EXHIBIT 10.20 
                          AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION.
                         EXCLUSIVE SUPPLY AGREEMENT 
 1)   Rock of Ages Corporation, a Vermont corporation, having its principal
      office in the Town of Barre, P.O. Box 482, County of Washington, State
      of Vermont, USA 05641 ("ROA"); and
 2)   Eurimex, a societe anonyme, having its principal office at 2A
      Kalchesbreck, L-1852 Luxembourg ("Eurimex").
 ROA is a producer of granite blocks and wishes to appoint Eurimex as its
 exclusive distributor of its Bethel White granite blocks to customers which
 are companies or entities which are residents in the countries of Europe
 which are listed in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference
 incorporated herein ("Territory") in order that Eurimex can promote the
 sale of Bethel White granite blocks. 
 Eurimex has substantial experience in selling granite blocks in the
 Territory and desires to become the exclusive distributor of Bethel White
 granite blocks quarried by ROA and its affiliates. 
 ROA and Eurimex entered into a supply agreement dated August 2, 1991
 ("Supply Agreement") which the parties now believe it is in their mutual
 best interests to terminate and to substitute this Exclusive Supply
 Agreement for it. 
 1)   ROA hereby appoints Eurimex as its exclusive distributor in the
      Territory to promote and sell First and Second Grade Bethel White
      granite rough blocks ("Bethel White Granite") all upon the terms and
      conditions as set forth in this agreement.  This agreement shall
      become effective upon its date of execution but the term of this
      agreement ("Term") shall be from January 1, 1993 through December 31,
 2)   The price terms for Bethel White Granite for 1993 are as set forth in
      Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 
      ROA agrees that the future F.O.B. quarry price will not increase more
      than $*** per cubic meter per *** and an additional $*** per cubic
      meter per *** thereafter during the Term, plus any actual increase
      incurred by ROA for inland freight from the quarry to the port of
      embarkation in North America.
 3)   Eurimex will pay U.S. $*** to ROA by wire transfer on December 30,
      1992, for this exclusive distribution agreement.  ROA understands and
      agrees that Eurimex will account for this payment as additional cost
      of Bethel White Granite purchased by it during the Term.
 4)   Eurimex agrees to purchase a minimum quantity of *** cubic meters of
      first grade Bethel White Granite for each two years of the Term
      commencing January 1, 1993 provided, however, that Eurimex, in order
      to meet this minimum quantity requirement will be entitled to average
      its purchases so that it meets this requirement if it has averaged at
      least *** cubic meters per year measured after the first 2 years, the
      second 2 years and the final 2 years of the Term.  ROA agrees to
      supply at least a guaranteed minimum amount of *** cubic meters of
      first grade Bethel White Granite during each year of the Term.  If ROA
      fails to supply *** cubic meters of first grade in any such year ROA
      will pay Eurimex an amount equal to U.S. $*** for each cubic meter in
      the difference between *** cubic meters of first grade Bethel White
      Granite ordered by Eurimex and the smaller number of cubic meters of
      first grade Bethel White Granite shipped by ROA to Eurimex during the
      years in question.  For purposes of determining whether ROA has
      supplied first grade Bethel White Granite blocks to Eurimex equal to
      *** cubic meters in each such year blocks will be deemed to have been
      supplied to Eurimex on the date they arrive at the embarkation port in
      North America.  ROA agrees to use its best efforts to supply Eurimex's
      needs for first grade Bethel White Granite blocks in excess of ***
      cubic meters per year but its failure to do so will not result in any
      payment by it to Eurimex.  Eurimex agrees, in order to assist ROA, in
      each January of the years of 1993 through 1998, inclusive, to provide
      its non-binding estimate of the number of cubic meters of Bethel White
      Granite it will purchase during the year in question and in addition
      to provide ROA in each such year with as much advance notice of its
      purchase orders of Bethel White Granite as is possible.
 5)   ROA agrees for itself, and for Swenson Granite Company, Inc., ROA
      Canada, Ltd., and Royalty Granite Corporation, that they will not,
      directly or indirectly, sell first or second grade Bethel White
      Granite blocks in the Territory nor will it sell finished jobs or
      slabs of first or second grade Bethel White Granite in the Territory
      without, in either case, the prior consent of Eurimex.  Eurimex agrees
      in consideration of ROA's agreement in the preceding sentence that it
      will use its best efforts to sell first or second grade Bethel White
      Granite blocks in the Territory and promote its use in finished jobs
      in the Territory.
 6)   ROA and Eurimex agree to negotiate in good faith beginning no later
      than July, 1998, for an extension of this agreement or a new agreement
      under which ROA will supply Bethel White Granite to Eurimex.  It is
      agreed, however, by each of the parties, that the agreement in the
      preceding sentence to negotiate in good faith does not obligate either
      Eurimex or ROA to either extend this agreement or to enter into a new
      agreement with respect to the supplying of granite by ROA to Eurimex
      unless each party is satisfied as to the terms thereof and those terms
      are incorporated in a written agreement executed by each of ROA and
 7)   Eurimex agrees that this agreement does not restrict ROA and its
      affiliates and brother and sister corporations, from marketing,
      selling and distributing in the Territory all types and kinds of
      granite other than Bethel White Granite and any other white granite. 
      Eurimex agrees that: (i) ROA and its affiliates and brother and sister
      corporations do not currently quarry white granite except Bethel White
      Granite; and (ii) none of their presently owned quarries, other than
      their Bethel White quarry, are white granite quarries.
 8)   This agreement is governed by the substantive and procedural laws of
 9)   All disputes between the parties arising in connection with this
      agreement shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and
      Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by three
      arbitrators appointed in accordance with said Rules.  The arbitration
      shall take place in the City of Luxembourg and the language of the
      arbitration shall be English.
 10)  This agreement supercedes all prior agreements between the parties
      hereto and is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the
      parties hereto and their successors and permitted assigns and neither
      party hereto may assign any of its rights, duties and obligations
      under this agreement without the written consent of the other parties
 11)  All notices required or permitted under this agreement shall be given
      by telecopy and shall be deemed given when the sending party's
      telecopy machine acknowledges in writing the transmission of the
      notice to recipient's telecopy machine.

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
 agreement in five (5) originals all as of the 17th day of December, 1992. 
                               ROCK OF AGES CORPORATION 
                               By: /s/  Kurt M. Swenson                   
                                    Kurt M. Swenson, President 
                               EURIMEX, S.A. 
                               By:/s/  Jean-Claude Tesch                   
                                    Jean-Claude Tesch, 
                                    Managing Director 
                               By: /s/ Nick Menne
                                    Nick Menne, Managing Director 

                                 EXHIBIT I 
                       TO EXCLUSIVE SUPPLY AGREEMENT 
                 BETHEL WHITE         PRICE TERMS FOR 1993 
 1.   All prices and sales are made in U.S. dollars. 
 2.   Payment due 30 days from date of invoice from Rock of Ages which
      invoice will be sent when all blocks for a particular shipment are at
      the port. 
 3.   Price per cubic meter for 1993. 

                                             Freight to 
                 F.O.B. Quarry              Montreal Port      FAS Montreal
                 -------------              -------------      ------------
 First Grade    $*** per cubic meter   $*** per cubic meter  $*** per cubic meter
 Second Grade   $*** per cubic meter   $*** per cubic meter  $*** per cubic meter 

 Second grade is Bethel White with waves, streaks or cloudy-gray background. 
 Size and number of black spots in Bethel White is not a factor requiring
 the block to be graded as second grade.