1,000,000 Shares of Common Stock


     Accelr8  Technology  Corporation  ("Accelr8"  or the  "Company")  is hereby
offering  1,000,000  shares of its Common Stock.  The Company's  Common Stock is
traded in the  over-the-counter  market on the Nasdaq Electronic  Bulletin Board
under the symbol "ACLY." On November 18, 1996, the closing bid and ask prices as
reported  on  the  Nasdaq  Electronic  Bulletin  Board  were  $2.00  and  $2.03,
respectively,  before giving effect to the  one-for-four  reverse stock split of
the  Company's  outstanding  Common Stock.  The Company's  Common Stock has been
approved for inclusion in the Nasdaq  National  Market under the symbol  "ACLYD"
effective upon  commencement of this offering.  The public offering price of the
Common Stock has been  determined  by  negotiations  between the Company and the
Underwriter,  based in part  upon the most  recent  bid  price of the  Company's
Common Stock. See "Underwriting" and "Price Range of Common Stock."

             See "Risk Factors" beginning on page 4 for information
                     prospective investors should consider.


                                Price to            Underwriting             Proceeds to the
                                 Public            Commissions(1)            Company(2)(3)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Per share                        $7.00               $0.49                     $6.5
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                          $7,000,000           $490,000                 $6,510,000

(1)  Excludes a  non-accountable  expense  allowance  equal to 1.5% of the gross
     proceeds  of this  offering  payable to the  Underwriter,  and the value of
     warrants to purchase  up to 34,500  shares of Common  Stock to be issued to
     the  Underwriter.  The  Company  has agreed to  indemnify  the  Underwriter
     against certain liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act
     of 1933, as amended (the "Act"). See "Underwriting."
(2)  Before  deducting  expenses  payable by the Company  estimated  at $318,572
     including the Underwriter's non-accountable expense allowance.
(3)  Certain  employees of the Company  holding options and warrants to purchase
     the Company's  Common Stock have granted to the Underwriter a 45-day option
     to   purchase   up  to   150,000   additional   shares   solely   to  cover
     over-allotments, if any. The Company will not receive any proceeds from the
     sale of such shares. See "Underwriting."

     The shares of Common Stock are offered by the Underwriter  subject to prior
sale when,  as and if  delivered to and accepted by it, and subject to the right
of the  Underwriter  to  withdraw,  cancel or modify  such  offer and reject any
orders in whole or in part, and subject to certain other conditions as set forth
in the Underwriting  Agreement  between the Company and the  Underwriter.  It is
expected that delivery of the  certificates for such shares will be made against
payment therefor at the offices of Janco Partners,  Inc. in Denver,  Colorado on
or about November 25, 1996. JANCO PARTNERS, INC.

                The date of this Prospectus is November 18, 1996.

                              [GRAPHIC OMITTED HERE

         The  Company  intends to furnish to its  shareholders,  annual  reports
which  include  audited  financial  statements  reported  on by its  independent
accountants  for each fiscal year, and quarterly  reports  containing  unaudited
financial  information  for the first three  quarters of each year.  The Company
will continue to comply with the periodic reporting  requirements  imposed under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act").





                               PROSPECTUS SUMMARY

     The  following  summary is qualified  in its entirety by the more  detailed
information and financial  statements and notes thereto  appearing  elsewhere in
this  Prospectus.  Unless otherwise  indicated,  all share and per share data in
this  Prospectus  gives  effect to a  one-for-four  reverse  stock  split of the
outstanding  Common  Stock which  became  effective  at the close of business on
November 18, 1996,  and assume no exercise of the  Underwriter's  over-allotment
option or options  granted or reserved under the Company's stock option plans or
warrants  currently  outstanding.  Certain  terms  used in this  Prospectus  are
defined in the Glossary beginning at page 37.

The Company

     Accelr8  Technology  Corporation  (the "Company" or "Accelr8") is a leading
provider of software tools and consulting services for the conversion of Digital
Equipment   Corporation's   ("DEC")   VAX/VMS   Legacy   Systems  to  UNIX  open
Client/Server  environments.  VAX/VMS Legacy Systems use a Proprietary  computer
operating system which is not compatible with other manufacturers'  hardware and
software applications. In contrast, UNIX is a powerful, open architecture system
which  is  compatible  with a wide  range of  hardware  platforms  and  software
applications,  including commercial off-the-shelf software ("COTS"). The Company
believes  that UNIX has  become the most  widely  used  Client/Server  operating
system,  and that the trend to  Client/Server  Open  Systems  such as the system
offered by UNIX and Microsoft  Corporation's  Windows NT operating system ("NT")
will continue for the foreseeable  future.  In order to attain the advantages of
UNIX while preserving their investment in existing software  applications,  many
VAX/VMS users will undertake  complex  conversions to the UNIX operating system.
The  Company's  consulting  services  and software  conversion  tools enable the
Company's  clients  to  analyze  and  implement  their  UNIX  conversions  in  a
predictable and cost-effective manner.

     Based  on  information   published  by  DEC  and  other  industry  sources,
management  estimates  that  over  600,000  VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems  have  been
installed  and that at least  450,000 of such systems are  currently in use. The
Company's  clients  have  consisted  primarily  of Fortune  1000  companies  and
governmental  agencies that utilize one or more VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems.  These
organizations  typically  have  significant  technology  budgets  and  recurring
systems  development and maintenance  needs which the Company  addresses through
its software tools and consulting services. The Company's clients include, among
others,  Electronic Data Systems Corp., Proctor & Gamble, Kellogg Co., McDonnell
Douglas  Corp.,  Delta Air Lines Corp.,  Daimler Benz AG, the United States Army
and the United States Navy.

     The Company's total revenues have increased from $688,885 in fiscal 1994 to
$2,097,011 in fiscal 1996, and net income increased from a loss of ($261,750) in
fiscal 1994 to $1,192,780 in fiscal 1996.  The growth in revenues and net income
reflects the Company's decision in fiscal 1994 to develop specialized consulting
services  which  can be  delivered  with  the  Company's  software  tools  as an
integrated  solution to clients'  conversion  needs.  The  Company's  consulting
services  accounted  for  approximately  51% of 1996  revenues.  The  growth  in
revenues and net income also  reflects  the  Company's  success in  establishing
international  sales, which accounted for approximately 15% of total revenues in
fiscal 1996 as compared to approximately 7% of total revenues in fiscal 1995.

     The Company is currently engaged in the development of additional  software
tools which will complement its existing suite of conversion tools and services.
The Company has commenced  development  of software tools that are to be used in
converting  VAX/VMS  Legacy Systems to the NT operating  system,  running on DEC
Alpha  servers.  The Company has also  completed  preliminary  development  of a
software tool that identifies  "Year 2000 Problems" in the VAX/VMS  environment.
The Year 2000 Problem is expected to create  widespread  system  failures due to
the use of  computer  programs  that rely on  two-digit  date  codes to  perform
computations and other decision-making  functions.  The Company expects to use a
portion of the net proceeds from this  offering to complete and introduce  those
products during the second calendar quarter of 1997.

     The Company's objective is to enhance its position as a leading provider of
software  tools and  consulting  services  which are targeted to VAX/VMS  Legacy
System conversions and related  Re-engineering  services. The Company's strategy
for  achieving  its  objectives  includes:   (i)  continuing  to  emphasize  the
integration  of  specialized  consulting  services with the  Company's  suite of
software  tools,   including  the   establishment  of  up  to  ten  three-person
"conversion  teams" in order to staff the  anticipated  increase  in  conversion
projects to be performed by the Company;  (ii)  developing and  introducing  new
software tools and services, such as those relating to the Year 2000 Problem and
conversion from VAX/VMS Legacy Systems to NT running on DEC Alpha servers; (iii)
development of relationships with significant  providers of outsourcing services
for an entity's  information  technology  needs;  (iv)  expanding  the Company's
international marketing programs,  particularly in Europe and Asia; (v) securing
additional consulting projects from existing and future clients; (vi) continuing
to target large  corporations and government  agencies which require  integrated
solutions to their Legacy System  conversion  needs;  and (vii)  investing in or
acquiring complementary businesses, technologies or product lines.


     The  Company  was  incorporated  in the  State of  Colorado  in  1982.  The
Company's  executive  offices  are located at 303 East 17th  Avenue,  Suite 108,
Denver, Colorado, and its telephone number is (303) 863-8088.

                                  The Offering

Common Stock offered by the
  Company                          1,000,000 shares

Common Stock Outstanding after
  the Offering                     6,492,500 shares(1)

Use of Proceeds                    For  (i)  creation  of  additional  technical
                                   teams  to  work  on  Legacy  Code  conversion
                                   projects;  (ii)  completion  of a  Year  2000
                                   Problem  audit  and  analysis  tool  for  the
                                   VAX/VMS   customer   base  and  the   related
                                   expansion of technical and  marketing  staff;
                                   (iii)  development  of products to capitalize
                                   on the VAX/VMS to NT  conversion  opportunity
                                   and the related  expansion of  technical  and
                                   marketing  staff;   (iv)  acquisition  of  or
                                   investment   in   complementary   businesses,
                                   technologies   or  product  lines;   and  (v)
                                   general corporate purposes, including working
                                   capital and hiring of  additional  managerial
                                   and technical personnel.

Nasdaq National Market Symbol      ACLYD(2)

- ---------------------------------------
(1)  Excludes  475,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of employee
     stock  options  and  1,200,000  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the
     exercise of warrants and options held by an affiliate.  The Underwriter has
     agreed  to cover  over-allotments  from the  exercise  of  90,000  employee
     options  and 60,000  warrants.  See  "Management--Compensation  Pursuant to
(2)  Prior to the  commencement of this offering the Company's  Common Stock was
     traded on the Electronic Bulletin Board under the symbol ACLY.



                          Summary Financial Information

                  (In thousands of dollars, except share data)

                                                                             Year Ended July 31,
Statement of Operations Data:                                      1994             1995              1996
                                                                   ----             ----              ----
     Consulting fees                                             $     41         $    294         $   1,075
     Product license and customer support fees                        415              751               684
     Resale of purchased software                                     150              338               338
     Other revenues                                                    83                -                 -
  Total revenue                                                       689            1,383             2,097
  Income (loss) from operations                                      (269)             370             1,114
  Net income (loss)                                                  (262)             382             1,193
  Net income (loss) per share                                       (.048)            .058              .177
  Weighted average shares outstanding                           5,492,500        6,591,000         6,733,877

                                                   July 31, 1996
                                          Actual         As Adjusted(1)
                                          ------         --------------
Balance Sheet Data:
 Working capital                          $ 1,704          $ 7,895
 Total assets                               2,317            8,508
 Total liabilities                            377              377
  Shareholders' equity                      1,940            8,131
- --------------------------------------

(1)  Adjusted to reflect the sale of 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock offered by
     the Company hereby,  at a public  offering price of $7.00 per share,  after
     deducting the estimated  underwriting  discount and offering expenses,  and
     after giving effect to the one-for-four Common Stock reverse split.


                                  RISK FACTORS

     In  addition  to the  other  information  in this  Prospectus,  prospective
investors should  carefully  consider the following risk factors prior to making
an investment in the Common Stock offered hereby.

     Dependence on Key Employees. The Company's success depends to a significant
extent upon a number of key management and technical personnel,  the loss of one
or more of whom could have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of
operations.  The  Company  carries  key man life  insurance  on seven of its key
employees,  including Thomas V. Geimer, Harry J. Fleury, Franz Huber and Timothy
Fitzpatrick,  in the  amount  of  $250,000  for each  individual.  The  Board of
Directors has adopted  resolutions  under which  one-half of the proceeds of any
such  insurance  will be dedicated to a  beneficiary  designated by the insured.
There can be no assurance  that the proceeds from such life  insurance  policies
would be  sufficient  to  compensate  the  Company  for the loss of any of these
employees,  and these  policies do not  provide  any  benefits to the Company if
these employees  become  disabled or are otherwise  unable to render services to
the Company.  Further, the Company does not currently have employment agreements
with any of its officers or key employees, and does not currently intend to have
such  employment  agreements  in the  future.  The  Company  believes  that  its
continued  success  will  depend in large part upon its  ability to attract  and
retain  highly-skilled  technical,  managerial,  sales and marketing  personnel.
There can be no assurance  that the Company will be successful in attracting and
retaining  the  personnel  it requires  to develop  and market new and  enhanced
products and to conduct its operations successfully. See "Management."

     Management  of Growth.  The  Company's  rapid  growth in business in recent
quarters  has  placed  and may  continue  to place a  significant  strain on the
Company, particularly on its customer services organization.  Any failure by the
Company to respond quickly to the service needs of its customers could cause the
loss of customers and have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of
operations. The Company's future operating results will depend on its ability to
expand  its  services  organization  and  infrastructure  commensurate  with its
expanding  base of  customers  and on its  ability to  attract,  hire and retain
skilled  employees.  There can be no assurance  that the Company will be able to
effectively manage any future growth. See "Management's  Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

     Dependence  on  Conversion  of DEC VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems.  The Company's
principal  software  products and services  are  designed  for  conversion  from
VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems  to  UNIX  open  Client/Server  environments.  To  date
substantially  all of the  Company's  revenues  have been  derived from sales of
these products and services. Future revenues from sales of products and services
are therefore dependent upon users of VAX/VMS Legacy Systems electing to convert
their data and applications to UNIX or NT environments. To the extent that users
of VAX/VMS Legacy Systems elect to abandon their VAX/VMS  applications and data,
and to rewrite  their  information  technology  systems  entirely  in UNIX or NT
environments  without  conversion,  the Company's  revenues and future prospects
could be materially and adversely affected. See "Business."

     Concentration of Revenues.  A significant portion of the Company's revenues
have been derived from substantial orders placed by a small number of customers.
As a result,  the Company's  revenues have been concentrated  among a relatively
small number of customers.  In fiscal 1996  revenues  from the  Company's  three
largest customers amounted to 42% of the Company's total revenues, and in fiscal
1995 only one customer  accounted  for  revenues in excess of 10% (i.e.,  11% of
total revenues).  The Company expects that it will continue to be dependent upon
a limited number of customers for significant portions of its revenues in future
periods.  Generally,  the Company is hired for a specific  project  that will be
completed  within a fixed  period of time.  Once a project  has been  completed,
customers  generally  will  not  require  significant  services  in the  future.
However, during particular periods, certain customers may be significant.  There
can be no assurance that revenues from customers that accounted for  significant
revenues in past  periods,  individually  or as a group,  will  continue,  or if
continued  will  reach or exceed  historical  levels in any future  period.  The
Company's  operating  results  may in  the  future  be  subject  to  substantial
period-to-period fluctuations as a consequence of such customer concentration.

     Reliance on Existing Products.  Substantially all of the Company's software
license fee revenues and its consulting  revenues are derived from the Company's


VAX/VMS conversion activities.  If license sales, consulting revenues or pricing
levels of Accelr8's products were to decline materially,  whether as a result of
technological change,  competition or any other factors, the Company's business,
results of operations and financial condition would be adversely affected.

     Ability to Respond to  Technological  Change.  The Company's future success
will depend  significantly  on its ability to enhance its current  products  and
develop or acquire and market new  products  which keep pace with  technological
developments  and evolving  industry  standards as well as respond to changes in
customer needs. There can be no assurance that the Company will be successful in
developing or acquiring product enhancements or new products to address changing
technologies and customer  requirements  adequately,  that it can introduce such
products on a timely basis,  or that any such products or  enhancements  will be
successful  in the  marketplace.  The  Company's  delay or failure to develop or
acquire  technological  improvements  or to adapt its products to  technological
change would have a material adverse effect on the Company's  business,  results
of operations and financial condition.

     Dependence Upon Proprietary  Technology;  Intellectual Property Rights. The
Company  relies  primarily on a combination  of  copyright,  trademark and trade
secret laws, employee and third party disclosure agreements,  license agreements
and other  intellectual  property  protection methods to protect its Proprietary
rights.  The Company's  Proprietary  software products are generally licensed to
customers  on a "right to use" basis  pursuant to a  perpetual,  nontransferable
license that generally  restricts use to the customer's internal purposes and to
a specific  computer  platform that has been assigned a "key code." However,  it
may be  possible  for  unauthorized  third  parties to copy or reverse  engineer
certain  portions of the Company's  products or obtain and use  information  the
Company  regards as  Proprietary.  The  Company  currently  has no  patents  and
existing trade secret and copy right laws provide only limited  protection.  The
Company's  competitive  position and  operations  may be  adversely  affected by
unauthorized use of its Proprietary  information,  and there can be no assurance
that the protections put in place by the Company will be adequate.

     There can be no assurance  that third parties will not assert  infringement
or other  claims  against the  Company  with  respect to any  existing or future
products,  or that licenses  would be available if any Company  technology  were
successfully  challenged by a third party, or if it became  desirable to use any
third-party technology to enhance the Company's products.  Litigation to protect
the  Company's  Proprietary  information  or to  determine  the  validity of any
third-party claims could result in significant expense to the Company and divert
the efforts of the Company's technical and management personnel,  whether or not
such  litigation  is  determined  in  favor of the  Company.  See  "Business  --
Intellectual Property."

