
     THIS LOAN AGREEMENT, dated as of January 16, 1997 (this "Agreement"), is by
and among GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC., a Quebec corporation, whose address is
146 - 14th Street,  Rouyn-Noranda,  Quebec, Canada, J9X 2J3 (the "Lender"), GOLD
CAPITAL  CORPORATION,  a Colorado  corporation,  whose  address is 5525 Erindale
Drive, Suite 201, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 80918 (the "Borrower"), TONKIN
SPRINGS VENTURE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Nevada limited partnership, whose address
is 55 Madison, Suite 700, Denver, Colorado 80206 ("TSVLP"),  TONKIN SPRINGS GOLD
MINING COMPANY a Colorado  corporation,  general partner of TSVLP, whose address
is 55  Madison,  Suite 700,  Denver,  Colorado  80206  ("TSGMC")  and U.S.  GOLD
CORPORATION,   a  Colorado  corporation  ("U.S.  Gold")  of  which  TSGMC  is  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary,  whose  address  is 55  Madison,  Suite  700,  Denver,
Colorado 80206.


     A. Borrower is the owner of an undivided  sixty  percent (60%)  interest in
the Tonkin Springs Project,  consisting of unpatented mining claims,  unpatented
millsites  leases,  improvements,  permits,  water rights,  mines,  fixtures and
equipment, all located in Eureka County, Nevada (collectively, the "Project").

     B.  Borrower and TSVLP are parties to a Purchase and Sale  Agreement  dated
December 31, 1993 (the  "Purchase  and Sale  Agreement"),  pursuant to which the
Borrower acquired its sixty percent (60%) interest in the Project.  Borrower and
TSVLP are also  parties to a Mining  Venture  Agreement  dated  effective  as of
December 31, 1993 (the "Mining Venture Agreement"), pursuant to which operations
are  conducted  at the Project  and under which the  Borrower is the Manager (as
defined in the Mining Venture Agreement) of the Project.  In addition,  TSVLP is
the owner and holder of an Amended and  Restated  Secured  Promissory  Note,  as
amended (the "TSVLP  Note"),  executed by Borrower on or about June 21, 1995, in
the  original  principal  amount of  $3,800,000,  which is secured by a Security
Agreement by and between  Borrower and TSVLP dated December 31, 1993 (the "TSVLP
Security Agreement"). The remaining amount of principal and interest outstanding
under the TSVLP Note,  and the schedule for repayment of those  amounts,  is set
forth in the TSVLP Note.

     C. In  accordance  with the terms of a Letter of Intent dated  December 20,
1996,  among the  Lender,  the  Borrower,  TSGMC and U.S.  Gold (the  "Letter of
Intent"), the Borrower and the Lender are contemplating a series of transactions
(the  "Acquisition  Transactions")  pursuant to which the Lender acquires all of
the  issued  and  outstanding  shares of common  stock of the  Borrower,  and in
connection therewith, the Lender has agreed to make certain advances of funds on
Borrower's  behalf,  for the  payment of  operating  and other  indebtedness  of
Borrower incurred in connection with the Project.

     D. TSVLP has agreed to execute  the  Intercreditor  Agreement  (as  defined
below) to provide the Lender a security  interest in the Project pari passu with
the  security  interest  in the  Project  held by TSVLP  pursuant  to the  TSVLP
Security Agreement,  for the amount of funding provided by the Lender under this


     E.  Borrower,  TSVLP  and  Lender  desire  to  memorialize  the  terms  and
conditions upon which such financing will be completed.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing recitals,  the covenants
and conditions hereinafter set forth, and other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby
agree as follows:

                                    SECTION I

     As used in this Agreement:

     "Accounts  Payable" shall mean  outstanding  amounts  currently owed by the
Borrower  to third  party  vendors,  a  complete  list of which  (to the  actual
knowledge of the Borrower) is set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto.

     "Collateral" shall mean all of the right, title and interest of Borrower in
and to the property  defined as  "Collateral"  or "Debtor's  Collateral"  in the
TSVLP Security Agreement, as more particularly described in Section 2(a)(i)-(ix)
thereof,  and all of the right,  title and  interest  of  Borrower in and to any
additional  real or personal  property,  ores,  minerals  or mineral  resources,
machinery,  fixtures  or  equipment  of any  kind at the  Project,  and  general
intangibles and income,  products and proceeds associated with the foregoing and
any  additional  unpatented  mining  claims or millsites,  as more  particularly
described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

     "Deed  of  Trust"  shall  mean  that  Deed of  Trust,  Security  Agreement,
Financing Statement and Assignment of Production and Proceeds, pursuant to which
the Lender is granted a first priority  security interest in and to that portion
of the Collateral  constituting real property, in the form of Exhibit B attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference, subject only to Permitted Liens and
the Lien created by the TSVLP Note and the TSVLP Security Agreement.

     "Distribution"  means any dividend payable in cash or property with respect
to any shares of  capital  stock of  Borrower  (including,  without  limitation,
dividends payable in shares of common, preferred, or other capital stock) or any
purchase,  redemption  or  retirement  of, or other  payment with respect to any
shares of capital stock of Borrower.

     "Environmental  Laws" means any and all federal,  state and local statutes,
laws,  regulations,  ordinances,  rules, judgments,  orders,  decrees,  permits,
concessions,  grants,  franchises,  licenses,  agreements or other  governmental
restrictions  relating  to  the  protection  of  human  health,  safety  or  the
environment  or to emissions,  discharges,  releases or  threatened  releases of
pollutants,   contaminants,   chemicals,  or  industrial,   toxic  or  hazardous
substances or wastes into the environment including, without limitation, ambient
air,  surface  water,  ground  water  or  land,  or  otherwise  relating  to the
manufacture,   processing,  distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  disposal,
transport or handling or  pollutants,  contaminants,  chemicals,  or industrial,
toxic or hazardous  substances or wastes,  which statutes and regulations  shall
include,   without   limitation,   the  Comprehensive   Environmental   Response
Compensation and Liability Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C.  Section 9601 et seq., the
Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended,  42 U.S.C.  Section 6901 et
seq., the Federal Water and Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. Section
1251 et seq., the Federal Clean Air Act, as amended,  42  U.S.C.Section  7401 et
seq.,  the Emergency  Planning and Community  Right to Know Act, as amended,  42


Section 110101 et seq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended, 154 U.S.C.
Section 2601-2629,  the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended,  42 U.S.C.  Section
300f-300j,  and any and all Nevada state law  counterparts,  and the regulations
issued under each of such federal or state statutes.

     "Equity Proceeds" means the net proceeds of sale by Borrower of any and all
common stock, preferred stock, notes,  debentures or other securities (including
without  limitation  any stock sold  pursuant to the exercise of stock  options)
issued by Borrower and sold subsequent to the date of this Agreement.

     "Event of  Default"  shall  mean the  occurrence  of any one or more of the
events which constitute an Event of Default under Section VII of this Agreement.

     "Intercreditor  Agreement" means that certain Intercreditor Agreement among
the Lender,  TSVLP,  TSGMC and U.S. Gold of even date  herewith,  in the form of
Exhibit C attached hereto.

