Exhibit 10.1

     THIS CONTRACT is made the 11th day of March 2003

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


     1)   ABP Diagnostics Ltd a company incorporated under the laws of England
          and Wales having its registered office at Keats House, Barnes Croft,
          Hilderstone Stone, ST15 8XU (First Party) ("The Grantor")


          an organization incorporated in Egypt, with its registered office in
          Cairo - 51 Wezarat Al Zeraa St. Agouza - Giza, and represented in this
          contract by its Chairman Dr. Mohamed Ali Salem El Abbadi (Hereafter
          referred to as a part the Egyptian Ministry Of Health & Population,
          (Second Party). ("The Licensee")


     1)   "The Grantor" is the owner of know how& advanced technology in
          developing, manufacturing and selling medical diagnostic products
          under the registered trade mark Focus Flo Through(TM), Focus Sure
          Check(TM) as detailed in Schedule I of which The Grantor is the
          proprietor and has available technical information of a secret and
          confidential nature relating to the manufacture of a cassette and the
          assembly of a range of individual diagnostic rapid test kits.

     2)   The Licensee owns current GMP Production facilities in Egypt. The
          second party wishes to acquire the right to use such information and
          to acquire the licence and rights mentioned below with respect to such
          information regarding the transfer of know how & technology for the
          Production of First Party products by Second Party.


          Both parties wish to enter into this agreement in accordance with
          international Regulations ( FEDEC ). As attached in schedule VIII,
          Notwithstanding this both parties shall abide by the rules as laid
          down by the state department of Egypt as attached in schedule IX


          First Party agrees to grant the Second Party exclusive right to
          formulate, label, package, register & sell the Products in the
          Territory as defined in the attached list according to the time frame
          of this contract.

          The following principles of the commercial working terms will be
          executed accordingly:

          1-   The First Party confirmed that the Products which will be sold
               and or licensed to the Second Party, is freely sold in Country of
               Origin and available in other countries outside Country of
          2-   The Second Party agreed to purchase during phase one bulk
               unlabelled from the First Party as specified hereunder: -
               (sensitive information) , C.I.F Cairo

1. Definitions

          In this contract the following expressions shall have the following

          `Licensed products'           The technology in the field of
                                        diagnostics can be defined in general
                                        terms as developing methods to detect
                                        the presence or absence of specific
                                        infectious agents or biochemical
                                        disorders in the human body, for example
                                        the Hepatitis virus, in accordance with
                                        the technical information and sold by
                                        The Grantor under its registered trade
                                        mark Focus

          `Licensed Territory'          Egypt

          `Equipment'                   All equipment exclusively required for
                                        the manufacture of the Licensed Products
                                        including the testing of the Licensed

          `Technical Information'       Technical knowledge and data
                                        specifications of materials and the
                                        manufacturing techniques and other
                                        information of a secret and confidential
                                        nature in existence at the date of this


                                        Contract which are necessary to enable
                                        The Licensee to manufacture the Licensed
                                        Products properly and efficiently in
                                        reasonable quantities of a standard and
                                        quality similar to the standard and
                                        quality of similar products manufactured
                                        by The Grantor and to be of value in
                                        selling the Licensed Products as
                                        detailed in The Grantors Manual supplied
                                        as part of the technology transfer
                                        programme 2. Supply of Technical

     2.1  The Grantor agrees to supply the necessary know how and training for
          Vacsera to produce the following tests in a flow through format
          subject to a future letter of intent from Vacsera:

          o        HIV 1 & 2
          o        HCV
          o        H. Pylori
          o        TB

          Conditional upon the purchase of raw materials as listed in Schedule V
          by Vacsera Ltd.

     2.2  The Grantor agrees to supply the necessary know-how and the necessary
          training for Vacsera to produce the following test in a lateral flow

          o        HBsAg

          Conditional upon the purchase of raw materials as listed in Schedule V
          by Vacsera Ltd.

     2.3  The basic equipment as listed in Schedule II will be purchased by The
          Licensee. This equipment can be supplied by The Grantor or any other
          supplier according to the Grantor specifications.

