Exhibit 6.1

                        S   A   N   D   E   R   A

 May 26, 1999

 VIA FAX TO:  812-232-7016

 Mr. Paul A. Saxton
 General Housewares Corporation
 1536 Beech Street
 P.O. Box 4066
 Terre Haute, Indiana  47804

 Dear Paul:

 Since receiving notice from you on April 13, 1999 of a third party's cash
 offer to buy General Housewares at a substantial premium to its
 then-current market price, I have fundamentally disagreed with management's
 and the board's handling of the prospective acquirer's proposal.  After
 much deliberation on my own and much consultation with my attorneys, I have
 concluded that certain actions taken by the board in responding to this
 proposal make it impossible for me to fulfill my fiduciary duties to the
 Company and its shareholders.  I refer specifically to certain of the
 resolutions passed by the board during its telephonic meeting on April 21,

      RESOLVED, that only Senior Management be authorized to communicate
      with [the board's financial advisor]; and further

      RESOLVED, that no director shall communicate with family, friends or
      business associates concerning the Proposal, nor shall any director
      communicate directly with [the board's financial advisor], other than
      in conjunction with Senior Management, concerning the Proposal or any
      other matter.

 I refer also to the "sense of the Board" recorded in the minutes of the
 same meeting:

      "After discussion, it was the sense of the Board that further
      communication with [the prospective acquirer] be left to the
      discretion of Management after consultation with [the board's
      financial advisor] and counsel."

 Although my most immediate and pressing disagreement with management's and
 the board's handling of the prospective acquirer's proposal relates to
 these resolutions and the "sense of the Board" cited above, I have also
 disagreed with other aspects of the handling of this proposal, which other
 aspects include:

          o     Your immediate and unequivocal opposition to the proposal,
                expressed to the directors in writing when you notified us
                of receipt of the proposal;

                 1601 Elm Street Suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75201
                    (214) 720-1688      Fax (214) 720-1612

          o     Your delay (until April 21, nine days after your receipt of
                the proposal) in convening a meeting of the board to
                consider the proposal;

          o     Your more optimistic view of the Company's prospects after
                receipt of the proposal, as reflected in your substantial
                revisions to the financial projections for the current
                fiscal year presented to the board less than three weeks

          o     Your initial resistance to the hiring of a financial advisor
                to assist the board in considering the proposal;

          o     The board's failure to form a special committee to consider
                the proposal, notwithstanding your expressions of interest
                both to me and the board's financial advisor in the
                possibility of your personally acquiring part or all of the
                Company's business or assets;

          o     Your making available to the board's financial advisor only
                your more optimistic, revised financial projections for the
                current fiscal year, and not the less optimistic projections
                presented to the board less than three weeks earlier;

          o     Your opening the board's sole meeting with its financial
                advisor (held on May 11, 1999) with a statement of your
                unequivocal opposition to the proposal;

          o     Your insistence, at the end of the board's sole meeting with
                its financial advisor, that each director return the roughly
                one-hundred-page presentation booklet prepared by the
                board's financial advisor and distributed only in the
                meeting, though our review of it was only brief, at best;

          o     The board's determination, at the conclusion of its meeting
                on May 11, that it was "the sense of the board" to reject
                the prospective acquirer's proposal without discussing it
                with the prospective acquirer.

 The position I now find myself in, in light of these developments, I view
 as personally, legally and ethically untenable.  While I voted against the
 resolutions passed by the board in its meeting on April 21 and cited above,
 and explicitly excluded myself from the "sense of the board" to reject the
 proposal on May 11, I no longer feel I can sufficiently distance myself
 from the board's behavior without resigning.  As a consequence, I hereby do
 so, effective immediately, today, May 26, 1999.

 Pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission's Form 8-K, including Item 6
 thereof, I hereby request that this disagreement and this letter be
 publicly disclosed within five business days of this date.


  / s /  John A. (Pete) Bricker, Jr.

 John A. (Pete) Bricker, Jr.