EXHIBIT 10(j) 
      AGREEMENT made December 23, 1981 between Stanley Home Products, Inc.,
a Massachusetts corporation with its principal place of business at 333
Western Avenue, Westfield, Massachusetts ("Stanley") and H.L. Tower, of 250
Halladay Avenue, Suffield, Connecticut ("Employee").
      In consideration of the mutual agreements hereinafter contained, the
parties agree as follows:
      l. Normal Retirement. 

      (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 9 below, if Employee
retires on or after July 16, 1997, Stanley will pay him each month for the
duration of his life deferred compensation equal to 1/12 of (i) fifty
percent (50%) of the average annual compensation received by him in the
five most highly compensated years of his final ten years of employment, as
determined under paragraph 5 below, less (ii) fifty percent (50%) of his
annual Primary Social Security Benefit, as determined in paragraph 6 below.

      (b) The monthly benefit determined under subparagraph (a) above shall
be reduced by the value of the monthly retirement benefit, if any, which
Employee is entitled to receive from any other qualified or non-qualified
plan maintained by Stanley (excluding the portion, if any, of such benefit
based on Employee's contributions to such plan) commencing at such time as
Employee first becomes eligible to receive such benefit, provided, however,
that any such reduction attributable to the Stanley Home Products, Inc.
Pension Plan shall be in an amount such that Tower and his spouse, if she
survives him, will each receive the same benefit under this Contract and
the Pension Plan in combination as he or she would have received under the
Contract alone before the Pension Plan was adopted. 

      For purposes hereof, the value of the monthly retirement benefit of
any amount which Employee is entitled to receive from a defined
contribution plan based on Stanley's contributions thereto, e.g. a
profit-sharing plan, shall be determined as of the time of Employee's
termination by reference to the annuity table set forth in Exhibit A
attached. It is recognized by the parties that prior to Employee's
termination there may be changes of sufficient importance in one or more of
the assumptions upon which this table is based to make appropriate the use
of an alternative table. In such case, Stanley may substitute an
alternative table but only upon the written recommendation of an
independent nationally recognized firm of compensation consultants, as may
be selected by it, and after written notice to the Employee.
      2. Early Retirement. Subject to the provisions of subparagraph 2(d)
and paragraph 9 below,
      (a) if Employee's employment terminates during the period from July
16, 1987 to July 16, 1997, Stanley will pay him each month for the duration
of his life the benefit which would be payable if the provisions of
paragraph l above were applied as of the date of such termination, provided
that the portion of the benefit determined under subparagraph l(a) shall be
reduced by the following percentages based on Employee's age at his
termination date (to be adjusted on a daily pro-rata basis if Employee
retires on a day other than his birthday):

        Age at Termination         Percentage 
        ------------------         ----------

               62-64                   0%
               61                      2%
               60                      4%
               59                      9%
               58                     14%
               57                     19%
               56                     24%
               55                     29%
      (b) if Employee's employment terminates before July 16, 1987, then,

         (i)   if such termination is involuntary for any reason other than 
               for cause, he shall be entitled to receive the benefit
               determined under subparagraph 2(a) above as if he had
               reached age fifty-five (55) on the date of his termination,
               provided that such benefit shall not be payable until his
               fifty-fifth (55th) birthday.

        (ii)   if such termination is voluntary, he shall be entitled to
               receive an annual retirement benefit commencing on his
               fifty-fifth (55th) birthday, and payable for the remainder
               of his life equal to the amount by which (A) the product of
               the number of years of employment by Stanley multiplied by
               $3,000 exceeds (B) the sum of the annual retirement benefits
               received by Employee from any other qualified or
               non-qualified plan maintained by Stanley, provided that the
               annual benefit payable under this clause (ii) shall not
               exceed $50,000. For the purposes hereof, the annual
               retirement benefit of any amount which Employee is entitled
               to receive from a defined contribution plan, e.g. a profit
               sharing plan, shall be the annuity value of such amount
               based on the U.S. Life and Actuarial Tables set forth in the
               Internal Revenue Service Federal Estate Tax Regulations then
               currently in effect.

