THIS AGREEMENT, dated May 17, 1995, is made and
          entered into among Empire Gas Corporation, a Missouri
          corporation ("Empire"), Northwestern Growth Corporation,
          a South Dakota corporation ("NGC"), and SYN Inc., a
          Delaware corporation ("SYN"), with respect to the
          following facts:

               A.   Empire, NGC and Syn have entered into that
          certain Agreement Among Initial Stockholders and SYN
          Inc., dated May 17, 1995 (the "Stock Agreement"), which,
          among other things, requires this Agreement to be made
          for the reasons recited in the Stock Agreement (such
          recitals being incorporated herein by this reference).

               B.   SYN and NGC, immediately following the
          execution of this Agreement, will be entering into that
          certain Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated as of May 17,
          1995, with Sherman C. Vogel, Stephen A. Vogel, Jeffrey K.
          Vogel, Jon M. Vogel, Jeanette Vogel, Synergy Group
          Incorporated (with its subsidiaries, "Synergy"), and S&J
          Investments (the "Synergy Acquisition Agreement"),
          providing for the acquisition by SYN of Synergy (the
          "Synergy Acquisition").

               C.   This Agreement is essential to the ability of
          SYN to finance and consummate the Synergy Acquisition,
          and to manage the assets and business to be acquired by
          the Synergy Acquisition.

                    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the
          premises and the agreements exchanged herein, the parties
          hereto agree as follows:


                    SYN, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries,
          and for the benefit of its stockholders (of which NGC is
          a principal one), hereby engages Empire to perform the
          planning and management of the assets and business
          operations of SYN and its subsidiaries (the "Management
          Services"), and Empire hereby accepts such engagement and
          agrees to perform the Management Services, subject to the
          direction of the Board of Directors of SYN (the "Board")
          and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

                      ARTICLE 2:  BUSINESS PLAN; BUDGET

               Section 2.01  INITIAL BUSINESS PLAN.  The parties
          hereto have developed a business plan, a copy of which is
          attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement ("Initial Plan"),
          for the conduct of business operations of SYN and its
          subsidiaries after the completion of the Synergy
          Acquisition (the "SYN Operations"), showing:

                    (a)  The general longer-term objectives (to be
               accomplished in a three to five year period of

                    (b)  The preliminary detailed plans for
               conducting the SYN Operations through the end of
               SYN's fiscal year ending June 30, 1996 ("fiscal
               1996"), including the plant, facilities and
               equipment (at various locations), and the personnel
               staffing at the locations, needed to carry on the
               SYN Operations for the balance of fiscal 1996
               following the Synergy Acquisition and during the
               longer term of the plan; and

                    (c)  Capitalized reserves for (i) transition
               costs including such items as costs of meetings with
               personnel at the outlets and branches acquired in
               the Synergy Acquisition, retail mailings and other
               items, not to exceed $500,000 in the aggregate, and
               (ii) costs of shutting down Synergy's facility at
               Farmingdale, New York, offering severance to Synergy
               employees and incorporating Synergy's operations
               into Empire's facilities in Lebanon, Missouri.

               Section 2.02  INITIAL BUDGET.  The parties hereto
          have developed a budget ("Initial Budget") for the
          conduct of the SYN Operations for the balance of fiscal
          1996 following the Synergy Acquisition in accordance with
          the Initial Plan.  A copy of the Initial Budget is
          attached as Exhibit B to this Agreement.

          BUDGETS.  At least 30 days prior to June 30, 1996 and at
          least 30 days prior to each June 30 thereafter until the
          term of this Agreement expires or is terminated
          (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "end of the
          term of this Agreement"), Empire will develop, in
          consultation with NGC, and obtain the approval of the
          Board of:

                    (d)  An updated version of the Initial Plan (or
               of the most recent previously updated version
               thereof) to provide a detailed business plan for the
               SYN Operations for the 18 months following such June
               30 and a longer-term business plan for the three- to
               five-year period following such June 30 (the Initial
               Plan or updated version thereof in effect at a given
               time, including all amendments thereto up to such
               time, is hereinafter referred to as the "Applicable
               Plan"); and

                    (e)  An updated version of the Initial Budge
               (or of the most recent previously updated version
               thereof) to provide a budget for the conduct of the
               SYN Operations for the 18 months following such June
               30, (the Initial Budget or updated version thereof
               in effect at a given time for a particular period,
               including all amendments thereto up to such time, is
               hereinafter referred to as the "Applicable Budget").