     "Lands"  means all of the  unpatented  mining claims and millsites or other
mineral  rights  owned or leased by the  Borrower  or TSVLP and  subject  to the
Mining Venture Agreement.

     "Lien" means any lien, mortgage, deed of trust, security interest,  pledge,
deposit,  production  payment,  right of a vendor  under any title  retention or
conditional  sale  agreement or lease  substantially  equivalent  thereto or any
other charge or encumbrance for security purposes,  whether arising or by law or
agreement or otherwise,  but excluding any right of offset which arises  without
agreement in the ordinary course of business.

     "Loan"  shall mean the  aggregate  amount of the  advances  provided for in
Section II hereof,  as  evidenced by the Note to be delivered by the Borrower to
the Lender on the Loan Date.

     "Loan  Date"  shall  mean the date on which the  Lender  makes the  initial
installment of the Loan available to the Borrower pursuant to Section II of this

     "Material Project  Agreements" means those agreements to which the Borrower
is a party which are material to the conduct of operations at the Project or the
maintenance of any portion of the Collateral.

     "Maturity  Date"  means  the  earlier  of the  date of full  execution  and
delivery of definitive  documents by which the Lender acquires all of the issued
and outstanding shares of common stock of the Borrower, or August 30, 1997.

     "Mining  Leases"  shall mean those  Mining  Leases  described in Schedule 2
attached hereto.

     "Note" shall mean the promissory note of the Borrower, evidencing the Loan,
which  shall  be  automatically  amended  from  time  to time  as  Lender  makes
additional advances to Borrower pursuant to Section 2.1, in the form attached to
this Agreement as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference.

     "Permitted  Liens"  shall  mean  existing   indebtedness  of  the  Borrower
(including Accounts Payable) as listed in Schedule 3 attached hereto.


     "Person" shall mean any natural person, company, trust, corporation,  joint
venture or business organization.

     "Security  Documents"  shall  mean the  filings,  recordations,  approvals,
certificates,  title  insurance  and  other  documentation,   including  without
limitation the Deed of Trust,  necessary,  in the Lender's sole  discretion,  to
perfect and evidence the Lender's lien and security interest in the Collateral.

                                   SECTION II
                                    The Loan

     Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Lender agrees to
make the Loan to the Borrower as follows:

     2.1.Amount;  Maturity.  Subject to the terms and conditions hereof,  Lender
agrees to make  advances to  Borrower  under this Loan  Agreement,  from time to
time, in the initial amount of $415,000 (the "Initial  Advance",  which shall be
disbursed  in  accordance  with  the  procedures  described  below)  and in such
additional  amounts as requested in writing (in the form of request set forth on
the  attached on Schedule  2.1) by the  Borrower and agreed to by the Lender (in
each case not later than  three  business  days  following  the  receipt of such
request,  unless the Lender has asked the Borrower for additional information as
to the nature of the advance or the  specific  uses to which the funds  advanced
will be put,  which  such  requests  by Lender  Borrower  agrees to  respond  to
promptly, in which case, assuming it receives the additional information, Lender
will  respond  not later  than  seven  business  following  the  receipt of such
request) in its sole discretion (so long as the Lender, subject to its rights to
approve or  disapprove  specific  requests for advances and to elect not to make
any further advances hereunder, agrees to make such advances as are necessary to
enable  Borrower to achieve the objectives set forth in clauses (a), (b) and (c)
below),  all such amounts to be disbursed  and utilized  strictly in  accordance
with  this  Section  2.1 and the  schedule  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  E and
incorporated herein by reference, to enable Borrower to (a) take such actions as
are  reasonably  necessary  to  maintain,  preserve  and  protect the assets and
properties of the Tonkin Springs Project,  (b) service the TSVLP Note (which the
parties  agree  shall not be subject to the  Lender's  discretion),  and (c) pay
other necessary and proper  obligations  and commitments of Borrower,  including
such obligations and commitments of Borrower as are required under the Letter of
Intent and all  agreements  contemplated  thereby.  The  Borrower and the Lender
hereby agree and the Borrower  hereby  covenants and agrees that the proceeds of
the Initial Advance shall be disbursed and used as follows:

          (i) $20,000, previously advanced by Lender to Borrower;

          (ii)  $166,780 to be paid by wire  transfers to the Lessors  under the
Campbell/Simpson   Lease  (as  defined  in  Schedule  2),  pursuant  to  written
instructions from the Borrower;

          (iii) $141,000 to be paid immediately to TSVLP,  $91,000 of which will
be applied to payments,  including interest,  past due under the TSVLP Note, and
$50,000 of which will cover the January 1997 payment due under the TSVLP Note;


          (iv) $30,306.37 to be paid  immediately to the Eureka County,  Nevada,
Assessor to cover past due personal property taxes for the Collateral;

          (v) $25,000 to cover the Borrower's working capital needs (as directed
by Lender in  accordance  with the  provisions  of this Section 2.1) for January
1997, as set forth on Exhibit E; and

          (vi) the balance  ($31,913.63)  to be used for the payment of Accounts
Payable (as directed by Lender in accordance with the provisions of this Section
2.1) during January 1997, as set forth on Exhibit E.

Except for the  Initial  Advance,  as to which no  election  is  permitted,  the
parties   hereby   acknowledge   and  agree  that  in  addition  to   responding
affirmatively  or negatively to specific  written requests for advances of funds
as set forth above,  Lender,  by written notice to the Borrower at any time, may
elect to terminate its  obligation to make any further  advances to the Borrower
pursuant to this Agreement.  In that event,  the Lender shall have no obligation
or liability to the Borrower, any other party hereto, or any third party for the
foreseeable or  unforeseeable  consequences  of an election by the Lender not to
make any further advances.

     2.2.Note.  The  Obligation  of  Borrower to repay the Loan,  with  interest
thereon,  shall be  evidenced by the Note,  which shall be deemed  automatically
amended to reflect  all  amounts  advanced  by Lender to  Borrower  pursuant  to
Section 2.1, at the time each such advance is made. The Note shall be payable on
the Maturity Date or upon  acceleration as hereinafter set forth. The Note shall
bear interest at a rate equal to two percent (2%) over the existing  prime rate,
as published in the Wall Street Journal, Western Edition, on the day the initial
portion  of the Loan is funded.  Interest  shall  accrue at the  annual  rate of
fifteen percent (15%) (the "Default Rate") on any past-due  payment of principal
and, to the fullest  extent  permitted  by law, of any  interest or other amount
payable  under this  Agreement.  Interest  shall be calculated on the basis of a
three hundred sixty (360) day year of twelve (12) thirty (30) day months.

     2.3.Acceleration.  The Maturity Date of the Note shall be accelerated  (the
"Acceleration  Date") (a) as provided  under  Section  8.1, (b) in the event the
Borrower shall receive Equity  Proceeds in an aggregate  amount of not less than
$2,000,000 at any date  subsequent to the Loan Date,  (c) in the event the TSVLP
Note  shall be  declared  in  default  and action to  foreclose  the  underlying
security (pursuant to the TSVLP Security  Agreement) is taken in connection with
such an  Event of  Default,  or (d) in the  event  any  third  party  takes  any
foreclosure action or otherwise attempts to collect against the Collateral.


