Exhibit 99.1

                         LYNDON B. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER
                          NANOBAC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

ADMINISTRATION (NASA), herein referred to as JSC or NASA respectively and
NANOBAC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (to be renamed Nanobac Life Sciences, Inc.), a
Florida corporation, herein referred to as NANOBAC, desire to enter into a
nonreimbursable Space Act Agreement, herein referred to as Agreement, the
primary objective of which is to collaborate on research into nanobacteria in
the field of healthcare and medicine.


NANOBAC is a biolifescience company working to improve human health through the
detection and eradication of Nanobacterium sanguineum (nanobacteria), a novel
pathogen implicated in the formation of disease-causing calcified plaque in the
circulatory system and other vital organs. NANOBAC is developing unique
technologies for early accurate diagnoses of nanobacterial infection, and
eradication methods which will allow physicians to effectively manage the
clinical symptoms of the disease, improve therapeutic results, and as an
outcome, lower overall medical costs. NANOBAC and NASA are interested in
pathological calcium phosphate particles found in diseases such as kidney
stones, prostatitis, and arthritis, which are all conditions that humans become
more prone to after spending time in a zero gravity environment. This
collaboration would provide NASA the opportunity to utilize NANOBAC's diagnostic
and treatment experience in this field to support NASA's exploration goals in
understanding the effects of long-term space travel on humans and provide
NANOBAC the ability to further develop its methods.

Nanobacteria are a unique agent that is approximately the same size and
morphology as the fossil-like structures detected in Mars meteorites by NASA in
1996. Searching for extraterrestrial life will continue on the molecular level
and NANOBAC's work provides a model for studying mineralized organic matters and
experience with isolation of biomarkers from calcified samples.


A.   The parties agree that this Agreement shall pertain only to the research
     collaboration specified in articles III and IV. The parties agree that
     nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to imply an agreement to
     contract in the future. It is the intent of both parties that, should
     future phases of this cooperative effort materialize, these phases will be
     accomplished under separate agreements.

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B.   JSC and NANOBAC designate the following individuals, respectively, as
     points of contact for coordinating, administering, managing, and monitoring
     the activities of their respective parties under this Agreement:

         Dr. David S. McKay
         National Aeronautics and Space Administration
         Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
         2101 NASA Road 1
         Houston, TX  77058
         Mail Code: SA13
         E-mail: david.s.mckay@nasa.gov


         H. Brady Millican
         Nanobac Life Sciences, Inc.
         2727 West Martin Luther King
         Suite 850
         Tampa, FL 33607
         E-mail: bmillican@nanobaclabs.com

Each party may at any time and from time to time designate in writing additional
or different individuals to serve as points of contact for the indicated

C.   Except as required by law or in connection with NANOBAC's obligations as a
     publicly traded company, neither party shall make any written news/press
     public relations statement or similar public disclosure regarding this
     Agreement or the activities conducted pursuant to this Agreement without
     the prior consent and approval of the other party, which consent and
     approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. A disclosure that
     does not materially differ from a disclosure previously approved by the
     other party may be made without additional approval.

D.   NANOBAC agrees that, for the duration of this Agreement, and while on JSC
     premises, its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and principal
     investigators shall comply with all laws and applicable regulations,
     instructions, and directives, including, but not limited to, those
     pertaining to safety and security.

E.   It is understood that any commitment of JSC or NANOBAC facilities,
     equipment, supplies, and/or services, in furtherance of the objectives of
     this Agreement, shall be on a no-cost, mission-noninterference basis,
     subject to availability and approval of the parties' management.
     Furthermore, while JSC and NANOBAC agree to apply reasonable efforts to
     assure that said facilities, equipment, supplies, and/or services, will
     function reliably for their intended use or purpose, nothing in this
     Agreement shall be construed to imply that JSC or NANOBAC warrants or makes
     any representations as to the quality of their performance or operation.

