RAILCAR CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT

                                 by and between

                              RADER RAILCAR II, INC.


                                FUN TRAINS, INC.

                             DATED OCTOBER 23, 1996


23RD day of OCTOBER, 1996, by and between Rader Railcar II, Inc., a Colorado
corporation ("RADER") and Fun Trains, Inc., a Florida corporation ("FTI").


      A. Rader is engaged in the business of constructing specially outfitted
passenger railroad cars.

      B. FTI is engaged in the business of providing rail services to the

      C. FTI desires to have Rader construct up to twelve (12) Railcars to the
Specifications set forth in this Agreement and to purchase such Railcars from
Rader on the terms set forth in this Agreement for use in FTIs rail operations.

      D. Rader desires to construct the Railcars for FTI and to sell the
Railcars to FTI on the terms set forth in this Agreement.

      E. Rader has furnished FTI with a report of its current financial
condition, and FTI has reviewed and accepted the report.


      NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein
and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound,
hereby agree as follows:


      In addition to other defined terms contained in this Agreement, the
      following definitions shall apply to this Agreement and shall be
      substantive provisions of the Agreement:

      1.1  "AAA" has the meaning assigned in Section 8 hereof.

      1.2  "ACCEPTANCE NOTICE" has the meaning assigned in Section 7.2(f)

      1.3  "ADA" means the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended.

      1.4   APPLICABLE STANDARDS" means those standards in effect on the
            effective date hereof imposed on the Railcars by: (i) the
            Association of American Railroads ("AAR"); (ii)the Federal Railroad
            Administration; (iii) the standards imposed by Amtrak regarding
            private passenger Railcars plus the standard maintenance practices
            of AMTRAK (Sup No. 46617) for the overhaul of heavy passenger
            trucks, NEC electrical standards and Amtrak standards for passenger
            railcar electrical systems; and (iv) operating rules, procedures and
            standards (the "CSX STANDARDS") imposed by CSX Transportation, Inc.
            ("CXS"), operating rules, procedures and standards (the "FDOT
            STANDARDS") imposed by the Florida Department of Transportation
            ("FDOT") and the operating rules, procedures and standards ("FEC
            STANDARDS") of Florida East Coast Railway Company ("FEC"). (provided
            however, that the CSX Standards, the FDOT Standards, and the FEC
            standards (copies of which are to be delivered to Rader by FTI)
            shall only apply to the extent they have been accepted by Rader and
            FTI and attached hereto as APPENDIX J.)

      1.5  "ARBITRATOR" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 8 hereof.

      1.6  "ARC" means ARC Group, Inc., which company has been engaged by Rader
           to review engineering and design of the modification and
           reconstruction specifications that Rader will implement with respect
           to the Railcars.

      1.7  "ARC REPORT" means the document to be prepared by ARC at the request
           of Rader to review engineering and design of the modification and
           reconstruction specifications that Rader will implement with respect
           to the Railcars.

      1.8  "CHANGE ORDER" means a change to the terms of this Agreement, any
           appendix hereto or other change requested by FTI and agreed to in
           writing by Rader, which is effectuated in accordance with Section 11
           hereof. The form approved by the parties to effect a Change Order is
           attached as APPENDIX C.

      1.9  "CLEARANCE DIAGRAM" means the drawings and/or plans necessary for FTI
           to request approval for interchange service and operation are
           attached as APPENDIX I. Rader shall deliver to FTI on or before
           November 15, 1996, a copy of the clearance diagrams for the Railcars.
           FTI shall be required to obtain the approval of CSX regarding such
           cleamce di on or before December 10, 1996. By executing this
           Agreement, FTI acknowledges that Rader is under no obligaton to
           obtain any information regarding clearance requirements for the
           Railcars and that FTI shall be solely responsible for obtaining such
           information and informing Rader thereof. Rader's sole obligation
           under this Agreement is to meet the clem-ance requirements delivered
           to Rader by FTI pursuant to this Section 1.9..


      1.10  "COMPLETE" whenever it appears in this Agreement or in Appendix G
            shall refer to completion in all material respects of all work
            required to be performed under this Agreement Completion also
            contemplates that the Railcars will be free material cosmetic
            incompletion or minor defects when delivered in accordance the terms
            hereof. A minor defect shall consist of a condition that does not
            interfere with the safe operation of the Railcar in question.

      1.11 "CONTRACT PRICE" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 7.1
      1.12 "DELIVERY DATE" means the dates agreed to by the parties under
           Section 2 hereof

      1.13 "DISPUTE NOTICE' shall have the meaning assigned in Section 7.2(h).

      1.14 "FORCE MAJEURE" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 10 hereof

      1.15 "OPERATING TRIALS" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 9.2 of
           this Agreement.

      1.16 "OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 6
           of this Agreement 

      1.17 "PAYMENT NOTICE" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 7.2(e).

      1.18 "PLANS" shall mean the general arrangement drawings and plan
           documents attached hereto as APPENDIX A.

      1.19 "PRODUCTION AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE" is the production and payment
           schedule for completion of the Work and corresponding payments to be
           made to be agreed to by the parties in accordance with Sections 2 and
           7.2(c) hereof as reflected in APPENDIX D.

      1.20 "RAILCARS" means the passenger railcars (denoted by car letters and
           numbers in Section 6 hereof) that Rader shall construct for and sell
           to FTI in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

      1.21 "REFERENCE RATE" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 42

      1.22 "SHAKEDOWN TRIALS" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 9.3 of
           this Agreement.

      1.23 "SPECIFICATIONS" shall mean a description of the technical
           responsibilities of Rader


            and the specific technical and design requirements to construct the
            Railcars for use by FIT in its business. The Specifications will
            consist of or include information addressing the following three
            areas (i) general; (ii) car specific; and (iii)AMTRAK compatibility
            practices for private passenger railcars and will be submitted to
            FTI on or before October 28, 1996. The Specifications will also
            include outlines and listings of Specifications pertaining to the
            furniture, fixtures equipment and fabrics that will be installed on
            or in the Railcars, which Specifications will be initialed and dated
            by each party through their duly authorized representatives for
            incorporation into APPPENDIX B. Rader will provide the proposed
            Specifications to FTI on or before November 1, 1996. FTI will
            provide Rader with its written comments and requested changes to the
            Specifications on or before November 15, 1996, in the case of major
            modifications. In the case of all remaining modifications, Rader
            will submit the final revised Specifications to FTI on or before
            December 10, 1996. The Specifications will also include the
            Recommended Fire Safety Practices For Rail Transit Material

      1.24  "VENDOR Parts" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 12.8(a).

      1.25  "WORK" means all design services, fabrication, supervision,
            assembly, labor, materials, systems, supplies, tools, equipment and
            machinery provided by Rader and required to complete and deliver the
            Railcars in accordance with the requirements set forth in this
            Agreement, the Plans and the Specifications.


      2.1   DELIVERV DATE. Unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties
            hereto pursuant to a Chance Order or subject to the options
            specified in Section 2.2 hereof, the Delivery Date for the Railcars
            shall be reflected in APPENDIX D as follows: (i) June 1, 1997 for
            the Bar Car; E-1, the Electronic Game Car; E-2, and one (1) Domed
            Passenger Car; C-1 as those terms are defined in Section 4-2; (ii)
            September 1, 1997 for three (3) Domed Passenger Cars; C-2, C-3, and
            C-4, the Lounge Car; E-3 and Multi Media Car, E-4; and (iii) March
            1, 1998 for three (3) Domed Passenger Cars; C-5, C-6, and C-7. A
            prototype car shall be refitted and delivered per separate
            agreement. The parties acknowledge that they shall each execute this
            Agreement and, within thirty (30) days after such execution, the
            parties shall mutually agree upon the Production and Payment
            Schedule to be attached hereto as APPENDIX D and the Design Decision
            Schedule to be attached hereto as APPENDIX E.


