Filed by HSB Group, Inc.
                         Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act of 1933
                                             Subject Company:  HSB Group, Inc.

                                                 Commission File No. 333-45828

                              HSB GROUP, INC.


                      October 24, 2000, 9:00 a.m. EDT
                            Moderator: Jim Rowan

I.  Operator

                       Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to
                       the third quarter results conference call. At this
                       time all participants are in a listen only mode.
                       Later we will conduct a question and answer session
                       and instructions will follow at that time. If anyone
                       should require assistance during the call, please
                       press the star followed by the zero on your
                       touchtone phone. As a reminder ladies and gentlemen,
                       this call is being recorded.

                       I would now like to introduce your host for today's
                       conference, Mr. Jim Rowan, Chief Investment Officer.
                       Please go ahead, sir.

II.  Disclaimer - J. Rowan

                       Good morning and thank you for calling in and
                       listening to our call. I'd like to start off by
                       mentioning that this news release does contain
                       forward looking statements within the meaning of the
                       Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, etc., and
                       you need to consider anything that is said here in
                       light of filings that we have made with the
                       Securities and Exchange Commission and the standard
                       disclosures that are made therein.

III.  Discussion of Press Release - J. Rowan

                       With that in mind, I would like to mention one other
                       important paragraph that is in our press release and
                       this has to do with the agreement that we entered
                       into and announced on the 18th of August with AIG.
                       We do state here in the press release that the
                       proposed transaction with AIG is progressing as
                       expected and that the special meeting of HSB
                       shareholders is scheduled for Monday, November 6th
                       and at the request of AIG a public hearing on the
                       matter is scheduled with the Insurance Commissioner
                       of the State of Connecticut for November 8th.

IV.  Review of Third Quarter Financial Results - J. Rowan

                       And now I'd like to go into the quarter's results.
                       I'm discussing this a little bit differently than
                       our normal pattern which has been to go through the
                       income statement. As you can see, we have a number
                       of unusual items in this quarter, we have broken
                       them out for you. Start off with a 34 cent charge
                       which actually is $15 million and this was for the
                       early redemption of the convertible capital
                       securities that had been issued to ERC. Those were
                       extinguished in September and they were replaced by
                       a loan from AIG in the amount of $315 million and
                       that transaction, if you will, is reflected on our
                       balance sheet.

                       In addition, the quarter also includes a charge for
                       $20.7 million pre-tax which is 58 cents. And that
                       has to do with our Special Risks business basically
                       generated by our London based affiliate. We refer to
                       it oftentimes as EIG or EIL. This charge includes
                       provisions for future claims as well as other
                       expenses and a non-tax deductible write down of the
                       goodwill impairment of that business. We should note
                       that this is not a closing of the business but
                       rather a scaling down of the business.

                       Over the course of the year we have talked about the
                       challenges in our Special Risks business,
                       particularly in our Global Special Risks business
                       and you will find that this action is consistent
                       with what we had talked about most recently.

                       Also contributing to the results in the quarter was
                       a 53 cent loss from adverse experience in our Global
                       Special Risks business primarily for losses outside
                       the United States and losses which have accident
                       dates of after July 1st, this past summer. And that
                       results in a combined ratio for our insurance
                       business of 121%, and primarily as we've stated here
                       coming from the results of the Special Risks

                       Our commercial business continues to operate
                       profitably and operate consistently and growing. Our
                       premiums are up over 12% year over year. And our
                       combined ratio was fairly decent for the quarter.

                       In Engineering Services our revenues were up 26.5%,
                       our expense were up a bit but we were able to
                       improve our operating margin substantially, getting
                       up to 6.5%. Also, as we had discussed earlier, we
                       were looking for a, call it a solution, to the IPT
                       problem and that solution was achieved. We did sell
                       the operation and that's noted in the press release.
                       That resulted in a capital gain of almost $10
                       million during the quarter.

                       In terms of investment income we were down a little
                       bit from the prior year but up from prior quarter
                       and realized investment gains were substantial but
                       we believe consistent with what happened to the
                       market during the quarter. Our performance vis a vis
                       the S&P 500 and equity portfolio during the quarter
                       was quite good so we think we did make the right
                       moves by reducing some of our equity exposure at
                       that time. With that, I'd like to turn the session
                       over to questions.

