WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 
                                  FORM 8-K 
                               CURRENT REPORT 
                  PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE  
                      SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 
                                February 1, 1999          
               Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported) 
                        New England Electric System                  
              (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter) 

       Massachusetts                  1-3446              04-1663060  
 -----------------------------      --------------      ------------------
 (State or Other Jurisdiction       (Commission          (IRS Employer  
       of Incorporation)              File Number)      Identification No.) 
                             25 Research Drive 
                      Westborough, Massachusetts 01582               
             (Address of Principal Executive Offices and Zip Code) 
                                (508) 389-2000                              
            (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code) 
        (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report) 


      On February 1, 1999, New England Electric System, a Massachusetts
 business trust ("NEES"), Research Drive LLC, a Massachusetts limited
 liability company which is directly and indirectly wholly owned by NEES
 ("LLC") and Eastern Utilities Associates, a Massachusetts business trust
 ("EUA"), entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of February
 1, 1999 (the "Merger Agreement"), providing for a merger transaction among
 NEES, LLC and EUA.  The Merger Agreement and the press release issued in
 connection therewith are filed herewith as Exhibits 99(a) and 99(b),
 respectively, and are incorporated herein by reference.  The description of
 the Merger Agreement set forth herein does not purport to be complete and
 is qualified in its entirety by the provisions of the Merger Agreement. 
      Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, LLC will merge with and into EUA
 (the "Merger"), with EUA being the surviving entity and becoming a wholly
 owned subsidiary of NEES (the "Surviving Entity").  The Merger, which was
 unanimously approved by the NEES Board of Directors, the EUA Board of
 Trustees and the Members of LLC, is expected to occur shortly after all of
 the conditions to the consummation of the Merger, including the receipt of
 certain regulatory approvals, are met or waived.  NEES expects that the
 Merger will be completed in early 2000. 
      Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, each outstanding share of
 EUA's common stock (the "EUA Common Stock"), other than shares, if any,
 owned by EUA as treasury shares, NEES, LLC or any other wholly owned
 subsidiary of NEES, will be converted into the right to receive $31.00 in
 cash, as may be adjusted (the "Merger Consideration").  Such adjustment
 will occur as follows: if the Closing Date does not occur on or prior to
 the date that is the six month anniversary of the date on which EUA
 shareholders approve the Merger (the "Adjustment Date"), then the per share
 amount shall be increased for each day after the Adjustment Date up to and
 including the day which is one day prior to the earlier of the Closing Date
 and May 1, 2000 by an amount equal to $.003.  
      The Board of Directors of NEES has received an opinion from its
 investment banker, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, to
 the effect that, as of January 30, 1999, the Merger Consideration to be
 paid by NEES pursuant to the Merger is fair from a financial point of view
 to NEES. 
      The Merger is subject to certain customary closing conditions,
 including, without limitation, the receipt of the required approval of
 EUA's shareholders by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the outstanding
 EUA shares and the receipt of all necessary governmental approvals and the
 making of all necessary governmental filings, including the consent or
 approval of certain state utility regulators, the approval of the Federal
 Energy Regulatory Commission, the approval of the Securities and Exchange
 Commission under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as
 amended, the approval of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the filing
 of the requisite notification with the Federal Trade Commission and the
 Department of Justice under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements
 Act of 1976, as amended.  A meeting of the EUA's shareholders to vote upon
 the Merger will be convened as soon as practicable. 
      The Merger Agreement contains certain covenants of the parties pending
 the consummation of the Merger.  Generally, EUA must carry on its business
 in the ordinary course consistent with past practice, comply with all laws
 and preserve intact its goodwill.  The Merger Agreement contains certain