     Competition.  The  market  for  the  Company's  products  and  services  is
competitive  and  subject  to rapid  change.  Further,  the  Company's  products
currently compete primarily in the conversion of VAX/VMS Legacy Systems to UNIX.
Management believes that there are only two companies that compete directly with
the Company in conversion from VAX/VMS Legacy Systems to UNIX Operating Systems.
However, management believes that the Company offers a broader range of products
and services than either of these competitors,  and is therefore able to compete
successfully  against  them.  Although  DEC does not offer its own  products for
conversion from its VAX/VMS Legacy Systems to UNIX,  should DEC choose to do so,
the  Company  could  be  materially  and  adversely  affected.  There  can be no
assurance that competitors will not develop products or alternative technologies
that: (i) are superior to the Company's  products;  (ii) achieve  greater market
acceptance; or (iii) make the Company's products obsolete. Further, there can be
no  assurance  that the Company  will be able to compete  successfully  with its
present or potential  competition,  or that competition will not have a material
adverse effect on the Company's  results of operations and financial  condition.
See "Business -- Competition."

     Possible  Volatility of Stock Price;  Dividend Policy.  Although the Common
Stock is expected to be approved  for  quotation on the Nasdaq  National  Market
upon notice of issuance, there can be no assurance that an active trading market
will  develop.  The  market  price  of the  Common  Stock  could be  subject  to
significant  fluctuations  in response to variations  in actual and  anticipated
quarterly  operating  results,   changes  in  earnings  estimates  by  analysts,
announcements of new products or technological innovations by the Company or its
competitors,  and other  events or  factors.  In  addition,  the  stocks of many
technology companies have experienced extreme price and volume fluctuations that
have often been unrelated to the companies' operating  performance.  The Company
does not intend to pay any cash dividends on its Common Stock in the foreseeable
future. See "Dividend Policy."


     Control by Management.  After  completion of this  offering,  the officers,
directors  and key  employees of the Company will own  approximately  26% of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock, and if they exercise all of the options and
warrants  that  they  currently  hold,  they will own  approximately  40% of the
Company's outstanding shares of Common Stock. Due to their stock ownership,  the
officers, directors and key employees may be in a position to elect the Board of
Directors  and,  therefore,  control the  business  and affairs of the  Company,
including certain significant  corporate actions such as acquisitions,  the sale
or purchase of assets and the issuance and sale of the Company's securities. See
"Principal Shareholders" and "Description of Securities--Common Stock."

     Shares Eligible for Future Sale;  Rights to Acquire Shares.  At the date of
this  Prospectus,  the Company has reserved  475,000  shares of Common Stock for
issuance on exercise of options  granted  under its stock option plan,  of which
options to purchase  475,000 shares were outstanding at July 31, 1996 ("Employee
Options").  Warrants and options to purchase an additional 1,200,000 shares also
were outstanding at July 31, 1996 ("Affiliate's Warrants").  The exercise prices
of the Employee  Options and Affiliate's  Warrants range from $0.24 per share to
$0.36 per share,  with a  weighted  average  exercise  price per share of $0.27.
Sales of Common Stock underlying  Employee  Options or Affiliate's  Warrants may
adversely  affect the price of the Common  Stock.  The existence of such options
and  warrants  may  adversely  affect the terms on which the  Company may obtain
additional equity capital in the future. In addition, the Board of Directors has
adopted   resolutions   establishing  an  incentive  stock  option  plan  and  a
non-qualified stock option plan, which will be submitted to the shareholders for
their approval. An aggregate of 1,000,000 additional shares of Common Stock have
been reserved for issuance under these two new plans.

     Short History of Profitability. Although the Company has been profitable in
each of the last two fiscal years,  it had an accumulated  deficit of $72,703 as
of July 31, 1996.  There can be no assurance  that revenue  growth or profitable
operations  can be sustained in the future.  See "  Management's  Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

     Immediate  Substantial  Dilution.  As of July 31, 1996,  the  Company's net
tangible  book  value  per  share  was  $0.35.  Based  on  certain  assumptions,
purchasers of shares of Common Stock in this offering will experience  immediate
substantial dilution of $5.75 per share. See "Dilution."

     Important  Factors  Related to  Forward-Looking  Statements  and Associated
Risks. This Prospectus  contains certain  forward-looking  statements within the
meaning of Section 27A of the Act and Section  21E of the  Exchange  Act and the
Company  intends  that such  forward-looking  statements  be subject to the safe
harbors created thereby. These forward-looking  statements include the plans and
objectives of management for future  operations,  including plans and objectives
relating to the products and future  economic  performance  of the Company.  The
forward-looking  statements  and associated  risks set forth in this  Prospectus
include or relate to (i) the  successful  development  and marketing of the Year
2000 Problem audit and analysis tool for the  DEC-installed  customer base; (ii)
increasing  sales  through the  creation of ten  three-person  conversion  field
teams; (iii) success of additional marketing initiatives to be undertaken by the
Company;  (iv) increases in international  sales as a result of the execution of
distribution  agreements in Australia and Southeast Asia; (v) expansion of sales
to the DEC-installed customer base; (vi) success of the Company's development of
its VAX/VMS  conversion  tool for NT users;  (vii) success in  diversifying  the
Company's  market  through  increasing  sales  to  non-DEC   customers;   (viii)
achievement of high gross profit margins by targeting larger conversion projects
in government  and  commercial  enterprises;  and (ix) success of the Company in
achieving  increases  in net sales  such that  cost of goods  sold and  selling,
general and administrative expenses decrease as a percentage of net sales.

     The  forward-looking  statements  included  herein  are  based  on  current
expectations   that  involve  a  number  of  risks  and   uncertainties.   These
forward-looking  statements  are  based on  assumptions  that the  Company  will
continue to provide  services and develop,  market and ship products on a timely
basis, that competitive  conditions within the software industry will not change
materially  or adversely,  that demand for the  Company's  products and services
will remain  strong,  that the Company will retain  existing  independent  sales
representatives and key management personnel,  that the Company's forecasts will
accurately  anticipate  market demand and that there will be no material adverse
change in the  Company's  operations  or business.  Assumptions  relating to the
foregoing  involve  judgments  with  respect  to,  among  other  things,  future
economic,  competitive and market conditions and future business decisions,  all
of which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are
beyond the  control of the  Company.  Although  the  Company  believes  that the


assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of the
assumptions  could prove  inaccurate and,  therefore,  there can be no assurance
that the results  contemplated in forward-looking  information will be realized.
In addition,  as disclosed elsewhere under other risk factors,  the business and
operations of the Company are subject to  substantial  risks which  increase the
uncertainty  inherent  in  such  forward-looking  statements.  In  light  of the
significant  uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking  information included
herein,  the  inclusion  of  such  information  should  not  be  regarded  as  a
representation  by the Company or any other person that the  objectives or plans
of the Company will be achieved.

                                 USE OF PROCEEDS

     The net  proceeds  to be  received  by the  Company  from  the  sale of the
1,000,000  shares of Common  Stock  offered by the Company are  estimated  to be
approximately  $6,191,428.  If the Underwriter's  over-allotment option is fully
exercised,  the Company  will not receive  any  proceeds  from the sale of those
shares by the Selling Warrantholder and the Selling Optionholders.  However, the
Company will receive the exercise price for all options and warrants exercised.

     The Company  expects to use  $2,000,000  of the net proceeds to finance the
creation of ten  three-person  conversion teams which will permit the Company to
staff  projects for larger Legacy Code  conversions.  Such proceeds will also be
used to purchase computer equipment and related software, furniture and fixtures
and  leasehold  improvements  required  to  support  the  conversion  teams.  In
addition,  the Company  expects to use $2,000,000 of the net proceeds to finance
completion  of the  Year  2000  Problem  audit  and  analysis  tool  for the DEC
installed  customer base, to expand the Company's  technical and marketing staff
to pursue expected growth in the services  portion of the Company's  business as
it relates to the Year 2000 Problem,  and for  advertising  and promotion of the
Company's Year 2000 capabilities.  The Company also expects to use approximately
$2,000,000 of the net proceeds to develop products that relate to the VAX/VMS to
NT conversion opportunity,  to hire the consultants who have been developing the
Company's NT conversion  products as employees rather than  consultants,  and to
expand the technical and marketing  staff to pursue the expected  growth in this
area.  See "  Business."  The balance of the  proceeds  will be used for working
capital and general corporate  purposes,  including hiring additional  personnel
and the possible investment in, strategic acquisition of or joint ventures with,
complementary businesses,  technologies or product lines. As of the date of this
Prospectus the Company has no plans, arrangements, understandings or commitments
with respect to any such material  investments,  acquisitions or joint ventures,
nor is the Company  engaged in  negotiations  with  respect to any such  matter.
There  can be no  assurance  that any such  investments,  acquisitions  or joint
ventures  will  become  available  on  terms  acceptable  to  the  Company.  See
"Business--Business Strategy."

         The foregoing  represents the Company's best estimate of the use of the
net  proceeds to be  received in this  offering  based on current  planning  and
business conditions. The Company reserves the right to change such uses when and
if market  conditions or unexpected  changes in operating  conditions or results
occur.  The  amounts  actually  expended  for each  use may  vary  significantly
depending upon a number of factors, including future sales growth and the amount
of cash  generated by the  Company's  operations.  Net proceeds not  immediately
required for the purposes  described above will be invested  principally in U.S.
government securities, short-term certificates of deposit, money market funds or
other short-term, interest-bearing securities.

                                 DIVIDEND POLICY

     The Company has never  declared or paid cash dividends on its Common Stock.
The Company plans to retain all future earnings (if any) for use in its business
and,  therefore,  does not anticipate  paying any cash or stock dividends in the
foreseeable  future.  Any  payment  of  cash  dividends  in the  future  will be
dependent upon the Company's financial  condition and results of operations,  as
well as other factors that the Board of Directors deems relevant.


                           PRICE RANGE OF COMMON STOCK

     The Company's Common Stock is traded in the over-the-counter  market on the
Nasdaq  Electronic  Bulletin  Board  under the  symbol  "ACLY."  Effective  upon
commencement of this offering,  the Common Stock has been approved for inclusion
on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol "ACLYD."

     The table set forth below presents the range, on a quarterly basis, of high
and low bid  prices  per  share of  Common  Stock as  reported  by the  National
Quotation Bureau, Inc. The prices have been adjusted to reflect the one-for-four
reverse  stock split that was  effected at the close of business on November 18,
1996. The quotations  represent prices between dealers and do not include retail
markup,  markdown  or  commissions  and may  not  necessarily  represent  actual

          Quarter Ended                   High Bid            Low Bid
      Fiscal 1995
          October 31, 1994                  .25                  .08
          January 31, 1995                  .16                  .08
          April 30, 1995                    .22                  .08
          July 31, 1995                     .56                  .08
      Fiscal 1996
          October 31, 1995                  .56                  .48
          January 31, 1996                  .64                  .44
          April 30, 1996                   1.50                  .80
          July 31, 1996                    4.00                 1.40

     The closing  bid price of the Common  Stock as of November  18,  1996,  was
$2.00 per share ($8.00 as adjusted for the  one-for-four  reverse  stock split).
The Company had  approximately  141  shareholders of record as of July 31, 1996,
which does not include  shareholders  whose shares are held in street or nominee



     The net tangible book value of the Company's Common Stock at July 31, 1996,
was  $1,939,716 or $0.35 per share.  Based upon the offering  price of $7.00 per
share,  the net tangible  book value per share will increase as a result of this
offering to  approximately  $1.25  (without  adjustment for other changes in net
tangible  book value  subsequent  to July 31,  1996),  resulting in an immediate
substantial  dilution to new shareholders of $5.75 per share (82.11%).  Dilution
is  the  reduction  in  value  of  the  investor's  investment  measured  by the
difference  between  the  price  per share in the  public  offering  and the net
tangible book value per share at July 31, 1996,  plus the increase  attributable
to purchases by  shareholders  in this  offering.  "Net  tangible book value per
share" represents the amount of total tangible assets,  less total  liabilities,
divided by the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding. The following table
illustrates  the  per  share  effect  of this  dilution  on  purchasers  in this
offering. See "Description of Securities" and "Financial Statements."

Public Offering Price Per Share                                $7.00

Net Tangible Book Value Per
  Share at July 31, 1996(1)                          $0.35

Increase Per Share Attributable
  to Purchases by New Shareholders                   $ .90
Pro Forma Net Tangible Book Value
  Per Share After Offering(2)                                   $1.25
Dilution to New Shareholders                                    $5.75

Percent of Offering Price                                       82.11%

- --------------------------------------
(1)  Amount results from subtracting the total liabilities and intangible assets
     of the Company  from its total  assets and  dividing  the  remainder by the
     number of shares of Common Stock outstanding.
(2)  Includes the net tangible book value of  $1,939,716 at July 31, 1996,  plus
     estimated  net  proceeds of this  offering,  after  payment of expenses and
     underwriting discounts and commissions, of $6,191,428 Does not include: (i)
     34,500 shares  underlying the  Underwriter's  Warrants;  or (ii) the shares
     included in the over-allotment option.

     Based upon the sale of 1,000,000  shares at the offering price of $7.00 per
share to the  investors in this  offering,  investors in this  offering will own
approximately  15.4% of the issued and outstanding  Common Stock  (approximately
17.3% of the issued and outstanding Common Stock if the over-allotment option is
exercised in full).  This compares with 5,492,500 shares of Common Stock held by
existing  shareholders  of the  Company,  for  which  the  Company  was  paid an
aggregate  consideration of $2,012,419 upon initial  issuance,  or an average of
approximately $0.366 per share, and which will constitute approximately 84.6% of
the issued and outstanding  Common Stock following this offering  (approximately
82.7% if the  over-allotment  option is exercised in full).  Except as otherwise
stated,  the  foregoing  information  assumes no exercise of the  over-allotment
option,  no exercise of  outstanding  options or warrants and no exercise of the
Underwriter's  Warrants.  To the extent that  currently  outstanding  options or
warrants are exercised, there will be further dilution to new investors.



     The following table sets forth the capitalization of the Company as of July
31, 1996,  as adjusted to give effect to the sale of 1,000,000  shares of Common
Stock at the offering price of $7.00 per share (and after deducting underwriting
discounts  and  commissions  and  estimated  offering  expenses  payable  by the

                                                                            July 31, 1996
                                                                    Actual              As adjusted
                                                                    ------              -----------
Shareholders' equity:
     Common Stock,  without par value;
       11,000,000 shares authorized;  5,492,500
       shares issued and outstanding at July 31, 1996;
       6,492,500 issued and outstanding, as adjusted(1)            $1,970,970           $8,162,398
     Contributed capital                                               41,449               41,449
     Accumulated deficit                                              (72,703)             (72,703)
                                                                   ----------           ----------
     Total shareholders' equity                                    $1,939,716           $8,131,144
                                                                   ==========           ==========
          Total capitalization                                     $1,939,716           $8,131,144
                                                                   ==========           ==========

- -------------------------------------------
(1)  Excludes (i) 475,000  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon exercise of the
     Employee  Options;  and (ii) 1,200,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon
     exercise  of  the  Affiliate's  Warrants.   See   "Management--Compensation
     Pursuant to Plans ." Gives effect to the one-for-four  reverse split of the
     issued  and  outstanding  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  that was
     effected at the close of business on November 18, 1996.

                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

     The following  selected  financial data should be read in conjunction  with
the financial  statements and related notes thereto appearing  elsewhere in this
Prospectus and "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations." The selected financial data as of July 31, 1995 and 1996
and for each of the three  years in the  period  ended  July 31,  1996 have been
derived from the financial  statements of the Company which have been audited by
the  Company's   independent   auditors  and  are  included  elsewhere  in  this
Prospectus.  The selected financial data for each of the two years in the period
ended July 31, 1993 have been derived from the audited  financial  statements of
the Company not included herein.  The selected  financial data provided below is
not  necessarily  indicative  of the future  results of  operations or financial
performance of the Company.

                                                                                 Year Ended July 31,
Statement of Operations Data:                          1992            1993            1994             1995            1996
                                                       ----            ----            ----             ----            ----
                                                                        (in thousands except per share data)
    Product license and customer support fees         $ 626           $ 769           $ 415            $ 751           $ 684
    Resale of purchased software                         --              37             150              338             338
    Consulting fees                                      --              71              41              294           1,075
    Other revenues                                       --              --              83               --              --
  Total revenue                                         626             877             689            1,383           2,097
  Income (loss) from operations                       (225)            (20)           (269)              370           1,114
  Net income (loss)                                   (218)            (10)           (262)              382           1,193
  Net income (loss) per share                       $(.044)         $(.002)         $(.048)            $.058           $.177
                                                    =======         =======         =======            =====           =====
  Weighted average shares outstanding             4,956,667       5,492,500       5,492,500        6,591,000       6,733,877

                                                 July 31
                                      1995                      1996
                                      ----                      ----
Balance Sheet Data:
  Working capital                    $ 500                    $  1,704
  Current assets                       731                       2,011
  Current liabilities                  231                         307
  Total assets                         978                       2,317
  Total liabilities                    231                         377
  Shareholders' equity                 747                       1,940




     The Company began to develop software conversion tools for VAX/VMS users to
convert  to UNIX  environments  in  1987.  The  Company's  total  revenues  have
increased  from $688,885 in fiscal 1994 to  $2,097,011  in fiscal 1996,  and net
income has  increased  from a loss of ($261,750) in fiscal 1994 to $1,192,780 in
fiscal  1996.  The growth in  revenues  and net income  reflects  the  Company's
decision in fiscal 1994 to develop specialized  consulting services which can be
delivered  with the  Company's  software  tools  as an  integrated  solution  to
clients'  conversion  needs.  The Company's  consulting  services  accounted for
approximately  51% of 1996 revenues.  The growth in revenues and net income also
reflects  the  Company's  success in  establishing  international  sales,  which
accounted for  approximately 15% of total revenues in fiscal 1996 as compared to
7% of total revenues in fiscal 1995. Future revenues from sales of the Company's
products  and  services  are  dependent  upon  users of VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems
continuing  to elect  to  convert  their  data  and  applications  to UNIX or NT
environments.  For further information  concerning the Company's dependence upon
conversion of DEC VAX/VMS Legacy Systems, please see "Risk Factors -- Dependence
on Conversion of DEC VAX/VMX Legacy Systems."