          Empire may amend an Applicable Plan or an Applicable
          Budget, or both, at any time and from time to time by
          preparing such amendment, submitting the same to the
          Board with such supporting information as the Board may
          require, and obtaining the Board's approval thereof, but
          no such amendment shall be effective unless and until
          approved by the Board.

          BUDGET.  Empire shall mange the SYN Operations,
          commencing with the Synergy Acquisition and continuing
          thereafter until the end of the term of this Agreement,
          in accordance with the Applicable plan and within the
          applicable Budget, without obtaining approval of the
          Board of the details of such management, but subject to
          approvals by the Board required by law and to the
          requirements for approval by the Board specified in
          Article 9 herein.  Notwithstanding the foregoing:

                    (f)  Empire may take such management action
               with respect to the SYN Operations as it may deem
               advisable to respond to, and attempt to curtail or
               avoid material adverse consequences resulting from
               material unplanned adverse developments when
               (reasonably) there is inadequate time in which to
               secure advance approval of such action by the Board,
               but in such event the situation and action taken
               shall be submitted with reasonable promptness to the
               Board for such further action as the Board may then
               deem advisable;

                    (g)  In addition to action taken pursuant to
               preceding paragraph (a), Empire may cause SYN to
               make maintenance capital expenditures which
               individually exceed the Applicable Budget for such
               expenditures or category of expenditures by not more
               than $10,000, but only if the Board is notified
               prior to, or at, the time of such expenditures,
               while such expenditures in excess of such $10,000
               limit may not be made or committed to unless
               authorized in advance by the Board; and

                    (h)  If Empire becomes aware that aggregate
               operating or administrative expenses likely will be
               1% or more in excess of what is provided for in the
               then Applicable Budget, Empire shall promptly notify
               the Board of such expected excess.

               SECTION 2.05  OTHER ACTION.  Any action that needs
          to be taken in the performance of the Management Services
          that is not provided for in an Applicable Plan or
          Applicable Budget or otherwise provided for in this
          Agreement shall be taken in accordance with Empire's good
          faith judgment as to what is in the best interests of SYN
          and its subsidiaries.


               SECTION 3.01  EFFORT REQUIRED.  Empire under the
          management of Paul S. Lindsey, jr. ("Lindsey") as the
          chief executive officer of Empire, shall devote
          sufficient time and resources to reasonably assure
          successful performance by Empire for SYN of the
          Management Services in accordance with this Agreement.

               SECTION 3.02  KEY MAN INSURANCE.  To compensate SYN
          for the loss of services that would occur in the event of
          Lindsey's death, at all times while this Agreement is in
          effect SYN may maintain in effect (at SYN's expense)
          insurance on the life of Lindsey in an amount not less
          than $10,000,000, payable to SYN, and Lindsey will
          cooperate by providing personal information and taking
          physical examinations as required by the insurance
          carrier for issuing and maintaining such insurance
          coverage.  The cost of such insurance shall not be
          charged, directly or indirectly, in any way to Empire or
          to any of the compensation due Empire under this
          Agreement.  At the end of the term of this agreement, or
          at such earlier time as the Board determines that SYN no
          longer needs the insurance coverage provided for in this
          Section, Lindsey will have the option to purchase
          ownership of such insurance policies from SYN for a price
          equal to any cash surrender value of the insurance.

                     ARTICLE 4:   COMPENSATION OF EMPIRE

          compensation in full for Empire's services under this
          Agreement, SYN shall pay Empire a Fixed Fee (as defined
          in Section 4.02 hereof) per annum and a Management Fee (as
          defined in Section 4.03 hereof).

