ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                  COMMON STOCK

     This Prospectus  relates to 34,500 shares of Common Stock (the "Shares") of
Accelr8 Technology Corporation (the "Company"), all of which Shares are issuable
upon exercise of representative's  warrants (the "Representative's  Warrants" or
"Warrants") sold to Janco Partners,  Inc. (the  "Representative")  in connection
with an  underwritten  public  offering  undertaken in November 1996. The Shares
will  be  offered  by  the  holders  of  the   Warrants   who   exercise   their
Representative's  Warrants  and  thereby  purchase  the  underlying  Shares (the
"Selling  Shareholders").  The  Company  will  receive  the $8.40 per Share upon
exercise of the  Representative's  Warrants  (i.e.,  the  exercise  price of the
Representative's  Warrants),  but will not receive any of the proceeds  from the
sale of Shares by the  Selling  Shareholders.  The Company has agreed to pay the
expenses of registering the Shares offered hereby estimated at $11,000.

     The Selling  Shareholders have advised the Company that they intend to sell
the Shares offered hereby as principals for their own accounts from time to time
in the  over-the-counter  market at prices  prevailing at the time of sale.  The
Registration  Statement of which this Prospectus forms a part must be current at
the time of sale. See "Plan of Distribution."

     On January 2, 1998, the last sale price of the Common Stock was $26.125 per
share.  See "Price Range of Common Stock." The Company's  Common Stock is traded
on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol "ACLY".






                 THE DATE OF THIS PROSPECTUS IS JANUARY 5, 1998.

                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     The Company is subject to the informational  requirements of the Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and in  accordance
therewith  files  reports,  proxy  statements  and  other  information  with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission").  Such reports,  proxy
statements and other information filed by the Company under the Exchange Act may
be inspected  and copied at the public  reference  facilities  maintained by the
Commission at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20549, and at
the Commission's  Regional Offices at Seven World Trade Center,  13th Floor, New
York, New York 10048, and Northwestern  Atrium Center,  500 West Madison Street,
Chicago,  Illinois 60661.  Copies of such material may also be obtained from the
Public Reference Section of the Commission at prescribed rates.

     This Prospectus constitutes a part of a Registration Statement filed by the
Company with the  Commission  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
"Securities  Act"). This Prospectus omits certain  information  contained in the
Registration  Statement,  and  reference  is  hereby  made  to the  Registration
Statement  and to the exhibits  relating  thereto for further  information  with
respect  to the  Company  and the  offering.  Any  statements  contained  herein
concerning the provisions of any document are not necessarily complete,  and, in
each  instance,  reference  is made to the  copy of such  document  filed  as an
exhibit to the  Registration  Statement or otherwise  filed with the Commission.
Each  such  statement  is  qualified  in its  entirety  by such  reference.  The
Company's Common Stock is quoted on the Nasdaq National Market, and such reports
and other information can also be inspected at the offices of Nasdaq Operations,
1735 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.


     The  following  documents  filed by the  Company  with the  Commission  are
incorporated by reference in this Prospectus:

     1. The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB filed on October 29, 1997, as
amended on October 30, 1997, for the fiscal year ended July 31, 1997.

     2. The  quarterly  report on Form 10-QSB filed on December 10, 1997 for the
quarter ended October 31, 1997.

     3. The Proxy Statement for Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  dated December
12, 1997.

     4.  The  description  of  the  Company's  capital  stock  contained  in the
Company's  Registration  Statement  on Form  SB-2  (S.E.C.  File No.  333-12393)
initially  filed with the  Commission on September 20, 1996,  which was declared
effective  on  November  18,  1996  pursuant  to the  Securities  Act, is hereby
incorporated by reference into this Prospectus.

     All documents subsequently filed by the Company pursuant to Sections 13(a),
13(c),  14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act prior to the filing of a  post-effective
amendment  which indicate that all  securities  offered have been sold, or which
deregisters  all  securities  then  remaining  unsold,  shall  be  deemed  to be
incorporated  by reference into this Prospectus and to be a part hereof from the
date  of  filing  of such  documents.  Any  statement  contained  in a  document
incorporated by reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or superseded to
the  extent  that  a  statement  contained  herein  or  in  any  other  document
subsequently  filed and  incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes
such  statement.  Any statement so modified or  superseded  shall not be deemed,
except as so modified or  superseded,  to constitute a part of this  Prospectus.
The Commission maintains a Web site at http://www.sec.gov that contains reports,
proxy and information  statements,  and other information regarding issuers that
file electronically with the Commission.