          (a) Within  five (5)  business  days after  receipt by Borrower of any
Equity  Proceeds  in  excess  of  $2,000,000,   Borrower  shall  make  mandatory
prepayment of the entire amount of the Loan.

          (b)  Borrower  shall  have the right to  prepay  the Note at any time,
either in whole or in part, with or without notice, without penalty or premium.

     2.5.Payment  to Lender.  Borrower  will pay to the  Lender on the  Maturity
Date,  or the  Acceleration  Date,  whichever  shall first occur,  the principal
amount, together with accrued interest not later than 12 noon, Denver, Colorado


time in lawful money of the United  States of America in  immediately  available
funds.  Any payment received after that time will be deemed to have been made on
the next following  business day. Should the payment become due and payable on a
day other than a business day, the maturity of that payment shall be extended to
the next  succeeding  business  day, and in the case of a payment of  principal,
interest  shall accrue and be payable for the period of such  extension.  At the
Lender's  election,  which may be exercised by its giving  written notice to the
Borrower not less than ten (10)  business days prior to the Maturity Date or the
Acceleration Date, whichever is applicable,  the Lender may request the Borrower
to issue to the Lender  common  stock of the  Borrower in lieu of payment of the
amounts  outstanding under the Note, the number of common shares to be issued to
be determined by dividing $.80 into the amount  outstanding  under the Note. The
Borrower  agrees,  at its sole expense,  that it will upon the Lender's  written
request use its reasonable best efforts to register the sale of such shares with
the United States  Securities and Exchange  Commission,  in accordance  with the
provisions of Exhibit F attached hereto. In connection  therewith,  the Borrower
shall have obtained all  authorizations  and approvals of, and all other actions
required to be taken by, any  applicable  governmental  authority or  regulatory
body or stock exchange and shall have given all notices to, and made all filings
with, any such governmental authority or regulatory body or stock exchange, that
may be  required  in  connection  with such  issuance  and  registration  of the
Borrower's  common  stock.  The  Borrower may elect not to issue the stock if it
timely  pays to  Lender  in  immediately  available  funds  the full  amount  of
principal and interest owed under the Note. Upon the issuance of the stock,  the
amount due under the Loan shall be deemed no longer  due and  payable,  and this
Agreement shall be deemed terminated and the Note deemed canceled.

     2.6.Continuation of Indebtedness.  If at any time prior to August 30, 1997,
Lender and Borrower and any necessary  third parties have executed and delivered
definitive  agreements  pursuant to which  Lender has acquired all of the issued
and outstanding  shares of Borrower's  common stock (as  contemplated  under the
Letter of  Intent),  the amount due under the Loan shall  remain due and payable
and the Note shall remain outstanding, but the security interest of Lender under
this Agreement shall be deemed terminated.  In connection  therewith,  U.S. Gold
hereby  agrees that it will vote (and cause its officers and directors and TSVLP
and TSGMC to vote) all of the shares of common stock of the Borrower that it (or
they) own(s) in favor of the planned acquisition of all such stock by the Lender
(in exchange for common stock of Lender at the ratio and as otherwise  set forth
in the  Letter  of  Intent),  and  that it (and  they)  will not sell any of its
(their) shares of common stock of the Borrower to any third party,  all pursuant
to the terms and provisions of a Stock Purchase  Option  Agreement  between U.S.
Gold and the Lender to be executed simultaneously herewith.

                                   SECTION III

     3.1.The Security. The obligations of the Borrower hereunder will be secured
by the Security  Documents and any  additional  Security  Documents  hereinafter
delivered by Borrower and accepted by Lender.

     3.2.Priority  of  Security.  The Lien of  Lender  created  by the  Security
Documents  shall rank pari passu with the Lien of TSVLP  evidenced  by the TSVLP
Security  Agreement and accompanying  financing  statements,  such ranking in an
amount equal to the  principal  amount of the Loan (plus  applicable  interest).
Proceeds from exercise of any rights granted by the Security Documents and the


TSVLP  Security  Agreement  shall be split pari passu between  Lender and TSVLP,
share and share alike until the Lender has recovered the principal amount of the
Loan (plus  applicable  interest).  TSVLP agrees to execute and file,  as deemed
necessary by counsel for Lender,  any documents  necessary to evidence the equal
priority granted Lender hereunder.

     3.3.Forbearance by Lender.  Notwithstanding written notice by the Lender of
an election not to make any  additional  advances  hereunder,  the Lender hereby
agrees to forebear  exercising any rights under the Security  Documents  through
and including  the Maturity  Date, so long as no Events of Default have occurred
hereunder or thereunder,  to allow the Borrower to perform its duties as Manager
at  the   Project   and  to  seek   additional   financing   during  that  time.
Notwithstanding such forbearance,  however,  Lender shall be entitled to declare
the Loan  immediately  due and  payable in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
Section 8.1 and to exercise all rights it has to the full extent of the Security
Documents in the event that (a) TSVLP shall  undertake any action to enforce its
rights  under the TSVLP  Security  Agreement  or other  documents  securing  its
existing  Lien, or (b) any third party shall  exercise any rights of foreclosure
or other collection action against the Collateral.

                                   SECTION IV
                              Conditions Precedent

     The  Lender's  obligation  to make the Initial  Advance  under the Loan (or
decision to make any further advance of additional amounts thereunder  following
the Loan Date)  shall be subject to the  satisfaction  of each of the  following
conditions precedent:

     4.1.Note.  The Note shall have been  executed by the Borrower and delivered
to the Lender.

     4.2.Security Documents and Security. The Security Documents,  duly executed
and delivered in form, substance and date satisfactory to the Lender, shall have
been  delivered to the Lender,  and the Lender shall have a valid and  perfected
lien and security interest in the Collateral in accordance with the terms of the
Security Documents,  subject only to Permitted Liens and the Lien created by the
TSVLP Security Agreement.

     4.3.Intercreditor   Agreement.   The  Lender   shall  have   received   the
Intercreditor agreement, duly executed and delivered by TSVLP in form, substance
and date satisfactory to the Lender.

     4.4.Approvals; Certificates. The Lender shall have received, dated the date
hereof,  certificates  of the  Secretary or Assistant  Secretary of the Borrower
certifying  (a) the  resolutions  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Borrower
approving this Agreement,  the Note and the Security Documents and (b) the names
and true  signatures  of the  officers  authorized  to sign said  agreement  and

     4.5.Representations  and  Warranties.  Each and  every  representation  and
warranty made by or on behalf of the Borrower  relating to this  Agreement,  the
Note, the Security  Documents or any  instruments or  transactions  contemplated
hereby or thereby shall be true and complete on and as of the Loan Date,  and on
the date of each subsequent advance of funds hereunder by the Lender.


     4.6.No  Defaults.  There  shall  exist no Event of Default  (other than the
technical  defaults under the Purchase and Sale Agreement and the Mining Venture
Agreement  referred to in Section 5.6 below) and no event which, with the giving
of any notice or the passage of any period of time, would constitute an Event of

     4.7.Counsel  Opinion.  The Borrower  shall have  delivered to the Lender an
opinion of the  Borrower's  counsel  dated the date hereof in form and substance
satisfactory  to the Lender and its  counsel,  as to the matters  referred to in
Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement and with respect to such other matters as
the Lender may reasonably require.

