Exhibit 99.1 BERNARDO VILLEGAS PEREZ Contador Publico Matricula 4962A November 20, 1997 America International Petroleum Corporation Board of Directors 444 Madison Avenue Suite 3203 New York, New York 10022 Via: Fax 212-688-6657 Overnight Service Board of Directors of American International Petroleum Corp: In reference to my auditor's report dated March 15, 1996 on the financial statements of the Colombian Branch of American International Petroleum Corporation of Colombia as of and for the year ended December 31, 1995, I conducted my audit work in accordance with U.S. auditing standards. Respectfully, (Signature of Bernardo Villegas Perez) BERNARDO VILLEGAS PEREZ Auditor Professional Card No. 4962-A November 20, 1997 Carrera 15 No. 95-15 (Piso 4) Telefono: 6101724 Celular 93-2291573