            January 15, 1997, and provided FTI is not in default hereunder, FTI
            has the option to notify Rader in writing and inform Rader that FTI
            elects to exclude from this Agreement (i) the Baggage Car, as
            defined in Section 4.2(c); and/or (ii) the Locomotive Cowlings as
            defined in Section 4.2(d). At such time as FTI timely exercises its
            option under this Section 2.2, the Contract Price shall be reduced
            by $498,960 for the Baggage Car and $415,800 for the Locomotive
            Cowlings. FTI may also elect to have the electrical generating
            system omitted and instead elect to receive a generic baggage car at
            a price and pursuant to Specifications to be agreed upon by the
            parties; with an expected cost ranging between $80,000 and $120,000.


            (a) Rader shall construct the Railcars at one of its plants in the
            Denver, Colorado area and will furnish all labor, materials,
            supplies and equipment and perform all Work necessary to design,
            build, test, complete and deliver the Railcars to FTI in accordance
            with the Plans and in accordance with the Specifications for
            completion in accordance with the schedule attached hereto as
            APPENDIX D. Rader will provide FTI with drawings and/or plans
            complying with the Clearance Diagram to assist FTI in requesting
            approvals for interchange service and operations on a timely basis
            as to permit such approvals of the Railcars before or forthwith upon

            (b) Rader shall provide technical and maintenance manuals in
            accordance with the final Specifications for the Railcars as
            delivered. These manuals shall cover warranty maintenance, scheduled
            maintenance, and trouble shooting and shall be in sufficient detail
            to be used as a text and reference manual for training programs.
            Rader will furnish preliminary manuals when the Railcars are sent to
            Florida to be updated and replaced with final manual within 90 days
            after completion of the Shakedown Trials. The warranty period shall
            begin on the Transport Date as defined in Section 9.6. Provision of
            the manuals under this Section 3(b) is not intended and shall not
            extend any warranty period provided wwith Section 12 hereof.

            (C) Rader and FTI shall agree upon an inventory of spare parts
            required to maintain the Railcars in accordance with applicable
            technical and maintenance manuals and their current purchase price
            on or before December 16, 1996, which shall be attached hereto as
            Appendix M.



      4.1   PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. The Railcars will be existing railcars, which
            are being extensively modified in accordance with the Plans and
            Specifications. As and when called for in the Plans and
            Specifications. Rader will inspect and take necessary steps to
            repair the existing railcar structures to make them suitable for
            rebuilding in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. As and
            when required by the Plans and Specifications, the Railcars will be
            outfitted with new crossbearers, new sidesill members, rebuilt
            trucks, new steel framework, new steel walls on both levels, and a
            glass and steel dome for panoramic viewing. No rim stamp wheels
            shall be used in the construction of the Railcars. All installed
            components will be of new materials.

      4.2   AT COMPLETION. Three different models of Railcars may be
            constructed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement: (i) seven (7)
            full dome car(s); (ii) four (4) bilevel car(s); and (iii) one (1)
            power/bag car. In addition, three (3) locomotive modifications may
            be provided by Rader under this Agreement

                 (a) DOMED PASSENGER CARS. The seven (7) full dome cars ("DOMED
                 OR C PASSENGER CARS" designated C-1 through C-7) will be
                 single-level cars with dome glass windows the full length of
                 the car. Each full dome car will have an approximately 80
                 passenger capacity with food service capability as agreed to by
                 the parties in the Specifications.

                 (b) BILEVEL CARS. The bilevel cars will consist of one (1) bar
                 car ("the "BAR OR E-1 Car"), one (1) electronic game car
                 ("ELECTRONIC GAME OR E-2 CAR"), one (1) lounge car ("LOUNGE OR
                 E-3 CAR"), and one (1) multi media car ("Multi Media or E-4

                 (c) POWER/BAG CAR. Subject to Section 2.2, the power/bag car
                 (the "BAGGAGE CAR") will feature a self-contained electrical
                 generating system capable of serving the power requirements of
                 the entire train consist and based upon the Specifications. A
                 portion of the car will be allocated to baggage storage. 

                 (d) LOCOMOTIVE COWLINGS. Subject to Section 2.2 modifications
                 will be made to three (3) locomotives to be leased by FTI.
                 These modifications will consist of a fiberglass glass shell to
                 be attached to the locomotives to give the locomotives a more
                 streamlined appearance ("LOCOMOTIVE COWLINGS").

                 (e) RAILCAR IDENTIFICATION. The individual Railcars and the
                 applicable plan for construction will be identified prior to



            The general language of the Plans and Specifications is intended to
            amplify, explain and implement the provisions of this Agreement. If
            any language or provision of the Plans and Specifications is subject
            to an interpretation inconsistent with the provisions of this
            Agreement or an interpretation which would render this Agreement
            ambiguous, the terms of the applicable provision of this Agreement
            shall control and shall be interpreted without reference to the
            Plans and Specifications. The Plans and Specifications explain each
            other such that anything in the Plans not in the Specifications or
            anything in the Specifications not in the Plans shall be considered
            to be embodied in both, however, in the event of a conflict between
            the Plans and Specifications, the Specifications shall control.


      6.1   APPOINTMENT/SUPPORT. FTI shall have the right to appoint an owner's
            representative (the "OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE") to act as its
            representative throughout the construction period of the Railcars.
            Rader will provide, without charge, office space, computer,
            telephone and facsimile machine and reasonable access (i.e,
            approximately 2 hours per day) to a typist, for one Owner's
            Representative at all times during the construction period. For
            purposes of this Agreement the construction period commences on the
            execution date of this Agreement and continues until completion of
            the Shakedown Trials under Section 9.3 of this Agreement. The
            construction of the Railcars and all materials and parts procured by
            Rader for this purpose may be inspected by the Owner's
            Representative or any other persons reasonably designated bv FTI in
            writing at Rader's plant during normal business hours. All
            inspections by such persons will be made in such a way that the
            construction process is not hindered or delayed.

      6.2   STOP WORK PROCEDURE. In the event Owner's Representative reasonably
            believes that it is necessary for Rader to stop work on one or more
            of the Railcars, the following procedures shall apply:

                  (a) NOTICE. The Owner's Representative shall immediately
                  notify Rader in writing and FTI's home office (the "NOTICE")
                  of the reason why the Owner's Representative believes the stop
                  work order should be honored.

                  (b) RESPONSE. Rader shall be required to respond ("RESPONSE")
                  in writing to the Notice within one (1) business day and
                  during such time period both parties shall endeavor to
                  understand and resolve the problem to their mutual


                  (c) CONTINUATION OF WORK. If after reviewing the problem,
                  Rader concludes in its Response that the stop work order
                  should not be honored, Rader shall be authorized to continue
                  work on the Railcars; provided however that if it is
                  subsequently determined (pursuant to Section 8 or otherwise)
                  that continuing the work caused or necessitated additional
                  costs to be incurred in the completion of the Railcars, Rader
                  shall be responsible for the payment of such additional costs.
                  If after reviewing the problem, Rader concludes in its
                  Response that the stop work order should be honored, Rader and
                  FTI shall mutually agree upon the circumstances required to
                  remedy the problem identified in the Notice and immediately
                  adjust the terms of the Agreement (including an adjustment
                  pursuant to Section 11 hereof) so as to recommence work as
                  soon as reasonably possible.