     4.8.  Lockup  Agreement.  The Lender shall have received the Stock Purchase
Option Agreement referred to in Section 2.6, duly executed and delivered by U.S.
Gold in form, substance and date satisfactory to the Lender.

                                    SECTION V
                         Representations and Warranties

     In order to induce the Lender to enter into this  agreement,  the  Borrower
hereby represents and warrants to the Lender as follows:

     5.1.Existence.  The  Borrower  is a  corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of Colorado,  and is
qualified  to do  business  and in good  standing  in the State of  Nevada.  The
Borrower  is  qualified  to do  business  and is in good  standing  as a foreign
corporation in each jurisdiction in which the nature of the business  transacted
by it or  the  nature  of  the  property  owned  or  leased  by  it  makes  such
qualification  necessary  and where  failure to so qualify would have a material
adverse effect on the ability of the Borrower to perform its  obligations  under
this Agreement, the Security Documents or the Note.

     5.2.Authority. The Borrower has all necessary corporate power and authority
to  execute,  deliver,  observe and  perform  the terms of this  Agreement,  the
Security Documents,  and the Note. Neither the Borrower's execution and delivery
of this Agreement,  the Security Documents,  or the Note, nor the performance or
observance by the Borrower of the  provisions  hereof or thereof,  violates,  or
will violate, any provisions in the Borrower's articles of incorporation, bylaws
or other  constitutive  documents,  or will  constitute a default or a violation
under,  or result in the  imposition  of any lien under,  or conflict  with,  or
result in any breach of any of the provisions of, any existing contract or other
obligation  binding upon the Borrower or its  property or the  Collateral.  This
Agreement,  the  Security  Documents,  and the Note have been duly  executed and
delivered by the Borrower, and this Agreement,  the Security Documents,  and the
Note are legal,  valid and  binding  obligations  of the  Borrower,  enforceable
against the  Borrower in  accordance  with their  respective  terms  (subject to
applicable bankruptcy, reorganization,  insolvency or similar laws affecting the
enforcement  of  creditors'  rights  generally).   The  Borrower's   obligations
hereunder  under the  Security  Documents  and under the Note will rank not less
than pari passu with all of the Borrower's  secured  indebtedness  to TSVLP,  as
evidenced by the TSVLP Security Agreement.

     5.3.Litigation;  Taxes.  Except for  Permitted  Liens,  and as set forth in
Schedule 5.3, there are no legal or arbitral  proceedings or any  proceedings by
or before any judicial, governmental or regulatory body, now pending, or (to the
knowledge of the Borrower) threatened,  against the Borrower or pertaining to or
which could affect any of its property  which,  if adversely  determined,  could
have a material  adverse  effect on the  ability of the  Borrower to perform its
obligations under this Agreement, the Security Documents, or the Note, or which


could have a material adverse impact on the Project.  The Borrower has filed all
United  States  Federal  income tax returns and all other  material  tax returns
which are required to be filed by it and has paid all taxes due pursuant to such
returns or pursuant  to any  assessment  received by the  Borrower or any of its
subsidiaries.  The  charges,  accruals and reserves on the books of the Borrower
and its subsidiaries in respect of taxes and other governmental  charges are, in
the opinion of the Borrower, adequate therefor.

     5.4.Financial  Condition;  No Material  Adverse  Effect.  The  Borrower has
delivered to the Lender audited consolidated  financial statements as of and for
the year ended December 31, 1995 and unaudited consolidated financial statements
for the three  quarters  ended  September  30, 1996 (as set forth in  Borrowers'
Annual  Report on form 10-K for the fiscal  year  ending  December  31, 1995 and
Borrower's  Quarterly Reports on form 10-Q for the periods ended March 31, 1996,
June 30,  1996 and  September  30,  1996,  copies  of each of which  the  Lender
acknowledges  receiving  from the Borrower  prior to the Loan Date),  which have
been  certified  by  the  principal  financial  officer  of the  Borrower.  Such
financial  statements are complete and correct in all material respects and have
been  prepared in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
consistently applied and fairly and accurately present the financial position of
the Borrower as of said dates and the results of its  operations for the periods
then ended (subject, in the case of unaudited quarterly financial statements, to
normal and customary year-end adjustments).  Since September 30, 1996, except as
set  forth  on the  Schedules  attached  to this  Agreement,  to the best of the
Borrower's  knowledge,  no event or condition has occurred that reasonably could
be expected to have a material  adverse effect on the ability of the Borrower to
perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement,  the Security  Documents or the

     5.5.No Approvals or Consents.  No authorization or approval or other action
by,  and no notice to or filing  with,  any  court,  governmental  authority  or
regulatory  body,  or any  consent or  approval  of any other  third  party,  is
required for the due execution, delivery and performance by the Borrower of this
Agreement,  the  Security  Documents,  the  Note,  or any  other  agreements  or
instruments required of the Borrower by this Agreement.

     5.6.Title to Properties.

          (a)The  Borrower owns an undivided sixty percent (60%) interest in and
to the Project pursuant to the provisions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement and
the Mining  Venture  Agreement.  The Purchase and Sale  Agreement and the Mining
Venture  Agreement  are in full force and effect;  provided,  however,  that the
parties acknowledge that the Borrower is in technical default under the Purchase
and Sale  Agreement and the Mining  Venture  Agreement as to the  performance of
certain of  Borrower's  obligations  as the  Manager  under the  Mining  Venture

          (b)(i) The Borrower owns an undivided  sixty  percent (60%)  interest,
and, to the best of Borrower's knowledge,  TSVLP owns an undivided forty percent
(40%) interest in and to all of the unpatented  lode mining claims  comprising a
portion of the Project and which are  described in Schedule  5.6(b)(i)  attached
hereto and Schedule A-1 to the Deed of Trust,  which title is,  subject to Liens
held by  TSVLP,  and the  Royalties  described  in  Section  5.7,  superior  and
paramount to any adverse  claim or right of title which may be asserted  subject
only to the  paramount  title of the United States as to any  unpatented  mining
claims and the rights of third parties to such unpatented mining claims pursuant
to the Multiple  Mineral  Development Act of 1954 and the Surface  Resources and
Multiple Use Act of 1955.


               (ii) The  Borrower  and TSVLP are  tenants  in common and hold an
undivided one hundred  percent (100%)  leasehold  interest in and to each of the
Mining  Leases.  Each of the Mining Leases is in full force and effect,  and the
lessee has performed all of its  obligations  thereunder  (other than payment of
the Advance  Minimum  Royalty  payment due thereunder  between January 1 and 15,
1997),  and neither  party is in default  thereunder.  To the best of Borrower's
knowledge,  the  title of the  lessor  under  each of the  Mining  Leases to the
unpatented mining claims covered thereby is, subject to Liens held by TSVLP, and
the  Royalties  described in Section 5.7,  superior and paramount to any adverse
claim or right of title  which may be  asserted  subject  only to the  paramount
title of the United States as to any unpatented  mining claims and the rights of
third parties to such unpatented  mining claims pursuant to the Multiple Mineral
Development Act of 1954 and the Surface Resources and Multiple Use Act of 1955.