 restrictions on EUA including limitations on, or procedures for:  payment
 of dividends on EUA common shares and preferred shares of certain EUA
 subsidiaries, issuance of securities, amendment of the EUA's Declaration of
 Trust, or similar governing documents of EUA's subsidiaries, acquisitions,
 dispositions, incurrence of indebtedness, capital expenditures,
 modification of employee compensation and benefits, changes in accounting
 policies, amendment, termination or failure to renew material contracts,
 discharge of liabilities, rate matters, equity investments, loans to
 affiliates or other persons, and assessing the adequacy of EUA's Year 2000
 Program.  (See Article VI of the Merger Agreement.) 
      Pursuant to the Merger Agreement EUA agrees that neither it nor any of
 its subsidiaries shall knowingly initiate, solicit or encourage, directly
 or indirectly, any inquiry or proposal or offer relating to a business
 combination proposal or similar transaction including EUA or any of its
 significant subsidiaries other than EUA Cogenex Corporation, or engage in
 negotiations with, or provide confidential information to any third party,
 and requires EUA to terminate immediately any existing discussions or
 negotiations and notify NEES of any such inquiries relating to a business
 combination proposal, unless prior to EUA shareholder approval: (i) EUA's
 Board determines, in good faith based upon the advice of its outside legal
 counsel with respect to the Board's fiduciary duties, that taking such
 action is necessary for the Board to act in a manner consistent with its
 fiduciary duties under applicable law; (ii) EUA's Board reasonably
 concludes, in good faith after consultation with its financial advisors,
 that (A) the party making such proposal has adequate financing sources and
 (B) such proposal is likely to be more favorable to shareholders of EUA
 than the Merger (a "Superior Proposal"); (iii) prior to furnishing
 nonpublic information or entering into negotiations, EUA notifies NEES in
 writing of such furnishing of information or negotiations (identifying the
 party making the proposal and the material terms of such proposal) and
 enters into a confidentiality agreement in customary form with such third
 party; and (iv) EUA keeps NEES promptly informed of the status and all
 material information with respect to such discussions or negotiations.  EUA
 may terminate the Merger Agreement to accept a Superior Proposal (in which
 case, the termination fee provision described below would be applicable). 
 However, before so terminating, EUA must negotiate with NEES to adjust the
 Merger Agreement so as to enable the parties to proceed with the adjusted
 Merger Agreement, and EUA's Board must determine that, based on advice of
 counsel with respect to the Board's fiduciary duties and notwithstanding a
 binding commitment to consummate the Merger Agreement and notwithstanding
 all concessions that may be offered by NEES in further negotiations with
 EUA, the Superior Proposal is more favorable to EUA's shareholders than the
 Merger.  (See Section 7.08 and Article IX of the Merger Agreement.) 
      If the Merger is consummated, then promptly following the merger
 contemplated by the merger agreement between NEES, National Grid Group plc
 and NGG Holdings LLC (formerly known as Iosta LLC) dated as of December 11,
 1998 (the "National Grid Merger Agreement"), NEES shall take the necessary
 action to cause all of the members of the Board of Trustees of EUA to be
 appointed to serve on the advisory board to be formed pursuant to the
 National Grid Merger Agreement.  (See Section 7.07 of the Merger
      The Merger Agreement may be terminated under certain circumstances,
 including:  (i) by mutual written agreement of the Board of Directors of
 NEES and the Board of Trustees of EUA, (ii) by either party if the Merger
 has not been effected by December 31, 1999 (the "Initial Termination
 Date"), provided, that if the parties are otherwise ready to close, but
 certain statutory approvals are not yet obtained, the Initial Termination
 Date will be extended for four months (the "Extended Termination Date") and
 (iii) by either party if any law, rule or regulation is adopted which makes
 the Merger illegal or any final order or injunction permanently prohibits
 the Merger.  NEES may terminate the Merger Agreement: (i) if EUA
 shareholder approval has not been obtained at a duly held meeting of such
 shareholders, including any adjournments thereof, (ii) if there has been a
 material breach of EUA's representations and warranties or a failure to
 perform and comply with its covenants under the Agreement and such breach
 or failure has not been cured, (iii) if EUA's Board withdraws or modifies
 its approval of the merger or its recommendation to its shareholders or
 resolves to take such action or (iv) if EUA's Board approves, recommends or
 takes no position with respect to an alternative proposal or resolves to
 take such action.  In addition, EUA may terminate the Merger Agreement: 