                  (d) Arbitration. In the event the partie are unable to resolve
                  their differences under this Section 6.2 within ten (10)
                  business days of the Response, the matter shall be submitted
                  to arbitration under Section 8 hereof


      7.1   CONTRACT PRICE . The contract price for the performance of all Work
            by Rader under this Agreement shall be $9,230,762 ("CONTRACT PRICE")
            allocated as follows:

                  (a) FULL DOME CAR. The price for each of the seven (7) full
                  Dome Cars to be built for FTI pursuant to the terms of this
                  Agreement is $887,040, or $6,209,280 in the aggregate.

                  (b) BILEVEL CAR. The price for the Bar Car and Lounge Car to
                  be built for FTI pursuant to the terms of this Agreement is
                  $498,960 each or $997,920 in the aggregate. The price for the
                  Electronic Game Car and Multi Media Car is $554,400 each, or
                  $1,108,800 in the aggregate.

                  (c) BAGGAGE CAR. Subject to Section 2.2, the price for the
                  Baggage Car to be built for FTI pursuant to the terms of this
                  Agreement is $498,960.

                  (d) LOCOMOTIVE COWLINGS. The aggregate price for all three (3)
                  of the Locomotive Cowlings to be furnished to FTI pursuant to
                  this Agreement is $415,800.

      7.2     TERMS OF PAYMENT

                  (a) DOWN PAYMENT. Upon execution of this Agreement by FTI, FTI


                  Shall pay Rader the sum of $1,410,000 as an advance payment on
                  the Contract Price for the Railcars and Locomotive Cowlings to
                  be constructed and purchased under this Agreement.

                  (b) PERIODIC PAYMENTS. Provided that each stage of the Work
                  for each Railcar as set out below has been performed and
                  Payment Notice (as hereinafter defined) has been delivered and
                  not disputed in any material respect, FTI shall be obligated
                  to pay Rader the installment payments shown on APPENDIX D
                  attached hereto. Periodic payments shall be made by FTI on a
                  per Railcar basis.

                  (c) PRODUCTION AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE. The schedules set out in
                  APPENDIX D set forth Work to be accomplished on each type of
                  Railcar, the date such work is to be accomplished, and the
                  payments to be made upon completion of the work. Further,
                  APPENDIX D sets forth payment schedules for each type of
                  Railcar once Work detailed in the Schedules is accomplished.

                  (d) DESIGN DECISIONS. APPENDIX E will set forth design and/or
                  material decisions to be made by FTI on each type of Railcar
                  and the dates by which such decisions must be finalized in
                  order for Rader to accomplish the Production and Payment
                  Schedule set forth in the above mentioned APPENDIX D. Rader
                  will furnish FTI with a preliminary Design Decision Schedule
                  on or before November 11, 1996 and FTI will furnish Rader with
                  proposed changes on or before November 22, 1996. Any delays in
                  design and/or material decisions by FTI shall extend,
                  day-for-day, delivery dates under of this Agreement. If Rader
                  has accomplished all Work as set forth in APPENDIX D, except
                  for items caused by delay in FTI meeting the design/materials
                  decision schedule as set forth in APPENDIX E, for purposes of
                  this Agreement all Work shall be considered performed by Rader
                  and the scheduled payments shall be due and payable in full
                  by FTI. Late payments shall bear interest as provided in
                  Section 42 hereof.

                  (e) PAYMENT NOTICE. When all Work on each Railcar specified to
                  be accomplished as of such date has been performed, Rader will
                  provide FTI with written notice that the Work is performed
                  (the "PAYMENT NOTICE").

                  (f) ACCEPTANCE NOTICE. Upon receipt of the Payment Notice
                  specified in Section 7.2(e), FTI shall inspect the Railcar(s)
                  to determine that all work has been performed in accordance
                  with the Specifications. FTI shall be required to provide
                  written notice to Rader of its findings within two (2)
                  business days of receipt of the Payment Notice from Rader. If
                  the work


                  complies with the Specifications in all material respects, FTI
                  will provide Rader with an acceptance notice ("ACCEPTANCE
                  NOTICE") and a list of minor items ("PUNCH LIST") that need to
                  be completed by Rader within two (2) business days of
                  receiving such Punch List. If the work does not comply with
                  the Specifications in all material respects, FTI will notify
                  Rader of the specific work that needs to be performed to
                  comply with the Specifications in all material respects ("SPEC
                  REQUIREMENTS"). Upon completion of the Spec Requirements, FTI
                  shall issue an Acceptance Notice to Rader within two (2)
                  business days of such completion.

                  (g) PAYMENT DUE DATES. Payments as provided in Appendix D
                  shall be due and payable before the close of banking in
                  Denver, Colorado on the seventh (7th) business day after the
                  Acceptance Notice or deemed acceptance of the Payment Notice,
                  but in no event later than the due date required by Appendix
                  D, and shall be made by wire transfer in U.S. funds to an
                  account designated in writing by Rader. In the event a payment
                  is not made when due, the delivery date for all the Railcars
                  specified in Section 9 hereof shall be extended one day for
                  each day payment is late.

                  (h) PAYMENT PROCEDURE. If there is a continuing disagreement
                  as to the Payment Notice or Acceptance Notice after Rader
                  receives notification of disagreement, FTI shall submit in
                  writing, within three (3) business days from receipt of
                  Payment Notice, a notice ("DISPUTE Notice with a copy to
                  Rader, that it is disputing the Payment Notice pursuant to
                  Section 8 hereof. If FTI fails to submit the dispute
                  identified in the Dispute Notice to arbitration under Section
                  8 hereof, within three (3) business days of receipt of the
                  Payment Notice, FTI shall be deemed to have accepted the
                  Payment Notice at the end of such period. If the Arbitrator
                  finds that the Work specified in the Payment Notice has been
                  performed on the date of delivery of the Payment Notice, FTI
                  shall be deemed to have accepted the Payment Notice three (3)
                  business days after receiving the Payment Notice. If the
                  Arbitrator finds that the Work specified in the Payment Notice
                  has not been performed on the date of delivery of the Payment
                  Notice, Rader shall, upon completion of the uncompleted Work
                  identified by the Arbitrator, deliver a further Payment Notice
                  to FTI which FTI may accept, dispute or resolve by submitting
                  a dispute identified in the Dispute Notice to arbitration
                  under Section 8 hereof

                  (i) FINAL PAYMENT. Upon acceptance of the Railcars after
                  completion of the Shakedown Trials as described in Section 9.3
                  hereof in accordance with and subject to the terms hereof, FTI
                  will pay Rader the final payment required to be paid pursuant
                  to the schedule attached on APPENDIX D in each


                  case being an amount which, together with amounts previously
                  paid, equals the Contract Price for such Railcar specified in
                  Section 7.1 hereof Notwithstanding the provision of this
                  Section 7.2(i), FTI shall be entitled to withhold from final
                  payment an amount(the "PUNCH LIST AMOUNT"), for a period of no
                  longer that sixty (60) days after formal payment is due, in
                  order to assure completion of outstanding minor items and
                  Punch List items. In the event the cost of completing the
                  final Punch List items exceed the Punch List Amount, FTI shall
                  be authorized to withhold such excess costs from the final
                  payment if Rader has not paid for such costs or otherwise
                  reimbursed FTI therefor.


