Exhibit 5

                             Dated January 10, 2003

                             (1) NTL INCORPORATED
                                (FORMERLY NAMED
                           NTL COMMUNICATIONS CORP.)

                             (2) NTL EUROPE, INC.
                                (FORMERLY NAMED
                               NTL INCORPORATED)




1.      DEFINITIONS.........................................................2
2.      SERVICES............................................................7
3.      ACCESS AND PREMISES................................................11
4.      PAYMENT............................................................13
5.      LIABILITY, INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE.................................15
6.      LICENCE TO USE THE TRADE MARKS.....................................18
7.      SECONDEES..........................................................20
8.      FORCE MAJEURE......................................................22
9.      CONFIDENTIALITY....................................................23
10.     DURATION OF THE SERVICES...........................................24
11.     EFFECT OF TERMINATION..............................................25
12.     DISPUTE RESOLUTION ON FEES.........................................25
13.     DAMAGES NOT AN ADEQUATE REMEDY.....................................26
14.     ENTIRE AGREEMENT...................................................26
15.     GENERAL............................................................27
16.     NOTICES............................................................28
17.     GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION.....................................29

                                                                 EXHIBIT 10.5

THIS AGREEMENT is made on 10 January 2003


(1)          NTL INCORPORATED, a corporation incorporated in the State of
             Delaware, whose principal office is located at 110 East 59th
             Street, 26th Floor, New York NY 10022, USA (hereinafter referred
             to as "New NTL"); and

(2)          NTL EUROPE, INC., a corporation incorporated in the State of
             Delaware, whose principal office is located at 37 Purchase
             Street, Rye, New York, NY 10580, USA (hereinafter referred to as


(A)          Euroco and certain of its subsidiaries (including New NTL) filed
             a joint reorganisation plan under Chapter 11 of the United States
             Bankruptcy Code on May 8, 2002 which was amended on May 24, 2002
             and further amended on July 15 2002, and modified on September 5,
             2002, as further amended, modified or supplemented (the "Plan");

(B)          On September 5, 2002, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the
             Southern District of New York entered an order confirming the

(C)          The Plan was consummated on January 10, 2003;

(D)          Pursuant to the Plan, Euroco and its subsidiaries have divided
             their current businesses and investments into two new groups, the
             Euroco Group and the New NTL Group, the holding companies for
             which are Euroco and New NTL respectively;

(E)          Each party currently provides to the other certain services that
             the other party requires in order to carry on its business: the
             Euroco Group requires assistance in order to fulfil various
             legal, regulatory and accounting requirements and confirmation of
             the rights contemplated by the Plan with respect to the use of
             the "ntl" name and the New NTL Group requires accommodation for
             certain of its personnel; and

(F)          Euroco and New NTL have agreed that each party will, or will
             procure that its subsidiaries will, provide certain services on a
             transitional basis to the other party and its subsidiaries on the
             terms and subject to the conditions set out in this Agreement.


IT IS AGREED as follows:

1.           DEFINITIONS

1.1          In this Agreement, the following terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meanings:

<s>                                                            <c>
             Additional Services                                 the meaning ascribed to such term in clause 2.10;

             Additional Services Fees                            the meaning ascribed to such term in clause 4.2;

             Affiliate                                           in relation to New NTL or Euroco, any entity, other than a
                                                                 Group Company, in which either New NTL or Euroco (as the
                                                                 context requires) or any of their respective Group Companies
                                                                 has an economic interest;

             Business Day                                        a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which clearing
                                                                 banks are open for business in the Cities of London and New

             Business Hours                                      the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (inclusive) on any Business Day
                                                                 in the time zone of the relevant personnel of the relevant
                                                                 Group Company of the relevant Services Provider;

             Confidential Information                            in relation to either party, all information and materials of
                                                                 that party and its Group Companies and Affiliates, or held by
                                                                 or disclosed to that party or any of its Group Companies on a
                                                                 confidential basis by or on behalf of a third party, (whether
                                                                 oral or recorded in any written or other medium), which are or
                                                                 were marked or otherwise identified as confidential,
                                                                 restricted, secret or proprietary or which are or were by
                                                                 their nature, or the circumstances under which they are or
                                                                 were received confidential, restricted, secret or proprietary
                                                                 other than:


                                                                 (a)     any information which is or becomes publicly available
                                                                         other than as a result of a disclosure in breach of
                                                                         this Agreement;

                                                                 (b)     any information which is obtained by a party or any of
                                                                         its Group Companies on a non-confidential basis from a
                                                                         source (other than from or on behalf of the other
                                                                         party or any of its Group Companies) that is not, to
                                                                         the knowledge of the receiving party or any of its
                                                                         Group Companies, prohibited from disclosing to the
                                                                         receiving party or any of its Group Companies by a
                                                                         legal, contractual or fiduciary obligation with
                                                                         respect to such information; or

                                                                 (c)     any information which the parties agree in writing
                                                                         will not be treated as Confidential Information;

             Due Date                                            the date falling 30 days after the date upon which any invoice
                                                                 is received by the Services Recipient from the Services
                                                                 Provider in respect of Services Fees and/or the Secondee Fees
                                                                 and/or the Property Fees or, if such date is not a Business
                                                                 Day, on the next following Business Day;

             Effective Date                                      the meaning ascribed to such term in the Plan;

             Euroco Fees                                         the fees payable by Euroco for the New NTL Services, as
                                                                 described in clause 4.1, any Additional Services Fees payable
                                                                 by Euroco to New NTL pursuant to clause 4.2 and any fees
                                                                 payable by Euroco to New NTL pursuant to clause 4.3;

             Euroco Group                                        Euroco and all its Group Companies from time to time on or
                                                                 after the Effective Date;


             Euroco Occupation End Date                          the meaning given to the term in clause 3.4;

             Euroco Property                                     the meaning given to the term in clause 3.7;

             Euroco Services                                     any Additional Services which Euroco agrees to provide or
                                                                 procure pursuant to clause 2.10;

             Expert                                              the meaning ascribed to such term in clause 12.1;

             Fees                                                the Services Fees, the Secondment Fees and the Property Fees
                                                                 (or any of them);

             Force Majeure                                       the meaning ascribed to such term in clause 8.1;

             Group Company                                       in relation to New NTL or Euroco, such corporation or any
                                                                 subsidiary undertaking of such corporation and the phrases
                                                                 "Group Companies", "New NTL Group Companies" and "Euroco Group
                                                                 Companies" shall be construed accordingly;

             Loss                                                subject to clause 5.4, any damages, loss, costs, claims or

             Newcastle Logo                                      PTV's Logo (as defined in the Newcastle Sponsorship Agreement)
                                                                 for the 2002/2003 football season;

             Newcastle Sponsorship Agreement                     the sponsorship agreement entered into between (1) Newcastle
                                                                 United plc (2) Newcastle United Football Company Limited and
                                                                 (3) Premium TV Limited dated 9 December 1999, as amended by an
                                                                 agreement dated 12 November 2001;

             New NTL Fees                                        the Additional Services Fees payable by New NTL to Euroco
                                                                 pursuant to clause 4.2;

             New NTL Group                                       New NTL and all its Group Companies from time to time on or
                                                                 after the Effective Date;

             New NTL Occupation End Date                         the meaning given to the term in clause 3.7;


             New NTL Property                                    the meaning given to the term in clause 3.4;

             New NTL Services                                    the services to be provided, or procured, by New NTL, as set
                                                                 out in Schedule 1, together with any Additional Services which
                                                                 New NTL agrees to provide or procure pursuant to clause 2.10;

             personnel                                           in respect of either party, that party's directors and other
                                                                 officers, employees, contractors, sub-contractors or agents
                                                                 and those of that party's Group Companies;

             Plan                                                the meaning given to it in Recital A;

             Property Fees                                       the fees payable by Euroco in respect of the New NTL Property
                                                                 pursuant to clause 3.5 or the fees payable by New NTL in
                                                                 respect of the Euroco Property pursuant to clause 3.8 (as the
                                                                 context requires);

             Secondees                                           the New NTL personnel listed in Schedule 4;

             Secondment Fees                                     the meaning given to the term in clause 7.2;

             Secondment Period                                   the meaning given to the term in clause 7.1;

             Services                                            in relation to the services to be provided or procured by New
                                                                 NTL, the New NTL Services, and, in relation to the services to
                                                                 be provided or procured by Euroco, the Euroco Services (or any
                                                                 of them);

             Services Fees                                       in relation to New NTL, the New NTL Fees, and, in relation to
                                                                 Euroco, the Euroco Fees, (as the context demands);

             Services Provider                                   New NTL (in relation to the provision of New NTL Services, the
                                                                 New NTL Property and the Secondees) and Euroco (in relation to
                                                                 the provision of Euroco Services and the Euroco Property);


             Services Provider Group                             the New NTL Group (where New NTL is the relevant Services
                                                                 Provider) and the Euroco Group (where Euroco is the relevant
                                                                 Services Provider) (as the context demands) and the phrase
                                                                 "Services Provider Group Companies" shall be construed

             Services Recipient                                  Euroco (in relation to the receipt of the New NTL Services,
                                                                 the Secondees and the occupation of the New NTL Property) and
                                                                 New NTL (in relation to the receipt of the Euroco Services and
                                                                 the occupation of the Euroco Property);

             Services Recipient Group                            the Euroco Group (where Euroco is the relevant Services
                                                                 Recipient) and the New NTL Group (where New NTL is the
                                                                 relevant Services Recipient) (as the context demands) and the
                                                                 phrase "Services Recipient Group Companies" shall be construed

             Trade Marks                                         the trade mark comprising the adjacent letters "ntl", the
                                                                 logos set out in Schedule 3 and, in connection with the
                                                                 Newcastle Sponsorship Agreement only, the Newcastle Logo; and

             VAT                                                 Value Added Tax in the UK.

