(RULE 14A-101)
                          SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                            EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     Filed by the registrant (X)
     Filed by a party other than the registrant ( )
     Check the appropriate box:
     ( ) Preliminary proxy statement
     (X) Definitive proxy statement
     ( ) Definitive additional materials
     ( ) Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                        FLAGSHIP ADMIRAL FUNDS INC.
              (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
                 (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):
     (X)  No fee required.
     ( )  $125 per Exchange Act Rule 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-
          6(j)(2) or Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
     ( )  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act
          Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
     ( )  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-(i)(4) and
     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid::

     ( )  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by
registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its
     (1)  Amount previously paid:

     (2)  Form, schedule or registration statement no.:

     (3)  Filing party:

     (4)  Date filed:

                              [Flagship Letterhead]
          November 6, 1996

          Dear Flagship Admiral Funds Inc. Shareholder:

          As recently announced, Flagship Resources Inc. plans to
          merge with The John Nuveen Company.  The merger with Nuveen
          will help Flagship serve a broader set of investors' needs,
          providing a range of investment products and services for
          conservative investors and the financial advisers who serve

          A special meeting of shareholders will be held Thursday,
          December 12, 1996, at 10:00 a.m., Central Time, in the 31st
          floor conference room of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, 333
          W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois.  At this meeting, you
          will be asked to vote on proposals to make certain changes
          to how your fund is managed, facilitating the integration of
          the Flagship and Nuveen mutual fund families.


               ( )  Lower operating costs from expanded distribution
               ( )  Access to a wider range of investment products
               ( )  Greater choices in the method for purchasing shares

          The enclosed proxy statement describes the proposals
          relating to your fund in greater detail.


          We appreciate your continued support and confidence.

          Very truly yours,

          /s/ Bruce Paul Bedford
          Bruce P. Bedford
          Chairman of the Board

                          FLAGSHIP ADMIRAL FUNDS INC.

                         FLAGSHIP UTILITY INCOME FUND

                               One Dayton Centre
                             One South Main Street
                              Dayton, Ohio 45402

                   Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders
                               December 12, 1996
                    A Special Meeting of Shareholders of each of the
          above referenced Funds (each a "Fund"), each of which is a
          series of the Flagship Admiral Funds Inc. (the "Admiral
          Funds"), a Maryland corporation, will be held in the 31st
          floor conference room of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated 333
          West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois on Thursday, December
          12, 1996 at 10:00 a.m., (Central Time) for the following

               1.   To approve new investment advisory agreements to
                    take effect upon the acquisition of Flagship
                    Resources Inc. by The John Nuveen Company.

               2.   To approve a new Rule 12b-1 Plan with John Nuveen
                    & Co. Incorporated.

               3.   To elect eight (8) Directors to the Board of

               4.   To transact such other business as may properly
                    come before the Meeting.

                    Shareholders of record at the close of business on
          October 18, 1996 are entitled to notice of and to vote at
          the Meeting.

          Michael D. Kalbfleisch

          November 6, 1996

                          FLAGSHIP ADMIRAL FUNDS INC.

                                PROXY STATEMENT

                        TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 12, 1996

               This proxy statement is solicited by the Board of
          Directors (the "Board") of the Admiral Funds for voting at
          the special meeting of shareholders of each Fund named below
          to be held at 10:00 a.m., (Central Time) on Thursday,
          December 12, 1996, in the 31st floor conference room of John
          Nuveen & Co. Incorporated ("Nuveen"), 333 West Wacker Drive,
          Chicago, Illinois and at any and all adjournments thereof
          (the "Meeting"), for the purposes set forth in the
          accompanying Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders. 
          This proxy statement was first mailed to shareholders on or
          about November  6, 1996.
               Each share of the Admiral Funds is entitled to one vote
          on each matter submitted to a vote of the shareholders at
          the Meeting; no shares have cumulative voting rights.

               Each valid proxy will be voted in accordance with your
          instructions and as the persons named in the proxy determine
          on such other business as may come before the Meeting.  If
          no instructions are given, the proxy will be voted FOR the
          election of the persons who have been nominated as Directors
          for the Fund and FOR Proposals 1 and 2.  Shareholders who
          execute proxies may revoke them at any time before they are
          voted, either by writing to the Fund or in person at the
          time of the Meeting.  Proxies given by telephone or
          electronically transmitted instruments may be counted if
          obtained pursuant to procedures designed to verify that such
          instructions have been authorized.

               Proposal 3 (election of Directors) requires a plurality
          vote of the shares of the Admiral Funds.  This means that
          the eight nominees receiving the largest number of votes
          will be elected.  Proposals 1 and 2 require the affirmative
          vote of a "majority of the outstanding voting securities" of
          each Fund.  The term "majority of the outstanding voting
          securities" as defined in the 1940 Act means:  the
          affirmative vote of the lesser of (1) 67% of the voting
          securities of the Fund present at the meeting if more than
          50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund are present in
          person or by proxy or (2) more than 50% of the outstanding
          shares of the Fund.

               On Proposal 3, the shareholders of the Funds will vote
          in the aggregate and not by Fund.  On Proposal 1 each Fund
          will vote separately.  On Proposal 2, the each class of
          shares of each Fund will vote separately as a class.

               The By-Laws of the Admiral Funds provides that the
          presence at a shareholder meeting in person or by proxy of
          at least a majority of the shares of the Admiral Funds
          entitled to vote constitutes a quorum.  Thus, the meeting
          for the Admiral Funds could not take place on its scheduled
          date if less than a majority of the shares of the Admiral
          Funds were represented.  If, by the time scheduled for the
          meeting, a quorum of shareholders of the Admiral Funds is
          not present or if a quorum is present but sufficient votes
          in favor of any of the Proposals are not received, the
          persons named as proxies may propose one or more
          adjournments of the Meeting for the Admiral Funds to permit
          further soliciting of proxies from shareholders of the
          Admiral Funds.  Any such adjournment will require the
          affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of the Admiral
          Funds (or series) present (in person or by proxy) at the
          session of the meeting to be adjourned.  The persons named
          as proxies will vote in favor of any such adjournment if
          they determine that such adjournment and additional
          solicitation are reasonable and in the interest of the
          Admiral Funds' shareholders.

               The Meeting is scheduled as a joint meeting of the
          respective shareholders of both Funds because the
          shareholders of both Funds will consider and vote on
          essentially the same matters.  The Board has determined that
          the use of a joint proxy statement for the Meeting is in the
          best interest of each of the Funds shareholders.  In the
          event that any shareholder present at the Meeting objects to
          the holding of a joint Meeting and moves for an adjournment
          of such Fund's Meeting to a time immediately after the
          Meeting so that such Fund's Meeting may be held separately,
          the persons named as proxies will vote in favor of such

               In tallying shareholder votes, abstentions and "broker
          non-votes" (i.e., shares held by brokers or nominees as to
          which (i) instructions have not been received from the
          beneficial owners or persons entitled to vote and (ii) the
          broker or nominee does not have discretionary voting power
          on a particular matter) will be counted for purposes of
          determining whether a quorum is present for purposes of
          convening the Meeting.  On Proposal 3, abstentions and
          broker non-votes will have no effect; the eight nominees
          receiving the largest number of votes will be elected.  On
          Proposals 1 and 2, abstentions and broker non-votes will be
          considered to be both present at the Meeting and issued and
          outstanding and, as a result, will have the effect of being
          counted as voted against the Proposal.  Proxies solicited
          and signed in accordance with voting instructions given by
          telephone or electronically transmitted instruments may be
          counted if obtained pursuant to procedures designed to
          verify that such instructions have been authorized.
               The shareholders of each Fund are being asked to vote
          upon three Proposals.  FOR EACH FUND, APPROVAL OF EACH OF
          PROPOSAL 1. 

               The Board of the Admiral Funds has fixed the close of
          business on October 18, 1996 as the record date (the "Record
          Date") for determining holders of the Fund's shares entitled
          to notice of and to vote at the Meeting.  Each shareholder
          will be entitled to one vote for each share held.  At the
          close of business on the Record Date, the following shares
          were outstanding:

                                          Class A    Class C    Total Fund
        Fund                              Shares     Shares       Shares

    The Golden Rainbow A James      9,724,554.088      N/A      9,724,554.088
           Advised Mutual Fund

    Flagship Utility Income Fund    2,193,958.422  544,141.080  2,738,099.522

               The Meeting is being called to consider approval of new
          advisory agreements and the other proposals of the Funds in
          connection with the sale of Flagship Resources Inc.
          ("Flagship")  to The John Nuveen Company, the parent company
          of Nuveen and Nuveen Advisory Corp. ("Nuveen Advisory").  An
          Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of July 16, 1996,
          pursuant to which Flagship and its subsidiaries, Flagship
          Financial Inc. (the "Adviser") and Flagship Funds Inc. (the
          "Distributor") will be acquired by The John Nuveen Company
          (the "Acquisition") has been executed by the parties
          thereto.  In consideration for the Acquisition, shareholders
          of Flagship will receive, in the aggregate, $18 million in
          cash plus shares of The John Nuveen Company valued at $45
          million (plus or minus certain adjustments based on the
          total assets under management as of the closing date), plus
          up to $20 million of additional contingent merger
          consideration based on the cumulative performance of the
          combined municipal bond mutual fund business, commencing
          January 1, 1997 and concluding December 31, 2000 (the
          "Contingent Payment Period").  Specifically, the additional
          contingent consideration will be paid (i) if the municipal
          bond mutual fund business and managed account business
          achieves 15% annual growth in assets under management over
          the Contingent Payment Period, (ii) if operating margins and
          pricing for such business over such period remains at least
          as favorable to Flagship and The John Nuveen Company as
          current operating margins and pricing, and (iii) if certain
          aggregate cost savings are achieved in such business over
          such period.  Subsequent to the Acquisition, The John Nuveen
          Company will consider reorganizations or consolidations of
          the businesses and operations of Flagship.

