UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                               (Amendment No. 2)

Filed by the Registrant   [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [  ]

Check the appropriate box:
[x ] Preliminary Proxy Statement            [  ]  Confidential, For Use of the
[  ] Definitive Proxy Statement                   Commission Only (as permitted
[  ] Definitive Additional Materials              by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[  ] Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                               HEXCEL CORPORATION

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x ]       No fee required.

[  ]       Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
           and 0-11.

           (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction

           (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies

           (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
                computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how
                it was determined):

           (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

           (5)  Total fee paid:


[  ]       Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[  ]       Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
           Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
           offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by
           registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date
           of its filing.

           (1) Amount previously paid:

           (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

           (3) Filing Party:

           (4) Date Filed:




                              HEXCEL CORPORATION

                              Two Stamford Plaza

                             281 Tresser Boulevard

                          Stamford, Connecticut 06901

                                                          February 14, 2003

Dear Stockholder:

                  You are cordially invited to attend a special meeting of
stockholders of Hexcel Corporation to be held at 10:30 a.m., local time, on
Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at the Stamford Marriott Hotel located at Two Stamford
Forum, Stamford, Connecticut.

                  As explained in greater detail in the accompanying proxy
statement, Hexcel has entered into definitive agreements providing for $125
million of new equity financing through the issuance for cash of a total of
125,000 shares of series A convertible preferred stock and 125,000 shares of
series B convertible preferred stock. Upon the closing of the transactions, the
total number of outstanding shares of Hexcel common stock, including shares
issuable upon conversion of the new convertible preferred stocks, is expected
to increase from approximately 38.5 million shares to approximately 88.2
million shares.

                  Under these agreements, Hexcel has agreed to issue 77,875
shares of series A convertible preferred stock and 77,875 shares of series B
convertible preferred stock to affiliates of Berkshire Partners LLC and
Greenbriar Equity Group LLC for approximately $77.9 million in cash (before
giving effect to certain transaction costs). After giving effect to the
transactions, these investors will own approximately 35.2% of Hexcel's
outstanding voting securities.

                  Hexcel has separately agreed to issue 47,125 shares of series
A convertible preferred stock and 47,125 shares of series B convertible
preferred stock to investment partnerships affiliated with The Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc., which currently own approximately 37.8% of Hexcel's outstanding
common stock, for approximately $47.1 million in cash (before giving effect to
certain transaction costs). This issuance will enable Goldman Sachs and its
affiliates to maintain their current percentage ownership interest in Hexcel's
voting securities after giving effect to the transactions, consistent with
their rights under the governance agreement that Hexcel entered into with
affiliates of Goldman Sachs in 2000.

                  At the closing of the transactions, Hexcel will enter into a
stockholders agreement with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors, which will
give them the right to nominate up to two directors (of a total of ten) to
Hexcel's board of directors and certain other rights. Affiliates of Goldman
Sachs will continue to have the right to nominate up to three directors
pursuant to the governance agreement entered into at the time of their
investment in Hexcel in 2000, which will be amended in connection with these
transactions. The stockholders agreement and the amended Goldman Sachs
governance agreement will require that the approval of at least six directors,
including at least two directors not nominated by the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors or the Goldman Sachs investors, be obtained for board actions
generally. The stockholders agreement and the amended governance agreement will
also contain certain standstill and transfer restriction provisions. These
agreements are described in the accompanying proxy statement.

                  The transactions are conditioned upon the refinancing of
Hexcel's existing senior credit facility through a new senior credit facility
and potentially a private placement of senior secured notes or other form of
debt. The transactions are also subject to customary closing conditions,
including the approval by Hexcel's stockholders of both the issuances of the
series A and series B convertible preferred stock and an amendment to Hexcel's
restated certificate of incorporation increasing the number of shares of common
stock that Hexcel is authorized to issue from 100,000,000 to 200,000,000. You
will be asked to approve these transactions at the special meeting. Affiliates
of Goldman Sachs have committed, subject to certain conditions, to vote all of
their shares of Hexcel common stock in favor of the transactions.


                  At the special meeting, you will also be asked to consider
and vote on proposals to adopt (a) the Hexcel Corporation 2003 Incentive Stock
Plan, (b) an amendment to the Hexcel Corporation Management Stock Purchase Plan
increasing the number of shares reserved for grant of restricted units under
such plan and (c) an amendment to the Hexcel Corporation Employee Stock
Purchase Plan increasing the number of shares available for sale under such

                  Details of the transactions, including the terms of the
series A and series B convertible preferred stock, and the other items of
business scheduled for the special meeting, are provided in the accompanying
proxy statement. Please give this material your careful attention.

                  Your vote is important regardless of the number of shares you
own. We urge you to read the enclosed proxy statement carefully and then to
complete, sign and date the enclosed proxy card and return it promptly in the
enclosed postage-paid return envelope, whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting. Your prompt cooperation and continued support of Hexcel are greatly


                                       /s/ David E. Berges
                                       David E. Berges
                                       Chairman of the Board,
                                       Chief Executive Officer and President

This proxy statement is dated February 14, 2003 and was first mailed to
Hexcel's stockholders on or about February 14, 2003.




                         TO BE HELD ON MARCH 18, 2003


                  A special meeting of the stockholders of Hexcel Corporation
will be held at 10:30 a.m., local time, on Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at the
Stamford Marriott Hotel located at Two Stamford Forum, Stamford, Connecticut
for the following purposes:

1. To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve:

            [ ]   the issuance and sale of 77,875 shares of Hexcel's series A
                  convertible preferred stock and 77,875 shares of Hexcel's
                  series B convertible preferred stock (and the issuance of
                  shares of Hexcel common stock issuable upon conversion of
                  such shares of series A and series B convertible preferred
                  stock) to affiliates of Berkshire Partners LLC and Greenbriar
                  Equity Group LLC for approximately $77.9 million in cash
                  (before giving effect to certain transaction costs); and

            [ ]   the issuance and sale of 47,125 shares of Hexcel's series A
                  convertible preferred stock and 47,125 shares of Hexcel's
                  series B convertible preferred stock (and the issuance of
                  shares of Hexcel common stock issuable upon conversion of
                  such shares of series A and series B convertible preferred
                  stock) to affiliates of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. for
                  approximately $47.1 million in cash (before giving effect to
                  certain transaction costs);

2.          To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve an amendment to
            Hexcel's restated certificate of incorporation to increase the
            number of shares of common stock that Hexcel is authorized to issue
            from 100,000,000 to 200,000,000;

3.          To consider and vote upon proposals to adopt (a) the Hexcel
            Corporation 2003 Incentive Stock Plan, (b) an amendment to the
            Hexcel Corporation Management Stock Purchase Plan to increase by
            200,000 the number of shares reserved for the grant of restricted
            stock units under such plan and (c) an amendment to the Hexcel
            Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan to increase by 150,000 the
            number of shares available for sale under such plan; and

4.          To transact such other business as may properly come before the
            special meeting or any adjournment or postponement of the special

            A more detailed description of the proposals to be acted upon at
            the special meeting and the recommendations of Hexcel's board of
            directors with respect to such proposals is included in the
            accompanying proxy statement.


                  Stockholders of record at the close of business on February
12, 2003 will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the special meeting and
any adjournment of the special meeting. A list of these stockholders will be
available for inspection at Hexcel's executive office, located at Two Stamford
Plaza, 281 Tresser Boulevard, Stamford, Connecticut 06901, during ordinary
business hours, from March 8, 2003 until the date of the special meeting, and
will also be available for inspection at the special meeting.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ Ira J. Krakower
                                        Ira J. Krakower
                                        Senior Vice President, General Counsel
                                        and Secretary


Dated:  February 14, 2003

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


    The Special Meeting....................................................................................................1
    The Financing Transactions Proposal....................................................................................2
    The Charter Amendment Proposal.........................................................................................7
    The Equity Incentive Plans Proposals...................................................................................8
    No Appraisal Rights....................................................................................................8

THE SPECIAL MEETING........................................................................................................9
    Matters to be Considered...............................................................................................9
    Record Date; Voting Rights.............................................................................................9
    Quorum; Required Vote.................................................................................................10
    Solicitation and Voting Procedure.....................................................................................10
    No Appraisal Rights...................................................................................................11
    Other Matters.........................................................................................................11

THE FINANCING TRANSACTIONS PROPOSAL.......................................................................................12
    Background of the Financing Transactions..............................................................................12
    Recommendation of the Board of Directors; Reasons for the Financing Transactions......................................15
    Opinion of Financial Advisor to the Independent Directors.............................................................17
    Use of Proceeds.......................................................................................................27
    Interests of Certain Persons..........................................................................................28
    Certain Accounting Matters............................................................................................28

TERMS OF THE FINANCING TRANSACTIONS.......................................................................................30
    The Stock Purchase Agreements.........................................................................................30
    The Stockholders Agreement and the Amended and Restated Governance Agreement..........................................40
    The Registration Rights Agreements....................................................................................48
    Terms of Preferred Stock..............................................................................................49
    Senior Debt Refinancing...............................................................................................56

THE CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSAL............................................................................................57

THE EQUITY INCENTIVE PLANS PROPOSALS......................................................................................59
    The 2003 Incentive Stock Plan.........................................................................................59
    The Management Stock Purchase Plan....................................................................................62
    The Employee Stock Purchase Plan......................................................................................65
    Recommendations of the Board of Directors.............................................................................67
    Equity Compensation Plan Information..................................................................................67

EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION....................................................................................................69
    Summary Compensation Table............................................................................................69
    Stock Options.........................................................................................................71
    Deferred Compensation.................................................................................................71
    Employment and Other Agreements.......................................................................................72
    Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation...........................................................76
    Compensation of Directors.............................................................................................76

SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT............................................................78
    Stock Beneficially Owned By Principal Stockholders....................................................................78
    Stock Beneficially Owned by Directors and Officers....................................................................79

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS.................................................................80

OTHER INFORMATION.........................................................................................................81
    2003 Annual Meeting of Stockholders...................................................................................81
    Where You Can Find More Information...................................................................................81


OPINION OF HOULIHAN LOKEY HOWARD & ZUKIN FINANCIAL ADVISORS, INC.........................................................B-1

FORM OF HEXCEL CORPORATION 2003 INCENTIVE STOCK PLAN.....................................................................C-1

FORM OF HEXCEL CORPORATION MANAGEMENT STOCK PURCHASE PLAN................................................................D-1

FORM OF HEXCEL CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN..................................................................E-1


                  This summary highlights selected information from this proxy
statement and may not contain all of the information that is important to you.
For additional information concerning the special meeting and the proposals to
be acted upon, you should read this entire proxy statement, including the
appendices and the other documents incorporated by reference into this proxy
statement. In this proxy statement, we sometimes refer to Hexcel Corporation as
"Hexcel," "we," "us" or "our." Unless otherwise noted, all references in this
proxy statement to a number or percentage of shares outstanding are based on
38,539,926 shares of our common stock outstanding as of January 21, 2003.


Date, Time & Place (page __). The special meeting of Hexcel's stockholders will
be held at 10:30 a.m., local time, on Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at the Stamford
Marriott Hotel located at Two Stamford Forum, Stamford, Connecticut.

Matters to be Considered (page __). At the special meeting, you will be asked
to approve:

        [ ] a proposal for the issuances and sales of our series A and series B
            convertible preferred stock to affiliates of Berkshire Partners LLC
            and Greenbriar Equity Group LLC (which we refer to in this proxy
            statement as the "Berkshire and Greenbriar investors") and to
            investment partnerships affiliated with The Goldman Sachs Group,
            Inc. (which we refer to in this proxy statement as the "Goldman
            Sachs investors") pursuant to the financing transactions (we refer
            to this proposal as the "financing transactions proposal");

        [ ] a proposal for an amendment to our restated certificate of
            incorporation increasing the number of shares of our common stock
            that we are authorized to issue from 100,000,000 to 200,000,000 (we
            refer to this proposal as the "charter amendment proposal");

        [ ] proposals for the adoption of (a) the Hexcel Corporation 2003
            Incentive Stock Plan, (b) an amendment to our Management Stock
            Purchase Plan to increase by 200,000 the number of shares reserved
            for the grant of restricted stock units under the Management Stock
            Purchase Plan and (c) an amendment to our Employee Stock Purchase
            Plan to increase by 150,000 the number of shares available for sale
            under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (we collectively refer to
            these proposals as the "equity incentive plans proposals"); and

        [ ] such other business as may properly come before the special meeting
            or any adjournment or postponement of the special meeting.

Record Date; Voting Rights (page __). Our board of directors has fixed the
close of business on February 12, 2003 as the record date for the
determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
special meeting. On the record date, there were ____ shares of our common stock
outstanding held by ___ stockholders of record. Each outstanding share of our
common stock on the record date will be entitled to one vote on each matter to
be acted upon at the special meeting.

Required Vote (page __). If a quorum is present, approval of the financing
transactions proposal and each of the equity incentive plans proposals requires
the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of our common stock present or
represented by proxy at the special meeting, provided that the total number of
votes cast on the proposal represents over 50% in interest of all securities
entitled to vote on the proposal (as required by the rules of the New York
Stock Exchange). The approval of the charter amendment proposal requires the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock.

Affiliates of Goldman Sachs, which beneficially own approximately 37.8% of the
outstanding shares of our common stock, have agreed, subject to specified
conditions, to vote their shares of our common stock in favor of each of the
proposals described in this proxy statement.


Terms of the Financing Transactions (page __). Under the agreements that we
have entered into with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors, we have agreed
to issue 77,875 shares of our series A convertible preferred stock and 77,875
shares of our series B convertible preferred stock to the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors for approximately $77.9 million in cash (before giving
effect to certain transaction costs). At the closing of these financing
transactions, the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors will own approximately
35.2% of our outstanding voting securities.

Under separate agreements that we have entered into with the Goldman Sachs
investors, we have agreed to issue 47,125 shares of our series A convertible
preferred stock and 47,125 shares of our series B convertible preferred stock
to affiliates of Goldman Sachs, which currently own approximately 37.8% of our
outstanding common stock, for approximately $47.1 million in cash (before
giving effect to certain transaction costs). This issuance of preferred stock
will enable affiliates of Goldman Sachs to maintain their current percentage
ownership interest in our voting securities, consistent with their rights under
the governance agreement entered into in 2000.

The aggregate purchase price of $125 million (before giving effect to certain
transaction costs) for the preferred stock to be issued in the financing
transactions represents a discount from the $149.5 million aggregate "stated
value" of such preferred stock. The aggregate number of shares of common stock
issuable upon conversion of the preferred stock will be determined based on
the aggregate stated value of the preferred stock and not the aggregate
purchase price of the preferred stock. The stated value of the preferred stock
was arrived at as a result of separate arm's-length negotiations with each of
the equity investors. As part of these negotiations, each of the equity
investors separately agreed with us that the preferred stock would have a
fixed conversion rate based on stated value (rather than have the conversion
rate increase over time as preferred dividends accrue), and further agreed
that our series A convertible preferred stock would not pay or accrue
preferred dividends for the first three years following issuance and that our
series B convertible preferred stock would not pay or accrue preferred
dividends at any time.

Upon the closing of the financing transactions, the total number of outstanding
shares of our common stock, including shares issuable upon conversion of the
new convertible preferred stock, is expected to increase from approximately
38.5 million shares to approximately 88.2 million shares.

Conditions to the Financing Transactions (page __). Each party's obligation to
complete the financing transactions is subject to a number of conditions,

        [ ] the approval by our stockholders of the financing transactions
            proposal and the charter amendment proposal; and

        [ ] the completion of the senior debt refinancing as described under
            the heading "Terms of the Financing Transactions - Senior Debt

The obligations of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs
investors to complete the financing transactions are subject to a number of
additional conditions, including (1) the accuracy of our representations and
warranties as of the date of the applicable stock purchase agreement and as of
the closing date, (2) the performance by us in all material respects of the
obligations required to be performed by us under the applicable stock purchase
agreement at or prior to the closing and (3) the absence of any change, event
or development which has had or would reasonably be expected to have a material
adverse effect on Hexcel since June 30, 2002.

Our obligation to complete the financing transactions is also subject to a
number of additional conditions, including (1) the accuracy in all material
respects of the representations and warranties of the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors or the Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, as of the date of
the applicable stock purchase agreement and as of the closing date and (2) the
performance by each of them in all material respects of the obligations
required to be performed by each of them under the applicable stock purchase
agreement at or prior to the closing.

No Solicitation (page __). The stock purchase agreements contain
non-solicitation provisions which prohibit us from soliciting or engaging in
discussions or negotiations regarding an alternate proposal to the financing

However, if we receive an unsolicited proposal for a transaction from a third
party, the terms of the stock purchase agreements permit us to consider and
accept such proposal prior to consummating the financing transactions if our
board of directors determines in good faith, after consultation with its
financial advisors, that such proposal is more favorable to our stockholders,
from a financial point of view, than the financing transactions, and, after
consultation with its legal advisors, that accepting such proposal may be
required to satisfy its fiduciary duties.

Termination (page __). Each stock purchase agreement may be terminated by
mutual consent of the parties to such agreement. In addition, the stock
purchase agreements may be terminated by either us or the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, if:

        [ ] the closing of the financing transactions has not occurred on or
            before May 30, 2003 (provided that this right to terminate will not
            be available to any party whose failure to fulfill any obligation
            under the applicable stock purchase agreement was the cause of, or
            resulted in, the failure of the closing to occur on or before such

        [ ] any governmental entity issues an injunction permanently
            restraining the financing transactions that has become final and
            non-appealable (provided that this right to terminate will not be
            available to any party whose breach resulted in the issuance of the
            injunction); or

        [ ] the approval of the financing transactions proposal and the charter
            amendment proposal by our stockholders is not obtained at the
            special meeting (provided that this right to terminate will not be
            available to any party whose breach resulted in the failure to
            obtain the approval).

In addition, we may terminate either stock purchase agreement if:

        [ ] we receive a superior proposal and our board of directors has
            complied with the provisions of the agreement described under
            "Terms of the Financing Transactions - The Stock Purchase Agreement
            - No Solicitation"; or

        [ ] the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs
            investors, as the case may be, breach any of their representations,
            warranties or covenants under the applicable stock purchase
            agreement, and such breach is incapable of being cured prior to May
            30, 2003.

In addition, the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs
investors, as the case may be, may terminate the applicable stock purchase
agreement if:

        [ ] our board of directors (or any committee of our board of directors)
            withdraws or adversely modifies its approval or recommendation of
            the financing transactions;

        [ ] we breach any of our representations, warranties or covenants under
            the applicable stock purchase agreement, and such breach is
            incapable of being cured prior to May 30, 2003; or

        [ ] we experience a material adverse effect subsequent to the date of
            the applicable stock purchase agreement which is incapable of being
            cured prior to May 30, 2003.

We will pay Berkshire Partners LLC and Greenbriar Equity Group LLC a
termination payment equal to $3,115,000, less (1) any transaction fee paid or
payable by us and (2) 50% of the amount of expenses of the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors paid or payable by us if:

            the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors terminate the stock purchase
            agreement because our board of directors (or any committee of our
            board of directors) withdraws or adversely modifies its approval or
            recommendation of the financing transactions;

            we terminate the stock purchase agreement because we receive a
            superior proposal and our board of directors has complied with the
            provisions of the agreement described under "Terms of the Financing
            Transactions - The Stock Purchase Agreement - No Solicitation"; or

            the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors terminate the stock purchase
            agreement as a result of the failure to satisfy the condition
            relating to our receipt of not less than $47,125,000 in proceeds
            from the sale of our preferred stock to investors other than the
            Berkshire and Greenbriar investors;

and, in any such case, we complete a transaction that constitutes an alternate
proposal within nine months after the date the agreement is terminated.

No termination fee is payable to the Goldman Sachs investors under the Goldman
Sachs stock purchase agreement.

Terms of the Preferred Stock (page __). Our series A convertible preferred
stock and our series B convertible preferred stock will have the following
terms, among others:

        [ ] commencing on the third anniversary of the original issuance date,
            dividends will be payable on our series A convertible preferred
            stock quarterly, on a cumulative basis, at a rate of 6.00% per
            year, either entirely in cash or, at our option, allowing them to
            accrue, compound and become payable upon liquidation, redemption or
            conversion; our series B convertible preferred stock will not be
            entitled to any scheduled dividends;

        [ ] if any dividends are paid on our common stock (other than dividends
            paid in shares of our common stock or securities convertible into
            our common stock), dividends will be payable to the holders of our
            series A convertible preferred stock and our series B convertible
            preferred stock in the form and amount that would have been paid on
            the shares of our common stock into which such convertible
            preferred stock is then convertible;

        [ ] we must redeem all outstanding shares of our series A and series B
            convertible preferred stock on January 22, 2010 for cash or, under
            specified circumstances, for shares of our common stock;

        [ ] the shares of our series A convertible preferred stock and series B
            convertible preferred stock will be convertible, at the holder's
            option, into a number of shares of our common stock equal to the
            "stated value" of such preferred stock ($1,000.00 in the case of
            our series A convertible preferred stock or $195.618 in the case of
            our series B convertible preferred stock) divided by the conversion
            price, which will initially be equal to $3.00 per share but will be
            subject to customary anti-dilution adjustments and the conversion
            limitations described under "Terms of the Financing Transactions -
            Terms of Preferred Stock - Conversion of Preferred Stock into
            Common Stock";

        [ ] subject to the conversion limitations referred to above, shares of
            our series A convertible preferred stock and series B convertible
            preferred stock will automatically convert into our common stock
            (on the conversion terms described above) if the closing trading
            price of our common stock for any period of 60 consecutive trading
            days ending after the third anniversary of the original issuance
            date of such convertible preferred stock is equal to or greater
            than $9.00;

        [ ] holders will be entitled to vote, on an as-converted basis, on all
            matters put to a vote or consent of our stockholders, voting
            together with the holders of our common stock as a single class;

        [ ] in the event a change of control (as defined in the indenture
            governing our 9-3/4% senior subordinated notes due 2009) occurs, we
            must offer to redeem all outstanding shares of our convertible
            preferred stock for cash or, under specified circumstances, our
            common stock, at a redemption price equal to the "liquidation
            preference" (in the case of our series A convertible preferred
            stock) or the "redemption amount" (in the case of our series B
            convertible preferred stock), as the case may be; and

        [ ] in the event of our liquidation, winding up or dissolution, or the
            occurrence of specified bankruptcy events, before any payment or
            distribution may be made to holders of our common stock, the holder
            of each share of our convertible preferred stock is entitled to the
            "liquidation preference" of that share.

Other Agreements (page __). At the closing of the financing transactions, we
and the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors will enter into a stockholders
agreement, which will give these investors the right to nominate up to two
directors (of a total of ten) to our board of directors and certain other
rights. Affiliates of Goldman Sachs will continue to have the right to nominate
up to three directors under the governance agreement entered into at the time
of their investment in Hexcel in 2000, which will be amended and restated in
connection with the financing transactions. The stockholders agreement and the
amended and restated Goldman Sachs governance agreement will require that the
approval of at least six directors, including at least two directors not
nominated by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs
investors, be obtained for board actions generally.

In addition, the stockholders agreement and the amended and restated governance
agreement will provide that, for so long as the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors (in the case of the stockholders agreement) or the Goldman Sachs
investors (in the case of the amended and restated governance agreement)
beneficially own at least 15% of the total voting power of our voting
securities, our board of directors may not approve certain extraordinary
transactions, such as mergers or business combinations (other than a "buyout
transaction," as such term is defined under "Terms of the Financing
Transactions - The Stockholders Agreement and the Amended and Restated
Governance Agreement - Buyout Transactions," to which other terms apply)
involving consideration above specified thresholds without the approval of a
majority of the directors nominated by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors
and a majority of the directors nominated by the Goldman Sachs investors.

The stockholders agreement will also prohibit the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors from acquiring more than 39.5% of our outstanding voting securities
unless approved by our board. The amended and restated governance agreement
will prohibit the Goldman Sachs investors from acquiring additional shares of
our voting securities, subject to specified limits and exceptions. The
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the affiliates of Goldman Sachs have
also each agreed to an 18-month lock-up of the securities being issued, except
for certain registered offerings.

The stockholders agreement and the amended and restated governance agreement
will require the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors (in the case of the
stockholders agreement) and the Goldman Sachs investors (in the case of the
amended and restated governance agreement) to vote their shares of our voting
securities in the manner provided in the stockholders agreement or the amended
and restated governance agreement, as the case may be, in the event of a buyout
transaction proposal that is not approved by a majority of our board of
directors and a majority of directors which are not interested directors
(within the meaning of the Delaware General Corporation Law, and it being
understood that no directors nominated by the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors or the Goldman Sachs investors will be deemed to be not interested
with respect to such buyout transaction) with respect to such buyout

At the closing of the financing transactions, we will enter into a registration
rights agreement with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and an amended and
restated registration rights agreement with the Goldman Sachs investors in
which we will grant the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman
Sachs investors demand and piggyback registration rights with respect to the
shares of our common stock (and, after the third anniversary of the closing
date, the shares of our series A convertible preferred stock) held by them.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors (page _). Our board of directors (with
our three directors nominated by affiliates of Goldman Sachs abstaining from
the vote) has unanimously approved the financing transactions and unanimously
recommends that you vote FOR approval of the financing transactions proposal.

Background of the Financing Transactions; Reasons for the Financing
Transactions (page _). For a description of the events leading to the approval
and recommendation of the financing transactions by our board of directors, you
should refer to "The Financing Transactions Proposal - Background of the
Financing Transactions" and " - Recommendations of the Board of Directors;
Reasons for the Financing Transactions."

Opinion of the Financial Advisor to our Independent Directors (page __).
Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin Financial Advisors, Inc., financial advisor to
our independent directors in connection with the financing transactions, has
rendered its written opinion, addressed at the request of our independent
directors to our full board of directors, to the effect that, as of the date of
such opinion and based upon and subject to the matters set forth in the
opinion, the financing transactions were fair, from a financial point of view,
to us and our public stockholders, other than the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors and the Goldman Sachs investors. The full text of the Houlihan Lokey
opinion dated December 18, 2002 is attached as Appendix B to this proxy
statement. We urge you to read the opinion carefully and in its entirety.

Use of Proceeds from the Financing Transactions (page _). We anticipate that we
will use the proceeds from the financing transactions to repay indebtedness
(including all of our 7% convertible subordinated notes due 2003 and a portion
of our senior credit facility indebtedness) and to pay certain transaction
costs. For a more detailed summary of the estimated sources and uses of the
proceeds of the financing transactions, you should refer to "The Financing
Transactions Proposal - Use of Proceeds."

Interests of Certain Persons (page __). In considering the recommendations of
our board of directors that you vote in favor of the financing transactions
proposal, you should be aware that the Goldman Sachs investors and the three
directors nominated by affiliates of Goldman Sachs (Messrs. Sanjeev K. Mehra,
James J. Gaffney and Peter M. Sacerdote) have interests in the financing
transactions that may be in addition to, or different from, your interests as a
stockholder. Unlike our other stockholders, the Goldman Sachs investors will
maintain their ownership percentage in our common stock (assuming the
conversion of all shares of our convertible preferred stock) at the closing of
the financing transactions consistent with their rights under the existing
governance agreement entered into in 2000, and will continue to be entitled to
certain board representation, approval and other rights, as more fully
described under the heading "Terms of the Financing Transactions - The
Stockholders Agreement and the Amended and Restated Governance Agreement." In
addition, upon the closing of the financing transactions, David E. Berges, our
CEO, will receive an option to purchase 200,000 shares of our common stock.


In connection with the financing transactions, we are also seeking your
approval of an amendment to our restated certificate of incorporation to
increase the total number of shares of our common stock that we are authorized
to issue from 100,000,000 to 200,000,000.

The purpose of the charter amendment is to create a sufficient reserve of
shares of our common stock for issuance (1) upon conversion (or, under certain
circumstances, redemption) of our series A and series B convertible preferred
stock, (2) in connection with equity-based incentive awards pursuant to our
compensation programs, (3) upon conversion of our outstanding convertible debt
securities and (4) for our future needs in connection with future financing
transactions, acquisitions or otherwise.

The approval of the amendment to our restated certificate of incorporation is a
condition to the closing of the financing transactions. Our board of directors
recommends that you vote FOR approval of the charter amendment proposal.


The Hexcel Corporation 2003 Incentive Stock Plan amends, restates and combines
our current Incentive Stock Plan and Broad Based Plan, under which there were
an aggregate of 1,954,869 shares available for grant as of December 31, 2002.
If the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan is adopted by our stockholders, all
outstanding awards under the combined plans as of the date of stockholder
approval of the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan will be deemed granted under the 2003
Incentive Stock Plan, and the number of shares available for future grant under
the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan will be 5,000,000 shares greater than were
available under the combined plans as of the date of stockholder approval of
the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan.

Under our Management Stock Purchase Plan, there are currently 127,712 shares
available for the grant of restricted stock units. If the proposed amendment to
our Management Stock Purchase plan is adopted by our stockholders, the number
of shares reserved for the grant of restricted stock units under the plan will
be increased by 200,000 shares.

Under our Employee Stock Purchase Plan, there are currently 145,566 shares
available for sale. If the proposed amendment to our Employee Stock Purchase
Plan is adopted by our stockholders, the number of shares available for sale
under the plan will be increased by 150,000 shares.

Our board of directors recommends that you vote FOR approval of each of the
equity incentive plans proposals.


Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, stockholders will have no rights of
appraisal in connection with the financing transactions or the amendment of our
restated certificate of incorporation.

                              THE SPECIAL MEETING


                  We are providing this proxy statement to our stockholders in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by our board of directors for use
at the special meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m., local time, on Tuesday, March
18, 2003, at the Stamford Marriott Hotel, located at Two Stamford Forum,
Stamford, Connecticut, and at any adjournments or postponements of the special
meeting. Each copy of this proxy statement is accompanied by a proxy card for
use in connection with the special meeting.


                  At the special meeting, you will be asked:

1.      to consider and vote upon a proposal to approve:

        [ ] the issuance and sale of 77,875 shares of our series A convertible
            preferred stock and 77,875 shares of our series B convertible
            preferred stock (and the issuance of the shares of our common stock
            issuable upon conversion of such shares of series A and series B
            convertible preferred stock) to the Berkshire and Greenbriar
            investors, for approximately $77.9 million in cash (before giving
            effect to certain transaction costs); and

        [ ] the issuance and sale of 47,125 shares of our series A convertible
            preferred stock and 47,125 shares of our series B convertible
            preferred stock (and the issuance of the shares of our common stock
            issuable upon conversion of such shares of series A and series B
            convertible preferred stock) to the Goldman Sachs investors, for
            approximately $47.1 million in cash (before giving effect to
            certain transaction costs);

2.      to consider and vote upon a proposal to approve an amendment to our
        restated certificate of incorporation to increase the number of shares
        of common stock that we are authorized to issue from 100,000,000 to

3.      to consider and vote upon proposals to adopt (a) the Hexcel Corporation
        2003 Incentive Stock Plan, (b) an amendment to the Hexcel Corporation
        Management Stock Purchase Plan to increase by 200,000 the number of
        shares reserved for the grant of restricted stock units under such plan
        and (c) an amendment to the Hexcel Corporation Employee Stock Purchase
        Plan to increase by 150,000 the number of shares available for sale
        under such plan; and

4.      to transact such other business as may properly come before the special
        meeting or any adjournment or postponement of the special meeting.


                  Our board of directors has fixed the close of business on
February 12, 2003 as the record date for the determination of stockholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the special meeting. This proxy statement
and the enclosed proxy card are being mailed on or about February 14, 2003 to
holders of record of our common stock on the record date. On the record date,
there were shares of our common stock outstanding held by stockholders of
record. Each outstanding share of our common stock is entitled to one vote on
each matter to be acted upon at the special meeting.


                  The presence, either in person or by proxy, of the holders of
a majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock entitled to vote at
the special meeting is necessary to constitute a quorum at the special meeting.
If a quorum is present, approval of each of the financing transactions proposal
and each of the equity incentive plans proposals requires the affirmative vote
of a majority of the shares of our common stock present or represented by proxy
at the special meeting, provided that the total number of votes cast on the
proposal represents over 50% in interest of all securities entitled to vote on
the proposal (as required by the rules of the New York Stock Exchange). The
approval of the charter amendment proposal requires the affirmative vote of a
majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock.

                  The Goldman Sachs investors beneficially own approximately
37.8% of the shares of our outstanding common stock, which excludes options
granted to certain directors of Hexcel designated by the Goldman Sachs
investors and held for the benefit of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. For a more
detailed summary of the Hexcel common stock beneficially owned by the Goldman
Sachs investors, you should refer to "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial
Owners and Management." The Goldman Sachs investors have agreed, subject to
specified conditions, to vote their shares of our outstanding common stock in
favor of each of the proposals described in this proxy statement. See "Terms of
the Financing Transactions - The Stock Purchase Agreements - Commitment to Vote
in Favor of Proposals."


                  If no direction is indicated on a validly executed proxy card
which we receive pursuant to this solicitation (and not revoked prior to
exercise), all shares represented by such proxy card will be voted FOR the
approval of the financing transactions proposal, FOR the approval of the
charter amendment proposal and FOR the approval of each of the equity incentive
plans proposals.

                  If any other matters are properly presented for consideration
at the special meeting, the persons named on the enclosed proxy card, or their
duly constituted substitutes acting at the special meeting, may vote on the
other matters at their discretion.

                  If you give a proxy in response to this solicitation, you may
revoke the proxy at any time before it is voted. You may revoke a proxy by
signing another proxy and delivering it to the Secretary of Hexcel before or at
the special meeting, or by attending the special meeting and voting in person.
You can also revoke your proxy by filing a written notice of revocation with
the Secretary of Hexcel before or at the special meeting. You should send any
subsequent proxy or notice of revocation to Hexcel Corporation, Two Stamford
Plaza, 281 Tresser Boulevard, Stamford, Connecticut 06901-3238, Attention:
Secretary, or you may deliver it to the Secretary of Hexcel at the special

                  We will pay the cost of solicitation of the proxies. In
addition to solicitation by use of the mail, our directors, officers and
employees may solicit proxies in person or by telephone or other means of
communication. We will not pay additional compensation for this solicitation,
although we may reimburse reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. We will request
that brokers and nominees who hold shares of our common stock in their names
furnish proxy solicitation materials to beneficial owners of the shares, and we
will reimburse the brokers and nominees for reasonable expenses incurred by

                  Brokers may not vote shares held for a customer without
specific instructions from the customer. If you are the beneficial owner of
shares held through a broker and you do not sign and return your proxy card,
the stockholder of record will not be permitted to vote your shares in the
absence of instructions from you and the votes represented by such shares will
be considered "broker non-votes." In the case of the financing transactions
proposal and the equity incentive plans proposals, these broker non-votes will
have no effect on the outcome of the vote on the financing transactions
proposal or any of the equity incentive plans proposals (except that broker
non-votes will not count towards the 50% in interest of all securities entitled
to vote on the proposal that must be cast for the proposal to be approved in
accordance with the rules of the New York Stock Exchange). Because the charter
amendment proposal requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares of our common stock, broker non-votes will have the same
effect as votes against the charter amendment proposal.


                  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, stockholders will
have no rights of appraisal in connection with the financing transactions or
the amendment of our restated certificate of incorporation.


                  Except for the vote on the financing transactions proposal,
the charter amendment proposal, the equity incentive plans proposals and, upon
appropriate motion, an adjournment of the special meeting, no other matters are
expected to come before the special meeting. If, however, other matters are
presented, the persons named as proxies will vote in accordance with their
judgment with respect to those matters.