      8.1   DESIGNATION. For purposes of this Agreement, the "ARBITRATOR" shall
            be appointed by mutual agreement of the parties within ten (10) days
            after the parties are unable to resolve a dispute hereunder. If the
            Arbitrator is unable or unwilling to serve at any time, the
            substitute Arbitrator shall be assigned by mutual agreement of the
            parties. If the parties are unable to mutually agree upon the
            appointment of an Arbitrator hereunder, one shall be appointed by
            the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") for arbitadon under its
            Commercial Arbitration Rules. Once an individual commences to act as
            Arbitrator with respect to a dispute, he shall act as Arbitrator
            until resolution of that dispute unless he becomes unable to
            continue in which case his next successor shall act and the fim act
            of a successor who replaces an acting Arbitrator with respect to an
            ongoing dispute shall be to determine procedural rules with respect
            to succession of future Arbitrators, if needed.

            provided for hereunder is not a general agreement by the parties to
            submit all disputes under this Agreement to arbitration but is
            instead a limited agreement to submit only specific issues to
            arbitration at the time the dispute arises. The only matters subject
            to arbitration under this Agreement shall be: (i) resolutions of
            stop work disputes under Section 6; and (ii) whether or not the Work
            prerequisite to an installment progress payment has been performed
            in accordance with Section 7.2 of this Agreement.

      8.3   DETERMINATION. A determination by the Arbitrator: (i) shall have the
            legal effect of a judgment entered by a court of competent
            jurisdiction; (ii) shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the
            parties hereunder regarding such issue; and (iii) shall be final and
            binding on the parties and not subject to appeal or reconsideration.
            If after receiving such a ruling from the Arbitrator and FTI still
            does not pay, then Rader or FTI may file such a decision or award
            with the United States District Court Clerk of Colorado (or other
            court of competent jurisdiction) in Denver, Colorado, in which case
            it shall be the basis for judgment and an order of execution or
            other appropriate action may be issued for its enforcement and Rader
            may rely on such a decision to


            realize on its security interest provided for by Section 17 hereof
            or to exercise any other remedy it may have at law or in equity for
            breach by FTI of its duty to make the installment payments provided
            for hereunder.

      8.4   INITIATION. Arbitration of a matter subject to arbitration hereunder
            shall be initiated by the Dispute Notice. The Arbitration hearing or
            such fact or evidentiary submission shall be made as specified by
            the Arbitrator no more than three (3) business days after the
            Dispute Notice is effective under the notice provision of Section 25

      8.5   COSTS. The Arbitrator shall have the power to allocate and assess
            against a non-prevailing party costs and fees of arbitration
            including the fees of the Arbitrator as the Arbitrator shall deem
            just and equitable.


      9.1   NOTIFICATION. Approximately thirty (30) days prior to the reasonably
            expected date for completion of construction, Rader will notify FTI
            of the expected schedule for Operating Trials, delivery of the
            Railcars and the reasonably estimated cost of delivery as herein set

      9.2   CONDUCT OF OPERATING TRIALS. Operating Trials shall consist of Rader
            demonstrating the reasonably satisfactory operation of: ride
            quality, air-conditioning and heating systems, airbrake and
            handbrake systems, coupling of Railcars, electrical and lighting
            systems, plumbing systems, doors and entry ways, a demonstration
            pull on track, weighing of Railcars and trucks and testing for water

      9.3   CONDUCT OF SHAKEDOWN TRIALS. Shakedown Trials shall consist of FTI
            conducting trouble shooting at a location of its choice for a period
            of not longer than Ninety (90) days after successful completion of
            the Operating Trials. Upon expiration of the 90 day period, the
            Shakedown Trials shall be considered as having been concluded.

      9.4   ACCEPTANCE. Following performance by FTI of its obligations to be
            performed prior to acceptance, Rader will arrange for towage of the
            cars to Florida for Acceptance and FTI win reimburse Rader for all
            reasonable transportation and insurance costs related to moving the
            Railcars from Colorado to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Should a point
            of destination, other than Fort Lauderdale, be identified by FTI,
            which would not put Rader at risk for collection and/or payment of
            sales or use or Similar taxes, Rader will not unreasoaably oppose
            such alternate destination point provided FTI agrees to indemnify,
            defend Rader and pay for all such delivery and insurance costs and
            any related sales, use or similar tax (including interest and
            penalties) that may arise all in accordance with Section 9.4 and
            Section 9.5 hereof.



           (a) FTI agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Rader harmless from and
           against the payment of any and all sales, use, or similar taxes as
           well as related penalties and interest at any delivery point selected
           by Rader or FTI. FTI shall at its cost arrange to provide liability
           insurance coverage on Rader's behalf to cover delivery of the
           Railcars to Florida and during the period of Shakedown Trials.

           (b)  As between FTI and Rader, and not in any manner between either
           FTI or Rader and any carrier, FTI shall, to the fullest extent
           permitted by law, indemnify defend (pursuant to 9.5 (c)) and save
           harmless Rader (its officers, employees, directors, affiliates, and
           agents) from any, and all claims, suits, losses, damages or expenses
           (including reasonable attorneys fees and costs) whatsoever
           (collectively "CLAIMS"), including but not limited to claims arising
           on account of injuries or death of any and all persons whomsoever,
           and any and all loss or damage to or destruction of the Railcars or
           other property whatsoever to whomsoever belonging, arising or growing
           out of, or in any manner connected with the transportation of a
           Railcar to FTI from the time a Railcar is caused to be placed by
           Rader on trackage for receipt by the initial carrier accompanied by
           documentation permitting the transportation of a Railcar to FTI (the
           "Transport Date") until the completion of the Shakedown Trial
           pursuant to Section 9.3 hereof. As between FTI and Rader, before the
           Transport Date such liability shall be borne solely by Rader and on
           or after the Transport Date, liability shall be borne solely by FTI,
           without regard to fault; notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing
           herein contained is to be construed as an indemnification against the
           sole negligence of Rader or its officers, employees or agents.

           (c)  FTI further agrees that it will defend as its own expense
           (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs), in the name and on
           behalf of Rader, all claims or suits for injuries to or death of
           persons or loss or destruction or damage to property (including the
           Railcars) arising or growing out of the foregoing indemnities, for
           which FTI is liable, or is alleged to be liable.

      9.6   DOCUMENTATION. Following the Operating Trials, FTI will execute a
            document acknowledging receipt of the Railcars in the form attached
            hereto as APPENDIX G. Contemporaneously with receiving final payment
            under Section 7.2 (i), Rader will release its security interests in
            the Railcars being delivered and title to the Railcars shall,
            subject to Section 12-11, be free and clear of any liens and
            encumbrances other than Rader's security interest which shall
            terminate only when the Contract Price is paid in full in accordance
            with this Agreement Transfer of documents shall be accomplished at
            such location in Florida as is reasonably designated by Rader or


            Other mutually agreed upon location.

      9.7   RISK OF LOSS. Risk of loss to Railcars shall each pass from Rader to
            FTI at the time Rader delivers the Railcar to a carrier on the
            Transport Date or defined in Section 9.5 (b), following successful
            completion of the Operating Trials.

      9.8   TITLE. Title to each Railcar shall transfer from Rader to FTI upon
            successful completion of the Shakedown Trial and upon receipt by
            Rader of full payment from FTI for each individual Railcar under
            this Agreement.