     2.4  The basic chemicals as listed in Schedule III, being sufficient to
          produce an initial 250,000 tests, are supplied at The Licensee's cost.
          Future purchases of these materials will be at The Licensee's cost.
          The Grantor will continue to supply to The Licensee these basic
          chemicals at The Licensee's cost, as they are required, taking into
          consideration the International market prices.


     2.5  Schedule VII attached to the contract identifies the components being
          supplied per test

     2.6  Quality control is the responsibility of The Grantor who will train
          The Licensee's personnel and will continually audit The Licensee's
          facility to ensure that this facility produces products that meet the
          highest possible quality standards at all times

     2.7  Subject to the requirements under Clause 11 and the achievement of
          performance criteria under Schedule IV, The Grantor hereby grants to
          The Licensee an exclusive licence to use the Technical Information for
          the manufacture and sale of the Licensed products in the Licensed
          Territory for the duration of this Contract

3. Duration

          Subject to clause 10, this Contract shall continue in force for a
          period of 10 years from the date written above unless determined by
          either party giving to the other not less than 6 months written notice
          to that effect expiring at any time. This Contract may be extended by
          mutual contract between the parties on like terms.

4. Marking

     4.1  In respect of any Licensed Products manufactured by The Licensee which
          are in the opinion of The Grantor's management of the same standard as
          to qualify as The Grantor's own products of the same type and shall
          meet The Grantor's quality control standards The Licensee shall be
          licensed by The Grantor to use the trade mark Focus Rapid Test Kits if
          The Licensee requires,

     4.2  Licensed Products manufactured by The Licensee under this Contract
          shall be marked `made under license from ABP Diagnostics Ltd.' such
          marking to be in a form approved by The Grantor.

5. Grantor's Expenses

          The Licensee will cover The Grantor's costs in connection with travel
          to and from Egypt from UK, accommodation, and subsistence costs in
          Cairo for up to three people from the commencement of the transfer
          programme for the duration of the first month. Thereafter this
          provision will be by mutual agreement.


6. Warranties

          The Grantor hereby covenants to The Licensee that it has in its
          possession the necessary formulae and other information required to
          produce the reagents referred to in this contract and assures The
          Licensee of the continuous supply of such reagents of the same nature
          and quality regardless of any changes in key personnel associated with
          The Grantor.

7. Fee

     7.1  The Licensee shall make a Royalty Payment of (Competition sensitive)
          have been produced but not later than two years after the contract has
          been signed, payable quarterly in arrears in US$ by Bank Transfer to
          the bank account below for a period of three years after the first

          HSBC Bank plc
          Account Name:      ABP Diagnostics Ltd

     7.2  The Licensee shall purchase reagents at the prices listed in Schedule
          V. These prices shall remain in force for 12 months from the date of
          signing of the first letter of credit. A tender will be issued by The
          Licensee to verify & confirm the competitive prices. Thereafter prices
          will be reviewed annually and will be governed by local price index

8. Currency or payment and exchange rates

     The Licensee shall make the payments provided for in clause 7 to

9. Secrecy

     Both parties, "The Licensee" & "The Grantor" shall hold all Technical
     information as absolutely Confidential.
     Confidential information shall mean, all the technical & commercial
     information in all forms provided by both parties in relation to this
     9.1 The parties agree to exercise all reasonable precautions to maintain in
     strict confidence all Confidential Information received from the other, and
     will only use this Confidential Information for the purposes of defining in
     this Agreement.
     9.2 Neither Party shall use the Confidential Information for any other
     purpose rather than purposes specified in this agreement.


     9.3 upon expiration of this Agreement or at any earlier date if the
     disclosing Party so request, both parties shall return or destroy all
     written portions of Confidential Information received hereunder from the
     other Party as well as all copies made thereof.
     9.4 As far as legally permitted, the parties hereto shall cause, instruct,
     direct and oblige any officers, employees or other persons who have
     rightfully access to any of the Confidential Information to keep the same
     9.5 Any obligations of secrecy incurred by either Party with respect to
     Confidential Information transmitted under this Agreement shall cease
     immediately in case any of the following circumstances shall arise:
     9.51 The portion of the Confidential Information involved enters the public
     domain through no fault of the Party to whom the information was disclosed,
     9.52 The disclosure is authorized in writing by the Party from whom the
     information was received, or
     9.53 The portion of the Confidential Information involved is received from
     a third Party without restriction on disclosure by the Party to whom
     information was disclosed, or
     9.54 A term of ten (10) years from the effective date of this Agreement has