                  In 2001, we started to experience a significant deterioration
in the demand for our products from the commercial aerospace and electronics
markets. Our total revenues declined by 3% in 2001 and by an additional 16% in
2002. The commercial aerospace industry, which historically has accounted for
over 50% of our revenues, was severely negatively impacted by the events of
September 11, 2001. These events caused a reduction in the commercial aircraft
build rates of our principal customers, which has, in turn, caused our
commercial aircraft revenues to decline by $148 million, or 27%, in 2002 as
compared to 2001. At the same time, the severe industry downturn in the global
electronics market has had a prolonged negative impact on the demand for our
fiberglass fabric substrates used in the fabrication of printed wiring boards.
In 2000, our net revenues in the electronics industry were $181 million. As a
result of the severe global recession in this industry, our net revenues in
this industry were $77 million in 2001 (a decrease of approximately 51% as
compared to 2000) and further declined to $58 million in 2002 (a decrease of
approximately 17% as compared to 2001).

                  In response to these adverse business conditions, we
announced a program in 2001 to restructure our business operations. This
program reduced our annual cash fixed costs by 23% and enabled us to reduce our
debt by over $61 million in the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2002. We
also reduced our workforce during this period by more than 25%, to 4,245

                  Despite our restructuring actions, we continued to have a
highly leveraged capital structure and were required to amend our senior bank
facilities to relax our financial covenants to accommodate our projected
financial performance in 2002. The January 2002 amendment we obtained modified
our financial covenants through the fourth quarter of 2002. We are currently in
compliance with these financial covenants. However, absent a refinancing, we
would need another amendment to avoid a breach of the financial covenants as of
March 31, 2003 (the next date for measuring our compliance with such
covenants), and therefore a default, under our senior credit facility. In
addition, we face the upcoming maturity in August 2003 of our 7% convertible
subordinated notes (aggregate principal amount of approximately $46.9 million)
and the scheduled maturity of most of our senior credit facility (aggregate
principal amount of approximately $179.7 million) in 2004.

                  In light of these considerations, and given the uncertain
timing and extent of anticipated recoveries in our core markets, we began, in
the spring of 2002, to explore a number of potential financing alternatives to
enable us to reduce our leverage and to improve our financial and operating
flexibility. The alternatives considered included (1) raising capital through a
public offering or private placement of debt or equity securities for cash, (2)
offering to exchange new debt or equity securities for our outstanding 7%
convertible subordinated notes due 2003, (3) conducting a rights offering with
a "backstop" purchase commitment by one or more investors, (4) accessing the
commercial bank loan markets to extend or refinance our senior credit facility
and (5) selling for cash one or more non-core assets.

                  In May 2002, we approached a number of potential private
equity investors, who had previously approached us, to inquire as to their
interest in making an equity investment in Hexcel, through a private placement
or backstop purchase commitment in a rights offering. In connection with these
discussions, we were informed by the Goldman Sachs investors that, as part of
any issuance of our equity securities, subject to the terms and conditions of
any such issuance, they would be interested in maintaining their equity
ownership percentage in Hexcel, consistent with their rights under the
governance agreement entered into in 2000.

                  Following these initial inquiries, we entered into
confidentiality agreements with five potential investors who then conducted
limited due diligence investigations of Hexcel. In early July 2002, four of the
five potential investors submitted proposals for an equity investment in

                  On July 15, 2002, our finance committee met to discuss the
proposals received from the potential equity investors and to develop a
recommendation to the board of directors. They reviewed the terms and
conditions of the proposals. Management and the committee then reviewed the
proposals with the board of directors on July 17, 2002. Following consideration
of the proposals, the board determined to authorize management to engage in
preliminary discussions with respect to two of the proposals received,
including the proposal made by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors.

                  Starting during the week of July 22, 2002, the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors conducted a comprehensive due diligence review of Hexcel
and began to engage in negotiations with us of draft agreements relating to a
proposed investment by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors. The transactions
ultimately proposed by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors contemplated the
issuance to them of convertible preferred stock at a price to be negotiated
based on the closing trading prices of our common stock, subject to a maximum
price per share. The Berkshire and Greenbriar investors indicated that their
consideration of an investment in us was conditioned upon the Goldman Sachs
investors making a concurrent investment in Hexcel in order to maintain their
percentage ownership interest in Hexcel consistent with the terms of their
existing governance agreement entered into in 2000. As a result, we began to
separately negotiate draft agreements with the Goldman Sachs investors relating
to their proposed investment in Hexcel.

                  On November 8, 2002, we entered into a limited exclusivity
agreement with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors pursuant to which we
agreed to negotiate exclusively with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors for
a period of 10 days with respect to their proposed investment, subject to an
exception allowing us to negotiate with the Goldman Sachs investors.

                  On November 17, 2002, the finance committee met to review the
proposed purchases of convertible preferred stock by the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors, as well as continued
interest by one other potential investor in a possible equity investment. The
finance committee and representatives of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
LLP, our legal advisors, reviewed and discussed the structure, terms and
conditions of the various proposals and agreements. The finance committee also
reviewed and discussed, with the assistance of Skadden Arps, the proposed terms
of the convertible preferred stock to be issued under the proposals. The
finance committee determined that, although the proposal from the other
potential investor was generally comparable, from a financial point of view,
when compared to the Berkshire and Greenbriar proposal, the governance and
other contractual provisions contemplated by the proposal from the other
potential investor would be more onerous to us and our stockholders than the
governance and other contractual provisions that the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors had indicated that they would be prepared to accept.

                  On November 25, 2002, our board of directors met to review
the series of meetings of the finance committee, including the meeting on
November 17th, regarding the proposed financing transactions and each of the
financing alternatives explored over the prior several months. The board
reviewed in detail the terms of the proposed issuances of convertible preferred
stock to the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and to the Goldman Sachs
investors, including the governance and other provisions of the stockholders
agreement with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the amended and
restated governance agreement with the Goldman Sachs investors. Representatives
of Skadden Arps also reviewed with the board of directors its fiduciary duties
in connection with the proposed financing transactions.

                  During the meeting on November 25th, our independent
directors discussed retaining an independent financial advisor to assist them
in reviewing and analyzing the proposed financing alternatives (including the
financing transactions with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the
Goldman Sachs investors). At this meeting, the independent directors determined
to retain an independent financial advisor, and on November 26, 2002, Houlihan
Lokey Howard & Zukin Financial Advisors, Inc. was retained to, among other
things, undertake a financial analysis of the financing alternatives and, if
appropriate, to deliver the fairness opinions described below.

                  The independent directors met on three separate occasions
following the meeting of the full board of directors on November 25th. At these
meetings, the independent directors received presentations from Houlihan Lokey
and from our management and considered the financing alternatives available to
Hexcel. During this period, the parties continued to negotiate the terms of the
agreements relating to the proposed investments.

                  On December 12, 2002, the full board of directors met to
further consider the financing alternatives. At this meeting, the board of
directors received a presentation from Houlihan Lokey further addressing the
financing alternatives available to Hexcel. During this meeting, Houlihan Lokey
provided its oral opinion to the effect that, as of that date, the financing
transactions with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs
investors were fair, from a financial point of view, to us and our public
stockholders (other than the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman
Sachs investors). In addition, Houlihan Lokey provided its oral opinion to the
effect that, as of that date, the financing transactions were fair, from a
financial point of view, to us, our "restricted subsidiaries" (as defined in
the indenture governing our 9-3/4% senior subordinated notes due 2009) and our
public stockholders (other than the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the
Goldman Sachs investors), as required under the indenture governing our 9-3/4%
senior subordinated notes due 2009. Following receipt of these oral opinions,
the board of directors authorized management to finalize the agreements
relating to the proposed investments by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors
and the Goldman Sachs investors.

                  Following the December 12th meeting, the parties proceeded to
finalize the agreements relating to the proposed investments. As a result of
certain changes to the terms of the proposed investments during this period,
the board of directors was reconvened on December 17, 2002 to give its final
approval to the amended terms of the financing transactions and the related
agreements, as so modified. At this meeting, Houlihan Lokey delivered updated
versions of its oral opinions and the board of directors approved the financing
transactions and the related agreements (with the directors nominated by the
Goldman Sachs investors abstaining from the vote). On December 18, 2002,
Houlihan Lokey confirmed its oral opinion in a written opinion, addressed at
the request of the independent directors to the full board of directors, that
as of that date and based upon and subject to the matters set forth in the
opinion, the financing transactions were fair, from a financial point of view,
to us and to our public stockholders, other than the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors and the Goldman Sachs investors. In addition, as required by the
indenture governing Hexcel's 9-3/4% senior subordinated notes due 2009,
Houlihan Lokey delivered to the board of directors a separate written opinion,
dated December 18, 2002, that as of that date and based upon and subject to the
matters set forth in the opinion, the financing transactions were fair, from a
financial point of view, to us, our "restricted subsidiaries" (as defined in
the indenture) and our public stockholders, other than the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors.

                  The agreements were then finalized and signed by each of the
parties and the transactions were publicly announced on December 18th.


Recommendations of the Board of Directors

                  Our board of directors (with the three directors nominated by
affiliates of Goldman Sachs abstaining from the vote) has unanimously
determined that the financing transactions are fair to and in the best
interests of us and our stockholders and has unanimously approved the financing
transactions. Accordingly, our board of directors recommends that our
stockholders vote FOR approval of the financing transactions.

Reasons for the Financing Transactions

                  In approving the financing transactions, our board of
directors considered, among other things, each of the following favorable

        [ ] the fact that the financing transactions will enable us (1) to
            reduce our high leverage through the application of the proceeds to
            the repayment at maturity of our 7% convertible subordinated notes
            due 2003 and the repayment of a portion of our senior bank debt and
            (2) to refinance our senior bank debt and our 7% convertible
            subordinated notes due 2003 and extend the maturity of our senior
            bank debt to a date by which we anticipate the commercial aerospace
            industry to have recovered, thereby improving our financial and
            operating flexibility;

        [ ] the oral opinions of Houlihan Lokey, subsequently confirmed in
            writing, to the effect that, as of the date of such opinions and
            based upon and subject to the matters set forth in the opinions,
            (1) the financing transactions were fair, from a financial point of
            view, to us and our public stockholders (other than the Berkshire
            and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors) and (2)
            the financing transactions were fair, from a financial point of
            view, to us, our "restricted subsidiaries" (as defined in the
            indenture governing our 9-3/4% senior subordinated notes due 2009)
            and our public stockholders (other than the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors);

        [ ] the risks of not proceeding with the financing transactions; in
            this regard, our board of directors considered the risk that
            continued weakness in the commercial aerospace and electronics
            industries, and in the economy in general, would continue to
            adversely affect our operating income and cash flows and the risk
            that we would not be able to comply with the covenants in our
            senior credit facility or fund our upcoming debt maturities in the
            absence of the financing transactions, in which case we would be in
            default under our senior credit facility and other debt instruments
            as a result of cross-default terms contained in such other debt

        [ ] the range of alternative transactions we considered as possible
            sources of financing and our board of directors' belief, after
            considering such alternatives and advice from outside financial and
            legal advisors, that the financing transactions were the best
            alternative reasonably available to us;

        [ ] the terms of the stock purchase agreements which, among other
            things, permit us to consider unsolicited acquisition proposals and
            accept a superior proposal prior to consummating the financing
            transactions if our board of directors determines in good faith,
            after consultation with its financial advisors, that such proposal
            is more favorable to our stockholders, from a financial point of
            view, than the financing transactions, and, after consultation with
            its legal advisors, that accepting the superior proposal may be
            required to satisfy its fiduciary duties, as more fully described
            under the heading entitled "Terms of the Financing Transactions -
            The Stock Purchase Agreements - No Solicitation";

        [ ] the fact that the financing transactions will give us access to the
            expertise and strategic relationships of the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar investors, which, due to their substantial investment in
            Hexcel, will have a strong incentive to help us build stockholder
            value; and

        [ ] the improved confidence that we anticipate our suppliers, customers
            and employees will have in our long-term potential as we address
            our financial leverage issues through the financing transactions.

                  Our board of directors also considered certain adverse
factors in their deliberations concerning the financing transactions,

        [ ] the dilutive effect of the increase in our outstanding voting
            securities from approximately 38.5 million shares to approximately
            88.2 million shares that will result from the financing

        [ ] the risk that the financing transactions will not close due to a
            failure to satisfy one or more of the conditions to the closing of
            the financing transactions, including the completion of the
            contemplated senior debt refinancing, as more fully described under
            the headings "Terms of the Financing Transactions - The Stock
            Purchase Agreements - Conditions to Financing Transactions" and
            "Terms of the Financing Transactions - Senior Debt Refinancing";

        [ ] the provisions in the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock purchase
            agreement requiring us to pay up to $3,115,000 in termination fees
            if the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock purchase agreement is
            terminated under certain circumstances, as more fully described
            under the heading entitled "Terms of the Financing Transactions -
            The Stock Purchase Agreements - Termination"; and

        [ ] the provisions in the stock purchase agreement requiring us to
            indemnify the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman
            Sachs investors, subject to limitations, for certain losses they
            may incur, as more fully described under the heading "Terms of the
            Financing Transactions - The Stock Purchase Agreements - Survival
            of Representations and Warranties; Indemnification."

                  In addition, our independent directors and our full board of
directors considered the interests of the Goldman Sachs investors (and our
directors appointed by them) that may be different from, or in addition to, the
interests of our other stockholders described under the heading " - Interests
of Certain Persons."

                  The foregoing discussion concerning the information and
factors considered by our independent directors and our full board of directors
is not intended to be exhaustive, but includes all of the material factors
considered by our board of directors in making its determination. In view of
the variety of factors considered in connection with its evaluation of the
financing transactions, our board of directors did not quantify or otherwise
attempt to assign relative weights to the specific factors it considered in
reaching its determinations. In addition, individual directors may have given
different weight to different factors.


                  At a meeting of Hexcel's independent directors on December
10, 2002 and at the meeting of the full board of directors of Hexcel on
December 12, 2002, Houlihan Lokey presented orally its financial analysis of
the financing transactions. On December 18, 2002, Houlihan Lokey confirmed its
oral presentation in a written opinion to the effect that, as of that date and
based upon and subject to the matters described in the opinion, (1) the
issuance and sale of 77,875 shares of Hexcel's series A convertible preferred
stock and of 77,875 shares of Hexcel's series B convertible preferred stock to
the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors for an aggregate price of $77,875,000
(before giving effect to certain transaction costs), (2) the issuance and sale
of 47,125 shares of Hexcel's series A convertible preferred stock and of 47,125
shares of Hexcel's series B convertible preferred stock to the Goldman Sachs
investors for an aggregate price of $47,125,000 (before giving effect to
certain transaction costs) and (3) the other transactions contemplated by the
stock purchase agreements, including the refinancing of Hexcel's existing
senior credit facility, and the transactions contemplated by the stockholders
agreement, the amended and restated governance agreement and the registration
rights agreements to be entered into at the closing ((1), (2) and (3)
collectively being referred to for purposes of this section as the
"Transaction"), were fair, from a financial point of view, to Hexcel and its
public stockholders other than the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the
Goldman Sachs investors. At the request of Hexcel's independent directors,
Houlihan Lokey's written opinion was addressed to the full board of directors
of Hexcel.


                  In connection with its opinion, Houlihan Lokey has made such
reviews, analyses and inquiries as it deemed necessary and appropriate under
the circumstances.  Among other things, Houlihan Lokey:

        1.  reviewed Hexcel's annual reports on Form 10-K for the three fiscal
            years ended December 31, 2001 and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q
            for the three quarters ended September 30, 2002;

        2.  reviewed copies of the following agreements:

        [ ] Berkshire and Greenbriar stock purchase agreement dated December
            18, 2002;

        [ ] form of stockholders agreement to be entered into by Hexcel and
            the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors;

        [ ] form of registration rights agreement to be entered into by
            Hexcel and the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors;

        [ ] Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement dated December 18, 2002;

        [ ] form of amended and restated governance agreement to be entered
            into by Hexcel and the Goldman Sachs investors;

        [ ] form of amended and restated registration rights agreement to be
            entered into by Hexcel and the Goldman Sachs investors;

        [ ] form of Certificate of Designations of Hexcel's series A
            convertible preferred stock;

        [ ] form of Certificate of Designations of Hexcel's series B
            convertible preferred stock;

        [ ] letter with respect to registration rights dated December 18,
            2002 from Hexcel to Greenbriar Equity Group LLC and Berkshire
            Partners LLC;

        [ ] letter with respect to registration rights dated December 18, 2002
            from Hexcel to LXH, L.L.C., LXH II, L.L.C., GS Capital Partners
            2000, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 Offshore, L.P., GS Capital
            Partners 2000 Employee Fund, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 GmbH &
            Co. Beteiligungs KG and Stone Street Fund 2000, L.P.;

        [ ] letter dated December 18, 2002 with respect to rights to purchase
            Hexcel securities pursuant to Section 3.02 of the governance
            agreement from Hexcel to LXH, L.L.C., LXH II, L.L.C., GS Capital
            Partners 2000, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 Offshore, L.P., GS
            Capital Partners 2000 Employee Fund, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000
            GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG and Stone Street Fund 2000, L.P.;

        [ ] form of the proposed charter amendment; and

        [ ] form of Hexcel's amended and restated bylaws;

        3.  reviewed the terms of Hexcel's existing outstanding debt;

        4.  reviewed a series of memoranda prepared by Hexcel's management
            regarding capital structure alternatives, process and timing;

        5.  met with certain members of Hexcel's senior management to discuss
            Hexcel's operations, financial condition, future prospects,
            projected operations and performance and strategic alternatives;

        6.  visited Hexcel's headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut;

        7.  reviewed forecasts and projections prepared by Hexcel's management
            with respect to Hexcel for the years ended December 31, 2002
            through December 31, 2007;

        8.  reviewed the historical market prices and trading volume for
            Hexcel's publicly traded securities; and

        9.  conducted such other studies, analyses and inquiries as Houlihan
            Lokey deemed appropriate.

                  In preparing its opinion, Houlihan Lokey has relied upon and
assumed, without independent verification, that the financial forecasts and
projections provided to it have been reasonably prepared and reflect the best
currently available estimates of Hexcel's future financial results and
condition, and that there has been no material change in Hexcel's assets,
financial condition, business or prospects since the date of the most recent
financial statements made available to it.

                  Houlihan Lokey did not independently verify the accuracy and
completeness of the information supplied to it with respect to Hexcel or any of
its subsidiaries and did not assume any responsibility with respect to it.
Houlihan Lokey has not made any physical inspection or independent appraisal of
any of Hexcel's properties or assets and has not been furnished with any such
appraisal or evaluation. Houlihan Lokey's opinion is necessarily based on
business, economic, market and other conditions as they existed and could be
evaluated by Houlihan Lokey at the date of its opinion.


                  In its assessment of the financial fairness of the
Transaction, Houlihan Lokey (1) reviewed the historical trading prices for
Hexcel's publicly traded securities, (2) used widely accepted valuation
methodologies to perform an independent analysis of the equity value of Hexcel,
(3) analyzed the terms of the Transaction and the terms of the securities to be
issued in the Transaction; (4) examined the post-Transaction value to public
equity holders; and (5) considered certain alternatives to the Transaction. In
performing its analyses, Houlihan Lokey considered the per share implied value
of Hexcel common stock resulting from (1) on a converted basis, the conversion
of all shares of Hexcel's convertible preferred stock into shares of Hexcel
common stock due to the convertibility feature of Hexcel's convertible
preferred stock and (2) on a non-converted basis, the issuance of Hexcel's
convertible preferred stock, which has a seniority position with respect to
other securities of Hexcel.

Historical Trading Prices

                  Using publicly available market data, Houlihan Lokey reviewed
and compared the daily historical per share prices of Hexcel's publicly traded
common stock, the amount of active equity analyst coverage Hexcel received and
the average daily trading volumes of Hexcel common stock as compared to other
companies the securities of which are publicly traded over a 90-day period
ending December 4, 2002. Houlihan Lokey concluded that Hexcel's publicly traded
common stock had less equity analyst coverage than most of the similar publicly
traded companies and had less trading volume than most of the similar publicly
traded companies.


                  As a result of its conclusions that Hexcel's publicly traded
common stock had less equity analyst coverage than most of the similar publicly
traded companies and had less trading volume than most of the similar publicly
traded companies, Houlihan Lokey conducted an independent valuation of Hexcel,
utilizing three standard valuation methodologies: the market multiple approach,
the comparable transaction approach and the discounted cash flow approach.
Using each of these valuation methodologies, Houlihan Lokey calculated the
enterprise value of Hexcel, which is the equity value of Hexcel plus debt minus
cash, on a pre-Transaction and post-Transaction basis. In examining the
pre-Transaction and post-Transaction scenarios, Houlihan Lokey took into
effect, among other factors, the refinancing of Hexcel's senior credit
facility, the leverage ratio of Hexcel's capital structure, the use of the
proceeds from the sale of Hexcel's convertible preferred stock to reduce
Hexcel's existing debt obligations and certain transaction costs incurred as a
result of the Transaction. Houlihan Lokey used the various enterprise values of
Hexcel it derived under the three different methodologies in order to calculate
an implied per share value of the common stock into which Hexcel's convertible
preferred stock is convertible. Such per share implied value of Hexcel common
stock in the post-Transaction scenario was calculated both assuming a
conversion of all of the shares of Hexcel's convertible preferred stock and
assuming no conversion of the shares of Hexcel's convertible preferred stock
(subtracting, in the latter case, the $149.5 million face value of Hexcel's
series A and series B convertible preferred stock and the number of fully
diluted shares of Hexcel common stock outstanding without conversions).

Market Multiple Methodology

                  Houlihan Lokey reviewed and compared selected financial
information relating to Hexcel to corresponding financial information, ratios
and public market multiples for comparable companies, whose securities were
publicly traded and which were selected on the basis of operational and
economic similarity with the principal business operations and the revenue
model of Hexcel, taking into account the risks specific to Hexcel. In
estimating the risks specific to Hexcel, Houlihan Lokey took into consideration
both quantitative and qualitative risk factors, which relate to, among other
things, the nature of the industry in which Hexcel and the other comparative
companies are engaged, the relative size of each company, and the profitability
and growth rates of each company. Houlihan Lokey reviewed the following five
selected companies in the aerospace industry:

        [ ] Cobham plc;

        [ ] Cytec Industries Inc.;

        [ ] Ladish Co., Inc.;

        [ ] Precision Castparts Corp; and

        [ ] Sequa Corporation.

                  Where applicable, the financial multiples and ratios for the
selected companies were calculated using (1) the selected companies' per share
common stock prices on December 4, 2002 and (2) the selected companies' equity
market capitalizations. Houlihan Lokey's analyses of the selected companies
compared, among other things, the following to the results of Hexcel:

        [ ] enterprise value as a multiple of earnings before interest,
            taxes, depreciation and amortization, or EBITDA for (1) the latest
            twelve months, or LTM, ended September 30, 2002, using publicly
            available information, (2) estimated fiscal year ended December 31,
            2002 and (3) estimated fiscal year 2003, using in the case of (2)
            and (3) estimates contained in equity analysts' reports;

        [ ] enterprise value as a multiple of earnings before interest and
            taxes, or EBIT for (1) LTM ended September 30, 2002, using publicly
            available information, (2) estimated fiscal year ended December 31,
            2002 and (3) estimated fiscal year 2003, using in the case of (2)
            and (3) estimates contained in equity analysts' reports;

        [ ] enterprise value as a multiple of revenues (as reported under
            generally accepted accounting principles) for (1) LTM ended
            September 30, 2002, using publicly available information, (2)
            estimated fiscal year ended December 31, 2002 and (3) estimated
            fiscal year 2003, using in the case of (2) and (3) estimates
            contained in equity analysts' reports.

                  The results of these analyses are summarized as follows:

                                                                                          SELECTED COMPANIES
                                                                           RANGE                MEDIAN                  MEAN
Enterprise Value/EBITDA LTM as of September 30, 2002(1)                  4.7x-8.9x               5.8x                   6.5x
Enterprise Value/EBITDA 2002E(2)                                         5.4x-8.3x               6.6x                   6.7x
Enterprise Value/EBITDA 2003E(2)                                         5.3x-7.6x               6.6x                   6.5x
Enterprise Value/EBIT LTM as of September 30, 2002(1)                   6.6x-12.6x               11.2x                 10.4x
Enterprise Value/EBIT 2002E(2)                                          7.2x-18.6x               9.7x                  11.3x
Enterprise Value/EBIT 2003E(2)                                          7.9x-16.1x               9.1x                  10.6x
Enterprise Value/Revenue LTM as of September 30, 2002(1)                0.57x-1.74x              0.90x                 0.95x
Enterprise Value/Revenue 2002E(2)                                       0.65x-1.68x              0.96x                 1.06x
Enterprise Value/Revenue 2003E(2)                                       0.64x-1.51x              0.97x                 1.03x
- -------------------
(1) LTM data is based on publicly available information.
(2) Estimated financial data is based on equity analysts reports.

                  Houlihan Lokey applied the multiples derived from the
selected companies analysis to Hexcel's actual EBITDA, EBIT and revenues for
(1) LTM ended September 30, 2002, using information available from public
filings, (2) estimated fiscal year ended December 31, 2002 and (3) estimated
fiscal year 2003, using in the case of (2) and (3) Hexcel's management
projections dated December 4, 2002. Based on this analysis, Houlihan Lokey
calculated enterprise values of Hexcel ranging from $650.0 million to $710.0
million both on a pre-Transaction and post-Transaction basis.

Comparable Transaction Methodology

                  Houlihan Lokey reviewed the following twenty-three selected
transactions in the aerospace industry announced between January 1998 and
October 2002:

        [ ] DRS Technologies, Inc. (acquiror)/ Paravant Inc. (target);

        [ ] Northrop Grumman Corporation (acquiror)/ TRW Inc. (target);

        [ ] EDO Corporation (acquiror)/ Condor Systems, Inc. (target);

        [ ] General Dynamic Corporation (acquiror)/ Advanced Technical
            Products, Inc. (target);

        [ ] L-3 Communications Corporation (acquiror)/ Raytheon Aircraft
            Integration Systems (Division of Raytheon Company) (target);

        [ ] L-3 Communications Corporation (acquiror)/ Spar Aerospace Limited

        [ ] Northrop Grumman Corporation (acquiror)/ Newport News
            Shipbuilding Inc. (target);

        [ ] The Titan Corporation (acquiror)/ Datron Systems Incorporated

        [ ] DRS Technologies, Inc. (acquiror)/ Boeing - Sensors & Electronic
            Systems (Division of The Boeing Company) (target);

        [ ] L-3 Communications Corporation (acquiror)/ EER Systems, Inc.

        [ ] Ducommun Incorporated (acquiror)/ Composite Structures, LLC

        [ ] Northrop Grumman Corporation (acquiror)/ Litton Industries, Inc.

        [ ] Oncap L.P. (acquiror)/ BAE Systems Canada, Inc. (target);

        [ ] Rosemount Aerospace Inc. (acquiror)/ Humphrey, Inc. (Division of
            Remec, Inc.) (target);

        [ ] Veritas Capital Fund, L.P. (acquiror)/ Tech-Sym Corporation

        [ ] Northrop Grumman Corporation (acquiror)/ Comptek Research, Inc.

        [ ] L-3 Communications Corporation (acquiror)/ Honeywell Traffic
            Alert & Collision Avoidance System (Division of Honeywell
            International Inc.) (target);

        [ ] L-3 Communications Corporation (acquiror)/ Raytheon Training
            Devices & Services (Division of Raytheon Company) (target);

        [ ] Engineered Support Systems, Inc. (acquiror)/ Systems &
            Electronics, Inc. (target);

        [ ] Comptek Research, Inc. (acquiror)/ Amherst Systems, Inc.

        [ ] DRS Technologies, Inc. (acquiror)/ NAI Technologies, Inc.

        [ ] Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (acquiror)/ Sverdrup Corporation
            (target); and

        [ ] The Titan Corporation (acquiror)/ DBA Systems, Inc. (target).

                  The multiples used in this approach involved the sale of
controlling blocks of stock for companies in the aerospace industry, in which
Hexcel also operates. Because these transactions involved the sale of a
controlling interest and the Transaction involves the sale of a non-controlling
interest, Houlihan Lokey reduced the enterprise values for these transactions
to reflect an average estimated control premium of 30.0%, which Houlihan Lokey
considered to be representative for such transactions in the aerospace
industry, using information provided by Mergerstat.

                  For each transaction, Houlihan Lokey calculated the multiple
of the enterprise value, paid in each transaction, as a multiple of the
target's (1) LTM revenue and (2) LTM EBITDA. Houlihan Lokey derived the
following selected reference range of multiples from its review of the
comparable transactions:

        [ ] enterprise value to LTM revenue of 0.21x to 2.32x; and

        [ ] enterprise value to LTM EBITDA of 4.8x to 14.3x.

                  Houlihan Lokey then applied these selected ranges of
multiples to Hexcel's actual revenue and EBITDA for LTM ended September 30,
2002, using information available from public filings. Based on this analysis,
Houlihan calculated an enterprise value of Hexcel ranging from $702.0 million
to $779.0 million on a pre-Transaction basis and from $705.0 million to $782.0
million on a post-Transaction basis.

Discounted Cash Flow Methodology

                  Houlihan Lokey performed a discounted cash flow, or DCF,
analysis of Hexcel based on projections provided to Houlihan Lokey by Hexcel's
management for a five-year period from 2003 through 2007 and on various
assumptions and valuation parameters that it deemed appropriate.

                  In performing the DCF analysis, Houlihan Lokey discounted
Hexcel's unlevered free cash flows (operating income less income taxes, plus
depreciation and amortization, less changes in working capital and capital
expenditures) that Hexcel expects to generate over the specified forecast
period using a range of risk adjusted discount rates between 14.0% and 18.0%.
Houlihan Lokey calculated Hexcel's unlevered free cash flows based on Hexcel's
estimated growth from Hexcel's management projections and selected these
discount rates based on the risk it estimated in achieving these projections.
The sum of the respective present values of such free cash flows of Hexcel were
then added to the present value of the terminal values of Hexcel's EBITDA
estimated for the fiscal year 2007 times a range of EBITDA multiples of 5.5x to
7.5x. Based on this analysis, Houlihan Lokey selected a discount rate of 16.0%,
reflecting a weighted average risk of capital of Hexcel, as adjusted at a rate
of 5.33% to reflect the size of Hexcel compared to the five companies used in
the "Market Multiple Methodology" above and a mean terminal exit multiple of
6.5x. Such discount rate of 16.0% and terminal exit multiple of 6.5x yielded an
enterprise value of Hexcel in the range of $645.0 million to $771.0 million,
both on a pre-Transaction and post-Transaction basis.


                  Houlihan Lokey calculated an implied mean per share value of
Hexcel common stock on a pre-Transaction and post-Transaction basis, using an
average of the enterprise values of Hexcel derived under the three valuation
methodologies described above, subtracting Hexcel's debt and adding Hexcel's
cash, and dividing the resulting average equity value by the number of shares
of Hexcel common stock, using the then-most recent publicly available
information with respect to the number of shares of Hexcel common stock and
Hexcel's management projections dated December 4, 2002 for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2002 with respect to Hexcel's nonoperating assets and
liabilities. With respect to the post-Transaction scenario, Houlihan Lokey used
the conversion price of $3.00 per share of Hexcel's convertible preferred stock
into shares of Hexcel common stock in order to calculate the implied average
per share value of Hexcel common stock, assuming both a conversion of all
shares of Hexcel's convertible preferred stock and no conversion of the shares
of Hexcel's convertible preferred stock (subtracting, in the latter case, the
$149.5 million face value of Hexcel's series A and series B convertible
preferred stock and the number of fully diluted shares of Hexcel common stock
outstanding without conversions).

                  The results of these calculations are summarized in the table

      Pre-Transaction Valuation of the Enterprise Value of Hexcel                                  Range
             Market Multiple Approach                                              $650,000,000    -         $710,000,000
             Comparable Transaction Approach                                       $702,000,000    -         $779,000,000
             Discounted Cash Flow Approach                                         $645,000,000    -         $771,000,000
      Pre-Transaction Enterprise Value Range                                       $670,000,000    -         $750,000,000
             Average Per Share Value of the Common Stock of Hexcel(1)(2)   $2.36

      Post-Transaction Valuation of the Enterprise Value of Hexcel                                 Range
             Market Multiple Approach                                              $650,000,000    -         $710,000,000
             Comparable Transaction Approach                                       $705,000,000    -         $782,000,000
             Discounted Cash Flow Approach                                         $645,000,000    -         $771,000,000
      Post-Transaction Enterprise Value Range                                      $670,000,000    -         $750,000,000

             Average Per Share Value of the Common Stock of Hexcel(1)(2)
             (Assuming No Conversion)                                      $2.05
             Average Per Share Value of the Common Stock of Hexcel (1)(3)
             (Assuming Conversion)                                         $2.31
            (1) All per share amounts are rounded up to the nearest ten
            (2) Based on 38,419,559 shares of Hexcel common stock outstanding
            as of November 8, 2002, as reported by Hexcel's public filings.
            (3) Based on 88,236,983 shares of Hexcel common stock outstanding,
            using the 38,419,559 outstanding shares of Hexcel common stock as
            of November 8, 2002, derived from Hexcel's public filings, and
            assuming a conversion of all shares of Hexcel's convertible
            preferred stock.

Analysis of the Terms of the Transaction

                  In determining the fairness of the Transaction, Houlihan
Lokey compared the terms of the Transaction to terms of transactions involving
the issuance of publicly traded convertible preferred securities, with a value
greater than $50.0 million, announced during 2002. Houlihan Lokey considered
the following ten companies:

        [ ] EchoStar Communications Corporation;

        [ ] The Williams Companies, Inc.;

        [ ] America Online Latin America, Inc.;

        [ ] Proxim Corporation;

        [ ] Sovran Self Storage, Inc.;

        [ ] The Meridian Resource Corporation;

        [ ] divine, inc.;

        [ ] Crescent Real Estate Equities Company;

        [ ] Penton Media, Inc.; and

        [ ] Aspect Communications Corporation.

                  Houlihan Lokey calculated a mean and a median premium of the
conversion price of the publicly traded convertible preferred securities to the
underlying companies' common stock price, using an average trading price of the
companies' common stock over a five-day period ending on the date of issuance
of the publicly traded convertible preferred securities. Houlihan Lokey
calculated a mean and a median premium for such companies of 23.2% and 15.8%,
respectively, compared to the 21.9% premium implied in the Transaction, based
on the 10-day average per share closing price of $2.46 of Hexcel common stock
as of December 9, 2002 and assuming the conversion of all shares of Hexcel's
convertible preferred stock into 49.8 million shares of Hexcel common stock at
the conversion price of $3.00 per share.

Alternatives to the Transaction

                  In determining the fairness, from a financial point of view,
of the Transaction, Houlihan Lokey considered certain alternatives available to
Hexcel. Specifically, Houlihan Lokey considered and compared the positive and
negative sides of various characteristics of each of the current position of
Hexcel (which would require a refinancing of Hexcel's 7% convertible
subordinated notes due 2003) and the following possible transactions: a rights
offering or other equity investment in Hexcel, a sale of certain non-core
assets, a sale of the entire company and the Transaction. Among the
characteristics examined by Houlihan Lokey were the following: the need to
refinance Hexcel's 7% convertible subordinated notes due 2003, the value
available to public stockholders after satisfying Hexcel's outstanding debt
obligations, the terms of any securities to be issued in any proposed
transaction, Hexcel's prospects for obtaining alternative debt or equity
financing, liquidity of Hexcel's publicly traded securities, the leverage ratio
of Hexcel's capital structure, the availability of certain strategic
opportunities and buyers for Hexcel and transaction costs.

