WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM T-1

                            STATEMENT OF ELIGIBILITY
                      UNDER THE TRUST INDENTURE ACT OF 1939


                         PURSUANT TO SECTION 305(b)(2)_


                            FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK
                                (Name of Trustee)

        (Jurisdiction of Incorporation or                    (I.R.S. Employer
     Organization if not a U.S. National Bank)               Identification No.)

301 South College Street, Charlotte, North Carolina          28288-0630     
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                     (Zip code)


            (Name, address and telephone number of agent for service)

                                (Name of Obligor)

                   New Jersey                                22-2625848
            (State of Incorporation)                         (I.R.S. Employer
                                                             Identification No.)

80 Park Plaza, Newark, New Jersey                            07101
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                     (Zip Code)


                          Subordinated Debt Securities
                         (Title of Indenture Securities)


Item 1. General information.

     Furnish the following information as to the trustee:

     (a)  Name and address of each examining or  supervisory  authority to which
          it is subject:

          Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C.
          Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Richmond, VA 23219
          Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D.C.
     (b)  Whether it is  authorized  to exercise  corporate  trust  powers.

          The Trustee is authorized to exercise corporate trust powers.

Item 2. Affiliations with Obligor.

     If  the  obligor  is an  affiliate  of  the  trustee,  describe  each  such


Item 3. Voting Securities of the Trustee.

     Furnish the following  information as to each class of voting securities of
the trustee:

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Col. A                          Col. B
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Title of Class                Amount Outstanding
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 4. Trusteeships under Other Indentures:

     If the trustee is a trustee under another  indenture  under which any other
securities,   or  certificates  of  interest  or   participation  in  any  other
securities, of the obligor are outstanding, furnish the following information:

     (a) Title of the securities  outstanding  under each such other  indenture.

     Not Applicable

     (b) A brief  statement  of the facts  relied  upon as a basis for the claim
that no conflicting  interest within the meaning of Section 310(b)(1) of the Act
arises as a result of the trusteeship under any such other indenture,  including
a statement as to how the  indenture  securities  will rank as compared with the
securities issued under such other indenture.

     Not Applicable.

Item 5. Interlocking  Directorates and Similar Relationships with the Obligor or

     If the trustee or any of the directors or executive officers of the trustee
is a director,  officer, partner, employee,  appointee, or representative of the
obligor or of any underwriter for the obligor,  identify each such person having
any such connection and state the nature of each such connection.

     Not Applicable

Item 6. Voting Securities of the Trustee Owned by the Obligor or its Officials.

     Furnish  the  following  information  as to the  voting  securities  of the
trustee  owned  beneficially  by the  obligor  and each  director,  partner  and
executive officer of the obligor.

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Col. A          Col. B          Col. C                Col. D.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Percentage of Voting
                                Amount owned          securities represented
Name of Owner   Title of Class  beneficially          by amount given in Col. C
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 7.  Voting  Securities  of the  Trustee  Owned  by  Underwriters  or  their

     Furnish  the  following  information  as to the  voting  securities  of the
trustee  owned  beneficially  by each  underwriter  for  the  obligor  and  each
director, partner, and executive officer of each such underwriter.

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Col. A          Col. B          Col. C                Col. D.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Percentage of Voting
                                Amount owned          securities represented
Name of Owner   Title of Class  beneficially          by amount given in Col. C
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Not Applicable

Item 8. Securities of the Obligor Owned or Held by the Trustee.

     Furnish the  following  information  as to  securities of the obligor owned
beneficially  or held as collateral  security for the  obligations in default by
the trustee.

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Col. A          Col. B          Col. C                       Col. D.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Whether the     Amount owned beneficially    Percentage of class
                securities are  or held as collateral        represented by
                voting or       Security for obligations     amount given in
                nonvoting       in default by Trustee        Col. C.
Title of Class  Securities                                  
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Not Applicable

Item 9. Securities of the Underwriters Owned or Held by the Trustee.

