7900 East Union Avenue, Suite 1100
                             Denver, Colorado 80237
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             Held on April 17, 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  March 17, 1997


     The Annual Meeting of Shareholders  of Creative  Programming and Technology
Ventures,  Inc., a Colorado corporation,  ("CPTV" or the "Company") will be held
at Hyatt Regency Hotel - Downtown,  1750 Welton St,  Denver,  Colorado  80202 on
April 17, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. Mountain time, to consider and take action on:

     1.  The  dissolution  and  complete  liquidation  of the  Company,  and the
distribution of the assets of the Company to its shareholders, subject, however,
to further direction from the Board of Directors.

     2. The election of five directors to serve until the next annual meeting of
shareholders  and until their successors have been elected and qualified and the
classification of the directors into three classes.

     3. A proposal  by which  certain  rights  associated  with the  outstanding
Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock of the Company (the "Series A Stock") will
be extended until November 30, 2001,  and in exchange  therefor,  the holders of
the  Series A Stock  will  surrender  their  right  to  receive  dividends  on a
share-for-share basis with the common stock.

     4. Such other  business as may  properly  come before the  meeting,  or any
adjournments or postponements thereof.

     The  discussion  of the  proposals  set forth above is  intended  only as a
summary,  and is qualified in its entirety by the  information  contained in the
accompanying Proxy Statement.

     Only holders of record of Common Stock and Series A  Convertible  Preferred
Stock at the close of business on February 21, 1997,  will be entitled to notice
of and to vote at this Annual  Meeting,  or any  postponements  or  adjournments


     Shareholders,  whether or not they expect to be present at the meeting, are
requested  to sign and date the  enclosed  proxy and return it  promptly  in the
envelope  enclosed for that purpose.  Any person giving a proxy has the power to
revoke  it at any time by  following  the  instructions  provided  in the  Proxy

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors:
                                           Gary R. Vickers, President


                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT


                                 VENTURES, INC.
                       7900 East Union Avenue, Suite 1100
                             Denver, Colorado 80237

1997 March 17, 1997 This Proxy  Statement is being  furnished to shareholders of
Creative Programming and Technology Ventures,  Inc. ("CPTV" or the "Company") in
connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies by and on behalf of the Company's
Board of Directors for use at the Annual Meeting of  shareholders of the Company
(the "Annual  Meeting") and at any  adjournments or postponements  thereof.  The
Annual Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m.  Mountain Time, at Hyatt Regency Hotel
- - Downtown, 1750 Welston Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, on April 17, 1997. This
Proxy  Statement will be first mailed to the  shareholders on or about March 17,

                                VOTING SECURITIES

     Holders of record of the  Company's  common stock (the "Common  Stock") and
the Company's  Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock (the "Series A Stock"),  at
the close of business on February 21, 1997 (the "Record  Date") will be entitled
to vote on all matters.  On the Record Date, the Company had 3,131,379 shares of
Common Stock outstanding and 1,000,000 shares of Series A Stock outstanding. The
holders of shares of Common  Stock and Series A Stock are  entitled  to one vote
per share. The Company's only classes of voting  securities are the Common Stock
and Series A Stock.  A majority  of the  issued  and  outstanding  shares of the
Common Stock and Series A Stock  entitled to vote,  represented  in person or by
proxy, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at the meeting.

     Abstentions  will be treated as shares present or represented  and entitled
to vote for purposes of  determining  the presence of a quorum,  but will not be
considered  as votes cast in  determining  whether a matter has been approved by
the  shareholders.  Any shares a broker  indicates on its proxy that it does not
have the authority to vote on any particular  matter because it has not received
direction from the  beneficial  owner thereof will not be counted as voting on a
particular matter.

     A shareholder who gives his proxy pursuant to this  solicitation may revoke
it at any time  before it is voted  either by  giving  notice of the  revocation
thereof  to the  Secretary  of the  Company,  by filing  another  proxy with the
Secretary or by attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person.  All properly
executed and  unrevoked  proxies  delivered  pursuant to this  solicitation,  if
received  in time,  will be voted in  accordance  with the  instructions  of the
beneficial owners contained  thereon.  As noted below, Mr. Vickers holds certain
irrevocable  proxies  which were not  delivered  pursuant to this  solicitation,
which shares he may vote in his discretion.

     The  Company  will  bear  the  cost of the  solicitation.  In  addition  to
solicitation  by mail,  the  Company  will  request  banks,  brokers  and  other
custodian  nominees and  fiduciaries to supply proxy materials to the beneficial
owners of the  Company's  Common  Stock and  Preferred  Stock for whom they hold
shares and will reimburse them for their reasonable expenses in so doing.


     Set forth below is certain  information with respect to ownership of CPTV's
securities by the CPTV's executive officers,  directors, and persons or entities
who are known by CPTV to own beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding shares
of the Common Stock and Series A Stock:

Name and address                       Number of Shares              Percentage
of Beneficial Owner              Common        Preferred  (c)           Vote
- -------------------              -----------------------             ----------

Kim Magness (a)                  267,200          255,500                15.4
Gary D. Magness (b)              283,750          255,500                15.9
4643 South Ulster
Suite 1520
Englewood, CO 80237

Gary R. Vickers (f)              529,400          489,000                28.1
7900 East Union Avenue
Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80237

A. Richard Berman              33,750(d)              -0-                 1.0
46 A Bulkley Avenue
Sausalito, CA 94965

William B. Gladstone (e)       75,250(d)              -0-                 2.3
2191 San Elijo Avenue
Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007

Craig K. Tanner                 33,750(d)              -0-                1.0
1880 Campus Common Drive
Reston, VA 22091

All Directors and              955,900             744,500               43.8
Executive Officers
as a Group (5 persons)

- ----------
 * Less than 1%.

(a)  Includes  3,700  shares of Common  Stock  held in the name of Kim  Magness'

(b)  Includes  shares of Common Stock held in the names of Gary D. Magness' wife
     (12,000 shares) and minor child (5,000 shares). Also includes 11,250 shares
     underlying  options  exercisable  from November 1, 1996 through January 16,
     2001, at $1.00 per share.

(c)  The shares of Series A Stock are  entitled to convert to Common  Stock on a
     share-for-share  basis upon the holder paying a conversion premium of $5.40
     per share.  Any  unconverted  share of Series A Stock will be  canceled  on
     November 15, 1997.  Pending  conversion,  the shares of Series A Stock have
     the  right  to vote on a  share-for-share  basis  with  the  Common  Stock.
     Proposal 3, if adopted,  will result in our extension of the Series A Stock
     until November 30, 2001.

(d)  Consists of options to acquire 22,500 shares at $4.00 per share exercisable
     through  October 1, 1998. Also includes  11,250 shares  underlying  options
     exercisable  from  November 1, 1996 through  January 16, 2001, at $1.00 per

(e)  Includes 7,500 shares held in the name of Mr. Gladstone's wife.

(f)  The table reflects Mr. Vickers'  direct  ownership of (i) 529,000 shares of
     common  stock;  (ii) 489,000  shares of Series A Stock which is entitled to
     vote on a share-  for-share basis with the Company's Common Stock and (iii)
     irrevocable  proxies to vote  1,050,700  shares  from Gary D.  Magness  and
     members of his family (as to  272,500  shares of common  stock and  255,500
     shares of Series A Stock) and Kim  Magness and members of his family (as to
     267,200 shares of common stock and 255,500  shares of Series A Stock.  As a
     result  of  the  foregoing,  Mr.  Vickers  has  the  right  to  cast  votes
     representing  approximately  50% of the  outstanding  shares.  Mr.  Vickers
     intends  to cast  votes for the  election  of the  directors  described  in
     Proposal 2. Mr.  Vickers has not  determined  how he will cast his vote and
     the votes  with  respect  to the  shares  as to which he holds  irrevocable
     proxies  as to the  classified  board of  directors  included  as a part of
     Proposal 2, or as to Proposals 1 or 3.

                                  PROPOSAL 1 -

     Since the  completion of the GT  Transaction  (described in greater  detail
below), the Company has received a number of proposals for business combinations
which would  result in CPTV  becoming  involved in new business  enterprises  in
industries which are not related to CPTV's original goals as described in CPTV's
November  1993  prospectus.  Additionally,  management  has received a number of
shareholder  inquiries regarding the distribution of some or all of the proceeds
received by CPTV as a result of the completion of the GT Transaction, as well as
numerous  shareholder  complaints that the market price for CPTV common stock as
quoted by NASDAQ does not even reflect a reasonable  trading  range based on the
net cash reflected on CPTV's financial  statements.  Since CPTV's  going-forward
operations  may entail a business  plan which is materially  different  than its
original course, the CPTV Board of Directors has determined to seek guidance and
solicit a vote from those  shareholders who choose to vote in person or by proxy
as to whether to liquidate the Company and distribute the net cash proceeds from
the GT Transaction to the shareholders in liquidation,  or to continue CPTV as a
going concern and look to take advantage of business opportunities.