Opinion of Houlihan Lokey

                  Based upon the foregoing, and in reliance thereon, it is
Houlihan Lokey's opinion that, as of the date of the written opinion of
Houlihan Lokey, the Transaction was fair, from a financial point of view, to
Hexcel and its public stockholders other than the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors and the Goldman Sachs investors.

                  The preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex process
and is not necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description.
This summary summarizes the material methodologies utilized by Houlihan Lokey
in rendering its fairness opinion. This summary does not purport to be a
complete statement of the analyses and procedures applied, the judgments made
or the conclusion reached by Houlihan Lokey or a complete description of its
presentation. Houlihan Lokey believes, and so advised Hexcel's independent
directors, that its analyses must be considered as a whole and that selecting
portions of its analyses and of the factors considered by it, without
considering all factors and analyses, could create an incomplete view of the
process underlying its analyses and opinions. Houlihan Lokey did not attempt to
assign specific weights to particular analyses. Rather, Houlihan Lokey made its
determination as to fairness on the basis of experience and professional
judgment after considering the results of all of the analyses. No company used
in the analyses above as a comparison is directly comparable to Hexcel and no
transaction used is directly comparable to the Transaction. In its analysis,
Houlihan Lokey made numerous assumptions with respect to Hexcel, industry
performance, general business, economic, market and financial conditions and
other matters, many of which are beyond Hexcel's control. The quantitative
information presented in the tables above is not necessarily indicative of
current market conditions, or of actual values or predictive of future results
or values, which may be more or less favorable than suggested by such analysis.
Because these analyses are inherently subject to uncertainty and are based upon
numerous factors or events beyond the control of the parties and their
respective financial advisors, neither Hexcel nor Houlihan Lokey assumes
responsibility if future results are materially different from those forecast.
Additionally, analyses relating to the value of businesses or securities are
not appraisals. Accordingly, such analyses and estimates are inherently subject
to substantial uncertainty.

                  Houlihan Lokey's opinion and analyses were only one of many
factors considered by Hexcel's independent directors and the full board of
directors of Hexcel in their evaluation of the Transaction and in the full
board's determination to approve the Transaction and should not be viewed as
determinative of the views of Hexcel's independent directors, the full board of
directors of Hexcel or of Hexcel's management with respect to the Transaction.

                  Houlihan Lokey's opinion does not address the underlying
business decision of Hexcel to effect the Transaction. Houlihan Lokey has not
been requested to, and did not, solicit third party indications of interest in
acquiring all or part of Hexcel. The terms of the Transaction were arrived at
by separate negotiations between Hexcel and the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors on the one hand, and between Hexcel and the Goldman Sachs investors
on the other hand. Houlihan Lokey was not asked to and did not participate in
those negotiations.

                  Houlihan Lokey is a nationally recognized investment-banking
firm with special expertise in, among other things, valuing businesses and
securities and rendering fairness opinions. Houlihan Lokey is continually
engaged in the valuation of businesses and securities in connection with
mergers and acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, private placements of debt and
equity, corporate reorganizations, employee stock ownership plans, corporate
and other purposes. Hexcel's independent directors selected Houlihan Lokey
because of its experience and expertise in performing valuation and fairness
analyses. Houlihan Lokey does not beneficially own nor has it ever beneficially
owned any interest in Hexcel. Furthermore, except for its agreement with Hexcel
to perform a valuation of the convertible preferred stock for financial
reporting purposes, Houlihan Lokey has no agreement or understanding to provide
additional services to Hexcel beyond the scope of this fairness opinion.

                  Houlihan Lokey does not make a market in Hexcel's publicly
traded securities. Houlihan Lokey is engaged, from time to time, to provide
financial advice to a variety of public and private entities and persons.
Houlihan Lokey may have rendered certain services to other participants in this
transaction in the form of an opinion or advice. The services, however,
rendered in the past or to be rendered by Houlihan Lokey hereunder do not
represent any actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of Houlihan

                  Hexcel has agreed to pay Houlihan Lokey a fee of $300,000
plus its reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including Houlihan Lokey's expenses
of legal counsel, incurred in connection with the rendering of Houlihan Lokey's
fairness opinion described above to Hexcel and the rendering of its fairness
opinion required by the indenture. No portion of the fee was contingent upon
the completion of the transactions discussed in this proxy statement or the
conclusions reached in the two fairness opinions. Hexcel has further agreed to
indemnify Houlihan Lokey (and its employees, agents, officers, directors,
attorneys, stockholders or any other person who controls Houlihan Lokey)
against certain liabilities and expenses related to or arising in connection
with the rendering of its services, including liabilities under the federal
securities laws.


                  We will use the proceeds of the financing transactions to
repay existing debt (including all of our outstanding 7% convertible
subordinated notes due 2003 and a portion of our senior bank debt) and to pay
related transaction costs. In the table below, we have summarized the estimated
sources and uses of proceeds from the financing transactions and the senior
debt refinancing (in the form it is currently contemplated). The senior debt
refinancing will be some combination of revolving credit and overdraft
facilities, term loans and/or senior notes. The table below assumes that the
gross proceeds from the senior debt refinancing will be $142.1 million.
However, we cannot assure you that we will be able to obtain such proceeds from
the senior debt refinancing on acceptable terms, if at all, or that the senior
debt refinancing will be composed of the borrowings in the amounts set forth

                                                                                                   AMOUNT (1)

                                                                                                 (IN THOUSANDS)
Gross proceeds from the financing transactions (sales of convertible preferred stock)......             $   125,000
Gross proceeds from the senior debt refinancing (2)........................................                 114,200
                                                Total sources of funds.....................  $              239,200

Repayment of the outstanding 7% convertible subordinated notes due 2003 (3)................  $               46,900
Repayment of the existing senior credit facility (2) (4)...................................                 179,700
Payment of estimated transaction costs.....................................................                  12,600
                                                Total uses of funds........................  $              239,200
- --------------
(1)      Assumes a closing date of the financing transactions and senior debt refinancing of December 31, 2002.

(2)      The actual amount outstanding under the existing senior credit facility at the closing of the
         financing transactions, and the actual amount of gross proceeds from the senior debt refinancing at
         the closing of the financing transactions, may be larger due to our cash flow requirements during the
         period January 1, 2003 through the date of the closing.

(3)      Represents the estimated aggregate principal amount (plus accrued but unpaid interest) of our 7%
         convertible subordinated notes due 2003 expected to be outstanding immediately prior to the closing
         of the financing transactions.

(4)      Represents the estimated aggregate principal amount (plus accrued but unpaid interest) under our
         existing senior credit facility expected to be outstanding immediately prior to the closing of the
         financing transactions.


                  In considering the recommendation of our board of directors
with respect to the financing transactions, our stockholders should be aware
that the Goldman Sachs investors and Messrs. Sanjeev K. Mehra, James J.
Gaffney and Peter M. Sacerdote, our directors nominated by affiliates of
Goldman Sachs, have interests that may be different from, or in addition to,
the interests of our stockholders generally and that, as indicated above, the
directors nominated by affiliates of Goldman Sachs abstained from the vote by
our board of directors approving the financing transactions.

                  The Goldman Sachs investors, unlike our other stockholders,
will maintain their ownership percentage in our common stock (assuming the
conversion of all shares of our convertible preferred stock) at the closing of
the financing transactions consistent with their rights under the existing
governance agreement entered into in 2000, and will continue to be entitled to
certain board representation, approval and other rights, as more fully
described under the heading "Terms of the Financing Transactions - The
Stockholders Agreement and the Amended and Restated Governance Agreement."

                  Upon the closing of the financing transactions, David E.
Berges, our CEO, will receive an option to purchase 200,000 shares of our
common stock with an exercise price equal to the closing price of our common
stock on the date of grant. This grant was part of the aggregate annual
long-term compensation award for 2003 granted to Mr. Berges by the
compensation committee of our board of directors. The portion of the award
represented by the 200,000 option shares was deferred to the closing of the
financing transactions to incentivize Mr. Berges to devote the time and effort
necessary to close the financing transactions on a timely basis.

                  Our board of directors was aware of these interests and
considered them, among other matters, in making its recommendation. See " -
Recommendation of the Board of Directors; Reasons for the Financing


                  Concurrently with the issuance of our series A convertible
preferred stock and series B convertible preferred stock, we may record a
beneficial conversion charge. The beneficial conversion charge would be
calculated in accordance with the provisions of EITF 00-27 "Application of
Issue 98-5 to Certain Convertible Instruments" and is the difference between
the aggregate purchase price paid for our series A convertible preferred stock
and series B convertible preferred stock and the deemed fair market value of
our common stock into which our series A convertible preferred stock and
series B convertible preferred stock is convertible, limited to the total
proceeds received by us from the sale of our series A convertible preferred
stock and series B convertible preferred stock. Accordingly, a deemed
preferred dividend, if any, as of the issuance date will not be determined
until such date. Such amount would be recognized as a charge to accumulated
deficit and net loss attributable to common stockholders, and as an increase
to additional paid-in capital.

                  We have been informed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, our
independent accountants, that, in the event the financing transactions
described in this proxy statement are not completed by the time the report of
our independent accountants on our financial statements as of and for the year
ended December 31, 2002 is issued, such report will likely include an
explanatory paragraph. We anticipate that the explanatory paragraph would
describe that our inability to meet scheduled 2003 debt maturities and comply
with various debt covenants through 2003 raises substantial doubt about our
ability to continue as a going concern.

                  Our plans for resolving our liquidity uncertainties are
described more fully in "The Financing Transactions Proposal."

                  A representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will be
present at the special meeting. The representative will have an opportunity to
make a statement and will be available to respond to any questions.


                  The following is a summary of the material terms of the
financing transactions and the agreements relating to the financing
transactions. The following summary is qualified in its entirety by reference
to the applicable agreements, which we have filed with the SEC as exhibits to
our Current Report on Form 8-K filed on December 20, 2002. That Current Report
is incorporated by reference into this document. We encourage you to read the
agreements relating to the financing transactions in their entirety.


                  In connection with the financing transactions:

        [ ] we and the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors entered into a stock
            purchase agreement and we will enter a stockholders agreement and a
            registration rights agreement with the Berkshire and Greenbriar
            investors at the closing of the financing transactions; and

        [ ] we and the Goldman Sachs investors entered into a stock purchase
            agreement and we will enter into an amendment and restatement of
            the governance agreement and the registration rights agreement that
            we entered into in 2000 with the Goldman Sachs investors at the
            closing of the financing transactions.

The aggregate purchase price of $125 million (before giving effect to certain
transaction costs) for the preferred stock to be issued in the financing
transactions represents a discount from the $149.5 million aggregate "stated
value" of such preferred stock. The aggregate number of shares of common stock
issuable upon conversion of the preferred stock will be determined based on
the aggregate stated value of the preferred stock and not the aggregate
purchase price of the preferred stock. The stated value of the preferred stock
was arrived at as a result of separate arm's-length negotiations with each of
the equity investors. As part of these negotiations, each of the equity
investors separately agreed with us that the preferred stock would have a
fixed conversion rate based on stated value (rather than have the conversion
rate increase over time as preferred dividends accrue), and further agreed
that our series A convertible preferred stock would not pay or accrue
preferred dividends for the first three years following issuance and that our
series B convertible preferred stock would not pay or accrue preferred
dividends at any time.

                  Upon the closing of the financing transactions, the total
number of outstanding shares of our common stock, including shares issuable
upon conversion of the new convertible preferred stock, is expected to
increase from approximately 38.5 million shares to approximately 88.2 million


                  In the financing transactions, we will issue and sell shares
of our series A convertible preferred stock, without par value, and shares of
our series B convertible preferred stock, without par value, to the Berkshire
and Greenbriar investors and to the Goldman Sachs investors pursuant to the
terms and subject to the conditions contained in separate stock purchase

Investment by the Berkshire and Greenbriar Investors

                  On December 18, 2002, we entered into a stock purchase
agreement with the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors. Pursuant to the terms
and conditions of the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock purchase agreement, we
agreed to sell shares of our preferred stock to the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $77.9 million
(before giving effect to the payment of certain transaction costs). The sale
will be comprised of 77,875 shares of our series A convertible preferred stock
and 77,875 shares of our series B convertible preferred stock. The terms and
relative rights and preferences of our series A convertible preferred stock
and our series B convertible preferred stock are set forth in the Certificates
of Designations that were filed as exhibits to our Current Report on Form 8-K
dated December 20, 2002 and are described below under the heading " - Terms of
Preferred Stock."

                  Upon the closing of the financing transactions, the shares
of our series A convertible preferred stock and series B convertible preferred
stock held by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors will be convertible into
approximately 31 million shares of our common stock, which will represent
approximately 35.2% of our outstanding voting securities.

                  Berkshire Partners LLC is an active investor in the private
equity market managing approximately $3.5 billion of equity capital, with a
primary focus on building solid, growth-oriented companies in conjunction with
strong, equity-oriented management teams. Berkshire invests in a broad range
of industries, including manufacturing, retailing and related services,
telecommunications, business services and transportation. Greenbriar Equity
Group LLC is focused exclusively on making private equity investments in the
global transportation industry, including companies in freight and passenger
transport, commercial aerospace, automotive, logistics, and related sectors.
Greenbriar and Berkshire have entered into a strategic joint venture and
co-investment agreement to address transportation and related investment
activities. Greenbriar manages $700 million of committed limited partner
capital and co-investment commitments and, together with Berkshire, has access
to more than $1 billion for investment in privately negotiated equity
investments within the transportation industry.

Investment by Goldman Sachs Investors

                  On December 18, 2002, we entered into a stock purchase
agreement with the Goldman Sachs investors. Pursuant to the terms and
conditions of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement, we agreed to sell
shares of our preferred stock for an aggregate purchase price of approximately
$47.1 million to the Goldman Sachs investors (before giving effect to the
payment of certain transaction costs). The sale will be comprised of 47,125
shares of our series A convertible preferred stock and 47,125 shares of our
series B convertible preferred stock. Affiliates of Goldman Sachs currently
own approximately 37.8% of the outstanding shares of our common stock, which
they purchased in December 2000 and which excludes options granted to certain
directors of Hexcel designated by the Goldman Sachs investors and held for the
benefit of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. For a more detailed summary of our
common stock beneficially owned by the Goldman Sachs investors, you should
refer to "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management." The
investment pursuant to the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement will enable
affiliates of Goldman Sachs to maintain their current ownership percentage of
our voting securities, consistent with their rights under the governance
agreement entered into in December 2000.

                  Upon the closing of the financing transactions, the shares
of our series A convertible preferred stock and series B convertible preferred
stock held by the Goldman Sachs investors will be convertible into
approximately 18.8 million shares of our common stock, which, when added to
the shares of our common stock currently held by affiliates of Goldman Sachs,
will represent approximately 37.8% of our outstanding voting securities.

                  GS Capital Partners 2000, L.P. is the current primary
investment vehicle of Goldman Sachs for making privately negotiated equity
investments. The current GS Capital Partners 2000, L.P. fund was formed in
July 2000 with total committed capital of $5.25 billion, $1.5 billion of which
was committed by Goldman Sachs and its employees, with the remainder committed
by institutional and individual investors.

Conditions to Financing Transactions

                        The obligations of the parties to close the financing
transactions under each of the stock purchase agreements are subject to:

        [ ] the absence of laws, regulations or orders which prohibit the
            financing transactions;

        [ ] the approval by our stockholders of the financing transactions
            proposal and charter amendment proposal;

        [ ] the completion of the senior debt refinancing as described under
            the heading " - Senior Debt Refinancing";

        [ ] the receipt of all required material foreign governmental

        [ ] the approval for listing on the New York Stock Exchange, or
            NYSE, and the Pacific Exchange, or PCX, of the shares of our
            common stock issuable upon conversion of our preferred stock,
            subject to official notice of issuance; and

        [ ] our receipt of not less than $47,125,000 in gross proceeds from
            the sale of our preferred stock to investors other than the
            Berkshire and Greenbriar investors (in the case of the Berkshire
            and Greenbriar stock purchase agreement) or our receipt of not
            less than $77,875,0000 in gross proceeds from the sale of our
            preferred stock to investors other than the Goldman Sachs
            investors (in the case of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase
            agreement), as the case may be.

                  The obligations of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors
and the Goldman Sachs investors to close the financing transactions are also
subject to:

        [ ] the accuracy of our representations and warranties as of the
            date of the stock purchase agreements and as of the closing date;

        [ ] the performance by us in all material respects of our
            obligations required to be performed by us under the stock
            purchase agreements at or prior to the closing;

        [ ] the resignation of one of our current directors effective as of
            the closing;

        [ ] the absence of any change, event or development which has had or
            would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on
            us since June 30, 2002;

        [ ] our execution and delivery of the stockholders agreement and
            registration rights agreement (in the case of the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar stock purchase agreement) or the amended and restated
            governance agreement and the amended and restated registration
            rights agreement (in the case of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase

        [ ] the receipt by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors of a
            resolution of our board of directors affirmatively determining
            that, under the New York Stock Exchange's proposed corporate
            governance rules, no relationship will have been created between
            us and either Joel S. Beckman or Robert J. Small, the proposed
            nominees to our board of directors of the Berkshire and Greenbriar
            investors, solely by the execution of the Berkshire and Greenbriar
            stock purchase agreement, the stockholders agreement and the
            registration rights agreement, that would preclude our board of
            directors from determining that either Mr. Beckman or Mr. Small is
            an "independent director";

        [ ] the receipt by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the
            Goldman Sachs investors of a certificate of our Chief Executive
            Officer and Chief Financial Officer certifying that the financing
            transactions do not violate the terms of the senior debt
            refinancing, and, to their good faith belief, based on projections
            prepared by us using assumptions believed to be reasonable in good
            faith, that we will be able to satisfy the financial covenants
            contained in the senior debt refinancing;

        [ ] the filing and effectiveness of the Certificates of Designations
            relating to our preferred stock;

        [ ] the receipt by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the
            Goldman Sachs investors of a legal opinion from Skadden Arps; and

        [ ] the absence of any amendment, waiver, termination, modification
            or other alteration in any material respect of the provisions of
            any agreement with respect to an investment in our convertible
            preferred stock.

                  Our obligation to close the financing transactions under the
stock purchase agreements is also subject to:

        [ ] the accuracy in all material respects of the representations and
            warranties of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman
            Sachs investors, as the case may be, as of the date of the stock
            purchase agreements and as of the closing date;

        [ ] the performance by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the
            Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, in all material
            respects of the obligations required to be performed by them under
            their respective stock purchase agreements at or prior to the

        [ ] the execution and delivery of the stockholders agreement and
            registration rights agreement (in the case of the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar investors) and the execution and delivery of the amended
            and restated governance agreement and the amended and restated
            registration rights agreement (in the case of the Goldman Sachs
            investors); and

        [ ] our receipt of a legal opinion from Ropes & Gray (special counsel
            to the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors) and a legal opinion from
            Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson (special counsel to the
            Goldman Sachs investors).

Representations and Warranties

                  Both stock purchase agreements contain customary
representations and warranties made by us and by the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors or the Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be. These
representations and warranties are subject, in some cases, to specified
exemptions and qualifications.

Conduct of Business Prior to the Closing

                  Prior to the closing or earlier termination of the stock
purchase agreements, subject to specified exceptions, we agreed to conduct our
business in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice,
use reasonable best efforts to preserve our assets, goodwill and third party
relationships, maintain our books and records in the ordinary manner and
consistent with past practice and comply in all material respects with
applicable laws.

                  In addition, subject to specified exceptions, we agreed not

        [ ] amend our organizational documents, except as contemplated by the
            stock purchase agreements;

        [ ] incur or guarantee any indebtedness other than in the normal
            course of business as permitted under our senior credit facility;

        [ ] declare or pay any dividend or distribution or redeem or
            repurchase any of our securities, except as required by the terms
            of such securities;

        [ ] take any action that is reasonably likely to cause our
            representations and warranties to be untrue or the closing
            conditions to not be satisfied;

        [ ] amend, waive or terminate in any material respect the provisions
            of any agreement with respect to an investment in our convertible
            preferred stock; or

        [ ] agree to take any of the above actions.

                  Prior to the closing of the financing transactions, we may,
without the approval of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman
Sachs investors, (1) enter into mergers or other business combinations and
sell or otherwise dispose of our assets if the value of such transaction
together with the value of similar transactions in the previous twelve months
is less than the greater of $75 million or 11% of our total consolidated
assets and (2) issue our equity securities if the value of such transaction
together with the value of similar transactions in the previous twelve months
is less than $25 million.

Senior Debt Refinancing

                  Pursuant to the stock purchase agreements, we agreed to use
our reasonable best efforts to complete the refinancing of our senior credit
facility on substantially the terms contemplated by the stock purchase
agreements. See " - Senior Debt Refinancing."

Commitment to Vote in Favor of Proposals

                  The Goldman Sachs investors hold approximately 37.8% of the
shares of our outstanding common stock, which excludes options granted to
certain of our directors designated by the Goldman Sachs investors and held
for the benefit of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. For a more detailed summary
of the Hexcel common stock beneficially owned by the Goldman Sachs investors,
you should refer to "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
Management." Subject to specified exemptions described below, under the
Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement, the Goldman Sachs investors have
agreed to vote all of their shares of our outstanding common stock in favor of
each of the proposals described in this proxy statement. The Goldman Sachs
investors will not be required to vote these shares of our common stock in
favor of the proposals if:

        [ ] our board of directors withdraws or adversely modifies its
            recommendations in favor of the proposals;

        [ ] we materially breach our obligations under the Goldman Sachs stock
            purchase agreement;

        [ ] we have experienced a material adverse effect since June 30, 2002;

        [ ] we have not either received an executed commitment letter or
            entered into definitive agreements for the senior debt refinancing
            on terms no less favorable to us than those described in the
            Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement, or if the commitment letter
            or definitive agreements are adversely modified, withdrawn or
            otherwise terminated; or

        [ ] the Houlihan Lokey fairness opinions described elsewhere in this
            proxy statement are withdrawn or materially adversely modified.

No Solicitation

                  Prior to the closing of the financing transactions, without
the consent of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs
investors, we and our representatives are not permitted to, directly or

        [ ] solicit, initiate, encourage, or facilitate any third party
            proposal or indication of interest which would involve the direct
            or indirect acquisition of a business or assets representing 20% or
            more of our assets, net income or net revenues, 20% or more of our
            equity or any merger, other business combination, liquidation or
            similar transaction involving us, other than the financing
            transactions described in this proxy statement, any such proposal
            being referred to in this proxy statement as an "alternate

        [ ] in connection with such an alternate proposal, engage in
            discussions or negotiations with any person; or

        [ ] in connection with such an alternate proposal, disclose any
            nonpublic information concerning us or provide access to our books,
            records or facilities to any person that has made or, to our
            knowledge, is considering making an alternate proposal.

                  However, at any time prior to the closing, in the event we
receive an unsolicited alternate proposal, we may (1) make such inquiries or
conduct such discussions with respect to such alternate proposal as our board
of directors, after consulting with outside legal counsel, may deem necessary
to inform itself for the purposes of exercising its fiduciary duties and (2)
may conduct such additional discussions or provide such information as our
board of directors may determine if:

        [ ] our board of directors determines in good faith (after receiving
            advice of a financial advisor of nationally recognized reputation)
            that such alternate proposal is reasonably likely to result in a
            superior proposal (as defined below);

        [ ] prior to such additional discussions or provision of information,
            our board of directors determines in good faith (after consulting
            with outside legal counsel) that the failure to take such action
            would reasonably be expected to constitute a breach of its
            fiduciary duties under applicable law; and

        [ ] prior to providing any information, the recipient of such
            information enters into a confidentiality agreement.

                  A "superior proposal" is defined as a bona fide alternate
proposal, which does not contain a due diligence condition, that our board of
directors determines in good faith (after consultation with a financial
advisor of nationally recognized reputation) to be more favorable from a
financial point of view to our stockholders than the financing transactions,
taking into account any changes to the financing transactions that have been
proposed by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs
investors, as applicable, in response to such proposal.

                  We agreed to promptly (and in no event later than two
business days after receipt of any alternate proposal) notify the Berkshire
and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors upon our receipt of
any unsolicited alternate proposal (or any amendment to a previously submitted
alternate proposal) or any inquiry that could reasonably be expected to lead
to an alternate proposal and of the identity of the person making such
alternate proposal or inquiry and the material terms and conditions of such
alternate proposal or inquiry.

                  Prior to the closing of the financing transactions, our
board of directors may withdraw its recommendation of the financing
transactions or approve or recommend, or cause us to enter into an agreement
with respect to, a superior proposal under certain circumstances. These are:

        [ ] if our board of directors determines in good faith (after
            consulting with outside legal counsel) that such withdrawal or
            approval or recommendation of, or entering into of an agreement
            with respect to, a superior proposal may reasonably be expected to
            be required to satisfy its fiduciary duties;

        [ ] if we provide written notice to the Berkshire and Greenbriar
            investors and the Goldman Sachs investors specifying the material
            terms and conditions of the superior proposal and identifying the
            person making such superior proposal;

        [ ] if the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs
            investors, as applicable, do not, within five business days of
            receipt of notice of the superior proposal, make an offer which our
            board of directors determines in good faith (based upon the advice
            of a financial advisor of nationally recognized reputation) to be
            as favorable to our stockholders as such superior proposal; and

        [ ] if the applicable stock purchase agreement has been or is
            concurrently terminated and, in the case of the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar stock purchase agreement, we have paid the required
            termination fees to the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors.

Certain Payments and Reimbursement of Expenses

                  Pursuant to the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock purchase
agreement, we will pay Berkshire Partners LLC and Greenbriar Equity Group LLC
at the closing of the financing transactions or upon termination of the stock
purchase agreement a transaction fee equal to $1,500,000 in the aggregate,
subject to reduction as provided below.

                  The transaction fee payable to Berkshire Partners LLC and
Greenbriar Equity Group LLC will be reduced to $750,000 if the Berkshire and
Greenbriar stock purchase agreement is terminated:

        [ ] either by us or by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors if either
            the financing transactions proposal or the charter amendment
            proposal is not approved by our stockholders at the special
            meeting; or

        [ ] either by us or by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors because
            of the failure to satisfy the conditions relating to the absence of
            legal restraints prohibiting the financing transactions, the
            completion of the senior debt refinancing, the receipt of material
            foreign governmental approvals or the approval for listing on the
            NYSE and the PCX of the shares of our common stock issuable upon
            the conversion of the convertible preferred stock to be issued in
            the financing transactions (provided that the failure of the
            Berkshire and Greenbriar investors to fulfill any obligation under
            the agreement did not result in the failure of such condition).

                  However, no transaction fee is payable to Berkshire Partners
LLC and Greenbriar Equity Group LLC if the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock
purchase agreement is terminated:

        [ ] by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors because of the occurrence
            of a material adverse effect on us since June 30, 2002, or because
            of any inaccuracy of a representation or warranty due to an event
            occurring after the date of the agreement which constitutes a
            material adverse effect on us; or

        [ ] by us because of the inaccuracy of the representations and
            warranties of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors as of the date
            of the agreement or as of the closing date or the breach in any
            material respect by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors of their
            material obligations under the agreement, which inaccuracy or
            breach is incapable of being cured by May 30, 2003.

                  As required by the terms of the Berkshire and Greenbriar
stock purchase agreement, upon execution of the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock
purchase agreement, we paid Berkshire Partners LLC and Greenbriar Equity Group
LLC $550,000 (an amount intended to approximate the expenses incurred by the
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors in connection with the financing
transactions through September 11, 2002) plus $197,390 (an amount equal to 50%
of all reasonable, documented, out-of-pocket legal, travel and accounting
expenses incurred by them in connection with the financing transactions from
September 11, 2002 to the date of the agreement).

                  Upon the earlier to occur of the closing of the financing
transactions and two business days following the termination of the Berkshire
and Greenbriar stock purchase agreement, we will pay Berkshire Partners LLC
and Greenbriar Equity Group LLC 50% of all reasonable, documented,
out-of-pocket legal, travel and accounting expenses incurred by the Berkshire
and Greenbriar investors in connection with the financing transactions from
September 11, 2002 to the date of the agreement, plus all reasonable,
documented, out-of-pocket legal, travel and accounting expenses incurred by
the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors in connection with the financing
transactions from the date of the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock purchase
agreement until the earlier to occur of the closing of the financing
transactions and the date of termination of the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock
purchase agreement. However, in the event we terminate the agreement because
the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors breach any of their representations,
warranties or covenants under the agreement (which breach is incapable of
being cured by May 30, 2003), we will not be required to pay the expenses
incurred by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors after the date of the

                  Pursuant to the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement, at
the closing of the financing transactions we will make certain payments to the
Goldman Sachs investors equal to $907,705 in the aggregate.

                  As required by the terms of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase
agreement, upon execution of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement, we
paid the Goldman Sachs investors $320,907.92 (an amount equal to 50% of all
reasonable, documented, out-of-pocket legal, travel and accounting expenses
incurred by them in connection with the financing transactions through the
date of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement).

                  Upon the earlier to occur of the closing of the financing
transactions and two business days following the termination of the Goldman
Sachs stock purchase agreement, we will pay the Goldman Sachs investors 50% of
all reasonable, documented, out-of-pocket legal, travel and accounting
expenses incurred by them in connection with the financing transactions, plus
all reasonable, documented, out-of-pocket legal, travel and accounting
expenses incurred by them in connection with the financing transactions from
the date of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement until the earlier to
occur of the closing of the financing transactions and the date of termination
of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement, subject to an aggregate cap of
$500,000. However, in the event we terminate the agreement because the Goldman
Sachs investors breach any of their representations, warranties or covenants
under the agreement (which breach is incapable of being cured by May 30,
2003), we will not be required to pay the expenses incurred by the Goldman
Sachs investors after the date of the agreement.


                  Each stock purchase agreement may be terminated by mutual
consent of the parties to such agreement.

                  The stock purchase agreements may be terminated by either us
or the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs investors, as
the case may be, under the following circumstances:

        [ ] if the closing of the financing transactions has not occurred on or
            before May 30, 2003 (provided that this right to terminate will not
            be available to any party whose failure to fulfill any obligation
            under the applicable stock purchase agreement was the cause of, or
            resulted in, the failure of the closing to occur on or before such

        [ ] if any governmental entity issues an injunction permanently
            restraining the financing transactions that has become final and
            non-appealable (provided that this right to terminate will not be
            available to any party whose breach resulted in the issuance of the
            injunction); or

        [ ] if the approval of the financing transactions proposal and the
            charter amendment proposal by our stockholders is not obtained at
            the special meeting (provided that this right to terminate will not
            be available to any party whose breach resulted in the failure to
            obtain the approval).

                  In addition, we may terminate either stock purchase
agreement if:

        [ ] we receive a superior proposal and our board of directors has
            complied with the provisions of the agreement described above
            under " - No Solicitation"; or

        [ ] the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs
            investors, as the case may be, breach any of their representations,
            warranties or covenants under the applicable stock purchase
            agreement, and such breach is incapable of being cured prior to May
            30, 2003.

                  In addition, the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the
Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, may terminate the applicable
stock purchase agreement if:

        [ ] our board of directors (or any committee of our board of
            directors) withdraws or adversely modifies its approval or
            recommendation of the financing transactions;

        [ ] we breach any of our representations, warranties or covenants under
            the applicable stock purchase agreement, and such breach is
            incapable of being cured prior to May 30, 2003; or

        [ ] any material adverse effect on us occurs subsequent to the date of
            the applicable stock purchase agreement which is incapable of
            being cured prior to May 30, 2003.

                  We will pay Berkshire Partners LLC and Greenbriar Equity
Group LLC a termination payment equal to $3,115,000, less (1) any transaction
fee paid or payable by us and (2) 50% of the amount of expenses of the
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors paid or payable by us if:

        [ ] the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors terminate the stock purchase
            agreement because our board of directors (or any committee of our
            board of directors) withdraws or adversely modifies its approval or
            recommendation of the financing transactions;

        [ ] we terminate the stock purchase agreement because we receive a
            superior proposal and our board of directors has complied with the
            provisions of the agreement described above under " - No
            Solicitation"; or

        [ ] the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors terminate the stock purchase
            agreement as a result of the failure to satisfy the condition
            relating to our receipt of not less than $47,125,000 in proceeds
            from the sale of our preferred stock to investors other than the
            Berkshire and Greenbriar investors;

and, in any such case, we complete a transaction that constitutes an alternate
proposal within nine months after the date the agreement is terminated.

                  No termination fee is payable to the Goldman Sachs investors
under the Goldman Sachs stock purchase agreement.

Survival of Representations and Warranties; Indemnification

                  Under the stock purchase agreements, the representations and
warranties of each party survive for 12 months after the closing, except for
(1) the representations and warranties relating to our organization, the due
authorization of the financing transactions, the related documentation and the
convertible preferred stock and our capitalization, which expire 60 days after
the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations and (2) the
representations and warranties relating to our compliance with laws, which
expire 18 months after the closing of the financing transactions.

                  Under the stock purchase agreements, we will indemnify the
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and related parties and the Goldman Sachs
investors and related parties for any losses they incur arising from (1) a
breach of any representations, warranties or covenants made by us or (2) any
actual or threatened litigation against them in connection with the financing

                  The Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs
investors will each indemnify us for any losses we incur arising from a breach
of any of their respective representations, warranties or covenants.

                  With respect to any indemnification claims made by any party
for breaches of representations and warranties, the party providing
indemnification will only be responsible for amounts in excess of $2,000,000.
The maximum amount payable by a party providing indemnification will be
$20,000,000, in the case of the Berkshire and Greenbriar stock purchase
agreement, and $10,000,000, in the case of the Goldman Sachs stock purchase
agreement; provided, the maximum amount payable by us for losses incurred due
to our breach of the representations and warranties relating to our SEC
filings will equal the applicable purchase price provided for in the
applicable agreement.

                  Except in cases of fraud, the right to indemnification
provided in the stock purchase agreements is the sole post-closing remedy for
breaches of representations and warranties under the stock purchase


                  The Berkshire and Greenbriar investment will be subject to
the terms and conditions of the stockholders agreement we will enter into with
the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors at the closing of the financing
transactions. The Goldman Sachs investment will be subject to the terms and
conditions of the amended and restated governance agreement we will enter into
with the Goldman Sachs investors at the closing of the financing transactions.

Board Representation

                  The stockholders agreement provides that our board of
directors will consist of ten directors and that:

        [ ] for so long as the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors beneficially
            own 15% or more of the total "voting power" (as defined below) of
            our voting securities and have not sold or otherwise disposed of
            shares representing 66 2/3% or more of the voting power of our
            securities that they will acquire in the financing transactions,
            any slate of nominees for election to our board of directors will
            consist of two nominees nominated by the Berkshire and Greenbriar
            investors and eight nominees not nominated by the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar investors, and at least five of these eight nominees
            must be "independent" nominees (as defined below);

        [ ] in the event (1) the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors
            beneficially own 15% or more of the total voting power of our
            voting securities and have sold or otherwise disposed of shares
            representing 66 2/3% or more of the voting power of our securities
            that they will acquire in the financing transactions or (2) the
            Berkshire and Greenbriar investors beneficially own less than 15%
            but at least 10% of the total voting power of our voting
            securities, any slate of nominees for election to our board of
            directors will consist of one nominee of the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar investors and nine nominees not nominated by the
            Berkshire and Greenbriar investors, and at least six of these nine
            nominees must be independent nominees; and

        [ ] in the event the total voting power of our voting securities
            beneficially owned by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors at any
            time is below 10%, the stockholders agreement will terminate and
            the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors will have no further right
            to nominate any of our directors.