                                                                         2 of 15

F.   Both parties agree to put forth reasonable efforts and to cooperate in good
     faith to achieve the objectives of this Agreement. It is mutually agreed,
     however, that the services contemplated by this Agreement shall not be
     given priority over any other JSC or NANOBAC agreement or program nor be
     performed in any manner which interferes with JSC's or NANOBAC's overall

G.   NANOBAC agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to imply
     that NASA endorses or sponsors any NANOBAC product or service resulting
     from activities conducted under this Agreement, regardless of the fact that
     such product or service may employ NASA-developed technology. With the
     limited exception of factually accurate statements of use by, development
     by or for, or connection with NASA, NANOBAC agrees to refrain from the use
     of the words "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" or the letters
     "NASA," or a combination, variation, or colorable imitation thereof
     (including the Insignia), either alone or in combination with other words
     or letters, in connection with any product or service being offered or made
     available to the public in a manner reasonably calculated to convey the
     impression that such product or service has the endorsement or sponsorship
     of NASA.

H.   It is mutually agreed by both parties that there will be no exchange of
     funds between JSC and the NANOBAC with regard to activities conducted under
     this Agreement.

I.   The results of this effort may be published jointly by JSC and NANOBAC
     and/or separately by each of the parties herein. In the event that JSC or
     NANOBAC publish separately, each party shall acknowledge the effort of the
     other party with regard to the performance of activities conducted under
     this Agreement. Furthermore, subject to the confidentiality provisions and
     other restrictions on disclosure and the intellectual property ownership
     provisions included in this Agreement, JSC and NANOBAC agree to share with
     each other all experimental data obtained from activities conducted under
     this Agreement, prior to publishing such data in open literature.



A.   Provide equipment, with such specifications as may be jointly agreed upon
     by the parties, including a mammalian cell culture incubator; microscope;
     and centrifuge, for use in JSC facilities to conduct the work to be done
     under this Agreement. NANOBAC will retain ownership of this equipment and
     it will be returned to NANOBAC upon termination of this Agreement

B.   Provide specialty supplies for nanobacteria research (monoclonal
     antibodies, diagnostic kits, chemicals), in such quantities and with such
     specifications as may be jointly agreed upon by the parties.

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C.   Provide a staff scientist as a principal researcher to work with NASA
     personnel to conduct the research contemplated under this Agreement.

D.   Conduct experiments, currently planned to be, subject to specific agreement
     of the parties and review and approval by the JSC Committee for the
     Protection of Human Subjects or other appropriate review boards, as

     a.   Experiments for biological characterization of nanobacteria
          i.   Nucleic acid detection and sequencing in cultured nanobacteria
     b.   Definition of unique biomarkers
          i.   Search for nanobacteria in kidney stones and prostate tissue
               using antibody tests and electron microscopy.
          ii.  Development of new rapid diagnostic methods for detecting trace
               amounts of nanobacteria in fluid samples using advanced and
               miniaturized ELISA testing techniques and microarray techniques
          iii. Development of methods for detecting unique Ca Phosphate and Ca
               Carbonate crystallization structures in both human tissue samples
               and in lakes, rivers, and similar environments
     c.   Finding a potential correlation between nanobacteria and pathological
          calcification related diseases
     d.   Nanobacterial growth and antibiotic sensitivity in microgravity and/or
          microgravity simulation
          i.   Culture and growth of nanobacteria under various conditions
               including simulated micro gravity in a bioreactor. Effects of
               changing environmental conditions will be evaluated.
     e.   Screening human tissue samples for potential nanobacteria infection
          before and after microgravity related missions
     f.   Application and development of nanobacteria eradication/treatment
          i.   Development of methods for dissolving nanobacteria-produced
               calcification structures in human tissue
          ii.  Development of methods for arresting the growth of and possibly
               eliminating nanobacteria in human tissue
     g.   Development of methods for removing nanobacteria from fluids by
          filtering and by contact properties
     h.   Search for nanobacteria biosignatures in earth fossils and in Mars

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E.   Collect data from the experiments conducted under this Agreement and share
     that data with JSC, subject to the confidentiality provisions and other
     restrictions on disclosure and the intellectual property ownership
     provisions included in this Agreement.

