(RULE 14A-101)


                          SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                            EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
Filed by the Registrant [x]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement                    [ ] Confidential, For Use
                                                        of the Commission Only
                                                        (as permitted by
                                                        Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[x]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                          PLM International, Inc.
              (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

  (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): [ ] No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

    (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

    (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

    (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
         computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth
         the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
         state how it was determined):

                            $36,300,000 x 1% x 1/50
    (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
    (5)  Total fee paid:

[x]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
     fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount previously paid:

     (2)  Form, schedule or registration statement no.:

     (3)  Filing party:

     (4)  Date filed:


                                                             February 4, 2000

                                 [PLM LOGO]


Dear Stockholders:

         We have agreed to sell all of the outstanding stock of our
industrial and commercial equipment leasing and financing subsidiary,
American Finance Group, Inc., to Guaranty Federal Bank, F.S.B., if you
authorize the proposed sale. In exchange for the stock of AFG, Guaranty has
agreed to pay us a total of $29 million, subject to specific adjustments.
The proposed sale of AFG to Guaranty would take place under a Stock Sale
Agreement, dated as of October 26, 1999 and amended as of January 24, 2000.
The full text of the Stock Sale Agreement is included as Annex A to the
proxy statement that accompanies this letter.

         It is not entirely clear under Delaware law whether the proposed
sale of AFG to Guaranty requires the authorization of PLM's stockholders.
To avoid any uncertainty, we are putting the proposed sale to a stockholder
vote, and the sale will not be completed unless it is authorized by the
holders of a majority of our outstanding shares of common stock. We have
scheduled a special meeting of our stockholders for this vote on February


         We have retained an investment banking firm to investigate various
strategic alternatives for maximizing PLM stockholder value on a near-term
basis (taking into account tax and financial market considerations),
including, among other possibilities, the sale of all of PLM, either as a
whole or in separate parts. It should be emphasized that the proposed sale
of AFG is not conditioned on this process, which is in a preliminary stage,
and that it is possible that no transaction involving other parts of PLM
will occur. As to the possible sale of all of PLM, further stockholder
action (in the form of another stockholder vote or a tender of shares, or
perhaps both) will probably be required to complete such a transaction.
Please note that no specific action other than the proposed sale of AFG is
currently proposed and that we are not asking for your authorization of any
other transaction at this time.

         Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, please take the
time to vote by completing the enclosed proxy card and mailing it to us. A
postage paid envelope is provided for your convenience. If you sign, date
and mail your proxy card without indicating how you want to vote, your
proxy will be counted as a vote in favor of the proposed sale. If you fail
to return your card and do not vote at the meeting, it will have the same
effect as a vote against the proposed sale.

         Only stockholders of record as of December 29, 1999 are entitled
to attend and vote at the special meeting.

         The date, time and place of the special meeting are as follows:

         February 25, 2000
         9:30 a.m.
         World Trade Club
         World Trade Center, Suite 300
         The Embarcadero at the foot
           of Market Street
         San Francisco, California

         The accompanying documents provide you with detailed information
about the proposed sale. In addition, you may obtain information about PLM
from documents that we have filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. We encourage you to read the accompanying documents carefully.

         On behalf of your Board of Directors, we thank you for your
continued support and again urge you to vote for the proposed sale.

Very truly yours,

Robert N. Tidball
President, Chief Executive Officer
and Chairman of the Board

        This proxy statement, dated February 4, 2000, will first be
            mailed to stockholders on or about February 4, 2000.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                 One Market
                      Steuart Street Tower, Suite 800
                      San Francisco, California 94105

                      TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 25, 2000

To PLM Stockholders:

         A special meeting of stockholders of PLM International, Inc., a
Delaware corporation, will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, February 25,
2000 at the World Trade Club located at the World Trade Center, Suite 300,
The Embarcadero at the foot of Market Street, San Francisco, California. A
proxy card and proxy statement for the special meeting are enclosed.

         The special meeting is for the purpose of:

     1. Considering and voting upon a proposal to sell PLM's wholly-owned
subsidiary American Finance Group, Inc. to Guaranty Federal Bank, F.S.B.
pursuant to the terms of a Stock Sale Agreement, dated as of October 26,
1999 and amended as of January 24, 2000. A copy of the Stock Sale Agreement
is attached as Annex A to the accompanying proxy statement.

     2. Transacting such other business as may properly come before the
special meeting and any adjournment thereof. The Board of Directors is not
aware of any other business that will be presented for consideration at the
special meeting.


     Only holders of PLM common stock of record as of the close of business
on December 29, 1999 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the special

     The proposed sale will not be completed unless it is authorized by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of PLM common
stock entitled to vote at the special meeting.

     Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the special
meeting, please complete, date and sign the enclosed proxy card and return
it in the enclosed envelope. If you attend the special meeting, you may
revoke your proxy and vote personally on each matter brought before the
special meeting.

By Order of the Board of Directors,

Susan C. Santo
Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel

San Francisco, California
February 4, 2000


                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

DESCRIPTION                                               PAGE
     PROPOSED SALE...........................................1
SUMMARY .....................................................2
     The Company.............................................2
     The Proposed Sale.......................................2
     Sale of American Finance Group..........................2
     Use of Proceeds.........................................2
     Transition Services Agreement...........................2
     Our Reasons for the Proposed Sale.......................2
     The Special Meeting.....................................3
     Record Date; Shares Entitled to Vote....................3
     Vote Required...........................................3
     Our Recommendation to Stockholders......................3
     Opinion of Financial Advisor............................3
     The Stock Sale Agreement................................3
     Conditions to the Stock Sale Agreement..................3
     Abandonment of the Transactions Contemplated
     by the Stock Sale Agreement.............................3
     Regulatory Approvals....................................4
     Accounting Treatment....................................4
     United States Federal Income
         Tax Consequences....................................4
     No Appraisal Rights.....................................4
RISK FACTORS.................................................5
     Liquidity and Capital Resources.........................5
     PRO FORMA FINANCIAL DATA................................5
THE COMPANY..................................................9
THE SPECIAL MEETING..........................................9
     Date, Time and Place....................................9
     Matters to be Considered................................9
     Record Date; Shares Outstanding and
         Entitled to Vote...................................10
     Quorum; Vote Required..................................10
     Voting and Revocation of Proxies.......................10
     Proxy Solicitation.....................................11
THE PROPOSED SALE...........................................11
     Description of AFG's Business..........................11
     Background of the Proposed Sale........................12

     Reasons for the Proposed Sale..........................13
     Recommendation of PLM's Board
         of Directors.......................................14
     Opinion of Financial Advisor...........................14
     Use of Proceeds .......................................18
     Accounting Treatment for the
         Proposed Sale......................................18
     United States Federal Income Tax
     Appraisal Rights.......................................18
     Regulatory Filings and Approvals.......................18
     Transition Services Agreement..........................19
     Purchase Price.........................................20
     The Closing............................................20
     Representations and Warranties ........................20
     No Solicitation .......................................21
     Employment and Employee Benefit Plans..................21
     Conditions ............................................22
     Abandonment ...........................................24
     Indemnification; Survival of Indemnification
     Fees and Expenses .....................................25
     Intellectual Property .................................25
     Amendment of the Stock Sale Agreement .................25
MARKET PRICE DATA; DIVIDENDS................................26
     FINANCIAL INFORMATION..................................27
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS........................................38
STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS.......................................38
INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS..............................F-1



     A: Following an unsuccessful attempt to conduct an initial public
offering of AFG's common stock in 1998, PLM determined that it could not
effectively grow AFG's business because of various disadvantages it faces,
when compared to its competitors, in its cost of capital and its ability to
take full advantage of the tax benefits available to the owner of such a
business. PLM's Board of Directors believes that the price Guaranty is
paying for AFG is both fair and attractive.


     A: We plan to retain the after-tax proceeds from the sale of AFG while
PLM's Board of Directors considers various strategic alternatives for PLM.
We expect to invest these proceeds in short-term money market accounts
pending a decision by PLM's Board of Directors as to which strategic
alternative it will pursue. Depending on tax and financial considerations
and the progress we may make in implementing our plans to maximize
stockholder value, we may decide to use some or all of the proceeds from
the sale of AFG to fund a self-tender for PLM's stock.


     A: The proposed sale may constitute a sale of "substantially all" of
PLM's assets under Delaware corporate law. If so, the proposed sale
requires authorization by the holders of a majority of PLM's outstanding
common stock. Since it is not entirely clear whether the proposed sale
requires stockholder authorization, we are making the sale subject to a
stockholder vote to avoid any uncertainty, and we will not complete the
sale unless it is authorized by the affirmative vote of holders of a
majority of PLM's common stock.


     A: Just complete, sign and mail your signed proxy card in the enclosed
return envelope as soon as possible so that your shares may be represented
at the special meeting. The meeting will take place on February 25, 2000.
PLM's Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote in favor of
the proposed sale.


     A: Yes. You can change your vote at any time before we vote your proxy
at the special meeting. You can do so in one of three ways. First, you can
send a written notice stating that you would like to revoke your proxy to
the Secretary of PLM at the address given below. Second, you can request a
new proxy card and complete and send it to the Secretary of PLM at the
address given below. Third, you can attend the special meeting and vote in

You should send any written notice or request for a new proxy card to the
attention of the Secretary, PLM International, Inc., One Market, Steuart
Street Tower, Suite 800, San Francisco, California 94105.


     A: Your broker will vote your shares only if you provide instructions
on how to vote. Following the directions provided by your broker, you
should instruct your broker to vote your shares. Without your instructions,
your shares will not be voted, which will have the same effect as a "no"


     A:  We are working to complete the proposed sale as quickly as possible.
If all necessary approvals have been obtained, we hope to complete the sale
shortly after the special meeting.


     A:  If you have more questions about the proposed sale, you should contact:

         PLM International, Inc.
         One Market
         Steuart Street Tower, Suite 800
         San Francisco, California 94105
         (415) 974-1399
         Attention:  Investor Relations


         This summary highlights selected information from this document
and may not contain all of the information that is important to you. To
understand the proposed sale more fully and for a complete description of
the legal terms of the proposed sale, you should read carefully this entire
document and the documents we refer you to. See "Where You Can Find More
Information" on page 39. We have included page references parenthetically
to direct you to the place in this document where you can find a more
complete description of the topics presented in the summary.

                                THE COMPANY

         PLM owns or manages a portfolio of commercial and industrial
equipment, transportation equipment and related assets with a combined
original cost of approximately $1.2 billion. PLM's operations are divided
into three segments: refrigerated and dry van (nonrefrigerated) over-the-
road trailer leasing, commercial and industrial equipment leasing and
financing, and the management of investment programs and other
transportation equipment leasing.

                             THE PROPOSED SALE


         We have agreed to sell our industrial and commercial equipment
leasing and financing subsidiary, American Finance Group, Inc., to Guaranty
Federal Bank, F.S.B. Specifically, we will sell to Guaranty all of the
stock of AFG for $29 million, subject to adjustment to reflect tax
liabilities we retain and for changes in stockholders' equity between June
30, 1999 and the date on which the proposed sale is completed. The
adjustment is without limit and provides for additional consideration to
PLM to the extent the stockholders' equity account increases from the June
30, 1999 balance or reimbursement to Guaranty to the extent the
stockholders' equity account decreases from the June 30, 1999 balance. Had
the sale been completed as of December 31, 1999, PLM would have received an
aggregate of approximately $33.9 million for AFG, after transaction costs
and after giving effect to the adjustment described above, which includes
reimbursement for an approximately $5.5 million deferred tax liability
transferred by AFG to PLM in connection with the transaction.

         On a combined basis, AFG and its subsidiaries had revenues of
$27.0 million and operating income of $14.4 million for 1998 and revenues
of $19.5 million and operating income of $9.1 million for the nine months
ended September 30, 1999. AFG's operating results for 1999 reflect a charge
of approximately $1 million attributable to the expenses of an abandoned
public offering of common stock of AFG. AFG and its subsidiaries
constituted about 68% of PLM's total assets as of December 31, 1998 and
about 58% of PLM's total assets as of September 30, 1999.

                       USE OF PROCEEDS (SEE PAGE 18)

         PLM currently anticipates receiving net after-tax proceeds from
the proposed sale of AFG of approximately $28.5 million. PLM expects to
invest these proceeds in short-term money market accounts while its Board
of Directors considers various strategic alternatives for PLM. Depending on
tax and financial considerations and the progress we may make in
implementing our plans to maximize stockholder value, we may decide to use
some or all of the proceeds from the sale of AFG to fund a self-tender for
PLM's stock.


         At the completion of the sale of AFG, at Guaranty's option, PLM
will enter into a Transition Services Agreement with AFG. Under this
agreement, PLM will continue to provide various accounting and related
services to AFG for a limited period of time. PLM does not expect the
Transition Services Agreement to have any significant effect on its results
of operation.


         Following an unsuccessful attempt to conduct an initial public
offering of AFG's common stock in 1998, PLM determined that it could not
effectively grow AFG's business because of disadvantages it faces, when
compared to competitors, in its cost of capital and its ability to take
full advantage of the tax benefits available to the owner of such a
business. PLM's Board of Directors believes that the price Guaranty is
paying for AFG is both fair and attractive.

                            THE SPECIAL MEETING

         The special meeting will be held at the World Trade Club located
at the World Trade Center, Suite 300, The Embarcadero at the foot of Market
Street, San Francisco, California, at 9:30 a.m. on February 25, 2000.
Stockholders will be asked to consider and vote upon the proposed sale and
to transact such other business as may properly come before the special


         You are entitled to vote at the meeting if you owned shares of
common stock of PLM as of the close of business on December 29, 1999, the
record date.

         On the record date, there were 7,744,798 shares of PLM common
stock entitled to vote at the special meeting. Stockholders will have one
vote at the special meeting for each share of PLM common stock owned by
them on the record date.

                               VOTE REQUIRED

         The proposed sale may constitute a sale of "substantially all" of
the assets of PLM under Delaware corporate law. If so, the proposed sale
requires authorization by a majority of the shares of PLM common stock
outstanding on the record date. Since it is not entirely clear whether the
proposed sale requires stockholder authorization, PLM is making the
proposed sale subject to a stockholder vote to avoid any uncertainty and
will not complete the sale unless it is authorized by the affirmative vote
of a majority of the shares of PLM common stock entitled to vote at the
special meeting.


         PLM's Board of Directors believes that the proposed sale is in the
best interests of PLM and its stockholders and unanimously recommends that
you vote in favor of the proposed sale.


         In deciding to approve the proposed sale, PLM's Board of Directors
considered the opinion of Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated, its
financial advisor, that the consideration to be received by PLM in the
proposed sale is fair to PLM and the holders of PLM common stock from a
financial point of view. The opinion of Legg Mason is attached as Annex B
to this proxy statement. We encourage you to read this opinion.

                          THE STOCK SALE AGREEMENT

         The Stock Sale Agreement, dated as of October 26, 1999 and amended
as of January 24, 2000, is attached as Annex A to this proxy statement. We
encourage you to read the agreement as it is the legal document that
governs the proposed sale.

                               (SEE PAGE 22)

         The completion of the proposed sale depends upon meeting a number
of conditions, including the following:

          o    authorization by a majority vote of PLM's stockholders,
          o    there being no material adverse change in the business of
               AFG and its continuing subsidiaries, taken as a whole,
          o    obtaining required governmental approvals, and
          o    the transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement
               not having been abandoned, as described below.


         PLM and Guaranty may jointly agree to abandon the transactions
contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement at any time prior to the
completion of the sale. Further, Guaranty may abandon the transactions if,
in its opinion, a supplement or amendment by PLM after signing to correct
the disclosure schedule to the agreement materially and adversely affect
the benefits to Guaranty under the agreement. In addition, either PLM or
Guaranty may abandon the transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale
Agreement if:

     o    a court or other governmental authority prohibits the proposed sale,
     o    the proposed sale has not been completed by March 15, 2000, or
     o    the other party breaches in any material respect its
          representations, warranties, covenants or other agreements in the
          Stock Sale Agreement and the breach cannot be, or has not been,
          cured within 30 days.

                            REGULATORY APPROVALS

         The Hart-Scott-Rodino Act prohibits PLM and Guaranty from
completing the proposed sale until each has furnished information to the
Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade
Commission and a required waiting period has expired. PLM and Guaranty each
filed the required notification and report forms with the Antitrust
Division and the FTC on December 28, 1999, and each requested early
termination of the required waiting period. The FTC subsequently notified
PLM that the request for early termination of the waiting period was
granted effective January 11, 2000.

         Also, prior to completion of the proposed sale, Guaranty must
furnish information to the Office of Thrift Supervision and the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation. Guaranty made the appropriate filings with
the OTS and the FDIC on November 23, 1999 and received clearance from the
FDIC on November 26, 1999 and from the OTS on December 20, 1999.

                            ACCOUNTING TREATMENT

         After the sale, AFG and its continuing subsidiaries will be
treated for accounting purposes as a discontinued operation of PLM. This
means that financial statements for all prior periods will be restated to
show the operations of AFG and its continuing subsidiaries separately from
PLM's continuing operations.

         PLM's loss on the sale of AFG will be measured by the difference
between the amount paid by Guaranty and the net book value of the assets
sold, reduced by transaction costs and applicable taxes.


         The proposed sale of AFG by PLM will not result in any United
States federal income tax consequences to you. If completed, the proposed
sale will, however, be a taxable event to PLM for United States federal
income tax purposes.

                            NO APPRAISAL RIGHTS

         Under Delaware law, PLM stockholders are not entitled to appraisal
rights in connection with the proposed sale of AFG.

                                RISK FACTORS

         In considering whether to authorize the proposed sale, PLM
stockholders should consider, in addition to the other information
contained in this document, the following matter.


         The sale of AFG will reduce significantly PLM's revenues and
income from operations. Following the sale of AFG, PLM's results of
operations will depend in part on the internal rate of return generated by
the net proceeds from the proposed sale and on the income produced by PLM's
remaining businesses. To the extent PLM is unable to utilize the net
proceeds of the proposed sale in such a manner as to generate an internal
rate of return equal or nearly equal to AFG's historical returns, the sale
of AFG could adversely affect PLM's results of operations in the future.


         We are providing the following financial data to aid you in your
analysis of the financial aspects of the proposed sale. With the exception
of (1) the selected data as of September 30, 1999 and 1998 and for the nine
months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 and (2) the pro forma data as of
September 30, 1999 and for the nine months ended September 30, 1999 and
1998 and the fiscal years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, we
derived the information from historical consolidated financial statements
of PLM. PLM's consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 1998 and
1997, and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
1998, have been audited by KPMG LLP, independent auditors, and are included
in PLM's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998,
which is included with the materials mailed with this proxy statement.
AFG's consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 1998 and 1997,
and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1998, have
been audited by KPMG LLP, independent auditors, and appear elsewhere in
this proxy statement. The unaudited consolidated financial statements of
AFG as of September 30, 1999 and 1998 and for each of the nine-month
periods ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 also appear elsewhere in this
proxy statement. The selected financial data as of September 30, 1999 and
1998 and for the nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 have been
derived from the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of
PLM, which are included in PLM's quarterly report on Form 10-Q/A for the
nine-month period ended September 30, 1999, which is included with the
materials mailed with this proxy statement. The selected pro forma data are
derived from the unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements and
accompanying notes appearing elsewhere in this proxy statement.

         The selected financial data as of September 30, 1999 and 1998 and
for the nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998 reflect, in the
opinion of PLM management, all adjustments, consist of only normal,
recurring adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of such data and
have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles followed in
the presentation of our audited financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 1998. Operating results for the nine months are not
necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full fiscal

         The selected financial data should be read in conjunction with the
unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements and accompanying
notes appearing elsewhere in this proxy statement and with the consolidated
financial statements of PLM and accompanying notes and the information
contained in "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations" contained in PLM's annual report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 1998 and quarterly report on Form 10-Q/A
for the nine-month period ended September 30, 1999, which are included with
the materials mailed with this proxy statement.

                               FINANCIAL DATA

                                                                                                            NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                              SEPTEMBER 30,
                                      --------------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------
                                                                HISTORICAL                                      HISTORICAL
                                      --------------------------------------------------------------     -----------------------

                                     1998         1997          1996           1995           1994          1999          1998
                                     ----         ----          ----           ----           ----          ----          ----

                                                          (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)

Total revenues.................     $57,078      $49,665       $51,545         $60,073     $53,715          $45,156      $42,775
Operations support.............      17,571       16,633        21,595          26,001      23,510           14,018       12,917
General and administrative.....       7,086        9,472         7,956          10,539      10,366            4,851        6,174
Depreciation and amortization..      11,833        8,447        11,318           8,616      12,135           11,383        8,891
Commissions....................          --           --            --           1,416       5,192               --           --
                               ------------  ----------- -------------  -------------- -----------     ------------ ------------
Operating income...............      20,588       15,113        10,676          13,501       2,512           14,904       14,793
Interest expense...............     (14,608)      (9,891)       (7,341)         (7,110)     (9,777)         (11,249)     (10,663)
Interest income................       1,446        1,635         1,228           1,973       3,744              680        1,212
Other income (expense).........         473         (342)         (670)           (496)     (2,058)            (398)         478
Provision for (benefit from)
  income tax...................       3,042        1,848          (202)          1,820      (4,068)           1,543        2,274
                               ------------  ----------- --------------  -------------  -----------     -----------  -----------
Income (loss) from continuing
  operations...................       4,857        4,667         4,095           6,048      (1,511)           2,394        3,546
Cumulative effect of
  accounting change............          --           --            --              --      (5,130)            (236)          --
                               ------------  ----------- -------------  -------------- -----------     ------------ ------------
Net income (loss)..............      $4,857       $4,667        $4,095          $6,048    $ (6,641)          $2,158       $3,546
                               ============  =========== =============  ============== ============     ============ ============
Basic earnings (loss)
  weighted-average per share...       $0.58        $0.51         $0.41           $0.52     $(0.74)            $0.27        $0.42
Diluted earnings (loss)
  weighted-average per share...       $0.57        $0.50         $0.40           $0.51     $(0.74)            $0.26        $0.41
Net income (loss) to common
  stock........................      $4,857       $4,667        $4,095          $6,048    $(9,071)           $2,158       $3,546

                               FINANCIAL DATA

                                                                                                  NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                    SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                ---------------------------------------------   -------------------------
                                                              PRO FORMA (1)                         PRO FORMA (1)
                                                ---------------------------------------------   -------------------------

                                                   1998           1997            1996             1999          1998
                                                   ----           ----            ----             ----          ----
                                                                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Total revenues..........................          $30,120         $31,169        $39,751          $25,480        $22,433
Operations support......................           12,920          11,967         17,511            9,943          9,505
General and administrative..............            7,086           9,472          7,956            4,851          6,174
Depreciation and amortization...........            4,868           4,489          6,705            5,651          3,461
                                         ---------------- --------------- --------------    -------------  -------------
Operating income........................            5,246           5,241          7,579            5,035          3,293
Interest expense........................           (4,038)         (4,572)        (4,652)          (3,907)        (2,989)
Interest income.........................              941           1,311          1,052              252            838
Other income (expense)..................              473            (342)          (650)             577            478
Provision for (benefit from)
  income tax............................            1,063              (5)          (417)             784            705
                                         ---------------- --------------- --------------    -------------  -------------
Income from continuing
  operations............................           $1,559          $1,643         $3,746           $1,173           $915
                                         ================ =============== ==============    =============  =============
Basic earnings
  weighted-average per share............            $0.19           $0.18          $0.37            $0.14          $0.11
Diluted earning
  weighted-average per share............            $0.19           $0.18          $0.37            $0.14          $0.11
Net income to common stock..............           $1,559          $1,643         $3,746           $1,173           $915

- ----------------------

(1)  Gives effect to the proposed transaction for the sale of AFG assuming
     the transaction occurred on January 1, 1996. See "Unaudited Pro Forma
     Consolidated Financial Information."

                               FINANCIAL DATA

                                                     AS OF DECEMBER 31,                               AS OF SEPTEMBER 30,
                                  ----------------------------------------------------------    ------------------------------
                                                          HISTORICAL                                 HISTORICAL          FORMA
                                  ----------------------------------------------------------    --------------------     -----

                                            1998      1997      1996       1995      1994         1999       1998        1999
                                            ----      ----      ----       ----      ----         ----       ----        ----
                                                                             (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)
Cash and cash equivalents............      $8,786    $5,224     $7,638   $13,764   $16,131       $2,675     $6,377     $30,859
Receivables..........................       7,282     4,969      5,286     4,931     5,747        8,499      5,939       7,162
Receivables from affiliates..........       2,944     5,007      6,019     8,690     7,001        3,213      2,700       3,213
Investment in direct finance              145,088   119,613     69,994        --         -      120,548    173,387       1,707
  leases, net........................
Loan receivable......................      23,493     5,861      5,718        --         -       23,445     22,009          --
Assets held for sale.................          --         -      6,222       719    17,644        8,004         --       8,004
Equity interest in affiliates........      22,588    26,442     30,407    27,566    18,374       19,743     23,323      19,743
Transportation equipment held for
   operating leases, net.............      64,217    41,723     38,424    47,840    64,092       97,678     48,318      78,040
Restricted cash and
   cash equivalents..................      10,349    18,278     17,828    10,621     1,409       10,018     10,095       1,545
Other, net...........................       7,322     9,166     11,213    12,082     9,974        5,773      6,965       3,750
                                      ----------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------   ---------- ----------   ---------
Total assets.........................    $292,069  $236,283   $198,749  $126,213  $140,372     $299,596   $299,113    $154,023
                                      =========== ========= ========== ========= =========   ========== ==========   =========
Short-term secured debt..............     $34,420   $23,040    $30,966 $       -    $6,404      $27,700    $44,500      $7,600
Long-term recourse debt..............      56,047    44,844     43,618    47,853    60,119       73,273     41,254      73,273
Long-term nonrecourse debt...........     111,222    81,302     45,392        --        --      110,679    124,097          --
Payables and other liabilities.......      21,768    25,366     16,757    13,884    11,589       13,907     21,825      10,457
Deferred income taxes................      18,415    14,860     15,334    15,493    16,165       23,042     17,527      12,147
Minority interest....................          --       323        362       363       400           --         --          --
Stockholders' equity.................      50,197    46,548     46,320    48,620    45,695       50,995     49,910      50,546
Total liabilities, minority interest  ----------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------   ---------- ----------   ---------
  and stockholders' equity...........    $292,069  $236,283   $198,749  $126,213  $140,372     $299,596   $299,113    $154,023
                                      =========== ========= ========== ========= =========   ========== ==========   =========

(1)  Gives effect to the proposed transaction for the sale of AFG assuming
     the transaction occurred on September 30, 1999.


      This proxy statement and the accompanying form of proxy are being
furnished to the holders of shares of common stock, $.01 par value, of PLM
International, Inc., a Delaware corporation, in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of PLM for use at the
special meeting of the stockholders of PLM to be held on February 25, 2000,
at the World Trade Club located at the World Trade Center, Suite 300, The
Embarcadero at the foot of Market Street, San Francisco, California, at
9:30 a.m., local time.

                                THE COMPANY

      PLM is a Delaware corporation formed in 1987. PLM is a diversified
equipment leasing company that owns and manages transportation, industrial
and commercial equipment, both domestically and internationally. Through
May 1996, PLM also syndicated investment programs organized to invest
primarily in transportation and related equipment. PLM continues to manage
these syndicated investment programs. PLM operates and manages
transportation, industrial and commercial equipment and related assets with
a combined original cost of approximately $1.2 billion for its own account
and for various investment programs and third-party investors.

      At September 30, 1999, PLM and its subsidiaries, including AFG,
employed 156 persons.

      PLM's Board of Directors has retained an investment banking firm to
investigate various strategic alternatives for maximizing stockholder value
on a near-term basis (taking into account tax and financial market
considerations), including the possible sale of all of PLM, either as a
whole or in separate parts. It should be emphasized that the proposed sale
of AFG is not conditioned on this process, which is in a preliminary stage,
and that it is possible that no transaction involving other parts of PLM
will occur. As to the possible sale of all of PLM, further stockholder
action (in the form of another stockholder vote or a tender of shares, or
perhaps both) will probably be required to complete such a transaction.

                            THE SPECIAL MEETING


      The special meeting is scheduled to be held at the World Trade Club
located at the World Trade Center, Suite 300, The Embarcadero at the foot
of Market Street, San Francisco, California, on February 25, 2000,
beginning at 9:30 a.m., local time.


      At the special meeting, PLM stockholders will be asked to consider
and vote upon a proposal to authorize the sale to Guaranty Federal Bank,
F.S.B., a federally chartered savings bank whose address is 1300 South
Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas 78746, of all of the issued and outstanding
shares of American Finance Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of PLM, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the
Stock Sale Agreement, dated as of October 26, 1999 and amended as of
January 24, 2000, by and between PLM and Guaranty. See "The Proposed Sale"
beginning on page 11 and "Terms of the Stock Sale Agreement" beginning on
page 20. PLM's Board of Directors knows of no matter that will be presented
for consideration at the special meeting other than the matter described in
this proxy statement. If any other matters properly come before the special
meeting, the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy or their
substitutes will vote in accordance with their best judgment on such


      PLM's Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on December
29, 1999 as the record date for the determination of the holders of PLM's
common stock entitled to notice of and to vote at the special meeting.

      Only holders of record of PLM common stock as of the close of
business on the record date will be entitled to notice of and to vote at
the special meeting. As of the record date, there were 7,744,798 shares of
PLM common stock outstanding and entitled to vote at the special meeting,
held by approximately 3,068 stockholders of record, with each share
entitled to one vote.


      The presence, in person or represented by proxy, of the holders of a
majority of the shares of common stock issued and outstanding and entitled
to vote at the special meeting will constitute a quorum.

      PLM has been advised by counsel that the proposed sale may constitute
a sale of "substantially all" of the assets of PLM under the Delaware
General Corporation Law although existing legal precedent does not provide
a definitive conclusion on this point. Under Section 271 of the Delaware
General Corporation Law, a sale of substantially all of a company's assets
requires for authorization the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the shares of outstanding stock entitled to vote. Since the
issue of whether the proposed sale constitutes a sale of "substantially
all" of PLM's assets is not entirely clear, PLM has determined to submit
the proposed sale to stockholders to avoid any uncertainty. Accordingly,
the proposed sale will not be completed unless it receives the affirmative
vote of a majority of the shares of PLM common stock entitled to vote at
the special meeting.


      Stockholders are requested to complete, date, sign and promptly
return the accompanying form of proxy in the enclosed envelope. Shares of
PLM common stock represented by properly executed proxies received by PLM
and not revoked will be voted at the special meeting in accordance with the
instructions contained in the proxy cards. If instructions are not given,
proxies will be voted FOR authorization of the proposed sale. However,
brokers do not have discretionary authority to vote shares held in street
name. Therefore, the failure of beneficial owners of shares held in street
name to give voting instructions to brokers will result in broker
non-votes. Broker non-votes, abstentions and the failure to vote will have
the same affect as votes cast against authorization of the proposed sale.

      If any other matters are properly presented at the special meeting
for consideration, the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy and
acting under the proxy will have discretion to vote on such matters in
accordance with their best judgment. As PLM's by-laws require advance
notice of any business to be properly transacted at a meeting of
stockholders, PLM's Board of Directors does not expect any other matters to
be presented at the special meeting, and the persons named in the enclosed
form of proxy will not use their discretionary authority to present any
material matters not discussed in this proxy statement. In addition, PLM
does not expect any changes to the terms of the proposed sale described in
this proxy statement, and the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy
will not use their discretionary authority to approve any changes to the
proposed sale that are materially different than the terms of the proposed
sale described in this proxy statement without giving stockholders an
opportunity to change their vote.

      Any proxy card signed and returned by a stockholder may be revoked at
any time before it is voted either by delivering to the Secretary of PLM,
at the address of PLM set forth in this proxy statement, written notice of
such revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by
attending the special meeting and voting in person. Attendance at the
special meeting will not, in and of itself, constitute revocation of a


      PLM will bear the costs of solicitation of proxies for the special
meeting. In addition to solicitation by mail, directors, officers and
regular employees of PLM may solicit proxies from stockholders by
telephone, telegram, personal interview or otherwise. PLM directors,
officers and employees will not receive additional compensation but may be
reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses in connection with their solicitation
of proxies. In addition to solicitation by directors, officers and regular
employees of PLM, PLM has retained MacKenzie Partners, Inc. to aid in the
solicitation of proxies for the special meeting. The fee for such services
is not expected to exceed $10,500, which will be borne by PLM. Brokers,
nominees, fiduciaries and other custodians have been requested to forward
soliciting material to the beneficial owners of shares of PLM common stock
held of record by them, and such custodians will be reimbursed by PLM for
their reasonable expenses.

                             THE PROPOSED SALE


      Pursuant to the terms of the Stock Sale Agreement, PLM proposes to
sell to Guaranty all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of AFG.
The purchase price for AFG is $29 million, subject to adjustment for
changes in the AFG consolidated stockholders' equity account from June 30,
1999 to the date of the completion of the sale. The adjustment is without
limit and provides for additional consideration to PLM to the extent the
stockholders' equity account increases from the June 30, 1999 balance or
reimbursement to Guaranty to the extent the stockholders' equity account
decreases from the June 30, 1999 balance. Had the sale been completed as of
December 31, 1999, PLM would have received an aggregate of approximately
$33.9 million for AFG, after transaction costs and after giving effect to
the adjustment described above, which includes reimbursement for an
approximately $5.5 million deferred tax liability transferred by AFG to PLM
in connection with the transaction. At Guaranty's option, at the completion
of the proposed sale, PLM and AFG will enter into a Transition Services
Agreement. Under this agreement, PLM will continue to provide various
accounting and related services to AFG for a limited period of time.


      AFG is a commercial finance company engaged in the leasing and
secured financing of a variety of equipment for investment-grade "Fortune
1000" companies and creditworthy middle-market companies. AFG's principal
businesses include:

     o    the direct origination through its sales force of equipment
          leases and secured loans, hybrid leases and other specialized

     o    the management and servicing of equipment leases and structured
          finance products retained by AFG or sold to institutional leasing
          investment programs,

     o    the sale and acquisition of equipment leases and structured
          finance products to and from third parties, and

     o    the sale and re-marketing of equipment as it comes off lease.

      AFG's sales force markets its equipment leases and structured finance
products nationally through sales offices located in the Boston, Houston,
Chicago, Charlotte and Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan areas. Since
entering its current line of business in January 1996, AFG has originated
over $500 million of equipment leases and structured finance products
covering over 62,000 items of equipment.

      On a combined basis, AFG and its subsidiaries had revenues of $27.0
million and operating income of $14.4 million for 1998 and revenues of
$19.5 million and operating income of $9.1 million for the nine months
ended September 30, 1999. AFG's operating results for 1999 reflect a charge
of approximately $1 million attributable to the expenses of an abandoned
public offering of common stock of AFG. AFG and its subsidiaries
constituted about 68% of PLM's total assets as of December 31, 1998 and
about 61% of PLM's total assets as of June 30, 1999. Historical financial
information for AFG and its subsidiaries is set forth under the heading
"Commercial and Industrial Equipment Leasing and Financing" in the
discussion of PLM's operating segments included as Note 18 in PLM's
consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 1998 and 1997, which
are included in PLM's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 1998, which is included with the materials mailed with this
proxy statement.


      PLM on an on-going basis considers various alternatives to maximize
stockholder value. As part of this process, in December 1997 PLM began to
look at the feasibility of an initial public offering for all or some of
the common stock of AFG. PLM believed that its stock price was undervalued
in the public market, and that a public offering of its largest subsidiary
would be an attractive method of demonstrating PLM's value to the market.
Additionally, PLM believed that the strength of the initial public offering
market combined with the strength of AFG's performance made the timing of
the proposed offering appropriate.

      In February 1998, PLM engaged Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated as
lead underwriter in connection with a proposed registered public offering
of common stock of AFG. In May 1998, AFG filed a Registration Statement on
Form S-1 with the SEC for an initial public offering of 2,150,000 shares of
AFG's common stock (plus additional shares for over allotments, if any).
The shares were to be offered by both PLM and AFG, and PLM was to retain a
majority stake in AFG.

      During the time AFG was preparing a response to the SEC's June 1998
comment letter on the registration statement and drafting a related
amendment to the registration statement, the market for initial public
offerings started to take a significant downturn. In October 1998, PLM
determined to have AFG file the amendment to the registration statement but
to delay the initial public offering on account of continued stock market
volatility. At this time, PLM also began to look at alternatives to the
initial public offering, including a sale of AFG.

      In December 1998, PLM engaged Legg Mason to identify strategic
alternatives to maximize PLM's value in AFG, including the sale of AFG, and
to advise PLM concerning those alternatives. PLM also determined not to
withdraw the registration statement on file with the SEC, pending the
results of Legg Mason's review. In March 1999, after determining, in part
based on Legg Mason's advice, that it was in the best interests of PLM and
its stockholders to sell AFG rather than proceed with the stock offering,
AFG withdrew the registration statement.

      As part of its engagement to sell AFG privately, Legg Mason prepared
for distribution to interested parties a confidential offering memorandum
describing the business and assets of AFG. Legg Mason initially identified
and contacted 70 potential purchasers of AFG, its subsidiaries or any of
their assets. Of the parties contacted, 47 requested a confidentiality
agreement and 38 signed and returned a confidentiality agreement and were
sent copies of the offering memorandum in turn.

      In April 1999, PLM received indications of interest, both written and
oral, from several parties, some interested in purchasing the stock of AFG
and others interested in purchasing some of the assets of AFG only.
Following preliminary negotiations with two bidders who were interested in
purchasing the stock of AFG regarding specific terms of their bids, a
bidder was awarded the transaction, subject to negotiation and execution of
a final and binding agreement.

      During the first two weeks of June 1999, PLM and the winning bidder
negotiated the terms and conditions of a Stock Purchase Agreement. The
winning bidder agreed to pay $33,500,000 in cash for the stock of AFG,
subject to a final adjustment to take into account cash transactions
between PLM and AFG during the period between signing the agreement and
closing the transaction. The final agreement was scheduled to be submitted
to both boards of directors for approval and, if approved, to be signed in
mid-June 1999 and to close as soon as possible thereafter provided that all
required consents were received and conditions to close were satisfied
before December 31, 1999. The winning bidder's board of directors, however,
failed to approve the final agreement and withdrew from the transaction
stating that the winning bidder had agreed to accept an offer to be
acquired by another party and was accordingly unwilling to proceed.

      At the direction of PLM's Board of Directors, in June 1999 Legg Mason
revised and updated the confidential offering memorandum. The revised and
updated confidential offering memorandum includes the financial
computations that are attached as Annex C to this proxy statement. These
financial computations, which were prepared by PLM, are hypothetical and
make assumptions about cost of capital, tax efficiencies and results of
operations that PLM management believes are not achievable so long as AFG
is owned by PLM. Accordingly, these financial computations are not
projections of the future performance of AFG if it remains a subsidiary of
PLM but rather are a computation of the results that might be achieved if
AFG's cost of capital were lower than what PLM can provide and if the
ability of a buyer to utilize the tax benefits generated by AFG are
significantly greater than PLM's ability.

      Legg Mason subsequently identified 29 parties interested in
purchasing the stock of AFG or the assets of AFG, including some of the
parties that had expressed interest during the first bidding process. By
August 1999, 11 of the newly identified parties had received
confidentiality agreements, 9 of which were signed and returned to Legg
Mason. A total of 12 copies of the revised and updated confidential
offering memorandum were distributed, in response to which Legg Mason
received three indications of interest, including a bid from Guaranty to
purchase AFG for $29,000,000. One of the other indications of interest
included a bid at a lower amount from a party that subsequently indicated
that it was unwilling and unable to increase its bid. This party's bid was
rejected by PLM as being inadequate prior to PLM's receipt of any other
bid. Following receipt of Guaranty's bid, Legg Mason did not convey the
terms of Guaranty's bid to any other party or offer any other party an
opportunity to make a competing bid since there were no other active
bidders at that time.