               The Acquisition transaction is expected to close on or
          prior to December 31, 1996 and is subject to various
          conditions, including the receipt of shareholder approval by
          funds for which the Adviser provides investment advisory
          services that represent at least 92.5% of the assets of all
          such funds of new investment advisory agreements with Nuveen
          Advisory and the receipt of the approval of the boards of
          such funds of distribution agreements with Nuveen.  In
          addition, the Acquisition is conditioned upon investment
          advisory clients (other than the funds), which represent at
          least 92.5% of the assets for which any Flagship company
          provides investment advisory services, consenting to the
          assignment of their contracts.  Bruce P. Bedford and Richard
          P. Davis have agreed to sign long-term employment contracts
          with Nuveen that provide that upon consummation of the
          Acquisition, Mr. Bedford shall serve as Executive Vice
          President and Director of Product Management of Nuveen and
          that Mr. Davis shall serve as a Vice president of Nuveen,
          Director of the Broker-Dealer Group of Nuveen and General
          Manager of Nuveen's Dayton operations.  In addition both Mr.
          Bedford and Mr. Davis will serve on Nuveen's management
          committee.  In the view of the Board and Flagship Financial
          Inc., there should be no material changes in the portfolio
          management and investment operations of the Funds after the
          transaction, although investment operations will be
          consolidated with those of Nuveen.

               Consummation of the Acquisition would constitute an
          "assignment," as that term is defined in the Investment
          Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act"), of the Utility Income
          Fund's current investment advisory agreement and the Golden
          Rainbow Fund's investment management agreement with the
          Adviser.  As required by the 1940 Act, each such agreement
          provides for its automatic termination in the event of its
          assignment.  In anticipation of the Acquisition, a new
          investment advisory agreement between each Fund and Nuveen
          Advisory is being proposed for approval by shareholders of
          each Fund.
               The transactions contemplated by the Acquisition were
          presented to the Board of Directors of the Admiral Funds for
          consideration at a number of Board meetings.  The Board,
          including a majority of the Directors who are not interested
          persons voted to approve the transactions contemplated by
          the Acquisition.  The independent directors retained their
          own counsel to assist them in evaluating the transaction and
          the various proposals.  The Board of Directors concluded
          unanimously that each of the Proposals set forth in this
          proxy statement is in the best interests of each Fund.

               During its review and deliberations, the Board of
          Directors evaluated the potential benefits, detriments and
          costs to each Fund and its shareholders of the proposed
          Acquisition.  The Board received information regarding the
          new advisory agreement and 12b-1 plan that would be entered
          into by each Fund, including a comparison of the proposed
          fee structure and expense ratios with the existing structure
          and ratios.  The Board received information from Nuveen
          Advisory and Nuveen regarding their management, history,
          qualifications and other relevant information, including
          portfolio transaction practices.  Representatives of Nuveen
          made presentations and were available for questions at the
          meetings.  The Board conducted additional due diligence
          meetings with Nuveen personnel at their offices.

               With respect to the Utility Income Fund, the Board
          considered the qualifications and capabilities of Nuveen
          Advisory to serve as investment adviser for the Funds.  In
          this regard, the Board noted the fact that Nuveen Advisory
          has been in operation since 1976 and has extensive
          experience managing investment companies, with approximately
          $32 billion in assets under management.  In addition, Nuveen
          Advisory is a part of a larger organization that provides
          investment advice to or credit surveillance for a larger
          number of registered investment companies, including open-
          end funds, exchange-traded funds, and unit investment
          trusts.  Total assets under management or credit
          surveillance by Nuveen and its affiliates is in excess of
          $45 billion.
               In evaluating the Acquisition, including the new
          advisory agreement with Nuveen Advisory, the Board
          determined that Fund shareholders would likely benefit from
          affiliation with the Nuveen organization for several
          reasons, including the greater financial strength of the
          sponsoring entity and Nuveen's larger technological
          infrastructure.  In addition the Board considered that Bruce
          P. Bedford and Richard P. Davis have agreed to sign long-
          term employment contracts with Nuveen that provide that Mr.
          Bedford shall serve as an Executive Vice President and
          Director of Product Management of Nuveen and that Mr. Davis
          will serve as a Vice President of Nuveen, Director of the
          Broker-Dealer group of Nuveen and General Manager of
          Nuveen's Dayton operations.  In addition, both Mr. Bedford
          and Mr. Davis will serve on Nuveen's Management Committee. 
          The Board also considered the fact that potential benefits
          from the larger Nuveen organization were being obtained with
          the expected retention of the current portfolio managers for
          the Funds, as members of the Nuveen organization. 
          Similarly, the benefits will be obtained with no significant
          changes in the portfolio management and operations of the
          Funds.  Moreover, with the proposed change in the investment
          adviser, Fund shareholders would gain access to a broader
          array of investments products through the Fund's exchange
          privilege.  In addition, the Board had extensive discussions
          with representatives of Nuveen regarding continuity of
          management functions and the level and quality of services
          affecting the Funds and considered the representation by
          Nuveen of its intention to maintain the continuity of
          management functions and the current level and quality of
          services obtained by the Funds after the Acquisition.
               In evaluating the transactions contemplated by the
          Acquisition, the Board also considered the qualifications
          and capabilities of Nuveen to serve as principal underwriter
          for the Funds and, with respect to certain classes of Fund
          shares, to receive Rule 12b-1 payments.  In this regard, the
          Board noted the fact that Nuveen has been in operation since
          1898 and serves as the principal underwriter for open-end
          funds with assets in excess of $6 billion and has served as
          co-managing underwriter for approximately $25 billion of
          exchange-traded funds.  The Board determined that Fund
          shareholders would likely benefit from the proposed change
          in distribution in that Nuveen brings a national sales
          organization and multi-channel distribution system to the
          Funds, which should result in greater distribution, with
          resulting administrative and operating efficiencies to the
          Funds from asset growth.  The independent Directors also
          considered the proposed continuing role of senior Flagship
          personnel in distribution of the Fund.  In addition,
          following the Acquisition, the Funds would offer additional
          classes of shares, which would provide existing and future
          shareholders the benefit of greater choices in the method
          for purchasing shares and should enhance the distribution
          capabilities of the Funds with the attendant potential for
          growth and administrative and operating efficiencies.  The
          Board noted the costs associated with sponsoring classes of
          shares that require the financing of distribution expenses,
          which costs would be effectively borne by Nuveen.
               Specifically with regard to fees and expenses, the
          Board considered the current fee and expense structure,
          historical expense ratios, expense limitations and voluntary
          reimbursements as compared to the fee and expense structure
          proposed.  The Board also reviewed the proposed fees as
          compared to those of comparable funds.  The Board determined
          that the proposed agreements were beneficial and in the best
          interests of the Funds in that the contractual rates for
          investment advisory fees, Rule 12b-1 services and Rule 12b-1
          distribution fees were within the range of rates for
          comparable funds and, in addition, the aggregate would be
          the same or lower than the current fee structure for each
          current class of each Fund's shares.  With regard to the
          Flagship Utility Income Fund (the "Utility Income Fund"),
          the Board specifically considered the proposed modification
          of the graduated rates and new breakpoints used to calculate
          the investment advisory fee.  In evaluating the new advisory
          agreement for the Utility Income Fund, the Board considered
          the nature and quality of services to be provided; the
          performance of funds managed by Nuveen Advisory with other
          comparable funds; the proposed investment advisory fee and
          expense ratios for the Fund and for comparable investment
          companies, including those currently advised by Nuveen
          Advisory and the anticipated profitability to Nuveen
          Advisory from managing the Fund.  The Board also considered
          the written undertaking by Nuveen Advisory that there are no
          projected decreases in dividends to shareholders or
          aggregate increases in net expense ratios for each of the
          Funds for the period beginning on consummation of the
          Acquisition through each of the Fund's current fiscal year
          end and the further representation by Nuveen Advisory of
          their intention to continue the policy followed by the
          Adviser with regard to the Funds to waive fees or reimburse
          expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a competitive
          distribution rate.
               The Board considered the agreement between Flagship and
          The John Nuveen Company pursuant to which The John Nuveen
          Company and Flagship would share all the costs and expenses
          of preparing printing and mailing the proxy statements and
          other solicitation materials related to the required
          approvals by the shareholders of the Admiral Funds.

               The Adviser and Nuveen Advisory have assured the Board
          that they intend to comply with Section 15(f) of the 1940
          Act.  Section 15(f) provides a non-exclusive safe harbor for
          an investment adviser to an investment company or any of its
          affiliated persons to receive any amount or benefit in
          connection with a change in control of the investment
          adviser so long as two conditions are met.  First, for a
          period of three years after the transaction, at least 75% of
          the board members of the investment company must not be
          interested persons of the Adviser or Nuveen Advisory. 
          Second, an "unfair burden" must not be imposed upon the
          investment company as a result of such transaction or any
          express or implied terms, conditions or understandings
          applicable thereto.  The term "unfair burden" is defined in
          Section 15(f) to include any arrangement during the two-year
          period after the Acquisition whereby the investment adviser,
          or any interested person of any such adviser, receives or is
          entitled to receive any compensation, directly or
          indirectly, from the investment company or its shareholders
          (other than fees for bona fide investment advisory or other
          services) or from any person in connection with the purchase
          or sale of securities or other property to, from or on
          behalf of the investment company (other than bona fide
          ordinary compensation as principal underwriter for such
          investment company).  The Adviser and Nuveen Advisory are
          not aware of any express or implied term, condition,
          arrangement or understanding that would impose an "unfair
          burden" on the Funds as a result of the Acquisition.  Nuveen
          has agreed that it and its affiliates will take no action
          that would have the effect of imposing an "unfair burden" on
          the Funds as a result of the Acquisition, and will indemnify
          the shareholders and the independent Directors of the
          Admiral Funds for any losses from imposition of an unfair

               Based upon its evaluation of the relevant information
          presented to them, and in light of their fiduciary duties
          under federal and state law, the Board, including all its
          disinterested Directors of the Admiral Funds, unanimously
          determined that the transactions contemplated by the
          Acquisition, including the new advisory agreements and the
          12b-1 plan and related agreements for the Funds, are
          advisable and in the best interests of each Fund and their
          shareholders, and recommended the approval of each of the
          following Proposals by the shareholders at the Meeting.

                                  PROPOSAL 1

               The Adviser acts as investment manager to the Golden
          Rainbow A James Advised Mutual Fund (the "Golden Rainbow
          Fund") pursuant to an investment management agreement, and
          James Investment Research, Inc. acts as investment adviser
          to the Golden Rainbow Fund pursuant to an advisory agreement
          between James Investment Research, Inc., the Adviser and the
          Golden Rainbow Fund.  Under this arrangement, James
          Investment Research, Inc. supervises and arranges the
          purchase of securities subject to the authority of the
          Adviser to assure compliance with applicable law and the
          Fund's investment objectives and policies.  The Adviser also
          acts as investment adviser to the Utility Income Fund
          pursuant to a separate investment advisory agreement.  The
          Adviser's administrative obligations include:  (i) assisting
          in supervising all aspects of the Admiral Funds' operations;
          (ii) providing the Admiral Funds, at Flagship's expense,
          with the services of persons competent to perform such
          administrative and clerical functions as are necessary in
          order to provide effective corporate administration; and
          (iii) providing the Admiral Funds, at Flagship's expense,
          with adequate office space and related services.