F.   When deemed necessary by both parties to meet the requirements of this
     Agreement, provide no more than two (2) additional personnel to work with
     its scientist. JSC shall have input into the background and training
     qualifications required of any proposed personnel.


JSC will:

A.   Provide a Bio Safety Level 2 space for a nanobacteria research lab to
     conduct the experiments contemplated under this Agreement as well as basic
     lab supplies, including but not limited to water bath, autoclave, shakers,
     micro-gram sensitive scales, basic micropipettes, lab disposables, lab
     coats, lab-glassware, biohazard removal service, refrigerator, and -20c
     freezer (see items in Schedule A).

B.   Provide appropriate work space at JSC for NANOBAC's personnel located at
     JSC to work on the activities contemplated under this Agreement.

C.   Collect data from the experiments conducted under this Agreement and share
     that data with NANOBAC, subject to the confidentiality provisions and other
     restrictions on disclosure and the intellectual property ownership
     provisions included in this Agreement.

D.   Provide routine safety training, access to basic laboratory services for
     nanobacteria science, electron microscopy, molecular biology /
     geology-mineralogy research facilities, a computer and computer services,
     internet-email, printers, scanners, imaging facilities, etc. for NANOBAC
     personnel while operating at JSC.


Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to imply any commitment of JSC's or
NANOBAC's funds or appropriations. In addition, JSC's resource commitments to
the Agreement are subject to availability of appropriated funds, and nothing
herein may be construed as implying that Congress will appropriate funds at a
later date to discharge JSC's obligations hereunder.


A.   Except as provided by paragraph B. of this Article, below, the parties
     agree to a no-fault, no-subrogation inter-party waiver of liability under
     which each party agrees not to make any claim against the other for the
     injury to or death of any person, or for damage to or loss of any property,
     attributable to JSC or NANOBAC or their employees, agents, contractors,

                                                                         5 of 15

     subcontractors, or principal investigators, arising as a result of
     activities expressly or implicitly covered under this Agreement, whether
     such injury, death, damage, or loss is caused by negligence or otherwise.

B.   As to third party claims, NANOBAC agrees to indemnify and hold the U.S.
     Government and its contractors and subcontractors harmless from any claim,
     judgment, or cost arising from the injury to or death of any person, or for
     damage to or loss of any property, attributable to NANOBAC or its
     employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, or principal investigators,
     arising as a result of activities expressly or implicitly covered under
     this Agreement, whether such injury, death, damage, or loss is caused by
     negligence or otherwise.


NANOBAC agrees to procure and thereafter maintain liability insurance with
respect to the performance and time period of this Agreement, and to provide JSC
verification of such insurance. The minimum amount of general aggregate
liability coverage required under this insurance policy shall be five million
dollars ($5,000,000.00). Furthermore, it is agreed by the parties that JSC shall
be named as an additional insured under such insurance policy for all activities
conducted by NANOBAC that are either expressly or implicitly covered under this

A.   Definition: The patent and invention rights set forth herein are applicable
     to any employees, contractors or subcontractors, or other entities having a
     fiduciary or contractual relationship with NANOBAC that are assigned,
     tasked, or contracted with to perform specified NANOBAC activities under
     this Agreement.

B.   General: Title to inventions made (conceived or first actually reduced to
     practice) as a consequence of, or in direct relation to, the performance of
     activities under this Agreement will remain with the respective inventing
     parties (NANOBAC or NASA), and no patent or invention rights are exchanged
     between or granted by such parties under this Agreement except as provided

C.   NASA Inventions: NASA will use reasonable efforts to report inventions made
     by NASA employees as a consequence of, or that bear a direct relation to,
     the performance of specified NASA activities under this Agreement. Upon
     request, NASA will use reasonable efforts to grant NANOBAC, in accordance
     with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 404, an exclusive or partially
     exclusive, revocable, royalty-bearing license, on terms to be subsequently
     negotiated to any NASA invention that may be made under the Agreement and
     on which NASA decides to file a patent application. This license will be
     subject to the rights reserved in paragraph F. (1), below.