      9.9  INTERCHANGE REQUIREMENTS. For all purposes under this Agreement, the
           approval by any Class 1 Railroad to move the Railcars in interchange
           service shall be deemed to constitute compliance with interchange


           FORCE MAJEURE. In the event of such occurrence, Rader shall notify
           FTI in writing of the occurrence as promptly as possible and furnish
           an estimate of the period of time which delivery will be delayed as a
           consequence of the occurrence of such event. A Force Majeure event
           ("FORCE MAJEURE") shall be defined to mean any event or occurrence
           beyond the control of Rader which has the effect of delaying
           performance of Rader's obligations hereunder and shall include, but
           not be limited to, war (including undeclared conflicts, police
           actions and revolutions), sabotage, strikes, and labor disputes
           involving Rader employees or employees of suppliers, governmental
           action, and shall include weather or other local conditions that have
           the effect of delaying completion of Operating Trials or delay in the
           delivery of the Railcars provided that no such event shall constitute
           a Force Majeure event if it could be avoided by reasonable prudence
           of Rader, or could be rectified or terminated by the reasonable
           efforts of Rader, acting in good faith. Rader shall use all
           reasonable efforts to minimize its nonperformance and to overcome,
           remedy, cure, or remove such event as soon as reasonably practicable



      11.1  AUTHORIZED PARTIES. Changes to this Agreement or the Plans and
            Specifications may be requested by either party in accordance with
            this section; however, such changes shall be effective only when
            incorporated in a written document executed on behalf of both
            parties specifying the change to be effected in sufficient detail,
            the effect of the change on the Delivery Date and the Contract
            Price, and the timing of payment of any increase, or credit in
            respect of any decrease, to the Contract Price. A written Change
            Order may be executed only:

            ON BEHALF OF RADER, BY:                     AUTHORITY

            Thomas G. Rader, President                  Unlimited
            and Lowell Malo; Project Team Leader

            ON BEHALF OF FTI. BY:

            Raymond Monteleone,                         Unlimited

            Vice President, Operations, or              $50,000

            Chief Financial Officer                     $20,000

      11.2  PROCEDURE. Oral directions, agreements or other attempted
            modifications shall be ineffective to modify the obligations of the
            parties hereto even if they would otherwise amount to effective
            amendments to this Agreement at law. A written agreement which does
            not bear the required signatures of the above mentioned authorities
            of both Rader and FTI shall be ineffective. Either of the parties
            may change the person authorthorized to execute Change Orders by
            written directive executed by an authorized officer and delivered to
            the other party under Section 25. The form of the Change Order to be
            used is attached as APPENDIX C.

      11.3  COST OF CHANGES. Rader shall determine the cost of changes based on
            the incremental direct cost of materials and hourly wage rates, plus
            an overhead and indirect cost burden (the "BURDENED RATE"). For
            purposes of this Section 11.3, the Burdened Rate is defined to mean
            an amount equal to the sum of (i) the amount of direct labor costs
            multiplied by a factor of two; and (ii) the amount of direct
            material costs multiplied by a factor of one hundred and twenty-five
            percent (125%).



      12.1  MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. Subject to Section 12.5, Rader warrants
            that the Railcars, commencing on the Transport Date (as defined in
            Section 9.5) shall be free from:

                  (a) Material defects in material, components, and workmanship.

                  (b) Material defects arising from failure to conform to the
                  Plans and Specifications, except as to portions thereof stated
                  to be estimates or approximations or stated to be design

      12.2  RIDE QUALITY. Subject to Section 12.5, Rader warrants that at
            completion of the Operating Trials in accordance with Section 9, the
            Railcars will have a ride quality and comfort level equivalent to
            Princess Tours Ultra Dome cars as set forth in the Princess Tours
            Ultra Dome power, spectral density test results of ride quality
            study conducted in Alaska, a copy of which is attached hereto as
            APPENDIX K. By acceptance of any Railcar at Operating Trials, FTI
            agrees that the Railcars comply with this warranty for all purposes
            under this Agreement. The ride quality shall be applicable for the
            period prescribed in Section 12.5 of this Agreement.

      12.3  ENGINEERING AND DESIGN WARRANTY. Railcars shall meet the Applicable
            Standards. All welding shall conform to applicable recommendations
            of AWS. Noise levels shall be equivalent to Princess Tours Ultra
            Dome cars. Railcars shall comply with ADA regulations in effect as
            of the date of this Agreement for trains not requiring access to
            services in other cars.

            Changes in the above mentioned Applicable Standards after the date
            of signing this Agreement and during the construction period which
            require design or construction modifications will be incorporated
            into the construction process through the Change Order process
            detailed in Section 11.

            ARC will have performed a Finite Element Analysis of the proposed
            structure for construction of the Domed Passenger Car and a Finite
            Element Analysis of the collision posts of the Full Dome and Bilevel
            cars and will have rendered an opinion in substantially the form
            attached hereto as APPENDIX H, to be provided on or before January
            1, 1997.

      12.4  COMLIANCE. Rader warrants that the Railcars shall be constructed in
            accordance with the Applicable Standards, Plans, and Specifications.

      12.5  WARRANTY PERIOD. The warranty provided by Rader hereunder shall be
            applicable solely to defects which occur or become apparent to FTI
            within a period three


            hundred and sixty-five (365) days following the Transport Date as
            defined in Section 9.5(b).Replacement parts shall be guaranteed for
            thirty (30) days beyond the 365 day warranty period provided such
            replacement parts are installed during the initial 365 day warranty
            period. This warranty will include all and labor costs required to
            correct the defect. With respect to defects which occur or come to
            the attention of FTI after the Transport Date as defined in Section
            9.5 (b) the responsibility for such defects shall rest solely with
            FTI and FTI hereby releases Rader from any and all liability
            associated therewith and does further agree to defend, indemnify,
            and hold Rader harmless and hereby releases Rader from any liability
            related thereto and indemnities Rader from any and all liabilities
            and costs (including legal and attoney's fees) associated therewith

                  (a) NO REMOVAL OF SYSTEM FROM SERVICE. If any installed
                  system on a Railcar is defective and the Railcar is not
                  removed from service, the warranty on such system will be
                  extended by one (1) day for each day during the warranty
                  period in excess of 5 cumulative days that such system is out
                  of service;

                  (b) REMOVAL FROM SERVICE. If any Railcar is removed from
                  service as a result of a defect, the warranty for such Railcar
                  shall be extended 1 day for each day during the warranty
                  period in excess of 5 cumulative days that such Railcar is out
                  of service;

                  (c) TIME PERIOD. In each case described in Section 12.5(a) or
                  (b), for other than regularly scheduled maintenance, the
                  number of days removed from service will be calculated from
                  the date written notice of defect is received by Rader until
                  the date such defect is rectified so as to be fit to return to
                  service, regardless of whether such Railcar is actually
                  returned to service.

      12.6  NOTICE OF CLAIM - BREACH OF WARRANTY. In the event of claim, defect
            or damage for which Rader would be liable under the terms of this
            Agreement FTI shall notify Rader within two (2) business days after
            FTI learns of such defect, claim, or damage except that in all
            events FTI shall be obligated to notify Rader of such an event in
            writing not later than seven (7) consecutive business days after its
            discovery by FTI. This notification is to be made by FAX
            transmission and is to be followed by a written warranty claim
            within fifteen (15) consecutive business days of initial
            notification. Rader shall have fifteen (15) consecutive business
            days from receipt of written notice of claim to respond in writing,
            either denying or accepting financial responsibility for such claim
            responm In the event that Rader refuses to accept financial
            responsibility for such claim made by FTI with respect to the
            Railcars, FTI may commence litigation. If any litigation is not
            commenced by FTI within one (1) year of the date on which notice of
            such rejection is received, such litigation shall be


            barred forever and any remedy at law or in equity which FTI or any
            of its affiliates might have shall be deemed released, waived and
            terminated. This Agreement strictly establishes the time periods
            within which claims for breach of warranties may be brought by FTI
            under this Agreement.

      12.7  EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS. Rader does not represent, warrant, or covenant
            (either expressly or implied) that the exterior dimensions of the
            Railcars, as provided for by the Plans and Specifications, permit
            operation on the rail track system to be used by FTI including
            tunnels, structures, and repair and maintenance facilities, but does
            warrant that the exterior dimensions of the Railcars, as built, will
            not exceed the exterior dimensions set out in the Clearance Diagram
            attached as APPENDIX I.


