SERVICES AGREEMENT

This Services Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into this 10th day of 
July, 1997, by and between Synadyne (referred to in this Agreement as "Temporary
Service Firm" or "TSF") and Allstate Insurance Company (referred to in this
Agreement as "Allstate").

Temporary Service Firm and Allstate agree as follows:


     TSF agrees to furnish services to be performed for Allstate agents and
     Retail Resident Managers from time to time during the term of this
     Agreement as requested by such agents or Retail Resident Managers. The
     services shall be performed by persons in the employ of TSF. As the
     employer of such persons, TSF will (i) be responsible for hiring, firing,
     and disciplining its employees; (ii) maintain all necessary personnel and
     payroll records for its employees; (iii) compute the wages payable to its
     employees and withhold applicable federal, state, and local taxes and FICA
     payments; (iv) remit employee withholdings to proper governmental
     authorities and make employer contributions for FICA and federal and state
     unemployment insurance payments; (v) pay net wages and fringe benefits, if
     any, directly to its employees, and (vi) pay any workers' compensation or
     unemployment compensation benefits that may become due to any of its
     employees and to defend any action brought by an employee to recover such


     With respect to its performance of services under this Agreement, TSF is,
     and shall at all times operate as, an independent contractor, and nothing
     in this Agreement shall be construed to constitute TSF, or any of its
     employees, as agent, partner, employee or joint venturer of or with
     Allstate or any of its agents or Retail Resident Managers.


     a.   TSF agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local
          laws regarding its employees, including laws relating to minimum
          compensation, overtime, and equal opportunities for employment. In
          particular, TSF agrees to comply with the federal and state Civil
          Rights Acts, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor
          Standards Act, and the Immigration Control and Reform Act. TSF will
          indemnify, defend, and hold Allstate, its agents, and Retail Resident
          Managers harmless from and against any claims, demands, suits, losses,
          damages, costs, and expenses arising out of any violation or alleged
          violation by TSF of any such laws.

     b.   TSF will indemnify, defend and hold Allstate, its agents, and Retail
          Resident Managers harmless from and against any and all liabilities,
          claims, demands, suits, losses, damages, costs, and expenses for
          personal injury to or death of any person, or for damage to or
          destruction of any property, caused or alleged to be caused by any act
          or omission of TSF or its employees. "Personal injury," as used
          herein, includes, but is not limited to: bodily injury; libel;
          slander; defamation of character; invasion of rights of privacy;
          malicious prosecution; infliction of emotional distress; harassment or
          discrimination on the basis of sex, age, religion, race, or national
          origin; wrongful detention; violation of civil rights, and any other
          injury excluding only those for which Allstate is required to
          indemnify TSF and its employees under paragraph 4.a. below.

     c.   TSF will indemnify, defend, and hold Allstate, its agents, and Retail
          Resident Managers harmless against any claims, demands, suits, losses,
          damages, costs, and expenses for TSF's failure or alleged failure, to
          perform its obligations as set forth in paragraph 1. above.

     d.   TSF' obligations as set forth in this paragraph 3. will survive the
          termination of this Agreement.


     a.   Allstate will indemnify, defend, and hold TSF and its employees
          harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands,
          suits, losses, damages, costs, and expenses caused or alleged to be
          caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of TSF employees
          acting within the scope of their duties as assigned by an Allstate
          agent or Retail Resident Manager and relating to the sale or servicing
          of insurance or other products offered by Allstate or its affiliates,
          including any and all shortages of money collected from insureds or
          prospective insureds. The right to indemnity under this paragraph does
          not extend to liabilities, claims, demands, suits, losses, damages,
          costs, and expenses caused or alleged to be caused by (i) the
          dishonest, fraudulent, intentional, willful, malicious, or reckless
          acts of TSF employees; or (ii) any acts or omissions for which TSF is
          required to indemnify Allstate, its agents and Retail Resident
          Managers under paragraph 3.b. above; or (iii) any negligent acts,
          errors or omissions of TSF employees while performing services for any
          agent who has an independent contractor rather than an
          employer/employee relationship with Allstate, including R2501 Retail
          Exclusive Agents, R3001 Neighborhood Exclusive Agents, R3001A
          Neighborhood Exclusive Agencies, and Independent Agents or Agencies
          representing Allstate on a nonexclusive basis.

     b.   Allstate's obligations as set forth in this paragraph 4. will survive
          the termination of this Agreement.