10. Termination

     If The Licensee shall commit or allow to be committed a breach of any of
     the covenants contained in this contract and on its part to be performed or
     observed and shall not remedy (if capable of being remedied) such breach
     within 14 days after notice is given to it by The Grantor requiring such
     remedy, or if The Licensee shall go into liquidation (whether compulsory or
     voluntary not being a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation
     or reconstruction) or shall have a receiver appointed of its assets and
     undertaking or any part of them or any distress execution or other process
     shall be issued against any property of The Licensee, The Grantor shall be
     at liberty in every and any such case by notice in writing to determine
     this Contract and thereupon all licences granted pursuant to this contract
     and all rights of The Licensee under it shall forthwith cease and determine
     but without prejudice to any right or remedy of The Grantor to sue for and
     recover any sums then due and to the remedy of either party in respect of
     any previous breach of any covenant contained in this Contract.

11. Effect of Contract being invalidated as respects any region

     Any provision or provisions of this Contract which in any way contravene
     the Law of any state or region (such as by way of example the law of the
     European community) in which this Contract is effective shall in such state


     or region to the extent of such contravention of law be deemed severable
     and shall not invalidate any other provision or provisions of this contract

12. Non-assignability

     Neither Party shall have the right to assign or transfer its rights or
     obligations under this Agreement, either in whole or in part, without the
     prior written consent of the other Party. Should any such right or
     obligation be so assigned by either Party with written approval of the
     other Party, the assigning Party shall remain responsible as guarantor for
     the correct performance by its assignee(s).

13. Law applicable

     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
     substantive laws of Egypt.

14. Arbitration

     14.1 any dispute between the Parties that cannot be settled by mutual
     agreement, concerning the interpretation, the performance of the
     obligations, breaches, termination or enforcement of this Agreement or
     which arises out in connection with this Agreement shall be settled
     exclusively by arbitration under the International Arbitration Rules of the
     Paris Court of International Arbitration (PCIA).

     14.2 the place of arbitration shall be Cairo (Egypt).The Arbitrating
     Tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator to be appointed by the Parties by
     mutual agreement or, failing such agreement, by the Chairman of UNCITRAL,
     office in Cairo upon the request of the most diligent Party.

     14.3 all proceedings of the arbitration, including arguments and briefs,
     shall be conducted in the English language. Any award of the Arbitrating
     Tribunal shall be in writing, in the English language and shall state the
     reasons upon which it was based. The written decision of the Arbitrating
     Tribunal shall be served to both parties.

     14.4 tribunal shall be final and binding on the Parties. The cost of the
     arbitration shall be borne by either or both Parties as the Arbitrating
     Tribunal may decide. Judgement upon any award rendered by the Arbitrating
     Tribunal may be entered for execution in any Court of competent


     jurisdiction in any Country, or application may be made to such Court of a
     judicial acceptance of the award and an order of enforcement, as the law of
     such jurisdiction may require or allow.


     15.1 A Party hereto shall not be liable or responsible for damages or in
     any manner whatsoever to the other Party for failure or delay in performing
     and fulfilling any provision of this Agreement when such failure or delay
     is due to acts of public authorities, war, civil commotion, embargoes,
     impossibility to get raw materials, energy and other supplies, strikes of
     whichever kind and more generally to a reason that is beyond the reasonable
     control of the affected Party.
     15.2 In the event as a direct consequence of any such events a Party is
     prevented to perform and fulfil any of its obligations hereunder, the
     affected Party shall notify in writing the other Party of its inability to
     perform and the reasons of such inability within 21 days since the
     incidence with a certificate issued by concerned authority attesting such
     event or events.

     15.3 During the continuance of the force majeure event the performance of
     the Agreement shall be suspended. Thereafter, the affected Party shall
     inform the other Party of the termination of the force majeure event.