1.2          In this Agreement, any reference to a "person" shall be construed
             as a reference to any natural person, partnership, joint venture,
             corporation, limited liability company or partnership, trust,
             firm, association or governmental agency or department or any two
             or more of the foregoing.

1.3          The clause headings in this Agreement are for ease of reference
             only and shall not affect its interpretation.

1.4          References in this Agreement to numbered clauses or Schedules are
             to clauses of or Schedules to this Agreement. The Schedules form
             part of this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect
             as if expressly set out in the main body of this Agreement, save
             that, to the extent that any of the terms of the main body of
             this Agreement conflicts with the Schedules, the terms of the
             main body of this Agreement shall control.


1.5          For the purposes of this Agreement, "subsidiary undertaking"
             shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the UK Companies Act

1.6          Any reference in this Agreement to any statute or statutory
             provision shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be
             construed as a reference to such statute or statutory provision
             (including all instruments, orders, regulations made thereunder
             or deriving validity therefrom) as in force on the Effective Date
             and as subsequently re-enacted or consolidated.

2.           SERVICES

2.1          In consideration of Euroco agreeing to pay the Euroco Fees to New
             NTL, New NTL shall provide, or procure the provision of, the New
             NTL Services to the Euroco Group Companies on the terms and
             conditions of this Agreement.

2.2          In consideration of New NTL agreeing to pay the New NTL Fees to
             Euroco, Euroco shall provide, or procure the provision of, the
             Euroco Services to the New NTL Group Companies on the terms and
             conditions of this Agreement.

2.3          The provision of the Services by the Services Provider to the
             Services Recipient Group shall be on a non-exclusive basis. This
             Agreement shall not preclude the Services Provider Group from
             providing the Services or similar services to any other person,
             nor shall it preclude the Services Recipient Group from
             obtaining, in whole or in part, Services or similar services from
             its own employees or other service providers.

2.4          The Services Provider shall:

             2.4.1           perform, or procure the performance of, the
                             Services by exercising the same degree of care
                             and skill as the Services Provider Group
                             Companies exercise in performing the same or
                             similar services for the Services Provider Group
                             (and procure that its personnel providing the
                             applicable Services shall exercise such degree of
                             care and skill); and

             2.4.2           comply with all laws, statutes and regulations in
                             force from time to time which are applicable to
                             the provision of the Services,

             in each case, subject to the Services Provider having regard
             primarily to the commercial and legal compliance requirements of
             its Group Companies and to the


             principles set out in clause 2.9 and (in relation to New NTL)
             subject to any restrictions and limitations expressly set out in
             relation to each of the New NTL Services in column 2 of Schedule
             1 or as may be agreed in respect of any Additional Services
             pursuant to clause 2.10.

2.5          The Services Provider shall provide the Services Recipient Group
             Companies, or procure that the Services Recipient Group Companies
             are provided, with such information and records in relation to
             the Services as the Services Recipient may from time to time
             reasonably request and, without prejudice to the generality of
             the foregoing, the Services Provider shall use its reasonable
             commercial efforts to respond during Business Hours, orally or by
             telephone, facsimile transmission or in writing (as appropriate)
             to any request for further information made by the Services

2.6          The Services Recipient shall use its reasonable commercial
             efforts, and shall procure that its Group Companies shall use
             their reasonable commercial efforts, to take all such actions as
             may be reasonably necessary or desirable (including providing to
             the Services Provider such information as the Services Provider
             may reasonably require) to enable the Services Provider Group
             Companies to provide the Services in the manner and within the
             time frame required under this Agreement. The Services Recipient
             shall use its reasonable commercial efforts to provide that any
             information which it provides to the Services Provider or any of
             its Group Companies in order to enable the Services Provider to
             provide the Services is complete and accurate in all material
             respects when so provided by the Services Recipient and the
             Services Recipient shall use its reasonable commercial efforts to
             respond promptly and during Business Hours to any requests for
             guidance or instruction made by the Services Provider.

2.7          Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all employees and
             representatives of the Services Provider Group Companies
             (including the Secondees) shall be deemed for purposes of all
             compensation, tax, regulatory and employee benefits matters to be
             employees or representatives of the Services Provider Group
             Companies and not employees or representatives of the Services
             Recipient Group Companies. In performing the Services, such
             employees and representatives (other than the Secondees) shall be
             under the direction, control and supervision of, and responsible
             to, the Services Provider (and not the Services Recipient). The
             Services Provider Group Companies shall have the sole right to
             exercise all authority with respect to the employment (including
             termination of employment), assignment and compensation of its
             employees and representatives.


2.8          Without prejudice to clause 2.4, in providing the Services, the
             Services Provider may use such of the personnel of the Services
             Provider Group Companies as it deems necessary or appropriate in
             its reasonable discretion provided that, in relation to the New
             NTL personnel named in Schedule 1, New NTL shall make such
             personnel available (or procure that such personnel are made
             available) to the extent provided in Schedule 1, but subject to:

             2.8.1           any entitlement which such personnel may have
                             from time to time to take leave pursuant to the
                             terms of their employment with the relevant New
                             NTL Group Company;

             2.8.2           the death of any such personnel;

             2.8.3           the right of such personnel to resign at any time
                             from their employment with the relevant New NTL
                             Group Company and the right of that New NTL Group
                             Company to terminate their employment; and

             2.8.4           the absence of any such personnel from work due
                             to sickness.

             For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall
             oblige the Services Provider to incur any cost or liability which
             is not within the Services Provider's budget or business plan
             from time to time (recognising however the Services Fees to be
             paid by the Services Recipient hereunder), hire any further
             employees or representatives, pay any employee or representative
             any bonus (other than in accordance with the terms of employment
             of the relevant employee) or overtime which would not otherwise
             be paid, or employ the services of third parties including but
             not limited to consultants and other professional advisers, to
             provide the Services, in each case, except to the extent that the
             Services Recipient and the Services Provider agree otherwise in
             writing. The Services Recipient Group may retain at its own
             expense its own consultants, other service providers and other
             professional advisers. Anything contained in this Agreement to
             the contrary notwithstanding, New NTL shall be responsible for
             and shall pay when due all compensation and other payments, if
             any, payable to any personnel of New NTL providing Services to
             Euroco and to the Secondees, in each case, under the terms of
             employment of such persons.

2.9          The Services Provider Group shall use its reasonable commercial
             efforts to provide the Services Recipient Group with all Services
             reasonably requested by the Services Recipient Group in
             accordance with Schedule 1 hereto; provided, however, so long as
             the Services Provider Group otherwise uses its reasonable
             commercial efforts to


             provide the Services Recipient Group with such Services on a
             timely basis, personnel of the Services Provider shall have as
             their first priority all work required by the Services Provider
             Group; provided, further, however, that in prioritising the work
             to be performed by its personnel, the Services Provider Group
             agrees to consider and use its reasonable commercial efforts to
             permit its personnel to accommodate the reasonable deadlines for
             completion of applicable projects by the Services Recipient Group
             (including, without limitation, the required filings dates for
             documents with the United States Securities and Exchange
             Commission) relative to the deadlines and workload requirements
             for completion of projects then being undertaken by such
             personnel on behalf of the Services Provider Group. It is further
             expressly understood and agreed by the parties that,
             notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or any
             Schedule hereto (save for clause 5.5 which shall apply in any
             event), neither New NTL nor any of its Group Companies, personnel
             or Affiliates shall have any liability whatsoever for damages as
             a result of a failure by the Services Provider Group to provide
             Services to the Services Recipient Group or related to the
             quality (including but not limited to the adequacy or
             completeness) of Services actually provided. Euroco (whether
             acting as principal, trustee or agent) shall, and shall procure
             that its Group Companies and personnel shall, expressly waive any
             right which it or any of them might otherwise have to any claim
             for damages on such basis either now or at any time in the
             future. For avoidance of doubt, the foregoing two sentences are
             not intended to prevent Euroco from exercising any right it may
             have under applicable law to seek injunctive relief if
             appropriate. The principles set out in this clause 2.9 shall
             control and serve as the underlying basis upon which the Services
             are to be made available to the Services Recipient Group and
             notwithstanding anything to the contrary, whether specific or
             general, contained in this Agreement or any Schedule hereto. In
             determining whether New NTL has complied with its obligations
             under clause 2, the parties agree that the following
             considerations (which reflect the basis upon which the New NTL
             Services are being offered to the Euroco Group and which govern
             the allocation of resources as between the New NTL Group and the
             Euroco Group) shall first be taken into account: (i) New NTL and
             its Group Companies may have to provide the same or similar
             services to other New NTL Group Companies and may be subject to
             commitments to provide such services to other persons, all
             concurrently with the provision of the Services to the Euroco
             Group; (ii) no personnel of the New NTL Group are solely
             dedicated to the provision of the New NTL Services and the
             personnel of New NTL shall be required to balance the provision
             of the New NTL Services with the fulfilment of their other duties
             and responsibilities and there is no obligation within this
             Agreement or any Schedule hereto that the New NTL Group shall be
             required to engage any additional employees, agents or
             contractors in order that its employees may be available to


             provide the New NTL Services; (iii) the personnel of New NTL
             shall have as their first priority all work required by the New
             NTL Group; provided, however, that in prioritising the work to be
             performed by its personnel, New NTL agrees to consider and use
             its reasonable commercial efforts to permit its personnel to
             accommodate the reasonable deadlines for completion of applicable
             projects by Euroco (including, without limitation, the required
             filings dates for documents with the United States Securities and
             Exchange Commission, which New NTL specifically acknowledges
             includes the filing of a report on Form 8-K for Euroco within 15
             days following the Effective Date) relative to the deadlines and
             workload requirements for completion of projects then being
             undertaken by such personnel on behalf of the New NTL Group.

