Exhibit 3.3

                      Jones Lang LaSalle Finance B.V.
                          Articles of Association
                 (English Translation of Dutch Original(1))


1.    The name of the company is:

2.    The official seat of the company is in Amsterdam.


The objects of the company are:

      a.    to borrow, to lend and to raise funds, including the issue of
            bonds, promissory notes or other securities or evidence of
            indebtedness as well as to enter into agreements in connection
            with the aforementioned;

      b.    to finance businesses and companies, including-- without
            limitations-- the rendering of loans, the holding of shares or
            other kinds of interests, as well as the performance of other

      c.    to supply advice and to render services to enterprises and
            companies with which the company forms a group and to third

      d.    to render guarantees, to bind the company and to pledge its
            assets for obligations of the companies and enterprises with
            which it forms a group and on behalf of third parties;

      e.    to incorporate, to participate in any way whatsoever, to
            manage, and to supervise, businesses and companies; as well as
            everything relating to the foregoing or conducive thereto, all
            in the widest sense of the word.

- - - ----------
1     In this translation an attempt has been made to be as literal as
      possible without jeopardizing the overall continuity. Inevitably,
      differences may occur in translation, and if so, the Dutch text will
      by law govern.


1.    The authorized capital amounts to five hundred thousand euro (EUR

2.    The authorized capital is divided into five hundred thousand (500,00)
      shares of one euro (EUR 1.--) each.

3.    All shares are to be registered shares. No share certificates shall
      be issued.


1.    The management board shall keep a register in which the names and
      addresses of all shareholders are recorded, showing the date on which
      they acquired the shares, the date of the acknowledgment or
      notification. and the amount paid on each share.

2.    Article 194, Book 2 of the Civil Code applies to the register.


1.    The issuance of shares shall be effected pursuant to a resolution of
      the general meeting of shareholders-- hereinafter referred to as: the
      general meeting.

2.    The issuance of a share shall furthermore require a deed drawn up for
      that purpose in the presence of a civil law notary registered in the
      Netherlands to which those involved are party.

3.    Upon issuance of shares, each shareholder shall have a right of
      preemption in proportion to the aggregate nominal amount of his
      shares, subject to the limitations set by law.

4.    Shareholders shall have a similar right of preemption if options are
      granted to subscribe for shares.

5.    Prior to each single issuance the right of preemption may be limited
      or excluded by the general meeting.

6.    The full nominal amount of each share must be paid in on issuance.
      However, it may be stipulated that a part of the nominal amount not
      exceeding three fourths thereof need not be paid until it is called
      in by the company.


1.    The company may, subject to the relevant provisions of the law,
      acquire fully paid in shares in its capital or depository receipts
      thereof up to the maximum permitted by law.

2.    The company may give loans with a view to the subscription for or
      acquisition of shares in its capital or depository receipts thereof,
      but only up to the amount of the distributable reserves.


1.    The transfer of a share or the transfer of a right in rem thereon
      shall require a deed drawn up for that purpose in the presence of a
      civil law notary registered in the Netherlands to which those
      involved are party.

2.    Unless the company itself is party to the legal act, the rights
      attached to the share can only be exercised after the company has
      acknowledged said legal act or said deed has been served on it in
      accordance with the relevant provisions of the law.

3.    If a life interest is created or if the shares are pledged, the
      voting rights cannot be assigned to the beneficiary of the life
      interest or the pledgee.

4.    The company shall not lend its cooperation to the issuance of
      depository receipts in respect of its shares.


1.    In order to be valid any transfer of shares shall require the
      approval in accordance with the provisions of this article of the
      general meeting. No approval is required if, either all shareholders
      have approved the intended transfer in writing, which approval shall
      remain valid for three months, or a shareholder is obligated by law
      to transfer his shares to a prior shareholder.

