WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                SCHEDULE 14A
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                              PROXY STATEMENT
                          SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                    THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

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     Filed by a party other than registrant  ( )

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     ( )  Preliminary proxy statement

     ( )  Definitive proxy statement

     (X)  Definitive additional materials

     ( )  Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                             KMART CORPORATION
              (Name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                             KMART CORPORATION
                 (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

     Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

     (X) *     $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 
                 14a-6(i)(1) or 14a-6(i)(2)

     ( )       $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to
                 Exchange Act Rule 14a-6(i)(3)

     ( )       Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 
                 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

               (1)  Title of each class of securities to which
                       transaction applies:___________________________

               (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which
                      transaction applies:____________________________

               (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of
                      transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act 
                      Rule 0-11:______________________________________

               (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of 

     ( )       Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided
     by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
     the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
     filing by registration statement number, or the form or schedule
     and the date of its filing.

               (1)  Amount previously paid:___________________________

               (2)  Form, schedule or registration statement no.:_____

               (3)  Filing party:_____________________________________

               (4)  Date filed:_______________________________________

     *  Previously paid

          Dear Kmart Shareholder:

          At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on June
          3rd, 1994 shareholders are being asked to vote for an
          important proposal concerning the company's specialty
          retail businesses--the Specialty Retail Stock Proposal.

          We believe that the Specialty Retail Stock Proposal and
          related proposals are in the best interest of Kmart and
          will maximize value for shareholders.

          Over the past year, the Kmart Board has conducted an
          extensive review of the company's specialty retailing
          subsidiaries.  Among other things, Kmart has looked at
          each business to determine whether it should be sold or
          spun off.  As a result of this review, the Board
          determined to divest PayLess Drug Stores and PACE
          Membership Warehouse and promptly did so.

          Certain stockholders have been calling for Kmart to also
          sell its interests in the remaining specialty businesses-
          -Borders and Walden (bookstores), Builders Square (home
          improvement), OfficeMax (office supplies) and The Sports
          Authority (sporting goods).  The Board looked carefully
          at this alternative and determined that now is NOT the
          appropriate time to divest the remaining specialty retail
          businesses.  We believe that these businesses have the
          potential for significant future growth and to sell them
          now would deny Kmart shareholders the benefit of this
          upside potential.  Implementation of the Specialty Retail
          Stock Proposal, including the sale of specialty targeted
          stock representing 20% to 30% of the equity value of each
          business would, in the Board's judgment, provide the
          company with the most flexibility to realize the value of
          these businesses.

          The Board closely examined the possible sale of direct
          subsidiary stock as well as the sale of specialty
          targeted stock, and concluded that:

               *    In addition to providing the cash infusion and
                    independent market valuations that would be
                    achieved by the sale of direct stock, the
                    issuance of specialty targeted stock provides
                    the significant tax, credit and governance
                    benefits of continuing to operate as a
                    consolidated entity.

               *    Unlike a sale of direct stock, the sale of
                    specialty targeted stock can be accomplished on
                    a tax-free basis, resulting in significantly
                    greater net proceeds available to the company.

               *    There is no valid evidence that targeted stocks
                    trade at substantial discounts to shares of
                    stand-alone companies.  There are over $30
                    billion of targeted stocks already in the
                    marketplace, and these stocks have historically
                    traded on the fundamentals of their underlying

               *    The issuance of specialty targeted stock will
                    provide flexibility with respect to the
                    specialty businesses, including a possible
                    future sale or spin-off of one or more of the
                    businesses if that is appropriate.

               *    Specialty targeted stock will provide direct
                    incentives for employees in each specialty
                    store business by linking incentives and
                    compensation to the performance of that

          Neither Kmart management nor the Board is satisfied with
          the results of the Kmart discount store business over the
          last 15 months, or with the current price of Kmart stock. 
          We are committed to taking strong action in implementing
          initiatives to improve the performance and results of
          Kmart's core business.

          Along with the aggressive U.S. Kmart modernization
          program, the Specialty Retail Stock Proposal is an
          important part of the overall Kmart strategy to realign
          its businesses and improve results.  The Board of
          Directors strongly believes that the Specialty Retail
          Stock Proposal is in the best interest of Kmart and will
          maximize value for shareholders.

          We urge you to vote FOR the company's proposals, and
          thank you for your support.


                                        BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                        KMART CORPORATION
                                        MAY 25, 1994

                    If you have questions or need assistance in
          voting your shares, please contact Georgeson & Co., the
          company's Information Agent, at 1-800-233-2064

          [OFFICEMAX LOGO]                   [WALDENBOOKS LOGO]

                              [KMART LOGO]   [BORDERS BOOKSHOP LOGO]