2.10         The parties agree that neither is under any obligation to provide
             any services to the other, other than those services expressly
             set out in Schedule 1 (in the case of New NTL) or such other
             additional services as the relevant Services Provider may (in its
             sole discretion) agree in writing to provide or procure from time
             to time ("Additional Services").


3.1          The Services Recipient shall provide the Services Provider and
             (as appropriate) any personnel of the Services Provider with such
             access to property and computer systems of the Services Recipient
             Group (including passwords, software codes and swipe cards) as is
             reasonably necessary to enable the provision of the Services
             hereunder. Likewise, the Services Provider shall provide the
             Services Recipient and (as appropriate) any personnel of the
             Services Recipient with such access to property and computer
             systems of the Services Provider Group including passwords,
             software codes and swipe cards as is reasonably necessary to
             enable the Services Recipient Group to take the benefit of the
             Services, subject, in each instance, to the Services Recipient
             complying and procuring that its Group Companies and personnel
             comply with all reasonable security measures which the Services
             Provider notifies to it from time to time. The parties shall
             co-operate with each other to such extent as is reasonably
             necessary for the purposes of internal audit, security procedures
             (including confidentiality protection) and fraud management.

3.2          The Services Recipient shall take or shall procure the taking of
             such steps as may be reasonably necessary to ensure the safety of
             the personnel of the Services Provider during their visit to any
             of the premises of the Services Recipient Group for the purposes
             of this Agreement.


3.3          The Services Provider shall procure that in the provision of the
             Services, its personnel:

             3.3.1           follow any reasonable security, health and safety
                             and other procedures prevailing in respect of any
                             property to which such individuals are permitted
                             access for the purpose of carrying out the
                             Services and which are notified to it by the
                             Services Recipient Group from time to time; and

             3.3.2           restrict their activities to those areas of the
                             property to which they have been granted access
                             and which are necessary or incidental to the
                             carrying out of the Services from time to time
                             and shall not enter any other areas without the
                             consent of the Services Recipient or any of its
                             Group Companies or appropriate on-site
                             supervisory personnel.

3.4          New NTL shall, subject to Euroco complying with clause 3.5,
             continue to make available to Euroco the residential property
             being used by Mr Gregg in London immediately prior to the
             Effective Date ("New NTL Property"), until the earliest to occur
             of the expiry or renewal or earlier determination of the relevant
             lease (in relation to each property the "Euroco Occupation End

3.5          Euroco shall pay to New NTL fees equal to all costs and
             liabilities incurred by the New NTL Group in relation to the New
             NTL Property arising in respect of the period commencing on the
             Effective Date and expiring on the relevant Euroco Occupation End
             Date. Such fees shall be payable to New NTL by Euroco on or
             before the Due Date. Euroco covenants to indemnify and keep
             indemnified the New NTL Group against any Loss suffered by the
             New NTL Group arising out of any breach of this clause 3.5 by

3.6          New NTL shall take or omit to take all such action as Euroco may
             reasonably request in respect of the New NTL Property, save that
             this clause 3.6 shall not extend to include extending or
             transferring the lease granted in relation to such property or
             acting in breach of such lease.

3.7          Euroco shall, subject to New NTL complying with clause 3.8,
             continue to make available to New NTL the residential property
             being used by Mr Knapp in London immediately prior to the
             Effective Date ("Euroco Property") until the earliest to occur of
             the expiry or renewal or earlier determination of the lease
             relating to such property (the "New NTL Occupation End Date").


3.8          New NTL shall pay to Euroco fees equal to all costs and
             liabilities incurred by the Euroco Group in relation to the
             Euroco Property arising in respect of the period commencing on
             the Effective Date and expiring on the New NTL Occupation End
             Date. Such fees shall be payable to Euroco by New NTL on or
             before the Due Date. New NTL covenants to indemnify and keep
             indemnified the Euroco Group against any Loss suffered by the
             Euroco Group arising out of any breach of this clause 3.8 by New

3.9          Euroco shall take or omit to take all such action as New NTL may
             reasonably request in respect of the Euroco Property, save that
             this clause 3.9 shall not extend to include extending or
             transferring the lease granted in relation to such property or
             acting in breach of such lease.

4.           PAYMENT

4.1          The fees payable by Euroco to New NTL in respect of each of the
             New NTL Services (other than any Additional Services) shall be
             calculated on the basis described in the third column of the
             table set out opposite such service in Schedule 1.

4.2          The fees payable by the Services Recipient to the Services
             Provider in respect of any Additional Services which the Services
             Provider agrees to provide or procure pursuant to clause 2.10
             ("Additional Services Fees"), shall, in the absence of agreement
             be equal to the documented cost (which, for the avoidance of
             doubts, shall take into account not only the compensation payable
             to such personnel as may provide the Additional Services but also
             general overhead costs in respect of such personnel (including,
             but limited to, the provision of equipment, materials, property
             and services required by such personnel to provide such
             Services)) to the Services Provider Group of providing such
             Additional Services (based on the proportion of time spent by the
             relevant personnel of the Services Provider in providing such
             Additional Services as against the time spent by such personnel
             on matters which do not relate to the Services).

4.3          As provided in the Tax Sharing Agreement (as defined in clause
             14.1 of this Agreement) Euroco and the Euroco Affiliates (as
             defined in the Tax Sharing Agreement) will pay to New NTL an
             amount equal to 14.5% of the Tax Return Costs. The "Tax Return
             Costs" shall be the costs associated with the preparation and
             filing of any Tax Return (as defined in the Tax Sharing
             Agreement) pursuant to section 1.1 of the Tax Sharing Agreement
             to which Euroco is a party, including the Consolidated Returns
             (as defined in the Tax Sharing Agreement) for 2001 and 2002.


             Tax Return Costs shall include, but shall not be limited to, the
             aggregate of (i) the cost to the New NTL Group of making
             available its personnel to carry out such work (which cost shall
             not exceed $23,887 in total) and (ii) any documented out of
             pocket costs and expenses incurred by the New NTL Group in
             preparing and filing the Tax Returns including the Consolidated
             Returns (other than the payment of any Taxes (as defined in the
             Tax Sharing Agreement)). In addition to paying 14.5% of the Tax
             Return Costs, Euroco shall also reimburse New NTL for all costs
             (other than Tax Return Costs) incurred by the New NTL Group in
             assisting Euroco or any of Euroco's Group Companies or
             Affiliates, in each case from time to time, in preparing any
             return or document, in co-operating with Euroco in accordance
             with section 8.2 of the Tax Sharing Agreement, or in providing
             any information or documents on any other matter whatsoever
             relating to taxation including, but not limited to, valuations,
             structures, characteristics, attributes and correspondence (the
             "Additional Tax Costs"). The Additional Tax Costs shall be the
             aggregate of (i) the cost to the New NTL Group of making
             available its personnel to carry out such additional work and
             (ii) any documented out of pocket costs and expenses incurred by
             the New NTL Group in carrying out such work. For the purpose of
             calculating the Tax Return Costs and the Additional Tax Costs in
             accordance with this clause 4.3 only, the cost to New NTL of
             making available its personnel to carry out work for Euroco
             and/or the Euroco Affiliates shall be calculated by reference to
             the hourly charge-out rates of such personnel, the hourly rate
             for Jeni Sarson being US$ 238.87 and the hourly charge-out rate
             for all other New NTL personnel being US$ 219.38.

4.4          The Services Recipient shall, subject to the receipt of a valid
             invoice which shall be rendered monthly in arrears, pay to the
             Services Provider the Services Fees and (in the case of Euroco
             only) the Secondee Fees, in each case, due in respect of the
             previous month on or before the Due Date.