     The Company  derives its revenue  primarily  from  software  license  fees,
software  maintenance fees and professional service fees. The Company's software
is licensed to primarily  Fortune 1000 companies and governmental  organizations
worldwide.  Professional  services are  provided in  conjunction  with  software
products and also are sold separately if required by the customer.  In addition,
the Company  realizes  license  revenue from sales of software by licensees  who
have  embedded the  Company's  software in their  software  pursuant to run time
licenses.  The  Company's  products and services are marketed  through its sales
force, both domestically and internationally.

         Revenue  is  recognized  for   consulting   services  as  services  are
performed.  Revenue is  recognized  on  product  licensing  agreements  when the
Company  substantially  completes  its  obligations  under the agreement and the
customer has accepted the product.  Revenue is recognized  for customer  support
services on maintenance  agreements using the straight-line method over the term
of the  agreement.  In  connection  with  its  software  business,  the  Company
functions as a value-added  reseller of computer  software,  in that it licenses
certain software from unaffiliated third parties that is included within certain
of its  software  products.  The Company  recognizes  revenue  when the computer
software is delivered.

Results of Operations

     The following table sets forth, for the periods  indicated,  the percentage
of net sales  represented by certain items included in the Company's  Statements

of Operations:

                                                             Fiscal year ended July 31,
                                                  1994                   1995                   1996
                                                  ----                   ----                   ----
Total revenues                                   100.00%                100.00%                100.00%
Cost of services                                  19.40                  10.69                  14.86
Cost of software purchased for resale             10.17                   7.32                   5.61
General and administrative                        43.94                  19.12                   9.34
Marketing and advertising                         43.37                  26.70                  15.50
Research and development                          22.10                   9.40                   1.57
                                                  -----                 ------                 ------
Income (loss) from operations                    (38.98)                 26.77                  53.12
Interest income                                    0.98                   0.89                   2.07
Income tax benefit                                 0.00                   0.00                   1.69
                                                 ------                 ------                 ------
Net income (loss)                                (38.00%)               27.66%                 56.88%
                                                =======                ======                 ======


Year Ended July 31, 1996 Compared to Year Ended July 31, 1995

     Total  revenues  for the year  ended July 31,  1996,  were  $2,097,011,  an
increase of  $714,475,  or 51.68%,  as compared to the year ended July 31, 1995.
Consulting fees for the year ended July 31, 1996, were  $1,074,744,  an increase
of  $780,614,  or 265.40% as  compared  to the year  ended  July 31,  1995,  and
represented  51.25% of total  revenues.  This increase  primarily  resulted from
management's  continued  emphasis  in fiscal  1996 on  marketing  of  consulting
services with less emphasis on marketing of products alone.  Management  expects
this trend to continue in the future.  Product license and customer support fees
for the year ended July 31, 1996, were $683,997, a decline of $66,587, or 8.87%,
as compared to the year ended July 31, 1995. This decline is consistent with the
emphasis  on  consulting  noted  above.  Revenues  from the resale of  purchased
software for the year ended July 31, 1996,  were $338,270,  an increase of $448,
or 0.13%, as compared to the year ended July 31, 1995.

     During the year ended July 31, 1996,  sales to the Company's  three largest
customers were $239,025, $282,100 and $353,075,  representing 11.40%, 13.45% and
16.84% of the Company's revenues, respectively. In comparison, sales to a single
customer  represented 10.88% of total revenues for the year ended July 31, 1995.
The loss of a major  customer  could have a significant  impact on the Company's
financial performance in any given year.

     Cost of  services  for the year  ended  July 31,  1996,  was  $311,534,  an
increase of $163,791,  or 110.86%,  as compared to the year ended July 31, 1995.
Cost of  services as a  percentage  of revenues  from both  consulting  fees and
product  license and customer  support fees  increased  from 14.14% for the year
ended July 31, 1995 to 17.71% for the year ended July 31,  1996.  This  increase
occurred principally because of the increased concentration of Company resources
and personnel in delivery of consulting services.

     Cost of software purchased for resale for the year ended July 31, 1996, was
$117,737,  an increase of $16,471 or 16.27%,  as compared to the year ended July
31, 1995. This increase was directly  related to the increased sales of products
and related consulting services.

     General and  administrative  expenses for the year ended July 31, 1996 were
$195,802,  a decrease of $68,563,  or 25.93%, as compared to the year ended July
31, 1995. This decrease was principally due to reduced salary cost that resulted
from the departure of a senior executive who was not replaced.

     Marketing  and  advertising  expenses for the year ended July 31, 1996 were
$324,962,  a decrease of $44,203,  or 11.97%, as compared to the year ended July
31, 1995. This decrease was  principally  due to decreased  advertising in trade
publications  and termination of direct mail  advertising.  Management  believes
that  advertising  the  Company's  services and products  electronically  on the
Company's web page is a more cost  efficient  and effective  method to reach the
Company's target markets.

     Research  and  development  expenses  for the year ended July 31, 1996 were
$33,038,  a decrease of $96,921,  or 74.58%,  as compared to the year ended July
31, 1995. This decrease resulted because technical  personnel  normally involved
in  research  and  development   provided  a  substantial  amount  of  technical
assistance in connection with the Company's  consulting  services.  For the year
ended July 31, 1996,  $193,621 of cost of service  represented  assistance  from
these technical personnel with consulting projects.

     Interest income for the year ended July 31, 1996, was $43,342,  an increase
of 250.78%,  as compared to the year ended July 31, 1995. This increase resulted
from  increased cash flows from  operations,  that could be invested in interest
bearing instruments.

     As a result of these factors,  operating income for the year ended July 31,
1996, was $1,113,938,  an increase of $743,900,  or 201.03%,  as compared to the
year ended July 31,  1995.  Net  income  for the year ended July 31,  1996,  was
$1,192,780,  an increase of $810,386,  or 211.92%, as compared to the year ended
July 31, 1995.

Year Ended July 31, 1995 Compared to Year Ended July 31, 1994

     Total  revenues  for the year  ended July 31,  1995,  were  $1,382,536,  an
increase of $693,651,  or 100.69%,  as compared to the year ended July 31, 1994.


Consulting fees for the year ended July 31, 1995, were $294,130,  an increase of
$252,980,  or  614.78%  as  compared  to the  year  ended  July  31,  1994,  and
represented  21.27% of total  revenues.  This increase  primarily  resulted from
management's  emphasis in fiscal 1995 on marketing of  consulting  services with
less  emphasis on  marketing  of products  alone.  Product  license and customer
support fees for the year ended July 31,  1995,  were  $750,584,  an increase of
$335,577,  or 80.86%, as compared to the year ended July 31, 1994. Revenues from
the  resale  of  purchased  software  for the year  ended  July 31,  1995,  were
$337,822,  an increase of  $188,129,  or 125.68%,  as compared to the year ended
July 31, 1994.

     During the year ended July 31, 1995, 10.88% of the Company's  revenues were
derived  from  sales  to a single  customer.  In  comparison,  sales to a single
customer  represented 14.96% of total revenues for the year ended July 31, 1994.
The  termination  or loss of a single large  customer  could have a  significant
impact on the Company's financial performance in any given year.

     Cost of  services  for the year  ended  July 31,  1995,  was  $147,743,  an
increase of  $14,108,  or 10.56%,  as compared to the year ended July 31,  1994.
Cost of  services as a  percentage  of revenues  from both  consulting  fees and
product license and customer support fees decreased to 14.14% for the year ended
July 31, 1995 from 29.30% for the year ended July 31, 1994.

     Cost of software purchased for resale for the year ended July 31, 1995, was
$101,266,  an increase of $31,182 or 44.49%,  as compared to the year ended July
31, 1994. This increase was directly  related to the increased sales of products
and related consulting services.

     General and  administrative  expenses for the year ended July 31, 1995 were
$264,365,  a decrease of $38,298,  or 12.65%, as compared to the year ended July
31, 1994. This decrease was largely due to reduced salary costs.

     Marketing  and  advertising  expenses for the year ended July 31, 1995 were
$369,165,  an increase of $70,405, or 23.57%, as compared to the year ended July
31, 1994. This increase was  principally  due to increased  advertising in trade
publications,  increased  use of  specific  product  literature  and direct mail

     Research  and  development  expenses  for the year ended July 31, 1995 were
$129,959,  a decrease of $22,286,  or 14.64%, as compared to the year ended July
31, 1994. This decrease resulted because technical  personnel  normally involved
in  research  and  development   provided  a  substantial  amount  of  technical
assistance in connection with the Company's  consulting  services.  For the year
ended July 31,  1995,  $21,187 of cost of service  represented  assistance  from
these technical personnel with consulting projects.

     Interest income for the year ended July 31, 1995, was $12,356,  an increase
of 83.00% as compared to the year ended July 31, 1994.  This  increase  resulted
from  increased  cash flow from  operations,  that could be invested in interest
bearing instruments.

     As a result of these factors,  operating income for the year ended July 31,
1995, was $370,038, an increase of $638,540, or 237.82%, as compared to the year
ended July 31, 1994.  Net income for the year ended July 31, 1995, was $382,394,
an increase  of  $644,144,  or  246.09%,  as compared to the year ended July 31,

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     The Company  has relied  principally  upon  internally  generated  funds to
finance its  operations  and growth.  During the year ended July 31,  1996,  the
liquidity  of  the  Company  improved  significantly  because  of a  substantial
increase in revenues  while  expenses  remained  relatively  stable from 1995 to
1996.  During the year ended July 31, 1996, cash and cash equivalents  increased
221.66% from $437,425 to $1,407,026.  The Company generated $1,075,515 cash from
operations  during the year ended July 31, 1996,  compared to $460,610 cash from
operations  generated during the year ended July 31, 1995.  Shareholders' equity
increased  159.69% from  $746,936 at July 31, 1995,  to  $1,939,716  at July 31,
1996.   The  primary   reasons  for  the  Company's   increased   liquidity  and
shareholders'  equity positions is the increased cash flow from  operations.  At
July  31,  1996,  the  Company  had  working  capital  of  $1,703,605  and  cash
equivalents  of  $1,407,026.  The net  proceeds to the Company  from the sale of
securities in this offering are estimated to be $6,191,428.  The Company expects
that the  internally  generated  funds and  funds  from  this  offering  will be
sufficient to satisfy its needs for at least the 12 months following  completion
of the offering.



     Accelr8 Technology  Corporation is a leading provider of software tools and
consulting services for the conversion from DEC's VAX/VMS Legacy Systems to UNIX
open  Client/Server  environments.  VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems  use a  Proprietary
computer  operating  system which is not  compatible  with other  manufacturers'
hardware and software. In contrast, UNIX is a powerful, open architecture system
which  is  compatible  with a wide  range of  hardware  platforms  and  software
applications, including COTS. The Company believes that UNIX has become the most
widely used Client/Server  operating system, and that the trend to Client/Server
Open  Systems such as the systems  offered by UNIX and NT will  continue for the
foreseeable future.

     In order to  attain  the  advantages  of the UNIX  operating  system  while
preserving  their  investment in existing  software  applications,  many VAX/VMS
users will  undertake  complex  conversions to the UNIX  operating  system.  The
Company's consulting services and software conversion tools enable the Company's
clients to analyze and implement  their UNIX  conversions  in a predictable  and
cost-effective  manner.  The Company's  clients include a number of Fortune 1000
companies  and  government  agencies,  including  Electronic  Data Systems Corp.
("EDS"), Proctor & Gamble, Kellogg Co., McDonnell Douglas Corp., Delta Air Lines
Corp., Daimler Benz AG, the United States Army and the United States Navy.

     The Company is currently engaged in the development of additional  software
tools which will complement its existing suite of conversion tools and services.
The Company has commenced  development  of software tools that are to be used in
converting  VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems  to  Microsoft   Corporation's  Windows  NT
operating  system running on DEC Alpha  servers.  The Company has also completed
preliminary development of a software tool that identifies Year 2000 Problems in
the VAX/VMS environment.  The Year 2000 Problem is expected to create widespread
system failures due to the use of computer  programs that rely on two-digit date
codes to perform computations and other decision-making  functions.  The Company
expects to use a portion of the net proceeds  from this offering to complete and
introduce those products during the second calendar quarter of 1997.


     In the 1970's many  businesses  and  governmental  organizations  relied on
mainframe  and  minicomputers  for critical  business  functions.  Each hardware
manufacturer sought to establish a competitive  advantage by developing "closed"
environments  which were  compatible  only with the  manufacturer's  Proprietary
equipment and software  applications.  Thus a customer was locked into a mission
critical   application   environment  which  would  only  operate  on  a  closed
Proprietary system, which ultimately became known as "Legacy Systems."

     Management believes that there has been a trend away from purchasing all of
a company's  hardware and software  from one vendor.  This trend was  originally
started by the federal government as a means to ensure competitive pricing among
vendors, and is now being followed by most  commercial/private  sector entities.
Under this  approach  bids are  obtained  from many  suppliers,  and one company
generally acts as the primary contractor.

     Management  believes that large hardware  manufacturers,  like IBM and DEC,
can no  longer  control  the  entire  purchasing  decision  for  large  computer
enterprises  without  including  an element of  competitive  price and  offering
access to open architecture  systems such as UNIX or NT. Further, end users have
realized  that  dependence  on a single  supplier  is  non-economic  in terms of
performance  increases at reasonable prices. In more recent years the trend away
from a single vendor has been accelerated by  technological  advances which make
possible  widely  distributed  Client/Server  environments.  Local area  Network
servers  or "LANS" can be  installed  on a variety  of  equipment  and allow for
application development in standard languages such as UNIX.

     Mid-range computers are either older Legacy Systems or newer "Open Systems"
servers.  Legacy  Systems  are almost  always  provided  by a single  vendor and
feature a Proprietary  operating  system,  while the newer, Open Systems servers


are supplied by numerous  vendors and usually  specify one of several  different
versions of the UNIX operating system.  One of the most popular legacy computers
has been  manufactured  by DEC and is called the VAX  hardware  system.  The VAX
Proprietary  operating  system is called  VMS.  While  many  different  hardware
manufacturers  have licensed the right to resell the UNIX operating  system from
AT&T,  the major  suppliers of hardware  that  feature  UNIX as their  operating
system are HP, SUN, SGI, IBM and DEC.

     Management  believes that within the computer user  community  Open Systems
are considered  more desirable than VAX/VMS  systems for the following  reasons:
(i)  UNIX   systems   offer   significant   upgraded   power   at   lower   cost
(price/performance)  than older VAX/VMS systems; (ii) UNIX systems are viewed as
being  "open"  since  they are  compatible  with a  variety  of  hardware  types
(Interoperability);  (iii) Industry-wide standards allow UNIX supported software
applications to run unchanged across a wide variety of hardware platforms;  (iv)
UNIX has become the new de-facto  development  environment for new applications;
and (v) significant savings can be realized from reduced maintenance overhead.

     As  a  result  of  these  UNIX  characteristics,  VAX/VMS  users  requiring
increased  performance  from  their  older,  existing  Proprietary  system,  may
consider  the  Company's  conversion  services to UNIX for: (i)  preserving  the
already  sizable  investment  in  existing  VAX/VMS  applications;  (ii)  a cost
effective  approach to maintaining user  productivity;  (iii) avoiding expensive
user re-training on a new operating system; (iv) allowing competitive bidding of
hardware and software for best price and service from several  vendors;  and (v)
extending the usable life of older systems.

     The Company believes that the primary deterrent to switching from a VAX/VMS
Legacy  System to a newer UNIX system is the  cost/risk of rewriting a critical,
dependable legacy application program to run in a new and different environment.
Uncertainty as to outcome, lack of available personnel to undertake the task, as
well as the costly re-training  process associated with learning a new operating
system,  have contributed to users and information  technology managers delaying
the decision to make the  transition  to faster,  less  expensive,  Open Systems
hardware platforms. Adding to the crisis, in many cases, the original developers
of the code are no longer  available for  consultation as to design goals and/or
specifications. It therefore becomes necessary to evaluate, condense and convert
old code to new  operating  system  environments.  While most  users,  given the
option, would elect to re-host their familiar software application to the faster
environment  of UNIX,  the  uncertainty  of a  conversion  causes slow  decision

     The Company has sought to address  VAX/VMS  users'  conversion  concerns by
offering a service  called  "Situational  Analysis"  that  provides  the user an
accurate  assessment of code (line count, system calls, etc.) and gives the user
a rating of  "Portability"  as to the degree of  difficulty  in moving  critical
legacy  applications  in advance of doing the  conversion.  This service assists
customers  with the  conversion  decision,  and  allows  the  Company  to become
sufficiently familiar with the customer's application to offer a fixed price bid
for the conversion.

     In general, the limited functionality of many existing tools, together with
the inability of some organizations to fully utilize available  technology,  has
created  increasing  demand  for  integrated  software   development  tools  and
professional  services to help organizations fully utilize available  technology
and improve  their own  maintenance  and  redevelopment  processes.  The Company
believes that the developing  Client/Server market will create additional demand
for software tools and professional services that enable organizations to reduce
the cost of maintenance and redevelopment of existing systems and redeploy these
resources for Client/Server  implementation.  In addition,  the Company believes
that  organizations  will seek to reuse  existing  DEC VAX/VMS  applications  in
Client/Server environments to leverage their existing systems investment.