      After consultation with Legg Mason and additional negotiations
regarding the terms of Guaranty's bid, Guaranty was advised that PLM would
sell AFG to Guaranty for $29,000,000 in cash, subject to negotiation and
execution of a final and binding agreement. Over the course of an
approximately one-month period, PLM and Guaranty negotiated the terms and
conditions of the Stock Sale Agreement, including terms relating to
repayment of AFG's outstanding indebtedness, a post-closing price
adjustment, representations and warranties by PLM and Guaranty,
indemnification for breaches of the agreement and related indemnification
threshold and cap amounts, and Guaranty's Board of Directors approved a
near-final form of the Stock Sale Agreement near the end of that period on
October 18, 1999. Based on the terms and conditions of the near-final form
of the agreement, Legg Mason provided PLM's Board of Directors with its
opinion that the transaction was fair, from a financial point of view, to
PLM and its stockholders. Relying in part on the opinion of Legg Mason,
PLM's Board of Directors unanimously approved the proposed sale on October
19, 1999 and directed the officers of PLM to conclude the negotiation of,
and execute, a definitive version of the Stock Sale Agreement. The
definitive agreement was signed by each of PLM and Guaranty as of October
26, 1999, and PLM publicly announced the agreement to sell AFG by a press
release dated the same date.


      In reaching its decision to recommend and approve the Stock Sale
Agreement, PLM's Board of Directors consulted with its advisors and
considered the material factors described below. Based upon its review of
such factors, PLM's Board of Directors approved the Stock Sale Agreement.

      PLM's Board of Directors considered the following factors in deciding
to approve the Stock Sale Agreement and the transactions contemplated by
the agreement:

     o    PLM's determination that it could not effectively grow AFG's
          business because of disadvantages it faces, when compared to
          competitors, in its cost of capital and its ability to take full
          advantage of the tax benefits available to the owner of such a

     o    The consideration to be paid by Guaranty to PLM consists entirely
          of cash;

     o    The consideration to be paid by Guaranty is superior to all other
          offers received, excluding the previously withdrawn offer to pay
          $33,500,000 in cash for the stock of AFG;

     o    The Stock Sale Agreement does not contain a financing condition
          for Guaranty and, accordingly, PLM is not taking the risk that
          Guaranty will be unable to obtain financing for the proposed

     o    The other terms of the Stock Sale Agreement, which is the product
          of extensive, arm's-length negotiations;

     o    Its determination that the consideration to be received for AFG
          is fair, a determination based on its assessment of the business
          and financial results of AFG as well as the opinion of Legg Mason
          Wood Walker, Incorporated, PLM's financial advisor, that the
          consideration to be received by PLM in the proposed sale is fair
          to PLM and its stockholders from a financial point of view; and

     o    The risk and uncertainty arising from the fact that the sale of
          AFG will reduce significantly PLM's revenues and income from
          operations and the related fact that PLM's results of operations
          will depend in part on the internal rate of return generated by
          the net proceeds from the proposed sale and on the income
          produced by PLM's remaining businesses.

      No other factors considered by PLM's Board of Directors were
considered material to its decision to approve the Stock Sale Agreement and
the transactions contemplated by the agreement. PLM's Board of Directors
did not find it practical to and did not quantify or attempt to attach
relative weight to any of the specific factors considered by it. PLM's
Board of Directors, however, did find that the positive factors listed
above outweighed the potential risks of the proposed sale and found the
opportunity to generate increased stockholder value through completion of
the proposed sale compelling.

      Notwithstanding expectations of PLM's senior management regarding the
benefits to be realized from the proposed sale, no assurance can be given
that PLM will be able to realize such benefits.


      At a special meeting held on October 19, 1999 to consider the Stock
Sale Agreement, PLM's Board of Directors unanimously approved the proposed
sale as being in the best interests of PLM and its stockholders. FOR THE


      Pursuant to an engagement letter dated December 3, 1998, PLM engaged
Legg Mason to act as its exclusive financial advisor and render a fairness
opinion to PLM's Board of Directors with respect to the potential sale of
AFG. Legg Mason, as part of its investment banking business, is continually
engaged in the valuation of businesses and their securities in connection
with mergers and acquisitions, negotiated underwritings, competitive
biddings, secondary distributions of listed and unlisted securities, and
private placements. PLM retained Legg Mason to act as its advisor based on
Legg Mason's general qualifications, reputation, experience and expertise
and on the familiarity Legg Mason had acquired of AFG in acting as
financial advisor and lead underwriter in connection with the proposed
initial public offering of AFG's common stock. See "-- Background of the
Proposed Sale" beginning on page 12.

      On October 19, 1999, Legg Mason delivered to PLM's Board of Directors
its oral opinion, which was subsequently confirmed by written opinion,
dated October 21, 1999 (collectively, the "Opinion"), to the effect that,
as of the date of the Opinion and based on and subject to the assumptions,
factors and limitations set forth in the Opinion and described below, the
consideration proposed to be received by PLM pursuant to the Stock Sale
Agreement was fair, from a financial point of view, to PLM and its
stockholders. A copy of the Opinion is attached to this proxy statement as
Annex B and is incorporated by reference in this summary.

      While Legg Mason rendered its Opinion to PLM's Board of Directors,
Legg Mason was not requested to and did not make any recommendation to
PLM's Board of Directors as to the specific form or amount of the
consideration to be received by PLM in the proposed sale. The Opinion,
which was delivered for use and considered by PLM's Board of Directors, is
directed only to the fairness to PLM and its stockholders, from a financial
point of view, of the proposed consideration to be received by PLM in
connection with the proposed sale. It does not constitute a recommendation
of the proposed sale over any other alternative transaction which may be
available to PLM and does not address the underlying business decision of
PLM's Board of the Directors to proceed with or effect the sale. In
addition, it does not constitute a recommendation to any stockholder of PLM
as to how such stockholder should vote at the stockholders' meeting to be
held in connection with the proposed sale. Legg Mason does not admit that
it is an expert within the meaning of the term "expert" as used in the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations
promulgated under the Securities Act, or that its opinions constitute a
report or valuation within the meaning of Section 11 of the Securities Act
and the rules and regulations promulgated under that section.

      The summary of the Opinion set forth below is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the full text of the Opinion, dated October 21,
1999 and attached to this proxy statement as Annex B. PLM stockholders are
urged to read the Opinion in its entirety for a complete description of the
assumptions made, matters considered and limits of the review undertaken.

      In arriving at the Opinion, among other things, Legg Mason:

     o    reviewed a draft of the Stock Sale Agreement, dated October 15,
          1999, and various related documents;

     o    reviewed AFG's audited financial statements for the years ended
          December 31, 1996 through December 31, 1998;

     o    reviewed the unaudited financial statements of AFG for the nine
          months ended September 30, 1999;

     o    reviewed the financial projections of AFG prepared by the
          management of AFG;

     o    reviewed selected publicly available information concerning AFG;

     o    reviewed and analyzed selected publicly available financial data
          for various companies deemed comparable to AFG;

     o    reviewed and analyzed selected publicly available information for
          transactions deemed comparable to the proposed sale;

     o    performed a discounted cash flow analysis of AFG using various
          assumptions of future performance provided by and discussed with
          the management of AFG;

     o    at the request of PLM's Board of Directors, approached and spoke
          with third parties to solicit indications of interest in the
          possible acquisition of AFG; and

     o    performed such other analyses and reviewed such other information
          as it deemed appropriate.

      In addition, Legg Mason spoke with members of management of AFG and
PLM concerning AFG's financial condition, current operating results and
business outlook.

      For purposes of the Opinion, Legg Mason relied upon and assumed the
accuracy, completeness and fairness of the financial and other information
made available to it and did not attempt to independently verify such
information. Legg Mason relied upon the assurances of the management of PLM
and AFG that the information provided by PLM and AFG had a reasonable basis
and, with respect to financial planning data and other business outlook
information, reflected the best available estimates, and that they were not
aware of any information or fact that would make the information provided
to Legg Mason incomplete or misleading. Legg Mason relied, without
independent verification, on the assessments by the management of PLM and
AFG. In arriving at the Opinion, Legg Mason did not perform, nor was it
furnished, any appraisal or valuation of specific assets or liabilities of
AFG and expressed no opinion regarding the liquidation value of any entity.
No limitations were imposed by PLM or AFG on the scope of Legg Mason's
investigation or the procedures to be followed in rendering its Opinion.
The Opinion is based upon information available to Legg Mason and the facts
and circumstances as they existed and were subject to evaluation on the
date of the Opinion. Events occurring after such date could materially
affect the assumptions used in preparing the Opinion.

      Legg Mason performed various financial and comparative analyses,
including those summarized below, which it discussed with PLM's Board of
Directors on October 19, 1999. The discussion below summarizes the material
analyses performed by Legg Mason, all of which were reviewed with PLM's
Board of Directors in connection with rendering the Opinion.

      Summary of Proposal. In the preparation of the Opinion, Legg Mason
assumed, based on information provided by PLM, that the total adjusted
purchase price would equal $36.3 million, representing the base purchase
price of $29.0 million and various adjustments under the Stock Sale
Agreement. In addition, Legg Mason assumed, based on information provided
by PLM, that PLM would retain approximately $7.5 million of AFG's deferred
tax liabilities. Based on the adjusted purchase price less the assumed
retained liabilities, Legg Mason calculated the price to book value, price
to last twelve months earnings and price to projected 1999 earnings
multiples. This analysis yielded a price to book value multiple of 0.9x, a
price to last twelve months earnings multiple of 15.9x (based on pro forma
net income excluding specific one-time charges) and a price to projected
1999 earnings multiples of 15.6x (based on estimates of AFG's senior
management and excluding specific one-time charges).

      Comparable Merger and Acquisition Analysis. Legg Mason reviewed
selected transactions that were completed or proposed from January 1, 1998
to the present involving 100% acquired companies operating in the equipment
leasing sector deemed comparable to AFG. This analysis was based on
publicly available information obtained from Securities and Exchange
Commission filings, public company disclosures, press releases, industry
and popular press reports, data bases and other sources. This search
yielded five transactions deemed comparable and for which valuation data
was available. Based on its analysis of the comparable transactions, Legg
Mason derived the median, mean and ranges of various financial performance
and valuation multiples for the comparable transaction group, as such
information was available, and compared such multiples to AFG's comparable
multiples. Based on its review, for four of the target companies in
comparable transactions, Legg Mason derived median and mean latest twelve
months return on ending assets of 1.6% and 1.4%, and a range of 0.4% to
2.0% (compared to 1.1% for AFG); and, median and mean latest twelve months
return on ending equity of 8.2% and 9.8%, and a range of 3.4% to 19.3%
(compared to 7.2% for AFG). Legg Mason also derived the comparable
transaction group's median and mean equity value to latest twelve month net
income multiples of 14.2x and 20.1x, and range of 8.5x to 37.8x (compared
to a multiple of 15.9x for AFG). Legg Mason also derived for four of the
comparable transactions the median and mean equity value to book value
multiples of 1.5x and 1.6x, and range of 0.9x to 2.3x (compared to a
multiple of 0.9x for AFG). This analysis indicated an imputed range for all
of AFG's equity of $15.4 million to $74.4 million, based on the high and
low imputed range of the foregoing analysis.

      Comparable Public Company Analysis. Legg Mason reviewed information
relating to seven publicly traded companies involved in equipment leasing.
Share pricing for publicly traded companies in the public market reflects
the value of a minority interest and does not reflect a control premium.
Based on its review, Legg Mason derived for the comparable public companies
median and mean latest twelve months net margins of 6.5% and 7.4%, and a
range of 0.2% to 16.5% (compared to 6.9% for AFG); median and mean latest
twelve months return on average assets of 1.6% and 2.4%, and a range of
0.2% to 5.8% (compared to 0.9% for AFG); median and mean latest twelve
months return on average equity of 8.7% and 9.5%, and a range of 1.4% to
17.4% (compared to 7.2% for AFG); and median and mean total debt to equity
ratios of 4.0x and 4.1x, and a range of 1.6x to 7.6x (compared to 5.2x for
AFG). Legg Mason also derived for the comparable public companies median
and mean price to latest twelve month earnings multiples of 9.0x and 12.6x,
and a range of 3.6x to 42.9x (compared to a multiple of 15.9x for AFG);
and, median and mean equity value to book value multiples of 0.6x and 0.8x,
and a range of 0.2x to 2.0x (compared to a 0.9x multiple for AFG). Legg
Mason also derived for four of the comparable public companies median and
mean price to projected fiscal year 1999 earnings (as reported by the
Institutional Brokers Estimate System) multiples of 7.2x and 7.2x, and a
range of 5.7x to 8.5x (compared to a multiple of 15.6x for AFG). This
analysis indicated an imputed range for all of AFG's equity of $6.5 million
to $77.8 million, based on the high and low imputed range of the foregoing

      Discounted Cash Flow Analysis. Using a discounted cash flow analysis,
Legg Mason calculated a range of theoretical values for all of AFG's
capital stock based on the net present value of the future streams of after
tax cash flows that AFG could produce on a stand-alone basis from 2000
through 2003 and distribute to stockholders ("dividendable net income"). In
this analysis, Legg Mason assumed that AFG performed in accordance with the
earnings forecasts provided to Legg Mason by AFG's senior management, and
that AFG's common equity to total assets ratio would be maintained at a
minimum 13.0% level. Legg Mason estimated the terminal values for AFG's
equity value from 7 to 16 times AFG's 2003 estimated dividendable net
income. The dividendable net income streams and terminal values were then
discounted to present values using different discount rates (ranging from
12% to 20%) chosen to reflect different assumptions regarding required
rates of return of holders or prospective buyers of AFG. This discounted
cash flow analysis indicated an aggregate net present value for all of
AFG's equity of $15.0 million to $30.7 million. As indicated above, this
analysis was based on AFG's senior management estimates and is not
necessarily indicative of actual values or actual future results and does
not purport to reflect the prices at which any securities may trade at the
present or at any time in the future. Legg Mason noted that the discounted
cash flow analysis was included because it is a widely used valuation
methodology, but noted that the results of such methodology are highly
dependent upon the numerous assumptions that must be made, including
earnings growth rates, dividend payout rates, terminal values and discount

      In reaching its conclusions as to the fairness to PLM and its
stockholders of the consideration to be received by PLM in the proposed
sale and in its discussion with PLM's Board of Directors, Legg Mason did
not rely on any single analysis or factor described above, assign relative
weights to the analyses or factors considered by it, or make any
conclusions as to how the results of any given analysis, taken alone,
supported its Opinion. The preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex
process and not necessarily susceptible to partial analyses or summary
description. Legg Mason believes that its analyses must be considered as a
whole and that selecting portions of its analyses and of the factors
considered by it, without considering all factors and analyses, would
create a misleading view of the process underlying the Opinion. The
analyses of Legg Mason are not necessarily indicative of actual values or
future results, which may be significantly more or less favorable than
suggested by such analyses. Analyses relating to the value of companies do
not purport to be appraisals or valuations or necessarily reflect the price
at which companies may actually be sold. No company or transaction used in
any comparable analysis as a comparison is identical to AFG or the proposed
sale. Accordingly, an analysis of the results is not mathematical; rather
it involves complex considerations and judgments concerning, among other
things, differences in financial and operating characteristics of the
comparable companies and other factors that could affect the public trading
value of such companies.

      AFG paid Legg Mason a total of $100,000 in connection with the
proposed initial public offering of AFG's common stock to reimburse Legg
Mason for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the proposed
initial public offering. For acting as financial advisor to PLM in
connection with the proposed sale, PLM has agreed to pay Legg Mason fees as

     o    a retainer fee of $50,000, which was paid on December 4, 1998;

     o    a fairness opinion fee of $75,000, payable upon Legg Mason
          rendering the Opinion; and

     o    1.5% of the aggregate total transaction consideration, which is
          contingent upon and due upon consummation of the proposed sale.

      PLM also has agreed to pay the out-of-pocket expenses of Legg Mason
incurred in acting as its exclusive financial advisor, not to exceed
$25,000 without PLM's consent. Additionally, PLM has agreed to indemnify
Legg Mason and various related persons, whether or not the proposed sale is
completed, against specific liabilities relating to or arising out of its
engagement, including liabilities arising under the securities laws. Legg
Mason will not receive any fees other than the retainer fee of $50,000 and
the fairness opinion fee of $75,000 if the proposed sale is not completed.


      PLM estimates that it will receive net after-tax proceeds of
approximately $28.5 million upon completion of the proposed sale. PLM plans
to invest these proceeds in short-term money market accounts while its
Board of Directors evaluates various strategic alternatives. Depending on
tax and financial considerations and the progress we may make in
implementing our plans to maximize stockholder value, we may decide to use
some or all of the proceeds from the sale of AFG to fund a self-tender for
PLM's stock.


      After the sale, AFG and its continuing subsidiaries will be treated
for accounting purposes as a discontinued operation of PLM. This means that
financial statements for all prior periods will be restated to show the
operations of AFG and its continuing subsidiaries separately from PLM's
continuing operations. PLM's loss on the sale will be measured by the
difference between the amount paid by Guaranty and the net book value of
the assets sold, reduced by transaction costs and applicable taxes.


      If completed, the proposed sale of AFG by PLM will not result in any
United States federal income tax consequences to you. The proposed sale,
however, will be a taxable event to PLM for United States federal income
tax purposes.


      PLM stockholders are not entitled to appraisal rights under the
Delaware General Corporation Law with respect to the proposed sale or any
other transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement.


      Pursuant to the Stock Sale Agreement, on December 28, 1999 the
parties made the appropriate filings required under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, in connection with the
transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement, and the consummation
of the proposed sale is subject to the expiration or early termination of
the waiting period prescribed under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act. The parties
request for early termination of the applicable waiting period under the
Hart-Scott-Rodino Act was granted effective January 11, 2000.

      Also, pursuant to the Stock Sale Agreement, Guaranty made the
appropriate filings with the Office of Thrift Supervision and the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation on November 23, 1999 in connection with the
transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement. On November 26,
1999, Guaranty received confirmation from the FDIC that its filing met the
FDIC requirements and that nothing further was required from the FDIC. On
December 13, 1999, Guaranty filed an amendment letter to its application
with the OTS to confirm that AFG would dispose of all of the leases held by
it where affiliates of Guaranty were lessees prior to the closing of the
proposed sale and that Guaranty would not acquire those assets. Guaranty
received correspondence from the OTS dated December 20, 1999 consenting to
Guaranty's notice.


      Pursuant to the Stock Sale Agreement, at Guaranty's option, at the
completion of the proposed sale, PLM and AFG will enter into the Transition
Services Agreement under which PLM will continue to provide various
accounting and related services to AFG for a limited period of time.


      The following discussion of the terms and conditions of the Stock
Sale Agreement, while materially complete, is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the provisions of the Stock Sale Agreement, which is attached
to this proxy statement as Annex A and incorporated by reference in this
proxy statement. Terms not otherwise defined in this discussion have the
respective meanings set forth in the Stock Sale Agreement.


      The base purchase price for the stock of AFG is $29 million in cash
subject to adjustment as described below. PLM will prepare a closing date
balance sheet of AFG and its continuing subsidiaries and will deliver it to
Guaranty within sixty calendar days after the closing date. Guaranty will
have an opportunity to object to the closing date balance sheet, and the
Stock Sale Agreement contains a dispute resolution procedure in the event
Guaranty does so object. To object, Guaranty must give to PLM, within
thirty days following receipt of the closing date balance sheet, a notice
of disagreement specifying the nature and amount of any disagreement
relating to the closing date balance sheet. During the thirty-day period
following the timely delivery of a notice of disagreement, Guaranty and PLM
must try to resolve by written agreement the differences they have relating
to matters included in the notice. If they resolve these differences during
the thirty-day period, PLM will deliver to Guaranty, within two business
days after execution of the written agreement, a revised closing date
balance sheet reflecting the terms of that agreement. If any differences
remain unresolved after the thirty-day period, the parties will submit
those differences for review and resolution to a nationally recognized
accounting firm in the United States selected by them or, if they are
unable to agree, selected jointly by their independent accountants. The
accounting firm will deliver, as soon as practicable following its
selection, a final determination with respect to the unresolved issues,
which determination will be binding on the parties. Within two business
days following delivery by the accounting firm of its final determination
in writing to the parties, PLM will deliver to Guaranty a revised closing
date balance sheet reflecting any written agreement by the parties and any
final determination made by the accounting firm.

      The base purchase price will be (1) increased or decreased, as
appropriate, by the net amount by which stockholders' equity as reflected
in the closing date balance sheet differs from stockholders' equity as
reflected in the consolidated balance sheet as of June 30, 1999 of AFG and
its consolidated subsidiaries and (2) increased, in either case, by
$150,000. The adjustment of the base purchase price will result in a final
purchase price. If the base purchase price is more than the final purchase
price, PLM will pay to Guaranty the amount of the difference in price
together with interest on the difference. If the base purchase price is
less than the final purchase price, Guaranty will pay to PLM the amount of
the difference in price together with interest on the difference. Payment
of the difference in price will be made within five business days after
delivery of the final closing date balance sheet to Guaranty.


      The sale and transfer of the Shares by PLM to Guaranty will take
place on the later of (1) January 14, 2000 and (2) five business days
following the satisfaction and/or waiver of all the conditions to closing
set forth in Article VI of the Stock Sale Agreement, unless another date or
place is agreed to in writing by PLM and Guaranty.


      The Stock Sale Agreement contains various representations and
warranties by PLM and Guaranty. These include representations and
warranties by PLM as to (1) the organization, good standing, and
capitalization of PLM, AFG and AFG's continuing subsidiaries, (2) proper
corporate authority, no conflicts, no violations and requisite approvals,
(3) ownership and possession of the Shares, (4) conveyance of good title to
the Shares, (5) accuracy of financial statements, books and records, (6)
absence of undisclosed liabilities, (7) outstanding indebtedness, (8)
absence of certain changes, (9) title to and condition of assets, (10)
properties leased by AFG and its continuing subsidiaries, (11) Leases, (12)
certain contracts and commitments, (13) customers and lenders, (14) bank
accounts, (15) casualty losses, (16) material litigation, (17)
environmental matters, (18) compliance with laws, (19) employee benefit
plans, (20) tax matters, (21) intellectual property, (22) labor matters,
(23) brokers, finders and fees, (24) Year 2000 readiness, (25) insurance,
(26) employee compensation and (27) AFG's non-continuing subsidiaries.

      The Stock Sale Agreement also contains representations and warranties
of Guaranty, including representations and warranties as to: (1) the
organization and good standing of Guaranty, (2) proper corporate authority,
no conflicts, no violations and requisite approvals, (3) acquisition of the
Shares for investment, (4) availability of funds, (5) material litigation
and (6) brokers, finders and fees.

      For a description of the survivability of the representations and
warranties and related indemnification, see "-- Indemnification; Survival
of Indemnification Obligations" beginning on page 24.


      The Stock Sale Agreement also contains various covenants of PLM.
During the period from the date of the Stock Sale Agreement to the closing
date, PLM will cause AFG and its continuing subsidiaries to conduct their
business and operations in the ordinary course consistent with past
practice and use all reasonable efforts to preserve the business of AFG and
to preserve the goodwill of customers, suppliers and others having business
relations with AFG. PLM will also cause AFG to provide Guaranty access to
information subject to the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement. Each of
the parties agrees to use its best efforts to make all filings and obtain
all licenses, consents and approvals of governmental authorities and other
third parties necessary to complete the proposed sale. In addition, PLM
will take, and will cause AFG to take, all action necessary to enable
Guaranty to repay, simultaneously with the closing, then outstanding
indebtedness to any Company Lender owed by AFG and its continuing
subsidiaries. The Stock Sale Agreement also contains agreements with
respect to tax matters. PLM also agrees to convene the special meeting of
stockholders described in this proxy statement for the purpose of obtaining
PLM stockholder authorization of the proposed sale.


      In the Stock Sale Agreement, PLM agrees that, for 90 days from the
date of the agreement, it will not authorize or permit any officer,
director, employee or agent of AFG to solicit, initiate or enter into any
agreement with respect to any inquiries or proposals to acquire the Shares
or a material portion of the assets of AFG or its continuing subsidiaries,
whether by sale, merger, consolidation, reorganization, exchange or


      Persons who are employees of AFG or its continuing subsidiaries
immediately prior to the closing are referred to in the Stock Sale
Agreement as "retained employees". Pursuant to the Stock Sale Agreement,
Guaranty will cause AFG to provide these retained employees with the
benefits of a retention bonus program, which is comprised of AFG's
obligations under various agreements between it and some of its employees.
These agreements provide for AFG to pay a retention bonus under specified
circumstances and to pay or provide severance benefits under specified
circumstances. From and after the consummation of the proposed sale, PLM
will have no obligations under the retention bonus program except to the
extent that it must indemnify Guaranty, Guaranty's affiliates, AFG and
AFG's continuing subsidiaries against claims relating to the program with
respect to any act or failure to act by PLM, AFG or AFG's continuing
subsidiaries prior to the consummation of the sale.

      If any retained employee is discharged by AFG as of or after the
closing, Guaranty will be responsible for any and all severance costs for
that employee under those agreements, plans or arrangements listed in the
disclosure schedule to the Stock Sale Agreement. Guaranty will be
responsible and assume all liability for all notices or payments due to any
retained employees or to any governmental entity pursuant to any law,
statute, rule or regulation, including the Worker Adjustment and Retraining
Notification Act, with respect to the employment, discharge or layoff of
employees by AFG after the closing.

      From and after the closing, Guaranty will be responsible for any and
all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses and other liabilities and
obligations relating to (1) compensation and plan benefits accrued by PLM
but unpaid as of the closing and post-closing bonuses due to any retained
employee, (2) liabilities assumed by Guaranty under, and failure to comply
with, provisions of the Stock Sale Agreement with respect to employees and
employee benefits and (3) claims of, or damages or penalties sought by, any
retained employee or governmental entity arising from the employment,
discharge, layoff or termination of any retained employee on or after the
closing date. However, Guaranty will not have liability to the extent that
such liability relates to facts and circumstances that should have been,
but were not, disclosed to Guaranty pursuant to the Stock Sale Agreement.

      PLM will be responsible for any and all claims, losses, damages,
costs and expenses and other liabilities and obligations relating to claims
of, or damages or penalties sought by, any retained employee, former
employee of PLM and its affiliates or governmental entity arising from the
employment, discharge, layoff or termination of any such employee prior to
the closing.

      If PLM's group insurance plans permit, at the request of Guaranty,
PLM will continue to cover retained employees under such plans for 90 days
after the closing. AFG will reimburse PLM for the premiums allocable to the
retained employees.


      General Closing Conditions. The respective obligations of each party
to effect the sale and transfer of the Shares are subject to the
satisfaction or waiver at or prior to the closing date of various
conditions, including the following: (1) the absence of any statute, rule
or regulation enacted or promulgated by any governmental entity that would
reasonably be expected to prohibit or invalidate the sale of the Shares or
materially and adversely affect Guaranty's ownership of the Shares or
operation of AFG or its continuing subsidiaries; (2) the absence of any
action, suit or proceeding pending or threatened before any governmental
entity that would reasonably be expected to prohibit or invalidate the sale
of the Shares or materially and adversely affect Guaranty's ownership of
the Shares or operation of AFG or its continuing subsidiaries; (3) the
applicable waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act having expired or
been terminated and the requisite approval from the Office of Thrift
Supervision having been obtained; (4) all material consents of any person
necessary to effect the closing having been obtained; and (5) the
authorization of the proposed sale by PLM's stockholders as contemplated by
Section 271 of the Delaware General Corporation Law.

      Guaranty's Closing Conditions. The obligation of Guaranty to effect
the closing is further subject to the satisfaction or waiver on or prior to
the closing date of the following conditions: (1) the absence of any
injunction, order, suit, action or proceeding, pending or threatened, by
any governmental entity or other person seeking to restrain or prohibit the
proposed sale, obtain damages that are material or that would adversely
affect the benefit of the proposed sale to Guaranty or materially limit
Guaranty's exercise of its rights of ownership of the Shares; (2) the
delivery by PLM prior to the closing date of a copy of a Payoff Letter from
each Company Lender that (a) is acceptable to Guaranty and (b) has been
duly executed by such Company Lender; (3) the representations and
warranties of PLM in the Stock Sale Agreement that are qualified as to
materiality being true and complete and any such representations and
warranties that are not so qualified being true and complete in all
material respects as of the date of the agreement and as of the closing
date as if made on and as of the closing date (except to the extent that
any such representation or warranty is made as of a specific date, in which
case such representation or warranty will be true and complete, or true and
complete in all material respects, as the case may be, as of such specified
date); (4) PLM having performed and complied in all material respects with
all agreements, covenants and conditions required by the Stock Sale
Agreement to be performed or complied with by it on or prior to the closing
date; (5) Guaranty having received a certificate of an authorized officer
of PLM to the effect that the condition relating to the authorization of
the proposed sale by the stockholders and the conditions in paragraphs (3)
and (4) above have been satisfied and that there has been no material
adverse change in the assets, properties, business or financial condition
of AFG since June 30, 1999; (6) Guaranty having received a written opinion
of counsel for PLM as to (a) the due incorporation of PLM, AFG and AFG's
continuing subsidiaries, (b) the due authorization of the execution and
delivery by PLM of the Stock Sale Agreement and the Transition Services
Agreement and the consummation by PLM of the transactions contemplated by
those agreements, (c) the valid and binding nature of the Stock Sale
Agreement and the Transition Services Agreement, (d) the lack of conflict
of the Stock Sale Agreement and the Transition Services Agreement with the
Certificate of Incorporation or by-laws of either PLM or AFG, and (e)
governmental approvals required for the authorization, execution, delivery
or performance by PLM or AFG of the Stock Sale Agreement or the Transition
Services Agreement; (7) if requested by Guaranty, the Transition Services
Agreement having been executed and delivered; (8) the transfer of the
Inland Leases in accordance with applicable law or receipt of written
evidence from the Office of Thrift Supervision that such transfer is not
required; (9) the receipt by AFG at the closing of written evidence
satisfactory to Guaranty from each Company Lender that, upon payment of the
amounts set forth in the Payoff Letters, the outstanding indebtedness to
each Company Lender will have been fully repaid and that all encumbrances
on the assets and properties of AFG and its continuing subsidiaries
resulting from such indebtedness will be discharged and released; (10)
Guaranty having received reasonably satisfactory evidence of the transfer
of all of the outstanding capital stock of AFG's non-continuing
subsidiaries and the entire limited partnership interest of AFG in Eireann
II and Eireann III; (11) Guaranty having received reasonably satisfactory
evidence of the assignment by AFG on or before the closing date of all
agreements, contracts, understandings or arrangements relating to the
Eireann Programs to which or by which AFG or any continuing subsidiary of
AFG is a party or bound; (12) the transactions contemplated by the Stock
Sale Agreement not having been abandoned; (13) the absence of any material
adverse change in the assets, properties, business or condition of AFG and
its continuing subsidiaries, taken as a whole, since June 30, 1999; (14)
the receipt by Guaranty of all the documents with respect to AFG, AFG's
continuing subsidiaries, the Shares and the transactions contemplated by
the Stock Sale Agreement as reasonably required by Guaranty; and (15) AFG
and its continuing subsidiaries not having entered into various
transactions between the date of the Stock Sale Agreement and the closing
date. With respect to the condition described in clause (8) above, AFG
intends to dispose of the Inland Leases on commercially reasonable terms,
although there can be no assurance that it will not recognize a loss upon
such disposal.

      PLM's Closing Conditions. The obligation of PLM to effect the closing
is further subject to satisfaction or waiver on or prior to the closing
date of the following conditions: (1) the absence of any suit, action or
proceeding, pending or threatened, seeking to restrain or prohibit the
proposed sale or obtain material damages; (2) the representations and
warranties of Guaranty in the Stock Sale Agreement that are qualified as to
materiality being true and complete and any such representations and
warranties that are not so qualified being true and complete in all
material respects as of the date of the agreement and as of the closing
date as if made on and as of the closing date (except to the extent that
any such representation or warranty is made as of a specific date, in which
case such representation or warranty will be true and complete, or true and
complete in all material respects, as the case may be, as of such specified
date); (3) the transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement not
having been abandoned; and (4) PLM having received a written opinion of
counsel for Guaranty as to (a) the due authorization of the execution and
delivery by Guaranty of the Stock Sale Agreement and the Transition
Services Agreement and the consummation by Guaranty of the transactions
contemplated by those agreements, (b) the valid and binding nature of the
Stock Sale Agreement and the Transition Services Agreement, (c) the lack of
conflict of the Stock Sale Agreement and the Transition Services Agreement
with the Articles of Incorporation or by-laws of Guaranty, and (d)
governmental approvals required for the authorization, execution, delivery
or performance by Guaranty of the Stock Sale Agreement or the Transition
Services Agreement.

      PLM currently has no intention of waiving any of the foregoing
conditions. In the unlikely event that the PLM Board of Directors were to
determine to waive one or more of the conditions in such a way that could
materially and adversely affect PLM, PLM would mail additional information
to its stockholders concerning the potential consequences to PLM arising
from the waiver of such conditions and the consummation of the proposed
sale and would resolicit proxies from its stockholders with respect to the
approval of the proposed sale.


      The transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement may be
abandoned at any time prior to the closing date: (1) by mutual written
consent of PLM and Guaranty; (2) by PLM or Guaranty, if any governmental
entity has issued an order, decree or ruling or taken other action
permanently restraining, enjoining or otherwise prohibiting the
transactions contemplated by the Stock Sale Agreement and such order,
decree, ruling or other action has become final and nonappealable; (3) by
PLM or Guaranty if the closing has not occurred on or prior to March 15,
2000 and such party is not in material breach of the agreement at the time
such party abandons the transactions contemplated by the agreement; (4) by
Guaranty if, in its opinion, a supplement or amendment made by PLM after
signing to correct the disclosure schedule materially and adversely affects
the benefits to Guaranty under the Stock Sale Agreement; (5) by PLM in the
event of any breach by Guaranty in any material respect of any of its
representations, warranties, covenants or other agreements in the Stock
Sale Agreement that would cause the failure of a closing condition and that
has not been or cannot be cured within a specified period of time; or (6)
by Guaranty in the event of any breach by PLM of any representation,
warranty, covenant or other agreement in the Stock Sale Agreement that
would cause the failure of a closing condition and that has not been or
cannot be cured within a specified period of time.

      In the event of abandonment of the transactions contemplated by the
agreement, there is no liability or obligation on the part of PLM or
Guaranty, except for fraud or willful breach of the Stock Sale Agreement
prior to abandonment and, except that the provisions regarding fees and
expenses will survive abandonment.


      PLM has agreed to indemnify, defend and hold Guaranty harmless from
and against and in respect of all losses and liabilities incurred by any of
AFG, AFG's continuing subsidiaries, Guaranty and their affiliates arising
out of any breach by PLM, whether before of after the closing, of any of
its representations and warranties or covenants and agreements contained in
or made by or pursuant to the Stock Sale Agreement; provided that such
losses or liabilities will not include the matters referred to in Section
8.1(b) of the Stock Sale Agreement or the amount of any loss or liability
to the extent such amount reduces stockholders' equity as reflected on the
final closing date balance sheet. PLM will also indemnify and hold
Guaranty, AFG and AFG's continuing subsidiaries harmless from and against
tax liabilities referred to in Section 8.1(b) of the agreement. Except with
respect to losses relating to (1) PLM's authority to execute and deliver
the Stock Sale Agreement, (2) PLM's ownership and possession of the Shares,
(3) various tax matters, (4) brokers and finders fees, (5) a previously
contemplated initial public offering of AFG securities and a previously
proposed acquisition of AFG, neither of which was completed, (6) tax claims
under Section 8.1(b), and (7) PLM's solicitation of proxies in connection
with obtaining authorization of the proposed sale or the special meeting of
PLM stockholders, PLM will not have to reimburse Guaranty for losses unless
the aggregate amount of such losses exceeds 1% of the Final Purchase Price
and, in that event, only to the extent such losses exceed 1% of the Final
Purchase Price. In no event will PLM's aggregate liability for breaches of
representations or warranties, covenants or agreements exceed 75% of the
Final Purchase Price.

      Guaranty will indemnify and hold PLM and its subsidiaries and
affiliates harmless from and against (1) taxes imposed on AFG for taxable
years or periods beginning after the closing date, (2) taxes specifically
identified and reflected as a liability on the June 30, 1999 balance sheet,
(3) taxes resulting from transactions or actions taken by AFG on the
closing date that are properly allocable to the portion of the closing date
after the closing, and (4) transfer taxes for which Guaranty is liable.

      PLM's indemnification obligations will survive until the second
anniversary of the closing date except that PLM's indemnification
obligations relating to (1) losses arising under ERISA or various tax
matters will survive until the sixth anniversary of the closing date, (2)
tax claims under Section 8.1(b) will survive until expiration of applicable
tax statute of limitations (including extensions of time for assessment
granted to the applicable taxing authority) and (3) losses relating to the
previously contemplated initial public offering of AFG securities and
previously proposed acquisition of AFG, PLM's solicitation of proxies in
connection with obtaining authorization of the proposed sale or the special
meeting of PLM stockholders, PLM's authority to execute and deliver the
Stock Sale Agreement, and brokers and finders fees will survive until the
expiration of the applicable statute limitations. The parties agree that no
claims or causes of action may be brought against PLM or Guaranty based
upon, directly or indirectly, any of the representations, warranties or
agreements contained in Articles III and IV of the Stock Sale Agreement
after the applicable survival period or, except as otherwise provided in
the agreement, any termination of the Stock Sale Agreement.


      Whether or not the proposed sale is completed, all costs and expenses
incurred in connection with the Stock Sale Agreement and the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by the agreement will be paid by the party
incurring those expenses, except as specifically provided in the Stock Sale
Agreement and except that PLM and Guaranty will each bear 50% of the fee
payable in connection with the pre-merger notification filing required by
the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act.


      Guaranty is not purchasing, acquiring or otherwise obtaining, and AFG
will not be entitled to retain following the closing date, any right, title
or interest in any trademarks employing PLM's name or any part or variation
of PLM's name or anything confusingly similar to PLM's name. Following the
closing, neither AFG nor Guaranty or its affiliates will make any use of
PLM's trademarks from and after the sale. In addition, following the
closing, neither PLM nor any of its affiliates will use, or have any right
to, the name "American Finance Group" or the acronym "AFG" or any variants
of either of the two or anything confusingly similar to either of the two.


      In an amendment dated as of January 24, 2000, PLM and Guaranty agreed
to amend Section 7.1(c) of the Stock Sale Agreement to change the date
referenced in that section from March 1, 2000 to March 15, 2000.

                        MARKET PRICE DATA; DIVIDENDS

      PLM's common stock is listed on the American Stock Exchange under the
symbol "PLM". The table below sets forth, for the calendar periods
indicated, the high and low intra-day sales price per share of PLM common
stock as reported by the AMEX.

                                                HIGH             LOW
First Quarter....................             $3.813          $3.000
Second Quarter...................              6.375           3.500
Third Quarter....................              6.000           5.500
Fourth Quarter...................              5.875           5.125
First Quarter....................             $6.250          $5.063
Second Quarter...................              9.250           5.813
Third Quarter....................              7.750           5.438
Fourth Quarter...................              7.000           5.063
First Quarter....................             $6.375          $5.313
Second Quarter...................              7.000           5.375
Third Quarter....................              5.938           4.375
Fourth Quarter...................              6.156           4.375

     On October 25, 1999, the last full trading day before the public
announcement of the proposed sale, the high sales price per share of PLM
common stock, as quoted by the AMEX, was $5.063 and the low sales price per
share was $4.938.

     The closing sales price for the shares of PLM common stock as reported
by the AMEX on February 1, 2000 (the latest practicable date prior to
mailing this proxy statement) was $6.188. As of the close of business on
the record date, there were approximately 3,068 holders of record of PLM
common stock.

     On July 24, 1997, PLM redeemed all outstanding share purchase rights
under its Shareholder Rights Plan at a cost of $.01 per right. Between
January 1, 1997 and December 29, 1999 PLM repurchased a total of 1,232,076
shares of its common stock. Except as described in the preceding sentences,
since November 1991 PLM has not paid cash dividends on or repurchased any
of its common stock. PLM currently intends to retain its earnings and does
not anticipate paying any cash dividends in the foreseeable future. See the
consolidated financial statements of PLM and the accompanying notes
contained in PLM's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 1998 and quarterly report on Form 10-Q/A for the nine-month period
ended September 30, 1999, which are included with the materials mailed with
this proxy statement, concerning restrictions on dividends.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

     The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information
as of September 30, 1999 and for the nine months ended September 30, 1999
and 1998 and the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 presented in
this proxy statement gives effect to PLM's sale of AFG and its continuing
subsidiaries. For purposes of the unaudited pro forma condensed
consolidated financial information, the term "AFG" means AFG and its
continuing subsidiaries. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated
statement of income for the nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998
and the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statements of income for
the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 assume that the proposed
sale occurred on January 1, 1996. Accordingly, the pro forma financial
information for the 1999 and 1998 periods is based upon the historical
financial statements of PLM and AFG for the nine months ended September 30,
1999 and 1998. The pro forma financial information for 1998, 1997 and 1996
is based upon the historical financial statements of PLM and AFG.