     Although  the Board of  Directors  of the Company has adopted a proposal to
present the Plan of  Dissolution  and  Liquidation  to the  shareholders  of the
Company,  the Board, itself, has not made any recommendation to the shareholders
regarding whether  dissolution is the appropriate course to follow.  Many of the
Board members are also shareholders, and they have each advised the Company that
they have not  determined  how they intend to vote their shares on this proposal
when it is presented to the shareholders for approval. The Board expects to have
further discussions on this matter prior to the Annual Meeting,  and will review
additional  business  proposals  that may warrant  their  attention.  Even after
approval by the shareholders of Proposal No. 1 (if approved), the management may
continue  reviewing  business proposals and may, in its discretion if determined
to be in the best  interests of CPTV and its  shareholders,  abandon the plan of

     If Proposal 1 (Liquidation) is approved by CPTV's shareholders, and subject
to further direction from the Board of Directors,  management of CPTV expects to
wind up and complete the liquidation process in two phases. The first phase will
entail an  immediate  distribution  of a large  portion  of CPTV's  unrestricted
assets amounting to approximately  $1.26 per share. A second  distribution  will
encompass  the  remaining  assets of the  Company  after the  expiration  of any
contingent liabilities.  The representations and warranties given by CPTV in the
GT Transaction  expire in September  1998. It is possible that the completion of
the  liquidation  may take a longer  period  of time  depending  on a number  of
factors, such as the resolution of any contingent  liabilities remaining at that
date. CPTV is also  considering some proposals which would allow earlier release
of these funds,but these are in early stages of negotiations and there can be no
assurance  that CPTV  will be able to do so.  CPTV  will  file its  articles  of
dissolution  by August 31,  1997,  unless the Board of Directors  exercises  its
discretion to cancel the dissolution.

After  filing  the  articles  of  dissolution,  the Board of  Directors,  in its
discretion, can revoke the dissolution for up to an additional 120 days, without
shareholder approval.

     If  Proposal  1 is not  approved,  CPTV will  continue  in  existence,  and
management and the Board of Directors will continue to review  alternatives  for
its future business.

     Irrespective of whether Proposal 1 is approved by CPTV's shareholders,  the
Board of Directors and  management  will continue to review  business  plans and
proposals  for  business  combinations  which may be  advantageous  to CPTV.  If
management  identifies an  advantageous  business  combination  for CPTV, it may
determine  to  pursue  the  business  combination  further,   notwithstanding  a
shareholder  vote  approving  the Plan.  During the period until the articles of
dissolution are filed, the Board may cancel  dissolution simply by not directing
management  to file the  articles.  For 120 days  following  the  filing  of the
articles of dissolution, the Board can revoke the dissolution by filing articles
of revocation of dissolution  with the Colorado  Secretary of State.  In neither
case will shareholder approval be required.

     It is likely that any business  which CPTV may acquire or invest in will be
in an industry  substantially  different from the  entertainment  and video game
industry in which CPTV had been  participating  until the  completion  of the GT
Transaction. In addition, these businesses are likely to be very speculative and
therefore not appropriate  for risk- adverse  investors.  While  management will
review  proposals with an intention of identifying the businesses most likely to
succeed and then to negotiate terms favorable to CPTV, there can be no assurance
that any  business  in which CPTV may invest or which CPTV may  acquire  will in
fact succeed.

Results of Dissolution
- ----------------------

     Were CPTV to dissolve  (which,  as described  above, is not assured even if
the  shareholders  approve  Proposal  No.  1),  CPTV  is  required  to  pay  its
liabilities in full and to provide for its contingent liabilities; thereafter it
will  distribute  the balance of its assets to its  shareholders.  At this time,
CPTV's assets consist of restricted and  unrestricted  cash derived from the net
proceeds of the GT  Transaction.  Its contingent  liabilities  include  possible
liabilities  under the agreements by which the GT  Transaction  was completed as
well as continuing operating and contractual liabilities and expenses during the
winding-up period. The following information is based on the Company's unaudited
financial statements as of November 30, 1996:

                                           Unrestricted           Restricted
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Assets                          (a)   $5,975,530             $ 700,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Liabilities                              205,152
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Potential contingent liabilities            1,800,000                700,000
and estimated costs of future
operation and liquidation             (b)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Preference to Series A Stock                   10,000                      0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Available for Distribution              3,960,378                      0
to Common Stock at initial
distribution                          (d)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amount Per Share of                              1.26                      0
Common Stock (3,140,079
shares outstanding)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Amount Available for                  (e)        0.64              included in
supplemental distribution                                          cell to the
(September 1998)                                                   left

(a)  Restricted  Assets consists of $700,000 in cash being held by in escrow, to
     satisfy potential claims for breach of representations and warranties which
     may be  made  pursuant  to the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  by  which  CPTV
     completed the GT Transaction (the "GT Stock Purchase Agreement"). No claims
     have  been  made  against  these  funds to date,  and CPTV has no basis for
     believing  that any such claims  will be made in the future.  This does not
     include  any  earnings  on the  funds  held  in the  escrow  account  or on
     unrestricted  funds being held by the Company.  Earnings  will increase the
     amount available for distribution.

(b)  The GT Stock Purchase  Agreement provides that the maximum exposure to CPTV
     for breaches of representations and warranties is $2,000,000, including the
     $700,000 described as a Restricted Asset and in note (a), above.

     This includes the estimated  costs of this proxy  solicitation  and holding
     the  Annual  Meeting,  as well as  estimated  costs to  maintain  corporate
     operations  and  employment  relationships  and the Company's  status as an
     issuer filing reports under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 through the
     winding up period (expected to end shortly after the escrow pursuant to the
     GT Stock Purchase Agreement is terminated on September 13, 1998).

(c)  It is  expected  that the  holders  of the  Series A Stock  will  waive any
     dividend rights. See proposal 3 herein.

(d)  The initial  distribution  is expected to be  completed  not later than 130
     days after the date the articles of dissolution are filed. This allows time
     for the  filing  of the  articles  of  dissolution  and for  the  Board  of
     Directors  to revoke  dissolution  should  they so  desire.  A  partial  or
     complete  dissolution in liquidation  may be made earlier than 130 days, in
     the discretion of the Board.


(e)  The  supplemental  distribution is based on the assumption that no payments
     are made from the escrow to GT to satisfy  valid  claims  for  breaches  of
     representations and warranties contained in the Stock Purchase Agreement.

Plan of Dissolution and Liquidation
- -----------------------------------

     The Plan  provides  for the  dissolution  of the  Company  pursuant  to the
provisions  of the Colorado  Business  Corporation  Act.  Following  shareholder
approval,  the Company is authorized to file  Articles of  Dissolution  with the
Colorado Secretary of State. Even following shareholder  approval,  the Board of
Directors may abandon the dissolution of the Company if the Board  determines it
to be in the best interests of the Company to do so. This  abandonment may occur
before the Articles are filed with the  Colorado  Secretary of State,  or within
120  days  thereafter.  The  abandonment  of the  Plan  of  Dissolution,  or the
revocation of the dissolution  after the Articles of Dissolution are filed,  can
be accomplished by the Board of Directors without approval or even consideration
by the shareholders.

     Following the filing of the Articles of  Dissolution,  the  dissolution  is
effective  and  the  Company  will  cease  business  operations.  The  Company's
corporate  existence  will  continue  thereafter,  but solely for the purpose of
liquidating its assets, winding up its business affairs,  paying its liabilities
and distributing its remaining assets under the Plan.

     The Plan contemplates that upon its effectiveness,  payment of or provision
for payment of any accrued and direct and contingent  liabilities  and claims of
the Company will be made out of the Company's  assets.  As described  above, the
Company anticipates retaining  approximately  $2,500,000 for the satisfaction of
contingent  liabilities  and  for  payment  of  anticipated  operating  expenses
following the dissolution.  Thereafter, any assets remaining will be distributed
to stockholders as promptly as possible.

     If the Plan is approved by the  stockholders,  the stock  transfer books of
the  Company  will be closed as of the close of  business on a date fixed by the
Board of Directors for the distribution of assets. Thereafter, no assignments or
transfers  of Common  Stock  (except  for  those  occurring  by will,  intestate
succession or operation of law) will be recorded.

     Following the dissolution of the Company,  CPTV will from time to time make
cash distributions to its shareholders of record on specified dates, which dates
will be established by the Board of Directors in accordance with applicable law.
Shareholders  will not be required to surrender any  certificates for the shares
they may be holding in order to receive any distributions.


Possibility of 1934 Act De-Registration
- ---------------------------------------

     Following shareholder adoption of the Plan of Dissolution and the filing of
the  articles  of   dissolution,   CPTV  will  consider  the   advisability   of
de-registering  its common  stock.  Currently  CPTV common  stock is  registered
pursuant to Section  12(g) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended
(the "1934 Act"). Among other things,  1934 Act registration  allows CPTV Common
Stock to be quoted on the NASDAQ SmallCap  Market.  1934 Act  registration  also
imposes  time-consuming and expensive reporting  obligations on CPTV,  including
the  requirement  that it obtain an annual  audit and that it  prepare  and file
annual and quarterly reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     CPTV may not  continue  to qualify  for  quotation  on the NASDAQ  SmallCap
Market after it makes a  significant  distribution  to  shareholders.  Under the
Colorado  Business  Corporation  Act,  CPTV is  prohibited  from carrying on any
business  "except as is  appropriate  to wind up and  liquidate its business and
affairs." Consequently,  there will be little need for CPTV to file the 1934 Act
reports or to attempt to maintain a market for its  shares.  Thus  whether  CPTV
elects to  de-register  under the 1934  Act,  it is  doubtful  that  there  will
continue to be an active market for its Common Stock.