4.5          All Fees payable under this Agreement shall be paid in US
             dollars. Where any Fee is calculated on the basis of an amount
             denominated in a currency other than US dollars, such amount
             shall be converted to US dollars by reference to the noon buying
             rate as quoted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on the
             Business Day immediately prior to the date of the relevant

4.6          Separate invoices shall (but only at the Services Recipient's
             request) be provided in respect of each of the types of service
             itemised in Schedule 1 (in relation to the New NTL Services), in
             respect of each of the Additional Services (as appropriate) and
             in respect of any amounts charged to Euroco pursuant to clause
             4.3. All invoices in respect of Services Fees shall include both
             a reasonably detailed description of the Services provided or, in
             relation to amounts charged to Euroco and Euroco Affiliates


             by New NTL pursuant to clause 4.3, a reasonably detailed
             description of the work carried out by New NTL personnel pursuant
             to the Tax Sharing Agreement and a summary of the time spent by
             the Services Provider's personnel in providing such Services or
             in carrying out such work under the Tax Sharing Agreement (as the
             case may be).

4.7          Unless otherwise stated, all amounts referred to in this
             Agreement are exclusive of taxes or charges which may be
             applicable, which shall be payable at the appropriate rate on the
             same date as any payment to which such taxes or other charges
             relate. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge that
             any Services provided to a Services Recipient Group and/or the
             provision of Secondees to Euroco Group and/or the use of the New
             NTL Property by Euroco and/or the use of the Euroco Property by
             New NTL may, in each instance, be liable to VAT.

4.8          The Services Provider shall give to the Services Recipient such
             information as the Services Recipient may reasonably require in
             order to verify the accuracy of the calculation of the Fees. The
             parties agree that, in relation to any Fees which are calculated
             by reference to the proportion of time spent by the Service
             Provider's personnel in providing such Services as against the
             time spent by such personnel on other matters, a signed
             acknowledgement by each of the relevant personnel of the amount
             of such time is (in the absence of fraud) all that may be
             reasonably required with respect to any dispute as to time spent.
             If the Services Recipient disputes in good faith the accuracy of
             any invoice or the calculation of any Fees, the undisputed
             portion shall be paid and the parties shall resolve the disputed
             portion in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure set
             out in clause 12 and the amount(s) of the invoice relating to the
             disputed item(s) of the Fees shall not be payable until the
             matter has been resolved or determined in accordance with clause

4.9          If any sum is not paid or is disputed in accordance with the
             dispute resolution procedure set out in clause 12 on or before
             the Due Date, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies
             which it may have, the Services Provider reserves the right to
             charge interest on such sum (or, in the case of a dispute, on
             such sum as is subsequently determined or agreed to be payable)
             on a daily basis from the Due Date to the date of actual payment
             at the rate of 2% above the Prime Rate as identified in the Wall
             Street Journal from time to time.


5.1          Subject to clauses 5.2 to 5.5 (inclusive), if the Services
             Provider Group Companies fail to exercise the required degree of
             skill and care (as provided in clause 2) in the


             performance of any of the Services, or are otherwise in material
             breach of the Services Provider's obligations under this
             Agreement, the Services Provider shall, at the request of the
             Services Recipient and at the Services Provider's own expense,
             carry out, or procure that there is carried out, within a
             reasonable period such repeat or remedial services as shall
             reasonably be required by the Services Recipient to ensure that
             the relevant Services are carried out (save only as to the time
             of their performance) as originally planned or as agreed between
             the parties. In addition, if any dispute arises between the
             parties out of or in relation to this Agreement with respect to
             the Service Provider Group's failure to provide any Services or
             the quality of Services provided, then upon the request of either
             party the parties shall attempt to resolve such dispute promptly
             by negotiation between executive officers who have authority to
             settle the dispute and who are at a higher level of management
             than the persons with direct responsibility for administration of
             this Agreement.

5.2          Subject to clause 5.5, the liability of the New NTL Group to the
             Euroco Group for Loss caused or contributed to by the New NTL
             Group and arising out of or in connection with this Agreement
             will in no circumstances whatsoever exceed $US 1.5 million in the
             aggregate whether such liability arises in contract, tort,
             negligence, misrepresentation, breach of statutory duty or
             securities regulation or otherwise howsoever, and whether such
             Loss is caused by or arises from a breach of a fundamental or
             other term of this Agreement.

5.3          Subject to clause 5.5, the liability of the Euroco Group to the
             New NTL Group for Loss caused or contributed by the Euroco Group
             and arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will in
             no circumstances whatsoever exceed $US 1.5 million in the
             aggregate whether such liability arises in contract, tort,
             negligence, misrepresentation, breach of statutory duty or
             securities regulation or otherwise howsoever, and whether such
             Loss is caused by or arises from a breach of a fundamental or
             other term of this Agreement.

5.4          Subject to clause 5.5, neither party (nor their respective Group
             Companies) nor the officers, directors, employees, stockholders,
             partners, representatives, consultants or agents of either party
             (or their respective Group Companies) shall be liable to the
             other party (or their respective Group Companies) or any of their
             respective officers, directors, employees, stockholders,
             partners, representatives, consultants or agents for any loss of
             profits, revenue, business, goodwill or anticipated savings
             (whether direct or indirect) nor any indirect, incidental,
             consequential or special damages, loss, costs, claims or expenses
             howsoever arising. Both parties recognise that nothing in this
             Agreement constitutes an absolute obligation to provide any of
             the Services and that the sole extent of the parties' obligations
             is expressly qualified as


             set out in clauses 2.4 and 2.9. The parties further recognise
             that, to the extent that the provision of any Services is reliant
             on the timely provision of information from the Services
             Recipient Group to the Services Provider Group, the Services
             Provider Group shall have no liability to the extent that the
             Services cannot or have not been provided to the Services
             Recipient Group due to the delayed provision of information or
             the provision of inaccurate or insufficient information by the
             Services Recipient Group.

5.5          Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or restrict the liability
             of either party or any of their respective Group Companies or
             personnel for fraud or death or personal injury resulting from
             their negligence or the negligence of their personnel arising in
             connection with the provision of the Services or otherwise.

5.6          Euroco shall indemnify:

             5.6.1           all personnel of New NTL performing any of the
                             New NTL Services in respect of any Loss suffered
                             or incurred by such personnel to the extent
                             arising out of or in connection with the
                             provision of the New NTL Services, in each case,
                             to the same extent as any such personnel would be
                             indemnified if such personnel were an employee of
                             Euroco, except to the extent that any such Loss
                             resulted from a breach by New NTL of its
                             obligations hereunder;

             5.6.2           the New NTL Group Companies in respect of any
                             Loss suffered or incurred by such New NTL Group
                             Companies to the extent arising out of or in
                             connection with the provision of the New NTL
                             Services, except to the extent that any such Loss
                             resulted from a breach by New NTL of its
                             obligations hereunder.

5.7          Where in connection with this Agreement, Euroco undertakes any
             obligation in respect of any New NTL Group Companies (other than
             New NTL) or any personnel of New NTL, Euroco unconditionally and
             irrevocably acknowledges and agrees that New NTL is entering into
             this Agreement and accepting the benefit of such obligations not
             only for itself but also as agent and trustee for such persons.
             Where in connection with this Agreement, New NTL undertakes any
             obligation in respect of any Euroco Group Companies (other than
             Euroco) or any personnel of Euroco, New NTL unconditionally and
             irrevocably acknowledges and agrees that Euroco is entering into
             this Agreement and accepting the benefit of such obligations not
             only for itself but also as agent and trustee for such persons.


5.8          For the avoidance of doubt, where the Services require any
             personnel of New NTL to act as directors or officers of any
             Euroco Group Company or any Affiliate of Euroco, New NTL's sole
             responsibility shall be to make such personnel available to the
             Euroco Group (subject to the right of any such personnel to
             resign at any time from their employment with the relevant New
             NTL Group Company and/or to resign from their position as a
             director or officer of the relevant Euroco Group Company or
             Affiliate of Euroco and subject to the unavailability of
             personnel who die or are absent from work due to sickness or
             holiday entitlement) and the New NTL Group shall not be
             responsible or liable for the acts and omissions of such
             personnel as directors or officers of any Euroco Group Company or
             any Affiliate of Euroco. Euroco shall effect and maintain at all
             times during the period when such New NTL personnel are acting in
             such capacity directors' and officers' liability insurance in
             form and extent consistent with Euroco's past practice and shall
             procure that such personnel of New NTL so acting shall be listed
             on such insurance as beneficiaries of the same. Euroco shall
             supply such information as New NTL may reasonably require from
             time to time to enable New NTL to satisfy itself that the
             insurance which Euroco is required to maintain pursuant to this
             clause 5.8 is being maintained.