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D.   NASA Contractor Inventions: In the event NASA contractors are tasked to
     perform work in support of specified NASA activities under this Agreement
     and inventions are made by contractor employees or jointly between NASA
     employees and contractor employees, and NASA has the right to acquire or
     has acquired title to such inventions, NASA will use reasonable efforts to
     report such inventions. Upon request, NASA will use reasonable efforts to
     grant NANOBAC, in accordance with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 404, an
     exclusive or partially exclusive, revocable, royalty-bearing license, on
     terms to be subsequently negotiated to any NASA invention that may be made
     under the Agreement and on which NASA decides to file a patent application.
     This license will be subject to the rights reserved in paragraph F. (2),
     below. The parties acknowledge that NANOBAC is not a NASA contractor, as
     such term is used in this agreement, it being understood that the term
     "NASA contractor" refers to a company working with NASA under a contract
     entered into pursuant to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), and not
     under a Space Act agreement such as this Agreement.

E.   Joint Inventions With NANOBAC: NASA and NANOBAC agree to use reasonable
     efforts to identify and report to each other, and to cooperate with each
     other in obtaining patent protection on any inventions made jointly between
     NASA employees (or employees of NASA contractors) and employees or other
     representatives of NANOBAC. Upon timely request, NASA may (1) agree to
     refrain from exercising its undivided interest in a manner inconsistent
     with NANOBAC's commercial interests, or (2) use reasonable efforts to grant
     NANOBAC, in accordance with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 404, an
     exclusive or partially exclusive, revocable, royalty-bearing license, on
     terms to be subsequently negotiated. Both options (1) and (2) are subject
     to the applicable rights reserved in paragraph F., below.

F.   Rights to be Reserved in NANOBAC 's License: Any license granted to NANOBAC
     pursuant to paragraphs C., D., or E. above will be subject to the
     reservation of the following rights:

     (1)  As to inventions made solely by, or jointly with, NASA employees, the
          irrevocable, royalty-free right of the Government of the United States
          to practice and have practiced the invention by or on behalf of the
          United States and on behalf of any foreign government or international
          organization pursuant to any existing or future treaty or agreement
          with the United States; provided, however, that NASA shall not
          authorize or permit any non-governmental person or entity (other than
          NANOBAC) to practice or otherwise exploit any such invention for other
          than Federal Governmental purposes.

     (2)  As to inventions made solely by, or jointly with, employees of NASA
          contractors, the rights in the Government of the United States as set
          forth in (1) above, as well as the revocable, nonexclusive, royalty
          free license in the contractor as set forth in 14 CFR ss. 1245.108.

          Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no contractor of NASA or JSC
          shall be given access to any confidential or proprietary material or
          information that is the subject of this Agreement without the prior

                                                                         7 of 15

          written consent of NANOBAC, unless such contractor shall have first
          acknowledged and agreed to, on terms satisfactory to NANOBAC, the
          ownership of such material and information by NANOBAC and the
          proprietary and confidential nature thereof.

G.   Protection of Reported Inventions: When inventions are reported and
     disclosed between the parties in accordance with the provisions of this
     clause, the receiving party agrees to withhold such reports or disclosures
     from public access for a reasonable time (presumed to be 1 year unless
     otherwise mutually agreed) in order to facilitate the allocation and
     establishment of the invention and patent rights under these provisions.