     CPTV has not made any decision  whether to seek to  de-register  its Common
Stock under the 1934 Act after the  articles of  dissolution  are filed.  If the
dissolution is approved, and assuming the articles of dissolution are filed, the
Board of Directors will consider the advantages and  disadvantages  of doing so.
If dissolution occurs and a large initial distribution were to take place, it is
unlikely  that there  will be any  active  market  for CPTV  Common  Stock,  and
de-registration,  if it  occurs,  would not likely  have an  adverse  impact the
shareholders. CPTV would still make unaudited financial information available to
the shareholders on a regular basis, but following the  de-registration  will no
longer  have its  financial  statements  audited  or prepare  and file  periodic
reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Federal Income Tax Consequences of Dissolution
- ----------------------------------------------

     Under the Federal  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),
amounts  distributed to  shareholders  following  CPTV's adoption of the plan of
liquidation will be treated as payment in exchange for stock.  Shareholders will
be required to recognize gain or loss as a result of the distributions.  Gain or
loss will be computed by each shareholder on a share-by-share basis by comparing
the amount of the distribution with the shareholder's  cost basis or other basis
in the shareholder's  CPTV Common Stock. If the amount of the distributions to a
stockholder  exceeds  the  stockholder's  basis in his shares,  the  stockholder
generally will realize and recognize a gain. Alternatively, if the

total amount of the distributions to a particular  stockholder are less than the
shareholder's  tax basis in his or her shares,  the shareholder will realize and
recognize  a loss.  This gain or loss will be a capital  gain or loss,  assuming
that  the  Common  Stock  is  held  as  a  capital  asset  by  the  shareholder.
Shareholders will not recognize any gain to the extent the distributions reflect
a recovery of their basis.

     Since  the CPTV  liquidation  will  most  likely  extend  at least  through
September 1998,  shareholders will likely receive a minimum of two distributions
in at least two  different  calendar  years.  Shareholders  must apply the first
distribution  against  their basis in their CPTV  Common  stock and gain will be
recognized to the extent the amount received  exceeds the  shareholder's  basis.
(The  first  distribution  will be  approximately  $1.26;  see  chart on page 6,
above).  If there are only two  distributions  (as is  currently  contemplated),
shareholders  with a  basis  greater  than  the  amount  received  in the  first
distribution  will not be able to determine  whether there is any loss until all
distributions have been received.

     The tax  impact of the  proposed  liquidation  will be  different  for each
shareholder,  and will depend on a number of different  factors,  including each
shareholder's  basis in the CPTV, the period of time each  shareholder  has held
the CPTV stock,  and each  shareholder's  income tax bracket.  The impact of the
proposed  liquidation  will also vary based on  whether  the  Congress  adopts a
capital gains tax rate adjustment in the current  Congress as has been proposed.
If a capital gains tax rate reduction is approved and becomes law,  shareholders
who may recognize gain on the liquidation  distributions will be required to pay
a lesser amount of tax than would be required under the current law.

     State tax  requirements  will also  vary  state-by-state.  The Code and the
regulations interpreting the Codes are frequently being amended and revised. The
foregoing  discussion does not take into account any proposed  changes to either
the Code of the regulations.  Each shareholder is advised to consult with his or
her own tax and  financial  advisors  to  determine  the impact of the  proposed
liquidation in light of such shareholder's personal tax situation.

Vote Required and Recommendation
- --------------------------------

     Approval  of the  proposal  for the  Company  to effect a  dissolution  and
liquidation  of  CPTV  requires  the  affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of  the
outstanding   shares  of  the  Company's   Common  Stock.  Due  to  the  special
circumstances  described  above,  and  as  permitted  by the  Colorado  Business
Corporation  Act, the Board of Directors of the Company makes no  recommendation
with respect to a shareholder's  vote on this Proposal.  The enclosed proxy will
be voted  in  accordance  with any  specification  on the  proxy to vote  "FOR,"
"AGAINST",  or to  "ABSTAIN."  Any proxy without a  specification  marked on the
proxy will abstain  from voting on the  Proposal.  As noted  above,  Neither Mr.
Vickers (holder of shares and proxies to vote shares  representing almost 50% of
the total number  outstanding) nor any of the other directors has determined how
he intends to cast his votes as a shareholder with respect to Proposal 1.

                                  PROPOSAL 2 -
                         A CLASSIFIED BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     The following  persons are nominated as directors of the Company for a term
of one year and until the election and qualification of their  successors:  Gary
R. Vickers, Gary D. Magness, A. Richard Berman, William B. Gladstone,  and Craig
K. Tanner. If the shareholders  approve a staggered board of directors,  Messrs.
Vickers  and  Magness  will be elected to a three  year,  expiring at the annual
meeting to be held in 2000,  Messrs.  Berman and Gladstone  will be elected to a
two year term, expiring at the annual meeting to be held in 1999, and Mr. Tanner
will be elected to a one year term, expiring at the annual meeting to be held in
1998. Currently, there are two vacancies on the Board of Directors and the Board
has delegated authority to Mr. Vickers,  as President and Chairman,  to fill the
vacancies.  To date,  Mr.  Vickers has not moved to fill these  vacancies on the

     These directors will  constitute the entire Board of Directors.  The person
named  in the  proxy  intends  to vote for  Messrs.  Vickers,  Magness,  Berman,
Gladstone,  and Tanner,  each of whom has been  recommended  for election by the
Board of Directors of the Company  unless a shareholder  withholds  authority to
vote for any or all of the nominees.  The five  nominees  receiving the greatest
number of  affirmative  votes will be elected as  directors.  If any  nominee is
unable to serve or,  for good  cause,  will not serve,  the person  named in the
proxy  reserves the right to substitute  another person of his choice as nominee
in his  place.  Each of the  nominees  has  agreed to  serve,  if  elected.  The
following  table sets forth the names and ages of the nominees and the executive
offices  held by each such  person.  The  Company has no other  officers.  These
officers serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

Identification of Directors and Executive Officers
- --------------------------------------------------

     The following  table sets forth the names and  positions of the  directors,
executive  officers and key  employees  of the Company:
                                                                Term of Office
Name                       Age     Position                    as Director Since
- ----                       ---     --------                    -----------------

Gary R. Vickers            37    President, Treasurer               July 1993
                                 and Chairman of the
                                 Board of Directors,

Gary D. Magness            42    Director                           July 1993

A. Richard Berman          52    Director                      September 1993

William B. Gladstone       46    Director*                       October 1993

Craig K. Tanner            43    Director*                       January 1994

- ---------------
*    Messrs.  Gladstone  and Tanner are members of the  Company's  Audit/Systems
     Committee and  Compensation  Committee.  Mr. Berman is also a member of the
     compensation committee.

     The  directors  of the Company  are  elected to hold office  until the next
annual meeting of shareholders and until their  respective  successors have been
elected and  qualified.  Directors are nominated for election by the Board;  any
shareholder  may nominate  directors  for election at a meeting  called for that
purpose  provided the  shareholder  complies with certain  advance  notification
procedural  requirements including (without limitation) the requirement that not
less  than 60 days  before  the  record  date  for the  meeting  at  which  such
nomination  is  proposed  to be  made,  the  shareholder  proposing  to  make  a
nomination submits to the Corporate President certain information  regarding the
proposed  nominee.  Officers of the Company are elected annually by the Board of
Directors and hold office until their successors are elected and qualified.

     A. Richard Berman is the  brother-in-law  of Gary R. Vickers.  There are no
other family relationships among the directors or officers of the Company.

Meetings of the Board and Committees
- ------------------------------------

     The Board of Directors held 20 formal meetings during the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1996,  and an additional  five  meetings  after the end of the fiscal
year through  November 1996 to facilitate the completion of the GT  Transaction.
In addition,  regular  communications were maintained  throughout the year among
all of the officers and  directors of the  Company.  Each  director  attended at
least 75% of the meetings either in person or by telephone except Gary Magness.

     The  Company's  Audit/Systems  Committee  acts as the  liaison  between the
Company and its independent public  accountants.  Its members consist of Messrs.
Gladstone and Tanner.  The  Audit/Systems  Committee held one meeting during the
fiscal year ended August 31, 1996, and met and consulted several times with each
other and the Company's  auditors by telephone.  The Audit/Systems  Committee is
responsible for reviewing and approving the scope of the annual audit undertaken
by the Company's  independent  accountants  and meeting with the  accountants to
review the  progress and results of their work,  as well as any  recommendations
the accountants may offer. The Audit/Systems  Committee also reviews the fees of
the independent  accountants and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors
as to the  appointment  of the  accountants.  In  connection  with the Company's
internal accounting controls,  the Audit/Systems  Committee reviews the internal
controls and reporting  systems in place at the Company,  reviews their accuracy
and adequacy with management and with the Company's independent accountants.

