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                    the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

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                        TENET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
              (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                             RICHARD B. SILVER
                        TENET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
                             3820 STATE STREET
                      SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93105
                               (805) 563-7000
                 (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ x]  No fee required.

[  ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
       1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
       2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
       3)      Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
               computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
               amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how
               it was determined):
       4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
       5)      Total fee paid:
[  ]  Fee Paid previously with preliminary materials.
[  ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
       Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
       fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by
       registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date
       of its filing.
       1)      Amount Previously Paid:
       2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
       3)      Filing Party:
       4)      Date Filed:


          Investor Contacts:        Paul Russell  (805) 563-7188
                                    Diana Takvam  (805) 563-6883
          Media Contact:            Harry Anderson  (805) 563-6816

                         EXPECTS TO BEAT CONSENSUS

         SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. - SEPT. 12, 2000 - Tenet Healthcare
Corporation (NYSE: THC) today previewed results for its first quarter of
fiscal 2001, ended Aug. 31, 2000, announcing that it expects to exceed
analysts' current consensus estimates of $0.44 earnings per share from
operations. In the prior-year quarter Tenet reported $0.39 earnings per
share from operations.

         Consistent with the Securities and Exchange Commission's new fair
disclosure guidelines, the company issued today's announcement prior to
making presentations at institutional investor conferences this week.

         The better-than-anticipated earnings were spurred in part by
strong admissions trends and by continuing upward trends in pricing. The
company said admissions to hospitals it has owned for more than 12 months
were very strong in the first quarter, rising approximately 4 percent over
the year-ago quarter. It said the upward trend in pricing stems from
continued strong commercial pricing. Looking forward, the company expects
continued strength in commercial pricing, as well as better Medicare
reimbursement relative to the recent past.

         The company also said that it reduced debt by approximately $240
million during the first quarter, a significant improvement over the
prior-year quarter when the company's total debt increased approximately
$130 million.

         "We are gratified by the obvious success of our operating
strategies," said Jeffrey C. Barbakow, Tenet chairman and chief executive
officer. "Initiatives we implemented 18 months ago are now producing
results. The strength of the first quarter should bode well for the
remainder of fiscal 2001."

         The company expects to announce detailed first quarter results on
October 3, 2000. That announcement will be made via press release, followed
by a conference call broadcast to all interested parties via or via a link on the company's website,

         Tenet Healthcare, through its subsidiaries, owns and operates 110
acute care hospitals with 26,939 beds and numerous related health care
services. The company employs approximately 106,000 people serving
communities in 17 states and services its hospitals from a Dallas-based
operations center. Tenet's name reflects its core business philosophy: the
importance of shared values among partners - including employees,
physicians, insurers and communities - in providing a full spectrum of
health care. Tenet can be found on the World Wide Web at

                                   # # #

                  Certain statements in this release may constitute
         forward-looking statements. They are based on management's current
         expectations and could be affected by numerous factors and are
         subject to various risks and uncertainties. Certain of those risks
         and uncertainties are discussed in the Company's filings with the
         Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Company's annual
         report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Do not
         rely on any forward-looking statement, as we cannot predict or
         control many of the factors that ultimately may affect our ability
         to achieve the results estimated. We make no promise to update any
         forward-looking statement, whether as a result of changes in
         underlying factors, new information, future events or otherwise.