                  Under the stockholders agreement, "voting power" means the
portion of all of our common stock, our convertible preferred stock and any
other of our voting securities outstanding held by the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors. "Voting power" would also include all of our voting
securities that could be issued to the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors upon
the exercise or conversion of any outstanding securities, such as options,
beneficially owned by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors.

                  For purposes of the stockholders agreement and the amended
and restated governance agreement and the description of such agreements in
this proxy statement, the terms "independent nominee" and "independent
director" refer to a nominee or director who is not and has never been an
officer, employee or director of any of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors
or the Goldman Sachs investors and has no affiliation or relationship with any
of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs investors that
would cause a reasonable person to regard the person as likely to be unduly
influenced by any of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman
Sachs investors.

                  The Berkshire and Greenbriar investors will initially
nominate Robert J. Small and Joel S. Beckman to our board of directors. Upon
the closing of the financing transactions, a sufficient number of our
independent directors will resign in order to permit the appointment of these

                  The amended and restated governance agreement with the
Goldman Sachs investors provides that our board of directors will consist of
ten directors and that:

        [ ] for so long as the Goldman Sachs investors beneficially own 20% or
            more of the total "voting power" (as defined below) of our voting
            securities and have not sold or otherwise disposed of shares
            representing 33 1/3% or more of the voting power of our securities
            that they will hold upon the closing of the financing transactions,
            any slate of nominees for election to our board of directors will
            consist of three nominees of the Goldman Sachs investors and seven
            nominees not nominated by the Goldman Sachs investors, and at least
            five of these seven nominees must be independent nominees;

        [ ] in the event (1) the Goldman Sachs investors beneficially own 20%
            or more of the total voting power of our securities but sell or
            otherwise dispose of shares of our common stock or our convertible
            preferred stock (other than to other Goldman Sachs investors)
            together representing 33 1/3% or more of the voting power of our
            securities that they hold upon the closing of the financing
            transactions or (2) the Goldman Sachs investors beneficially own
            less than 20% but at least 15% of the total voting power of our
            voting securities and have not sold or otherwise disposed of shares
            representing 66 2/3% or more of the voting power of our securities
            that they will hold upon the closing of the financing transactions,
            any slate of nominees for election to our board of directors will
            consist of two nominees of the Goldman Sachs investors and eight
            nominees not nominated by the Goldman Sachs investors, and at least
            six of these eight nominees must be independent nominees;

        [ ] in the event (1) the Goldman Sachs investors beneficially own less
            than 20% but at least 15% of the total voting power of our voting
            securities and have sold or otherwise disposed of shares
            representing 66 2/3% or more of the voting power of our securities
            that they will hold upon the closing of the financing transactions
            or (2) the Goldman Sachs investors beneficially own less than 15%
            but at least 10% of the total voting power of our voting
            securities, any slate of nominees for election to our board of
            directors will consist of one nominee of the Goldman Sachs
            investors and nine nominees not nominated by the Goldman Sachs
            investors, and at least seven of these nine nominees must be
            independent nominees; and

        [ ] in the event the total voting power of our voting securities
            beneficially owned by the Goldman Sachs investors at any time is
            below 10%, the amended and restated governance agreement will
            terminate and the Goldman Sachs investors will have no further
            right to nominate any of our directors.

                  Under the amended and restated governance agreement, "voting
power" means the portion of all of our common stock, our convertible preferred
stock and any other of our voting securities outstanding held by the Goldman
Sachs investors. "Voting power" would also include all of our voting
securities that could be issued to the Goldman Sachs investors upon the
exercise or conversion of any outstanding securities, such as options,
beneficially owned by the Goldman Sachs investors.

                  The Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs
investors are required to vote their shares of our voting securities in favor
of the nominees for director determined in accordance with the stockholders
agreement or the amended and restated governance agreement, as the case may
be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may increase the size of our board of
directors through the appointment of one or more independent directors in
order to comply with any law, regulation or NYSE rule. In such an event, we
will use our commercially reasonable best efforts to give the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors the right to nominate, as
nearly as possible, the proportion of directors as permitted by the board
representation provisions described above.

                  Under the stockholders agreement, for so long as the
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors are entitled to designate two or more
nominees for election to our board of directors, each committee of our board
of directors will consist of at least one director nominated by the Berkshire
and Greenbriar investors. Under the amended and restated governance agreement,
for so long as the Goldman Sachs investors are entitled to designate two or
more nominees for election to our board of directors, each committee of our
board of directors will consist of at least one director nominated by the
Goldman Sachs investors.

                  If at any time the number of directors the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs investors are entitled to nominate
would decrease, then the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman
Sachs investors, as the case may be, must cause a sufficient number of
directors nominated by them to resign from our board of directors. Any
vacancies created by these resignations will be filled by the independent
directors with additional independent directors.


                  Pursuant to the stockholders agreement and the amended and
restated governance agreement, for so long as the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors (in the case of the stockholders agreement) or the Goldman Sachs
investors (in the case of the amended and restated governance agreement)
beneficially own at least 15% of the total voting power of our voting
securities, our board of directors may not approve any of the following
actions without the approval of a majority of the directors nominated by the
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and a majority of the directors nominated
by the Goldman Sachs investors:

        [ ] any merger or other business combination involving us or any of our
            subsidiaries, other than a "buyout transaction" (as defined below
            under " - Buyout Transactions"), if the value of the consideration
            to be paid or received by us and/or our stockholders, when added
            together with the value of the consideration to be paid or received
            by us in all similar transactions during the previous 12 months,
            exceeds the greater of $75 million and 11% of our total
            consolidated assets;

        [ ] any sale, transfer, conveyance, lease or other disposition or
            series of related dispositions of any of our assets, businesses or
            operations, other than a buyout transaction, if the value of the
            assets, business or operations disposed of in this manner during
            the prior 12 months exceeds the greater of $75 million and 11% of
            our total consolidated assets; or

        [ ] any issuance by us or any of our significant subsidiaries of equity
            securities, with exceptions for employee and director benefit
            plans, intercompany issuances, conversion or exercise of
            outstanding securities and issuances in connection with any mergers
            or other business combinations involving us or any of our
            subsidiaries which are approved by our board of directors, if the
            consideration received by us for similar transactions, including
            the proposed transaction, during the prior 12 months exceeds $25

                  For so long as any directors nominated by the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs investors are serving on our board
of directors, any board action will require approval of at least six
directors, at least two of which must be independent directors.

                  The Berkshire and Greenbriar investors have agreed with us
and the Goldman Sachs investors have agreed with us that, in any election of
directors or at any meeting of our stockholders called for the removal of
directors, so long as our board of directors includes, and will include after
the removal, any director nominated by such investors, they will be present
for purposes of establishing a quorum and will vote their shares of our voting
securities (1) in favor of any nominee for director placed by Hexcel on the
slate presented to stockholders for election to the board of directors and
selected in accordance with the terms of any applicable stockholders or
governance agreement and (2) against the removal of any director placed by
Hexcel on the slate presented to stockholders for election to the board of
directors and designated in accordance with the terms of any applicable
stockholders or governance agreement.

                  Other than voting for the election of directors and as
provided below under " - Standstill," the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors
and the Goldman Sachs investors are free to vote their shares of our voting
securities as they wish except:

        [ ] in connection with an offer for a buyout transaction, in which
            case other restrictions apply, which are described below under " -
            Buyout Transactions"; and

        [ ] the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs
            investors must vote against any amendment to our certificate of
            incorporation that would adversely affect the rights of the persons
            who are entitled to indemnification under the applicable provisions
            of our certificate of incorporation.

                  We agreed to amend our bylaws to reflect the board and
committee representation and approval provisions described above and such
other matters as we may reasonably agree.


                  The Berkshire and Greenbriar investors have agreed under the
stockholders agreement and the Goldman Sachs investors have agreed under the
amended and restated governance agreement, subject to specified exceptions,
that without the approval of a majority of all of the directors, other than
those nominated by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman
Sachs investors, including at least two independent directors, they will not:

        [ ] purchase or otherwise acquire any beneficial ownership of our
            voting securities, except for (1) the shares to be purchased by
            such investors in the financing transactions, (2) shares of our
            common stock issuable upon conversion of our convertible preferred
            stock, (3) shares of our common stock the beneficial ownership of
            which is acquired through options granted to directors nominated by
            such investors, (4) in the case of the Goldman Sachs investors, a
            limited number of shares of our common stock the beneficial
            ownership of which is acquired inadvertently in connection with
            broker dealer activities and (5) in the case of the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar investors, any additional shares of voting securities,
            provided that under no circumstances may the Berkshire and
            Greenbriar investors own more than 39.5% of the total voting power
            of our voting securities;

        [ ] enter into, solicit or support any merger or business combination
            involving us or purchase, acquire, or solicit or support the
            purchase or acquisition of any portion of our business or assets,
            except in the ordinary course of business, or in nonmaterial
            amounts or in accordance with the provisions regarding buyout
            transactions described below;

        [ ] initiate or propose any stockholder proposal without the approval
            of our board of directors or make, or in any way participate in,
            any solicitation of proxies (as these terms are used in Section 14
            of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) to vote or seek to advise
            or influence any person or entity with respect to the voting of any
            of our securities or request or take any action to obtain any list
            of security holders for such purposes with respect to any matter
            other than those with respect to which the investors may vote in
            their sole discretion under the stockholders agreement or the
            amended and restated governance agreement, as the case may be;

        [ ] form or otherwise participate in a group formed for the purpose of
            acquiring, holding, voting, disposing of or taking any action with
            respect to the voting securities held by such investors (other
            than, in the case of Berkshire and Greenbriar investors, a group
            made up of only other Berkshire and Greenbriar investors, and in
            the case of Goldman Sachs investors, a group made up of only other
            Goldman Sachs investors) that would be required under Section 13(d)
            of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to file a statement on
            Schedule 13D with the SEC;

        [ ] deposit any of our voting securities in a voting trust or enter
            into any voting agreement other than the stockholders agreement or
            the amended and restated governance agreement, as the case may be;

        [ ] seek representation on our board of directors, remove a director or
            seek a change in the size or composition of our board of directors,
            except as provided by the stockholders agreement or the amended and
            restated governance agreement, as the case may be;

        [ ] make any request to amend or waive any of these standstill
            provisions, which would require public disclosure under applicable
            law, rule or regulation;

        [ ] disclose any intent, purpose, plan, arrangement or proposal
            inconsistent with the actions listed above, or take any action that
            would require public disclosure of any such intent, purpose, plan,
            arrangement or proposal;

        [ ] take any action challenging the validity or enforceability of
            the actions listed above; or

        [ ] assist, advise, encourage or negotiate with respect to or seek to
            do any of the actions listed above.

                  Notwithstanding the foregoing, (1) neither the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors nor the Goldman Sachs investors may acquire, sell,
transfer or otherwise dispose of beneficial ownership of any of our voting
securities if such acquisition, sale, transfer or other disposition would
result in a default, or acceleration of amounts outstanding, under our senior
credit facility or the indenture governing our outstanding 9-3/4% senior
subordinated notes due 2009, unless, prior to such acquisition, sale, transfer
or other disposition, any required consents under these debt instruments are
obtained and (2) the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs
investors may propose "buyout transactions" (as defined below) after the date
that is 18 months from the closing of the financing transactions and may
participate in buyout transactions proposed by third parties, provided that
their participation is consistent with the provisions below. See " - Buyout

Buyout Transactions

                  Pursuant to each of the stockholders agreement and the
amended and restated governance agreement, the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors and the Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, may not propose
or participate in a "buyout transaction" (as defined below) for a period of
eighteen months after the closing of the financing transactions, except as
described below in this section.

                  Pursuant to each of the stockholders agreement and the
amended and restated governance agreement, if we become the subject of a
buyout transaction proposed by a third party that is made during the term of
such agreement, and the buyout transaction is approved by a majority of our
board of directors and a majority of our "disinterested directors" (as defined
below), including two of the independent directors, the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, may
act in their sole discretion with respect to the buyout transaction.

                  Pursuant to each of the stockholders agreement and the
amended and restated governance agreement, if we become the subject of a
buyout transaction proposal made prior to the date that is 18 months from the
closing date of the financing transactions, and such third party offer is
either not approved by a majority of our board of directors or is approved by
a majority of our board of directors but not by a majority of our
disinterested directors, including two of our independent directors, the
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors may not, and the Goldman Sachs investors,
with respect to the shares they acquire in the financing transactions, may

        [ ] support the third party offer;

        [ ] vote in favor of the third party offer; or

        [ ] tender or sell their shares of our voting securities to the person
            making the third party offer.

                  With respect to the shares of our common stock owned by the
Goldman Sachs investors prior to the closing of the financing transactions,
the restrictions described in the immediately preceding paragraph will be
applicable from the date of execution of the amended and restated governance
agreement until December 19, 2003.

                  Pursuant to each of the stockholders agreement and the
amended and restated governance agreement, if we become the subject of a
buyout transaction proposed by a third party, the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors or the Goldman Sachs investors that is made after the date that is
18 months from the closing date of the financing transactions, and the offer
is either not approved by a majority of our board of directors or is approved
by a majority of our board of directors but not by a majority of our
disinterested directors, including two of our independent directors, then the
Berkshire and Greenbriar investors must, and the Goldman Sachs investors, with
respect to the shares they acquire in the financing transactions, must:

        [ ] vote their shares of our voting securities against the buyout
            transaction in proportion to the votes cast by our other
            stockholders against the buyout transaction; and

        [ ] not tender or sell their shares of our voting securities to the
            person proposing the buyout transaction in a proportion greater
            than the tenders or sales made by our other stockholders to the
            person proposing the buyout transaction.

                  With respect to the shares of our common stock owned by the
Goldman Sachs investors prior to the closing of the financing transactions,
the restrictions described in the immediately preceding paragraph will be
applicable after December 19, 2003.

                  A "buyout transaction" is defined as (1) a tender offer,
merger or any similar transaction that offers holders the opportunity to
dispose of their shares of our voting securities or otherwise contemplates the
acquisition by any person or group of our voting securities that would result
in such person or group beneficially owning a majority of our outstanding
voting securities or (2) a sale of all or substantially all of our assets.

                  A "disinterested director" is defined with respect to any
buyout transaction as any of our directors who is not an interested director
within the meaning of Section 144 of the Delaware General Corporation Law with
respect to such buyout transaction, it being understood that no directors
nominated by the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors or the Goldman Sachs
investors will be deemed to be not interested with respect to such buyout

Issuance of Additional Securities

                  For so long as the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and
the Goldman Sachs investors are entitled to each designate one or more
nominees for election to our board of directors, if we issue any additional
voting securities for cash, the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the
Goldman Sachs investors will each have the option to purchase an amount of
securities that would allow them to maintain their respective percentage
ownership of the total voting power of our voting securities after the
issuance for the same price and otherwise on the same terms as those governing
the additional issuance. However, this right will not apply to any issuance of
our voting securities upon conversion of any of our convertible securities, or
pursuant to our stock option, incentive compensation or similar plans.

Transfer Restrictions

                  Under the stockholders agreement and the amended and
restated governance agreement, the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the
Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, may not sell or transfer their
shares of our voting securities acquired in the financing transactions for a
period of 18 months following the closing of the financing transactions,
except for sales or transfers:

        [ ] pursuant to the Certificates of Designations governing our
            convertible preferred stock;

        [ ] to affiliates of Berkshire Partners LLC or Greenbriar Equity LLC
            (in the case of transfers from the Berkshire and Greenbriar
            investors) or to affiliates of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (in
            the case of transfers from the Goldman Sachs investors), provided
            the transferee agrees to be bound by the terms of the stockholders
            agreement or amended and restated governance agreement, as the case
            may be;

        [ ] of shares of our common stock the beneficial ownership of which
            is acquired through options granted to the directors nominated
            by the investors; and

        [ ] in the case of the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors, of shares of
            our voting securities registered pursuant to their piggyback rights
            under the registration rights agreement (provided such registration
            includes shares of our voting securities beneficially owned by the
            Goldman Sachs investors prior to the closing of the financing

                  In addition to the foregoing exceptions to the prohibition
on transfers and sales, from and after the date that is 18 months following
the closing of the financing transactions, the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors and the Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, may sell or
transfer their shares of our voting securities acquired in the financing
transactions if such sales or transfers are:

        [ ] in accordance with the volume and manner-of-sale limitations of
            Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, and otherwise subject to
            compliance with the Securities Act of 1933;

        [ ] in a registered public offering or a non-registered offering
            subject to an exemption from the registration requirements of the
            Securities Act of 1933, in a manner calculated to achieve a broad
            distribution (generally meaning a distribution of our voting
            securities that, to the knowledge, after due inquiry, of the person
            on whose behalf such distribution is being made, does not result in
            the acquisition by any other person of beneficial ownership of more
            than 5% of our voting securities after giving effect to such
            acquisition); or

        [ ] in a buyout transaction proposed by a third party, but only if
            otherwise permitted by the stockholders agreement or the amended
            and restated governance agreement, as the case may be, as described
            above under " - Buyout Transactions."

                  Additionally, the Goldman Sachs investors will be prohibited
from selling or transferring the shares of our common stock beneficially owned
by them prior to the closing of the financing transactions, subject to certain
exceptions, including each of the exceptions described in this section.


                  Each of the stockholders agreement and the amended and
restated governance agreement will terminate upon the earlier of (1) the tenth
anniversary of the closing date of the financing transactions and (2) any
event that causes the percentage of our voting securities beneficially owned
by the applicable investors to be less than 10% or equal to or more than 90%.
In addition, either party may terminate the stockholders agreement or the
amended and restated governance agreement, as applicable, if the other party
to that agreement breaches a material obligation under the stockholders
agreement or the amended and restated governance agreement, as the case may
be, and fails to cure the breach within 60 days of written notice of the
breach from the other party to that agreement.


                  Upon the closing of the financing transactions, we will
enter into a registration rights agreement with the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors and an amendment and restatement of the registration rights
agreement that we entered into with affiliates of Goldman Sachs in 2000. Each
of the registration rights agreements will grant the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors and the Goldman Sachs investors, as the case may be, three "demand"
registration rights, pursuant to which such investors may require us to use
our commercially reasonable efforts to register under the Securities Act of
1933 the shares of our common stock (or, after the third anniversary of the
original issuance date, the shares of our series A convertible preferred
stock) held by them. The applicable investors' demand must be for a number of
shares that represents at least 20% of the total voting power of the then
outstanding securities eligible for registration under the applicable
registration rights agreement owned by such investors and must have an
aggregate anticipated offering price of at least $25,000,000. In addition, no
shares of our common stock issued or issuable, directly or indirectly, upon
conversion of shares of our convertible preferred stock may be included in any
such demand request prior to the date that is 18 months from the closing of
the financing transactions.

                  Each of the registration rights agreements will also grant
the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors and the Goldman Sachs investors, as the
case may be, "piggyback" registration rights, pursuant to which, subject to
specified restrictions, such investors may include their shares of our common
stock (or, after the third anniversary of the original issuance date, the
shares of our series A convertible preferred stock) in any other registration
by us to sell shares of our common stock under the Securities Act of 1933.

                  The registration rights agreements will provide for blackout
periods during which we will be relieved from registering the shares of our
common stock otherwise eligible for registration under the registration rights
agreements. The registration rights agreements will also contain provisions
relating to the priority for inclusion of shares in an underwritten offering
in the event that the underwriters determine that the number of shares
requested to be included in the offering must be reduced.

                  We will generally be required to pay for all expenses in
connection with such registrations, except for underwriting discounts and
commissions relating to the shares of our common stock sold by the investors.


                  Our board of directors has approved the Certificates of
Designations which set forth the designations, voting powers, preferences and
relative participating, optional and other special rights of, and the
qualifications, limitations or restrictions of our series A convertible
preferred stock and our series B convertible preferred stock. The Certificates
of Designations designate 125,000 shares each of our series A convertible
preferred stock and our series B convertible preferred stock. Shares of both
the series A convertible preferred stock and the series B convertible
preferred stock are without par value. The following is a summary of the
material terms of the preferred stock and other rights of the investors, which
is qualified is its entirety by reference to the Certificates of Designations
that were filed with the SEC as exhibits to our Current Report on Form 8-K
dated December 20, 2002.


                  Our preferred stock is senior to our common stock, and our
series A convertible preferred stock ranks on parity with our series B
convertible preferred stock, with respect to rights upon our liquidation,
winding up or dissolution. Our series A convertible preferred stock ranks
senior to our common stock and our series B convertible preferred stock with
respect to dividends. In this regard, unless and until full cumulative
dividends on our series A convertible preferred stock in respect of all past
quarterly dividends have been paid, we may not pay any cash dividends on
shares of our common stock. Our series B convertible preferred stock ranks on
parity with our common stock with respect to the dividends declared on our
common stock to which the holders of our series B convertible preferred stock
are entitled. See " - Dividends - Series B Convertible Preferred Stock."


                  Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. Commencing on the
third anniversary of the original issuance date, holders of our series A
convertible preferred stock will be entitled to receive dividends at an annual
rate of 6% of the "accrued value," which is equal to the sum of $1,195.618 and
an amount equal to the aggregate of all accrued but unpaid dividends, whether
or not declared, that have been added to the accrued value pursuant to the
terms of the certificate of designations for our series A convertible
preferred stock, as described below. Dividends are payable on the 15th of each
January, April, July and October, commencing on the third anniversary of the
original issuance date, are cumulative whether or not they are earned or
declared and compound quarterly in arrears. We may pay the dividends on our
series A convertible preferred stock either entirely in cash or, at our
option, by allowing them to accrue and compound and become payable upon
liquidation, redemption and conversion. Such dividends will cease to accrue at
such time as our series A convertible preferred stock becomes automatically
convertible. See " - Conversion of Preferred Stock into Common Stock." In
addition, in the event that dividends (other than dividends consisting, in
whole or in part, of our common stock or securities convertible into our
common stock) are paid on our common stock, the holders of our series A
convertible preferred stock are entitled to receive such dividends on an
"as-converted" basis (disregarding, for this purpose, the conversion
limitations described below under " - Conversion of Preferred Stock into
Common Stock").

                  Series B Convertible Preferred Stock. In the event that
dividends (other than dividends consisting, in whole or in part, of our common
stock or securities convertible into our common stock) are paid on our common
stock, the holders of our series B convertible preferred stock are entitled to
receive such dividends on an "as converted" basis (disregarding, for this
purpose, the conversion limitations described below under " - Conversion of
Preferred Stock into Common Stock"). No other dividends accrue or are payable
on our series B convertible preferred stock.

Conversion of Preferred Stock into Common Stock.

                  Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. Each share of our
series A convertible preferred stock is convertible, at the option of the
holder, into a number of shares of our common stock equal to $1,000 (as
adjusted for any split, subdivision, combination, consolidation,
recapitalization or similar event with respect to our series A convertible
preferred stock) divided by a conversion price, initially set at $3.00 per
share, subject to anti-dilution adjustment (as adjusted, the "conversion
price"). The conversion price is adjustable in connection with:

        [ ] any dividends paid on our common stock in shares of our common
            stock or securities convertible into our common stock and any
            subdivisions, combinations, consolidations or reclassifications of
            the shares of our common stock into a greater or lesser number of
            shares of our common stock; and

        [ ] issuances of shares of our common stock or securities convertible
            into our common stock at a price per share (or having a conversion
            price per share) less than the conversion price then in effect,
            other than issuances of:

              [ ] shares of our common stock, options or other securities
                  issued under any employee or director benefit plan approved
                  by our board of directors (or any duly authorized committee)
                  or shares of our common stock issued upon the exercise

              [ ] shares of our common stock issuable upon the conversion of
                  our convertible preferred stock, our 7% convertible
                  subordinated notes due 2003 or our 7% convertible
                  subordinated debentures due 2011; or

              [ ] shares of our common stock issued by us in connection with a
                  mandatory redemption of our series A convertible preferred
                  stock, an offer to purchase our convertible preferred stock
                  in connection with a change of control or payment of the
                  conversion payment described below.

                  Holders of our series A convertible preferred stock may
convert their shares into our common stock at any time, except:

        [ ] to the extent that any conversion of our preferred stock would
            cause the holder (together with its affiliates) to have beneficial
            ownership (as defined in Rules 13d-3 and 13d-5 under the Securities
            Exchange Act of 1934, but broadened to include the right to acquire
            securities, whether or not immediately exercisable) of more than
            39.9% of the voting power of our outstanding voting stock; and

        [ ] if our 9-3/4% senior subordinated notes due 2009 are outstanding
            and beneficial ownership by any holder or group of holders of at
            least 40% of the voting power of our outstanding voting stock would
            constitute a "change of control" under the terms of such notes).

In this proxy statement, we refer to the above restrictions on conversion as
the "conversion limitations." For the purpose of the conversion limitations,
any securities beneficially owned by any of the Berkshire and Greenbriar
investors will be deemed to be beneficially owned by all of the Berkshire and
Greenbriar investors.

                  Upon conversion of a share of our series A convertible
preferred stock, the holder will be entitled to receive, in addition to the
number of shares of common stock described above, an amount equal to such
share's "conversion payment," payable by us either entirely in cash or
entirely in shares of our common stock valued at either 90% of the closing
trading price on the conversion date (if we are paying in shares of our common
stock at our option) or 95% of the closing trading price on the conversion
date (if we are paying in shares of our common stock because we do not have
sufficient capital, surplus or other funds available or because we are
restricted by our debt instruments from making the conversion payment in

                  The "conversion payment" with respect to each share is equal
to the amount of dividends that have accrued and not been paid on such share
since the dividend commencement date and prior to the occurrence of the
"dividend accrual event" (as defined below).

                  The "dividend accrual event" occurs if and when the closing
trading price of our common stock for any period of 60 consecutive trading
days ending after the third anniversary of the original issuance date of the
convertible preferred stock exceeds $6.00 (subject to adjustment for any
split, subdivision, combination, consolidation or reclassification of our
common stock).

                  Subject to the conversion limitations described above, our
series A convertible preferred stock will automatically convert into our
common stock (on the conversion terms described above) if the closing trading
price of our common stock for any period of 60 consecutive trading days ending
after the third anniversary of the original issuance date of the convertible
preferred stock exceeds $9.00 (subject to adjustment for any split,
subdivision, combination, consolidation or reclassification of our common

                  Series B Convertible Preferred Stock. Each share of our
series B convertible preferred stock is convertible, at the option of the
holder, into a number of shares of our common stock equal to $195.618 divided
by a conversion price initially set at $3.00 per share, subject to adjustment
for any split, subdivision, combination, consolidation or reclassification of
our common stock.

                  Upon conversion of a share of our series B convertible
preferred stock, the holder will not be entitled to receive any conversion

                  Subject to the conversion limitations described above, our
series B convertible preferred stock will automatically convert into our
common stock (on the conversion terms described above) if the closing trading
price of our common stock for any period of 60 consecutive trading days ending
after the third anniversary of the original issuance date of the convertible
preferred stock exceeds $9.00 (subject to adjustment for any split,
subdivision, combination, consolidation or reclassification of our common

Mandatory Redemption.

                  Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. We must redeem all
outstanding shares of our series A convertible preferred stock on January 22,
2010 at a mandatory redemption price equal to the liquidation preference (as
defined below under " - Liquidation Preference"). Generally we must redeem the
shares for cash; however we shall be entitled to pay the redemption price
using shares of our common stock if the redemption price is equal to the
"participating preference amount" (as defined below under " - Liquidation
Preference") and the holder does not elect instead to receive a lower value,
the "adjusted accrued value" (as defined below under " - Liquidation
Preference"), in cash. Any shares of our common stock used as payment in a
mandatory redemption will be valued based upon the closing trading price of
our common stock on the business day immediately preceding January 22, 2010.
In the event we are unable to pay the mandatory redemption price on January
22, 2010, we must redeem as many shares as possible on a pro rata basis (both
as among holders of our series A convertible preferred stock and as between
the holders of our series A and series B convertible preferred stock,
respectively in the aggregate), and the remaining outstanding shares will
accrue dividends at an annual rate of 10% of their accrued value, compounded
quarterly in arrears, until the remaining outstanding shares are redeemed.

                  Series B Convertible Preferred Stock. We must redeem all
outstanding shares of our series B convertible preferred stock on January 22,
2010. The redemption will be at a mandatory redemption price equal to the
greater of $195.618 per share (as adjusted for any split, subdivision,
combination, consolidation, recapitalization or similar event with respect to
our series B convertible preferred stock) and the participating redemption
amount (as defined below), which greater amount is referred to as the
"redemption amount." Generally we must redeem the shares for cash; however we
must use shares of our common stock in such redemption if the redemption
amount is equal to the participating redemption amount and the holder does not
elect to receive cash in connection with the mandatory redemption of our
series A convertible preferred stock. If we redeem shares of our series B
convertible preferred stock for shares of our common stock, a holder of shares
of our series B convertible preferred stock will be entitled to a number of
shares of our common stock equal to $195.618 (as adjusted for any split,
subdivision, combination, consolidation, recapitalization or similar event
with respect to our series B convertible preferred stock) divided by the
conversion price then in effect for each share of our series B convertible
preferred stock such holder owns. The "participating redemption amount" is
defined as the amount that would be payable to a holder of our series B
convertible preferred stock if all outstanding shares of our series B
convertible preferred stock were converted into common stock immediately prior
to a redemption in accordance with the certificate of designations for our
series B convertible preferred stock.

Offer To Purchase Upon Change of Control

                  Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. In the event a change
of control (as defined in the indenture governing our 9-3/4% senior
subordinated notes due 2009) occurs, we must offer to redeem all outstanding
shares of our series A convertible preferred stock for cash or, under the
circumstances described below, our common stock, within 10 business days
following the change of control, at a redemption price per share equal to the
greater of (1) 101% of the adjusted accrued value and (2) the participating
preference amount. We shall be entitled to use shares of our common stock in
such redemption if the redemption price is equal to the participating
preference amount and the holder does not elect to receive a lower value, the
adjusted accrued value, in cash. Any shares of our common stock used in any
redemption upon a change of control will be valued based upon the closing
trading price of our common stock on the business day immediately preceding
the redemption date. In the event we are unable to pay the redemption price at
the redemption date, we must redeem as many shares as possible on a pro rata
basis (both as among holders of our series A convertible preferred stock and
as between the holders of our series A and series B convertible preferred
stock, respectively in the aggregate) and the remaining outstanding shares
will accrue dividends at an annual rate of 10% of their accrued value,
compounded quarterly in arrears, until the remaining outstanding shares are

                  Series B Convertible Preferred Stock. In the event a change
of control occurs, we must offer to redeem from each holder that number of
outstanding shares of our series B convertible preferred stock held by such
holder equal to the number of shares of our series A convertible preferred
stock that we redeem from such holder in connection with such change of
control, within 10 business days following the change of control, at a
redemption price equal to the redemption amount (as defined under " -
Mandatory Redemption - Series B Convertible Preferred Stock"). Generally we
must redeem the shares for cash; however we must use shares of our common
stock in such redemption if the redemption amount is equal to the
participating redemption amount and the holder does not elect to receive cash
in connection with the redemption of our series A convertible preferred stock
upon a change of control. If the redemption amount equals $195.618 (as
adjusted for any split, subdivision, combination, consolidation,
recapitalization or similar event with respect to our series B convertible
preferred stock) or if the holder elects to receive cash in connection with
the redemption of our series A convertible preferred stock upon a change of
control, the redemption amount will be paid by (1) paying the holder an amount
of cash equal to the "adjusted value" (as defined below) and (2) issuing a
number of shares of our common stock equal to the quotient obtained by
dividing (x) the excess of $195.618 (as adjusted for any split, subdivision,
combination, consolidation, recapitalization or similar event with respect to
our series B convertible preferred stock) over the adjusted value by (y) the
conversion price then in effect for our series B convertible preferred stock.
The "adjusted value" is defined as $195.618 (as adjusted for any split,
subdivision, combination, consolidation, recapitalization or similar event
with respect to our series B convertible preferred stock) multiplied by the
lesser of (1) 1.00 and (2) the quotient obtained by dividing the number of
days elapsed between the original issuance date and the date of liquidation or
redemption, as applicable, by 1096.

Reorganization; Consolidation; Merger; Asset Sale

                  In the event of:

        [ ] any capital reorganization or reclassification of our common stock
            (other than a reclassification subject to the anti-dilution
            adjustment described above under " - Conversion of Preferred Stock
            into Common Stock");

        [ ] any consolidation or merger of us with or into another entity; or

        [ ] any sale or conveyance to another person or entity of our
            property as an entirety or substantially as an entirety;

each then-outstanding share of our series A convertible preferred stock and
each then-outstanding share of our series B convertible preferred stock will
thereafter be convertible into (upon receipt of any requisite governmental
approvals) the same consideration receivable in such transaction as such holder
would have been entitled to receive in the transaction had such share of
convertible preferred stock been converted into our common stock immediately
prior to such transaction. In any such case, we will make appropriate
provision, as determined in good faith by our board of directors, to ensure
that the terms relating to dividends, voting rights, offer to purchase upon a
change of control, liquidation and dissolution and conversion (other than
mandatory conversion) will continue to be applicable to our convertible
preferred stock. We may not effect any such transaction unless the surviving
person or entity in the transaction assumes the obligation to deliver this
consideration to the holders of our preferred stock.

Voting Rights

                  Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. The holders of shares
of our series A convertible preferred stock will be entitled to vote on all
matters put to a vote or consent of our stockholders, voting together with the
holders of our common stock and the holders of our series B convertible
preferred stock as a single class. Each holder of shares of our series A
convertible preferred stock will have the number of votes equal to the number
of shares of our common stock into which such shares could be converted as of
the applicable record date. In addition, without the prior consent of holders
of at least 70% of the outstanding shares of our series A convertible
preferred stock, we may not (1) amend, repeal or restate our restated
certificate of incorporation or bylaws or the Certificate of Designations for
the series A convertible preferred stock in a manner that adversely affects
the rights of our series A convertible preferred stock or (2) authorize, issue
or otherwise create any shares of capital stock ranking on parity with or
senior to our series A convertible preferred stock or any additional shares of
our series A convertible preferred stock.

                  Series B Convertible Preferred Stock. The holders of shares
of our series B convertible preferred stock will be entitled to vote on all
matters put to a vote or consent of our stockholders, voting together will the
holders of our common stock and the holders of our series A convertible
preferred stock as a single class. Each holder of shares of our series B
convertible preferred stock will have the number of votes equal to the number
of shares of our common stock into which such shares could be converted as of
the applicable record date. In addition, without the prior consent of holders
of at least 70% of the outstanding shares of our series B convertible
preferred stock, we may not amend, repeal or restate our restated certificate
of incorporation or bylaws or the certificate of designations for the series B
convertible preferred stock in a manner that adversely affects the rights of
our series B convertible preferred stock.

                  Dilutive Effects of our Convertible Preferred Stock. Because
the holders of both series of our convertible preferred stock are entitled to
vote together with the holders of our common stock on an as-converted basis,
our issuance of the convertible preferred stock will have a dilutive effect on
the voting power of the current holders of our common stock (other than the
Goldman Sachs investors).