     The Company's Compensation Committee consists of Messrs. Gladstone, Berman,
and Tanner. The Compensation Committee held two meetings during the fiscal year.
The  Compensation  Committee  reviews  salaries,  bonuses,  and  other  forms of
compensation for officers and key employees of the Company and its subsidiaries,
and establishes  salaries,  benefits,  and other forms of  compensation  for new
employees.  Included in the Compensation Committee's  responsibility is issuance
of stock bonuses and stock  options under the Company's two plans.  In addition,
the Compensation  Committee  reviews other matters  concerning  compensation and
personnel as the Board of  Directors  may request.  The  Compensation  Committee
attempts to design the Company's  compensation to enable the Company to attract,
retain, and reward highly qualified  executives,  while maintaining a strong and
direct link between  executive pay, the Company's annual financial  performance,
and stockholder  return.  The Committee believes that officers and certain other
key  employees  should have a  significant  stake in the  Company's  stock price
performance   under  programs  which  link  executive   compensation  to  annual
stockholder return.

Information Regarding the Directors
- -----------------------------------

     Gary R.  Vickers  has been  the  President  and  Chairman  of the  Board of
Directors of the Company since its formation in July 1993. In September 1994, he
became President and a director of OddWorld  Inhabitants and served as president
through the completion of the GT Transaction  described above. In April, 1994 he
became a Director and in November 1995 President,  of the Company's  Alexandria,
Inc. subsidiary. Between 1991 and 1992 Mr. Vickers was employed by S.G.I. Corp.,
and held  responsibilities  for that firm's marketing and strategic planning for
its entree into on-line software and high-end graphics software  development for
a proprietary line of high performance computer hardware. S.G.I. Corp. worked to
produce  and  market a  software  product  for  on-line  digital  communications
directed at home  delivery  of  information  services  accessible  via  personal
computers.  Prior to his  employment  with S.G.I.  Corp.,  Mr.  Vickers has been
involved  in  numerous  private and public  ventures,  inclusive  of real estate
development,  investment  banking  (where he served as a national Vice President
for Dean Witter Reynolds) and other investment activities.

     Gary D. Magness has been a Director of the Company  since July 1993.  Since
1976, Mr. Gary D. Magness has helped to manage family business interests.  Since
1977 he has  served as  president  of Magness  Land and Cattle and of  Limousine
Cattle and Arabian  Corp.  Both entities are  primarily  engaged in  specialized
ranching and Arabian horse breeding.  Since 1987, Mr. Magness has also served as
Vice President of IPC Corporation,  a privately-held company that holds numerous
patents on plastic extrusion processes and compounds with potential  application
in  various  industrial  markets.  Mr.  Magness  took  courses in  Business  and
Agricultural Business at Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado.

     William B.  Gladstone has been a Director of the Company since October 1993
and has served as a consultant  to the Company  from time to time.  See details,
below, in "Conflicts of Interest." Mr. Gladstone is the founder and president of
Waterside  Productions,  Inc., a literary agency and book packager  located near
San Diego,  California,  specializing in books about  computers,  technology and
multimedia.  Mr.  Gladstone  founded  Waterside  in 1982 and since then has been
devoting  substantially  his full time to that  business.  With  Waterside,  Mr.
Gladstone has developed an expertise in the "how-to" market and has negotiated a
large  number of  contracts  between  his clients  and  publishers  for whom his
clients have created books,  videos,  computer  software,  and CD-ROM  products.
Among the books he has  assisted are DOS for Dummies (IDG Press) and The Secrets
of the Game (Prima Publishing).  Mr. Gladstone has also been  editor-in-chief of
Arco Publishing (1978-1980), a book company that specialized in test preparation
and how-to  books,  and from 1980 to 1981 was senior  editor for trade books and
founding  editor for "Books for  Professionals"  for Harcourt  Brace  Jovanovich
Publishing, Inc. Mr. Gladstone received a bachelor's degree from Yale University
in 1972 and a master's  degree from Harvard  University  in 1976.  He is not the
director of any other public company.

     Craig K. Tanner assumed a senior management position with Tele-TV,  Inc. as
Vice  President of Technology in October 1995.  From 1989 until 1995 he was Vice
President, Advanced Television Projects for Cable Television Laboratories,  Inc.
a non-profit  corporation conducting research and development activities for the
cable  television  industry.  From March 1988 to May 1989,  Mr.  Tanner was Vice
President,  Planning for the Engineering and Development  Department of CBS Inc.
Prior to 1988,  Mr. Tanner held various  positions  with CBS, Inc. and with Sony
Communications  Products  Company  (including  Business and Product  Manager for
Sony's high definition systems video products).  Mr. Tanner received  bachelor's
degrees in Electrical  Engineering  and  Communications  from the  University of
Delaware in 1975, and a master's degree in Business  Administration-Finance from
Fairleigh  Dickenson  University  in 1981.  He is not the  director of any other
public company.

     A. Richard Berman has been a Director of the Company since September, 1993.
Mr. Berman  received a bachelor of Science degree in Finance from the University
of Southern  California,  in 1964, and a Juris Doctor degree from the University
of Denver , School of Law, in 1967.  Mr. Berman  maintained his own law practice
for a period of 20 years in the Denver area,  engaged  primarily in the practice
of general  business law. During that time, and  thereafter,  he was involved in
numerous and varied  business  enterprises,  acting as an attorney,  real estate
broker,   or  a  principal.   Mr.   Berman  now  pursues   personal   investment


     Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act")
requires the Company's directors, and officers and persons who own more than ten
percent of the  Company's  equity  securities  to file reports of ownership  and
changes in ownership with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC").
Directors,  officers and greater than  ten-percent  shareholders are required by
SEC  regulation  to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) reports

     Based  solely on its review of the copies of the reports it  received  from
persons  required to file, the Company believes that during the 1996 fiscal year
and subsequently,  all filing requirements applicable to its officers, directors
and  greater  than  ten-percent  shareholders  were  complied  with  except  the
following  instances:  in 1996,  Gary D. Magness  filed a Form 5 reporting  four
transactions that occurred in January,  October, and December 1994; and in 1996,
Kim Magness filed a Form 3, and also filed a Form 5 reporting  transactions that
occurred in April 1994.  The Company is not aware of any other any other changes
in  ownership  by persons  whose  transactions  are subject to  reporting  under
section 16(a) of the Exchange Act.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

     The following table sets forth information regarding compensation earned by
the Company's chief executive  officer,  being the only executive officer of the
Company included in the table.

                                                                                                                    All Other
                                                Annual Compensation               Long Term Compensation          Compensation
                                                                               Awards            Payouts
Name and Position           Year      Salary        Bonus      Other
                                                                       Restricted    Options        LTIP
                                                                         Awards       & SAR's      Payouts
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Gary R. Vickers        1996      186,000        -0-       -0-         -0-          -0-           -0-            -0-
      President and         1995      186,000        -0-       -0-         -0-          -0-           -0-            -0-
     Chief Executive        1994      186,000        -0-       -0-         -0-          -0-           -0-           5,412

     The Company has no plans which result in the payment or accrual for payment
of any amounts to any  executive  officer in  connection  with his  resignation,
retirement,  or other  termination,  or  change  of  control  or  change  in the
executive officer's responsibilities except to the extent certain events have or
will, at Mr. Vickers'  election,  require a payment of the remaining  amount due
under Mr. Vickers' employment contract.  See "Compensation of Directors -- Other
Arrangements," below.

     The Company has not adopted a medical insurance,  life insurance,  or other
benefit plan for its employees.  The Company has hired an independent consultant
to review executive and directors' incentive compensation. The Company currently
has no stock ownership or other  profit-sharing  or pension plans, but may adopt
such plans in the future.  The Company has no retirement  plans and,  therefore,
has made no  contributions  to any such plan on  behalf  of the named  officers.
Alexandria had adopted a 401(k) plan, but this plan was terminated in 1996.

Option/SAR Grants
- -----------------

     During the year ending  August 31, 1996,  no options or stock  appreciation
rights were granted to the executive officer named in the Summary Compensation.

Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises and Fiscal Year-End Option/SAR Value Table.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

     No  executive   officer  or  director   exercised   any  options  or  stock
appreciation  rights during the 1996 fiscal year. The following table sets forth
the  fiscal  year-end  value  of the  options  held by the  Company's  executive
officers and other significant shareholders:

Name                   Shares         Value                                    Value of
                      Acquired      Realized       Series A Stock        Unexercised In-the-
                    on Exercise        ($)          Unexercised at          Money Series A
                        (#)                            8/31/96            Stock at 8/31/96*
                                                    Exercisable/             Exercisable/
                                                    Unexercisable           Unexercisable
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gary R.                 -0-            -0-             489,000                   -0-
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           -0-                   -0-

* Based on the average of the bid and asked  prices on  November  20,  1996,  of
$0.938 per share.  It should be noted that,  for the purpose of this table,  the
Series A Stock,  which is convertible  into Common Stock at $5.40 per share,  is
being treated as options to purchase Common Stock.

Long Term Incentive Plan -- Awards in Last Fiscal Year
- ------------------------------------------------------

     The Company has not adopted any such plans and,  consequently,  has made no
such awards.

Defined Benefit or Actuarial Plan Disclosure
- --------------------------------------------

     Not applicable since the Company has no defined benefit or actuarial plans.