V.  Q & A

Operator               Thank you, Mr. Rowan. Ladies and gentlemen at this
                       time if you have a question, you will need to press
                       the one on your touchtone phone and you will hear a
                       tone acknowledging your request. Your questions will
                       be taken in the order that they are received. If
                       your question has already been answered you may
                       remove yourself from queue by pressing the pound
                       key. Also, if you are using a speakerphone, please
                       pick up your handset before pressing the buttons.
                       One moment for the first question.

                       Melissa Kuan, please state your question.

L. Warner              Oh, hi. It's Liz Warner at Goldman Sachs. I just
                       have a quick question about the global business. And
                       I'm wondering what your outlook for that marketplace
                       is in light of the fact that there were some charges
                       in the quarter from that and also given that AIG
                       seems pretty focused on SHB's global network?

J. Rowan               Liz, at this point we're not making forward looking
                       statements or projections. However, if you would
                       look backward in the third quarter we have indicated
                       for quite some time that the Special Risks business
                       is quite challenged from a pricing standpoint and
                       that significant price improvement is needed in that

L. Warner              Is it across the board in terms of  marketplace  and
                       product or is it isolated in any way to any particular

J. Rowan               It doesn't appear to be a geographical issue, Liz.

L. Warner              Okay.  Thanks.

Operator               Jeff Thompson, please state your question.

J. Thompson            [Advest] Hi, thanks. Jim, I guess I have a couple of
                       questions. First on the Global Special Risk reserve
                       charge, I was wondering, have your reserving
                       standards changed in the last few years or is it
                       that it's AIG's more conservative view on reserve
                       adequacy or is it that just international business
                       blew up this quarter?

J. Rowan               I think the answer,  Jeff,  is really none of the above.
                       First of all, AIG was not involved with our results in
                       this quarter.  It's simply a matter,  I guess if what
                       you're saying is, did we have  accidents in the Global
                       Special  Risk blow up, yes,  that's  essentially  what
                       we're  saying  this was. We had  accidents,  we've
                       identified  what they were and noted the dollar amounts
                       here of a total  gross of almost $50  million  worth of
                       claims in the third quarter primarily in the
                       international area.

J. Thompson            Okay, so it was an international  sort of just blew up
                       this quarter,  not of your fault, but you just had

J. Rowan               That's true.

J. Thompson            Can you describe the nature of the accidents?

J. Rowan               They were across the book of business, Jeff, they
                       were not unusual. We're not talking about a typhoon,
                       you mean like a natural disaster type of thing?

J. Thompson            Right.

J. Rowan               No, this was normal equipment breakdown type claims.

J. Thompson            Okay and is it the kind of thing that could be fixed
                       with rate or it's really more selection?

J. Rowan               I would say rate primarily. These are the types of
                       claims that one would expect to get in the business.
                       You simply have to have enough premium to cover
                       them, Jeff.

J. Thompson            Okay.  And the loss ratio,  do you have a number
                       excluding  all the reserve  strengthening?  And I ask
                       only because you don't disclose what is reserve
                       strengthening in the EIL charts.

J. Rowan               Well,  it's not reserve  strengthening  and the loss
                       ratio ... I guess one of the things you could do but
                       this would be not a good idea,  is to try and  separate
                       out the Special  Risks loss for the third  quarter.
                       Special  Risks  business  has losses  every  quarter
                       and so I would not suggest that that's a good tact to go

J. Thompson            Okay. And then I think this is the last question. On
                       Engineering Services, the revenues were up 31%,
                       that's very strong. I was wondering does that
                       exclude IPT?

J. Rowan               26%.

J. Thompson            26% excluding IPT?

J. Rowan               No, it does not exclude IPT. There are some IPT
                       revenues in the third quarter.

J. Thompson            Okay.

J. Rowan               Of 2000 and some IPT expenses as well.

J. Thompson            Okay. All right, I guess the last question on the
                       net earned premiums, 12% is about double the rate
                       we've seen in previous quarters. Can you explain
                       what's happening there? How much is rate increases,
                       how much is new business?

J. Rowan               Well, the 12% is primarily coming from commercial.
                       That was the commercial growth rate, just to give
                       you an idea, during the quarter.

J. Thompson            So is it that the bleeding from the large or Special
                       Risk has stopped and now we're seeing more the
                       Commercial growth rate come through the top line?