H.   Patent Filing Responsibilities and Costs: The invention and patent rights
     set forth herein shall apply to any patent application filed and patents
     obtained in any country, and each party is responsible for its own costs of
     preparing, prosecuting, issuing, and maintaining patents covering sole
     inventions in any country; except that NASA and NANOBAC may, upon the
     reporting of any invention (sole or joint) or in any license granted,
     mutually agree otherwise for any country as to patent application
     preparation, filing and prosecution responsibilities and costs, and
     maintenance responsibilities and costs. As to any invention made jointly
     between NASA employees (or employees of a NASA contractor) and employees of
     NANOBAC and for which NANOBAC files a patent application, NANOBAC agrees to
     include the following statement therein: The invention described herein may
     be manufactured and used by or for the U.S. Government for U.S. Government
     purposes without the payment of royalties thereon or therefore.

I.   Related Inventions: For the purposes of this paragraph, a related invention
     is an invention related to the subject matter of this Agreement, but not
     made as a consequence of, or in direct relation to, the performance of
     activities of the Agreement, and covered by a patent application or patent,
     title to which has been assigned or otherwise vested in NASA. NASA will use
     reasonable efforts to bring such inventions to the attention of NANOBAC
     either prior to, or during the course of this Agreement, and to the extent
     such inventions are available for licensing and consistent with the
     requirements of 37 CFR Part 404, will enter into negotiations for a
     commercial license as contemplated by this Agreement.


A.   Definitions: The rights in data set forth herein are applicable to any
     employees, contractors or subcontractors, or other entities having a
     fiduciary or contractual relationship with NANOBAC that are assigned,
     tasked, or contracted with to perform specified NANOBAC activities under
     this Agreement. The term "data," as used herein, means recorded
     information, regardless of form, the media on which it may be recorded, or
     the method of recording. The term includes, but is not limited to, data of

                                                                         8 of 15

     a scientific or technical nature, computer software and documentation
     thereof, and data comprising commercial and financial information.

B.   General: Data exchanged between NASA and NANOBAC under this Agreement will
     be exchanged without restriction as to its disclosure, use, or duplication
     except as otherwise marked or as otherwise provided below in this
     provision. No preexisting proprietary data will be provided to NANOBAC
     under this Agreement unless specifically authorized, in writing, by the
     owner of the proprietary data.

C.   Background Data: In the event it is necessary for NANOBAC to furnish NASA
     with data that existed prior to, or was produced outside of, this
     Agreement, and such data embody trade secrets or comprise commercial or
     financial information that is privileged or confidential, and such data is
     so identified with a suitable notice or legend, the data will be maintained
     in confidence and disclosed and used by NASA and its contractors (under
     suitable protective conditions) only for the purpose of carrying out NASA's
     responsibilities under this Agreement. Upon completion of activities under
     this Agreement, such data will be disposed of as requested by NANOBAC.

D.   Data Produced by NANOBAC under this Agreement: In the event data first
     produced by NANOBAC in carrying out NANOBAC's responsibilities under this
     Agreement is furnished to NASA, and NANOBAC considers such data to embody
     trade secrets or to comprise commercial or financial information that is
     privileged or confidential, and such data is so identified with a suitable
     notice or legend, the data will be maintained in confidence and disclosed
     and used by NASA and its contractors (under suitable protective conditions)
     only for research purposes by or on behalf of NASA.

E.   Data First Produced by NASA: As to data first produced by NASA in carrying
     out NASA's responsibilities under this Agreement and which data would
     embody trade secrets or would comprise commercial or financial information
     that is privileged or confidential if it had been obtained from NANOBAC,
     such data will, to the extent permitted by law, be appropriately marked
     with a notice or legend and maintained in confidence for a period of 5
     years after development of the information, with the express understanding
     that, during the aforesaid period, such data may be disclosed and used
     (under suitable protective conditions) by or on behalf of the Government
     for Government purposes only, and thereafter for any purpose whatsoever
     without restriction on disclosure and use. NANOBAC agrees not to disclose
     such data to any third party without NASA's written approval until the
     aforementioned restricted period expires.

F.   Data Disclosing an Invention: In the event data exchanged between NASA and
     NANOBAC discloses an invention for which patent protection is being
     considered, the disclosure and use of such data is not otherwise limited or
     restricted herein, and the furnishing party specifically identifies such
     data, the receiving party agrees to withhold such data from public
     disclosure for a reasonable time (presumed to be 1 year unless mutually
     agreed otherwise) in order for patent protection to be obtained.