Liquidation Preference

                  Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. Upon our liquidation,
winding up or dissolution, or the occurrence of specified bankruptcy events,
each share of our series A convertible preferred stock is entitled to a cash
payment equal to its "liquidation preference," which is defined as an amount
equal to the greater of (1) $1,000 (as adjusted for any split, subdivision,
combination, consolidation, recapitalization or similar event with respect to
our series A convertible preferred stock), if measured prior to the third
anniversary of the original issuance date of the convertible preferred stock,
or the "adjusted accrued value" (as defined below) of such share, if measured
on or after the third anniversary of the original issuance date of the
convertible preferred stock, and (2) the "participating preference amount" (as
defined below). In the event our liquidation occurs due to a voluntary case
under the federal bankruptcy laws or any other applicable similar state or
federal law, if the liquidation preference with respect to a share of our
series A convertible preferred stock is equal to the participating preference
amount, then each holder of shares of our series A convertible preferred stock
will receive out of assets available for distribution to our stockholders a
liquidation preference that is (1) in preference to any distribution to
holders of our common stock or any other stock that ranks junior to our series
A convertible preferred stock with respect to dividend rights and rights on
liquidation, winding up and dissolution, an amount of cash with respect to
each share of our series A convertible preferred stock equal to the adjusted
accrued value and (y) thereafter, the holders of such shares will be entitled
to share in all of our remaining assets pari passu, with the holders of our
common stock (with the holders of our series A convertible preferred stock
deemed to hold the number of shares of our common stock into which such
shares, if their liquidation preference were equal to the amount by which the
participating preference amount exceeds the adjusted accrued value, would be
convertible) until the holders of our series A convertible preferred stock
have received an amount equal to the amount by which the participating
preference amount exceeds the adjusted accrued value. The payment of the
liquidation preference must be made to holders of our series A convertible
preferred stock before any payment or distribution may be made to holders of
our common stock.

                  The "adjusted accrued value" is defined as $1,000 (as
adjusted for any split, subdivision, combination, consolidation,
recapitalization or similar event with respect to our series A convertible
preferred stock) plus the aggregate amount of accrued but unpaid dividends
which have been added to the accrued value of such share plus the aggregate
amount of accrued but unpaid dividends which have not been added to the
accrued value of such share. The "participating preference amount" is defined
as the amount that would be payable to the holder of such share in respect of
the number of shares of our common stock issuable upon conversion of such
share if all shares of our series A convertible preferred stock were converted
into shares of our common stock immediately prior to liquidation (disregarding
the conversion limitations described above under " - Conversion of Preferred
Stock into Common Stock").

                  Series B Convertible Preferred Stock. Upon our liquidation,
winding up or dissolution, or the occurrence of specified bankruptcy events,
each share of our series B convertible preferred stock is entitled to the
"liquidation preference," which is defined as an amount equal to the greater
of (1) the adjusted value (as defined under " - Offer to Purchase Upon Change
of Control - Series B Convertible Preferred Stock") of such share plus the
amount of proceeds that would be distributed in such liquidation to a holder
of the number of shares of our common stock equal to the quotient obtained by
dividing the difference between $195.618 (as adjusted for any split,
subdivision, combination, consolidation, recapitalization or similar event
with respect to our series B convertible preferred stock) and the adjusted
value by $3.00 (as adjusted for any split, subdivision, combination,
consolidation or reclassification of our common stock) and (2) the
participating preference amount. The payment of the liquidation preference
must be made to holders of our series B convertible preferred stock before any
payment or distribution may be made to holders of our common stock.

Preemptive Rights

                  Our series A convertible preferred stock and our series B
convertible preferred stock do not carry preemptive rights, although the
Goldman Sachs investors and the Berkshire and Greenbriar investors do have
certain preemptive rights pursuant to contractual arrangements with us. See
"Terms of the Financing Transactions - The Stockholders Agreement and the
Amended and Restated Governance Agreement - Issuance of Additional


                  We will seek to complete a refinancing of our existing
senior credit facility as of the closing of the financing transactions. The
closing of this refinancing is a condition to the closing of the financing

                  The senior debt refinancing will be comprised of some
combination of revolving credit and overdraft facilities, term loans and/or
senior notes, subject to certain maturity requirements. The agreements
evidencing the new senior financing will contain representations and
warranties, events of default, financial, affirmative and negative covenants
(subject to certain threshold requirements) and other terms to be negotiated.

                  The senior debt refinancing will refinance the
then-outstanding advances under our existing senior credit facility and the
payment of all fees and expenses associated with the refinancing.

                  We cannot assure you that we will be able to complete the
senior debt refinancing in accordance with the terms described in this proxy
statement or otherwise. Our failure to complete the senior debt refinancing
will not affect the vote to approve the financing transactions proposal and
the charter amendment proposal.

                        THE CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSAL

         Our restated certificate of incorporation authorizes the issuance of
a total of 120,000,000 shares of capital stock, consisting of 100,000,000
shares of common stock, par value $0.01 per share, and 20,000,000 shares of
preferred stock, without par value. In connection with its approval of the
financing transactions, our board of directors has unanimously (with the three
directors affiliated with the Goldman Sachs investors abstaining from the
vote) declared the advisability of and approved an amendment to our restated
certificate of incorporation to increase the total number of shares of capital
stock that we are authorized to issue from 120,000,000 to 220,000,000 by
increasing the number of shares of common stock that we are authorized to
issue from 100,000,000 to 200,000,000, and has resolved to submit the proposed
amendment to our stockholders. To effect the charter amendment, we propose
that Article 4 of our restated certificate of incorporation be amended to
provide as follows:

            "4.  CAPITALIZATION.

            The total number of shares which the Corporation is authorized to
            issue is 220,000,000, consisting of 20,000,000 shares of Preferred
            Stock, without par value (hereinafter in this Certificate of
            Incorporation called the "Preferred Stock"), and 200,000,000
            shares of Common Stock with a par value of $0.01 per share
            (hereinafter in this Certificate called the "Common Stock")."

         The purpose of the charter amendment is to create a sufficient
reserve of shares of our common stock for issuance (1) upon conversion (or,
under certain circumstances, redemption) of shares of our series A convertible
preferred stock and shares of our series B convertible preferred stock, (2) in
connection with equity based incentive awards pursuant to our compensation
programs, (3) upon conversion of our outstanding convertible debt securities
and (4) for our future needs in connection with future financing transactions,
acquisitions or otherwise. The approval of the charter amendment proposal is a
condition to the closing of the financing transactions.

         The increase in authorized shares of our common stock will provide us
with financial flexibility as we continue to seek to de-leverage our balance
sheet and improve our capital structure. It will provide a potential source of
financial liquidity to us through sales of our common stock or securities
convertible into our common stock. The additional authorized shares also could
be used to increase the number of shares available for issuance to our
employees under employee benefit plans. If our board of directors deems it to
be in our best interests and the best interests of our stockholders to issue
additional shares of our common stock in the future, our board generally will
not seek further authorization from our stockholders, unless such
authorization is otherwise required by applicable law or regulations. Any
future issuances of our common stock or securities convertible into our common
stock could further dilute your ownership or voting interest in the company.

         The proposed charter amendment to increase the number of authorized
shares of our common stock could, under certain circumstances, have an
anti-takeover effect, although this is not the intention of this proposal. For
example, in the event of an unsolicited attempt by a third party to acquire
control over Hexcel, an issuance of our common stock, may have the effect of
diluting the voting power of the other outstanding shares and increasing the
potential costs to acquire control of us. The charter amendment, therefore,
may have the effect of discouraging unsolicited takeover attempts, thereby
potentially limiting the opportunity for our stockholders to dispose of their
shares in connection with an unsolicited takeover offer.

         On December 12, 2002, our board of directors determined that the
charter amendment is advisable and in our best interests and the best
interests of our stockholders, and approved the charter amendment.
Accordingly, our board of directors recommends that our stockholders vote FOR
the charter amendment proposal.




         We previously adopted the 1998 Broad Based Incentive Stock Plan and
the Incentive Stock Plan. On May 11, 2000, our stockholders approved the
Incentive Stock Plan, which was subsequently amended as of December 19, 2000
and January 10, 2002. On December 12, 2002, our board of directors
approved, subject to adoption by our stockholders, the combination, amendment
and restatement of those two plans, which we refer to as the combined plans,
as the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan. Upon adoption by our stockholders, the 2003
Incentive Stock Plan will replace the combined plans. Any awards previously
granted under the combined plans as of the date of stockholder approval of the
2003 Incentive Stock Plan will remain outstanding pursuant to their respective
terms but will be deemed to have been granted under the 2003 Incentive Stock
Plan. In addition, however, the number of shares available for new awards
under the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan will be 5,000,000 shares greater than were
available under the combined plans immediately prior to the date of
stockholder approval of the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan.

         We are submitting the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan to our stockholders,
as required by the proposed rules of the NYSE, which we anticipate will become
final shortly, and to meet the stockholder approval requirement of Section
162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to maximize the
deductibility of compensation paid by us under the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan
to named executive officers.

         The following description of the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan is not
intended to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by the complete text
of the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan, a copy of which is included as Appendix C to
this proxy statement.

Description of The Principal Features of the Plan

         Authorized Shares. Subject to adjustment as provided in the 2003
Incentive Stock Plan, the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan will authorize 14,355,348
shares for awards (subject to the last sentence of this paragraph). Of this
number, as of December 31, 2002, 7,400,479 shares were subject to existing
awards outstanding under the combined plans, which will become awards
outstanding under the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan, and 1,954,869 shares were
available for new awards under the combined plans, which will become available
for awards under the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan. Five million additional shares
of common stock will become available for new awards upon stockholder approval
of this plan. The precise number of shares that will be available for future
issuance of awards and subject to outstanding awards under the 2003 Incentive
Stock Plan will not be able to be determined until immediately prior to the
time the plan becomes effective, and will depend upon the extent to which the
shares currently authorized and subject to outstanding awards under the
combined plans cease to be subject to, or become available for re-grant under,
the terms of the combined plans (for example, upon the exercise of options,
the vesting of restricted shares, the cancellation of awards, etc.).

         Purpose. The purpose of the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan is to benefit
our stockholders by enabling us and our subsidiaries to attract, retain and
provide incentives to our most highly qualified employees, officers, directors
and consultants.

         Administration. The plan will be administered by the compensation
committee of our board of directors, or such other committee of our board of
directors as our board of directors may designate. The committee has the
authority to make determinations with respect to the participation of
employees, officers and consultants in the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan and the
terms of awards made to participants. The committee has the authority to
establish, among other things, vesting schedules, performance criteria,
post-termination exercise provisions and all other material terms and
conditions of awards and has the authority to accelerate the time at which any
award becomes vested or exercisable including upon the occurrence of a "change
in control" as defined in the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan. The committee has the
authority to interpret and construe the provisions of the 2003 Incentive Stock

         Eligibility. Upon selection by the committee, any employee, officer
or consultant of Hexcel or its subsidiaries or director of Hexcel is eligible
to receive discretionary awards under the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan.
Additionally, directors are eligible to receive formula awards under the 2003
Incentive Stock Plan. It is currently estimated that up to approximately 150
of our employees (including officers) and all of our directors will be
eligible to participate in the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan. The number of
eligible consultants cannot be estimated.

         Discretionary Awards. The 2003 Incentive Stock Plan provides for
grants of a variety of awards, including stock options, stock options in lieu
of compensation elections, stock appreciation rights, restricted shares, and
other stock-based awards. Stock options may be either "incentive stock
options," or ISOs, which qualify under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended, or "nonqualified stock options," or NQSOs, which do
not qualify under Section 422. To the extent that the aggregate fair market
value of our common stock underlying options which are intended to be ISOs and
are exercisable for the first time by any individual during any calendar year
exceeds $100,000, such options will be treated as NQSOs. The market value of a
share of our common stock as of January 23, 2003 was $3.11.

         Formula Awards. Any person who becomes a director of Hexcel for the
first time and who is not a full-time employee of Hexcel or any subsidiary is
automatically granted (as of the date of his or her election or appointment as
a director) a nonqualified stock option to acquire 10,000 shares of our common
stock. In addition, immediately after each annual meeting of our stockholders,
each director who is not a full-time employee of Hexcel or any subsidiary and
who is re-elected at such meeting will be granted a nonqualified stock option
to acquire 2,000 shares of our common stock. All options described in this
paragraph will be granted automatically with an exercise price equal to the
fair market value of a share of our common stock on the date of grant and with
a term of ten years. Such options will be exercisable as to one-third of the
shares subject thereto upon grant and as to an additional one-third of the
shares on the first and second anniversaries of the date of grant. Upon the
occurrence of a "change in control" of Hexcel (as defined in the 2003
Incentive Stock Plan), each option described in this paragraph will become
fully exercisable.

         Amendment and Termination. The committee has the authority to
terminate the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan or make such modifications or
amendments to the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan as it may deem advisable. No
amendment to the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan which requires stockholder approval
under applicable law, rule or regulation will become effective without the
approval of our stockholders. In addition, no termination or amendment of the
2003 Incentive Stock Plan may adversely affect the rights of a participant
under an outstanding award without the consent of such participant.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

         The following discussion is a brief summary of certain United States
federal income tax consequences under current federal income tax laws relating
to awards under the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan. This summary is not intended to
be exhaustive and, among other things, does not describe state, local or
foreign income and other tax consequences. ACCORDINGLY, PARTICIPANTS IN THE

         Nonqualified Stock Options. An optionee will not recognize any
taxable income upon the grant of an NQSO, and we will not be entitled to a tax
deduction with respect to such grant.

         Upon exercise of an NQSO, the excess of the fair market value of the
acquired shares of our common stock on the exercise date over the exercise
price will be taxable as compensation income to the optionee and will be
subject to applicable withholding taxes. We will generally be entitled to a
tax deduction at that time in the amount of such compensation income. The
optionee's tax basis for the shares of our common stock received pursuant to
the exercise of an NQSO will equal the sum of the compensation income
recognized and the exercise price.

         In the event of a sale or other disposition of shares of our common
stock received upon the exercise of an NQSO, any appreciation or depreciation
after the exercise date generally will be taxed as capital gain or loss and
will be long-term capital gain or loss if the holding period for such shares
of our common stock (which begins upon such exercise) is more than one year.

         Incentive Stock Options. An optionee will not recognize any taxable
income at the time of grant or timely exercise of an ISO and we will not be
entitled to a tax deduction with respect to such grant or exercise. Exercise
of an ISO may, however, give rise to taxable compensation income to the
optionee, and a corresponding tax deduction to us, if the ISO is not exercised
on a timely basis (generally, while the optionee is employed by us or one of
our subsidiaries or within 90 days after termination of employment) or if the
optionee engages in a "disqualifying disposition" as described below. The
exercise of an ISO or the disqualifying disposition of shares acquired upon
the exercise of an ISO should not be subject to federal income tax
withholding. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service has announced that
employment taxes will not apply to the exercise of an ISO that occurs before
January 1 of the year that follows the second anniversary of the publication
of final guidance by the IRS. The difference between (a) the fair market value
of the shares of our common stock on the date of exercise of an ISO and (b)
the exercise price constitutes an item of tax preference for purposes of the
federal alternative minimum tax.

         A sale or exchange by an optionee of shares of our common stock
acquired upon the exercise of an ISO more than one year after the transfer of
such shares of our common stock to such optionee and more than two years after
the date of grant of the ISO generally will result in any difference between
the net sale proceeds and the exercise price being treated as long-term
capital gain or loss to the optionee. If such sale or exchange takes place
within two years after the date of grant of the ISO or within one year from
the date of transfer of shares of our common stock to the optionee, such sale
or exchange will generally constitute a "disqualifying disposition" of such
shares of our common stock that will have the following results: any excess of
(1) the lesser of (a) the fair market value of the shares of our common stock
at the time of exercise of the ISO and (b) the amount realized on such
disqualifying disposition of the shares of our common stock over (2) the
exercise price of such ISO will be taxable as compensation income to the
optionee, and we will be entitled to a tax deduction in the amount of such
compensation income. Any gain in excess of the amount required to be
recognized by the optionee as taxable compensation income will generally
qualify as capital gain and will not result in any deduction by us. If the
amount realized on a disqualifying disposition of the shares of our common
stock is less than the exercise price of such ISO, the difference will
generally constitute a capital loss to the optionee.

         Stock Appreciation Rights. The amount of any cash received upon the
exercise of a stock appreciation right, or SAR, will be includible in the
grantee's compensation income, will be deductible by us, and will be subject
to applicable withholding taxes.

         Restricted Shares. If restricted shares are awarded to a participant
in accordance with the terms of the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan, generally no
income will be recognized by such participant at the time the award is made.
Generally, such participant will be required to include as compensation
income, subject to applicable withholding taxes, the fair market value of such
restricted shares upon the lapse of the forfeiture provisions applicable
thereto, less any amount paid therefor. The participant may, however, elect
within 30 days after the award is made, to be taxed immediately upon receipt
of such shares rather than when the forfeiture provisions lapse. If such an
election is made, the participant will recognize compensation income, subject
to applicable withholding taxes, in the taxable year of his or her award in an
amount equal to the fair market value of such restricted shares (determined
without regard to the restrictions which by their terms will lapse) at the
time of receipt, less any amount paid therefor. Absent the making of the
election described in the preceding sentences, any cash dividends or other
distributions paid with respect to restricted shares prior to lapse of the
applicable restrictions will be includible in the participant's ordinary
income as compensation at the time of receipt. In each case, we will be
entitled to a deduction in the same amount as the compensation income realized
by the participant.

Plan Benefits

         Awards under the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan will be granted at the
sole discretion of the committee and performance criteria may vary from year
to year and from participant to participant. Therefore, benefits under the
2003 Incentive Stock Plan are not determinable. Compensation paid and other
benefits granted to certain of our executive officers for the 2002 fiscal year
are set forth below in the section entitled "Executive Compensation."

         Upon the closing of the financing transactions, David E. Berges, our
CEO, will receive an option to purchase 200,000 shares of our common stock
with an exercise price equal to the closing price of our common stock on the
date of grant.



         On May 22, 1997, our stockholders approved the Management Stock
Purchase Plan, and on May 11, 2000 they approved certain amendments to the
Management Stock Purchase Plan. On December 12, 2002, our board of directors
approved certain additional amendments, subject to adoption by our
stockholders, and, upon the adoption by our stockholders, the Management Stock
Purchase Plan will be amended and restated and will replace the currently
existing plan. Any awards previously granted under the currently existing plan
will remain outstanding pursuant to its terms.

         The Management Stock Purchase Plan is being submitted to our
stockholders in view of the proposed increase in the number of shares of our
common stock subject to the provisions of the Management Stock Purchase Plan
and pursuant to the rules of the New York Stock Exchange.

         The following description of the Management Stock Purchase Plan is
not intended to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by the complete
text of the Management Stock Purchase Plan, a copy of which is included as
Appendix D to this proxy statement.

Description of the Principal Features of the Plan

         Authorized Shares. As amended and restated, the Management Stock
Purchase Plan authorizes an additional 200,000 shares of our common stock to
the number of shares currently authorized. There were 127,712 shares remaining
available for new awards as of December 31, 2002. Upon adoption by our
stockholders, the aggregate number of shares authorized under the Management
Stock Purchase Plan will be 550,000, subject to adjustment as provided in the
Management Stock Purchase Plan. Of these 550,000 shares, 327,712 will be
available for issuances not covered by outstanding awards (subject to
adjustment as provided in the following sentence). The precise number of
shares that will be available for issuance of future awards under the amended
and restated Management Stock Purchase Plan will not be able to be determined
until immediately prior to the time the amendment is effective, and will
depend upon the extent to which the shares currently authorized under the plan
cease to be subject to the terms of the plan and the extent to which shares
subject to outstanding awards become available for re-grant under the plan.

         Purposes. The purposes of the Management Stock Purchase Plan are to
(1) attract and retain highly qualified executives, (2) align executive and
stockholder long-term interests and (3) enable executives to purchase stock by
using a portion of their annual incentive compensation so that they can
develop and maintain a substantial stock ownership position in Hexcel.

         Administration. The plan will be administered by the compensation
committee of the board of directors or such other committee of the board as
may be designated by the board. The committee has the authority to grant
Restricted Stock Units (as such term is defined in Section 5 of the Management
Stock Purchase Plan). The committee has the authority to interpret the
Management Stock Purchase Plan, to exercise all the powers and authorities
necessary or advisable in the administration of the Management Stock Purchase
Plan, and to establish, among other things, the time at which Restricted Stock
Units will be granted and the number of Restricted Stock Units to be covered
by each grant.

         Eligibility. Any officer or employee of Hexcel or its subsidiaries
participating in our Management Incentive Compensation Plan and designated by
the committee as a participant in the Management Stock Purchase Plan can
participate in the Management Stock Purchase Plan. It is currently estimated
that up to approximately 7 executives will be eligible to participate in the
Management Stock Purchase Plan.

         Grant Of Restricted Stock Units. Eligible employees can elect to
receive up to fifty (50%) percent of their annual bonuses under our Management
Incentive Compensation Plan as Restricted Stock Units. The Restricted Stock
Units are deemed to be acquired on the date on which the annual bonus is
payable. The deemed price of each Restricted Stock Unit will be eighty (80%)
percent of the average closing price of a share of our common stock over the
five trading days preceding the date of acquisition. The market value of a
share of our common stock as of January 23, 2003 was $3.11.

         Vesting. One-third (1/3) of the Restricted Stock Units acquired on a
given date will generally vest on each of the first three anniversaries of the
date of acquisition; however, all Restricted Stock Units will immediately
become completely vested upon the occurrence of a "change in control" or
certain employment termination events (as such terms are defined and discussed
in the Management Stock Purchase Plan). The committee also has discretion to
vest Restricted Stock Units at any time.

         Payment With Respect To Restricted Stock Units. Payment with respect
to a participant's Restricted Stock Units will generally be made in an equal
number of shares of our common stock on the third anniversary of their grant.
Earlier payments with respect to a participant's Restricted Stock Units will
be made in the event of a "change in control" of Hexcel or certain employment
termination events (as such terms and events are defined in the Management
Stock Purchase Plan) or a discretionary decision of the committee. Payments in
cash equal to the acquisition price with respect to unvested Restricted Stock
Units will be made under certain circumstances.

         Amendment And Termination. Our board of directors has the authority
to terminate the Management Stock Purchase Plan or make such modifications or
amendments to the Management Stock Purchase Plan as it may deem advisable. No
amendment to the Management Stock Purchase Plan for which our board of
directors determines stockholder approval is necessary or appropriate will
become effective without the approval of our stockholders. In addition, no
termination or amendment of the Management Stock Purchase Plan may adversely
affect the rights of a participant under an outstanding grant without the
consent of such participant.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

         The following discussion is a brief summary of certain United States
federal income tax consequences under current federal income tax laws relating
to awards under the Management Stock Purchase Plan. This summary is not
intended to be exhaustive and, among other things, does not describe state,
local or foreign income and other tax consequences. ACCORDINGLY, PARTICIPANTS

         Generally, no income will be recognized for federal income tax
purposes at the time Restricted Stock Units are granted to a participant in
accordance with the terms of the Management Stock Purchase Plan and no income
will be recognized for federal income tax purposes at the times the Restricted
Stock Units vest. However, at the time payment is made with respect to such
Restricted Stock Units, the participant will generally be required to
recognize compensation income, subject to applicable withholding taxes, in an
amount equal to the cash received as payment or the fair market value of the
shares of our common stock received as payment.

Plan Benefits

         Grants under the Management Stock Purchase Plan vary depending on the
decision of a participant to elect to receive Restricted Stock Units and the
amount of the participant's annual bonus award. Therefore, benefits under the
Management Stock Purchase Plan are not determinable. Compensation paid and
other benefits granted to certain of our executive officers for the 2002
fiscal year are set forth below in the section entitled "Executive



         We previously adopted the 1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, which
was amended as of March 19, 2002. On December 12, 2002, our board of directors
approved certain additional amendments to the plan, subject to adoption by our
stockholders, and, upon the adoption by our stockholders, the Employee Stock
Purchase Plan, as so amended and restated, will replace the currently existing
plan. Any options previously granted under the currently existing plan will
remain outstanding pursuant to its terms. The Employee Stock Purchase Plan is
not intended to qualify for the tax treatment under Section 423 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         The Employee Stock Purchase Plan is being submitted to our
stockholders in view of the proposed increase in the number of share of our
common stock subject to the provisions of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

         The following description of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan is not
intended to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by the complete text
of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan, a copy of which is included as Appendix E
to this proxy statement.

Description of the Principal Features of the Plan

         Authorized Shares. As amended and restated, the Employee Stock
Purchase Plan will authorize an additional 150,000 shares of our common stock
to the number of shares authorized under the currently existing plan. There
were 145,566 shares remaining available for purchase under the currently
existing plan on December 31, 2002. Upon adoption by our stockholders, the
aggregate number of shares authorized under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan,
subject to adjustment as provided in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan, will be
604,574. Of these 604,574 shares, 296,566 will be available for purchase
(subject to adjustment as provided in the following sentence). The precise
number of shares that will be available for purchase under the amended and
restated Employee Stock Purchase Plan will not be able to be determined until
immediately prior to the time the amendment is effective, and will depend upon
the extent to which the shares currently authorized under the plan are
purchased under the terms of the plan.

         Purpose. The Employee Stock Purchase Plan is designed to encourage
the purchase by our employees of shares of our common stock at a 15% discount.

         Administration. The Employee Stock Purchase Plan will be administered
by a committee designated by our board of directors. The committee may
interpret and construe the Employee Stock Purchase Plan, may make such rules
and regulations and establish such procedures for the administration of the
Employee Stock Purchase Plan as it deems appropriate, and has the authority to
exercise all the powers and authorities necessary or advisable in the
administration of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

         Eligibility. Generally, all employees of Hexcel or its designated
subsidiaries who have been employed at least six months, have reached the age
of majority in the state of the employee's residence, and work at least 30
hours per week and more than 1,000 hours in a calendar year, will be eligible
to participate in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

         Purchase of Shares. Each eligible employee who elects to participate
in an offering period will be granted options to purchase our common stock
through regular payroll deductions during the offering period in an amount
equal to either (a) 1% to 10% of the employee's cash compensation for each
payroll period, or (b) a dollar amount that is not less than $5.00 and not
more than 10% of the employee's cash compensation for each payroll period. The
offering periods are the successive calendar quarters beginning January 1,
March 1, July 1 and October 1. The purchases are made at the end of the
offering period. The purchase price of a share of our common stock will be
equal to 85% of the fair market value of a share of our common stock on the
last business day in the calendar quarter. The market value of a share of our
common stock as of January 23, 2003 was $3.11.

         Amendment and Termination. The Employee Stock Purchase Plan will
automatically terminate on May 22, 2007, unless it is terminated earlier by
action of our board of directors or by the purchase of all shares of our
common stock which are subject to the plan. Our board of directors may from
time to time amend or terminate the Employee Stock Purchase Plan, but no such
amendment or termination may adversely affect the rights of any participant,
and no amendment to the Employee Stock Purchase Plan which requires
stockholder approval under applicable law, rule or regulation shall become
effective unless the same shall be approved by the requisite vote of our
stockholders. Additionally, the committee may make such amendments as it deems
necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

         The following discussion is a brief summary of certain United States
federal income tax consequences under current federal income tax laws relating
to awards under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan. This summary is not intended
to be exhaustive and, among other things, does not describe state, local or
foreign income and other tax consequences. ACCORDINGLY, PARTICIPANTS IN THE

Nonqualified Stock Options

         The options granted under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan are
nonqualified stock options, or NQSOs, which do not qualify under Section 423
of the Code. An optionee will not recognize any taxable income upon the grant
of an NQSO and we will not be entitled to tax deduction with respect to such

         Upon exercise of an NQSO, the excess of the fair market value of the
acquired shares of our common stock on the exercise date over the exercise
price will be taxable as compensation income to the optionee and will be
subject to applicable withholding taxes. We will generally be entitled to a
tax deduction at that time in the amount of such compensation income. The
optionee's tax basis for the shares of our common stock received pursuant to
the exercise of an NQSO will equal the sum of the compensation income
recognized and the exercise price.

         In the event of a sale or other disposition of shares of our common
stock received upon the exercise of an NQSO, any appreciation or depreciation
after the exercise date generally will be taxed as capital gain or loss and
will be long-term capital gain or loss if the holding period for such shares
of our common stock (which begins upon such exercise) is more than one year.

Plan Benefits

         Since the amount of benefits to be received by each participant in
the Employee Stock Purchase Plan is determined by his or her elections, the
amount of future benefits to be allocated to any individual or group of
individuals under the plan in any particular year is not determinable.
Compensation paid and other benefits granted to certain of our executive
officers for the 2002 fiscal year are set forth below in the section entitled
"Executive Compensation."


         Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR each of the proposals to
adopt (a) the Hexcel Corporation 2003 Incentive Stock Plan, (b) an amendment
to our Management Stock Purchase Plan to increase by 200,000 the number of
shares reserved for the grant of restricted stock units under the Management
Stock Purchase Plan and (c) an amendment to our Employee Stock Purchase Plan
to increase by 150,000 the number of shares available for sale under the
Employee Stock Purchase Plan.



- ----------------------------- --------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
                                   TO BE ISSUED             EXERCISE PRICE        AVAILABLE FOR FUTURE ISSUANCE
                                 UPON EXERCISE OF           OF OUTSTANDING        UNDER EQUITY COMPENSATION PLANS
    PLAN CATEGORY               WARRANTS AND RIGHTS (2)      AND RIGHTS (3)            IN COLUMN (A)) (2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         (A)                     (B)                       (C)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<s>                                <c>                         <c>                    <c>
Equity compensation
plans approved by
security holders                   5,720,624 (4)               $10.31                 1,369,713 (5)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity compensation
plans not approved by
security holders                   2,558,166 (6)                $7.09                   858,434 (7)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Total                  8,278,790                    $9.33                 2,228,147
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   All information is as of December 31, 2002.
(2)   All numbers in this column refer to shares of Hexcel common stock.
(3)   Excludes the restricted stock units referred to in notes 4 and 6 below.
(4)   Includes 242,486 shares of common stock issuable upon the vesting and
      conversion of restricted stock units.
(5)   Includes 1,242,001 shares of common stock available for future issuance
      under the Hexcel Corporation Incentive Stock Plan in connection with
      awards, other than options, warrants or rights, that could be granted in
      the future.
(6)   Includes 154,600 shares of common stock issuable upon the vesting and
      conversion of restricted stock units.
(7)   Includes (i) 19,846 shares of common stock subject to options as of
      December 31, 2002 under, and to be purchased in January 2003 pursuant
      to, the terms of the Hexcel Corporation 1997 Employee Stock Purchase
      Plan, and (ii) 125,720 shares of common stock that could in the future
      become subject to options under, and therefore purchased under, the
      terms of the Hexcel Corporation 1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. Also
      includes 712,868 shares of common stock available for future issuance
      under the Hexcel Corporation 1998 Broad Based Incentive Stock Plan in
      connection with awards, other than options, warrants or rights, that
      could be granted in the future.

         We have two compensation plans, and two individual equity
compensation arrangements, in which equity securities were authorized for
issuance without the approval of security holders. These include the 1997
Employee Stock Purchase Plan, the 1998 Broad Based Incentive Stock Plan, and
two individual option agreements with our Chief Executive Officer, David E.
Berges. The 1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan is described under the heading
"The Equity Incentive Plans Proposals - The Employee Stock Purchase Plan." The
1998 Broad Based Incentive Stock Plan is substantially similar to the 2003
Incentive Stock Plan, the approval of which is being proposed to Hexcel's
stockholders under this proxy statement. Pursuant to this proposal, you are
being asked to approve the combination, amendment and restatement of the 1998
Broad Based Incentive Stock Plan and another equity compensation plan, the
Incentive Stock Plan, into the 2003 Incentive Stock Plan. Please see the more
detailed description under the heading "The Equity Incentive Plans Proposals -
The 2003 Incentive Stock Plan." We entered into the two individual option
agreements with Mr. Berges in connection with his employment agreement, as
described under the heading "Executive Compensation - Employment and Other
Agreements - Employment Agreement with Mr. Berges."

                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


         The following table sets forth the total annual compensation paid or
accrued by us to each person who served as our Chief Executive Officer during
any part of 2002 and our next four most highly compensated executive officers
who were employed by us as of December 31, 2002. We refer to these individuals
as the named executive officers.


                                                     ANNUAL COMPENSATION(1)                   LONG-TERM COMPENSATION AWARDS
                                             ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------
                                                                        OTHER                         UNDERLYING
                                                                       ANNUAL          RESTRICTED      OPTIONS/       ALL OTHER
                                             SALARY     BONUSES     COMPENSATION     STOCK AWARD(S)     SARS        COMPENSATION
NAME & PRINCIPAL POSITION           YEAR      ($)       ($)(3)          $(4)            ($)(5)(6)      (#)(6)         ($)(7)
- -------------------------           ----     ------     -------     ------------     --------------   -----------   ------------
<s>                                 <c>      <c>        <c>            <c>              <c>             <c>            <c>
David E. Berges(2)|_||_|            2002     572,000    599,914         --              447,991         250,000        18,738
    Chairman; Chief Executive       2001     229,167    429,167       81,182            706,500         825,000        16,628
    Officer; President

Stephen C. Forsyth..............    2002     335,000    217,513         --              117,820         133,000        17,071
    Executive Vice President;       2001     320,000    105,600         --               10,932            --          50,017
    Chief Financial Officer         2000     309,000    199,467         --              124,800          88,400        27,848

Ira J. Krakower.................    2002     273,000    166,046         --               95,900         108,400        16,506
    Senior Vice President;          2001     265,000     72,875         --                --               --          41,394
    General Counsel; Secretary      2000     254,000    164,643         --              103,350          82,413        22,734

William Hunt.....................   2002     240,495    143,874       7,213              49,046          55,600        11,687
    President, Composites           2001     250,000     68,750       6,981               --               --          13,904
    Materials Business Unit         2000     242,000    123,867       7,178              54,600          67,326        18,562

Joseph H. Shaulson...............   2002     247,500    144,874         --               67,678          76,400        14,320
    President, Hexcel-Schwebel      2001     240,000     72,000         --                --               --          27,143
    Business Unit                   2000     225,000    116,089         --               85,547          52,586        18,104

- ----------------------
(1)   Annual Compensation includes amounts earned in the fiscal year, whether
      or not deferred.

(2)   Mr. Berges' employment with us commenced on July 30, 2001.

(3)   Amounts shown include deferred amounts used to purchase restricted stock
      units ("MSPP RSUs") under the Management Stock Purchase Plan ("MSPP");
      see footnote 5 below. Bonuses shown for fiscal years 2000, 2001 and 2002
      were earned in fiscal years 2000, 2001 and 2002, and paid in 2001, 2002
      and 2003. The 2001 amount shown for Mr. Berges includes a $200,000
      sign-on bonus and a guaranteed pro-rated bonus payment of $229,167 for
      2001 in accordance with the terms of his employment agreement.

(4)   This column includes, among other things, perquisites and other benefits
      in excess of reporting thresholds. The amount for Mr. Berges in 2001
      includes $76,182 of attorneys' fees incurred by Mr. Berges in connection
      with entering into employment with us. The amounts for Mr. Hunt
      represent payments to cover tax liabilities related to reimbursement for
      housing expenses.

(5)   This column includes the value of (i) Performance Accelerated Restricted
      Stock Units ("PARS"), (ii) Restricted Stock Units ("RSUs") under the
      Incentive Stock Plan and Broad Based Incentive Stock Plan, (iii) MSPP
      RSUs (net of purchase price paid), and (iv) restricted shares of Hexcel
      common stock, awarded to the named executive officers. In each case, the
      value was determined at the closing market price of Hexcel common stock
      on the date of grant without taking into account any restrictions on
      vesting or transfer.