2.    A shareholder who wishes to transfer shares -- in this article also
      referred to as: the "applicant" -- shall give notice of such
      intention to the management board by registered letter or against a
      receipt, which notice shall specify the number of shares he wishes to
      transfer and the person or the persons to whom he wishes to transfer
      the shares.

3.    The management board shall be obliged to convene and to hold a
      general meeting within six weeks from the date of receipt of the
      notice referred to in the preceding paragraph. The contents of such
      notice shall be stated in the convocation.

4.    If the meeting grants the approval requested, the transfer must take
      place within three months thereafter.

5.    If:

      a.    no such meeting as referred to in paragraph 3 has been held
            within the term mentioned in that paragraph;

      b.    at that meeting no resolution has been adopted regarding the
            request for approval;

      c.    such approval has been refused without the meeting having
            informed the applicant, at the same time as the refusal, of one
            or more interested parties who are prepared to purchase all the
            shares to which the request for approval relates, against
            payment in cash

      the approval requested shall be deemed to have been granted and, in
      the case mentioned under a. shall be deemed to have been granted on
      the final day on which the meeting should have been held.

6.    Unless the applicant and the party(ies) interested designated by the
      general meeting and accepted by him agree otherwise as to the price
      or the determination of the price, the purchase price of the shares
      shall be determined by an expert, appointed at the request of the
      most willing party by the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in
      whose district the company has its official seat.

7.    The applicant remains entitled to withdraw, until the expiry of one
      month after the determination of aforesaid price has been
      communicated to him in writing.

8.    The costs of determining the price shall be borne:

      a.    by the applicant if he withdraws:

      b.    by the applicant as to one half and the purchasers as to the
            other half if the shares are purchased by the interested
            parties, on the understanding that each purchaser shall
            contribute in proportion to the number of shares purchased by

      c.    by the company in cases not falling under a or b.

9.    The company itself can only be an interested party as referred to in
      paragraph 5 under c with the consent of the applicant.


1.    The management of the company shall be constituted by a management board
      consisting of one or more members.

2.    The general meeting shall appoint the members of the management board.

3.    A member of the management board may be suspended or dismissed by the
      general meeting at any time.

4.    The general meeting shall determine the remuneration and further
      conditions of employment for each member of the management board.


1.    Subject to the restrictions imposed by these articles of association,
      the management board shall be entrusted with the management of the

2.    The general meeting may lay down rules regarding the manner in which
      the management board shall make decisions.

3.    The management board shall allocate duties and shall give notice of
      this allocation to the general meeting.


1.    The management board shall be authorized to represent the company.
      Each member of the management board is also authorized to represent
      the company.

2.    The management board may appoint staff members with general or
      limited power to represent the company. Each staff member shall be
      able to represent the company with due observance of any restrictions
      imposed on him. The management board shall determine their titles.

3.    In the event of a conflict of interest between the company and a
      member of the management board, the company shall be represented by
      one of the other members of the management board. The general meeting
      shall at all times be competent to designate one or more other
      persons for this purpose. If it concerns a conflict of interest
      between the company and all members of the management board, or the
      sole member of the management board, the company shall be represented
      by one or more persons to be designated by the general meeting.

4.    Without regard to whether a conflict of interest exists or not, all
      legal acts of the company vis-a-vis a holder of all of the shares, or
      vis-a-vis a participant in a marital community of which all of the
      shares form a part, whereby the company is represented by such
      shareholder or one of the participants, shall be put down in writing.
      For the application of the foregoing sentence, shares held by the
      company or its subsidiaries shall not be taken into account.

5.    Paragraph 4 does not apply to legal acts that, under their agreed
      terms, form part of the normal course of business of the company.


1.    The general meeting is entitled to require resolutions of the
      management board to be subject to its approval. These resolutions
      shall be clearly specified and notified to the management board in

2.    The lack of approval referred to in paragraph 1 of this article does
      not affect the authority of the management board or its members to
      represent the company.