               Upon the Acquisition of Flagship, as described above,
          the investment advisory agreement for the Utility Income
          Fund and the investment management agreement for the Golden
          Rainbow Fund will immediately terminate by operation of law. 
          In order for the Utility Income Fund to receive advisory
          services from Nuveen Advisory, shareholders must approve a
          new investment advisory agreement (the "New Advisory
          Agreement") with Nuveen Advisory.  The New Advisory
          Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A.  In addition,
          shareholders of the Golden Rainbow Fund are being asked to
          approve a new investment management agreement identical to
          the existing investment management agreement, except Nuveen
          Advisory will be substituted for the Adviser.  It is
          currently anticipated that the tri-party arrangement between
          the Golden Rainbow Fund, the Adviser and James Investment
          Research, Inc. will remain the same except that Nuveen
          Advisory will be substituted for the Adviser.  This contract
          does not by its terms, terminate if the Adviser is
          terminated under the investment management agreement. 
          However, to the extent Nuveen Advisory would be deemed to be
          performing advisory services under the existing advisory
          arrangement after the Acquisition, shareholder approval
          would be necessary.  Therefore by reapproving the existing
          investment management agreement with Nuveen Advisory being
          substituted for the Adviser, shareholders will also be
          reapproving the existing advisory agreement with James
          Investment Research, Inc. with Nuveen Advisory being
          substituted for the Adviser.

               The Board, including the independent Directors,
          unanimously approved the New Advisory Agreement between the
          Utility Income Fund and Nuveen Advisory, the new investment
          management agreement between the Golden Rainbow Fund and
          Nuveen Advisory, as well as the tri-party arrangement
          between the Golden Rainbow Fund, Nuveen Advisory and James
          Investment Research, Inc., subject to approval by the
          shareholders of each Fund and the consummation of the

               James Investment Research, Inc.'s principal business
          address is 1349 Fairground Road, Beavercreek, Ohio 45385. 
          James Investment Research, Inc., which was established in
          1972 by Frank James, Ph.D., provides advice to institutional
          as well as individual clients, including NYSE listed
          corporations, colleges, banks, hospitals, foundations,
          trusts, endowment funds and individuals.  Pursuant to the
          Advisory Agreements dated May 30, 1991, among the Golden
          Rainbow Fund, the Adviser and James Investment Research,
          Inc. with respect to the Golden Rainbow series, the Adviser
          pays James Investment Research, Inc. a fee, computed daily
          and payable monthly, at an annual rate of .55% of the Golden
          Rainbow Fund's average daily net assets.  For the fiscal
          year ended June 30, 1996, the fee paid to James Investment
          Research, Inc. was .55% of the average net assets on an
          annualized basis.

               Pursuant to an investment management agreement dated
          May 30, 1991, the Adviser, as investment manager to the
          Golden Rainbow Fund, is paid a fee, computed daily and
          payable monthly, at an annual rate of .74% of the average
          daily net assets of the Golden Rainbow Fund.  Of this amount
          the Adviser pays James Investment Research, Inc. as
          described herein.  For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996,
          the total expenses of the Golden Rainbow Fund and the fee
          paid to Flagship Financial Inc. expressed as a percentage of
          the average daily net assets on an annualized basis, were
          1.06% and .74% respectively.

               With respect to the advisory agreement dated November
          27, 1984 with the Utility Income series, the Adviser is paid
          a fee, computed daily and payable monthly, at an annual rate
          of .50% of the average daily net assets of such series up to
          and including $100,000,000, plus .45% of such net assets
          over $100,000,000 up to and including $200,000,000, plus
          .40% of such net assets over $200,000,000 up to and
          including $300,000,000, plus .35%of such net assets over
          $300,000,000 up to and including $500,000,000, plus .30% of
          such net assets over $500,000,000.  For the Utility Income
          series' fiscal year ended June 30, 1996, the Adviser waived
          its fee, and the total expenses of the Fund was .98% of the
          average net assets for Class A shares and 1.52% of the
          average net assets for Class C shares.
               The Advisory Agreements were last submitted for
          approval by shareholders on June 4, 1992, with respect to
          the Golden Rainbow series and December 18, 1984 with respect
          to the Utility Income series.  The Advisory Agreements for
          all series were last approved by the Board of Directors on
          August 23, 1996.

               Each Advisory Agreement will terminate automatically
          upon its assignment and its continuance must be approved
          annually by the Board or a majority of the particular Fund's
          outstanding voting shares and in either case, by a majority
          of the Board's disinterested Directors.  Each Advisory
          Agreement is terminable at any time without penalty by the
          Directors or by a vote of a majority of the particular
          Fund's outstanding voting shares on 60 days' written notice
          to the Adviser, or by the Adviser on 60 days' written notice
          to the Admiral Funds.

               The Adviser has agreed that in the event the operating
          expenses of the series (including fees paid to the Adviser
          and payments to Flagship Funds Inc. but excluding taxes,
          interest, brokerage and extraordinary expenses) for any
          fiscal year ending on a date on which the related Advisory
          Agreement is in effect exceed the expense limitations
          imposed by applicable state securities laws or any
          regulations thereunder, it will, up to the amount of its
          fee, reduce its fee or reimburse the Fund in the amount of
          such excess.


               Advisory Services.  As noted above, the existing
          advisory arrangement with respect to the Golden Rainbow Fund
          will not change, except that Nuveen Advisory will be
          substituted for the Adviser.  However, shareholders are
          being asked to approve a New Advisory Agreement with Nuveen
          Advisory with respect to the Utility Income Fund.  The
          following discussion is qualified in its entirety by
          reference to the Form of the New Advisory Agreement attached
          hereto as Exhibit A.  The Existing Advisory Agreement is
          discussed above.  

               The New Advisory Agreement provides that Nuveen
          Advisory will provide the same types of services and will
          act as investment advisor for and manage the investment and
          reinvestment of the assets of the Utility Income Fund. 
          Nuveen Advisory also will administer the Fund's business
          affairs, and provide office facilities and equipment and
          certain clerical, bookkeeping and administrative services. 
          For the services and facilities furnished by Nuveen
          Advisory, the Utility Income Fund would pay an annual
          management fee as follows:

          Average Daily Net Asset Value          Management Fee

           For the first $125 million              .5000 of 1%
           For the next $125 million               .4875 of 1%
           For the next $250 million               .4750 of 1%
           For the next $500 million               .4625 of 1%
           For the next $1 billion                 .4500 of 1%
           For assets over $2 billion              .4250 of 1%
               The New Advisory Agreement will be dated as of the date
          of the consummation of the Acquisition.  The Acquisition is
          currently expected to close on or about December 31, 1996
          (although it may occur earlier).  The New Advisory Agreement
          will be in effect for an initial term of up to two years,
          and may continue thereafter from year to year if it is
          continued at least annually by a vote of "a majority of the
          outstanding voting securities" of the Fund, as defined in
          the 1940 Act, or by the Board and, in either event, the vote
          of a majority of the Directors who are not parties to the
          agreement or interested persons of any such party, cast in
          person at a meeting called for such purpose.  The management
          fee structure under the New Investment Advisory agreement
          for the Utility Income Fund being considered for approval in
          this proxy statement and described above will not be
          implemented for administrative reasons until February 1,
          1997  and provided further that implementation of the new
          management fee structure is contingent upon the
          implementation of the decrease in the Rule 12b-1 fees for
          the Utility Income Fund as described in Proposal 2. 
          Therefore, until the date of the implementation of the new
          management fee structure as described above, the Funds will
          continue to pay management fees at the rates provided for in
          the existing advisory agreement. 

               As noted below under Proposal 2, it is also proposed
          that each Fund's Rule 12b-1 Plan be amended to authorize the
          compensation of John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, as
          distributor of each class of both Funds pursuant to a
          Distribution Agreement dated as of the consummation of the
          Acquisition.  Such compensation will be in the form of
          service and distribution fees on the classes of shares of
          the Funds.  The distribution fee primarily reimburses John
          Nuveen & Co. Incorporated for providing compensation to
          authorized dealers, including John Nuveen & Co.
          Incorporated, either at the time of sale or on an ongoing
          basis.  The service fee payable to John Nuveen & Co.
          Incorporated is used to compensate authorized dealers,
          including John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, in connection with
          the provision of ongoing account services to shareholders. 
          See Proposal 2.   The current distribution plan only
          authorizes the Fund to reimburse any underwriter,
          distributor or selling agent for out-of-pocket costs and
          expenditures actually incurred for financing or assisting in
          the financing of any activity which is primarily intended to
          result in the sale of the shares of the Fund.

               The table below shows the current fee arrangements
          applicable to and expense ratio of each Fund and illustrates
          the pro forma effect that the New Advisory Agreement and the
          new 12b-1 fees would have had on fees payable by, and
          expense ratio of, each Fund had such Agreement and 12b-1
          Plans been in effect during the Fund's last fiscal year. 
          Although there is no assurance that the Funds' actual
          expenses after the Acquisition will be equal to or less than
          those shown or the current actual expenses of the Funds,
          Nuveen Advisory has represented in writing that there are no
          projected aggregate increases in net expense ratios for the
          Funds and it is expected that such ratios will be the same
          or lower than such Fund's aggregate current net expense
          ratios for the period beginning on the Acquisition through
          the end of each Fund's current fiscal year end; actual
          expenses of the Funds after the Acquisition will be a
          function of the extent to which fee waivers and
          reimbursements are necessary to maintain a competitive
          dividend rate consistent with the past practice of the


                                                                  FEE TABLE

                    Fiscal year      Fiscal year        Fiscal year
                    Average Net      Average Net        Average Net
                    Assets as of     Assets as of       Assets as of      
                     6/30/96          6/30/96            6/30/96          Current        Current      Pro  Forma     Pro Forma 
Fund                 Class A          Class C             Fund            Mgmt Fee $     Mgmt Fee %   Mgmt Fee %     Mgmt Fee $*

Golden Rainbow      193,566,959        N/A              193,566,959       1,434,522        0.74         0.74         1,434,522
Utility Income       25,454,105      5,925,770           31,379,875         157,329        0.50         0.50           157,329

*   Pro forma management fees calculated using the average net assets times
    new breakpoints.