Market Opportunity

     Based on published data from DEC and related industry analysts, the Company
estimates that there were in excess of 600,000 VAX/VMS systems installed at over
60,000 sites.  Recent figures from DEC suggest that over 450,000 VAX/VMS systems
remain in operation  today.  Most computer  manufacturers,  employing the latest
advances in "reduced  instruction  set computing"  ("RISC") chip  technology are
selling UNIX Operating Systems. UNIX systems are less costly and provide greater
Interoperability  than DEC's  VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems.  For this  reason,  UNIX
platforms are gaining  substantial  market share in DEC's  traditional  markets,
including  the  engineering  and  scientific  industry  segments.  The Company's
software  products  are  designed to meet the needs of those  industry  segments


wishing to convert their existing software and data from VAX/VMS systems to UNIX
systems. The Company has also completed preliminary  development of a conversion
tool set that will provide for conversion  from VAX/VMS systems to the NT system
running on DEC Alpha servers.

     Additionally,  many third-party  software  application  solution providers,
driven by market demand to offer their solutions on UNIX Operating Systems, have
utilized the Company's tools to convert their old VAX/VMS software  applications
to the UNIX environment.

     The Company has targeted several segments of the engineering and commercial
sectors.  These  include  aerospace,  telecommunications,  banking and financial
services,  defense  and  government  contractors,  pharmaceutical  firms,  large
manufacturers,  oil and gas  producers  and  distribution  and  warehousing  for
consumer  goods.  Major UNIX hardware  vendors,  including DEC,  Hewlett Packard
("HP"),  IBM, SUN Micro  Systems  ("SUN") and Silicon  Graphics,  Inc.  ("SGI"),
include the Company's  products in their  materials for UNIX systems.  DEC lists
the  Company's  products  in its price book as well as in the  General  Services
Administration  ("GSA") and Software  Enterprise  Workstation  Program  ("SEWP")

     In February 1992, DEC introduced a new generation of computers named Alpha.
Alpha runs DEC's Proprietary operating system VMS as well as an industry version
of UNIX called DEC UNIX and Microsoft Corporation's Windows NT operating system.
While this  system  provides  VMS on a RISC  platform,  many  industry  analysts
believe that current DEC  customers  will want to move to DEC UNIX or NT running
on Alpha. In order to preserve their VAX/VMS applications, these users will need
to convert  VAX/VMS  applications to either DEC UNIX or NT. DEC is not currently
providing  products  to convert  from  VAX/VMS  systems  to Alpha.  Accordingly,
management believes that Alpha presents a significant market opportunity for the

Business Strategy

     The Company's objective is to enhance its position as a leading provider of
integrated  solutions which will meet the conversion needs of VAX/VMS users. Key
elements of the Company's strategy include:

     Continue  Emphasis on  Consulting  Services  and  Establishment  of UNIX/NT
Conversion  Teams.  The Company intends to continue to emphasize the sale of its
integrated  consulting  services  in  conjunction  with its suite of  conversion
software tools. The Company will establish up to ten three-man  conversion teams
in order to perform UNIX and NT conversion  projects.  The conversion teams will
be comprised of software  engineers to be recruited  following the completion of
this offering.  The conversion teams will allow the Company to effectively staff
conversion  projects as the Company  achieves its  anticipated  growth (of which
there can be no assurance).

     Develop New  Products  and  Services.  The  Company  intends to continue to
develop  software  tools and  consulting  services  which  address the needs and
problems  encountered  in conversion of VAX/VMS  Legacy Systems as well as other
information technology environments.  The Company has allocated a portion of the
proceeds of this offering to the completion and  introduction  of software tools
to be used in converting  VAX/VMS Legacy Systems to NT  environments  running on
DEC's Alpha, as well as software  solutions to the Year 2000 Problem for VAX/VMS
users.  Management  believes that the successful  development  of  complementary
products  and  services  will allow the Company to  leverage  its  products  and
services into new and significantly larger markets.

     Outsourcing. The Company intends to position its software so that it may be
licensed by large outsourcing providers such as EDS, Lockheed Martin Corp., ISSC
and others,  thereby  increasing its license fees and  consulting  service fees.
Outsourcing offers organizations a complete  information  technology system on a
contract basis. Many larger  corporations have undertaken this approach in order
to reduce personnel costs and operating  overhead.  The outsourcing  provider is
generally able to provide the services on a more cost effective basis because of
economies of scale and volume  purchases  that are not  available to the typical


user. The Company assists the outsourcing provider (EDS and others) in obtaining
such cost savings by providing a quick and efficient  assessment of the presence
of Proprietary  systems, and the opportunity for efficient conversion from those
systems.  The Company can enable the rapid  transition  to Open Systems  thereby
reducing hardware and software maintenance costs for the outsourcing provider.

     Expand  International  Marketing  Activities.  In  fiscal  1995  and  1996,
revenues derived from international  clients totaled  approximately  $96,547 and
$318,393,  respectively.  The  Company's  international  clients  have  included
Daimler Benz, Renault V.I. and Alcatel.  The Company will continue to expand its
international  marketing activities to increase its market penetration in Europe
and Asia.

     Secure  Additional  Consulting  Projects.  In the course of performing UNIX
conversion  services,  the Company's  software  engineers and technical  support
staff establish close relationships with the information technology personnel of
client organizations.  Through these relationships,  the Company will attempt to
secure  additional  consulting  projects  which are within the  expertise of the
Company's  staff.  Such  projects  may, but need not, be related to the client's
UNIX  conversion  needs.  The Company  believes  that this strategy will enhance
client relationships while generating profitable consulting fees.

     Target Large  Corporations  and Government  Agencies.  The Company believes
that there are in excess of 450,000  VAX/VMS  systems  currently  in  operation.
These  systems are  generally  operated  by large  corporations  and  government
agencies. The Company will continue to identify and direct its marketing efforts
to  organizations  which  have  extensive  information  technology  environments
supported by substantial budgets.

     Investment in or Acquisition of Complementary  Businesses,  Technologies or
Product  Lines.  The  Company  intends to evaluate  opportunities  for growth or
expansion of its business through  investment in or acquisition of complementary
businesses,   technologies   or  product   lines.   Management   believes   that
opportunities  to  expand  will be  available  to the  Company  and  intends  to
investigate  opportunities  that are consistent with the Company's core business
and its expertise.

Services and Products

     Services.  The Company historically focused its marketing and sales efforts
on selling its various software conversion tools on a "stand-alone" basis. Since
fiscal  1995,  the Company  has  focused  its  efforts on selling an  integrated
package  consisting of both software  tools and the  consulting  services of its
highly trained and experienced  personnel.  Management believes that this change
in strategy better addressed clients needs for conversion  services.  Management
believes  that the  dramatic  increase in  revenues in fiscal 1995 and 1996,  as
compared to fiscal 1994, is directly attributable to this change in strategy and
the Company intends to continue this strategy in the future.

     The Company now offers a full  spectrum of services that are carried out by
the  Company's  personnel,  who  are  experts  in  both  the  VAX/VMS  and  UNIX
environments.  The  Company's  personnel  use Accelr8  tools that  automatically
identify and diagnose  difficult areas in porting an  application.  This enables
them to implement conversion  techniques that ensure successful  conversions and
porting. The Company offers the following services:

1)   Situational Analysis: The Company's personnel use automated tools and their
     expertise  to scan the  customer's  code while  on-site  at the  customer's
     facility.  Within four weeks,  a written report is provided to the customer
     identifying  the porting  issues and their  solution  options.  The code is
     rated on a scale of one to five as to its Portability.  If requested by the
     customer,  a bid to conduct the  conversion on a fixed-price  basis is also

2)   Implementation  Planning:  The Company's analysts work with the customer to
     select the appropriate solutions for their conversion issues. These answers
     are  assembled  into a project plan that is used by the project  manager to
     control and synchronize the conversion effort as well as measure progress.

3)   Application Port: The Company's analysts perform the code conversion. Where
     suitable,  the Company  performs  automatic  conversion using the Company's
     tools,  as well as  engineering of modules which must be redesigned to work
     on UNIX.  This is  followed  by complete  testing  and  certification.  The
     Company's  service  can be  contracted  as a  turnkey  port or as part of a
     cooperative team effort with the customer's personnel.


4)   Implementation  Assistance:  In addition to industry  standard  support and
     update  contracts,  the Company  offers both on-site and  off-site  porting
     assistance  agreements.  A  foreign  customer  may  contract  for  off-site
     telephone support.

5)   Custom Programming: Programming is done on either a fixed price or time and
     materials  basis for the  purpose of  Re-engineering  and  modernizing  old
     Legacy  Code or for  porting  custom  applications  that run in front of or
     after COTS applications.

6)   Training:  Including VMS Users Introduction to UNIX, Application Conversion
     using Tools and existing systems investments.

7)   Code Audit  Measurement  and Analysis:  The Company  measures  adherence to
     external and internal  coding  standards as a means to prevent  significant
     deviation from standard coding practices.

     Products.  Accelr8's  products  are part of a  sophisticated  tool set that
assists in the following  tasks:  (i)  comprehensive  analysis of Legacy Code to
determine  Portability to Open Systems;  (ii) thorough analysis and planning for
conversion; (iii) performance of actual conversion, if required by the customer;
(iv) creation of quality  assurance  models for the  enforcement of external and
internal standards applicable to new target  environments;  and (v) planning and
implementation   for  modernization  and   Re-engineering   databases  and  user

     The Company has developed a unique  analyzer tool called Open NAVIG8,  that
quickly and  accurately  examines  large  quantities of Legacy Code,  eventually
organizing and prioritizing the individual  modules that need to be moved.  This
porting  process is then performed  using the actual porting tools that automate
up to 95% of the conversions.

     The  Company's  conversion  process  relies on Company  owned and developed
tools to provide a level of  "transparency" to both VAX/VMS and UNIX users, thus
preserving  user  productivity  while accessing the higher  power/lower  cost of
UNIX.  Additionally,  the  conversion  tools support users as they learn UNIX at
their own pace and enable  large batch jobs to be moved to the new,  faster UNIX
platform, thereby freeing up the VAX to perform other tasks more efficiently.

     Other Company software  features  include the ability to share  information
between  UNIX and  VAX/VMS  systems and to  transfer  files and  records  over a
Network.  The  Company's  conversion  offerings are available on a wide range of
UNIX  systems,  including  SGI, HP, Sun, DEC and IBM.  Features are discussed in
greater  detail  below  as  each  of the  Company's  products  and  services  is
individually described.

     While Open NAVIG8 tools introduce the client to the Company's competencies,
the  rendering  of  conversion  services  is the core  business  that  generates
revenues.  The Company believes that clients  experience  greater value from the
modernization  and  Re-engineering  process if their  personnel  are involved in
understanding what has been done to change the computer environment.  Therefore,
various phases of the conversion  process are deployed at the customer site with
client  personnel as  observers.  Additionally,  the Company  conducts  training
classes for the client end user groups in the operation of the new  environment.
Ongoing  training and software  updates are a component of gross revenue in each
services contract.

     After delivery of a new environment,  the Company will offer a service that
measures,  on a regular  interval,  the adherence to either external or internal
coding  standards.  This "code  auditor"  service  has been driven by the United
States Defense  Department  objective of prevention of future Legacy Code chaos.
The Company believes that private industry will also move to this objective.

     Accelr8's products-Open NAVIG8, Open LIBR8 and Open ACCLIM8-embody the core
technological  advantages and  competencies of Accelr8;  however,  the following
groups of tools are integral to all conversion projects.


User Productivity
Tools ............  are  designed  to  provide  the user  with  familiar  screen
                    formats and command scripts thereby preserving  productivity
                    while  learning  a  new  operating  system  (UNIX/NT).   The
                    Company's User Productivity Tools include:

  Open DCL .......  VMS command line  interface (recall/editing); login shell
  nu TPU .........  VAX-style  editor for UNIX (TPU,  EDT,  WPS modes)
  Open SUBMIT ....  VAX to UNIX batch submission utility


Porting Tools ....  are   designed   to  move  and   support   old  Legacy  Code
                    applications in UNIX or NT environments,  providing the same
                    original  functionality  on the  new  target  platform.  The
                    Company's Porting Tools include:

   Open COBOL ....   VAX COBOL source code converter and linker
   Open ACCLIM8 ..   Pre-compiler for VAX Fortran; indexed file support
   Open BASIC ....   Re-targetable BASIC to C Compiler; VAX BASIC compatibility
   Open PASCAL ...   VAX Pascal to C Translator
   C/Fix .........   Translator for VMS specific C constructs (sold with LIBR8)
   Ada Bindings ..   Source code interface routines for all Ada Compilers and
   Open LIBR8 ....   VMS  runtime   library   support  (ast,  qio,  event flags,
                     mailboxes, etc)
   Open RMS ......   UNIX equivalent of VMS I/O calls. (sold with LIBR8)
   Open SMG ......   VAX compatible Screen Management facility for Open Systems
   FMS/UNIX ......   FMS for UNIX; FMS Editor (100% compatibility) sold
   Open DCL ......   Command language interpreter; VMS-style error handling


Analysis &
Standards Tools ..  are designed to provide analysis and code auditing standards
                    and capabilities in a work bench environment, Legacy Code is
                    easily  examined and  reconstructed  to meet any user stated
                    rules. The Company's Analysis & Programming  Standards Tools

  Open NAVIG8 ....  Analyzer -  Documents  conversion  barriers
                    Auditor - Guidance and  standards  for  portability
                    2000 - Year 2000 impact analysis for VMS users.

New Product Offerings

     In addition to VAX/VMS to UNIX conversions, the Company believes that there
is a large  opportunity in both the government and commercial  sector to provide
two  additional  services:  Year  2000  Impact  Analysis  for the DEC  installed
computer  base and  conversion  services/tools  for  VAX/VMS  to NT  conversions
running on Alpha servers.

     The Year 2000 Problem arises from the  widespread use of computer  programs
that rely on two-digit date codes to perform  computations  and decision  making
functions.  Many of these  computer  programs  may fail due to an  inability  to
interpret date codes properly.  For example, such programs may misinterpret "00"
as the year 1900 rather than 2000. While DEC claims that VAX  minicomputers  and
other computers  using the VMS operating  system are designed to use four digits
to express dates, DEC customers may be using third party software  packages that
do not use four digit  dates.  The Company  intends to provide  Year 2000 Impact
Analysis  services by using a Company owned and  developed  tool to identify the
variables in the code that are most likely to hold date information. A prototype
of this  tool is under  development,  and  $2,000,000  of the  proceeds  of this
offering has been allocated to: (i) complete  development of the tool; (ii) hire
additional  technical and  marketing  personnel to support sales of this product
and related consulting  services;  and (iii) market,  advertise and promote this
product and service.


     Microsoft Corporation's Windows NT operating system is the newest operating
system from  Microsoft  Corporation.  DEC has announced a strategic  partnership
with Microsoft to offer its VAX  minicomputer  customers a seamless  environment
where  Open VMS,  DEC UNIX and NT will be  supported  on DEC's  Alpha  platform.
Management  believes  that DEC has no plans to  assist  users of its  older  VAX
minicomputers  in  moving  their  VAX  applications  to  the  new  NT  operating
environment.  The Company plans to port all of its UNIX conversion  tools to the
NT  environment,  thus  enabling  VAX/VMS  users to operate  their  existing VAX
applications  on an NT  operating  system.  The Company has begun to develop the
software tools for the NT conversion opportunity;  however, a substantial amount
of work remains to be done to complete  this project.  Management  has allocated
$2,000,000 of the proceeds of this offering to: (i) complete  development of the
conversion  system;  (ii) hire additional  technical and marketing  personnel to
support  sales of this  conversion  service;  and (iii)  market,  advertise  and
promote this product and service.


     The  Company's  software  tools have been sold to over 600  customers.  The
Company's  customers are  principally  users of VAX/VMS  Legacy Systems that are
either commercial  enterprises or government or quasi-government  agencies.  Set
forth below is a partial list of the Company's customers.

               Commercial Enterprises                                 United States Government
- -------------------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------
Lockheed Martin Corp.                    McDonnell Douglas Corp.              NASA
Delta Air Lines Inc.                     Proctor & Gamble                     U.S. Army
Kellogg Co.                              General Instrument Corp.             U.S. Air Force
Alcatel Alsthom Cie Generale Europe      Daimler Benz AG                      U.S. Navy
Union Carbide Corp.                      Telos Corp.
RGTI                                     Loral Corp.
Renault V.I.                             Electronic Data Systems Corp.
Mack Trucks

     Union  Carbide Corp. & RGTI  (sellers of warehouse  distribution  software)
have embedded the Company's  software in their UNIX solutions,  thereby yielding
the potential for substantial  run-time  license fees for the Company during the
current fiscal year.

Marketing and Distribution

     The  Company  has  historically   utilized  several  marketing   approaches
including direct  advertising,  press releases,  trade shows,  Company sponsored
seminars, speaking engagements and independent software vendor catalog listings.
The Company's sales personnel  contact the leads generated by these  activities.
Recently,  the Company  decreased  its  advertising  in trade  publications  and
terminated  direct mail  advertising.  Management  believes that advertising the
Company's  services and products  electronically  on the Company's web page is a
more cost  effective  and  efficient  method of reaching  the  Company's  target
market.  The Company  will  continue to  emphasize  attendance  at trade  shows,
Company and vendor sponsored seminars, press releases,  speaking engagements and
independent  software  vendor  catalog  listings in its marketing  efforts.  The
Company's international sales represented 15% of the Company's total revenues in
fiscal 1996 as compared to 7% of fiscal  1995  revenues.  Management  intends to
direct a significant  portion of its marketing  efforts  toward  further  market
penetration in international  markets, with its primary emphasis upon Europe and

     The  Company's  on-site  personnel  often  have the  opportunity  to market
additional  Company  services to existing  customers.  The Company's  conversion
teams have and will  continue to focus upon  educating  customers as to the full
range of the Company's products and services,  and to providing solutions to the
customers' problems.