3.    The management board shall comply with instructions regarding the
      general lines of the financial, social, economic and employment
      policies to be given by the general meeting.


If a member of the management board is absent or prevented from performing
his duties, the remaining members or member of the management board shall
be temporarily entrusted with the entire management of the company. If all
members of the management board, or the sole member of the management
board, are absent or prevented from performing their duties, the management
of the company shall be temporarily entrusted to the person designated by
the general meeting for this purpose.


1.    The financial year of the company shall be the calendar year.

2.    Annually. not later than five months after the end of the financial
      year, unless this term is extended by the general meeting by not more
      than six months by reason of special circumstances, the management
      board shall draw up annual accounts.

3.    The general meeting shall adopt the annual accounts.

4.    Unconditional adoption of the annual accounts shall serve to
      constitute a discharge of the members of the management board for the
      management, insofar as such management is apparent from the annual


1.    The general meeting shall determine the allocation of the accrued

2.    Any distribution of profits may be made only insofar as the net
      assets exceed the paid in and called up part of the capital plus the
      reserves which must be maintained by virtue of the law.

3.    The general meeting may subject to due observance of the provision of
      paragraph 2 resolve to pay an interim dividend and to make
      distributions to the charge of a reserve.


1.    Each year and not later than six months after the end of the
      financial year, the general meeting for the purpose of the discussion
      and adoption of the annual accounts shall be held.

2.    Other general meetings of shareholders shall be held as often as the
      management board or shareholders representing in the aggregate at
      least one tenth of the issued capital deem such necessary.

3.    General meetings shall be convoked by the management board or by
      shareholders representing in the aggregate at least one tenth of the
      issued capital by letter mailed to the addresses as shown in the
      register of shareholders. The convocation shall take place not later
      than on the fifteenth day prior to the date of the meeting.

4.    General meetings shall be held in the municipality in which the
      company has its official seat according to these articles of

5.    As long as the entire issued capital is represented at a general
      meeting, valid resolutions can be adopted on all subjects brought up
      for discussion, even if the formalities prescribed by law or by the
      articles of association for the convocation and holding of meeting
      have not been complied with, provided such resolutions are adopted

6.    The management board keeps a record of the resolutions made. If the
      management board is not represented at a meeting, the chairman of the
      meeting shall provide the management board with a transcript of the
      resolutions made as soon as possible after the meeting. The records
      shall be deposited at the offices of the company for inspection by
      the shareholders. Upon request each of them shall be provided with a
      copy or an extract of such record at not more than the actual costs.

7.    The general meeting shall itself appoint its chairman.

8.    Each share confers the right to cast one vote.

9.    Insofar as no greater majority is prescribed by law all resolutions
      shall be adopted by a majority of the votes cast.

10.   The members of the management board shall, as such, have the right to
      give advice in the general meeting.


1.    Resolutions of shareholders may also be adopted in writing without
      recourse to a general meeting, provided they are adopted by a
      unanimous vote representing the entire issued capital. The expression
      in writing shall include any message transmitted by current means of
      communication and received in writing.

2.    The provision of article 16 paragraph 10 shall apply correspondingly
      to the adoption of resolutions outside a meeting as referred to in
      paragraph 1.

3.    The management board keeps a record of the resolutions thus made.
      Each of the shareholders must procure that the management board is
      informed in writing of the resolutions made in accordance with
      paragraph 1 as soon as possible. The records shall be deposited at
      the offices of the company for inspection by the shareholders. Upon
      request each of them shall be provided with a copy or an extract of
      such record at not more than the actual costs.


The first financial year of the company shall end on the thirty-first day
of December two thousand.

                            * * * * * * *

The foregoing is a fair and accurate English translation of the Articles of
Association of Jones Lang LaSalle Finance B.V.

/s/ Henricus T.M. Teeuwisse
Henricus T.M. Teeuwisse
Managing Director, Jones Lang LaSalle Finance B.V.