(RULE 14A-101) 


                           SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION 

                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) 
                    of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 

Filed by the registrant [x] 
Filed by a party other than the registrant [ ] 

Check the appropriate box: 

[ ] Preliminary proxy statement 
[x] Definitive proxy statement 
[ ] Definitive additional materials 
[ ] Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12 

                             SUNBEAM CORPORATION 
               (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter) 

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box): 

[x] $125 per Exchange Act Rule 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2). 
[ ] $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act 
    Rule 14a-6(i)(3). 
[ ] Fee computed on the table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: 

    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transactions apply: 

    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed 
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: 

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: 

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act 
    Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was 
    paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement 
    number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing. 

      (1) Amount previously paid: 

      (2) Form, schedule or registration statement no.: 

      (3) Filing party: 

      (4) Date filed: 

                           Sunbeam Corporation [Logo]

                                 August 30, 1996

Dear Fellow Shareholders: 

   This is my first opportunity to formally address you as the newly 
appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sunbeam Corporation. I 
believe my record is clear as far as the importance of you, the shareholders, 
to Sunbeam Corporation. Your interests are the reason Sunbeam exists, and 
this Company owes the highest degree of loyalty to you who have risked your 
capital in the expectation that Sunbeam will grow and prosper. 

   Unfortunately, over the past 18 months, Sunbeam has done anything but grow 
and prosper. We have seen quarter after quarter of increasing costs, 
declining margins and eroding profitability. The situation we have inherited 
will continue to hamper our performance during what is left of 1996, and it 
is clear that the Company will have to take a major restructuring charge 
later this year. 

   However, Sunbeam's strengths are many--great brands, customer 
relationships and dedicated employees at many levels of the Company. Our 
current weaknesses also are many--too many facilities, too many 
administrative offices and too many variations of product lines. These will 
not be weaknesses for long, however. We are actively reviewing right now all 
aspects of our cost structure, our marketing strategies, our product lines 
and our overall strategies for future growth. We will roll out a major 
restructuring plan in mid Fall, and we expect to implement it decisively and 
quickly. We intend to start 1997 as the NEW SUNBEAM! 

   As the Company's new CEO, I view the Company's past performance as 
completely unacceptable. However, I am also confident in the ability of our 
new management team to turn around Sunbeam. I have successfully managed eight 
major corporate turnarounds, and I do not intend to fail in turning around 
the performance of Sunbeam. 

   Please review carefully the attached Proxy Statement and return the 
enclosed proxy card as soon as possible. If you plan to attend the 
shareholders' meeting on September 27, 1996, I look forward to seeing you at 
that time. 

                                          /s/ Albert J. Dunlap
                                          Albert J. Dunlap 
                                          Chairman and CEO 

                             SUNBEAM CORPORATION 
                            2100 NEW RIVER CENTER 
                         200 EAST LAS OLAS BOULEVARD 
                        FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 

                        TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 27, 1996 

To The Shareholders of Sunbeam Corporation: 

   Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Shareholders of Sunbeam 
Corporation (the "Company") will be held at the offices of the Company at 
2100 New River Center, 200 East Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 
33301 on Friday, September 27, 1996, at 10:00 a.m. (local time), for the 
following purposes: 

   1. To consider and vote upon the Stock Option Plan for Albert J. Dunlap 
      (Proposal No. 1); 

   2. To consider and vote upon the Stock Option Plan for Russell A. Kersh 
      (Proposal No. 2); and 

   3. To consider and vote upon the Stock Option Plan for P. Newton White 
      (Proposal No. 3). 

   In accordance with the By-Laws of the Company, no other business may be 
presented for consideration at the Special Meeting other than that specified 
above except such other matters as may be incident to the conduct of the 
Special Meeting. 

   The close of business on August 23, 1996, has been fixed as the record 
date for the determination of the shareholders entitled to notice of and to 
vote at the meeting, and only shareholders of record at that time will be 
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting and at any 
postponements or adjournments thereof. 

   Shareholders who do not expect to attend the Special Meeting in person are 
urged to sign, date and promptly return the Proxy that is enclosed herewith. 

   By Order of the Board of Directors. 

                                                     David C. Fannin 
                                              Secretary and General Counsel 

August 30, 1996 

                             SUNBEAM CORPORATION 

                               PROXY STATEMENT 

                       TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1996 

   This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation by 
the Board of Directors and management of Sunbeam Corporation, a Delaware 
corporation (the "Company" or "Sunbeam"), of proxies for use at a Special 
Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (the "Special Meeting") to be held at 
the offices of the Company at 2100 New River Center, 200 East Las Olas 
Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 on Friday, September 27, 1996, at 
10:00 a.m. (local time), and at any postponements or adjournments thereof, 
for the purposes specified in the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting. 
This Proxy Statement, Notice of Special Meeting and accompanying proxy card 
are first being mailed to shareholders on or about August 30, 1996. 

   The date of this Proxy Statement is August 30, 1996. 


   The Company has entered into employment agreements with Albert J. Dunlap, 
Russell A. Kersh and P. Newton White, respectively, each of which provides, 
among other things, for a one-time grant to such individuals of options 
("Stock Option Plans") to purchase shares of Common Stock (as defined below), 
subject to approval by the Company's shareholders of such grants. At the 
Special Meeting, the shareholders of the Company will be asked to consider 
and vote upon separate proposals to approve the Stock Option Plans for 
Messrs. Dunlap, Kersh and White, respectively. 

   The Board of Directors adopted the Stock Option Plans, subject to approval 
by the Company's shareholders, in order to incentivize the Company's new 
senior management team which is charged with the responsibility of improving 
the Company's performance. The Board of Directors and its Compensation 
Committee believe that the incentives represented by the Stock Option Plans 
are highly competitive and will align the interests of the Company's senior 
managers with those of the Company's shareholders. 

   Moreover, approval of the Stock Option Plans by the shareholders of the 
Company will satisfy the shareholder approval requirement under Section 
162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), with 
the result that the options granted under such Stock Option Plans will 
qualify as performance based compensation and will not be subject to the 
limitation on the Company's deduction for compensation exceeding $1,000,000 
per year to certain executives. See "Certain Federal Income Tax 
Consequences." If the shareholders of the Company do not approve one or more 
of the Stock Option Plans, the Company and each of Messrs. Dunlap, Kersh and 
White have agreed to negotiate in good faith mutually acceptable alternative 
compensation arrangements. However, if the shareholders of the Company do not 
approve one or more of the Stock Option Plans, the affected individual or 
individuals may elect to terminate his or their employment for Good Reason 
(as defined below). See "Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment 
and Change in Control Arrangements." 


   As of the close of business on August 23, 1996, the date fixed by the 
Board of Directors as the record date for determining the shareholders to 
receive notice of, and to vote at, the Special Meeting, and at any 
postponements or adjournments thereof, the Company had outstanding 83,899,373 
shares of common stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Common Stock"). Each 
share of Common Stock entitles the holder thereof to one vote on each matter 
to be considered at the Special Meeting. The presence at 

the Special Meeting, in person or by duly executed proxy, of a majority of 
the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote will 
constitute a quorum. 

   If the accompanying proxy card is properly signed and returned to the 
Company, the shares of Common Stock represented thereby will be voted as 
specified therein, and if no specification is made, such shares will be voted 
in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors. The proxy 
may, nevertheless, be revoked prior to its exercise by delivering written 
notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Company, by executing a later 
dated proxy or by attending the Special Meeting and voting in person. 
Attendance at the Special Meeting will not in itself constitute a revocation 
of a proxy. 


   Under Section 162(m) of the Code, the affirmative vote of the holders of a 
majority of the votes cast at the Special Meeting will be required to approve 
each of the Stock Option Plans. Abstentions will have the same effect as 
votes against these proposals and broker non-votes will not be counted. The 
Steinhardt Group (as defined below) and the Funds Group (as defined below), 
the beneficial owners of approximately 41% of the outstanding Common Stock, 
have indicated their intention to vote in favor of the adoption of each of 
the Stock Option Plans. 


                             RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 

   On July 18, 1996, the Company announced the appointment of Albert J. 
Dunlap as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Roger 
W. Schipke who resigned in May 1996. 

   Soon thereafter, Mr. Dunlap formed an Operating Committee to manage the 
Company, which consists of Mr. Dunlap, Russell A. Kersh, P. Newton White and 
David C. Fannin who were appointed or, with respect to Mr. Fannin, 
reappointed, Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration, Executive 
Vice President, Consumer Products Worldwide, and Executive Vice President, 
General Counsel and Secretary, respectively. 

   The Company entered into employment agreements with each of Messrs. 
Dunlap, Kersh, White and Fannin in July 1996. See "Employment Contracts and 
Termination of Employment and Change in Control Arrangements." 

   The Board of Directors adopted a resolution pursuant to which, effective 
as of August 15, 1996, each Outside Director (as defined below) is expected 
to acquire (and may purchase from the Company at fair market value on the 
date of purchase), and thereafter to maintain ownership of, a minimum of 
2,000 shares of Common Stock. Such purchase is expected to be made as soon as 
practicable following each Outside Director's first election or appointment 
and, with respect to persons who were Outside Directors on August 6, 1996, 
within thirty days from such date. In compliance with that resolution, each 
of the Company's Outside Directors, Messrs. Kristol, Ravitch and Thayer, has 
purchased 5,000, 2,000 and 5,000 shares of Common Stock, respectively. 

   The following individuals, who served as officers of the Company during 
1995 and a portion of 1996, are no longer employed by the Company: (i) Roger 
W. Schipke, formerly Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, as of 
May 1996, (ii) James J. Clegg, formerly Executive Vice President and Chief 
Operating Officer, North America, as of July 1996, (iii) Paul M. O'Hara, 
formerly Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, as of August 
1996, and (iv) Richard L. Boynton, formerly Executive Vice President and 
President, Household Products, as of August 1996. See "Employment Contracts 
and Termination of Employment and Change in Control 
Arrangements--Arrangements with Named Executives Concerning Termination of 



   On July 18, 1996, the Company entered into an Employment Agreement (the 
"Dunlap Agreement") with Albert J. Dunlap. The Board of Directors is 
requesting shareholder approval of the provisions of the Dunlap Agreement 
which contain the Stock Option Plan for Albert J. Dunlap. See "Recent 
Developments" and "Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment and 
Change in Control Arrangements." 

   The Dunlap Agreement provides that, subject to approval by the Company's 
shareholders at the Special Meeting, Mr. Dunlap received a one-time grant 
effective as of July 18, 1996 of options to purchase 2,500,000 shares of 
Common Stock at a price of $12.25 per share (the "Dunlap Options"), such 
price being the closing price of the Company's Common Stock on the New York 
Stock Exchange ("NYSE") on July 17, 1996, in accordance with the Dunlap 
Agreement. The term of the Dunlap Options is ten years, and they will vest 
with respect to one-third of the shares subject thereto on the grant date and 
with respect to an additional one-third on each of the first and second 
anniversaries of the grant date. 

   The Dunlap Agreement further provides that (i) upon the occurrence of a 
Change in Control, the Dunlap Options will become fully vested, (ii) if the 
Company terminates Mr. Dunlap's employment other than for Cause and not due 
to his disability, or if he terminates his employment for Good Reason, the 
Dunlap Options will become fully vested and he will be entitled to exercise 
the Dunlap Options for the balance of the original ten-year term, (iii) if 
the Company terminates Mr. Dunlap's employment for Cause, he will be able to 
exercise the Dunlap Options which are exercisable on the date of termination 
within 90 days of the date of termination and if he terminates his employment 
other than for Good Reason, he will be able to exercise the Dunlap Options 
which are exercisable on the date of termination within one year of the date 
of termination, (iv) if Mr. Dunlap's employment is terminated due to his 
death, his estate or legal representative will be entitled to exercise within 
one year after the date of death the Dunlap Options which are then 
exercisable or which would have become exercisable within one year after the 
date of death, and (v) if his employment is terminated due to disability, he 
will be entitled to exercise within three years all Dunlap Options which are 
then exercisable or which would have become exercisable within one year after 
the date of termination. See "Employment Contracts and Termination of 
Employment and Change in Control Arrangements" for definitions of all 
capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein. 

   If the shareholders of the Company do not approve the Stock Option Plan 
for Albert J. Dunlap, the Company and Mr. Dunlap have agreed to negotiate in 
good faith mutually acceptable alternative compensation arrangements. The 
terms and conditions of any such alternative compensation arrangements have 
not been determined. However, if the shareholders of the Company do not 
approve the Stock Option Plan for Albert J. Dunlap, Mr. Dunlap may elect to 
terminate his employment for Good Reason. 

                          VOTE "FOR" APPROVAL OF THE 



   On July 22, 1996, the Company entered into an Employment Agreement (the 
"Kersh Agreement") with Russell A. Kersh. The Board of Directors is 
requesting shareholder approval of the provisions of the Kersh Agreement 
which contain the description of the Stock Option Plan for Russell A. Kersh. 
See "Recent Developments" and "Employment Contracts and Termination of 
Employment and Change in Control Arrangements." 

   The Kersh Agreement provides that, subject to approval by the Company's 
shareholders at the Special Meeting, Mr. Kersh received a one-time grant 
effective as of July 22, 1996 of options to purchase 250,000 shares of Common 
Stock at a price of $14.26 per share (the "Kersh Options"). Although the 
Kersh Options were not granted under the Option Plan (as defined below), the 
exercise price was established in a manner consistent with the Option Plan 
and is the average of the NYSE closing price of the Common Stock on the last 
twenty market days prior to the grant date. The term of the Kersh Options is 
ten years, and they will vest with respect to one-third of the shares subject 
thereto on each of the first, second and third anniversaries of the grant 

   The Kersh Agreement further provides that (i) upon the occurrence of a 
Change in Control, the Kersh Options will become fully vested, (ii) if the 
Company terminates Mr. Kersh's employment other than for Cause and not due to 
his disability, or if he terminates his employment for Good Reason, the Kersh 
Options will become fully vested and he will be entitled to exercise the 
Kersh Options for the balance of the original ten-year term, (iii) if the 
Company terminates Mr. Kersh's employment for Cause, he will be able to 
exercise the Kersh Options which are exercisable on the date of termination 
within 90 days of the date of termination and if he terminates his employment 
other than for Good Reason, he will be able to exercise the Kersh Options 
which are exercisable on the date of termination within one year of the date 
of termination, (iv) if Mr. Kersh's employment is terminated due to his 
death, his estate or legal representative will be entitled to exercise within 
one year after the date of death the Kersh Options which are then exercisable 
or which would have become exercisable within one year after the date of 
death, and (v) if his employment is terminated due to disability, he will be 
entitled to exercise within three years all Kersh Options which are then 
exercisable or which would have become exercisable within one year after the 
date of termination. See "Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment 
and Change in Control Arrangements" for definitions of all capitalized terms 
not otherwise defined herein. 

   If the shareholders of the Company do not approve the Stock Option Plan 
for Russell A. Kersh, the Company and Mr. Kersh have agreed to negotiate in 
good faith mutually acceptable alternative compensation arrangements. The 
terms and conditions of any such alternative compensation arrangements have 
not been determined. However, if the shareholders of the Company do not 
approve the Stock Option Plan for Russell A. Kersh, Mr. Kersh may elect to 
terminate his employment for Good Reason. 

                          VOTE "FOR" APPROVAL OF THE 



   On July 26, 1996, the Company entered into an Employment Agreement (the 
"White Agreement") with P. Newton White. The Board of Directors is requesting 
shareholder approval of the provisions of the White Agreement which contain 
the Stock Option Plan for P. Newton White. See "Recent Developments" and 
"Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment and Change in Control 

   The White Agreement provides that, subject to approval by the Company's 
shareholders at the Special Meeting, Mr. White received a one-time grant 
effective as of July 26, 1996 of options to purchase 250,000 shares of Common 
Stock at a price of $15.07 per share (the "White Options"). Although the 
White Options were not granted under the Option Plan, the exercise price was 
established in a manner consistent with the Option Plan and is the average of 
the NYSE closing price of the Common Stock on the last twenty market days 
prior to the grant date. The term of the White Options is ten years, and they 
will vest with respect to one-third of the shares subject thereto on each of 
the first, second and third anniversaries of the grant date. 

   The White Agreement further provides that (i) upon the occurrence of a 
Change in Control, the White Options will become fully vested, (ii) if the 
Company terminates Mr. White's employment other than for Cause and not due to 
his disability, or if he terminates his employment for Good Reason, the White 
Options will become fully vested and he will be entitled to exercise the 
White Options for the balance of the original ten-year term, (iii) if the 
Company terminates Mr. White's employment for Cause, he will be able to 
exercise the White Options which are exercisable on the date of termination 
within 90 days of the date of termination and if he terminates his employment 
other than for Good Reason, he will be able to exercise the White Options 
which are exercisable on the date of termination within one year of the date 
of termination, (iv) if Mr. White's employment is terminated due to his 
death, his estate or legal representative will be entitled to exercise within 
one year after the date of death the White Options which are then exercisable 
or which would have become exercisable within one year after the date of 
death, and (v) if his employment is terminated due to disability, he will be 
entitled to exercise within three years all White Options which are then 
exercisable or which would have become exercisable within one year after the 
date of termination. See "Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment 
and Change in Control Arrangements" for definitions of all capitalized terms 
not otherwise defined herein. 

   If the shareholders of the Company do not approve the Stock Option Plan 
for P. Newton White, the Company and Mr. White have agreed to negotiate in 
good faith mutually acceptable alternative compensation arrangements. The 
terms and conditions of any such alternative compensation arrangements have 
not been determined. However, if the shareholders of the Company do not 
approve the Stock Option Plan for P. Newton White, Mr. White may elect to 
terminate his employment for Good Reason. 

                          VOTE "FOR" APPROVAL OF THE 



   No income would result to Messrs. Dunlap, Kersh or White upon the grant of 
stock options pursuant to the Stock Option Plans. Upon the exercise of such a 
stock option, the amount by which the fair market value of the shares on the 
date of exercise exceeds the option price would be taxed to the individual 
exercising such stock option as ordinary compensation income. Upon a 
subsequent sale of any of those shares, the individual selling such shares 
would realize capital gain or loss (long-term or short-term, depending on 
whether the shares were held for more than twelve months before sale) in an 
amount equal to the difference between such individual's tax basis in the 
shares and the selling price. 

   Section 162(m) of the Code disallows a publicly-held company's deductions 
for compensation exceeding $1,000,000 per year for certain executives. 
However, compensation which constitutes "performance based compensation" 
approved by the Company's shareholders is excluded from the above limitation. 
The Stock Option Plans have been drafted to enable the stock options 
described above to qualify as performance based compensation if the Stock 
Option Plans are approved by the Company shareholders. Accordingly, upon the 
exercise of a stock option, the Company will be entitled to a deduction in 
the amount equal to the compensation income to the employee. 

   The preceding discussion is based upon the Code as presently in effect, 
which is subject to change, and does not purport to be a complete description 
of the federal income tax aspects of stock options. 



   The following table sets forth information, as of August 22, 1996, with 
respect to beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock by all persons 
known by the Company to be the record or beneficial owner of more than 5% of 
the outstanding Common Stock. Except as otherwise noted, all beneficial 
owners listed below have sole voting and investment power with respect to the 
shares owned by them. 

                                          AMOUNT AND NATURE       PERCENTAGE OF 
- ---------------------                  -----------------------    -------------
Steinhardt Partners, L.P                      4,736,177(7)             5.7% 

Institutional Partners, L.P(2) 
  I. P. Management Company, Inc.              7,455,094(7)             8.9% 

Steinhardt Management Company, Inc.           4,953,406(3)(7)          5.9% 

Michael H. Steinhardt                        17,144,677(4)(7)         20.5% 

Mutual Shares Fund                           11,260,174(5)(7)         13.4% 

Mutual Beacon Fund                            1,480,670(5)(7)          1.8% 

Mutual Qualified Fund                         4,800,554(5)(7)          5.7% 

Heine Securities Corporation                 17,541,398(6)(7)         20.9% 

Michael F. Price                             17,541,398(6)(7)         20.9% 

FMR Corp.(8) 
  Edward C. Johnson 3d 
  Abigail P. Johnson                          6,445,400                7.7% 

- ----------
(1) The address of each member of the Steinhardt Group is 605 Third Avenue, 
    New York, New York 10158. The address of each member of the Funds Group 
    is 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway, Short Hills, New Jersey 07078. The address 
    of FMR Corp., Edward C. Johnson 3d and Abigail P. Johnson is 82 
    Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109. 

(2) I.P. Management Company, Inc. ("I.P. Management") may be deemed to be the 
    beneficial owner of the shares owned by Institutional Partners, L.P. 
    ("Institutional") by virtue of its position as an investment manager of 

(3) The shares listed above of which Steinhardt Management Company, Inc. 
    ("Steinhardt Management") may be deemed to be the beneficial owner 
    consist of 4,916,569 shares owned by SP International S.A., a subsidiary 
    of Steinhardt Management, and 36,837 shares owned directly by Steinhardt 

(4) Michael H. Steinhardt is a managing general partner of Institutional and 
    Steinhardt Partners, L.P ("Steinhardt Partners"). Mr. Steinhardt is also 
    the sole Director and the Chairman and President of each of I. P. 
    Management and Steinhardt Management. As such, Mr. Steinhardt controls 
    each of Institutional, Steinhardt Partners, I. P. Management and 
    Steinhardt Management (collectively, with Michael H. Steinhardt, the 
    "Steinhardt Group") and has the power to vote (or to direct the vote) and 
    dispose (or to direct the disposition) of the securities held by the 
    Steinhardt Group. Shimon Topor, a Director of the Company, is a general 
    partner of Institutional and Steinhardt Partners. 

(5) Mutual Shares Fund, Mutual Beacon Fund and Mutual Qualified Fund 
    (collectively, the "Mutual Series Funds") are each a series of Mutual 
    Series Fund Inc. Peter Langerman, a Director of the Company, is the 
    Executive Vice President and a Director of Mutual Series Fund Inc. 

(6) Heine Securities Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Heine"), is an 
    investment advisor registered under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 
    and is investment advisor to each of the 


    Mutual Series Funds. Michael F. Price is the sole stockholder, President 
    and sole Director of Heine. As such Mr. Price has the sole power to vote 
    (or to direct the vote) and dispose (or to direct the disposition) of the 
    securities held by the Mutual Series Funds (collectively, with Heine and 
    Michael F. Price, the "Funds Group"). 

(7) Information reflected in this table and the notes thereto with respect to 
    the Steinhardt Group and the Funds Group is derived from the Schedule 13D 
    filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on April 8, 
    1993, and thereafter amended, by the individuals and entities named in 
    the above table. 

(8) Information reflected in this table and the notes thereto with respect to 
    FMR Corp. is derived from the Schedule 13G dated February 14, 1996 and 
    delivered to the Company. FMR is the parent of Fidelity Management & 
    Research Company ("Fidelity") and Fidelity Management Trust Company 
    ("Trust"). Fidelity is the beneficial owner of, and FMR and Edward C. 
    Johnson 3d have the sole power to dispose of, 6,246,800 of the shares 
    listed above by virtue of Fidelity's position as investment advisor to 
    various investment companies. The power to vote such shares is held by 
    the Boards of Trustees of the investment companies. Trust is the 
    beneficial owner of, and FMR and Mr. Johnson have the sole power to 
    dispose of, 198,600 of the shares listed above by virtue of Trust's 
    position as an investment manager of certain institutional accounts. 
    Edward C. Johnson 3d, Chairman of FMC, and Abigail P. Johnson, a Director 
    of FMC, together with members of the Edward C. Johnson family and trusts 
    for their benefit, may be deemed to be the beneficial owners of such 
    shares of the Company's stock by virtue of their ownership and control of 

   The Common Stock of the Company listed above as being beneficially owned 
by the Steinhardt Group and the Funds Group was previously held by 
Sunbeam-Oster Equities, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("SOE"). Those 
shares have been distributed to the limited partners of SOE, resulting in the 
share ownership set forth above. Pursuant to a Stockholders Agreement, dated 
as of December 28, 1995, the Steinhardt Group and the Funds Group have agreed 
to: (i) use their reasonable efforts to cause the Board of Directors of the 
Company to nominate a designee of each of the Funds Group and the Steinhardt 
Group and (ii) subsequently vote the shares owned by each of them to elect 
such designee. Collectively, the Steinhardt Group and the Funds Group control 
34,686,075 shares (or approximately 41%) of the Company's outstanding Common 
Stock and therefore have the practical power to significantly influence the 
approval of Proposals 1, 2 and 3 at the Special Meeting. The Steinhardt Group 
and the Funds Group have indicated that they intend to vote in favor of 
Proposals 1, 2 and 3. 



   The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership, reported to the 
Company as of August 22, 1996, of Common Stock, including certain shares as 
to which a right to acquire ownership exists, of: (1) each current Director; 
(2) those persons who, during 1995, (i) served as chief executive officer 
("CEO") of the Company and (ii) were the four most highly compensated 
executive officers of the Company, other than the CEO (collectively, the 
"Named Executives"); and (3) the current executive officers and directors of 
the Company as a group. 

                                        AMOUNT AND NATURE 
                                          OF BENEFICIAL     PERCENTAGE OF 
NAME AND ADDRESS(1)                    OWNERSHIP(2)(3)(4)    COMMON STOCK 
- -------------------                    ------------------   -------------
Albert J. Dunlap ....................       1,244,898(5)         1.50% 
Russell A. Kersh ....................         140,817(5)          .20% 
Howard G. Kristol ...................           6,500              * 
Peter A. Langerman ..................               0(6)           0 
Richard Ravitch .....................           9,159              * 
Charles J. Thayer ...................         117,659             .14% 
Shimon Topor ........................      12,191,271(7)        14.44% 

Spencer J. Volk .....................          92,500              * 
Roger W. Schipke(8) ...............                 0              0 
James J. Clegg(8) .................            67,900              * 
Paul M. O'Hara(8) .................           127,771             .20% 
Richard L. Boynton(8) .............            79,417              * 
All executive officers and Directors 
  as a group (17 persons) ...........      14,159,695(4)(9)      16.8% 

- ----------
*   Less than one percent. 