     Any person  receiving a copy of this  Prospectus may obtain without charge,
upon written or oral  request,  a copy of any of the documents  incorporated  by
reference  herein,  other than  exhibits to such  documents.  Requests  for such
copies  should be directed to Thomas V.  Geimer,  Chairman,  Accelr8  Technology
Corporation,  303 East 17th Avenue, Suite 108, Denver, Colorado 80203, telephone
number (303) 863-8088.

                               PROSPECTUS SUMMARY

     The  following  summary is qualified  in its entirety by the more  detailed
information  appearing  elsewhere  in this  Prospectus.  See "Risk  Factors" for
information prospective investors should consider.

                                   The Company

     Accelr8  Technology  Corporation  (the "Company") is a leading  provider of
software  tools  and  consulting  services  for  Year  2000  compliance  and for
conversion from Digital Equipment  Corporation's  ("DEC") VAX/VMS Legacy Systems
to UNIX  and NT open  client/server  environments.  The  Year  2000  Problem  is
expected  to  create  widespread  system  failures  due to the  use of  computer
programs  that rely on two-digit  date codes to perform  computations  and other
decision-making  functions.  The Company's "NAVIG8-2000" tools facilitate timely
and cost effective  Year 2000  assessment  and  remediation  across the multiple
language environment of DEC Legacy Systems and UNIX environments.  The Company's
other  focus - the  conversion  from DEC  VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems  to UNIX open
client/server  environments  - is based on the fact that VAX/VMS  Legacy Systems
use a proprietary  computer  operating system which is not compatible with other
manufacturers'  hardware  and  software,   whereas  UNIX  is  a  powerful,  open
architecture  system which is compatible with a wide range of hardware platforms
and software applications, including commercial off-the-shelf software ("COTS").
The Company  believes  that UNIX has become the most  widely used  client/server
operating system, and that the trend to client/server open systems,  such as the
systems offered by UNIX and Microsoft  Corporation's Windows NT operating system
("NT"),  will continue for the foreseeable  future.  The Company's "MIGR8" tools
provide dependable  solutions for migration of DEC VAX/VMS applications from the
proprietary environment of VMS to the open systems environment of UNIX.

     The Company's objective is to enhance its position as a leading provider of
integrated  solutions  which  will  solve  the Year  2000  Problem  and meet the
conversion  needs of VAX/VMS  users.  The  Company's  strategy for achieving its
objectives  includes:  (i)  near  term  focus  on the  Year  2000  Market;  (ii)
commercialization  of the  Company's  Windows  NT  conversion  tool  set;  (iii)
continue  emphasis on  consulting  services and  establishment  of Year 2000 and
UNIX/NT conversion teams; (iv) developing and introducing new software tools and
services;  (v)  development  of  relationships  with  significant  providers  of
outsourcing  services  for  an  entity's  information   technology  needs;  (vi)
expanding the Company's international marketing programs, particularly in Europe
and Asia; (vii) securing additional consulting projects from existing and future
clients;  (viii) continuing to target large corporations and government agencies
which require integrated  solutions to their Legacy System conversion needs; and
(ix) investing in or acquiring complementary businesses, technologies or product


     The  Company  was  incorporated  in 1982  under  the  laws of the  State of
Colorado.  The Company's  executive offices are located at 303 East 17th Avenue,
Suite 108, Denver, Colorado 80203, and its telephone number is (303) 863-8088.

                                  The Offering

Common Stock offered by Selling Shareholders......34,500 shares

Common Stock outstanding at October 31, 1997......7,832,507 shares (1)

Common Stock outstanding upon completion
     of this offering.............................7,867,007 shares

Use of proceeds...................................The shares of Common Stock are
                                                  being  offered by the  Selling
                                                  Shareholders. The Company will
                                                  not receive any proceeds  from
                                                  sale  of  the  Shares  offered
                                                  hereby.  Proceeds  received by
                                                  the Company  upon  exercise of
                                                  the  Warrants  by the  Selling
                                                  Shareholders  will be added to
                                                  the Company's working capital.

Terms of the Representative's Warrants............Each Representative's  Warrant
                                                  is  exerciseable at a price of
                                                  $8.40 in order to  obtain  one
                                                  share of the Company's  Common

Nasdaq National Market symbol.....................ACLY

- ----------------------

     (1)  Excludes  options to acquire  335,000  shares held by employees of the
Company that may be exercised to acquire shares of Common Stock,  and options to
acquire  an  aggregate  of 50,000  shares of Common  Stock  held by the  outside
directors of the Company.