     The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements
give effect to events that are directly attributable to the proposed sale.
Explanations for these adjustments are included in the notes accompanying
the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet and income

     PLM's unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial information
should be read in conjunction with the historical financial statements of
PLM and the information contained in PLM's "Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" contained in
PLM's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998 and
quarterly report on Form 10-Q/A for the nine-month period ended September
30, 1999, which are included with the materials mailed with this proxy
statement. The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial data
should not be construed to be indicative of our financial condition,
results of operations or covenant compliance had the proposed sale and
events described above been completed on the dates assumed and are not
intended to project our financial condition on any future date or our
results of operations for any future period.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                             SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

                                                                                    PROPOSED                   UNAUDITED
                                              HISTORICAL             AFG           TRANSACTION                 PRO FORMA
                                           ----------------     --------------   ---------------------       --------------
                                                                             (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)
Cash and cash equivalents................  $          2,675     $         (360)         28,544  (3)          $     30,859
Receivables..............................             8,499             (1,337)             --                      7,162
Receivables from affiliates..............             3,213                 --              --                      3,213
Investment in direct finance
  leases, net............................           120,548           (118,841)             --                      1,707
Loan receivable..........................            23,445            (23,445)             --                         --
Assets held for sale.....................             8,004                 --              --                      8,004
Equity interest in affiliates............            19,743                 --              --                     19,743
Trailer equipment held for operating
  leases, net............................            78,040                 --              --                     78,040
Commercial and industrial equipment
  held for operating leases, net.........            19,638            (19,638)             --                         --
Restricted cash and cash equivalents.....            10,018             (8,473)             --                      1,545
Other, net...............................             5,773             (2,023)             --                      3,750
                                           ----------------    ----------------    -------------          ----------------
Total assets.............................  $        299,596    $      (174,117)    $    28,544             $      154,023
                                           ================    ================    =============          ================
Short-term secured debt..................  $         27,700    $       (20,100)    $        --             $        7,600
Long-term recourse debt..................            73,273                 --              --                     73,273
Nonrecourse securitized debt.............           110,679           (110,679)             --                         --
Payables and other liabilities...........            13,907             (3,450)             --                     10,457
Deferred income taxes....................            23,042            (14,550)          3,655 (2)                 12,147
Stockholders' equity.....................            50,995            (25,338)         24,889 (2)                 50,546
                                           ----------------     ----------------   -------------          -----------------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $        299,596     $     (174,117)    $    28,544            $       154,023
                                           ================     ================   =============          =================

The notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial
statements are an integral part of this statement.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

1.   AFG

     The pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet gives effect to the
proposed sale assuming the sale occurred on September 30, 1999.


     The proposed transaction assumes the following for PLM (in millions of

Net sales proceeds.................................................................  $33.9
AFG net book value at September 30, 1999...........................................  (25.3)
AFG estimated after tax earnings through closing (retained by PLM).................    0.3
Additional transaction tax liability of PLM due to 338 (h)(10) election
    on sale of AFG ................................................................   (9.3)
   Loss from transaction...........................................................  $(0.4)

     The net loss amount has been included in stockholders' equity in the
pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 1999.


     The pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet assumes for the
purpose of this presentation that the net sales proceeds of $28.5 million
on from the proposed sale of AFG, net of $5.4 million deemed payable on the
transaction, will be deposited into the bank and are presumed to be
non-interest bearing cash for the pro forma statements of income.


     The actual sale proceeds at the closing date will be adjusted from the
amounts presented herein on a dollar for dollar basis for increases or
decreases in stockholders' equity of AFG between June 30, 1999 and the
closing date.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

                                                  HISTORICAL            AFG           ADJUSTMENTS          PRO FORMA
                                              ------------------   -------------     -------------         ---------

                                                              (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Total revenues................................$           45,156         (19,676)  $             -      $     25,480
Operations support............................            14,018          (4,672)              597(2)          9,943
General and administrative....................             4,851               -                --             4,851
Depreciation and amortization.................            11,383          (5,732)               --             5,651
Operating income..............................            14,904          (9,272)             (597)            5,035

Interest expense..............................           (11,249)          7,387              (45)(7)         (3,907)
Interest income...............................               680            (428)                -               252
Other income (expense)........................              (398)            975                 -               577
Provision for (benefit from) income tax.......             1,543            (515)             (244)(5)           784
Income (loss) from continuing operations......$            2,394      $    (823)   $          (398)     $       1,173

Basic earnings weighted-average
   per share from continuing operations.......$             0.30                                        $        0.14
Diluted earnings weighted-average
   per share from continuing operations.......$             0.29                                        $        0.14
Net income to common stock from continuing    $            2,394                                        $       1,173

   The notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial
            statements are an integral part of this statement.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1998

                                                  HISTORICAL            AFG           ADJUSTMENTS          PRO FORMA
                                              ------------------   -------------     -------------       --------------

                                                              (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Total revenues................................$           42,775    $    (20,342)      $        --        $  22,433
Operations support............................            12,917          (4,126)              714(2)         9,505
General and administrative....................             6,174              --                --            6,174
Depreciation and amortization.................             8,891          (5,430)               --            3,461
Operating income..............................            14,793         (10,786)             (714)           3,293

Interest expense..............................           (10,663)          7,857              (183)(7)       (2,989)
Interest income...............................             1,212            (374)               --              838
Other income..................................               478               -                --              478
Provision for (benefit from) income tax.......             2,274          (1,228)             (341)(5)          705
Income (loss) from continuing operations......$            3,546    $     (2,075)      $      (556)       $     915

Basic earnings weighted-
   average per share..........................$             0.42                                          $    0.11
Diluted earnings weighted-
   average per share..........................$             0.41                                          $    0.11
Net income to common stock....................$            3,546                                          $     915

                    The notes to the unaudited pro forma
                      condensed consolidated financial
                  statements are an integral part of this

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                    FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998

                                                  HISTORICAL            AFG           ADJUSTMENTS          PRO FORMA
                                              ------------------   -------------     -------------       --------------

                                                              (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Total revenues................................$           57,078    $    (26,958)       $        -      $     30,120
Operations support............................            17,571          (5,629)              978(2)         12,920
General and administrative....................             7,086              --                --             7,086
Depreciation and amortization.................            11,833          (6,965)               --             4,868
Operating income..............................            20,588         (14,364)             (978)            5,246

Interest expense..............................           (14,608)         10,783             (213)(7)         (4,038)
Interest income...............................             1,446            (505)                -               941
Other income..................................               473               -                 -               473
Provision for (benefit from) income tax.......             3,042          (1,526)             (453)(5)         1,063
Income (loss) from continuing operations......$            4,857          (2,560)      $      (738)      $     1,559

Basic earnings weighted-
   average per share..........................$             0.58                                         $      0.19
Diluted earnings weighted-
   average per share..........................$             0.57                                         $      0.19
Net income to common stock....................$            4,857                                         $     1,559

The notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial
statements are an integral part of this statement.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                    FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                             HISTORICAL           AFG        ADJUSTMENTS         PRO FORMA
                                          ----------------   -------------   ------------       ------------

                                                       (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNT)
Total revenues...........................  $       49,665   $     (18,496)     $     --       $     31,169
Operations support.......................          16,633          (5,729)        1,063 (2)         11,967
General and
     administrative......................           9,472              --            --              9,472
Depreciation and
     amortization .......................           8,447          (3,958)           --              4,489
Operating income ........................          15,113          (8,809)       (1,063)             5,241

Interest expense.........................          (9,891)          5,800          (481)(7)         (4,572)
Interest income..........................           1,635            (324)           --              1,311
Other (expense)..........................            (342)             --             --              (342)
Provision for (benefit from) income tax..           1,848          (1,266)         (587)(5)             (5)
Income (loss) from continuing operations.  $        4,667   $      (2,067)     $   (957)      $      1,643

Basic earnings weighted-
     average per share...................  $         0.51                                     $        0.18
Diluted earnings weighted-
     average per share...................  $         0.50                                     $        0.18
Net income to common stock...............  $        4,667                                     $       1,643

The notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial
statements are an integral part of this statement.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                    FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996

                                         HISTORICAL            AFG            Adjustments         Pro Forma
                                        -------------     -------------     -------------       --------------

                                                            (in thousands, except per share amount)
Total revenues........................ $       51,545    $      (11,794)       $      --          $    39,751
Operations support....................         21,595            (5,062)             978(2)            17,511
General and
     administrative...................          7,956                --               --                7,956
Depreciation and
     amortization ....................         11,318            (4,613)              --                6,705
Operating income .....................         10,676            (2,119)            (978)               7,579

Interest expense......................         (7,341)            2,689               --               (4,652)
Interest income.......................          1,228              (176)              --                1,052
Other income (expense)................           (670)               20               --                 (650)
(Benefit from) provision for
   income tax.........................           (202)              157             (372)(5)             (417)
Income (loss) from
   continuing operations.............. $        4,095    $          257        $    (606)         $     3,746

Basic earnings weighted-
     average per share................ $         0.41                                             $      0.37
Diluted earnings weighted-
     average per share................ $         0.40                                             $      0.37
Net income to common stock............ $        4,095                                             $     3,746

The notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial
statements are an integral part of this statement.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

     1.       AFG

              The pro forma condensed consolidated statements of income
     give effect to the proposed sale assuming the sale occurred on January
     1, 1996.


              The pro forma condensed consolidated statements of income
     exclude all direct expenses of AFG that will be eliminated on the
     completion of the sale of AFG but include allocated costs from PLM
     that will not be eliminated as a result of the sale.


              The estimated loss on the sale of AFG, net of taxes, is $0.4
     million. The estimated loss has not been included in any of the pro
     forma income statements.

     4.       USE OF PROCEEDS

              PLM projects sales proceeds after transaction costs to be
     $33.9 million. On this transaction, the income tax associated with the
     proposed sale are estimated to be $9.3 million, of which $5.4 million
     will be paid at the time of sale. The tax liability will be partially
     offset by the deferred tax assets of PLM. Thus, the net sales proceeds
     from this transaction are $28.5 million. The net sales proceeds will
     be deposited into the bank and are presumed to be non-interest bearing
     cash for the pro forma statements of income.

     5.       INCOME TAXES

              The pro forma condensed consolidated statements of income
     give effect to the tax adjustments at a statutory rate of 38%, of
     which 34% is for federal tax and 4% for state tax.


              The actual sales proceeds will be adjusted at the closing
     date from the amounts presented herein on a dollar for dollar basis
     for increases or decreases in stockholders' equity of AFG between June
     30, 1999 and the closing date, excluding the effect of changes
     resulting from income tax liabilities to be paid by PLM.

     7.       INTEREST EXPENSE

              The pro forma condensed consolidated statements of income
     exclude the interest expenses charged by PLM to AFG for cash borrowed
     from PLM.


              The following table reconciles income from continuing
     operations in AFG's pro forma statements of operations to income from
     continuing operations in AFG's historical financial statements.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                                                                                          FOR THE
                                                                FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED            NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                       DECEMBER 31,                       SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                              1998         1997          1996           1999         1998
                                                       ----------------------------------------    ------------------------
     Income (loss) from continuing operations - pro
              forma statements........................       $2,560        $2,067       ($257)           $823       $2,075
     Net effect of different accounting treatment for
              indirect costs incurred in 1996 and 1997,
              net of tax..............................         (168)          135         175             (99)        (130)
     Pro forma adjustments to reflect net income from
              subsidiary of PLM earned on behalf of AFG,
              net of tax..............................            0             0        (838)              0            0
     Other, net of tax................................          172           (96)         84               0          150
                                                          ------------------------------------       ----------------------
     Income (loss) from continuing operation - histori-
              cal financial statements................       $2,564        $2,106       ($836)           $724       $2,095
                                                          ====================================       ======================

              The results of AFG's operations included in the pro forma
     statements reflect PLM's accounting treatment of AFG's operations.

              As stated in PLM's annual report on Form 10-K for the year
     ended December 31, 1998, prior to 1998 PLM expensed indirect costs
     related to lease originations at AFG as incurred as they were not
     material to PLM's financial statements taken as a whole. As the AFG
     lease portfolio grew in 1998, these costs increased and became
     material. As such, beginning in 1998 PLM began capitalizing these
     costs and amortizing them over the related lease term.

              Indirect costs have always been material to AFG's stand-alone
     financial statements. Thus, it has always been AFG's policy to
     capitalize and amortize indirect costs related to lease origination.

              In the first quarter of 1998, PLM announced the proposed
     initial public offering of AFG. Prior to that time, AFG was not
     audited as a stand-alone entity. The audit of AFG for the years ended
     1995, 1996 and 1997 was completed on April 24, 1998.

              The audit for PLM for 1995 was completed on March 25, 1996.
     The audit for PLM for 1996 was completed on February 24, 1997. The
     audit for PLM for 1997 was completed on February 23, 1998. With the
     additional passage of time between the audits of PLM and AFG, certain
     estimates and assumptions made in the audited financial statements of
     PLM were modified prior to the audit of AFG. The effect of the changes
     in the estimates and assumptions are reflected in the "other" line of
     the above reconciliation.


             The following table sets forth information known to PLM with
     respect to beneficial ownership of its common stock by (1) each
     stockholder known by PLM to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of
     its common stock, (2) each of its directors, the chief executive
     officer and the four other most highly compensated executive officers,
     and (3) all directors and executive officers of PLM as a group.

                                                          NUMBER OF SHARES OF              PERCENT OF
     NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                               COMMON STOCK (1)            COMMON STOCK (1)
     -------------------------                             ------------------           ----------------
     Steel Partners II, L.P...................                     1,337,300                       17.04
          750 Lexington Avenue, 27th Floor
          New York, New York 10022

     Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. (2)......                       469,800                        5.99
          1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor
          Santa Monica, California 90401

     Oak Forest Investment Management, Inc. (3)..                    458,000                        5.84
          6701 Democracy Blvd., Ste. 402
          Bethesda, Maryland 20817

     J. Michael Allgood (4)......................                         --                         --

     Stephen M. Bess (5).........................                     46,688                          *

     Randall L-W. Caudill (6)....................                      5,333                          *

     Douglas P. Goodrich (7).....................                    183,810                        2.32

     Warren G. Lichtenstein (8)..................                  1,337,300                       17.04
          750 Lexington Avenue, 27th Floor
          New York, New York 10022

     Howard M. Lorber............................                         --                         --

     Susan C. Santo (9)..........................                     15,833                          *

     Harold R. Somerset (10).....................                     36,000                          *

     Robert N. Tidball (11)......................                    340,671                        4.27

     Robert L. Witt (12).........................                      8,333                          *

     All directors and executive officers as a group
        (11 people) (13).........................                  2,049,490                       25.06


     *    Represents less than 1% of the outstanding shares.

     (1)  Computed on the basis of 7,847,680 shares of common stock
          outstanding (excluding treasury stock) as of November 30, 1999.
          Beneficial ownership as reported in the above table has been
          determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 under the Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
     (2)  Includes 469,800 shares held by Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. as
          investment advisor and investment manager on behalf of four
          investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act
          of 1940 and other investment vehicles, including commingled group
          trusts. In its role as investment advisor and investment manager,
          Dimensional possesses both voting and investment power over the
          shares. Dimensional disclaims beneficial ownership of all such
     (3)  Includes 458,000 shares held by Oak Forest Investment Management,
          Inc. as an investment advisor registered under the Investment
          Company Act of 1940. In its role as investment advisor, Oak
          Forest Investment Management, Inc., possesses both voting and
          investment power over such shares.
     (4)  Mr. Allgood resigned from his position as Chief Financial Officer
          of PLM on May 31, 1999.
     (5)  Includes 16,666 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Bess
          pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of November 30,
     (6)  Includes 3,333 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Caudill
          pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of November 30,
     (7)  Includes 83,333 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Goodrich
          pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of November 30,
     (8)  Includes 1,337,300 shares held by Steel Partners II, L.P. The
          general partner of Steel Partners II, L.P. is Steel Partners
          L.L.C., of which Mr. Lichtenstein is the chief executive officer.
          Mr. Lichtenstein may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of all
          of such shares by virtue of his power to vote and dispose of such
     (9)  Includes 13,333 shares of common stock issuable to Ms. Santo
          pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of November 30,
     (10) Includes 29,999 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Somerset
          pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of November 30,
     (11) Includes 121,666 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Tidball
          pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of November 30,
     (12) Includes 3,333 shares of common stock issuable to Mr. Witt
          pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of November 30,
     (13) Includes 331,664 shares of common stock issuable to members of
          the Board of Directors and executive officers pursuant to options
          exercisable within 60 days of November 30, 1999.

                            INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         We expect representatives of KPMG LLP, PLM's independent auditors,
     to be present at the special meeting. We will afford them the
     opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and expect
     them to be available to respond to questions.

                           STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

         The date for receipt of proposals from stockholders for PLM's 2000
     annual meeting has passed, and no further proposals from stockholders
     will be considered for inclusion in PLM's proxy statement and proxy
     card relating to the 2000 annual meeting.

         Pursuant to PLM's by-laws, a stockholder who desires to present a
     proposal at a meeting of stockholders of PLM without inclusion of such
     proposal in PLM's proxy materials relating to the meeting must give
     timely notice of the proposal in writing to the Secretary of PLM. To
     be timely, a stockholder's notice must be delivered to or mailed and
     received at the principal executive offices of PLM not less than 50
     days nor more than 75 days prior to the meeting; provided, however,
     that if less than 65 days' prior notice or prior public disclosure of
     the date of the meeting is given or made to stockholders, a
     stockholder's notice must be so received not later than the close of
     business on the fifteenth day following the day on which notice of the
     date of the meeting was mailed or public disclosure was made,
     whichever occurs first. PLM reserves the right to reject, rule out of
     order, or take other appropriate action with respect to any proposal
     that does not comply with these and other applicable requirements.

         All notices of proposals of stockholders, whether or not to be
     included in PLM's proxy materials, should be sent to the attention of
     the Secretary, PLM International, Inc., One Market, Steuart Street
     Tower, Suite 800, San Francisco, California 94105.


         PLM files annual, quarterly and special reports, proxy statements
     and other information with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
     Stockholders may read and copy any reports, statements or other
     information that PLM files at the SEC's public reference rooms in
     Washington, D.C., New York, New York and Chicago, Illinois. Please
     call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further information about the
     public reference rooms. Our filings are also available from commercial
     document retrieval services and at the Internet web site maintained by
     the SEC at PLM's annual report on Form 10-K for the
     year ended December 31, 1998 and quarterly report on Form 10-Q/A for
     the nine-month period ended September 30, 1999 are included with the
     materials mailed with this proxy statement.

         The SEC allows us to "incorporate by reference" information into
     this proxy statement, which means that we can disclose important
     information to you by referring you to another document filed
     separately with the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is
     deemed to be part of this proxy statement, except for any information
     superseded by information contained directly in this proxy statement.
     This proxy statement incorporates by reference the documents set forth
     below that we have previously filed with the SEC. These documents
     contain important information about us and our financial condition.

     PLM SEC FILINGS (FILE NO. 1-9670)                              PERIOD
     ---------------------------------                              ------
     Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.....      Quarters ended March 31, 1999
                                              and June 30, 1999
     Current Report on Form 8-K.........      Filed January 19, 1999
     Proxy Statement....................      Filed April 15, 1999 (as amended
                                              April 29, 1999)

         We are also incorporating by reference PLM's annual report on Form
     10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998 and quarterly report on Form
     10-Q/A for the nine-month period ended September 30, 1999, each of
     which is included with the materials mailed with this proxy statement.
     On January 20, 2000, we filed an amendment to our annual report on
     Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998 to amend Item 14
     (Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K) and
     to attach Exhibits 10.30 through 10.44 to the Form 10-K. You may
     obtain a copy of the amended Form 10-K from us without charge,
     excluding all exhibits unless we have specifically incorporated by
     reference an exhibit in this proxy statement, by requesting our annual
     report on Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 1998 in writing
     or by telephone from PLM at the address indicated below. In addition,
     if you are a PLM stockholder, you may have previously received some of
     the documents incorporated by reference. You may still obtain copies
     of any of these documents from PLM or the SEC or the SEC's Internet
     web site described above. Documents incorporated by reference are
     available from us without charge, excluding all exhibits unless we
     have specifically incorporated by reference an exhibit in this proxy
     statement, by requesting them in writing or by telephone from PLM at
     the following address:

         PLM International, Inc.
         One Market
         Steuart Street Tower, Suite 800
         San Francisco, California 94105
         Attention:  Investor Relations
         Telephone: (415) 974-1399

     Please request documents by February 11, 2000 to ensure receipt before
the special meeting.



         Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Three Months Ended
         September 30, 1998 and 1999 and for the Nine Months Ended
         September 30, 1998 and 1999
         (unaudited).......................................................................................   F-2
         Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1998 and September 30, 1999
         (unaudited).......................................................................................   F-3
         Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity for the Year Ended
         December 31, 1998 and the Nine Months Ended September 30, 1999 (unaudited)........................   F-4
         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Nine Months Ended September 30,
         1998 and 1999 (unaudited).........................................................................   F-5
         Notes to Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements..............................................   F-6
         Independent Auditors' Report......................................................................   F-11
         Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Years Ended December 31, 1996, 1997
         and 1998..........................................................................................   F-12
         Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1997 and 1998......................................   F-13
         Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity for the Years Ended
         December 31, 1996, 1997 and 1998..................................................................   F-14
         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31, 1996, 1997
         and 1998..........................................................................................   F-15
         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements........................................................   F-16


                         (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

                                                                FOR THE THREE MONTHS             FOR THE NINE MONTHS
                                                                 ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,             ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                                1998             1999            1998           1999
     Finance lease income..............................           $3,474          $2,655        $  9,182       $  8,439
     Operating lease income............................            2,095           2,439           6,288          6,819
     Financing income .................................              325             430             661          1,254
     Management fees ..................................              206             171             613            578
     Revenue from sale of leases and related assets ...            1,688             521           3,464          2,452
          Total revenues...............................            7,788           6,216          20,208         19,542

     Operations support................................            1,241           1,244           3,262          3,925
     Depreciation and amortization.....................            1,631           2,157           5,264          5,757
     General and administrative .......................              268             259             864            747
          Total costs and expenses.....................            3,140           3,660           9,390         10,429

     Operating income..................................            4,648           2,556          10,818          9,113

     Interest expense..................................           (3,077)         (2,317)         (7,857)        (7,387)
     Interest income...................................              142             144             374            428
     Other expense.....................................               --              --              --           (975)
     Income before income taxes and cumulative
        effect of accounting change....................            1,713             383           3,335          1,179
     Provision for income taxes .......................              635             161           1,240            455
     Net income before cumulative effect of
        accounting change..............................            1,078             222           2,095            724

     Cumulative effect of accounting change,
        net of tax of $148.............................               --              --              --           (253)
           Net income .................................           $1,078          $  222        $  2,095       $    471

 See accompanying notes to these unaudited consolidated financial statements.


                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                         (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)


                                                                                     DECEMBER 31,           SEPTEMBER
                                                                                         1998                  30,
                                                                              --------------------- ---------------------
     Cash and cash equivalents...............................................       $            --           $       360
     Restricted cash.........................................................                 8,088                 8,473
     Receivables, net of allowance...........................................                 2,279                 1,337
     Investment in direct finance leases, net................................               143,304               118,841
     Loans receivable........................................................                23,493                23,445
     Commercial and industrial equipment held for operating leases...........                24,520                30,411
       Less accumulated depreciation.........................................                (7,831)              (10,773)
                                                                              --------------------- ---------------------
                                                                                             16,689                19,638
     Other assets, net.......................................................                 3,958                 2,023
                                                                              --------------------- ---------------------

          Total assets.......................................................              $197,811              $174,117
                                                                              ===================== =====================


     Warehouse credit facility...............................................             $  34,420            $   20,100
     Nonrecourse notes payable...............................................                 7,585                 5,227
     Nonrecourse securitization facility.....................................               103,637               105,452
     Advance from PLM International, Inc.....................................                 4,417                     7
     Payables and other liabilities..........................................                12,120                 3,450
     Deferred income taxes...................................................                12,349                14,550
                                                                              --------------------- ---------------------
          Total liabilities..................................................               174,528               148,786

     Common stock ($0.01 par value, 30,000,000 shares authorized, 4,200,000
        shares issued and outstanding as of September
        30, 1999 and December 31, 1998)......................................                    42                    42
     Paid-in capital, in excess of par.......................................                20,201                21,778
     Retained earnings.......................................................                 3,040                 3,511
                                                                              --------------------- ---------------------
        Total stockholders' equity...........................................                23,283                25,331
                                                                              --------------------- ---------------------

            Total liabilities and stockholders' equity.......................              $197,811              $174,117
                                                                              ===================== =====================

 See accompanying notes to these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER
                           31, 1998, AND THE NINE
                         MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                           1999 (IN THOUSANDS OF

                                                                           CAPITAL                                TOTAL
                                                        COMMON            IN EXCESS          RETAINED         STOCKHOLDERS'
                                                        STOCK              OF PAR            EARNINGS             EQUITY
                                               ------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ---------------------
        Balances, December 31, 1997..........             $     42          $  19,461           $   476              $ 19,979

     Capital contributions from Parent.......                   --                740                --                   740

     Net income..............................                   --                 --             2,564                 2,564

        Balances, December 31, 1998..........                   42             20,201             3,040                23,283

     Capital contributions from Parent.......                   --              1,577                --                 1,577

     Net income..............................                   --                 --               471                   471

        Balances, September 30, 1999.........             $     42          $  21,778           $ 3,511             $  25,331

 See accompanying notes to these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

                         (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

                                                                                          FOR THE NINE MONTHS
                                                                                          ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                                                     1998                     1999
     Net income........................................................             $       2,095             $       471
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating
       Depreciation and amortization...................................                     5,264                   5,757
       Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax..............                        --                    (253)
       Write off IPO costs.............................................                        --                     975
       Deferred income tax expense.....................................                     2,684                   2,201
       Gain on the sale or disposition of assets, net..................                    (2,111)                 (2,099)
       Changes in assets and liabilities:
         (Increase) decrease in receivables............................                      (501)                    942
         (Increase) decrease in other assets, net......................                      (445)                    143
         Increase (decrease) in payables and other liabilities.........                       244                  (2,131)
           Net cash provided by operating activities...................                     7,230                   6,006

     Principal payments received on loans..............................                     3,511                   6,185
     Investment in loans receivable....................................                   (19,659)                 (6,137)
     Principal payments received on finance leases.....................                    22,923                  25,735
     Investment in direct finance leases...............................                  (107,664)                (34,791)
     Purchase of property, plant, and equipment........................                       (17)                     --
     Purchase of commercial and industrial equipment
       held for operating lease........................................                   (23,052)                (20,283)
     Proceeds from the sale of commercial and industrial equipment.....                    56,616                  41,726
         Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities...........                   (67,342)                 12,435

     Borrowings on warehouse credit facility..........................                    106,689                  38,120
     Repayment of warehouse credit facility...........................                    (85,485)                (52,440)
     Borrowings on nonrecourse notes payable..........................                     12,427                      --
     Repayment on nonrecourse notes payable...........................                     (3,362)                 (2,358)
     Borrowings on nonrecourse securitization facility................                     52,150                  41,705
     Repayment on nonrecourse securitization facility.................                    (18,421)                (39,890)
     Increase in restricted cash......................................                     (2,446)                   (385)
     Repayment of advances from PLM International, Inc., net..........                     (4,595)                 (4,410)
     Capital contributions from PLM International, Inc................                      3,155                   1,577
         Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities..........                     60,112                 (18,081)

     Net change in cash and cash equivalents..........................                         --                     360
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period.................                         --                      --
     Cash and cash equivalents at end of period.......................              $          --             $       360

     Net cash paid for interest.......................................              $       7,280             $     7,937
     Net cash paid for income taxes...................................              $         213             $       194

 See accompanying notes to these unaudited consolidated financial statements.

                             SEPTEMBER 30, 1999

     1.   GENERAL

     In the opinion of management, the accompanying unaudited consolidated
     financial statements contain all adjustments necessary, consisting
     primarily of normal recurring accruals, to present fairly the
     financial position as of December 31, 1998 and September 30, 1999,
     statements of income for the three and nine months ended September 30,
     1998 and 1999, statements of changes in stockholders' equity for the
     year ended December 31, 1998 and the nine months ended September 30,
     1999 and statements of cash flows for the nine months ended September
     30, 1998 and 1999 of American Finance Group, Inc. and its wholly owned
     subsidiaries (the "Company") . Certain information and note
     disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in
     accordance with generally accepted accounting principles have been
     condensed or omitted from the accompanying consolidated financial
     statements. For further information, reference should be made to the
     financial statements and notes thereto for the year ended December 31,
     1998, which are included with the materials mailed with this proxy


     On October 26, 1999, PLM International, Inc. ("PLMI" or the "Parent")
     agreed to sell the Company, its wholly owned subsidiary, for
     approximately $33.9 million, net of transaction costs, in cash to
     Guaranty Federal Bank, subject to closing adjustments which are not
     expected to be material. Consummation of the transaction is subject to
     various conditions, including the approval of PLMI's stockholders, and
     closing of the transaction is expected to occur only after such
     approval has been secured and all other conditions have been


     During the nine months ended September 30, 1999, the Company funded
     $34.8 million in commercial and industrial equipment that was placed
     on finance lease. Also during the nine months ended September 30,
     1999, the Company sold equipment on finance lease with an original
     equipment cost of $40.5 million, resulting in a net gain of $0.4


     As of September 30, 1999, the Company had loans receivable outstanding
     with 14 customers, totaling $23.4 million with interest rates ranging
     from 6.39% to 10.24 %, secured by commercial and industrial equipment.

     During the nine months ended September 30, 1999, the Company funded
     $6.1 million in loans to customers.


     During the nine months ended September 30, 1999, the Company funded
     $20.3 million in commercial and industrial equipment that was placed
     on operating lease. During the nine months ended September 30, 1999,
     the Company sold commercial and industrial equipment that was on
     operating lease for a net gain of $1.7 million.


     On December 10, 1999, the Company amended its warehouse credit
     facility to extend the facility to April 21, 2000, and lower the
     amount available to be borrowed from $60.0 million to $50.0 million.
     The Company is the sole borrower of this facility. This facility
     provides borrowings for 100% of the present value of the lease stream
     from the assets collateralized in this facility, up to 90% of original
     equipment cost of the assets held in this facility. In the event that
     the sale of the Company is not completed by April 21, 2000, the
     Company believes it will be able to renew this facility on similar

     Borrowings secured by investment-grade lessees can be held under this
     facility until the facility's expiration. Borrowings secured by
     noninvestment-grade lessees may by outstanding for 120 days. Interest
     accrues at prime or LIBOR plus 137.5 basis points, at the option of
     the Company. Repayment of the borrowings for commercial and industrial
     equipment matches the terms of the underlying leases

     As of September 30, 1999, the Company had $20.1 million outstanding
     under this facility.


     The Company has available a nonrecourse debt facility, secured by
     direct finance leases, operating leases, and loans on commercial and
     industrial equipment at the Company that generally have terms of one
     to seven years. The facility was amended in October 1999 to extend the
     facility to October 10, 2000. This amendment also reduced the amount
     available to be borrowed under the facility from $150.0 million to
     $125.0 million. Repayment of the facility matches the terms of the
     underlying leases. The securitized debt bears interest equivalent to
     the lender's cost of funds based on commercial paper market rates for
     the determined period of borrowing plus an interest rate spread and
     fees. As of September 30, 1999, there was $105.5 million in borrowings
     under this facility. The Company is required to hedge the interest
     rate exposure to the Company on at least 90% of the aggregate
     discounted lease balance (ADLB) of those leases and loans used as
     collateral in its nonrecourse securitization facility. As of September
     30, 1999, 90% of the ADLB had been hedged.

     In addition to the $125.0 million nonrecourse debt facility discussed
     above, as of September 30, 1999, the Company also had $5.2 million in
     nonrecourse notes payable secured by direct finance leases on
     commercial and industrial equipment at the Company that have terms
     corresponding to the note repayment schedule that began April 1998 and
     ends March 2001. The notes bear interest from 8.32% to 9.5% per annum.


     PLMI and its various subsidiaries, including the Company, incur costs
     associated with management, accounting, legal, data processing, and
     other general and administrative activities. Direct expenses are
     charged directly to the Company as incurred. Indirect expenses are
     allocated among the Company, PLMI, and other subsidiaries of PLMI
     using an allocation method that management believes is reasonable when
     compared to business activities.

     General and administrative expenses allocated from the Parent to the
     Company during the nine months ended September 30, 1998 and 1999 were
     $0.9 million, and $0.7 million, respectively.

     The Parent may make capital contributions to the Company for the
     equity required for the purchase of equipment and for loan fundings.
     The Company periodically borrowed cash from the parent in lieu of
     borrowing on the warehouse credit facility. The Parent charged
     interest expense to the Company at market rates for these loans. The
     total interest charged for the nine months ended September 30, 1999
     and 1998 was $0.1 million.



     The Company has entered into operating leases for office space. The
     Company's total net rent expense was $0.1 million in the nine months
     ended September 30, 1998 and 1999.


     As of September 30, 1999, the Company had committed to purchase $16.3
     million of equipment for its commercial and industrial lease and
     finance receivable portfolio.

     From October 1, 1999 to December 29, 1999, the Company funded $19.8
     million in purchases for its commercial and industrial equipment and
     finance receivable portfolio.

     As of December 29, 1999, the Company had committed to purchase $63.5
     million of commercial and industrial equipment. This includes
     equipment that will be held for lease by the Company and equipment
     that will be sold to third parties.


     The Company is not involved in any material legal proceedings and is
     not aware of any pending or threatening legal proceedings that would
     have a material adverse affect upon its financial condition or results
     of operations.


     The Company has entered into agreements with almost all of its
     employees that require the Company to pay, under certain
     circumstances, an amount equal to up to two years salary if the
     Company terminates the employment of those employees. In addition, the
     Company would be required to continue insurance coverage during this



     The Company had 30.0 million shares of common stock at $0.01 par value
     authorized, 4,200,000 of which were issued and outstanding as of
     December 31, 1998 and September 30, 1999. All of the shares were owned
     by the Parent.


     The Company has authorized 5.0 million shares of preferred stock at
     $0.01 par value, none of which were outstanding as of December 31,
     1998 and September 30, 1999.


     During the nine months ended September 30, 1999, the Company received
     capital contributions from the Parent of $1.6 million.


     In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued
     SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
     Activities," which standardizes the accounting for derivative
     instruments, including certain derivative instruments embedded in
     other contracts, by requiring that an entity recognize those items as
     assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position and
     measure them at fair market value.

     FASB Statement No. 137, "Accounting for Derivatives, Instruments, and
     Hedging Activities - Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement
     No. 133, an amendment of FASB Statement No. 133," issued in June 1999,
     defers the effective date of Statement No. 133. Statement No. 133, as
     amended, is now effective for all fiscal quarters of all fiscal years
     beginning after June 15, 2000. As of September 30, 1999, the Company
     is reviewing the effect SFAS No. 133 will have on the Company's
     consolidated financial statements.

          NET OF TAX

     In April 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
     issued Statement of Position 98-5, "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up
     Activities," which requires costs related to start-up activities to be
     expensed as incurred. The statement requires that initial application
     be reported as a cumulative effect of a change in accounting
     principle. The Company adopted this statement during the first quarter
     of 1999, at which time it took a $0.2 million charge, net of tax of
     $0.1 million, related to start-up costs of its commercial and
     industrial equipment operations.

     13.   EFFECTS OF YEAR 2000

     It is possible that the Company's currently installed computer
     systems, software products and other business systems, or those of
     PLMI or the Company's vendors, service providers and customers,
     working either alone or in conjunction with other software or systems,
     may not accept input of, store, manipulate and output dates on or
     after January 1, 2000 without error or interruption (a problem
     commonly known as the "Year 2000" problem). Although the Company's
     asset management software has been modified so that it correctly
     recognizes dates on or after January 1, 2000 and is therefore "Year
     2000 compliant," the Company depends, and will continue to depend, on
     PLMI for certain essential administrative and other operational
     services to be provided under the terms of the Intercompany Agreement.
     As the Company relies substantially on PLMI's software systems,
     applications and control devices in operating and monitoring
     significant aspects of its business, any Year 2000 problem suffered by
     PLMI could have a material adverse effect on the Company's business,
     financial condition and results of operations.

     PLMI has indicated to the Company that it has established a special
     Year 2000 oversight committee to review the impact of Year 2000 issues
     on its business systems in order to determine whether such systems
     will retain functionality after December 31, 1999. As of September 30,
     1999, PLMI has informed the Company that it has completed inventory,
     assessment, remediation, and testing stages of its Year 2000 review of
     its core business information systems. Specifically, PLMI has informed
     the Company that (a) it has integrated Year 2000-compliant programming
     code into its existing internally customized and internally developed
     transaction processing software systems and (b) PLMI's accounting and
     asset management software systems have been made Year 2000 compliant.
     In addition, numerous other software systems provided by vendors and
     service providers have been replaced with systems represented by the
     vendor or service provider to be Year 2000 functional. These systems
     have been fully tested by PLMI as of September 30, 1999 and are

     As of September 30, 1999, PLMI has informed the Company that it has
     spent $0.1 million to become Year 2000 compliant and does not
     anticipate any additional Year 2000-compliant expenditures.

     Some risks associated with the Year 2000 problem are beyond the
     ability of the Company to control, including the extent to which third
     parties can address the Year 2000 problem. PLMI is communicating with
     vendors, service providers, and customers in order to assess the Year
     2000 compliance readiness of such parties and the extent to which the
     Company is vulnerable to any third-party Year 2000 issues. As part of
     this process, vendors and service providers were ranked in terms of
     the relative importance of the service or product provided. All
     service providers and vendors who were identified as of medium to high
     relative importance were surveyed to determine Year 2000 status. PLMI
     has received satisfactory responses to Year 2000 readiness inquiries
     from surveyed service providers and vendors.

     It is possible that certain of the Company's equipment lease portfolio
     may not be Year 2000 compliant. The Company has contacted equipment
     manufacturers of the portion of the Company's leased equipment
     portfolio identified as date sensitive to assure Year 2000 compliance
     or to develop remediation strategies. The Company does not expect that
     non-Year 2000 compliance of its leased equipment portfolio will have
     an adverse material impact on the Company's financial statements. The
     Company has surveyed the majority of its lessees and the majority of
     those surveyed have responded satisfactorily to Year 2000 readiness

     There can be no assurance that the software systems of such parties
     will be converted or made Year 2000 compliant in a timely manner. Any
     failure by PLMI or such other parties to make their respective systems
     Year 2000 compliant could have a material adverse effect on the
     business, financial position, and results of operations of the
     Company. PLMI has informed the Company that it has made and will
     continue an ongoing effort to recognize and evaluate potential
     exposure relating to third-party Year 2000 noncompliance. PLMI has
     informed the Company that it will implement a contingency plan if PLMI
     determines that third-party noncompliance would have a material
     adverse effect on the Company's business, financial position, or
     results of operation.

     PLMI has informed the Company that it has developed a contingency plan
     to address the possible failure of any systems, vendors or service
     providers due to Year 2000 problems. For the purpose of such
     contingency planning, a reasonably likely worst case scenario
     primarily anticipates an inability to access systems and data on a
     temporary basis resulting in possible delay in reconciliation of funds
     received or payment of monies owed. Contingency planning encompass
     strategies up to and including manual processes.

                        INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

     The Board of Directors
     American Finance Group, Inc.