6.1          The parties acknowledge that, among other things, the Plan
             provides that, on the Effective Date, Euroco shall change its
             name to NTL Europe, Inc. and, that the Disclosure Statement dated
             15 July 2002 distributed to, inter alia, creditors and securities
             holders of Euroco and New NTL envisaged that New NTL would permit
             Euroco to use the "ntl:" logo and the NTL name on a transitional

6.2          Subject to the restrictions set out in clause 6.3, New NTL hereby
             grants to Euroco and each member of the Euroco Group using the
             "ntl" name immediately prior to the Effective Date a
             non-exclusive, royalty-free, licence to use the Trade Marks as
             part of their corporate names and in connection with the
             operation of their respective businesses but only to the same
             extent and in the same manner as used by such members during the
             six months prior to the Effective Date and, for the avoidance of
             doubt, not in respect of any business or in any manner not
             carried on during such period. The term of the foregoing licence
             shall be as follows (the "Licence Term"): (a) with respect to the
             use of the "ntl:" logo other than as part of the corporate name
             of Euroco or any member of the Euroco Group and other than in
             connection with the Newcastle Sponsorship Agreement, the
             foregoing licence shall be for a period of six (6) months from
             the Effective Date; (b) with respect to the use of the Newcastle
             Logo the foregoing licence shall subsist for the remainder of the
             2002/2003 football season; and (c) with respect to the use of
             "ntl" as part of the corporate name of


             Euroco and each other member of the Euroco Group using the NTL
             name as part of its corporate name immediately prior to the
             Effective Date only, such licence shall be for a period
             commencing on the Effective Date and ending on the first to occur
             of (i) the date on which more than 50% (whether by a single
             transaction or by a series of connected transactions) of the
             voting securities of Euroco or the applicable member of the
             Euroco Group are sold or transferred to an unaffiliated third
             party (or two or more such third parties who actively co-operate
             to secure such sale or transfer), (ii) the date on which Euroco
             or the applicable member of the Euroco Group cease to conduct any
             business and (iii) in relation to any Euroco Group Company using
             "ntl" as part of its corporate name immediately prior to the
             Effective Date which is a holding company incorporated in the
             United States or an operating company incorporated in the United
             Kingdom or Europe (the "Core Euroco Entities"), the date which is
             six months following the Effective Date if commercially
             reasonably practicable or as soon thereafter as Euroco reasonably
             believes is commercially reasonably practicable, but in no event
             later than the first anniversary of the Effective Date or, in
             relation to any other Euroco Group Companies using "ntl" as part
             of its corporate name immediately prior to the Effective Date
             (the "Non-Core Euroco Entities") and subject to clause 6.6, the
             third anniversary of the Effective Date. Euroco agrees that, with
             effect from the date which is 14 days after the Effective Date,
             it will include and will procure that each of the Core Euroco
             Entities and Non-Core Euroco Entities will include, in each case,
             for as long as the company in question continues to use "ntl" as
             part of its corporate name, a reference, by footnote or
             otherwise, on all letterhead, stationary and other similar
             identifying documents, that it is not affiliated with New NTL.

6.3          Euroco shall use its reasonable commercial efforts to, except as
             permitted by this Agreement or as otherwise consented to in
             writing by New NTL:-

             6.3.1           prevent any person to use any mark or name
                             confusingly similar to the Trade Marks in
                             connection with any telecommunication and data
                             transmission services in Europe;

             6.3.2           not make any representation or do any act which
                             reasonably could be expected to imply an existing
                             connection between Euroco and New NTL or between
                             their respective Group Companies (including, for
                             the avoidance of doubt, using the adjacent
                             letters "ntl" in the name of any of its Group

6.4          New NTL may, without prejudice to any other rights which it may
             have, forthwith upon giving notice terminate the licence granted
             in clause 6.2 if Euroco challenges


             the validity of or entitlement of New NTL to use any of the Trade
             Marks or breaches any of the terms of clause 6.3.

6.5          Without prejudice to clause 6.6, upon expiry of each applicable
             Licence Term specified in clause 6.2 or upon earlier termination
             of the licence granted in clause 6.2 in accordance with clauses
             6.4, 8.3 or 10.3:

             6.5.1           all rights granted to Euroco pursuant to this
                             clause 6 shall cease and Euroco and its Group
                             Companies shall cease to use the Trade Marks for
                             any purpose;

             6.5.2           Euroco shall take all required steps to change
                             its name and procure that the names of each of
                             its relevant Group Companies are changed so that
                             they do not include the "ntl" name as promptly as
                             possible; and

             6.5.3           Euroco shall deliver up to New NTL or, at New
                             NTL's request, destroy (or procure the delivery
                             up or destruction of) all stationery, signs or
                             other materials bearing the Trade Marks.

6.6          Notwithstanding clause 6.2 above, Euroco shall use its reasonable
             commercial efforts to take all required steps to change the names
             of the Non-Core Euroco Entities (as defined in clause 6.2 above)
             as promptly as possible following the expiry of a six month
             period commencing on the Effective Date.

7.           SECONDEES

7.1          New NTL shall procure that, with effect from the Effective Date,
             the Secondees are seconded to Euroco for the period of time set
             out against the names of such individuals in the second column of
             the table contained in Schedule 4 (in relation to each
             individual, the "Secondment Period").

7.2          During the Secondment Period, Euroco shall pay to New NTL, in
             accordance with clause 4, the following fees in respect of the
             Secondees (the "Secondment Fees"):

             7.2.1           the fees set out against the name of the relevant
                             individual in the third column of the table
                             contained in Schedule 4;

             7.2.2           an amount equal to any bonus payable by the New
                             NTL Group to the Secondees to the extent that:


                             (a)    such bonus relates to services performed
                                    by the Secondee to Euroco or another
                                    member of the Euroco Group during the
                                    Secondment Period; and

                             (b)    the amount of such bonus is approved in
                                    advance in writing by Euroco; and

             7.2.3           any out of pocket expenses (including hotel,
                             travel, entertainment and car hire expenses)
                             incurred by the Secondee in the performance of
                             services for the Euroco Group.

             In the case of Hamid Heidary, David McGowan and Steve Wagner,
             Euroco shall have the right to direct and cause any of these
             secondees to provide their services to and report to managers at
             iesy, in which case Euroco may cause the applicable fees to be
             paid for by iesy.

7.3          New NTL agrees to use its reasonable commercial efforts to retain
             as employees the Secondees during the Secondment Period.

7.4          During the Secondment Period, the Secondees shall be under the
             day to day control of Euroco, in particular in relation to the
             allocation and performance of the services for the Euroco Group
             and shall be subject to the working practices of, and take
             instructions from, Euroco.

7.5          New NTL does not warrant the suitability of the Secondees to
             carry out services for the Euroco Group and Euroco acknowledges
             that it has satisfied itself that the Secondees are acceptable to

7.6          Euroco shall not at any time during the Secondment Period through
             any act or omission directly or indirectly cause a breach of the
             contract of employment between New NTL and the relevant Secondee,
             or any of the employment policies relating thereto.

7.7          Euroco shall indemnify and keep indemnified the New NTL Group and
             the Secondees against any Loss (including, in relation to New NTL
             Group, any settlement costs and expenses) made against or
             incurred or suffered by the New NTL Group and/or such Secondee
             arising out of or in connection with the secondment of the
             Secondee to Euroco or the provision of services by the Secondee
             for the Euroco Group or Euroco's Affiliates, regardless of the
             date on which such Loss arises or is suffered or incurred.


7.8          The obligations of New NTL are subject to:

             7.8.1           any entitlement which the Secondee may have from
                             time to time to take leave pursuant to the terms
                             of their employment with the relevant New NTL
                             Group Company;

             7.8.2           the death of any Secondee;

             7.8.3           the right of the Secondee to resign at any time
                             from their employment with the relevant New NTL
                             Group Company and, without prejudice to clause
                             7.3, the right of that New NTL Group Company to
                             terminate their employment; and

             7.8.4           the absence of any Secondee from work due to

7.9          The Secondment Fees payable by Euroco shall be payable
             notwithstanding the absence of any Secondee for the reasons
             detailed in 7.8.1 and 7.8.4 above; provided that, anything
             contained in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, with
             respect to any Secondee, the applicable "Secondment Period" shall
             terminate immediately upon the occurrence of any of the events
             referred to in clauses 7.8.2 or 7.8.3.

8.           FORCE MAJEURE

8.1          In this Agreement, "Force Majeure" shall mean any event or
             circumstance preventing or delaying a party from performing all
             or any of its obligations under this Agreement, which arises from
             or is attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond
             the reasonable control of the party so affected, including
             (without limitation) acts of God, war, riot, civil commotion,
             terrorist acts, explosions, third party telecommunications
             failures, malicious damage, fires, floods or storms.

8.2          If a party or any of its Group Companies is prevented from or
             delayed in the performance of any of its obligations under this
             Agreement by Force Majeure, that party shall forthwith serve
             notice in writing on the other party specifying the nature and
             extent of the circumstances giving rise to Force Majeure, and
             shall, subject to service of such notice, have no liability in
             respect of the failure to perform such of its obligations as are
             prevented by the Force Majeure during the continuation of such
             Force Majeure, and for such time after it ceases as is necessary
             for that party. In the event of any failure, interruption or
             delay in the performance of any of its


             obligations under this Agreement by Force Majeure or otherwise,
             the Service Provider shall, and shall procure, that its Group
             Companies shall, use all reasonable endeavours, to recommence its
             affected operations and perform its obligations under this
             Agreement as soon as reasonably possible.

8.3          If a party is prevented by Force Majeure from the performance of
             its obligations under this Agreement for a continuous period in
             excess of 20 Business Days, the other party may terminate this
             Agreement forthwith insofar as it relates to the particular
             Service and/or the Secondees and/or the New NTL Property and/or
             the Euroco Property and/or the Trade Mark licence, in each
             instance, affected by such Force Majeure, on service of written
             notice upon the party so prevented. If a party is prevented by
             Force Majeure from the performance of its obligations under this
             Agreement, neither party shall have any liability to the other
             PROVIDED THAT rights and liabilities that accrued prior to such
             termination shall continue to subsist.