     The Company  also  attends  hardware  vendor  sales  events,  such as those
sponsored  by  HP  and  DEC,  for  industry  group  segments,  including  TELCOS
(telecommunication   companies),   government   entities,   and   pharmaceutical
companies.  Company representatives  follow-up on contacts made at these events,


and where appropriate  schedule on-site visits with potential  customers.  While
on-site with customers and potential  customers Accelr8's  representatives  work
closely  with  technical  personnel  in Denver for  instant  and direct  help in
addressing  the  customers'  problems and needs.  Management  believes that this
coordinated approach between the field sales persons and the technical personnel
in Denver has led to greater  sales,  and the Company  intends to continue  this

Research and Development

     The Company  conducts its research and  development at its  headquarters in
Denver,  Colorado.  The Company  believes that the continued  development of new
products and  enhancement  of existing  products is essential to  maintaining  a
competitive position in the marketplace. The Company expended $33,038 on Company
sponsored  research and  development  during  fiscal 1996,  and $129,959  during
fiscal  1995.  This  decrease  occurred  because  technical  personnel  normally
involved in research  and  development  also  provided a  substantial  amount of
technical assistance in connection with the Company's  consulting services.  For
the year ended July 31, 1996, $193,621 of cost of service represented assistance
from these technical personnel with consulting projects. Management is committed
to a strong  research and  development  program,  and intends to continue  these
expenditures  at levels  necessary  to allow the  Company  to  maintain a strong
competitive position.


     The Company's  production  facilities  are located at its  headquarters  in
Denver,  Colorado, and are primarily used for software development and extensive
testing  and  quality  control of  software  products.  The Company has a verbal
understanding  relating to expansion of its  facilities and  anticipates  hiring
additional  technical,  marketing,  sales and managerial personnel during the 12
months  following  completion of this offering.  See "Business -- Employees" and
"Business -- Facilities."

     The  Company  does  not  believe  that,  for the  foreseeable  future,  the
Company's  products will be subject to any  significant  fluctuations  in supply
costs.  Componentry  and systems  used to develop  products  and the actual tape
cassettes on which software is placed can be obtained from a variety of vendors,
none of which  holds a  controlling  position  within the  market.  The  Company
believes  that it has the ability to fill any  anticipated  future  sales orders


     Management  is  aware  of two  companies  that  compete  directly  with the
Company.  BBC of Boston,  Massachusetts,  has a product  available that directly
competes  with the  Company's  Open DCL  product.  Sector 7,  formerly  known as
Software  Translations,  of Austin,  Texas, offers a limited software conversion
tool set for moving from VMS to UNIX.  While  Sector 7 has focused on moving VAX
BASIC applications to UNIX, its technology  overlaps with the Company's Open DCL
and Open LIBR8 products.  Management  believes that the Company offers a broader
range  of  products  and  services  than  either  of these  competitors,  and is
therefore able to compete successfully against them. Although DEC does not offer
its own products for conversion from its VAX/VMS Legacy Systems to UNIX,  should
DEC choose to do so, the Company could be materially and adversely affected.  At
this point,  DEC has not announced  any products that compete  directly with the
Company's  products.  However,  DEC  offers  all of the  Company's  tools in the
Digital Price Book and as a specification  in the SEWP contract to NASA, as well
as the GSA federal purchasing schedule.

Intellectual Property

     The Company  relies on a  combination  of  copyright,  trademark  and trade
secret laws, employee and third party disclosure agreements,  license agreements
and other  intellectual  property  protection methods to protect its Proprietary
rights.  The Company protects the source code version of its products as a trade
secret  and  as an  unpublished  copyrighted  work.  The  Company's  Proprietary
software products are generally  licensed to customers on a "right to use" basis
pursuant to a perpetual, nontransferable license that generally restricts use to
the customer's  internal  purposes and to a specific  computer platform that has
been assigned a "key code." However, it may be possible for unauthorized parties


to copy or reverse engineer certain portions of the Company's products or obtain
and use information the Company  regards as Proprietary.  The Company  currently
has no patents and existing  copyright  and trade secret laws offer only limited
protection.  Further,  the laws of some  foreign  countries  do not  protect the
Company's  Proprietary  rights to the same  extent as do the laws of the  United
States. The Company has been and may be required from time to time to enter into
source code escrow agreements with certain  customers,  providing for release of
source  code in the event the  Company  files  bankruptcy  or ceases to continue
doing  business.  Although the Company's  competitive  position may be adversely
affected  by  unauthorized  use  of its  Proprietary  information,  the  Company
believes  that the ability to fully  protect its  intellectual  property is less
significant  to the  Company'  s  success  than are other  factors,  such as the
knowledge,  ability and  experience  of its  employees  and its ongoing  product
development and customer support activities.  There can be no assurance that the
protections put in place by the Company will be adequate.

     There can be no assurance  that third parties will not assert  infringement
or other  claims  against the  Company  with  respect to any  existing or future
products,  or that licenses  would be available if any Company  technology  were
successfully  challenged by a third party, or if it became  desirable to use any
third-party technology to enhance the Company's products.  Litigation to protect
the  Company's  Proprietary  information  or to  determine  the  validity of any
third-party claims could result in significant expense to the Company and divert
the efforts of the Company's technical and management personnel,  whether or not
such litigation is determined in favor of the Company.

     While the Company has no knowledge  that it is infringing  the  Proprietary
rights of any third party,  there can be no assurance  that such claims will not
be asserted in the future with respect to existing or future products.  Any such
assertion  by a third party  could  require  the  Company to pay  royalties,  to
participate in costly  litigation and defend licensees in any such suit pursuant
to indemnification  agreements, or to refrain from selling an alleged infringing
product or service.


     The  Company  has 15  full-time  employees  at its  facilities  in  Denver,
Colorado,  including one administrative employee, three sales and administrative
employees and eleven scientific and technical employees. The Company anticipates
hiring up to 30 additional  employees to staff its conversion teams,  additional
sales and marketing personnel and a senior  accounting/financial  manager during
the 12 months  following  completion  of the  offering.  There are no collective
bargaining  agreements,  and  the  Company  considers  its  relations  with  its
employees to be good.


     The Company currently leases  approximately 3,796 square feet of office and
research facility space at 303 E. 17th Avenue, Suite 108, Denver, Colorado 80203
at  a  monthly  rental  of  approximately  $3,385.  The  Company  has  a  verbal
understanding  to lease an additional  2,400 square feet of office space that is
immediately  adjacent to its present space at a monthly rental of  approximately
$2,140  for a  36-month  term.  Management  anticipates  entering  into a  lease
agreement for this space before the end of the calendar  year.  Management  also
anticipates  extending the lease on its existing space for 36 months at the same
rental cost that it currently pays at that time.  The  additional  space will be
needed to provide office space for the additional  technical and sales personnel
that the Company  anticipates  hiring  during the next 12 months.  The Company's
existing  facility  is  adequate  for the present  number of  employees  and the
additional  2,400 square feet of space is expected to be adequate to accommodate
the projected increase in personnel.

Legal Proceedings

     The Company is not a party to any legal  proceedings,  nor does  management
believe that any such proceedings are contemplated.



Directors, Executive Officers and Key Employees

     Set forth below is certain information concerning the directors,  executive
officers and key employees of the Company as of the date hereof.

            Name                          Age        Position
            ----                          ---        --------
  Directors and Executive Officers
  Thomas V. Geimer                         49        Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                                     Secretary, Chief Financial Officer,
                                                     Chief Executive Officer
  Harry J. Fleury                          49        President
  David C. Wilhelm(1)                      77        Director
  A. Alexander Arnold III(1)               54        Director
  Key Employees
  Timothy Fitzpatrick                      41        Vice President Sales and Marketing

  Dr. Franz Huber                          51        Chief Scientist

- ----------------------------------

(1)  Members of the Audit and Compensation Committees

     Officers  are  appointed  by and  serve at the  discretion  of the Board of
Directors.  Each  director  holds  office  until  the  next  annual  meeting  of
shareholders  or until a successor has been duly elected and  qualified.  All of
the Company's  officers  devote their  full-time to the  Company's  business and
affairs.  There are no family  relationships  between any  directors,  executive
officers or key employees.

     Thomas V.  Geimer has been the  Chairman  of the Board of  Directors  and a
director of the Company since 1984. He currently  serves as the Chief  Executive
Officer,  Chief  Financial  Officer and Secretary of the Company.  Mr. Geimer is
responsible  for  development  of the Company's  business  strategy,  day to day
operations,  the accounting and finance  functions and federal  government sales
relationships.  Before assuming full-time  responsibilities at the Company,  Mr.
Geimer founded and operated an investment banking firm.

     Harry J. Fleury has served as President of the Company since June 1995. Mr.
Fleury is responsible for engineering  activities and strategies of the Company,
and for  international  sales.  From March 1993 until June 1995,  Mr. Fleury was
Vice President of  International  Sales of the Company with  responsibility  for
developing and directing  international  sales.  Prior to joining the Company in
1993,  Mr.  Fleury was employed by Digital  Equipment  Corporation  serving in a
variety of engineering  and management  positions for over 26 years.  Mr. Fleury
managed DEC's European, Asian and Pacific corporate engineering groups that were
responsible  for  service  capability  world wide,  for  internal  and  external
products and for  strategic,  operational  and tactical  direction.  Mr.  Fleury
received  an  electrical  engineering  degree  in 1967  from  Vermont  Technical
Engineering College.

     David C.  Wilhelm has been a director of the Company  since June 1988.  For
the  past  30  years,  Mr.  Wilhelm  has  been  President  of  Wilhelm  Co.,  an
agribusiness  company  principally  engaged in the cattle  feeding and commodity
business,  located in Denver,  Colorado.  Since  1972,  Mr.  Wilhelm  has been a
director of Colorado National Bank located in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Wilhelm is a
member of the  International  Executive  Service  Corp.,  and was  formerly  the
Director  of the  Colorado  Cattlemen's  Association.  Mr.  Wilhelm  received  a
Bachelor of Arts in American History from Yale University in 1942.


     A.  Alexander  Arnold  III has served as a director  of the  Company  since
September  1992.  For the past 25 years,  Mr.  Arnold  has  served as a Managing
Director of  Trainer,  Wortham & Co.,  Inc.,  a New York  City-based  investment
counselor firm, which Mr. Arnold  co-founded.  Mr. Arnold received a Bachelor of
Arts   degree  from   Rollins   College  in  1964  and  a  Masters  of  Business
Administration from Boston University in 1966.

     Timothy  Fitzpatrick has served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing of
the Company since 1992. Mr.  Fitzpatrick is responsible  for domestic  marketing
and  sales of the  Company's  products  and  services.  From  1989 to 1992,  Mr.
Fitzpatrick  was employed as Vice  President of Software  Translations,  Inc. He
also was  General  Manager  of  Datavision  (UK)  Ltd.  from  1987 to 1989.  Mr.
Fitzpatrick  received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in City  Planning  from Michigan
State University.

     Dr. Franz Huber has served as Chief  Scientist  of the Company  since 1988.
Dr.  Huber is  responsible  for the  design  and  development  of the  Company's
software products.  Prior to joining the Company,  Dr. Huber (i) taught Computer
Science at the  University of Colorado;  (ii) taught  Computer  Applications  in
Biomedical  Research at the  University of Colorado  Medical  Center;  and (iii)
worked for several  technology  companies in various  research and  development,
scientific and technical positions. Dr. Huber received his Ph.D. in Physics from
the University of Vienna, Austria in 1968.

Board Committees

     The Board of  Directors  maintains a  Compensation  Committee  and an Audit
Committee. The Compensation Committee is composed of Messrs. Arnold and Wilhelm,
the Company's non-management directors. The primary function of the Compensation
Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Board with respect to the
compensation, including bonuses, of the Company's officers and to administer the
Company's stock option plan. The Audit Committee is comprised of Messrs.  Arnold
and Wilhelm.  The  function of the Audit  Committee is to review and approve the
scope of audit procedures  employed by the Company's  independent  auditors,  to
review and  approve the audit  reports  rendered  by the  Company's  independent
auditors and to approve the audit fee charged by the independent  auditors.  The
Audit  committee  reports to the Board of Directors with respect to such matters
and recommends the selection of independent auditors.


Executive Compensation

     Summary  Compensation  Table. The following table sets forth the annual and
long-term  compensation  for  services in all  capacities  to the Company in the
three fiscal years ended July 31, 1996, of Thomas V. Geimer and Harry J. Fleury,
who are the Company's most highly compensated  executive  officers,  and Timothy
Fitzpatrick a key employee of the Company.


                                                                                                  Long Term
                                                 Annual Compensation                            Compensation
                                 --------------------------------------------------------       ------------
                                                                             Other                 Number of
Name and                         Fiscal                                      Annual                Options
Principal Position               Year          Salary         Bonus          Compensation          Awarded
- ------------------               ----          ------         -----          ------------          -------

Thomas V.  Geimer                1996       $70,458          $37,500(1)         $   --             1,200,000(2)
  Chief Executive Officer        1995       $64,250          $   --             $   --                 --
  and Chief Financial            1994       $63,361          $   --             $   --                 --

Harry J. Fleury                  1996       $61,000          $10,860(3)         $   --                 --
  President                      1995       $50,000          $ 6,685(3)                              100,000(4)
                                 1994       $20,961          $   755(3)

Timothy Fitzpatrick              1996       $57,885          $44,030(5)         $   --
  Vice President                 1995       $55,000          $23,657(5)
  Sales and Marketing            1994       $55,000          $17,832(5)


- ----------------------------
(1)  Represents  deferred  compensation for Mr. Geimer pursuant to the Company's
     deferred  compensation plan, $37,500 of which vested during the last fiscal
     year, and $37,500 of which will vest during the current fiscal year.
(2)  Represents stock options and warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,200,000
     shares at an  exercise  price of $0.24 per share that were  extended  until
     December 31, 1997.
(3)  Includes  sales  commissions  earned by Mr. Fleury on revenues from certain
     international sales.
(4)  Grant of employee  stock option to purchase  100,000  shares at an exercise
     price of $0.36 per share, 50,000 of which vested prior to this offering and
     the  remaining  50,000 of which  will vest  subject to  completion  of this
(5)  Represents  sales  commissions  earned by Mr.  Fitzpatrick on revenues from
     certain domestic sales.

     Option/Warrant  Values.  The following table provides  certain  information
concerning the fiscal year end value of unexercised  options or warrants held by
Mr. Fleury and Mr. Geimer,  each of whom served as the Company's chief executive
officer during a portion of 1996, and for Mr. Fitzpatrick.


                                  Aggregated Option Exercises in 1996 Fiscal Year
                                         and Fiscal Year End Option Values

                           Shares                           Number of Unexercised       Value of Unexercised
                           Acquired on      Value           Options at Fiscal Year      In-the-Money Options
Name                       Exercise         Realized        End                          at Fiscal Year End(1)
- ----                       --------         --------        -----------------------     ----------------------
                                                            Exer-           Unexer-     Exer-          Unexer-
                                                            cisable         cisable     cisable        cisable
Harry J. Fleury               __                __           50,000(2)       50,000(2)     $   332,000     $332,000

Thomas V.  Geimer             __                __        1,200,000               0        $ 8,112,000            0

Timothy Fitzpatrick           __                __          125,000               0        $   830,000            0

- ------------------------------------
(1)  Value  calculated by determining the difference  between the offering price
     of $7.00 per share and the exercise price of the options or warrants.  Fair
     market  value  was  not  discounted  for  restricted  nature  of any  stock
     purchased  on  exercise  of these  options or  warrants.
(2)  Mr.  Fleury's  options  were granted on June 1, 1995. A total of 50,000 (or
     50%) of the options have vested and,  subject to his  continued  employment
     with the Company, the remainder of his options will vest upon completion of
     this offering.

Compensation Pursuant to Plans

     Employee  Retirement Plan. During fiscal year 1996, the Company established
a SARSEP-IRA  employee  pension  plan that covers  substantially  all  full-time
employees.  Under the plan,  employees  have the option to  contribute up to the
lesser  of  15%  of  their   compensation  or  $9,240.   The  Company  may  make
discretionary  contributions to the plan based on recommendations from the Board
of Directors.  For the year ended July 31, 1996, the Board did not authorize any

     Deferred  Compensation Plan. In January of 1996, the Company  established a
deferred  compensation  plan for the Company's  employees.  The Company may make
discretionary  contributions  to the plan  based upon  recommendations  from the
Board of Directors.