     We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of
     American Finance Group, Inc. and subsidiaries (the "Company") as of
     December 31, 1997 and 1998, and the related consolidated statements of
     operations, changes in stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of
     the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 1998. These
     consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the
     Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
     these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

     We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
     standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
     to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
     are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
     test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
     financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
     principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well
     as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe
     that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to
     above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
     of American Finance Group, Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31,
     1997 and 1998, and the results of operations and their cash flows for
     each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 1998 in
     conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                            /s/ KPMG LLP

     San Francisco, California
     February 15, 1999


                          YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                         (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

                                                                      1996             1997            1998
     Finance lease income (Note 2)..........................       $    1,763      $     7,027    $     12,424
     Operating lease income (Note 4)........................            5,020            8,634           7,830
     Financing income (Note 3)..............................               92              546           1,151
     Management fees (Note 1)...............................              485              729             818
     Revenue from sale of leases and related assets (Note 1)            2,188            3,737           4,585
          Total revenues....................................            9,548           20,673          26,808

     Operations support.....................................            3,509            3,947           4,451
     Depreciation and amortization (Note 1).................            4,292            6,622           6,808
     General and administrative (Note 9)....................            1,178            1,263           1,178
          Total costs and expenses..........................            8,979           11,832          12,437

     Operating income.......................................              569            8,841          14,371

     Interest expense (Note 6 and 7)........................           (2,019)          (5,800)        (10,783)
     Interest income........................................              176              324             505
     Other expenses.........................................              (19)              --              --
        Income (loss) before income taxes...................           (1,293)           3,365           4,093

     Provision for (benefit from) income taxes (Note 8).....             (457)           1,259           1,529

        Net income (loss)...................................       $     (836)     $     2,106     $     2,564

     Historical net loss....................................       $     (836)
         Pro forma adjustments to reflect net income from
            subsidiary of Parent earned on behalf of the
            Company                                                       838

         Pro forma net income...............................       $        2

     See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements.


                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                             AS OF DECEMBER 31,
                         (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)


                                                                                            1997               1998
     Restricted cash (Note 1)....................................................        $    3,775     $        8,088
     Receivables (net of allowances of $23 and $0 in 1997, and 1998, respectively)            1,762              2,279
     Investment in direct finance leases, net (Note 2)...........................           112,465            143,304
     Loans receivable (Note 3)...................................................             5,861             23,493
     Commercial and industrial equipment held for operating leases (Note 4)......            28,806             24,520
       Less accumulated depreciation.............................................            (5,061)            (7,831)
                                                                                             23,745             16,689

     Other assets, net (Note 5)..................................................             3,858              3,958
           Total assets..........................................................        $  151,466     $      197,811


     Warehouse credit facility (Note 6)..........................................        $   23,040      $      34,420
     Nonrecourse securitization facility (Note 7)................................            71,302            103,637
     Nonrecourse notes payable (Note 7)..........................................            10,000              7,585
     Advance from PLM International, Inc. (Note 9)...............................             6,478              4,417
     Payables and other liabilities..............................................            13,477             12,120
     Deferred income taxes (Note 8)..............................................             7,190             12,349
       Total liabilities.........................................................           131,487            174,528

     Commitments and contingencies (Note 10)

     Common stock ($0.01 par value, 30,000,000 shares authorized, 4,200,000
        shares issued and outstanding as of December 31,
         1997 and 1998)..........................................................                42                 42
     Paid-in capital, in excess of par...........................................            19,461             20,201
     Retained earnings...........................................................               476              3,040
        Total stockholders' equity...............................................            19,979             23,283
           Total liabilities and stockholders' equity............................        $  151,466         $  197,811

     See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements.


               YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996, 1997, AND 1998
                         (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

                                                                           PAID-IN        RETAINED
                                                                           CAPITAL        EARNINGS/          TOTAL
                                                             COMMON       IN EXCESS     (ACCUMULATED      STOCKHOLDERS'
                                                              STOCK        OF PAR         DEFICIT)           EQUITY
  Balances, December 31, 1995.............................  $       4    $      2,58    $        (79)   $        1,834

  Capital contributions from Parent.......................         --         16,875              --            16,875

  Net loss................................................         --             --            (836)             (836)

    Balances, December 31, 1996...........................         42         19,461          (1,630)           17,873

  Net income..............................................         --             --            2,106            2,106

    Balances, December 31, 1997...........................         42         19,461              476           19,979

  Capital contributions from Parent.......................         --            740               --              740

  Net income..............................................         --             --            2,564            2,564

  Balances, December 31, 1998.............................  $       4     $   20,201    $       3,040    $      23,283

     See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements.


                          YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                         (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

                                                                             1996           1997             1998
  Net income (loss)..............................................       $      (836)     $       2,106      $       2,564
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
    provided by operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization.............................             4,292              6,622              6,808
       Deferred income tax expense...............................             1,504              4,880              5,159
       Gain on the sale or disposition of assets, net............            (1,039)            (2,388)            (3,204)
       Changes in assets and liabilities:
            (Increase) decrease in receivables...................            (1,611)               209               (517)
            (Increase) decrease in other assets, net.............              (182)               115               (647)
           Increase in payables and other liabilities............             1,561              1,520                150
       Net cash provided by operating activities.................             3,689             13,064             10,313

  Principal payments received on loans...........................               227              2,020              5,272
  Investment in loans receivable.................................            (5,945)            (2,163)           (22,904)
  Principal payments received on finance leases..................             4,832             15,569             32,013
  Investment in direct finance leases............................           (53,281)           (72,704)          (127,469)
  Purchase of commercial and industrial equipment held
    for operating lease..........................................           (73,027)           (50,204)           (25,316)
  Proceeds from the sale of commercial and industrial
    equipment....................................................            39,888             56,638             92,499
  Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets.........................               528                 --                 --
  Purchase of fixed assets.......................................              (605)              (539)               (74)
  Purchase of certain lease origination and management assets....            (1,907)                --                 --
     Net cash used in investing activities.......................           (89,290)           (51,383)           (45,979)

  Borrowings on warehouse credit facility........................            76,392             90,908            151,726
  Repayment of warehouse credit facility.........................           (49,506)           (94,754)          (140,346)
  Borrowings on nonrecourse notes payable........................                --             10,000             12,427
  Repayment of nonrecourse notes payable.........................                --                 --            (14,842)
  Borrowings on nonrecourse securitization facility..............            56,024            111,716             62,059
  Repayment of nonrecourse securitization facility...............           (10,632)           (85,806)           (29,724)
  Increase in restricted cash....................................            (3,552)              (223)            (4,313)
  Advance from (repayment to) PLM International, Inc. net........                --              6,478             (2,061)
  Capital contributions from Parent..............................            16,875                 --                740
     Net cash provided by financing activities...................            85,601             38,319             35,666

  Net change in cash and cash equivalents........................                --                 --                 --
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year.................                --                 --                 --

  Cash and cash equivalents at end of year.......................       $        --     $           --      $          --

  Interest.......................................................       $     1,893      $       5,538             10,381
  Income taxes...................................................       $    (1,961)     $      (3,621)            (3,630)

     See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial statements.

                             DECEMBER 31, 1998



  The accompanying consolidated financial statements contain all necessary
  adjustments, consisting primarily of normal recurring accruals, to
  present fairly the results of operations, financial position, changes in
  stockholders' equity, and cash flows of American Finance Group, Inc. and
  its wholly owned subsidiaries (the "Company"). The principal subsidiary
  is AFG Credit Corporation, whose primary purpose is to own equipment
  pledged in the nonrecourse securitization facility. All intercompany
  transactions among the consolidated group have been eliminated.

  These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the accrual
  basis of accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting
  principles. This requires management to make estimates and assumptions
  that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosures
  of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
  statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
  reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

  The Company was incorporated in Delaware and commenced operations in
  February 1995. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of PLM
  International, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("PLMI" or the "Parent"). The
  Company is an equipment leasing and management company that originates
  and services lease and loan transactions for commercial and industrial
  equipment, such as data processing, communications, materials-handling,
  and construction equipment. Equipment may be financed by nonrecourse debt
  or sold to institutional leasing investment programs ("institutional
  programs") or other unaffiliated third-party investors. The Company uses
  its warehouse credit facility to finance the acquisition of assets prior
  to permanent financing by nonrecourse debt or sale. The leases are
  accounted for as operating or direct finance leases. The Company also
  originates loans in which it takes a security interest in the assets

  In March 1998, the Parent announced that its Board of Directors had
  authorized management to engage investment bankers for the purpose of
  undertaking an initial public offering of common stock for the Company.
  On May 7, 1998, the Company filed a registration statement with the
  United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the initial
  public offering (IPO). On October 15, 1998, the Company filed an amended
  registration statement with the SEC for the initial public offering.

  On January 11, 1999, the Parent announced that its Board of Directors had
  engaged an investment banking firm to explore strategic alternatives for
  the Company. The Company does not intend to withdraw the current
  registration statement on file with the SEC at the present time, pending
  the results of the review.


  The Company's leasing operations generally consist of operating and
  direct finance leases on commercial and industrial equipment. Under the
  operating lease method of accounting, the leased asset is recorded at
  cost and depreciated over its estimated useful life. Rental payments are
  recorded as revenue over the lease term as earned.

  Under the direct finance lease method of accounting, the leased asset is
  recorded as an investment in direct finance leases and represents the
  minimum net lease payments receivable, including third-party guaranteed
  residuals, plus the unguaranteed residual value of the equipment, less
  unearned income. Rental payments, including principal and interest on the
  lease, reduce the investment in the finance lease, and the interest is
  recorded as revenue over the lease term.

  The Company capitalizes initial direct costs of lease originations.
  Amounts capitalized related to direct finance leases are included in the
  net investment in direct finance leases and are amortized using the
  effective interest method. Amounts capitalized related to operating
  leases are included in other assets and are amortized straight-line over
  the lease term, which usually ranges from one to seven years.


  Commercial and industrial equipment held for operating leases is stated
  at the lower of depreciated cost or estimated fair value less cost to
  sell. Depreciation of commercial and industrial equipment on operating
  lease is computed on the straight-line method down to the equipment's
  estimated residual value, utilizing the estimated useful life of the
  equipment, which usually ranges from one to seven years. Residual values
  for commercial and industrial equipment vary according to the type of
  equipment. The residual value of equipment under direct finance lease is
  the estimated amount to be received by the Company at lease termination.
  Maintenance costs are generally the obligation of the lessee.

  In accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement
  of Financial Accounts Standards (SFAS) No. 121, "Accounting for the
  Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed
  Of", the Company reviews the carrying value of its equipment at least
  annually in relation to expected future market conditions for the purpose
  of assessing recoverability of the recorded amounts. In addition, the
  Company utilizes third-party appraisals to estimate fair value of its
  equipment, comparing the aggregate carrying value for each equipment type
  to the aggregate appraisal value in order to assess potential impairment.
  If projected undiscounted future lease revenues plus residual values are
  lower than the carrying value of the equipment, a loss on revaluation or
  reduction in finance lease income is recorded depending on if the
  equipment was under an operating or finance lease. Finance lease income
  was reduced by $0.2 million due to a reduction in the estimated residual
  of certain equipment in 1998. There were no similar reductions in 1996 or


  The Company has entered into interest-rate swap agreements to hedge its
  interest-rate exposure on its nonrecourse securitization facility. The
  terms of the swap agreements correspond to the hedged debt. The
  differential to be paid or received under the swap agreement is charged
  or credited to interest expense.


  The Company earns revenues in connection with lease originations and
  servicing equipment leases for institutional programs. Acquisition fees,
  which are included in revenue for sale of leases and related assets, are
  generally earned through the purchase and initial lease of equipment, and
  are generally recognized as revenue when the Company completes
  substantially all of the services required to earn the fees, generally
  when binding commitment agreements are signed. Management fees are earned
  for servicing the equipment portfolios and leases as provided for in
  various agreements, and are recognized as revenue over time as they are


  On January 1, 1997, the Company adopted SFAS No. 125 "Accounting
  for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
  Extinguishments of Liabilities" ( "SFAS No. 125 "). SFAS No. 125
  provides guidelines for distinguishing transfers of financial
  assets that are sales from transfers that are secured borrowings.
  The Company's transfers of direct finance leases and loans to the
  securitization facility are accounted for as financings under
  SFAS No. 125.

  The transfer to the securitization facility of equipment subject to
  operating leases in which the Company retains substantial risk of
  ownership, are not treated as sales in accordance with the provisions of
  SFAS No. 13 and are also accounted for as financings. The transfer of
  equipment subject to operating leases to institutional programs and third
  parties, where the Company retains no risk of ownership, are treated as
  sales with gain or loss on sale recognized in the period title passes.


  Restricted cash consists of collateral accounts subject to withdrawal
  restrictions in the nonrecourse debt facility. This agreement requires
  all payments on pledged lease receivables to be deposited into a
  restricted cash account. Principal, interest, and related fees are paid
  monthly in arrears from this account. Cash remaining after these payments
  may be released to the Company subject to certain debt covenant


  Intangibles are included in other assets, net on the balance sheet, and
  are shown at the lower of net amortized cost or fair value. Intangibles
  primarily relate to goodwill related to acquisitions, loan fees,
  software, and lease origination costs. Goodwill is being amortized over
  eight years from the acquisition date. Loan fees are amortized over the
  life of the related loan. Software is amortized over three years from the
  acquisition date. Lease origination costs are amortized over the life of
  the related lease. The Company annually reviews the valuation of all
  intangibles based on the related projected future cash flows.


  The Company recognizes income tax expense using the liability method.
  Deferred taxes are recognized for the tax consequences of "temporary
  differences" by applying enacted statutory tax rates applicable to future
  years to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts and
  the tax bases of existing assets and liabilities.

  The Company is included in the consolidated federal and certain combined
  state income tax returns of the Parent. The Company provides for income
  tax expense using a combined federal and state tax rate applied to pretax
  earnings. The tax provision is calculated on a separate return basis.

  Deferred income taxes arise primarily because of differences in the
  timing of reporting equipment depreciation for financial statement and
  income tax reporting purposes.


  In June 1998, the FASB issued SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative
  Instruments and Hedging Activities", which standardizes the accounting
  for derivative instruments, including certain derivative instruments
  embedded in other contracts, by requiring that an entity recognize those
  items as assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position and
  measure them at fair value. This statement is effective for all quarters
  of fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999. As of December 31, 1998,
  the Company is reviewing the effect this standard will have on the
  Company's consolidated financial statements.

  In April 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  issued Statement of Position 98-5, "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up
  Activities" which requires costs related to start-up activities to be
  expensed as incurred. The statement requires that initial application be
  reported as a cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle. This
  statement must be adopted in fiscal year 1999. Upon adoption of this
  statement, the Company will take a pre-tax charge related to start-up
  costs of approximately $0.4 million.


  During 1997, the Company purchased $75.3 million in commercial and
  industrial equipment that was placed on finance lease. During 1998, the
  Company purchased $127.3 million in commercial and industrial equipment
  that was placed on finance lease. Also during 1998, the Company sold
  equipment on finance lease resulting in net gains of $1.3 million. No
  equipment under finance lease was sold in 1997.

  As of December 31, commercial and industrial equipment, at original
  equipment cost, subject to finance leases is represented by the following
  types (in thousands of dollars):

                                                        1997                      1998
                                              -----------------------    ---------------------
      Computers and peripherals...............      $60,274        45%        $62,307       33%
      Materials handling......................       28,693        21          45,446       24
      Manufacturing...........................        7,200         5          31,385       17
      Point of sale...........................       21,991        17          22,302       12
      General purpose plant and warehouse.....        3,239         2           9,203        5
      Construction and mining.................        3,348         3           4,514        2
      Communications..........................        3,481         3           4,511        2
      Other...................................        4,842         4          10,028        5
                                              ------------------------    ---------------------
        Total.................................     $133,068       100%       $189,696      100%
                                              ========================    =====================

  The following lists the components of the investment in direct finance
  leases, net, as of December 31, (in thousands of dollars):

                                                                  1997            1998
                                                          ---------------    -----------
      Minimum lease payments receivable...................  $     115,521     $  145,119
      Estimated unguaranteed residual values
        of leased properties..............................         18,998         24,782
      Initial direct lease origination costs, net.........            535            733
                                                          ---------------    -----------
                                                                  135,054        170,634
      Less unearned income................................        (22,589)       (27,330)
                                                          ---------------    -----------
      Investment in direct finance leases, net............  $     112,465     $  143,304
                                                          ===============    ===========

               Schedule of Minimum Lease Payments Receivable
                   As of December 31, 1998
                     (in thousands of dollars)

                                     1999                  $  46,214
                                     2000                     38,960
                                     2001                     26,552
                                     2002                     16,293
                                     2003                     12,697
                               Thereafter                      4,403
             Total minimum lease payments receivable        $145,119


  As of December 31, 1997, the Company had loans receivable outstanding
  with three customers, totaling $5.9 million with interest rates ranging
  from 8.7% to 10.81%, secured by commercial and industrial equipment. As
  of December 31, 1998, the Company had loans receivable outstanding with
  12 customers, totaling $23.5 million with interest rates ranging from
  6.23% to 10.81%, secured by commercial and industrial equipment. Future
  payments receivable on the notes as of December 31, 1998 are as follows
  (in thousands of dollars):

                           1999                  $  7,179
                           2000                     4,786
                           2001                     4,123
                           2002                     6,490
                           2003                       848
                     Thereafter                        67
           Total loans receivable                 $23,493


  Commercial and industrial equipment, at cost, held for operating leases
  as of December 31, is represented by the following types (in thousands of

                                                               1997                            1998
                                                   ---------------------------     ---------------------------
  Materials handling...............................   $      7,356     26%            $      9,246     38%
  Point of sale....................................          4,259     15                    5,166     21
  Communications...................................          5,419     19                    2,721     11
  Construction and mining..........................            701      2                    2,365     10
  Computers and peripherals........................          2,219      8                    1,665      7
  Medical..........................................          1,010      3                    1,033      4
  Manufacturing....................................          6,735     23                      254      1
  Other............................................          1,107      4                    2,070      8
                                                   ---------------------------     ---------------------------
                                                            28,806    100%                  24,520    100%
                                                   ===========================     ===========================
  Less accumulated depreciation....................         (5,061)                         (7,831)
                                                   ---------------                 ---------------
         Net equipment held for operating leases...   $     23,745                    $     16,689
                                                   ===============                 ===============

  During 1997, the Company purchased $52.9 million in commercial and
  industrial equipment, which was placed on operating lease. During 1997,
  the Company sold to third parties commercial and industrial equipment
  that was on operating lease with an original cost of $58.3 million, for
  net gain of $2.4 million. During 1998, the Company purchased $24.0
  million in commercial and industrial equipment, which was placed on
  operating lease. During 1998, the Company sold to the institutional
  programs commercial and industrial equipment that was on operating lease
  for a net gain of $1.9 million. The Company does not expect to sell
  assets and their related leases to the institutional programs in the

  Future minimum rentals receivable under noncancellable operating leases
  as of December 31, 1998 are approximately $5.1 million in 1999, $3.7
  million in 2000, $2.0 million in 2001, $0.8 million in 2002, $0.3 million
  in 2003, and $2,000 in 2004.


  Other assets net, consisted of the following at December 31, (in
thousands of dollars):

                                                                                           1997             1998
  Intangibles, net of accumulated amortization of $685 and $1,028
    as of 1997 and 1998, respectively.......................................              $2,055            $1,713
  Prepaid expenses, deposits, and other.....................................                 138               896
  Loan fees, net of accumulated amortization of $207 and $436
    as of 1997 and 1998, respectively.......................................                 725               615
  Software, net of accumulated depreciation of $214 and $404 as of
    1997 and 1998, respectively.............................................                 646               530
  Furniture, fixtures, and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $83 and
    $137  as of 1997 and 1998, respectively.................................                 201               144
  Lease origination costs, net of accumulated amortization
    of $33 and $67 as of 1997 and 1998, respectively........................                  93                60

         Total other assets, net............................................              $3,858            $3,958

  Prepaid expenses, deposits, and other as of December 31, 1998 included
  $0.7 million of costs related to the proposed IPO of the Company. If the
  Company does not proceed with the IPO, it will have to expense all costs
  related to the IPO in 1999.


  The Company had a warehouse credit facility which allowed the Company to
  borrow up to $50.0 million to be used to acquire assets on an interim
  basis prior to placement in the Company's nonrecourse securitization
  facility, sale to institutional programs or syndication to unaffiliated
  third parties. This facility was shared with another subsidiary of the
  Parent and various investment programs managed by an affiliate of the
  Parent. Interest accrued at prime or LIBOR plus 162.5 basis points, at
  the option of the Company. This facility expired on December 14, 1998.

  On December 14, 1998, the Company entered into a new warehouse credit
  facility which allows the Company to borrow up to $60.0 million until
  December 14, 1999. The Company is the sole borrower of this facility.
  This facility provides for 100% of the present value of the lease stream
  of commercial and industrial equipment, up to 90% of original equipment
  cost of the assets held on this facility.

  Borrowings secured by investment-grade lessees can be held under this
  facility until the facility's expiration. Borrowings secured by
  noninvestment-grade lessees may by outstanding for 120 days. Interest
  accrues at prime or LIBOR plus 137.5 basis points, at the option of the
  Company. The Company retains the difference between the net lease revenue
  earned and the interest expense during the interim holding period, since
  its capital is at risk. Repayment of the borrowings for commercial and
  industrial equipment matches the terms of the underlying leases. The
  Company believes it will be able to renew this facility on substantially
  the same terms upon its expiration.

  The weighted-average interest rates on the Company's warehouse credit
  facilities were 7.6% and 7.22% for 1997 and 1998, respectively. As of
  December 31, 1998, the Company had $34.4 million outstanding under this
  facility. As of February 15, 1999, the Company had $34.4 million in
  borrowings outstanding under this facility.


  The Company has available a nonrecourse securitization facility to be
  used to acquire assets secured by direct finance leases, operating
  leases, and loans on commercial and industrial equipment that generally
  have terms from one to seven years. The facility allows the Company to
  borrow up to $125.0 million through October 12, 1999. Repayment of the
  facility matches the terms of the underlying leases. The securitized debt
  bears interest equivalent to the lender's cost of funds based on
  commercial paper market rates for the determined period of borrowing plus
  an interest rate spread and fees (7.16% and 6.46% as of December 31, 1997
  and 1998, respectively). As of December 31, 1997 and 1998, there were
  $71.3 million and $103.6 million in borrowings under this facility,

  During 1998, the Company assumed $12.4 million in additional nonrecourse
  notes payable, and received principal payments of $4.6 million. Also
  during 1998, the Company prepaid $10.2 million of the nonrecourse notes
  due to the sale of the related assets, resulting in total nonrecourse
  notes payable of $7.6 million as of December 31, 1998. Principal and
  interest on the notes are due monthly beginning November 1997 through
  March 2001. The notes bear interest ranging from 8.32% to 9.5% per annum
  and are secured by direct finance leases for commercial and industrial
  equipment that have terms corresponding to the repayment of the notes.

  Scheduled principal payments on long-term nonrecourse debt are (in
  thousands of dollars):

                                                     1999      $  42,901
                                                     2000         32,887
                                                     2001         19,411
                                                     2002          8,836
                                                     2003          3,950
                                               Thereafter          3,237
                                                    Total      $ 111,222


  The provision for (benefit from) income taxes attributable to income from
  operations for the years ended December 1996, 1997, and 1998 consists of
  the following (in thousands of dollars):

                                 1996                                         1997
                 Federal         State         Total          Federal          State        Total
             ------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------
  Current      $     (1,754)   $     (207)   $   (1,961)   $       (3,240)  $  (381)    $ (3,621)
  Deferred            1,347           157         1,504             4,361       519        4,880
             ------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------
               $       (407)   $      (50)   $     (457)   $        1,121   $   138     $  1,259
             ==========================================   ==========================================

                     Federal          State            Total
  Current         $   (3,255)      $   (375)       $  (3,630)
  Deferred             4,617            542            5,159
                  $    1,362       $    167        $   1,529

  Amounts for the current year are based on estimates and assumptions as of
  the date of this report and could vary significantly from amounts shown
  on the tax returns ultimately filed.

  The difference between the effective rate and the expected federal
  statutory rate is reconciled below:

                                                      1996              1997          1998
                                                   --------------- -------------- -----------
  Federal statutory tax (benefit) expense rate....      (34)%            34%         34%
  State income tax (benefit) expense rate.........       (2)              2           2
  Nondeductible expenses..........................        1               1           1
      Effective tax (benefit) expense rate........      (35)%            37%         37%

  The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant
  portions of the deferred tax liabilities as of December 31, are presented
  below (in thousands of dollars):

                                                            1997           1998
                                                         ----------    ---------
  Deferred tax assets:
  Lease classification................................... $   2,282       22,273
  Federal benefit of state taxes.........................        13            2
  Bad debt reserve.......................................         9          - -
  Other..................................................        --           15
                                                         ----------    ---------
      Total deferred tax assets..........................     2,304       22,290
                                                         ----------    ---------

  Deferred tax liabilities:
  Equipment, principally differences in depreciation.....     9,469       34,572
  Other..................................................        25           67
                                                         ----------    ---------
      Total deferred tax liabilities.....................     9,494       34.639
                                                         ----------    ---------

          Net deferred tax liabilities................... $   7,190       12,349
                                                         ==========    =========

  Management has reviewed all established tax interpretations of items
  reflected in its consolidated tax returns and believes that these
  interpretations do not require valuation allowances as described in SFAS
  No. 109.

  Current taxes receivable for 1996, 1997, and 1998, were paid to the
  Company by the Parent in the respective years. Amounts reported by the
  Company and its subsidiaries are included in the consolidated and
  combined tax returns filed by PLMI. The above amounts have been computed
  on a separate company basis.

  The Company believes that future operations will generate sufficient
  taxable income to realize the deferred tax assets.

                             DECEMBER 31, 1998


  PLMI and its various subsidiaries, including the Company, incur costs
  associated with management, accounting, legal, data processing, and other
  general and administrative activities. Direct expenses are charged
  directly to the Company as incurred. Indirect expenses are allocated
  among the Company, PLMI, and other subsidiaries of PLMI using an
  allocation method that management believes is reasonable when compared to
  business activities.

  General and administrative expenses allocated from the Parent to the
  Company during 1996, 1997 and 1998 were $1.2 million, $1.3 million, and
  $1.2 million, respectively.

  The Parent may make capital contributions to the Company for the equity
  required for the purchase of equipment and for loan fundings. In 1997 and
  1998, the Company periodically borrowed cash from the Parent in lieu of
  borrowing on the warehouse credit facility. The Parent charged interest
  expense to the Company at market rates for these loans. Total interest
  charged by the Parent for these loans was $0.5 million and $0.2 million
  in 1997 and 1998, respectively. The Parent did not make any loans to the
  Company in 1996. As of December 31, 1997 and 1998, the Company had
  outstanding borrowings from the Parent of $6.5 million and $4.4 million,



  The Company has entered into operating leases for office space. The
  Company's total net rent expense was $0.1 million in 1996, $0.2 million
  in 1997, and $0.2 million in 1998. Annual lease commitments for the
  Company's locations are $0.1 million in 1999, $0.1 million in 2000,
  $33,000 in 2001, and $0 thereafter.


  As of December 31, 1998, the Company had committed to purchase $40.5
  million of equipment for its lease and finance receivable portfolio of
  which $8.7 million had been received by lessees and accrued for as of
  December 31, 1998. This includes equipment that will be held by the
  Company and equipment that will be sold to third parties.

  From January 1, 1999 through February 15, 1999, the Company funded $5.4
  million of commitments outstanding for its commercial and industrial
  lease and finance receivable portfolio as of December 31, 1998.

  As of February 15, 1999, the Company had committed to purchase $37.6
  million of commercial and industrial equipment. This includes equipment
  that will be held for lease by the Company and equipment that will be
  sold to third parties.


  The Company is not involved in any material legal proceedings and is not
  aware of any pending or threatening legal proceedings that would have a
  material adverse affect upon its financial condition or results of


  The Company has an agreement with an employee that requires the Company
  to pay, under certain circumstances, an amount equal to two years salary
  if the Company terminates this employee's employment. In addition, the
  Company would be required to continue insurance coverage for a two year
  period. In consideration for these payments, this employee would release
  all claims against the Company and agree not to compete with the Company
  or solicit its customers for a two year period.

  The Company may enter into similar agreements with other employees in the



  The Company had 30.0 million shares of common stock at $0.01 par value,
  authorized, 4,200,000 of which were issued and outstanding as of December
  31, 1997 and 1998. All of the shares were owned by the Parent.


  The Company has authorized 5.0 million shares of preferred stock at $0.01
  par value, none of which were outstanding as of December 31, 1998. This
  preferred stock was authorized in 1998.


  During 1996 and 1998, the Company received capital contributions from the
  Parent of $16.9 million and $0.7 million, respectively. The Company did
  not receive capital contributions from the Parent during 1997.



  Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to
  concentrations of credit risk consist principally of receivables from
  loans and leases. Concentrations of credit risk with respect to lease and
  finance receivables are limited due to the large number of customers
  comprising the Company's customer base and their dispersion across
  different business and geographic areas. Currently, none of the Company's
  equipment is leased internationally.

  As of December 31, 1997, the Company's five largest lessees accounted for
  approximately 40% of its lease and finance receivables. As of December
  31, 1998, the Company's five largest lessees accounted for approximately
  37% of the Company's lease and finance receivables.

  As of December 31, 1997 and 1998, management believes the Company had no
  other significant concentrations of credit risk that could have a
  material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition or
  results of operations.


  The Company has entered into interest-rate swap agreements in order to
  manage the interest-rate exposure associated with its nonrecourse
  securitization facility. As of December 31, 1998, the swap agreements had
  a weighted-average duration of 1.28 years, corresponding to the terms of
  the remaining debt. As of December 31, 1998, a notional amount of $99.0
  million of interest-rate swap agreements effectively fixed interest rates
  at an average of 6.59% on such obligations. Interest expense was
  increased by $0.1 million, $0.3 million, and $0.4 million due to these
  arrangements in 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively.



  Since May 31, 1996, the Company has had available a warehouse credit
  facility used to acquire assets on an interim basis prior to placement in
  the Company's nonrecourse securitization facility, sale to institutional
  programs or syndication to unaffiliated third parties (as discussed in
  Note 6). Prior to the Company's becoming a borrower under this facility,
  the Company arranged for the purchase of commercial and industrial
  equipment by TEC AcquiSub, Inc., another subsidiary of the Parent ("TEC
  AcquiSub"). All costs related to arranging these transactions are
  included in the Company's results; however, the revenue earned from these
  transactions are not included in the Company's results. As of September
  1, 1996, all equipment owned by TEC AcquiSub was sold to the Company at
  its net book value, which approximated its fair market value. A pro forma
  adjustment to reflect the income and expenses to TEC AcquiSub related to
  these transactions has been reflected in the accompanying 1996 statement
  of operations. Income taxes have been provided at an effective rate of

  The following pro forma unaudited statement of operations is presented to
  reflect the transactions discussed above for the year ended December 31,
  1996 (in thousands of dollars):

                                                                                    PRO FORMA              1996
                                                               1996                ADJUSTMENTS           PRO FORMA
                                                      ---------------------    ---------------------   --------------
  Finance lease income...............................        $      1,763          $       996           $     2,759
  Operating lease income.............................               5,020                2,449                 7,469
  Financing income...................................                  92                   --                    92
  Management fees....................................                 485                   --                   485
  Revenue from sale of leases and related assets.....               2,188                  353                 2,541
                                                      -------------------    -----------------    ------------------
       Total revenues................................               9,548                3,798                13,346
                                                      -------------------    -----------------    ------------------

  Operations support.................................               3,509                    6                 3,515
  Depreciation and amortization......................               4,292                1,891                 6,183
  General and administrative.........................               1,178                   --                 1,178
                                                      -------------------    -----------------    ------------------
       Total costs and expenses......................               8,979                1,897                10,876
                                                      -------------------    -----------------    ------------------
  Operating income...................................                 569                1,901                 2,470

  Interest expenses..................................              (2,019)                (605)               (2,624)
  Interest income....................................                 176                   --                   176
  Other expense......................................                 (19)                  --                   (19)
                                                      --------------------   ------------------    ------------------
  Income (loss) before income taxes..................              (1,293)               1,296                     3
  Provision for (benefit from) income taxes..........                (457)                 458                     1
                                                      --------------------   -----------------    ------------------
       Net income (loss).............................       $        (836)        $        838       $             2
                                                      ====================   =================    ==================

                             DECEMBER 31, 1998


  Since February 1996, the Company has participated in the PLM
  International, Inc. Profit Sharing and 401(k) Plan (the "Plan"). The Plan
  provides for deferred compensation as described in Section 401(k) of the
  Internal Revenue Code. The Plan is a contributory plan available to
  essentially all full-time employees of the Company. In 1998, employees
  who participated in the Plan could elect to defer and contribute to the
  trust established under the Plan up to 9% of pretax salary or wages up to
  $10,000. The Company matched up to a maximum of $4,000 of employees'
  401(k) contributions in 1996, 1997 and 1998 to vest in four equal
  installments over a four-year period. The Company's total 401(k)
  contributions were $42,000, $58,000, and $58,000 for 1996, 1997, and
  1998, respectively.

  During 1996, 1997 and 1998, the Parent accrued discretionary
  profit-sharing contributions. Profit-sharing contributions are allocated
  equally among the eligible Plan participants. The Company's portion of
  the total profit-sharing contributions was $21,000, $37,000, and $27,000
  in 1996, 1997, and 1998, respectively.


  Revenues related to one of the institutional programs accounted for 19%
  and 10% of the Company's revenues in 1996 and 1997, respectively. No
  customer accounted for more than 10% of the Company's revenue in 1998.


  The estimated fair values of the Company's financial instruments as of
  December 31, are as follows (in thousands of dollars):

                                                                      1997                                   1998
                                                        ---------------------------------     -------------------------------
                                                            Carrying             Fair             Carrying             Fair
                                                             Amount             Value              Amount             Value
                                                        ---------------    --------------     ---------------     -----------
  Financial assets:
    Restricted cash (Note 1)..........................       $    3,775          3,775          $    8,088              8,088
    Loans receivable (Note 3).........................            5,861          5,921              23,493             23,548
  Financial liabilities:
    Warehouse credit facility (Note 6)................           23,040         23,040              34,420             34,420
    Nonrecourse notes payable (Note 7)................           10,000         10,407               7,585              7,673
    Nonrecourse securitization facility (Note 7)......           71,302         71,302             103,637            103,637
  Unrecognized financial instruments..................               --            113                  --                683


  It is possible that the Company's currently installed computer systems,
  software products and other business systems, or those of PLMI or the
  Company's vendors, service providers and customers, working either alone
  or in conjunction with other software or systems, may not accept input
  of, store, manipulate and output dates on or after January 1, 2000
  without error or interruption (a problem commonly known as the "Year
  2000" problem). Although the Company's asset management software has been
  modified so that it correctly recognizes dates on or after January 1,
  2000 and is therefore "Year 2000 compliant," the Company depends, and
  will continue to depend, on PLMI for certain essential administrative and
  other operational services to be provided under the terms of the
  Intercompany Agreement. As the Company relies substantially on PLMI's
  software systems, applications and control devices in operating and
  monitoring significant aspects of its business, any Year 2000 problem
  suffered by PLMI could have a material adverse effect on the Company's
  business, financial condition and results of operations.

  PLMI has indicated to the Company that it has established a special Year
  2000 oversight committee to review the impact of Year 2000 issues on its
  software products and other business systems in order to determine
  whether such systems will retain functionality after December 31, 1999.
  PLMI has also informed the Company that (i) it is currently integrating
  Year 2000 compliant programming code into its existing internally
  customized and internally developed transaction processing software
  systems and (ii) PLMI's accounting and asset management software systems
  have either already been made Year 2000 compliant or Year 2000 compliant
  upgrades of such systems are planned to be implemented by PLMI before the
  end of fiscal 1999. Although PLMI has indicated to the Company that it
  believes that its Year 2000 compliance program can be completed by the
  beginning of 1999, there can be no assurance that the compliance program
  will be completed by that date. As of December 31, 1998, allocations to
  the Company to become Year 2000 compliant amounted to approximately $0.1
  million. The Company expects to spend or be allocated an additional
  $100,000 in order to become Year 2000 compliant. Because the Company
  relies significantly on PLMI's software systems and the cost allocable to
  the Company of making such systems Year 2000 compliant is not expected to
  be material, the incremental cost to the Company of becoming Year 2000
  compliant is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the
  business, financial position or results of operations of the Company.

  Some risks associated with the Year 2000 problem are beyond the ability
  of the Company to control, including the extent to which third parties
  can address the Year 2000 problem. The Company has begun to communicate
  with vendors, service providers and customers in order to assess the Year
  2000 compliance readiness of such parties and the extent to which the
  Company is vulnerable to any third-party Year 2000 issues. There can be
  no assurance that the software systems of such parties will be converted
  or made Year 2000 compliant in a timely manner. Any failure by PLMI or
  such other parties to make their respective systems Year 2000 compliant
  could have a material adverse effect on the business, financial position
  and results of operations of the Company. The Company will make an
  ongoing effort to recognize and evaluate potential exposure relating to
  third-party Year 2000 non-compliance and will develop a contingency plan
  if the Company determines, or is unable to determine, that third-party
  non-compliance would have a material adverse effect on the Company's
  business, financial position or results of operation.

                                                                    ANNEX A

                            STOCK SALE AGREEMENT

                               by and between

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.


                       GUARANTY FEDERAL BANK, F.S.B.

                                dated as of

                              October 26, 1999

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                  ARTICLE I
                         PURCHASE AND SALE OF SHARES

      Section 1.1    Sale and Transfer of Shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
      Section 1.2    Base Purchase Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
      Section 1.3    Base Purchase Price Adjustment  . . . . . . . . . . . 2

                                 ARTICLE II
                                 THE CLOSING

      Section 2.1    The Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
      Section 2.2    Deliveries by Seller  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
      Section 2.3    Deliveries by Purchaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

                                 ARTICLE III

      Section 3.1    Organization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
      Section 3.2    Authorization; Validity of Agreement  . . . . . . . . 6
      Section 3.3    Execution; Validity of Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . 6
      Section 3.4    Consents and Approvals; No Violations . . . . . . . . 6
      Section 3.5    Ownership and Possession of Shares  . . . . . . . . . 7
      Section 3.6    Good Title Conveyed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
      Section 3.7    Company Action  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
      Section 3.8    Capitalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
      Section 3.9    Organization; Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
      Section 3.10   Financial Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
      Section 3.11   No Undisclosed Liabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
      Section 3.12   Outstanding Indebtedness  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
      Section 3.13   Absence of Certain Changes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
      Section 3.14   Title to Properties; Encumbrances . . . . . . . . . . 9
      Section 3.15   Leased Real Property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
      Section 3.16   Leases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
      Section 3.17   Contracts and Commitments . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
      Section 3.18   Customers and Lenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
      Section 3.19   Bank Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
      Section 3.20   Casualties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
      Section 3.21   Litigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
      Section 3.22   Environmental Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
      Section 3.23   Compliance with Laws  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
      Section 3.24   Employee Benefit Plans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
      Section 3.25   Tax Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
      Section 3.26   Intellectual Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
      Section 3.27   Labor Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
      Section 3.28   Brokers or Finders  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
      Section 3.29   Year 2000 Readiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
      Section 3.30   Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
      Section 3.31   Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
      Section 3.32   Non-Continuing Subsidiaries . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
      Section 3.33   Disclosure; No Other Representations  . . . . . . .  24

                                 ARTICLE IV

      Section 4.1    Organization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
      Section 4.2    Authorization and Execution; Validity of
                     Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
      Section 4.3    Consents and Approvals; No Violations . . . . . . .  25
      Section 4.4    Acquisition of Shares for Investment;
                     Ability to Evaluate and Bear Risk   . . . . . . . .  26
      Section 4.5    Availability of Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
      Section 4.6    Litigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
      Section 4.7    Brokers or Finders  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

                                  ARTICLE V

      Section 5.1    Interim Operations of the Company . . . . . . . . .  26
      Section 5.2    Access; Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
      Section 5.3    Efforts and Actions to Cause Closing to Occur . . .  30
      Section 5.4    Tax Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
      Section 5.5    Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
      Section 5.6    Employees; Employee Benefits  . . . . . . . . . . .  41
      Section 5.7    Indemnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
      Section 5.8    Transition Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
      Section 5.9    Intercompany Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
      Section 5.10   Payment of Outstanding Indebtedness . . . . . . . .  43
      Section 5.11   Knowledge of Breach; Prior Knowledge  . . . . . . .  44
      Section 5.12   Disclosure Schedule: Supplement,
                     Amendments and Updates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
      Section 5.13   Maintenance of Books and Records  . . . . . . . . .  45
      Section 5.14   Seller's Trademarks and Logos . . . . . . . . . . .  45
      Section 5.15   Use of Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
      Section 5.16   Inland Leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
      Section 5.17   Eireann Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
      Section 5.18   No Solicitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
      Section 5.19   Investment Committee Meetings . . . . . . . . . . .  47
      Section 5.20   Stockholders' Meeting.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47

                                 ARTICLE VI

      Section 6.1    Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect
                     the Closing   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
      Section 6.2    Conditions to Obligations of Purchaser to
                     Effect the Closing    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
      Section 6.3    Conditions to Obligations of Seller to Effect
                the Closing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52

                                 ARTICLE VII

      Section 7.1    Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
      Section 7.2    Effect of Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54

                                ARTICLE VIII

      Section 8.1    Indemnification; Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
      Section 8.2    Notice of Claim; Defense  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57
      Section 8.3    Resolution of All Tax-Related Disputes  . . . . . .  59
      Section 8.4    Tax Effect of Indemnification Payments  . . . . . .  59
      Section 8.5    No Duplication; Sole Remedy Procedures  . . . . . .  59
      Section 8.6    No Right of Off-Set/Set-off . . . . . . . . . . . .  59

                                 ARTICLE IX

      Section 9.1    Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  60
      Section 9.2    Interpretation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71

                                  ARTICLE X

      Section 10.1   Fees and Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
      Section 10.2   Amendment and Modification  . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
      Section 10.3   Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
      Section 10.4   Counterparts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
      Section 10.5   Entire Agreement; No Third-Party Beneficiaries  . .  74
      Section 10.6   Severability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
      Section 10.7   Governing Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
      Section 10.8   Venue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
      Section 10.9   Time of Essence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
      Section 10.10  Extension; Waiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
      Section 10.11  Election of Remedies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
      Section 10.12  Assignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75


 Exhibit A Form of Opinion of Counsel to Seller
 Exhibit B Form of Opinion of Counsel to Purchaser
 Exhibit C Inland Leases
 Exhibit D Form of Transition Services Agreement

                            STOCK SALE AGREEMENT

           Stock Sale Agreement, dated as of October 26, 1999, by and
 between Guaranty Federal Bank, F.S.B., a federally chartered savings bank,
 and PLM International, Inc., a Delaware corporation and the holder of all
 the outstanding capital stock of American Finance Group, Inc., a Delaware
 corporation. Certain capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the
 meanings assigned to them in Article IX.