9.1          Subject to clause 9.2, each party shall, and shall procure that
             its Group Companies shall, treat in confidence the other's
             Confidential Information and shall not:

             9.1.1           disclose in whole or in part Confidential
                             Information to any person not party to this

             9.1.2           use Confidential Information for a purpose other
                             than for the exercise of its rights or the
                             performance of its obligations under this

9.2          Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 9.1, each party may
             disclose Confidential Information:

             9.2.1           to its own personnel and to any of its Group
                             Companies to the extent required for the proper
                             performance of this Agreement provided that such
                             party shall procure compliance by such personnel
                             or Group Company with clause 9.1 as if such
                             persons were bound thereby and provided further
                             that the liability for disclosure or use of such
                             Confidential Information in breach of clause 9.1
                             by such personnel or Group Company shall remain
                             with each party;

             9.2.2           to its professional advisers and financial
                             backers or those of any of its Group Companies
                             under conditions of confidentiality (it being


                             acknowledged that any fiduciary relationship
                             between a legal adviser and its client includes a
                             satisfactory condition of confidentiality); or

             9.2.3           to the extent required by law or any regulatory
                             requirement or by any regulatory authority
                             (including, without limitation, the Securities
                             and Exchange Commission, the UK Financial
                             Services Authority, the UK Listing Authority,
                             NYSE, NASDAQ and NASDAQ Europe).

9.3          Upon termination of this Agreement, each party shall ensure that
             all Confidential Information obtained under or in connection with
             this Agreement that belongs to the other party or the other
             party's Group Companies in whatever medium the same is recorded
             or held is deleted or destroyed upon the other party's request.

9.4          Upon request and, in any event, upon the second anniversary of
             this Agreement, each party shall ensure that all other
             Confidential Information belonging to the other party in whatever
             medium the same is recorded or held is deleted or destroyed.


10.1         Subject to clauses 10.2 and 10.3, the New NTL Services (other
             than any Additional Services) shall be provided with effect from
             the Effective Date and thereafter for the period specified in
             relation to such Services in the fourth column of the table set
             out in Schedule 1. Each of the Additional Services shall be
             provided for the period to which the parties agree in writing in
             relation to that service pursuant to clause 2.10.

10.2         The Services Recipient may require the cessation of the Services
             or any one or more of them upon giving not less than 20 Business
             Days' notice to the Services Provider.

10.3         Either party ("the first party") may forthwith upon giving notice
             to the other party terminate this Agreement (or any part of it)
             on the happening of any of the following events:

             10.3.1          if the other party commits a material breach of
                             any of the provisions of this Agreement and fails
                             to remedy such breach within 15 Business Days of
                             a notice from the first party specifying the
                             breach and requiring the same to be remedied;

             10.3.2          if the other party commits such a material breach
                             as is referred to in clause 10.3.1 which is
                             incapable of remedy.



             Upon termination of this Agreement, the provisions of clauses 1,
             3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 shall survive and such
             termination shall be without prejudice to any other rights which
             either party may have under this Agreement and without prejudice
             to any rights which either party may have that accrued prior to
             the date on which the termination takes effect.


12.1         If any dispute or difference arises between the parties out of or
             relating to this Agreement with respect to any calculation of the
             Fees payable to the Services Provider under this Agreement, then
             the parties shall attempt to resolve such dispute promptly by
             negotiation between executive officers who have authority to
             settle the dispute and who are at a higher level of management
             than the persons with direct responsibility for administration of
             this Agreement. If the dispute has not been resolved by executive
             officer negotiation within 30 days of the commencement of such
             executive officer negotiation, then upon written notice of either
             party to the other party such dispute shall be resolved by
             binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration
             Association ("AAA") in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration
             Rules. Within ten (10) Business Days after the commencement of
             arbitration by either party (the "Commencement Date"), the
             parties shall agree upon a person who has an accounting
             background and is qualified in making cost allocation
             determinations similar to those made under Schedule 1 of this
             Agreement, as applicable (the "Qualifications") to act as the
             arbitrator. If the parties are not able to mutually agree on an
             arbitrator within ten (10) Business Days after the commencement
             Date (the "First Selection Period"), each party shall then have
             seven (7) Business Days from the expiration of the First
             Selection Period (the "Second Selection Period") to select one
             person who, in the reasonable determination of such party, meets
             the Qualifications, and the two persons so selected shall, within
             seven (7) Business Days of the last to be appointed (the "Third
             Selection Period"), select an arbitrator who meets the
             Qualifications to act as the arbitrator. If a party fails to
             select a person within the Second Selection Period as required
             above, the person selected by the other party who, in the
             reasonable determination of that party, meets the Qualifications,
             shall serve as the arbitrator. If, however, both parties select a
             person within the Second Selection Period who, in the reasonable
             determination of each of the parties, meets the Qualifications,
             but the two persons so selected by the parties are unable or fail
             to agree upon the arbitrator within the Third Selection Period,
             the parties shall, immediately upon the expiration of the Third
             Selection Period, provide a written


             request to the AAA, and the arbitrator shall be selected by the
             AAA within seven (7) Business Days of receipt of such written
             request. The place of arbitration shall be New York, New York,
             and the language of the arbitration shall be English. The
             prevailing party in the arbitration shall be entitled, in
             addition to such other relief as may be granted, to its
             reasonable attorney's fees and other costs reasonably incurred in
             such arbitration. The parties specifically agree to be bound by
             the decisions rendered by the arbitrator and agree not to submit
             a dispute subject to this clause 12.1 to any international,
             national, federal, state, provincial, local or other court or
             arbitration association, except as may be necessary to enforce
             the decision rendered by the arbitrator.

12.2         The parties will provide the Arbitrator with such information as
             the Arbitrator may reasonably require for the purposes of his
             determination within the time limits set forth by him. If either
             party claims any such information to be confidential to it then,
             provided in the reasonable opinion of the Arbitrator that party
             has properly claimed the same as confidential, the Arbitrator
             will not disclose such information to the other party or to any
             third party.


             The parties acknowledge that their remedies at law for any breach
             of any obligation of confidentiality, infringement,
             misappropriation or misuse of any intellectual property right or
             threatened breach would be inadequate and, in recognition of this
             fact, upon such breach or threatened breach, either party,
             without posting any bond, and in addition to all other remedies
             which may be available, shall be entitled to immediately seek or
             obtain equitable relief in the form of specific performance, a
             temporary restraining order, a temporary or permanent injunction
             or any other equitable remedy which may then be available.


14.1         Except for the Tax Sharing Agreement (the "Tax Sharing
             Agreement") and the Demerger Agreement ("Demerger Agreement")
             each of even date and entered into by the parties, this Agreement
             supersedes and terminates all prior agreements and arrangements
             (including those discussed in the Plan) relating to the provision
             of the New NTL Services by New NTL to the Euroco Group and the
             provision of the Euroco Services by Euroco to the New NTL Group,
             the secondment of the Secondees to the Euroco Group, the
             provision of the New NTL Property to Euroco and the provision of
             the Euroco Property to New NTL, the payment of the Tax Return
             Costs and Additional Tax Costs (in both cases, as defined in
             clause 4.3), and


             the licensing of the Trade Marks to Euroco, which may have been
             made by the parties either orally or in writing and sets forth
             the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the same.
             To the extent any conflict arises between the terms of this
             Agreement on the one hand and the terms of the Tax Sharing
             Agreement or the Demerger Agreement on the other, the terms of
             the Tax Sharing Agreement or the Demerger Agreement (as
             appropriate) shall control. All other terms, conditions,
             indemnities and warranties whether express or implied, statutory
             or otherwise and (subject to clause 14.3) all representations
             whether made orally or in writing are hereby excluded save to the
             extent that the same appear in this Agreement or are specifically
             agreed hereafter in writing by the parties. The foregoing shall
             not restrict the ability of New NTL Group Companies and Euroco
             Group Companies to enter into separate arrangements with respect
             to the provision of technical assistance to NTL Broadcasting
             (Thailand) Limited and NTL Broadcast Sdn Bhd.

14.2         Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, each of the
             parties acknowledges that it has not been induced to enter into
             this Agreement by a statement or promise that is not set out in
             this Agreement.

14.3         This clause 14 shall not exclude any liability for fraudulent

15.          GENERAL

15.1         No failure, delay or indulgence on the part of any party in
             exercising any power or right under this Agreement shall operate
             as a waiver of such power or right.

15.2         No single or partial exercise of any power or right by any party
             shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the
             exercise of any other such power or right under this Agreement.

15.3         Any specific rights or remedies conferred on the parties under
             this Agreement are non-exclusive and are in addition to and
             without prejudice to all other rights and remedies which any such
             party may have available to it against the other or otherwise.

15.4         Subject to clauses 15.5 and 15.6, neither party shall, without
             the prior written consent of the other, assign, mortgage, charge,
             declare a trust over, transfer or otherwise, dispose of any of
             its rights or obligations under this Agreement.