                     Fiscal year
                     Average Net
                     Assets as of
                       6/30/96          Current A       Current A      Pro Forma A     Pro Forma A
Fund                 Class A            12b-1 Fee $     12b-1 Fee %    12b-1 Fee $*    12b-1 Fee %*

Golden Rainbow       193,566,959         774,268           0.40          774,268          0.40**
Utility Income        25,454,105         102,095           0.40           50,908          0.20

*   Pro forma 12b-1 calculated using the average net assets times new rate.
**  Assumes the pro forma 12b-1 rate is the same as the existing rate,
    therefore dollar amount did not change.

                      Fiscal year
                      Average Net
                      Assets as of
                      6/30/96            Current C       Current C         Pro Forma C       Pro Forma C
Fund                  Class C            12b-1 Fee $     12b-1 Fee %       12b-1 Fee $*      12b-1 Fee%*

Golden Rainbow           N/A               N/A             N/A               N/A               N/A

Utility income           5,925,770        56,449          0.95              44,443            0.75

*  Pro forma 12b-1 calculated using the average net assets times new rate.

                  Total       Total       Total      Total       Tota        Total       Total       Total        Difference
                  Current     Current     Current    Current     Pro Forma   Pro Forma   Pro Forma   Pro Forma    Current vs.
                  Expense $   Expense %   Expense $  Expense %   Expense $   Expense %   Expense $   Expense %    Proforma %
 Fund             Class A     Class A     Class C    Class C     Class A     Class A     Class C     Class C    Class A  Class C
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Golden Rainbow    2,445,841     1.26          N/A      N/A       2,445,841    1.26           N/A        N/A       0.00     N/A
Utility Income      387,071     1.52      122,792     2.07        335,884     1.32       110,786       1.87       0.20    0.20

*  Total columns  represent the sum of management fees, 12b-1 fees and other
   expenses  prior to any waivers or  reimbursements  of any fees or expenses.
** This table assumes that current "other  expenses" will be the same as pro
   forma "other expenses."



              The Adviser is 100% owned by Flagship, which in
         turn is 100% owned by the families of Bruce P. Bedford
         and Richard P. Davis and various trusts organized for
         their benefit.  Flagship is owned 50% by the Richard P.
         Davis Trust, 25% by Susan Logan Bedford and 25% by
         Julie Ann Bedford.  The address of Flagship, the
         Adviser, the Richard P. Davis Trust, Susan Logan
         Bedford and Julie Ann Bedford is One Dayton Centre, One
         South Main Street, Dayton, OH  45402.

              The names, addresses and principal occupations of
         the principal executive officers and the directors of
         the Adviser are as follows:

          Name and Address                   Principal Occupation

          Bruce P. Bedford  . . . . . . . .  Chairman and Chief Executive
            Chairman, Chief Executive        Officer of Flagship, the
          Officer and Director               Adviser and the Distributor.
            One Dayton Centre
            One South Main Street
            Dayton, Ohio  45402-2030

          Richard P. Davis  . . . . . . . .  President and Chief Operating
            President, Chief Operating       Officer of Flagship, the
          Officer and Director               Adviser and the Distributor.
            One Dayton Centre
            One South Main Street
            Dayton, Ohio  45402-2030

          Michael D. Kalbfleisch  . . . . .  Vice President, Chief
            Vice President, Chief Financial  Financial Officer and
          Officer and Treasurer              Treasurer of Flagship, the
            One Dayton Centre                Adviser and the Distributor.
            One South Main Street
            Dayton, Ohio  45402-2030

          James P. Dunmyer  . . . . . . . .  Controller of Flagship, the
            Controller                       Adviser, and the Distributor.
            One Dayton Centre
            One South Main Street
            Dayton, Ohio  45402-2030

              In addition, Mr. Bedford is a Director and
         Chairman of the Board of the Admiral Funds, Mr. Davis
         is a Director and President of the Admiral Funds and
         Mr. Kalbfleisch is Treasurer and Secretary of the
         Admiral Funds.


              The current executive officers of the Admiral
         Funds are listed below.  Each of them hold the same
         position with each series of the Admiral Funds and has
         held the office shown or other offices in the same
         company for the last five years.  In addition, Mr.
         Bedford and Mr. Davis are currently Directors of the
         Admiral Funds.

          Bruce Bedford . . . . . .      Chairman and Chief
          Chairman of the Board          Executive Officer of
          One Dayton Centre              Flagship, the Adviser and
          One South Main Street          the Distributor
          Dayton, Ohio 45402-2030

          Richard P. Davis  . . . .      President and Chief
          President                      Operating Officer of
          One Dayton Centre              Flagship, the Adviser and
          One South Main Street          the Distributor           
          Dayton, Ohio 45402-2030        

          M. Patricia Madden  . . .      Vice President, Operations
          Vice President                 of the Distributor        
          One Dayton Centre
          One South Main Street
          Dayton, Ohio 45402-2030        

          Michael D. Kalbfleisch  .      Vice President, Chief
          Treasurer and Secretary        Financial Officer and
          One Dayton Centre              Treasurer of Flagship, the
          One South Main Street          Adviser and the
          Dayton, Ohio 45402-2030        Distributor               
          LeeAnne G. Sparling . . .      Director of Portfolio
          Controller                     Operations of the Adviser
          One Dayton Centre              
          One South Main Street
          Dayton, Ohio 45402-2030


              Nuveen Advisory is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
         John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, located at 333 West
         Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606, the oldest and
         largest investment banking firm specializing in the
         underwriting and distribution of tax-exempt securities. 
         Nuveen, which maintains the largest research department
         of all investment banking firms devoted exclusively to
         municipal securities, has issued over $30 billion of
         tax-exempt unit trusts since 1961 and currently
         sponsors 81 management investment company portfolios
         with approximately $32 billion in tax-exempt securities
         under management.  Over 1,000,000 individuals have
         invested to date in Nuveen's tax-exempt funds and
         trusts.  Founded in 1898, Nuveen is a majority-owned
         subsidiary of The John Nuveen Company, which, in turn,
         is approximately 78% owned by The St. Paul Companies,
         Inc., 385 Washington Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102,
         a management company of St. Paul, Minnesota,
         principally engaged in providing property-liability
         insurance through subsidiaries.
              The names, addresses and principal occupations of
         the principal executive officers and the directors of
         Nuveen Advisory are as follows:

          Name and Address                   Principal Occupation

          Timothy R. Schwertfeger . . . . .  Chairman of the Board and
            Chairman of the Board and        Director, John Nuveen & Co.
            Director (Principal Executive    Incorporated
            333 West Wacker Drive
            Chicago, Illinois 60606

          Anthony T. Dean . . . . . . . . .  President and Director, John
            President and Director           Nuveen & Co. Incorporated
            333 West Wacker Drive
            Chicago, Illinois 60606

          John P. Amboian . . . . . . . . .  Executive Vice President,
            Executive Vice President         John Nuveen & Co.
            333 West Wacker Drive            Incorporated
            Chicago, Illinois 60606


              The Board of Directors of the Admiral Funds has
         determined that the new advisory agreements are
         advisable and in the best interests of each Fund's


              In making this recommendation, the Boards
         considered the following factors, among others:

         *    Portfolio Management   The Boards evaluated the
              qualifications and capabilities of Nuveen Advisory
              to serve as investment adviser, noting that Nuveen
              Advisory has extensive experience managing
              investment companies with approximately $32
              billion under management.  In addition, Nuveen
              Advisory is a part of an organization that
              provides investment advice to or credit
              surveillance for a large number of open-end and
              exchange-traded funds.  Total assets under
              management or credit surveillance by Nuveen and
              affiliates is in excess of $45 billion.
         *    Fees and Dividends    That the proposed
              contractual rates for investment advisory fees,
              Rule 12b-1 service and Rule 12b-1 distribution
              fees were within the range of rates for comparable
              funds and, in addition, the aggregate would be the
              same or lower than the current fee structure for
              each current class of each Fund's shares.  In
              addition, the Board considered the written
              undertaking by Nuveen Advisory that there are no
              projected decreases in dividends to shareholders
              or aggregate increases in net expense ratios for
              each of the Funds for the period beginning on
              consummation of the Acquisition through each of
              the Fund's current fiscal year end and the further
              representation by Nuveen Advisory of their
              intention to continue the policy followed by the
              Advisor with regard to the Funds to waive fees or
              reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to
              maintain competitive distribution rate.

         *    Increased Investment Choices   The Utility Income
              Fund would offer additional classes of shares,
              which would provide existing and future
              shareholders the benefit of an expanded set of
              purchase options.

         *    Continuity of Portfolio Management and Management
              Personnel   It is expected that, subject to normal
              personnel turnover, the current portfolio managers
              for the Funds will continue as managers of the
              Funds and Bruce Bedford and Richard Davis have
              agreed to sign long-term employment contracts with

         *    Continuity of Management Functions and Level and
              Quality of Services   The Board considered the
              representation by Nuveen of its intention to
              maintain the continuity of management functions
              and the current level and quality of services
              obtained by the Funds after the Acquisition.
                                  PROPOSAL 2
                            APPROVAL OF 12B-1 PLAN
              Rule 12b-1, adopted by the SEC under the 1940 Act,
         governs the adoption of distribution plans.  The rule
         provides, among other things, that an investment
         company may not engage directly or indirectly in
         financing any activity which is primarily intended to
         result in the sale of its shares except pursuant to a
         written plan (the "Plan") adopted in accordance with
         the rule, that contains certain provisions that have
         been approved by the Board and shareholders.  On July
         15, 1996, the Board, including all of the disinterested
         Directors, voted to approve the existing 12b-1 Plan for
         the Golden Rainbow Fund amended to substitute John
         Nuveen & Co. Incorporated as distributor and a new 12b-
         1 plan for the Utility Income Fund and directed that it
         be submitted to shareholders of each Fund at the
         Meeting along with a recommendation that each
         shareholder approve such respective 12b-1 Plan.  The
         fees for the proposed Plans are the same as or lower
         than the existing Plans and they operate in
         substantially the same manner.  The existing Plan for
         the Utility Income Fund permits the Distributor to
         reimburse itself out of the amounts it receives under
         the Plan for its expenditures, including its ordinary
         overhead expenses such as rent and salaries,
         irrespective of whether it is the dealer of record for
         particular shares, while the proposed Plan requires
         Nuveen to pay the entire amount it receives under the
         Plan to authorized dealers, and may reimburse itself
         only to the extent that it is the dealer of record for
         particular shares.
               A form of the Plan for the Utility Income Fund is
         attached as Exhibit B and the following summary is
         qualified in its entirety by reference to such Exhibit
         B.  If approved by the shareholders, the Plan will
         become effective on the date of the consummation of the
         Acquisition described above, subject to approval of
         Proposal 1.