    (c) During the period commencing on the latter to occur of his fifty-
 fifth (55th) birthday or termination date, and ending on his sixty-fifth
 (65th) birthday, or if different by law such other age as then entitles
 Employee to receive his actual, unreduced Primary Social Security Benefit,
 Stanley shall pay him an additional monthly amount equal to his Primary
 Social Security Benefit. 

    (d) If Employee's employment terminates by reason of discharge for
 cause, neither he nor his wife shall be entitled to receive payment of any
 kind under this Agreement; "cause" hereunder shall mean dishonesty,
 misconduct, insubordination or any activity which would cause a forfeiture
 of rights under paragraph 9 below if it occurred following termination of
    3.  Disability. 

    (a) In the event Employee becomes disabled after reaching age fifty-
 five (55) but while still employed by Stanley, he shall receive, commencing
 with the month following the commencement of his disability, a monthly
 amount determined under paragraph l that would have been payable to him if
 he had remained employed until retirement at age sixty-five (65) at the
 annual rate of compensation in effect at the time of his disability,
 provided that the amount payable hereunder shall be reduced by the monthly
 value of any benefit paid to Employee under a sick leave policy or long
 term disability income plan maintained by  Stanley for so long as such
 benefits remain payable. 

    (b) If Employee applies for payment of a social security disability
 benefit prior to age 65 and his application is denied, the Company shall
 also pay Employee an additional amount equal to his Primary Social Security
 Benefit for as long as Employee remains ineligible to receive such social
 security disability benefit prior to age (sixty-five) 65, or if different
 by law the then age at which Employee then becomes entitled to receive his
 actual primary social security benefit. 

    For purposes hereof, an Employee shall be deemed to be disabled when he
 is rendered incapable of performing the work for which he was employed by a
 medically determinable physical or mental condition which is likely to
 result in death or to be of long-continued and indefinite duration. 
    4.  Survivors Benefit. 

    (a) If Employee's employment is involuntarily terminated prior to age
 fifty-five (55) for any reason other than cause, and he dies subsequent to
 such termination, Stanley will pay his surviving spouse, subject to
 subparagraph (d) below, commencing on the date that Employee would have
 been fifty-five (55) had he lived, a monthly amount for the remainder of
 her life equal to fifty percent (50%) of the benefit that would have been
 paid to Employee commencing on his fifty-fifth (55th) birthday, pursuant to
 clause (i) of subparagraph 2(b). 

    (b) In the event that Employee dies after age fifty-five (55) while
 still employed by Stanhome, Stanhome will pay his surviving spouse, subject
 to subparagraph (d) below, a monthly amount for the remainder of her life
 equal to fifty percent (50%) of the monthly benefit that would have been
 paid to Employee under paragraph 1 or subparagraphs 2(a) and (c), whichever
 is applicable, had he retired on the day immediately prior to the date of
 his death, provided however that supplemental social security payments
 pursuant to paragraph 2(c) of this contract to a spouse shall not be
 subject to actuarial reduction under subparagraph (d) below, shall not be
 payable to her unless and until she reaches the age of fifty-five (55) and
 shall only continue until she reaches the age of sixty-five (65), or if
 different by law such other age as then entitles her to receive her actual
 unreduced Primary Social Security benefit. 

    (c) In the event that Employee's employment by Stanhome terminates
 after age fifty-five (55) and he subsequently dies while receiving payments
 hereunder, Stanhome will pay his surviving spouse, subject to subparagraph
 (d) below, a monthly amount for the remainder of her life equal to fifty
 percent (50%) of the monthly benefit he was receiving at the time of his
 death, provided however that supplemental social security payments pursuant
 to paragraph 2(c) of this contract to a spouse shall not be subject to
 actuarial reduction under subparagraph (d) below, shall not be payable to
 her unless and until she reaches the age of fifty-five (55) and shall only
 continue until she reaches the age of sixty-five (65), or if different by
 law such other age as then entitles her to receive her actual unreduced
 Primary Social Security benefit.  In the event Employee was disabled and
 had been receiving a benefit under paragraph 3, the surviving spouse shall
 be entitled to receive fifty percent (50%) of the benefit payable under
 paragraph 3 without reduction thereunder for any benefits being paid to
 Employee under a sick leave policy or a long-term disability income plan
 maintained by Stanhome except to the extent such benefits remain payable to
 such spouse following Employee's death, provided however that supplemental
 social security payments, pursuant to subparagraph 3(b) of this contract to
 a spouse shall not be subject to actuarial reduction under subparagraph (d)
 below, shall not be payable to her unless and until she reaches the age of
 fifty-five (55) and shall only continue until the she reaches age sixty-
 five (65), or, if different by law, such other age as then entitles her to
 receive her actual unreduced Primary Social Security benefit. 