               SECTION 4.02  FIXED FEE.  The Fixed Fee (the amount
          of which for each fiscal year of SYN, or part thereof,
          will be included in the Applicable Budget for such
          period), is intended to cover Empire's operating overhead
          in performing its services under this Agreement.  The
          Fixed Fee shall be paid by SYN to Empire in equal monthly
          installments in advance, upon commencement of Empire's
          services and thereafter on the first day of each month,
          and shall be at the initial annual rate of $3,250,000 for
          the period commencing with the commencement of Empire's
          services under this Agreement and ending June 30, 1996,
          and for each 12-month period or portion thereof
          thereafter until the end of the term of this agreement
          the annual rate of the Fixed Fee shall increase by the
          percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index.  All
          Items For all Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average (1982-84
          = 100), as of the start of such period as determined by
          the index number for the month most recently published by
          the U.S. Department of Labor or any successor
          governmental agency handling such publication, as of the
          start of the period, compared to 151.4 (which is such
          index figure for the month of March, 1995), but no
          reduction in the annual rates of the Fixed Fee shall be
          made if a decrease in such Consumer Price Index figure
          shall occur.  In addition to the foregoing adjustments in
          the Fixed Fee related to changes in such Consumer Price
          Index, the Fixed Fee shall be adjusted in an amount
          approved by the Board to reflect Empire's increased fixed
          operating overhead reasonably attributable to increases
          in SYN's business resulting from acquisitions and start-
          ups of business locations after the Synergy Acquisition
          is completed.  In the event of changes in the basis for
          such Consumer Price index, or such index is discontinued,
          the parties shall amend this Section 4.02 to provide as
          closely as possible for the same adjustment mechanism,
          using the changed basis or a different published index,
          as appropriate.

               SECTION 4.03  MANAGEMENT FEE.  The Management Fee,
          an estimate of which for each fiscal year shall be
          included in the applicable Budget for such period, shall
          be at the annual rate of $500,000 per annum payable by
          SYN to Empire in equal monthly installments in advance
          upon commencement of Empire's services and thereafter on
          the first day of each month, plus a sum (the "Additional
          Amount") equal to 10% of the amount by which the EBITDA
          for SYN and its subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis,
          exceeds the amount shown below for each period indicated,
          with the Additional Amount for each such period to be
          paid by SYN to Empire within 90 days after the end of
          such period or at such earlier time as the final
          calculation of the Additional Amount for such period is

                    $17,500,000 for the period ending June 30, 1996;
                    $18,000,000 for the 12 months ending June 30, 1997;
                    $18,300,000 for the 12 months ending June 30, 1998;
                    $18,600,000 for the 12 months ending June 30, 1999; and
                    $18,900,000 for the 12 months ending June 30, 2000;

          For purposes of this Agreement, "EBITDA" means earnings
          before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization for
          a specified period for the specified corporation, or the
          specified group of corporations on a consolidated basis,
          or the specified business locations, determined from
          financial statements for such corporation or corporations
          or business locations prepared on the basis of generally
          accepted accounting principles, consistently applied.


               SECTION 5.01  OVERLAPPING MARKET AREAS.  As promptly
          as is reasonably possible, Empire and SYN shall use their
          best efforts to exchange those outlets of Empire and SYN
          that are designated in Exhibit C attached to this
          agreement as having overlapping, competing market areas,
          by having some of the SYN outlets listed on such Exhibit
          C transferred to Empire and some of the Empire outlets
          listed on such Exhibit C transferred to SYN, such that
          upon completion of these transfers, the SYN outlets
          transferred to Empire will have EBITDA (as defined in
          Section 4.03 herein) and assets equivalent (with
          immaterial exceptions) in value to the Empire outlets
          transferred to SYN, and the overlapping, competing nature
          of the market areas shown on Exhibit C will be eliminated
          by such transfers.  Any shortfall of EBITDA or asset
          value to either party from such transfers shall be
          compensated by either a transfer of assets or a cash
          payment, the amount of which is to be negotiated between
          NGC and SYN, as one party, and Empire, as the other


                    (a)  While this Agreement is in effect and for
               a period of one year thereafter, Empire and SYN will
               not solicit customers and employees from each other.

                    (b)  Until the end of the term of this
               Agreement and for a period of two years thereafter,
               Empire and SYN shall not compete in each others area
               of interest for new customers within such area. 
               Regarding individual acquisitions of retail propane
               businesses greater than $7,500,000 which any party
               hereto desires to make before the end of the term of
               this Agreement, such acquisitions shall be owned
               jointly by Empire and SYN in relation to the capital
               provided for such acquisition or such other
               arrangements as can be negotiated by such parties on
               a case by case basis, but acquisitions less than
               $7,500,000 shall be pursued first by the individual
               entity with operations  closest to the acquired
               property, or if not successfully pursued by such
               party, then jointly by Empire and SYN together,
               based on capital provided, and if not successfully
               pursued by those two parties, then by whichever
               (Empire of SYN) was not such first party.