Compensation of Directors
- -------------------------

     Standard  Arrangements.  Members of the CPTV Board of Directors who are not
also  employees of the Company were paid a retainer of $2,000 per fiscal quarter
through  fiscal 1995.  During  fiscal 1996,  the Board  members who are not also
employees  of the Company  continued  to receive a retainer of $2,000 per fiscal
quarter, and also received $1,000 per Board meeting attended.

     In addition,  the Company will reimburse on an accountable basis all of its
officers,  directors,  and  employees  for  expenses  incurred  on behalf of the

     Other Arrangements.  CPTV has granted members of the Board of Directors who
are not employees of the Company  (including  Messrs.  Berman,  Tanner,  Gary D.
Magness, and Gladstone) options to acquire 22,500 shares of Common Stock each at
$4.00 per share.  These options  expire  October 1, 1998.  CPTV has also granted
members  of the  Board  of  Directors  who  are  not  employees  of the  Company
(including Messrs.  Berman, Tanner,  Gladstone,  and Gary D. Magness) options to
acquire an  additional  22,500  shares of Common  Stock each at $1.00 per share.
One-half of the options granted to directors  (11,250 each director)  vested and
became exercisable on November 1, 1996, and the remaining one-half will vest and
become  exercisable  on  November 1, 1997.  The options  will vest if the holder
continues to be a director at the vesting date. These options expire January 16,
2001. The vesting of both sets of options is accelerated in the event of certain
events, such as a change of control or liquidation.

Employment Contracts and Termination of Employment and Change-in-Control
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Except for Mr. Gary R.  Vickers,  the Company has no plans which  result in
the payment or accrual for  payment of any amounts to any  executive  officer in
connection with his resignation,  retirement, or other termination, or change of
control or change in the executive officer's responsibilities.

     The Company has entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Vickers. This
employment agreement requires Mr. Vickers to devote a substantial portion of his
services to the Company  through  November  16, 1998 for a salary at the rate of
$186,000 per year payable on a semi-monthly basis. This salary is payable to Mr.
Vickers in the event of termination of his contract as the result of a change of
control  of  the  Company  or  other  events.  This  contract  contains  certain
non-compete  covenants as well.  On November 1, 1995,  Mr.  Vickers  voluntarily
deferred  approximately  33% of his base  compensation,  which is  approximately
$5,000 per month, or approximately  $60,000 per annum.  This deferred amount was
paid to Mr.  Vickers in August  1996.  As a result of the  completion  of the GT
Transaction  (described in more detail below), an event entitling Mr. Vickers to
terminate  the  employment  agreement  has  taken  place,  and Mr.  Vickers  can
terminate  his  contract at any time and  receive  the  balance of his  contract
compensation upon such termination.

     Except as described above with respect to Mr. Vickers' employment contract,
the  Company  has no  compensation  plan  or  arrangement  with  respect  to any
executive  officer  which plan or  arrangement  results or will  result from the
resignation, retirement or any other termination of such individual's employment
with the  Company.  The Company has no plan or  arrangement  with respect to any
such  persons  which will  result  from a change in control of the  Company or a
change in the individual's responsibilities following a change in control.

Report on Repricing of Options/SARs
- -----------------------------------

     No options or SARs were  repriced  during the fiscal year ended  August 31,


     The  Company's  Board of Directors  has approved  and  recommends  that the
shareholders  approve  the  following  amendment  to the  Company's  Articles of
Incorporation,  as amended (the "Articles").  If the amendment set forth in this
proposal is approved by the shareholders, the Company will incorporate such into
Amended and Restated  Articles of  Incorporation of the Company to be filed with
the Colorado  Secretary of State. The amendment  provides for a classified board
of directors.

     The  text  of  the  proposed   amendment  to  the  Company's   articles  of
incorporation  is  attached  hereto as Exhibit  "B-1," and a  discussion  of the
purposes and effects of the amendment are attached as Exhibit "B-2."

     Votes Required and Recommended

     Approval of the  proposal for the Company to amend the articles to effect a
director  classification  requires  the  affirmative  vote  of  majority  of the
outstanding  shares of the Company's Common Stock. The Board of Directors of the
Company recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the proposal of the Company to
amend the  Articles to effect the  directors  classification.  Unless  otherwise
specified, the enclosed proxy will be voted "FOR" the approval of the amendment.
Neither Mr.  Vickers  (holder of shares and proxies to vote shares  representing
almost 50% of the total number  outstanding) nor any of the other directors have
determined how they intend to cast their votes as  shareholders  with respect to
the Proposal to classify the Board of Directors.


In Connection with the GT Transaction
- -------------------------------------

     During  fiscal  1996,   CPTV  reported  that  its  available   capital  was
insufficient to continue to wholly finance the operations of its partially-owned
subsidiary,   Off  World   Entertainment,   Inc.,  d/b/a  OddWorld   Inhabitants
("OddWorld") and to continue to meet its own obligatons. In May 1996, CPTV and

the other  principals  of OddWorld  commenced  negotiations  for financing and a
possible  acquisition of OddWorld by GT Interactive Software Corp. ("GT"), a New
York Stock  Exchange  listed  developer  and publisher of  interactive  consumer
entertainment.  These negotiations eventually resulted in letters of intent with
GT  in  early  July  1996.  Thereafter,   CPTV  and  certain  of  its  principal
shareholders  provided bridge  financing for OddWorld's  operations based on the
prospect of completing the final agreements with GT.

     As a means of financing  OddWorld and providing  CPTV with  collateral  for
amounts previously  advanced,  CPTV entered into the Loan and Security Agreement
on July 12, 1996. To obtain the necessary  funds to meet its  commitments  under
the Loan and Security Agreement, CPTV borrowed $500,000 from three shareholders:
Gary R.  Vickers  (also  president  and a director of CPTV,  $100,000),  Gary D.
Magness (also a director,  $200,000), and Kim Magness ($200,000). A condition of
these advances was that CPTV would pass through to Messrs. Vickers,  Magness and
Magness all interest and conversion  rights to OddWorld  common stock which were
bargained for and included in the Loan and Security Agreement.

     Once the due diligence  period expired,  GT's agreement to proceed with the
transactions  required GT to begin funding OddWorld's  operation up to $625,000,
and,  in its  discretion,  GT was  allowed  to make  further  advances  up to an
aggregate of $825,000,  pending CPTV  shareholder  approval.  GT conditioned its
agreement  to  provide  this  working  capital  financing  on the  assurance  of
repayment of up to $625,000 by CPTV and an agreement  from Messrs.  Kim and Gary
D.  Magness  to act as surety for CPTV's  repayment  obligation  if CPTV did not
timely obtain shareholder approval of the GT Transaction. Messrs. Magness agreed
to  provide  this  assurance  of  repayment  in the form of a surety  agreement,
conditional on them obtaining  CPTV's  commitment to include any amounts paid by
them on this  surety as  indebtedness  of CPTV and  OddWorld,  convertible  into
OddWorld  Class A Common Stock should the GT Transaction  not be completed.  Mr.
Vickers in turn agreed to reimburse  Messrs.  Magness for up to one-third of the
aforesaid surety amount to the extent called.

     Since CPTV  obtained  shareholder  approval  of the GT  Transaction,  these
agreements expired and neither CPTV, Mr. Vickers,  nor Messrs.  Magness have any
remaining direct or indirect interest in OddWorld.  CPTV repaid Messrs. Vickers,
Magness and Magness in November 1996.

Alexandria-OddWorld Relationship
- --------------------------------

     Pursuant to  inter-company  agreements,  OddWorld  contracted for services,
personnel and equipment provided by Alexandria,  Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary
of CPTV  ("Alexandria")  to perform  software  development  services  with funds
provided by CPTV. OddWorld paid Alexandria these costs (including overhead and a
profit margin) on a fixed contract basis. In addition,  OddWorld paid Alexandria
for the use of certain software  development  tools which had been developed and
were owned by Alexandria.

Prior to the completion of the GT  Transaction,  OddWorld also  subleased  space
from Alexandria at Alexandria's  offices in San Luis Obispo.  Alexandria  leased
equipment  to OddWorld.  As a result of the  completion  of the GT  Transaction,
OddWorld  is now paying 100% of the office  lease  rental;  Alexandria  conveyed
substantially  all of its  equipment  to  OddWorld  and there are no longer  any
relationships between Alexandria and OddWorld.

Business Opportunities
- ----------------------

     Management of the Company,  including Mr. Vickers,  may make other personal
investments  in  businesses   which  operate  in  the   entertainment  or  cable
industries,  and these  investments  may require  management  participation  and
otherwise  conflict with his activities on behalf of CPTV and its  subsidiaries.
The Company has required  that should any  investment  opportunity  in the cable
industry or the entertainment  industry (including,  without limitation software
product  development or online digital  communications)  become available to any
executive  officer of the  Company,  that  officer  must  first  offer it to the
Company and the offer must be reviewed by the  disinterested  directors.  If the
disinterested  directors reject the offer,  the executive  officer may pursue it
provided  such  activities  do not  conflict  with his time  commitments  to the

     Directors of the Company who are not  executive  officers or employees  may
pursue any other  business  opportunities  of interest  to them,  whether or not
those  activities  may conflict  with,  or compete with,  the  activities of the
Company.  Should any director  offer the Company  participation  in any business
opportunity,   the  offer  will  be  evaluated  on  behalf  of  the  Company  by
disinterested directors.