    (d) No amounts shall be paid a surviving spouse under subparagraphs
 (a), (b), or (c) above unless she shall have survived Employee for a period
 of thirty (30) days and shall have been married to him throughout the one
 year period ending on Employee's date of death.  Further, if the age of the
 Employee at the date of his death exceeds the age of his surviving spouse
 on such date by more than five years, the benefit payable to such spouse
 hereunder shall be actuarially reduced in a manner calculated to reflect
 the difference in her actual life expectancy at the time of his retirement
 and her life expectancy if she were five years younger than Employee.

    (e) If the sum of $20,000 exceeds the total amount paid to the
 surviving spouse at time of her death, such excess shall be paid to a
 beneficiary to be designated by Employee, or in the absence of his
 designation, by his surviving spouse, in writing to Stanley, provided that
 in the event no beneficiary has been designated or the designated
 beneficiary does not survive such spouse for a period of thirty (30) days,
 such excess shall be paid to the personal representative of the surviving
    5.  Annual Compensation.  For purposes hereof, Employee will be deemed
 to have been employed for the entire calendar month during which his
 employment terminates and his annual compensation shall be measured on the
 basis of twelve month periods ending with the last day of such month. 

    "Compensation", for purposes hereunder, shall include total wage,
 salary and commission payments received by Employee from the Company,
 including base pay, overtime, bonuses, and cash dividend equivalency
 payments made to him under Section 2(d)(ii) of the March 15, 1978,
 Employment Agreement between Employee and Stanley, but not including
 Stanley contributions under Stanley's Employees' Profit Sharing Retirement
 Plan, Pension Plan, or under any group life insurance or other qualified or
 non-qualified employee retirement or benefit plan or any payment designated
 by Stanley as an allowance for Employee's business expenses. Management
 Incentive Plan bonuses which are normally awarded in the first half of
 March of each year if the Plan criteria are met, shall be deemed to have
 been received, whether or not payment is deferred, in the calendar year
 with respect to which such bonus is earned, allocated thereto on a monthly
 basis.  Other compensation whose receipt is deferred by Employee shall be
 deemed to have been received for the purposes hereof at the time such
 compensation would have been received, if there had been no such deferral.  

    In the event Employee's compensation for the last twelve month period
 cannot be determined by the time the first payment becomes due hereunder,
 e.g., due to a bonus payable on the results of the Stanley's operations for
 a year in which Employee retires prior to the end of such year, then the
 first payments due hereunder shall be based on the estimated amount that
 Employee will be entitled to actually receive.  The exact amount due
 Employee shall be determined as soon as practicable, provided that
 following such determination and corresponding adjustment in the monthly
 payment to Employee Stanley shall pay Employee an additional lump sum to
 adjust for any underpayment to Employee and Employee shall refund to
 Stanley any overpayment. 

    If Employee has been employed for less than ten (10) years at the time
 of his termination, his compensation shall be based on the five most highly
 compensated years of the years employed, or if employed for less than five
 years, based on such lesser number of years employed. 

    6.  Primary Social Security Benefit.  Employee's Primary Social
 Security Benefit shall be determined on the day prior to the date on which
 Employee's employment with Stanley terminates and shall be equal to the
 estimated old age retirement benefit Employee will be entitled to receive
 under the Federal Social Security Act at age sixty-five (65) (or if
 different by law such other age as may then entitle a person to receive his
 social security retirement benefits based on his unreduced "primary
 insurance amount" under the Social Security Act as then in effect) based on
 his earnings up to the day preceding his termination date. 
    7.  Payment.  