           WHEREAS, Seller owns, of record and beneficially, all of the
 Shares; and

           WHEREAS, each of the boards of directors of Purchaser and Seller
 has approved, and deems it advisable and in the best interests of its
 respective stockholders to consummate, the acquisition of the Company by
 Purchaser, which acquisition is to be effected by the purchase of the
 Shares by Purchaser upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth

           NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual
 representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth herein,
 intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                  ARTICLE I
                         PURCHASE AND SALE OF SHARES

           Section 1.1    Sale and Transfer of Shares. Subject to the terms
 and conditions of this Agreement, Seller shall, at the Closing, sell,
 convey, assign, transfer and deliver to Purchaser all of the Shares, free
 and clear of all Encumbrances, except for any restrictions on transfer
 arising under the Securities Act or any applicable state securities laws.

           Section 1.2    Base Purchase Price. Subject to the terms and
 conditions of this Agreement, in consideration of the aforesaid sale,
 conveyance, assignment, transfer and delivery to Purchaser of the Shares,
 Purchaser shall pay to Seller at the Closing the Base Purchase Price, which
 amount shall be payable in immediately available funds by wire transfer to
 such bank account or accounts as may be specified by Seller to Purchaser at
 least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing.

           Section 1.3    Base Purchase Price Adjustment.

                (a)  As promptly as practicable, but not later than sixty
 (60) calendar days after the Closing Date, Seller, with the cooperation of
 Purchaser, shall cause to be prepared and delivered to Purchaser the
 Closing Date Balance Sheet. Except as set forth in and in accordance with
 Section1.3(b) or Section 1.3(c), as the case may be, the Closing Date
 Balance Sheet shall not be binding on Purchaser if Purchaser timely
 exercises its right to dispute the same pursuant to the procedures set
 forth in this Section 1.3. If Purchaser does not exercise such right with
 respect to the Closing Date Balance Sheet on a timely basis under this
 Section 1.3, then Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted the Closing
 Date Balance Sheet.

                (b)  Purchaser must cooperate in good faith in the
 preparation of the Closing Date Balance Sheet. The Closing Date Balance
 Sheet shall be prepared on a basis consistent with the preparation of the
 Balance Sheet. During the thirty (30) days immediately following
 Purchaser's receipt of the Closing Date Balance Sheet, Purchaser shall be
 permitted to review the working papers of Seller relating to the Closing
 Date Balance Sheet. The Closing Date Balance Sheet shall become final and
 binding upon Seller and Purchaser on the thirtieth (30th) day following
 receipt thereof by Purchaser unless Purchaser gives a Notice of
 Disagreement to Seller on or before such date. Any Notice of Disagreement
 shall (i) specify in reasonable detail the nature and amount of any
 disagreement so asserted and (ii) include disagreements relating only to
 the Closing Date Balance Sheet.

                (c)  During the thirty (30) days immediately following the
 delivery of a Notice of Disagreement, Seller and Purchaser shall seek in
 good faith to resolve by written agreement any differences that they may
 have with respect to any matter included in the Notice of Disagreement.
 During such 30-day period, Seller shall have full access to the working
 papers of Purchaser prepared in connection with Purchaser's preparation of
 the Notice of Disagreement. Should the parties resolve by written agreement
 all differences included in the Notice of Disagreement during such 30-day
 period, Seller shall prepare a revised Closing Date Balance Sheet
 reflecting the terms of such written agreement and deliver such revised
 Closing Date Balance Sheet to Purchaser within two (2) Business Days after
 the execution of such written agreement by both parties.  Should any such
 differences remain unresolved at the end of such 30-day period, Seller and
 Purchaser shall submit to the Accounting Firm for review and resolution any
 and all matters which remain in dispute and which were properly included in
 the Notice of Disagreement, and the Accounting Firm shall make a final
 determination in writing in respect of such matters, which determination
 shall be binding on the parties (it being understood, however, that the
 Accounting Firm shall act as an arbitrator to determine, based solely on
 presentations by Purchaser and Seller (and not by independent review), only
 those matters that remain in dispute and were properly included in the
 Notice of Disagreement). Each of Seller and Purchaser shall instruct the
 Accounting Firm to deliver, as soon as practicable following the selection
 of the Accounting Firm, its final determination to the parties in writing.
 Within two (2) Business Days following delivery by the Accounting Firm of
 its final determination in writing to the parties, Seller shall deliver to
 Purchaser a revised version of the Closing Date Balance Sheet reflecting
 (i) any written agreement by the parties with respect to any matter
 included in the Notice of Disagreement and/or (ii) the final determination
 of the Accounting Firm.  Purchaser and Seller shall bear equally the fees
 and expenses incurred by the Accounting Firm in carrying out its duties
 under this Section 1.3. If a timely Notice of Disagreement is given by
 Purchaser in accordance with Section 1.3(b), then the Closing Date Balance
 Sheet, as revised in accordance with this Section 1.3(c), shall become
 final and binding upon Seller and Purchaser on the date Seller delivers
 such revised version of the Closing Date Balance Sheet to Purchaser.

                (d)  If the Base Purchase Price is more than the Final
 Purchase Price, Seller shall, within five (5) Business Days after the
 Closing Date Balance Sheet has become final and binding on Seller and
 Purchaser pursuant to this Section 1.3, make payment to Purchaser by wire
 transfer in immediately available funds of the amount of such difference,
 together with interest thereon at the Applicable Rate calculated on the
 basis of the number of days elapsed from the Closing Date to the date of
 payment. If the Base Purchase Price is less than the Final Purchase Price,
 Purchaser shall, within five (5) Business Days after the Closing Date
 Balance Sheet  has become final and binding on Seller and Purchaser
 pursuant to this Section 1.3, make payment to Seller by wire transfer in
 immediately available funds of the amount of such difference, together with
 interest thereon at the Applicable Rate calculated on the basis of the
 number of days elapsed from the Closing Date to the date of payment.

                                 ARTICLE II
                                 THE CLOSING

           Section 2.1    The Closing. The sale and transfer of the Shares
 by Seller to Purchaser shall take place at the offices of Skadden, Arps,
 Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 3800, San
 Francisco, California, at 10:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time, on the later
 of (a) January 14, 2000 and (b) five (5) Business Days following the
 satisfaction and/or waiver of all conditions to closing set forth in
 Article VI, unless another date or place is agreed in writing by each of
 the parties hereto.

           Section 2.2    Deliveries by Seller. At the Closing, Seller shall
 deliver to Purchaser:

                (a)  one or more certificates representing all of the
 Shares, each such certificate to be duly and validly endorsed in the name
 of Purchaser or in blank or accompanied by separate stock powers duly and
 validly executed by Seller in blank, in proper form for transfer, together
 with evidence of payment by Seller of any applicable transfer taxes;

                (b)  resignations of each director of the Company and each
 Company Subsidiary;

                (c)  executed copies of the consents referred to in Section

                (d)  all minute books and stock ledgers for the Company and
 the Company Subsidiaries;

                (e)  a certification of non-foreign status for Seller in the
 form and manner which complies with the requirements of Section 1445 of the
                (f)  the opinions, certificates and other documents to be
 delivered by Seller to Purchaser at or prior to the Closing in connection
 with the Transactions; and

                (g)  a certificate of an officer of Seller that the
 resolution of its stockholders contemplated by Section 271 of the DGCL
 authorizing the sale of the Shares has been obtained.

           Section 2.3    Deliveries by Purchaser. At the Closing, Purchaser

                (a)  transfer the Base Purchase Price in accordance with
 Section 1.2; and

                (b)  deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Seller such
 opinions, certificates and other documents to be delivered by Purchaser to
 Seller at or prior to the Closing in connection with the Transactions.

                                 ARTICLE III

           Seller represents and warrants to Purchaser that all of the
 statements contained in this Article III are true as of the date of this
 Agreement (or, if made as of a specified date, as of such date). For
 purposes of the representations and warranties of Seller contained herein
 and except with respect to Schedules 3.8, 3.12, 3.16 and 3.21, disclosure
 in any section of the Disclosure Schedule (excluding the Financial
 Statements attached thereto as Schedule 3.10) of specific facts or
 circumstances sufficient to clearly and actually notify Purchaser of the
 nature and extent of the matter required to be disclosed shall be deemed to
 be adequate response and disclosure of such facts or circumstances with
 respect to all representations or warranties by Seller calling for
 disclosure of such information, whether or not such disclosure is
 specifically associated with or purports to respond to one or more or all
 of such representations or warranties. The inclusion of any information in
 any section of the Disclosure Schedule or other document delivered by
 Seller pursuant to this Agreement shall not be deemed to be an admission or
 evidence of the materiality of such item, nor shall it establish a standard
 of materiality for any purpose whatsoever.

           Seller, for itself, and on behalf of the Company and each
 Company Subsidiary (as applicable), represents and warrants to Purchaser

           Section 3.1    Organization. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1,
 Seller is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
 standing under the laws of the State of Delaware. Seller has all requisite
 corporate or other power and authority and all necessary governmental
 approvals to own, lease and operate its properties and assets and to carry
 on its business as now being conducted, except where the failure to have
 such power, authority and governmental approvals would not have a Company
 Material Adverse Effect.

           Section 3.2    Authorization; Validity of Agreement. Except as
 set forth on Schedule 3.2 and subject to receiving the authorization of its
 stockholders contemplated by Section 271 of the DGCL, Seller has full
 corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to
 consummate the Transactions. The execution, delivery and performance by
 Seller of this Agreement and the consummation of the Transactions have been
 duly authorized by the Board of Directors of Seller and, except for the
 authorization of the stockholders of Seller contemplated by Section 271 of
 the DGCL, no other corporate or other action on the part of Seller or its
 stockholders is necessary to authorize the execution and delivery by Seller
 of this Agreement or the consummation of the Transactions.

           Section 3.3    Execution; Validity of Agreement. Except as set
 forth on Schedule 3.3, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
 by Seller, and, assuming due and valid authorization, execution and
 delivery hereof by Purchaser, is a valid and binding obligation of Seller,
 enforceable against Seller in accordance with its terms except: (a) as may
 be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
 moratorium, fraudulent conveyance and other similar laws of general
 application affecting enforcement of creditors' rights generally and (b)
 the availability of the remedy of specific performance or injunctive or
 other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses.

           Section 3.4    Consents and Approvals; No Violations. Except as
 set forth on Schedule 3.4, and for the filings, permits, authorizations,
 consents and approvals as may be required under, and other applicable
 requirements of, the Exchange Act, the HSR Act, the DGCL, state securities
 or blue sky laws and the OTS, none of the execution, delivery or
 performance of this Agreement by Seller, the consummation by Seller of the
 Transactions or compliance by Seller with any of the provisions hereof
 will: (a) conflict with or result in any breach of any provision of the
 certificate of incorporation or by-laws of Seller, (b) require any filing
 with, or permit, authorization, consent or approval of, any Governmental
 Entity, (c) result in a violation or breach of, or constitute (with or
 without due notice or lapse of time or both) a default (or give rise to any
 right of termination, cancellation or acceleration) under, any of the
 terms, conditions or provisions of any note, bond, mortgage, indenture,
 lease, license, contract, agreement or other instrument or obligation to
 which Seller or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or by which any of them
 or any of their respective properties or assets may be bound, or (d)
 violate any order, writ, injunction, decree, statute, rule or regulation
 applicable to Seller, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their properties or
 assets, excluding from the foregoing clauses (b), (c) and (d) such
 violations, breaches or defaults which would become applicable as a result
 of the business or activities in which Purchaser is or proposes to be
 engaged or as a result of the status of Purchaser as a federally chartered
 savings bank.

           Section 3.5    Ownership and Possession of Shares. Except as set
 forth on Schedule 3.5, Seller is the record and beneficial owner of all of
 the Shares. The certificates representing the Shares are now and at all
 times during the term hereof shall be held by Seller or by a nominee or
 custodian for the sole and exclusive benefit of Seller, free and clear of
 all Encumbrances whatsoever, except for any Encumbrances created by this
 Agreement and restrictions on transfer arising under the Securities Act or
 any applicable state securities laws.

           Section 3.6    Good Title Conveyed. Except as set forth on
 Schedule 3.6, the stock certificates, stock powers, endorsements,
 assignments and other instruments to be executed and delivered by Seller to
 Purchaser at the Closing will be valid and binding obligations of Seller,
 enforceable in accordance with their respective terms, and will vest in
 Purchaser good title to all the Shares, free and clear of all Encumbrances,
 except restrictions on transfer imposed by the Securities Act and any
 applicable state securities laws.

           Section 3.7    Company Action. Except as set forth on Schedule
 3.7, no vote of, or consent by, the holders of any class or series of
 capital stock issued by the Company or any Company Subsidiary is necessary
 to authorize the execution and delivery by Seller of this Agreement or the
 consummation by it of the Transactions.

           Section 3.8    Capitalization. The total number of shares of
 capital stock, and the classes and par values thereof, which the Company
 and each Company Subsidiary is authorized to issue, the number of such
 shares which are issued and outstanding and the number of such outstanding
 shares owned by Seller or the Company (with respect to each Company
 Subsidiary) are set forth on Schedule 3.8. All the Shares and all
 outstanding shares of capital stock of each of the Company Subsidiaries are
 duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable. Except as
 set forth in Schedule 3.8, as of the date hereof, (a) there are no shares
 of capital stock or other equity securities of the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary authorized, issued or outstanding; and (b) there are no existing
 options, warrants, calls, pre-emptive rights, exchange rights,
 subscriptions or other rights, agreements, arrangements or commitments of
 any character, relating to the issued or unissued capital stock or other
 equity securities of the Company or any Company Subsidiary, obligating the
 Company or any Company Subsidiary to issue, transfer or sell or cause to be
 issued, transferred or sold any shares of capital stock or other equity
 securities of the Company or any Company Subsidiary.

           Section 3.9    Organization; Qualification. Each of the Company
 and the Company Subsidiaries (a) is a corporation duly organized, validly
 existing and in good standing under the laws of its state of incorporation,
 and (b) has full corporate power and authority to carry on its business as
 it is now being conducted and to own the properties and assets it now owns.
 Each of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries is duly qualified or
 licensed to do business as a foreign corporation in good standing in every
 jurisdiction in which such qualification or license is required or, if the
 Company or any Company Subsidiary is not so qualified in any such
 jurisdiction, (A) it can become so qualified or licensed in such
 jurisdiction without a Company Material Adverse Effect and (B) prior to the
 date of this Agreement, any such failure to be so qualified or licensed has
 not had, and is not reasonably expected to have a Company Material Adverse
 Effect. Seller has heretofore delivered to Purchaser complete and correct
 copies of the certificate of incorporation and by-laws of each of the
 Company and the Company Subsidiaries as presently in effect. Schedule 3.9
 sets forth the name and jurisdiction of incorporation of the Company and
 each Company Subsidiary and the jurisdictions in which the Company and each
 Company Subsidiary is qualified to do business. All the outstanding capital
 stock of each Company Subsidiary is owned directly or indirectly by the
 Company, free and clear of all Encumbrances and all material claims or
 charges of any kind and is validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.

           Section 3.10   Financial Statements. True and complete copies of
 the Financial Statements are attached hereto as Schedule 3.10. The
 Financial Statements have been prepared from, are in accordance with and
 accurately reflect, the books and records of the Company and the Company
 Subsidiaries, comply in all material respects with applicable accounting
 requirements, have been prepared in accordance with GAAP applied on a
 consistent basis during the periods involved (except as may be stated in
 the notes thereto) and fairly present the consolidated financial position
 and the consolidated results of operations and cash flows (and changes in
 financial position, if any) of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries as
 of the dates and for the periods referred to therein (subject, in the case
 of unaudited statements, to normally recurring year-end adjustments which
 are not material).

           Section 3.11   No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except (a) as
 disclosed in the Financial Statements or in Schedule 3.11 and (b) for
 liabilities and obligations incurred in the ordinary course of business
 since the Balance Sheet Date, the Company has not incurred any liability or
 obligation of any nature, whether or not accrued, contingent or otherwise,
 that has, or would be reasonably likely to have, a Company Material Adverse

           Section 3.12   Outstanding Indebtedness. Schedule 3.12 lists all
 Indebtedness outstanding as of June 30, 1999, except for items of
 outstanding Indebtedness the principal amount of which did not exceed as of
 such date $25,000 in any individual case or $100,000 in the aggregate.
 Schedule 3.12 sets forth the amount of principal and unpaid (accrued and
 unaccrued) interest outstanding as of June 30, 1999 (except as otherwise
 noted) under each instrument evidencing outstanding Indebtedness, including
 such amounts of principal or interest, if any, that will accelerate or
 become due or result in a right on the part of the holder of such
 Indebtedness (with or without due notice or lapse of time) to require
 prepayment, redemption or repurchase as a result of the execution of this
 Agreement or the consummation of any of the Transactions.

           Section 3.13   Absence of Certain Changes. Except as set forth on
 Schedule 3.13, since the Balance Sheet Date, each of the Company and the
 Company Subsidiaries has conducted its respective business only in the
 ordinary course consistent with past practice, and neither the Company nor
 any Company Subsidiary has taken any action, or permitted any fact or
 circumstance to occur or exist, that would constitute a breach of any
 provision of Section 5.1 had such action been taken or such fact or
 circumstance occurred or existed at any time since the Balance Sheet Date.
 Except as set forth on Schedule 3.13, since the Balance Sheet Date, none of
 the Company or any Company Subsidiary has suffered any change in its
 working capital, business, financial condition, results of operations,
 assets or liabilities which has resulted in, or may reasonably be expected
 to result in, a Company Material Adverse Effect, nor, to the Knowledge of
 Seller, has any such change been threatened.

           Section 3.14   Title to Properties; Encumbrances. Except for
 properties and assets (including Leases) sold since the Balance Sheet Date
 in the ordinary course of business and except as set forth on Schedule
 3.14, either the Company or a Company Subsidiary has good title to each of
 the properties and assets reflected on the Balance Sheet, free and clear of
 any Encumbrance that would reasonably be expected to have a Company
 Material Adverse Effect and which is not disclosed on the Balance Sheet. As
 of the date hereof, all tangible assets and properties of the Company and
 each Company Subsidiary, excluding Leased Properties, are in good operating
 condition and repair and are usable in the ordinary course of business
 consistent with past practice.  Each Lease requires the lessee to maintain
 the Leased Property in good operating condition and repair, and to the
 Knowledge of Seller, there have been no failures to maintain Leased
 Properties that, individually or in the aggregate, would reasonably be
 expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

           Section 3.15   Leased Real Property. None of the Company or any
 of the Company Subsidiaries owns any real property. Schedule 3.15 sets
 forth a complete list, and the location and a brief description, of all
 real property leased by the Company and the Company Subsidiaries. True and
 complete copies of leases relating to such real property have heretofore
 been furnished to Purchaser.

           Section 3.16   Leases. Schedule 3.16 sets forth a complete list
 of all Leases (including certain material terms of such Leases) as of the
 date hereof, complete and correct copies of which, together with all
 amendments thereto, have been made available to Purchaser. Each Lease is
 valid, binding and enforceable in accordance with its terms except: (a) as
 may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
 moratorium, fraudulent conveyance and other similar laws of general
 application affecting enforcement of creditors' rights generally and (b)
 the availability of the remedy of specific performance or injunctive or
 other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses. The
 Company and each Company Subsidiary (as the case may be) have fulfilled, or
 taken all action necessary to enable it to fulfill when due, all of their
 respective obligations under each Lease. Except as set forth on Schedule
 3.16, to the Knowledge of Seller, no party is in default under any Lease
 such that that default would reasonably be expected to result in a loss to
 the Company or a Company Subsidiary in excess of $10,000 individually or
 $100,000 in the aggregate, and no notice of any claim of default has been
 given by a lessee under a Lease to the Company or any Company Subsidiary.
 To the Knowledge of Seller, there does not exist under any Lease any other
 event or condition that, after notice or lapse of time or both, would
 constitute on the part of any lessee thereto a violation, breach or event
 of default thereunder which would reasonably be expected to result in a
 loss to the Company or any Company Subsidiary in excess of $10,000
 individually or $100,000 in the aggregate. Except as set forth in Schedule
 3.16, no consent of any lessee or guarantor under any Lease is required as
 a result of or in connection with the execution, delivery or performance of
 this Agreement or the consummation of the Transactions.

           Section 3.17   Contracts and Commitments.

                (a)  Schedule 3.17(a) contains a complete and correct list
 and description of all agreements, contracts, commitments and other
 instruments and arrangements (whether or not written), other than Leases,
 of the types described below to which the Company or any Company Subsidiary
 is a party or by which any of them is bound as of the date hereof and with
 respect to which payments by or to the Company or any Company Subsidiary
 exceeded $10,000 during the 12-month period ended September 30, 1999 or, if
 continued, would be expected to exceed $10,000 during the 12-month period
 ending September 30, 2000 (the "Contracts"):

                          (i)  employment, consulting, agency,
      collective bargaining, profit sharing, stock option, severance or
      other similar contracts, agreements, and other instruments and
      arrangements relating to or for the benefit of current, future or
      former employees, officers, directors, agents, independent
      contractors or consultants;

                          (ii) loan agreements, indentures, letters of
      credit, mortgages, security agreements, pledge agreements, deeds
      of trust, bonds, notes, guarantees, and other agreements and
      instruments relating to the borrowing of money or obtaining of or
      extension of credit;

                          (iii) licenses, licensing arrangements
      and other contracts providing in whole or in part for the use of,
      or limiting the use of, any Intellectual Property;

                          (iv) brokerage or finder's agreements;

                          (v)  joint venture, partnership and similar

                          (vi) asset purchase agreements and other
      acquisition or divestiture agreements, including but not limited
      to any agreements relating to the sale, lease or disposal of any
      assets (other than Leased Property), or involving continuing
      indemnity or other obligations;

                          (vii) agent, representative, sales,
      marketing or similar agreements;

                          (viii) contracts, agreements or
      arrangements with respect to the representation of the Company
      business in foreign countries;

                          (ix) lease agreements where the Company or
      any Company Subsidiary is the lessee, providing for the leasing
      of personal property, whether or not primarily used in, or held
      for use primarily in connection with, the business of the Company
      or any Company Subsidiary; and

                          (x)  any other contracts, agreements or
      commitments that are material to the business of the Company or
      any Company Subsidiary.

                (b)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.17(b), Seller has
 made available to Purchaser complete and correct copies of all Contracts,
 together with all amendments and supplements thereto.

                (c)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.17(c)(i), all
 Contracts are in full force and effect. There does not exist under any
 Contract any event of default or event or condition that, after notice or
 lapse of time or both, would constitute a violation, breach or event of
 default thereunder on the part of the Company or any Company Subsidiary,
 or, to the Knowledge of Seller, any other party thereto, except for such
 events or conditions that, individually or in the aggregate, have not had
 or resulted in, and will not have or result in, a Company Material Adverse
 Effect. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.17(c)(ii), no consent of any
 third party is required under any Contract as a result of or in connection
 with the execution, delivery or performance of this Agreement or the
 consummation of the Transactions.

                (d)  Other than as set forth on Schedule 3.17(d), neither
 the Company nor any Company Subsidiary has outstanding any power of
 attorney that is material to the business of the Company and the Company

                (e)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.17(e), no purchase
 contracts or commitments of the Company or any Company Subsidiary are in
 excess of the normal, ordinary and usual requirements of business or are at
 an excessive price.

                (f)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.17(f), neither the
 Company nor any Company Subsidiary is restricted by agreement from carrying
 on its business anywhere in the world, except such restrictions as would
 not have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

                (g)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.17(g), neither the
 Company nor any Company Subsidiary has outstanding any agreement to acquire
 or guarantee any debt obligations of others.

           Section 3.18   Customers and Lenders. Except as set forth on
 Schedule 3.18, since the Balance Sheet Date there has not been any material
 adverse change in the business relationship of the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary with any customer who accounted for more than 5% of the
 Company's revenues from Leases (on a consolidated basis) during the period
 from January 1, 1999 to June 30, 1999, or any lender from whom the Company
 or the Company Subsidiaries borrowed funds constituting more than 5% of its
 total assets as of June 30, 1999.

           Section 3.19   Bank Accounts. Schedule 3.19 sets forth the names
 and locations of all banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations
 and other financial institutions at which the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary maintains safe deposit boxes, checking accounts or other
 accounts of any nature as of the date hereof.

           Section 3.20   Casualties. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.20,
 since the Balance Sheet Date, neither the Company nor any Company
 Subsidiary has been affected as a result of flood, fire or explosion which
 constitutes a Company Material Adverse Effect.

           Section 3.21   Litigation.

                (a)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.21, there are no
 actions, suits, claims or administrative or arbitral proceedings or
 investigations pending or, to the Knowledge of Seller, threatened naming
 the Company or any Company Subsidiary as a defendant and seeking damages of
 $10,000 or more or an injunction against the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.21, there are no outstanding
 judgments, orders, writs, injunctions or decrees of any Governmental Entity
 against the Company or any Company Subsidiary. Except for pending or
 unresolved claims existing as of the date hereof and except as otherwise
 set forth in Schedule 3.21, no lessee under a Lease listed on Schedule 3.16
 or Governmental Entity has informed the Company that it believes there are
 any bases or grounds for any action, suit, claim, investigation or
 proceeding by it that would be required to be listed in Schedule 3.21 if
 such action, suit, claim, investigation or proceeding were now pending or
 threatened. Neither the Company nor any Company Subsidiary is currently
 engaged in any action as plaintiff except as otherwise set forth in
 Schedule 3.21.

                (b)  There are no actions, suits or claims, or legal,
 administrative or arbitral proceedings, pending or, to Knowledge of Seller,
 threatened, that would give rise to any right of indemnification against
 the Company or any Company Subsidiary or any successor to the business of
 the Company or any Company Subsidiary under any contract or other agreement
 to which the Company or such Company Subsidiary is a party, or by which it
 or its respective properties or assets is bound or subject.

                (c)  There is no action, suit, inquiry, proceeding or
 investigation by or before any Governmental Entity pending or, to the
 Knowledge of Seller, threatened against or involving the Company or any
 Company Subsidiary which questions or challenges the validity of this
 Agreement or any action taken or to be taken by the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the

           Section 3.22   Environmental Matters. Except as set forth on
 Schedule 3.22, to the Knowledge of Seller, (a) the Company and each Company
 Subsidiary are in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws, (b)
 neither the Company nor any Company Subsidiary has received any written
 notice with respect to the business of, or any property or assets owned or
 leased by, the Company or any Company Subsidiary from any Governmental
 Entity or other Person alleging that the Company or any Company Subsidiary
 is not in compliance with any Environmental Law, (c) there has been no
 "release" of a "hazardous substance", as those terms are defined in the
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42
 U.S.C. section 9601 et seq., in excess of a reportable quantity on any real
 property owned by the Company or any Company Subsidiary that is used for
 the business of the Company or any Company Subsidiary, (d) there is no
 proceeding threatened before any Governmental Entity in which the Company
 or any Company Subsidiary reasonably would be expected to be named as a
 defendant or potentially responsible party for alleged noncompliance with
 any applicable Environmental Law, and (e) there is no proceeding pending
 before any Governmental Entity in which the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary has been named as a defendant or potentially responsible party
 for alleged noncompliance with any applicable Environmental Law.

           Section 3.23   Compliance with Laws. Except as set forth on
 Schedule 3.23, to the Knowledge of Seller, the Company and the Company
 Subsidiaries have complied in a timely manner and in all respects with all
 laws, rules and regulations, ordinances, judgments, decrees, orders, writs
 and injunctions of all Governmental Entities that are material to the
 business, properties or assets of the Company or any Company Subsidiary.

           Section 3.24   Employee Benefit Plans.

                (a)  Schedule 3.24(a) contains a true and complete list of
 all Plans and indicates, where applicable, each Plan sponsored by the
 Company or a Company Subsidiary. The Company has heretofore made available
 to Purchaser a true and complete copy of each written Plan and any
 amendments thereto and each agreement creating or modifying any related
 trust or other funding vehicle, and a written summary of any unwritten
 Plan; the summary plan description for each Plan; the most recent Form 5500
 and summary annual report for each Plan; and the most recent Internal
 Revenue Service determination letter for each Plan to the extent

                (b)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24(b), to the
 Knowledge of Seller, no liability under Title IV or Section 302 of ERISA or
 Section 4980 B of the Code has been incurred by the Company or any ERISA
 Affiliate that has not been satisfied in full.

                (c)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24(c), to the
 Knowledge of Seller, the PBGC has not instituted proceedings to terminate
 any Title IV Plan and no condition exists that presents a material risk
 that such proceedings will be instituted.

                (d)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24(d), no Title IV
 Plan is a "multi-employer pension plan," as defined in Section 3(37) of
 ERISA, nor is any Title IV Plan a plan described in Section 4063(a) of

                (e)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24(e), each Plan has
 been operated and administered in accordance with its terms and applicable
 law, including ERISA and the Code, except as would not have a Company
 Material Adverse Effect; no breaches of fiduciary duty or "prohibited
 transactions" within the meaning of Section 406 of ERISA have occurred with
 respect to any Plan; and all contributions and premiums due (taking into
 account any extensions for such contributions and premiums) at or prior to
 the Closing Date have been paid in full or accrued with respect to each

                (f)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24(f), each Plan
 intended to be "qualified" within the meaning of Section 401(a) of the Code
 is so qualified.

                (g)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24(g), no Plan
 provides health or death benefits after termination of employment except as
 required by Part 6 of Title I of ERISA.

                (h)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.24(h), the
 consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement will not
 (i) entitle any individual to any tax "gross-up" payments with respect to
 the imposition of any tax pursuant to Section 4999 of the Code or
 accelerate the time of payment or vesting, or increase the amount, of
 compensation or benefits due to any individual with respect to any Plan, or
 (ii) constitute or result in a "prohibited transaction" under Section 4975
 of the Code or Section 406 or 407 of ERISA with respect to any Plan.

           Section 3.25   Tax Matters.

                (a)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(a), all Tax
 Returns required to be filed by the Company, any Company Subsidiary or any
 member of the Seller's Group or any corporation that was included in the
 filing of a return with the Company or any Company Subsidiary on a
 consolidated, combined or unitary basis have been filed and all Taxes
 required to be shown on Tax Returns or otherwise due or payable have been
 paid and any penalties and interest relating to such Taxes have been paid.
 None of the Tax Returns contain, or are required to contain, a disclosure
 statement under Section 6662 of the Code, or any similar provision of
 state, local or foreign law, in order to avoid a penalty for any taxable
 year.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(a), no extension of time within
 which to file any Tax Return with respect to the Company, any Company
 Subsidiary, or any member of the Seller's Group has been requested, which
 Tax Return has not since been filed.  All Tax Returns are true, correct and
 complete in all respects

                (b)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(b), no adjustment
 relating to any Tax Returns has been proposed in writing by any
 Governmental Entity, and no basis exists for any such adjustment.  There
 are no outstanding subpoenas or requests for information with respect to
 any Tax Returns or portions thereof.  There are no pending investigations,
 actions or proceedings in respect of which the Seller's Group has received
 written notice for the assessment or collection of Taxes for which the
 Company or any Company Subsidiary may become liable in its own right or as
 a member of the Seller's Group, or as a transferee of the assets of, or
 successor to, any entity against the Company, any Company Subsidiary, or
 any member of the Seller's Group.  There are no deficiencies in Taxes that
 have been assessed in writing against any member of the Seller's Group.

                (c)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(c), no consent
 under Section 341(f) of the Code has been filed with respect to the
 Company, any Company Subsidiary or any member of the Seller's Group.

                (d)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(d), there are no
 Tax liens on any assets of the Company or any Company Subsidiary, except
 with respect to Taxes which are not yet due and payable.

                (e)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(e), neither the
 Company nor any Company Subsidiary has made any payments, is obligated to
 make any payments, or is a party to any agreement that could obligate it to
 make any payments that would not be deductible under Section 280G of the

                (f)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(f), neither the
 Company nor any Company Subsidiary has been at any time a member of any
 partnership or joint venture or the holder of a beneficial interest in any
 trust for any person for which the statute of limitations for any Tax
 potentially applicable as a result of such membership or holding has not

                (g)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(g), the Company
 and each Company Subsidiary is a member of an affiliated group (within the
 meaning of Section 1504 of the Code) that is eligible to file a
 consolidated return with Seller for United States federal income tax
 purposes.  No other entity is or has since January 1, 1995 been eligible to
 file a consolidated or combined return with the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary and the Company has not filed or consented to the filing of any
 United States federal or state consolidated or combined return with any
 entity not a member of the Seller's Group.

                (h)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(h), neither the
 Company nor any Company Subsidiary owes any amounts pursuant to any tax
 sharing agreement or arrangement, nor will they have any liability after
 the date hereof in respect of any tax sharing agreement or arrangement
 executed or agreed to prior to the date hereof, whether any such agreement
 or arrangement is written or unwritten.

                (i)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(i), all Taxes
 required to be withheld, collected or deposited in connection with the
 operations and activities of the Company, any Company Subsidiary or any
 member of the Seller's Group have been timely withheld, collected or
 deposited and, to the extent required, have been paid to the relevant
 taxing authority.

                (j)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(j), the Company
 and each Company Subsidiary has properly accrued all current or contested
 Taxes on their books and records, and their books and records reflect
 reserves that are adequate in accordance with GAAP for the payment of all
 Taxes not yet due and payable that are properly accruable thereon through
 the close of business on the Closing Date (including Taxes being

                (k)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(k), as of the
 Balance Sheet Date, neither the Company nor any Company Subsidiary had
 liability for any Taxes in excess of amounts accrued or the reserves
 established on the Balance Sheet, including any liability for Taxes
 resulting from being a member of or leaving the Seller's Group.

                (l)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(l), there are no
 outstanding requests, waivers, consents or agreements to extend the statute
 of limitations for any period with respect to any Tax or deficiency to
 which the Company or any Company Subsidiary may be liable either directly
 or as a member of the Seller's Group.

                (m)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(m), neither the
 Company nor any Company Subsidiary has (i) income that may be reportable
 for a period ending after the Closing Date but attributable to a
 transaction (e.g., an installment sale) occurring in, or a change in
 accounting method made for, a period ending at or prior to the Closing Date
 that will not be reflected on the Closing Date Balance Sheet which may
 result in a deferred reporting of income from such transaction or from such
 change in accounting method (other than a deferred intercompany
 transaction), or (ii) deferred gain or loss arising out of any deferred
 intercompany transaction.

                (n)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(n), neither the
 Company nor any Company Subsidiary is liable for the Taxes of any
 individual, corporation, unincorporated organization or Government Entity
 (i) under Treasury Department Regulation Section 1.1502-6 or any similar
 provision of state, local, or foreign law, (ii) as a transferee or
 successor, (iii) by contract, or (iv) otherwise.

                (o)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(o), there are no
 requests for rulings or determination letters made by or on behalf of the
 Company, any Company Subsidiary or any member of the Seller's Group
 currently outstanding that could affect the Taxes of the Company or any
 Company Subsidiary.

                (p)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(p), no power of
 attorney that is currently in force has been granted with respect to any
 matter relating to Taxes that could affect the Company or any Company

                (q)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(q), Seller and the
 Company have made available to Purchaser true and complete copies of all
 Tax Returns of the Company and each Company Subsidiary, for all periods
 which are not closed by the statute of limitations.

                (r)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(r), Seller and the
 Company made available to Purchaser a true and complete copy of any: (i)
 elections, letter rulings and determination letters relating to Taxes with
 respect to the Company or any Company Subsidiary; and (ii) examination
 reports, closing agreements and statements of deficiencies for Taxes
 assessed against or agreed to by the Company or any Company Subsidiary, or
 any member of the Seller's Group, in each case, within the last six (6)

                (s)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(s), Seller and the
 Company have delivered to Purchaser a true and complete copy of any tax
 sharing or allocation agreement or arrangement involving the Company or any
 Company Subsidiary and have informed the Purchaser in writing of any such
 agreement or arrangement that is unwritten or informal.

                (t)  Schedule 3.25(t) sets forth a complete list of all
 current tax elections in effect with respect to the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary, and Seller agrees not to cause or permit the Company or any
 Company Subsidiary to change any current elections or make any new
 elections prior to Closing which would affect the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary without obtaining the consent of Purchaser.

                (u)  Schedule 3.25(u) lists or indicates, as the case may
 be, as of the date hereof (i) all income Tax Returns and all State sales
 tax returns filed with respect to the Company or any Company Subsidiary for
 taxable periods ended on or after December 31, 1994; (ii) the jurisdictions
 in which such returns have been filed on the basis of a consolidated,
 combined or unitary group; (iii) the most recent of such returns for each
 relevant jurisdiction for which an audit has been completed; (iv) all of
 such returns that currently are the subject of an audit; and (v) the period
 for the assessment of any taxes relating to such returns that is not closed
 by reason of the applicable statute of limitations or by reason of a
 closing agreement with the appropriate authority.

                (v)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(v), as of the date
 hereof the Tax Returns of the Company, each Company Subsidiary, and the
 Seller's Group have been audited by the Internal Revenue Service or other
 governmental agency (or closed by applicable statutes of limitations) and
 all tax liabilities in respect thereof have been finally determined for all
 taxable years ending on or before December 31, 1995.

                (w)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(w), none of the
 assets of the Company or any Company Subsidiary is property which the
 Company or any Company Subsidiary is required to treat as being owned by
 any other person pursuant to the so called "Safe Harbor" lease provisions
 of former Section 168(f)(8) of the Code.

                (x)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(x), none of the
 assets of the Company or any Company Subsidiary, directly or indirectly,
 secures any debt the interest of which is tax exempt under Section 103(a)
 of the Code.

                (y)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(y), none of the
 assets of the Company or any Company Subsidiary is tax exempt use property
 within the meaning of Section 168(h) of the Code.

                (z)  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(z), the Seller is
 a United States person within the meaning of the Code.