15.5         Notwithstanding clause 15.4, New NTL may at any time, without
             Euroco's consent, assign any of its rights under this Agreement
             to any of its Group Companies


             (provided that it notifies Euroco as soon as reasonably
             practicable following such assignment).

15.6         Notwithstanding clause 15.4, Euroco may at any time, without New
             NTL's consent, assign any of its rights under the Agreement to
             any Euroco Group Company which is a wholly owned undertaking of
             Euroco provided that:

             15.6.1          if such assignee ceases to be a wholly owned
                             undertaking of Euroco it shall forthwith
                             re-assign its rights under this Agreement to
                             Euroco or to any other wholly owned undertaking
                             of Euroco;

             15.6.2          Euroco shall notify New NTL of any such
                             assignment (or, in the case of 15.6.1,
                             re-assignment) as soon as reasonably practicable
                             following such assignment (or re-assignment, as
                             the case may be).

15.7         No variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in
             writing signed by or on behalf of each of the parties and
             expressed to be such a variation.

15.8         Nothing in this Agreement shall create, or be deemed to create, a
             joint venture, contract of employment, partnership, agency or
             other similar relationship between the parties or any of their
             respective Group Companies and each party agrees not to contend
             or represent to the contrary.

15.9         This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure solely to the
             benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and
             assigns, and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to
             or shall confer upon any other person or entity any legal or
             equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under
             or by reason of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
             nothing in this Agreement shall limit in any way either party's
             indemnification obligations under this Agreement.

16.          NOTICES

16.1         Any notice, consent, statement, request or approval (a "Notice")
             to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and signed
             by or on behalf of the party giving it. Any Notice shall be sent
             to the party to be served at the address or to the fax number set
             out in Schedule 2, and the Notice shall be marked for the
             attention of the person named for the purpose in Schedule 2. Any
             alteration in such details shall, to have effect, be notified to
             the other party in accordance with this clause 16.


16.2         Service of a Notice must be effected by one of the following
             methods (for the avoidance of doubt, a Notice shall not be
             validly served if sent by e-mail):

             16.2.1          by prepaid first-class post. In proving service,
                             it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope
                             containing the Notice was correctly addressed,
                             postage paid and posted; or

             16.2.2          by sending it by fax (provided a hard copy of any
                             such fax is despatched by post within 24 hours of
                             transmission). In proving service by fax, it
                             shall be sufficient to prove that the fax was
                             sent to the fax number specified in Schedule 2 of
                             the party to whom it was sent and that there was
                             no evidence that such transmission was
                             interrupted or otherwise incomplete.

16.3         A Notice shall be deemed to have been received (in the case of
             first-class post), on the fourth Business Day after the date of
             posting, and (in the case of delivery by fax), on the first
             Business Day after the date of transmission.


             This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance
             with, the laws of the State of New York applicable to contracts
             executed in and to be performed entirely in that state. Without
             prejudice to clause 12, which shall govern with respect to the
             matters set forth in clause 4 each of the parties (i) consents to
             submit itself to the personal jurisdiction of any federal court
             located in the State of New York or any New York State court in
             the event any dispute arises out of this Agreement, (ii) agrees
             that it will not attempt to deny or defeat such personal
             jurisdiction by motion or other request for leave from any such
             court, and (iii) agrees that it will not bring any action
             relating to this Agreement in any court other than a federal
             court sitting in the State of New York or a New York State court.

             This Agreement has been duly executed by the parties on the date
             set out above.



                                                                          SCHEDULE 1

                                                                  New NTL Services and Fees

For the avoidance of doubt, the New NTL Services described in this Schedule are expressly qualified by clause 2.9 of the Agreement

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Service Type                                             Description
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accounting                     New NTL shall make the services of Gregg Gorelick available to train and advise
                               Euroco's Controller or Accounting Manager in connection with the accounting
                               functions at Euroco (including, but not limited to, the consolidation of the
                               results of the members of the Euroco Group).  In that regard, New NTL expressly
                               acknowledges that  Euroco will be required to file a report on Form 8-K within
                               fifteen days following the Effective Date.

                               Euroco acknowledges and agrees that all decisions relating to the disclosure,
                               content and presentation of the accounts and reports referred to above shall be
                               made by, and shall be the responsibility of, Euroco and that neither the New
                               NTL Group Companies nor New NTL's  personnel shall have any liability for any
                               such decisions.

                               Subject to the following paragraph, in the event Euroco provides a written
                               notice that is executed by the Chief Executive Officer and the Principal
                               Accounting Officer of Euroco to New NTL on or prior to February 21, 2003 that
                               Euroco is required under the rules and regulations of the Securities Exchange
                               Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act") to include audited financial
                               statements and other audited and unaudited financial information and related
                               textual (including management discussion and analysis) and footnote disclosure
                               with respect to the New NTL Group Companies (the "Information") in Euroco's
                               Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002 and any
                               required amendments thereto (the "Euroco 2002 Form 10-K"), New NTL shall make
                               available to Euroco (subject to any customary hold harmless letters in relation
                               to working papers) the Information New NTL reasonably believes necessary, after
                               consultation with the Principal Accounting Officer of Euroco and Euroco's
                               outside auditor, in order for Euroco to make such filing with the SEC in
                               material compliance (solely with respect to the Information) with the
                               requirements of Form 10-K.  Notwithstanding the matters set forth in the
                               immediately preceding sentence, New NTL expressly disclaims any responsibility,
                               obligation, duty or liability for the compliance by Euroco of Euroco's
                               obligations under the 1934 Act relating to, arising out of, or in connection
                               with the Euroco 2002 Form 10-K or any other filing or correspondence with or
                               documents furnished to the SEC, except solely for the Information in the form
                               made available to Euroco for inclusion in the Euroco 2002 Form 10-K.  The
                               Information provided to Euroco and its advisors shall remain Confidential
                               Information save in so far as, and until, it is (1) included in any filing by
                               New NTL with the SEC pursuant to New NTL's filing obligations under the 1934
                               Act or (2) approved in form and content by an authorized officer of New NTL for
                               use in the Euroco 2002 Form 10-K (such approval not to be unreasonably

                               After consultation by Euroco with its outside auditors, Euroco agrees to
                               expeditiously use its best efforts to obtain or cause to be obtained (although
                               there can be no assurance) an exemption (which may take the form of no-action
                               relief) (the "Exemption") from the Staff of the SEC (which may include, among
                               others, the Office of Chief Accountant or the Accounting Division of the SEC)
                               to the requirement under the 1934 Act to include the Information in the Euroco
                               2002 Form 10-K.  At the request of Euroco or its advisors, New NTL agrees to
                               reasonably cooperate with Euroco and its advisors in the obtaining of the
                               Exemption; provided that Euroco keeps New NTL and its advisors informed
                               (including providing any written documentation (including electronic
                               correspondence) or appropriate summaries of oral conversations with the SEC and
                               others) on a real-time basis of the status and timing of obtaining of, and the
                               form and content of, the Exemption.

Chart Continued

- ------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
        Service Type                              Charges                                 Duration
- ------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Accounting                      Euroco shall pay New NTL the following       Until such time as Euroco files
                                hourly fees for work performed for Euroco    its Annual Report on Form 10-K
                                by members of the Accounting Staff:          for the year ended December 31,
                                                                             2002 or April 15, 2003 if earlier.
                                Gregg Gorelick:               $ 399.68

                                New NTL shall use its reasonable
                                commercial efforts to cause the
                                above-named individual to maintain
                                accurate written records of the time spent
                                on Euroco matters.  Any invoice by New NTL
                                for such fees shall include copies of such
                                time records.

                                In addition, Euroco shall reimburse New
                                NTL for any documented out-of-pocket costs
                                or expenses incurred by the New NTL Group
                                in connection with providing the
                                applicable service.

                                Without prejudice to the foregoing, New
                                NTL's agreement to reasonably cooperate
                                with Euroco and its advisors in the
                                obtaining of the Exemption is subject to
                                the proviso that New NTL is promptly
                                reimbursed for any out-of-pocket fees and
                                expenses incurred by or on behalf of New
                                NTL (including the fees and expenses of
                                New NTL's advisors) that are attributable
                                to the obtaining of the Exemption

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Service Type                                             Description
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial                      New NTL will provide Euroco with payroll services through its payroll services
                               company and provide Euroco with expense reimbursement services for the seconded
                               employees (provided that Euroco shall be responsible for the prior approval of
                               all expenses claims submitted for reimbursement) and other New NTL employees,
                               as applicable.

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Treasury                       New NTL will make the services of its Treasury department available to Euroco
                               consistent with such department's prior involvement with managing Cablecom's
                               bank facilities and for the management of cash-on-hand at Euroco and for bank
                               reconciliations.  For the avoidance of doubt, this shall not extend to
                               renegotiation or replacement of Cablecom's existing bank facilities.

                               Euroco acknowledges and agrees that all decisions relating to such treasury
                               services shall be made by, and shall be the responsibility of, Euroco and that
                               neither the New NTL Group Companies nor New NTL's personnel shall have any
                               liability for any such decisions.

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investor Relations             Euroco shall be responsible for the preparation and filing of its own press
                               announcements and results announcements though Euroco shall be entitled to
                               consult New NTL's investor relations personnel in respect thereof.