     If the  trustee  owns  beneficially  or holds as  collateral  security  for
obligations in default any securities of an underwriter for the obligor, furnish
the following information as to each class of securities of such underwriter any
of which are so owned or held by the trustee.

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Col. A          Col. B          Col. C                       Col. D.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Amount owned beneficially    Percentage of class
Name of                         or held as collateral        represented by
issuer and      Amount          security for obligations     amount given in
title of class  outstanding     in default by Trustee        Col. C
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Not Applicable.                                            


Item 10.  Ownership or Holdings by the Trustee of Voting  Securities  of Certain
Affiliates or Security Holders of the Obligor.

     If the  trustee  owns  beneficially  or holds as  collateral  security  for
obligations  in default  voting  securities of a person who, to the knowledge of
the trustee (1) owns 10 percent or more of the voting  securities of the obligor
or (2) is an  affiliate,  other than a subsidiary,  of the obligor,  furnish the
following information as to the voting securities of such person.

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Col. A          Col. B          Col. C                       Col. D.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Amount owned beneficially    Percentage of class
                                or held as collateral        represented by
Name of                         security for obligations in  amount given in
Issuer and      Amount          default by Trustee           Col. C
title of class  outstanding                                  
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Not Applicable.

Item 11.  Ownership  or Holdings by the  Trustee of any  Securities  of a Person
Owning 50 Percent or More of the Voting Securities of the Obligor.

     If the  trustee  owns  beneficially  or holds as  collateral  security  for
obligations  in default any  securities of a person who, to the knowledge of the
trustee,  owns 50  percent  or more of the  voting  securities  of the  obligor,
furnish the following  information as to each class of securities of such person
any of which are so owned or held by the Trustee.

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Col. A          Col. B          Col. C                       Col. D.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                Amount owned beneficially    Percentage of class
Name of                         or held as collateral        represented by
Issuer and      Amount          security for obligations in  amount given in
title of class  outstanding     default by Trustee           Col. C
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Not Applicable.

Item 12. Indebtedness of the Obligor to the Trustee.

     Except as noted in the  instructions,  if the  obligor is  indebted  to the
trustee, furnish the following information:

                              As of April 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Col. A                             Col. B                    Col. D.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nature of indebtedness             Amount outstanding        Date due
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Not Applicable


Item 13. Defaults by the Obligor.

     (a)  State  whether  there is or has been a  default  with  respect  to the
securities under this indenture. Explain the nature of any such default.


     (b) If the trustee is a trustee  under  another  indenture  under which any
other  securities,  or  certificates of interest or  participation  in any other
securities,  of the  obligor  are  outstanding,  or is trustee for more than one
outstanding  series of securities  under the indenture,  state whether there has
been  default  under any such  indenture or series,  identify  the  indenture or
series affected, and explain the nature of any such default.


Item 14. Affiliations with the Underwriters.

     If any  underwriter  is an  affiliate of the  trustee,  describe  each such

     Not Applicable

Item 15. Foreign Trustee.

     Identify  the  order or rule  pursuant  to which  the  foreign  trustee  is
authorized to act as sole trustee under indentures  qualified or to be qualified
under the Act.

     Not Applicable

Item 16. Lists of Exhibits.

Listed below are all exhibits filed as part of this statement of eligibility.

     1*   -Copy of Articles of Association of the Trustee as now in effect.
     2    -No  certificate  of authority of the Trustee to commence  business is
          furnished  since  this  authority  is  contained  in the  Articles  of
          Association of the Trustee.
     3*   -Copy of the authorization of the Trustee to exercise  corporate trust
     4*   -Copy of the existing By-Laws of the Trustee, as now in effect.
     5    -Not applicable.
     6    -The consent of the Trustee required by Section 321(b) of the Act.
     7    -A copy of the latest  report of  Condition  of the Trustee  published
          pursuant  to the  law  or  the  requirements  of  its  supervising  or
          examining authority.
     8    -Not Applicable
     9    -Not Applicable

- ----------
*Exhibits thus  designated  have  heretofore  been filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission,  have not been amended  since filing and are  incorporated
herein by reference (see Exhibit T-1 Registration Number 333-47985).