               SECTION 6.01  ACCOUNTING SYSTEM.  At all times until
          the end of term of this Agreement, Empire will:

                    (a)  Cause SYN and its subsidiaries to
               implement and maintain a system of accounting for
               the assets, liabilities, operations and cash flows
               of SYN and its subsidiaries, and internal controls
               over accounting and financial matters for SYN and
               its subsidiaries, similar to the system and controls
               maintained by Empire for itself, or, if requested by
               the Board, as the Board shall reasonably require;
               and in connection with the foregoing, Empire shall
               cause SYN to provide NGC with such financial
               statement and reports with respect to assets,
               liabilities, operations and developments affecting
               the business or assets of SYN and its subsidiaries,
               as NGC may require (taking into account the
               accounting and reporting requirements of NGC's
               parent corporation.  Northwestern Public Service
               Company); and

                    (b)  Cause SYN to engage a so-called "Big six"
               firm of independent public accountants (or whatever,
               at the time is the equivalent of the present Big
               six) approved by the Board to make quarterly reviews
               and annual audits of SYN and its subsidiaries; but
               to the most efficient extent possible, Empire shall
               cause SYN to engage Baird, Kurtz & Dobson ("BK&D")
               to perform detailed compliance work to assist the
               designated firm of independent accountants in
               completing the quarterly reviews and annual audits.

               SECTION 6.02  AUDIT OR REVIEW.  At all times until
          the end of the term of this Agreement, Empire will allow
          the Board and its authorized representatives, upon at
          least seven-days' prior notice to, and in coordination
          with, the President and Chief Executive Officer of SYN,
          to audit or review the books of account and records of
          all kinds kept for SYN, inspect SYN's properties, consult
          with SYN's personnel and with Empire's personnel involved
          in Empire's performance of services under this Agreement,
          and generally to observe and monitor the operation,
          management and accounting for SYN's business and assets;
          provided, however, that such review and/or audit shall
          not last longer than five business days unless Empire is
          in default under this Agreement.  Such reviews shall be
          restricted to no more than once a month at the home
          office of SYN, as maintained by Empire, through June 30,
          1996 and quarterly thereafter, and unrestricted at all of
          SYN's retail locations.  All reports resulting from these
          audits or reviews shall be promptly furnished to the

                        ARTICLE 7:  INSURANCE FOR SYN

                    In addition to the key man insurance which SYN
          may maintain pursuant to Section 3.02 herein, at all times
          while this Agreement is in effect insurance covering
          liability exposures of SYN and its Board, with types and
          amounts of coverage as shall be approved by the Board,
          shall be obtained and maintained for SYN and its
          subsidiaries (at SYN's expense, and at no cost to Empire)
          by Empire as part of the Management Services.  Empire
          shall be named as a co-insured under such coverages.  The
          cost of such insurance shall be included in each
          Applicable Budget.


                    At all times while this Agreement is in effect,
          NGC will designate a representative who may, as invited,
          be allowed to attend quarterly meetings of Empire's Board
          of Directors and to receive copies of all information
          supplied by Empire to the members of its Board of
          Directors for such meetings.


                    The assets and business of SYN and its
          subsidiaries shall be managed as provided herein by
          Empire while this Agreement remains in effect, subject to
          the overall direction and supervision by the Board.
          However, Empire shall not take for SYN (such term at all
          times in this Article 9 includes SYN's subsidiaries), or
          cause SYN to take, any of the following actions without
          having obtained the prior approval of the Board:

                    (a)  Sell, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose
               of, or enter into any agreement or arrangement for
               any sale, lease, transfer or other disposition of
               assets of SYN, except for (i) a sale, lease,
               transfer or other disposition specifically provided
               for in the Applicable Budget, or (ii) the sale of
               services to customers and the sale or lease of
               products in the ordinary course of business of SYN;

                    (b)  Purchase any goods or services from, or
               sell any goods or services to, or enter into or
               amend any agreement or other transaction with,
               Empire or any affiliate of Empire that is not on an
               arm's-length basis;

                    (c)  Cause SYN to incur any indebtedness for
               borrowed money (including without limitation, any
               capitalized lease obligations) or to enter into an
               agreement for such borrowing (or leasing) with the
               exception of seller financing of the purchase of
               particular assets;

                    (d)  Mortgage or otherwise grant a lien upon or
               security interest in any assets of SYN except liens
               upon acquired assets to secure seller financing for
               the acquisition of such assets;