                (a) VENDOR Parts. Rader has made or shall make reasonable
                efforts to obtain standard manufacturers warranties from third
                party manufacturers with respect to components, parts, and
                materials supplied by such manufacturers ("VENDOR PARTS") and to
                the extent obtained will assign to the extent lawfully permitted
                such warranties to FTI at the expiration of the period provided
                for by this Section 12. Rader will FTI a list of all
                reconditioned and remanufactured parts utilized in the
                construction of the Railcars provided in the Specifications.

                the warranties and all other terms and conditions of this
                Section 12 shall apply to Vendor Parts provided for in the
                Specifications for 365 days following acceptance as if the
                Vendor Parts had been manufactured by Rader, and FIT will
                cooperate with Rader in pursuing remedies against manufacturers
                of Vendor Parts under the warranties assigned to FTI pursuant to
                the foregoing paragraph, provided that Rader's obligations with
                respect to Vendor Parts under this Section 12 shall be
                independent of the performance by the manufacturers of Vendor
                Parts of any obligations under applicable warranties.

      12.9  PAYMENTS TO VENDORS. Rader will indemnify and hold harmless FTI
            against any and all claims from vendors supplying materials, parts
            or labor relating to the construction of Railcars under this
            Agreement Rader shall provide FTI with a list of sole source vendors
            it intends to use in connection with construction of the Railcars
            provided in the Specifications.

      12.10 CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES PRECLUDED. Rader's sole obligation to FTI with
            respect to the warranties provided for hereunder shall be to repair
            or replace defective parts or components. FTI shall notify Rader of
            any warranty repair needed. If Rader cannot


            perform the required work within a reasonable time period under the
            circumstances, FIT may proceed to repair or replace the parts or
            components at Rader's expense in a reasonable economic manner and be
            reimbursed by Rader within thirty (3O) days for all reasonable
            direct material and labor costs for such repair or replacement,
            subject to such works being a valid warranty claim, under the

            Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, Rader shall
            have no liability or responsibility other than as specifically set
            forth herein, and without limitations Rader shall have no liability
            or responsibility for breach of warranty (express or implied) except
            as expressly set forth in this Agreement or for consequential or
            punitive damages, that is, any claim for damage other than repair or
            replacement of defective parts or components.

      12.11 TITLE WARRANTY. Rader warrants that it has good and marketable title
            to the Railcars free and clear of liens and encumbrances (other than
            those in favor of FTI or expressly permitted by this Agreement) and
            will deliver said title to FTI at the completion of the Shakedown
            Trials and receipt by Rader of full payment from FTI for a Railcar
            under this Agreement.

            (except for the express warranty set forth above).


      13.1  DEFAULT BY RADER. During the term of this Agreement, the occurrence
            of one or more of the following events (after applicable notice and
            cure has expired) shall be deemed an "EVENT OF DEFAULT" by Rader:

                  (a)  MATERIAL DEFAULT Rader shall default in any material
                  respect in the observance or performance of any covenant,
                  condition or obligation of Rader contained herein (including
                  any Appendix to this Agreement) including: Rader's failure to
                  perform the Work in a skilled and expeditious manner; the
                  failure of the Railcars to meet any warranty obligation
                  provided herein; and if such Event of Default continues for
                  thirty (30) days after written notice to Rader specifying the
                  Event of Default and demanding that the same be remedied;
                  provided, however, that such thirty (30) day period shall be
                  extended provided Rader has commenced and is diligently
                  pursuing such cure;


                  (b) BANKRUPTCY. Rader shall: (i) file a petition commencing a
                  voluntary bankruptcy or similar proceeding under any
                  applicable bankruptcy or similar law, (ii) be declared
                  bankrupt or insolvent under any law relating to bankruptcy, or
                  (iii) admit in writing its inability to pay its debts as they
                  become due; or

                  (c) RECEIVER. A custodian, receiver, trustee or liquidator
                  shall be appointed in any proceeding brought against Rader and
                  shall not be discharged within ninety (90) days after such

      13.2  DEFAULT BY FTI. During the term of this Agreement, the occurrence of
            one or more of the following events (after applicable notice and
            cure has expired) shall be deemed an "EVENT OF DEFAULT" as to FTI:

                  (a)  MATERIAL DEFAULT. FTI shall default in any material
                  respect in the observance or performance of any other covenant
                  condition or obligation of FTI contained herein and if such
                  Event of Default continues for thirty (30) days after written
                  notice to FTI specifying the default and demanding that the
                  same be remedied, provided, however, that such thirty (30) day
                  period shall be extended provided FTI has commenced and is
                  diligently pursuing such cure;

                  (b) BANKRUPTCY. FTI shall: (i) file a petition commencing a
                  voluntary bankruptcy or similar proceeding under any
                  applicable bankruptcy or similar law, (ii) be declared
                  bankrupt or insolvent under any law relating to bankruptcy, or
                  (iii) admit in writing its inability to pay its debts as they
                  become due;

                  (c) RECEIVER. A custodian, receiver, trustee or liquidator
                  shall be appointed in any proceeding brought against FTI and
                  shall not be discharged within ninety (90) days after such


      14.1  REMEDIES OF FTI. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default by
            Rader, which is not cured, FTI may:

                  (a) FORECLOSE. Exercise its rights under Section 16.2 hereof.

                  (b) REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Subject to Section 12.10, FTI's


                  set forth in this Section 14.1 shall not be exclusive, but
                  shall be cumulative and may be exercised concurrently or
                  consecutively, and shall be in addition to all other remedies
                  FTI may have under this Agreement or provided by law.

      14.2  REMEDIES OF RADER. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default by
            FTI, which is not cured, Rader may:

                  (a) TERMINATION. Terminate this Agreement by written notice to
                  FTI, and recover from FTI any damages proximately caused by
                  the FTI default.

                  (b) FORECLOSE. Exercise its rights under Sections 16.3, 16.4
                  and Section 17 hereof. In the event the proceeds from said
                  foreclosure exceed the amount due Rader under this Agreement,
                  the surplus shall be promptly paid to FTI.

                  (c) REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Raders remedies set forth in this
                  Section 14.2 shall not be exclusive, but shall be cumulative
                  and may be exercised concurrently or consecutively, and shall
                  be in addition to all other remedies Rader may have under this
                  Agreement or provided by law.

      14.3  DELAYS DUE TO FORCE MAJEURE. Rader shall be granted an extension of
            time, without incurring delay penalties or damages, to deliver the
            Railcars should the delay be the result of Force Majeure as defined
            in Section 10 hereof.


      Commencing with financials for the calendar month ending November 30,
      1996. FTI shall provide Rader with a monthly financial statement until the
      final payment is made pursuant to Paragraph 7.2 (i) above.


      16.1  GRANT. Rader hereby grants FTI a security interest under Article 9
            of the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted in the State of Colorado
            or other applicable law in and to the Railcars, work in process, and
            all goods and materials identified to performance of this contract
            and in addition in and to all Plans and Specifications for the
            Railcars to secure Rader's performance under this Agreement.

      16.2  RIGHTS UPON DEFAULT BY RADER. In the event of default, FIT shall
            have all the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial
            Code including but not limited to the right to sell the collateral
            at a private sale to be held on thirty (30) days notice


            under Section 25 hereof at which private sale, FTI may be the
            purchaser EXCEPT THAT in the event of realization on such security
            interest by FTI, FTI's right as a secured party and the right of any
            successor in interest whether by private sale or sale following a
            judicial foreclosure to use the Plans and Specifications for the
            Railcars shall be limited to the right to use such Plans and
            specifications for the sole purpose of completing the Railcars which
            are the subject matter of this Agreement and not for the purpose of
            constructing other Railcars.

