PURCHASE ORDER

  PURCHASER:               MANSUR INDUSTRIES INC. ("Mansur' or "Purchaser")

  SUPPLIER:                EMJAC INDUSTRIES INC. ("Emjac" or "Supplier')

  PRICE:                   $619.00 PER MODEL 500/570 UNIT;
                           for up to the first 1,000 collective units, 
                           $743.92 per unit.
                           $754.34 PER MODEL 550/555 UNIT;
                           for up to the first 1,000 collective units, 
                           $906.66 per unit.
                           Prices for up to the first 1,000 collective units is
                           subject to Emjac's agreement to use its best efforts
                           to reduce manufacturing costs and reduce the price of
                           the units to which the higher price is applicable at
                           the earliest opportunity. The price per unit shall be
                           reduced by $168.01 ($99.00 per unit for the holding
                           tank and $68.01 per unit for the wash tank) upon the
                           completion and integration of plastic/nylon tanks
                           supplied by Mansur. All prices FOB Emjac's warehouse.

  PRODUCTS:                See Exhibit "A" attached hereto

  TERMS:                   $150,000.00 advance payment upon acceptance by
                           Mansur of the prototype machine (the "Advance"), of
                           which $50.00 shall be applied as advance partial
                           payment on each of the first 3,000 units. Balance
                           on completed inventories payable net 15 days from
                           date of invoice.

  PROTOTYPE:               One prototype machine (the "Prototype Machine") to
                           be delivered by Emjac to Mansur no later than June
                           7, 1996. This Purchase Order is subject to
                           acceptance of the Prototype Machine by Mansur,
                           after Emjac makes all necessary changes or
                           adjustments required to meet product specifications
                           and Mansur standards.

  DELIVERY:                Goods must be  completed  and ready for  delivery in
                           accordance  with the  schedule of delivery Exhibit 
                           "B" attached hereto.  Delivery to be made promptly 
                           upon notification from Mansur, as directed by Mansur.
                           Delivery is not included in Purchase Price.

CONDITIONS:                1.  Time is of the essence in Supplier's performance.
                               If Supplier does not complete and deliver Goods
                               by the dates specified herein, subject to the
                               timely delivery by Purchaser of (i) the necessary
                               manufacturing specifications and drawings and
                               (ii) the proper direct materials and component
                               parts free of any defects, the Purchase Price
                               shall be reduced by 10% on those units delivered
                               late. Purchaser reserves the right to procure
                               elsewhere, in whole or in part, any goods which
                               Supplier fails to deliver or provide in strict
                               accordance with the agreed delivery schedule. In
                               such event, Purchaser shall be entitled to
                               recover from Supplier any additional costs
                               incurred by Purchaser.

                           2.  If Purchaser, at Purchaser's discretion, does 
                               not approve the Prototype Machine and Supplier
                               does not promptly make changes to make the
                               Prototype Machine acceptable to Purchaser,
                               Purchaser shall not be obligated to purchase
                               goods from Supplier, and Supplier shall
                               immediately refund to Purchaser all payments made
                               by Purchaser, less Supplier's cost of making the
                               Prototype Machine, not to be in excess of

                           3.  Certain specifications and drawings for the 
                               Products have been furnished by Purchaser to
                               Supplier, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged
                               by Supplier, and shall continue to be routinely
                               furnished by Purchaser to Supplier as required,
                               such specifications and drawings to remain the
                               sole property of the Purchaser including any and
                               all improvements, changes and/or modifications
                               with respect to the Products listed on Schedule

                           4.  Supplier will manufacture in its own factory and
                               sell exclusively to Purchaser the Products on the
                               basis of Purchaser's specifications and drawings,
                               and incorporating such changes and improvements
                               therein as the parties may agree upon from time
                               to time. The parties agree that final assembly,
                               inspection and packing will at all times be done
                               by Supplier in its own factory.

                           5.  Manufacturing services provided by Supplier shall
                               include all sheet metal fabrication, painting,
                               final assembly, testing all manufactured
                               component parts and final quality and performance
                               assurance testing. All sheet metal costs are
                               included in the manufacturing fee; however, if
                               the cost of sheet metal increases or decreases
                               during the term hereof, the fee shall be adjusted
                               accordingly, on a dollar for dollar basis, using
                               a base price for the purpose of this provision of
                               $0.30 per pound, excluding an agreed 20% markup
                               by Emiac on direct materials purchased by Emjac.

                           6.  All component parts and materials shown on the 
                               plans or specifications as being supplied by
                               Purchaser shall be installed or assembled by
                               Supplier in the Products without markup.