(1) The address of each executive officer and Director is 2100 New River 
    Center, 200 East Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301. 

(2) Includes shares which Named Executives, executive officers and Directors 
    have an option to acquire if such option is currently exercisable 
    (including options which may be exercised or will become exercisable 
    within the next sixty days). Includes 1,000, 99,500, 92,500, 67,900, 
    127,771 and 78,667 shares which may be acquired by Messrs. Ravitch, 
    Thayer, Volk, Clegg, O'Hara and Boynton, respectively, upon the exercise 
    of options which are currently exercisable. Options which are not 
    currently exercisable and will not become exercisable within the next 
    sixty days are not included in the table. 

(3) Includes 666,667, 100,000, 5,000 and 4,000 restricted shares held by 
    Messrs. Dunlap, Kersh, Ravitch and Thayer, respectively, which have not 
    vested. Such restricted shares held by (i) Mr. Dunlap will vest in two 
    equal installments on each of the first and second anniversaries of the 
    grant date of July 18, 1996, (ii) Mr. Kersh will vest in three equal 
    installments on each of the first, second and third anniversaries of the 
    grant date of July 22, 1996, (iii) Mr. Ravitch will vest in five equal 
    installments on the first through fifth anniversaries of his election as 
    a Director on July 2, 1996 and (iv) Mr. Thayer will vest in four equal 
    installments on each of December 31, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999. Dividends 
    are payable with respect to all restricted shares, regardless of whether 

(4) All officers and Directors have the sole power to vote and to dispose of 
    the shares listed above other than restricted shares which have not 
    vested, for which the holder has no power to dispose. 

(5) See "Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment and Change in 
    Control Arrangements." 

(6) Does not include shares owned by the Funds Group as to which Mr. 
    Langerman disclaims beneficial ownership. See "Security Ownership Of 
    Certain Shareholders." 


(7) These shares are owned by Institutional Partners and Steinhardt Partners; 
    Mr. Topor is a general partner of each of these entities. Mr. Topor does 
    not directly own any Common Stock but may be considered the beneficial 
    owner of the securities listed above. 

(8) Messrs. Schipke, Clegg, O'Hara and Boynton served as executive officers 
    of the Company until May, July, August and August, 1996, respectively. 
    See "Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment and Change in 
    Control Arrangements - Agreements with Named Executives Concerning 
    Termination of Employment." 

(9) Includes 353,625 shares which all executive officers and Directors have 
    the right to acquire under options which are currently exercisable 
    (including options which may be exercised or will become exercisable 
    within the next sixty days). Includes 895,667 restricted shares held by 
    all executive officers and Directors, which have not vested. 


                            DIRECTORS COMPENSATION 

   Effective as of August 15, 1996, the Board amended the Sunbeam Corporation 
Amended and Restated Equity Term Plan (the "Option Plan") to eliminate 
provisions for the automatic grant to Directors who are not employees of the 
Company or an affiliate of either the Steinhardt Group or the Funds Group, 
the Company's largest shareholders ("Outside Directors"), of 5,000 restricted 
shares of Common Stock upon initial election to the Board and of options to 
acquire 1,000 shares of Common Stock upon each election and subsequent 
re-election to the Board. Effective as of such date, pursuant to the Option 
Plan, Outside Directors were and will be automatically granted 1,500 shares 
of restricted stock upon their initial election or appointment to the Board 
and each subsequent re-election to the Board (prorated in case of an election 
or appointment at any time other than at an annual meeting of shareholders, 
except that each Outside Director elected or appointed between August 1, 1996 
and December 31, 1996 has received or will receive 1,500 shares of restricted 
stock on the later of the date of the Director's election or appointment and 
August 15, 1996). Such restricted stock vests immediately upon the Director's 
acceptance of his or her election or appointment. In addition, effective as 
of August 15, 1996, each Outside Director elected or appointed prior to 
August 1, 1996 received an initial grant of restricted shares pursuant to the 
Company's Option Plan, prorated as though each such Outside Director was 
first elected or appointed as of August 6, 1996. 

   Effective August 15, 1996, Outside Directors do not receive any other 
fees, but are reimbursed for all ordinary and necessary out-of-pocket 
expenses incurred by them in attending meetings of the Board or its 
Committees. Prior to August 15, 1996, each Outside Director received an 
annual director's fee of $20,000 plus $1,000 for each meeting of the Board or 
any Committee of the Board (of which the Director is a member) attended in 
person and $500 for each such meeting participated in by telephone. 

   The Sunbeam Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan for Outside Directors 
(the "Deferred Compensation Plan"), administered by the Board of Directors or 
a Committee of the Board, permitted Outside Directors to defer all or a 
specified percentage (in multiples of 10%) of a Director's eligible 
compensation until a future date specified by the Director, but payable 
earlier in the event of the Director's death or termination of service on the 
Board. The Deferred Compensation Plan was established to allow Directors to 
defer the cash fees which previously were paid to them. Although Directors 
will no longer participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan as a result of 
the Company's termination of the practice of paying cash fees, the Plan has 
not been terminated and amounts which were deferred by Director Thayer 
pursuant to the Plan into a phantom stock account (payable based upon the 
fair market value of the phantom stock units at the date of payment and 
accrued dividends equivalent to those that would be paid on the Company's 
Common Stock) will be treated in accordance with his previous direction. No 
other Directors participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan. 

   The Board of Directors adopted a resolution pursuant to which, effective 
as of August 15, 1996, each Outside Director is expected to acquire (and may 
purchase from the Company at fair market value on the date of purchase), and 
thereafter to maintain ownership of, a minimum of 2,000 shares of Common 
Stock. Such purchase is expected to be made as soon as practicable following 
each Outside Director's first election or appointment and, with respect to 
persons who were Outside Directors on August 6, 1996, within thirty days from 
such date. In compliance with that resolution, each of the Company's Outside 
Directors, Messrs. Kristol, Ravitch and Thayer, has purchased 5,000, 2,000 
and 5,000 shares of Common Stock, respectively. 


                     EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION -1993 TO 1995 


   The following table sets forth for the years ended December 31, 1995, 
January 1, 1995, and January 2, 1994, the compensation for services rendered 
to the Company in all capacities of the Named Executives. 

                                          ANNUAL COMPENSATION               LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                      ------------------------------------- ------------------------
                                                                            RESTRICTED    UNDERLYING
NAME AND                                                     OTHER ANNUAL     STOCK        OPTIONS/        ALL OTHER
- ------------------            ----    ------        -----   --------------- ----------     ---------     ---------------
Roger W. Schipke              1995  $1,000,000    $      0    $ 16,036      $        0            0          $39,900               
Chairman and CEO              1994   1,000,000     500,000           0               0            0            7,620 
                              1993     416,667     209,589     185,526       3,315,002      750,000            1,000 

James J. Clegg                1995     391,250       7,825           0               0       70,000           37,703 
Executive Vice President      1994     341,667      71,067           0               0      210,000            5,526 
 and President and Chief      1993     300,000     100,000           0               0            0            4,897 
 Operating Officer, 
 North America 

Spencer J. Volk               1995     368,750      31,713       9,763               0      110,000           36,617 
Executive Vice President      1994     342,147     100,000           0               0      250,000            5,646 
 and President and Chief      1993           0           0           0               0            0                0 
 Operating Officer, 

Paul M. O'Hara                1995     363,333           0           0               0      162,500           36,382 
Executive Vice President      1994     291,667     225,000(5)   15,813               0      325,000            5,495 
 and Chief Financial          1993           0           0           0               0            0                0 

Richard L. Boynton            1995     287,500      10,063           0               0       50,000           33,124 
Executive Vice President      1994     216,667      61,967           0               0      150,000           18,471 
 and President, Household     1993     170,000      75,000           0               0       30,000           23,464 

- ----------
(1) Includes the following amounts paid to Mr. Schipke in 1993: (i) imputed 
    interest income of $109,377 with respect to interest free loans made by 
    the Company, (ii) a tax gross-up payment on tax on imputed interest of 
    $74,142 and (iii) a tax gross-up payment of $2,007 for the amount of tax 
    payable on reimbursement for moving expenses; and the following amounts 
    paid in 1995: (i) imputed interest income of $9,325 with respect to the 
    extension of the December 31, 1995 due date of certain interest free 
    loans made by the Company and (ii) a tax gross-up payment on tax on 
    imputed interest of $6,711. Also includes tax gross-up payments made to 
    Mr. O'Hara in 1994 and to Mr. Volk in 1995 for the amount of tax payable 
    on reimbursement for moving expenses. 

(2) Based upon the closing market price of the Common Stock as of the date of 
    grant of such restricted stock awards. As of December 31, 1995, Mr. 
    Schipke was the sole officer of the Company with restricted stock 
    holdings. As of December 31, 1995, his aggregate restricted stock 
    holdings were 42,500 shares with a value of $648,125 (based on the 
    December 29, 1995 market price of $15.25 per share), all of which vested 
    in May 1996. See "Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment and 
    Change in Control Arrangements." 

(3) Includes options awarded in exchange for the cancellation of certain 
    outstanding options, a portion of which were granted in 1995. Shares 
    underlying option grants previously made which were cancelled in exchange 
    for new option awards are also included. 

(4) The Company adopted an Executive Benefit Replacement Plan (the 
    "Replacement Plan") in 1994 to restore the amount of benefits payable to 
    certain highly compensated employees of the Company 


    who would otherwise be subject to certain limitations on the amount of 
    benefits payable under the Company's 401(k) Savings and Profit Sharing 
    Plan. Amounts of All Other Compensation include the following amounts 
    contributed for Messrs. Clegg and Boynton in 1993 under the Company's 
    401(k) Savings and Profit Sharing Plan and amounts accrued for all Named 
    Executives in 1994 and 1995 under the Replacement Plan (including the 
    Company's profit sharing allocation): 

NAME               1995        1994       1993 
- ----              -------     ------    -------
Mr. Schipke...    $20,760     $4,620    $     0 
Mr. Clegg.....     20,390      4,500      3,997 
Mr. Volk......     19,370      4,620          0 
Mr. O'Hara....     19,153      4,620          0 
Mr. Boynton...     16,120      4,620     17,521 

    In addition, the amount of All Other Compensation includes a profit 
    sharing allocation in the amount of $16,140 made to the Replacement Plan 
    in 1995 for 1994 services rendered by each of Messrs. Schipke, Clegg, 
    Volk, O'Hara and Boynton. 

    All Other Compensation also includes payments of insurance premiums for 
    term life insurance on behalf of the Named Executives in each year as 

NAME               1995       1994       1993 
- ----              ------     ------     ------
Mr. Schipke...    $3,000     $3,000     $1,000 
Mr. Clegg.....     1,173      1,026        900 
Mr. Volk......     1,107      1,026          0 
Mr. O'Hara....     1,089        875          0 
Mr. Boynton...       864        651        900 

(5) Includes a one-time bonus payment of $50,000 in connection with initial 



   The following table sets forth information with respect to the options to 
purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock granted to Messrs. O'Hara, 
Volk, Clegg and Boynton during 1995 pursuant to the Option Plan. All option 
grants made in 1995 to these Named Executives were effective upon the 
cancellation of outstanding options in an amount equal to the option granted. 
No options were granted to Mr. Schipke during 1995. 

                        NUMBER OF        % OF TOTAL 
                        SECURITIES      OPTIONS/SARS 
                        UNDERLYING       GRANTED TO      EXERCISE OR 
                       OPTIONS/SARS      EMPLOYEES        BASE PRICE     EXPIRATION   GRANT DATE 
NAME                    GRANTED(1)    IN FISCAL YEAR       ($/SH)          DATE         VALUE(3) 
- ----                   ------------   --------------     -----------     ----------   ----------
James J. Clegg......      70,000            4.21            $14.39          2005       $457,000 
Spencer J. Volk.....      70,000            4.21             14.39          2005        457,000 
                          40,000(2)         2.41             24.02          2005        463,000 
Paul M. O'Hara......     110,000            6.62             14.39          2005        718,000 
                          52,500            3.16             14.94          2005        358,000 
Richard L. Boynton..      50,000            3.01             14.39          2005        327,000 

- ----------
(1) The options held by Mr. Volk have a term of ten years and become 
    exercisable over five years in equal annual increments. The options held 
    by Messrs. Clegg, O'Hara and Boynton became exercisable upon the date of 
    termination of employment with the Company in July, August and August, 
    1996, respectively, on a pro rata basis, based upon the calendar months 
    worked in the year preceding the next vesting date for each option grant. 
    These options have a term of three years from the date of termination of 
    employment with the Company, except for certain options with a $5.00 
    exercise price held by Messrs. Clegg and Boynton, which had a term 
    expiring 45 days after such termination. See "Employment Contracts and 
    Termination of Employment and Change in Control Arrangements." 

(2) All of these options were cancelled in exchange for the grant of options 
    to purchase 70,000 shares of Common Stock at a lower exercise price, as 
    set forth above. 

(3) Grant date values were calculated using the Black-Scholes options pricing 
    model which has been adjusted to take dividends into account. USE OF THIS 
    PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPANY'S COMMON STOCK. The estimated present value of 
    each stock option as set forth above is based on the following inputs: 

GRANT DATE                                 11/01/95       11/21/95       02/14/95 
- ----------                                 --------       --------       -------- 
Stock Price at Date of Grant ..........      $15.00         $15.63          $25.38 
Exercise Price (Fair Market Value, 
  as defined in the Option Plan) ......      $14.39         $14.94          $24.02 
Expected Option Term ..................     6 Years        6 Years         6 Years 
Risk Free Interest Rate ...............     5.7828%        5.7410%         7.4182% 
Stock Price Volatility ................      33.06%         32.95%          29.28% 
Dividend Yield ........................      .2780%         .2677%          .1665% 
Expected Forfeiture ...................          0%             0%              0% 

   The model assumes: (a) an Expected Option Term of 6 years which reflects 
the actual 10-year life of the option discounted for factors such as the 
expected time until exercise; (b) a Risk-Free Interest Rate that represents 
the interest rate on a U. S. Treasury Bill with a maturity date corresponding 
to that of the Expected Option Term; (c) Stock Price Volatility is calculated 
using stock prices for a period selected by the Company and believed to 
reflect volatility in the absence of unusual corporate transactions; (d) 
Dividend Yield is calculated using the annual dividend rate in effect at date 
of grant ($.04 per share); and (e) no forfeitures. Notwithstanding the fact 
that these options are, with limited exceptions, non-transferable, no 
discount for lack of marketability was taken. 



   The following table sets forth information with respect to the unexercised 
options to purchase the Company's Common Stock granted to Roger W. Schipke 
pursuant to his employment arrangement and to the Named Executives under the 
Option Plan and held by them on December 31, 1995. 

                                                      NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                     UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED                 VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                       OPTIONS HELD ON                    IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS ON
                       SHARES                         DECEMBER 31, 1995                    DECEMBER 31, 1995(2)   
                      ACQUIRED         VALUE      -----------------------------      --------------------------------
- ----                 -----------    -----------   -----------     -------------      -----------        -------------
Roger W. Schipke...    57,500        $419,950        505,000          187,500         $        0        $      0 

James J. Clegg.....    25,000         465,625        128,979          182,000          1,035,035          60,200 

Spencer J. Volk....         0               0         50,000          240,000                  0          60,200 

Paul M. O'Hara.....         0               0         65,000          260,000                  0         110,875 

Richard Boynton....         0               0         92,993          139,000            532,928          43,000 

- ----------
(1) Based on the difference between the exercise price and the price at the 
    date of actual exercise. 

(2) Based on the difference between the exercise price of the options and the 
    closing price on the New York Stock Exchange of the Company's Common 
    Stock on December 29, 1995 ($15.25). 



   The Company made loans to its former CEO, Mr. Schipke, on August 31, 1993 
(the "August Loan") and on December 31, 1993 (the "December Loan"), in the 
amounts of $663,749 and $506,663, respectively. The largest aggregate amount 
of indebtedness outstanding on these notes at any time during 1995 was 
$669,650. The loans were repaid in full by Mr. Schipke in May 1996. See 
"Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment and Change in Control 
Arrangements - Arrangements with Named Executives Concerning Termination of 



   On July 18, 1996, the Company entered into the Dunlap Agreement with Mr. 
Dunlap, pursuant to which the Company has agreed to employ Mr. Dunlap as 
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Dunlap has agreed 
to serve in such capacities, for an initial period of three years ending July 
17, 1999, and for successive one-year renewal periods unless advance notice 
of termination is given by either party by no later than April 1 of the 
immediately preceding year. The Dunlap Agreement may not be renewed beyond 
July 17, 2001. 


   Under the Dunlap Agreement, Mr. Dunlap will be paid a base salary at an 
annual rate of $1,000,000. The Company may increase Mr. Dunlap's base salary, 
but may not reduce it after any such increase. Mr. Dunlap is eligible to 
participate immediately in the other benefit plans available generally to 
employees or other senior executives of the Company. However, he is not 
eligible to participate in any incentive plan of the Company. The Company 
also provides Mr. Dunlap with various perquisites on a grossed up basis. 



   Mr. Dunlap invested $3,000,000 in the Company on July 18, 1996, by 
purchasing 244,898 shares of Common Stock from the Company at a price of 
$12.25 per share (the closing price of the Company's Common Stock on the NYSE 
on July 17, 1996). Mr. Dunlap received a one-time grant on July 18, 1996, of 
1,000,000 restricted shares (the "Restricted Shares"). One-third of such 
Restricted Shares vested on July 18, 1996 and the remainder will vest in two 
equal installments on each of the first and second anniversaries of the grant 
date. Subject to approval by the Company's shareholders at the Special 
Meeting (see "Proposal 1--Approval of Stock Option Plan for Albert J. Dunlap 
contained in the Employment Agreement between the Company and Albert J. 
Dunlap"), Mr. Dunlap received a one-time grant effective as of July 18, 1996 
of options to purchase 2,500,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of $12.25 
per share (the "Dunlap Options"). The term of the Dunlap Options is ten 
years, and they will vest with respect to one-third of the shares subject 
thereto on the grant date and an additional one-third on each of the first 
and second anniversaries of the grant date. If the shareholders do not 
approve the stock option provisions of the Dunlap Agreement, the Company and 
Mr. Dunlap have agreed to negotiate in good faith mutually acceptable 
alternative compensation arrangements. The terms and conditions of any such 
alternative compensation arrangements have not been determined. However, if 
the shareholders of the Company do not approve Proposal 1, Mr. Dunlap may 
elect to terminate his employment for Good Reason (as discussed below). Upon 
the occurrence of a Change in Control of the Company (as defined below), the 
Dunlap Options and Restricted Shares will vest in full. 


   The Company may terminate Mr. Dunlap's employment under the Dunlap 
Agreement at any time, or due to his disability, or for Cause. As defined in 
the Dunlap Agreement, "Cause" means (i) willful failure substantially to 
perform Mr. Dunlap's duties under the Dunlap Agreement, except if such 
failure results from disability, or (ii) his conviction for a felony (or a 
plea of guilty or nolo contendere thereto). Mr. Dunlap may terminate his 
employment under the Dunlap Agreement at any time. In addition, he may 
terminate his employment for Good Reason by notifying the Company within 90 
days after any of the following events occurring without his consent, unless 
remedied by the Company within 30 days after receiving such notice: 

       (i) any change in Mr. Dunlap's title as Chairman of the Board and 
     Chief Executive Officer or his removal from, or the failure to re-elect 
     him to, such positions; 

       (ii) any assignment of duties materially inconsistent with his 
     positions or any material limitation of his powers as contemplated by 
     the Dunlap Agreement; 

       (iii) any requirement that Mr. Dunlap be based without his consent 
     anywhere other than at the Company's principal executive office; 

       (iv) any reduction in Mr. Dunlap's base salary; 

       (v) any failure to continue in effect any fringe benefit plan in 
     effect at the date of the Dunlap Agreement or to provide Mr. Dunlap 
     equivalent benefits; 

       (vi) the failure of the Company, within 60 days after the date of the 
     Dunlap Agreement, to have Mr. Dunlap duly elected as a Director and 
     thereafter to maintain his status as a Director while he serves as Chief 
     Executive Officer; 

       (vii) the failure of the Company to have three individuals (or their 
     successors) designated by Mr. Dunlap to be elected and reelected as 

       (viii) a Change in Control of the Company; or 

       (ix) any other material breach of the agreement by the Company. 


As defined in the Dunlap Agreement, a "Change in Control" means the 
occurrence of any one of the following events: 

       (i) any "person" as such term is used in Sections 3(a)(9) and 13(d) of 
     the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), becomes a 
     "beneficial owner," as such term is used in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under 
     that Act, of 25% or more of the voting stock of the Company; 

       (ii) the majority of the Board of Directors consists of individuals 
     other than Incumbent Directors, which term means the members of the 
     Board on the date of the agreement and any individuals designated by Mr. 
     Dunlap; provided that any person becoming a Director subsequent to such 
     date whose election or nomination for election was supported by 
     two-thirds of the Directors who then comprised the Incumbent Directors 
     is considered to be an Incumbent Director; 

       (iii) the Company, without Mr. Dunlap's consent, adopts any plan of 
     liquidation providing for the distribution of all or substantially all 
     of its assets; or 

       (iv) all or substantially all of the assets or business of the Company 
     are disposed of pursuant to a merger, consolidation or other transaction 
     (unless the persons who were shareholders of the Company immediately 
     prior to such merger, consolidation or other transaction beneficially 
     own, directly or indirectly, in substantially the same proportion as 
     they owned the voting stock of the Company, all of the voting stock or 
     other ownership interests of the entity or entities, if any, that 
     succeed to the business of the Company). 

   The Dunlap Agreement provides that, if the Company terminates Mr. Dunlap's 
employment other than for Cause and not due to his disability, or if he 
terminates his employment for Good Reason, (i) he will receive as liquidated 
damages a lump sum payment in an amount equal to the base salary that would 
have been payable through the period ending June 17, 1999, or any then 
applicable renewal period, (ii) the Dunlap Options and Restricted Shares will 
become fully vested, and he will be entitled to exercise the Dunlap Options 
for the balance of the original ten-year term, and (iii) he will be entitled 
to continue participating in the employee benefit plans in which he had been 
entitled to participate before termination, for three years after 
termination, or to receive substantially equivalent benefits. 

   The Dunlap Agreement provides that, if the Company terminates Mr. Dunlap's 
employment for Cause or if he terminates his employment other than for Good 
Reason, all obligations (other than accrued obligations) of the Company will 
cease, except that he will be able to exercise the Dunlap Options which are 
exercisable on the date of termination within 90 days, if the termination is 
for Cause, and within one year, if it is by Mr. Dunlap without Good Reason. 

   The Dunlap Agreement provides that, if Mr. Dunlap's employment is 
terminated due to his death, his estate or legal representative will be 
entitled to exercise within one year after the date of death the Dunlap 
Options which are then exercisable or which would have become exercisable 
within one year after the date of death and, further, the portion of then 
unvested Restricted Shares equal to the number of such unvested Restricted 
Shares multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is 24 minus the 
number of months remaining in the first two years of the employment term and 
denominator of which is 24, will become vested as of the date of death. If 
his employment is terminated due to disability, he will be entitled to 
exercise within three years all Dunlap Options which are then exercisable or 
which would have become exercisable within one year after the date of 
termination and the portion of Restricted Shares determined in accordance 
with the procedure described in the immediately preceding sentence will 
become vested as of the date of termination. 

   In addition, the Dunlap Agreement provides that Mr. Dunlap will be 
entitled to receive a gross-up with respect to any excise tax applicable 
under the Code to "excess parachute payments." 



   In July 1996, the Company entered into employment agreements with Messrs. 
Kersh, White and Fannin (the "Executives"), for an initial period of three 
years ending on the third anniversary of the date the applicable agreement 
was executed. 


   Under the agreements, Messrs. Kersh, White and Fannin will be paid a base 
salary at annual rates of $425,000, $425,000 and $300,000, respectively. The 
base salaries will not be increased during the term of the agreements. In 
addition, Messrs. Kersh and White have each received an initial signing bonus 
of $125,000. The Executives will also be eligible to participate immediately 
in the other benefit plans available generally to employees or other senior 
executives of the Company. However, they will not be eligible to participate 
in any cash incentive plan of the Company. 


   Messrs. Kersh, White and Fannin have invested approximately $500,000, 
$500,000 and $100,000, respectively, in shares of Common Stock of the 
Company. Messrs. Kersh, White and Fannin each received a one-time grant of 
100,000, 100,000 and 10,000 Restricted Shares, respectively (Mr. Fannin's 
grant was under the Option Plan). Such Restricted Shares will vest in three 
equal installments on each of the first, second and third anniversaries of 
the grant date. Messrs. Kersh, White and Fannin received one-time grants, 
effective as of July 22, July 26 and July 29, 1996, respectively, of options 
to purchase 250,000, 250,000 and 75,000 shares, respectively, of Common Stock 
at a price of $14.26, $15.07 and $15.32 per share, respectively, under the 
Option Plan. In addition, subject to approval by the Company's shareholders 
at the Special Meeting (see "Proposal 2--Approval of Stock Option Plan for 
Russell A. Kersh contained in the Employment Agreement between the Company 
and Russell A. Kersh" and "Proposal 3--Approval of Stock Option Plan for P. 
Newton White contained in the Employment Agreement between the Company and P. 
Newton White"), Messrs. Kersh and White each received, effective as of July 
22 and July 26, 1996, respectively, one-time grants of options to purchase 
250,000 shares, at a price of $14.26 and $15.07 per share, respectively. The 
term of such options is ten years, and they will vest with respect to 
one-third of the shares subject thereto on each of the first, second and 
third anniversaries of the grant date. If the shareholders do not approve the 
stock option provisions of the Kersh Agreement or the White Agreement, the 
Company and each such Executive have agreed to negotiate in good faith 
mutually acceptable alternative compensation arrangements. The terms and 
conditions of any such alternative compensation arrangements have not been 
determined. However, if the shareholders of the Company do not approve 
Proposal 2, with respect to Mr. Kersh, or Proposal 3, with respect to Mr. 
White, such Executive may elect to terminate his employment for Good Reason 
(as discussed below). 