                                  RISK FACTORS

     In  addition  to the  other  information  in this  Prospectus,  prospective
investors should  carefully  consider the following risk factors prior to making
an investment in the Common Stock offered hereby.

     Dependence on Key Employees. The Company's success depends to a significant
extent upon a number of key management and technical personnel,  the loss of one
or more of whom could have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of
operations.  The  Company  carries  key man life  insurance  in the amount of $5
million  on  Thomas V.  Geimer,  as well as life  insurance  on seven of its key
employees,  including Thomas V. Geimer, Harry J. Fleury, Franz Huber and Timothy
Fitzpatrick,  in the  amount  of  $250,000  for each  individual.  The  Board of
Directors has adopted  resolutions  under which  one-half of the proceeds of any
such  insurance  will be dedicated to a  beneficiary  designated by the insured.
There can be no assurance  that the proceeds from such life  insurance  policies
would be  sufficient  to  compensate  the  Company  for the loss of any of these
employees,  and these  policies do not  provide  any  benefits to the Company if
these employees  become  disabled or are otherwise  unable to render services to
the Company.  Further, the Company does not currently have employment agreements
with any of its officers or key employees, and does not currently intend to have
such  employment  agreements  in the  future.  The  Company  believes  that  its
continued  success  will  depend in large part upon its  ability to attract  and
retain highly  skilled  technical,  managerial,  sales and marketing  personnel.
There can be no assurance  that the Company will be successful in attracting and
retaining  the  personnel  it requires  to develop  and market new and  enhanced
products and to conduct its operations successfully.

     Management  of Growth.  The  Company's  rapid  growth in business in recent
quarters  has  placed  and may  continue  to place a  significant  strain on the
Company, particularly on its customer services organization.  Any failure by the
Company to respond quickly to the service needs of its customers could cause the
loss of customers and have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of
operations. The Company's future operating results will depend on its ability to
expand  its  services  organization  and  infrastructure  commensurate  with its
expanding  base of  customers  and on its  ability to  attract,  hire and retain
skilled  employees.  There can be no assurance  that the Company will be able to
effectively manage any future growth.

     Dependence  on Year  2000  Market  and  Conversion  of DEC  VAX/VMS  Legacy
Systems. The growth in the Company's  professional  services fees in fiscal 1997
resulted  primarily from demand for its Year 2000 Problem  services as awareness
of the Year 2000 Problem has grown. In addition,  this demand has also accounted
for a  significant  portion of software  license  revenue for the same period as
customers  have acquired the Company's  software  products to help address their
Year 2000 concerns.  Should the demand for the Company's Year 2000 solutions and
products decline  significantly as a result of new technologies,  competition or
other  factors,  the Company's  professional  service fees and license  revenues
would be materially and adversely  affected.  The Company  anticipates  the Year
2000 market will decline,  perhaps  rapidly,  following the year 2000. It is the
Company's strategy to leverage customer  relationships and knowledge of customer
application  systems  derived  from its Year  2000  solutions  to  market  other
products and  services  beyond the Year 2000  market.  However,  there can be no
assurance  that this  strategy  will be  successful,  and should the  Company be
unable to market  other  products and services as demand in the Year 2000 market
declines,  whether as a result of  technological  change,  competition  or other
factors,  the Company's business,  results of operations and financial condition
will be materially and adversely affected.


     The Company's  only other  software  products and services are designed for
conversion  from  VAX/VMS  Legacy  Systems  to UNIX  and NT  open  client/server
environments.  Future  revenues  from this line of business are  dependent  upon
users of VAX/VMS Legacy Systems  electing to convert their data and applications
to UNIX and NT environments.  To the extent that users of VAX/VMS Legacy Systems
elect to abandon  their  VAX/VMS  applications  and data and to  re-write  their
information  technology  systems  entirely  in UNIX or NT  environments  without
conversion,  the Company's revenues and future prospects could be materially and
adversely affected.

     Concentration of Revenues.  A significant portion of the Company's revenues
have been derived from substantial orders placed by a small number of customers.
As a result,  the Company's  revenues have been concentrated  among a relatively
small number of customers. In fiscal 1997, one customer accounted for 13% of the
Company's revenues, and in fiscal 1996 revenues from the Company's three largest
customers  amounted to 41% of the Company's total revenues.  The Company expects
that it will  continue to be dependent  upon a limited  number of customers  for
significant portions of its revenues in future periods.  Generally,  the Company
is hired for a specific  project that will be completed within a fixed period of
time.  Once a project has been completed,  customers  generally will not require
significant services in the future. However, during particular periods,  certain
customers  may be  significant.  There can be no assurance  that  revenues  from
customers that accounted for significant revenues in past periods,  individually
or as a group,  will continue or, if continued,  will reach or exceed historical
levels in any future period.  The Company's  operating results may in the future
be subject to substantial period-to-period fluctuations as a consequence of such
customer concentration.