     Options and Warrants.  A total of 475,000  shares of the  Company's  Common
Stock,  no par value,  have been issued and  reserved  for issuance to employees
pursuant to the  Company's  existing  non-qualified  stock option plan.  Options
currently  outstanding  held by  certain  of the  Company's  current  and former
employees allow for the purchase of the Company's  restricted  Common Stock at a
price of $.36 per  share  (as  adjusted  for the  one-for-four  reverse  split).
According to the governing option  agreements,  the options vest every 12 months
in one-quarter  increments of the total amount granted,  over a four year period
beginning on the date they are granted,  and remain  exercisable for three years
following  the  original  date they vest.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
Company's  Board of  Directors  during the 1994 fiscal year adopted a resolution
providing  that for so long as a  recipient  of an option  grant  remains in the
employ of the Company,  the options held will not expire and if the  recipient's
employment is terminated,  the holder will have up to 90 days after  termination
to exercise any vested but previously  unexercised options. All of the currently
outstanding  options have vested,  except 50,000 options held by Mr. Fleury, the
Company's  current  president,  and 12,500 options held by Joseph Steger,  which
will fully vest upon  effectiveness of the Registration  Statement of which this
Prospectus  is  a  part.  The  Board  of  Directors  agreed  to  permit  Messrs.
Fitzpatrick  and Huber and three other  employees  to register an  aggregate  of
90,000 shares underlying their options to satisfy a portion of the Underwriter's
over-allotment  option.  All options  previously granted are administered by the
Company's  Board of Directors.  The options provide for adjustment of the number
of  shares  issuable  in  the  case  of  stock  dividends  or  stock  splits  or
combinations and adjustments in the case of recapitalization,  merger or sale of
assets. See "Selling Warrantholders and Selling Optionholders."


     The Company  currently has  outstanding an aggregate of 1,200,000  warrants
and options held by Thomas V. Geimer,  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Company ("Affiliate's  Warrants").  The Affiliate's Warrants are exerciseable at
an exercise  price of $.24 per share (as adjusted for the  one-for-four  reverse
split). The Affiliate's  Warrants,  which were originally scheduled to expire at
the close of calendar 1995, were extended for two years and,  accordingly,  they
are  exercisable  until  December 31, 1997. The Board of Directors has agreed to
permit Mr. Geimer to register 60,000 of the Affiliate's  Warrants (including the
shares issuable upon exercise thereof) to satisfy a portion of the Underwriter's
over-allotment option. The Affiliate's Warrants are not redeemable. The exercise
price of the Affiliate's Warrants and the number of shares of Common Stock to be
obtained upon exercise of the Affiliate's  Warrants are subject to adjustment in
certain  circumstances  including  (i) the payment of a stock  dividend;  (ii) a
forward or reverse stock split;  (iii) a consolidation or combination  involving
the Common Stock; and (iv) a reclassification or recapitalization  involving the
Common Stock. See "Selling Warrantholders and Selling Optionholders."

     The Company  has adopted an  incentive  stock  option plan (the  "Qualified
Plan")  which  provides for the grant of options to purchase an aggregate of not
more than  700,000  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  The purpose of the
Qualified  Plan is to make options  available to management and employees of the
Company in order to provide  them with a more direct  stake in the future of the
Company and to encourage  them to remain with the Company.  The  Qualified  Plan
provides for the  granting to  management  and  employees  of  "incentive  stock
options" within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986
(the "Code").

     The   Company  has  adopted  a   non-qualified   stock   option  plan  (the
"Non-Qualified  Plan")  which  provides  for the grant of options to purchase an
aggregate of not more than 300,000  shares of the Company's  Common  Stock.  The
purpose  of  the  Non-Qualified  Plan  is  to  provide  certain  key  employees,
independent  contractors,  technical  advisors and directors of the Company with
options in order to provide  additional  rewards and incentives for contributing
to the success of the Company.  These  options are not  incentive  stock options
within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.

     The Qualified  Plan and the  Non-Qualified  Plan (the "Stock Option Plans")
will be administered by a committee (the "Committee")  appointed by the Board of
Directors  which  determines  the persons to be granted  options under the Stock
Option Plans and the number of shares subject to each option. No options granted
under the Stock Option Plans will be  transferable by the optionee other than by
will  or  the  laws  of  descent  and  distribution  and  each  option  will  be
exercisable,  during the lifetime of the optionee,  only by such  optionee.  Any
options  granted  to an  employee  will  terminate  upon  his  ceasing  to be an
employee, except in limited circumstances,  including death of the employee, and
where  the  Committee  deems it to be in the  Company's  best  interests  not to
terminate the options.

     The  exercise  price of all  incentive  stock  options  granted  under  the
Qualified Plan must be equal to the fair market value of such shares on the date
of grant as determined by the  Committee,  based on guidelines  set forth in the
Qualified Plan. The exercise price may be paid in cash or (if the Qualified Plan
shall meet the  requirements of rules adopted under the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934) in Common Stock or a combination of cash and Common Stock.  The term of
each option and the manner in which it may be exercised  will be  determined  by
the Committee, subject to the requirement that no option may be exercisable more
than 10 years after the date of grant. With respect to an incentive stock option
granted  to a  participant  who owns more than 10% of the  voting  rights of the
Company's  outstanding capital stock on the date of grant, the exercise price of
the option must be at least  equal to 110% of the fair market  value on the date
of grant and the option may not be  exercisable  more than five years  after the
date of grant.

     As of the date of this  Prospectus,  no  options  have been  granted  under
either the Qualified Plan or the Non-Qualified Plan.


Certain Transactions

     During fiscal year 1996,  the Company  established a deferred  compensation
plan  for  the  Company's   employees.   The  Company  may  make   discretionary
contributions to the plan based on recommendations  from the Board of Directors.
As of July 31,  1996,  the  deferred  compensation  agreement  was funded in the
amount of $75,000 for Thomas V. Geimer,  and Mr. Geimer was vested in $37,500 of
this amount. The balance of $37,500 will vest during the current fiscal year.

     There were no other  transactions or series of transactions  for the fiscal
year ended July 31, 1996 nor are there any currently proposed  transactions,  or
series of the same to which the Company is a party, in which the amount involved
exceeds  $60,000 and in which,  to the  knowledge of the Company,  any director,
executive  officer,  nominee,  five  percent  shareholder  or any  member of the
immediate  family  of the  foregoing  persons,  have or will  have a  direct  or
indirect material interest.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

     Mr.  Wilhelm,  a director  of the  Company,  failed to file Forms 4 for the
months of April,  May and July to report  purchases  of an  aggregate  of 85,300
shares (not  adjusted  for the  one-for-four  reverse  stock  split) in the open
market.  The Company has  received  representations  from each other person that
served  during  fiscal 1996 as an officer or director of the Company  confirming
that there were no  transactions  that occurred during the Company's most recent
fiscal year end which required the filing of a Form 5.


                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

     The  following  table gives effect to a  one-for-four  reverse split of the
Company's  Common  Stock that was  effected at the close of business on November
18, 1996, and sets forth certain information  regarding  beneficial ownership of
the Company's  Common Stock as of July 31, 1996, as adjusted to reflect the sale
of Common Stock  offered by this  Prospectus  by (i) each person who is known by
the Company to own beneficially more than 5% of the Company's outstanding Common
Stock;  (ii)  each  of the  Company's  executive  officers,  directors  and  key
employees;  and (iii) all executive  officers and  directors as a group.  Common
Stock not outstanding but deemed beneficially owned by virtue of the right of an
individual to acquire shares within 60 days is treated as outstanding  only when
determining the amount and percentage of Common Stock owned by such  individual.
Except as noted, each person or entity has sole voting and sole investment power
with respect to the shares shown.

                                           Shares Beneficially                 Shares to be Beneficially
   Name and Address                      Owned Prior to Offering                 Owned After Offering
   Name and Address                    --------------------------             -----------------------------
of Beneficial Owner                     Number             Percent             Number               Percent
- -------------------                     ------             -------             ------               -------

Thomas V. Geimer(2), (3)               1,250,000            18.68%            1,250,000             16.25%

Harry J. Fleury(2), (4)                  193,750             3.46%              193,750              2.94%

Timothy Fitzpatrick(2),(5)               125,000             2.22%              125,000              1.89%

Dr. Franz Huber(2),(5)                   125,000             2.22%              125,000              1.89%

A. Alexander Arnold III(6)             1,225,000            22.30%            1,225,000             18.87%
845 Third Ave., 6th Flr
New York, NY  10021

David C. Wilhelm(7)                      323,750             5.89%              323,750              4.99%
3130 E. Exposition Street
Denver, CO 80209

Solar Satellite(8)                           527,650             9.60%                 527,650              8.13%
Communication, Inc.
5650 Greenwood Plaza
Boulevard #107
Englewood, CO 80111

Officers and Directors                   2,992,500            44.06%               2,992,500             38.40%
as a Group (4 persons)

- -------------------------------
(1)  Excludes (i) 34,500  shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise of the
     Underwriter's  Warrants to be issued in conjunction with this offering; and
     (ii) the  exercise  of options and  warrants  to satisfy the  Underwriter's
     over-allotment option.

(2)  The address for Messrs.  Geimer,  Fleury,  Fitzpatrick  and Huber is 303 E.
     17th Ave., #108, Denver, CO 80203.
(3)  Includes  1,200,000  shares  which  may be  purchased  by Mr.  Geimer  upon
     exercise of his warrants and options.
(4)  Includes options to purchase  100,000 shares,  50,000 of which vested prior
     to this  offering  and  50,000 of which will vest upon  completion  of this
(5)  Represents  shares which may be acquired by Messrs.  Fitzpatrick  and Huber
     upon exercise of their options.
(6)  Represents  1,225,000 shares held by four trusts.  Mr. Arnold merely serves
     as trustee for each of those trusts but is not a beneficiary  of and has no
     pecuniary interest in any of those trusts.
(7)  Represents  323,750 shares held by the Jean C. Wilhelm Trust,  of which Mr.
     Wilhelm is the lifetime beneficiary and trustee.
(8)  Solar  Satellite  Communications,  Inc. is not  affiliated  with any of the
     Company's   officers,   directors,   key  employees,   or  other  principal
     shareholders.  Based  upon its  review of  certain  reports  filed with the
     Securities and Exchange Commission and certain other inquiries,  management
     believes that Solar Satellite is an inactive  company that is controlled by
     certain Japanese Nationals and a company controlled by those persons.


     Thomas V. Geimer is offering for sale 60,000  warrants (or 60,000 shares of
Common Stock  issuable upon exercise of the warrants)  owned by him as described
below.  The exercise price is $.24 per share. The Company has agreed to register
on this  Registration  Statement  the 60,000  warrants and the 60,000  shares of
Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise of the warrants and to pay all expenses in
connection therewith (other than brokerage  commissions and fees and expenses of
the counsel of the holder of the  warrants).  The  Company  will not receive any
proceeds  from the sale of Mr.  Geimer's  Warrants or the shares of Common Stock
underlying  the  warrants,  and  all of  these  shares  will be  subject  to the
Underwriter's  over-allotment  option,  if  such  option  is  exercised  by  the
Underwriter.  However,  the Company will  receive the exercise  price for any of
these   options   or   warrants   that   are    exercised.    See    "Management
Compensation--Pursuant to Plans."

     Five  of the  Company's  key  employees,  the  Selling  Optionholders,  are
offering  for sale 90,000  Employee  Options (or 90,000  shares of Common  Stock
issuable  upon  exercise of the  Employee  Options)  owned by them as  described
below. The Employee  Options were granted to each of the individuals  identified
in the table below at an exercise price of $.36 per share.  All of these options
have  vested.  The Company  will not receive any  proceeds  from the sale of the
Employee  Options or the shares of Common Stock  underlying the Employee Options
and all of these  shares  will be  subject to the  Underwriter's  over-allotment
option,  if such option is exercised by the  Underwriter.  However,  the Company
will receive the exercise price for any of these options that are exercised.

     The  following  table sets forth the number of  Employee  Options  (and the
shares of Common Stock  underlying the same) and the  Affiliate's  Warrants (and
the shares of Common Stock underlying the same) being registered  hereby and the
number of shares that each of the  following  persons has agreed will be subject
to the  Underwriter's  over-allotment  option if such option is exercised by the

                                                                         Number of Employee Shares
                                            Number of                     Subject to Underwriter's 
       Name of Employee              Employee Options/Warrants               Over-Allotment
  Optionholder/Warrantholder                Registered                         Option (1)
  --------------------------         -------------------------           -------------------------

Thomas V. Geimer                              60,000                            60,000
Franz Huber                                   30,000                            30,000
Timothy M. Fitzpatrick                        30,000                            30,000
James Reiss                                   12,000                            12,000
Norman Rullo                                  12,000                            12,000
Joseph Steger                                  6,000                             6,000
                                            --------                          --------
         Total                               150,000                           150,000

- --------------------------
(1)  These  figures  assume  that the  Underwriter's  over-allotment  option  is
     exercised for the entire 150,000 shares. Should the option be exercised for
     an  amount  less  than  150,000   shares,   these  figures  would  decrease
     proportionately.  Any  shares  not  purchased  by the  Underwriter  will be
     eligible  for  resale  under  the  Registration  Statement  of  which  this
     Prospectus is a part 90 days after the effective date of this  Registration


                            DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES

Common Stock

     The Company's  Amended Articles of Incorporation  authorize the issuance of
11,000,000  shares of Common  Stock with no par  value.  Each  record  holder of
Common Stock is entitled to one vote for each share held on all matters properly
submitted to the stockholders for their vote. Cumulative voting for the election
of directors is not permitted by the Articles of Incorporation.

     Holders  of  outstanding  shares of  Common  Stock  are  entitled  to those
dividends  declared by the Board of Directors  out of legally  available  funds;
and, in the event of  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the affairs of
the  Company,  holders are entitled to receive,  ratably,  the net assets of the
Company  available to stockholders  after  distribution is made to the preferred
stockholders,  if any, who are given preferred rights upon liquidation.  Holders
of  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  have no  preemptive,  conversion  or
redemptive rights. All of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock are,
and all unissued shares when offered and sold will be, duly authorized,  validly
issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable.  To the extent that additional shares of
the Company's Common Stock are issued,  the relative  interests of then existing
stockholders may be diluted.

Transfer Agent

     American Securities Transfer,  Inc., 938 Quail Street, Suite 101, Lakewood,
Colorado  80215,  serves as the transfer  agent and  registrar for the Company's
Common Stock.

                         SHARES ELIGIBLE FOR FUTURE SALE

     After completion of this offering but without giving effect to the exercise
of the  Underwriter's  Warrants or the  issuance  of any shares of Common  Stock
reserved  for  issuance  under the  Company's  Stock  Option  Plans or any other
options or  warrants,  the Company  will have  6,492,500  shares of Common Stock
outstanding  (6,642,500  shares if the  Underwriter's  over-allotment  option is
exercised  in  full).  Of  these,  4,032,662  shares  (4,182,662  shares  if the
Underwriter's  over-allotment  option  is  exercised  in  full)  will be  freely
tradeable without restriction or further  registration under the Securities Act.
Included in this amount are 256,250  shares  which would be freely  tradeable if
the holders of these shares were not  affiliates  of the Company.  The remaining
2,459,838  shares of Common Stock are  "restricted  securities," as that term is
defined under Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act and may only be sold
in the public  market  pursuant to an  effective  registration  statement  or in
accordance with Rule 144. An aggregate of 1,436,250 of the restricted securities
and 256,250 of the freely tradable shares, which are held by officers, directors
and certain key employees of the Company, will be subject to a lock-up agreement
with the Underwriter (the "Lock-Up")  restricting their transfer for a period of
up to three months from the date of this  Prospectus  except with the consent of
the  Underwriter.  The  Underwriter  has no present  intention and has no plans,
arrangements, understandings or commitments with respect to the early release of
the Lock-Up;  however,  investors are cautioned that the Underwriter in its sole
discretion may elect to release all or part of the shares subject to the Lock-Up
prior to the  expiration  of the  Lock-Up."  The Company has been advised by the
Underwriter that it has no general policy with respect to granting releases from
Lock-Up agreements.  The Underwriter may in its discretion and without notice to
the public  waive the  Lock-Ups and permit the sale of all or any portion of the
shares of Common Stock that are subject to the Lock-Up  prior to the  expiration
of the Lock-Up period. The early releases of the Lock-Ups and subsequent sale of
those shares could have a depressive effect upon the trading price of the Common
Stock. Following the expiration of the Lock-Up, all of the 1,436,250 restricted
securities  and the 256,250  shares of "free  trading"  stock held by affiliates
will be eligible  for resale  pursuant to Rule 144  promulgated  pursuant to the
Securities  Act,  subject  in some  cases  to  compliance  with  certain  volume
limitations  imposed  pursuant to Rule 144 and to  applicable  state  securities

     In general,  under Rule 144 as  currently  in effect,  a person (or persons
whose shares are required to be aggregated)  who has  beneficially  owned his or
her shares for at least two years, including affiliates of the Company, would be


entitled to sell within any  three-month  period a number of shares equal to the
greater  of 1% of the then  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company
(approximately  649,250 shares  immediately  after this offering) or the average
weekly  trading  volume of the  Company's  Common Stock during the four calendar
weeks preceding the filing of the required notice of such sale. Sales under Rule
144 are also subject to certain waiver of sale restrictions, notice requirements
and the availability of current public  information about the Company.  Sales of
substantial  numbers  of shares  of  Common  Stock  pursuant  to a  registration
statement,  Rule 144 or otherwise could adversely affect the market price of the
Common Stock, should such a market develop.