                                                                         9 of 15

G.   Copyright: In the event data is exchanged with a notice indicating that the
     data is protected under copyright, such data will be presumed to be
     published and the following paid-up licenses shall apply:

     (1)  If it is indicated on the data that the data existed prior to, or was
          produced outside of, this Agreement, the receiving party and others
          acting on its behalf, may reproduce, distribute, and prepare
          derivative works for the purpose of carrying out the receiving party's
          responsibilities under this Agreement.

     (2)  If the furnished data does not contain the indication of (1) above, it
          will be assumed that the data was first produced under this Agreement,
          and the receiving party and others acting on its behalf, may
          reproduce, distribute, and prepare derivative works for any of its own
          purposes; provided, however, that NASA shall not authorize or permit
          any non-governmental person or entity (other than NANOBAC) to practice
          or otherwise exploit any such data for other than Federal Governmental

H.   Oral and visual information: If information that NANOBAC considers to
     embody trade secrets or to comprise commercial or financial information
     which is privileged or confidential is disclosed orally or visually to
     NASA, such information must be reduced to tangible, recorded form (i.e.,
     converted into data as defined herein), identified and marked with a
     suitable notice or legend as required by paragraphs C. and D. above, and
     furnished to NASA within fifteen business days after such oral or visual
     disclosure, or NASA shall have no duty to limit or restrict, and shall not
     incur any liability for, any disclosure and use of such information.

I.   Disclaimer of Liability: Notwithstanding the above, NASA shall not be
     restricted in, nor incur any liability for, the disclosure and use of the
     following --

     (1)  Data not identified with a suitable notice or legend as set forth in
          paragraphs C. and D.; nor

     (2)  Information contained in any data for which disclosure and use is
          restricted under paragraphs C., D., and E. above, if such information
          is or becomes generally known without breach of the above, is known to
          or is generated by NASA independently of carrying out responsibilities
          under this Agreement, is rightfully received from a third party
          without restriction, or is included in data which NANOBAC has, or is
          required to furnish to the U.S. Government without restriction on
          disclosure and use.

J.   Data Subject to Export Control: Technical data, whether or not specifically
     identified or marked, that is subject to the export laws and regulations of
     the United States and that is provided to NANOBAC under this Agreement will
     be treated as such, and will not be further provided to any foreign persons
     without proper U.S. Government authorization, where required.

                                                                        10 of 15

K.   Publication of Results: Recognizing that the dissemination of the results
     of NASA's activities is one of the considerations for a nonreimbursable
     Space Act Agreement, the parties agree to acknowledge NANOBAC as the source
     of the materials and material methods in all publications. Each party
     agrees that all potential publications arising out of activities related to
     this Agreement shall be subject to the consent and approval requirements
     under this Agreement. Any review by a party for such purpose may include,
     but will not necessarily be limited to, ensuring data accuracy, proper
     contributor credit/acknowledgement, determination of most appropriate
     journal for submission, protection of patentable subject matter, and
     protection of confidential information.

     Each party shall provide to the other a copy of any proposed publication or
     presentation at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the submission of
     such proposed publication or presentation to a journal, editor, or other
     third party, except to the extent that the substantive content of such
     proposed publication or presentation does not materially differ from what
     previously has been approved by the other party. Upon receipt of any such
     proposed publication or presentation, the receiving party shall have thirty
     (30) days to object in writing to such proposed publication on reasonable
     grounds; and, the same shall be deemed approved and consented to unless
     objection is received within such period..


Neither this Agreement nor any interest arising under it shall be assigned by
NANOBAC or JSC without the express consent of, as to JSC, its Director, Space
and Life Sciences (or such person's successor or designee), or, as to NANOBAC,
its president or any vice president.