                    (e)  Cause SYN to become a surety or guarantor
               of, or an accommodation party to, or otherwise
               become or be contingently liable for any
               indebtedness or obligations of any other party,
               other than as a result of endorsing to negotiate
               payment of instruments received from customers in
               payment for goods and services in the ordinary
               course of business in amounts less than $50,000;

                    (f)  Cause SYN to enter into any joint venture
               or similar relationship or acquire any stock, debt
               obligations or other securities of, or loan to or
               make any investment in or capital contribution to
               any other party which is not a wholly-owned
               subsidiary of SYN;

                    (g)  Institute, defend, or settle any legal
               proceeding on behalf of SYN, except legal
               proceedings against SYN shall be defended and if the
               matter is partially or wholly covered by insurance,
               it may be settled if the settlement payment to be
               made by SYN is an amount not exceeding the
               deductible under such insurance coverage for such
               matter and all other matters not partially or wholly
               covered by insurance may be settled if the
               settlement payment to be made by SYN is an amount
               not exceeding $50,000 per matter;

                    (h)  Enter into any new contract for the
               leasing, as lessee, of any real or personal
               property, other than operating leases entered into
               in the ordinary course of business involving a term
               of not more than one year total or rental of not
               more than $0,000, and other than retail location
               operating leases;

                    (i)  File or consent to any petition in
               bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation or similar
               proceeding with respect to SYN, or seek, consent to
               or acquiesce in the appointment of a trustee,
               receiver or liquidator of SYN, or of all or any part
               of the assets of SYN, or make an assignment for the
               benefit of SYN's creditors;

                    (j)  Confess a judgment against SYN greater
               than $50,000;

                    (k)  Amend, modify, supplement or waive any
               provision of any contract, the making of which was
               approved or required to be approved by the Board;

                    (l)  Make any employment, severance, consulting
               or similar agreement, including any agreement with a
               labor union, or amend the same, for SYN with any
               other party involving payments by SYN greater than
               $50,000, or adopt any employee benefit plan for
               employees of SYN;

                    (m)  Open or close a primary office, plant or
               other business location for SYN, or make an
               agreement or commitment of any kind to do so unless
               it results from the merger or consolidation with
               another SYN plant, office or other business
               location; or

                    (n)  Take any action in contravention of this

                     ARTICLE 10:  DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS

          During the term of this Agreement, the provisions of
          Section 5.02 of the Stock Agreement (which are hereby
          incorporated herein by this reference) shall be carried
          out by Empire and NGC even if the Stock Agreement ceases
          to be in effect for any reason.

          SUBSIDIARIES.  The directors and officers of subsidiaries
          of SYN shall be designated by Empire to enable Empire to
          achieve an efficient management and administration of the
          business and affairs of the subsidiaries.

                        ARTICLE 11:  TERM; TERMINATION

          The term of this Agreement shall be in effect until it
          expires on June 30, 2000, or at the end of any fiscal
          year thereafter if preceded by at least six-months'
          written notice by SYN or one-year's written notice by
          Empire of its desire to terminate as of such date, unless
          sooner terminated at the election of the Board, and upon
          giving notice to Empire of such election, on any earlier
          date in the event of any of the following:

                    (a)  Upon default by Empire under this
               Agreement which remains uncured after 30 days
               written notice of such default has been given to
               Empire by SYN or NGC;

                    (b)  Upon any change in ownership of Empire
               which results in Lindsey having less than voting
               control (as a stockholder) of Empire;

                    (c)  Upon the filing or consent to any petition
               in bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation or
               similar proceeding with respect to Empire, or the
               appointment of a trustee, receiver or liquidator for
               Empire for all or a substantial part of its assets,
               or the making of an assignment by Empire for the
               benefit of its creditors;

                    (d)  Upon the failure of SYN and its
               subsidiaries to achieve the following cumulative
               (consolidated) EBITDA results for the periods
               beginning with the Synergy Acquisition and ending on
               the dates indicated below, as follows:

                         (i)   for the period ended June 30, 1996,
                               cumulative EBITDA of at least $14

                         (ii)  for the period ended June 30, 1997,
                               cumulative EBITDA of at least $29

                         (iii) for the period ended June 30, 1998,
                               cumulative EBITDA of at least $45

                         (iv)  for the period ended June 30, 1999,
                               cumulative EBITDA of at least $62