    (a) Amounts payable under the above paragraphs will be paid on or about
 the end of the month to which the payment relates.  Payment will be made
 for the full month in which Employee's death occurs. 

    (b) Notwithstanding any otherwise applicable provision of this
 agreement to the contrary, the retirement benefits due to Tower (or his
 beneficiary) under this Agreement, if any, shall be paid in a lump sum upon
 the occurrence of a Change in Control (as defined in Annex A attached
 hereto) of the Company.  Such lump-sum payment shall be the present value
 of the benefit payable to Tower hereunder using the Pension Benefit
 Guaranty Corporation immediate annuity interest rate as is in effect for
 the month in which the payment is mad and the mortality table based on the
 UP-1984 Table, all as in accordance with generally acceptable actuarial
    8.  Confidential Information and Covenant Not to Compete. 

    (a) Employee agrees that following termination of employment he will
 not disclose any trade secrets or any confidential information nor do
 anything detrimental to Stanley or any of its affiliated companies. 

    (b) Employee will neither engage nor assist, during his life, directly
 or indirectly, in work for or with any business organization using any
 direct selling sales method in the sale of merchandise, nor in any activity
 competitive, directly or indirectly, with Stanley or any of its affiliated
 companies, without Stanley's written consent in advance, nor will he do
 anything to interfere, directly or indirectly, with the business of Stanley
 of any of its affiliated companies.  "Direct selling sales method" shall
 mean the selling or offering to sell, either through employee sales
 personnel or through or by independent salespersons, to consumer purchasers
 or prospective consumer purchasers at their residences or at other places
 not under the control of the seller.  This includes, but is not limited to,
 party plan or home demonstration, club demonstration and door-to-door

    (c) Employee's obligations under the foregoing subparagraphs of this
 paragraph 8 shall continue notwithstanding the termination of his rights to
 receive any payments hereunder. 
    9.  Forfeiture of Payments.  Stanley may discontinue payments hereunder
 and have no further liability under this Agreement in the event that
 Employee fails to observe any of the terms of this Agreement, provided,
 however, that if his failure to observe is limited to the terms of
 subparagraph 8(b) above and is his first failure, Stanley shall give him
 written notice thereof, and if, within 15 days of such notice, Employee
 gives Stanley written notice of his discontinuance of the activity
 complained of, payments hereunder shall be reinstituted. 
    10. Assignment.  Neither Employee nor his wife shall have any right to
 commute, encumber, or dispose of the right to receive payments hereunder,
 which payments and the right thereto are expressly declared to be
 nonassignable and nontransferable.  All rights under the Contract are
 merely unsecured contractual rights of Employee or Employee's spouse
 against Stanhome.  Employee and Employee's spouse are unsecured general
 creditors of Stanhome.  Stanhome intends to set aside certain assets in a
 trust for the payment of benefits under this Contract.  In the event of the
 insolvency or bankruptcy of Stanhome, any assets set aside in such trust
 shall at all times be subject to the claims of Stanhome's general creditors
 as if such assets were general assets of Stanhome. 
    11. Binding Effect.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
 the benefit of any successor of Stanley and any such successor shall be
 deemed substituted for Stanley under the terms of this Agreement.  As used
 in this Agreement, the term "successor" shall include any person, firm,
 corporation, or other business entity which at any time, whether by merger,
 purchase, or otherwise, acquires all or substantially all of the assets or
 business of Stanley. 
    12. Not an Employment Agreement.  This Agreement is not an employment
 agreement and Stanley reserves the right to discharge Employee with or
 without cause.  The Agreement in no way affects his rights under the
 Stanley Home Products, Inc.  Employee's Profit Sharing Retirement Plan or
 Pension Plan or under any Stanley group or other insurance policy. 
    13. Notices.   Any notice required or permitted to be given under this
 Agreement shall be sufficient if in writing, and if sent by registered
 mail, or delivered, to his residence in the case of Employee, at 250
 Halladay Avenue, Suffield, Connecticut, or, in the case of Stanley, to its
 principal office at 333 Western Avenue, Westfield, Massachusetts,
 Attention:   Secretary.  Either party may change the address to which
 notices are to be addressed by notice in writing given to the other in
 accordance with the terms hereof. 
    14. Waiver of Breach.  The waiver by Stanley of a breach of any
 provision of this Agreement by Employee shall not operate or be construed
 as a waiver of any subsequent breach by Employee. 
    15. Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be deemed made in the
 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and its form, execution, validity,
 construction and performance shall be construed in accordance with the laws
 of said Commonwealth. 
    16. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
 between the parties, and supercedes the retirement benefits provided under
 subparagraph 2(c) of the Employment Agreement as of March 15, 1978, between
 Employee and Stanley.  It may not be changed orally but only by an
 agreement in writing signed by Employee and for Stanley by an officer duly
 authorized to enter into said amendment by the Board of Directors. 
    17. Severability.  In the event that any of the terms or provisions of
 this Agreement or any portion of such terms or provisions shall be
 determined to be invalid or inoperative, such determination shall not
 affect the efficacy of the balance of the Agreement and any such invalid or
 inoperative term or provision shall be deemed severable. 
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement.  
                                 STANHOME INC. 