JSC and NANOBAC agree that U.S. Federal law shall govern this Agreement for all
purposes, including, but not limited to, determining its validity, the meaning
of its provisions, and the rights, obligations and remedies of the parties.


This Agreement shall become effective upon the last signature hereto, and will
remain in effect for a period of three (3) years. This Agreement may be
unilaterally terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice, or may be
terminated at any time, upon mutual written agreement of both parties. The
rights and obligations provided in Articles VIII, IX, X, and XI shall survive
the termination of this Agreement.

                                                                        11 of 15


This Agreement is entered into by the Director of the Space and Life Sciences
ADMINISTRATION, in accordance with authority set forth in Sections 203(c)(5) and
203(c)(6) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, and NPD
1050.1F and redelegation of authority letter, dated November 13, 2001


/s/ Jeffrey R.Davis                             September 8, 2004
- ----------------------------------              -------------------------------
Jeffrey R. Davis                                Date
Director, Space and Life Sciences
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


/s/ Alex Edwards                                September 2, 2004
- ----------------------------------              -------------------------------
Alex Edwards                                    Date

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                                   SCHEDULE A

Name                             MSDS/JSC          Storage
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
DMEM                                               +4oC
Gibco (Cat#11965-092)
Ca-free DMEM                                       +4oC
Gibco (Cat#21068-028)
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
L-glutamine                      31982             -20oC
FBS                                                -20oC
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
BSA                              28262             +4oC
PBS tablets                                        +4oC
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
HCl                              1995              Room temperature (RT), in cabinet for
                                                   acid storage
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Glacial acetic acid              42                (RT), in cabinet for acid storage
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Citric acid                      950               (RT), in cabinet for acid storage
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Boric acid                       624               (RT), in cabinet for acid storage
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
NaOH                             3658              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Ethanol                          8419              RT, in cabinet for flammables
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Methanol                         2497              RT, in cabinet for flammables
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
2-Merchaptoethanol               12954             +4oC
EDTA solution (1M)               18020             RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Coomasie Brillant blue           4671              RT
Glutaraldehyde                   35321             +4oC
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Formaldehyde                     27599             RT
SDS                              3644              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Na2C03                           3613              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
MgCl2                            2389              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
KH2PO4                           3131              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Na2HPO4                                            RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
KCl                              3095              RT
NaCl                             3634              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Tris-HCl                         28347             RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Tris base                        29755             RT
NaHCO3                           3611              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Sodium citrate                   3636              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
Glycine                          1847              RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
*Nanobacteria detection kits                       +4oC
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
*Nanobacteria specific                             -20oC
monoclonal antibodies
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
*Nucleic acid isolation kits                       RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------
*Protein detection kits                            RT
- -------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------

                                                                                     13 of 15

Equipments                    *Mammalian cell culture incubator
                              PH meter
                              Millipore ultra-pure water system
                              Pipet filler
                              Micropipet sets
                              Inverted microscope
                              Heating block for eppendorfs
                              Desicator cabinet
                              Centrifuge (eppendorf) with cooling system 14000g
                              Vacuum pump
                              Water bath
                              Magnetic stirrer with heater
                              Analytical balances (kg and mg levels)
Disposables                   Sterile petri dishes
                              Culture vessels
                              Sterile pipets
                              50 ml sterile centrifuge tubes
                              Glass pipets
                              Plastic disposable transfer pipets
                              Pasteur pipets
                              Slides and coverslips
                              Surgical scalpels
                              Sterilization filters
Glass ware                    Beakers (10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000,
                                        2000, 4000 ml)
                              Thermomiters (digital)
                              Cylinders in various sizes
                              Glass bottles (in various sizes)
Other                         Color coded autoclavable identification tapes.
                              Various sizes tube racks
                              Bulbs for small pipets
                              Glass pipet holder (plastic)
                              Stainless steel lab cart

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                              Sprayer bottles
                              Biohazard autoclave bags
                              Autoclave bags
                              Drop dispensing bottles
                              Marking tapes
                              Whatman papers

*        Nanobac provided

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