     In answering any item in this  statement of eligibility  and  qualification
which  relates to matters  peculiarly  within the knowledge of the obligor or of
its directors or officers,  or an underwriter for the obligor,  the undersigned,
First Union National Bank,  has relied upon  information  furnished to it by the
obligor or such underwriter.



     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Trust  Indenture  Act of  1939  the
Trustee, First Union National Bank, a national banking association organized and
existing under the laws of the United States,  has duly caused this Statement of
Eligibility  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly
authorized,  all in the City of Newark, and State of New Jersey, on the 30th day
of April, 1998.

                                             First Union National Bank


                                             By: /s/ Frank Gallagher
                                                 Vice President


                                   Exhibit T-6

                               CONSENT OF TRUSTEE

     Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 321 (b) of the Trust Indenture Act
of 1939, and in connection with the proposed issue of Public Service  Enterprise
Group, Incorporated,  we hereby consent that reports of examinations by Federal,
State,  Territorial or District authorities may be furnished by such authorities
to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request therefor.

                                             FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK

                                             By: /s/ Frank Gallagher
                                                 Vice President

Newark, NJ
April 30, 1998

                                   EXHIBIT T-7
                               REPORT OF CONDITION

Consolidating  domestic and foreign  subsidiaries  of the First  Fidelity  Bank,
National Association,  at the close of business on September 30, 1997, published
in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency,  under title 12, United
States Code,  Section 161.

Charter Number 33869 Comptroller of the Currency Northeastern District.

Statement of Resources and Liabilities

                               Thousand of Dollars

Cash and balance due from depository institutions:
   Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin .............    1,725,148
   Interest-bearing balances ......................................    4,216,934
Securities                                                             /////////
   Hold-to-maturity securities ....................................      337,471
   Available-for-sale securities ..................................    3,949,655
Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements
   to resell ......................................................       51,999
Loans and lease financing receivables:
         Loan and leases, net of unearned income .....   15,757,193
         LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses ...      196,929
         LESS: Allocated transfer risk reserve .......            0
         Loans and leases, net of unearned income, allowance, and
         reserve ..................................................   15,560,264
Assets held in trading accounts ...................................            0
Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) ..........      418,837
Other real estate owned ...........................................       36,598
Investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated               /////////
   companies ......................................................       37,868
Customer's liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding ......       91,787
Intangible assets .................................................      382,749
Other assets ......................................................    1,043,467
Total assets ......................................................   27,852,777

         In domestic offices ......................................   20,810,085
          Noninterest-bearing ........................    3,480,114
          Interest-bearing ...........................   17,329,971
         In foreign offices, Edge and Agreement  subsidiaries,
         and IBFs .................................................      736,612
          Noninterest-bearing ........................          136
          Interest-bearing ...........................      736,476
Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements
   to repurchase ..................................................    2,581,021
Demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury ..........................       64,236
Trading liabilities ...............................................            0
Other borrowed money:                                                  /////////
         With original maturity of one year or less ...............            0
         With original maturity of more than one year .............        7,510
Mortgage indebtedness and obligations under capitalized leases ....        5,777
Bank's liability on acceptances executed and outstanding ..........       93,594
Subordinated notes and debentures .................................      450,000
Other liabilities .................................................      812,999
Total liabilities .................................................   25,561,834
Limited-life preferred stock and related surplus ..................            0

                                 EQUITY CAPITAL
Perpetual preferred stock and related surplus .....................      160,540
Common Stock ......................................................      452,156
Surplus ...........................................................    1,303,224
Undivided profits and capital reserves ............................      342,689
Net unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-for-sale            /////////
   securities .....................................................       32,334
Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments ...............            0
Total equity capital ..............................................    2,290,943
Total liabilities, limited-life preferred stock and equity             /////////
   capital ........................................................   27,852,777