   The Company may terminate an Executive's employment under the agreements 
at any time, or due to the Executive's disability, or for Cause (as defined 
above). Each Executive may terminate his employment under the agreement at 
any time. In addition, he may terminate his employment for Good Reason by 
notifying the Company within 90 days after any of the following events 
occurring without his consent, unless remedied by the Company within 30 days 
after receiving such notice: 

       (i) any assignment of duties materially inconsistent with his 
     positions or any material limitation of his powers as contemplated by 
     the agreement; 

       (ii) any removal of the Executive from, or any failure to reelect the 
     Executive to the executive officer position specified in the agreement; 

       (iii) any other material breach of the agreement by the Company. 


   The agreements provide that, if the Company terminates an Executive's 
employment other than for Cause and not due to his disability, or if he 
terminates his employment for Good Reason or following a Change in Control 
(as defined above), (i) he will receive as liquidated damages a lump sum 
payment in an amount equal to the base salary that would have been payable 
through the end of the employment term, (ii) the options and Restricted 
Shares will become fully vested, and he will be entitled to exercise the 
options for the balance of the original ten-year term, and (iii) he will be 
entitled to continue participating in the employee benefit plans in which he 
had been entitled to participate before termination, through the end of the 
employment term, or to receive substantially equivalent benefits. 

   The agreements provide that, if the Company terminates an Executive's 
employment for Cause or if he terminates his employment other than for Good 
Reason or following a Change in Control, all obligations (other than accrued 
obligations) of the Company will cease, except that he will be able to 
exercise the options which are exercisable on the date of termination within 
90 days, if the termination is for Cause, and within one year, if it is by 
the Executive other than for Good Reason or following a Change in Control. 

   The agreements provide that, if an Executive's employment is terminated 
due to his death, his estate or legal representative will be entitled to 
exercise within one year after the date of death the options which are then 
exercisable or which would have become exercisable within one year after the 
date of death and, further, the portion of then unvested Restricted Shares 
equal to the number of such unvested Restricted Shares multiplied by a 
fraction, the numerator of which is 36 minus the number of months remaining 
in the first three years of the employment term and denominator of which is 
36, will become vested as of the date of death. If his employment is 
terminated due to disability, he will be entitled to exercise within three 
years all options which are then exercisable or which would have become 
exercisable within one year after the date of termination and the portion of 
Restricted Shares determined in accordance with the procedure described in 
the immediately preceding sentence will become vested as of the date of 

   In addition, the agreements provide that each Executive will be entitled 
to receive a gross-up with respect to any excise tax applicable under the 
Code to "excess parachute payments." 


   The Company is a party to an employment agreement with Mr. Volk for a term 
continuing through 1996. The agreement established base annual salary of not 
less than $350,000. In addition, Mr. Volk is eligible to receive bonuses, as 
determined by the Board of Directors, up to a maximum amount of 60% of his 
base salary. 

   Pursuant to the termination provisions and subject to Mr. Volk's 
compliance with certain non-competition provisions contained in the 
agreement, in the event of his (i) termination from the Company without cause 
or (ii) termination of his employment by Mr. Volk upon a "Change in Control" 
(as defined in the agreement), subject to release by Mr. Volk of any damages 
incurred because of the Company's actions, he will be entitled to an amount 
equal to the product of (A) base salary as of the date of termination and (B) 
the number of years, including any partial year, which shall be expressed as 
a fraction, remaining in the term of the agreement, but in no event less than 
one year's annual base salary. In the event of death, all amounts accrued 
through the date of death shall be paid. In the event of disability, Mr. Volk 
will continue to receive his base salary for such period until his employment 
is terminated, provided that payments made are reduced by any sums payable to 
him under the Company's disability benefit plan or the Social Security 
disability insurance program. If Mr. Volk's employment with the Company is 
terminated for cause (as defined in the agreement), he is entitled only to 
accrued obligations of the Company through the date of termination. 


   In connection with Mr. Schipke's resignation and the terminations of 
employment with the Company of Messrs. Clegg, O'Hara and Boynton, the Company 
entered into certain arrangements with 


each of them, providing that, pursuant to the terms of their respective 
employment agreements and in consideration of the execution of the agreements 
and of a release and covenant not to sue contained therein, they would 
receive payments equal to, in the case of Mr. Schipke, the base salary 
remaining under his employment agreement (until December 31, 1996), and, in 
the case of each of Messrs. Clegg, O'Hara and Boynton, one year base salary 
at their current rate of compensation, less applicable withholding taxes. In 
addition, Mr. Schipke will also receive continuation of health, dental and 
life insurance coverage, on the same basis as prior to termination of 
employment, until December 31, 1997. The agreement with Mr. Schipke also 
provides for immediate repayment by him of the balance then outstanding on 
the August Loan and the December Loan. See "Certain Relationships and Related 
Transactions--Indebtedness of Management." The termination agreement with Mr. 
Schipke also provided for immediate vesting of all of his then outstanding 
options to purchase shares of Common Stock and Restricted Shares. 


   In December 1995, based on the recommendation of the Compensation 
Committee, the Board of Directors adopted a Change in Control Plan with 
respect to executive vice presidents of the Company, including Messrs. Kersh, 
White, Volk and Fannin. Pursuant to this plan, if there is a "Change in 
Control" of the Company prior to December 31, 1996, followed by a "Change in 
Status" of any executive vice president of the Company (who holds such office 
as of the effective date of the Change in Control and which Change in Status 
occurs within two years following Change in Control), the executive vice 
president shall be entitled to receive an amount such that the aggregate 
value of all payments and benefits to him which are contingent upon a Change 
in Control shall be not less than 2.99 times the officer's "base amount" (as 
calculated in accordance with Section 280(g) of the Code and applicable 
regulations) (the "Change in Control Payment"). The amount of the Change in 
Control Payment is inclusive of all amounts to which the executive vice 
president may otherwise be entitled by reason of a Change in Control, coupled 
with a Change in Status, including (but not limited to) amounts paid pursuant 
to the employment agreement between the Company and the executive, as 
described above, or pursuant to the Company's Option Plan, which also 
provides for accelerated vesting of outstanding options upon a Change in 
Control followed by a Change in Status. The Change in Control Plan terminates 
as of December 31, 1996. 

                                OTHER MATTERS 

   In accordance with the By-Laws of the Company, no other business may be 
presented for consideration at the Special Meeting other than that specified 
in the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting except such other matters as 
may be incident to the conduct of the Special Meeting. Proxies in the 
enclosed form will be voted in respect of such other matters as may be 
incident to the conduct of the Special Meeting in accordance with the 
judgment of the person or persons voting the proxies. 

   The Company is not aware of any substantial interest, direct or indirect, 
by holders of Common Stock or otherwise, of any officer, Director or 
associate of the foregoing persons in any matter to be acted on, as described 
herein, other than the interests of Messrs. Dunlap, Kersh and White in their 
respective Stock Option Plans. 

                             COST OF SOLICITATION 

   The cost of soliciting proxies in the accompanying form has been or will 
be borne by the Company. In addition to solicitation by mail, arrangements 
will be made with brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and 
fiduciaries to send proxies and proxy material to their principals, and the 
Company may reimburse them for any attendant expenses. 

                          1997 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS 

   Any shareholder wishing to submit a proposal to the Company for 
consideration for inclusion in its proxy statement relating to its 1997 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders must deliver such proposal to the Secretary of 
the Company at the Company's corporate office, 2100 New River Center, 200 
East Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, on or before January 31, 


                              SUNBEAM CORPORATION
                             2100 NEW RIVER CENTER
                          200 EAST LAS OLAS BOULEVARD
                           FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301


     The undersigned hereby appoints Robert Gluck and Rich Goudls as Proxies, 
each with the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them, and
each of them, to represent and vote, as designated below, all the shares of
Common Stock of Sunbeam Corporation (the "Company") held of record by the
undersigned on August 23, 1996, at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the
Company to be held on September 27, 1996, and at any postponements or
adjournments thereof.

     This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder. If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted FOR Proposals No. 1, 2 and 3. Proxies will be voted in respect of such
other matters as may be incident to the conduct of the Special Meeting in
accordance with the judgment of the Proxies appointed hereby.

                     (Continued and to be dated and signed on the reverse side.)

                                   SUNBEAM CORPORATION
                                   P.O. BOX 11223
                                   NEW YORK, N.Y. 10203-0223

1. To approve the Stock Option Plan for Albert J. Dunlap (Proposal No. 1):

   FOR [ ]   AGAINST [ ]   ABSTAIN [ ]

2. To approve the Stock Option Plan for Russell A. Kersh (Proposal No. 2):

   FOR [ ]   AGAINST [ ]   ABSTAIN [ ]

3. To approve the Stock Option Plan for P. Newton White (Proposal No. 3):

   FOR [ ]   AGAINST [ ]   ABSTAIN [ ]

                                  CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND
                                  OR COMMENTS MARK HERE [ ]

                                  When shares are held by joint tenants, both 
                                  should sign. When signing as attorney, 
                                  executor, administrator, trustee or guardian,
                                  please give full title as such. If a 
                                  corporation, please sign in full corporate 
                                  name by the President or other authorized
                                  officer. If a partnership, please sign in
                                  partnership name by authorized person.

                                  Dated:_________________________________, 1996


                                            Signature, if held jointly


                                                 VOTES MUST BE INDICATED (X) 
                                                 IN BLACK OR BLUE INK.      [ ]

                                                                      Appendix A

                        EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

                           by and between

                         SUNBEAM CORPORATION


                          ALBERT J. DUNLAP

                    Effective as of July 18, 1996

                        EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

            AGREEMENT, effective as of July 18, 1996 (the "Effective Date"), by
and between Albert J. Dunlap (the "Executive") and Sunbeam Corporation, a
Delaware corporation (the "Company").

            WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board") desires
to employ the Executive and the Executive desires to furnish services to the
Company on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and

            WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this agreement setting
forth the terms and conditions of the employment relationship of the Executive
with the Company;

            NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
agreements set forth below, the parties hereby agree as follows:

            1. EMPLOYMENT. The Company hereby agrees to employ the Executive,
and the Executive hereby accepts such employment, on the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth.

            2. EMPLOYMENT PERIOD. The period of employment of the Executive by
the Company hereunder (the "Employment Period") shall commence on the Effective
Date and shall end on July 17, 1999 (or the Date of Termination (as defined in
Section 6 below), if earlier). Commencing on July 18, 1999, the Employment
Period shall be extended for successive one year periods (individually, a
"Renewal Period"), unless a notice not to extend this Agreement shall have been
given by either party hereto to the other not later than April 1 immediately
preceding the commencement of a Renewal Period or unless the Date of Termination
shall have previously occurred; provided, however, that the last such Renewal
Period shall be the Renewal Period ending on July 17, 2001. Unless the context
suggests otherwise, the Employment Period hereunder


shall for all purposes of this Agreement be deemed to include any Renewal

            3. POSITION AND DUTIES. The Executive shall serve as Chairman of the
Board and Chief Executive Officer and as a director of the Company and shall
report to directly to the Board. During the Employment Period, subject to the
supervisory powers of the Board, the Executive shall have those powers and
duties consistent with his position as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer, which powers shall in all cases include, without limitation, the power
of supervision and control over and responsibility for the general management
and operation of the Company. The Executive agrees to devote substantially all
his working time, attention and energies to the performance of his duties for
the Company. It shall not be a violation of this Agreement for the Executive to
(i) serve on corporate, civic or charitable boards or committees, (ii) give
speeches and make media appearances to discuss matters of public interest and
(iii) manage his personal investments, so long as such activities do not
unreasonably interfere with the performance of the Executive's responsibilities
as an officer of the Company in accordance with this Agreement. It is understood
that the Executive has made a commitment to appear in various cities in the
United States in connection with the forthcoming publication of a book entitled
MEAN BUSINESS, of which he is a co-author, and it shall not be a violation of
this Agreement for the Executive to make such appearances (the expenses relating
to such appearances to be borne by the Executive). The Company shall nominate
the Executive as a director of the Company and shall use its best efforts to
have the Executive elected and reelected to the Board for the duration of the
Employment Period. The Company shall also use its best efforts to cause (i) the
Board to be expanded from six to not more than nine members and (ii) three
individuals, designated by the Executive to be elected and reelected as
directors of the Company for the duration of the Employment Period. In the event
that any of such individuals fails to qualify or be elected (or, having been
elected, resigns, is removed or fails to be re-elected) during the Employment
Period, the Executive shall designate a successor reasonably acceptable to the
Board and the Company shall nominate such person as a


director and shall use its best efforts to cause such person to be elected and

            4. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE. The principal place of employment of the
Executive shall be at the Company's principal executive offices in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, or such other location as may be agreed to by the Board and
the Executive. In the event that the Company's principal executive offices are
moved from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the Company shall promptly pay, or
reimburse the Executive for, all reasonable expenses incurred by the Executive
for a period of one year relating to any change of the Executive's residence
from Boca Raton, Florida, in connection with his employment hereunder,
including, without limitation, reasonable expenses for himself and his family of
travel, moving, storage and suitable lodging and maintenance, and the Company
shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is
assessed upon him in relation to any such expenses. The Company shall pay or
reimburse the Executive for all reasonable costs and expenses of residential
relocation incurred by him for a period of one year in connection with each and
every additional change, if any, in the location of the principal executive
offices of the Company, and the Executive shall be reimbursed by the Company on
a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is assessed upon him in relation to
any such costs or expenses.


                  (a) BASE SALARY. As compensation for the performance by the
Executive of his duties hereunder, during the Employment Period the Company
shall pay the Executive a base salary at an annual rate of $1,000,000 (the base
salary, at the rate in effect from time to time, is hereinafter referred to as
the "Base Salary"). The Base Salary shall be payable in equal semi-monthly
installments and may be increased from time to time at the discretion of the
Company's Compensation Committee (or any successor thereof) and the Board. Base
Salary shall not be reduced after any increase thereof.


                  (b)  EQUITY GRANTS.

            (1) PURCHASED SHARES. Effective as of the Effective Date,
the Executive shall purchase from the Company for his own account, and the
Company shall sell to the Executive, for the sum of $3,000,000 that number of
shares of the Company's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common Stock"),
determined by dividing $3,000,000 by the closing price per share of such shares
on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") on July 17, 1996 ($12.25). Such shares
shall be the sole property of the Executive, shall be unrestricted and shall be
freely tradeable by the Executive, subject to applicable legal restrictions.
Within six (6) months after the Effective Date, the Company shall cause the
shares to be registered or qualified for resale under the Securities Act of 1933
and applicable state laws.

            (2) RESTRICTED SHARES. Effective as of the Effective Date, the
Executive is hereby granted, without cost to the Executive, 1,000,000 shares of
the Company's Common Stock, on the terms and conditions set forth herein.
One-third of such shares (the "Unrestricted Shares") shall be vested upon the
Effective Date and the remaining shares (the "Restricted Shares") shall vest and
cease to be restricted in two equal installments on the first and second
anniversaries of the Effective Date (subject to earlier vesting provisions set
forth in Section 5(b)(4) and earlier vesting and forfeiture provisions set forth
in Section 7). All such shares, once vested, shall be the sole property of the
Executive, shall be unrestricted and shall be freely tradeable by the Executive,
subject to applicable legal restrictions. Within six (6) months after the
Effective Date, the Company shall cause all such shares to be registered or
qualified for resale under the Securities Act of 1933 and applicable state laws.

            (i) ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES. The Unrestricted Shares shall be
      registered in the Executive's name, and the certificates therefor shall be
      delivered to the Executive within 10 days after the Effective Date. The
      Restricted Shares shall be registered in the Executive's name, but the
      certificates evidencing the Restricted Shares shall be re-


      tained by the Company until such shares become vested and the restrictions
      thereon lapse. The period prior to the time that any particular Restricted
      Shares become vested and the restrictions thereon lapse is hereinafter
      referred to as the "Restricted Period" with respect to such shares. The
      Executive shall execute a stock power, in blank, with respect to such
      Restricted Shares and deliver the same to the Company.

            (ii) RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. Except as provided herein, during the
      Restricted Period, the Executive shall have all the rights of a
      stockholder with respect to Restricted Shares, including the right to
      receive dividends or other distributions and the right to vote such
      shares; provided that, in the discretion of the Company any such dividends
      or other distributions may be retained by the Company unless and until the
      Restricted Shares in respect of which such dividends or other
      distributions were paid shall vest.

            (iii) NON-TRANSFERABILITY. During the Restricted Period, the
      Executive may not sell, transfer, pledge, or otherwise encumber or dispose
      of the Restricted Shares, and any attempted sale, transfer, pledge or
      other encumbrance or disposition (whether voluntary or involuntary) in
      violation of this Section 5(b)(2)(iii) shall be null and void.

            (iv) DELIVERY OF SHARE CERTIFICATES. Upon the vesting of any
      Restricted Shares, the certificates evidencing such Restricted Shares,
      together with any dividends or other distributions retained by the Company
      pursuant to Section 5(b)(2)(ii), shall be delivered promptly to the
      Executive. In the case of Executive's death, such certificates, dividends
      and distributions will be delivered to the beneficiary designated in
      writing by the Executive pursuant to a form of designation provided by the
      Company, to the Executive's legatee or legatees, or to his personal
      representatives or distributees, as the case may be. Unless and until
      registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, certificates
      evidencing the shares purchased by the Executive pursuant to Sec-


      tion 5(b)(1) hereof, the Restricted Shares, the Unrestricted Shares, and
      shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of the Option (as defined in
      Section 5(b)(3) below) shall bear the following legend:


            (3) STOCK OPTIONS. Effective as of the Effective Date, and subject
to shareholder approval by Company's shareholders at a special meeting to be
held for that purpose prior to September 30, 1996 (the "Special Meeting"), the
Executive is hereby granted a non-qualified stock option (an "Option") to
purchase 2,500,000 shares of Common Stock (the "Option Award"). The Option Award
is subject to the following conditions: (i) the exercise price per share of
Common Stock shall be equal to the closing price per share on the NYSE on July
17, 1996 ($12.25), (ii) the Option Award shall vest and become exercisable with
respect to one-third (1/3) of the shares of Common Stock subject to such award
on the Effective Date and an additional one-third (1/3) of the shares of Common
Stock subject to such award on each of the first and second anniversaries of the
Effective Date (subject to earlier vesting provisions set forth in Section
5(b)(4) and earlier vesting and forfeiture provisions set forth in Section 7),
and (iii) the Option Award shall expire on the tenth anniversary of the
Effective Date, subject to earlier termination as provided herein. Within six
(6) months after the Effective Date the Company shall cause all shares subject
to the Option to be registered or qualified for resale under the Securities Act
of 1933 and applicable state laws. In the event that Company's shareholders fail
to approve the grant of the Option at the Special Meeting, the Company and the
Executive shall negotiate in good faith a mutually acceptable alternative
compensation arrangement; provided, however, that the Executive, in his sole
discretion, may elect to terminate this Agreement, in which event it shall be
deemed to have been terminated pursuant to Section 6(d) hereof and the Executive
shall be entitled to receive the


compensation, rights and benefits provided in Section 7(e) hereof (other than in
respect of stock options).

            (4) SPECIAL VESTING OF EQUITY GRANTS. Anything herein to the
contrary notwithstanding, if a Change in Control occurs during the Employment
Period and the Executive has remained continually employed by the Company from
the Effective Date to the date of the Change in Control, the Restricted Shares
that have not theretofore vested shall vest and the Option Award, to the extent
not theretofore vested and exercisable, shall become fully vested and
exercisable, upon the occurrence of such Change in Control. For purposes of this
Agreement, a Change in Control shall mean the occurrence of any one of the
following events:

            (A)   any "person" as such term is used in Sec- tions 3(a)(9) and
                  13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
                  becomes a "beneficial owner," as such term is used in Rule
                  3d-3 promulgated under that act, of 25% or more of the voting
                  stock of the company (other than a person that is cur- rently
                  the beneficial owner of such per- centage of the Company's
                  voting stock);

            (B)   the majority of the Board consists of individuals other than
                  Incumbent Direc- tors, which term means the members of the
                  Board on the date of this Agreement, the Executive and the
                  individuals designated as directors by the Executive in accor-
                  dance with Section 3 hereof; provided that any person becoming
                  a director sub- sequent to such date whose election or
                  nomination for election was supported by two-thirds of the
                  directors who then com- prised the Incumbent Directors shall
                  be considered to be an Incumbent Director;

            (C)   the Company, without the Executive's consent, adopts any plan
                  of liquidation providing for the distribution of all or
                  substantially all of its assets; or


            (D)   all or substantially all of the assets or business of the
                  Company are disposed of pursuant to a merger, consolidation or
                  other transaction (unless the shareholders of the Company
                  immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or other
                  transaction beneficially own, directly or indirectly, in
                  substantially the same proportion as they owned the voting
                  stock of the Compa- ny, all of the voting stock or other own-
                  ership interests of the entity or enti- ties, if any, that
                  succeed to the business of the Company).

                  (c) EXPENSES. During the Employment Period, the Company shall
reimburse the Executive for all reasonable business expenses in accordance with
applicable policies and procedures then in force, including, without limitation,
first class travel, lodging and other expenses incurred by him. In light of the
fact that the Executive may be required to travel for extended period of time,
such expenses shall include all reasonable expenses of the Executive's wife for
travel with the Executive in the service of the Company.

                  (d) VACATION AND OTHER ABSENCES. The Executive shall be
entitled to paid vacation and other paid absences, whether for holidays,
illness, personal time or any similar purposes, during the Employment Period in
accordance with policies applicable generally to senior executives of the
Company; provided, however, that the Executive shall always be entitled to at
least six weeks of paid vacation in each calendar year and pro rata for part of
a year and shall be compensated at the conclusion of each calendar year for any
unused vacation days.

                  (e) AUTOMOBILE. The Company shall purchase from the Executive
at his cost the Mercedes automobile currently owned by him and shall provide to
the Executive, every two years thereafter, during the Employment Period, a new
automobile, comparable in type and style, for his exclusive use. The Company
shall reimburse the Executive for all reasonable expenses incurred in the use
and maintenance of such automobile, and will


also provide the Executive with a driver on a full-time basis for security and
safety reasons. The Company shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis
in the event that any tax is assessed upon him in relation to such driver or

                  (f) CLUB MEMBERSHIP. During the Employment Period, the Company
shall pay any and all initiation fees, monthly membership dues, and
company-related expenses in connection with the continuation of the Executive's
current country club membership and for comparable country club membership in
the event of a relocation of the Company's principal executive office. The
Company shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis in the event that
any tax is assessed upon him in relation to such fees, dues and expenses.

                  (g) FINANCIAL PLANNING, ETC. During the Employment Period, the
Company shall provide the Executive with financial consulting services,
including taxrelated advice and services, without cost or expense to him and
shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is
assessed upon him in relation to such services. The Company shall pay the
reasonable fees and disbursements of legal, accounting and tax advisors incurred
by the Executive in connection with the negotiation, preparation and
implementation of this Agreement and any additional instruments and agreements
related hereto, and any transactions contemplated hereby, and the Company shall
reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is
assessed upon him in relation to any such fees and disbursements.

                  (h) OTHER BENEFITS. During the Employment Period, the
Executive shall be eligible to participate at no cost or expense to him in
welfare plans and programs (including any tax-deferred savings plan, group life
insurance plan, medical and dental insurance plan, and accident and disability
insurance plan) ("Benefit Plans") applicable generally to employees and/or
senior executives of the Company, but shall not be eligible to participate in
the Company's short-term or long-term incentive plans or in the Company's
employee defined benefit pension plans. The Company will waive, or obtain the
waiver of, any waiting periods for eligibility under


the Benefit Plans or will provide comparable benefits to the Executive without
cost to him during the waiting period.

            6.    TERMINATION. The Executive's employment hereunder, as the case
may be, may be terminated as follows:

            (a)   DEATH. The Executive's employment shall terminate upon his
death, and the date of his death shall be the Date of Termination.

            (b)   DISABILITY. If, as a result of the Executive's incapacity due
to physical or mental illness, the Executive shall have been absent from his
duties hereunder on a full-time basis for one hundred and twenty (120)
consecutive days and, within thirty (30) days after written Notice of
Termination (as defined in Section 6(f) hereof) is given, shall not have
returned to the performance of his duties hereunder on a full-time basis
("Disability"), the Company may terminate the Executive's employment hereunder.
In this event, the Date of Termination shall be thirty (30) days after Notice of
Termination is given (provided that the Executive shall not have returned to the
performance of his duties on a full-time basis during such thirty (30) day

                  (c) CAUSE. The Company may terminate the Executive's
employment hereunder for Cause. For purposes of this Agreement, the Company
shall have "Cause" to terminate the Executive's employment hereunder:

                       (i) upon the Executive's conviction for the commission of
a felony (or a plea of nolo contendere thereto); or

                       (ii) willful failure by the Executive substantially to
perform his duties hereunder (other than any such failure resulting from the
Executive's incapacity due to Disability).