      (A) PARS. PARS generally vest after a period of seven years following
      the grant date. However, the PARS will vest and be converted into an
      equivalent number of shares of Hexcel common stock earlier than the
      fixed vesting date, if our performance equals or exceeds certain
      performance target levels, or, in certain circumstances, upon the
      executive's termination of employment.

      (B) RSUs. RSUs generally vest in equal increments on each of the first
      three anniversaries of the grant and the vested RSUs are concurrently
      converted into an equivalent number of shares of Hexcel common stock.

      (C) MSPP RSUs. MSPP RSUs were issued under the MSPP to the extent the
      executive elected to purchase MSPP RSUs with up to 50% of his bonus for
      2000, 2001 and 2002. The purchase price of an MSPP RSU was 80% of the
      average closing price of Hexcel common stock for the five trading days
      preceding the date on which the bonus was payable. MSPP RSUs generally
      vest in equal increments on each of the first three anniversaries of the
      grant and, at the expiration of a three year restricted period from the
      date of grant, are converted into an equivalent number of shares of
      Hexcel common stock. The MSPP RSUs with respect to the bonus for 2000
      were issued on February 1, 2001 at a purchase price of $8.59 per MSPP
      RSU. The MSPP RSUs with respect to the bonus for 2001 were issued on
      January 10, 2002 at a purchase price of $2.27 per MSPP RSU. The MSPP
      RSUs with respect to the bonus for 2002 were issued on January 21, 2003
      at a purchase price of $2.53 per MSPP RSU.

      (D) Restricted Shares Granted to Mr. Berges. Pursuant to his employment
      agreement, upon commencing employment in July 2001, Mr. Berges was
      granted 90,000 restricted shares of Hexcel common stock. Eighteen
      thousand shares vested, and the restrictions as to these shares lapsed,
      on March 31, 2002. The remainder of these shares will vest, and the
      restrictions thereon will lapse, on March 31, 2003.

      (E) Aggregate Restricted Stock Information. The aggregate number of
      shares underlying PARS, RSUs, MSPP RSUs and restricted shares held by
      each named executive officer at the end of 2002, and the aggregate value
      of the PARS, RSUs, MSPP RSUs (net of purchase price paid) and restricted
      shares based on the closing price of Hexcel common stock at December 31,
      2002 ($3.00), are as follows: Mr. Berges 293,136 and $699,434; Mr.
      Forsyth 75,059 and $184,379; Mr. Krakower 45,600 and $136,800; Mr. Hunt
      23,500 and $70,500; and Mr. Shaulson 35,878 and $77,717. These amounts
      include PARS, RSUs, MSPP RSUs and restricted shares that were not vested
      as of December 31, 2002. No dividends are payable on any PARS, RSUs or
      MSPP RSUs until the shares represented by the PARS, RSUs or MSPP RSUs
      are delivered to the employee provided that, if dividends are paid on
      Hexcel common stock subsequent to vesting of PARS, but while conversion
      to Hexcel common stock is restricted by Hexcel because of the
      application of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the
      executive will be granted additional PARS (as if each of such PARS were
      a share of Hexcel common stock) equal in value to the dividends which
      would have been payable if such vested PARS were converted into Hexcel
      common stock. Dividends are payable on the restricted shares held by Mr.

(6)   The compensation committee authorized the annual award of stock
      incentives for 2001 in December 2000, and for 2002 on January 10, 2002.
      Therefore, no stock incentive awards granted to any named executive
      officer in 2001 are reflected in the summary compensation table except
      as to Mr. Berges whose awards were granted in July 2001 under his
      employment agreement and as to Mr. Forsyth, who had elected to purchase
      MSPP RSUs with 50% of his 2001 bonus. An aggregate of 193,524 restricted
      stock units and options to purchase an aggregate of 707,236 shares of
      Hexcel common stock were granted to the incumbent named executive
      officers on January 6, 2003.

(7)   The amounts in the "All Other Compensation" column for fiscal years
      2000, 2001 and 2002 for all named executive officers except for Mr. Hunt
      include the following:

                                            HEXCEL                             PREMIUMS FOR
                                       CONTRIBUTIONS TO         HEXCEL             LIFE       PREMIUMS FOR
                                            401(K)         CONTRIBUTIONS TO    INSURANCE IN     LONG-TERM
                                          RETIREMENT            401(K)          EXCESS OF      DISABILITY
      NAME                    YEAR       SAVINGS PLAN      RESTORATION PLAN      $50,000        INSURANCE
      ----                    ----     -----------------   ----------------    -------------  ------------
      David E. Berges         2002          $15,579               $0              $2,823          $336
                              2001            --               $15,886             $547           $195
      Stephen C. Forsyth      2002          $15,130               $0              $1,605          $336
                              2001          $10,338            $36,849            $1,840          $990
                              2000          $10,200            $14,922            $1,772          $954
      Ira J. Krakower         2002          $14,890               $0              $1,280          $336
                              2001           $9,942            $29,465            $1,497          $990
                              2000          $10,200            $10,145            $1,435          $954
      Joseph H. Shaulson      2002          $12,833               $0              $1,151          $336
                              2001          $13,880            $10,931            $1,342          $990
                              2000           $8,843             $7,053            $1,242          $954

         As a non-US based executive, Mr. Hunt does not participate in the
same plans as the other named executive officers. For Mr. Hunt, the amounts in
the "All Other Compensation" column for fiscal years 2000, 2001 and 2002
consist of life insurance premiums of $7,227, $6,584 and $4,152 and disability
insurance premiums of $11,335, $7,320 and $7,535.


                                    OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                                                                    POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                                                                                                  VALUE AT ASSUMED ANNUAL
                                                                                                          RATES OF
                                                                                                  STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION
                                                     INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                              FOR OPTION TERM (1)
                                                     -----------------                            -------------------------
                                  NUMBER OF    % OF TOTAL    EXER-
                                  SECURITIES  OPTIONS/SARS  CISE OR  MARKET
                                  UNDERLYING   GRANTED TO    BASE   PRICE ON
                                 OPTIONS/SARS EMPLOYEES IN   PRICE   GRANT        EXPIRATION
NAME                             GRANTED (#)  FISCAL YEAR    ($/SH)   DATE           DATE           5%($)       10%($)

David E. Berges.............       250,000       21.9%       $2.74   $2.74     January 10, 2012    $430,793   $1,091,714
Stephen C. Forsyth..........       133,000       11.6%        2.74    2.74     January 10, 2012    229,182      580,792
Ira J. Krakower.............       108,400        9.5%        2.74    2.74     January 10, 2012    186,792      473,367
William Hunt................        55,600        4.9%        2.74    2.74     January 10, 2012     95,808      242,797
Joseph H. Shaulson..........        76,400        6.7%        2.74    2.74     January 10, 2012    131,650      333,628

- -----------------------
(1)     The amounts shown in these columns are the potential realizable value
        of options granted at assumed rates of stock price appreciation (5%
        and 10%) set by the executive compensation disclosure provisions of
        the proxy rules of the Commission and have not been discounted to
        reflect the present values of such amounts. The assumed rates of stock
        price appreciation are not intended to forecast the future stock price
        appreciation of Hexcel common stock.



                                                                 NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                                UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED    VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                    OPTIONS/SARS AT           IN THE MONEY
                                     SHARES                     FISCAL YEAR END (#)(1)       OPTIONS/SARS AT
                                  ACQUIRED ON       VALUE            (EXERCISABLE/       FISCAL YEAR END ($)(2)
               NAME               EXERCISE (#)   REALIZED ($)       UNEXERCISABLE)      (EXERCISABLE/UNEXERCISABLE)
- ------------------------------    ------------   ------------   ----------------------  ---------------------------
  David E. Berges..............        --             --            171,875/903,125             0/65,000
  Stephen C. Forsyth...........        --             --            391,093/162,466             0/34,580
  Ira J. Krakower..............        --             --            374,682/135,871             0/28,184
  William Hunt.................        --             --            180,805/79,141              0/14,456
  Joseph H. Shaulson...........        --             --            218,058/93,928              0/19,864

- -------------------
(1)     Includes (i) 825,000 shares underlying options granted to Mr. Berges
        under his employment agreement; (ii) options granted pursuant to the
        Incentive Stock Plan and Broad Based Incentive Stock Plan as follows:
        Mr. Berges 250,000; Mr. Forsyth 552,059; Mr. Krakower 510,553; Mr.
        Hunt 259,946 and Mr. Shaulson 311,986; and (iii) options granted
        pursuant to Hexcel's 1988 Management Stock Plan as follows: Mr.
        Forsyth 1,500.

(2)     Based on the closing price of $3.00 per share of Hexcel common stock
        as reported on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Tape on
        December 31, 2002.


Pension Plan - U.S. Employees

         Messrs. Forsyth, Krakower and Shaulson participated in the Hexcel
Corporation Pension Plan, a tax-qualified defined benefit plan. On December
31, 2000, the benefits under the Pension Plan were frozen and no additional
benefits will be earned after that date. The benefit vests in its entirety
after five years of employment; even though the benefit is frozen, employees
continue to earn service credit towards vesting after December 31, 2000. As of
the end of the 2002 fiscal year, the monthly benefit earned and the percentage
of such benefit vested for each of the participating named executive officers
was as follows: Mr. Forsyth $667 and 100%; Mr. Krakower $442 and 100% and Mr.
Shaulson $498 and 100%. Benefits are normally payable monthly, as a life
annuity, commencing upon the later of the executive's attainment of age 65 or
retirement. The benefits are not offset by Social Security or any other
amounts. Benefits under the Pension Plan are credited against the supplemental
executive retirement agreement benefits of Messrs. Forsyth and Krakower; see
"EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION, Employment and Other Agreements, "Supplemental
Executive Retirement Agreements with Messrs. Forsyth and Krakower." Mr. Hunt
does not participate in this Pension Plan but Mr. Hunt is a participant in the
Hexcel Composites Limited Pension Scheme as described in "EXECUTIVE
COMPENSATION, Employment and Other Agreements, Additional Pension Agreement
with Mr. Hunt."


Employment Agreement with Mr. Berges

         We entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Berges when he began
his employment with us on July 30, 2001. The employment agreement provides for
Mr. Berges to be employed as our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for four
years commencing July 30, 2001. After the end of the initial four-year term,
the employment agreement will automatically be extended for successive
one-year terms unless either Mr. Berges or Hexcel gives at least one year's
prior notice to the other that the employment agreement shall not be renewed.
Mr. Berges may terminate the employment agreement for good reason or upon 30
days' notice to us. The employment agreement provides for, among other things:

     |_|    a sign-on award of $200,000;

     |_|    an annual base salary of not less than $550,000, subject to annual
            review by the compensation committee;

     |_|    a target annual bonus opportunity of not less than 100% of annual
            base salary, and a maximum annual bonus opportunity of not less
            than 200% of annual base salary, including a guaranteed pro-rated
            bonus of not less than $229,167 for 2001; and

            participation in all other employee benefit plans available to
            senior executives, except that Mr. Berges' participation in our
            annual equity award program during the initial four-year term of
            the employment agreement is at the discretion of the compensation

         Under the employment agreement, on July 30, 2001 we granted Mr.
Berges separate options to purchase 550,000 and 275,000 shares of Hexcel
common stock. Each of the options has a term of ten years and an exercise
price of $10.50 per share. The option to purchase 550,000 shares becomes
exercisable over four years at a rate of one-sixteenth of the shares at the
end of each three-month period beginning with the three-month period ending
October 31, 2001. The option to purchase 275,000 shares becomes exercisable in
full on July 29, 2011, subject to earlier vesting, in part or in whole, if the
price of Hexcel common stock reaches defined thresholds. If Mr. Berges'
employment with us terminates, the options, to the extent not vested, are

         In addition, on July 30, 2001 Mr. Berges received 90,000 restricted
shares of Hexcel common stock. The restricted shares may not be sold or
transferred until they vest and the restrictions lapse. On March 31, 2002,
18,000 restricted shares vested and the restrictions on those shares lapsed.
On March 31, 2003, the remaining 72,000 restricted shares will vest, and the
restrictions on those shares will lapse. However, if before March 31, 2003 we
terminate Mr. Berges' employment without cause, or Mr. Berges terminates his
employment for good reason, or if Mr. Berges' employment terminates by reason
of death or disability, the 72,000 restricted shares will vest and the
restrictions on those shares will lapse. If prior to March 31, 2003 Mr. Berges
terminates his employment other than for good reason, or we terminate his
employment for cause, then he forfeits the 72,000 restricted shares.

         In the event of a change of control of Hexcel, any unvested options
immediately vest and become exercisable and any unvested restricted shares
immediately vest and the restrictions on those shares lapse.

         Upon termination of employment under certain circumstances we will
make payments to Mr. Berges, and continue his participation in our benefit
plans for a limited period of time. The amounts payable to Mr. Berges vary
depending upon the circumstances of termination of employment:

     |_|    for termination by us other than for disability and other than for
            cause, or by Mr. Berges for good reason, Mr. Berges will be
            entitled to receive a payment equal to two times the sum of his
            base salary at that time and average bonus over the last three

     |_|    for termination by us other than for disability and other than for
            cause, or by Mr. Berges for good reason, in each case during a
            period which qualifies as a potential change in control or within
            two years after a change in control, Mr. Berges receives three
            times the sum of his base salary at that time and average bonus
            over the last three years; and

     |_|    for termination due to death or disability, Mr. Berges will be
            entitled to receive his salary through the date of termination
            plus an annual bonus prorated for the portion of the year he was

         We will continue Mr. Berges' participation in our benefit plans for
up to three years depending on the circumstances of termination. If we
terminate Mr. Berges for cause or Mr. Berges terminates employment without
good reason, Mr. Berges will be entitled to receive only unpaid amounts owed
to him through the date of termination. In the event payments to Mr. Berges
would result in the imposition of any excise tax on "excess parachute
payments," the payments and benefits to which Mr. Berges is otherwise entitled
may be reduced to the extent necessary to maximize the after-tax amount
received by him. However, if Mr. Berges receives payments from us as a result
of termination of employment before December 19, 2002, then we will hold him
harmless from the effect of any excise tax imposed on "excess parachute

         Mr. Berges has agreed not to compete with us for two years or three
years after termination of employment, depending on whether termination occurs
under circumstances described in the first bullet point or second bullet point

Supplemental Executive Retirement Agreement with Mr. Berges

         We also entered into a supplemental executive retirement agreement
with Mr. Berges upon his commencing employment with us on July 30, 2001. This
agreement provides a benefit intended to supplement Mr. Berges' retirement
income from our other retirement programs. The normal retirement benefit under
the agreement for retirement at age 65 is a monthly payment equal to the
product of Mr. Berges' final average pay, benefit percentage, and vesting
percentage, minus the qualified pension benefits. Final average pay is Mr.
Berges' monthly compensation, which includes salary and bonus without
reduction for amounts deferred, for the highest paid 36 months of Mr. Berges'
final 60 months of employment. The benefit percentage is a percentage, based
on a formula, which increases with each month of continuous service with us up
to 156 months. The vesting percentage is 100% if Mr. Berges has completed at
least 60 months of continuous service with us, otherwise it is 0%. Qualified
pension benefits are the actuarially determined monthly value of the vested
contributions made by us under our defined contribution retirement plans
deemed increased at a 6% per annum rate of return.

         If Mr. Berges' employment terminates, we will pay the normal
retirement benefit to him starting the month after his employment terminates
and ending with his death, or, if later, after 120 payments have been made.
Any payments made after his death shall be made to his surviving beneficiary
or estate. Upon certain terminations within two years after a change in
control, termination by us without cause, and termination by Mr. Berges for
good reason, we will pay Mr. Berges a lump sum equal to the actuarial present
value of a monthly benefit starting in the month after his employment
terminates, computed using a vesting percentage of 100% and continuous service
equal to Mr. Berges' actual continuous service plus, in the case of a change
of control, 36 months, and in the case of termination by us without cause or
by Mr. Berges for good reason, 12 months, with the benefit reduced by 3% per
year for each year by which his termination precedes his attaining age 65. If
Mr. Berges' employment terminates due to a disability, he will receive a
monthly benefit in an amount equal to the product of his final average pay and
benefit percentage, less his qualified pension benefits. No benefits are
payable if Mr. Berges is terminated for cause. In addition, Mr. Berges may
elect to provide certain survivorship benefits to a designated beneficiary,
but the benefit payable to Mr. Berges shall be reduced to reflect the
actuarial equivalence of the survivorship benefit elected. Mr. Berges may
generally elect the form of payment of benefits between receiving a monthly
amount or a lump sum amount.

         If Mr. Berges had retired at December 31, 2002, assuming a vesting
percentage of 100%, his normal retirement benefit under his supplemental
executive retirement commencing at age 65 would equal approximately $7,787 per

Severance Agreements with Messrs. Forsyth, Krakower and Shaulson

         In February 1999, we entered into severance agreements with Messrs.
Forsyth, Krakower and Shaulson. These severance agreements provide that we
will make a termination payment to the executive, and continue his
participation in our benefit plans for a limited period of time, upon
termination of employment under certain circumstances. The amounts payable to
the executive vary depending upon the circumstances of termination of

     |_|    for termination by us other than for disability and other than for
            cause, or by the executive for good reason, the executive receives
            a payment equal to one year's salary plus average bonus over the
            last three years; and

     |_|    for termination by us other than for disability and other than for
            cause, or by the executive for good reason, during a period of a
            potential change in control or within two years after a change in
            control, the executive receives three times the payment described
            in the bullet point above.

         If payments to the executive would result in the imposition of any
excise tax on "excess parachute payments," the payments may be reduced to
maximize the after-tax amount received by the executive. The executive agrees
not to compete with us for one year or three years after termination of
employment depending on whether termination occurs under circumstances
described in the first or second bullet point above.

Supplemental Executive Retirement Agreements with Messrs. Forsyth and Krakower

         In May 2000, we agreed to provide each of Messrs. Forsyth and
Krakower with a benefit intended to supplement the executive's retirement
income from our other retirement programs and social security. The normal
retirement benefit under the supplemental executive retirement agreement for
retirement at age 65 is a monthly payment equal to the product of the
executive's final average pay, benefit percentage, and vesting percentage,
minus the qualified pension benefits. Final average pay is the executive's
monthly compensation, which includes salary and bonus without reduction for
amounts deferred, for the highest paid 36 months of the executive's final 60
months of employment. The benefit percentage is a percentage, based on a
formula, which increases with each month of continuous service with us. The
vesting percentage for Mr. Krakower is 100% if Mr. Krakower has completed at
least 60 months of continuous service with us, and otherwise it is 0%. The
vesting percentage for Mr. Forsyth is 100% if Mr. Forsyth has completed 24
months of continuous service with us after the date of the agreement, and
otherwise it is 0%. Both Mr. Krakower and Mr. Forsyth now have vesting
percentages of 100%. Qualified pension benefits are the actuarially determined
monthly value of the vested benefits under the pension plan, and the vested
contributions made by us under our defined contribution plans deemed increased
at a 6% per annum rate of return. In addition, for Mr. Forsyth, qualified
pension benefits include any other similar benefits Mr. Forsyth is entitled to
as a result of his employment with any of our current or former affiliates.

         If the executive's employment terminates, we will pay the normal
retirement benefit to the executive starting the month after his employment
terminates and ending with his death, or, if later, after 120 payments have
been made. Any payments made after death shall be made to the executive's
surviving beneficiary or estate. Upon certain terminations within two years
after a change in control, termination by us without cause, and termination by
the executive for good reason, the executive will be paid a lump sum equal to
the actuarial present value of the normal retirement benefit, computed using a
vesting percentage of 100% and continuous service equal to the executive's
actual continuous service plus, in the case of a change of control, 36 months,
and in the case of termination by us without cause or by the executive for
good reason, 12 months. If the executive's employment terminates due to a
disability, he will receive a monthly benefit in an amount equal to the
product of the executive's final average pay and benefit percentage, less the
executive's qualified pension benefits. No benefits are payable if the
executive is terminated for cause. In addition, the executive may elect to
provide certain survivorship benefits to a designated beneficiary, but the
benefit payable to the executive will be reduced to reflect the actuarial
equivalence of the survivorship benefit elected. The executive may generally
elect the form of payment of benefits between receiving a monthly amount or a
lump sum amount.

         If Mr. Forsyth had retired at December 31, 2002, his normal
retirement benefit under his supplemental executive retirement agreement
payable commencing at age 65 would equal approximately $15,143 per month. For
Mr. Krakower the amount would be $8,122 per month.

Additional Pension Agreement with Mr. Hunt

         Mr. Hunt participates in the Hexcel Composites Limited Pension
Scheme, a United Kingdom pension plan, which includes limitations on the
earnings which can be included for determination of a pension. We have agreed
to provide Mr. Hunt with an additional pension which is designed to provide,
when combined with the pension scheme and other benefits, a pension Mr. Hunt
would receive if there were no earnings limitation under the pension scheme.
The amount of Mr. Hunt's pension is equal to approximately 69% of his salary
for the year prior to retirement. Mr. Hunt may also choose to receive all or
part of his benefit in a lump sum. Pension payments increase annually at the
lesser of 5% and the retail price index. If Mr. Hunt continues to be employed
by us at his current base salary until age 65, Mr. Hunt would receive an
annual benefit of $166,743. If Mr. Hunt's base salary during the year prior to
his retirement at age 65 increased to 120% of his current base salary, he
would receive an annual benefit of $200,092.


         The following directors were members of the compensation committee
during 2002: Sandra L. Derickson, Marshall S. Geller, Sanjeev K. Mehra and
Martin L. Solomon. For information regarding our relationship with Goldman
Sachs, of which Mr. Mehra is a Managing Director, see "CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS
AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS - Relationship with the Goldman Sachs Investor Group"
contained elsewhere in this Proxy Statement.


         Nonemployee directors are compensated for services as directors with
an annual retainer of $30,000 payable quarterly. Nonemployee directors are
also paid $1,200 for each Board of Directors meeting and $600 for each
committee meeting attended. Committee chairmen are paid an additional $3,000
annually and receive a grant of 1,000 nonqualified stock options per year. Mr.
Berges does not receive any additional compensation as a member of the Board
of Directors.

         In January 2003, the Board of Directors offered each nonemployee
director other than Messrs. Mehra and Sacerdote the opportunity to receive his
or her 2003 retainer compensation in the form of discounted nonqualified stock
options. The director may, in lieu of a portion (between 25% and 100%) of his
or her annual retainer (including any retainer paid to the director as a
committee chairman), elect to receive that number of stock options determined
by dividing the dollar amount of such portion by the exercise price of the
stock option. The exercise price of each stock option is 50% of the fair
market value of a share of Hexcel common stock on the grant date. The options
vest ratably over the first year after grant and expire ten years from the
date of grant. In accordance with elections made by participating directors,
the following nonqualified options were granted on January 6, 2003 at an
exercise price of $1.565 per share to each of the named directors: Mr. Solomon
- - 21,086; Ms. Derickson--14,377; Mr. Geller--10,543; Messrs. Gaffney and
Bellows - 9,585.

         Pursuant to the Incentive Stock Plan, each non-employee director is
granted, upon election or appointment as a director, a nonqualified option to
purchase 10,000 shares of Hexcel common stock with an exercise price equal to
the fair market value of Hexcel common stock on the date of grant. The
Incentive Stock Plan further provides that immediately after each annual
meeting of stockholders, each non-employee director will be granted a
nonqualified option to purchase an additional 2,000 shares of Hexcel common
stock with an exercise price equal to the fair market value of Hexcel common
stock on the date of grant.

         Based on information provided to us, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is
the beneficial owner of all cash and equity-based compensation received by
Messrs. Mehra and Sacerdote for their services as directors of Hexcel.

                             OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT


         The following table sets forth certain information as of December 31,
2002 with respect to the ownership by any person (including any "group" as
that term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934)
known to us to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the issued
and outstanding shares of Hexcel common stock.

                                            NUMBER OF
                                            SHARES OF               PERCENT
NAME AND ADDRESS                            COMMON STOCK            OF CLASS(1)
- ----------------                            ------------            --------

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (2)              14,557,002             37.8%
85 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004

Ingalls & Snyder LLC (3)                       4,252,688              10.9%
61 Broadway
New York, NY 10006

Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. (4)            2,805,800              7.3%
1299 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90401

Estate of John J. Lee (5)                      2,805,636              6.9%
c/o Stewart J. McMillan
McMillan Constabile LLP,
2180 Boston Post Road
Larchmont, NY 10538-0300

Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. (6)      2,290,448              5.9%
Klybeckstrasse 141
CH 4002
Basel, Switzerland

AXA Financial, Inc. (7)                        2,025,577              5.3%
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104

- ------------------------
(1)     Based on 38,507,780 shares outstanding as of December 31, 2002.

(2)     Based on information contained in a Statement on Schedule 13D/A filed
        with the SEC on December 20, 2002 by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and
        several of its affiliates. Based on information included in the
        Schedule 13D/A, options to purchase 36,000 shares of Hexcel common
        stock granted to each of Messrs. Mehra and Sacerdote pursuant to the
        Hexcel Corporation Incentive Stock Plan are held for the benefit of
        The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Options to purchase 32,002 of the 36,000
        shares are currently exercisable and, accordingly, are included in the
        shares beneficially owned by The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. The shares
        of our common stock beneficially owned by The Goldman Sachs Group,
        Inc. are subject to the terms of the governance agreement entered into
        in 2000.

(3)     Based on information contained in a Statement on Schedule 13G/A filed
        with the SEC on November 8, 2002. Assumes conversion of $8,048,000
        principal amount of our 7% convertible subordinated notes due 2003.

(4)     Based on information contained in a Statement on Schedule 13G filed
        with the SEC on February 12, 2002.

(5)     Based on information contained in a Statement on Schedule 13D filed
        with the SEC on November 26, 2001, and includes 2,007,920 shares
        issuable upon the exercise of options that are currently exercisable.

(6)     Based on information provided by Ciba to Hexcel on December 10, 2002.

(7)     Based on information contained in a Statement on Schedule 13G filed
        with the SEC on February 11, 2002. The Schedule 13G is also filed on
        behalf of the following entities: AXA Conseil Vie Assurance Mutuelle,
        AXA Assurances I.A.R.D. Mutuelle, AXA Assurances Vie Mutuelle, AXA
        Courtage Assurance Mutuelle, AXA and Alliance Capital Management L.P.


         The following table contains information regarding the beneficial
ownership of shares of Hexcel common stock as of December 31, 2002 by our
directors, the executive officers listed in the summary compensation table
below, and by all directors and executive officers as a group. The information
in the table is based upon information supplied to us by the persons listed in
the table.


                                                               SHARES OF HEXCEL           PERCENT
    NAME                                                       COMMON OWNED (1)         OF CLASS (2)(3)
    ----                                                       ----------------         ------------

<s>                                                                <c>                      <c>
    David E. Berges                                                469,584                  1.2%
    H. Arthur Bellows, Jr.                                          27,521                   *
    Sandra L. Derickson                                             21,616                   *
    James J. Gaffney (4)                                            32,093                   *
    Marshall S. Geller                                             158,774                   *
    Sanjeev K. Mehra (4)(5)                                     14,557,002                 37.8%
    Lewis Rubin                                                     56,856                   *
    Peter M. Sacerdote (4)(5)                                   14,557,002                 37.8%
    Martin L. Solomon                                              162,983                   *
    Stephen C. Forsyth                                             535,168                  1.4%
    Ira J. Krakower                                                637,59                   1.6%
    William Hunt                                                   318,704                   *
    Joseph H. Shaulson                                             290,840                   *
    All executive officers and directors
    as a group (17 persons) (5)(6)                              17,472,595                 12.6%

- ----------------------------
(1)     Except as noted in footnote 5 below, includes shares issuable upon the
        exercise of options that are currently exercisable, that will become
        exercisable within 60 days or that could become exercisable upon
        termination of employment under certain circumstances, and shares
        distributable within 60 days upon the satisfaction of certain
        conditions of restricted stock units. Such shares are held as follows:
        Mr. Berges 339,584; Mr. Bellows 27,521; Ms. Derickson 21,616; Mr.
        Gaffney 32,093; Mr. Geller 98,774; Mr. Rubin 56,856; Mr. Solomon
        147,983; Mr. Forsyth 456,014; Mr. Krakower 556,153; Mr. Hunt 282,346;
        Mr. Shaulson 254,011; all other executive officers and directors as a
        group 179,070.

(2)     Based on 38,507,780 shares outstanding as of December 31, 2002

(3)     An asterisk represents ownership of less than 1%.

(4)     Messrs. Gaffney, Mehra and Sacerdote serve on our board of directors
        at the request of the Goldman Sachs investors pursuant to the
        governance agreement.

(5)     Includes 14,525,000 shares of our common stock held by the Goldman
        Sachs investors, and 20,001 and 12,001 shares of our common stock
        underlying currently exercisable options granted to Messrs. Mehra and
        Sacerdote, respectively, which options are held for the benefit of the
        Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Messrs. Mehra and Sacerdote disclaim
        beneficial ownership of all of these shares.

(6)     Includes 2,484,023 shares issuable upon the exercise of options that
        are currently exercisable, that will become exercisable within 60 days
        or that could become exercisable upon termination of employment under
        certain circumstances, and shares distributable within 60 days upon
        the satisfaction of certain conditions of restricted stock units. If
        the 14,557,002 shares referred to in footnote 5 above were excluded,
        the number of shares and percentage would decrease to 2,915,593 and
        7.1% respectively.



         We have made statements in this document and the documents referenced
herein that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements relate to
analyses and other information that are based on forecasts of future results
and estimates of amounts not yet determinable. These statements also relate to
future prospects, developments and business strategies. These forward-looking
statements are identified by the use of terms and phrases such as
"anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may,"
"plan," "predict," "project," "should," "will," and similar terms and phrases,
including references to assumptions. Such statements are based on current
expectations, are inherently uncertain, and are subject to changing

         Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially
different. Such factors include, but are not limited to, the following:
changes in general economic and business conditions; changes in current
pricing and cost levels; changes in political, social and economic conditions
and local regulations, particularly in Asia and Europe; foreign currency
fluctuations; changes in aerospace production or delivery rates; reductions in
sales to any significant customers, particularly Airbus or Boeing; changes in
sales mix; changes in government defense procurement budgets; changes in
military aerospace programs or technology; industry capacity; competition;
disruptions of established supply channels; manufacturing capacity
constraints; and the availability, terms and deployment of capital. Additional
information regarding these factors is contained in our Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 and our Quarterly Reports on Form
10-K for the quarters ended March 31, 2002, June 30, 2002 and September 30,

         If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or if
underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially
from those expected, estimated or projected. In addition to other factors that
affect our operating results and financial position, neither past financial
performance nor our expectations should be considered reliable indicators of
future performance. Investors should not use historical trends to anticipate
results or trends in future periods. Further, our stock price is subject to
volatility. Any of the factors discussed above could have an adverse impact on
our stock price. In addition, failure of sales or income in any quarter to
meet the investment community's expectations, as well as broader market
trends, can have an adverse impact on our stock price. We do not undertake an
obligation to update our forward-looking statements or risk factors to reflect
future events or circumstances.

                               OTHER INFORMATION


         Any proposal that any of our stockholders intends to present at our
2003 annual meeting of stockholders (other than those submitted for inclusion
in our proxy materials) must be submitted to the Secretary of Hexcel at our
offices, Two Stamford Plaza, 281 Tresser Boulevard, Stamford, Connecticut
06901-3238, no earlier than February 7, 2003 and no later than March 9, 2003
in order to be presented at that meeting. Any proposal that any of our
stockholders intends to present at our 2003 annual meeting of stockholders
must have been submitted to the Secretary of Hexcel at our offices no later
than December 2, 2002 in order to have been considered for inclusion in the
proxy statement and proxy relating to that meeting.


         As required by law, we file reports, proxy statements and other
information with the SEC. You may read and copy this information at the
following offices of the SEC:

   Public Reference Room
   450 Fifth Street, N.W.                      Northeast Regional Office
   Room 1024                                   233 Broadway
   Washington, D.C.  20549                     New York, New York  10279

         For further information concerning the SEC's public reference rooms,
you may call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may obtain copies of this
information by mail from the public reference section of the SEC, 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Room 1024, Washington, D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates. You may
also access some of this information via the World Wide Web through the SEC's
Internet address at

         The SEC allows us to "incorporate by reference" the information we
file with them, which means we can disclose important information to you by
referring you to those documents. The information incorporated by reference is
considered to be part of this proxy statement, and information that we file
later with the SEC will automatically update and supersede this information.
We incorporate by reference the documents listed below and any further filings
made with the SEC under Sections 13(a), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after
the date of this proxy statement and prior to the date of the special meeting.


Annual Report on Form 10-K                 Year Ended December 31, 2001

Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q             Quarter Ended September 30, 2002
                                           Quarter Ended June 30, 2002
                                           Quarter Ended March 31, 2002

Current Reports on Form 8-K                January 27, 2003
                                           December 20, 2002
                                           October 23, 2002
                                           July 24, 2002
                                           May 17, 2002
                                           April 26, 2002
                                           February 26, 2002
                                           January 28, 2002
                                           January 10, 2002

         You may also access copies of these filings at our website at
"" However, our website and any information it contains
are not a part of this proxy statement. In addition, you may request a copy of
any of these filings, at no cost, by writing or telephoning us at the
following address or phone number:

                              Hexcel Corporation
                              Two Stamford Plaza
                             281 Tresser Boulevard
                       Stamford, Connecticut 06901-3238
             Attention: Michael Bacal, Investor Relations Manager
                           Telephone: (203) 969-0666

         If you would like to request documents from us, please do so by
March 4, 2003 to receive them before the special meeting.

         You should rely only on the information contained in this proxy
statement or other documents to which we refer. We have not authorized anyone
to provide you with information that is different from what is contained in
this proxy statement. This proxy statement is dated February 14, 2003. You
should not assume that the information contained in this proxy statement is
accurate as of any date other than the date hereof, and the mailing of the
proxy statement to stockholders will not create any implication to the

         Your vote is important. To vote your shares, please complete, date,
sign and return the enclosed proxy card as soon as possible in the enclosed
postage-prepaid envelope or follow the instructions on your voting card to
vote by telephone. Please call our investor relations department at (203)
969-0666 if you have questions or need assistance with the voting procedures.

                                                                    APPENDIX A


                            Pursuant to Section 242
                        of the General Corporation Law
                           of the State of Delaware

Hexcel Corporation, a Delaware Corporation (the "Corporation") does hereby
certify as follows:

FIRST: Article 4 of the Corporation's Restated Certificate of Incorporation is
hereby amended to read in its entirety as set forth below:

            4.  CAPITALIZATION.

            The total number of shares which the Corporation is authorized to
            issue is 220,000,000, consisting of 20,000,000 shares of Preferred
            Stock, without par value (hereinafter in this Certificate of
            Incorporation called the "Preferred Stock"), and 200,000,000
            shares of Common Stock with a par value of $0.01 per share
            (hereinafter in this Certificate called the "Common Stock").

SECOND: The foregoing amendment was duly adopted in accordance with Section
242 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Hexcel Corporation has caused this Certificate to be duly
executed in its corporate name this ___ day of ___, 2003.

                                               HEXCEL CORPORATION


                                                                    APPENDIX B


                                                             December 18, 2002

The Board of Directors of
Hexcel Corporation

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We understand that Hexcel Corporation (the "Company") is proposing to enter
into agreements for the sale of a total of approximately $125.0 million of
newly issued Series A convertible preferred stock and Series B convertible
preferred stock to several private investors (the "Investors"). Such
transaction and other related transactions disclosed to Houlihan Lokey are
referred to collectively herein as the "Transaction."