     TSF agrees to obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement the
     following types of insurance with the stated minimum limits of liability:

     /bullet/     Workers' Compensation Insurance - statutory limits

     /bullet/     Employers' Liability Insurance
                     $100,000 bodily injury per accident
                     $100,000 disease per employee
                     $500,000 policy aggregate

     /bullet/     Commercial General Liability Insurance
                     $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence

     /bullet/     Commercial Auto Liability Insurance with coverage for owned
                  and non owned autos
                     $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence

     /bullet/     Blanket Crime Bond

     /bullet/     Excess Liability Insurance
                     $1,000,000 excess over the primary limit

     TSF agrees to furnish to Allstate proof of insurance on an annual basis.


     a.   TSF agrees to bill Allstate agents and Retail Resident Managers
          directly for services performed for them by TSF employees. The amount
          of compensation for the services rendered and the payment terms will
          be determined by separate agreement between TSF and each agent or
          Retail Resident Manager. To the extent that any of the terms of such
          agreement conflict with any of the terms of this Agreement, this
          Agreement will govern.

     b.   TSF acknowledges and agrees that all compensation for services
          performed by TSF employees for Allstate agents will be solely the
          responsibility of such agents. Allstate shall have no liability
          whatsoever for any amount due TSF from any agent, and TSF expressly
          waives any and all rights it may have to recover such amounts from



     a.   TSF agrees that it will not, at any time or in any manner, directly or
          indirectly, disclose to any third party or permit any third party to
          access any confidential information concerning any matters affecting
          or relating to the business of Allstate, except upon direct written
          authority of Allstate. Furthermore, upon termination of this
          Agreement, TSF agrees to continue to treat as confidential any
          information concerning any matters affecting or relating to the
          business of Allstate that is not otherwise lawfully available to the
          public and that has been obtained by TSF during the term of this
     b.   Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, business
          plans of Allstate; information regarding the names, addresses, and
          ages of policyholders or prospective policyholders; types of policies;
          amounts of insurance; premium amounts; the description and location of
          insured property; the expiration or renewal dates of policies;
          policyholder listings and any policyholder information subject to any
          privacy law; claim information; and certain information and material
          identified by Allstate as confidential or information considered a
          trade secret within the meaning of the Illinois Trade Secrets Act.
          Confidential information may be oral or recorded on paper, electronic
          data file, or any other medium.

     c.   Any and all confidential information furnished to TSF during the term
          of this Agreement shall, at all times, remain the sole property of
          Allstate and shall be returned to Allstate upon demand of Allstate, or
          at such time as TSF no longer provides services for Allstate agents or
          Retail Resident Managers.

     d.   TSF agrees that each of its employees assigned to an Allstate agent or
          Retail Resident Manager will uphold the confidentiality of Allstate
          confidential information and will sign the Confidentiality and
          Non-Competition Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Appendix A,
          prior to beginning the assignment. TSF will forward each signed copy
          of the Confidentiality and Non-Competition Agreement to Allstate at
          the address indicated under paragraph ll.a. within five (5) business

8.   TERM

     This Agreement shall commence on the date first written above and will
     continue until it is terminated. Either party may terminate this Agreement
     at any time by giving the other party at least ten (10) days prior written



     a.   At the end of each calendar quarter, TSF agrees to provide Allstate a
          report listing its employees who have been assigned to Allstate agents
          or Retail Resident Managers during the quarter as well as those
          employees whose assignments have been terminated during the quarter.
          The report shall be forwarded to Allstate by the 15th day of the month
          following each calendar quarter.

     b.   TSF agrees to promptly notify Allstate if any amount owed to TSF by an
          Allstate agent for services rendered by a TSF employee is past due for
          more than sixty (60) days.


TSF agrees to provide Allstate a current financial statement each year this
Agreement is in effect.


     a.   All notices will be deemed to have been given if personally delivered
          or mailed as follows:

          if to Allstate:                    Allstate Insurance Company
                                             Kansas City Regional Office
                                             Bldg. 32 Corporate Woods
                                             9225 Indian Creek Pky., Suite 600
                                             Overland Park, KS 66210
                                             Attention: Jan Sandoval

          if to Temporary Service Firm:      Synadyne
                                             1144 E. Newport Center Drive
                                             Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
                                             Attention: Paul M. Burrell

     b.   The descriptive headings of this Agreement are intended for reference
          only and will not affect the construction or interpretation of this

     c.   The failure of either party to insist upon the performance of any of
          the terms of this Agreement in any one or more instances will not be
          construed as a waiver or relinquishment of the future performance of
          any such term, and the obligation of the parties with respect to any
          such future performance will continue in full force and effect.


     d.   TSF agrees that it will not use the name, service marks, or trademarks
          of Allstate, or of any affiliated company, or reveal the existence of
          this Agreement or the terms and conditions thereof in any advertising,
          publicity release, or sales presentation, without Allstate's prior
          written consent.

     e.   This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which
          shall be deemed an original.

     f.   Neither party may transfer this Agreement, and no rights or interests
          arising from it may be assigned by either party without the written
          consent of the other party.

     g.   This Agreement contains the complete understanding between the parties
          with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior
          agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties. No waiver or
          amendment of the Agreement is valid unless in writing and signed by
          both parties.

     h.   This Agreement will be binding upon, and will inure to the benefit of,
          the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized

Accepted by:

Synadyne                                     Allstate Insurance Company

(Temporary Service Firm)

By: /s/ PAUL M. BURRELL                      By: /s/ JAN SANDOVAL
   -------------------------                    -------------------------
   Paul M. Burrell                              Jan Sandoval

Title: Vice President                        Title: HR Representative

Date: July 10, 1997                          Date: 7-23-97