                           7.  Purchaser shall be responsible for all hard 
                               tooling required for manufacturing operations.
                               Supplier shall advise Purchaser in advance of the
                               estimated cost of all hard tooling. Upon approval
                               of Purchaser, Purchaser shall be responsible for
                               payment therefor. Upon such payment, all hard
                               tooling shall be and remain the property of
                               Purchaser and shall be delivered to Purchaser at
                               its request.

                           8.  At no expense to Purchaser, Supplier shall 
                               prepare a full set of manufacturing drawings to
                               ANSI standards. All drawings shall be and remain
                               the property of Purchaser and shall be delivered
                               to Purchaser at its request.

                           9.  Supplier expressly warrants and guarantees, in 
                               addition to all other statutory and implied
                               warranties and guarantees, that all Products
                               shall be (i) of the highest quality and in strict
                               compliance with all applicable specifications,
                               samples, or other descriptions furnished and
                               approved by Purchaser; (ii) free from defects in
                               material and workmanship; and (iii) fit and
                               sufficient for their intended purposes.

                          10.  Supplier shall not assign this contract without 
                               Purchasers prior written consent. This Contract
                               shall be governed by Florida law and Supplier
                               submits to jurisdiction and venue in Dade County,

                          11.  Purchaser reserves the right to terminate the 
                               contract for its own convenience, in whole or in
                               part, for any reason. In the event of such
                               termination for convenience, Supplier shall
                               comply with all requirements of Purchaser and
                               agrees that its compensation shall be limited to
                               only those costs, if any, which shall have been
                               incurred in the manufacture of the goods through
                               the date of termination. Notwithstanding the
                               foregoing, if the termination occurs prior to the
                               delivery of 3,000 Units, Emjac shall be entitled
                               to full payment for units produced through the
                               date of termination and retain any unapplied
                               Advance as liquidated damages.

                          12.  Supplier shall provide standard shipping skids 
                               and shrink wrap units so as to meet all
                               requirements of sale carriage and transportation
                               at no charge to the Purchaser. Any special
                               crating, boxing or other special packaging
                               requirements shall be paid for by the Purchaser.
                               Risk of loss shall be with Supplier until
                               delivery is received and accepted by Purchaser.

                          13.  Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the 
                               Purchaser from purchasing Products of the kind
                               contemplated by this Agreement from persons other
                               than the Supplier, whether or not such others
                               shall be in competition with Supplier.

                          14.  Supplier hereby agrees, upon the request of 
                               Purchaser, to cooperate in obtaining all
                               Underwriter Laboratories (UL) multiple listings
                               required or desirable in connection with the
                               manufacture and sale of the Products and to
                               execute and deliver such other documents, and
                               take such other action, as shall be reasonably
                               requested to carry out the transactions
                               contemplated by this Agreement.

                           15. Supplier understands and acknowledges that the  
                               Products are proprietary to Purchaser and hereby
                               covenants, warrants and represents to Purchaser
                               that, during the Term of this Agreement and for
                               all periods without limitation following its
                               termination: (i) all Products manufactured by it
                               hereunder, including the Prototype Machine, shall
                               not be sold, delivered or otherwise disposed of,
                               by Supplier or any of its Affiliates or
                               Subsidiaries, to any individual or entity except
                               Purchaser; (ii) the design, the specifications
                               and drawings for such Products shall not be sold,
                               delivered or otherwise disposed of, by Supplier
                               or any of its Affiliates or Subsidiaries, to any
                               individual or entity except Purchaser; and (iii)
                               all materials and information provided by
                               Purchaser to Supplier shall remain the property
                               of Purchaser and shall be maintained as
                               confidential and not disclosed to any person or
                               entity without the express written consent of

                          16.  Purchaser retains all rights to all trademarks, 
                               trade names and proprietary information relating
                               to the Product. The Confidentiality Agreements by
                               and between Purchaser and Emjac, Emile Dorta
                               personally and David Dorta personally dated
                               February 1, 1996 shall remain in full force and

             WITNESS the due execution hereof as of the 7th day of May, 1996.
                                     EMJAC INDUSTRIES INC.

                                        Emile Dorta, President

                                     MANSUR INDUSTRIES INC.

                                        Paul I. Mansur, Chief Executive Officer

                                    EXHIBIT A


3,000 Assorted Units



                                    EXHIBIT B
                              SCHEDULE OF DELIVERY

                    Minimum          Maximum
Month                 Units            Units

August 1996             100              100
September               100              200
October                 100              300
November                200              400
December                200              500

January 1997            200              500
February                300              500
March                   300              500
April                   300              500
May                     400              500
June                    400              500
July                    400              500

TOTAL                  3000             5000

Emjac shall deliver units in accordance with the minimum units schedule. Mansur
shall notify Emjac, no less than 60 days prior to the scheduled delivery month,
of any increase in units ordered over the minimum unit level, up to the maximum
units indicated above for the respective scheduled month.