Exhibit 11



Following are details of the computation of earnings per share:

                                                                           YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 31,
                                                     1996                         1995                         1994 
                                          ------------------------     ------------------------     --------------------------
                                                           FULLY                        FULLY                        FULLY
                                            PRIMARY       DILUTED         PRIMARY      DILUTED         PRIMARY      DILUTED
                                          ----------    ----------     -----------   ----------     -----------   ------------
Weighted average number of
  common shares outstanding .............  5,190,926     5,190,926       5,025,492    5,025,492       4,981,832     4,981,832 

Common stock equivalents arising
  from dilutive stock options (1) .......    712,225       733,795         276,878      351,026          63,131        63,131
                                          ----------    ----------     -----------   ----------     -----------   ------------
                                           5,903,151     5,924,721       5,302,370    5,376,518       5,044,963     5,044,963
                                          ==========    ==========     ===========   ==========     ===========   ============
Net income:

From continuing operations
  before cumulative effect
  of change in accounting
  principle ............................. $     0.62    $    0.62       $     0.27   $     0.27     $      0.13   $      0.13

From discontinued operations ............ $     0.17    $    0.16       $     0.24   $     0.23     $      0.16   $      0.16

From gain on sale of dis-
  continued operations .................. $     0.89    $    0.89             --           --              --             --  

From cumulative effect
  of change in
  accounting principle ..................       --           --               --           --       $      0.08   $     0.08
                                          ----------    ----------     -----------   ----------     -----------   ------------
Net income per share .................... $     1.68    $    1.67       $     0.51   $     0.50     $      0.37   $     0.37
                                          ==========    ==========     ===========   ==========     ===========   ============

(1)     Computed under the "treasury stock" method using the average market
        price for the primary computation and using the higher of average or
        ending market prices for the fully diluted computation.

                                                                YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 31,
                                                         1993                             1992
                                             ---------------------------     -----------------------------
                                               PRIMARY          DILUTED         PRIMARY          DILUTED
                                             -----------      ----------     -----------       -----------
Weighted average number of
  common shares outstanding ................   5,111,521       5,111,521       4,832,701        4,832,701

Common stock equivalents arising
  from dilutive stock options (1) ..........      78,675         127,014         138,779          156,836
                                             -----------      ----------     -----------       -----------
                                               5,190,196       5,238,535       4,971,480        4,989,537
                                             ===========      ==========     ===========       ===========
Net income:

From continuing operations
  before cumulative effect
  of change in accounting
  principle ................................  $     0.14      $     0.14      $     0.07       $     0.07

From discontinued operations ...............  $     0.05      $     0.05      $     0.19       $     0.19

From gain on sale of dis-
  continued operations .....................         --              --              --               --

From cumulative effect
  of change in
  accounting principle .....................         --              --              --               --
                                             -----------      ----------     -----------       -----------
Net income per share .......................  $     0.19      $     0.19     $      0.12       $     0.12
                                             ===========      ==========     ===========       ===========

(1)     Computed under the "treasury stock" method using the average market
        price for the primary computation and using the higher of average or
        ending market prices for the fully diluted computation.