                                 BY:/s/ G.W. Seawright
    /s/ H.L.Tower  
       H.L. Tower                Attest: 
                                 /s/ Bruce H. Wyatt 

                                                           EXHIBIT "A" 
                             Life Annuity Value
 Male        Female           Value of $1. payable annually for
                              life, with first payment at age 
                              shown on left 
 49            55                        11.7932
 50            56                        11.6405
 51            57                        11.4831
 52            58                        11.3209
 53            59                        11.1537
 54            60                        10.9814
 55            61                        10.8037
 56            62                        10.6203
 57            63                        10.4301
 58            64                        10.2325
 59            65                        10.0274
 60            66                        9.8156
 61            67                        9.5977
 62            68                        9.3737
 63            69                        9.1434
 64            70                        8.9066
 65            71                        8.6649
 66            72                        8.4198
 67            73                        8.1739
 68            74                        7.9286
 69            75                        7.6846
 70            76                        7.4421 

                                  ANNEX A
      Change In Control: 
      As used herein, a "Change in Control" means a Change in Control of a
nature that would, in the opinion of Company counsel, be required to be
reported in response to Item 6(e) of Schedule 14A of Regulation 14A
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"Exchange Act"); provided that, without limitation, such a Change in
Control shall be deemed to have occurred if
      (i) any "Person" (as such term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of
      the Exchange Act) (other than the Company or any subsidiary of the
      Company, any trustee or fiduciary holding securities under an
      employee benefit plan of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or a
      corporation owned, directly or indirectly, by the stockholders of the
      Company in substantially the same proportions as their ownership of
      the stock of the Company) becomes the "beneficial owner" (as defined
      in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of
      securities of the Company representing twenty-five percent (25%) or
      more of the combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding
      securities; or
      (ii) during any period of two consecutive years (not including any
      period prior to the execution of this Agreement), individuals who at
      the beginning of such period constitute the Board and any new
      director (other than a director designated by a Person who had
      entered into an agreement with the Company to effect a transaction
      described in Clause (i), (iii) or (iv) of this paragraph) whose
      election by the Board or nomination for election by the Company's
      stockholders was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of
      the directors then still in office who either were directors at the
      beginning of the period or whose election or nomination for election
      was previously so approved cease for any reason to constitute a
      majority thereof; or
      (iii) the stockholders of the Company approve a merger or
      consolidation of the Company with any other corporation, other than
      (A) a merger or consolidation which would result in the voting
      securities of the Company outstanding immediately prior thereto
      continuing to represent (either by remaining outstanding or by being
      converted into voting securities of the surviving entity), in
      combination with the ownership of any trustee or other fiduciary
      holding securities under an employee benefit plan of the Company, at
      least 75% of the combined voting power of the voting securities of
      the Company or such surviving entity outstanding immediately after
      such merger or consolidation, or (B) a merger or consolidation
      effected to implement a recapitalization of the Company (or similar
      transaction) in which no Person acquires 25% or more of the combined
      voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities; or
      (iv) the stockholders of the Company approve a plan of complete
      liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale or
      disposition by the Company of all or substantially all the Company's