                         (v)   for the period ended June 30, 2000,
                               cumulative EBITDA of at least $80
                               million; and

                         (vi)  for periods (if any) subsequent to
                               June 30, 2000, cumulative EBITDA at
                               the end of each fiscal year of SYN
                               shall be at least $20,000,000
                               higher than at the end of the
                               previous fiscal year;

                    (e)  If SYN at any time is in default with
               respect to more than $1,000,000 of its borrowings;

                    (f)  If Empire at any time is in default with
               respect to its outstanding publicly-held bonds;

                    (g)  By mutual agreement of the parties or when
               required by final court order or final award of
               arbitrators; or

                    (h)  If the stock of SYN, or stock entitling
               the holder or holders thereof to cast a majority of
               the votes in the general election of directors of
               SYN, or substantially all of the assets of SYN, is
               sold, directly or by merger or consolidation.

          The term of this Agreement also may be terminated at the
          election of Empire and upon giving notice to NGC and SYN
          of such election in the event of any of the following:

                    (i)   Upon default by SYN resulting from non-
               payment of the Fixed Fee or the Management Fee to
               Empire which remains uncured after 30 days written
               notice of such default has been given by Empire to
               SYN or NGC; or

                    (ii)  If the stock of SYN, or stock entitling
               the holder or holders thereof to cast a majority of
               the votes in the general election of directors of
               SYN, or substantially all of the assets of SYN is
               sold, directly or by merger or consolidation; or

                    (iii) If any of the terms of this Agreement
               are changed without the consent of Empire.


               (i)  Upon expiration or earlier termination of this
          Agreement, the parties hereto will cooperate to the
          fullest extent possible to facilitate the creation of a
          staff of management personnel, and the establishment of
          facilities owned or leased by SYN or otherwise available
          for use by SYN on terms acceptable to SYN, to enable SYN
          to plan and manage its business operations and assets
          without the services that would have been provided by
          Empire under this agreement had this agreement remained
          in effect; and until that is accomplished (and the
          parties hereto shall make a good faith effort to
          accomplish it promptly), SYN shall have the use of the
          personnel and facilities of Empire that had been devoted
          in whole or in part to such planning and management at a
          cost not to exceed the amount most recently budgeted
          therefor in the last applicable Budget, or at Empire's
          cost in the absence of such budgeted amount.

               (j)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event
          this Agreement is terminated by Empire, SYN shall have up
          to 18 months (including the 12-months' notice period) to
          plan and execute an operational and transition plan for
          achieving what is provided for in preceding subsection

          SECTION 11.03  PUTS AND CALLS.

               (k)  In the event this Agreement is terminated by
          Empire, SYN shall have a call right to purchase Empire's
          shares of common stock of SYN at a price equal to 100% of
          fair market value, determined by appraisal, and Empire
          shall have a put right to sell to SYN Empire's shares of
          common stock of SYN at a price equal to 90% of fair
          market value, determined by appraisal, provided that, in
          case of a put by Empire, SYN has adequate liquidity, as
          reasonably determined by its Board, to make such

               (l)  In the event this Agreement is terminated by
          SYN, SYN shall have a call right to purchase Empire's
          shares of common stock of SYN at a price equal to 110% of
          fair market value, determined by appraisal, and Empire
          shall have a put right to sell to SYN Empire's shares of
          common stock of SYN at a price equal to 100% of fair
          market value, determined by appraisal, provided that in
          the case of a put by Empire, SYN has adequate liquidity,
          as reasonably determined by its Board, to ,make such

               (m)  For these purposes, fair market value of the
          shares of common stock of SYN to be sold and purchased
          shall be determined by an appraiser or investment bunker
          selected as provided in Section 1.04(a)(ii) of the Stock
          Agreement, with the appraisal made in accordance with
          such Section.

                     ARTICLE 12:  RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL

               So long as this Agreement is in effect, Empire will
          require Lindsey not to sell or otherwise dispose of the
          shares of stock of Empire which he owns (other than to an
          affiliated entity or related party or to Empire
          management personnel, provided that Lindsey retains
          voting control of Empire), and Empire will not sell or
          otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its
          business and assets, whether such transactions are to be
          done directly or indirectly by means of a merger or
          consolidation of Empire with the acquiring entity,
          without first offering the same for sale to NGC, on the
          same terms as are offered by the other party (with full
          disclosure of such terms to NGC), and allowing not less
          than 30 days after its receipt of the offer for NGC to
          accept the offer, and if such offer is accepted by NGC,
          NGC shall have 90 days in which to complete the purchase
          on such terms.