     The Company has reserved 1,475,000 shares of Common Stock for issuance upon
exercise of options which may be granted  pursuant to the Company's stock option
plans,  1,200,000  shares of Common Stock for issuance  upon exercise of certain
other  warrants and options,  and 34,500  shares of Common Stock for issuance to
the Underwriter upon exercise of the Underwriter's  Warrants.  The Underwriter's
Warrants are  exercisable  at 120% of the initial  price to the public per share
for a period of two years  commencing one year from the date of this Prospectus.
The  Underwriter's  Warrants  carry certain  registration  rights.  The exercise
prices of the  Underwriter's  Warrants are subject to  adjustment  under certain
circumstances.  If the  holders of the  Underwriter's  Warrants  exercise  their
warrants and their registration  rights relating to the underlying Common Stock,
they will own registered shares which will be freely  transferable and tradeable
without  restriction  or further  registration  under the  Securities  Act.  See


     Subject to the terms and conditions of the  Underwriting  Agreement,  Janco
Partners, Inc. (the "Underwriter"),  has agreed to purchase from the Company the
1,000,000  shares of Common Stock offered hereby.  The Underwriter will purchase
the  shares  at  the  price  to  the  public  less  underwriting  discounts  and
commissions set forth on the cover page of this Prospectus.

     The Underwriting Agreement provides that the Underwriter's  obligations are
subject  to  conditions  precedent  and that the  Underwriter  is  committed  to
purchase all shares of Common Stock offered  hereby (other than those covered by
the  over-allotment  option  described  below) if the Underwriter  purchases any

     The Underwriter  has advised the Company that the  Underwriter  proposes to
offer the shares of Common Stock in part  directly to the public at the price to
the  public  set  forth on the  cover  page of this  Prospectus,  and in part to
certain  dealers at the price to the public less a concession not exceeding $.29
per share. After the shares of Common Stock are released for sale to the public,
the  Underwriter  may change the initial  price to the public and other  selling
terms.  No change in such  terms  shall  change  the  amount of  proceeds  to be
received by the Company as set forth on the cover page of this  Prospectus.  The
Underwriter will also receive a  non-accountable  allowance equal to 1.5% of the
gross  proceeds  of  the  offering  (including  the  over-allotment  option,  if
exercised), of which $35,000 has been paid.

     Certain  individuals  holding  options and  warrants to purchase  shares of
Common  Stock  of the  Company  have  granted  to  the  Underwriter  an  option,
exercisable no later than 45 days after the date of this Prospectus, to purchase
up to 150,000  additional  shares of Common Stock at the public  offering price,
less the underwriting  discount, set forth on the cover page of this Prospectus.
To the extent that the Underwriter  exercises this option,  the Underwriter will
have a firm commitment to purchase,  and the Selling  Optionholders  and Selling
Warrantholder will be obligated,  pursuant to the option, to sell such shares to
the  Underwriter.  The  Underwriter  may  exercise  its  option  only  to  cover
over-allotments  made in  connection  with the sale of shares  of  Common  Stock
offered hereby.

     The offering of the shares is made for delivery when, as and if accepted by
the  Underwriter  and subject to prior sale and to withdrawal,  cancellation  or
modification of the offering without notice. The Underwriter  reserves the right
to reject an order for the purchase of the shares in whole or in part.

     The  Underwriting   Agreement  provides  that  the  Company,   the  Selling
Optionholders  and  Selling  Warrantholder,  if any,  and the  Underwriter  will
indemnify  each other  against  certain  liabilities  under the Act.  Insofar as
indemnification  for  liabilities  arising  under  the Act may be  permitted  to
directors,   officers  or  persons  controlling  the  Company  pursuant  to  the
Underwriting Agreement or otherwise,  the Company has been informed that, in the
opinion of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  such  indemnification  is
against public policy as expressed in the Act and is therefore unenforceable.

     The Company's officers,  directors and key employees,  who beneficially own
in the aggregate 3,242,500 shares of Common Stock (including 1,550,000 currently
exercisable  options and warrants),  have agreed not to offer, sell or otherwise
dispose of any shares of Common  Stock for a period of 90 days after the date of
this Prospectus  without the prior written consent of the Underwriter.  However,
certain  optionholders  and a warrantholder  may be required by the Underwriter,
subject to a 45 day  option,  to sell up to  150,000  shares  issuable  upon the
exercise   of  the   options  and   warrants   to  the   Underwriter   to  cover
over-allotments,  if any,  and the Company may grant  additional  options  under
certain Stock Option Plans without the prior written consent of the Underwriter,
provided that such options shall not be  exercisable  during the 90-day  lock-up

     The  Company  has  also  agreed  to sell to the  Underwriter,  for  nominal
consideration, warrants (the "Underwriter's Warrants") to purchase 34,500 shares
of Common Stock. The Underwriter's Warrants will be exercisable,  at a price per
share equal to 120% of the initial price to the public, commencing one year from
the date hereof and for a period of two years  thereafter.  During the  exercise
period, holders of the Underwriter's Warrants are entitled to certain demand and



incidental  registration  rights with respect to the  securities  issuable  upon
exercise of the Underwriter's  Warrants.  The shares of Common Stock issuable on
exercise of the  Underwriter's  Warrants  are subject to  adjustment  in certain
events to prevent dilution.  The  Underwriter's  Warrants cannot be transferred,
assigned  or  hypothecated  for a period of one year  from the date of  issuance
except to officers of the Underwriter,  selling group members and their officers
or partners.

     The rules of the Commission  generally  prohibit the  Underwriter and other
members of the selling group from making a market in the Company's  Common Stock
during the "cooling off" period immediately  preceding the commencement of sales
in the offering.  The Commission has,  however,  adopted an exemption from these
rules that permits passive market making under certain  conditions.  These rules
permit an Underwriter or other member of the selling group to continue to make a
market in the Company's  Common Stock subject to the  conditions,  among others,
that its bid not exceed the highest bid by a market maker not connected with the
offering and that its net purchases on any one trading day not exceed prescribed
limits.  Pursuant to these exemptions,  the Underwriter and other members of the
selling group intend to engage in passive market making in the Company's  Common
Stock during the cooling off period.

New Underwriter

     The  Underwriter  was formed in December  1995 and became  registered  as a
securities  broker-dealer in February 1996. Since that time, the Underwriter has
acted as an  underwriter in three public  offerings and as a selected  dealer in
seven additional public offerings.  The Underwriter has not previously served as
the  managing  underwriter  of a public  offering.  Although  the  Underwriter's
principals have extensive experience in the securities industry, there can be no
assurance  that the  Underwriter's  limited  operating  history will not have an
adverse effect on the offering or the market for the Company's  securities.  See

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

     The Company has been represented,  and the legality of the securities being
offered hereby has been passed upon, by Schlueter & Associates,  P.C., 1050 17th
Street, Suite 1700, Denver, Colorado 80265. Certain legal matters will be passed
upon for the  Underwriters by Berliner Zisser Walter & Gallegos,  P.C.,  Denver,


     The balance  sheets of the  Company as of July 31,  1996 and 1995,  and the
statements of  operations,  shareholders'  equity and cash flows for each of the
three years in the period ended July 31, 1996 included in this prospectus,  have
been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent  auditors, as stated in their
report  appearing  herein,  and are included in reliance upon the report of such
firm given upon their authority as experts in accounting and auditing.



                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

     The  Company  has  filed  with  the  Commission  a  registration  statement
(together with all amendments thereto,  the "Registration  Statement") under the
Act with  respect  to the  Common  Stock of the  Company  offered  hereby.  This
Prospectus,   filed  as  part  of  the  Registration  Statement,  omits  certain
information contained in the Registration Statement in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the Commission. For further information,  reference is hereby
made to the Registration  Statement.  Statements contained herein concerning the
provisions of any document are not  necessarily  complete and in each  instance,
reference  is made to the  copy of such  document  filed  as an  exhibit  to the
Registration  Statement  or  otherwise  filed  with the  Commission.  Each  such
statement is qualified in its entirety by such reference.

     The  Company  is  subject  to  the   reporting   and  other   informational
requirements of the Exchange Act and, in accordance therewith, files reports and
other information with the Commission.  Such reports, proxy statements and other
information  filed by the Company,  including  the  Registration  Statement  and
exhibits thereto, may be inspected and copied at the public reference facilities
maintained  by the  Commission  at the offices of the  Commission  at Room 1024,
Judiciary  Plaza,  450 Fifth Street,  NW,  Washington,  D.C.  20549,  and at the
Commission's  regional offices at Northwestern  Atrium Center,  500 West Madison
Street,  Suite 1400, Chicago,  Illinois 60661-2511 and 7 World Trade Center, New
York,  New York 10048.  Copies of such materials can also be obtained by written
request to the Public  Reference  Section of the Commission at Judiciary  Plaza,
450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates.


                                                 GLOSSARY OF TERMS

Client/Server        The model of interaction in distributed data processing in which a program at one site sends a request to
                     a program at another site and awaits a response.  The requesting program is called a client, and the answering
                     program is called a server.

COTS                 Acronym for "Commercial Off The Shelf" which means hardware and/or software that is readily available for

Compiler             A program that converts another program from some source language (or programming language) to machine language
                     (object code).

DEC                  Acronym for "Digital Equipment Corporation."

Interoperability     The ability of software and hardware, on multiple machines, from multiple vendors to communicate.

Legacy Code          Existing software, including proprietary applications, out-dated commercial vendor applications, data bases and
                     element relationships, that have been in use for an extended period of time, thus accumulating the "legacy" of
                     corporate memory, files and information system functionality that may no longer adequately satisfy the owner.

Legacy System        Existing hardware and network systems, especially proprietary, closed mainframe environments or out-dated
                     architectures that have been in use for an extended period of time, typically with limited functionality and
                     limited or no compatibility with more modern systems.  DEC's VMS operating system is an example of a Legacy

Network              Hardware and software data communication systems.

NT                   Refers to the Windows NT operating system which is the latest open system architecture for Windows developed by
                     Microsoft Corporation.

Open Systems         Computer and communications environments based on formal and de facto interface standards.  Such interfaces
                     should not be controlled by a single vendor and must be freely available.  Systems built using these standard
                     interfaces provide portability of software across standard computer platforms, Interoperability between systems
                     and much greater choice and flexibility in systems procurement.

Operating System     The software which schedules tasks, allocates storage, handles the interface to hardware and presents a default
                     interface to the user when no application program is running.

Portability          The ease with which a software application can be made to run in a new environment.

Porting              The process or ability to electronically "port" or move data, files and software from one computer or Network
                     environment to another computer or Network environment.

Proprietary          A product not conforming to open system standards, that was typically developed by a particular hardware
                     manufacturer for its own computers.

Re-engineering       The examination and modification of a system to reconstitute it in a new form and the subsequent implementation
                     of the new form.



RISC                 Acronym for reduced instruction set computing.

UNIX                 A widely used multi-user, general purpose operating system.  A trademark of X/Open Company Limited, for an
                     operating system originally developed at the Bell Laboratories of AT&T in the late 1960's and early 1970's and
                     subsequently enhanced by the University of California at Berkeley, AT&T, the Open Software Foundation (OSF) and

VAX                  Virtual Address eXtension.  Digital Equipment Corporation's proprietary 32-bit minicomputer, considered one of
                     the most successful designs in industry history.

VAX/VMS              As used in this Prospectus shall refer to DEC's VAX minicomputers, which utilize DEC's VMS operating system.
VMS                  The brand name of the proprietary multi-user, multi-tasking, virtual memory operating system provided by DEC
                     with its VAX minicomputers.

Workstation          A general purpose computer designed to be used by one person at a time and which offers higher performance than
                     normally found in a personal computer, especially with respect to graphics, processing power and the ability to
                     carry out several tasks at the same time.

Year 2000 Problem    The Year 2000 Problem arises from the widespread use of computer programs that rely on two-digit date codes to
                     perform computations and decision making functions.  Many of these computer programs may fail due to an
                     inability to properly interpret date codes. For example, such programs may misinterpret "00" as the year 1900
                     rather than 2000.


                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
Independent  Auditors  Report                                          F-1

Balance  Sheets -- July 31, 1996 and 1995                              F-2

Statements  of Operations -- For the fiscal years ended
July 31, 1996,  1995 and 1994                                          F-3

Statements of  Shareholders'  Equity -- For the fiscal
years ended July 31,  1996,  1995 and 1994                             F-4

Statements  of Cash  Flows -- For the fiscal
years ended July 31, 1996,  1995 and 1994                              F-5

Notes to Financial  Statements                                 F-6 to F-11


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

Accelr8 Technology Corporation:

We  have  audited  the  accompanying   balance  sheets  of  Accelr8   Technology
Corporation  as of July  31,  1996  and  1995,  and the  related  statements  of
operations,  shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in
the  period  ended  July  31,  1996.   These   financial   statements   are  the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our  opinion,  such  financial  statements  present  fairly,  in all material
respects,  the  financial  position of the Company as of July 31, 1996 and 1995,
and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years
in the  period  ended  July  31,  1996 in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles.


Denver, Colorado
September 4, 1996


                                 ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                         BALANCE SHEETS
                                     JULY 31, 1996 AND 1995

ASSETS                                                             1996                      1995
CURRENT ASSETS:                                           
  Cash and cash equivalents                                     $ 1,407,026              $   437,425
  Accounts receivable                                               431,252                  292,536
  Prepaid expenses and other                                         49,695                    1,170
  Deferred tax assets (Note 6)                                      123,223                 
                                                                -----------              -----------
     Total current assets                                         2,011,196                  731,131
                                                                -----------              -----------

   Computer equipment                                               209,735                  248,620
   Furniture  and fixtures                                           11,231                   11,231
                                                                -----------              -----------
     Total property and equipment                                   220,966                  259,851
   Less accumulated depreciation                                   (150,453)                (189,346)
                                                                -----------              -----------
     Net property and equipment                                      70,513                   70,505
                                                                -----------              -----------

     amortization: 1996, $746,260; 1995, $650,023                   160,321                  176,015

OTHER ASSETS (Note 7)                                                75,000              
                                                                -----------              -----------
     TOTAL                                                      $ 2,317,030              $   977,651
                                                                ===========              ===========


Accounts payable                                                $    52,091              $    60,141
Income taxes payable                                                 18,000
Salaries and payroll taxes                                           20,316                   30,773
Product development advance payable (Note 2)                         50,000                   50,000
Deferred consulting revenue                                          91,724
Deferred maintenance revenue                                         75,460                   89,801
                                                                -----------              -----------
Total current liabilities                                           307,591                  230,715
                                                                -----------              -----------
DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIES (Note 6)                                    69,723                 
                                                                -----------              -----------

Common stock, no par value; 55,000,000 shares
authorized; 21,970,000 shares issued and outstanding              1,970,970                1,970,970
Contributed capital                                                  41,449                   41,449
Accumulated deficit                                                 (72,703)              (1,265,483)
                                                                -----------              -----------
Shareholders' equity - net                                        1,939,716                  746,936
                                                                -----------              -----------
TOTAL                                                           $ 2,317,030              $   977,651
                                                                ===========              ===========
See notes to financial statements 


                                          ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                             STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                      YEARS ENDED JULY 31,1996, 1995 AND 1994

                                                            1996              1995                 1994
REVENUES (Note 4):
  Consulting fees                                      $ 1,074,744          $  294,130           $  41,150
  Product license and customer support fees                683,997             750,584             415,007
  Resale of purchased software                             338,270             337,822             149,693
  Other (Note 5)                                                                                    83,035
                                                       -----------          ----------           ---------

    Total revenues                                       2,097,011           1,382,536             688,885
                                                       -----------          ----------           ---------

  Cost  of services                                        311,534             147,743             133,635
  Cost of software purchased for resale                    117,737             101,266              70,084
  General and administrative                               195,802             264,365             302,663
  Marketing and advertising                                324,962             369,165             298,760
  Research and development                                  33,038             129,959             152,245
                                                       -----------          ----------           ---------

    Total expenses                                         983,073           1,012,498             957,387
                                                       -----------          ----------           ---------

INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS                            1,113,938             370,038            (268,502)

INTEREST INCOME                                             43,342              12,356               6,752
                                                       -----------          ----------           ---------

TAXES                                                    1,157,280             382,394            (261,750)
                                                       -----------          ----------           ---------

  (Note 6):
  Current                                                  (18,000)
  Deferred                                                  53,500             
                                                         ---------          ----------           ---------       
    Total benefit                                           35,500            
                                                         ---------          ----------           ---------

NET INCOME (LOSS)                                       $1,192,780          $  382,394           $(261,750)
                                                        ==========          ==========           =========

  OUTSTANDING                                           26,935,508          26,364,000          21,970,000
                                                        ==========          ==========          ==========
NET INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE                                  $0.04               $0.01              $(0.01)
                                                             =====               =====              ======

See notes to financial statements.