      16.3  BREACH BY FTI. In the event of uncured breach by FTI of its
            obligations under this Agreement, this security interest shall
            terminate and FTI shall upon demand by Rader execute appropriate
            security interest termination documents.

      16.4  TERMINATION. FTI's security interest shall terminate upon delivery
            of the Railcars in accordance with Section 9 hereof.


      17.1  GRANT. Subject to Section 17.5 hereof, FTI hereby grants Rader a
            security interest under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code as
            adopted in the State of Colorado or other applicable law in and to
            any interest FTI may have in the Railcars, work in process and all
            goods, components, and materials identified to performance of this
            Agreement. Such security interest shall secure FTI's performance of
            its obligations under this Agreement including but not limited to
            its duty to make payments on account of the Purchase Price when due.

      17.2  RIGHT UPON DEFAULT BY FTI. In the event of default by FTI, Rader 
            have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform
            Commercial Code as in effect in the State of Colorado including but
            not limited to the right of private sale to be held on thirty (30)
            days notice hereunder at which private sale, at which private sale
            Rader may be the purchaser.

      17.3  BREACH BY RADER. In the event of uncured breach by Rader of its
            obligations under this Agreement, this security interest shall
            terminate and Rader shall upon demand by FTI execute appropriate
            security interest termination documents.

      17.4  TERMINATION. Rader's security interest shall terminate when the
            Purchase Price is paid in full as described in Section 9 hereof.

      17.5  OWNERSHIP BY RADER. Notwithstanding anything contained in this
            Agreement (including Section 17.1 through 17.4 hereof), the grant by
            Rader of a security interest pursuant to this Section 17 shall not
            detract from the fact of Rader's ownership of the Railcars, work in
            process, and all goods, components and


            materials identified to this Agreement, prior to receiving full
            payment therefor in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


     18.1  BY FTI.  FTI represents to Rader, the following:

           (a) AUTHORITY. Subject to Section 41, FTI has all necessary power
           and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under
           this Agreement, and each of the execution, delivery and performance
           by FTI of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary
           action on the part of FTI and requires no additional consent to be

           (b) BINDING. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding
           obligation of FTI enforceable against it in accordance with its terms
           except to the extent that enforcement thereof may be limited by
           applicable bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or moratorium laws
           affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights or by the principles
           governing the availability of equitable remedies.

     18.2  BY RADER.  Rader represents to FTI, the following:

           (a) AUTHORITY. Rader has all necessary power and authority to
           execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Agreement,
           and each of the execution, delivery and performance by Rader of this
           Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary action on the
           part of Rader and requires no additional consent to be effective.

           (b) BINDINIG. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding
           obligation of Rader enforceable against it in accordance with its
           terms except to the extent that enforcement thereof may be limited by
           applicable bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or moratorium laws
           affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights or by the principles
           governing the availability of equitable remedies.

           (c) MECHANICS LIENS. Rader shall obtain supplier lien releases from
           all suppliers with cumulative invoices of $50,000 US or greater
           related to the Railcar. In the event a lien is filed against the
           Railcar, Rader shall be required to notify FTI of such filing and
           endeavor to take such steps to remove such lien prior to the Delivery
           Date. Prior to the Delivery Date, Rader represents and warrants to
           FTI to deliver the Railcar to FTI free and clear from any and all
           mechanic's liens.



      All references to currency in the Agreement are to be considered as stated
      in US dollars.


          (a) BUILDERS RISK. Rader will purchase and maintain a builders all
          risk insurance policy (or a similarly designated policy) and
          installation coverage on the Railcars and work in progress in an
          amount at least equal to the cumulative amount of payments received
          from FTI hereunder at any time. Rader shall provide FTI with a true,
          correct, and complete certificates of insurance for each such
          insurance policy. In addition to any contractual Endorsement coverage
          contained in any policy of insurance, if requested by FTI and at FTI's
          expense, Rader shall exert its best efforts to be provided a specific
          contractual insurance endorsement covering this Agreement. In the
          event of a loss to the Railcars of any nature, Rader may elect to
          apply any amount received on account of such insurance policy to
          construction of the Railcars and performance of Rader's obligations
          hereunder in which case this Agreement shall continue in force or in
          the alternative, Rader may elect to pay over to FTI the amount
          received on account of such insurance policy up to the total amount of
          payments received from FTI hereunder, less any amount necessary to
          compensate Rader for any materials, parts or work-in-process costs
          relating to this Agreement in excess of the aggregate amount of
          payments received from FTI since the most recent payment, and to
          terminate this Agreement in which case neither FTI nor Rader shall
          have any other or further obligation to the other hereunder. FTI may
          request to receive the amount received on account of such insurance
          policy up to the amount of payments received by Rader from FTI, less
          any amount necessary to compensate Rader for any materials, parts or
          work-in-process costs relating to this Agreement in excess of the
          aggregate amount of payments received from FTI since the most recent
          payment, in which case if such request is approved by Rader neither
          FTI nor Rader shall have any other or further obligation to the other

          (b) COVERAGE. The insurance described above shall provide at least the
          following coverage and limits of insurance which shall be taken out
          and maintained with insurers and under forms of policies satisfactory
          to FTI:


                      Bodily Injury             - $10 million per occurrence

                      Property Damage           - $10 million per occurrence


                      Contractual Liability     - $10 million per occurrence

              (ii) PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE - $10 million per occurrence for
              a period of two (2) years after delivery of the last Railcar under
              this Agreement.


                      Bodily Injury             - $1 million per occurrence

                      Property Damage           - $1 million per occurrence

              (iv) INSTALLATION COVERAGE

                  (a) At the installation site  - $40 million
                  (b) At any location other
                      than the installation
                      site                      - $2 million

                  (c) While in transit          - $200 thousand

                  (d) For all coverage          - $40 million

           (c) ENDORSEMENT. All insurance policies described above shall contain
           an endorsement providing that written notice shall be given to FTI at
           least (30) days prior to termination, cancellation or reduction of


     Payments on account of the Contract Price hereunder shall be due in full on
     the dates specified without regard to claims or offsets and the amount of
     such payments shall be increased by any sales, use, value-added or import
     duty tax liabilities levied on or collected by Rader based on receipt of
     the gross amount of the payment or on the transaction contemplated by this
     Agreement. The Railcars are not intended to be operated in Colorado and are
     to be delivered in Florida for use by FTI in tourist rail operations. FTI
     agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Rader harmless against the payment of
     any and all sales, use, value added, import duties or taxes as well as
     related penalties and interest at any delivery point selected by Rader and
     FTI. Should the payment of any of the foregoing taxes be required to be
     paid by Rader as a result of changes in the law after the signing of the


     Agreement, FTI agrees to reimburse Rader, in full, in advance of the
     payment of such taxes by Rader.


     The parties acknowledge that all property rights (including, but not
     limited to, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights including
     those items disclosed on APPENDIX L) related to the Railcar as described in
     the Specifications and any drawings, designs and other intellectual
     property rights associated therewith are retained by and remain the sole
     property of Rader. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any patents resulting
     from the construction or design process of the Railcars being constructed
     pursuant to the Agreement, which were jointly developed by Rader and FTI
     during the term of the Agreement, shall be the joint patent of both parties
     and shall be registered with the appropriate authorities in such manner.