You have requested our opinion (the "Opinion") as to the matters set forth
below. The Opinion does not address the Company's underlying business decision
to effect the Transaction. We have not been requested to, and did not, solicit
third party indications of interest in acquiring all or any part of the
Company. Furthermore, at your request, we have not negotiated the Transaction.

In connection with this Opinion, we have made such reviews, analyses and
inquiries as we have deemed necessary and appropriate under the circumstances.
Among other things, we have:

     1.  reviewed the Company's annual reports to shareholders on Form 10-K
         for the three fiscal years ended December 31, 2001 and quarterly
         reports on Form 10-Q for the three quarters ended September 30, 2002;

     2.  reviewed copies of the following agreements:

         a.    Stock Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") by and
               among Berkshire Investors LLC, Berkshire Fund V, Limited
               Partnership, Berkshire Fund VI, Limited Partnership, Greenbriar
               Equity Fund, L.P. and Greenbriar Co-Investment Partners, L.P.
               and the Company dated December 18, 2002;

         b.    Form of Stockholders Agreement among Berkshire Fund V, Limited
               Partnership, Berkshire Fund VI, Limited Partnership, Berkshire
               Fund V Investment Corp., Berkshire Fund VI Investment Corp.,
               Berkshire Investors LLC, Greenbriar Co-Investment Partners,
               L.P., Greenbriar Equity Fund, L.P., and the Company;

         c.    Form of Registration Rights Agreement among the Company,
               Berkshire Fund V, Limited Partnership, Berkshire Fund VI,
               Limited Partnership, Berkshire Investors LLC, Greenbriar
               Co-Investment Partners, L.P., and Greenbriar Equity Fund, L.P.;

         d.    Stock Purchase Agreement by and among the Company, GS Capital
               Partners 2000, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 Offshore, L.P.,
               GS Capital Partners 2000 Employee Fund, L.P., GS Capital
               Partners 2000 GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG and Stone Street Fund
               2000, L.P. dated December 18, 2002;

         e.    Form of Amended and Restated Governance Agreement among LXH,
               L.L.C., LXH II, L.L.C., GS Capital Partners 2000, L.P., GS
               Capital Partners 2000 Offshore, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000
               Employee Fund, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 GmbH & Co.
               Beteiligungs KG and Stone Street Fund 2000, L.P. and the

         f.    Form of Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement
               among the Company, LXH, L.L.C., LXH II, L.L.C., GS Capital
               Partners 2000, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 Offshore, L.P.,
               GS Capital Partners 2000 Employee Fund, L.P., GS Capital
               Partners 2000 GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG and Stone Street Fund
               2000, L.P.;

         g.    Form of Certificate of Designations of Series A Convertible
               Preferred Stock of the Company;

         h.    Form of Certificate of Designations of Series B Convertible
               Preferred Stock of the Company;

         i.    Letter with respect to registration rights dated December 18,
               2002 from the Company to Greenbriar Equity Group LLC and
               Berkshire Partners LLC;

         j.    Letter with respect to registration rights dated December 18,
               2002 from the Company to LXH, L.L.C., LXH II, L.L.C., GS
               Capital Partners 2000, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 Offshore,
               L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 Employee Fund, L.P., GS Capital
               Partners 2000 GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG and Stone Street Fund
               2000, L.P.;

         k.    Letter dated December 18, 2002 with respect to rights to
               purchase Company securities pursuant to Section 3.02 of the
               Governance Agreement from the Company to LXH, L.L.C., LXH II,
               L.L.C., GS Capital Partners 2000, L.P., GS Capital Partners
               2000 Offshore, L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 Employee Fund,
               L.P., GS Capital Partners 2000 GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG and
               Stone Street Fund 2000, L.P.;

         l.    Form of Certificate of Amendment of the Restated Certificate of
               Incorporation of the Company;

         m.    Form of Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Company;

     3.  reviewed the terms of the Company's existing debt outstanding;

     4.  reviewed a series of memoranda prepared by Company management
         regarding capital structure alternatives, process and timing;

     5.  met with certain members of the senior management of the Company to
         discuss operations, financial condition, future prospects, projected
         operations and performance of the Company and strategic alternatives;

     6.  visited the Company's headquarters in Stamford, CT;

     7.  reviewed forecasts and projections prepared by the Company's
         management with respect to the Company for the years ended December
         31, 2002 through December 31, 2007;

     8.  reviewed the historical market prices and trading volume for the
         Company's publicly traded securities; and

     9.  conducted such other studies, analyses and inquiries as we have
         deemed appropriate.

We have relied upon and assumed, without independent verification, that the
financial forecasts and projections provided to us have been reasonably
prepared and reflect the best currently available estimates of the future
financial results and condition of the Company, and that there has been no
material change in the assets, financial condition, business or prospects of
the Company since the date of the most recent financial statements made
available to us.

We have not independently verified the accuracy and completeness of the
information supplied to us with respect to the Company and do not assume any
responsibility with respect to it. We have not made any physical inspection or
independent appraisal of any of the properties or assets of the Company. Our
opinion is necessarily based on business, economic, market and other
conditions as they exist and can be evaluated by us at the date of this

Based upon the foregoing, and in reliance thereon, it is our opinion that the
Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to the Company and its
public stockholders other than the Investors.

This Opinion is furnished solely for the benefit of the Board of Directors of
the Company and may not be relied upon by any other person without our
express, prior written consent. This Opinion is delivered to each recipient
subject to the conditions, scope of engagement, limitations and understandings
set forth in this Opinion and our engagement letter dated November 25, 2002,
and subject to the understanding that the obligations of Houlihan Lokey in the
Transaction are solely corporate obligations, and no officer, director,
employee, agent, shareholder or controlling person of Houlihan Lokey shall be
subjected to any personal liability whatsoever to any person, nor will any
such claim be asserted by or on behalf of you or your affiliates.


/s/ Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin Financial Advisors, Inc.

                                                                    APPENDIX C



         This Hexcel Corporation 2003 Incentive Stock Plan (this "Plan") is an
amendment and restatement of the Current Incentive Stock Plan and the Current
Broad Based Plan (the Current Incentive Stock Plan together with the Current
Broad Based Plan to be collectively referred to as the "Amended and Restated
Plans"). This Plan combines the Amended and Restated Plans into one plan and
increases the number of shares available under the Amended and Restated Plans.
Upon the Effective Date, each Award (as defined in the Amended and Restated
Plans) outstanding under either of the Amended and Restated Plans shall become
an Award outstanding under this Plan, and shall continue to be subject to the
same terms and conditions to which such Award was subject prior to the
adoption of this Plan.

         This Plan is intended to attract, retain and provide incentives to
Employees, officers, Directors and consultants of the Corporation, and to
thereby increase overall stockholders' value. This Plan generally provides for
the granting of stock, stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted
shares, other stock-based awards or any combination of the foregoing to the
eligible participants.


         "Affiliate" of any Person shall mean any other Person that directly
or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by,
or is under common Control with, such first Person. The term "Control" shall
have the meaning specified in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act.

         "Award" includes, without limitation, stock options (including
Director Options and incentive stock options within the meaning of Section
422(b) of the Code) with or without stock appreciation rights, dividend
equivalent rights, stock awards, restricted share awards, or other awards that
are valued in whole or in part by reference to, or are otherwise based on, the
Common Stock ("other Common Stock-based Awards"), all on a stand-alone,
combination or tandem basis, as described in or granted under this Plan.

         "Award Agreement" means a written agreement setting forth the terms
and conditions of each Award made under this Plan.

         "Beneficial Owner" (and variants thereof) shall have the meaning
given in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

         "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time
to time.

         "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board or such
other committee of the Board as may be designated by the Board from time to
time to administer this Plan.

         "Common Stock" means the $.01 par value common stock of the

         "Corporation" means Hexcel Corporation, a Delaware corporation.

         "Current Broad Based Plan" means the Hexcel Corporation 1998 Broad
Based Incentive Stock Plan, dated as of February 5, 1998, as amended on
February 3, 2000, February 1, 2001 and January 10, 2002

         "Current Incentive Stock Plan" means the Hexcel Corporation Incentive
Stock Plan, dated as of February 21, 1996, which Plan was amended and restated
January 30, 1997, further amended on December 10, 1997, further amended on
March 25, 1999, further amended on December 2, 1999, amended and restated on
February 3, 2000, amended and restated on December 19, 2000, and further
amended on January 10, 2002

         "Director" means a member of the Board.

         "Director Option" means a stock option granted pursuant to Section
VII hereof to a Director.

         "Director Optionee" means a recipient of an Award of a Director

         "Effective Date" means the date on which the stockholders of the
Corporation approve this Plan.

         "Employee" means an employee of the Corporation or a Subsidiary.

         "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
from time to time.

         "Fair Market Value" means the closing price for the Common Stock as
reported in publications of general circulation from the New York Stock
Exchange Consolidated Transactions Tape on such date, or, if there were no
sales on the valuation date, on the next preceding date on which such closing
price was recorded; provided, however, that the Committee may specify some
other definition of Fair Market Value in good faith with respect to any
particular Award.

         "Participant" means an Employee, officer, Director or consultant who
has been granted an Award under this Plan.

         "Person" shall have the meaning given in Section 3(a)(9) of the
Exchange Act, as modified and used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange

         "Plan Year" means a calendar year.

         "Stockholders Agreement" means any stockholders agreement, governance
agreement or other similar agreement between the Corporation and a holder or
holders of Voting Securities.

         "Subsidiary" means any corporation or other entity, whether domestic
or foreign, in which the Corporation has or obtains, directly or indirectly, a
proprietary interest of more than 50% by reason of stock ownership or

         "Voting Securities" means Common Stock and any other securities of
the Corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors of the


         Any Employee, officer, Director or consultant of the Corporation or a
Subsidiary selected by the Committee is eligible to receive an Award pursuant
to Section VI hereof. Additionally, Directors described in Section VII(a)
hereof are eligible to receive Awards of Director Options pursuant to Section

                              Plan Administration

         Except as otherwise determined by the Board, this Plan shall be
administered by the Committee. The Board, or the Committee to the extent
determined by the Board, shall periodically make determinations with respect
to the participation of Employees, officers, Directors and consultants in this
Plan and, except as otherwise required by law or this Plan, the grant terms of
Awards, including vesting schedules, price, restriction or option period,
dividend rights, post-retirement and termination rights, payment alternatives
such as cash, stock, contingent awards or other means of payment consistent
with the purposes of this Plan, and such other terms and conditions as the
Board or the Committee deems appropriate which shall be contained in an Award
Agreement with respect to a Participant.

         The Committee shall have authority to interpret and construe the
provisions of this Plan and any Award Agreement and make determinations
pursuant to any Plan provision or Award Agreement which shall be final and
binding on all persons. No member of the Committee shall be liable for any
action or determination made in good faith, and the members shall be entitled
to indemnification and reimbursement in the manner provided in the
Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation, as it may be amended from time to

         The Committee shall have the authority at the time of the grant of
any Award to provide for the conditions and circumstances under which such
Award shall be forfeited. The Committee shall have the authority to accelerate
the vesting of any Award and the time at which any Award becomes exercisable.
The Committee shall have the authority to cancel an Award (with the consent of
the Participant holding such Award) on such terms and conditions as the
Committee shall determine.

         Capital Stock Subject to the Provisions of this Plan

         The capital stock subject to the provisions of this Plan shall be
shares of authorized but unissued Common Stock and shares of Common Stock held
as treasury stock. Subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of
Section XI, and subject to Section V(c) below, the maximum number of shares of
Common Stock that shall be available for grants of Awards under this Plan
shall be [14,355,348], which, as of the Effective Date, includes (i)
[7,400,479] shares of Common Stock subject to outstanding grants of Awards
under this Plan, and (ii) [6,954,869] shares of Common Stock available for
future grants of Awards under this Plan.(1)

- --------------
1 All numbers in this paragraph are as of December 31, 2002, and will be
adjusted as of the date this plan is approved by shareholders, as described in
this paragraph. The 14,355,348 number equals the sum of (1) the number of
shares subject to existing equity grants (7,400,479), (2) the number of shares
currently available for future equity grants (1,954,869), and (3) the new
shares to be added subject to shareholder approval (5,000,000). The 6,954,869
number equals the sum of (1) the number of shares available for future equity
grants (1,954,869), plus (2) the 5,000,000 new shares to be submitted to
shareholders for approval.

Over the life of the two currently existing plans, 11,954,221 shares have been
authorized. Of these 11,954,221 shares, 7,400,479 shares are subject to
existing equity grants, and 2,598,873 shares have been issued upon the
exercise or conversion of equity incentives - leaving a total of 1,954,869
shares available for future equity grants prior to any increase. The 7,400,479
and 6,954,869 numbers will be adjusted as appropriate when the plan becomes
effective upon shareholder approval, to reflect any changes in the number of
shares available for future grants and subject to existing equity grants (for
example, if an employee with one or more options quits or is terminated and
the shares then again become available for grant, the 7,400,479 number would
decrease and the 6,954,869 number would increase). The 14,355,348 number and
the 7,400,479 number will decrease by the same amount if and to the extent
that shares are issued (for example, upon the exercise of stock options or the
conversion of restricted stock) under the two currently existing plans.

         The grant of a restricted share Award shall be deemed to be equal to
the maximum number of shares which may be issued under the Award. Awards
payable only in cash will not reduce the number of shares available for Awards
granted under this Plan.

         There shall be carried forward and be available for Awards under this
Plan, in addition to shares available for grant under paragraph (a) of this
Section V, all of the following: (i) shares represented by Awards which are
cancelled, forfeited, surrendered, terminated, paid in cash or expire
unexercised; and (ii) the excess amount of variable Awards which become fixed
at less than their maximum limitations.

                     Discretionary Awards Under This Plan

         As the Board or Committee may determine, the following types of
Awards and other Common Stock-based Awards may be granted under this Plan on a
stand-alone, combination or tandem basis:

         Stock Option. A right to buy a specified number of shares of Common
Stock at a fixed exercise price during a specified time, all as the Committee
may determine.

         Incentive Stock Option. An Award which may be granted only to
Employees in the form of a stock option which shall comply with the
requirements of Code Section 422 or any successor section as it may be amended
from time to time. The exercise price of any incentive stock option shall not
be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the date of
grant of the incentive stock option Award. Subject to adjustment in accordance
with the provisions of Section XI, the aggregate number of shares which may be
subject to incentive stock option Awards under this Plan shall not exceed the
maximum number of shares provided in paragraph (a) of Section V above. To the
extent that the aggregate Fair Market Value of Common Stock with respect to
which options intended to be incentive stock options are exercisable for the
first time by any individual during any calendar year exceeds $100,000, such
options shall be treated as options which are not incentive stock options.

         Stock Option in lieu of Compensation Election. A right given with
respect to a year to a Director, officer or key Employee to elect to exchange
annual retainers, fees or compensation for stock options.

         Stock Appreciation Right. A right which may or may not be contained
in the grant of a stock option or incentive stock option to receive the excess
of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date the option is
surrendered over the option exercise price or other specified amount contained
in the Award Agreement.

         Restricted Shares. A transfer of Common Stock to a Participant
subject to forfeiture until such restrictions, terms and conditions as the
Committee may determine are fulfilled.

         Dividend or Equivalent. A right to receive dividends or their
equivalent in value in Common Stock, cash or in a combination of both with
respect to any new or previously existing Award.

         Stock Award. An unrestricted transfer of ownership of Common Stock.

         Other Stock-Based Awards. Other Common Stock-based Awards which are
related to or serve a similar function to those Awards set forth in this
Section VI.

                        Formula Awards Under This Plan

         In addition to discretionary Awards (including, without limitation,
options) that may be granted to Directors pursuant to Section VI hereof,
Director Options shall be granted as provided below:

    Grants of Director Options.

         With respect to any individual who becomes a Director and who is not
also a full-time employee of the Corporation or any Subsidiary (provided such
individual has not previously received a grant pursuant to this Section
VII(a)(i)), such individual shall be granted, as of the date of election or
appointment as a Director, a Director Option to acquire 10,000 shares of
Common Stock upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this
Plan and this Section VII.

         Immediately after each annual meeting of stockholders of the
Corporation each Director who is not on such date also a full-time employee of
the Corporation or any Subsidiary shall be granted a Director Option to
acquire 2,000 shares of Common Stock upon the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth in this Plan and this Section VII.

         If on any date when Options are to be granted pursuant to Section
VII(a)(i) or (ii) the total number of shares of Common Stock as to which
Director Options are to be granted exceeds the number of shares of Common
Stock remaining available under this Plan, there shall be a pro rata reduction
in the number of shares of Common Stock as to which each Director Option is
granted on such day.

    Terms of Director Options.

         The terms of each Director Option granted under this Section VII
shall be determined by the Board consistent with the provisions of this Plan,
including the following:

         The purchase price of the shares of Common Stock subject to each
Director Option shall be equal to the Fair Market Value of such shares on the
date such option is granted.

         Each Director Option shall be exercisable as to one-third of the
shares subject thereto immediately upon the grant of the option and as to an
additional one-third of such shares on the first and second anniversaries of
the date of such grant.

         Each Director Option shall expire ten years after the granting
thereof. Each Director Option shall be subject to earlier expiration as
expressly provided in Section VII(c) hereof.

    Disability, Death or Termination of Director Status; Change in Control.

         If a Director Optionee ceases to be a Director for any reason other
than his disability or death, each Director Option held by him to the extent
exercisable on the effective date of his ceasing to be a Director shall remain
exercisable until the earlier to occur of (i) the first anniversary of such
effective date and (ii) the expiration of the stated term of the Director
Option; provided, however, that if the Director Optionee is removed, withdraws
or otherwise ceases to be a Director due to his fraud, dishonesty or
intentional misrepresentation in connection with his duties as a Director or
his embezzlement, misappropriation or conversion of assets or opportunities of
the Corporation or any Subsidiary, all unexercised Director Options held by
the Director Optionee shall expire forthwith. Each Director Option held by the
Director Optionee to the extent not exercisable on the effective date of his
ceasing to be a Director for any reason other than his disability or death
shall expire forthwith.

         If a Director Optionee ceases to be a Director as a result of his
disability or death, each Director Option held by him to the extent that the
Director Option is exercisable on the effective date of his ceasing to be a
Director shall remain exercisable by the Director Optionee or the Director
Optionee's executor, administrator, legal representative or beneficiary, as
the case may be, until the earlier to occur of (x) the third anniversary of
such effective date and (y) the expiration of the stated term of the Director
Option. Each Director Option held by the Director Optionee to the extent not
exercisable on the effective date of his ceasing to be a Director as a result
of his disability or death shall expire forthwith.

         In the event of a Change in Control (as hereinafter defined) while a
Director Optionee is a Director, each Director Option held by the Director
Optionee to the extent not then exercisable shall thereupon become
exercisable. If a Change in Control occurs on or before the effective date of
a Director Optionee's ceasing to be a Director, the provisions of this
subsection (iii) shall govern with respect to the exercisability of the
Director Options held by him as of the date on which the Director Optionee
ceases to be a Director and the provisions of subsection (i) or (ii) of this
Section VII(c) shall govern with respect to the period of time during which
such Director Options shall remain exercisable. For purposes of this
subsection (iii), "Change in Control" shall mean any of the following events:

     (1) any Person is or becomes the Beneficial Owner, directly or
indirectly, of 40% or more of either (A) the then outstanding Common Stock of
the Corporation (the "Outstanding Common Stock") or (B) the combined voting
power of the then outstanding securities entitled to vote generally in the
election of directors of the Corporation (the "Total Voting Power");
excluding, however, the following: (I) any acquisition by the Corporation or
any of its Controlled Affiliates, (II) any acquisition by any employee benefit
plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Corporation or any of
its Controlled Affiliates and (III) any Person who becomes such a Beneficial
Owner in connection with a transaction described in the exclusion within
paragraph (3) below; or

     (2) a change in the composition of the Board such that the individuals
who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the Board (such individuals shall be
hereinafter referred to as the "Incumbent Directors") cease for any reason to
constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, for purposes
of this definition, that any individual who becomes a director subsequent to
such date whose election, or nomination for election by the Corporation's
stockholders, was made or approved pursuant to the terms of each then existing
Stockholders Agreement or by a vote of at least a majority of the Incumbent
Directors (or directors whose election or nomination for election was
previously so approved) shall be considered a member of the Incumbent Board;
but, provided, further, that any such individual whose initial assumption of
office occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened election contest
(as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the
Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or
consents by or on behalf of a person or legal entity other than the Board
shall not be considered a member of the Incumbent Board; or

     (3) there is consummated a merger or consolidation of the Corporation or
any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Corporation or a sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation
("Corporate Transaction"); excluding, however, such a Corporate Transaction
(A) pursuant to which all or substantially all of the individuals and entities
who are the Beneficial Owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Common Stock
and Total Voting Power immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will
Beneficially Own, directly or indirectly, more than 50%, respectively, of the
outstanding common stock and the combined voting power of the then outstanding
common stock and the combined voting power of the then outstanding securities
entitled to vote generally in the election of directors of the company
resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, a
company which as a result of such transaction owns the Corporation or all or
substantially all of the Corporation's assets either directly or through one
or more subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their ownership
immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction of the Outstanding Common
Stock and Total Voting Power, as the case may be, and (B) immediately
following which the individuals who comprise the Board immediately prior
thereto constitute at least a majority of the board of directors of the
company resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without
limitation, a company which as a result of such transaction owns the
Corporation or all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets either
directly or through one or more subsidiaries); or

     (4) the approval by the stockholders of the Corporation of a complete
liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation.

     Award Agreements

         Each Award under this Plan shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement
setting forth the terms and conditions of the Award and executed by the
Corporation and Participant.

     Other Terms and Conditions

         Assignability. Unless provided to the contrary in any Award, no Award
shall be assignable or transferable except by will, by the laws of descent and
distribution and during the lifetime of a Participant, the Award shall be
exercisable only by such Participant. No Award granted under this Plan shall
be subject to execution, attachment or process.

         Termination of Employment or Other Relationship. The Committee shall
determine the disposition of the grant of each Award in the event of the
retirement, disability, death or other termination of a Participant's
employment or other relationship with the Corporation or a Subsidiary.

         Rights as a Stockholder. A Participant shall have no rights as a
stockholder with respect to shares covered by an Award until the date the
Participant is the holder of record. No adjustment will be made for dividends
or other rights for which the record date is prior to such date.

         No Obligation to Exercise. The grant of an Award shall impose no
obligation upon the Participant to exercise the Award.

         Payments by Participants. The Committee may determine that Awards for
which a payment is due from a Participant may be payable: (i) in U.S. dollars
by personal check, bank draft or money order payable to the order of the
Corporation, by money transfers or direct account debits; (ii) through the
delivery or deemed delivery based on attestation to the ownership of shares of
Common Stock with a Fair Market Value equal to the total payment due from the
Participant; (iii) pursuant to a "cashless exercise" program if established by
the Corporation; (iv) by a combination of the methods described in (i) through
(iii) above; or (v) by such other methods as the Committee may deem

         Withholding. Except as otherwise provided by the Committee, (i) the
deduction of withholding and any other taxes required by law will be made from
all amounts paid in cash and (ii) in the case of payments of Awards in shares
of Common Stock, the Participant shall be required to pay the amount of any
taxes required to be withheld prior to receipt of such stock, or
alternatively, a number of shares the Fair Market Value of which equals the
amount required to be withheld may be deducted from the payment.

         Maximum Awards. The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may
be issued to any single Participant pursuant to options under this Plan is
equal to the maximum number of shares provided for in paragraph (a) of Section

     Termination, Modification and Amendments

         The Committee may at any time terminate this Plan or from time to
time make such modifications or amendments of this Plan as it may deem
advisable; provided, however, that no amendments to this Plan which require
stockholder approval under applicable law, rule or regulation shall become
effective unless the same shall be approved by the requisite vote of the
Corporation's stockholders.

         No termination, modification or amendment of this Plan may adversely
affect the rights conferred by an Award without the consent of the recipient


         The aggregate number of shares of Common Stock as to which Awards may
be granted to Participants, the number of shares thereof covered by each
outstanding Award, and the per share price thereof set forth in each
outstanding Award, shall all be proportionately adjusted for any increase or
decrease in the number of issued shares of Common Stock resulting from a
subdivision or consolidation of shares or other capital adjustment, or the
payment of a stock dividend or other increase or decrease in such shares,
effected without receipt of consideration by the Corporation, or other change
in corporate or capital structure; provided, however, that any fractional
shares resulting from any such adjustment shall be eliminated. The Committee
shall also make the foregoing changes and any other changes, including changes
in the classes of securities or other consideration available, to the extent
it is deemed necessary or desirable to preserve the intended benefits of this
Plan for the Corporation and the Participants in the event of any other
reorganization, recapitalization, merger, consolidation, spin-off,
extraordinary dividend or other distribution or similar transaction.

     No Right to Employment

         Except as provided in Section VII with respect to Director Options,
no person shall have any claim or right to be granted an Award, and the grant
of an Award shall not be construed as giving a Participant the right to be
retained in the employ of, or in any other relationship with, the Corporation
or a Subsidiary. Further, the Corporation and each Subsidiary expressly
reserve the right at any time to dismiss a Participant free from any
liability, or any claim under this Plan, except as provided herein or in any
Award Agreement issued hereunder or in any other agreement applicable between
a Participant and the Corporation or a Subsidiary.

     Governing Law

         To the extent that federal laws do not otherwise control, this Plan
shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of

     Savings Clause

         This Plan is intended to comply in all aspects with applicable laws
and regulations. In case any one more of the provisions of this Plan shall be
held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under applicable law and
regulation, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby and the
invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be deemed null and void;
however, to the extent permissible by law, any provision which could be deemed
null and void shall first be construed, interpreted or revised retroactively
to permit this Plan to be construed in compliance with all applicable laws so
as to foster the intent of this Plan.

     Effective Date and Term

         This Plan shall be effective as of the Effective Date.

         This Plan shall terminate on the tenth anniversary date of the
Effective Date. No Awards shall be granted after the termination of this Plan.

                                                                    APPENDIX D

                   AS AMENDED AND RESTATED _______ __, 2003

         1. Purposes

         This Hexcel Corporation Management Stock Purchase Plan, as approved
by the stockholders of the Corporation on May 11, 2000, as amended and
restated as of December 19, 2000, is hereby further amended and restated as of
________ __, 2003 as authorized by the Board on December 12, 2002 (as so
amended and restated, the "Plan"). The purposes of the Plan are to attract and
retain highly-qualified executives, to align executive and stockholder
long-term interests by creating a direct link between annual incentive
executive compensation and stockholder return and to enable executives to
purchase stock by using a portion of their annual incentive compensation so
that they can develop and maintain a substantial stock ownership position in
the Corporation.

         2. Definitions

         As used in this Plan, the following words and phrases shall have the
meanings indicated:

         "Affiliate" of any Person shall mean any other Person that directly
or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by,
or is under common Control with, such first Person. The term "Control" shall
have the meaning specified in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act.

         "Agreement" shall mean an agreement entered into between the
Corporation and a Participant in connection with a grant under the Plan.

         "Annual Bonus" shall mean the bonus earned by a Participant for any
Corporation fiscal year under the Annual Plan.

         "Annual Plan" shall mean the Hexcel Corporation Management Incentive
Compensation Plan or any substitute plan, as amended from time to time.

         "Beneficial Owner" (and variants thereof) shall have the meaning
given in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

         "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         "Cause" shall mean (i) the willful and continued failure by the
Participant to substantially perform the Participant's duties with the
Corporation (other than any such failure resulting from the Participant's
incapacity due to physical or mental illness) after a written demand for
substantial performance is delivered to the Participant by the Corporation,
which demand specifically identifies the manner in which the Corporation
believes that the Participant has not substantially performed the
Participant's duties, or (ii) the willful engaging by the Participant in
conduct which is demonstrably and materially injurious to the Corporation or
its subsidiaries, monetarily or otherwise. For purposes of clauses (i) and
(ii) of this definition, no act, or failure to act, on the Participant's part
shall be deemed "willful" unless done, or omitted to be done, by the
Participant not in good faith and without reasonable belief that the
Participant's act, or failure to act, was in the best interest of the

         "Change in Control" shall have the meaning given in Article 6 hereof.

         "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
time to time.

         "Committee" shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board or
such other committee of the Board as may be designated by the Board.

         "Corporation" shall mean Hexcel Corporation, a corporation organized
under the laws of the State of Delaware, or any successor corporation.

         "Disability" shall mean that, as a result of the Participant's
incapacity due to physical or mental illness or injury, the Participant shall
not have performed all or substantially all of the Participant's usual duties
as an employee for a period of more than one-hundred-fifty (150) days in any
period of one-hundred-eighty (180) consecutive days.

         "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended from time to time.

         "Fair Market Value" per share of Stock shall be the average of the
closing prices on the NYSE Consolidated Transactions Tape for the five trading
days immediately preceding the relevant valuation date and "Fair Market Value"
of a Restricted Stock Unit on any valuation date shall be deemed to be equal
to the Fair Market Value of a share of Stock on such valuation date.

         "Participant" shall mean a person who receives a grant of Restricted
Stock Units under the Plan; all such grants are sometimes referred to herein
as "purchases".

         "Person", as used in Article 6 hereof, shall have the meaning given
in Section 3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act, as modified and used in Sections 13(d)
and 14(d) of the Exchange Act.

         "Plan" means this Hexcel Corporation Management Stock Purchase Plan,
as amended from time to time.

         "Restricted Period" shall have the meaning given in Sections 5(c) and
5(h) hereof.

         "Restricted Stock Unit" or "Restricted Stock Units" shall have the
meaning given in Section 5 hereof.

         "Retirement" shall mean the termination of a Participant's employment
(other than by reason of death or Cause) which occurs either (i) at or after
age 65 or (ii) at or after age 55 after five (5) years of employment by the
Corporation (or a Subsidiary thereof).

         "Stock" shall mean shares of the common stock of the Corporation, par
value $.01 per share.

         "Stockholders Agreement" shall mean any stockholders agreement,
governance agreement or other similar agreement between the Corporation and a
holder or holders of Voting Securities.

         "Subsidiary" shall mean any subsidiary of the Corporation (whether or
not a subsidiary at the date the Plan is adopted) which is designated by the
Committee to participate in the Plan.

         "Term" shall have the meaning given in Article 14 hereof.

         "Voting Securities" shall mean Stock and any other securities of the
Corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors of the

         3. Stock

         The maximum number of shares of Stock which shall be reserved for the
grant of Restricted Stock Units under the Plan shall be 550,000, which number
shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Article 7 hereof. Such shares
may be either authorized but unissued shares or shares that shall have been or
may be reacquired by the Corporation.

         If any outstanding grant of Restricted Stock Units under the Plan
should, for any reason be cancelled or be forfeited before all its
restrictions lapse, the shares of Stock allocable to the cancelled or
terminated portion of such grant shall (unless the Plan shall have been
terminated) become available for subsequent grants under the Plan.

         4. Eligibility

         During the Term of the Plan any Participant in the Annual Plan (who
has been designated by the Committee as a Participant in this Plan) can elect
to receive up to fifty (50%) percent of the Participant's Annual Bonus in
Restricted Stock Units granted pursuant to, and subject to the terms and
conditions of, this Plan. Except as otherwise provided by the Committee in its
discretion with respect to the first fiscal year of the Corporation in which
(i) the Plan is in effect or (ii) a Participant participates in the Plan, any
such election by a Participant must be made at least six months prior to the
day the amount of the Participant's Annual Bonus is finally determined under
the Annual Plan. Since the Restricted Stock Units are "purchased" with part or
all of the Annual Bonus, all Restricted Stock Unit grants under this Plan are
sometimes referred to herein as "purchases." For purposes of the Plan, the
date of purchase of a Restricted Stock Unit shall be deemed to be the date the
Annual Bonus (from which the purchase funds are derived) is payable.

         5. Restricted Stock Units

         Each grant of Restricted Stock Units under the Plan shall be
evidenced by a written agreement between the Corporation and the Participant,
in such form as the Committee shall from time to time approve, and shall
comply with the following terms and conditions (and with such other terms and
conditions not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan as the Committee, in
its discretion, shall establish):

               (a) NUMBER OF RESTRICTED STOCK UNITS. Each agreement shall
         state the number of Restricted Stock Units to be subject to a grant.

               (b) PRICE. The price of each Restricted Stock Unit purchased
         under the Plan shall be eighty (80%) percent of its Fair Market Value
         on the date of purchase. Notwithstanding any other provision of the
         Plan, in no event shall the price per Restricted Stock Unit be less
         than the par value per share of Stock.

         Section 5(d) hereof, one-third (1/3) of Restricted Stock Units
         purchased on a given date shall vest on each of the first three
         anniversaries of the date of purchase, but the Restricted Period of
         all Restricted Stock Units purchased on that date shall end on the
         third anniversary thereof.

         Notwithstanding Section 5(c) hereof, a Participant's Restricted Stock
         Units shall immediately become completely vested and their respective
         Restricted Periods shall end upon the first to occur of (x) a Change
         in Control, (y) the involuntary termination of the Participant's
         employment without Cause, or (z) the termination of a Participant's
         employment by reason of Retirement or the Participant's death or
         Disability. Additionally, the Committee shall have the authority to
         vest any or all of a Participant's Restricted Stock Units and to end
         their respective Restricted Periods at such earlier time or times and
         on such terms and conditions as the Committee shall deem appropriate.

               (e) PAYMENT AT END OF RESTRICTED PERIOD. Upon the end of the
         Restricted Period with respect to a Restricted Stock Unit, the
         Participant (or the Participant's estate, in the event of the
         Participant's death) will receive payment of all the Participant's
         Restricted Stock Units in the form of an equal number of unrestricted
         shares of Stock.

         RESTRICTED STOCK UNITS; PAYMENT. If the termination of the employment
         of a Participant occurs during the Restricted Period, the Participant
         (or the Participant's estate, in the event of the Participant's
         death) will receive unrestricted shares of Stock equal in number to
         the Participant's vested Restricted Stock Units.

         RESTRICTED STOCK UNITS; PAYMENT. If the termination of the employment
         of a Participant occurs during the Restricted Period, the Participant
         will receive a cash payment equal to eighty (80%) percent of the Fair
         Market Value of the Participant's unvested Restricted Stock Units on
         the date of their purchase.

               (h) RESTRICTIONS. Restricted Stock Units (whether or not
         vested) may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, hypothecated
         or otherwise disposed of, except by will or the laws of descent and
         distribution, during the Restricted Period. The Committee may also
         impose such other restrictions and conditions on the shares as it
         deems appropriate.