                          ARTICLE 13:  MISCELLANEOUS

               SECTION 13.01  NOTES.  All notices and other
          communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
          deemed to have been give (a) when delivered in person,
          (b) one business day after deposit with a nationally
          recognized overnight courier service, (c) two business
          days after being deposited in the United States mail,
          postage prepaid, first class, registered or certified
          mail, or (d) the business day on which it is sent and
          received by facsimile, as follows:

               If to SYN, to:  SYN Inc.
                               c/o Northwestern Growth Corporation
                               33 Third Street , S.E.
                               Huron, SD  57350
                               Fax No. (605) 353-8286

                               Attn:  Richard R. Hyland, President
                               and Chief Operating Officer

                      and to   SYN Inc.
                               c/o Empire Gas Corporation
                               1700 South Jefferson Street
                               Lebanon, MO  65536
                               Fax No. (417) 532-8529

                               Attn:  Paul S. Lindsey, Jr., Chief
                               Executive Officer

               If to NGC:      Northwestern Growth Corporation
                               33 Third Street, S.E.
                               Huron, SD  57350
                               Fax No. (605) 353-8286

                               Attn:  Richard R. Hylland,

               If to Empire:   Empire Gas Corporation
                               PO Box 303
                               1700 South Jefferson
                               Lebanon, MO  65536
                               Fax No. (417) 532-8529

                               Attn:  Paul S. Lindsey, Jr.,

          or to such other person or address as any party hereto
          shall specify in notice in writing given to the other
          parties hereto.

          ASSIGNS.  No party hereto may assign its interest in this
          Agreement without first obtaining the written consent of
          the other parties hereto, except that this Agreement may
          be assigned by SYN, without obtaining such consents, to
          (and in connection with the closing of the acquisition
          by) an acquirer of substantially all of the business and
          assets of SYN and its subsidiaries, provided that written
          notice of such assignment is given to the other parties
          hereto, and except further that this Agreement may be
          assigned by NGC (in connection with the assignment of
          NGC's shares of common stock of SYN) to NWPS, or any
          wholly-owned subsidiary of NWPS, without obtaining such
          consents, provided written notice of such assignment is
          given to the other parties hereto.

               SECTION 13.03  SEVERABILITY.  Should any provision
          of this Agreement for any reason be declared invalid or
          unenforceable, such decision shall not affect the
          validity or enforceability of any of the other provisions
          of this Agreement, which remaining provisions shall
          remain in full force and effect and the application of
          such invalid or unenforceable provision to persons or
          circumstances other than those as to which it is held
          invalid or unenforceable shall be valid and be enforced
          to the fullest extent permitted by law.

               SECTION 13.04  INTERPRETATION.  The article and
          section headings contained in this Agreement are solely
          for the purpose of reference, are not part of the
          agreement of the parties and shall not in any way affect
          the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

               SECTION 13.05  ARBITRATION.  Any dispute arising
          under this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration. 
          Each of the parties hereto agrees (a) that each such
          arbitration shall be initiated and conducted in
          accordance with the rules and procedures of the American
          Arbitration Association ("AAA"), (b) to submit all such
          disputes to the office of the AAA in charge of
          arbitrations conducted in the metropolitan area of the
          City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and (c) to have each such
          arbitration proceeding conducted in the metropolitan area
          of the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and (d) to be
          subject to the jurisdiction of the arbitrators in the
          City of Minneapolis, Minnesota upon notice given in
          accordance with the provisions of this Agreement that a
          dispute has been submitted to such office of the AAA.

               SECTION 13.06  GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall
          be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware
          (regardless of the laws, that might otherwise govern
          under applicable principles of conflicts of law) as to
          all matters, including but not limited to matters of
          validity, construction, effect, performance and remedies.

               SECTION 13.07  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be
          executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed
          an original, but all of which collectively shall
          constitute one and the same agreement.

                    IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have
          executed this Agreement as of the date first above

          Empire Gas Corporation        SYN Inc.

          By: /s/ Paul S. Lindsey, Jr.  By:/s/ Paul S. Lindsey, Jr.
              _______________________      _______________________
               Its President            Title:                 

                                        Northwestern Growth

                                        By: /s/ Richard R. Hylland 
                                             Its President