                (aa) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(aa), the
 transactions contemplated herein are not subject to the tax withholding
 provisions of Section 3406 of the Code or of Subchapter A of Chapter 3 of
 the Code.

                (bb) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25(bb), the Company
 is, and at all times from and after the date hereof until the Closing Date,
 shall be a member of the "selling consolidated group" within the meaning of
 Section 338(h)(10) of the Code.

           Section 3.26   Intellectual Property. Schedule 3.26 sets forth a
 list of all Company Intellectual Property owned, licensed to or used by the
 Company and the Company Subsidiaries that is material to the business or
 operation of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries, and with respect to
 which the Company and each of the Company Subsidiaries possesses legally
 enforceable rights. To the Knowledge of Seller, there are no oppositions,
 cancellations, invalidity proceedings, interferences or re-examination
 proceedings presently pending with respect to the Company Intellectual
 Property that are reasonably likely to have a Company Material Adverse
 Effect. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.26, to the Knowledge of Seller,
 the conduct of the business of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries and
 the Company Intellectual Property does not infringe any Intellectual
 Property rights of any Person, and neither the Company nor any Company
 Subsidiary has received any written notice from any other Person pertaining
 to or challenging the right of the Company or any Company Subsidiary to use
 any of the Company Intellectual Property.

           Section 3.27   Labor Matters.

           Except as set forth on Schedule 3.27:

                (a)  There is no labor strike, dispute, slowdown, stoppage
 or lockout pending, or to the Knowledge of Seller, threatened against the
 Company or any Company Subsidiary.

                (b)  Neither the Company nor any Company Subsidiary is a
 party to or bound by any collective bargaining agreement with any labor
 organization applicable to employees of the Company or any Company

                (c)  No labor union has been certified by the National Labor
 Relations Board as bargaining agent for any of the employees of the Company
 or any Company Subsidiary.

                (d)  Neither the Company nor any Company Subsidiary has
 experienced any material work stoppage or other material labor difficulty
 during the two-year period ending on the date hereof.

                (e)  There is no unfair labor practice charge or complaint
 against the Company or any Company Subsidiary pending or, to the Knowledge
 of Seller, threatened before the National Labor Relations Board.

                (f)  At no time have the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken
 as a whole, had, nor as of the date hereof do the Company and its
 Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, have more than 49 employees.

                (g)  As of the date hereof, (i) there are no pending or, to
 the Knowledge of Seller, threatened employment discrimination claims or
 charges against the Company or any Company Subsidiary, (ii) there are no
 pending or, to the Knowledge of Seller, threatened employment
 discrimination or wrongful termination lawsuits against the Company or any
 Company Subsidiary and (iii) there are no other pending or, to the
 Knowledge of Seller, threatened claims or lawsuits by an current or former
 employee of the  Company or any Company Subsidiary.

                (h)  All wages that have been paid or payable by the Company
 or any Company Subsidiary have been paid in material compliance with the
 Fair Labor Standards Act and any contractual agreements between the Company
 or any Company Subsidiary and any of its current or former employees.

                (i)  All unemployment insurance premiums relating to any
 current or former employee of the Company or any Company Subsidiary have
 been paid.

           Section 3.28   Brokers or Finders. Except for Legg Mason Wood
 Walker, Incorporated and Katherine Delano, each of whose fees and expenses
 will be paid by Seller in accordance with Seller's agreement or arrangement
 with such firm, neither Seller nor any of or its Affiliates has entered
 into any agreement or arrangement entitling any agent, broker, investment
 banker, financial advisor or other Person to any broker's or finder's fee
 or any other commission or similar fee in connection with any of the

           Section 3.29   Year 2000 Readiness. Except as set forth on
 Schedule 3.29, the Company has reviewed its internal information and
 business systems, including its computer software, hardware and related
 systems, that the Company reasonably believes may be affected by the Year
 2000 Problem. The Company reasonably believes that its internal information
 and business systems will be able to perform properly date-sensitive
 functions for all dates before and after January 1, 2000 and that such
 systems currently are not, and will not be, materially adversely affected
 by the Year 2000 Problem. In addition, the Company has surveyed the Outside
 Parties. Based upon the aforementioned internal review and surveys (and
 associated responses) of the Outside Parties, Seller reasonably believes
 that the Year 2000 Problem has not resulted in and would not reasonably be
 expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

           Section 3.30   Insurance. Schedule 3.30 contains a true and
 complete list as of the date hereof of all insurance policies or related
 binders, in the event that the relevant insurance policy is not in the
 possession of Seller, that have provided, are currently providing or will
 provide coverage to the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries at any
 time during the period commencing October 1, 1997 and ending on the Closing
 Date.  Seller has made available to Purchaser copies of each of the
 insurance policies or related binders listed on Schedule 3.30 in its
 possession, and, except as set forth in Schedule 3.30, all of such policies
 are in full force and effect as of the date hereof.

           Section 3.31   Employees. Schedule 3.31 sets forth the names and
 current annual salary rates or current hourly wages of all employees of the
 Company and each Company Subsidiary as of the date hereof, the date of the
 last salary increase, the date of commencement of employment of each
 employee with the Company each Company Subsidiary or their respective
 predecessors, and a summary of any accrued salary, bonuses, vacation, leave
 and other compensation payable to each employee.

           Section 3.32   Non-Continuing Subsidiaries. Except as set forth
 on Schedule 3.32, the Company has prior to the date hereof (a) transferred
 to Seller all of the outstanding capital stock of the Non-Continuing
 Subsidiaries and (b) assigned to Seller its entire limited partnership
 interest in Eireann II and its entire limited partnership interest in
 Eireann III, together with all of its rights and obligations as a limited
 partner under the limited partnership agreements for each of such limited
 partnerships, in each case with no further liability to the Company, the
 Company Subsidiaries, Purchaser or any of their respective Affiliates.

           Section 3.33   Disclosure; No Other Representations. The
 representations and warranties contained in this Article III do not contain
 any untrue statement of a fact or omit to state any fact necessary in order
 to make the statements and information contained in this Article III not
 misleading. Except for the representations and warranties contained in this
 Article III, neither Seller nor any other Person acting on behalf of Seller
 makes any representation or warranty, express or implied.

                                 ARTICLE IV

           Purchaser represents and warrants to Seller that:

           Section 4.1    Organization. Purchaser is a federally chartered
 savings bank duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the
 United States of America and has all requisite power and authority and all
 necessary governmental approvals to own, lease and operate its properties
 and to carry on its business as now being conducted, except where the
 failure to be so organized, existing and in good standing or to have such
 power, authority, and governmental approvals would not have, a material
 adverse effect on Purchaser's ability to consummate the Transactions.

           Section 4.2    Authorization and Execution; Validity of
 Agreement. Purchaser has full corporate power and authority to execute and
 deliver this Agreement and to consummate the Transactions. The execution,
 delivery and performance by Purchaser of this Agreement and the
 consummation of the Transactions have been duly authorized by the Board of
 Directors of Purchaser, and no other corporate action on the part of
 Purchaser is necessary to authorize the execution and delivery by Purchaser
 of this Agreement or the consummation of the Transactions. No vote of, or
 consent by, the holders of any class or series of capital stock issued by
 Purchaser is necessary to authorize the execution and delivery by Purchaser
 of this Agreement or the consummation by it of the Transactions. This
 Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Purchaser, and, assuming
 due and valid authorization, execution and delivery hereof by Seller, is a
 valid and binding obligation of Purchaser, enforceable against Purchaser in
 accordance with its terms except: (a) as limited by applicable bankruptcy,
 insolvency, reorganization, moratorium, fraudulent conveyance and other
 similar laws of general application affecting enforcement of creditors'
 rights generally and (b) the availability of the remedy of specific
 performance or injunctive or other forms of equitable relief may be subject
 to equitable defenses.

           Section 4.3    Consents and Approvals; No Violations. Except for
 the filings, permits, authorizations, consents and approvals as may be
 required under, and other applicable requirements of, the OTS, the Exchange
 Act, the HSR Act and state securities or blue sky laws, none of the
 execution, delivery or performance of this Agreement by Purchaser, the
 consummation by Purchaser of the Transactions or compliance by Purchaser
 with any of the provisions hereof will (a) conflict with or result in any
 breach of any provision of the certificate of incorporation or by-laws of
 Purchaser, (b) require any filing with, or permit, authorization, consent
 or approval of, any Governmental Entity, (c) result in a violation or
 breach of, or constitute (with or without due notice or lapse of time or
 both) a default (or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation or
 acceleration) under, any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any
 note, bond, mortgage, indenture, lease, license, contract, agreement or
 other instrument or obligation to which Purchaser or any of its
 Subsidiaries is a party or by which any of them or any of their respective
 properties or assets may be bound, or (d) violate any order, writ,
 injunction, decree, statute, rule or regulation applicable to Purchaser,
 any of its Subsidiaries or any of their properties or assets, excluding
 from the foregoing clauses (b), (c) and (d) such violations, breaches or
 defaults which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material
 adverse effect on Purchaser's ability to consummate the Transactions.

           Section 4.4    Acquisition of Shares for Investment; Ability to
 Evaluate and Bear Risk.

                (a)  Purchaser is acquiring the Shares for investment and
 not with a view toward, or for sale in connection with, any distribution
 thereof, nor with any present intention of distributing or selling the
 Shares (other than, if applicable, to any Affiliate of Purchaser).
 Purchaser agrees that the Shares may not be sold, transferred, offered for
 sale, pledged, hypothecated or otherwise disposed of without registration
 under the Securities Act and any applicable state securities laws, except
 pursuant to an exemption from such registration under such Act and such

                (b)  Purchaser is able to bear the economic risk of holding
 the Shares for an indefinite period and has knowledge and experience in
 financial and business matters such that it is capable of evaluating the
 risks of the investment in the Shares.

           Section 4.5    Availability of Funds. Purchaser will have at the
 Closing sufficient immediately available funds, in cash, to pay the Base
 Purchase Price and to effect the Transactions as contemplated under this

           Section 4.6    Litigation. There is no claim, action, suit,
 proceeding or, to the knowledge of Purchaser, governmental investigation
 pending or, to the knowledge of Purchaser, threatened against Purchaser or
 any of its Subsidiaries by or before any Governmental Entity that,
 individually or in the aggregate, would have or would reasonably be
 expected to impede the ability of Purchaser to complete the Closing in all

           Section 4.7    Brokers or Finders. Neither Purchaser nor any of
 or its Affiliates has entered into any agreement or arrangement entitling
 any agent, broker, investment banker, financial advisor or other Person to
 any broker's or finder's fee or any other commission or similar fee in
 connection with any of the Transactions.

                                  ARTICLE V

           Section 5.1    Interim Operations of the Company. Except as
 expressly permitted by this Agreement and except as may be consented to in
 writing by Purchaser (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or
 delayed), from the date hereof to the Closing Date Seller shall cause the
 Company and each Company Subsidiary not to:

                (a)  conduct the business of the Company and the Company
 Subsidiaries other than in the same manner as heretofore conducted and only
 in the ordinary course, using all reasonable efforts to (i) preserve intact
 the present business of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries, (ii)
 maintain their respective properties and assets in good operating
 condition, (iii) keep available the services of their respective officers
 and significant employees, and (iv) preserve their relationships with their
 respective customers, suppliers, licensors, lessors, lessees and other
 Persons having business dealings with them, to the end that their goodwill
 and ongoing business shall be unimpaired in all material respects following
 the Closing Date;

                (b)  (i) amend its certificate of incorporation or by-laws
 or similar organizational documents, (ii) issue, sell, transfer, pledge,
 dispose of or encumber any shares of any class or series of its capital
 stock (including the Shares), or securities convertible into or
 exchangeable for, or options, warrants, calls, commitments or rights of any
 kind to acquire, any shares of any class or series of its capital stock, or
 (iii) split, combine or reclassify any shares of any class or series of its
 capital stock;

                (c)  except with respect to the Leases, (i) incur or assume
 any Indebtedness in excess of an aggregate amount of $50,000, (ii) modify
 the terms of any Indebtedness or other liability other than Indebtedness
 set forth on Schedule 5.1(c) which the Company shall be entitled to renew
 provided that such renewal permits repayment on or prior to the Closing
 Date without penalty or continuing obligation, (iii) assume, guarantee or
 indemnify the obligations of any other Person in excess of an aggregate
 amount of $50,000, or (iv) mortgage, pledge or subject to lien, any
 property, business or assets (tangible or intangible) not subject to a
 Lease and held in connection with the business of the Company and the
 Company Subsidiaries;

                (d)  outside the ordinary course of business, make any loan
 to, or enter into any non-arm's length transaction with, any stockholder,
 director or officer, or make any change in the rate of compensation,
 commission, bonus or other direct or indirect remuneration payable, or pay
 or agree or orally promise to pay, conditionally or otherwise, any bonus,
 incentive, retention or other compensation, retirement, welfare, fringe or
 severance benefit or vacation pay, to or in respect of any stockholder,
 director, officer, employee or agent of the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary (other than normal recurring increases in the ordinary course of
 business or pursuant to plans, programs or agreements existing on the date
 hereof and described in the Disclosure Schedule);

                (e)  permit any insurance policies naming any of them as a
 beneficiary or a loss payable payee to lapse or expire, except to the
 extent such policies are replaced with equivalent policies, without
 diminution of or gaps in coverage and sufficient to insure the assets,
 property and business of the Company and each Company Subsidiary to the
 same extent as currently insured;

                (f)  adopt a plan of complete or partial liquidation,
 dissolution, merger, consolidation, restructuring, recapitalization or
 other reorganization of the Company or any Company Subsidiary;

                (g)  change, in any material respect, any of the accounting
 methods used by it unless required by GAAP;

                (h)  in respect of its capital stock, make, declare or pay
 any dividends or distribution, other than cash dividends or distributions,
 to its stockholders or redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of
 any class or series of its capital stock or other securities of the Company
 or any Company Subsidiary;

                (i)  make any capital expenditures in an aggregate amount
 exceeding $50,000 (other than directly with respect to Leases);

                (j)  except with respect to Leases, enter into any contract,
 agreement or understanding (written or otherwise) (i) the performance of
 which will extend over a period of more than six (6) months, (ii) which
 will result in a loss to the Company or any Company Subsidiary, or (iii)
 involve aggregate consideration payable by the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary in excess of $25,000 over the next twelve (12) months;

                (k)  institute, settle or agree to settle any litigation,
 action or proceeding before any Governmental Entity, or waive any rights of
 value or rights that would otherwise accrue to the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary after the Closing Date;

                (l)  collect its accounts receivable other than in the
 ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

                (m)  pay its accounts payable other than in the ordinary
 course of business consistent with past practice, nor fail to pay or
 discharge when due any liabilities;

                (n)  sell, transfer, encumber, lease, pledge, mortgage or
 otherwise dispose of all or any material portion of its assets or
 properties; provided, however, that nothing in this Section 5.1 shall
 prohibit the Company or any Company Subsidiary from selling or transferring
 in the ordinary course and consistent with past practice any Lease, Leased
 Property or personal property formerly subject to a Lease;

                (o)  take, or agree to commit to take, any action that would
 result in any of the conditions to the Closing set forth in Article VI
 (other than the condition described in Section 6.2(o)) not being satisfied,
 or would make any representation or warranty of Seller contained herein
 inaccurate in any material respect at, or as of any time prior to, the
 Closing Date, or that would impair the ability of Purchaser or Seller to
 consummate the Closing in accordance with the terms hereof or materially
 delay such consummation; or

                (p)  enter into any agreement, contract, commitment or
 arrangement to do any of the foregoing.

           Section 5.2    Access; Confidentiality.

                (a)  Seller shall cause the Company, prior to the Closing,
 to (i) give Purchaser and its authorized representatives reasonable access
 to all books, records, personnel, offices and other facilities and
 properties of the Company, (ii) permit Purchaser to make such copies and
 inspections thereof as Purchaser may reasonably request and (iii) cause the
 officers of the Company to furnish Purchaser with such financial and
 operating data and other information with respect to the business and
 properties of the Company as Purchaser may from time to time reasonably
 request; provided, however, that any such access shall be conducted at
 Purchaser's expense, at a reasonable time, under the supervision of
 Seller's or the Company's personnel and in such a manner as not to
 interfere with the normal operation of the business of Seller or the
 Company. Notwithstanding anything contained in this or any other agreement
 between Purchaser and Seller executed prior to the date hereof, nothing in
 this Section 5.2(a) shall require either Seller or the Company to disclose
 any information to Purchaser if such disclosure would (i) jeopardize any
 attorney-client or other legal privilege or (ii) contravene any applicable
 laws, fiduciary duty or binding agreement entered into prior to the date of
 this Agreement (including any confidentiality agreement to which Seller,
 the Company or any Affiliate of either is a party); provided, however, that
 any such failure to disclose shall not excuse Seller from any resulting
 breach of any representation, warranty or covenant of Seller (excluding any
 covenant set forth in this Section 5.2) contained in this Agreement.

                (b)  The provisions of the Confidentiality Agreement shall
 remain binding and in full force and effect until the Closing or until it
 terminates in accordance with its terms. The information contained in the
 Disclosure Schedule shall be subject to the Confidentiality Agreement as
 Evaluation Material (as defined and subject to the exceptions contained
 therein) until the Closing and, for that purpose and to that extent, the
 terms of the Confidentiality Agreement are incorporated herein by
 reference. Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.5, Purchaser shall
 cause its consultants, advisors and representatives to treat the
 information delivered to Purchaser or its authorized representatives
 pursuant hereto as strictly confidential (unless compelled to disclose by
 judicial or administrative process or, in the opinion of legal counsel of
 Purchaser, by other requirements of law).

           Section 5.3    Efforts and Actions to Cause Closing to Occur.

                (a)  Prior to the Closing, upon the terms and subject to the
 conditions of this Agreement, Purchaser and Seller shall use their
 respective best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and to
 do, or cause to be done and cooperate with each other in order to do, all
 things necessary, proper or advisable (subject to any applicable laws) to
 consummate the Closing and the other Transactions as promptly as
 practicable, including the preparation and filing of all forms,
 registrations and notices required to be filed to consummate the Closing
 and the other Transactions and the taking of such actions as are necessary
 to obtain any requisite approvals, authorizations, consents, orders,
 licenses, permits, qualifications, exemptions or waivers by any third party
 or Governmental Entity. In addition, no party hereto shall take any action
 after the date hereof that could reasonably be expected to materially delay
 the obtaining of, or result in not obtaining, any permission, approval or
 consent from any Governmental Entity or other Person required to be
 obtained prior to Closing. Except as set forth in Section 10.1, nothing
 contained in this Agreement shall require Seller or the Company to pay any
 consideration to any other Person from whom any such approvals,
 authorizations, consents, orders, licenses, permits, qualifications,
 exemptions or waiver is requested.

                (b)  Prior to the Closing, each party shall promptly consult
 with the other party hereto with respect to, provide any necessary
 information with respect to, and provide the other parties (or their
 respective counsel) with copies of, all filings made by such party with any
 Governmental Entity or any other information supplied by such party to a
 Governmental Entity in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions.
 Each party hereto shall promptly inform the other of any communication
 received by such party from any Governmental Entity regarding any of the
 Transactions. If any party hereto or Affiliate thereof receives a request
 for information or documentary material from any such Governmental Entity
 with respect to any of the Transactions, then such party shall endeavor in
 good faith to make, or cause to be made, as soon as reasonably practicable
 and after consultation with the other parties, an appropriate response in
 compliance with such request.

                (c)  In addition to and without limiting the agreements of
 the parties contained above, Purchaser and Seller shall (i) take promptly
 all actions necessary to make the filings required of them or any of their
 Affiliates under the HSR Act, or with the OTS (ii) comply at the earliest
 practicable date with any request for additional information or documentary
 material received by the Company, Purchaser, Seller or any of their
 Affiliates from the FTC or the DOJ pursuant to the HSR Act or from any
 state attorney general or other Governmental Entity in connection with
 antitrust matters, (iii) cooperate with each other in connection with any
 filing under the HSR Act and in connection with resolving any investigation
 or other inquiry concerning the Transactions commenced by the FTC, DOJ,
 OTS, any state attorney general or any other Governmental Entity, (iv) use
 their best efforts to resolve such objections, if any, as may be asserted
 with respect to the Transactions under any antitrust law and (v) advise the
 other parties promptly of any material communication received by such party
 from the FTC, DOJ, OTS, any state attorney general or any other
 Governmental Entity regarding any of the Transactions, and of any
 understandings, undertakings or agreements (oral or written) such party
 proposes to make or enter into with the FTC, DOJ, any state attorney
 general or any other Governmental Entity in connection with the
 Transactions. Concurrently with the filing of notifications under the HSR
 Act or as soon thereafter as practicable, Seller and Purchaser shall each
 request early termination of the HSR Act waiting period.

           Section 5.4    Tax Matters.

                (a)  Section 338 Election.

                          (i)  Seller and Purchaser shall jointly make
      and file a Section 338(h)(10) Election with respect to the
      acquisition of Company and each Company Subsidiary.  Seller shall
      execute and deliver to Purchaser such documents or forms as
      Purchaser shall request or as are required by applicable law to
      effect and preserve timely Section 338(h)(10) Elections for the
      acquisition of the stock of Company and Company Subsidiaries.
      With respect to the Section 338(h)(10) Election, Purchaser and
      Seller shall agree on the MADSP and the Election Allocations. The
      Election Allocations shall be determined in accordance with
      Section 338 of the Code and the applicable Treasury Regulations
      thereunder and any comparable provisions of state, local or other
      law, as appropriate.

                          (ii) At least one hundred twenty (120) days
      prior to the latest date for the filing of each Section 338 Form,
      Purchaser shall prepare and submit to Seller a draft of such
      Section 338 Form setting forth the Election Allocations.  Neither
      Purchaser nor Seller shall file, or permit to be filed, any
      Section 338 Form unless it shall have obtained the consent of the
      other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or
      delayed.  On or prior to the thirtieth (30th) day after Seller's
      receipt of a draft Section 338 Form, Seller shall either (A)
      consent to the filing of the Section 338 Form or (B) notify
      Purchaser that it disagrees with the Election Allocations as set
      forth on the draft Section 338 Form or other matters contained in
      the draft Section 338 Form.  Seller shall be deemed to have
      consented to the Election Allocations prepared by Purchaser
      unless Seller has notified Purchaser of its disagreement within
      thirty (30) days of its receipt of the draft Section 338 Forms.
      If Purchaser and Seller have been unable to resolve their
      differences within thirty (30) days after Purchaser has been
      notified of Seller's disagreement with the Election Allocations
      or other matters as set forth on the draft Section 338 Form, then
      any remaining disputed issues shall be submitted to the
      Accounting Firm to resolve in a final binding manner after
      hearing the views of both parties. The fees and expenses of the
      mutually agreed upon independent national accounting firm shall
      be shared equally by Purchaser and Seller.  Except as may be
      required by law, Seller and Purchaser will (A) file, or cause to
      be filed, all Tax Returns in a manner consistent with the
      Election Allocations and (B) not take any action inconsistent
      therewith.  In the event that any of the Election Allocations is
      disputed by any Taxing Authority, the party receiving notice of
      the dispute shall promptly notify the other party hereto of the

                          (iii)  Seller shall be responsible for and
      shall pay any income, gross receipts, franchise or similar taxes
      (but not Excluded Taxes) arising as a result of the Section
      338(h)(10) Elections made by Purchaser and Seller pursuant to
      this Agreement (including any election under state, local or
      other law comparable to election available under Section 338(g)
      of the Code).

                (b)  Tax Returns.  Except as provided in Section 5.4(d),

                          (i)  Seller shall file or cause to be filed
      when due all Tax Returns that are required to be filed by or with
      respect to the Company or any Company Subsidiary for taxable
      years or periods ending on or before the Closing Date, and Seller
      shall remit (or cause to be remitted), subject to Section 8.1(b),
      any Taxes due in respect of such Tax Returns.  All such Tax
      Returns shall be prepared in accordance with the prior practices
      of the Company and Company Subsidiaries, and Seller shall not
      file any Tax Returns relating to the Company or any Company
      Subsidiary without the prior consent of Purchaser, which consent
      shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.  Seller shall
      provide Purchaser with a copy of such Tax Returns (and supporting
      schedules) in the form proposed to be filed by Seller at least
      thirty (30) days in advance of the due date for filing the Tax
      Returns.  Purchaser shall be deemed to have consented to the
      items and positions reflected in such Tax Returns unless
      Purchaser shall object to Seller in writing not later than
      fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof.

                          (ii) Purchaser shall file or cause to be
      filed when due all Tax Returns that are required to be filed by
      or with respect to the Company for taxable years or periods
      ending after the Closing Date, and Purchaser shall remit (or
      cause to be remitted) any Taxes due in respect of such Tax

                          (iii) Any Tax Return required to be filed
      by Purchaser relating to any Straddle Period shall be submitted
      (with copies of any relevant schedules, work papers and other
      documentation then available) to Seller for Seller's approval not
      less than thirty (30) days prior to the due date for the filing
      of such Tax Return, which approval shall not be unreasonably
      withheld or delayed.  Such return shall be prepared in a manner
      consistent with past practices of Seller, including elections
      accounting methodologies and asset write-off periods.  Seller
      shall be deemed to have consented to the items and positions
      reflected in such Tax Returns unless Seller shall object in
      writing not later than fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof.

                          (iv) Upon the written request of Purchaser
      setting forth in detail the computation of the amount owed,
      Seller shall pay to Purchaser, no later than five (5) days prior
      to the due date for the applicable Tax Return, the Taxes for
      which Seller is liable pursuant to Section 8.1(b)(ii) but which
      are payable with any Tax Return to be filed by Purchaser with
      respect to any Straddle Period.

                          (v)  Within one hundred twenty (120) days
      after the Closing Date, Purchaser shall cause the Company to
      prepare and provide to Seller a package of Tax information
      materials (to the extent such information is not within the
      possession of Seller following the Closing), including schedules
      and work papers required by Seller to enable Seller to prepare
      and file all Tax Returns required to be prepared and filed by it
      pursuant to Section 5.4(b)(i).  Purchaser shall prepare such
      package in good faith in a manner consistent with Seller's past

                          (vi) Seller shall not (i) exercise its
      authority as agent of the Company under Treasury Regulations
      Section 1.1502-77 (or any comparable provision of state, local or
      other tax law), or (ii) file any election or take any other
      similar action, including without limitation, amending any Tax
      Return or agreeing to any determination or audit, without having
      first received the consent of Purchaser, which consent shall not
      be unreasonably withheld.

                (c)  Computation of Tax Liabilities.

                          (i)  To the extent permitted or required by
      law or administrative practice, (A) the taxable year of the
      Company which includes the Closing Date shall be treated as
      closing on (and including) the Closing Date and, notwithstanding
      the foregoing, (B) all transactions not in the ordinary course of
      business occurring after the Closing shall be reported on
      Purchaser's consolidated United States federal income Tax Return
      to the extent required by Treasury Regulation Section 1.1502-
      76(b)(1)(ii)(B) and shall be similarly reported on other Tax
      Returns of Purchaser or its Affiliates to the extent required by
      law.  Where it is necessary to apportion between Seller and
      Purchaser the Tax liability of an entity for a Straddle Period
      (which is not treated under the immediately preceding sentence as
      closing on the Closing Date), such liability shall be apportioned
      between the period deemed to end at the close of  the Closing
      Date, subject to Sections 8.1 (b)(i) and 8.1(e)(1)(B), and the
      period deemed to begin at the beginning of the day following the
      Closing Date on the basis of an interim closing of the books
      (e.g., no income, losses or deductions attributable to a post-
      Closing period shall be taken into account), except that Taxes
      (such as real property Taxes) that are calculated on a periodic
      or annual basis shall be allocated on a daily basis.

                          (ii) In determining Seller's liability for
      taxes pursuant to Section 8.1(b) (ii) of this Agreement, Seller
      shall be credited with the amount of estimated Taxes paid by or
      on behalf of the Company prior to the Closing.  To the extent
      that Seller's liability for Taxes for a taxable year or period is
      less than the amount of estimated  income Taxes previously paid
      by or on behalf of the Company with respect to all or a portion
      of such taxable year or periods, such difference shall be for the
      account of Seller.

                (d)  Transfer Taxes.  All Transfer Taxes resulting directly
 from the sale and transfer of the Shares shall be borne by Purchaser.
 Seller shall cooperate with Purchaser and, subject to the other terms of
 this Agreement, take any action reasonably requested by Purchaser which
 does not cause Seller to incur any cost or material inconvenience in order
 to minimize Transfer Taxes.   At the direction of Seller, Purchaser shall
 deliver to Seller, the Company or AFG Credit Corporation any resale,
 exemption or similar certificates (including any certificates to avoid or
 reduce the incidence of state or local sales and use taxes resulting from
 the sale and transfer of the Shares pursuant to this Agreement) reasonably
 requested by Seller.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.4(b),
 which shall not apply to Tax Returns relating to Transfer Taxes, any Tax
 Returns that must be filed in connection with Transfer Taxes shall be
 prepared and filed when due by the party primarily or customarily
 responsible under the applicable local law for filing such Tax Returns, and
 such party will use its reasonable efforts to provide such Tax Returns to
 the other party at least ten (10) days prior to the Due Date for such Tax

                (e)  Refunds.

                          (i)  Except as otherwise provided in Section
      5.4(l)(ii), any Tax refund (including any interest in respect
      thereof) received by Purchaser or the Company, and any amounts
      credited against Tax to which Purchaser or the Company becomes
      entitled (including by way of any amended Tax Returns or any
      carryback filing), that relate to any taxable period of the
      Company or any Company Subsidiary, or portion thereof, ending on
      or before the Closing Date shall be for the account of Seller,
      and Purchaser shall pay over to Seller any such refund or the
      amount of any such credit within five (5) days after receipt or
      entitlement thereto unless any such refunds are carried as an
      asset on the Closing Balance Sheet in which such event any such
      refund shall be property of the Company.  Any Tax refund
      (including any interest in respect thereof) received by Seller,
      and any amounts credited against tax to which Seller becomes
      entitled (including by way of any amended Tax Returns or any
      carryback filing for state or local taxes on a separate
      unconsolidated return but not for Federal or consolidated state
      or local returns), that relate to any taxable period of the
      Company or any Company Subsidiary or portion thereof ending after
      the Closing Date shall be for the account of the Purchaser, and
      Seller shall pay over to Purchaser any such refund or the amount
      of any such credit within five (5) days after receipt or
      entitlement thereto.   Purchaser shall pay Seller or Seller shall
      pay Purchaser, as the case may be, interest at the rate
      prescribed under Section 6621(a)(1) of the Code, compounded
      daily, on any amount not paid when due under this Section 5.4(e).
      For purposes of this Section 5.4(e), where it is necessary to
      apportion a refund or credit between Purchaser and Seller for a
      Straddle Period, such refund or credit shall be apportioned
      between the period deemed to end at the close of the Closing Date
      and the period deemed to begin at the beginning of the day
      following the Closing Date on the basis of an interim closing of
      the Company's books, except that refunds or credits of Taxes
      (e.g., real property Taxes) imposed on a periodic basis shall be
      allocated on a daily basis.

                          (ii) The Parties shall cooperate with each
      other in obtaining any Tax refund Purchaser or Seller reasonably
      believes should be available, including through filing
      appropriate forms with the applicable Taxing  Authorities.

                (f)  Certain Post-Closing Settlement Payments.

                          (i)  If the examination of any United States
      federal, state, local or other Tax Return of Seller for any
      taxable period ending on or before the Closing Date shall result
      (by settlement or otherwise) in any adjustment which permits
      Purchaser or the Company to increase deductions, losses or tax
      credits or decrease the income, gains or recapture of tax credits
      which would otherwise (but for such adjustments) have been
      reported or taken into account (including by way of any increase
      in basis) by Purchaser or the Company for one or more periods
      ending after the Closing Date, Seller shall notify Purchaser and
      provide it with adequate information so that Purchaser can
      reflect on its or the Company's Tax Returns such increases in
      deductions, losses or tax credits or decreases in income, gains
      or recapture of tax credits.

                          (ii) If the examination of any United States
      federal, state, local or other Tax Return of Purchaser or the
      Company for any taxable period ending after the Closing Date
      shall result (by settlement or otherwise) in any adjustment which
      permits Seller to increase deductions, losses or tax credits or
      decrease the income, gains or recapture of tax credits which
      would otherwise (but for such adjustments) have been reported or
      taken into account (including by way of any increase in basis) by
      Seller for one or more periods ending on or before the Closing
      Date, Purchaser shall notify Seller and provide it with adequate
      information so that Seller can reflect on its Tax Returns such
      increases in deductions, losses or tax credits or decreases in
      income, gains or recapture of tax credits.

                (g)  Post-Closing Actions which Affect Seller's Liability
 for Taxes.

                          (i)  Purchaser shall not permit the Company
      to take any action which would increase Seller's liability for
      Taxes (including any liability of Seller to indemnify Purchaser
      for Taxes pursuant to this Agreement).

                          (ii) Except as otherwise provided in Section
      5.4(l), none of Purchaser or any Affiliate of Purchaser shall (or
      shall cause or permit the Company to) amend, refile or otherwise
      modify any Tax Return relating in whole or in part to the Company
      with respect to any taxable year or period ending on or before
      the Closing Date (or with respect to any Straddle Period) without
      the prior written consent of Seller, which consent may be
      withheld in the sole discretion of Seller.

                (h)  Terminating Tax Sharing Agreements.  Any and all
 existing tax sharing agreements or arrangements, written or oral, between
 Seller and the Company, shall terminate as of the Closing and any payments
 that are owed  to the Company or Company Subsidiary pursuant thereto shall
 be paid, and all other rights and obligations resulting from such
 agreements or arrangements with respect to the Company shall cease at such

                (i)  Assistance and Cooperation.  After the Closing Date,
 each of Seller and Purchaser shall (and shall cause their respective
 Affiliates to):

                          (i)  timely sign and deliver such
      certificates or forms as may be necessary or appropriate to
      establish an exemption from (or otherwise reduce), or file Tax
      Returns or other reports with respect to, Transfer Taxes;

                          (ii) assist the other party in preparing any
      Tax Returns which such other party is responsible for preparing
      and filing in accordance with Section 5.4(b); and

                          (iii) cooperate with each other and with
      each other's respective agents, including accounting firms and
      legal counsel, in connection with the preparation or audit of any
      tax return or report, amended return or report, claim for refund
      and any tax claim or litigation in respect of the Company or
      Company Subsidiary or their activities, which cooperation shall
      include, but not be limited to making available to the other for
      inspection and copying during normal business hours all
      reasonably requested information, records and documents in their
      possession relating to the liabilities for Taxes associated with
      the Company or Company Subsidiary, except as limited by this
      Agreement.  Seller and Purchaser shall also make available to the
      other, as reasonably requested and available, personnel
      responsible for preparing, maintaining and interpreting
      information, records and documents in connection with Taxes as
      well as related litigation.

           Any information provided or obtained under this Section 5.4(i)
 shall be kept confidential, except as may be otherwise necessary in
 connection with the filing of returns or reports, refund claims, audits,
 tax claims and litigation.

                (j)  Tax Records.  Within sixty (60) days after the Closing
 Date, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser copies of all tax records of the
 Company and each Company Subsidiary that are in Seller's possession,
 including but not limited to: property tax records, records for Taxes not
 measured by income and records relating to taxable periods that begin
 before and end after the Closing Date.  Seller may retain its original
 United States federal tax records and retain all other tax records
 currently in its possession.

                (k)  Payment.  All Taxes, including Taxes owed after a
 compromise or settlement of an audit or dispute with a taxing authority,
 shall be paid to the taxing authority by the party which is legally
 responsible therefor by law.  Upon payment of any Taxes with respect to
 which a party is entitled to receive indemnification hereunder, such party
 shall submit an invoice, with evidence of payment, to the indemnifying
 party stating that such Taxes have been paid and giving in reasonable
 detail the particulars relating thereto.  The indemnifying party shall
 remit payment for such Taxes promptly upon receipt of such invoice,
 evidence of payment and particulars.

                (l)  Loss Carryovers or Carrybacks.

                          (i)  Notwithstanding the provisions of any
      other Agreement between the parties, Seller shall waive any right
      it may have under the Internal Revenue Code (including, but not
      limited to, the right to make an election under Treasury
      Regulation Section 1.1502-20(g)) to reattribute to itself or any
      other entity any loss carryovers or current year losses
      attributable to the Company in connection with this transaction.

                          (ii) Subject to Section 5.4(g)(i) above, if
      subsequent to the Closing, the Company or any Company Subsidiary
      incurs a net operating loss or capital loss that is available to
      be carried back to an unconsolidated state or local Tax Return of
      Seller's Group (but not to Federal or consolidated state or local
      Tax Returns), Seller shall cooperate with the Purchaser and the
      Company, at the Purchaser's expense, in effecting such carryback
      and shall pay to the Company all tax refunds (including interest)
      within five (5) days of the receipt thereof.

                (m)  Non-Continuing Subsidiaries.  Seller shall be
 responsible for any Taxes (including Excluded Taxes) resulting from the
 transfer of the ownership of the Non-Continuing Subsidiaries and limited
 partnership interests in Eireann II and Eireann III referred to in Section

                (n)  Inland Leases.  Seller shall be responsible for any
 Taxes (including Excluded Taxes) resulting from the transfer of the Inland
 Leases as contemplated in Section 5.16.

                (o)  Survival of Obligations.  Notwithstanding any other
 provision in this Agreement to the contrary (including, without limitation,
 Section 8.1(e)), the obligations of the parties set forth in this Section
 5.4 shall be unconditional and absolute and shall remain in effect without
 limitation as to time or amount.

           Section 5.5    Publicity. The initial press release with respect
 to the execution of this Agreement shall be a press release acceptable to
 Purchaser and Seller. Thereafter, until the Closing, or the date the
 Transactions are abandoned pursuant to Article VII, neither Seller, the
 Company, Purchaser nor any of their respective Affiliates shall issue or
 cause the publication of any press release or other public announcement
 with respect to this Agreement or the Transactions without prior
 consultation with the other party, except as may be required by law or by
 any listing agreement with a national securities exchange or trading

           Section 5.6    Employees; Employee Benefits.

                (a)  Purchaser shall cause the Company to provide the
 Retained Employees with the benefits of the "Retention Bonus Program"
 described on Schedule 5.6.

                (b)  None of the Company, any Company Subsidiary or
 Purchaser shall assume any Plan that is not sponsored by the Company or a
 Company Subsidiary.

                (c)  If any Retained Employee is discharged by the Company
 as of or after the Closing, then Purchaser shall be responsible for any and
 all severance costs for such Retained Employee, under those agreements,
 plans or arrangements listed on Schedule 5.6. Purchaser shall be
 responsible and assume all liability for all notices or payments due to any
 Retained Employees, and all notices, payments, fines or assessments due to
 any Governmental Entity, pursuant to any applicable foreign, federal, state
 or local law, common law, statute, rule or regulation with respect to the
 employment, discharge or layoff of employees by the Company after the
 Closing, including the WARN Act and any rules or regulations as have been
 issued in connection with the foregoing.

                (d)  From and after the Closing, Purchaser shall be
 responsible for, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller and its
 Affiliates and their officers, directors, employees, Affiliates and agents
 and the fiduciaries (including plan administrators) of the Plans, from and
 against, any and all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including
 attorneys' fees and expenses) and other liabilities and obligations
 relating to or arising out of (i) all salaries, wages, commissions or other
 compensation or Plan benefits accrued by the Company but unpaid as of the
 Closing and post-Closing bonuses (including payments due pursuant to the
 retention bonus program referred to above) due to any Retained Employee,
 (ii) the liabilities assumed by Purchaser under this Section 5.6 or any
 failure by Purchaser to comply with the provisions of this Section 5.6, and
 (iii) any claims of, or damages or penalties sought by, any Retained
 Employee, or any Governmental Entity on behalf of or concerning any
 Retained Employee, with respect to any act or failure to act by Purchaser
 to the extent arising from the employment, discharge, layoff or termination
 of any Retained Employee on or after the Closing Date; provided, however,
 that Purchaser shall have no liability under this subsection (d) to the
 extent it relates to facts or circumstances which should have been, but
 were not, disclosed to Purchaser under Article III.