         6. Change in Control of the Corporation

         For purposes of the Plan, the term "Change in Control" shall mean any
of the following events:

     (1) any Person is or becomes the Beneficial Owner, directly or
indirectly, of 40% or more of either (a) the then outstanding Stock of the
Corporation (the "Outstanding Common Stock") or (b) the combined voting power
of the then outstanding securities entitled to vote generally in the election
of directors of the Corporation (the "Total Voting Power"); excluding,
however, the following: (i) any acquisition by the Corporation or any of its
Controlled Affiliates, (ii) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or
related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Corporation or any of its
Controlled Affiliates and (iii) any Person who becomes such a Beneficial Owner
in connection with a transaction described in the exclusion within paragraph
(3) below; or

     (2) a change in the composition of the Board such that the individuals
who, as of ________ __, 2003 constitute the Board (such individuals shall be
hereinafter referred to as the "Incumbent Directors") cease for any reason to
constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, for purposes
of this definition, that any individual who becomes a director subsequent to
such date whose election, or nomination for election by the Corporation's
stockholders, was made or approved pursuant to the terms of each then existing
Stockholders Agreement or by a vote of at least a majority of the Incumbent
Directors (or directors whose election or nomination for election was
previously so approved) shall be considered a member of the Incumbent Board;
but, provided, further, that any such individual whose initial assumption of
office occurs as a result of either an actual or threatened election contest
(as such terms are used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the
Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or
consents by or on behalf of a person or legal entity other than the Board
shall not be considered a member of the Incumbent Board; orthereor there is
consummated a merger or consolidation of the Corporation or any direct or
indirect subsidiary of the Corporation or a sale or other disposition of all
or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation ("Corporate
Transaction"); excluding, however, such a Corporate Transaction (a) pursuant
to which all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who are the
Beneficial Owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Common Stock and Total
Voting Power immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction will Beneficially
Own, directly or indirectly, more than 50%, respectively, of the outstanding
common stock and the combined voting power of the then outstanding common
stock and the combined voting power of the then outstanding securities
entitled to vote generally in the election of directors of the company
resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without limitation, a
company which as a result of such transaction owns the Corporation or all or
substantially all of the Corporation's assets either directly or through one
or more subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their ownership
immediately prior to such Corporate Transaction of the Outstanding Common
Stock and Total Voting Power, as the case may be, and (b) immediately
following which the individuals who comprise the Board immediately prior
thereto constitute at least a majority of the board of directors of the
company resulting from such Corporate Transaction (including, without
limitation, a company which as a result of such transaction owns the
Corporation or all or substantially all of the Corporation's assets either
directly or through one or more subsidiaries); or

     (3) the approval by the stockholders of the Corporation of a complete
liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation.

         7. Recapitalization

         The aggregate number of shares of Stock as to which Restricted Stock
Units may be granted to Participants and the number of shares thereof covered
by each outstanding Restricted Stock Unit, shall all be proportionately
adjusted for any increase or decrease in the number of issued shares of Stock
resulting from a subdivision or consolidation of shares or other capital
adjustment, or the payment of a stock dividend or other increase or decrease
in such shares, effected without receipt of consideration by the Corporation,
or other change in corporate or capital structure; provided, however, that any
fractional shares resulting from any such adjustment shall be eliminated. The
Committee shall also make the foregoing changes and any other changes,
including changes in the classes of securities available, to the extent it is
deemed necessary or desirable to preserve the intended benefits of the Plan
for the Corporation and the Participants in the event of any other
reorganization, recapitalization, merger, consolidation, spin-off,
extraordinary dividend or other distribution or similar transaction.

         8. Payment of Withholding Taxes

         Except as otherwise provided by the Committee, (i) the deduction of
withholding and any other taxes required by law will be made from all amounts
paid in cash and (ii) in the case of distributions in shares of Stock, the
Participant shall be required to pay the amount of any taxes required to be
withheld prior to receipt of such Stock, or alternatively, a number of shares
the Fair Market Value of which equals the amount required to be withheld may
be deducted from the shared distributed.


         A Participant or a transferee of a grant shall have no rights as a
stockholder with respect to any shares of Stock which may become issuable
pursuant to the grant until the date of the issuance of a stock certificate to
him or her for such shares. No adjustment shall be made for dividends (whether
ordinary or extraordinary, and whether in cash, securities or other property)
or distribution of other rights for which the record date is prior to the date
such stock certificate is issued, except as provided in Article 7 hereof.

         10. No Rights to Employment

         No person shall have any claim or right to be a Participant in the
Plan, and the grant hereunder shall not be construed as giving a Participant
the right to be retained in the employ of, or in the other relationship with,
the Corporation or a Subsidiary. Further, the Corporation and each Subsidiary
expressly reserve the right at any time to dismiss a Participant free from any
liability, or any claim under the Plan, except as provided herein or in any
agreement issued hereunder or in any other agreement applicable between a
Participant and the Corporation or a Subsidiary.

         11. Administration

         The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. The Committee shall
have the authority in its discretion, subject to and not inconsistent with the
express provisions of the Plan, to administer the Plan and to exercise all the
powers and authorities either specifically granted to it under the Plan or
necessary or advisable in the administration of the Plan, including, without
limitation, the authority to grant Restricted Stock Units; to determine the
persons to whom, and the time or times at which grants shall be granted; to
determine the number of Restricted Stock Units to be covered by each grant; to
interpret the Plan; to prescribe, amend and rescind rules and regulations
relating to the Plan; to determine the terms and provisions of the Agreements
(which need not be identical) and to cancel or suspend grants, as necessary;
and to make all other determinations deemed necessary or advisable for the
administration of the Plan.

         The Board shall fill all vacancies, however caused, in the Committee.
The Board may from time to time appoint additional members to the Committee,
and may at any time remove one or more Committee members and substitute
others. The Committee may appoint a chairperson and a secretary and make such
rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as it shall deem
advisable, and shall keep minutes of its meetings. The Committee shall hold
its meetings at such times and places (and its telephonic meetings at such
times) as it shall deem advisable. The Committee may delegate to one or more
of its members or to one or more agents such administrative duties as it may
deem advisable, and the Committee or any person to whom it has delegated
duties as aforesaid may employ one or more persons to render advice with
respect to any responsibility the Committee or such person may have under the
Plan. All decisions, determinations and interpretations of the Committee shall
be final and binding on all persons, including the Corporation, the
Participant (or any person claiming any rights under the Plan from or through
any Participant) and any stockholder.

         No member of the Board or Committee shall be liable for any action
taken or determination made in good faith with respect to the Plan or any
grant hereunder.


         The Board at any time and from time to time may suspend, terminate,
modify or amend the Plan; provided, however, that an amendment for which the
Board determines stockholder approval is necessary or appropriate under the
circumstances then prevailing shall not be effective unless approved by the
requisite vote of stockholders. Except as provided in Article 7 hereof, no
suspension, termination, modification or amendment of the Plan may adversely
affect any grant previously made to a Participant, unless the written consent
of the Participant is obtained.

         13. GOVERNING LAW

         The Plan and all determinations made and actions taken pursuant
hereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

         14. Effective Date and Term

         The Plan is hereby amended and restated herein as of ________ __,
2003. The Plan shall replace the Management Stock Purchase Plan in effect
immediately prior thereto (the "Prior Plan"), but all Restricted Stock Units
granted under the Prior Plan shall remain outstanding pursuant to the terms

         The Plan shall terminate on March 31, 2010. No Restricted Stock Units
shall be granted after the termination of the Plan.

                                                                    APPENDIX E

                AS AMENDED AND RESTATED AS OF _______ __, 2003

1. Purpose. The Plan is intended to provide Employees (as defined herein) of
the Company and its Designated Subsidiaries, with the opportunity to apply a
portion of their compensation to the purchase of Common Stock of the Company
in accordance with the terms of the Plan, to promote and increase the
ownership of Common Stock by such employees and to better align the interests
of the Company's employees and its stockholders and to thereby increase
overall stockholder value.

2. Definitions.

         (a) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

         (b) "Brokerage Firm" means any brokerage firm selected by the
     Company, from time to time, to establish Investment Accounts for the
     Participants under the Plan.

         (c) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         (d) "Committee" means a committee formed or designated by the Board
     to administer the Plan.

         (e) "Common Stock" means the Common Stock, $0.01 par value, of the

         (f) "Company" means Hexcel Corporation, a Delaware corporation.

         (g) "Compensation" means all cash compensation, to include regular
     straight time gross earnings, overtime, shift premium, cash bonuses and

         (h) "Continuous Status as an Employee" means the absence of any
     interruption or termination of service as an Employee other than ordinary
     vacation and short-term disability absences. Continuous Status as an
     Employee shall not be considered interrupted in the case of a leave of
     absence agreed to in writing by the Company, provided that such leave is
     for a period of not more than 90 days or reemployment upon the expiration
     of such leave is guaranteed by contract or statute.

         (i) "Contributions" means all amounts credited to the Plan Account of
     a Participant pursuant to the Plan.

         (j) "Designated Subsidiaries" means the Subsidiaries which have been
     designated by the Committee from time to time in its sole discretion as
     eligible to participate in the Plan.

         (k) "Employee" means any person, excluding any officer or director or
     other person or group of persons excluded from the Plan as provided
     herein, who is a direct employee and on the payroll of the Company or one
     of its Designated Subsidiaries and who is employed for at least thirty
     (30) hours per week and more than 1,000 hours in a calendar year by the
     Company or one of its Designated Subsidiaries. The term Employee
     specifically excludes any person or group of persons who is classified by
     the Company or its Designated Subsidiary as a temporary employee,
     contract employee, reserve employee or similar non-direct or temporary
     designation. It is the intention of the Company that the definition of
     Employee in this Plan (as applied by the Committee in its sole
     discretion) shall be determinative for purposes of participation in the
     Plan, regardless of how a person may be characterized by the Company or
     its Designated Subsidiary for any other purpose.

         (l) "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         (m) "Exercise Date" means the last day of each Offering Period of the

         (n) "Investment Account" means an Employee Stock Purchase Plan
     account at the Brokerage Firm that is established for each Participant
     and in which all shares of Common Stock purchased by the Participant
     pursuant to the Plan are held.

         (o) "Offering Date" means the first business day of each Offering
     Period of the Plan.

         (p) "Offering Period" means a period of three (3) calendar months.

         (q) "Participant" means any Employee who is eligible to participate
     in the Plan who has delivered a Subscription Agreement to the Company,
     whose employment has not terminated and who has not delivered to the
     Company a Participation Termination Notice.

         (r) "Participation Termination Notice" has the meaning given thereto
     in Section 10 hereof.

         (s) "Plan" means this Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

         (t) "Plan Account" means, with respect to each Participant, an
     account established by the Company to record Contributions to the Plan
     made by such Participant and the use of such Contributions as they are
     either (i) applied by the Company for the purchase of Common Stock under
     the Plan for the account of such Participant or (ii) repaid to such
     Participant pursuant to the Plan.

         (u) "Subsidiary" shall mean a corporation, domestic or foreign, of
     which more than 50% of the voting shares are held by the Company or a
     Subsidiary, whether or not such corporation now exists or is hereafter
     organized or acquired by the Company or a Subsidiary.

3. Eligibility. Any person who has been continuously employed as an Employee
for six (6) months as of the Offering Date of a given Offering Period and has
reached the age of majority in the state of his or her residence shall be
eligible to participate in such Offering Period under the Plan, subject to the
requirements of Section 5(a).

4. Offering Periods. The Plan shall be implemented by a series of Offering
Periods, with a new Offering Period commencing on January 1 of each year (or
at such other time or times as may be determined by the Committee), and
subsequent Offering Periods will commence on the first day of each calendar
quarter (i.e., April 1, July 1, October 1). The Plan shall continue until
terminated in accordance with Section 22 hereof. The Committee shall have the
power to change the duration and/or the frequency of Offering Periods with
respect to future offerings if such change is announced at least fifteen (15)
calendar days prior to the scheduled beginning of the first Offering Period to
be affected.

5. Participation.

         (a) An Employee who is eligible to participate in the Plan pursuant
     to Section 3 hereof may become a participant in the Plan by completing a
     subscription agreement in the form provided by the Company (a
     "Subscription Agreement") and filing it with the appropriate
     representative of the Company or the Designated Subsidiary that employs
     such Employee in accordance with the terms of the Subscription Agreement
     at any time during the initial Offering Period of the Plan or, for
     subsequent Offering Periods, not later than fifteen (15) calendar days
     prior to any Offering Date, unless a later time for filing Subscription
     Agreements is established by the Committee for all eligible Employees
     with respect to a given Offering Period. Each eligible Employee's
     Subscription Agreement shall set forth either (1) the whole percentage of
     the Participant's Compensation (which shall be not less than 1% and not
     more than 10%) or (2) the whole dollar amount (that shall not be less
     than $5.00 and not more than an amount equal to 10% of such Participant's
     Compensation) to be deducted by the Company from the Participant's
     Compensation as Contributions to the Plan. Each Subscription Agreement
     shall constitute the Employee's (i) election to participate in the Plan
     for all subsequent Offering Periods until such time as (1) the Company
     has received notice of termination of participation from such Employee
     pursuant to Section 10, (2) a new Subscription Agreement designating a
     different level of participation is delivered to the Company by such
     Employee or (3) such Employee's termination of employment, and (ii)
     authorization for the Company to withhold (in the manner determined by
     the Company or the applicable Subsidiary) any taxes that are required to
     be withheld by the Company or the applicable Subsidiary due to the
     Employee's participation in the Plan or the exercise of any Option or
     purchase of any Common Stock under the Plan.

         (b) Payroll deductions with respect to each Participant shall
     commence on the first payday following the first Offering Date following
     the Company's receipt of the applicable Subscription Agreement and shall
     end on the last payday on or prior to the termination of such Employee's
     employment with the Company, unless sooner terminated by the Participant
     as provided in Section 10, provided that payroll deductions will begin on
     the first pay period commencing after the delivery of a Subscription
     Agreement for Participants who join the Plan during the initial Offering
     Period. To the extent that the Participant elects to have a percentage of
     his or her compensation deducted, payroll deductions shall automatically
     be increased or decreased to reflect changes in Compensation during such
     Offering Period, but a Participant shall not otherwise be entitled to
     increase or decrease his or her contribution rate during an Offering

6. Method of Payment of Contributions.

         (a) The Participant shall elect to have payroll deductions made on
     each payday during the Offering Period either (1) in a whole percentage
     amount of between one percent (1%) and not more than ten percent (10%) of
     such Participant's Compensation on each such payday or (2) in a whole
     dollar amount (that shall be not less than $5.00 and not more than an
     amount equal to 10% of such Participant's Compensation) of such
     Participant's Compensation on each such payday, provided that the
     aggregate of such payroll deductions during the Offering Period shall not
     exceed ten percent (10%) of the Participant's aggregate Compensation
     during said Offering Period. All payroll deductions made with respect to
     a Participant shall be credited to his or her Plan Account. A Participant
     may not make any additional payments into his or her Plan Account or
     Investment Account.

         (b) A Participant may discontinue his or her participation in the
     Plan as provided in Section 10. A Participant may increase or decrease
     the rate of his or her Contributions for future Offering Periods by
     completing and filing with the Company a new Subscription Agreement no
     later than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the beginning of the
     Offering Period for which such change will become effective. Subject to
     the prior sentence, the change in rate shall be effective as of the first
     pay period ending in the first new Offering Period following the date of
     filing of the new Subscription Agreement.

7. Grant of Option. On the Offering Date of each Offering Period, each
eligible Employee participating in such Offering Period shall be granted an
option to purchase on the Exercise Date during such Offering Period a number
of shares of Common Stock determined by dividing such Employee's Contributions
accumulated during such Offering Period prior to such Exercise Date and
retained in the Participant's Plan Account as of the Exercise Date by
eighty-five percent (85%) of the closing price of the Common Stock as
determined from the New York Stock Exchange Consolidated Transaction Tape on
the Exercise Date or, if there were no sales of Common Stock on such date, on
the next preceding date on which such closing price was recorded.

8. Exercise of Option. Unless a Participant withdraws from the Plan as
provided in Section 10, each Participant's option for the purchase of shares
for a particular Offering Period will be exercised automatically on the
Exercise Date of such Offering Period, and the maximum number of whole and
fractional shares subject to option will be purchased for the Participant at
the price described in Section 7 with the Contributions which were made to the
Participant's Plan Account during such Offering Period. The shares of Common
Stock purchased upon exercise of an option hereunder shall be deemed to be
transferred to the Participant on the Exercise Date. A Participant's option to
purchase shares of Common Stock hereunder will be exercised only during the
Participant's lifetime.

9. Delivery. As promptly as reasonably practicable following each Exercise
Date, the Company shall cause the shares purchased by each Participant to be
credited to such Participant's Investment Account. The Company will deliver to
the Brokerage Firm or its nominee a stock certificate or other evidence
representing all of the full and fractional shares that are to be allocated to
the Participant's Investment Accounts, rounded up to the nearest full share
(and taking into account any excess shares or fractional shares which are then
held by the Brokerage Firm from prior deliveries). Notwithstanding the prior
sentence, in lieu of rounding the number of shares up to the nearest full
share, the Company may round down to the nearest full share and pay to the
Brokerage Firm an amount in cash equal to the value of the fractional share
that would otherwise be delivered. Upon termination of the plan, the Brokerage
Firm will redeliver to the Company all shares (including fractional shares) of
Common Stock that are not allocated to Investment Accounts.

10. Withdrawal; Termination of Employment.

         (a) A Participant may withdraw all but not less than all the
     Contributions credited to his or her Plan Account, which have not been
     applied to the purchase of Common Stock, prior to the Exercise Date of
     the Offering Period, by giving written notice to the Company (a
     "Participation Termination Notice") not less than ten (10) calendar days
     prior to the Exercise Date of such Offering Period. Any Participation
     Termination Notice delivered subsequent to the tenth calendar day prior
     to any Exercise Date shall not be effective during the Offering Period
     during which it was delivered, but will be effective as of the first day
     of the immediately succeeding Offering Period. Upon the effectiveness of
     an Employee's Participation Termination Notice, all of the Participant's
     Contributions credited to his or her Plan Account, which have not been
     applied to the Purchase of Common Stock, and any taxes that the Company
     or a Designated Subsidiary withheld in connection therewith, will be paid
     promptly to the Participant, without interest, and his or her outstanding
     option will automatically terminate. An Employee who terminates his or
     her participation in the Plan will not be again eligible to participate
     in the Plan until the commencement of the first Offering Period following
     the expiration of the Offering Period during which the Participant's
     Participation Termination Notice becomes effective.

         (b) Upon termination of a Participant's Continuous Status as an
     Employee prior to the Exercise Date of the then current Offering Period
     for any reason, including retirement or death, the Contributions credited
     to his or her Plan Account, together with all taxes that the Company or a
     Designated Subsidiary has withheld in connection therewith, will be
     returned to him or her or, in the case of his or her death, to the person
     or persons entitled thereto under Section 14, without interest, and his
     or her outstanding option and future participation in the Plan will
     automatically terminate.

         (c) Other than as set forth in Section 10(a), a Participant's
     withdrawal from the Plan, whether voluntary or involuntary, will not
     affect his or her eligibility to participate in the Plan in the future
     should he or she again qualify for participation or in any similar plan
     which may hereafter be adopted by the Company.

11. Interest. No interest shall accrue on the Contributions of a Participant
in the plan or any taxes withheld in connection therewith.

12. Stock.

         (a) The maximum number of shares of Common Stock which shall be made
     available for sale under the Plan shall be 604,574 shares, subject,
     however, to adjustment upon changes in capitalization of the Company as
     provided in Section 18. Such shares shall be reserved from the Company's
     authorized but unissued shares and/or treasury shares that are not
     otherwise reserved for issuance under any other plan or with respect to
     any convertible security. If the total number of shares which would
     otherwise be subject to options granted pursuant to Section 7 hereof on
     the Offering Date of an Offering Period exceeds the number of shares then
     available under the Plan (after deduction of all shares for which options
     have been exercised or are then outstanding), the Committee shall make a
     pro rata allocation of the shares remaining available for option grants
     in as uniform a manner as shall be practicable and as it shall determine
     to be equitable. Any amounts remaining in a Participant's Plan Account
     not applied to the purchase of Common Stock pursuant to this Section 12
     shall be refunded on or promptly after the applicable Exercise Date. In
     such event, the Company shall give written notice of such reduction of
     the number of shares subject to the option to each Employee affected
     thereby and shall cease future withholdings and Contributions under the
     Plan. Only the number of shares that are issued pursuant to exercised
     options shall reduce the number of shares available under the Plan.
     Shares that become subject to options which are later terminated shall
     again be available under the Plan.

         (b) Participants will have no interest (including any interest in any
     ordinary or special dividends) or voting right in shares of Common Stock
     that are subject to any option until such option has been exercised.

         (c) Upon the written request of the Employee delivered to the
     Brokerage Firm, the Brokerage Firm will (i) have a share certificate
     issued for any number of whole shares held in the Employees Investment
     Account as of the date of such notice and, (ii) if the Employee is no
     longer participating in the Plan, pay to the Employee in cash an amount
     equal to the value of any fractional shares held in the Employee's
     Investment Account as of the date of such notice. Upon termination of an
     Employee's employment with the Company for any reason, the Company will
     (i) cause the Brokerage Firm to have a share certificate issued for the
     full number of whole shares held in the Employee's Investment Account as
     of the date of such termination, and (ii) pay to the Employee in cash an
     amount equal to the value of any fractional shares held in the Employee's
     Investment Account as of the date of such termination. All amounts to be
     paid to an Employee pursuant to this Section 12(c) with respect to
     fractional shares shall be determined by reference to the closing price
     of the Common Stock determined from the New York Stock Exchange
     Consolidated Transaction Tape on the date of the Employee's notice to the
     Company or termination, as applicable, or, if there were no sales of the
     Common Stock on such date, on the next preceding day on which such
     closing price was recorded. With respect to the certification and
     delivery to the Employee of the shares held in the Employee's Investment
     Account, the Company shall pay the fee charged by the Brokerage Firm for
     such service for the issuance of not more than four certificates per
     Participant in any calendar year.

13. Administration.

         (a) Except as otherwise determined by the Board, the Committee shall
     administer the Plan. The Committee shall have the authority in its
     discretion, subject to and not inconsistent with the express provisions
     of the Plan and the determinations of the Board, to administer the Plan
     and to exercise all powers and authorities either specifically granted to
     it under the Plan or necessary or advisable in the administration of the
     Plan, including, without limitation, the authority to determine, from
     time to time, eligible Employees; to interpret and construe the Plan and
     the provisions of the Subscription Agreements; to prescribe, amend and
     rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan; to determine the
     terms and provisions of the Subscription Agreements (which need not be
     identical) and to cancel or suspend the participation of any Employee or
     group of Employees, and to make all other determinations deemed necessary
     or advisable for the administration of the Plan. The Committee or the
     Board may make any modification or amendment to the Plan that it deems
     necessary or advisable in order to implement the Plan in a manner
     consistent with any law or regulation applicable to the Company or any
     Designated Subsidiary. The Committee shall inform all Participants and
     Employees eligible to participate in the Plan, who would be affected
     thereby, of any such modification or amendment.

         (b) The Board shall fill all vacancies, however caused, in the
     Committee. The Board may from time to time appoint additional members to
     the Committee, and may at any time remove one or more Committee members
     and substitute others. The Committee may appoint a chairperson and a
     secretary and make such rules and regulations for the conduct of its
     business as it shall deem advisable, and shall keep minutes of its
     meetings. The Committee shall hold its meetings at such times and places
     (and its telephonic meetings at such times) as it shall deem advisable.
     The Committee may delegate to one or more of its members or to one or
     more agents such administrative duties as it may deem advisable, and the
     Committee or any person to whom it has delegated duties as aforesaid may
     employ one or more persons to render advice with respect to any
     responsibility the Committee or such person may have under the Plan.
     Except to the extent otherwise determined by the Board, all decisions,
     determinations and interpretations of the Committee shall be final and
     binding on all persons, including, without limitation, the Company, the
     Participants (or any person claiming any rights under the Plan from or
     through any Participant) and any stockholder.

         (c) No member of the Board or of the Committee shall be liable for
     any action or determination made in good faith, and the members of the
     Board or of the Committee shall be entitled to indemnification and
     reimbursement in the manner provided in the Company's Certificate of
     Incorporation, as it may be amended from time to time.

14. Designation of Beneficiary.

         (a) A Participant may file a written designation of a beneficiary who
     is to receive any shares of Common Stock and cash, if any, from the
     Participant's Plan Account or Investment Account in the event of such
     Participant's death by delivering notice of such beneficiary to the
     Company. If a Participant is married and the designated beneficiary is
     not the spouse, spousal consent shall be required for such designation to
     be effective.

         (b) The Participant (subject to spousal consent) may change such
     designation of beneficiary at any time by written notice delivered to the
     Company. In the event of the death of a Participant and in the absence of
     a beneficiary validly designated under the Plan who is living at the time
     of such Participant's death, the Company shall deliver such shares and/or
     cash to the executor or administrator of the estate of the Participant,
     or if no such executor or administrator has been appointed (to the
     knowledge of the Company), the Company, in its discretion, may deliver
     such shares and/or cash to the spouse or to any one or more dependents or
     relatives of the Participant, or if no spouse, dependent or relative is
     known to the Company, then to such other person as the Company may
     designate or as may be required by law.

15. Transferability. Neither Contributions credited to a Participant's Plan
Account nor any rights with regard to the exercise of an option or to receive
shares under the Plan may be assigned, transferred, pledged or otherwise
disposed of in any way (other than by will, the laws of descent and
distribution or as provided in Section 14 hereof) by the Participant. Any such
attempt at assignment, transfer, pledge or other disposition shall be without
effect, except that the Company may treat such act as an election to withdraw
funds in accordance with Section 10. No Contribution made under this Plan or
amount representing a Participant's Plan Account balance shall be subject to
execution, attachment or process.

16. Use of Funds. The Participants' rights with respect to Contributions made
to the Plan and the balances, from time to time, in their respective Plan
Accounts shall be those of general creditors of the Company or of the
applicable Designated Subsidiary. All Contributions received or held by the
Company or a Designated Subsidiary under the Plan may be used for any
corporate purpose, and the Company or Designated Subsidiary, as applicable,
shall not be obligated to segregate such Contributions.

17. Reports and Fees of Investment Accounts. Individual Investment Accounts
will be maintained for each Participant. Statements of account will be given
to Participants promptly following each Exercise Date, which statements will
set forth the total amount of Contributions to the Plan Account during the
most recently completed Offering Period, the per share purchase price and the
number of shares purchased on the most recent Exercise Date, and the total
number of shares and fractional shares held in such Participant's Investment
Account. The Company shall pay the annual and any extraordinary maintenance
fees for each Investment Account and the certification fees referenced in
Section 12 above. The Participant will be responsible for paying all
transaction fees and any certification fee not paid by the Company pursuant to
Section 12 hereof.

18. Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization.

         (a) The number of shares of Common Stock covered by each unexercised
     option under the Plan and the number of shares of Common Stock which have
     been authorized for issuance under the Plan but which have not yet been
     issued and are not subject of an unexercised option (collectively, the
     "Reserves"), as well as the price per share of Common Stock covered by
     each option under the Plan for which the exercise price has been
     determined but which has not yet been exercised, shall be proportionately
     adjusted for any increase or decrease in the number of issued shares of
     Common Stock resulting from a stock split, reverse stock split, stock
     dividend, combination or reclassification of the Common Stock, or any
     other increase or decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock
     effected without receipt of consideration by the Company; provided,
     however, that conversion of any convertible securities of the Company
     shall not be deemed to have been "effected without receipt of
     consideration". Such adjustments shall be made by the Board, whose
     determination in that respect shall be final, binding and conclusive.
     Except as expressly provided herein, no issue by the Company of shares of
     stock of any class, or securities convertible into shares of stock of any
     class, shall affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be made
     with respect to, the number or price of shares of Common Stock subject to
     an option.

         (b) In the event of the proposed dissolution or liquidation of the
     Company, the then current Offering Period will terminate immediately
     prior to the consummation of such proposed action, unless otherwise
     provided by the Committee. In the event of a proposed sale of all or
     substantially all of the assets of the Company, or the merger of the
     Company with or into another corporation, each option under the Plan
     shall be assumed or an equivalent option shall be substituted by such
     successor corporation or a parent or subsidiary of such successor
     corporation, unless the Committee determines, in the exercise of its sole
     discretion and in lieu of such assumption or substitution, to shorten the
     Offering Period then in progress by setting a new Exercise Date (the "New
     Exercise Date"). If the Committee shortens the Offering Period then in
     progress in lieu of assumption or substitution in the event of a merger
     or sale of assets, the Committee shall notify each participant in
     writing, at least ten (10) days prior to the New Exercise Date, that the
     Exercise Date for his or her option has been changed to the New Exercise
     Date and that his or her option will be exercised automatically on the
     New Exercise Date, unless prior to such date he or she has withdrawn from
     the Offering Period as provided in Section 10. For purposes of this
     Section, an option granted under the Plan shall be deemed to be assumed
     if, following the sale of assets or merger, the option confers the right
     to purchase, for each share of Common Stock subject to the option
     immediately prior to the sale of assets or merger, the consideration
     (whether stock, cash or other securities or property) received in the
     sale of assets or merger by holders of Common Stock for each share of
     Common Stock held on the effective date of the transaction (and if such
     holders were offered a choice of consideration, the type of consideration
     chosen by the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common

         (c) The Committee may, if it so determines in the exercise of its
     sole discretion, also make provision for adjusting the Reserves, as well
     as the price per share of Common Stock covered by each outstanding
     option, in the event that the Company effects one or more
     reorganizations, recapitalizations, rights offerings or other increases
     or reductions of shares of its outstanding Common Stock, and in the event
     of the Company being consolidated with or merged into any other

19. Amendment or Termination. The Board may at any time terminate or amend the
Plan; provided, however, that no amendment to the Plan which requires
stockholder approval under applicable law, rule or regulation shall become
effective unless the same shall be approved by the requisite vote of the
Company's stockholders. Except as provided in Section 18, no such termination
may affect options previously granted, nor may an amendment make any change in
any option theretofore granted which adversely affects the rights of any

20. Notices. All notices or other communications by a participant to the
Company under or in connection with the Plan shall be deemed to have been duly
given when received in the form specified by the Company at the location, or
by the person, designated by the Company for the receipt thereof.

21. Conditions Upon Issuance of Shares.

         (a) Shares shall not be issued with respect to an option unless the
     exercise of such option and the issuance and delivery of such shares
     pursuant thereto shall comply with all applicable provisions of law,
     domestic or foreign, including, without limitation, the Securities Act of
     1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), the Exchange Act, the rules and
     regulations promulgated thereunder, and the requirements of any stock
     exchange upon which the shares may then be listed, and shall be further
     subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect to such

         (b) As a condition to the exercise of an option, the Company may
     require the person exercising such option to represent and warrant at the
     time of any such exercise that the shares are being purchased only for
     investment and without any present intention to sell or distribute such
     shares if, in the opinion of counsel for the Company, such a
     representation is required by any of the aforementioned applicable
     provisions of law. If the issuance of any shares of Common Stock pursuant
     to the Plan is not so registered under the Securities Act, certificates
     for such shares shall bear a legend reciting the fact that such shares
     may only be transferred pursuant to an effective registration statement
     under the Securities Act or an opinion of counsel to the Company that
     such registration is not required. The Company may also issue "stop
     transfer" instructions with respect to such shares while they are subject
     to such restrictions.

         (c) The Company shall use its best efforts to have the shares issued
     under the Plan listed on each securities exchange on which the Common
     Stock is then listed as promptly as possible. The Company shall not be
     obligated to issue or sell any shares under the Plan until they have been
     listed on each securities exchange on which the Common Stock is then

         (d) The Company will promptly file with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission a registration statement on Form S-8 covering the issuance of
     the shares of Common Stock pursuant to this Plan, cause such registration
     statement to become effective, and keep such registration statement
     effective for the period that this Plan is in effect.

22. Term of Plan. The Plan became effective upon its adoption by the Board on
May 22, 1997 and shall continue in effect until the earliest to occur of (i)
purchase of all shares of Common Stock subject to the Plan, (ii) May 22, 2007,
and (iii) the date the Plan is terminated pursuant to Section 19.

23. Governing Law. To the extent that federal laws do not otherwise control,
the Plan shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the
State of Delaware.

24. Savings Clause. This Plan is intended to comply in all aspects with
applicable laws and regulations. In case any one or more of the provisions of
this Plan shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under
applicable law and regulations, the validity, legality and enforceability of
the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby
and the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions shall be deemed null and
void; however, to the extent permissible by law, any provision which could be
deemed null and void shall first be construed, interpreted or revised
retroactively to permit this Plan to be construed in compliance with all
applicable laws so as to foster the intent of this Plan.

                             [FORM OF PROXY CARD]


                              HEXCEL CORPORATION
                              Two Stamford Plaza
                             281 Tresser Boulevard
                          Stamford, Connecticut 06901


                       To be held on March 18, 2003


         The undersigned stockholder of Hexcel Corporation ("Hexcel") hereby
appoints David E. Berges, Stephen C. Forsyth and Ira J. Krakower and each of
them, the lawful attorneys and proxies of the undersigned, each with powers of
substitution, to vote all shares of Common Stock of Hexcel held of record by
the undersigned on February 12, 2003 at the Special Meeting of Stockholders
(the "Special Meeting") to be held at the Stamford Marriott Hotel, Two
Stamford Forum, Stamford, Connecticut on March 18, 2003 at 10:30 a.m., local
time, and at any and all adjournments or postponements thereof, with all the
powers the undersigned would possess if personally present, upon all matters
set forth in the Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement
dated February 14, 2003, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

                              [SEE REVERSE SIDE]


 (Face of proxy card)

                             [FORM OF PROXY CARD]

Please date, sign and mail your
proxy card back as soon as possible

Special Meeting of Stockholders


March 18, 2003

Please detach and mail in the envelope provided

[X] Please mark your votes as in this example

1.          Proposal to approve:

     |_|    the issuance and sale of 77,875 shares of Hexcel's series A
            convertible preferred stock and 77,875 shares of Hexcel's series B
            convertible preferred stock (and the issuance of shares of Hexcel
            common stock issuable upon conversion of such shares of series A
            and series B convertible preferred stock) to affiliates of
            Berkshire Partners LLC and Greenbriar Equity Group LLC for
            approximately $77.9 million in cash (before giving effect to
            certain transaction costs); and

     |_|    the issuance and sale of 47,125 shares of Hexcel's series A
            convertible preferred stock and 47,125 shares of Hexcel's series B
            convertible preferred stock (and the issuance of shares of Hexcel
            common stock issuable upon conversion of such shares of series A
            and series B convertible preferred stock) to investment
            partnerships affiliated with The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. for
            approximately $47.1 million in cash (before giving effect to
            certain transaction costs);

            FOR                        AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
            [_]                         [_]                      [_]

            The board of directors of Hexcel recommends a vote FOR approval of
            the issuances and sales described above.

2.          Proposal to approve an amendment to Hexcel's restated certificate
            of incorporation to increase the number of shares of common stock
            that Hexcel is authorized to issue from 100,000,000 to

            FOR                     AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
            [_]                       [_]                    [_]

            The board of directors of Hexcel recommends a vote FOR the
            amendment to Hexcel's restated certificate of incorporation.

            #2 ABOVE.

3.          Proposals to adopt:

            (a)     the Hexcel Corporation 2003 Incentive Stock Plan

                    FOR                 AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
                    [_]                  [_]                      [_]

            (b)     an amendment to the Hexcel Corporation Management Stock
                    Purchase Plan to increase by 200,000 the number of shares
                    reserved for the grant of restricted stock units under the
                    Management Stock Purchase Plan

                    FOR                 AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
                    [_]                   [_]                     [_]

            (c)     an amendment to the Hexcel Corporation Employee Stock
                    Purchase Plan to increase by 150,000 the number of shares
                    available for sale under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan

                    FOR                 AGAINST                ABSTAIN
                    [_]                   [_]                    [_]

            The board of directors recommends a vote FOR each of the equity
            incentive plans proposals.

4.          To transact such other business as may properly come before the
            meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

            Shares represented by all properly executed proxies will be voted
in accordance with the instructions appearing on the proxy and in the
discretion of the proxy holders as to any other matters that may properly come

Signature(s)____________________                         DATED:______, 2003

Note: Please sign exactly as name(s) appear on this proxy, and date this
proxy. If a joint account, each joint owner must sign. If signing for a
corporation, partnership or as agent, attorney or fiduciary, please indicate
the capacity in which you are signing.

(Reverse of proxy card)