     This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado other
     than choice of law rules of that jurisdiction which shall not be
     applicable. In the event of litigation, such litigation to be laid only in
     the United States Federal District Court of Colorado at Denver.
     Jurisdiction in the event of such litigation may be obtained by service of
     process in accordance with applicable court and statutory rules or by
     thirty (30) days written notice under the notice provision of this


     In the event of litigation arising as a consequence of this Agreement or
     the transactions contemplated hereby, the prevailing party shall be
     entitled to recover, in addition to other relief available at law or
     equity, all allowable costs and reasonable legal and attorney's fees.


     Notice hereunder shall be in writing and shall be effective no later than
     actual receipt by the party to be notified. Notice may be by any method
     reasonably calculated to inform, including deposit in the United States
     mail, certified mail, return receipt requested adequate postage prepaid,
     FAX, or overnight courier, and properly addressed as follows:

     TO FTI:


     Hollywood Boulevard


      Hollywood, Florida 33020
      Attention:  Mr. Raymond Monteleone
      FAX: (954) 920-0602

      TO RADER

      40th Avenue, Suite 207
      Denver, Colorado 80239
      Attention: Mr. Thomas G. Rader
      FAX: (303) 375-1895

     Notice by mail shall be deemed to be received on the fifth (5th) business
     day following deposit in the mail as specified. Notice by FAX which is
     received prior to 10:00 A.M. EDT on any weekday which is not a banking
     holiday at the place of receipt shall be effective on the date received.
     Any other notice by FAX shall be effective at 10:00 A.M. EDT on the first
     weekday which is not a banking holiday at the place of receipt following
     the day on which such FAX is received.


     Except as expressly provided in this Section 26, FTI may not assign any of
     its rights or benefits under this Agreement. FTI may, otherwise at any time
     with the prior written approval of Rader, such approval not to be
     unreasonably withheld (and for the purposes of such approval, Rader may
     exact evidence of any proposed assignee's financial capacity to meet FTI's
     obligations under this Agreement) assign all (but not less than all) of its
     rights and benefits under this Agreement to any person if:

          (a) Rader is given at least (30) days prior written notice of the
          proposed assignment;

          (b) the assignee delivers to Rader an instrument in writing
          (acceptable to Rader's counsel) executed by the assignee confirming
          that it is bound by and shall perform all of the obligations of FTI
          under this Agreement as if it were an original signatory; and

          (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, FTI will be permitted to assign all
          of its interest in its rights to purchase the Railcars to a third
          party subject to Rader's prior written approval, which shall not be
          unreasonably withheld provided said assignment is solely for the
          purpose of FTI's leasing the Railcars from such assignor. FTI's
          assignment of its interest in its right to purchase the Railcars shall
          not require


          prior approval by Rader if assigned to a directly or indirectly
          controlled (i.e. 80% or more of the voting common stock) subsidiary of
          FTI. The provision is not intended to release FTI from any guarantees
          under this Agreement.

          (d)  Provided further that no assignment shall relieve FTI of its
          obligations under this Agreement.

      In the event of an assignment contemplated above, any reference in this
      Agreement to "FTI" shall be deemed to include the assignee and any
      corporation, entity or person which owns, either directly or indirectly,
      all or any portion of the stock of FTI.


      Time is of the essence of this Agreement.

28    WAIVER

      Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no amendment, waiver or
      termination of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing
      by the party to be bound thereby. No waiver of any provision of this
      Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other provision nor shall any
      waiver of any provision of this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver
      unless otherwise expressly provided.


      This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
      undersigned and their respective legal representatives, successors and
      assigns. Whenever in this Agreement a reference to any party is made, such
      reference shall be deemed to include a reference to the legal
      representatives, successors, and assigns of such party.


      The remainder hereof shall not be voided or otherwise affected by the
      invalidity of one or more of the terms herein.


      Except as permitted pursuant to Section 26 of this Agreement, neither
      party shall assign, subcontract or otherwise delegate any of its rights or
      obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party



      All warranties, indemnities, intellectual property and confidentiality
      rights and obligations provided herein shall survive the termination,
      completion or cancellation hereof.


      No amendment, modification or waiver of any term hereof shall be effective
      unless set forth in a writing signed by FTI and Rader.


      Rader is an independent contractor for all purposes hereof. The contract
      evidenced by this Agreement is not intended to be one of hiring under the
      provisions of any workers' compensation or other laws and shall not be so


      Headings contained herein are inserted for convenience and shall have no
      effect on the interpretation or construction hereof.


      Each party agrees that no information relative to this Agreement shall be
      released for publication, advertising or any other purpose without the
      other party's prior written consent.


      This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
      which shall be deemed an original, but all of which when taken together
      shall constitute one and the same document.


      This agreement represents the negotiated agreement of both parties and
      shall not be construed against the drafting party.


      This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with
      respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes any prior or
      contemporaneous agreement or understanding between the parties. No course
      of dealing, no usage of trade and no course of performance shall be used
      to supplement or explain any term, condition or instruction herein, nor be
      deemed to effect any amendment.



      This Agreement (including Appendixes hereto) and the terms and conditions
      hereof are considered confidential. Neither party hereto shall disclose
      this Agreement or its terms to any third party except: (i) their
      respective accountants, attorneys or banking and lending institutions; or
      (ii) pursuant to court order, applicable law (i.e. securities law) or
      other legal process.


      This Agreement will continue in effect for a period of sixty (60) days
      following its execution and its continued application to the parties
      beyond that date shall be subject to FTI's negotiation of the required
      trackage rights agreements with CSX, FDOT and/or Amtrak within that
      period. In the event FTI is unable to conclude any of the required
      trackage rights agreements that are necessary for its operations, it may
      upon seven (7) days' advance written notice to Rader, terminate all
      obligations under this Agreement. In the event FTI terminates this
      Agreement, it shall be obligated to compensate Rader for all reasonable
      expenses incurred in the construction of the Railcars through the date the
      notice was served on Rader by FTI plus all reasonable demobilization costs
      (i.e. including but not limited to equipment purchase/lease costs and
      employee severance costs). The dates prescribed by this Section may be
      modified by mutual agreement of the parties.


      In the event either party is delinquent in making payments required by
      this Agreement, said party shall pay interest on any late payment at a
      rate equal to the higher of 12% per annum or the reference rate of Bank of
      America, N.A. & S.A, plus 2% ("REFERENCE RATE"), in addition to any other
      remedy available to it at law or in equity. Interest shall accrue at the
      Reference Rate beginning on the day after payment is due and shall accrue
      at the effective Reference Rate thereafter.


      This Agreement shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors
      of First American Railways, Inc. And Fun Trains Inc.


      The mutual guarantee of the parties are attached hereto and made part of
      this Agreement N and O.



      FIT and Rader shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to the other any
      further instruments that may be reasonably required to give full force and
      effect to the provisions of this Agreement; provided, however, that
      neither party shall be required to deliver any other instrument which
      expands its duties, obligations or representations and warranties or which
      diminishes its rights under this Agreement.

                              DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 1996.

                              RADER RAILCAR 11, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION

                              NAME:  THOMAS G. RADER
                              TITLE: PRESIDENT

                              FUN TRAINS, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION

                              NAME:  RAYMOND MONTELEONE
                              TITLE: PRESIDENT AND TREASURER


                                 SIGNATURE PAGE

                                 TO BE ATTACHED


                          RAILCAR CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT

                                 by and between

                             RADER RAILCAR II, INC.


                                FUN TRAINS, INC.

                                      Rader Railcar II, Inc.
                                      A Colorado Corporation

                                      By: /s/ THOMAS G. RADER
                                              Thomas G. Rader

                                      Fun Trains, Inc.
                                      a Florida Corporation

                                      By: /s/ RAYMOND MONTELEONE
                                              Raymond Monteleone
                                              Vice President & Treasurer