          (c)With  respect  to the  unpatented  lode  mining  claims  listed  on
Schedule  5.6(b)(i)  attached hereto and Schedule A-1 to the Deed of Trust;  (1)
the Borrower is in exclusive  possession  thereof,  free and clear of all liens,
claims, encumbrances or other burdens on production (other than Permitted Liens,
the  Lien  held by TSVLP  pursuant  to the  TSVLP  Security  Agreement,  and the
Royalties set forth in Schedule 5.7); (2) the claims were located, staked, filed
and recorded on available  public domain land in compliance  with all applicable
state and federal laws and regulations;  (3) assessment  work,  intended in good
faith to satisfy the  requirements of state and federal laws and regulations and
generally  regarded in the mining  industry as  sufficient,  for all  assessment
years up to and  including the  assessment  year ending  September 1, 1992,  was
timely  performed on or for the benefit of the claims and affidavits  evidencing
such work were timely  recorded;  (4) claim rental and maintenance fees required
to be paid under federal law in lieu of the  performance of assessment  work, in
order to  maintain  the claims  commencing  with the  assessment  year ending on
September 1, 1993 and through the  assessment  year ending on September 1, 1997,
have been timely and properly paid,  and affidavits or other notices  evidencing
such payments and required under federal or state laws or regulations  have been
timely and properly filed or recorded; (5) all filings with the BLM with respect
to the claims  which are required  under the Federal Land Policy and  Management
Act of 1976  ("FLPMA")  have been timely and properly made, and (6) there are no
actions or  administrative  or other  proceedings  pending or to the best of the
Borrower's knowledge threatened against or affecting the claims. With respect to
the unpatented lode mining claims listed on Schedule  5.6(b)(ii) attached hereto
and  Schedule  A-2 to the  Deed of  Trust:  (1)  the  Borrower  is in  exclusive
possession thereof,  free and clear of all liens, claims,  encumbrances or other
burdens of  production  (except as set forth in the Mining  Leases);  (2) to the
best of  Borrower's  knowledge,  the  claims  were  located,  staked,  filed and
recorded on available public domain land in compliance with all applicable state
and  federal  laws and  regulations;  (3) to the best of  Borrower's  knowledge,
assessment work,  intended in good faith to satisfy the requirement of state and
federal laws and  regulations  and generally  regarded in the mining industry is
sufficient,  for all assessment  years up to and including the  assessment  year
ending  September  1, 1992,  was timely  performed  on or for the benefit of the
claims and  affidavits  evidencing  such work were  timely  recorded;  (4) claim
rental and maintenance fees required to be paid under federal law in lieu of the
performance of assessment work, in order to maintain the claims  commencing with
the assessment  year ending on September 1, 1993 and through the assessment year
ending on September 1, 1997,  have been timely and properly paid, and affidavits
or other  notices  evidencing  such payment and required  under federal or state
laws or regulations  have been timely and properly  filed and recorded;  (5) all
filings with the BLM with  respect to the claims which are required  under FLPMA
have  been  timely  and  properly   made;  and  (6)  there  are  no  actions  or
administrative  or other  proceedings  pending or to the best of the  Borrower's
knowledge  threatened  against or affecting the claims.  Nothing herein shall be
deemed a  representation  that any  unpatented  claim listed on Schedule  5.6(b)
contains a discovery of valuable minerals. In addition, with respect to each of


the  unpatented  mining claims  listed on Schedule  5.6(b)  attached  hereto and
Schedule A to the Deed of Trust,  the  Borrower  represents  that they have been
remonumented as necessary,  and that evidence of such  remonumentation  has been
timely and properly  recorded,  all in compliance  with the provisions of N.R.S.
Section 517.030.

          (d)The  Borrower  has good  and  marketable  title  to the  equipment,
machinery,  property  and  fixtures  comprising  a portion  of the  Project,  as
described  in Exhibit A and in  Schedule B to the Deed of Trust.  The Lands that
are described in Schedule  5.6(b)  attached hereto and Schedule A to the Deed of
Trust and the equipment, machinery, property and fixtures described in Exhibit A
and in  Schedule B to the Deed of Trust  constitute  all of the  properties  and
assets, tangible or intangible,  real or personal, which are used in the conduct
of the business of the Borrower,  as such business is presently  being conducted
and as pertains to the Project.  All such  properties  and assets are owned free
and clear of all clouds to title and of all Liens,  except  Permitted  Liens and
Liens created under the TSVLP  Security  Agreement.  All  equipment,  machinery,
property and fixtures  owned by the Borrower and described in Exhibit A attached
hereto and Schedule B of the Deed of Trust is in a state of repair  adequate for
normal operations and is in all material respects in good working order

     5.7.Leases and Royalties.  The Lands  described in Schedule 5.6(b) attached
hereto  and  Schedule  A to the Deed of Trust are not  subject  to any leases or
other agreements  other than the Mining Leases.  The Lands described in Schedule
5.6(b) attached hereto as Schedule A of the Deed of Trust are not subject to any
Royalties  burdening  such Lands  except as set forth in the  Mining  Leases and
other agreements listed on Schedule 5.7. For purposes hereof,  "Royalties" shall
mean all amounts  payable as a share of the product or profit or profit from the
Lands  or  any  mineral  products   produced   therefrom  and  includes  without
limitation,  production  payments,  net profits  interests,  net smelter  return
royalties,  landowner's royalties,  minimum royalties,  overriding royalties and
royalty bonuses.

     5.8.Agreements.  Other than the Material  Project  Agreements (all of which
are listed on the  attached  Schedule  5.8),  the Borrower is not a party to any
agreement or instrument or subject to any charter or other corporate restriction
adversely  affecting  its  business or the  Project.  Except for failure to make
payments required under certain of the Material Project Agreements, as set forth
on Schedule 3 or in Section 5.6(b)(ii), all such Material Project Agreements are
in full force and effect and the Borrower is not (nor,  to the  Borrower's  best
knowledge, is any other party to such agreements) in default in the performance,
observance or  fulfillment  of any of the  obligations,  covenants or conditions
contained in any Material Project Agreement or any other agreement or instrument
to which it is a party, the effect of which would have a material adverse effect
on the financial  condition,  properties or operations of the Borrower or on the
Collateral.  Copies of all such Material Project  Agreements have been delivered
to the Lender and its counsel and are full,  complete and current copies of such

     5.9.Compliance  with Laws.  With  respect  to the  Project  and  operations
undertaken at the Project or in connection  therewith,  the Borrower,  except as
set forth in Schedule 5.9 attached hereto, has complied in all material respects
with all applicable local, state and federal laws, including Environmental Laws,
and  regulations  relating to the operation of the Project,  and the Borrower is
not aware of any investigation (other than a routine inspection) of the Borrower
or the Project  underway by any local,  state or federal  agency with respect to
enforcement  of such laws and  regulations.  The existing and planned use of the
Project  complies with all legal  requirements,  including,  but not limited to,
applicable zoning in ordinances, regulations and restrictive covenants affecting
the Lands as well as all environmental, ecological, landmark and other  


applicable laws and  regulations;  and all  requirements  for such use have been
satisfied.  No release,  emission or discharge into the environment of hazardous
substances, as defined under any Environmental Law, has occurred or is presently
occurring or will occur in operating  the Project in its intended form in excess
of federal or state permitted release levels or reportable quantities,  or other
concentrations,  standards or limitations  under the foregoing laws or under any
other federal,  state or local laws,  regulations or  governmental  approvals in
connection with the  construction,  ore treatment fuel supply,  power generation
and  transmission  or waste  disposal,  or any  other  operations  or  processes
relating to the  Project.  The Lands and the  Borrower's  use and  proposed  use
thereof are not and will not be in violation of any environmental,  occupational
safety and  health or other  applicable  law now in effect,  the effect of which
violation,  in any case or in the aggregate,  would materially  adversely affect
the  Lands  or the  Borrower's  use  thereof,  or  which,  in any case or in the
aggregate,  would impose a material  liability on the Lender or  jeopardize  the
interest of the Lender in the Lands.  Except as set forth on Schedule  5.9,  the
Borrower has no knowledge of any past or existing  violations  of any such laws,
ordinances or regulations issued by any governmental authority.