               Flagship Funds Inc., acting as principal
         underwriter and distributor for the Admiral Funds
         distributes each class of each Fund's shares.  Both
         Funds are authorized to issue multiple classes of
         shares under the current Rule 18f-3 and 12b-1 Plan. 
         The Golden Rainbow Fund currently offers only one class
         of shares, while the Utility Income Fund currently
         offers two classes--Class A and Class C, although it is
         allowed to issue two additional classes--Class B and
         Class Y, which are not currently being offered.   After
         the Acquisition, it is expected that the Utility Income
         Fund will offer  Class B and Class R Shares, which
         correspond to the Class B and Class Y shares currently
         authorized to be offered.
               New 12b-1 Plan for Utility Income Fund.  Under the
         new Plan, the Fund is authorized to compensate John
         Nuveen & Co. Incorporated (the "New Distributor"), as
         distributor of each class of each Fund pursuant to a
         Distribution Agreement dated as of the consummation of
         the Acquisition.  For the Utility Income Fund the New
         Distributor's compensation will initially be at the
         same rate as currently exists under the existing 12b-1
         plan as described in the Fee Table in Proposal 1 until
         February 1, 1997 and thereafter will be: a service fee
         of .20% of the average net assets of the Class A shares
         of the Fund; a service fee of .20% of the average net
         assets of the Class B shares of the Fund, plus a
         distribution fee of .75% of the average daily net
         assets of the Class B shares the Fund; and a service
         fee of .20% of the average net assets of the Class C
         shares of the Fund, plus a distribution fee of .55% of
         the average daily net assets of the Class C shares the
         Fund.  The distribution fee primarily reimburses the
         New Distributor for providing compensation to
         authorized dealers, including the New Distributor,
         either at the time of sale or on an ongoing basis.  The
         service fee payable to the New Distributor is used to
         compensate authorized dealers, including the New
         Distributor, in connection with the provision of
         ongoing account services to shareholders.  Such
         compensation will be accrued daily and paid monthly. 
         Such fees may be in addition to fees paid to the New
         Distributor or to other authorized dealers and brokers
         for providing other services to shareholders of the

               The services for which such authorized dealers
         will be compensated include, but are not limited to,
         maintaining account records for shareholders who
         beneficially own shares; answering inquiries relating
         to shareholders' accounts, the policies of the Fund and
         the performance of their investment; providing
         assistance and handling the transmission of funds in
         connection with the purchase, redemption and exchange
         orders for shares; providing assistance in connection
         with changing account setups and enrolling in various
         optional fund services; producing and disseminating
         shareholder communications or servicing materials; the
         ordinary or capital expenses, such as equipment, rent,
         fixtures, salaries, bonuses, reporting and
         recordkeeping and third party consultancy or similar
         expenses, relating to any activity for which payment is
         authorized by the Board; and the financing of any other
         activity for which payment is authorized by the Board.

                    New 12b-1 Plan for Golden Rainbow Fund. 
         Shareholders of the Golden Rainbow Fund are being asked
         to approve a new 12b-1 Plan identical to such Fund's
         existing 12b-1 Plan, except the New Distributor will be
         substituted for the Distributor.

               Existing 12b-1 Plan.  The existing Plan authorizes
         the Fund to reimburse any underwriter, distributor or
         selling agent (a "Seller") for out-of-pocket costs and
         expenditures actually incurred for financing or
         assisting in the financing of any activity which is
         primarily intended to result in the sale of the shares
         of the Fund.  The services for which any such Seller is
         reimbursed under the existing Plan is substantially
         similar to that under the proposed Plans. The existing
         Plan also authorizes the payment of monthly fees to
         non-affiliated entities who provide marketing and
         distribution services to the Fund.  Reimbursement is
         made only to Sellers with which the Fund has entered
         into a Distribution Agreement.  Such authority is
         subject to the discretion of the Board.

               The table below shows, as to the Rule 12b-1 Plan
         for each class of Shares of each Fund, the date
         adopted, the date of last amendment (if any), the date
         last approved by the Directors and the date to which it

                              RULE 12B-1 PLAN


         Golden Rainbow  5/30/91    _____       8/23/96       8/23/97
         Utility Income  8/24/83   6/5/92       8/23/96       8/23/97
              The proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan will be in effect
         until August 1, 1997, and may continue thereafter from
         year to year for a class if specifically approved at
         least annually by vote of "a majority of the
         outstanding voting securities" of that class, as
         defined under the 1940 Act, or by the Board, including,
         in either event, the vote of a majority of the "non-
         interested" Directors, cast in person at a meeting
         called for such purpose.

              Pursuant to the proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan, Nuveen
         will prepare reports to the Board on a quarterly basis
         for each class of the Fund's Shares showing the amounts
         paid to the various firms and such other information as
         from time to time the Board may reasonably request. 
         Rule 12b-1 requires the Board to review such reports at
         least quarterly.

              In approving the proposed Rule 12b-1 Plan, the
         Board determined, as with the current Rule 12b-1 Plan,
         that there is a reasonable likelihood that the proposed
         Rule 12b-1 Plan would benefit the Fund and its
         shareholders.  In doing so, the Board considered
         several factors, including that the proposed Rule 12b-1
         Plan would (i) have the same or lower fees, (ii) enable
         investors to choose the purchasing option best suited
         to their individual situations, thereby encouraging
         current shareholders to make additional investments in
         each Fund and attracting new investors and assets to
         the Funds to the benefit of each Fund and its
         shareholders, (iii) facilitate distribution of each
         Fund's shares, (iv) help maintain the competitive
         position of each Fund in relation to other funds that
         have implemented or are seeking to implement similar
         distribution arrangements, and (v) permit possible
         administrative and operating efficiencies through
         increased fund size.


              As a result of its consideration of the foregoing
         factors, the Board voted to approve the new Rule 12b-1
         Plan and to submit it to the shareholders for their

                                  PROPOSAL 3
                        ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS

              A condition to the consummation of the Acquisition
         is that the Admiral Funds' Board of Directors comply
         with Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act.  The Board is not
         currently composed of 75% of independent directors. 
         Section 15(f) provides, in pertinent part, that for a
         period of three years after the Acquisition, at least
         75% of the members of the Board may not be "interested
         persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of Flagship or
         Nuveen.  Therefore it is necessary to elect additional

              The current disinterested Directors (Messrs.
         Bremner, Castellano, Nezi and Schneider), have
         nominated eight (8) persons to take office upon each
         person's election by the shareholders.  The nominees
         include two (2) of the Admiral Funds' current
         disinterested Directors (Messrs. Bremner and
         Schneider), four additional disinterested nominees (all
         four of whom also serve as disinterested members of the
         boards of other mutual funds managed by Nuveen
         Advisory) and two nominees who are directors of Nuveen
         Advisory and who also serve as board members of Nuveen
         Advisory managed funds.  Messrs. Bremner and Schneider
         also have been nominated to serve as members of other
         mutual funds managed by Nuveen Advisory.

              The nominees, if elected, will take office upon
         the consummation of the Acquisition.  The term of each
         person elected as Director will be from election until
         the next meeting held for the purpose of electing
         Directors and until his or her successor is elected and
         qualified.  If the advisory agreements are not approved
         by Shareholders or if the Acquisition is not
         consummated, the current Directors of the Admiral Funds
         will continue to serve as the Admiral Funds' Board.

              All of the nominees have consented to serve as
         Directors.  However, if any nominee is not available
         for election at the time of the Meeting, the proxies
         may be voted for such other person(s) as shall be
         determined by the persons acting under the proxies in
         their discretion.

              The following table shows each nominee who is
         standing for election and his age, principal occupation
         or employment during the past five years and other
         public board memberships.  The table also shows the
         year in which the nominee was elected to the Board of
         Directors of the Admiral Funds, or whether the nominee
         is standing for election for the first time at this
         Meeting, in addition to shareholdings in each Fund.

           NAME, AGE AND FIVE-                    BENEFICIALLY OWNED
              YEAR BUSINESS        LENGTH OF      AS OF AUG. 8, 1996
              EXPERIENCE            SERVICE            BY FUND

          Robert P. Bremner (56)   Since 1983       Golden Rainbow-5,092.852**
          Currently a private
          investor and management

          William J. Schneider (52) Since 1983      Golden Rainbow-4,525.68**
          Currently a senior                       Utility Income-355.477**
          partner at Miller-                          
          Valentine Partners,
          Vice President
          Realty, Inc.

          Lawrence H. Brown (61)        Nominee              None
          Retired in August
          1989 as Senior Vice
          President of the
          Northern Trust Company.

          *Timothy R. Schwertfeger (47) Nominee              None
          Chairman (since
          July 1996) and
          Director of The John
          Nuveen Company, John
          Nuveen & Co.
          Incorporated, Nuveen
          Advisory Corp. and
          Nuveen Institutional
          Advisory Corp.;
          prior thereto,
          Executive Vice
          President of The
          John Nuveen Company,
          John Nuveen & Co.
          Incorporated, Nuveen
          Advisory Corp. and
          Nuveen Institutional
          Advisory Corp.

          Anne E. Impellizzeri (63)     Nominee              None
          President and Chief
          Executive Officer of
          Institute (since
          December 1990);
          prior thereto, Vice
          President of New
          York City
          Partnership (from
          1987 to 1990) and
          Vice President of
          Metropolitan Life
          Insurance Company
          (from 1980 to 1987).

          Margaret K. Rosenheim (69)    Nominee             None  
          Helen Ross Professor
          of Social Welfare
          Policy, School of
          Social Service
          University of Chicago.

          Peter R. Sawers (63)          Nominee             None  
          Adjunct Professor of
          Business and
          University of
          Dubuque, Iowa;
          Adjunct Professor,
          Lake Forest Graduate
          School of
          Management, Lake
          Forest, Illinois
          (since January
          1992); prior
          thereto, Executive
          Director, Towers
          Perrin Australia
          Chartered Financial
          Analyst; Certified
          Management Consultant.

