of no more than five
pages which briefly sets forth the basis for the award.  The parties may request
the arbitrator to notify them of his award by telephone after the award has been

The decision of the arbitrator  shall be limited to the matter presented to him;
he shall  have no  authority  to amend,  alter or change any  provision  of this
Agreement.  The decision of the arbitrator  shall be final and conclusive on the
Company,  the Union and the  employee(s)  involved.  The  arbitrator's  fees and
expenses shall be borne equally by the Union and the Company.

In the event of any controversy,  the Employer's  manufacturing books, vouchers,
papers  and  records  shall  be  available  for  inspection  by duly  authorized
representatives  of the arbitrator  herein  designated to make such examination,
for the  purpose of  determining  the amount of goods cut or being cut, made  or
being made, by or for the Employer and for the purpose of ascertaining the names
and  addresses  of  the  persons  doing  such work,  and for the general purpose
of  determining  whether  the terms of this  Agreement  are being  fully carried

Except as expressly  provided  otherwise in the  Agreement,  with respect to any
dispute  subject to arbitration or any claim,  demand,  or act arising under the
Agreement  which is subject to  arbitration,  the procedure  established in this
Agreement  for the  adjustment  thereof  shall be the  exclusive  means  for its
determination.  No  proceeding  or  action  in a  court  of  law  or  equity  or
administrative  tribunal shall be initiated  with respect  thereto other than to
compel  arbitration or to enforce,  modify,  or vacate an award.  This paragraph
shall  constitute  a  complete  defense  to or  ground  for a stay of an  action
instituted contrary hereto.
                                   ARTICLE XX
1. The Employer and the Union shall not  discriminate  nor perpetuate the effect
of  past  discrimination,  if  any,  against  any  employee  or  applicants  for
employment on account of race, color, religion,  creed, sex, or national origin.
This clause shall be interpreted  broadly to be  co-extensive  with all federal,
state  or  local   anti-discrimination   laws  and  where  available,   judicial
interpretations thereof.

2. Representatives of the Employer and the Union shall meet to review compliance
with this  provision  and to mutually  agree upon such steps as are necessary to
achieve compliance.  If, upon failure to so mutually agree, either party invokes
the arbitration procedure of the Agreement to resolve the dispute, the Impartial
Chairman  shall  fashion  his award to grant any and all relief  appropriate  to
effectuate this Article.

                                   ARTICLE XXI
A. This Agreement  provides for an orderly  adjustment of differences.  Strikes,
stoppages,  and  lockouts are  therefore  prohibited.  If a strike,  stoppage or
lockout  shall  occur then the  parties  agree that any remedy  sought by either
party  arising  from  such act  shall be  resolved  through  the  medium  of the
arbitration  machinery and the aggrieved party shall have the right to demand an
immediate hearing on twenty-four (24) hours notice before the Arbitrator.

B.  Anything contained in subparagraph A to the contrary notwithstanding:

1. In the event that the Employer  violates  this  Agreement by employing  Union
contractors  who are not  registered  by it as required by this  Agreement,  the
Union  shall be free to order a stoppage of the  Employer's  work in the shop of
such unregistered contractors.

2.  Except to the  extent  that the  employment  of a  non-union  contractor  is
authorized  expressly by Article XVII-Part Two,  Outsourcing,  in the event that
the Employer  violates this Agreement by employing a non-union  contractor,  the
Union  shall  be free to take  such  action,  including  stoppages,  as it deems
appropriate to require the Employer to cease employing non-union contractors.

3. In the event that either  party fails to comply with the decision or award of
the Arbitrator  within ten (10) days after service of a copy thereof,  the other
party  shall be  immediately  free to call a strike,  stoppage or lockout as the
case may be.

                                  ARTICLE XXII
Leave of absence  shall be granted an employee  upon  request if the employee is
ill or a member of his  immediate  family is  seriously  ill.  Illness  shall be
certified by a doctor's  certificate.  Leave on account of illness shall include
leave of absence in maternity  cases.  Leave of absence  shall be for an initial
period of not more than one (1) month.  In the event of a leave of  absence  for
personal illness including maternity, the leave of absence may be extended to an
additional period of one (1) month each up to a total of one (1) year unless the
employee was  employed for less than six  (6) months. In the event of a leave of
absence because of serious illness in the employee's   immediate   family,   the
initial leave and extension shall not extend for more than three  months  unless
mutually agreed otherwise. Such employee shall upon return  to  work  from  such
leave be  reinstated  to his previous  job. In the case where a job or operation
has  been  abolished  during  employee's  absence  such provision shall apply to
re-employment  as would have applied had such employee  been at work at the time
the job or operation was abolished.

Leaves of  absence  shall be  granted  for  justifiable  personal  reasons.  The
Employer  may limit the number of leaves  for  personal  reasons  granted at any
given time to avoid an unreasonable effect on the Employer's ability to operate.
Such leaves may be limited to an initial period of two (2) weeks with extensions
granted by mutual agreement.