     5.10.Permits Affecting Properties.  The Borrower has obtained, as set forth
on Schedule 5.10 attached hereto, all licenses,  operating bonds (other than the
reclamation  bond  required  by  the  BLM),   permits  and  approvals  from  all
governments,  governmental  commissions,  boards and other agencies  required in
respect to its present  operations  at the Project,  but the  Borrower  does not
warrant that those  constitute all of the Material  Project Permits that will be
required for the Project.  The Borrower has listed on Schedule 5.10 all Material
Project  Permits.  Copies of all such  Material  Project  Permits have been made
available to the Lender and are full, complete and current copies of same.

     5.11.Prior  Security  Interest.  Except  for the due and  timely  filing or
recording of any Security Document (and except for the delivery to the Lender of
any  Collateral  as to which  possession  is the only  method  of  perfecting  a
security interest in or Lien on such Collateral), no further action is necessary
to establish and perfect the Lender's prior security interest in or shared first
Lien on all Collateral other than Collateral  subject to Permitted Liens and the
Lien created by the TSVLP Security Agreement.

                                   SECTION VI

     The Borrower  agrees that,  until the principal  amount of the Loan and all
accrued  interest  thereon  shall  have been paid in full,  the  Borrower  shall
perform, observe and comply with each of the following:

     6.1.Notice  to the Lender.  The Borrower  will  promptly give notice to the
Lender as soon as it becomes aware of:

          (a)Any Event of Default or potential Event of Default;

          (b)Any loss or damage to the Collateral in excess of $25,000;


          (c)Every notice, and the contents thereof, received by the Borrower in
relation  to any  renewal of any rights  with  respect  to, or having a material
adverse effect upon , the Lands, and any  circumstances  which might result in a
loss of or a failure to obtain or a failure  to be able to renew the  Borrower's
interest in a material part of the Lands;

          (d)Each new issuance or approval of a Material Project Permit and each
new change in operations that  necessitates any amendment or modification of any
Material Project Agreement or Material Project Permit; and

          (e)The cessation of any Event of Default.

     6.2.Dispositions of Assets or Dissolution. Except as otherwise specifically
permitted hereunder, the Borrower shall not:

          (a)sell, assign, convey, lease or otherwise dispose of any part of its
assets or  properties,  or grant the option or any other right to  purchase,  or
otherwise acquire such assets,  whether now owned or hereafter acquired,  except
in the ordinary  course of business or for the  replacement  of a capital  asset
with an asset of equal or greater value (in  accordance  with the  provisions of
Section 6.12);

          (b)dissolve, liquidate or otherwise cease to do business;

          (c)so long as Lender has not given written notice of its intention not
to make any further advances  pursuant to Section 2.1, without the prior written
consent of the Lender,  directly or  indirectly,  (i) grant any proxies or enter
into any voting  trust or other  agreement  or  arrangement  with respect to the
voting of any of its shares of common  stock  (the  "Shares"),  (ii)  acquire or
sell, assign,  transfer or otherwise dispose of any Shares, (iii) enter into any
contract,  option or other  arrangement  or  understanding  with  respect to the
direct  or  indirect  acquisition  or  sale,   assignment,   transfer  or  other
disposition of any Shares, or (iv) directly or indirectly,  encourage,  solicit,
initiate or  participate  in any way in  discussions  or  negotiations  with, or
knowingly  provide any information to, any corporation,  partnership,  person or
other entity or group (other than the Borrower or any affiliate or subsidiary of
the Borrower)  concerning  any proposal or offer (a "Takeover  Proposal")  for a
merger or other business  combination  involving the Borrower or the acquisition
in any manner,  directly or  indirectly,  of a material  equity  interest in any
voting  securities  of or a  substantial  portion of the assets of the Borrower;
provided,  however, that to the extent required in the exercise of the fiduciary
duties  of  the  Borrower's  directors  and  officers  to  the  Borrower  or its
shareholders  under applicable law (after duly considering the written advice of
outside  counsel  to  the  Borrower),  the  Borrower  may,  in  response  to  an
unsolicited  request therefor,  furnish information with respect to the Borrower
to any such  corporation,  partnership,  person or other entity or group who has
made a bona fide offer for a Takeover  Proposal  that the board of  directors of
the Borrower  determines in its good faith  judgment to be more favorable to the
Borrower's  stockholders than the Acquisition  Transactions.  The Borrower shall
promptly  notify  the Lender  of,  and  communicate  to the Lender the terms and
status of any inquiry or proposal  with  respect to any  Takeover  Proposal  and
shall  promptly  provide the Lender  with any such  information  regarding  such
proposal as the Lender may request (including delivering copies thereof).

     6.3.No Liens. Neither the Borrower nor any subsidiary shall create,  assume
or suffer to exist any Lien or other  security  interest on any real or personal
property or interest  therein now owned or hereafter  acquired by it, except for
Permitted Liens or any such Liens or security interests created under the TSVLP


Security Agreement or the Security Documents. In addition, the Borrower will use
its best efforts to obtain and record in the official  records of Eureka  County
release documents for the liens listed on the attached Schedule 6.3.

     6.4.Taxes and Other  Obligations.  The Borrower shall pay and discharge all
taxes,  assessments and  governmental  charges or levies imposed upon it or upon
its income or profits or upon any  portion of the  Project  prior to the date on
which penalties  attach thereto,  and all lawful claims which, if unpaid,  might
become a lien or charge  upon any such  portion of the  Project,  except for any
such tax, assessment,  charge, levy or claim, which constitutes a Permitted Lien
or the  payment  of  which  is  being  contested  in good  faith  and by  proper
proceedings and against which adequate reserves are being maintained,  or if the
non-payment  thereof would not have a material  adverse effect on the ability of
the  Borrower to perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement,  the  Security
Documents or the Note.

     6.5.Use of Loan Proceeds.  The Borrower agrees that all Loan Proceeds shall
be used only as set forth on Exhibit E.


          (a)Maintenance of Properties. The Borrower shall maintain and preserve
all of the properties comprising the Project in good standing without default of
any obligations with respect thereto,  including without  limitation  payment of
claim  maintenance  fees,  and  making  federal  filings  and  state  recordings
regarding the unpatented claims comprising the Collateral.