          *Anthony T. Dean (51)         Nominee              None
          Director and (since
          July 1996) President
          of The John Nuveen
          Company, John
          Nuveen & Co.
          Incorporated, Nuveen
          Advisory Corp. and
          Nuveen Institutional
          Advisory Corp.;
          prior thereto
          Executive Vice
          President of The
          John Nuveen Company,
          John Nuveen & Co.
          Incorporated, Nuveen
          Advisory Corp. and
          Nuveen Institutional
          Advisory Corp. 

         *    Directors who are or would be "interested persons"
         as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         **   Less than 1%.
              R. Bremner and W. Schneider serve as board members
         of two registered investment companies advised by the
         Adviser.  L. Brown, A. Dean, P. Sawers, T. Schwertfeger,
         A. Impellizzeri and M. Rosenheim serve as board members
         of 60 registered investment companies advised by Nuveen
         Advisory.  In addition, A. Dean and T. Schwertfeger serve
         as board members of six registered investment companies 
         advised by Nuveen Institutional Advisory Corp.  The current
         Directors of the Admiral Funds are Robert  P. Bremner, 
         William J. Schneider, Bruce P. Bedford, Joseph F. Castellano,
         Richard P. Davis and Paul F. Nezi.

              The Board met 7 times during the Admiral Funds'
         fiscal year ended June 30, 1996.  Each then current
         Director attended 75% or more of the respective
         meetings of the Board and the committees of which he
         was a member.  The Board does not have an audit
         committee, nominating committee or a compensation
              The Admiral Funds pay the disinterested Directors
         $1,250 per quarter each.  As reflected above, the
         Directors currently serve as board members of one other
         investment companies for which the Adviser serves as
         investment adviser.  Directors or officers who are
         "interested persons" receive no compensation from the
         Admiral Funds.

              The table below shows, for each disinterested
         Director, the aggregate compensation paid or accrued by
         the Admiral Funds for the fiscal year ended June 30,
         1996 and the total compensation that all existing Funds
         paid to each trustee during the calendar year 1995.

                               Aggregate    From Admiral
                              Compensation      Funds
                                 From            and
                                Admiral     Fund Complex
                   Trustee       Funds    Paid to Directors

                Robert P.       $5,000        $25,500

                Joseph F.       $5,000        $26,500

                William J.      $5,000        $26,500

                Paul F. Nezi    $5,000        $26,500

              It is anticipated that, after completion of the
         Acquisition, the restructured Board of the Admiral
         Funds will elect new officers who are expected to
         include persons affiliated with Nuveen.
              As of August 8, 1996, the Directors and executive
         officers of the Admiral Funds as a group owned 23,757
         shares of the Admiral Funds.  As of August 8, 1996, no
         person known to the Admiral Funds owned beneficially
         more than five percent of the shares of any class of
         any Fund.
                               OTHER INFORMATION

              The cost of preparing, printing and mailing the
         enclosed proxy, accompanying notice and proxy statement
         and all other costs in connection with solicitation of
         proxies related to the required approvals will be paid
         by Flagship and The John Nuveen Company, including any
         additional solicitation made by letter, telephone or
         telegraph.  In addition to solicitation by mail,
         certain officers and representatives of the Admiral
         Funds, officers and employees of Flagship and Nuveen
         and certain financial services firms and their
         representatives, who will receive no extra compensation
         for their services, may solicit proxies by telephone,
         telegram or personally.  In addition, Flagship and
         Nuveen may retain a firm to solicit proxies on behalf
         of the Board; the fee for which will be borne by the
         Adviser and Nuveen.  A COPY OF YOUR FUND'S ANNUAL
         STREET, DAYTON OH, 45402 OR BY CALLING 1-800-414-7447.


              Under the By-Laws and under Maryland law, the
         Admiral Funds are not required to hold annual
         shareholder meetings, but it will hold special meetings
         as required or deemed desirable, or upon request by
         holders of 25% of the shares.  Since the Admiral Funds
         do not hold regular meetings of shareholders, the
         anticipated date of the next special shareholder
         meeting cannot be provided.  Any shareholder proposal
         which may properly be included in the proxy
         solicitation material for a special shareholder meeting
         must be received by the Admiral Funds no later than
         four months prior to the date proxy statements are
         mailed to shareholders.


              The Board is not aware of any matters that will be
         presented for action at the Meeting other than the
         matters set forth herein.  Should any other matters
         requiring a vote of shareholders arise, the proxy in
         the accompanying form will confer upon the person or
         persons entitled to vote the shares represented by such
         proxy the discretionary authority to vote matters in
         accordance with their best judgment.


                                       By order of the Board of Directors,
                                       Michael D. Kalbfleisch

                                                        EXHIBIT A


              AGREEMENT made this                   day of       
                 , 1996, by and between FLAGSHIP UTILITY INCOME
         FUND, a Maryland Corporation (the "Fund"), and NUVEEN
         ADVISORY CORP., a Delaware corporation (the "Adviser").


         In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter
         contained, it is hereby agreed by and between the
         parties hereto as follows:

         1.   The Fund hereby employs the Adviser to act as the
              investment adviser for, and to manage the
              investment and reinvestment of the assets of each
              of the Fund's portfolios as may exist from time to
              time in accordance with the Fund's investment
              objective and policies and limitations relating to
              such portfolio, and to administer the Fund's
              affairs to the extent requested by and subject to
              the supervision of the Board of Directors of the
              Fund for the period and upon the terms herein set
              forth.  The investment of the assets of each
              portfolio shall be subject to the Fund's policies,
              restrictions and limitations with respect to
              securities investments as set forth in the Fund's
              registration statement on Form N-lA under the
              Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company
              Act of 1940 covering the Fund's shares of
              beneficial interest, including the Prospectus and
              Statement of Additional Information forming a part
              thereof, all as filed with the Securities and
              Exchange Commission and as from time to time
              amended, and all applicable laws and the
              regulations of the Securities and Exchange
              Commission relating to the management of
              registered open-end, diversified management
              investment companies.

              The Adviser accepts such employment and agrees
              during such period to render such services, to
              furnish office facilities and equipment and
              clerical, bookkeeping and administrative services
              (other than such services, if any, provided by the
              Fund's transfer agent and shareholder service
              agent) for the Fund, to permit any of its officers
              or employees to serve without compensation as
              Directors or officers of the Fund if elected to
              such positions, and to assume the obligations
              herein set forth for the compensation herein
              provided.  The Adviser shall, for all purposes
              herein provided, be deemed to be an independent
              contractor and, unless otherwise expressly
              provided or authorized, shall have no authority to
              act for nor represent the Fund in any way, nor
              otherwise be deemed an agent of the Fund.

         2.   For the services and facilities described in
              Section 1, the Fund will pay to the Adviser, at
              the end of each calendar month, an investment
              management fee related to each of the Fund's
              portfolios.  For each portfolio, calculated
              separately, the fees shall be computed at the rate

              RATE                          NET ASSETS           
           .5000%                      For the first $125  million
           .4875%                      For the  next $125  million
           .4750%                      For the  next $250  million
           .4625%                      For the  next $500  million
           .4500%                      For the next $1 billion
           .4250%                      For assets over $2  billion   

              For the month and year in which this Agreement
              becomes effective, or terminates, and for any
              month and year in which a portfolio is added or
              eliminated from the Fund, there shall be an
              appropriate proration on the basis of the number
              of days that the Agreement shall have been in
              effect, or the portfolio shall have existed,
              during the month and year, respectively.  The
              services of the Adviser to the Fund under this
              Agreement are not to be deemed exclusive, and the
              Adviser shall be free to render similar services
              or other services to others so long as its
              services hereunder are not impaired thereby.

              Regardless of any of the above provisions, the
              Adviser guarantees that the total expenses of the
              Fund in any fiscal year, exclusive of taxes,
              interest, brokerage commissions, and extraordinary
              expenses such as litigation costs, shall not
              exceed, and the Adviser undertakes to pay or
              refund to the Fund any amount up to but not
              greater than the aggregate fees received by the
              Adviser under this Agreement for such fiscal year,
              the limitation imposed by any jurisdiction in
              which the Fund continues to offer and sell its
              shares after exceeding such limitation.

              The net asset value of the Fund shall be
              calculated as provided in the Articles of
              Incorporation of the Fund.  On each day when net
              asset value is not calculated, the net asset value
              of a share of beneficial interest of the Fund
              shall be deemed to be the net asset value of such
              share as of the close of business on the last day
              on which such calculation was made for the purpose
              of the foregoing computations.

         3.   The Adviser shall arrange for officers or
              employees of the Adviser to serve, without
              compensation from the Fund, as Directors, officers
              or agents of the Fund, if duly elected or
              appointed to such positions, and subject to their
              individual consent and to any limitations imposed
              by law.

         4.   Subject to applicable statutes and regulations, it
              is understood that officers, Directors, or agents
              of the Fund are, or may be, interested in the
              Adviser as officers, directors, agents,
              shareholders or otherwise, and that the officers,
              directors, shareholders and agents of the Adviser
              may be interested in the Fund otherwise than as
              Directors, officers or agents.

         5.   The Adviser shall not be liable for any loss
              sustained by reason of the purchase, sale or
              retention of any security, whether or not such
              purchase, sale or retention shall have been based
              upon the investigation and research made by any
              other individual, firm or corporation, if such
              recommendation shall have been selected with due
              care and in good faith, except loss resulting from
              willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross
              negligence on the part of the Adviser in the
              performance of its obligations and duties, or by
              reason of its reckless disregard of its
              obligations and duties under this Agreement.