                  For purposes hereof, no act or failure to act by the Executive
      shall be considered "willful" unless done or omitted to be done by him not
      in good faith or without reasonable belief that his action


      or omission was in the best interests of the Company or contrary to a
      formal resolution of the Board. Cause shall not exist unless and until
      there shall have been delivered to the Executive a copy of a resolution,
      duly adopted by the affirmative vote of not less than two thirds of the
      entire membership of the Board at a meeting of the Board held for the
      purpose (after ten (10) days' prior notice to the Executive of such
      meeting and the purpose thereof and an opportunity for him, together with
      his counsel, to be heard before the Board at such meeting), finding that
      in the good faith opinion of the Board, the Executive was guilty of
      conduct set forth above in clause (ii) of this Section 6(c) and specifying
      the particulars thereof in detail. The Date of Termination shall be the
      date specified in the Notice of Termination; provided, however, that, in
      the case of a termination for Cause under clause (ii) above, the Date of
      Termination shall not be earlier than 30 days after delivery of the Notice
      of Termination. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, if,
      following a termination of the Executive's employment by the Company for
      Cause based upon the conviction of the Executive for a felony, such
      conviction is overturned in a final determination on appeal, the Executive
      shall be entitled to the payments and the economic equivalent of the
      benefits the Executive would have received if his employment had been
      terminated by the Company without Cause.

                  (d) GOOD REASON. The Executive may terminate his employment
hereunder for Good Reason, provided that the Executive shall have delivered a
Notice of Termination (as defined in Section 6(f) hereof) within ninety (90)
days after the occurrence of the event of Good Reason giving rise to such
termination. For purposes of this Agreement, "Good Reason" shall mean the
occurrence of one or more of the following circumstances, without the
Executive's express written consent, which are not remedied by the Company
within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Executive's Notice of Termination:

                       (i) an assignment to the Executive of any duties
materially inconsistent with his positions,

duties, responsibilities and status with the Company or any material limitation
of the powers of the Executive not consistent with the powers of the Executive
contemplated by Section 3 hereof;

                       (ii) any removal of the Executive from, or any failure to
re-elect the Executive to, the positions specified in Section 3 of this

                       (iii) the change of the Executive's title as specified by
Section 3 of this Agreement;

                       (iv) the Company's requiring the Executive without his
consent to be based at any office or location other than as described in Section
4 of this Agreement;

                       (v) a reduction in the Executive's Base Salary as in
effect from time to time;

                       (vi) the failure of the Company to continue in effect any
Benefit Plan that was in effect on the date hereof or provide the Executive with
equivalent benefits;

                       (vii) the failure of the Company, within not more than
sixty (60) days after the Effective Date, to have the Executive duly elected as
a member of its Board of Directors and to maintain the Executive in such
position at all times thereafter for so long as he shall serve as Chief
Executive Officer of the Company;

                       (viii) the failure of the Company to cause three
individuals (or their successors) designated by the Executive to be elected and
reelected as directors of the Company in accordance with Section 3 hereof;

                       (ix) any other material breach by the Company of this
Agreement; or

                       (x) a Change in Control.


            In the event of a termination for Good Reason, the Date of
Termination shall be the date specified in the Notice of Termination, which
shall be no more than thirty (30) days after the Notice of Termination.

                  (e) OTHER TERMINATIONS. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Company may terminate the Executive's employment hereunder at any time and the
Executive may terminate his employment at any time, in each case subject to the
provisions of Sections 7(d) and (e) hereof. If the Executive's employment is
terminated hereunder for any reason other than as set forth in Sections 6(a)
through 6(d) hereof, the date on which a Notice of Termination is given or any
later date (within 30 days) set forth in such Notice of Termination shall be the
Date of Termination.

                  (f) NOTICE OF TERMINATION. Any termination of the Executive's
employment hereunder by the Company or by the Executive (other than termination
pursuant to Section 6(a) hereof) shall be communicated by written Notice of
Termination to the other party hereto in accordance with Section 13 hereof. For
purposes of this Agreement, a "Notice of Termination" shall mean a notice which
shall indicate the specific termination provision in this Agreement relied upon
and shall set forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to
provide a basis for termination of the Executive's employment under the
provision so indicated. If any dispute concerning a Notice of Termination of the
Executive's employment under Section 6(b), 6(c) or 6(d) hereof results in a
determination that a proper basis for such termination did not exist under such
section, the Executive's employment under this Agreement shall be treated, with
respect to a Notice of Termination pursuant to Section 6(b) or 6(c) hereof, as
having been terminated pursuant to Section 6(e) hereof or, with respect to a
Notice of Termination pursuant to Section 6(d) hereof, as having not been


                  (a)  DISABILITY PERIOD.  During any period
during the Employment Period that the Executive fails to


perform his duties hereunder as a result of incapacity due to physical or mental
illness ("Disability Period"), the Executive shall continue to (i) receive his
full Base Salary and (ii) participate in the Benefit Plans. Such payments made
to the Executive during the Disability Period shall be reduced by the sum of the
amounts, if any, payable to the Executive at or prior to the time of any such
payment under disability benefit plans of the Company or under the Social
Security disability insurance program, and which amounts were not previously
applied to reduce any such payment.

                  (b)  DEATH. If the Executive's employment hereunder is
terminated as a result of death, then:

                        (i) the Company shall pay the Executive's estate or
      designated beneficiary, as soon as practicable after the Date of
      Termination, any Base Salary installments due in the month of death and
      any reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder as of
      the Date of Termination;

                        (ii) the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to
      the Option Award shall become vested and exercisable, as of the Date of
      Termination, to the extent such Option Award would have otherwise become
      vested on or before the first anniversary of the Date of Termination, and
      all vested Options shall remain exercisable for a period of one year
      following such Date of Termination and shall thereafter be completely
      forfeited and cancelled; any Options that would not have become vested and
      exercisable on or before the first anniversary of the Date of Termination
      shall terminate and be forfeited as of the Date of Termination; and

                        (iii) the portion of the Restricted Shares that have not
      vested as the Date of Termination equal to the number of such unvested
      Restricted Shares multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is 24
      minus the number of full months remaining in the first two years of the
      Employment Period (disregarding the earlier termination thereof) after the
      Date of Termination and denominator of


      which is 24, shall become vested as of the Date of Termination and the
      restrictions imposed thereon shall lapse. The balance of such unvested
      Restricted Shares shall be forfeited to the Company (without further
      action on the part of the Company or the Executive) as of the Date of
      Termination, and the Executive shall have no further rights with respect
      to such balance.

                  (c)  DISABILITY. If the Executive's employment hereunder is
terminated as a result of Disability, then:

                        (i)  the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as
      practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
      reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
      services as of the Date of Termination;

                        (ii) the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to
      the Option Award shall become vested and exercisable, as of the Date of
      Termination, to the extent such Option Award would have otherwise become
      vested on or before the first anniversary of the Date of Termination, and
      all vested Options shall remain exercisable for a period of three years
      following such Date of Termination and shall thereafter be completely
      forfeited and cancelled; any Options that would not have become vested and
      exercisable on or before the first anniversary of the Date of Termination
      shall terminate and be forfeited as of the Date of Termination; and

                        (iii) the portion of the Restricted Shares that have not
      vested as the Date of Termination equal to the number of such unvested
      Restricted Shares multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is 24
      minus the number of full months remaining in the first two years of the
      Employment Period (disregarding the earlier termination thereof) after the
      Date of Termination and denominator of which is 24, shall become vested,
      and the restrictions imposed thereon shall lapse. The balance of such
      unvested Restricted Shares shall be forfeited to the Company (without
      further action on the part of the


      Company or the Executive) as of the Date of Termination, and the Executive
      shall have no further rights with respect to such balance.

Executive's employment hereunder is terminated by the Company for Cause or by
the Executive (other than for Good Reason), then:

                        (i) the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as
      practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
      reimbursable expenses accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
      services as of the Date of Termination; and

                        (ii) the Executive shall immediately forfeit any
      unvested Restricted Shares and any unvested portion of the Option Award.
      In the event of termination by the Company for Cause, the Executive shall
      have the right to exercise the vested unexercised portion of the Option
      Award for a period of ninety (90) days after the Date of Termination, and
      the unexercised portion of such Option Award shall be forfeited
      thereafter. In the event of termination by the Executive other than for
      Good Reason, the Executive shall have the right to exercise the vested
      unexercised portion of the Option Award for a period of one year following
      the Date of Termination and the unexercised portion of such Option Award
      shall be forfeited thereafter.

WITH GOOD REASON. If the Executive's employment hereunder is terminated by the
Company (other than for Cause or Disability) or by the Executive for Good
Reason, then:

                        (i) the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as
      practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
      reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
      services as of the Date of Termination;

                        (ii) the Company shall immediately pay to the Executive
      as liquidated damages and not


      as a penalty a lump sum amount equal to the total Base Salary that would
      have otherwise been payable to the Executive with respect to the period
      commencing immediately following the Date of Termination and ending on
      July 17, 1999, or, if applicable, the expiration of the Renewal Period
      (the "Salary Continuation Period") at the annualized rate in effect at the
      time Notice of Termination is given;

                        (iii) the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to
      the Option Award shall become fully vested and exercisable, and the
      Restricted Shares shall become fully vested, as of the Date of
      Termination. The Option Award shall remain exercisable for the balance of
      its original 10-year term; and

                        (iv) for a period of three years immediately following
      the Date of Termination, the Executive shall continue to participate in
      all employee benefit plans and programs in which the Executive was
      entitled to participate immediately prior to the Date of Termination in
      accordance with the terms of such plans and programs as in effect from
      time to time; provided that the Executive's continued participation is
      permitted under the general terms and provisions of such plans and
      programs. In the event that the Executive's participation in any such plan
      or program is barred, the Company shall arrange to provide the Executive
      and his dependents with benefits substantially the same as those which the
      Executive and his dependents would otherwise have been entitled to receive
      under such plans and programs from which their continued participation is
      barred or provide their economic equivalent.

            8. GROSS-UP FOR EXCISE TAX. In the event that the Executive receives
any payment or benefit (including but not limited to the payments or benefits
pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement) (a "Payment") that is subject to the
excise tax (the "Excise Tax") under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code"), the Company shall pay to the Executive, as soon
thereafter as practicable, an additional amount (a


"Gross-Up Payment") such that the net amount retained by the Executive, after
deduction of any Excise Tax imposed upon the Payment and any federal, state and
local income tax and Excise Tax imposed upon the Gross-Up Payment shall be equal
to the Payment. The determination of whether an Excise Tax is due in respect of
any payment or benefit, the amount of the Excise Tax and the amount of the
Gross-Up Payment shall be made by an independent auditor (the "Auditor") jointly
selected by the Company and the Executive and paid by the Company. If the
Executive and the Company cannot agree on the firm to serve as the Auditor, then
the Executive and the Company shall each select one nationally recognized
accounting firm and those two firms shall jointly select the nationally
recognized accounting firm to serve as the Auditor. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, for purposes of determining the Gross-Up Payment in respect of any
Payment, (i) any other payments or benefits received or to be received by the
Executive in connection with a Change in Control or the Executive's termination
of employment (whether pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or any other
plan, arrangement or agreement with the Company, any person whose actions result
in a Change in Control or any person affiliated with the Company or such person)
shall be treated as "parachute payments" within the meaning of Section
280G(b)(2) of the Code, and all "excess parachute payments" within the meaning
of Section 280G of the Code shall be treated as subject to the Excise Tax,
unless in the opinion of tax counsel selected by the Auditor, such other
payments or benefits (in whole or in part) do not constitute parachute payments,
or are otherwise not subject to the Excise Tax, and (ii) the Executive shall be
deemed to pay federal income tax at the highest marginal rate applicable in the
calendar year in which the Gross-Up Payment is made, and state and local income
taxes at the highest marginal rate of taxation in the state and locality of the
Executive's residence on the Date of Termination, net of the maximum reduction
in federal income taxes which could be obtained from deduction of such state and
local taxes. In the event the actual Excise Tax or such income tax is more or
less than the amount used to calculate the Gross-Up Payment, the Executive or
the Company, as the case may be, shall pay to the other an amount reflecting the
actual Excise Tax or such income tax, plus interest on the amount of such


repayment at the rate provided in Section 1274(b)(2)(B) of the Code.

            9. MITIGATION. The Executive shall not be required to mitigate
amounts payable pursuant to Section 7 hereof by seeking other employment or
otherwise, nor shall there be any offset against such payments on account of (a)
any remuneration attributable to any subsequent employment that he may obtain or
(b) any claims the Company may have against the Executive.


                  (a) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Executive shall hold in a
fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the Company and its subsidiaries (the
"Sunbeam Entities") all trade secrets, confidential information, and knowledge
or data relating to the Sunbeam Entities and the businesses and investments of
the Sunbeam Entities, which shall have been obtained by the Executive during the
Executive's employment by the Company, including such information with respect
to any products, improvements, formulas, designs or styles, processes, services,
customers, suppliers, marketing techniques, methods, future plans or operating
practices ("Confidential Information"); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Confidential
Information shall not include any information known generally to the public
(other than as a result of unauthorized disclosure by the Executive) or any
specific information or type of information generally not considered
confidential by persons engaged in the same business as the Company, or
information disclosed by the Company or any officer thereof to a third party
without restrictions on the disclosure of such information. Except as may be
required or appropriate in connection with his carrying out his duties under
this Agreement, the Executive shall not, without the prior written consent of
the Company or as may otherwise be required by law or legal process, communicate
or divulge any such Confidential Information to anyone other than the Company
and those designated by the Company.

                  (b)  REMOVAL OF DOCUMENTS.  All records, files, drawings,
documents, models, and the like relating


to the business of the Sunbeam Entities, which the Executive prepares, uses or
comes into contact with and which contain Confidential Information shall not be
removed by the Executive from the premises of any Sunbeam Entity (without the
written consent of the Company) during or after the Employment Period unless
such removal shall be required or appropriate in connection with his carrying
out his duties under this Agreement, and, if so removed by the Executive, shall
be returned to such Sunbeam Entity immediately upon termination of the
Executive's employment hereunder.

                  (c) NON-COMPETITION. During (i) the Executive's employment
with the Company and (ii) the two (2) year period immediately following the
Executive's Date of Termination, the Executive (A) shall not engage, anywhere
within the geographical areas in which any Sunbeam Entity is then conducting its
business operations, directly or indirectly, alone, in association with or as a
shareholder, principal, agent, partner, officer, director, employee or
consultant of any other organization, in any business (a "Competitive Business")
which competes with any business then being conducted by such Sunbeam Entity;
(B) shall not solicit or encourage any officer, employee or consultant of any of
the Sunbeam Entities to leave the employ of any of the Sunbeam Entities for
employment by or with any Competitive Business; and (C) shall not solicit,
divert or take away, or attempt to divert or to take away, the business or
patronage of any of the customers or accounts, or prospective customers or
accounts, of any Sunbeam Entity, which were contacted, solicited or served by
the Executive while employed by the Company; provided, however, that nothing
herein shall prohibit the Executive from owning a maximum of two percent (2%) of
the outstanding stock of any publicly traded corporation. Following the Date of
Termination, ownership by the Executive of not more than five percent (5%) of
any publicly traded corporation shall not constitute a violation hereof. If, at
any time, the provisions of this Section 10(c) shall be determined to be invalid
or unenforceable, by reason of being vague or unreasonable as to area, duration
or scope of activity, this Section 10(c) shall be considered divisible and shall
become and be immediately amended to only such area, duration and scope of
activity as shall


be determined to be reasonable and enforceable by the court or other body having
jurisdiction over the matter; and the Executive agrees that this Section 10(c)
as so amended shall be valid and binding as though any invalid or unenforceable
provision had not been included herein. For purposes of this Section 10(c), the
design, manufacture and marketing of outdoor barbecue grills, casual outdoor and
indoor furniture and small kitchen appliances shall be construed to be a
Competitive Business; provided, however, that the gross revenues derived from
sales of such products by such competitor are greater than the lesser of (i) 10%
of its total revenues and (ii) $500,000,000.

                  (d) REMEDIES. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of
this Section 10, the Executive agrees that the Company shall be entitled to
apply for injunctive relief in a court of appropriate jurisdiction to remedy any
such breach or threatened breach, the Executive acknowledging that damages would
be inadequate and insufficient.

                  (e) CONTINUING OPERATION.  Any termination of the Executive's
employment or of this Agreement shall have no effect on the continuing 
operation of this Section 10.

            11. INDEMNIFICATION. The Company shall indemnify the Executive to
the full extent permitted by law and the By-laws of the Company for all
expenses, costs, liabilities and legal fees which the Executive may incur in the
discharge of all his duties hereunder, including, without limitation, the right
to be paid in advance by the Company for his expenses in defending a civil or
criminal action, proceeding or investigation prior to the final disposition
thereof. The Executive shall be insured under the Company's Directors' and
Officers' Liability Insurance Policy as in effect from time to time.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, any
termination of the Executive's employment or of this Agreement shall have no
effect on the continuing operation of this Section 11.



                  (a) COMPANY'S SUCCESSORS. No rights or obligations of the
Company under this Agreement may be assigned or transferred by the Company
except that such rights or obligations may be assigned or transferred pursuant
to a merger or consolidation in which the Company is not the continuing entity,
or the sale or liquidation of all or substantially all of the business and/or
assets of the Company, provided that the assignee or transferee is the successor
to all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company and
such assignee or transferee assumes the liabilities, obligations and duties of
the Company, as contained in this Agreement, either contractually or as a matter
of law. The Company will require any such successor to expressly assume and
agree to perform this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that
the Company would be required to perform it if no such succession had taken
place. As used in this Agreement (except in the definition of Change in
Control), "Company" shall mean the Company as hereinbefore defined and any
successor to its business and/or assets as aforesaid which executes and delivers
the agreement provided for in this Section 12 or which otherwise becomes bound
by all the terms and provisions of this Agreement or by operation of law.

                  (b) EXECUTIVE'S SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall not be
assignable by the Executive. This Agreement and all rights of the Executive
hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Executive's
personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, heirs,
distributees, devisees and legatees. Upon the Executive's death, all amounts to
which he is entitled hereunder, unless otherwise provided herein, shall be paid
in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Executive's devisee,
legatee, or other designee or, if there be no such designee, to the Executive's

            13. NOTICE. For the purposes of this Agreement, notices, demands and
all other communications provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and
shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered or (unless otherwise
specified) mailed by United States certified or registered mail, return receipt
requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:


            If to the Executive:

                  Albert J. Dunlap
                  422 Addison Park Lane
                  Boca Raton, Florida 33432

            (With a copy to:

                  Reboul, MacMurray, Hewitt, Maynard
                        & Kristol
                  45 Rockefeller Plaza
                  New York, New York 10111
                  Attn: Howard G. Kristol, Esq.)

            If to the Company:

                  Sunbeam Corporation
                  2100 New River Center
                  200 East Las Olas Boulevard
                  Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

                  Attn:  Chairman of the Compensation

            (With a copy to:

                  Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
                  One Rodney Square
                  Wilmington, Delaware 19801

                  Attn: Richard L. Easton, Esq.)

or to such other address as any party may have furnished to the other in writing
in accordance herewith, except that notices of change of address shall be
effective only upon receipt.

            14. MISCELLANEOUS. No provisions of this Agreement may be modified
unless such modification is agreed to in writing signed by the Executive and an
authorized officer of the Company. Any waiver or discharge must be in writing
and signed by the Executive or such an authorized officer of the Company, as the
case may be. No waiver by either party hereto at any time of any breach by the
other party hereto of, or compliance with, any condition or provision of this
Agreement to be


performed by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of similar or dissimilar
provisions or conditions at the same or at any prior or subsequent time. The
validity, interpretation, construction and performance of this Agreement shall
be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without regard to its conflicts
of law principles.

            15. WITHHOLDING.  Any payments provided for in this Agreement
shall be paid net of any applicable withholding of taxes required under federal,
state or local law.

            16. ARBITRATION. Except as otherwise provided herein, all
controversies, claims or disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement
shall be settled under the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in
effect in the State of Florida, as the sole and exclusive remedy of either
party, and judgment upon such award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered
in any court of competent jurisdiction. The costs of the arbitration shall be
borne as determined by the arbitrators PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the Company's
position is not substantially upheld, as determined by the arbitrators, the
expenses of the Executive (including, without limitation, fees and expenses
payable to the AAA and the arbitrators, fees and expenses payable to witnesses,
including expert witnesses, fees and expenses payable to attorneys and other
professionals, expenses of the Executive in attending the hearings, costs in
connection with obtaining and presenting evidence and costs of transcription of
the proceedings), as determined by the arbitrators, shall be reimbursed to him
by the Company.

            17. VALIDITY.  The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision
or provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability
of any other provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and

            18. COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which
together will constitute one and the same instrument.


            19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement between the Company and the
Executive sets forth the entire agreement of the parties hereto in respect of
the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior agreements,
promises, covenants, arrangements, communications, representations or
warranties, whether oral or written, by the parties hereto in respect of the
subject matter contained herein; and any prior agreement of the parties hereto
in respect of the subject matter contained herein is hereby terminated and

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement
on July 18, 1996 to be effective as of the Effective Date.

                                       SUNBEAM CORPORATION

                                       By:/s/ Peter A. Langerman
                                          Name: Peter A. Langerman
                                          Title: Chairman of the Executive
                                          /s/ Albert J. Dunlap
                                          Albert J. Dunlap


                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

      THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, effective as of July 22, 1996 (the "Effective
Date"), by and between RUSSELL A. KERSH (the "Executive") and SUNBEAM
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the "Company").


      WHEREAS, the Company desires to employ the Executive and the Executive
desires to furnish services to the Company on the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth; and

      WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this agreement setting forth the
terms and conditions of the employment relationship of the Executive with the

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements
set forth below, the parties hereby agree as follows:

      1. EMPLOYMENT. The Company hereby agrees to employ the Executive, and the
Executive hereby accepts such employment, on the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth.

      2. EMPLOYMENT PERIOD. The period of employment of the Executive by the
Company hereunder (the "Employment Period") shall commence on the Effective Date
and shall end on July 22, 1999 (or the Date of Termination (as defined in
Section 6 below), if earlier).

      3. POSITION AND DUTIES. The Executive shall serve as Executive Vice
President, Finance and Administration, and shall have such responsibilities,
duties and authority as are consistent with such position and such other duties
as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Chief Executive Officer. The
Executive agrees to devote substantially all his working time, attention and
energies to the performance of his duties for the Company. The Company shall
nominate the Executive as a director of the Company and shall use its best
efforts to have the Executive elected and reelected to the Board for the
duration of the Employment Period.

      4. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE. The principal place of employment of the
Executive shall be at the Company's principal executive offices in either
Broward or Palm Beach County, Florida, or such other location as may be agreed
to by the Board. In the event that the Company's principal executive offices are
moved from Broward or Palm Beach County Florida, the Company shall promptly pay,
or reimburse the Executive for, all reasonable expenses incurred by the
Executive relating to any change of the Executive's residence from Broward or
Palm Beach County, Florida, in connection with his employment hereunder,
including, without limitation, reasonable expenses for himself and his family of
travel, moving, storage and suitable lodging and maintenance, and the Company
shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is
assessed upon him in relation to any such expenses. The Company shall pay or
reimburse the Executive for all reasonable costs and expenses of residential
relocation incurred by him in connection with each and every additional change,
if any, in the location of

the principal executive offices of the Company, and the Executive shall be
reimbursed by the Company on a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is
assessed upon him in relation to any such costs or expenses.


           (a) BASE SALARY. As compensation for the performance by the Executive
of his duties hereunder, during the Employment Period the Company shall pay the
Executive a base salary at an annual rate of $425,000 (the "Base Salary"), which
Base Salary shall be payable in substantially equal semi-monthly installments.
It is agreed that there shall be no increase or decrease in the Base Salary
during the Employment Period. The Company also shall pay to the Executive,
within fifteen (15) days from the Effective Date, the sum of One Hundred and
Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000) as a one time bonus for agreeing to the
terms hereof. The parties agree that the Executive shall not be entitled to
participate in any other bonus or incentive compensation programs of the


           (i) PURCHASE OF COMMON STOCK. Effective as of the Effective Date, the
      Executive shall purchase from the Company for his own account, and the
      Company shall sell to the Executive, a total of 40,817 shares of the
      Company's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common Stock"), for the
      sum of $500,008.25 ($12.25 per share of Common Stock) (the "Purchased
      Stock"). The Purchased Stock shall be the sole property of the Executive,
      shall be unrestricted (although unregistered at the time of issuance) and
      shall be freely tradeable by the Executive, subject to applicable
      securities laws and other legal restrictions.

           (ii) RESTRICTED SHARES. Effective as of the Effective Date, the
      Executive has been granted, without cost to the Executive, 100,000 shares
      of the Company's Common Stock, on the terms and conditions set forth
      herein (the "Restricted Shares"). One-third of such Restricted Shares
      shall vest and cease to be restricted in equal installments on each of the
      first, second and third anniversaries of the Effective Date (subject to
      earlier vesting provisions set forth in Section 7) provided that the
      Executive continues to be employed pursuant to this Agreement upon such
      anniversary dates. All such shares, once vested, shall be the sole
      property of the Executive, shall be unrestricted and shall be freely
      tradeable by the Executive, subject to applicable legal restrictions.

           (A) ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES. The Restricted Shares shall be
           registered in the Executive's name, but the certificates evidencing
           the Restricted Shares shall be retained by the Company until such
           shares become vested and the restrictions thereon lapse. The period
           prior to the time that any particular Restricted Shares become vested
           and the restrictions thereon lapse is hereinafter referred to as the
           "Restricted Period" with respect to such shares. The Executive shall
           execute a


           stock power, in blank, with respect to such Restricted Shares and
           deliver the same to the Company.