          (b)Compliance  with Agreements.  The Borrower shall comply with all of
the provisions of the Mining Leases, the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the Mining
Venture  Agreement,  the TSVLP  Security  Agreement and all other  agreements to
which it is a party,  except  where  noncompliance  therewith  would  not have a
material  adverse  effect  on  the  ability  of  the  Borrower  to  perform  its
obligations under this Agreement, the Security Documents, or the Note.

          (c)Insurance.  The Borrower shall maintain such insurance  policies as
are currently in place for  activities  at or undertaken in correction  with the

     6.7.Corporate  Existence and Good Standing. The Borrower shall preserve and
maintain  its  corporate  existence,  and shall be and  remain  qualified  to do
business as a foreign  corporation and be in good standing in each  jurisdiction
in which such qualification is necessary or desirable in view of its business or
operations or the ownership of its properties;  provided that nothing  contained
in this Section 6.6 or otherwise in this Agreement shall prevent the termination
of the existence of any subsidiary of the Borrower or of any rights,  franchises
or privileges  of the Borrower or such a subsidiary  if the Borrower  deems such
termination  thereof  to be  advisable  in its  own  discretion  so long as such
termination does not have a material  adverse effect on the financial  condition
of the Borrower or its ability to comply with its obligations hereunder.

     6.8.Compliance  with Law. The Borrower shall comply at all times and in all
material respects with all valid and applicable statutes,  rules and regulations
of the United  States of  America,  of the states  thereof  and their  counties,
municipalities and other subdivisions and of any other jurisdictions  applicable
to it (including, without limitation, Environmental Laws), and the provisions of
permits, licenses and any other authorizations issued to it or pertaining to the
Project,  except where noncompliance would not have a material adverse effect on
the ability of the Borrower to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the


Security Documents or the Note, or where compliance shall be currently contested
in good faith by appropriate proceedings, timely instituted, which shall operate
to stay any order with respect to noncompliance.

     6.9.Additional  Debt and Distributions.  The Borrower shall not (unless the
Lender  has  given  written  notice  of its  intention  not to make any  further
advances pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.1),  create,  incur,  assume or
permit to exist any debt except the Loan, the TSVLP Note, Permitted Liens, trade
debt to  suppliers  and  contractors  and  debt of the  types  permitted  by the
Security Documents. Further, the Borrower shall not (unless the Lender has given
written notice of its intention not to make any further advances pursuant to the
provisions of Section 2.1) make Distributions of any kind or otherwise issue any
additional  shares of its common  stock or sell or  otherwise  transfer or grant
options for any shares of its common stock or enter into any agreements with any
third parties contemplating any of the foregoing.

     6.10.Security Documents; Further Assurances. The Borrower at its cost shall
take all actions necessary or reasonably requested by the Lender to maintain the
Security  Documents in full force and effect and  enforceable in accordance with
their  respective  terms,  including (i) making filings and  recordations,  (ii)
making  payments  of  fees  and  other  charges,   (iii)  issuing   supplemental
documentation,  including continuation  statements,  and (iv) taking all actions
necessary or reasonably requested by the Lender to ensure that the Collateral is
and remains  subject to a valid and  enforceable  lien and security  interest in
favor of the Lender  (subject  only to  Permitted  Liens and the TSVLP  Security

     6.11.Books  and Records.  The Borrower shall keep proper books of record in
accordance   with   generally   accepted   accounting   principles   and  permit
representatives  of the Lender to visit and inspect the  properties,  to examine
the books of record  and  accounts  and to discuss  the  affairs,  finances  and
accounts of the Borrower with the Borrower's  principal officers,  engineers and
independent accountants,  all at such reasonable times during business hours and
at such intervals as the Lender may desire;  provided,  however, that the Lender
shall  provide the  Borrower  with at least three  Business  Days' notice of any
visit  and  shall  use  their  best  efforts  not to  unreasonably  disrupt  the
Borrower's business during such visits.

     6.12.Alterations,  Disposal of Assets, Etc. The Borrower will not cause any
building,  structure  or  fixture  or  other  improvement  which  is part of the
Collateral to be erected, removed, demolished, or materially changed or altered,
except in the  ordinary  course of  business.  Except in the ordinary and normal
course of business,  the Borrower  shall not remove or permit the removal of any
of the personal property constituting part of the Collateral or any part thereof
(including  renewal,  replacement  and other  after-acquired  property) from the
Lands or the Project; provided,  however, that obsolete or worn out property may
be removed concurrently with the replacement or renewal thereof with property of
at least equal quality, usefulness, value and class to the original property, if
such  replacement is in accordance with prudent  industry  practices;  provided,
further,  however,  that  the  Borrower  shall  have  the  right,  but  not  the
obligation, to amend or relocate any or all of the unpatented lode mining claims
included in the Lands  (under any  applicable  federal or state  statute) and to
locate any fractions  resulting from the amendment or relocation of such claims.
Any mining claims  amended or relocated by the Borrower shall be included in the
Lands,  and the Borrower  agrees that the amendment or relocation of such claims
shall not  result in any  diminution  of the total  acreage  presently  included
within the lands.  The  Borrower  shall not commit or permit any waste in, on or
about the Lands or the Project that would have a material  adverse effect on the


     6.13.Leases and Other Agreements. The Borrower shall not enter into, assume
or otherwise become liable with respect to any  non-cancelable  operating leases
or other agreements having terms in excess of or renewable for more than one (1)
month if the aggregate  minimum required payments under any such leases or other
agreements exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).

     6.14.Change  in  Business.  The  Borrower  shall not engage in any business
activities  or  operations   substantially   different   form  the  business  of
exploration,  mining and  production of Gold and other  precious  metals or base
metals associated with any Gold mine.

     6.15.Capital Expenditures. The Borrower shall not make capital expenditures
in excess of the aggregate amount of Ten Thousand Dollars  ($10,000) without the
Lender's prior written approval.

     6.16.Loans;  Intercompany  Accounts.  Other  than as  contemplated  in this
Agreement,  the Borrower shall not lend or advance money,  gold, or other assets
to any entity or person.

     6.17.Additional Covenants of TSVLP. TSVLP hereby confirms that the Borrower
is not in default under the  provisions of the TSVLP Note or the TSVLP  Security
Agreement,  and that while  technical  defaults by Borrower  (as  referred to in
Section 5.6) exist under the Purchase and Sale  Agreement and the Mining Venture
Agreement, such events of default shall be deemed suspended, and TSVLP will take
no actions in connection therewith, for so long as (i) Lender has not elected to
terminate  the  advancement  of funds to the Borrower  and has made  advances of
funds as required  under Section 2.1 hereof,  (ii) Lender  continues  good faith
negotiations  with the Borrower and other necessary third parties for definitive
agreements by which Lender acquires all of the issued and outstanding  shares of
Borrower's  common  stock and (iii) no third  party  attempts  to  foreclose  or
otherwise take any collection action against the Collateral.

                                   SECTION VII
                                Events of Default

     Each of the  following  shall  constitute  an Event of  Default  under this


          (a)The Borrower shall fail to make payment of any principal  amount of
the Loan or accrued  interest  thereon under this Agreement or the Note when the
same shall  become due and  payable  (whether  prior to its stated  maturity  or

          (b)TSVLP  has  declared  an event of default  based on the  Borrower's
failure to make any  payment of any amount due under the TSVLP Note or the TSVLP
Security Agreement or any other event of default thereunder.