         6.   The Adviser currently manages other investment
              accounts and funds, including those with
              investment objectives similar to the Fund, and
              reserves the right to manage other such accounts
              and funds in the future.  Securities considered as
              investments for a Fund portfolio may also be
              appropriate for other Fund portfolios or for other
              investment accounts and funds that may be managed
              by the Adviser.  Subject to applicable laws and
              regulations, the Adviser will attempt to allocate
              equitably portfolio transactions among the Fund's
              portfolios and the portfolios of its other
              investment accounts and funds purchasing
              securities whenever decisions are made to purchase
              or sell securities by a Fund portfolio and another
              Fund's portfolio or one or more of such other
              accounts or funds simultaneously.  In making such
              allocations, the main factors to be considered by
              the Adviser will be the respective investment
              objectives of the Fund portfolio or portfolios
              purchasing such securities and such other accounts
              and funds, the relative size of portfolio holdings
              of the same or comparable securities, the
              availability of cash for investment by the Fund
              portfolios and such other accounts and funds, the
              size of investment commitments generally held by
              the Fund portfolios and such accounts and funds,
              and the opinions of the persons responsible for
              recommending investments to the Fund and such
              other accounts and funds.
         7.   This Agreement shall be in effect until
              [                  ] unless and until terminated
              by either party as hereinafter provided, and shall
              continue in force from year to year thereafter,
              but only as long as such continuance is
              specifically approved, at least annually, in the
              manner required by the Investment Company Act of
              This Agreement shall automatically terminate in
              the event of its assignment, and may be terminated
              at any time without the payment of any penalty by
              the Fund or by the Adviser upon sixty (60) days'
              written notice to the other party.  The Fund may
              effect termination by action of the Board of
              Directors, or, with respect to any Fund portfolio,
              by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting
              securities of that portfolio, accompanied by
              appropriate notice.

              This Agreement may be terminated, at any time,
              without the payment of any penalty, by the Board
              of Directors of the Fund, or, with respect to any
              Fund portfolio, by vote of a majority of the
              outstanding voting securities of that portfolio,
              in the event that it shall have been established
              by a court of competent jurisdiction that the
              Adviser, or any officer or director of the
              Adviser, has taken any action which results in a
              breach of the covenants of the Adviser set forth

              Termination of this Agreement shall not affect the
              right of the Adviser to receive payments on any
              unpaid balance of the compensation, described in
              Section 2, earned prior to such termination

         8.   If any provision of this Agreement shall be held
              or made invalid by a court decision, statute,
              rule, or otherwise, the remainder shall not be
              thereby affected.

         9.   The Adviser and its affiliates reserve the right
              to grant, at any time, the use of the name
              "Nuveen" or the name "Flagship", or any
              approximation or abbreviation thereof, to any
              other investment company or business enterprise. 
              Upon termination of this Agreement by either
              party, or by its terms, the Fund shall thereafter
              refrain from using any name of the Fund which
              includes "Nuveen" or "Flagship" or any
              approximation or abbreviation thereof, or is
              sufficiently similar to such name as to be likely
              to cause confusion with such name, and shall not
              allude in any public statement or advertisement to
              the former association.

         10.  Any notice under this Agreement shall be in
              writing, addressed and delivered or mailed,
              postage prepaid, to the other party at such
              address as such other party may designate for
              receipt of such notice.

         11.  The Fund's Articles of Incorporation is on file
              with the Secretary of the State of Maryland.  This
              Agreement is executed on behalf of the Fund by the
              Fund's officers as officers and not individually
              and the obligations imposed upon the Fund by this
              Agreement are not binding upon any of the Fund's
              Directors, officers or shareholders individually
              but are binding only upon the assets and property
              of the Fund.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Fund and the Adviser have
         caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and
         year above written.


         by:____________________________    by:_________________________
              Vice President                     Vice President

         Attest:________________________  Attest:_______________________
              Secretary                          Assistant Secretary

                                                              EXHIBIT B

                           PURSUANT TO RULE 12B-1
                            [UTILITY INCOME FUND]


          WHEREAS, Flagship Admiral Funds Inc., a Maryland Corporation
     (the "Fund") engages in business as an open end management
     investment company and is registered under the Investment Company
     Act of 1940, as amended (the "Act");

          WHEREAS, the Fund employs John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated (the
     "Distributor") as distributor of the shares of the Fund (the
     "Shares") pursuant to a Distribution Agreement dated as of         
              , 1996;

          WHEREAS, the Fund is authorized to issue Shares in different
     classes ("Classes").

          WHEREAS, the Fund desires to adopt a Plan of Distribution and
     Service pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Act ("Rule 12b-1 and the
     Board of Directors of the Fund has determined that there is a
     reasonable likelihood that adoption of this Plan of Distribution
     and Service will benefit the Fund and its shareholders;

          WHEREAS, the Fund has adopted a Multiple Class Plan Pursuant
     to Rule 18f-3 (the "Rule 18f-3 Plan") to enable the various
     Classes of Shares to be granted different rights and privileges
     and to bear different expenses, and has an effective registration
     statement on file with the SEC containing a Prospectus describing
     such Classes of Shares;

          WHEREAS, as described in the Rule 18f-3 Plan, the purchase of
     Class A Shares is generally subject to an up-front sales charge,
     as set forth in the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional
     Information, and the purchase of Class B and Class C Shares will
     not be subject to an up-front sales charge, but in lieu thereof
     the Class B Shares will be subject to a declining contingent
     deferred sales charge and Class C Shares will be subject to an
     asset-based distribution fee, as described below; and

          WHEREAS, Shares representing an investment in Class B will
     automatically convert to Class A Shares 8 years after the
     investment, as described in the Prospectus for the Shares-,

          NOW, THEREFORE, the Fund hereby adopts, and the Distributor
     hereby agrees to the terms of, this Plan of Distribution and
     Service (the "Plan") in accordance with Rule 12b-1, on the
     following terms and conditions:

     1.   (a)  The Fund is authorized to compensate the Distributor for
               services performed and expenses incurred by the
               Distributor in connection with the distribution of
               Shares of Class A, Class B and Class C of the Fund and
               the servicing of accounts holding such Shares.
          (b)  The amount of such compensation paid during the period
               beginning on January 1, 1997 through January 31, 1997
               shall consist:

               (i)  with respect to Class A Shares of a Service Fee not
                    to exceed .20% of average daily net assets of the
                    Class A Shares of the Fund, plus a Distribution Fee
                    not to exceed .20% of average daily net assets of
                    the Class A Shares of the Fund;

               (ii) with respect to Class B Shares of a Service Fee not
                    to exceed .20% of average daily net assets of the
                    Class B Shares of the Fund, plus a Distribution Fee
                    not to exceed .75% of average daily net assets of
                    the Class B Shares of the Fund; and

               (iii) with respect to Class C Shares of a Service
                     Fee not to exceed .20% of average daily net
                     assets of the Class C Shares of the Fund, plus
                     a Distribution Fee not to exceed .75% of
                     average daily net assets of the Class C Shares
                     of the Fund.  Such compensation shall be
                     calculated and accrued daily and paid monthly
                     or at such other intervals as the Board of
                     Directors may determine.

          (c)  The amount of such compensation paid beginning February
               1, 1997 and for any one year thereafter shall consist
               (i)  with respect to Class A Shares of a Service Fee not
                    to exceed .20% of average daily net assets of the
                    Class A Shares of the Fund;

               (ii) with respect to Class B Shares of a Service Fee not
                    to exceed .20% of average daily net assets of the
                    Class B Shares of the Fund, plus a Distribution Fee
                    not to exceed .75% of average daily net assets of
                    the Class B Shares of the Fund; and

               (iii) with respect to Class C Shares of a Service
                     Fee not to exceed .20% of average daily net
                     assets of the Class C Shares of the Fund, plus
                     a Distribution Fee not to exceed .55% of
                     average daily net assets of the Class C Shares
                     of the Fund.  Such compensation shall be
                     calculated and accrued daily and paid monthly
                     or at such other intervals as the Board of
                     Directors may determine.
          (d)  With respect to Class A Shares, the Distributor shall
               pay any Service Fees it receives under the Plan for
               which a particular underwriter, dealer, broker, bank or
               selling entity having a Dealer Agreement in effect
               ("Authorized Dealer", which may include the Distributor)
               is the dealer of record to such Authorized Dealers to
               compensate such organizations for providing services to
               shareholders relating to their investment.  The
               Distributor may retain any Service Fees not so paid.

          (e)  With respect to the Class B Shares, the Distributor:

               (i)  shall retain the Distribution Fee to compensate it
                    for costs associated with the distribution of the
                    Class B Shares, including the payment of broker
                    commissions to Authorized Dealers (which may
                    include the Distributor) who were the dealer of
                    record with respect to the purchase of those
                    shares; and

               (ii) shall pay any Service Fees it receives under the
                    Plan for which a particular Authorized Dealer is
                    the dealer of record (which may include the
                    Distributor) to such Authorized Dealers to
                    compensate such organizations for providing
                    services to shareholders relating to their
                    investment; provided, however, that the Distributor
                    shall be entitled to retain, for the first year
                    after purchase of the Class B Shares, the Service
                    Fee to the extent that it may have pre-paid the
                    Service Fee to the Authorized Dealer of record.

                    The Distributor may retain any Distribution or
     Service Fees not so paid.

          (f)  With respect to the Class C Shares, the Distributor:

               (i)  shall pay the Distribution Fee it receives under
                    the Plan with respect to Class C Shares for which a
                    particular Authorized Dealer is the dealer of
                    record (which may include the Distributor) to such
                    Authorized Dealers to compensate such organizations
                    in connection with such share sales; provided,
                    however, that the Distributor shall be entitled to
                    retain, for the first year after purchase of the
                    Class C Shares, the Distribution Fee to the extent
                    that it may have pre-paid the Distribution Fee to
                    the Authorized Dealer of record; and

               (ii) shall pay any Service Fees it receives under the
                    Plan for which a particular Authorized Dealer is
                    the dealer of record (which may include the
                    Distributor) to such Authorized Dealers to
                    compensate such organizations for providing
                    services to shareholders relating to their
                    investment; provided, however, that the Distributor
                    shall be entitled to retain, for the first year
                    after purchase of the Class B Shares, the Service
                    Fee to the extent that it may have pre-paid the
                    Service Fee to the Authorized Dealer of record.

                    The Distributor may retain any Distribution or
     Service Fees not so paid.

          (g)  Services for which such Authorized Dealers may receive
               Service Fee payment include any or all of the following:
               maintaining account records for shareholders who
               beneficially own Shares; answering inquiries relating to
               the shareholders' accounts, the policies of the Fund and
               the performance of their investment; providing
               assistance and handling transmission of funds in
               connection with purchase, redemption and exchange orders
               for Shares; providing assistance in connection with
               changing account setups and enrolling in various
               optional fund services; producing and disseminating
               shareholder communications or servicing materials; the
               ordinary or capital expenses, such as equipment, rent,
               fixtures, salaries, bonuses, reporting and recordkeeping
               and third party consultancy or similar expenses,
               relating to any activity for which payment is authorized
               by the Board; and the financing of any other activity
               for which payment is authorized by the Board.