                               New NTL will make available its Investor Relations personnel to respond to
                               questions from the investment community on Euroco.  New NTL's responsibility in
                               answering such questions will be strictly limited to the reasonably specific
                               information provided by Euroco to such personnel and, periodically notifying
                               Euroco of inquiries received and responses given.  Personnel from both parties
                               will coordinate responses that implicate both parties.

                               New NTL's Investor Relations personnel's details shall not be listed or used by
                               Euroco as specific contacts for governmental authorities, regulatory
                               authorities, the investment community, shareholders, analysts, banks,
                               stockbrokers or others.
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Legal                          Euroco's legal counsel shall have access to New NTL's legal department for the
                               purpose of inquiring about historic transactions.

                               For the avoidance of doubt, New NTL Group and its personnel shall not and shall
                               not be deemed to provide legal advice to Euroco or any Euroco Group Company.

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Office Accommodation           New NTL shall provide the following office space (including heat, power,  light,
                               IT support, telephone, stationery, fax facilities) :

                               Office at Quadrant House for John Gregg to the extent reasonably available.

                               Use of temporary  office space at 110 East 59th Street,  26 Floor,  New York for
                               John Gregg to the extent office space is reasonably available from time to time.

                               Use of office  space at 110 East 59th  Street,  26 Floor,  New York for  Richard

                               In addition,  John Gregg shall have access to the services of Janet  Sullivan in
                               the role of personal  assistant  (based at Quadrant House)  consistent with past

                               Services,  including IT support, shall be made available to Euroco to the extent
                               Euroco  personnel  are  utilizing  New NTL offices - but shall be subject to New
                               NTL's  agreements  with third parties (for example,  the provision of IT support
                               shall be limited to the service  provided to New NTL by IBM).  The  provision of
                               IT hardware and software shall be at the cost and  responsibility  of Euroco and
                               shall not be  included as IT support.  In no event  shall the  provision  of any
                               services  to Euroco be to any extent  greater to the  services  received  by New
                               NTL by any service provider.
- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Technical Assistance           New NTL will make available technical assistance to NTL Lanbase SL on a basis
                               consistent with prior practice.

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joint Venture Management       New NTL shall continue to make available the following personnel to answer
                               questions and provide advice regarding the operations of the following joint

                               The Studio Channel Limited (director Joel Stark, relationship managed by New
                               NTL Content division)

                               ITN News Channel Limited (director Lauren Glotzer, relationship managed by New
                               NTL Content division)

                               Two Way TV Limited (alternate director Alasdair Steele, relationship managed by
                               New NTL Content division and New NTL Corporate Finance department)

                               Global Radio Participations SA (director Peter Douglas, former part-time CFO
                               John Morrish, relationship managed by New NTL's Broadcast division)

                               Radioscape Limited (attendance at Technical Committee and management of
                               relationship by New NTL's Broadcast division)

                               New NTL shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain resignations of its
                               employees from Board seats when Euroco requests.

                               Such services shall be provided to Euroco consistent with past practice but New
                               NTL shall not and shall not be deemed to be providing advice to Euroco in
                               respect of the making available of any New NTL personnel to Euroco where such
                               persons make recommendations or give advice to Euroco in respect of the
                               management of such joint ventures.  Euroco acknowledges and agrees that it
                               shall be solely responsible for, and that neither the New NTL Group Companies
                               nor such New NTL personnel shall have any liability in respect of, decisions
                               made on the basis of the recommendations or advice of such New NTL personnel.

- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chart Continued


- ------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
        Service Type                              Charges                                 Duration
- ------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Financial                      There shall be no charge for expense         Payroll services shall be
                               reimbursement services.                      provided for up to 6 months.

                               Euroco shall pay New NTL the following       Expense reimbursement services
                               hourly fees for work performed for Euroco    shall be provided for so long as
                               by the following persons:                    Euroco utilizes the services of
                                                                            any New NTL personnel.
                               Jenny Goddard -                     $ 98.15
                               Rachel Nissenblatt -               $ 201.93
                               Others -                           $ 219.38

                               In addition, Euroco shall reimburse New
                               NTL for any documented out-of-pocket costs
                               or expenses incurred by the New NTL Group
                               in connection with providing the
                               applicable service.

- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Treasury                       Euroco shall pay New NTL the following       These services, including those
                               hourly fees for work performed for Euroco    of Nigel Roberts, shall be
                               by the following persons:                    provided for up to 12 months.

                               Nigel Roberts -                    $ 472.67
                               Others -                           $ 169.59

                               In addition, Euroco shall reimburse New
                               NTL for any documented out-of-pocket costs
                               or expenses incurred by the New NTL Group
                               in connection with providing the
                               applicable service.
- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Investor Relations             To the extent that responses to be given     Investor relation services shall
                               by New NTL's Investor Relations personnel    be provided for up to 12 months.
                               shall consist of more than directing
                               inquiries to Euroco personnel or Euroco's
                               website, Euroco shall pay New NTL hourly
                               fees of $ 178.62 in respect of the time
                               spent by the relevant personnel in so
                               doing and Euroco shall reimburse New NTL
                               for any direct out -of-pocket expenses.

- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Legal                          In respect of providing information on
                               historic transactions, Euroco shall pay
                               New NTL hourly fees of $ 250 in respect of
                               the time spent by the relevant personnel
                               in so doing. Euroco shall reimburse New
                               NTL for any documented out-of-pocket costs
                               or expenses incurred by the New NTL Group
                               in connection with providing the
                               applicable service.
- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Office Accommodation           No charge for office accommodation for       With respect to Quadrant House,
                               John Gregg.                                  these services shall be provided
                                                                            for up to 12 months.
                               Office space for Richard Spohn shall be
                               charged at a rate of $ 700 per month.        With respect to the New York
                                                                            office for John Gregg, these
                               Charges for specific services will be        services shall be provided for up
                               cost-based related to the time and amount    to 12 months.
                               of such services actually used by Euroco
                               personnel.                                   With respect to the New York
                                                                            office for Richard Spohn, these
                               The services of Janet Sullivan shall be      services shall be provided for up
                               charged at a rate of $ 71.25 per hour.       to 12 months but shall be
                                                                            terminable at any time by New NTL
                                                                            upon giving Euroco not less than
                                                                            one month's notice.

                                                                            With respect to the services of
                                                                            Janet Sullivan, these services
                                                                            shall be provided for up to 12

- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Technical Assistance           Technical assistance shall be provided on    Technical assistance shall be
                               the basis of the hourly rate for the         provided for up to 12 months.
                               relevant personnel providing the same
                               calculated on the basis of annual salary
                               of individual concerned including
                               contractual bonus and any bonus awarded
                               under a bonus scheme in which they
                               participate divided by 1,880 hours times
                               1.5 in respect of the time spent by the
                               relevant personnel in so doing.

                               In addition, Euroco shall reimburse New
                               NTL for any documented out-of-pocket costs
                               or expenses incurred by the New NTL Group
                               in connection with providing the
                               applicable service.

- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Joint Venture Management       In respect of providing advice, answering    Joint venture services shall be
                               questions and acting as directors of the     provided for a period of up to 12
                               joint ventures, Euroco shall pay New NTL     months.
                               hourly fees of $ 275.09 in respect of the
                               time spent by the relevant personnel in so
                               doing. Euroco shall reimburse New NTL for
                               any documented out-of-pocket costs or
                               expenses incurred by the New NTL Group in
                               connection with providing the applicable
- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------


                                  SCHEDULE 2

                               Parties' Details

Notices shall be addressed as follows:

o            To New NTL:       110 East 59th Street
                               26th Floor
                               New York
                               fax: +1 212 906 8497
                               and marked for the attention of Richard J Lubasch

o            To Euroco         37 Purchase Street
                               New York 10580
                               fax: +1 914 921 2136
                               and marked for the attention of Jeffrey Brodsky


                                  SCHEDULE 3

                                   NTL Logos




                                  SCHEDULE 4

                                 The Secondees

Name of Secondee           Secondment Period          Secondment Fees
                                                      (US $ per week)
Jeff Wyman                 *                                      6,129.33
Andrew McAleavey           *                                      3,694.22
David McGowan              **                                     7,361.62
Hamid Heidary              **                                    10,606.00
Steve Wagner               **                                     9,687.38

*            One (1) year; provided that the Secondment Period may be (i)
             terminated on not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice
             by Euroco to New NTL (such notice to expire no earlier than the
             date which is four months following the Effective Date); and (ii)
             extended for up to an additional one (1) year period upon the
             written notice of Euroco delivered to New NTL not less than
             ninety (90) days prior to the first anniversary of the Effective

**           Same as above, but in no event longer than their secondment to


                                       /s/ Richard J. Lubasch
SIGNED BY                        )     Name: Richard J. Lubasch
for and on behalf of             )     Title: Executive Vice President,
NTL INCORPORATED                 )            General Counsel and Secretary

                                       /s/ Jeffrey Brodsky
SIGNED BY                        )     Name: Jeffrey Brodsky
for and on behalf of             )     Title: President and Chief Executive
NTL EUROPE, INC.                 )            Officer