                (e)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement
 (including, without limitation, Article VIII), Seller shall indemnify and
 hold harmless Purchaser and its Affiliates, the Company, the Company
 Subsidiaries and their respective officers, directors, employees,
 Affiliates and agents and the fiduciaries (including plan administrators)
 of the Plans and of benefit plans maintained by Purchaser and its
 Affiliates, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs and
 expenses (including attorney's fees and expenses) and other liabilities and
 obligations relating to or arising out of any claims of, or damages or
 penalties sought by, any Retained Employee or former employee of Seller and
 its Affiliates, or any Governmental Entity on behalf of or concerning any
 such person, with respect to any act or failure to act by Seller, the
 Company or the Company Subsidiaries to the extent arising from the
 employment, discharge, layoff or termination of any such person prior to
 the Closing (including, without limitation, arising under the WARN Act).

                (f)  Nothing in this Section 5.6 shall be construed to alter
 the "at-will" nature of the employment relationship between the Retained
 Employees and the Company and the Company Subsidiaries.

                (g)  If permitted under the terms of Seller's group
 insurance Plans, at the request of Purchaser, Seller shall cause such Plans
 to continue to cover the Retained Employees for a period of ninety (90)
 days after the Closing, so long as the Company reimburses Seller for the
 premiums thereunder allocable to the Retained Employees promptly upon
 request by Seller.

           Section 5.7    Indemnification. Following the Closing and until
 the date which is the third anniversary thereof, Purchaser shall cause the
 Company and the Company Subsidiaries not to make any changes to their
 respective certificates of incorporation or by-laws that would adversely
 affect the rights of persons who are currently or were officers or
 directors of the Company or any Company Subsidiary to claim indemnification
 from the Company or any Company Subsidiary for indemnifiable actions under
 the terms of such certificate of incorporation or by-laws as in effect on
 the date hereof. Purchaser shall make any payments required under such
 indemnification provisions relating to indemnifiable actions, unless such
 payments were due and payable by the Company prior to the Closing Date, in
 which case liability to make such payment remains with Seller.

           Section 5.8    Transition Services. Except as agreed to in
 writing by Seller and Purchaser, all data processing, accounting,
 insurance, banking, personnel, legal, communications and other products and
 services provided to the Company by Seller or any Affiliate of Seller,
 including any agreements or understandings (written or oral) with respect
 thereto, shall terminate simultaneously with the Closing without any
 further action or liability on the part of the parties thereto.
 Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the absence of a written agreement, the
 provision of any services (similar to those contemplated by the preceding
 sentence) by Seller to the Company from and after the Closing shall be for
 the convenience, and at the expense, of Purchaser only and shall be
 furnished without any liability on the part of Seller with respect thereto.
 Notwithstanding the foregoing, at the Closing, Seller will, at Purchaser's
 request, enter into the Transition Services Agreement with Purchaser.

           Section 5.9    Intercompany Arrangements. Except as otherwise
 expressly contemplated by this Agreement, all agreements and commitments,
 whether written, oral or otherwise, which are solely between the Company,
 on the one hand, and Seller and its Affiliates (excluding the Company), on
 the other hand, shall be terminated and of no further effect,
 simultaneously with the Closing without any further action or liability on
 the part of the parties thereto.

           Section 5.10   Payment of Outstanding Indebtedness.

                (a)  Seller agrees to take, and shall cause the Company to
 take, all action necessary to enable Purchaser to repay, simultaneously
 with the Closing, all of the Indebtedness to any Company Lender then
 outstanding. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Seller

                          (i)  obtain from each Company Lender a Payoff
      Letter acceptable to Purchaser; and

                          (ii) arrange for each Company Lender to
      deliver to the Company at the Closing upon payment in full to
      such lender of the amounts set forth in such Company Lender's
      Payoff Letter a document executed by such Company Lender
      acknowledging that the Indebtedness owed by the Company to such
      Company Lender has been fully repaid, including all principal,
      interest, premium (if any), penalty (if any) and fees and
      expenses (if any), together with all documentation necessary to
      release any and all security interests pertaining to such
      outstanding Indebtedness (including, without limitation, UCC-3
      Termination Statements).

                (b)  If Section 5.10(a) is satisfied, Purchaser agrees that
 at the Closing, it shall pay, or cause to be paid, to each Company Lender
 the amount stated in such Company Lender's Payoff Letter as necessary to
 fully repay the Indebtedness owed to such Company Lender.

           Section 5.11   Knowledge of Breach; Prior Knowledge. If prior to
 the Closing Purchaser shall have actual knowledge of any breach of a
 representation or warranty of Seller, Purchaser shall promptly notify
 Seller of its knowledge, in reasonable detail, including the amount that it
 believes, based on the facts actually known to it, would be payable by
 Seller pursuant to the indemnification provisions hereof without reference
 to any indemnification limitations set forth in Section 8.1(e).

           Section 5.12   Disclosure Schedule: Supplement, Amendments and

                (a)  Seller shall, by notice in accordance with this
 Agreement, supplement or amend the Disclosure Schedule promptly after
 becoming aware of any matter that would constitute a breach of any
 representation, warranty or covenant contained herein, including any
 information received by Seller pursuant to Section 5.11.

                (b)  On the second Business Day immediately preceding the
 Closing Date, Seller shall update the Disclosure Schedule to correctly
 reflect any changes occurring during the period from the date hereof to the
 second Business Day immediately preceding the Closing Date.

                (c)  If, in Purchaser's sole discretion, a supplement or
 amendment of any section of the Disclosure Schedule by Seller pursuant to
 Section 5.12(a) materially and adversely affects the benefits to be
 obtained by Purchaser under this Agreement, then Purchaser shall have the
 right to abandon the Transactions pursuant to Section 7.1(d), but such
 abandonment shall be Purchaser's sole remedy relating to matters set forth
 in amendments or supplements to any section of the Disclosure Schedule.
 Purchaser hereby agrees that it shall have no right of abandonment pursuant
 to this Section 5.12(c) based solely on any update of the Disclosure
 Schedules made by Seller pursuant to Section 5.12(b); provided, however,
 that Seller hereby acknowledges that Purchaser may abandon the Transactions
 if such an update describes an event, fact or circumstance that prevents
 one or more of the conditions set forth in Article VI from being satisfied.

           Section 5.13   Maintenance of Books and Records. Each of the
 parties hereto shall preserve, until at least the third anniversary of the
 Closing Date, all pre-Closing Date records possessed or to be possessed by
 such party relating to the Company. After the Closing Date and up until at
 least the third anniversary of the Closing Date, upon any reasonable
 request from a party hereto or its representatives, the party holding such
 records shall (a) provide to the requesting party or its representatives
 reasonable access to such records during normal business hours and (b)
 permit the requesting party or its representatives to make copies of such
 records, in each case at no cost to the requesting party or its
 representatives (other than for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses);
 provided, however, that nothing herein shall require either party to
 disclose any information to the other if such disclosure would jeopardize
 any attorney-client or other legal privilege or contravene any applicable
 law. Such records may be sought under this Section for any reasonable
 purpose, including to the extent reasonably required in connection with the
 audit, accounting, tax, litigation, federal securities disclosure or other
 similar needs of the party seeking such records. Notwithstanding the
 foregoing, any and all such records may be destroyed by a party if such
 destroying party sends to the other parties hereto written notice of its
 intent to destroy such records, specifying in reasonable detail the
 contents of the records to be destroyed; such records may then be destroyed
 after the thirtieth (30th) day following such notice unless the other party
 hereto notifies the destroying party that such other party desires to
 obtain possession of such records, in which event the destroying party
 shall transfer the records to such requesting party and such requesting
 party shall pay all reasonable expenses of the destroying party in
 connection therewith.

           Section 5.14   Seller's Trademarks and Logos. Notwithstanding
 anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, it is expressly
 agreed that (a) Purchaser is not purchasing, acquiring or otherwise
 obtaining, and the Company will not be entitled to retain following the
 Closing Date, any right, title or interest in any Trademarks employing
 Seller's name or any part or variation of such name or anything confusingly
 similar thereto and (b) neither the Company nor Purchaser or its Affiliates
 shall make any use of Seller's Trademarks from and after the Closing.

           Section 5.15   Use of Name. From and after the Closing Date,
 neither Seller nor any of its Affiliates shall have any right to the name
 "American Finance Group" or the acronym "AFG" or any variants thereon or
 anything confusingly similar thereto, and Seller shall not use, or permit
 any of its Affiliates, to use such names.

           Section 5.16   Inland Leases. Prior to the Closing Date, Seller
 shall take, or cause the Company to take, all action necessary to transfer,
 to a Person other than the Company, any Company Subsidiary or any of their
 respective Affiliates, the Inland Leases, in each case, on commercially
 reasonable terms reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser and in compliance
 with all applicable laws. The proceeds of such transfers (less any
 associated Indebtedness) shall be identified to Purchaser prior to the
 Closing Date and shall remain with the Company on the Closing Date.

           Section 5.17   Eireann Programs. On or before the Closing Date,
 Seller shall take, or cause the Company to take, all action necessary to
 assign to Seller all agreements, contracts, understandings or
 arrangements (whether or not written) relating to the Eireann Program to
 which or by which the Company or any Company Subsidiary is a party or
 bound.  Seller hereby agrees to cause such assignment or assignments to
 occur in such a manner that there is no continuing obligation of the
 Company or any Company Subsidiary or further liability to the Company, any
 Company Subsidiary, Purchaser or any of their respective Affiliates arising
 out of or in connection with the Eireann Programs.  Notwithstanding the
 foregoing, the Company shall be permitted to enter into (a) a Subcontract
 Agreement (Eireann II) pursuant to which the Company will provide certain
 of the services of the Manager under the Management Agreement, dated as of
 January 30, 1996, between Seller (as successor by assignment to the
 Company) and Eireann II and (b) a Subcontract Agreement (Eireann III)
 pursuant to which the Company will provide certain of the services of the
 Manager under the Management Agreement, dated as of November 25, 1997,
 between Seller (as successor by assignment to the Company) and Eireann III.

           Section 5.18   No Solicitation. Seller agrees that, for ninety
 (90) days from the date hereof, it shall not authorize or permit any
 officer, director or employee of, or any financial advisor, attorney,
 accountant or other advisor or representative retained by, the Company to
 solicit, initiate or enter into any agreement (written or oral) with
 respect to, any inquiries or the making of any proposal that constitutes,
 or may be reasonably be expected to lead to, a Proposal. Seller shall, as
 soon as reasonably practicable, advise Purchaser of any Proposal or any
 inquiries or discussions with respect thereto. Notwithstanding the
 foregoing, nothing contained in this Section 5.18 shall prevent the Board
 of Directors of Seller from furnishing information to or entering into
 discussions or negotiations with any unsolicited Person if and only to the
 extent that the Board of Directors of Seller shall have determined in good
 faith that such action is required in the exercise of its fiduciary duties,
 based upon the advice of Skadden, Arps, Meagher, Slate & Flom LLP or in
 order to comply with Rule 14e-2 promulgated under the Exchange Act. Seller
 will, as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Purchaser if any such
 inquiries or proposals are received by, any such information is requested
 from, or any such negotiations or discussions are sought to be initiated or
 continued with, Seller.

           Section 5.19   Investment Committee Meetings. From the date
 hereof to the Closing Date, Seller shall, or shall cause the Company to,
 (a) give Purchaser at least forty-eight (48) hours' prior notice (which may
 be oral) of each meeting of the Company's investment committee, (b) deliver
 to Purchaser in advance of each such meeting copies of all materials being
 delivered to members of such committee and (c) permit Purchaser's
 representatives to attend and participate in each such meeting as observers
 without the power to vote, either in person or by conference telephone;
 provided, however, that attendance by any representative of Purchaser at
 any such meeting shall be deemed a full, complete and irrevocable waiver of
 the notice requirement set forth in clause (a) of this Section 5.19.

           Section 5.20  Stockholders' Meeting. Seller, acting through its
 board of directors, shall, in accordance with applicable law:

                (a)  duly call, give notice of, convene and hold a special
 meeting of its stockholders as promptly as practicable following the date
 hereof for the purpose of considering and taking action to authorize the
 sale of the Shares;

                (b)  prepare and file with the SEC a preliminary proxy
 statement relating to this Agreement and use its best efforts to obtain and
 furnish the information required to be included by the SEC in the
 definitive form of such proxy statement and to respond promptly to any
 comments made by the SEC with respect to the preliminary proxy statement
 and cause a definitive proxy statement, including any amendment or
 supplement thereto, to be mailed to its stockholders;

                (c)  include in the definitive proxy statement the
 recommendation of its board of directors that stockholders of Seller vote
 in favor of the  authorization of the sale of the Shares; and

                (d)  use its best efforts to solicit from holders of its
 outstanding shares proxies in favor of the authorization of the sale of the
 Shares and take all other action reasonably necessary or advisable to
 secure any vote or consent of stockholders required by the DGCL to
 consummate the Transactions.

                                 ARTICLE VI

           Section 6.1    Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect
 the Closing. The respective obligation of each party to effect the Closing
 shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing Date of
 each of the following conditions (any one or more of which may be waived):

                (a)  Statutes; Court Orders. There shall be (i) no statute,
 rule or regulation enacted or promulgated by any Governmental Entity and
 (ii) no action, suit or proceeding pending or threatened before any
 Governmental Entity wherein an unfavorable and non-appealable injunction,
 judgment, order, decree or ruling would reasonably be expected to (a)
 prevent consummation of the sale of the Shares by Seller to Purchaser, (b)
 cause the sale of the Shares by Seller to Purchaser to be rescinded
 following the Closing Date, or (c) materially and adversely affect the
 right of Purchaser or its assigns to own the Shares or to operate the
 business of the Company or the Company Subsidiaries (and no such
 injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling or charge shall be in effect);
 provided, however, that the parties shall use their reasonable efforts to
 have any such order or injunction vacated or lifted.

                (b)  HSR/OTS Approval. The applicable waiting period under
 the HSR Act shall have expired or been terminated and the requisite
 approval from the OTS shall have been obtained.

                (c)  Consents Obtained. All material consents of any Person
 necessary to the consummation of the Closing and the other Transactions,
 including consents from parties to loans, contracts, Leases or other
 agreements and consents from Governmental Entities and other Persons, shall
 have been obtained.

                (d)  Stockholder Authorization. The stockholders of Seller
 shall have authorized the sale of the Shares as contemplated by Section 271
 of the DGCL.

           Section 6.2    Conditions to Obligations of Purchaser to Effect
 the Closing. The obligations of Purchaser to consummate the Closing shall
 be subject to the satisfaction on or prior to the Closing Date of each of
 the following conditions, the imposition of which is solely for the benefit
 of Purchaser and any one or more of which may waived by Purchaser:

                (a)  Government Action. On the Closing Date, there shall not
 be threatened or pending any injunction, order, suit, action or proceeding
 by any Governmental Entity or any other Person:

                          (i)  seeking to restrain or prohibit the
      consummation of the Closing or the performance of any of the
      other Transactions, seeking to obtain from Seller, the Company,
      the Company Subsidiaries or Purchaser any damages that are
      material in relation to the Company or the Company Subsidiaries,
      or which would reasonably be expected to reduce or impair the
      benefit to Purchaser of the Closing and the other Transactions;

                          (ii) seeking to impose material limitations
      on the ability of Purchaser effectively to exercise its rights of
      ownership of the Shares, including the right to vote the Shares.

                (b)  Receipt of Payoff Letters. Prior to the Closing, Seller
 shall have delivered to Purchaser a copy of a Payoff Letter from each
 Company Lender that (i) is acceptable to Purchaser and (ii) has been duly
 executed by such Company Lender.

                (c)  Representations and Warranties. All of the
 representations and warranties of Seller set forth in this Agreement that
 are qualified as to materiality shall be true and complete and any such
 representations and warranties that are not so qualified shall be true and
 complete in all material respects as of the date of this Agreement and as
 of the Closing Date as if made on and as of the the Closing Date (except to
 the extent that any such representation or warranty is made as of a
 specific date, in which case such representation or warranty shall be true
 and complete, or true and complete in all material respects, as the case
 may be, as of such specified date), and no such representation or warranty
 shall contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any
 material fact necessary in order to make the statements contained therein
 not false or misleading. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Purchaser agrees
 that this condition shall be satisfied for all purposes hereunder so long
 as the aggregate amount of any claims Purchaser may have with respect to
 any breaches of the representations and warranties of Seller set forth in
 this Agreement does not exceed one percent (1%) of the Final Purchase

                (d)  Performance by Seller. Seller shall have performed and
 complied in all material respects with all agreements, covenants and
 conditions required by this Agreement to be performed and complied with by
 it prior to or on the Closing Date.

                (e)  Certificate. Purchaser shall have received a
 certificate, dated the Closing Date, signed by the Chief Executive Officer
 or Chief Financial Officer of Seller to the effect that (i) the conditions
 set forth in Section 6.1(d) and Sections 6.2(c) and (d) have been satisfied
 and (ii) there has not been any material adverse change in the assets,
 properties, business or financial condition of the Company since the
 Balance Sheet Date.

                (f)  Opinion of Counsel for Seller. Purchaser shall have
 received a written opinion, dated the Closing Date, in the form attached as
 Exhibit A hereto.

                (g)  Transition Services Agreement. If Purchaser shall have
 so requested, the Transition Services Agreement shall have been executed
 and delivered by Seller.

                (h)  Inland Leases. The Inland Leases shall have been
 transferred in accordance with Section 5.16 in a manner consistent with
 applicable law or Purchaser shall have received written evidence from the
 OTS, to Purchaser's sole satisfaction, that such transfer is not required
 in order to permit Purchaser to be in compliance with applicable law.

                (i)  Receipt of Documents related to Payoff Letters. At the
 Closing, the Company shall have received from each Company Lender written
 evidence satisfactory to Purchaser that, upon payment of the amounts set
 forth in the Payoff Letters, the outstanding Indebtedness to each Company
 Lender shall have been fully repaid and that all Encumbrances on the assets
 and properties of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries resulting from
 such Indebtedness shall be discharged and released, including the receipt
 of UCC-3 Termination Statements and similar documents and instruments
 relating to such discharge and release.

                (j)  Transfer of Non-Continuing Subsidiaries. Purchaser
 shall have received reasonably satisfactory evidence that (i) all of the
 outstanding capital stock of each of the Non-Continuing Subsidiaries and
 (ii) the entire limited partnership interest of the Company in Eireann II
 and Eireann III have been transferred prior to or on the Closing Date, with
 no further liability to the Company, the Company Subsidiaries, Purchaser or
 any of their respective Affiliates.

                (k)  Eireann Programs. Purchaser shall have received
 reasonably satisfactory evidence that all agreements, contracts,
 understandings or arrangements (whether or not written) relating to the
 Eireann Programs to which or by which the Company or any Company Subsidiary
 is a party or bound have been assigned by the Company on or before the
 Closing Date such that, except as otherwise contemplated by Section 5.17,
 none of the Company, any of the Company Subsidiaries, Purchaser or any of
 their respective Affiliates has any further liability arising out of or in
 connection with the Eireann Programs.

                (l)  Termination. The Transactions shall not have been
 abandoned in accordance with Article VII.

                (m)  No Material Adverse Change. Since the Balance Sheet
 Date, there shall not have been any material adverse change in the assets,
 properties, business or financial condition of the Company and the Company
 Subsidiaries, taken as a whole.

                (n)  Additional Documents. Purchaser shall have received all
 such certificates, documents, agreements and instruments with respect to
 the Company, the Company Subsidiaries, the Shares and the Transactions as
 Purchaser may reasonably require to carry out the intent and purpose of
 this Agreement.

                (o)  Certain Transactions. From the date hereof to the
 Closing, neither the Company nor any Company Subsidiary will have entered
 into (i) a Lease, or a series of related Leases with a single lessee
 negotiated simultaneously, relating to equipment with an acquisition cost
 to the Company or any Company Subsidiary in excess of $1,000,000 or (ii) a
 binding commitment or agreement, or a series of related binding commitments
 or agreements with a single purchaser negotiated simultaneously, for the
 sale of Leases or Leased Property resulting in net proceeds to the Company
 or any Company Subsidiary in excess of $1,000,000.

           Section 6.3    Conditions to Obligations of Seller to Effect the
 Closing. The obligations of Seller to consummate the Closing shall be
 subject to the satisfaction on or prior to the Closing Date of each of the
 following conditions, the imposition of which is solely for the benefit of
 Seller and any one or more of which may be waived by Seller:

                (a)  Government Action. There shall not be threatened or
 pending any suit, action or proceeding seeking to restrain or prohibit the
 consummation of the Closing or the performance of any of the other
 Transactions, or seeking to obtain from Seller any damages that are
 material in relation to the Company or the Company Subsidiaries.

                (b)  Representations and Warranties. All of the
 representations and warranties of Purchaser set forth in this Agreement
 that are qualified as to materiality shall be true and complete and any
 such representations and warranties that are not so qualified shall be true
 and complete in all material respects as of the date of this Agreement and
 as of the Closing Date as if made on and as of the Closing Date (except to
 the extent that any such representation or warranty is made as of a
 specific date, in which case such representation or warranty shall be true
 and complete, or true and complete in all material respects, as the case
 may be, as of such specified date), and no such representation or warranty
 shall contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any
 material fact necessary in order to make the statements contained therein
 not false or misleading.

                (c)  Termination. The Transactions shall not have been
 abandoned in accordance with Article VII.

                (d)  Opinion of Counsel for Purchaser. Seller shall have
 received a written opinion, dated the Closing Date, in the form attached as
 Exhibit B hereto.

                                 ARTICLE VII

           Section 7.1    Termination. The Transactions may be abandoned at
 any time prior to the Closing Date:

                (a)  By the mutual written consent of Purchaser and Seller;

                (b)  By Purchaser or Seller if any Governmental Entity shall
 have issued an order, decree or ruling or taken any other action which
 permanently restrains, enjoins or otherwise prohibits the acquisition by
 Purchaser of the Shares or the consummation of the Transactions and such
 order, decree, ruling or other action shall have become final and non-

                (c)  By either party if the Closing shall not have occurred
 on or prior to March 1, 2000, and such party is not in material breach of
 this Agreement at the time such party abandons the Transactions;

                (d)  By Purchaser if (i) in Purchaser's sole discretion, a
 supplement or amendment of any section of the Disclosure Schedule made by
 Seller pursuant to Section 5.12(a) materially and adversely affects the
 benefits to be obtained by Purchaser under this Agreement and (ii) any
 breach of a representation, warranty, covenant or other agreement referred
 to in such supplement or amendment cannot be or has not been cured within
 thirty (30) days after such supplement or amendment is made by Seller;

                (e)  By Seller if Purchaser shall have breached in any
 material respect any of its representations, warranties, covenants or other
 agreements contained in this Agreement which would give rise to the failure
 of a condition set forth in Article VI, which breach cannot be or has not
 been cured within thirty (30) days after the giving of written notice by
 Seller to Purchaser specifying such breach; or

                (f)  By Purchaser if Seller shall have breached any
 representation, warranty, covenant or other agreement contained in this
 Agreement which would give rise to the failure of a condition set forth in
 Article VI, which breach cannot be or has not been cured within thirty (30)
 days after the giving of written notice by Purchaser to Seller specifying
 such breach.

           Section 7.2    Effect of Termination. In the event of the
 abandonment of the Transactions by any party hereto pursuant to the terms
 of this Agreement, written notice thereof shall forthwith be given to the
 other party or parties specifying the provision hereof pursuant to which
 such abandonment of the Transactions is made, and there shall be no
 liability or obligation thereafter on the part of Purchaser or Seller
 except (a) for fraud or for willful breach of this Agreement prior to such
 abandonment of the Transactions and (b) as set forth in Section 10.1.

                                ARTICLE VIII

           Section 8.1    Indemnification; Remedies.

                (a)  Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless
 Purchaser from and against and in respect of all Purchaser Losses.

                (b)  Seller shall indemnify and hold Purchaser, Company and
 any Company Subsidiary harmless from and against the following:

                          (i)  any liability for Taxes imposed on the
      Company or any Company Subsidiary or for which the Company or any
      Company Subsidiary may otherwise be liable as members of the
      "affiliated group" (within the meaning of Section 1504(a) of the
      Code) of which Seller (or any predecessor or successor) is the
      common parent that arises under Treasury Regulation Section
      1.1502-6(a) or comparable provisions of foreign, state or local
      law or as a result of the Company or any Company Subsidiary no
      longer being a member of Seller's Group;

                          (ii) any liability for Taxes imposed on the
      Company or any Company Subsidiary, or for which the Company or
      any Company Subsidiary may otherwise be liable for any taxable
      year or period that ends on or before the Closing Date and, with
      respect to any Straddle Period, the portion of such Straddle
      Period deemed to end on and include the Closing Date; and

                          (iii) all liability for Taxes as a result
      of any Section 338(h)(10) Election (and any election under state,
      local or law similar to the election available under Section
      338(g) of the Code with respect to the Company and any Company
      Subsidiary) as contemplated by Section 5.4(a).

 provided, however, that Seller shall not be liable for and shall not
 indemnify Purchaser (or its Subsidiaries and Affiliates) for Excluded

                (c)  Purchaser shall indemnify and hold Seller and Seller's
 Subsidiaries and Affiliates harmless from and against:

                          (i)  Taxes imposed on the Company for any
      taxable year or period that begins after the Closing Date and,
      with respect to any Straddle Period, the portion of such Straddle
      Period beginning after the Closing Date; and

                          (ii) Excluded Taxes.

                (d)  For purposes of Section 8.1(b)(ii), whenever it is
 necessary to determine the liability for Taxes of the Company for a portion
 of a Straddle Period, the determination of such Taxes for the portion of
 the Straddle Period ending on, and the portion of the Straddle Period
 beginning after, the Closing Date shall be determined by assuming that the
 Company, as the case may be, had a taxable year or period which ended at
 the close of the Closing Date as described in Section 5.4(c)(i).

                (e)  Seller's indemnification obligations under Sections
 8.1(a) and 8.1(b) shall be subject to each of the following limitations:

                          (i)  Seller's indemnification obligations
      relating to (A) Purchaser Losses (other than Prior Transaction
      Purchaser Losses, Stockholder Action Losses and Purchaser Losses
      arising from any breach of the representations and warranties set
      forth in Sections 3.2, 3.25 and 3.28) shall survive only until
      the second (2nd) anniversary of the Closing Date (but, with
      respect to Purchaser Losses arising under ERISA or Section 3.25,
      until the sixth (6th) anniversary of the Closing Date), (B) Tax
      Claims shall survive until the expiration of the applicable tax
      statute of limitations (including extensions of time for
      assessment granted to the applicable Taxing Authority) and (C)
      Prior Transaction Purchaser Losses, Stockholder Action Losses and
      Purchaser Losses arising from any breach of the representations
      and warranties set forth in Sections 3.2 and 3.29 hereof shall
      survive until the expiration of the applicable statute of
      limitations.  No claim for the recovery of any Purchaser Losses
      or Tax Claims may be asserted by any Purchaser Indemnified Person
      after the expiration of the applicable indemnification period set
      forth above; provided, however, that claims first asserted in
      writing by any Purchaser Indemnified Person with reasonable
      specificity prior to the expiration of the applicable
      indemnification period shall not thereafter be barred by the
      expiration of the applicable indemnification period.  The parties
      intend to shorten the statute of limitations and agree that no
      claims or causes of action may be brought against Seller or
      Purchaser based upon, directly or indirectly, any of the
      representations, warranties or agreements contained in Articles
      III and IV after the applicable survival period or, except as
      provided in Section 7.2, any termination of this Agreement.  This
      Section 8.1 shall not limit any covenant or agreement of the
      parties that contemplates performance after the Closing.

                          (ii) Except for (A) Purchaser Losses
      resulting from any breach of the representations and warranties
      set forth in Sections 3.2, 3.5, 3.25 and 3.28, (B) Prior
      Transaction Purchaser Losses, (C) Tax Claims, and (D) Stockholder
      Action Losses (with respect to each of which the following
      limitations shall not apply), no reimbursement for Purchaser
      Losses Claims asserted under Section 8.1 (a) shall be required
      unless the aggregate amount of Purchaser Losses exceeds an amount
      equal to one percent (1%) of the Final Purchase Price and, in
      such event, indemnification shall be made by Seller only to the
      extent Purchaser Losses exceed an amount equal to one percent
      (1%) of the Final Purchase Price.

                          (iii) In no event shall Seller's
      aggregate liability to Purchaser under this Agreement for
      breaches of representations or warranties, covenants or
      agreements whether pursuant to this Article VII or otherwise,
      exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the Final Purchase Price.

                          (iv) Each Purchaser Loss shall be reduced by
      (1) the amount of any insurance proceeds payable to Purchaser or
      any Purchaser Indemnified Party with respect to such loss and (2)
      any indemnity, contribution or other similar payment payable to
      Purchaser or any Purchaser Indemnified Party by any third party
      with respect to such loss.

           Section 8.2    Notice of Claim; Defense.

                (a)  Purchaser shall give Seller prompt notice of any third-
 party claim (other than claims arising out of any pending or threatened
 audit, notice of deficiency, proposed adjustment, assessment, examination
 or other administrative or court proceeding suit, dispute or other claim
 which could affect the liability for a Tax claim) that may give rise to any
 indemnification obligation under this Article VIII, together with the
 estimated amount of such claim, and Seller shall have the right to assume
 the defense (at Seller's expense) of any such claim through counsel of
 Seller's own choosing by so notifying Purchaser within thirty (30) days of
 the receipt by Seller of such notice from Purchaser; provided, however,
 that any such counsel shall be reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser. Seller
 shall be liable for the fees and expenses of counsel employed by Purchaser
 for any period during which Seller has not assumed the defense of any such
 third-party claim (other than during any period in which Purchaser will
 have failed to give notice of the third-party claim as provided above). If
 Seller assumes such defense, Purchaser shall have the right to participate
 in the defense thereof and to employ counsel, at its own expense, separate
 from the counsel employed by Seller, it being understood that Seller shall
 control such defense. If Seller chooses to defend or prosecute a third-
 party claim, Purchaser shall cooperate in the defense or prosecution
 thereof (at Seller's expense), which cooperation shall include, to the
 extent reasonably requested by Seller, the retention, and the provision to
 Seller, of records and information reasonably relevant to such third-party
 claim, and making employees of the Company available on a commercially
 reasonable basis (from the Company's business standpoint) to provide
 additional information and explanation of any materials provided hereunder.
 If Seller chooses to defend or prosecute any third-party claim, Purchaser
 shall agree to any monetary settlement, compromise or discharge of such
 third party claim that Seller may recommend and that, by its terms,
 discharges Purchaser from the full amount of liability in connection with
 such third-party claim. None of Purchaser, any of its Affiliates or the
 Company may settle or otherwise dispose of any Claim for which Seller may
 have a liability under this Agreement without the prior written consent of
 Seller, which consent may be withheld in the reasonable discretion of
 Seller, unless Purchaser fully indemnifies Seller in writing with respect
 to such liability in a manner satisfactory to Seller. Seller shall not be
 liable under this Section 8.2(a) for any settlement, compromise or
 discharge effected without its consent in respect of any claim for which
 indemnity may be sought hereunder. No indemnified party shall take any
 action the purpose of which is to prejudice the defense of any claim
 subject to indemnification hereunder or to induce a third party to assert a
 claim subject to indemnification hereunder.

                     (b)  (i)  Each party hereto shall notify the chief
      financial officer of the other party in writing within fifteen (15)
      days following receipt by such party of written notice of any pending
      or threatened audits, notice of deficiency, proposed adjustment,
      assessment, examination or other administrative or court proceeding,
      suit, dispute or other claim which could affect the liability for
      Taxes of such other party. If the party required to give such notice
      fails to give such notice to the other party promptly, it shall not be
      entitled to indemnification for any Taxes arising in connection with
      such Tax Claim if and to the extent that such failure to give notice
      materially and adversely affects the other party's right to
      participate in or defend the Tax Claim.

                          (ii) Seller shall have the sole right to represent
      the Company's interests in any Tax Claim relating to taxable periods
      ending on or before the Closing Date and to employ counsel of its
      choice at its expense subject to Purchaser's right to review and
      approve ultimate decisions affecting the interests of Purchaser,
      Company or any Company Subsidiary, with such approval not to be
      unreasonably withheld or delayed by Purchaser.

                          (iii) In the case of a Straddle Period, Seller
      shall be entitled to participate at its expense in any Tax Claim
      relating in any part to Taxes attributable to the portion of such
      Straddle Period deemed to end on or before the Closing Date which may
      be the subject of indemnification by Seller pursuant to this Agreement
      and, with the written consent of Purchaser, at Seller's sole expense,
      may assume the control of such Tax Claim. None of Purchaser, any of
      its Affiliates or the Company may settle or otherwise dispose of any
      Tax Claim for which Seller may have a liability under this Agreement
      without the prior written consent of seller, which consent may be
      withheld in the sole discretion of Seller, unless Purchaser fully
      indemnifies Seller in writing with respect to such liability in a
      manner satisfactory to Seller.

           Section 8.3    Resolution of All Tax-Related Disputes. If Seller
 and Purchaser cannot agree on the calculation of any amount relating to
 Taxes or the interpretation or application of any provision of this
 Agreement relating to Taxes, such dispute shall be resolved by the
 Accounting Firm, whose decision shall be final and binding upon all persons
 involved and whose expenses shall be shared equally by Seller and

           Section 8.4    Tax Effect of Indemnification Payments. All
 indemnity payments made by Seller to Purchaser Indemnified Persons, or by
 Purchaser Indemnified Persons to Seller, pursuant to this Agreement shall
 be treated for all Tax purposes as adjustments to the consideration paid
 with respect to the Shares.

           Section 8.5    No Duplication; Sole Remedy Procedures.

                (a)  Any liability for indemnification hereunder shall be
 determined without duplication of recovery by reason of the state of facts
 giving rise to such liability constituting a breach of more than one
 representation, warranty, covenant or agreement.

                (b)  Except with respect to intentional misrepresentations
 or breaches, Purchaser's rights to indemnification as provided for in
 Section 8.1 for a breach of Seller's representations or warranties
 contained in this Agreement shall constitute Purchaser's sole remedy for
 such a breach, and Seller shall have no other liability or damages to
 Purchaser resulting from the breach.

                (c)  The indemnification and other provisions of this
 Article VIII shall govern the procedure for all indemnification matters
 under this Agreement, except to the extent otherwise expressly provided

           Section 8.6    No Right of Off-Set/Set-off. Neither Purchaser nor
 Seller shall have any right to off-set or set-off any payment due pursuant
 to Section 1.2 of this Agreement against any other payment to be made
 pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise (including against indemnification

                                 ARTICLE IX

           Section 9.1    Definitions. For all purposes of this Agreement,
 except as otherwise expressly provided or unless the context clearly
 requires otherwise:

           "Accounting Firm" shall mean a nationally recognized accounting
 firm in the United States selected by Seller and Purchaser or, if the
 parties are unable to agree, selected jointly by Seller's and Purchaser's
 independent accountants.

           "Affiliate" shall have the meaning set forth in Rule 12b-2 of
 the Exchange Act.

           "Agreement" or "this Agreement" shall mean this Stock Sale
 Agreement, together with the Exhibits and Appendices hereto and the
 Disclosure Schedule.

           "Applicable Rate" shall mean the prime rate as then in effect at
 Citibank N.A.

           "Balance Sheet" shall mean the consolidated balance sheet as of
 June 30, 1999 of the Company and its consolidated Subsidiaries included in
 the Financial Statements.

           "Balance Sheet Date" shall mean the date of the Balance Sheet.

           "Base Purchase Price" shall mean Twenty-Nine Million United
 States Dollars (US$29,000,000).

           "Business Day" shall mean each day other than a Saturday, Sunday
 or any day on which banks located in the State of New York are authorized
 or obligated by law to close.

           "Closing" shall mean the closing referred to in Section 2.1.

           "Closing Date" shall mean the date on which the Closing occurs.

           "Closing Date Balance Sheet" shall mean a balance sheet audited
 by Seller's Accountants which reflects the assets and liabilities of the
 Company and the Company Subsidiaries as of the Closing Date (but
 immediately prior to Closing and before the effect of the Section
 338(h)(10) Election), and which has been prepared on a basis consistent
 with the Balance Sheet and in accordance with GAAP.

           "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
 and the United States Treasury Department regulations thereunder.

           "Company" shall mean American Finance Group, Inc., a Delaware

           "Company Intellectual Property" shall mean all Intellectual
 Property that is currently used in the business of the Company or any
 Company Subsidiary or that is necessary to conduct the business of the
 Company or the Company Subsidiaries as presently conducted or as currently
 proposed to be conducted.

           "Company Lenders" shall mean First Union National Bank, as agent
 for all lenders under the Company's securitization facility and the
 Company's warehousing credit facility, Heller Financial, Inc., Interpool,
 Inc., General Electric Capital Corporation and Transamerica Business Credit

           "Company Material Adverse Effect" shall mean any material
 adverse change in, or material adverse effect on, the business, financial
 condition or operations of the Company and all the Company Subsidiaries,
 taken as a whole.

           "Company Subsidiary" shall mean each of AFG Credit Corporation,
 a Delaware corporation, and AFG Acquisition Corporation, a Delaware

           "Computer Software" shall mean computer software programs,
 databases and all documentation related thereto.

           "Contract" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.17(a).

           "Confidentiality Agreement" shall mean a letter agreement dated
 July 27, 1999 between the Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated, on behalf
 of Seller and the Company, and Temple-Inland Financial Services, Inc.

           "Copyrights" shall mean United States and foreign registered and
 unregistered copyrights (including those in Computer Software and
 databases), rights of publicity and all registrations and applications to
 register the same.

           "Disclosure Schedule" shall mean collectively, the disclosure
 schedules attached hereto and referred to in Article III and Article V,
 dated of even date herewith, prepared and signed by Seller and delivered to
 Purchaser simultaneously with the execution hereof, as amended or
 supplemented by Seller pursuant to the terms hereof.

           "DGCL" shall mean the General Corporation Law of the State of

           "DOJ" shall mean the Antitrust Division of the United States
 Department of Justice.

           "Due Date" shall mean, with respect to any Tax Return, the date
 such return is due to be filed (taking into account any valid extensions).

           "Eireann II" shall mean AFG/Eireann Limited Partnership II, a
 Massachusetts limited partnership.

           "Eireann III" shall mean AFG/Eireann Limited Partnership III, a
 Massachusetts limited partnership.

           "Eireann Programs" shall mean those transactions contemplated by
 (a) the Eireann Program Contracts and (b) any other agreements, contracts,
 understandings or arrangements (whether or not written) between any of the
 Non-Continuing Subsidiaries, Eireann II or Eireann III and any other

           "Eireann Program Contracts" shall mean the following agreements:
 (a)  Master Purchase Agreement, dated as of January 30, 1996, between the
 Company and Eireann II; (b) Management Agreement, dated as of January 30,
 1996, between the Company and Eireann II; (c) Cross Collateral Agreement,
 dated as of January 30, 1996, among the Company, Eireann II, Old AFG and
 Cantrip Investments Limited, a corporation organized under the laws of
 Ireland; (d) Indemnification Agreement, dated January 30, 1996, among the
 Company, Eireann II, and IIBU Fund II Public Limited Company; (e) letter
 agreement, dated January 30, 1996, among the Company, Eireann II, Old AFG,
 and AFG/Eireann Limited Partnership, a Massachusetts limited partnership;
 (f) Master Purchase Agreement, dated as of November 25, 1997, between the
 Company and Eireann III; (g) Management Agreement, dated as of November 25,
 1997, between the Company and Eireann III; and (h) Indemnification
 Agreement, dated November 25, 1997, among the Company, Eireann III, and RBE
 Ijara Fund Plc.

           "Election Allocations" shall mean collectively (a) the
 determination of MADSP to by made by Seller and Purchaser and (b) the
 allocation of MADSP by Seller and Purchaser among the Company assets and
 the assets of each Company Subsidiary, in each case pursuant to Section

           "Encumbrances" shall mean any and all liens, charges, security
 interests, options, claims, mortgages, pledges, proxies, voting trusts or
 agreements, restrictions, obligations, understandings or arrangements or
 other restrictions on title or transfer of any nature whatsoever.

           "Environmental Law" shall mean all federal, state, local or
 foreign laws, codes, licenses, permits, orders, judgments, decree or
 injunction of any Governmental Entity to (a) the protection of the
 environment (including air, water, soil or other natural resources) or (b)
 the use, storage, handling, release or disposal of Hazardous Substances, in
 each case, in effect on the date of this Agreement.