           (B) RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. Except as provided herein, during the
           Restricted Period, the Executive shall have all the rights of a
           stockholder with respect to Restricted Shares, including the right to
           receive dividends or other distributions and the right to vote such
           shares; provided that, in the discretion of the Company any such
           dividends or other distributions may be retained by the Company
           unless and until the Restricted Shares in respect of which such
           dividends or other distributions were paid shall vest.

           (C) NON-TRANSFERABILITY. During the Restricted Period, the Executive
           may not sell, transfer, pledge, or otherwise encumber or dispose of
           the Restricted Shares, and any attempted sale, transfer, pledge or
           other encumbrance or disposition (whether voluntary or involuntary)
           in violation of this Section 5(b)(ii)(C) shall be null and void.

           (D) DELIVERY OF SHARE CERTIFICATES. Upon the vesting of any
           Restricted Shares, the certificates evidencing such Restricted
           Shares, together with any dividends or other distributions retained
           by the Company pursuant to Section 5(b)(ii)(B), shall be delivered
           promptly to the Executive. In the case of Executive's death, such
           certificates, dividends and distributions will be delivered to the
           beneficiary designated in writing by the Executive pursuant to a form
           of designation provided by the Company, to the Executive's legatee or
           legatees, or to his personal representatives or distributees, as the
           case may be.

           (iii) STOCK OPTIONS. The Executive shall be granted the following
      stock options (collectively, the "Option Award"):

           (A) Effective as of the Effective Date, by action of the Executive
           Development and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, the
           Executive has been granted a stock option (the "Plan Option") to
           purchase 250,000 shares of Common Stock pursuant to the Company's
           Amended and Restated Equity Team Plan (the "Option Plan") (a copy of
           which Option Plan is attached hereto as SCHEDULE A and incorporated
           herein by reference), which options are granted upon the terms and
           conditions as set forth in the Option Plan (at an exercise price of
           $14.26/share), except that such option shall vest in equal increments
           on the first, second and third anniversaries of the grant date and
           shall be subject to and modified by all other terms and provisions of
           this Agreement, as expressly set forth herein. In the event of any
           conflict between any terms of the Option Plan and the terms and
           provisions of this Agreement, the terms and provisions of this
           Agreement shall take precedence and shall be controlling as between
           such documents.


           (B) Effective as of the Effective Date, and subject to shareholder
           approval by the Company's shareholders at a special meeting to be
           held for that purpose (the "Special Meeting"), which Special Meeting
           the Company agrees to convene as soon as practicable after the
           Effective Date hereof, by action of the Executive Development and
           Compensation Committee, the Executive has been granted a
           non-qualified stock option (the "Non-Qualified Option") to purchase
           250,000 shares of Common Stock. The Non-Qualified Option shall be
           upon the same terms and conditions as are set forth in Section
           5(b)(iii)(A) above, including the exercise price of $14.26/share and
           the three year vesting schedule. In the event that Company's
           shareholders fail to approve the grant of the Non-Qualified Option at
           the Special Meeting, the Company and the Executive shall negotiate in
           good faith a mutually acceptable alternative compensation
           arrangement; provided, however, that the Executive, in his sole
           discretion, may elect to terminate this Agreement, and the Executive
           shall be entitled to receive the compensation, rights and benefits
           provided in Section 7(b) hereof (other than in respect of the
           Non-Qualified Option).

           (iv) REGISTRATION RIGHTS. Within six months after the Effective Date,
      the Company shall cause the Purchased Stock, the Restricted Shares and all
      shares of stock subject to the Option Award to be registered or qualified
      for resale under the Securities Act of 1933 and applicable state laws.
      Unless and until registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
      certificates evidencing the Purchased Stock, the Restricted Shares and
      shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of the Non-Qualified Option shall
      bear the following legend:


           (c) EXPENSES. During the Employment Period, the Company shall
reimburse the Executive for all reasonable business expenses in accordance with
applicable policies and procedures then in force.

           (d) VACATION AND OTHER ABSENCES. The Executive shall be entitled to
paid vacation and other paid absences, whether for holidays, illness, personal
time or any similar purposes, during the Employment Period in accordance with
policies applicable generally to senior executives of the Company; provided,
however, that the Executive shall always be entitled to at least six weeks of
paid vacation in each calendar year and pro rata for part of a year. Up to four
weeks per year of unused vacation may be maintained by the Executive on a
cumulative basis and may be subsequently used in any year or if not so used, the
Executive shall be compensated for any unused vacation days upon the termination
of this Agreement for any reason.


           (e) TAX PLANNING SERVICES. During the Employment Period, the Company
shall provide the Executive with tax-related advice and services without cost or
expense to him and shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis in the
event that any tax is assessed upon him in relation to such services.

           (f) OTHER BENEFITS. During the Employment Period, the Executive shall
be eligible to participate at no cost or expense to him in welfare plans and
programs (including any tax-deferred savings plan, group life insurance plan,
medical and dental insurance plan, and accident and disability insurance plan)
("Benefit Plans") applicable generally to employees and/or senior executives of
the Company. The Company will waive, or obtain the waiver of, any waiting
periods for eligibility under the Benefit Plans or will provide comparable
benefits to the Executive without cost to him during the waiting period.

           6. TERMINATION. The Executive's employment hereunder, as the case may
be, may be terminated as follows:

                (a) DEATH. The Executive's employment shall terminate upon his
death, and the date of his death shall be the Date of Termination.

                (b) DISABILITY. If, as a result of the Executive's incapacity
due to physical or mental illness, the Executive shall have been absent from his
duties hereunder on a full-time basis for one hundred and twenty (120)
consecutive days and, within thirty (30) days after written Notice of
Termination (as defined in Section 6(g) hereof), shall not have returned to the
performance of his duties hereunder on a full-time basis ("Disability"), the
Company may terminate the Executive's employment hereunder. In this event, the
Date of Termination shall be thirty (30) days after Notice of Termination is
given (provided that the Executive shall not have returned to the performance of
his duties on a full-time basis during such thirty (30) day period).

                (c) CAUSE. The Company may terminate the Executive's employment
hereunder for Cause. For purposes of this Agreement, the Company shall have
"Cause" to terminate the Executive's employment hereunder:

                     (i)  upon the Executive's conviction for the commission of
      a felony (or a plea of nolo contendere thereto); or

                     (ii) willful failure by the Executive substantially to
      perform his duties hereunder (other than any such failure resulting from
      the Executive's incapacity due to Disability).

                For purposes hereof, no act or failure to act by the Executive
      shall be considered "willful" unless done or omitted to be done by him not
      in good faith or without reasonable belief that his action or omission was
      in the best interests of the


      Company or contrary to written instructions of the Chief Executive Officer
      or the Board of Directors. The Date of Termination shall be the date
      specified in the Notice of Termination; provided, however, that, in the
      case of a termination for Cause under clause (ii) above, the Date of
      Termination shall not be earlier than 30 days after delivery of the Notice
      of Termination. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, if,
      following a termination of the Executive's employment by the Company for
      Cause based upon the conviction of the Executive for a felony, such
      conviction is overturned in a final determination on appeal, the Executive
      shall be entitled to the payments and the economic equivalent of the
      benefits the Executive would have received if his employment had been
      terminated by the Company without Cause.

may terminate his employment hereunder for Good Reason, provided that the
Executive shall have delivered a Notice of Termination (as defined in Section
6(g) hereof) within ninety (90) days after the occurrence of the event of Good
Reason giving rise to such termination. For purposes of this Agreement, "Good
Reason" shall mean the occurrence of one or more of the following circumstances,
without the Executive's express written consent, which are not remedied by the
Company within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Executive's Notice of

                     (i) an assignment to the Executive of any duties materially
      inconsistent with his positions, duties, responsibilities and status with
      the Company or any material limitation of the powers of the Executive not
      consistent with the powers of the Executive contemplated by Section 3
      hereof; or

                     (ii) any removal of the Executive from, or any failure to
      re-elect the Executive to, the executive officer position specified in
      Section 3 of this Agreement, or, without the Executive's consent, failure
      to re-elect the Executive as a Director of the Company; or

                     (iii) any other material breach by the Company of this

           In the event of a termination for Good Reason, the Date of
Termination shall be the date specified in the Notice of Termination, which
shall be no more than thirty (30) days after the Notice of Termination.

                (e) OTHER TERMINATIONS. The Company may terminate the
Executive's employment hereunder at any time, subject to the provisions of
Section 7(e) hereof. The Executive may terminate his employment at any time,
subject to the provisions of Section 7(d) hereof. If the Executive's employment
is terminated hereunder for any reason other than as set forth in Sections 6(a)
through 6(d) hereof, the date on which a Notice of Termination is given or any
later date (within 30 days) set forth in such Notice of Termination shall be the
Date of Termination.


Change in Control (as defined below), the Executive shall have the right, upon
delivery to the Company of a Notice of Termination (which shall specify a Date
of Termination not less than 30 days after such Notice of Termination), to
terminate his employment under this Agreement and to receive the payments
provided pursuant to Section 7(f) below. If the Executive shall elect to
terminate his employment with the Company other than upon a Change in Control,
he shall receive only the compensation referred to in Section 7(d) below. For
purposes of this Agreement, a Change in Control shall mean the occurrence of any
one of the following events:

                     (i) any "person" as such term is used in Sections 3(a)(9)
      and 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, becomes a
      "beneficial owner," as such term is used in Rule 3d-3 promulgated under
      that Act, of 25% or more of the voting stock of the Company (other than a
      person that is currently the beneficial owner of such percentage of the
      Company's voting stock);

                     (ii) the majority of the Board consists of individuals
      other than Incumbent Directors, which term means the members of the Board
      on the date of this Agreement, the Executive and the individuals
      designated as directors by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company;
      provided that any person becoming a director subsequent to such date whose
      election or nomination for election was supported by two-thirds of the
      directors who then comprised the Incumbent Directors shall be considered
      to be an Incumbent Director;

                     (iii) the Company, without the Executive's consent, adopts
      any plan of liquidation providing for the distribution of all or
      substantially all of its assets; or

                     (iv) all or substantially all of the assets or business of
      the Company are disposed of pursuant to a merger, consolidation or other
      transaction (unless the shareholders of the Company immediately prior to
      such merger, consolidation or other transaction beneficially own, directly
      or indirectly, in substantially the same proportion as they owned the
      voting stock of the Company, all of the voting stock or other ownership
      interests of the entity or entities, if any, that succeed to the business
      of the Company).

                (g) NOTICE OF TERMINATION. Any termination of the Executive's
employment hereunder by the Company or by the Executive (other than termination
pursuant to Section 6(a) hereof) shall be communicated by written Notice of
Termination to the other party hereto in accordance with Section 13 hereof. For
purposes of this Agreement, a "Notice of Termination" shall mean a notice which
shall indicate the specific termination provision in this Agreement relied upon
and shall set forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to
provide a basis for termination of the Executive's employment under the
provision so indicated. If any dispute concerning a Notice of Termination of the
Executive's employment under Section 6(b), 6(c) or 6(d) hereof results in a
determination that a proper basis for such


termination did not exist under such section, the Executive's employment under
this Agreement shall be treated, with respect to a Notice of Termination
pursuant to Section 6(b) or 6(c) hereof, as having been terminated pursuant to
Section 6(e) hereof or, with respect to a Notice of Termination pursuant to
Section 6(d) hereof, as having not been terminated.


                (a) DISABILITY PERIOD. During any period during the Employment
Period that the Executive fails to perform his duties hereunder as a result of
incapacity due to physical or mental illness ("Disability Period"), the
Executive shall continue to (i) receive his full Base Salary and (ii)
participate in the Benefit Plans. Such payments made to the Executive during the
Disability Period shall be reduced by the sum of the amounts, if any, payable to
the Executive at or prior to the time of any such payment under disability
benefit plans of the Company or under the Social Security disability insurance
program, and which amounts were not previously applied to reduce any such

                (b) DEATH. If the Executive's employment hereunder is terminated
as a result of death, then:

                     (i) the Company shall pay the Executive's estate or
      designated beneficiary, as soon as practicable after the Date of
      Termination, any Base Salary installments due in the month of death and
      any reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder as of
      the Date of Termination;

                     (ii) the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the
      Plan Option and the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the
      Non-Qualified Option (if such Non-Qualified Option has been approved by
      the shareholders as provided in Section 5(b)(iii)(B)) shall become vested
      and exercisable, as of the Date of Termination, to the extent such Option
      Award would have otherwise become vested on or before the first
      anniversary of the Date of Termination, and all vested Options shall
      remain exercisable for a period of one year following such Date of
      Termination and shall thereafter be completely forfeited and cancelled;
      any Options that would not have become vested and exercisable on or before
      the first anniversary of the Date of Termination shall terminate and be
      forfeited as of the Date of Termination; and

                     (iii) the portion of the Restricted Shares that have not
      vested as the Date of Termination equal to the number of such unvested
      Restricted Shares multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is 36
      minus the number of full months remaining in the Employment Period
      (disregarding the earlier termination thereof) after the Date of
      Termination and denominator of which is 36, shall become vested as of the
      Date of Termination and the restrictions imposed thereon shall lapse. The
      balance of such unvested Restricted Shares shall be forfeited to the
      Company (without further action on


      the part of the Company or the Executive) as of the Date of Termination,
      and the Executive shall have no further rights with respect to such

                (c) DISABILITY. If the Executive's employment hereunder is
terminated as a result of Disability, then:

                     (i) the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as
      practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
      reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
      services as of the Date of Termination;

                     (ii) the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the
      Plan Option and the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the
      Non-Qualified Option (if such Non-Qualified Option has been approved by
      the shareholders as provided in Section 5(b)(iii)(B)) shall become vested
      and exercisable, as of the Date of Termination, to the extent such Option
      Award would have otherwise become vested on or before the first
      anniversary of the Date of Termination, and all vested Options shall
      remain exercisable for a period of three years following such Date of
      Termination and shall thereafter be completely forfeited and cancelled;
      any Options that would not have become vested and exercisable on or before
      the first anniversary of the Date of Termination shall terminate and be
      forfeited as of the Date of Termination; and

                     (iii) the portion of the Restricted Shares that have not
      vested as the Date of Termination equal to the number of such unvested
      Restricted Shares multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is 36
      minus the number of full months remaining in the Employment Period
      (disregarding the earlier termination thereof) after the Date of
      Termination and denominator of which is 36, shall become vested, and the
      restrictions imposed thereon shall lapse. The balance of such unvested
      Restricted Shares shall be forfeited to the Company (without further
      action on the part of the Company or the Executive) as of the Date of
      Termination, and the Executive shall have no further rights with respect
      to such balance.

Executive's employment hereunder is terminated by the Company for Cause or by
the Executive other than for Good Reason, then:

                     (i) the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as
      practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
      reimbursable expenses accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
      services as of the Date of Termination; and

                     (ii) the Executive shall immediately forfeit any unvested
      Restricted Shares and any unvested portion of the Option Award. In the
      event of termination by the Company for Cause, the Executive shall have
      the right to exercise the vested unexercised portion of the Option Award
      for a period of ninety (90) days after the


      Date of Termination, and the unexercised portion of such Option Award
      shall be forfeited thereafter. In the event of termination by the
      Executive other than for Good Reason the Executive shall have the right to
      exercise the vested unexercised portion of the Option Award for a period
      of one year following the Date of Termination and the unexercised portion
      of such Option Award shall be forfeited thereafter.

WITH GOOD REASON. If the Executive's employment hereunder is terminated by the
Company (other than for Cause or Disability) or by the Executive for Good
Reason, then:

                     (i) the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as
      practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
      reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
      services as of the Date of Termination;

                     (ii) the Company shall immediately pay to the Executive as
      liquidated damages and not as a penalty a lump sum amount equal to the
      total Base Salary that would have otherwise been payable to the Executive
      with respect to the period commencing immediately following the Date of
      Termination and ending on July 22, 1999, at the annualized rate in effect
      at the time Notice of Termination is given;

                     (iii) the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the
      Option Award shall become fully vested and exercisable, and the Restricted
      Shares shall become fully vested, as of the Date of Termination. The
      Option Award shall remain exercisable for the balance of its original
      10-year term; and

                     (iv) the Executive shall continue to participate in all
      employee benefit plans and programs in which the Executive was entitled to
      participate immediately prior to the Date of Termination, in accordance
      with the terms of such plans and programs as in effect from time to time,
      through July 22, 1999; provided that the Executive's continued
      participation is permitted under the general terms and provisions of such
      plans and programs. In the event that the Executive's participation in any
      such plan or program is barred, the Company shall arrange to provide the
      Executive and his dependents with benefits substantially the same as those
      which the Executive and his dependents would otherwise have been entitled
      to receive under such plans and programs from which their continued
      participation is barred or provide their economic equivalent.

                (f) TERMINATION UPON CHANGE IN CONTROL. If the Executive shall
elect to terminate his employment under this Agreement upon a Change in Control,
the Company shall pay to the Executive the payments described in Sections
7(e)(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above.

           8. GROSS-UP FOR EXCISE TAX. In the event that the Executive receives
any payment or benefit (including but not limited to the payments or benefits
pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement) (a "Payment") that is subject to the
excise tax (the "Excise Tax") under Sec-


tion 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the
Company shall pay to the Executive, as soon thereafter as practicable, an
additional amount (a "Gross-Up Payment") such that the net amount retained by
the Executive, after deduction of any Excise Tax imposed upon the Payment and
any federal, state and local income tax and Excise Tax imposed upon the Gross-Up
Payment shall be equal to the Payment. The determination of whether an Excise
Tax is due in respect of any payment or benefit, the amount of the Excise Tax
and the amount of the Gross-Up Payment shall be made by an independent auditor
(the "Auditor") jointly selected by the Company and the Executive and paid by
the Company. If the Executive and the Company cannot agree on the firm to serve
as the Auditor, then the Executive and the Company shall each select one
nationally recognized accounting firm and those two firms shall jointly select
the nationally recognized accounting firm to serve as the Auditor.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of determining the Gross-Up Payment
in respect of any Payment, (i) any other payments or benefits received or to be
received by the Executive in connection with a Change in Control or the
Executive's termination of employment (whether pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement or any other plan, arrangement or agreement with the Company, any
person whose actions result in a Change in Control or any person affiliated with
the Company or such person) shall be treated as "parachute payments" within the
meaning of Section 280G(b)(2) of the Code, and all "excess parachute payments"
within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code shall be treated as subject to
the Excise Tax, unless in the opinion of tax counsel selected by the Auditor,
such other payments or benefits (in whole or in part) do not constitute
parachute payments, or are otherwise not subject to the Excise Tax, and (ii) the
Executive shall be deemed to pay federal income tax at the highest marginal rate
applicable in the calendar year in which the Gross-Up Payment is made, and state
and local income taxes at the highest marginal rate of taxation in the state and
locality of the Executive's residence on the Date of Termination, net of the
maximum reduction in federal income taxes which could be obtained from deduction
of such state and local taxes. In the event the actual Excise Tax or such income
tax is more or less than the amount used to calculate the Gross-Up Payment, the
Executive or the Company, as the case may be, shall pay to the other an amount
reflecting the actual Excise Tax or such income tax, plus interest on the amount
of such repayment at the rate provided in Section 1274(b)(2)(B) of the Code.

           9. MITIGATION. The Executive shall not be required to mitigate
amounts payable pursuant to Section 7 hereof by seeking other employment or
otherwise, nor shall there be any offset against such payments on account of (a)
any remuneration attributable to any subsequent employment that he may obtain or
(b) any claims the Company may have against the Executive.


                (a) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Executive shall hold in a
fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the Company and its subsidiaries (the
"Sunbeam Entities") all trade secrets, confidential information, and knowledge
or data relating to the Sunbeam Entities and the businesses and investments of
the Sunbeam Entities, which shall have been obtained by the Executive during the
Executive's employment by the Company, including such information with


respect to any products, improvements, formulas, designs or styles, processes,
services, customers, suppliers, marketing techniques, methods, future plans or
operating practices ("Confidential Information"); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
Confidential Information shall not include any information known generally to
the public (other than as a result of unauthorized disclosure by the Executive)
or any specific information or type of information generally not considered
confidential by persons engaged in the same business as the Company, or
information disclosed by the Company or any officer thereof to a third party
without restrictions on the disclosure of such information. Except as may be
required or appropriate in connection with his carrying out his duties under
this Agreement, the Executive shall not, without the prior written consent of
the Company or as may otherwise be required by law or legal process, communicate
or divulge any such Confidential Information to anyone other than the Company
and those designated by the Company.

                (b) REMOVAL OF DOCUMENTS. All records, files, drawings,
documents, models, and the like relating to the business of the Sunbeam
Entities, which the Executive prepares, uses or comes into contact with and
which contain Confidential Information shall not be removed by the Executive
from the premises of any Sunbeam Entity (without the written consent of the
Company) during or after the Employment Period unless such removal shall be
required or appropriate in connection with his carrying out his duties under
this Agreement, and, if so removed by the Executive, shall be returned to such
Sunbeam Entity immediately upon termination of the Executive's employment

                (c) NON-COMPETITION. During (i) the Executive's employment with
the Company and (ii) the two (2) year period immediately following the
Executive's Date of Termination, the Executive (A) shall not engage, anywhere
within the geographical areas in which any Sunbeam Entity is then conducting its
business operations, directly or indirectly, alone, in association with or as a
shareholder, principal, agent, partner, officer, director, employee or
consultant of any other organization, in any business (a "Competitive Business")
which competes with any business then being conducted by such Sunbeam Entity;
(B) shall not solicit or encourage any officer, employee or consultant of any of
the Sunbeam Entities to leave the employ of any of the Sunbeam Entities for
employment by or with any Competitive Business; and (C) shall not solicit,
divert or take away, or attempt to divert or to take away, the business or
patronage of any of the customers or accounts, or prospective customers or
accounts, of any Sunbeam Entity, which were contacted, solicited or served by
the Executive while employed by the Company; provided, however, that nothing
herein shall prohibit the Executive from owning a maximum of two percent (2%) of
the outstanding stock of any publicly traded corporation. Following the Date of
Termination, ownership by the Executive of not more than five percent (5%) of
any publicly traded corporation shall not constitute a violation hereof. If, at
any time, the provisions of this Section 10(c) shall be determined to be invalid
or unenforceable, by reason of being vague or unreasonable as to area, duration
or scope of activity, this Section 10(c) shall be considered divisible and shall
become and be immediately amended to only such area, duration and scope of
activity as shall be determined to be reasonable and enforceable by the court or
other body having jurisdiction over the matter; and the Executive agrees that
this Section 10(c) as so amended shall be valid and binding as though any
invalid or unenforceable provision had not


been included herein. For purposes of this Section 10(c), the design,
manufacture and marketing of outdoor barbecue grills, casual outdoor and indoor
furniture and small kitchen appliances shall be construed to be a Competitive
Business; provided, however, that the gross revenues derived from sales of such
products by such competitor are greater than the lesser of (i) 10% of its total
revenues and (ii) $500,000,000.

                (d) REMEDIES. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of
this Section 10, the Executive agrees that the Company shall be entitled to
apply for injunctive relief in a court of appropriate jurisdiction to remedy any
such breach or threatened breach, the Executive acknowledging that damages would
be inadequate and insufficient.

                (e) CONTINUING OPERATION. Any termination of the Executive's
employment or of this Agreement shall have no effect on the continuing operation
of this Section 10.

           11. INDEMNIFICATION. The Company shall indemnify the Executive to the
full extent permitted by law and the By-laws of the Company for all expenses,
costs, liabilities and legal fees which the Executive may incur in the discharge
of all his duties hereunder, including, without limitation, the right to be paid
in advance by the Company for his expenses in defending a civil or criminal
action, proceeding or investigation prior to the final disposition thereof. The
Executive shall be insured under the Company's Directors' and Officers'
Liability Insurance Policy as in effect from time to time. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, any termination of the
Executive's employment or of this Agreement shall have no effect on the
continuing operation of this Section 11.


                (a) COMPANY'S SUCCESSORS. No rights or obligations of the
Company under this Agreement may be assigned or transferred by the Company
except that such rights or obligations may be assigned or transferred pursuant
to a merger or consolidation in which the Company is not the continuing entity,
or the sale or liquidation of all or substantially all of the business and/or
assets of the Company, provided that the assignee or transferee is the successor
to all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company and
such assignee or transferee assumes the liabilities, obligations and duties of
the Company, as contained in this Agreement, either contractually or as a matter
of law. The Company will require any such successor to expressly assume and
agree to perform this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that
the Company would be required to perform it if no such succession had taken
place. As used in this Agreement (except in the definition of Change in
Control), "Company" shall mean the Company as hereinbefore defined and any
successor to its business and/or assets as aforesaid which executes and delivers
the agreement provided for in this Section 12 or which otherwise becomes bound
by all the terms and provisions of this Agreement or by operation of law.


                (b) EXECUTIVE'S SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall not be
assignable by the Executive. This Agreement and all rights of the Executive
hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Executive's
personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, heirs,
distributees, devisees and legatees. Upon the Executive's death, all amounts to
which he is entitled hereunder, unless otherwise provided herein, shall be paid
in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Executive's devisee,
legatee, or other designee or, if there be no such designee, to the Executive's

           13. NOTICE. For the purposes of this Agreement, notices, demands and
all other communications provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and
shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered or (unless otherwise
specified) mailed by United States certified or registered mail, return receipt
requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

           If to the Executive:

                Russell A. Kersh
                3609 NW 62nd Street
                Boca Raton, Florida  33496

           If to the Company:

                Sunbeam Corporation
                2100 New River Center
                200 East Las Olas Boulevard
                Fort Lauderdale, Florida  33301

                Attn: Chairman of the Compensation Committee

or to such other address as any party may have furnished to the other in writing
in accordance herewith, except that notices of change of address shall be
effective only upon receipt.