                     PROPOSAL 3 - EXTENSION OF THE TERMS OF
                           OUTSTANDING SERIES A STOCK

     In February 1997, the Company's Board of Directors approved a resolution to
recommend to the Company's  shareholders that certain  amendments be made to its
Certificate of Designations for Series A Stock, as amended (the  "Certificate"),
to change the terms of the Company's  Series A Stock. If the amendment set forth
in this proposal is approved by the  shareholders,  the Company will incorporate
such into  Amendment  Number 3 to the  Certificate to be filed with the Colorado
Secretary  of State.  The  amendment  provides  that the holders of the Series A
Stock will surrender their pre- conversion  right to participate in dividends on
a  share-for-share  basis with the common stock in exchange for the extension of
the conversion right of the outstanding Series A Stock.

Description of Amendment
- ------------------------

     There are 1,000,000  shares of Series A Stock  authorized and  outstanding,
all of which are held by Gary R. Vickers,  Gary D. Magness, and Kim Magness. The
Series A Stock is convertible  into shares of the Company's Common Stock for the
payment  of $5.40  per  share.  This  payment  may be made  either in cash or by
surrendering CPTV common

stock with a fair market value of $5.40 per share.  The Series A Stock gives the
holders  thereof  the  right  to  vote  at all  meetings  of  shareholders  on a
share-for-share  basis with the Common  Stock.  It also gives the holders of the
Series A Stock the right to share in any  dividends on a  share-for-share  basis
with the Common. Finally, in the event of liquidation, the holders of the Series
A  Stock  have a  right  to  receive  only  their  liquidation  preference.  The
conversion  rights  expire on  November  15,  1997 . The holders of the Series A
Stock have agreed to give up their dividend  rights in exchange for an extension
of the  conversion  rights until  November 30, 2001.  On November 30, 2001,  the
Series A Stock will expire unless previously converted, and the preferences will

     The text of the  proposed  amendment  to the Series A Stock is  attached as
Exhibit "C".

     The Board of Directors of the Company  believes it is in the best  interest
of the Company and its  shareholders  to extend the expiration of the conversion
rights of the Series A Stock to November 30, 2001,  and has adopted a resolution
to this  effect.  Currently,  if a  majority  of the  shareholders  or the Board
approved  a  dividend  payable on the  common  stock,  the Series A Stock  would
participate  fully in the  dividend,  resulting in  significant  dilution to the
holders of CPTV common stock. If the proposed amendment is approved, the holders
of Series A Stock could only  participate  in the  dividend if they  convert the
Series A Stock to common  stock  before the record  date of such  dividend.  The
extension  would be for four  years.  The  extension  of the  expiration  of the
conversion  date of the  Series  A  Stock  would  allow  holders  of such  stock
additional time to exercise their conversion rights and provide the Company with
additional  capital upon conversion of the Series A Stock.  The extension of the
expiration of the conversion date of the Series A Stock would benefit the Series
A Stock  shareholders in giving them additional time to convert their shares and
benefit  the  Company  with  respect  to  additional  capital  raised  from  the
conversion of the shares.  The adoption of the proposed  amendment would benefit
the  Company by  providing a mechanism  for further  financing  should it become
necessary. The adoption of the proposed amendment would benefit the shareholders
of the  Company  because  the holders of Series A Stock would no longer have the
right to  participate  in  dividends  with the common  shareholders  unless they
converted the Series A Stock into Common Stock, with a payment to the Company of
$5.40 per share.  Currently the holders of the Series A Stock,  because of their
significant  voting  control,  might be able to cause the Board of  Directors to
declare a dividend  which  would be payable on the Series A Stock as well as the
common stock, even though the Series A Stock had not previously  converted.  The
proposed amendment will eliminate this right.

     The  extension of the  expiration  of the  conversion  date of the Series A
Stock would result in dilution of book value for shareholders of the Company, in
the event the book value per share of the  Company's  Common  Stock  exceeds the
then adjusted  conversion  price of the Series A Stock and the Series A Stock is
adjusted  appropriately for certain changes in the Company's  outstanding Common
Stock such as stock splits, stock dividends and similar changes. There have been
no adjustments to date.

Votes Required and Recommended
- ------------------------------

     Approval of the proposal for the Company to amend the Certificate to effect
an  extension  of the  terms  of the  outstanding  Series A Stock  requires  the
affirmative  vote of majority of the outstanding  shares of the Company's Common
Stock. Because of special circumstances,  including the ownership by two members
of the  Board of a  significant  amount  of the  Series A  Stock,  the  Board of
Directors of the Company makes no recommendation with respect to the proposal of
the Company to amend the  Certificate to effect an extension of the terms of the
outstanding  Series A Stock. The enclosed proxy will be voted in accordance with
any  specification on the proxy to vote "FOR,"  "AGAINST",  or to "ABSTAIN." Any
proxy  without a  specification  marked on the proxy will abstain from voting on
the Proposal.  Neither Mr. Vickers  (holder of shares and proxies to vote shares
representing  almost 50% of the total number  outstanding)  nor any of the other
directors has determined how he intends to cast his votes as  shareholders  with
respect to Proposal 3.

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The independent accounting firm of Gelfond Hochstadt Pangburn & Company was
selected by the Board of  Directors  with  respect to audit of the  consolidated
financial  statements  of the company for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1996,
as well as many prior fiscal years. A representative  of the firm is expected to
be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  and  will  have an  opportunity  to make a
statement if desired and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

                           PROPOSALS FROM SHAREHOLDERS

     Proposals  from  shareholders  intended  to be present  at the next  Annual
Meeting  of  shareholders  should  be  addressed  to  the  Company  at  Creative
Programming and Technology Ventures, Inc., Attention:  Corporate Secretary, 7900
East Union Avenue,  Suite 1100,  Denver,  Colorado 80237 and must be received by
the Company by December 15, 1997. Upon receipt of any such proposal, the Company
shall  determine  whether  or not to  include  any such  proposal  in the  Proxy
Statement and proxy in accordance with applicable law. It is suggested that such
proposals be forwarded by Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested.


     The  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended August 31,
1996 and its Quarterly  Report on Form 10-QSB for the period ended  November 30,
1996,  accompany  this proxy  statement  and together  constitute  the Company's
annual report to shareholders.

                               DISSENTER'S RIGHTS

     The  Shareholders of the Company have no appraisal,  dissenter's or similar
rights under Colorado law with respect to any of the proposals contained herein.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Management  does not know of any other  matters  to be  brought  before the
meeting.  Should any other matter requiring a vote of shareholders  arise at the
meeting, the persons named in the proxy will vote the proxies in accordance with
their best judgment.

                                By Order of the Board of Directors:

                                            CREATIVE PROGRAMMING AND
                                            TECHNOLOGY VENTURES, INC.

                                            Gary R. Vickers, President

                                   EXHIBIT "A"


     This Plan of Dissolution and Liquidation  (the "Plan) is intended to affect
the complete,  voluntary dissolution and liquidation of Creative Programming and
Technology Ventures, Inc., a Colorado corporation (the "Company"), in accordance
with  the  Colorado  Business  Corporation  Act  of the  State  of  Colorado  in
substantially the following manner:

     1. This Plan shall be effective on the date (the "Effective Date") on which
the  Articles  of  Dissolution  of the  Company  are filed in the  office of the
Colorado  Secretary of State following approval of this Plan by the shareholders
of the Company. If the Articles of Dissolution have not been filed by August 31,
1997, this Plan shall be deemed to have been abandoned and of no further effect.

     2. After the  Effective  Date,  the Company and its proper  officers  shall
proceed to complete the following actions as promptly as they deem advisable:

          (a) The Company shall sell,  exchange,  lease or otherwise  dispose of
any  assets,  other  than cash,  of the  Company to any person or persons to the
extent that such  transaction can be  accomplished  for  consideration  and upon
terms  and  conditions  deemed  by the  Board  of  Directors  to be in the  best
interests of the Company and its shareholders. The Company shall collect or make
provision for the collection of accounts receivable, debts and claims owing it.

          (b) Subject to the payment of or the making of other provision for the
debts,  expenses,  taxes  and  other  liabilities  of  the  Company,   including
contingent  liabilities,  all of the assets of the Company shall be  distributed
pro rata to its shareholders in one or a series of distributions, at any time or
from  time to time,  in cash or in kind,  and in any  manner  that the  Board of
Directors, in its discretion, may determine.

          (c) The Company shall (i) pay and discharge or make adequate provision
for the payment and discharge of all debts,  expenses,  taxes and liabilities of
the  Company,  (ii)  withdraw  from all  jurisdictions  in which the  Company is
qualified  to do business,  (iii) wind up its  business  and  affairs,  and (iv)
complete  the formal  dissolution  of the Company  under the  Colorado  Business
Corporation Act.

     3. Implementation of this Plan shall be under the direction of the Board of
Directors  of the  Company,  which  shall have full  authority  to carry out the
provisions  of this Plan or such  other  actions  it deems  appropriate  without
further shareholder action.