           "ERISA" shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
 of 1974, as amended.

           "ERISA Affiliate" shall mean any trade or business, whether or
 not incorporated, that together with the Company would be deemed a "single
 employer" within the meaning of Section 4001 (b) of ERISA.

           "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
 as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

           "Excluded Taxes" shall mean any Transfer Taxes for which
 Purchaser is liable pursuant to Section 5.4(d).

           "Final Purchase Price" shall mean (i) if stockholders' equity as
 reflected on the Closing Date Balance Sheet (in the form that it becomes
 final and binding upon Seller and Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.3)
 exceeds stockholders' equity as reflected on the Balance Sheet, an amount
 equal to $29,000,000 plus the amount of such excess plus $150,000 or (ii)
 if stockholders' equity as reflected on the Closing Date Balance Sheet (in
 the form that it becomes final and binding upon Seller and Purchaser
 pursuant to Section 1.3) is less than stockholders' equity as reflected on
 the Balance Sheet, an amount equal to $29,000,000 minus the amount of such
 shortfall plus $150,000.

           "Financial Statements" shall mean (i) the consolidated balance
 sheets of the Company and the Company's consolidated Subsidiaries as at
 December 31 in each of the years 1997 and 1998, together with consolidated
 statements of income, stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the
 three years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, all audited by Seller's
 Accountants, whose reports thereon are included therein and (ii) the
 unaudited consolidated balance sheet of the Company and the Company's
 consolidated Subsidiaries as of June 30, 1999, together with a consolidated
 statement of income, stockholders' equity and cash flows for such period,
 in the form set forth in the Disclosure Schedule.

           "FTC" shall mean the United States Federal Trade Commission.

           "GAAP" shall mean United States generally accepted accounting

           "Governmental Entity" shall mean any United States federal,
 state or local, or foreign, government or political subdivision thereof,
 any legislative or judicial body, any court, arbitral tribunal,
 administrative agency or commission or other governmental or other
 regulatory authority or agency.

           "Hazardous Substance" shall mean any substance to the extent
 presently listed, defined, designated or classified as hazardous, toxic or
 radioactive under any applicable Environmental Laws, including petroleum or
 any derivatives or by product thereof.

           "HSR Act" shall mean the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
 Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.

           "Indebtedness" shall mean (a) all indebtedness of the Company or
 any of the Company Subsidiaries for borrowed money or for the deferred
 purchase price of property, assets or services (other than current trade
 liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business), including without
 limitation, indebtedness arising from or relating to Leases, (b) any other
 indebtedness of the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries that is
 evidenced by a note, bond, debenture or similar instrument, (c) all
 obligations of the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries under
 financing leases, (d) all obligations of the Company or any of the Company
 Subsidiaries in respect of acceptances issued or created, (e) all
 liabilities secured by any lien on any property or assets of the Company or
 any Company Subsidiary and (f) all guarantee obligations of the Company or
 any Company Subsidiary for the indebtedness of other Persons.

           "Indemnifiable action" shall mean any act by an officer or
 director of a company with respect to which such officer or director has
 valid rights of indemnification under the terms of such company's
 certificate of incorporation or by-laws.

           "Inland Leases" shall mean those Leases listed on Exhibit C.

           "Insurance Policy" shall mean any insurance policy maintained by
 Purchaser or any of its Affiliates, other than any state workers'
 compensation policy, the premiums of which are paid directly by the Company
 or any Company Subsidiary.

           "Intellectual Property" shall mean all of the following:
 Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights and Licenses.

           "Knowledge of Seller" shall mean the actual (and not
 constructive or imputed) knowledge of the Chief Executive Officer, the
 Chief Financial Officer and the General Counsel of Seller after inquiry of
 those employees of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries whose duties
 would, in the normal course of the Company's and the Company Subsidiaries'
 affairs, result in such persons having knowledge concerning the relevant
 subject, area or aspect.

           "Lease" shall mean each agreement or instrument pursuant to
 which the Company or any Company Subsidiary leases any personal property or
 loans money to another Person in the ordinary course of business of the
 Company or such Company Subsidiary.

           "Leased Property" shall mean any personal property being leased
 at the time of determination by the Company or any Company Subsidiary to
 another Person under a Lease.

           "Licenses" shall mean all licenses and agreements pursuant to
 which the Company or any Company Subsidiary has (a) acquired rights in or
 to any Trademarks, Patents or Copyrights or (b) licensed or transferred the
 right to use any of the foregoing, excluding in each case all software
 licenses relating to any Lease.

           "MADSP" shall mean the Modified Aggregate Deemed Sale Price
 within the meaning of, and in accordance with, Section 1.338(h)(10)-1(f) of
 the Treasury Regulations.

           "Non-Continuing Subsidiaries" shall mean all Subsidiaries of the
 Company except the Company Subsidiaries, including, without limitation,
 AFG/Ireland II, Inc. and AFG/Ireland III, Inc.

           "Notice of Disagreement" shall mean a written notice of any
 disagreement with the Closing Date Balance Sheet given by Purchaser to
 Seller in accordance with Section 1.3.

           "Old AFG" shall mean Equis Financial Group, a Massachusetts
 general partnership formerly known as American Finance Group.

           "OTS" shall mean the Office of Thrift Supervision of the United
 States Department of the Treasury.

           "Outside Parties" shall mean those parties under Leases, vendors,
 suppliers and other third parties who participated in Seller's survey
 regarding Year 2000 compliance.

           "Patents" shall mean issued United States and foreign patents
 and pending patent applications, patent disclosures, and any and all
 divisions, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues, reexaminations,
 and extensions thereof, any counterparts claiming priority therefrom,
 utility models, patents of importation/confirmation, certificates of
 invention and similar statutory rights.

           "Payoff Letter" shall mean a letter of a Company Lender pursuant
 to which such Company Lender agrees, among other things, that (a) payment
 of a specified amount will constitute payment in full of the outstanding
 Indebtedness to such Company Lender and (b) upon receipt of such payment
 all security interests and liens held by such Company Lender in respect of
 such Indebtedness will be released and terminate.

           "PBGC" shall mean the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

           "Person" shall mean a natural person, partnership, limited
 liability partnership, corporation, limited liability company, business
 trust, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated association, joint
 venture, Governmental Entity (as applicable) or other entity or

           "Plan" shall mean each deferred compensation and each incentive
 compensation, stock purchase, stock option and other equity compensation
 plan, program, agreement or arrangement, each severance or termination pay,
 medical, surgical, hospitalization, life insurance and other "welfare"
 plan, fund or program (within the meaning of Section 31 of ERISA); each
 profit-sharing, stock bonus or other "pension" plan, fund or program
 (within the meaning of Section 3(2) of ERISA)each employment, termination
 or severance agreement; and each other employee benefit plan, fund,
 program, agreement or arrangement, in each case, that is sponsored,
 maintained or contributed to or required to be contributed to by the
 Company or by any ERISA Affiliate, or to which the Company or an ERISA
 Affiliate is party, whether written or oral, for the benefit of any
 director, employee or former employee of the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term "Plan" shall not
 include any plan or arrangement no part of the expense of which is borne by
 the Company or any Company Subsidiary.

           "Pre-Closing Periods" shall mean all tax periods ending on or
 before the Closing Date and, with respect to any tax period that includes
 but does not end on the Closing Date, the portion of such period that ends
 on and includes the Closing Date.

           "Prior Transaction Purchaser Losses" shall mean any and all
 losses, claims, liabilities, damages, actions, suits, penalties, judgments,
 settlements and expenses, (including attorneys' and accountants' fees and
 expenses) whether arising out of the Securities Act, the Exchange Act,
 applicable state blue sky laws or otherwise, that arise out of or relate to
 (i) the filing by the Company of a registration statement (and related
 filings) with the Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with a
 non-consummated initial public offering of securities of the Company
 contemplated in 1998 and 1999 and (ii) a non-consummated proposed
 acquisition of the Company during the first six months of 1999.

           "Proposal" shall mean any proposal to acquire the Shares or a
 material portion of the assets of the Company or any Company Subsidiary,
 whether by sale, merger, consolidation, reorganization, exchange or

           "Purchaser" shall mean Guaranty Federal Bank, F.S.B., a
 federally chartered savings bank.

           "Purchaser Indemnified Persons" shall mean Purchaser and each of
 its Affiliates.

           "Purchaser Losses" shall mean any and all losses, claims,
 liabilities, damages, actions, suits, penalties, judgments, settlements and
 expenses (including attorneys' fees and expenses and accountants' fees and
 expenses) incurred by the Company, any Company Subsidiary, any Purchaser
 Indemnified Person or any of their respective Affiliates that arise out of
 (a) any breach by Seller of any of Seller's representations and warranties
 contained in or made by or pursuant to this Agreement; or (b) any breach by
 Seller of any of Seller's covenants and agreements contained in this
 Agreement, whether such breach occurs prior to or after the Closing;
 provided, however; that notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the term
 "Purchaser Losses" shall (a) include Prior Transaction Purchaser Losses and
 Stockholder Action Losses, except as such terms are specifically excluded
 from the definition of the term "Purchaser Losses" as set forth in Section
 8.1(e) of this Agreement and (b) exclude (i) the matters referred to in
 Section 8.1(b) and (ii) the amount of any loss or liability to the extent
 such amount reduces stockholders' equity as reflected on the Closing Date
 Balance Sheet (in the form that it becomes final and binding upon Seller
 and Purchaser pursuant to Section 1.3).

           "Retained Employee" shall mean each person who was an employee
 of the Company or any Company Subsidiary immediately prior to the Closing

           "SEC" shall mean the United States Securities and Exchange

           "Section 338 Forms" shall mean all returns, documents,
 statements, and other forms that are required to be submitted to any
 federal, state, local or other taxing authority in connection with a
 Section 338(h)(10) Election, including, without limitation, any statement
 of Section 338 election and IRS Form 8023 (together with any schedules or
 attachments thereto).

           "Section 338(h)(10) Election" shall mean collectively an election
 under Section 338(h)(10) of the Code (and any comparable election under
 state, local or other law).

           "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as
 amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

           "Seller" shall mean PLM International, Inc., a Delaware

           "Seller's Accountants" shall mean KPMG LLP, independent certified
 public accountants.

           "Seller's Group" shall mean "affiliated group" (as defined in
 Section 1504(a) of the Code) that includes Seller, the Company and any
 Company Subsidiary.

           "Seller Guaranty" or "Seller Guarantees" shall mean any
 guaranty, letter of credit, letter of comfort, indemnity or contribution
 agreement or other similar agreement entered into by Seller or any of its
 Affiliates in favor of any third party with respect to any actual or
 potential liability or obligation of the Company or any Company Subsidiary
 to such third party.

           "Shares" shall mean all of the issued and outstanding shares of
 common stock, par value $0.01, of the Company.

           "Stockholder Action Losses" shall mean any and all losses,
 claims, liabilities, damages, actions, suits, penalties, judgments,
 settlements and expenses (including attorneys' and accountants' fees and
 expenses) incurred by the Company, any Company Subsidiary, any Purchaser
 Indemnified Person or any of their respective Affiliates (or any of their
 respective officers, directors, stockholders and other representatives and
 agents) that arise out of any breach by Seller of any of the
 representations and warranties contained in Section 3.2 of this Agreement,
 including without limitation, any losses, claims, liabilities, damages,
 actions, suits, penalties, judgments, settlements and expenses (including
 attorneys' and accountants' fees and expenses) arising from or relating to
 any action taken, or to be taken, by Seller, or any failure by Seller to
 take such action (including filings with the Securities and Exchange
 Commission and self-regulatory organizations) in connection with (i) the
 solicitation of proxies under the Exchange Act or the DGCL in connection
 with seeking, as required by Section 5.20, stockholder authorization of the
 sale of the Shares in compliance with Section 271 of the DGCL or (ii) the
 special meeting of stockholders of Seller contemplated herein.

           "Straddle Period" shall mean a taxable year or period beginning
 on or before, and ending on or after, the Closing Date.

           "Subsidiary" shall mean, with respect to any Person, any
 corporation or other organization, whether incorporated or unincorporated,
 of which (a) at least a majority of the securities or other interests
 having, by their terms, ordinary voting power to elect a majority of the
 board of directors or others performing similar functions with respect to
 such corporation or other organization is directly or indirectly owned or
 controlled by such Person or by any one or more of its Subsidiaries, or by
 such Person and one or more of its subsidiaries or (b) such Person or any
 other Subsidiary of such Person is a general partner (excluding any such
 partnership where such Person or any Subsidiary of such party does not have
 a majority of the voting interest in such partnership).

           "Tax" or "Taxes" shall mean all taxes, charges, fees, duties,
 levies, penalties or other assessments imposed by any United States
 federal, state, local or foreign Governmental Entity, including income,
 gross receipts, excise, property, (real or personal) sales, gain, use,
 license, custom duty, unemployment, capital stock, transfer, franchise,
 payroll, withholding, social security, minimum, estimated, profit, gift,
 severance, value added, disability, premium, recapture, credit, occupation,
 service, leasing, employment, wage, stamp, excise and other taxes, and
 shall include interest, penalties or additions attributable thereto or
 attributable to any failure to comply with any requirement regarding Tax

           "Tax Claim" shall mean a claim for indemnification or defense
 arising out of Section 8.1 (b), including attorneys' fees and expenses and
 accountants' fees and expenses incurred in the investigation or defense of
 any of the same or in asserting, preserving, or enforcing any of the rights
 of Purchaser arising under Section 8.1(b).

           "Tax Return" shall mean any United States federal, state, local
 or foreign return, declaration, report, claim for refund, or information
 return or statement relating to Taxes, including any such document prepared
 on a consolidated, combined or unitary basis, including any amendment
 thereof; required to be filed by Seller, the Company and Company
 Subsidiary, or any member of Seller's Group.

           "Taxing Authority" shall mean any United States federal, state,
 local or foreign Governmental Entity responsible for the imposition of any

           "Title IV Plan" shall mean a Plan that is subject to Section 302
 or Title IV of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code.

           "Trademarks" shall mean United States and foreign registered and
 unregistered trademarks, trade dress, service marks, logos, trade names,
 corporate names and all registrations and applications to register the

           "Transactions" shall mean all the transactions provided for or
 contemplated by this Agreement.

           "Transfer Taxes" shall mean all sales (including bulk sales),
 use, transfer, recording, ad valorem, documentary, registration,
 conveyance, excise, license, stamp, duties or similar Taxes and fees (but
 not any Taxes that result from a Section 338(h)(10) Election or any
 election under state, local  or other law similar to the election available
 under Section 338(g) of the Code with respect to the Company or any Company
 Subsidiary).  Transfer Taxes shall not include gross receipts taxes..

           "Transition Services Agreement" shall mean that certain
 Transition Services Agreement to be entered into, at the option of
 Purchaser, between the Company and Seller effective on and after the
 Closing in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D.

           "WARN Act" shall mean the Worker Adjustment and Retraining
 Notification Act, as amended.

           "Year 2000 Problem" shall mean any ceasing to function,
 generation of incorrect data or production of incorrect results by
 information and business systems, including computer software, hardware and
 related systems, when processing, providing or receiving (a) date-related
 data from, into and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries or (b)
 date-related data in connection with any valid date in the twentieth and
 twenty-first centuries.

           Section 9.2    Interpretation.

                (a)  The headings contained in this Agreement are for
 reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
 interpretation of this Agreement.

                (b)  Whenever the words "include", "includes" or "including"
 are used in this Agreement they shall be deemed to be followed by the words
 "without limitation."

                (c)  The words "hereof", "herein" and "herewith" and words
 of similar import shall, unless otherwise stated, be construed to refer to
 this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this
 Agreement, and article, section, paragraph, exhibit and schedule references
 are to the articles, sections, paragraphs, exhibits and schedules of this
 Agreement unless otherwise specified.

                (d)  The meaning assigned to each term defined herein shall
 be equally applicable to both the singular and the plural forms of such
 term, and words denoting any gender shall include all genders. Where a word
 or phrase is defined herein, each of its other grammatical forms shall have
 a corresponding meaning.

                (e)  A reference to any party to this Agreement or any other
 agreement or document shall include such party's successors and permitted

                (f)  A reference to any legislation or to any provision of
 any legislation shall include any amendment to, and any modification or re-
 enactment thereof, any legislative provision substituted therefor and all
 regulations and statutory instruments issued thereunder or pursuant

                (g)  The parties have participated jointly in the
 negotiation and drafting of this Agreement. In the event an ambiguity or
 question of intent or interpretation arises, this Agreement shall be
 construed as if drafted jointly by the parties, and no presumption or
 burden of proof shall arise favoring or disfavoring any party by virtue of
 the authorship of any provisions of this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE X

           Section 10.1   Fees and Expenses. All costs and expenses incurred
 in connection with this Agreement and the consummation of the Transactions
 shall be paid by the party incurring such expenses, except as specifically
 provided to the contrary in this Agreement and except that Seller and
 Purchaser shall each bear 50% of the fee payable in connection with the
 Pre-Merger Notification filing required by the HSR Act.

           Section 10.2   Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be
 amended, modified and supplemented in any and all respects, but only by a
 written instrument signed by all of the parties hereto expressly stating
 that such instrument is intended to amend, modify or supplement this

           Section 10.3   Notices. All notices and other communications
 hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if mailed,
 delivered personally, telecopied (which is confirmed) or sent by an
 overnight courier service, to the parties at the following addresses (or at
 such other address for a party as shall be specified by like notice):

      if to Purchaser, to:

                Guaranty Federal Bank, F.S.B.
                1300 S. Mopac Expressway
                Austin, Texas 78746
                Attention: President and Chief Executive Officer
                Telephone: 512-434-8586
                Telecopy:  512-434-8289

      with a copy to:

                Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP
                1300 Eye Street, N.W., 11th Floor
                Washington, D.C. 20005
                Attention:  Edward F. Schiff, Esq.
                Telephone:  202-216-4208
                Telecopy:   202-775-8741

      if to Seller, to:

                PLM International, Inc.
                One Market Plaza
                Steuart Street Tower, Suite 800
                San Francisco, California  94105
                Attention: President and Chief Executive Officer
                Telephone: 415-974-1399
                Telecopy:  415-905-7236

      with a copy to:

                Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
                Four Embarcadero Center
                Suite 3800
                San Francisco, California 94111
                Attention:  Theodore J. Kozloff, Esq.
                Telephone:  415-984-2600
                Telecopy:   415-984-2698

           Section 10.4   Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in
 one or more counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same
 agreement and shall become effective when two or more counterparts have
 been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other parties.

           Section 10.5   Entire Agreement; No Third-Party Beneficiaries.
 This Agreement and the Confidentiality Agreement (a) constitute the entire
 agreement and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, both
 written and oral, among the parties with respect to the subject matter
 hereof and thereof and (b)are not intended to confer upon any Person other
 than the parties hereto and thereto and the officers and directors of
 Seller and the Retained Employees any rights or remedies hereunder.

           Section 10.6   Severability. Any term or provision of this
 Agreement that is held by a court of competent jurisdiction or other
 authority to be invalid, void or unenforceable in any situation in any
 jurisdiction shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the
 remaining terms and provisions hereof or the validity or enforceability of
 the offending term or provision in any other situation or in any other

           Section 10.7   Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by
 and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without
 giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.

           Section 10.8   Venue. Each of the parties hereto (a) consents to
 submit itself to the personal jurisdiction of any federal court located in
 the State of Delaware or any Delaware state court in the event any dispute
 arises out of this Agreement or any of the Transactions, (b) agrees that it
 shall not attempt to deny or defeat such personal jurisdiction by motion or
 other request for leave from any such court and (c) agrees that it shall
 not bring any action relating to this Agreement or any of the Transactions
 in any court other than a federal or state court sitting in the State of

           Section 10.9   Time of Essence. Each of the parties hereto hereby
 agrees that, with regard to all dates and time periods set forth or
 referred to in this Agreement, time is of the essence.

           Section 10.10  Extension; Waiver. At any time prior to the
 Closing Date, either party hereto may (a) extend the time for the
 performance of any of the obligations or other acts of the other party, (b)
 waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties of the other
 party contained in this Agreement or in any document delivered pursuant to
 this Agreement or (c) waive compliance by the other parties with any of the
 agreements or conditions contained in this Agreement. Any agreement on the
 part of a party to any such extension or waiver shall be valid only if set
 forth in an instrument in writing signed by or on behalf of such party. The
 failure of any party to this Agreement to assert any of its rights under
 this Agreement or otherwise shall not constitute a waiver of those rights.

           Section 10.11  Election of Remedies. Neither the exercise of nor
 the failure to exercise a right of set-off or to give notice of a claim
 under this Agreement will constitute an election of remedies or limit
 Purchaser or any of Purchaser Indemnified Persons in any manner in the
 enforcement of any other remedies that may be available to any of them,
 whether at law or in equity.

           Section 10.12  Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any of the
 rights, interests or obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any of the
 parties hereto (whether by operation of law or otherwise) without the prior
 written consent of the other parties, except that Purchaser may assign, in
 its sole discretion, any or all of its rights and interests hereunder to
 any Affiliate of Purchaser. Subject to the preceding sentence, this
 Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable
 by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Purchaser and Seller have executed this
 Agreement or caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective
 officers thereunto duly authorized as of the date first written above.

                              PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC., Seller

                              By:  /s/ Robert N. Tidball
                              Name:   Robert N. Tidball
                              Title:  Chairman of the Board

                              GUARANTY FEDERAL BANK,
                              F.S.B., Purchaser

                              By:  /s/ Ronald D. Murff
                              Name:   Ronald D. Murff
                              Title:  Chief Financial Officer


           This Amendment No. 1 to Stock Sale Agreement (this "Amendment")
 is made as of January 24, 2000 by and between Guaranty Federal Bank,
 F.S.B., a federally chartered savings bank ("Purchaser"), and PLM
 International, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Seller"), in connection with
 that certain Stock Sale Agreement, dated as of October 26, 1999, by and
 between Purchaser and Seller (the "Stock Sale Agreement").

           WHEREAS, Purchaser and Seller constitute all of the parties to
 the Stock Sale Agreement; and

           WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to enter into this Amendment
 to amend Section 7.1(c) of the Stock Sale Agreement.

           NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and
 the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, and intending to be
 legally bound hereby, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

 11.  Definitions.   Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein
      shall have the respective meanings assigned to such terms in the Stock
      Sale Agreement.

 12.  Termination Date.  The date "March 1, 2000" that appears in Section
      7.1(c) of the Stock Sale Agreement is hereby amended and changed to
      "March 15, 2000."

 13.  Effect on Stock Sale Agreement.  Except as set forth above, all
      provisions of the Stock Sale Agreement shall remain in full force or

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment
 to be executed and delivered by their duly authorized representatives as of
 the day and year first above written.

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC., Seller

                          By:  /s/ Robert N. Tidball
                          Name:   Robert N. Tidball
                          Title:  Chairman of the Board

                          GUARANTY FEDERAL BANK,
                            F.S.B., Purchaser

                          By:  /s/ Ronald D. Murff
                          Name:   Ronald D. Murff
                          Title:  Chief Financial Officer

                                                              ANNEX B

            [Letterhead of Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated]

                                        October 21, 1999

 The Board of Directors
 PLM International, Inc.
 One Market Plaza
 Steuart Street Tower
 San Francisco, California 94105

 Ladies and Gentlemen:

      We understand that PLM International, Inc. ("PLM") and Guaranty
 Federal Bank, FSB (the "Purchaser") intend to enter into a Stock Sale
 Agreement (the "Agreement") which will provide for the purchase of all of
 the issued and outstanding capital stock of American Finance Group, Inc.
 ("AFG") by the Purchaser (the "Transaction").  In the Transaction, the
 Purchaser will pay a Base Purchase Price, as defined in the Agreement, of
 $29,000,000, adjusted for any increase or decrease in stockholder's equity
 from June 30, 1999 through the Closing Date, in cash, plus the assumption
 of certain liabilities, for such capital stock.

      You have requested us to render a written opinion (the "Opinion") to
 the Board of Directors (the "Board of Directors") of PLM as to the
 fairness, from a financial point of view, to PLM and its stockholders of
 the consideration to be received by PLM in the Transaction.

      In arriving at our Opinion, we:

      (a)  reviewed a draft of the Agreement dated October 15, 1999 and
           certain related documents;

      (b)  reviewed AFG's audited financial statements for the years
           ended December 31, 1996 through December 31, 1998;

      (c)  reviewed the unaudited financial statements of AFG for the
           nine months ended September 30, 1999;

      (d)  reviewed the financial projections of AFG prepared by the
           management of AFG, and held discussions with the senior
           management of AFG with respect to the business, capital
           requirements and prospects for future growth of AFG;

      (e)  reviewed certain publicly available information concerning

      (f)  reviewed and analyzed certain publicly available financial
           data for certain companies we deemed comparable to AFG;

      (g)  reviewed and analyzed certain publicly available information
           for transactions that we deemed comparable to the Transaction;

      (h)  performed a discounted cash flow analysis of AFG using certain
           assumptions of future performance provided to and discussed with
           us by the management of AFG;

      (i)  at the request of the Board of Directors of PLM, approached
           and held discussions with certain third parties to solicit
           indications of interest in the possible acquisition of AFG; and,

      (j)  performed such other analyses and reviewed such other
           information as we deemed appropriate.

      We have relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of the
 financial and other information reviewed by us and have assumed such
 accuracy and completeness for purposes of rendering this Opinion.  With
 respect to forecasts of future financial condition and operating results of
 AFG provided to or discussed with us, we assumed, at the direction of the
 management of PLM and AFG, without independent verification or
 investigation, that such forecasts were reasonably prepared on bases
 reflecting the best available information, estimates and judgements of the
 management of PLM and AFG.  In addition, at the direction of PLM, in
 performing our analysis, we have made certain assumptions regarding
 adjustments to the Base Purchase Price.  We also have assumed, at the
 direction of the Board of Directors of PLM, that the final terms of the
 Agreement will not vary materially from those set forth in the draft of the
 Agreement reviewed by us. We have neither made nor obtained any independent
 evaluations or appraisals of the assets or the liabilities of AFG,
 contingent or otherwise.  Estimates of values of companies and assets do
 not purport to be appraisals or necessarily reflect the prices at which
 companies and assets may actually be sold.  Because such estimates are
 inherently subject to uncertainty, Legg Mason assumes no responsibility for
 their accuracy.  We are not expressing any opinion as to the underlying
 valuation, future performance or long-term viability of AFG.  Our Opinion
 is necessarily based on the information available to us and general
 economic, financial and stock market conditions and circumstances as they
 exist and can be evaluated by us on the date hereof.  It should be
 understood that, although subsequent developments may affect this Opinion,
 we do not have any obligation to update, revise or reaffirm the Opinion.

      Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated ("Legg Mason"), as part of its
 investment banking business, is continually engaged in the valuation of
 businesses and their securities in connection with mergers and
 acquisitions, negotiated underwritings, competitive biddings, secondary
 distributions of listed and unlisted securities, and private placements.
 Legg Mason is familiar with AFG, having been selected by PLM to serve as
 its financial advisor and the managing underwriter in connection with a
 proposed initial public offering of AFG's common stock which was withdrawn
 in March 1999.

      Legg Mason has served as financial advisor to PLM in connection with
 the Transaction and will receive a fee for its services, a portion of which
 is contingent upon the consummation of the Transaction.

      It is understood that this letter is directed to the Board of
 Directors of PLM and the Opinion expressed herein is provided for the use
 of the Board of Directors of PLM in its evaluation of the proposed
 Transaction.  This letter does not constitute a recommendation of the
 Transaction over any other alternative transaction which may be available
 to PLM and does not address the underlying business decision of the Board
 of Directors of PLM to proceed with or effect the Transaction.  In
 addition, this Opinion does not constitute a recommendation to any
 stockholder of PLM as to how such stockholder should vote at the
 stockholders' meeting to be held in connection with the Transaction.  This
 letter is not to be quoted or referred to, in whole or in part, in any
 registration statement, prospectus or proxy statement, or in any other
 document used in connection with the offering or sale of securities, nor
 shall this letter be used for any other purposes, without the prior written
 consent of Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated, provided that this Opinion
 may be included in its entirety in any filing made by PLM with the
 Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to the Transaction.

      Based upon and subject to the foregoing, and such other factors as we
 deemed relevant, it is our Opinion that as of the date hereof the
 consideration to be received by PLM in the Transaction is fair to PLM and
 its stockholders from a financial point of view.

                                     Very truly yours,

                                    /s/ Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated
                                    LEGG MASON WOOD WALKER, INCORPORATED

                                                                      ANNEX C

                           FINANCIAL COMPUTATIONS

         The financial computations set forth below were prepared by PLM
  for inclusion in the confidential offering memorandum prepared by Legg
  Mason and delivered to Guaranty. The financial computations are
  hypothetical and make assumptions about cost of capital, tax efficiencies
  and results of operations that PLM management believes are not achievable
  so long as AFG is owned by PLM. Accordingly, these financial computations
  are not projections of the future performance of AFG if it remains a
  subsidiary of PLM but rather are a computation of the results that might
  be achieved if AFG's cost of capital were lower than what PLM can provide
  and if the ability of a buyer to utilize the tax benefits generated by
  AFG are significantly greater than PLM's ability.


  The following projections assume a sale of the Company is consummated on
  October 1, 1999. The key assumptions which are described below include
  the following:

     o    Sustainable growth in lease originations

     o    An increase in leases retained versus leases syndicated

     o    An increase in average lease term driven by equipment focus and
          tax appetite

     o    No assumed gains on residuals

     o    Competitive cost of debt and efficient tax base provided by new


  Management believes that under a new owner with a more competitive cost
  of capital (i.e., a lower cost of debt and tax efficient equity), AFG
  would be able to increase significantly and sustainably its lease
  originations. This increased volume would be driven by a greater number
  of direct sales representatives and a broader financial product offering.

  The table below highlights the assumed growth in lease originations.

                                         ACTUAL                                 PROJECTED
                                      ------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
  (Dollars in millions)                    1998          1999         2000          2001         2002         2003
                                      ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------
  Leases retained                         $   94.9     $    87.2      $ 187.9     $  260.3      $  340.9      $ 423.7
  Leases syndicated and brokered             105.1          61.4        109.1        116.8         123.0        133.0
                                      ------------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------
         Total originations               $  200.0      $  148.7      $ 297.0     $  377.2      $  463.9      $ 556.7
                                      ============  ============  ===========  ===========  ============  ===========
  Year-to-year growth                         25.9%        -25.7%        99.8%        27.0%         23.0%        20.0%
  No. of sales representatives                 6             7           11           13            15           17
  Production per representative          $    33.3     $    21.2     $   27.0       $ 29.0        $ 30.9       $ 32.7

  Operating leases are assumed to comprise 15% of the Company's
  originations throughout the projected period. Finance leases are assumed
  to decline from 70% of originations in FY 1999 to 48% by FY 2003. Secured
  loans are assumed to increase from 15% of originations to 37% during that
  same period.


  Revenue projections are derived from combining the existing portfolio
  with the assumed lease originations.

     o    EXISTING PORTFOLIO. The existing portfolio is assumed to run-off
          in accordance with the terms of the underlying contracts. No
          renewals or continuous billings are assumed at the end of the
          initial lease terms. No gains or losses on the sale of equipment
          are assumed.

     o    RETAINED LEASES. Management anticipates increasing the percentage
          of originated leases retained by the Company from approximately
          50% to approximately 75%. The implicit rate on operating leases
          is assumed to decrease modestly from FY 1999 through FY 2003,
          while the average final term of the leases is expected increase
          reflecting the acquiror's assumed ability to utilize the tax
          benefits of the transactions. Finance leases generally are
          assumed to have economics comparable to operating leases, however
          an additional expense for residual value insurance is assumed to
          qualify the transactions for finance lease treatment. The assumed
          implicit rate on secured loans is expected to range from 8.18% to
          8.35% with terms increasing from 38 months to 48 months.

         The table below highlights the key economic assumptions regarding
  lease and secured loan originations.

                                                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR
                                                  1999           2000             2001           2002            2003
                                             ------------    -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
  Operating Leases:  Implicit rate                  8.95%          8.85%           8.80%           8.75%           8.70%
                     Term (months)                    45             48              54              60              66
                     Lease rate factor              2.13%          1.99%           1.75%           1.56%           1.36%
                     Residual as % of OEC           24.4%          26.4%           31.7%           36.5%           45.0%
                     Interim rent (% month)           45%            42%             40%             40%             40%

  Loans:             Implicit rate                  8.18%          8.35%           8.30%           8.30%           8.20%
                     Term (months)                    38             42              48              48              48

     o    SYNDICATIONS. Transactions sold to third parties are divided
          between brokered transactions and leases which are funded by AFG
          and subsequently sold. Brokered transactions are assumed as a
          percentage of total syndications to range between 31% and 28%
          from FY 2000 to FY 2003. Fees on brokered deals are assumed to
          range from 1.25% in FY 2000 to 1.15% by FY 2003. Transactions
          which are funded and subsequently sold provide the opportunity
          for AFG to earn rentals during the period they are held and fees
          upon the sale of the transactions; these fees are assumed to
          range from 1.80% in FY 1999 to 1.50% in FY 2003.

     o    RESIDUALS. All equipment is sold at its net book value (i.e., no
          gain or loss is assumed). No renewal rental revenue or continuous
          billing revenue is assumed during those six months.


     o    SALES AND MARKETING. Sales representatives are paid on a
          commission basis commensurate with the scale currently in place
          at AFG. Initial direct costs associated with the origination of
          lease transactions either are capitalized and amortized over the
          life of associated lease if such lease is retained, or are
          expensed in the case of syndicated transactions.

     o    G&A AND OPERATIONS SUPPORT. Back office expenses grow in
          proportion to an assumed increased staffing level as well as at
          an annualized base rate of 4%. Additional personnel assumed
          include three professionals in FY 2000 (1 account manager, 1
          senior equipment management specialist and 1 credit specialist).
          By FY 2003, the Company anticipates adding a total of 10
          professionals in the fields of account management, tax
          processing, equipment management and research, and credit. This
          relatively modest rate of increase reflects management's view
          regarding the excess capacity of AFG's existing infrastructure.
          Also included in each of FY 1999 and FY 2000 are retention
          bonuses of $200,000 paid to key employees upon a change of
          control in the Company's ownership.

     o    INTEREST EXPENSE. All existing debt is assumed to be repaid.
          Future debt is assumed to be funded at a rate of 5.70% reflecting
          the acquiror's lower cost of funding.

     o    TAXES. The Company's effective tax rate is assumed to be 38.0%.
          All tax payments are assumed to be deferred given the shelter
          provided by the accelerated tax depreciation of equipment under
          operating leases.


  It is assumed that the Company operates at an approximately 10%
  equity-to-assets ratio throughout the period of the projections. The
  projected growth in the Company's retained lease portfolio will require
  additional capital contributions on a periodic basis to maintain the
  targeted capitalization ratio. These capital contributions are
  represented by the "Additional capital" line under Stockholder's equity
  on the projected balance sheets.

                                                                         FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                            1999          2000          2001         2002         2003
                                                    --------------- ------------ ---------------- ----------------------
  INCOME STATEMENT:                                                          (Dollars in thousands)
  Finance lease income                                $      12,710   $   16,908   $   22,216   $    29,218   $   37,682
  Operating lease income                                      7,007        9,775       15,509        22,358       26,820
  Financing income                                            1,575        2,764        6,516        11,388       17,641
  Management fees                                               655          221          130            64            4
  Revenue from sale of leases and related assets              2,924        2,821        2,786         2,790        2,744
                  Total revenues                             24,871       32,489       47,157        65,818       84,891
  Operations support (1)                                      4,880        6,001        6,543         7,046        7,483
  Depreciation and amortization                               5,644        7,122       11,024        16,080       20,827
  General and administrative                                    853          520          541           562          585
  Interest expense, net                                       9,259       11,788       18,997        27,895       38,480
  Other expenses (2)                                          1,894            -            -             -            -
                  Total costs and expenses                   22,530       25,431       37,105        51,583       67,376

                  Income (loss) before income taxes           2,341        7,058       10,052        14,235       17,515

  Provision for (benefit from) income taxes                     890        2,682        3,820         5,409        6,656

  Net income (loss) before accounting change                  1,451        4,376        6,232         8,826       10,859

  Cumulative effect of accounting change (3)                  (253)            -            -             -            -
  Net income (loss)                                   $      1,198    $    4,376   $    6,232   $     8,826   $   10,859

  Net income                                          $       1,198
  Pro forma adjustments for one-time charges          $       1,564
  Pro forma net income                                $       2,762

  Notes:   (1)  Includes retention bonuses of $200,000 per year, in both
                FY 1999 and FY 2000, payable upon a change of control.
           (2)  Reflects pre-tax write-off of expenses incurred in
                connection with the Company's proposed IPO which was
                withdrawn during the first quarter of 1999. Other
                one-time charges for the remainder of FY 1999 include
                costs that would be incurred upon the acquisition of
                the Company, including the write-off of capitalized
                costs associated with the securitization facility
                ($266,000) and the write-off of goodwill ($654,000).
           (3)  Reflects Company's adoption of AICPA Statement of
                Position 98-5, "Reporting the Costs of Start-Up
                Activities" which requires costs related to be expensed
                as incurred.
           (4)  Adjusted for tax-effected, one-time charges in FY 1999 as
                stated in Notes 1, 2 and 3.

                                                                             AS OF DECEMBER 31,
                                                      1999           2000           2001           2002           2003
  BALANCE SHEET:                                                           (Dollars in thousands)
  Restricted cash                               $          -    $         -   $          -   $          -    $         -
  Receivables, net of allowances                       2,267          3,135          4,710          6,704          8,746
  Investment in direct finance leases, net           156,156        228,135        312,958        410,676        521,609
  Loans receivable                                    19,026         55,773        110,793        183,795        269,317
  Equipment held for operating leases, net            19,599         40,346         67,360        101,414        142,178
  Other assets, net                                    3,000          1,819          1,740          1,700          1,700
     Total assets                               $    200,048    $   329,208   $    497,561   $    704,289    $   943,550

    Debt                                        $    146,328    $   257,754   $    399,146   $    571,026    $   770,669
    Payables and other liabilities                    16,000         26,676         34,718         43,484         52,520
    Deferred income taxes                              7,439         10,121         13,941         19,350         26,006
             Total liabilities                       169,767        294,551        447,805        633,860        849,195

  Stockholder's equity:
    Additional capital                                     -              -          8,866         20,713         33,780
    Paid-in-capital                                   26,043         26,043         26,043         26,043         26,043
    Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)            4,238          8,614         14,847         23,673         34,532
             Total stockholder's equity               30,281         34,657         49,756         70,429         94,355
             Total liabilities and
               stockholder's equity              $   200,048   $    329,208   $    497,561   $    704,289    $   943,550

  PROXY                                                           PROXY

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                    SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94105-1301



     The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Robert N. Tidball and
Douglas P. Goodrich, and each of them, true and lawful agents and proxies
to the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to represent the
undersigned and to vote all shares of stock that the undersigned is
entitled to vote at the special meeting of stockholders of PLM
International, Inc., to be held on February 25, 2000, and at any and all
adjournments and postponements thereof.

     This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner
directed by the undersigned stockholder. IF NO VOTE IS SPECIFIED, HOWEVER,
discretionary authority to vote in accordance with the best judgment of the
named proxies on other matters that may properly come before the special

     Please mark this proxy card, fill in the date, sign on the reverse
side and return promptly using the enclosed envelope. No postage is
necessary if mailed in the United States.


                                                   [x] Please mark your votes
                                                       as in this example


1.   To authorize the proposed sale of American Finance Group, Inc. to
     Guaranty Federal Bank, F.S.B. pursuant to the Stock Sale Agreement,
     dated as of October 26, 1999 and amended as of January 24, 2000, by
     and between PLM International, Inc. and Guaranty Federal Bank, F.S.B.

         FOR              AGAINST           ABSTAIN
         [    ]           [    ]            [    ]

         Signature(s)  ___________________    Dated: _______, ___


     Please sign this proxy exactly as your name appears hereon. Joint
owners should each sign personally. Trustees and other fiduciaries should
indicate the capacity in which they sign, and where more than one name
appears, a majority should sign. If a corporation, the signature should be
that of an authorized person who should also state his/her title.