J. Rowan               You could look at it that way, yes, Jeff.

J. Thompson            Should I look at it that way?

J. Rowan               Well, I mean that's certainly a logical way to look
                       at it, yes. We had been discussing this issue for
                       quite  some  time  that  we've  had ...  we've  got the
                       run off of the IRI business.

J. Thompson            But I'm looking at earned premium.

J. Rowan               Yes.

J. Thompson            Net earned premium.

J. Rowan               Yes, that's right.

J. Thompson            So IRI's not in there, right?

J. Rowan               Right.

J. Thompson            Okay, so it's more that the quarter...

J. Rowan               It's more that the Commercial is growing.

J. Thompson            Okay.

J. Rowan               That's  the  message.  You've  got a  difference  in
                       reinsurance  on  those  two  lines  of business.

J. Thompson            Right. So the Special Risk is really more just
                       stopped or bottomed, it's not actually growing yet?

J. Rowan               No.

J. Thompson            Okay.  Thank you very much.

J. Rowan               You're welcome.

Operator               Ladies and gentlemen, if there are any additional
                       questions, please press the one at this time.
                       Remember to pick up your handset before doing so.

                       Jim Hoffman, please state your question.

J. Hoffman             [Pschonefeld  Asset  Management]  Good  morning.  When
                       in the  quarter  did you  notice  the increase in
                       gross loss experience?

J. Rowan               We noticed it during the quarter. We're not going to
                       go into, let's see we've got this claim on August
                       the 3rd and that claim on August the 19th. That's
                       not something that we're going to discuss.

J. Hoffman             Okay.  Was AIG aware of the pricing issues before the
                       definitive agreement was signed?

J.                     Rowan I can't speak for them, however if they
                       listened to our conference call at the end of the
                       first and second quarters they would have had to
                       have been aware of the pricing issues.

J. Hoffman             Thanks, Jim.

Operator               Melissa Kuan, please state your question.

L. Warner              [Goldman Sachs] Hi, I just had a quick follow up on
                       some of the charges. I just wanted to make sure
                       there were no charges related to any type of
                       contraction of your infrastructure. In other words,
                       have you shrunk the size of your business in the
                       quarter at all in the Global Special Risk area and
                       also in EIL?

J. Rowan               Liz, is that you?

L. Warner              It's me.

J. Rowan               Okay. They're identifying you as somebody else. Yes,
                       Liz, the EIL charge does represent, if you will, a
                       shrinkage of the business. There will be less bodies
                       occupying less desks, occupying less offices on a
                       global basis. So that is included in the charge.

L. Warner              Okay. And can you break out the amount that's
                       related to the write down of goodwill?

J. Rowan               No.

L. Warner              Okay, all right.  Thanks.

J. Rowan               You're welcome.

Operator               Jason Dahl, please state your question.

J. Dahl                [Aetus Capital] Yes, good morning. I just had an
                       additional question regarding AIG's comfort level
                       regarding the numbers. Could you just walk me
                       through how they're made aware of your quarter? Have
                       you had an opportunity to sit down with them and go
                       over the pricing issues that you're experiencing
                       overseas and your outlook for them? Is that
                       something you do in the next few days? Has that
                       occurred or when will it occur?

J. Rowan               I'm not going to go through the process except to
                       say that the issues that we've talked about have
                       been discussed publicly since the first and second
                       quarters of this year so that it would be very
                       logical I would assume that somebody who's involved
                       in a merger and an acquisition type of thing would
                       have gone through these issues. That that's part of
                       the due diligence that AIG would perform.

J. Dahl                Is this something that you walked AIG through during
                       the process, away from their listening to a
                       conference call?

J. Rowan               Well, of course they were involved in discussions
                       well beyond the conference call. That's how you get
                       to a definitive agreement, I would think.

J. Dahl                Okay, thank you very much.

J. Rowan               Okay.

Operator               Ladies and gentlemen, at this time if there are any
                       further questions, please press the one on your
                       touchtone phone.

                       Joel Millikan, please state your question.

J. Millikan            [Cardinal Capital] Good morning, Jim.

J. Rowan               Good morning.

J. Millikan            I got in a little late so you've probably already
                       covered this but comments about the progress of the
                       merger and timing?