           14. MISCELLANEOUS. No provisions of this Agreement may be modified
unless such modification is agreed to in writing signed by the Executive and an
authorized officer of the Company. Any waiver or discharge must be in writing
and signed by the Executive or such an authorized officer of the Company, as the
case may be. No waiver by either party hereto at any time of any breach by the
other party hereto of, or compliance with, any condition or provision of this
Agreement to be performed by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of
similar or dissimilar provisions or conditions at the same or at any prior or
subsequent time. The validity, interpretation, construction and performance of
this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without
regard to its conflicts of law principles.


           15. WITHHOLDING. Any payments provided for in this Agreement shall be
paid net of any applicable withholding of taxes required under federal, state or
local law.

           16. ARBITRATION.

                (a) Except as otherwise provided herein, all controversies,
claims or disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be settled
under the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect in the
State of Florida, as the sole and exclusive remedy of either party, and judgment
upon such award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of
competent jurisdiction. The costs of the arbitration shall be borne as
determined by the arbitrators PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the Company's position
is not substantially upheld, as determined by the arbitrators, the expenses of
the Executive (including, without limitation, fees and expenses payable to the
AAA and the arbitrators, fees and expenses payable to witnesses, including
expert witnesses, fees and expenses payable to attorneys and other
professionals, expenses of the Executive in attending the hearings, costs in
connection with obtaining and presenting evidence and costs of transcription of
the proceedings), as determined by the arbitrators, shall be reimbursed to him
by the Company.

                (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 16(a) above, the
parties agree that nothing contained herein shall preclude the Company from
bringing an action in a court of competent jurisdiction (whether prior to or
during any arbitration proceeding) seeking to specifically enforce the
provisions of Section 10 hereof by means of seeking an injunction or other
equitable relief.

           17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement and the terms of
the Option Plan set forth the entire agreement of the parties hereto in respect
of the subject matter contained herein, supersede all prior agreements,
promises, covenants, arrangements, communications, representations or
warranties, whether oral or written, by any officer, employee or representative
of any party hereto; and any prior agreement of the parties hereto or thereto in
respect of the subject matter contained herein or therein is hereby terminated
and cancelled. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts.

           18. CONFLICT WITH OPTION PLAN. To the extent, if any, of any
inconsistency or conflict between the terms and provisions of this Agreement and
the Option Plan, this Agreement shall control in all matters.


           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement
on ________________, 1996 to be effective as of the Effective Date.

                               SUNBEAM CORPORATION


                               RUSSELL A. KERSH


                                                                       Exhibit A

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               SUNBEAM CORPORATION
                                EQUITY TEAM PLAN

                    (Amended and Restated as of May 15, 1996)

1.       PURPOSE.

         The purpose of the Sunbeam Corporation Equity Team Plan is to provide
         incentives for selected executives, key employees, Outside Directors
         and Designated Others to promote the financial success and progress of
         Sunbeam Corporation. Capitalized terms used throughout this Plan shall
         have the meanings ascribed to them in Section 16 hereof.


         (a)      Subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 9, the
                  maximum number of shares of Stock that may be issued under the
                  Plan is 11,500,000 shares, to be allocated as follows:

                  (i)      11,300,000 shares may be issued in connection with
                           the grant of Options pursuant to Section 3; and

                  (ii)     200,000 shares may be issued in connection with the
                           grant of Restricted Stock Awards pursuant to Section

                  Such shares may be either authorized but unissued shares or
treasury shares.

         (b)      The number of shares subject to an Option or a Restricted
                  Stock Award that has been granted under the Plan shall no
                  longer be charged against the limitation provided in Section
                  2(a), and may again be made subject to Options or Restricted
                  Stock Awards, as the case may be, to the extent that Options
                  expire unexercised or are terminated, surrendered or canceled
                  before exercise or Restricted Stock Awards are forfeited,
                  terminated, surrendered or canceled due to a Participant's
                  termination of employment or service as an Outside Director or
                  for any other reason.


         (a)      Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee may at
                  any time, or from time to time, grant Options to officers, key
                  employees, Outside Directors of the Company (or its
                  subsidiaries) and Designated Others.

         (b)      Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee may at
                  any time, or from time to time, grant shares of Stock which
                  are subject to the Restrictions set forth in Section 4(b)
                  ("Restricted Stock") to officers, key employees and Outside
                  Directors of the Company (or its subsidiaries) and Designated

         (c)      The Committee shall cause 5,000 shares of Restricted Stock to
                  be issued immediately and automatically upon the initial
                  election or appointment of each Outside Director of the
                  Company. The provisions of this Section 3(c) shall not be
                  amended more often than once in any six (6) month period,
                  other than to comport with changes in the Code, ERISA or the
                  rules thereunder.

         (d)      The Committee shall cause Options to be granted annually for
                  the purchase of 1,000 shares of Stock to each Outside
                  Director, which Options shall be granted immediately and
                  automatically as

                  of the date of the election of such director. The provisions
                  of this Section 3(d) shall not be amended more often than once
                  in any six (6) month period, other than to comport with
                  changes in the Code, ERISA or the rules thereunder.

         (e)      Each Option shall be evidenced by a Stock Option Agreement,
                  and each Restricted Stock Award shall be evidenced by a
                  Restricted Stock Award Agreement, each in a form approved by
                  the Committee or by a Company officer designated by the

         (f)      Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, no person
                  shall be granted Options for more than 250,000 shares of Stock
                  or Restricted Stock Awards for more than 25,000 shares of
                  Stock in any single fiscal year of the Company.


         (a)      OPTIONS.

                  (i)      An Option shall entitle the Participant who holds it
                           to exercise the Option on and subject to the terms,
                           conditions and restrictions of the Plan (as the Plan
                           may be amended from time to time) and such additional
                           terms, conditions and restrictions as may be imposed
                           by the Committee at the time of grant.

                  (ii)     Unless otherwise specified by the Committee, the
                           term of each Option granted prior to May 15, 1996
                           (herein the "1996 Amendment Date") and which is
                           In-the-Money as of the 1996 Amendment Date shall
                           commence on the date of grant of the Option and shall
                           expire at the close of business on the earlier of (A)
                           the tenth anniversary of the date of grant or (B) the
                           45th day following the termination of the
                           Participant's employment with, or service as director
                           of, the Company (or a subsidiary). Unless otherwise
                           specified by the Committee, the term of each Option
                           granted on or after the 1996 Amendment Date and the
                           term of each Option granted prior to the 1996
                           Amendment Date which is Out- of-the- Money as of the
                           1996 Amendment Date, shall commence on the Grant Date
                           of the Option and shall expire at the close of
                           business on the earliest of (A) the tenth anniversary
                           of the Grant Date; or (B) the third anniversary of
                           the date of termination of the Participant's
                           employment with, or service as a director of, the
                           Company (or a subsidiary), in the case of retirement
                           or termination by the Company without Cause; or (C)
                           90 days after the date of termination of employment
                           in the case of resignation, voluntary departure or
                           termination by the Company with Cause; or (D) in the
                           case of a Designated Other, the date specified in the
                           Stock Option Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing
                           sentence, Participants who are subject to Section
                           16(b) of the Exchange Act shall have until the
                           earlier of (A) the tenth anniversary of the Grant
                           Date; or (B) the third anniversary of the date of
                           termination of their employment with, or service as a
                           director of the Company, regardless of the cause,
                           within which to exercise Options which are granted on
                           or after the 1996 Amendment Date and Options which
                           are Out-of-the-Money as of the 1996 Amendment Date;
                           provided, however, that no such Option may be
                           exercised by any such person during the period
                           beginning on the date of termination and ending on
                           the six month anniversary of the date of termination.

                  (iii)    Options granted to Outside Directors pursuant to
                           Section 3(d) shall become exercisable


                           with respect to all of the shares subject to the
                           Option on the Grant Date. Unless otherwise specified
                           by the Committee (which is empowered to provide
                           different vesting schedules with respect to any grant
                           of Options or Restricted Stock), all other Options
                           granted under the Plan shall become exercisable with
                           respect to 20% of the shares subject to the Option
                           beginning on the first anniversary of the Grant Date
                           and as to an additional 20% on each of the second,
                           third, fourth and fifth anniversaries of the Grant
                           Date (each twelve month period ending on an
                           anniversary of a Grant Date being referred to herein
                           as an "Option Year"), provided in each case that the
                           Participant shall have remained an employee or a
                           director of the Company (or a subsidiary), or in the
                           case of a Designated Other, shall have remained in
                           the position set forth in the Stock Option Agreement,
                           continuously since the Grant Date. Notwithstanding
                           the foregoing, during the remaining term of any
                           options (if not already so exercisable) : (A) if a
                           Participant's employment or service as a director, or
                           in the case of a Designated Other, the period of
                           service as defined in the Stock Option Agreement,
                           terminates due to death, all Options held by the
                           Participant at death shall become immediately
                           exercisable in full; (B) upon a Change in Control,
                           coupled with a Change in Status of a Participant, all
                           Options held by such Participant who is then an
                           employee or director of the Company (or a subsidiary)
                           shall become immediately exercisable in full; (C) in
                           the event that the exercisability of an Option
                           accelerates due to a Change in Control and a Change
                           in Status, Participants who are subject to Section
                           16(b) of the Exchange Act may not sell the shares
                           acquired upon such accelerated exercise within six
                           months of the Grant Date of such Option; and (D) upon
                           the termination during an Option Year of employment
                           of an officer of the Company elected by the Board,
                           the portion of shares subject to any Option held by
                           such officer which was scheduled to become
                           exercisable on the next anniversary of the Grant Date
                           immediately following such termination (the "Next
                           Option Increment") shall be prorated on the basis of
                           the number of full calendar months worked in such
                           Option Year to permit partial exercisability of the
                           Next Option Increment.

                  (iv)     Except to the extent permitted by Rule 16b-3 or
                           its successor, Options shall not be sold, assigned,
                           transferred, pledged, hypothecated, or otherwise
                           disposed of, except by will or the laws of descent
                           and distribution, pursuant to a qualified domestic
                           relations order ("QDRO") as defined in the Code or
                           ERISA (or the rules thereunder) or as otherwise set
                           forth in this Section 4(a)(iv). Each Option shall be
                           exercisable during the lifetime of a Participant only
                           by the Participant to whom it was granted, and after
                           the Participant's death only by the Participant's
                           estate or legal representative. To the extent
                           exercisable, an Option may be exercised in whole at
                           any time, or in part from time to time, during the
                           term of the Option.

                  (v)      Any Option may be converted, modified, forfeited or
                           canceled, prospectively or retroactively, in whole or
                           in part, by the Committee in its sole discretion;
                           provided, however, that no such action shall
                           adversely affect the rights of any Participant under
                           any Option granted prior to such action without his
                           consent. Except as may be otherwise provided in an
                           Agreement, the Committee may, in its sole discretion,
                           in whole or in part, waive any restrictions or
                           conditions applicable to, or accelerate the vesting
                           of, any Option.

         (b)      STOCK AWARDS.

                  (i)      Upon the grant of a Restricted Stock Award, a stock
                           certificate representing a number of


                           shares of Stock equal to the number of shares of
                           Restricted Stock granted to a Participant shall be
                           registered in the Participant's name but shall be
                           held in custody by the Company for the Participant's
                           account. The Participant shall generally have the
                           rights and privileges of a stockholder as to such
                           Restricted Stock, including the right to vote such
                           Restricted Stock, except that the following
                           restrictions (the "Restrictions") shall apply: (A)
                           the Participant shall not be entitled to delivery of
                           the certificate until the Restricted Period (set
                           forth in paragraph (iii) below) applicable to such
                           Restricted Stock has expired or terminated and until
                           any other conditions prescribed by the Committee are
                           satisfied; (B) none of the Restricted Stock may be
                           sold, transferred, assigned, pledged, or otherwise
                           encumbered or disposed of during the Restricted
                           Period applicable to such Restricted Stock and prior
                           to the satisfaction of any other conditions
                           prescribed by the Committee; and (C) shares of
                           Restricted Stock shall be forfeited and all rights of
                           the Participant to such Restricted Stock shall
                           terminate without further obligation on the part of
                           the Company unless the Participant has (1) remained
                           an employee or a director of the Company (or a
                           subsidiary) until the expiration or termination of
                           the Restricted Period applicable to such Restricted
                           Stock (or in the case of a Designated Other, the
                           duration specified in the Restricted Stock Award
                           Agreement) and (2) satisfied any other conditions
                           prescribed by the Committee applicable to such
                           Restricted Stock. At the discretion of the Committee,
                           cash and stock dividends with respect to the
                           Restricted Stock may be either currently paid or
                           withheld by the Company for the Participant's
                           account. Cash dividends so withheld by the Committee
                           shall not be subject to forfeiture. Upon the
                           forfeiture of any shares of Restricted Stock, such
                           forfeited Restricted Stock shall be transferred to
                           the Company without further action by the
                           Participant. The Participant shall have the same
                           rights and privileges, and be subject to the
                           Restrictions, with respect to any shares or other
                           property received pursuant to Section 9.

                  (ii)     Upon the expiration or termination of the
                           Restricted Period with respect to shares of
                           Restricted Stock and the satisfaction of any other
                           conditions prescribed by the Committee, the
                           Restrictions applicable to such Restricted Stock
                           shall lapse and a stock certificate for the number of
                           shares of Stock with respect to which the Restricted
                           Period has lapsed shall be delivered, free of all
                           restrictions, except any that may be imposed by law,
                           to the Participant or the Participant's beneficiary
                           or estate, as the case may be. The Company shall not
                           be required to deliver any fractional share of Stock
                           but will pay, in lieu thereof, the Fair Market Value
                           (determined as of the date the Restricted Period
                           expires or terminates) of such fractional share to
                           the Participant or the Participant's beneficiary or
                           estate, as the case may be. No payment will be
                           required from the Participant upon the issuance or
                           delivery of any shares of Stock under this paragraph,
                           except that any amount necessary to satisfy
                           applicable federal, state or local tax requirements
                           shall be withheld or paid promptly upon notification
                           of the amount due and prior to or concurrently with
                           the issuance or delivery of a certificate
                           representing such shares.

                  (iii)    The Restrictions shall lapse with respect to
                           one-fifth of the Restricted Stock subject to a
                           Restricted Stock Award made to an Outside Director
                           pursuant to Section 3(c) hereof on each of the first
                           through the fifth anniversaries of the Grant Date on
                           which the Outside Director remains a director of the
                           Company. Unless otherwise specified by the Committee
                           at the time of the award and included in the
                           Restricted Stock Award Agreement, the Restrictions
                           shall also lapse with respect to one-fifth of the
                           Restricted Stock subject to all other Restricted
                           Stock Awards on each of the first through the fifth


                           anniversaries of the Grant Date, provided in each
                           case that the Participant shall have remained an
                           employee or a director of the Company (or a
                           subsidiary) continuously since the date of grant (or
                           in the case of a Designated Other, shall have
                           complied with the terms and conditions of the
                           Restricted Stock Award Agreement). Notwithstanding
                           the foregoing: (A) if a Participant's employment or
                           service as a director, or in the case of a Designated
                           Other, the period defined in the Restricted Stock
                           Award Agreement, terminates due to death, the
                           Restrictions shall lapse with respect to all
                           Restricted Stock Awards held by the Participant at
                           death (if not already so lapsed); (B) upon a Change
                           in Control, coupled with a Change in Status of a
                           Participant, the Restrictions shall lapse with
                           respect to all Restricted Stock Awards held by such
                           Participant who is an employee or director of the
                           Company (or a subsidiary) (if not already so lapsed);
                           and (C) in the event of an accelerated lapse of
                           Restrictions due to a Change in Control and a Change
                           in Status, Participants who are subject to Section
                           16(b) of the Exchange Act may not sell the shares of
                           Stock whose Restrictions have so lapsed within six
                           months of the Grant Date of the Restricted Stock
                           Award pursuant to which such Stock was received. The
                           "Restricted Period" as to any shares constituting
                           part of a Restricted Stock Award shall be the period
                           of time commencing with the Grant Date of a
                           Restricted Stock Award and ending with the date on
                           which the Restrictions lapse with respect to any such
                           shares, or any portion thereof.

         (c)      In the event that the acceleration of (i) the exercisability 
                  of an Option or (ii) the lapse of Restrictions relating to 
                  Restricted Stock upon a Change in Control and a Change in 
                  Status results in excise tax pursuant to Section 4999 of the
                  Code, or any successor or similar provision thereto, or 
                  comparable state or local tax laws, the Company shall pay to
                  the Participant such additional compensation as is necessary 
                  (after taking into account all Federal, state and local income
                  and excise taxes payable by the Participant as result of the 
                  receipt of such compensation ) to place the Participant in the
                  same after-tax position he would have been in had no such
                  excise tax (or any interest or penalties thereon) been paid or
                  incurred. The amount of such payment shall be determined by 
                  the independent accounting firm serving as the Company's 
                  outside auditor immediately prior to the Change in Control.


         (a)      The Exercise Price of the shares purchasable under an Option
                  shall be the Fair Market Value per share on the Grant Date of
                  such Option, subject to subsequent adjustment pursuant to the
                  provisions of Section 9.

         (b)      Options shall be considered exercised (herein the "Exercise
                  Date") on the date written notice, in such form as the
                  Committee may prescribe, is received by the Option Plan
                  Administrator of the Company, advising of the exercise of an
                  Option and either transmitting payment of the total Exercise
                  Price for the number of shares of Stock involved or electing
                  one of the alternative payment procedures set forth in Section
                  5(c) below.

         (c)      The Exercise Price shall be paid in cash (including cash
                  obtained through a margin loan on the shares as to which the
                  Option is being exercised) or (and provided (x) the use of the
                  following procedure by a Participant would comply with
                  safeguards established by the Committee designed to avoid
                  "short-swing" profits to the Participant under Section 16(b)
                  of the Exchange Act, and (y) does not otherwise violate any
                  applicable laws) through (i) a broker-assisted cashless


                  program established by the Committee, based on the actual
                  proceeds from the sale of share of Stock; or (ii) in shares of
                  Stock, valued on the basis of the closing market price of the
                  Stock on the Exercise Date.

         (b)      Subject to the provisions of Section 6 and the other
                  provisions of the Plan, the Stock Option Agreement and the
                  Option, the Company shall issue shares of Stock in the
                  Participant's name as soon as practicable (but in no event
                  later than 30 days) after the Exercise Date. The Participant
                  shall not be deemed to be a holder of any shares pursuant to
                  an Option, and shall not have any rights as a stockholder in
                  connection with such shares, until the date of transfer of
                  shares of Stock to the Participant. The Company shall have no
                  liability of any nature whatsoever to any Participant by
                  reason of any change in the market price of the Stock during
                  the period of time between the Exercise Date and the date on
                  which any shares of Stock resulting from the exercise are
                  issued or sold.


         (a)      Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, an Option or
                  Restricted Stock Award to the contrary, no Option shall be
                  exercised, and the Company shall not be obligated to issue or
                  transfer shares of Stock under any Option or Restricted Stock
                  Award, until the Company shall have received such assurances
                  as the Company may reasonably request from its counsel that
                  the exercise of the Option and the issuance and transfer of
                  shares pursuant to the Option or Restricted Stock Award will
                  not violate the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any
                  other applicable Federal or state laws. In connection with any
                  such issuance or transfer, the Participant shall, if requested
                  by the Company, give assurances satisfactory to counsel to the
                  Company, in respect of the Participant's investment intent or
                  such other matters as counsel to the Company may deem
                  necessary or desirable to assure compliance with all
                  applicable legal requirements.

         (b)      No provisions of the Plan or any Option or Restricted Stock
                  Award shall be interpreted or construed to obligate the
                  Company to register any Stock under Federal or state law.

         (c)      The Company and the Committee reserve the right to investigate
                  at any time the circumstances surrounding any exercise of
                  Options, including any investigation regarding whether a
                  Participant is in compliance with the provisions of Section 13
                  hereof (or has threatened or is reasonably believed to intend
                  to violate the provisions of Section 13 hereof), and the
                  Company and the Committee shall have no liability or
                  responsibility to any Participant for any alleged damage
                  sustained by the Participant by reason of any delay in the
                  implementation of an Option exercise during the pendency of
                  any such investigation, whether by reason of any change in the
                  market price of the Stock or otherwise.

         (d)      Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Committee
                  shall have the right at any time to deny or delay a
                  Participant's exercise Options if such Participant is
                  reasonably believed by the Committee (i) to be engaged in
                  material conduct adversely affecting the Company or (ii) to be
                  contemplating such conduct, unless and until the Committee
                  shall have received reasonable assurance that the Participant
                  is not engaged in, and is not contemplating, such material
                  conduct adverse to the interests of the Company.

         (e)      Participants are and at all times shall remain subject to the
                  trading window policies adopted by the Company from time to
                  time throughout the period of time during which they may
                  exercise Options


                  or sell Restricted Stock granted pursuant to the Plan.
                  Participants may request at any time a copy of any calendar of
                  scheduled open windows by contacting the Option Plan


         (a)      During any period that the Company's Stock is Actively Traded,
                  Fair Market Value shall equal the arithmetic average of the
                  closing prices of a share of Stock on the exchange or national
                  market system on which the Stock is traded, for the last
                  twenty market trading days prior to the date of determination
                  of Fair Market Value, or pursuant to such other method as the
                  Committee may reasonably specify for determining the Stock's
                  Fair Market Value.

         (b)      During any period during which the Company's Stock is not
                  Actively Traded, Fair Market Value shall be determined by the

8.       TERM.

         This Amended and Restated Plan shall be effective as of the date set
         forth on the first page hereof. No Option or Restricted Stock Award
         shall be granted under the Plan after February 12, 2006, but the Plan
         shall continue in effect thereafter with respect to any previously
         granted Options and Restricted Stock Awards that remain outstanding and
         the duration of any such grant or award shall not be affected by the
         expiration of the Plan.


         In the event that any recapitalization, or reclassification, split-up
         or consolidation of shares of Stock shall be effected, or the
         outstanding shares of Stock shall, in connection with a merger or
         consolidation of the Company or a transaction or series of related
         transactions that results in the sale of all or substantially all of
         the Company's assets, be exchanged for a different number or class of
         shares of stock or other securities or property of the Company or any
         other Person, or a record date or dates for determination of holders of
         Stock entitled to receive a dividend payable in stock or a liquidating
         dividend (or series of dividends) shall occur, equitable and
         proportional adjustments aimed at preventing the inequitable
         enlargement or dilution of any rights hereunder shall be made to (i)
         the number and class of shares or other securities or property that may
         be issued or transferred pursuant to the Plan and any outstanding
         Options and Restricted Stock Awards and (ii) the Exercise Price to be
         paid per share under any outstanding Options; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
         in the event of a merger or consolidation of the Company, or similar
         transaction pursuant to which the outstanding Stock is exchanged for
         cash or other property, the unexercised Options shall thereafter be
         exercisable for, and the Restricted Stock Awards shall entitle the
         Participant to receive, the cash or other property which an Option or
         Restricted Stock Award holder, as the case may be, would have been
         entitled to receive had the Options been exercised, or the Restrictions
         relating to the Restricted Stock Award lapsed, immediately prior to the
         record date for such merger, consolidation or similar transaction
         except to the extent that provision is made in writing in connection
         with such transaction for (1) the assumption of the Options by, or the
         substitution for the Options of new options covering the stock of, a
         successor acquiring corporation, in each case providing terms no less
         favorable to the holder of such Options than would an assumption or
         substitution described in Treasury Regulation ss.1.425-1(a) that would
         not constitute a "modification" for purposes of Code ss.424(a), and (2)
         the substitution for Restricted Stock Awards of stock of a successor or
         acquiring corporation having terms no less favorable to the holder
         thereof than the terms of the Restricted Stock Award in effect before
         such transaction.



         (a)      The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. The Committee
                  shall, subject to the provisions of the Plan, have full power
                  and authority to administer the Plan, to select the
                  Participants in the Plan, and, except for grants and awards
                  which are automatically made to Outside Directors as provided
                  pursuant to Section 3 of the Plan, to determine the number of
                  shares to be made subject to each Option and Restricted Stock
                  Award and all terms and conditions of each Option and
                  Restricted Stock Award. The Committee shall have the power to
                  interpret the Plan and to adopt such rules for the
                  administration, interpretation and application of the Plan as
                  are consistent therewith and to interpret, amend or revoke any
                  such rules. All actions taken and all interpretations and
                  determinations made by the Committee shall be final and
                  binding upon all Participants, the Company and all other
                  interested persons, absent a determination by a court of
                  competent jurisdiction that the Committee has acted in bad
                  faith or has engaged in reckless or willful misconduct.

         (b)      Members of the Committee and the Board and officers
                  administering this Plan shall be fully protected in taking
                  actions under the Plan or in relying upon the advice of
                  counsel and shall incur no liability except for bad faith,
                  recklessness or willful misconduct in the performance of their

         (c)      Except as required by Rule 16b-3 with respect to grants of
                  Options to individuals who are subject to Section 16 of the
                  Exchange Act, or as otherwise required for compliance with
                  Rule 16b-3 or other applicable law, the Committee may delegate
                  all or any part of its authority under the Plan to an
                  employee, employees or committee of employees.

         (d)      To the extent the Committee deems it necessary, appropriate or
                  desirable to comply with foreign law or practices and to
                  further the purpose of the Plan, the Committee may, without
                  amending this Plan, establish special rules applicable to
                  Options granted to Participants who are foreign nationals, are
                  employed outside the United States, or both, including rules
                  that differ from those set forth in the Plan, and grant
                  Options to such Participants in accordance with those rules.