          (h)  Payments of Distribution or Service Fees to any
               organization as of any quarter-end will not exceed the
               appropriate amount based on the annual percentages set
               forth in subparagraphs (d), (e) and (f) above, based on
               average net assets of accounts for which such
               organization appeared on the records of the Fund and/or
               its transfer agent as the organization of record during
               the preceding quarter.
     2.   This Plan shall not take effect until the Plan, together with
          any related agreements), has been approved by votes of a
          majority of both (a) the Board of Directors of the Fund, and
          (b) those Directors of the Fund who are not "interested
          persons" of the Fund (as defined in the Act) and who have no
          direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of the
          Plan or any agreements related to it (the "Rule 12b-1
          Directors") cast in person at a meeting (or meetings) called
          for the purpose of voting on the Plan and such related

     3.   This Plan shall remain in effect until August 1, 1997, and
          shall continue in effect thereafter so long as such
          continuance is specifically approved at least annually in the
          manner provided for approval of this Plan in paragraph 2.

     4.   The Distributor shall provide to the Board of Directors of
          the Fund and the Board shall review, at least quarterly, a
          written report of distribution- and service-related
          activities, Distribution Fees, Service Fees, and the purposes
          for which such activities were performed and expenses

     5.   This Plan may be terminated at any time by vote of a majority
          of the Rule 12b-1 Directors or by vote of a majority (as
          defined in the Act) of the outstanding voting Shares of the

     6.   This Plan may not be amended to increase materially the
          amount of compensation payable by the Fund with respect to
          Class A, Class B or Class C Shares under paragraph 1 hereof
          unless such amendment is approved by a vote of at least a
          majority (as defined in the Act) of the outstanding voting
          Shares of that Class of Shares.  No material amendment to the
          Plan shall be made unless approved in the manner provided in
          paragraph 2 hereof.

     7.   While this Plan is in effect, the selection and nomination of
          the Directors who are not interested persons (as defined in
          the Act) of the Fund shall be committed to the discretion of
          the Directors who are not such interested persons.

     8.   The Fund shall preserve copies of this Plan and any related
          agreements and all reports made pursuant to paragraph 4
          hereof, for a period of not less than six years from the date
          of the Plan, any such agreement or any such report, as the
          case may be, the first two years in an easily accessible

                            1996 SPECIAL MEETING
                        FLAGSHIP ADMIRAL FUNDS INC.

A Special Meeting of Shareholders will be held on Thursday, December 12,
1996, at 10:00 a.m., Chicago Time, in the 31st floor conference room of
John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, 333 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois at
which shareholders will be asked to consider and approve several proposals
relating to the proposed merger of Flagship Resources Inc. with The John
Nuveen Company. At this meeting, you will be asked to vote on proposals to
make certain changes to how your fund is managed to facilitate the
integration of the Nuveen and Flagship mutual fund families.

The Board of your fund has unanimously determined that these proposals are
in the best interests of shareholders and urges you to vote in favor of the
proposals. The integration of Nuveen and Flagship should lead to the
following benefits:

      Lower operating costs from expanded distribution 
      Access to a wider range of investment products 
      Greater choices in the method of purchasing shares

Whether or not you plan to join us, please complete, date and sign your
proxy card and return it in the enclosed envelope so that your vote will be

              Please fold at perforation before detaching
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               PROXY BALLOT


Proxy Solicited by the Board of Directors
For Special Meeting of Shareholders
To be Held on December 12, 1996

The undersigned hereby appoints Bruce P. Bedford and Michael D. Kalbfleisch
as proxies, each with the power to appoint his or her substitute, and
hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated below, all
shares of stock of The Golden Rainbow A James Advised Mutual Fund (the
"Series") of Flagship Admiral Funds Inc. (the "Fund") held of record by the
undersigned on October 18, 1996, at the 1996 Special Meeting of
Shareholders of the Fund to be held on December 12, 1996 or any adjournment

1. To approve a new investment advisory agreement to take effect upon the
   acquisition of Flagship Resources Inc. by the John Nuveen Company.

2. To approve a new Rule 12b-1 Plan with John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated.

3. To elect eight (8) members to the Board of Directors of the Fund.
   Nominees:      Robert P. Bremner, William J. Schneider,
                  Lawrence H. Brown, Timothy R. Schwertfeger,
                  Anne E. Impellizzeri, Margaret K. Rosenheim,
                  Peter R. Sawers and Anthony T. Dean.
4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
   or any adjournments thereof.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You are encouraged to specify your choices by marking the appropriate boxes
ON THE REVERSE SIDE. If you do not mark any boxes, your Proxy will be voted
in accordance with the Board of Directors' recommendations. Please sign,
date and return this Proxy card promptly using the enclosed envelope.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              SEE REVERSE SIDE

The Board of Directors recommends
a vote FOR all nominees and the                Please mark your votes as 
proposals:                                       in this example: |X|

                                                 FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN
1. To approve a new investment advisory          |_|     |_|      |_|  
   agreement to take effect upon the 
   acquisition of Flagship Resources Inc. by
   The John Nuveen Company.

2. To approve a new Rule 12b-1 Plan with John    |_|     |_|      |_|
   Nuveen & Co. Incorporated.

3. To elect eight (8) members to the Board of    |_|     |_|      |_|
   Directors of the Fund. Shareholders may
   withhold their vote for any nominees by
   striking out the name of such nominee or

   Robert P. Bremner, William J. Schneider,
   Lawrence H. Brown, Timothy R.
   Schwertfeger, Anne E. Impellizzeri,
   Margaret K. Rosenheim, Peter R. Sawers and
   Anthony T. Dean.

4. To transact such other business as may
   properly come before the meeting or any
   adjournments thereof.

This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder. If no direction is made, this proxy
will be voted "FOR" proposals 1, 2 and 3. By signing and dating the lower
portion of this card, you authorize the proxies to vote each proposal as
marked, or if not marked to vote "FOR" each proposal, and to use their
discretion to vote any other matter as may properly come before the
meeting. If you do not intend to personally attend the meeting, please
complete and mail this card at once in the enclosed envelope.

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy

- ---------------------------------------
Signature                Date
- ---------------------------------------
Signature                Date
- ---------------------------------------

NOTE: Please sign name or names as printed on proxy to authorize the voting
of your shares as indicated. Where shares are registered with joint owners,
all joint owners should sign. Persons signing as executors, administrators,
trustees, etc. should so indicate.

                            1996 SPECIAL MEETING
                        FLAGSHIP ADMIRAL FUNDS INC.

A Special Meeting of Shareholders will be held on Thursday, December 12,
1996, at 10:00 a.m., Chicago Time, in the 31st floor conference room of
John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated, 333 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois at
which shareholders will be asked to consider and approve several proposals
relating to the proposed merger of Flagship Resources Inc. with The John
Nuveen Company. At this meeting, you will be asked to vote on proposals to
make certain changes to how your fund is managed to facilitate the
integration of the Nuveen and Flagship mutual fund families.

The Board of your fund has unanimously determined that these proposals are
in the best interests of shareholders and urges you to vote in favor of the
proposals. The integration of Nuveen and Flagship should lead to the
following benefits:

   Lower operating costs from expanded distribution 
   Access to a wider range of investment products 
   Greater choices in the method of purchasing shares

Whether or not you plan to join us, please complete, date and sign your
proxy card and return it in the enclosed envelope so that your vote will be

              Please fold at perforation before detaching
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               PROXY BALLOT

Proxy Solicited by the Board of Directors
For Special Meeting of Shareholders
To be Held on December 12, 1996

The undersigned hereby appoints Bruce P. Bedford and Michael D. Kalbfleisch
as proxies, each with the power to appoint his or her substitute, and
hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated below, all
shares of stock of the Flagship Utility Income Fund (the "Series") of
Flagship Admiral Funds Inc. (the "Fund") held of record by the undersigned
on October 18, 1996, at the 1996 Special Meeting of Shareholders of the
Fund to be held on December 12, 1996 or any adjournment thereof.

1. To approve a new investment advisory agreement to take effect upon the
   acquisition of Flagship Resources Inc. by the John Nuveen Company.

2. To approve a new Rule 12b-1 Plan with John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated.

3. To elect eight (8) members to the Board of Directors of the Fund.
   Nominees:      Robert P. Bremner, William J. Schneider,
                  Lawrence H. Brown, Timothy R. Schwertfeger,
                  Anne E. Impellizzeri, Margaret K. Rosenheim,
                  Peter R. Sawers and Anthony T. Dean.
4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
   or any adjournments thereof.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You are encouraged to specify your choices by marking the appropriate boxes
ON THE REVERSE SIDE. If you do not mark any boxes, your Proxy will be voted
in accordance with the Board of Directors' recommendations. Please sign,
date and return this Proxy card promptly using the enclosed envelope.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              SEE REVERSE SIDE

The Board of Directors recommends
a vote FOR all nominees and the                Please mark your votes as 
proposals:                                       in this example: |X|

                                                 FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN
1. To approve a new investment advisory          |_|     |_|      |_|  
   agreement to take effect upon the 
   acquisition of Flagship Resources Inc. by
   The John Nuveen Company.

2. To approve a new Rule 12b-1 Plan with John    |_|     |_|      |_|
   Nuveen & Co. Incorporated.

3. To elect eight (8) members to the Board of    |_|     |_|      |_|
   Directors of the Fund. Shareholders may
   withhold their vote for any nominees by
   striking out the name of such nominee or

   Robert P. Bremner, William J. Schneider,
   Lawrence H. Brown, Timothy R.
   Schwertfeger, Anne E. Impellizzeri,
   Margaret K. Rosenheim, Peter R. Sawers and
   Anthony T. Dean.

4. To transact such other business as may
   properly come before the meeting or any
   adjournments thereof.

This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder. If no direction is made, this proxy
will be voted "FOR" proposals 1, 2 and 3. By signing and dating the lower
portion of this card, you authorize the proxies to vote each proposal as
marked, or if not marked to vote "FOR" each proposal, and to use their
discretion to vote any other matter as may properly come before the
meeting. If you do not intend to personally attend the meeting, please
complete and mail this card at once in the enclosed envelope.

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy

- -----------------------------------
Signature              Date
- -----------------------------------
Signature              Date
- -----------------------------------

NOTE: Please sign name or names as printed on proxy to authorize the voting
of your shares as indicated. Where shares are registered with joint owners,
all joint owners should sign. Persons signing as executors, administrators,
trustees, etc. should so indicate.