     15.4 should the force majeure event continue for a period longer than 3
     (three)months, the other Party may, in its own discretion, terminate this

16. Miscellaneous

     16.1 should any clause or sub-clause or part of a clause in this Agreement
     be held to be invalid because it contravenes any applicable legal
     provision, the Parties agree to modify the Agreement to the extent
     necessary to ensure compliance with such legal provision. Notwithstanding
     the invalidity of any such clause or sub-clause or part of a clause, all
     other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
     16.2 No amendments or additions to any of the terms of this Agreement shall
     be valid unless agreed upon in writing and signed on behalf of both
     16.3 Failure of either Party to enforce any of the provisions of this
     Agreement or any right with respect thereto or failure to exercise any
     election provided for herein shall in no way be considered a waiver of such
     provision, right or election, or in any way affect the validity of this
     Agreement. The failure of either of the Parties to enforce any of said
     provisions, rights or elections shall not preclude or prejudice such Party
     from later enforcing or exercising the same or other provisions, rights or
     elections which they may have under this Agreement.


     16.4 All rights and remedies of the Parties or of either of them hereunder
     shall be in addition to all other legal rights and remedies belonging to
     them and the same shall be deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to
     such legal rights and remedies. The termination of this Agreement shall not
     affect any right or claim which shall or may have accrued or arisen prior
     16.5 This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, representations,
     statements or warranties, whether oral or written, made by or on behalf of
     any Party hereto and constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties
     relating to the provisions stated herein.
     16.6 Notices under this Agreement shall be served on each Party at his
     respective registered offices for the time being. Notice may be given by
     letter or by fax and confirmed by letter; and each letter containing or
     confirming notice will be sent by air mail addressed to the other Party at
     the address for service and will be deemed to have been received on the
     fifth day (not including Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays) after
     dispatch of the notice.
     16.7 The following Schedules form an integral part of this Agreement:

                             Schedules I - Products
                  Schedules II - Minimum Equipment requirements
                   Schedules III - List of chemicals required
                       Schedules VI - Production forecast
                            Schedules V - Price List
                            Schedules VI - Royalties
                    Schedules VII - Detailed components list
                Schedules VIII - FEDEC International regulations
                  Schedules IX Egyptian state department rules

     16.8 The Parties agree that:
     a) the collection or processing of personal data supplied under this
     Agreement is exclusively for the purpose of enabling the Parties to perform
     their activities in adequate manner, and that the personal data is and will
     be processed lawfully and fairly in order to guarantee its safety and
     privacy, by means of both automated systems and hard copies using manual,
     computerised and/or telecommunication systems;
     b) For the stipulation of the contractual relation, the collection of
     personal data is obligatory in order to satisfy legal requirements,
     including fiscal law;
     c) The personal data and its relevant processing will not be object of
     communication or diffusion in any cases not authorised by law and will be
     performed according to methods authorised by the law; in particular, it can
     be communicated/diffused by subsidiary, parent and affiliates, to external
     subjects who perform specific jobs for the Parties, to Companies,
     Authorities, Syndicates or Associations, to Banks for the management of
     collections and payments, to subjects responsible for the revision of the
     financial statements of the Parties and to the Public Authorities or
     Administrations for the fulfilment of the law.


     16.9 This Agreement is executed in two counterparts, each of which shall be
     deemed to be an original.

    EXECUTED by the parties

    Signed by:
                  Dr AEJ Reynolds
                  for and on behalf  ABP Diagnostics Limited

    in the presence of:

Signed by
                    Dr MM Abaddi

    for and on behalf  of  Vacsera
    in the presence of:


Schedule I
(Completion sensitive)

Antigen Price

See Schedule V


See Schedule IV


See Schedule VI

     1. Hepatitis B (HBsAg)

See Schedule IV

Antigen Price
- -------------

See Schedule V

- ---------

See Schedule VI


                                   Schedule II

The minimum equipment required is:
- ---------------------------------

(Competition sensitive)


                                  Schedule III

   List of Chemicals required to set up the manufacturing facility

                             (Competition sensitive)

                                   Schedule IV

(Competition sensitive)


                                   Schedule V

                      ABP Diagnostics Component Price List
                             (Competition sensitive)

                                   Schedule VI


                             (Competition sensitive)

                                  Schedule VII

Detailed Components List
                             (Competition sensitive)