         (e)      Determinations by the Committee under the Plan relating to the
                  form, amount and terms and conditions of grants and awards
                  need not be uniform, and may be made selectively among persons
                  who receive or are eligible to receive grants and awards under
                  the Plan, whether or not such persons are similarly situated.


         (a)      Nothing in this Plan or in any instrument executed pursuant
                  hereto shall confer upon any Person any right to continue in
                  the employment or other service of the Company (or any
                  subsidiary), or shall affect the right of the Company (or any
                  subsidiary) to terminate the employment or other service of
                  any person at any time with or without Cause.

         (b)      The Company may make appropriate provisions for the
                  withholding of any taxes which the Company determines it is
                  required to withhold in connection with any Option or
                  Restricted Stock Award including, at the request of a
                  Participant and provided that it does not violate any
                  applicable laws, the payment of such withholding taxes through
                  a broker-assisted sale of a sufficient number of shares
                  underlying the Option or subject to the Restricted Stock Award
                  or by delivery to the


                  Company of shares of Stock previously owned by the
                  Participant, in either case having an actual sale price equal
                  to the amount of such taxes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a
                  Participant whose transactions in Stock are subject to Section
                  16(b) of the Exchange Act may make a share withholding
                  election only if it complies with safeguards established by
                  the Committee designed to avoid "short swing" profits to the
                  Participant under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act.

         (c)      By accepting any benefits under the Plan, each Participant,
                  and each Person claiming under or through the Participant,
                  shall be conclusively deemed to have indicated acceptance and
                  ratification of, and consent to, all provisions of the Plan.
                  Each Participant hereby further agrees that amendments and
                  modifications to the Plan, which may be adopted from time to
                  time by the Committee and/or the Board of the Corporation (as
                  set forth in Section 12 hereof), shall be binding upon such
                  Participant and upon all Options or Restricted Stock which the
                  Participant may hold, including (with retroactive effect)
                  Options or Restricted Stock previously granted to the
                  Participant, except to the extent set forth in Section 12

         (d)      With respect to Participants subject to Section 16 of the
                  Exchange Act, transactions under the Plan are intended to
                  comply with all applicable provisions of Rule 16b-3 or its
                  successor. To the extent any provision the Plan or action by
                  the Plan administrators fails to so comply, it shall be deemed
                  null and void, to the extent permitted by law and deemed
                  advisable by the Committee.

         (e)      A Participant shall have no rights as a stockholder of the
                  Company with respect to any Shares to be issued upon exercise
                  of an Option until such Participant has exercised such Option
                  and becomes a holder of such Shares.


         This Plan may be amended or modified by the Committee, with
         ratification by the Board, or terminated by the Board, at any time and
         in any respect, except that no amendment shall be made without the
         approval of the shareholders of the Company if shareholder approval
         would be required by Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act or any other law
         or rule of any governmental authority, stock exchange or other
         self-regulatory organization to which the Company is subject. No such
         amendment, modification or termination shall have effect to reduce the
         number of shares as to which any Option or Restricted Stock Award
         previously has been granted to a Participant; to extend the vesting
         schedule with respect to any Option or Restricted Stock Award or to
         extend the period of non-competition or confidentiality as set forth in
         Section 13 hereof. In the event of the passage of any law, rule or
         regulation or a determination by any regulatory agency or court,
         requiring an adverse change in the Company's accounting or tax
         treatment relating to the Plan, the Committee shall have the right to
         modify the terms of outstanding Options and Restricted Stock Awards to
         the extent necessary to avoid the adverse consequences of such change.


         By accepting Options or Restricted Stock Awards under the Plan and as a
         condition to the exercise of Options and the enjoyment of any of the
         benefits of the Plan, each Participant agrees as follows:

         (a)      CONFIDENTIALITY -- During the period of each Participant's
                  employment or service as a director with the Company (or the
                  Participant's engaging in any other activity with or for the
                  Company) and for a two year period thereafter, each
                  Participant shall treat and safeguard as confidential and


                  all Confidential Information received by such Participant at
                  any time. Without the prior written consent of the Company,
                  except as required by law, such Participant will not disclose
                  or reveal any Confidential Information to any third party
                  whatsoever or use the same in any manner except in connection
                  with the businesses of the Company and its subsidiaries. In
                  the event that a Participant is requested or required (by oral
                  questions, interrogatories, requests for information or
                  documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or other
                  process) to disclose (i) any Confidential Information or (ii)
                  any information relating to his opinion, judgment or
                  recommendations concerning the Company or its subsidiaries as
                  developed from the Confidential Information, Participant will
                  provide the Company with prompt written notice of any such
                  request or requirement so that the Company may seek an
                  appropriate protective order or waive compliance with the
                  provisions contained herein. If, failing the entry of a
                  protective order or the receipt of a waiver hereunder,
                  Participant is, in the reasonable opinion of his counsel,
                  compelled to disclose Confidential Information, Participant
                  shall disclose only that portion of the Confidential
                  Information which his counsel advises that he is compelled to
                  disclose and will exercise best efforts to obtain assurances
                  that confidential treatment will be accorded such Confidential

         (b)      NON-COMPETITION -- During the period of employment with the
                  Company or its subsidiaries of any Participant (other than a
                  director) compensated at a rate (including bonuses) in excess
                  of $75,000 per year in cash compensation from his employment
                  with the Company or any of its subsidiaries (determined as of
                  the most recently completed fiscal year of the Company), and,
                  for a two-year period thereafter (the "Non-Compete Period"),
                  each such Participant shall not, without prior written consent
                  of the Committee, do, directly or indirectly, any of the

                  (1)      own, manage, control or participate in the ownership,
                           management, or control of, or be employed or engaged
                           by or otherwise affiliated or associated with, any
                           other corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm,
                           association or other business entity, or otherwise
                           engage in any business which competes with the
                           business of the Company or any of its subsidiaries
                           (as such business is conducted during the term of
                           such Participant's employment with the Company or its
                           subsidiaries) in the geographical regions in which
                           such business is conducted; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
                           the ownership of a maximum of one percent of the
                           outstanding stock of any publicly traded corporation
                           shall not violate this covenant; or

                  (2)      employ, solicit for employment or assist in employing
                           or soliciting for employment any present, former or
                           future employee, officer or agent of the Company or
                           any of its subsidiaries.

                  In the event any court of competent jurisdiction should
                  determine that the foregoing covenant of non-competition is
                  not enforceable because of the extent of the geographical area
                  or the duration thereof, then the Company and the affected
                  Participant hereby petition such court to modify the foregoing
                  covenant to the extent, but only to the extent, necessary to
                  create a covenant which is enforceable in the opinion of such
                  court, with the intention of the parties that the Company
                  shall be afforded the maximum enforceable covenant of
                  non-competition which may be available under the circumstances
                  and applicable law.

         (c)      Each Participant acknowledges that remedies at law for any
                  breach by him of this section 13 may be inadequate and that
                  the damages resulting from any such breach are not readily
                  susceptible to


                  being measured in monetary terms. Accordingly, each
                  Participant acknowledges that upon his violation of any
                  provision of this Section 13, the Company will be entitled to
                  immediate injunctive relief and may obtain an order
                  restraining any threatened or future breach. Each Participant
                  further agrees, subject to the proviso at the end of this
                  sentence, that if he violates any provision of this Section
                  13, he shall immediately forfeit any rights and benefits under
                  this Plan and shall return to the Company any unexercised
                  Options and forfeit the rights under any Restricted Stock
                  Awards and shall return any shares of Stock held by such
                  Participant received upon exercise of any Option or the lapse
                  of the Restrictions relating to Restricted Stock Awards
                  granted hereunder, together with any proceeds from sales of
                  any shares of Stock received upon exercise of such Options or
                  the lapse of Restrictions of such Restricted Stock Awards;
                  PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that upon violation of subsection (b) of
                  this Section, the forfeiture and return provisions contained
                  in this sentence shall apply only to Options which have become
                  exercisable, and Restricted Stock, the Restrictions with
                  respect to which have lapsed, and in any such case the
                  proceeds of sales therefrom, during the two year period
                  immediately prior to termination of the Participant's
                  employment. Nothing in this Section 13 will be deemed to
                  limit, in any way, the remedies at law or in equity of the
                  Company, for a breach by Participant of any of the provisions
                  of this Section 13.

         (d)      Each Participant agrees to provide written notice of the
                  provisions of this Section 13 to any future employer of
                  Participant, and the Company expressly reserves the right to
                  provide such notice to the Participant's future employer(s).

         (e)      If any provision or part of any provision of this Section 13
                  is held for any reason to be unenforceable, (i) the remainder
                  of this Section 13 shall nevertheless remain in full force and
                  effect and (ii) such provision or part shall be deemed to be
                  amended in such manner as to render such provision


         The validity, construction and effect of the Plan and any rules
         relating to the Plan shall be determined in accordance with the laws of
         the State of Delaware and applicable Federal law.


         The Company and each Participant hereby agree that in the event of any
         dispute or controversy arising with respect to the Plan, any Stock
         Option Agreement, the exercise of any Option (or the disallowance of
         any exercise at any time, for any reason) or any other matter relating
         to Options or Restricted Stock Awards, then such dispute or controversy
         shall be submitted by the parties to mandatory and binding arbitration
         before a panel of arbitrators appointed by the American Arbitration
         Association ("AAA"), each of whom shall be knowledgeable in matters of
         securities in general and, if possible, the administration of stock
         option programs similar to the Plan. The arbitration proceedings shall
         be conducted in whichever of the following cities is closest to the
         work location of the affected Participant: Fort Lauderdale, Florida;
         Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York; Kansas City, Missouri; Jackson,
         Mississippi; Nashville, Tennessee or Atlanta, Georgia. The decision of
         the Company as to which city is closest to the work location of the
         Participant shall be conclusive and binding, except for manifest error.
         The decision of the arbitrators shall be rendered in writing, shall be
         promptly rendered after a hearing on the matter and shall be final,
         conclusive and binding and may be incorporated in a final judgment
         rendered by any court of competent jurisdiction.


         Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall preclude
         the Company from seeking injunctive or other relief from any court of
         competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of Section 13 hereof.


         The following terms, when used in the Plan, shall have the meanings set
forth below:

                  ACTIVELY TRADED: Trading of Company Stock on the New York
                  Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ
                  National Market System in an average weekly volume that equals
                  at least 0.20% of the then outstanding Company Stock for each
                  of at least four weeks in a row.

                  BENEFICIAL OWNER: With respect to any securities of the
                  Company, any Person who is a beneficial owner of such
                  securities as defined in rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act.
                  The Committee may from time to time adopt interpretations or
                  pronouncements as to who shall be deemed to be Beneficial
                  Owners of the Company's outstanding voting securities as of a
                  given date, which interpretation shall be final and binding on
                  all Participants, the Company and all other interested

                  BOARD:  The Board of Directors of the Company.

                  CAUSE: Any cause stated in an employment agreement between the
                  Company and the Participant and/or material violations of
                  employment agreements or the terms of this Plan, acts of
                  dishonesty with respect to the Company, insubordination,
                  divulging confidential information about the Company,
                  interference with the relationship between the Company and any
                  supplier, client, customer, similar person, or performance of
                  any act or omission which the Committee, in its sole
                  discretion, deems to be sufficiently injurious to the interest
                  of the Company to constitute cause.

                  CHANGE IN CONTROL: The occurrence of any of the following: (i)
                  a merger or consolidation to which the Company is a party if
                  the individuals and entities who were stockholders of the
                  Company immediately prior to the effective date of such merger
                  or consolidation are Beneficial Owners of less than 50% of the
                  total combined voting power for election of directors of the
                  surviving corporation following the effective date of such
                  merger or consolidation; or (ii) any Person becomes the
                  Beneficial Owner in the aggregate of securities of the Company
                  representing 50% or more of the total combined voting power of
                  the Company's then issued and outstanding securities unless
                  such Person (or a Person owned directly or indirectly by such
                  Person) was the Beneficial Owner, directly or indirectly, as
                  of the Grant Date applicable to the affected Participant, of
                  more than 50% of the Company's voting securities outstanding
                  as of such Grant Date; or (iii) the sale of all or
                  substantially all of the assets of the Company to any person
                  or entity that is not a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
                  Company; or (iv) the stockholders of the Company approve any
                  plan or proposal for the liquidation of the Company.

                  CHANGE IN STATUS: The occurrence with respect to a
                  Participant, of any of the following (but only if such event
                  occurs within two (2) years following a Change in Control):
                  (i) any reduction in the aggregate annual compensation paid or
                  payable to a Participant, or any material reduction in the
                  aggregate benefit coverages provided to such Participant under
                  the Company's standard benefit package for all employees; (ii)
                  the assignment to the Participant of any duties inconsistent
                  in any material respect with the Participant's position
                  (including status, offices, titles and reporting


                  responsibilities), authorities, duties or responsibilities as
                  in effect immediately prior to the date of the Change in
                  Control; (iii) the Company's requiring the Participant to be
                  based at any office, facility or location other than the
                  office, facility or location at which the Participant was
                  based immediately prior to the date of the Change in Control;
                  (iv) if the Participant is a party to any employment agreement
                  with the Company, any material breach by the Company of such
                  agreement, or any purported termination by the Company of the
                  Participant's employment otherwise than as permitted by such
                  employment agreement; or (v) in the case of a director, the
                  removal of a director or the failure to nominate the director
                  for reelection.

                  CODE:  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                  COMMITTEE: A committee designated by the Board consisting of
                  not less than two members of the Board who are "disinterested
                  persons," as defined in Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act, to
                  administer the Plan.

                  COMPANY: Sunbeam Corporation (formerly known as Sunbeam-Oster
                  Company, Inc.)

                  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Any information not generally known
                  to the public, including, without limiting the generality of
                  the foregoing, any customer lists, supplier lists, trade
                  secrets, invention, formulas, methods or processes, whether or
                  not patented or patentable, channels of distribution, business
                  plans, pricing policies and records, financial information of
                  any sort and inventory records of the Company or any affiliate
                  (and such other information normally understood to be
                  confidential or otherwise designated as such in writing by the
                  Company or its subsidiaries). It is not necessary, however,
                  that any information be formally designated as "confidential"
                  if it falls within any of the foregoing categories and is not
                  generally known to the public.

                  DESIGNATED OTHER: Any consultant, advisor, contractor or agent
                  of the Company or its subsidiaries, who is not an employee,
                  officer or Outside Director of the Company and who is granted
                  Options or a Restricted Stock Award pursuant to this Plan.

                  EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1991; Amended and Restated as of
                  May 15, 1996.

                  ERISA: Titles I and IV of the Employee Retirement Income
                  Security Act of 1974, as amended.

                  EXCHANGE ACT: The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                  EXERCISE PRICE: The Exercise Price of shares purchasable upon
                  exercise of an Option, as determined pursuant to the terms of
                  Section 5(a).

                  FAIR MARKET VALUE: The fair market value of a share of Stock,
                  as determined pursuant to the terms of Section 7.

                  GRANT DATE: The date as of which the Committee (or such other
                  committee of the Board of Directors of the Company as shall be
                  empowered to grant Options or to make awards of Restricted
                  Stock) shall grant Options or Restricted Stock, as the case
                  may be, to a Participant under the Plan, as so designated by
                  such Committee.


                  IN-THE-MONEY: Options to acquire Stock are considered to be
                  "in-the-money" if the exercise price of the Option is less
                  than the current market price of the Stock.

                  NEXT OPTION INCREMENT: This term shall have the meaning
                  ascribed to it in Section 4(a)(iii).

                  OPTION: An option, granted under the Plan, to purchase shares
                  of Stock at the Exercise Price. Options granted under the Plan
                  shall not be incentive stock options pursuant to Section 422
                  of the Code.

                  OPTION YEAR: This term shall have the meaning ascribed to it
                  in Section 4(a)(iii).

                  OUT-OF-THE-MONEY: Options to acquire Stock are considered to
                  be "out-of-the-money" if the exercise price is equal to or
                  greater than the current market price of the Stock.

                  OUTSIDE DIRECTOR: A director of the Company who is not either:
                  (i) an officer or employee of the Company, or (ii) a
                  Beneficial Owner of, or an officer or employee of any Person
                  which is a direct or indirect Beneficial Owner of, more than
                  10% of the outstanding Stock.

                  PARTICIPANT: An officer, employee, Outside Director of the
                  Company (or a subsidiary of the Company) or Designated Other
                  who is granted an Option or a Restricted Stock Award under the
                  Plan by the Committee. Upon the death of a Participant, the
                  "Participant" shall be deemed to mean the Participant's estate
                  or legal representative.

                  PERSON: Any individual, corporation, partnership, association,
                  company, trust, joint venture or other organization or entity
                  or group of associated persons or entities acting in concert.
                  As used herein, references to the male gender shall include
                  the female gender or the neuter, as applicable.

                  PLAN: The Equity Team Plan herein set forth, as it may be
                  amended from time to time.

                  RESTRICTED PERIOD: This term shall have the meaning ascribed
                  to it in Section 4(b)(iii).

                  RESTRICTED STOCK: Shares of Stock granted pursuant to Section
                  3(b) or (c) of the Plan.

                  RESTRICTED STOCK AWARD: The grant of Shares of Restricted
                  Stock to a Participant pursuant to Section 3(b) or 3(c) of the

                  RESTRICTED STOCK AWARD AGREEMENT: The agreement described in
                  Section 3(e).

                  RESTRICTIONS: The restrictions described in Section 4(b)
                  relating to Restricted Stock.

                  "SHARES" or "STOCK": The Common Stock, $0.01 par value per
                  share, of the Company, or such other class of securities as
                  may be applicable pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.

                  STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT: The agreement described in Section


                                                                      Appendix C

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, effective as of July 26, 1996 (the
"Effective Date"), by and between P. NEWTON WHITE (the "Executive") and SUNBEAM
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the "Company").


         WHEREAS, the Company desires to employ the Executive and the Executive
desires to furnish services to the Company on the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth; and

         WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this agreement setting forth
the terms and conditions of the employment relationship of the Executive with
the Company;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
agreements set forth below, the parties hereby agree as follows:

         1.   EMPLOYMENT.  The Company hereby agrees to employ the Executive, 
and the Executive hereby accepts such employment, on the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth.

         2.   EMPLOYMENT PERIOD.  The period of employment of the Executive by 
the Company hereunder (the "Employment Period") shall commence on the Effective
Date and shall end on July 26, 1999 (or the Date of Termination (as defined in
Section 6 below), if earlier).

         3.   POSITION AND DUTIES. The Executive shall serve as Executive Vice 
President, Consumer Products Worldwide, and shall have such responsibilities,
duties and authority as are consistent with such position and such other duties
as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Chief Executive Officer. The
Executive agrees to devote substantially all his working time, attention and
energies to the performance of his duties for the Company.

         4.   PLACE OF PERFORMANCE. The principal place of employment of the 
Executive shall be at the Company's principal executive offices in Broward or
Palm Beach County, Florida, or such other location as may be agreed to by the
Board. In the event that the Company's principal executive offices are moved
from Broward or Palm Beach County, Florida, the Company shall promptly pay, or
reimburse the Executive for, all reasonable expenses incurred by the Executive
relating to any change of the Executive's residence from Broward or Palm Beach
County, Florida, in connection with his employment hereunder, including, without
limitation, reasonable expenses for himself and his family of travel, moving,
storage and suitable lodging and maintenance, and the Company shall reimburse
the Executive on a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is assessed upon
him in relation to any such expenses. The Company shall pay or reimburse the
Executive for all reasonable costs and expenses of residential relocation
incurred by him in connection with each and every additional change, if any, in
the location of the principal executive offices of the Company, and the
Executive shall be reimbursed by the Company

on a grossed up basis in the event that any tax is assessed upon him in relation
to any such costs or expenses.


              (a)    BASE SALARY. As compensation for the performance by the 
Executive of his duties hereunder, during the Employment Period the Company
shall pay the Executive a base salary at an annual rate of $425,000 (the "Base
Salary"), which Base Salary shall be payable in substantially equal semi-monthly
installments. It is agreed that there shall be no increase or decrease in the
Base Salary during the Employment Period. The Company also shall pay to the
Executive, within fifteen (15) days from the Effective Date, the sum of One
Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000) as a one time bonus for
agreeing to the terms hereof. The parties agree that the Executive shall not be
entitled to participate in any other bonus or incentive compensation programs of
the Company.

              (b)    EQUITY AND STOCK OPTION GRANTS.

              (i)    PURCHASE OF COMMON STOCK. Effective as of the Effective 
         Date, the Executive shall purchase from the Company for his own
         account, and the Company shall sell to the Executive, a total of 25,807
         shares of the Company's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common
         Stock"), for the sum of $500,010.62 ($19.375 per share of Common Stock)
         (the "Purchased Stock"). The Purchased Stock shall be the sole property
         of the Executive, shall be unrestricted (although unregistered at the
         time of issuance) and shall be freely tradeable by the Executive,
         subject to applicable securities laws and other legal restrictions.

              (ii)   RESTRICTED SHARES. Effective as of the Effective Date, the 
         Executive has been granted, without cost to the Executive, 100,000
         shares of the Company's Common Stock, on the terms and conditions set
         forth herein (the "Restricted Shares"). One-third of such Restricted
         Shares shall vest and cease to be restricted in equal installments on
         each of the first, second and third anniversaries of the Effective Date
         (subject to earlier vesting provisions set forth in Section 7) provided
         that the Executive continues to be employed pursuant to this Agreement
         upon such anniversary dates. All such shares, once vested, shall be the
         sole property of the Executive, shall be unrestricted and shall be
         freely tradeable by the Executive, subject to applicable legal

              (A)   ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES. The Restricted Shares shall be
              registered in the Executive's name, but the certificates
              evidencing the Restricted Shares shall be retained by the Company
              until such shares become vested and the restrictions thereon
              lapse. The period prior to the time that any particular Restricted
              Shares become vested and the restrictions thereon lapse is
              hereinafter referred to as the "Restricted Period" with respect to
              such shares. The Executive shall execute a


              stock power, in blank, with respect to such Restricted Shares
              and deliver the same to the Company.

              (B)   RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. Except as provided herein, during 
              the Restricted Period, the Executive shall have all the rights of
              a stockholder with respect to Restricted Shares, including the
              right to receive dividends or other distributions and the right to
              vote such shares; provided that, in the discretion of the Company
              any such dividends or other distributions may be retained by the
              Company unless and until the Restricted Shares in respect of which
              such dividends or other distributions were paid shall vest.

                  (C)   NON-TRANSFERABILITY. During the Restricted Period, the 
                  Executive may not sell, transfer, pledge, or otherwise
                  encumber or dispose of the Restricted Shares, and any
                  attempted sale, transfer, pledge or other encumbrance or
                  disposition (whether voluntary or involuntary) in violation of
                  this Section 5(b)(ii)(C) shall be null and void.

                  (D)   DELIVERY OF SHARE CERTIFICATES. Upon the vesting of any 
                  Restricted Shares, the certificates evidencing such Restricted
                  Shares, together with any dividends or other distributions
                  retained by the Company pursuant to Section 5(b)(ii)(B), shall
                  be delivered promptly to the Executive. In the case of
                  Executive's death, such certificates, dividends and
                  distributions will be delivered to the beneficiary designated
                  in writing by the Executive pursuant to a form of designation
                  provided by the Company, to the Executive's legatee or
                  legatees, or to his personal representatives or distributees,
                  as the case may be.

                  (iii) STOCK OPTIONS.  The Executive shall be granted the 
         following stock options (collectively, the "Option Award"):

                  (A)   Effective as of the Effective Date, by action of the 
                  Executive Development and Compensation Committee of the Board
                  of Directors, the Executive has been granted a stock option
                  (the "Plan Option") to purchase 250,000 shares of Common Stock
                  pursuant to the Company's Amended and Restated Equity Team
                  Plan (the "Option Plan") (a copy of which Option Plan is
                  attached hereto as SCHEDULE A and incorporated herein by
                  reference), which options are granted upon the terms and
                  conditions as set forth in the Option Plan (at an exercise
                  price of $15.07/share), except that such option shall vest in
                  equal increments on the first, second and third anniversaries
                  of the grant date and shall be subject to and modified by all
                  other terms and provisions of this Agreement, as expressly set
                  forth herein. In the event of any conflict between any terms
                  of the Option Plan and the terms and provisions of this
                  Agreement, the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall
                  take precedence and shall be controlling as between such


                  (B)   Effective as of the Effective Date, and subject to
                  shareholder approval by the Company's shareholders at a
                  special meeting to be held for that purpose (the "Special
                  Meeting"), which Special Meeting the Company agrees to convene
                  as soon as practicable after the Effective Date hereof, by
                  action of the Executive Development and Compensation
                  Committee, the Executive has been granted a non-qualified
                  stock option (the "Non-Qualified Option") to purchase 250,000
                  shares of Common Stock. The Non-Qualified Option shall be upon
                  the same terms and conditions as are set forth in Section
                  5(b)(iii)(A) above, including the exercise price of
                  $15.07/share and the three year vesting schedule. In the event
                  that the Company's shareholders fail to approve the grant of
                  the Non-Qualified Option at the Special Meeting, the Company
                  and the Executive shall negotiate in good faith a mutually
                  acceptable alternative compensation arrangement; provided,
                  however, that the Executive, in his sole discretion, may elect
                  to terminate this Agreement, and the Executive shall be
                  entitled to receive the compensation, rights and benefits
                  provided in Section 7(b) hereof (other than in respect of the
                  Non-Qualified Option).