     4.  Notwithstanding  authorization of consent to this Plan by the Company's
shareholders,  the  Board  of  Directors  may  elect  not to  file  Articles  of
Dissolution  or, if Articles of Dissolution  have been filed,  they may elect to
revoke the dissolution of the Company in

accordance with  ss.7-114-104 of the Colorado  Business  Corporation Act without
further  stockholder  action if said Board  deems such  action to be in the best
interests of the Company.

     5. It is indented that the  implementation of this Plan be completed within
three years after the Effective Date.

                                  EXHIBIT "B-1"
                              Text of the Amendment
                       for a classified board of directors

     The Articles shall be amended by replacing in its entirety the current text
of Article VII so that there appears the following text:

                                   ARTICLE VII
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     The number of directors shall be fixed in accordance with the Bylaws.

     The  directors  of the Company  shall be divided into three  classes,  each
     class to  consist  as  nearly  as may be,  of  one-third  of the  number of
     directors then constituting the whole Board of Directors.  The directors of
     the first class  shall be elected for a term to expire at the first  annual
     meeting of shareholders  after their election,  the directors of the second
     class shall be elected for a term to expire at the second annual meeting of
     shareholders  after their  election  and the  directors  of the third class
     shall be elected  for a term to be expired at the third  annual  meeting of
     shareholders  after their election.  At each annual meeting of shareholders
     at which the terms of a class of directors expires,  their successors shall
     be elected to hold  office  until the third  succeeding  annual  meeting of
     shareholders.  In the case of any increase of the directors, the additional
     directors  shall be distributed  among several classes as nearly equally as
     possible.  Any vacancies  occurring in the board of directors,  including a
     vacancy created by an increase in the number of authorized  directors,  may
     be filled for a remainder of the full term of office for a director of that
     class, by the affirmative vote of the directors at the time in office.

                                  EXHIBIT "B-2"
                 Purposes and Effects of the Proposed Amendment

     The amendment is designed to make it more time consuming to change majority
control of the board without its consent,  and thus to reduce the  vulnerability
of the Company to an unsolicited takeover proposal that does not contemplate the
acquisition of all the  corporation's  outstanding  shares, or to an unsolicited
proposal for the  restructuring or sale of all or part of the  corporation.  The
board believes that the amendment  will serve to encourage any person  intending
to attempt such a takeover to negotiate with the board,  and that the board will
therefore be able to protect the interests of its stockholders.

     Persons  routinely   accumulate   substantial  stock  positions  in  public
companies  as a prelude to proposing a take over or a  restructuring  or sale of
all or any  part  of the  corporation  or any  similar  extraordinary  corporate
actions.  Such  actions  are  often  undertaken  without  advance  notice  to or
consultation  with the corporation's  board of directors or management.  In many
cases, the purchaser seeks representation on the corporation's board in order to
increase the likelihood that any proposal be implemented by the corporation.  If
a corporation resists its efforts to obtain board representation,  the purchaser
may commence a proxy contest to have itself or its nominees elected to the board
in place of certain  directors or the entire board. In some cases, the purchaser
may not be interested in taking over the  corporation,  but uses the threat of a
proxy  fight or a bid to take over the  corporation  as a means of  forcing  the
corporation to repurchase its equity position at a substantial  premium over the
market price.

     The Board  believes  that if such a  purchaser  acquired a  significant  or
controlling  interest in the voting stock, the purchaser's ability to remove the
entire Board without its consent would severely curtail the Company's ability to
negotiate  effectively  with the purchaser.  The threat of removal would deprive
the  Board  of the time and  information  necessary  to  evaluate  any  takeover
proposal, to study alternative proposals, and to help insure that the best price
would  be  obtained  in  any  transaction  involving  the  Company  which  might
ultimately be undertaken. If the real purpose of the purchaser was to enable the
purchaser  to make or  threaten  the take over bid to force the  corporation  to
repurchase the purchaser's  accumulated  stock interest at a premium price,  the
Company would face the risk that if it did not do so its business and management
be disrupted,  perhaps  irreparably.  Conversely,  such a purchase  would divert
valuable Company resources to the benefit of a single stockholder.

     Takeovers  or  changes  in the board of  directors  of a company  which are
proposed  and effected  without  prior  consultation  and  negotiation  with the
company are not  necessarily  detrimental to that Company and the  stockholders.
However,  the Board feels that the  benefit of seeking to protect the  Company's
ability  to  negotiate  with the  proponents  of an  unfriendly  or  unsolicited
proposal to effect a partial  takeover of, or  restructure,  the Company through
directors who have been  previously  elected by the  stockholders as a whole and
are familiar with the Company,  outweigh the  disadvantages of discouraging such

     The amendment will make more difficult or discourage a proxy contest or the
assumption of control by the holder of a  substantial  block of the voting stock
or the removal of the incumbent  board and could thus reduce the likelihood that
incumbent directors will retain their positions. The classification of the board
pursuant to the  amendment  will result in the  increase in the number of annual
meetings to effect the change in a majority of the board of  directors,  whether
or not a change in control of the corporation has occurred.

     The amendment is intended to encourage  persons  seeking to acquire control
of the Company to initiate such an acquisition through arm's-length negotiations
with the Board. The amendment could also have the effect of discouraging a third
party from making a partial  tender offer  (including  an offer at a substantial
premium over the then-prevailing  market value of the voting stock) or otherwise
attempting to obtain  control of the Company,  even though such an attempt might
be  beneficial  to the  Company and its  stockholders.  In  addition,  since the
amendments  are  designed to  discourage  accumulations  of large  blocks of the
voting  stock  by  purchasers  whose  objective  is to have  such  voting  stock
repurchased by the Company at a premium,  adoption of the amendments  could tend
to reduce any  temporary  fluctuations  in the market  price of the voting stock
which  are  caused by such  accumulations.  Accordingly,  stockholders  could be
deprived of certain  opportunities  to sell their stock at a temporarily  higher
market price.  The  amendments  may also  discourage  or make more  difficult or
expensive a proxy contest or merger involving the corporation or a tender offer,
open market purchase program or other purchases of common stock which a majority
of  shareholders  may  deem to be in  their  best  interest  or  which  may give
stockholders  the  opportunity  to realize a premium  over the then-  prevailing
market price of their stock.

     The  amendment  provides that the Board shall be divided into three classes
of  directors,  each  class to be as  nearly  equal in number  of  directors  as
possible. In the event of any change of any authorized number of directors,  the
number of directors in each class shall be adjusted so that  thereafter  each of
the three classes  shall be composed,  as nearly as may be possible of one-third
of the  authorized  number  of  directors;  provided,  that  any  change  in the
authorized  number of  directors  shall not  increase or shorten the term of any
director,  and any decrease shall become  effective only as and when the term or
terms of office of the class or classes  affected  thereby  shall  expire,  or a
vacancy or vacancies in such class or classes shall occur.

     The Bylaws currently provide that a vacancy on the Board may be filled by a
majority of the directors  then in office,  though less than a quorum,  and that
the  directors  so chosen  shall serve until the annual  meeting  next after his
election, and until his successor is elected and qualified.  If the amendment is
adopted, the Articles will provide, and Bylaws will retain the position,  that a
vacancy  on the  Board  which  occurs,  may be  filled  by the  majority  of the
remaining  directors.  However, the Articles,  as amended,  will provide and the
Bylaws  will be  amended to  provide,  that any new  director  elected to fill a
vacancy on the board will serve for the  remainder of the full term of the class
in which the vacancy occurred rather than until the next election of directors.

                                   EXHIBIT "C"
                               Amendment No. 3 to
                           CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATIONS
                             and Restatement Thereof

     RESOLVED,  that pursuant to the authority  vested in the Board of Directors
of Creative Programming and Technology Ventures, Inc. (the "Corporation") by its
Articles  of  Incorporation,   as  amended  (hereinafter   referred  to  as  the
"Articles"),  and as approved  by the  holders of a majority of the  outstanding
voting  stock at a  meeting  of the  shareholders  held on April 17,  1997,  the
Certificate of Designation for the Corporation's Series A Convertible  Preferred
Stock be and hereby is amended and  restated  as  follows.  The number of shares
that voted for this amendment and restatement was sufficient for approval.

     1.  Designation.  The  distinctive  designation of such series is "Series A
Preferred  Stock."  Such  shares  shall  have  the  designations,   preferences,
relative,   participating,   optional   or   other   special   rights   and  the
qualifications,  limitations  and  restrictions  thereof  that are set  forth in
Article III of the Articles and in this  Resolution  as follows  (certain  terms
used herein are defined in the Articles and shall be deemed to have the meanings
provided therein)

     2. Number of Shares The Series A Preferred Stock shall consist of 1,000,000

     3. Term.  The Series A Preferred  Stock  terminates,  and is  automatically
cancelled and of no further force or effect on November 30, 2001.

     4.  Dividends.  The Series A Preferred Stock is not entitled to receive any
dividends declared or paid by the Corporation.