An employee who becomes a paid officer of the Union shall be entitled to a leave
of absence for the term of his office.

                                  ARTICLE XXIII
Any custom or practice  existing in the plant of the Employer at the time of the
execution of this  Agreement more favorable to the employees than the provisions
hereof shall be continued as heretofore. It is understood that this clause is to
be mutually  interpreted  to provide that prior  contrary past  practices do not
prevail over subsequently negotiated contract provisions,  such as  Paragraph  D
of Article XXIV.

                                  ARTICLE XXIV
A. The Union has long  cooperated  with  Employers  in the  introduction  of new
machinery,  changes in manufacturing techniques,  and technological improvements
in  clothing  plants.  This  policy has been  established  by mutual  agreement,
generally on a market level, between the Employer and the Union. Underlying such
agreement has been the recognition of these basic  conditions:  (a) wages of the
affected  workers were not to be reduced,  and (b) workers were not to be thrown
out of employment. Such policy is reaffirmed and shall continue to be dependent,
preferably by mutual agreement on a market level.

B. If,  however,  in the event that the  introduction of any such new machinery,
changes in manufacturing techniques and technological improvements would not, in
the opinion of either party be consistent  with the maintenance of the aforesaid
basic conditions, then the Employer and the Union shall each appoint a committee
which jointly shall study and seek to resolve the problems  attendant  upon such

C. Subject to the foregoing  basic  conditions (a) and (b) of paragraph A above,
the scope of the  general  arbitration  clause shall  remain in full  force  and
effect and  applicable  to all  covered by this Agreement.

D. To provide for reasonably  comparable  implementation of the basic conditions
set forth in Article XXIV, including the definition of technological change, the
Employer and the Union shall utilize the following  guidelines in the absence of
mutually  satisfactory  guidelines  heretofore  established on a market or local
union level.  Where the Employer  contemplates such a technological  change, the
Employer shall give prior notice to the Union.  Rates for such newly  introduced
or changed machinery shall be established by mutual agreement. While employed on
the newly introduced or changed  machinery,  a worker shall be paid wages earned
plus the  difference,  if any,  between the  expected  earnings  under the newly
established rate and his prior earnings. Workers in the affected operation shall
not  be  thrown  out  of  employment,  instead,  if  a  job  is  available  on a
substantially  equivalent  operation,  with the  opportunity  for  substantially
equivalent  earnings,  a worker  may be  transferred  to such job,  and during a
period  of  retraining  equal  to  the  normal  training  period  for  similarly
experienced workers,  shall be guaranteed his former average hourly earnings. If
such a job is not  available,  the worker shall have the option of (a) accepting
another job with a guarantee,  during a period of retraining equal to the normal
training period for similarly  experienced workers, of his former average hourly
earnings, or (b)  severance  pay in such amounts as shall be mutually  agreed to
by the Employer and the Union.  A  worker electing to take a job which is not on
a substantially equivalent operation  with  the  opportunity  for  substantially
equivalent earnings  may  subsequently  elect  to take  severance  pay, in which
event such  severance  pay  shall be reduced by any make-up pay paid pursuant to
the normal training program  applied.  In  the  event  the worker elects to take
severance  pay, such worker shall retain for one year his  seniority  and recall
rights to his former job or section.

                                   ARTICLE XXV
An employee called for  involuntary  trial jury duty will be paid the difference
between the pay received for such jury duty and his straight time average weekly
earnings  (calculated  for the eight (8) weeks  immediately  preceding such jury
duty) for the period of such jury duty. The employee shall present a receipt for
the amount of jury duty pay received. An employee who receives a notice to serve
as a juror must  notify his  Employer  not later than the next work day.  If the
Employer  deems it necessary to have the  employee  excused from jury duty,  the
Union and the  employee  agree to  cooperate  in  seeking  to have the  employee

                                  ARTICLE XXVI

In the event  the  Employer  merges  or  consolidates  with or its  business  is
acquired by another person, firm or corporation, the Employer shall remain bound
by all of the terms and provisions of this Agreement for the full term hereof.

                                  ARTICLE XXVII
Should any part or provision of this  Agreement be rendered or declared  illegal
by reasons of any existing or subsequently  enacted legislation or by any decree
of a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  or by the  decision  of any  authorized
government  agency  such  invalidation  of such  part  or  provision  shall  not
invalidate the remainder thereof.  In such event, the parties agree to negotiate
substitute provisions.

                                 ARTICLE XXVIII
In  the  event  that  voluntary  authorization  to  deduct  voluntary  political
contributions  weekly from an  individual  member's pay is signed,  the Employer
agrees  to  deduct  the said  amount  and  remit  the said sum to the  Baltimore
Regional Joint Board Political  Education  Committee.  The Union shall reimburse
the Employer for any expense incurred due to this provision.

                                  ARTICLE XXIX

Whereas eliminating  occupational safety and health hazards for employees in the
men's and boys'  tailored  clothing  industry  is to the  mutual  benefit of the
Employer and the Union,  the parties to this Agreement shall form and maintain a
joint Labor-Management Safety and Health Study Committee.