J. Rowan               Yes. As a practice AIG does not give out, if you
                       will, this is where we are day by day and we've got
                       this filing done and that one's completed. So that
                       is not something that we're in a position to do.
                       What we did mention in the press release is that we
                       have our shareholders' meeting scheduled for
                       November the 6th and AIG has scheduled a meeting
                       with the Insurance Commissioner of the State of
                       Connecticut on November 8th. So those are the dates,
                       if you will, that are out there that people know

J. Millikan            Is it possible that it could be concluded this calendar

J. Rowan               We're hopeful that the acquisition can be concluded
                       this calendar year, yes. That was stated at the
                       initial conference, that we were hopeful that the
                       deal would be closed before the end of the year.

J. Millikan            To date nothing has occurred to cause you to have to
                       revise that statement?

J. Rowan               That's fair, Joel.  That's a fair assessment, yes.

J. Millikan            Well,  thank you very much and I appreciate  your taking
                       us out via the equity route so that our taxable
                        shareholders don't have to pay capital gains.  Thanks.

J. Rowan               Duly noted.

Operator               Jeff Thompson, please state your question.

J. Thompson            Hi, just two quick follow ups. First, could you
                       comment on the market in general? The insurance
                       market, what kind of rate increases you got in the
                       quarter and what the tone is? And then secondly, I
                       was wondering what the benefit of your restructuring
                       actions are on this quarter and going forward?

J. Rowan               Okay. Well, first of all in terms of the commercial
                       book of business, we did a separate study last
                       quarter for the quarter's release that discussed the
                       pricing volume issues in terms of our growth there.
                       And we did not do a special study for this quarter
                       but would feel that we are seeing the same type of
                       progress - part unit, part pricing increase, okay?

                       In terms of the Special Risks, I think one would
                       have to step back and say that if we thought we
                       needed X in terms of a price increase in the second
                       quarter, that clearly it's X plus more looking at
                       the third quarter results. So that's basically where
                       we are on that. In terms of the reduction at EIL,
                       obviously we are doing that to, if you will, size
                       the business for what we think the future of it is
                       and so that would be beneficial going forward.

J. Thompson            But can you quantify that amount?

J. Rowan               No, not other than what you see, Jeff.

J. Thompson            Okay, thanks.

Operator               Mr. Rowan, at this time there are no further questions.
                       Please continue with any closing comments.

VI:  Closing Comments - J. Rowan and Operator

J. Rowan               Okay. Well this could be the last earnings release
                       that HSB has as a public company and so I would like
                       to thank the faithful and I would like to also name
                       some of the faithful, obviously those who have
                       followed us. Liz Warner, for example, and I think we
                       also wish her well with her production that she's
                       into right at the current time. Jeff Thompson, Tom
                       Burns, Adam Clabber, Larry Greenberg, and I'd also
                       like to thank the ever hustling Dick Cagney at
                       Cochran Coronia. And on the West Coast I think we'd
                       also have to thank the Peter Emlays for setting up
                       many of the meetings that I've had with those of you
                       out there.

                       We will keep you apprised of the shareholder vote
                       and you'll see where we go from there. So thank you
                       very much and have a good Fall. Goodbye.

Operator               Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our
                       conference for today. You may all disconnect and
                       thank you for participating.


This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning
of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that are
management's estimates, assumptions and projections and are not guarantees
of future performance. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown
risks and uncertainties. These and other important factors, including those
mentioned in various Securities and Exchange Commission filings made
periodically by the company, may cause the company's actual results and
performance to differ materially. Investors and prospective investors
should read this news release in conjunction with the company's most recent
Form 10-K, Form 10-Q and other documents filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

                   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You are urged to read the proxy statement/prospectus included in American
International Group, Inc.'s Registration Statement on Form S-4 in
connection with the merger of HSB Group, Inc. and a wholly owned subsidiary
of American International Group, Inc. filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission because the proxy statement/prospectus and the
Registration Statement on Form S-4 contain important information. Investors
will be able to obtain the documents free of charge at the SEC's website, In addition, documents filed with the SEC by HSB Group, Inc.
will be available free of charge from HSB Group, Inc., One State Street,
P.O. Box 5024, Hartford, Connecticut 06102, Attention: James C. Rowan, Jr.