     7.2.Representations  and Covenants.  Any representation or warranty made by
the Borrower under this Agreement or the Security  Documents proves to have been
incorrect in any material  respect  when made  (unless  such  representation  or
warranty  was  incorrect  as a result of actions  taken by the  officers  of the
Borrower  between  October 1 and  December  15,  1996),  or the  Borrower  shall
violate,  fail or omit to  perform  or observe  any other  covenant,  agreement,


condition or provision  contained  in this  Agreement,  the Note or the Security
Documents and any such violation,  failure or provision  shall continue  without
being  corrected  for five (5) days after the Lender  has given  written  notice
thereof to the Borrower.

     7.3.Insolvency.  The  Borrower  shall not pay its debts as they  become due
(unless  such  failure  is caused by an  election  by the Lender not to make any
further  advances of funds  pursuant to Section  2.1),  shall file or consent by
answer  or  otherwise  to  the  filing  against  it of a  petition  for  relief,
reorganization, arrangement or any petition in bankruptcy, for liquidation or to
take advantage of any bankruptcy or insolvency  law of any  jurisdiction,  shall
make an  assignment  for the  benefit  of its  creditors,  shall be  adjudicated
insolvent or be liquidated,  or shall take  corporate  action for the purpose of
any of the foregoing.

     7.4.Change  in  Control.  There  shall  occur any  change in the  effective
control of the Borrower  (other than by way of  acquisition by the Lender of all
of the shares of common stock of the Borrower).

                                   SECTION VIII
                        Remedies Upon an Event of Default

     Notwithstanding any contrary provisions or inference herein or elsewhere:

     8.1.  Acceleration  of Loan.  If an Event of  Default  shall  occur  and be
continuing hereunder,  and such Event of Default does not result directly from a
decision by the Lender not to make any further advances pursuant to Section 2.1,
then the Lender  shall  have the right,  but not the  obligation,  upon  written
notice to the Borrower,  to declare the entire unpaid principal  balance of, and
any accrued  interest on, the Loan to be immediately due and payable,  whereupon
the Note, all such interest and any other amounts payable hereunder shall become
and be forthwith due and payable,  without presentment,  demand or notice of any
kind, all of which are hereby expressly waived by the Borrower.

     8.2.  Exercise of Remedies.  The  aforementioned  right to accelerate is in
addition to and not a  substitute  for any other  remedies  available  to Lender
hereunder,  under the Security  Documents,  under the Note and under  applicable

                                   SECTION IX

     9.1.  Amendments,  Etc. No  amendment  or waiver of any  provision  of this
Agreement,  the Security  Documents or the Note, nor consent to any departure by
the Borrower  therefrom,  shall in any event be effective unless by an agreement
in writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

     9.2. Notices. All notices and other  communications  provided for hereunder
shall be in writing  and shall be  delivered  by hand,  by  reputable  overnight
courier or  telecopied;  if to the Borrower,  at its address as set forth above,
Attention:  Bill  Conrad;  if to the Lender,  at its address as set forth above,
Attention: Jack Stoch; if to TSVLP, at its address set forth above, Attention:


William  W.  Reid;  or,  as to any  party,  at such  other  address  as shall be
designated by such party in a written notice to the other party.

     9.3.  No  Waivers;  Remedies.  No  failure  on the  part of the  Lender  to
exercise,  and no delay in  exercising,  any right  hereunder  or under the Note
shall operate as a waiver thereof;  nor shall any single or partial  exercise of
any such right preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of
any other right.  The remedies  herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive
of any remedies provided by law.

     9.4.  Costs and Expenses.  The Borrower  shall  reimburse the Lender in the
event the Lender incurs any legal or other fees and expenses in connection  with
the  modification  or  amendment  of this  Agreement,  the Note or the  Security
Documents or in  protecting  or  enforcing  its rights  hereunder or  thereunder
whether or not any legal action or suit is brought.

     9.5. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, the Note, and the Security Documents
contain the entire  agreement of the parties  pertaining  to the subject  matter
hereof and supersede all prior written and oral agreements pertaining hereto.

     9.6.  Successors  and Assigns.  This  Agreement,  the Note and the Security
Documents  shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the  Borrower and the
Lender and their respective successors and assigns; provided,  however, that the
Borrower  may not assign any of its rights or  delegate  any of its  obligations
hereunder without the prior written consent of the Lender.

     9.7.  Survival.  The  obligations  of the Borrower  under Section 9.4 shall
survive the repayment of the Loan and the  termination of this Agreement and the

     9.8.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in any  number  of
counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate  counterparts,  each of
which when so executed  shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken
together constitute one and the same instrument.

     9.9.  Governing Law. This  Agreement,  the Security  Documents and the Note
shall be governed by and construed in  accordance  with the laws of the State of
Colorado, without regard to its principles concerning conflicts of laws.

     9.10. Further  Assurances.  At the request of any party hereto, the parties
shall  execute and deliver any further  instruments,  agreements,  documents  or
other papers and take such other actions as may be  reasonably  requested by any
other  party to effect  the  purposes  of this  Agreement  and the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

     9.11.  Public  Announcements.  Each party  shall  obtain the prior  written
consent of each of the other parties to this Agreement  before making any public
announcement  with  respect to this  Agreement,  any  related  agreement  or the
transactions  contemplated  hereunder  or  thereunder,  unless  counsel  for the
disclosing  party  advises it that such public  announcement  is required  under
applicable  laws or securities  exchange  regulations (in which case such public
announcement  shall be made only  after the text of such  announcement  has been
disclosed to the other parties with reasonable advance notice).

     9.12.  Confidentiality.  Except as otherwise set forth in Section 9.11, the
parties  hereto  and  their  collective   representatives  shall  forever  treat
confidentially all information concerning the terms and conditions of this


Agreement,  all  related  agreements,   and  of  the  transactions  contemplated
hereunder or thereunder  (collectively  "Confidential  Information");  provided,
however,  that  Confidential  Information  shall not include  information  which
concerns the Tonkin Springs  Project which is or becomes  generally known to the
public  other than as the result of a breach of the  provisions  of this Section
9.12 by any party hereto or its  representatives.  The  obligation  to treat the
Confidential  Information  confidentially shall not apply to the extent that any
party or its  representatives  shall be required to disclose such information in
connection  with an  investigation  or legal  proceeding  where the  failure  to
disclose  such  information  could  result in  liability  for  contempt or other
censure  or   penalty;   provided,   however,   that  such   party   and/or  its
representatives  shall  notify the other  parties as soon as possible and in any
event prior to such  disclosure and shall  cooperate with the other party in the
event that the other party elects to legally contest such disclosure.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

                                   GOLD CAPITAL CORPORATION, a Colorado



                                      GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC., a Quebec



                                       TONKIN SPRINGS VENTURE LIMITED
                                       PARTNERSHIP, a Nevada limited partnership

                                       By: TONKIN SPRINGS GOLD MINING COMPANY,
                                           a Colorado corporation




                                     TONKIN SPRINGS GOLD MINING COMPANY,
                                      a Colorado corporation




                                      U.S. GOLD CORPORATION, a Colorado