The Committee shall be composed of equal numbers of representatives  selected by
the Employer and by the Union.

The  Committee  shall hold  meetings  as often as  necessary  for the purpose of
developing the means and structure to undertake  joint safety and health studies
to analyze  occupational  hazards  in the  industry  and to suggest  appropriate
measures for control of such hazards.

A Safety and Health Study  Committee shall be established in each plant. It will
meet regularly at dates,  times,  and place to be determined by local management
after consultation with the Union. The employees shall be paid their established
time rate or piece rate average by the Employer while attending such meetings.

                                   ARTICLE XXX
The Union shall  cooperate with the Employer to facilitate the  availability  of
federal funds for training programs.

                                  ARTICLE XXXI
1. An employees  who has been  employed by the Employer for at least twelve (12)
months (and who has worked at least  1,250  hours  during the twelve (12) months
immediately  preceding the  employee's  request for leave under this  paragraph)
shall be entitled to at least twelve (12) weeks of unpaid Family  Leave,  within
any twelve (12) month period, without loss of seniority rights for the following

           a. For the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care;

           b. To care  for a  spouse,  child or  parent  with a  serious  health
condition as such terms are defined by the Family and Medical  Leave Act of 1993
("FMLA"); or

           c. To take medical  leave when the employee is unable to work because
of the employee's own serious health condition as defined in the FMLA.

2. An employee  requesting Family Leave shall present  satisfactory proof of the
reason for such leave.

3.  Family  Leave may be taken on an  intermittent  basis under 1b) and c) above
when there is a medical necessity for such intermittent leave as provided in the

B. Child Care  Facilities:  The Employer  and the Union shall  establish a local
committee to study the availability of child care facilities.

                                  ARTICLE XXXII
Should the employees agree to purchase additional insurance coverage provided by
the Amalgamated  Insurance Company,  the Employer shall check off the employees'
cost of the program, upon presentation of proper authorization, and pay the same
over to the  Amalgamated  Life  Insurance  Company as required  by the  contract
between the employees and the Amalgamated Life Insurance Company.

                                 ARTICLE XXXIII
The Employer  agrees that it will hire employees who have been  discharged  from
other  employers  during an  organizing  campaign  conducted  by the Union.  The
Employer  is not  required  by  this  Section  to hire  an  employee  who is not
qualified  to perform the job that is being  applied  for.  The  Employer is not
required  to employ  such  applicants  if it does not have jobs  available.  Any
employee  hired  under  this  Section  is  subject  to  the  Employer's  regular
probationary period for new employees.

The Employer is not required to unlawfully give preference to employees applying
under this section.

The Union will hold the Employer  harmless for any  liability,  included but not
limited to attorney's fees imposed by enforcement of this clause.

                                  ARTICLE XXXIV
The  inflationary  spiral  affecting  health care costs in the United States has
caused the parties  concern  over the  continued  viability  of their  insurance
program.  Therefore,  the  parties  agree that it would  benefit  the  insurance
program and the Employer if an appropriate  National Health Insurance Program is
enacted.   It  is  further   understood  that  the  National  Clothing  Industry
Labor-Management Committee shall meet to determine the best way to mount a joint
campaign  in support of the  establishment  of an  appropriate  National  Health
Insurance Program and to implement such a campaign.

                                  ARTICLE XXXV
If the Union enters into any  agreement  with any  manufacturer  of Mens or Boys
tailored  clothing that has resigned from the CMA,  which  provides any terms or
conditions  more  favorable  to that  employer  than  any  terms  of  conditions
contained in this  Agreement then upon written notice given by the Employer such
terms and conditions shall automatically be extended to the Employer which shall
have the right to make such terms or  conditions  retroactive  to the  effective
date of such terms or conditions in the agreement containing such more favorable
terms or conditions.

                                  ARTICLE XXXVI
This Agreement  shall be effective upon the date hereof and shall remain in full
force and  effect  until  midnight  April 30,  1998.  It shall be  automatically
renewed from year to year thereafter unless on or before March 1, 1998, or March
1, of any year  thereafter,  notice in  writing  by  certified  mail is given by
either the  Employer or the Union to the other of its desire to propose  changes
in this  Agreement or of intention  to  terminate  the same,  in either of which
events this Agreement shall terminate upon the ensuing April 30th.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their signature to be affixed
effective the day and year hereinabove first written.

                                            JOSEPH A BANK MFG. CO.

                                            BALTIMORE REGIONAL JOINT BOARD,
                                            AMALGAMATED CLOTHING AND TEXTILE
                                            WORKERS UNION


AGREEMENT dated May 1, 1995 by and between

Joseph A. Bank Mfg. Co., Inc. (North Ave. Coat Shop, Brookhill
                                Road Cutting Floor, Hampstead
                                Coat Shop, Rubin Bldg. Pants
                                Division & Hampstead Distribution