     5. Liquidation Preference. In the event of any liquidation,  dissolution or
winding  up  of  the  affairs  of  the   Corporation,   either   voluntarily  or
involuntarily,  the holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall be entitled, after
provision for the payment of the Corporation's  debts and other liabilities,  to
$.01 per share of Series A  Preferred  Stock.  Such  payment  to the  holders of
Series A Preferred  Stock shall be made before any  distribution  is made to any
holder  of any  class of  common  stock or any  other  stock of the  Corporation
ranking as to liquidation  junior to the Series A Preferred  Stock.  Neither the
merger or consolidation of the Corporation, nor the sale, lease or conveyance of
all or part of its assets,  shall be deemed to be a liquidation,  dissolution or
winding  up  of  the  affairs  of  the   Corporation,   either   voluntarily  or
involuntarily, within the meaning of this section 5.

     6. Voting  Rights.  The Series A  Preferred  Stock is entitled to vote on a
share-for- share basis with the Common Stock.

     7. Conversion of the Series A Preferred Stock.

          (a) At the option of the record  holder  thereof on the stock books of
the  Corporation,  the shares of the Series A Preferred Stock shall,  subject to
the provisions of subsection  (d) of this section 7, be convertible  into shares
of Common Stock upon the following terms and conditions:

               (i) Subject to  adjustment as provided  below,  the shares of the
Series A Preferred  Stock  shall be  convertible  at the office of any  Transfer
Agent for the Series A Preferred Stock (or such other place as may be designated
by the Corporation) into fully paid and nonassessable  shares of Common Stock at
a conversion price equal to $5.40 per share of common stock to be received (such
price  is  herein  referred  to  as  the  "Conversion  Price").  The  converting
stockholder  may pay the  Conversion  Price  either  in cash or by  surrendering
shares of the Company's Common Stock, which Common Stock will be valued based on
the market  price for the Common Stock on  NASDAQ-SmallCap  market or such other
over-the-counter  market or stock  exchange on which the Company's  Common Stock
may be trading at the time.  The  valuation  will be  determined by the Board of
Directors based on the public market for the Common Stock.

               (ii) In order to convert  shares of the Series A Preferred  Stock
into Common  Stock,  the holder  thereof  shall  surrender  the  certificate  or
certificates  for  the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock,  and  if  required  by  the
Corporation,  duly endorsed to the Corporation or in blank, at the office of any
Transfer  Agent for the Series A Preferred  Stock (or such other place as may be
designated  by the  Corporation).  The holder of such shares shall given written
notice to the  Corporation at said office that he elects to convert the same and
shall  state in  writing  therein  the name or  names  in  which he  wishes  the
certificate  or  certificates  for Common  Stock to be issued  and make  payment
therefor to the Corporation in immediately available funds. The Corporation will
confirm whether an exemption from  registration  for the issuance of said shares
exists under applicable  federal and state law and, if so, the Corporation will,
as soon as  practicable  thereafter,  deliver at said  office to such  holder of
shares  of the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock or to his  nominee  or  nominees,  a
certificate  or  certificates  for the number of full shares of Common  Stock to
which he shall be entitled as aforesaid.  Shares of the Series A Preferred Stock
shall be deemed to have been  converted as of the date of the  surrender of such
certificate  or  certificates  for conversion as provided  above.  The person or
persons entitled to receive the Common Stock issuable upon such conversion shall
be treated for all purposes as the record holder or holders of such Common Stock
on such date.  If no exemption for  registration  exists for the issuance of the
Common Stock,  the Corporation  shall return the  certificates  representing the
Preferred Stock and the Conversion Price to the holder.

          (b) The Conversion Price shall be subject to adjustments to the extent
below provided:

               (i) If the Corporation (A) pays a dividend of Common Stock, or of
any capital stock  convertible  into Common  Stock,  on its  outstanding  Common
Stock,  (B)  subdivides  its  outstanding  Common Stock into a larger  number of
shares of Common Stock by  reclassification  or  otherwise,  or (C) combines its
outstanding  Common  Stock  into a smaller  number of shares of Common  Stock by
reclassification  or otherwise,  then the Conversion Price in effect immediately
prior thereto shall be proportionately adjusted so that the holder of any shares
of Series A Preferred  Stock  thereafter  surrendered  for  conversion  shall be
entitled to receive the number of shares of Common Stock (and,  in the case of a
dividend  payable in capital stock  convertible into Common Stock, the number of
shares of such  capital  stock)  which he would have owned or been  entitled  to
receive after the happening of any of the events described above had such Series
A Preferred  Stock been  converted  immediately  prior to the  happening of such
event.  Such adjustment shall be made whenever any of the events described above
shall occur. An adjustment made pursuant to this paragraph (i) shall in the case
of a  dividend  be made as of the  record  date  therefor,  and in the case of a
subdivision or combination be made as of the effective date thereof.

               (ii) In the event of any  reorganization or  reclassification  of
the Common Stock of the  Corporation  (except as provided in paragraph (i) above
or  subsection  (c)  below),  any holder of the Series A Preferred  Stock,  upon
conversion thereof, shall be entitled to receive, in lieu of the Common Stock to
which he would have become  entitled upon conversion  immediately  prior to such
reorganization or  reclassification,  the shares or other securities or property
that he would  have  been  entitled  to  receive  upon  such  reorganization  or
reclassification  if his  shares  of the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  had  been
converted  immediately prior thereto.  In such case,  appropriate  provision (as
determined by the Board of Directors of the  Corporation)  shall be made for the
application  of  this  section  7 with  respect  to  the  rights  and  interests
thereafter of the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock.

               (iii)  If the  Conversion  Price  is  adjusted  pursuant  to this
section  7, the  Corporation  shall  prepare a written  statement  signed by the
President or a Vice President and the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the
Corporation,  setting forth the adjusted Conversion Price determined as provided
in this section 7. The written  statement  shall state in reasonable  detail the
facts  requiring  such  adjustment.  Such  statement  shall be filed  among  the
permanent  records of the  Corporation  and a copy thereof shall be furnished to
the  Transfer  Agent for the Series A  Preferred  Stock and to any holder of the
Series A Preferred  Stock  requesting the same. The written  statement  shall be
open to inspection by the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock.

          (c) If the Corporation:  (i) enters into any  consolidation or merger;
(ii) sells or  conveys  its  property  as an  entirety  or  substantially  as an
entirety;  or (iii) in  connection  with  such  consolidation,  merger,  sale or
conveyance,  stock or other  securities  are issued or delivered in exchange for
the Series A Preferred  Stock and Common Stock;  then proper  provision shall be
made so that the stock or other securities received by the holders of the Series
A  Preferred  Stock  shall be  convertible  into the  stock or other  securities
received  by the holders of Common  Stock in the ratio,  on the terms and in the
manner  provided in this section 7, but subject to the  provisions of subsection
(d) below.

          (d) No  fractional  shares of Common  Stock  shall be issued  upon any
conversion  of the  Series A  Preferred  Stock.  There  shall be paid in cash an
amount equal to the fair market value of such fractional  share of Common Stock.
The fair  market  value of such  fractional  share of  Common  Stock  shall  the
prevailing market value of the Common Stock on any securities exchange or in the
open  market,  as  determined  by  the  Corporation.  The  determination  of the
Corporation shall be conclusive.

          (e) The  Corporation  shall at all times keep reserved the full number
of shares of Common Stock then  deliverable upon the conversion of all shares of
Series A Preferred Stock at the time outstanding.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Creative Programming and Technology Ventures, Inc. has
caused this Certificate to be signed this ____ day of _________, 1997.

                                               CREATIVE PROGRAMMING AND
                                               TECHNOLOGY VENTURES, INC.

                                                   Gary R. Vickers, President


- -----------------------------

- --------------------, Secretary


                       7900 East Union Avenue, Suite 1100
                             Denver, Colorado 80237

PROXY          This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

     The undersigned  hereby appoints Gary R. Vickers,  as Proxy, with the power
to appoint his  substitute,  and hereby  authorizes  them to vote, as designated
below,  all of the shares Common Stock of Creative  Programming  and  Technology
Ventures,  Inc. held of record by the  undersigned  on February 21, 1997, at the
Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  to be  held  on  April  17,  1997  or at any
adjournments or postponements thereof.

1.   FOR approval of the dissolution and liquidation of the Company.
                  [ ] Yes     [ ] No     [ ] Abstain

                   FOR all nominees listed below    WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
                   (except as marked to the         to vote for all
                   contrary below)  [ ]             nominees listed below   [ ]

     (INSTRUCTION) To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee mark
the box next to the nominee's name below.)

   [ ]  Gary R. Vickers    [ ]  Gary Magness    [ ] A. Richard Berman  
                [ ]  William B. Gladstone     [ ]  Craig K. Tanner

     FOR approval of an amendment to the Company's  articles of incorporation to
     adopt  staggered  terms for the  members of the Board of  Directors  of the
     Company. Yes No Abstain

3. FOR approval of the extension of terms of the outstanding  Series A Preferred
                          [ ]  Yes     [ ]  No      [ ]Abstain

4. In their  discretion,  the  Proxies  are  authorized  to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.


     This proxy,  when properly  executed,  will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted for the  election as  directors  of all  nominees and will abstain from
voting on all other matters.

     Please sign  exactly as name appears  below.  When shares are held by joint
tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney, as executor, administrator,
trustee, or guardian,  please give full title as such. If a corporation,  please
sign in full  corporate  name by President  or other  authorized  officer.  If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.



                                         Signature if held jointly

                                         Dated                             ,1997