 (i) in order to accept a Superior Proposal if EUA's Board determines that
 such termination is necessary to act in a manner consistent with its
 fiduciary duties after following the applicable procedures, as described
 above, provided, that EUA's ability to terminate in accordance with this
 provision of the Agreement is conditioned upon concurrent payment by EUA to
 NEES of any applicable termination fees under the Agreement, (ii) if there
 has been a material breach of NEES's representations and warranties or a
 failure to perform and comply with its covenants under the Agreement and
 such breach or failure has not been cured or (iii) if NEES fails to deliver
 the Merger Consideration at a time when all conditions to NEES's obligation
 to close have been satisfied or waived.  (See Articles VIII and IX of the
 Merger Agreement.) 
      EUA will pay NEES a termination fee of $20 million plus up to $5
 million for documented out-of-pocket expenses: (i) if EUA terminates the
 Merger Agreement because EUA became the target of a third party alternative
 proposal, and EUA's Board determined in good faith based upon the advice of
 outside counsel with respect to the Board's fiduciary duties, that
 termination was necessary for the Board to act consistently with its
 fiduciary duties under applicable law or (ii) if, at a time when an
 alternative business proposal is pending, EUA terminates the Merger
 Agreement because: (A) EUA shareholder approval was not obtained, (B) EUA
 has materially breached its representations and warranties or has failed to
 materially perform and comply with its covenants under the Merger
 Agreement, or (C) the Closing has not occurred by the termination date,
 provided, that in the case of (A), (B) or (C), EUA enters into a merger or
 acquisition agreement with the party offering such alternative proposal
 within two years of such termination. (See Article IX of the Merger
      NEES will pay EUA a termination fee of $10 million plus up to $5
 million for documented out-of-pocket expenses if either NEES or EUA
 terminates because the Closing Date has not occurred on or before the
 Initial Termination Date, or if the Initial Termination Date is extended,
 the Extended Termination Date, and on the date of such termination: (i) all
 conditions to closing other than the condition requiring that certain
 statutory consents and approvals be obtained has not been fulfilled,
 provided, that such Closing Date has not failed to occur due to a failure
 on the part of the terminating party to fulfill any obligation under the
 Merger Agreement, (ii) if the date of termination is any date other than
 the Extended Termination Date or a date thereafter, all conditions of each
 party other than the conditions concerning (A) statutory consents and
 approvals and (B) the certification of performance of obligations on the
 part of NEES and LLC have been fulfilled or are capable of being fulfilled
 and (iii) the merger contemplated by the National Grid Merger Agreement has
 not been consummated.  (See Articles VIII and IX of the Merger Agreement.) 

      (c)  Exhibits. 

      99(a)  Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of February 1, 1999, by
             and among , New England Electric System, Research Drive LLC
             and Eastern Utilities Associates. 
      99(b)  Press Release of New England Electric System issued February
             1, 1999. 

      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
 the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
 the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. 
 Date:  February 2, 1999 

                                    NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC SYSTEM 

                                    By:  /s/ Michael E. Jesanis
                                       Michael E. Jesanis 
                                       Senior Vice President and 
                                         Chief Financial Officer 
 The name "New England Electric System" means the trustee or trustees for
 the time being (as trustee or trustees but not personally) under an
 Agreement and Declaration of Trust dated January 2, 1926, as amended, which
 is hereby referred to, and a copy of which, as amended, has been filed with
 the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Any agreement,
 obligation, or liability made, entered into, or incurred by or on behalf of
 New England Electric System binds only its trust estate, and no
 shareholder, director, trustee, officer, or agent thereof assumes or shall
 be held to any liability therefor. 

                               Exhibit Index 
 Exhibit        Description 
 -------        -----------

 99(a)          Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of February 1, 1999,
                by and among , New England Electric System, Research Drive
                LLC and Eastern Utilities Associates. 
 99(b)          Press Release of New England Electric System issued February
                1, 1999.