                                          ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                        STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
                                      YEARS ENDED JULY 31,1996, 1995 AND 1994

                                         Common Stock
                                ----------------------------------          Contributed       Accumulated            Shareholders' 
                                   Shares                Amount              Capital             Deficit            Equity - Net

BALANCE, JULY 31, 1993           21,970,000            $ 1,970,970           $ 41,449          $(1,386,127)          $   626,292

Net loss                                                                                          (261,750)             (261,750)
                                 ----------             ----------           --------         ------------           -----------

BALANCE, JULY 31, 1994           21,970,000              1,970,970             41,449           (1,647,877)              364,542

Net income                                                                                         382,394               382,394
                                 ----------             ----------           --------         ------------           -----------

BALANCE, JULY 31, 1995           21,970,000              1,970,970             41,449           (1,265,483)              746,936

Net income                                                                                       1,192,780             1,192,780
                                 ----------             ----------           --------         ------------           -----------

BALANCE, JULY 31, 1996           21,970,000             $1,970,970           $ 41,449         $     (72,703)          $1,939,716
                                 ==========             ==========           ========         =============           ==========

See notes to financial statements


                                          ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                             STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                      YEARS ENDED JULY 31,1996, 1995 AND 1994

                                                                           1996           1995          1994

 Net income (loss)                                                     $ 1,192,780    $   382,394    $  (261,750)
 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
  cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
  marketing credits                                                        (71,506)
  Depreciation and amortization                                            121,600        139,072        150,821
  Deferred income tax benefit (53,500)
  Net change in assets and liabilities:
   Accounts receivable                                                    (138,716)      (108,984)       (59,701)
   Prepaid expenses and other                                              (48,525)         6,705            525
   Other assets                                                            (75,000)
   Accounts payable                                                         (8,050)        30,599         21,959
   Income taxes payable                                                     18,000
   Salaries and payroll taxes                                              (10,457)         8,001         18,267
   Deferred consulting revenue                                              91,724
   Deferred maintenance revenue                                            (14,341)         2,823         28,871
   Other payables                                                           ______         ______        (10,365)

   Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                   1,075,515        460,610       (182,879)
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------

   Software development costs                                              (80,543)      (108,510)       (83,853)
   Purchase of computer equipment                                          (25,371)
   Purchase of furniture and fixtures                                       ______        _______         (3,931)

   Net cash used in investing activities                                  (105,914)      (108,510)       (87,784)
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------

  AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                     969,601        352,100       (270,663)

  BEGINNING OF YEAR                                                        437,425         85,325        355,988
                                                                       -----------    -----------    -----------

  END OF YEAR                                                          $ 1,407,026    $   437,425    $    85,325
                                                                       ===========    ===========    ===========

In 1994,  marketing credits earned and equipment valued at $71,506 were received
in connection with a marketing program of a major customer (Note 5) 

See notes to financial statements.


                         ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                    YEARS ENDED JULY 31, 1996, 1995 AND 1994


Business - Accelr8  Technology  Corporation  ("Accelr8"  or the  "Company)  is a
provider of software tools and consulting services for the conversion of Digital
Equipment   Corporation  ("DEC")  legacy  systems  to  UNIX  open  client/server
environments.  The Company's  consulting  services and software conversion tools
enable the Company's  customers to analyze and implement their UNIX  conversions
in a predictable  and  cost-effective  manner.  The Company's  clients include a
number of Fortune 1000 companies and government agencies.

Use of Estimates - The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of
the date of the financial  statements  and the reported  amounts of revenues and
expenses  during the reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from those

Cash and Cash  Equivalents  - All highly  liquid  investments  with an  original
maturity  of three  months  or less at time of  purchase  are  considered  to be
equivalent to cash.

Concentration of Credit Risk - Financial  instruments  that potentially  subject
the  Company  to  concentrations  of  credit  risk  consist  primarily  of  cash
equivalents  and accounts  receivable.  The Company places its cash  equivalents
with a high credit quality financial  institution.  The Company grants credit to
domestic and international clients in various industries.  Exposure to losses on
accounts  receivable  is  principally   dependent  on  each  client's  financial
position.  The Company  performs  ongoing  credit  evaluations  of its  client's
financial condition.

Property  and   Equipment  -  Property  and  equipment  are  recorded  at  cost.
Maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as incurred and  expenditures for
major  improvements  are  capitalized.  Gains  and  losses  from  retirement  or
replacement are included in operations.

Depreciation  -  Depreciation  of property and  equipment is computed  using the
straight-line  method over the estimated  useful life of the assets ranging from
five to seven years.

Software  Development  Costs - Costs  incurred  internally  to develop  computer
software  products  and the  costs  to  acquire  externally  developed  software
products (which have no alternative  future use) to be sold, leased or otherwise
marketed  are  charged to expense  until the  technological  feasibility  of the
product  has  been  established.   After  technological   feasibility  has  been
established  and until the product is available  for general  release,  software
development,   product  enhancements  and  acquisition  costs  are  capitalized.
Amortization of capitalized costs is computed on a product-by-product basis over
(a) the period equal to the future revenue stream of the product using the ratio
that  current  revenues  bear to the total of  current  and  future  anticipated
revenues of the product,  or (b) the  remaining  estimated  economic life of the
product (three years) using the straight-line  method,  whichever method results
in the greater amount.  Amortization  expense  relating to software  development
costs for the years ended July 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 was $96,237, $113,396 and
$130,762, respectively.

Revenue  Recognition - Revenue is recognized for consulting services as services
are performed.  Revenue is recognized on product  licensing  agreements when the
Company  substantially  completes  its  obligations  under the agreement and the
customer has accepted the product.  Revenue is recognized  for customer  support
services on maintenance  agreements using the straight-line method over the term
of the agreement.



In connection with its software business, the Company functions as a value-added
reseller of computer software.  The Company recognizes revenue when the computer
software is delivered.

Deferred Revenue - Deferred  consulting  revenues represent amounts received but
not earned under consulting agreements.  Deferred maintenance revenue represents
amounts received but not earned under maintenance agreements.

Income  Taxes - The  Company  accounts  for  income  taxes  in  accordance  with
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No. 109,  "Accounting  for
Income  Taxes." The standard  generally  requires that deferred  income taxes be
recognized on temporary  differences between the financial statements and income
tax basis of assets and liabilities using currently enacted tax rates.

Earnings  (Loss) Per Share - Earnings  (loss)  per share is  computed  using the
weighted  average  number of common and  common  equivalent  shares  outstanding
during the period.  Common stock equivalents include stock options and warrants.
Common stock  equivalents were excluded from the earnings per share  calculation
for the year ended July 31, 1994 because they were anti-dilutive.

Reclassifications  - Certain amounts in 1995 and 1994 have been  reclassified to
conform to the 1996 presentation.

Stock Based Compensation - During 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
issued SFAS No. 123,  "Accounting  for Stock Based  Compensation."  SFAS No. 123
requires that stock based  compensation be either recognized or disclosed in the
financial statements.  The Company is required to adopt SFAS No. 123 in its 1997
fiscal year. Because the Company intends to elect only the disclosure provisions
of SFAS No.  123,  adoption  of SFAS No. 123 is not  expected to have a material
effect on the financial position or results of operations of the Company.


On September 4, 1991,  the Company  entered into an  assistance  agreement  with
another company wherein the Company  received an advance of $50,000 to assist in
the  development  of a specific  software  product  which the Company was to own
exclusively.  Development of the software  product was completed and the advance
of $50,000  became  payable as of July 31, 1995.  As of July 31, 1996 the amount
remains  outstanding and although the other company has the option of converting
the outstanding balance to a note bearing interest at 11% payable quarterly over
a two-year period from date of conversion, they have not exercised the option.


Option Plan - The Company has reserved  3,900,000 shares of its common stock for
issuance to employees  under an employee stock option plan. The options vest 25%
each year over a four-year  period and are exercisable for three years after the
date of vestiture. As of July 31, 1995, 1,900,000 options at $.07 per share were
held by a former President of the Company which expired  unexercised in December

As of July 31, 1995,  the  Chairman of the Board held other  options to purchase
4,800,000  shares of the Company's  common stock at $.06 per share which were to
expire as of December 31, 1995. The term of the options was extended to December
31,  1997 in December  1995.  As of July 31,  1995,  a former  President  of the
Company held other options to purchase  1,000,000 shares of the Company's common
stock at $.07 per share which expired unexercised in December 1995.

Warrants  outstanding to purchase  150,000 shares of common stock expired unused
in 1995.



Change in options and  warrants  outstanding  for the three years ended July 31,
1996, 1995 and 1994 are summarized as follows:

                                  Exercise          Employee         Exercise         Options and
                                    Price            Options          Price            Warrants

Balance, July 31, 1993            $.07-.09          3,925,000        $.06-.15          5,950,000
Expired/Cancelled                     $.09            (87,500)                          
                                                   -----------                        ----------

Balance, July 31, 1994            $.07-.09          3,837,500        $.06-.15          5,950,000
Issued                                $.09            400,000
Expired/Cancelled                     $.09           (387,500)       $.15               (150,000)
                                                   -----------                        ----------

Balance, July 31, 1995            $.07-.09          3,850,000        $.06-.07          5,800,000
Issued                                $.09             50,000        $.06              4,800,000
Expired/Cancelled                 $.07-.09         (2,000,000)       $.06-.07         (5,800,000)
                                                   ----------                         ----------

Balance July 31, 1996                 $.09          1,900,000        $.06              4,800,000
                                                   ==========                          =========

Vested, July 31, 1996                 $.09          1,662,500        $.06              4,800,000
                                                   ==========                          =========


Revenue of  $239,025  (11%),  $282,100  (13%),  and  $353,075  (17%) in 1996 was
derived from sales to three  separate  customers.  Revenue of $150,381  (11%) in
1995 and $103,064 (15%) in 1994 was derived from sales to a single customer. The
Company's operations are located entirely within the United States.  However, in
1996, $318,393 (15%) of the Company's revenues were to foreign customers.


In  connection  with a marketing  program of a major  customer,  the Company was
awarded marketing  credits which can be used for cooperative  advertising or the
purchase  of computer  equipment.  When  marketing  credits  are  exchanged  for
computer equipment,  other revenue is recognized to the extent of the fair value
of the  equipment  received.  Other  revenue  relating to marketing  credits was
$83,035 for the year ended July 31, 1994.  No marketing  credits were awarded to
the Company in 1995 or 1996.


During  the year  ended  July 31,  1994,  the  Company  changed  its  method  of
accounting  for income  taxes to comply  with the  provisions  of SFAS No.  109,
"Accounting  for  Income  Taxes."  Adoption  of this  standard  did  not  have a
significant impact on the Company's financial statements and a cumulative effect
adjustment was not required.  Prior to adoption of the new standard, the Company
accounted  for income  taxes using the  provisions  of  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting Standards No. 96.



The  following  items  comprise the Company's net deferred tax assets as of July

                                                           1996         1995

Deferred tax assets:
  Deferred income                                        $ 63,530     $ 57,848
  Net operating loss (NOL) carryforward                    41,693      491,197
  Alternative minimum (AMT) tax credit carryforwards       18,000
                                                         --------     --------
    Total                                                 123,223      549,045
  Valuation allowance                                                 (472,889)
                                                         --------     --------
    Total                                                 123,223       76,156

Deferred tax liabilities - Depreciation and amortization  (69,723)     (76,156)
                                                         --------      --------

Net deferred tax assets                                  $ 53,500      $     0
                                                         ========      =======

As of July 31, 1995,  the Company  concluded  that based on available  evidence,
realization of existing net operating  loss  carryforwards  was  uncertain,  and
accordingly,  a valuation  allowance  was  recorded.  During  fiscal  1996,  the
Company's valuation allowance decreased $472,889 as the result of utilization of
NOL carryforwards.

A  reconciliation  of the expected  income tax benefit at the federal  statutory
income tax rate to the  Company's  actual  income tax  expense at its  effective
income tax rate for the year ended July 31 are as follows:

                                                                1996         1995         1994

Federal statutory income tax rate                                     34%           34%         34%

Computed expected income taxes                                $  393,475    $  130,014    $(91,291)
Increase in taxes resulting from:
  State income taxes, net of federal tax benefit                  38,190        12,237     (13,425)
  Change in valuation allowance                                 (472,889)     (142,251)    104,716
  Other                                                            5,724
                                                              ----------    ----------    --------

Income tax provision (benefit)                                $  (35,500)   $        0    $      0
                                                              ==========    ==========    ========

As of July 31,  1996,  the  Company  has net  operating  loss  carryforwards  of
$112,000 available to offset future taxable income expiring in 2010. Pursuant to
the Tax Reform Act of 1986, net operating  losses  utilized in future income tax
returns  will be  subject  to  alternate  minimum  tax and  change in  ownership
regulations  which may limit the net operating loss  carryforward  utilized in a
given fiscal  year.  The Company  also has AMT credit  carryforwards  of $18,000
available to offset future regular  taxable  income that may be carried  forward


Operating Leases - The Company has an operating lease agreement for office space
through  July 31, 1996.  Total rent expense was $42,989,  $40,141 and $39,014 in
1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.



Employee  Retirement  Plan - During the year ended July 31,  1996,  the  Company
established a SARSEP-IRA  employee  pension plan that covers  substantially  all
full-time employees.  Under the plan, employees have the option to contribute up
to the lesser of 15% of their  compensation  or $9,240 annually to the Plan. The
Company may make discretionary contributions to the Plan based on recommendation
s from the Board of Directors.  For the year ended July 31, 1996,  the Board did
not authorize any contributions.

Deferred  Compensation  Arrangement  - During the year ended July 31, 1996,  the
Company  established  a  deferred  compensation  plan for key  employees  of the
Company using a "Rabbi" Trust. The Company may make discretionary  contributions
to the plan based on recommendations from the Board of Directors.  During fiscal
1996,  the  Company  funded  deferred  compensation  of  $75,000  awarded to the
Chairman  of the Board with a deposit of $75,000  with the  "Rabbi"  Trust.  The
Chairman vests in the $75,000 over the service period of January 1, 1996 through
January 31, 1997.  The funds are subject to the general  claims of creditors and
are included in other assets.


The  disclosure  of  estimated  fair value of financial  instruments  is made in
accordance with the requirements of SFAS No. 107,  "Disclosures about Fair Value
of Financial Instruments."

The carrying  amounts at July 31, 1996 for cash and cash  equivalents,  accounts
receivable, other assets, accounts payable, product development advance payable,
accrued expenses and deferred revenue  approximate  their fair values due to the
short maturity of these instruments.


Stock Option Plans - The Company has proposed,  subject to stockholder approval,
a decrease in the number of common shares  reserved for issuance from  3,900,000
to  1,900,000  under its  existing  stock  option  plan and the  adoption  of an
incentive stock option plan for employees and a non-qualified  stock option plan
for key employees, directors and others.

Authorized Shares and Reverse Stock Split - The Company has received stockholder
authorization to decrease the number of authorized common shares from 55,000,000
to  11,000,000  and to effect a reverse  stock split of its common stock ranging
from  one-for-three  to  one-for-seven.  The Company has proposed a one-for-four
reverse  stock  split of its common  stock,  which is to be effected on or about
November 18, 1996.

The  following is a pro forma  presentation  of the effects of the  one-for-four
reverse stock split on the number of common shares  issued and  outstanding  and
all option, warrant, and earnings (loss) per share information:

Common Stock - issued and outstanding                                                      5,492,500

Common Stock reserved for issuance:
  Existing stock Option plan                                                                 475,000
  Proposed stock option plans:
    Incentive stock option plan                                                              700,000
    Non-qualified stock option plan                                                          300,000

                                                     1996                1995                1994
Earnings (loss per share:
  Weighted average shares outstanding              6,733,877           6,591,000           5,492,500
                                                  ==========          ==========          ==========

   Net income (loss) per share                    $     0.18          $     0.06          $    (0.05)
                                                  ==========          ==========          ========== 



Change in options and warrants outstanding
for the three years ended July 31, 1996, 1995
and 1994 are summarized as follows:

                                       Exercise           Employee       Exercise      Options and
                                        Price              Options        Price          Warrants 

Balance, July 1993                     $.28-.36           981,250        $.24-.60        1,487,500
Expired/Cancelled                      $.36               (21,875)
                                                          -------                        ---------

Balance, July 31, 1994                 $.28-.36           959,375        $.24-.60        1,487,600
Issued                                 $.36               100,000
Expired/Cancelled                      $.36               (96,875)       $.60              (37,500)
                                                          -------                        ---------

Balance, July 31, 1995                 $.28-.36           962,500        $.24-.28        1,450,000
Issued                                 $.36                12,500        $.24            1,200,000
Expired/Cancelled                      $.28-36           (500,000)       $.24-.28       (1,450,000)
                                                          -------                        ---------

Balance, July 31, 1996                 $.36               475,000        $.24            1,200,000
                                                          =======                        =========

Vested July 31, 1996                   $.36               415,625        $.24            1,200,000
                                                          =======                        =========


========================================    ====================================

No dealer,  salesman or other person has
been  authorized to give any information
or   to   make   any   representationnot
contained  in  this  Prospectus,  and if             1,000,000 Shares
given  or  made,  such   information  or
representations  must not be relied upon
as  having   been   authorized   by  the               Accelr8
Company,  any Selling Shareholder or the                   Technology
Underwriter.  This  Prospectus  does not             Corporation
constitute   an   offer  to  sell  or  a
solicitation  of an offer to buy, any of
the  securities  offered  hereby  in any
jurisdiction to any person to whom it is
unlawful  to  make  such  offer  in such
jurisdiction.  Neither  the  delivery of
this  Prospectus  nor any sale hereunder
shall, under any  circumstances,  create
any  implication  that  the  information
contained  herein or that there has been                 Common Stock
no change in the  affairs of the Company
subsequent to such date.



Prospectus Summary ..............    1
Risk Factors ....................    4
Use of Proceeds .................    7                 ---------------
Dividend Policy .................    7
Price Range of Common Stock .....    8                    PROSPECTUS
Dilution ........................    9
Capitalization ..................   10                 ---------------
Selected Financial Data .........   11
Management's Discussion and
  Analysis of Financial Condition
  and Results of Operations .....   12
Business ........................   15
Management ......................   24
Principal Stockholders ..........   30
Selling Warrantholder and
  Selling Optionholders .........   31
Description of Securities .......   32
Shares Eligible for Future Sale .   32
Underwriting ....................   34
Legal Matters ...................   35               Janco Partners, Inc.
Experts .........................   35
Additional Information ..........   36
Glossary of Terms ...............   37
Financial Statements ............  F-1

                                                       November 18, 1996

========================================    ====================================