                  (iv)  REGISTRATION RIGHTS. Within six months after the
         Effective Date, the Company shall cause the Purchased Stock, the
         Restricted Shares and all shares of stock subject to the Option Award
         to be registered or qualified for resale under the Securities Act of
         1933 and applicable state laws. Unless and until registered under the
         Securities Act of 1933, as amended, certificates evidencing the
         Purchased Stock, the Restricted Shares and shares acquired pursuant to
         the exercise of the Non-Qualified Option shall bear the following


                  (c)   EXPENSES. During the Employment Period, the Company
shall reimburse the Executive for all reasonable business expenses in accordance
with applicable policies and procedures then in force.

                  (d)   VACATION AND OTHER ABSENCES. The Executive shall be
entitled to paid vacation and other paid absences, whether for holidays,
illness, personal time or any similar purposes, during the Employment Period in
accordance with policies applicable generally to senior executives of the
Company; provided, however, that the Executive shall always be entitled to at
least six weeks of paid vacation in each calendar year and pro rata for part of
a year. Up to four weeks per year of unused vacation may be maintained by the
Executive on a cumulative basis and may be subsequently used in any year or if
not so used, the Executive shall be


compensated for any unused vacation days upon the termination of this Agreement 
for any reason.

                  (e)   TAX PLANNING SERVICES. During the Employment Period, the
Company shall provide the Executive with tax-related advice and services without
cost or expense to him and shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up basis
in the event that any tax is assessed upon him in relation to such services.

                  (f)   TRAVEL BENEFITS. During the initial year of the 
Employment Period, the Company shall reimburse the Executive on a grossed up
basis (in the event that any tax is assessed upon him in relation to such travel
reimbursement) for one round trip airline fare per month to and from Santa Fe,
New Mexico and the location at which the Executive may be working for the
Company at the time.

                  (g)   OTHER BENEFITS. During the Employment Period, the
Executive shall be eligible to participate at no cost or expense to him in
welfare plans and programs (including any tax-deferred savings plan, group life
insurance plan, medical and dental insurance plan, and accident and disability
insurance plan) ("Benefit Plans") applicable generally to employees and/or
senior executives of the Company. The Company will waive, or obtain the waiver
of, any waiting periods for eligibility under the Benefit Plans or will provide
comparable benefits to the Executive without cost to him during the waiting

         6.   TERMINATION. The Executive's employment hereunder, as the case may
be, may be terminated as follows:

                  (a)  DEATH. The Executive's employment shall terminate upon 
his death, and the date of his death shall be the Date of Termination.

                  (b)  DISABILITY. If, as a result of the Executive's incapacity
due to physical or mental illness, the Executive shall have been absent from his
duties hereunder on a full-time basis for one hundred and twenty (120)
consecutive days and, within thirty (30) days after written Notice of
Termination (as defined in Section 6(g) hereof), shall not have returned to the
performance of his duties hereunder on a full-time basis ("Disability"), the
Company may terminate the Executive's employment hereunder. In this event, the
Date of Termination shall be thirty (30) days after Notice of Termination is
given (provided that the Executive shall not have returned to the performance of
his duties on a full-time basis during such thirty (30) day period).

                   (c)  CAUSE. The Company may terminate the Executive's 
employment hereunder for Cause. For purposes of this Agreement, the Company
shall have "Cause" to terminate the Executive's employment hereunder:


                        (i)    upon the Executive's conviction for the 
         commission of a felony (or a plea of nolo contendere thereto); or

                        (ii)   willful failure by the Executive substantially to
         perform his duties hereunder (other than any such failure resulting
         from the Executive's incapacity due to Disability).

              For purposes hereof, no act or failure to act by the Executive 
         shall be considered "willful" unless done or omitted to be done by him
         not in good faith or without reasonable belief that his action or
         omission was in the best interests of the Company or contrary to
         written instructions of the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of
         Directors. The Date of Termination shall be the date specified in the
         Notice of Termination; provided, however, that, in the case of a
         termination for Cause under clause (ii) above, the Date of Termination
         shall not be earlier than 30 days after delivery of the Notice of
         Termination. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, if,
         following a termination of the Executive's employment by the Company
         for Cause based upon the conviction of the Executive for a felony, such
         conviction is overturned in a final determination on appeal, the
         Executive shall be entitled to the payments and the economic equivalent
         of the benefits the Executive would have received if his employment had
         been terminated by the Company without Cause.

Executive may terminate his employment hereunder for Good Reason, provided that
the Executive shall have delivered a Notice of Termination (as defined in
Section 6(g) hereof) within ninety (90) days after the occurrence of the event
of Good Reason giving rise to such termination. For purposes of this Agreement,
"Good Reason" shall mean the occurrence of one or more of the following
circumstances, without the Executive's express written consent, which are not
remedied by the Company within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Executive's
Notice of Termination:

                        (i)   an assignment to the Executive of any duties 
         materially inconsistent with his positions, duties, responsibilities
         and status with the Company or any material limitation of the powers of
         the Executive not consistent with the powers of the Executive
         contemplated by Section 3 hereof; or

                        (ii)  any removal of the Executive from, or any failure 
         to re-elect the Executive to, the executive officer position specified
         in Section 3 of this Agreement; or

                        (iii) any other material breach by the Company of this 

              In the event of a termination for Good Reason, the Date of
Termination shall be the date specified in the Notice of Termination, which
shall be no more than thirty (30) days after the Notice of Termination.


              (e)  OTHER TERMINATIONS. The Company may terminate the Executive's
employment hereunder at any time, subject to the provisions of Section 7(e)
hereof. The Executive may terminate his employment at any time, subject to the
provisions of Section 7(d) hereof. If the Executive's employment is terminated
hereunder for any reason other than as set forth in Sections 6(a) through 6(d)
hereof, the date on which a Notice of Termination is given or any later date
(within 30 days) set forth in such Notice of Termination shall be the Date of

Change in Control (as defined below), the Executive shall have the right, upon
delivery to the Company of a Notice of Termination (which shall specify a Date
of Termination not less than 30 days after such Notice of Termination), to
terminate his employment under this Agreement and to receive the payments
provided pursuant to Section 7(f) below. If the Executive shall elect to
terminate his employment with the Company other than upon a Change in Control,
he shall receive only the compensation referred to in Section 7(d) below. For
purposes of this Agreement, a Change in Control shall mean the occurrence of any
one of the following events:

                   (i)   any "person" as such term is used in Sections 3(a)(9) 
         and 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, becomes a
         "beneficial owner," as such term is used in Rule 3d-3 promulgated under
         that Act, of 25% or more of the voting stock of the Company (other than
         a person that is currently the beneficial owner of such percentage of
         the Company's voting stock);

                   (ii)  the majority of the Board consists of individuals other
         than Incumbent Directors, which term means the members of the Board on
         the date of this Agreement and the individuals designated as directors
         by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company; provided that any person
         becoming a director subsequent to such date whose election or
         nomination for election was supported by two-thirds of the directors
         who then comprised the Incumbent Directors shall be considered to be an
         Incumbent Director;

                   (iii) the Company, without the Executive's consent, adopts 
         any plan of liquidation providing for the distribution of all or
         substantially all of its assets; or

                   (iv)  all or substantially all of the assets or business of 
         the Company are disposed of pursuant to a merger, consolidation or
         other transaction (unless the shareholders of the Company immediately
         prior to such merger, consolidation or other transaction beneficially
         own, directly or indirectly, in substantially the same proportion as
         they owned the voting stock of the Company, all of the voting stock or
         other ownership interests of the entity or entities, if any, that
         succeed to the business of the Company).


              (g)  NOTICE OF TERMINATION. Any termination of the Executive's 
employment hereunder by the Company or by the Executive (other than termination
pursuant to Section 6(a) hereof) shall be communicated by written Notice of
Termination to the other party hereto in accordance with Section 13 hereof. For
purposes of this Agreement, a "Notice of Termination" shall mean a notice which
shall indicate the specific termination provision in this Agreement relied upon
and shall set forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed to
provide a basis for termination of the Executive's employment under the
provision so indicated. If any dispute concerning a Notice of Termination of the
Executive's employment under Section 6(b), 6(c) or 6(d) hereof results in a
determination that a proper basis for such termination did not exist under such
section, the Executive's employment under this Agreement shall be treated, with
respect to a Notice of Termination pursuant to Section 6(b) or 6(c) hereof, as
having been terminated pursuant to Section 6(e) hereof or, with respect to a
Notice of Termination pursuant to Section 6(d) hereof, as having not been


              (a)  DISABILITY PERIOD. During any period during the Employment 
Period that the Executive fails to perform his duties hereunder as a result of
incapacity due to physical or mental illness ("Disability Period"), the
Executive shall continue to (i) receive his full Base Salary and (ii)
participate in the Benefit Plans. Such payments made to the Executive during the
Disability Period shall be reduced by the sum of the amounts, if any, payable to
the Executive at or prior to the time of any such payment under disability
benefit plans of the Company or under the Social Security disability insurance
program, and which amounts were not previously applied to reduce any such

              (b)  DEATH. If the Executive's employment hereunder is terminated 
as a result of death, then:

                   (i)    the Company shall pay the Executive's estate or 
         designated beneficiary, as soon as practicable after the Date of
         Termination, any Base Salary installments due in the month of death and
         any reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder as
         of the Date of Termination;

                   (ii)   the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the 
         Plan Option and the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the
         Non-Qualified Option (if such Non-Qualified Option has been approved by
         the shareholders as provided in Section 5(b)(iii)(B)) shall become
         vested and exercisable, as of the Date of Termination, to the extent
         such Option Award would have otherwise become vested on or before the
         first anniversary of the Date of Termination, and all vested Options
         shall remain exercisable for a period of one year following such Date
         of Termination and shall thereafter be completely forfeited and
         cancelled; any Options that would not have become vested and
         exercisable on or before the first anniversary of the Date of
         Termination shall terminate and be forfeited as of the Date of
         Termination; and


                   (iii)  the portion of the Restricted Shares that have not 
         vested as of the Date of Termination equal to the number of such
         unvested Restricted Shares multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of
         which is 36 minus the number of full months remaining in the Employment
         Period (disregarding the earlier termination thereof) after the Date of
         Termination and denominator of which is 36, shall become vested as of
         the Date of Termination and the restrictions imposed thereon shall
         lapse. The balance of such unvested Restricted Shares shall be
         forfeited to the Company (without further action on the part of the
         Company or the Executive) as of the Date of Termination, and the
         Executive shall have no further rights with respect to such balance.

              (c)  DISABILITY. If the Executive's employment hereunder is 
terminated as a result of Disability, then:

                   (i)    the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as 
         practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
         reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
         services as of the Date of Termination;

                   (ii)   the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the 
         Plan Option and the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the
         Non-Qualified Option (if such Non-Qualified Option has been approved by
         the shareholders as provided in Section 5(b)(iii)(B)) shall become
         vested and exercisable, as of the Date of Termination, to the extent
         such Option Award would have otherwise become vested on or before the
         first anniversary of the Date of Termination, and all vested Options
         shall remain exercisable for a period of three years following such
         Date of Termination and shall thereafter be completely forfeited and
         cancelled; any Options that would not have become vested and
         exercisable on or before the first anniversary of the Date of
         Termination shall terminate and be forfeited as of the Date of
         Termination; and

                   (iii)  the portion of the Restricted Shares that have not 
         vested as of the Date of Termination equal to the number of such
         unvested Restricted Shares multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of
         which is 36 minus the number of full months remaining in the Employment
         Period (disregarding the earlier termination thereof) after the Date of
         Termination and denominator of which is 36, shall become vested, and
         the restrictions imposed thereon shall lapse. The balance of such
         unvested Restricted Shares shall be forfeited to the Company (without
         further action on the part of the Company or the Executive) as of the
         Date of Termination, and the Executive shall have no further rights
         with respect to such balance.


Executive's employment hereunder is terminated by the Company for Cause or by
the Executive other than for Good Reason, then:

                   (i)    the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as 
         practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
         reimbursable expenses accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
         services as of the Date of Termination; and

                   (ii)   the Executive shall immediately forfeit any unvested 
         Restricted Shares and any unvested portion of the Option Award. In the
         event of termination by the Company for Cause, the Executive shall have
         the right to exercise the vested unexercised portion of the Option
         Award for a period of ninety (90) days after the Date of Termination,
         and the unexercised portion of such Option Award shall be forfeited
         thereafter. In the event of termination by the Executive other than for
         Good Reason the Executive shall have the right to exercise the vested
         unexercised portion of the Option Award for a period of one year
         following the Date of Termination and the unexercised portion of such
         Option Award shall be forfeited thereafter.

WITH GOOD REASON. If the Executive's employment hereunder is terminated by the
Company (other than for Cause or Disability) or by the Executive for Good
Reason, then:

                   (i)    the Company shall pay the Executive, as soon as 
         practicable after the Date of Termination, any Base Salary and any
         reimbursable expenses, accrued or owing the Executive hereunder for
         services as of the Date of Termination;

                   (ii)   the Company shall immediately pay to the Executive as
         liquidated damages and not as a penalty a lump sum amount equal to the
         total Base Salary that would have otherwise been payable to the
         Executive with respect to the period commencing immediately following
         the Date of Termination and ending on July 26, 1999, at the annualized
         rate in effect at the time Notice of Termination is given;

                   (iii)  the Options granted to the Executive pursuant to the 
         Option Award shall become fully vested and exercisable, and the
         Restricted Shares shall become fully vested, as of the Date of
         Termination. The Option Award shall remain exercisable for the balance
         of its original 10-year term; and

                   (iv)   the Executive shall continue to participate in all 
         employee benefit plans and programs in which the Executive was entitled
         to participate immediately prior to the Date of Termination, in
         accordance with the terms of such plans and programs as in effect from
         time to time, through July 26, 1999; provided that the Executive's
         continued participation is permitted under the general terms and
         provisions of such plans and programs. In the event that the
         Executive's participation in any such plan or program


         is barred, the Company shall arrange to provide the Executive and his
         dependents with benefits substantially the same as those which the
         Executive and his dependents would otherwise have been entitled to
         receive under such plans and programs from which their continued
         participation is barred or provide their economic equivalent.

              (f)  TERMINATION UPON CHANGE IN CONTROL. If the Executive shall 
elect to terminate his employment under this Agreement upon a Change in Control,
the Company shall pay to the Executive the payments described in Sections
7(e)(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above.

         8.   GROSS-UP FOR EXCISE TAX. In the event that the Executive receives 
any payment or benefit (including but not limited to the payments or benefits
pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement) (a "Payment") that is subject to the
excise tax (the "Excise Tax") under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code"), the Company shall pay to the Executive, as soon
thereafter as practicable, an additional amount (a "Gross-Up Payment") such that
the net amount retained by the Executive, after deduction of any Excise Tax
imposed upon the Payment and any federal, state and local income tax and Excise
Tax imposed upon the Gross-Up Payment shall be equal to the Payment. The
determination of whether an Excise Tax is due in respect of any payment or
benefit, the amount of the Excise Tax and the amount of the Gross-Up Payment
shall be made by an independent auditor (the "Auditor") jointly selected by the
Company and the Executive and paid by the Company. If the Executive and the
Company cannot agree on the firm to serve as the Auditor, then the Executive and
the Company shall each select one nationally recognized accounting firm and
those two firms shall jointly select the nationally recognized accounting firm
to serve as the Auditor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of
determining the Gross-Up Payment in respect of any Payment, (i) any other
payments or benefits received or to be received by the Executive in connection
with a Change in Control or the Executive's termination of employment (whether
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or any other plan, arrangement or
agreement with the Company, any person whose actions result in a Change in
Control or any person affiliated with the Company or such person) shall be
treated as "parachute payments" within the meaning of Section 280G(b)(2) of the
Code, and all "excess parachute payments" within the meaning of Section 280G of
the Code shall be treated as subject to the Excise Tax, unless in the opinion of
tax counsel selected by the Auditor, such other payments or benefits (in whole
or in part) do not constitute parachute payments, or are otherwise not subject
to the Excise Tax, and (ii) the Executive shall be deemed to pay federal income
tax at the highest marginal rate applicable in the calendar year in which the
Gross-Up Payment is made, and state and local income taxes at the highest
marginal rate of taxation in the state and locality of the Executive's residence
on the Date of Termination, net of the maximum reduction in federal income taxes
which could be obtained from deduction of such state and local taxes. In the
event the actual Excise Tax or such income tax is more or less than the amount
used to calculate the Gross-Up Payment, the Executive or the Company, as the
case may be, shall pay to the other an amount reflecting the actual Excise Tax
or such income tax, plus interest on the amount of such repayment at the rate
provided in Section 1274(b)(2)(B) of the Code.


         9.   MITIGATION. The Executive shall not be required to mitigate 
amounts payable pursuant to Section 7 hereof by seeking other employment or
otherwise, nor shall there be any offset against such payments on account of (a)
any remuneration attributable to any subsequent employment that he may obtain or
(b) any claims the Company may have against the Executive.


              (a)  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Executive shall hold in a 
fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the Company and its subsidiaries (the
"Sunbeam Entities") all trade secrets, confidential information, and knowledge
or data relating to the Sunbeam Entities and the businesses and investments of
the Sunbeam Entities, which shall have been obtained by the Executive during the
Executive's employment by the Company, including such information with respect
to any products, improvements, formulas, designs or styles, processes, services,
customers, suppliers, marketing techniques, methods, future plans or operating
practices ("Confidential Information"); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Confidential
Information shall not include any information known generally to the public
(other than as a result of unauthorized disclosure by the Executive) or any
specific information or type of information generally not considered
confidential by persons engaged in the same business as the Company, or
information disclosed by the Company or any officer thereof to a third party
without restrictions on the disclosure of such information. Except as may be
required or appropriate in connection with his carrying out his duties under
this Agreement, the Executive shall not, without the prior written consent of
the Company or as may otherwise be required by law or legal process, communicate
or divulge any such Confidential Information to anyone other than the Company
and those designated by the Company.

              (b)  REMOVAL OF DOCUMENTS. All records, files, drawings, 
documents, models, and the like relating to the business of the Sunbeam
Entities, which the Executive prepares, uses or comes into contact with and
which contain Confidential Information shall not be removed by the Executive
from the premises of any Sunbeam Entity (without the written consent of the
Company) during or after the Employment Period unless such removal shall be
required or appropriate in connection with his carrying out his duties under
this Agreement, and, if so removed by the Executive, shall be returned to such
Sunbeam Entity immediately upon termination of the Executive's employment

              (c)  NON-COMPETITION. During (i) the Executive's employment with 
the Company and (ii) the two (2) year period immediately following the
Executive's Date of Termination, the Executive (A) shall not engage, anywhere
within the geographical areas in which any Sunbeam Entity is then conducting its
business operations, directly or indirectly, alone, in association with or as a
shareholder, principal, agent, partner, officer, director, employee or
consultant of any other organization, in any business (a "Competitive Business")
which competes with any business then being conducted by such Sunbeam Entity;
(B) shall not solicit or encourage any officer, employee or consultant of any of
the Sunbeam Entities to leave the employ of any of the Sunbeam Entities for
employment by or with any Competitive Business; and (C) shall not solicit,


divert or take away, or attempt to divert or to take away, the business or
patronage of any of the customers or accounts, or prospective customers or
accounts, of any Sunbeam Entity, which were contacted, solicited or served by
the Executive while employed by the Company; provided, however, that nothing
herein shall prohibit the Executive from owning a maximum of two percent (2%) of
the outstanding stock of any publicly traded corporation. Following the Date of
Termination, ownership by the Executive of not more than five percent (5%) of
any publicly traded corporation shall not constitute a violation hereof. If, at
any time, the provisions of this Section 10(c) shall be determined to be invalid
or unenforceable, by reason of being vague or unreasonable as to area, duration
or scope of activity, this Section 10(c) shall be considered divisible and shall
become and be immediately amended to only such area, duration and scope of
activity as shall be determined to be reasonable and enforceable by the court or
other body having jurisdiction over the matter; and the Executive agrees that
this Section 10(c) as so amended shall be valid and binding as though any
invalid or unenforceable provision had not been included herein. For purposes of
this Section 10(c), the design, manufacture and marketing of outdoor barbecue
grills, casual outdoor and indoor furniture and small kitchen appliances shall
be construed to be a Competitive Business; provided, however, that the gross
revenues derived from sales of such products by such competitor are greater than
the lesser of (i) 10% of its total revenues and (ii) $500,000,000.

              (d)  REMEDIES. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of 
this Section 10, the Executive agrees that the Company shall be entitled to
apply for injunctive relief in a court of appropriate jurisdiction to remedy any
such breach or threatened breach, the Executive acknowledging that damages would
be inadequate and insufficient.

              (e)  CONTINUING OPERATION. Any termination of the Executive's
employment or of this Agreement shall have no effect on the continuing operation
of this Section 10.

        11.   INDEMNIFICATION. The Company shall indemnify the Executive to the
full extent permitted by law and the By-laws of the Company for all expenses,
costs, liabilities and legal fees which the Executive may incur in the discharge
of all his duties hereunder, including, without limitation, the right to be paid
in advance by the Company for his expenses in defending a civil or criminal
action, proceeding or investigation prior to the final disposition thereof. The
Executive shall be insured under the Company's Directors' and Officers'
Liability Insurance Policy as in effect from time to time. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, any termination of the
Executive's employment or of this Agreement shall have no effect on the
continuing operation of this Section 11.


              (a)  COMPANY'S SUCCESSORS. No rights or obligations of the Company
under this Agreement may be assigned or transferred by the Company except that
such rights or obligations may be assigned or transferred pursuant to a merger
or consolidation in which the


Company is not the continuing entity, or the sale or liquidation of all or
substantially all of the business and/or assets of the Company, provided that
the assignee or transferee is the successor to all or substantially all of the
business and/or assets of the Company and such assignee or transferee assumes
the liabilities, obligations and duties of the Company, as contained in this
Agreement, either contractually or as a matter of law. The Company will require
any such successor to expressly assume and agree to perform this Agreement in
the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would be required to
perform it if no such succession had taken place. As used in this Agreement
(except in the definition of Change in Control), "Company" shall mean the
Company as hereinbefore defined and any successor to its business and/or assets
as aforesaid which executes and delivers the agreement provided for in this
Section 12 or which otherwise becomes bound by all the terms and provisions of
this Agreement or by operation of law.

              (b)  EXECUTIVE'S SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall not be 
assignable by the Executive. This Agreement and all rights of the Executive
hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Executive's
personal or legal representatives, executors, administrators, successors, heirs,
distributees, devisees and legatees. Upon the Executive's death, all amounts to
which he is entitled hereunder, unless otherwise provided herein, shall be paid
in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Executive's devisee,
legatee, or other designee or, if there be no such designee, to the Executive's

        13.   NOTICE. For the purposes of this Agreement, notices, demands and 
all other communications provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and
shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered or (unless otherwise
specified) mailed by United States certified or registered mail, return receipt
requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

        If to the Executive:

               P. Newton White

               Boca Raton, Florida

        If to the Company:

               Sunbeam Corporation
               2100 New River Center
               200 East Las Olas Boulevard
               Fort Lauderdale, Florida  33301

               Attn:  Chairman of the Compensation Committee


or to such other address as any party may have furnished to the other in writing
in accordance herewith, except that notices of change of address shall be
effective only upon receipt.

        14.   MISCELLANEOUS. No provisions of this Agreement may be modified 
unless such modification is agreed to in writing signed by the Executive and an
authorized officer of the Company. Any waiver or discharge must be in writing
and signed by the Executive or such an authorized officer of the Company, as the
case may be. No waiver by either party hereto at any time of any breach by the
other party hereto of, or compliance with, any condition or provision of this
Agreement to be performed by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of
similar or dissimilar provisions or conditions at the same or at any prior or
subsequent time. The validity, interpretation, construction and performance of
this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without
regard to its conflicts of law principles.

        15.   WITHHOLDING. Any payments provided for in this Agreement shall be 
paid net of any applicable withholding of taxes required under federal, state or
local law.

        16.   ARBITRATION.

              (a)  Except as otherwise provided herein, all controversies, 
claims or disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be settled
under the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect in the
State of Florida, as the sole and exclusive remedy of either party, and judgment
upon such award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of
competent jurisdiction. The costs of the arbitration shall be borne as
determined by the arbitrators PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the Company's position
is not substantially upheld, as determined by the arbitrators, the expenses of
the Executive (including, without limitation, fees and expenses payable to the
AAA and the arbitrators, fees and expenses payable to witnesses, including
expert witnesses, fees and expenses payable to attorneys and other
professionals, expenses of the Executive in attending the hearings, costs in
connection with obtaining and presenting evidence and costs of transcription of
the proceedings), as determined by the arbitrators, shall be reimbursed to him
by the Company.

              (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 16(a) above, the 
parties agree that nothing contained herein shall preclude the Company from
bringing an action in a court of competent jurisdiction (whether prior to or
during any arbitration proceeding) seeking to specifically enforce the
provisions of Section 10 hereof by means of seeking an injunction or other
equitable relief.

        17.   ENTIRE AGREEMENT; COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement and the terms of 
the Option Plan set forth the entire agreement of the parties hereto in respect
of the subject matter contained herein, supersede all prior agreements,
promises, covenants, arrangements, communications, representations or
warranties, whether oral or written, by any officer, employee or representative
of any party hereto; and any prior agreement of the parties hereto or thereto in


Agreement may be signed in counterparts.

        18.   CONFLICT WITH OPTION PLAN. To the extent, if any, of any 
inconsistency or conflict between the terms and provisions of this Agreement and
the Option Plan, this Agreement shall control in all matters.

              IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Agreement on August 7, 1996 to be effective as of the Effective Date.

                                           SUNBEAM CORPORATION

                                           By:    /s/ ALBERT J. DUNLAP
                                           Name:  Albert J. Dunlap
                                           Title: Chairman & CEO

                                           /s/ P. NEWTON WHITE
                                           P. Newton White