     Ability to Respond to  Technological  Change.  The Company's future success
will depend  significantly  on its ability to enhance its current  products  and
develop or acquire and market new  products  which keep pace with  technological
developments  and evolving  industry  standards as well as respond to changes in
customer needs. There can be no assurance that the Company will be successful in
developing or acquiring product enhancements or new products to address changing
technologies and customer  requirements  adequately,  that it can introduce such
products on a timely  basis or that any such  products or  enhancements  will be
successful  in the  marketplace.  The  Company's  delay or failure to develop or
acquire  technological  improvements  or to adapt its products to  technological
change would have a material adverse effect on the Company's  business,  results
of operations and financial condition.

     Dependence Upon Proprietary  Technology;  Intellectual Property Rights. The
Company  relies  primarily on a combination  of  copyright,  trademark and trade
secret laws, employee and third party disclosure agreements,  license agreements
and other  intellectual  property  protection methods to protect its proprietary
rights.  The Company's  proprietary  software products are generally licensed to
customers  on a "right to use" basis  pursuant to a  perpetual,  nontransferable
license that generally  restricts use to the customer's internal purposes and to
a specific  computer  platform that has been assigned a "key code." However,  it
may be  possible  for  unauthorized  third  parties to copy or reverse  engineer
certain  portions of the Company's  products or obtain and use  information  the
Company  regards as  proprietary.  The  Company  currently  has no  patents  and
existing  trade secret and copyright laws provide only limited  protection.  The
Company's  competitive  position and  operations  may be  adversely  affected by
unauthorized use of its proprietary  information,  and there can be no assurance
that the protections put in place by the Company will be adequate.

         There  can  be  no  assurance   that  third  parties  will  not  assert
infringement or other claims against the Company with respect to any existing or
future products,  or that licenses would be available if any Company  technology


were successfully  challenged by a third party, or if it became desirable to use
any  third-party  technology  to enhance the Company's  products.  Litigation to
protect the Company's  proprietary  information  or to determine the validity of
any  third-party  claims could result in significant  expense to the Company and
divert the efforts of the Company's technical and management personnel,  whether
or not such litigation is determined in favor of the Company.

     Competition.  The  market  for  the  Company's  products  and  services  is
competitive  and  subject  to  rapid  change.  There  can be no  assurance  that
competitors will not develop products or alternative  technologies that: (i) are
superior to the Company's products;  (ii) achieve greater market acceptance;  or
(iii) make the Company's products obsolete.  Further,  there can be no assurance
that the  Company  will be able to  compete  successfully  with its  present  or
potential  competition,  or that  competition  will not have a material  adverse
effect on the Company's results of operations and financial condition.

     Possible  Volatility of Stock Price;  Dividend Policy.  The market price of
the  Company's  Common  Stock could be subject to  significant  fluctuations  in
response to variations in actual and anticipated  quarterly  operating  results,
changes in earnings  estimates  by  analysts,  announcements  of new products or
technological innovations by the Company or its competitors, and other events or
factors. In addition,  the stocks of many technology  companies have experienced
extreme  price and volume  fluctuations  that have often been  unrelated  to the
companies'  operating  performance.  The Company does not intend to pay any cash
dividends on its Common Stock in the foreseeable future.

     Control by  Management.  The  officers,  directors and key employees of the
Company own approximately 17.5% % of the outstanding shares of Common Stock and,
if they exercise all of the options and warrants that they currently  hold, they
will own  approximately  20.1% of the  Company's  outstanding  shares  of Common
Stock. Due to their stock ownership,  the officers,  directors and key employees
may be in a position to elect the Board of Directors and, therefore,  to control
the business and affairs of the Company, including certain significant corporate
actions  such as  acquisitions,  the sale or purchase of assets and the issuance
and sale of the Company's securities.

     Shares  Eligible  for Future  Sale.  As of July 31,  1997,  the Company had
reserved  385,000  shares of Common Stock for issuance  upon exercise of options
which have been or may be granted  pursuant  to its stock  option  plans  ("Plan
Options"),  and 1,140,000  shares for issuance upon the exercise of warrants and
options  by  Thomas V.  Geimer  at an  exercise  price of $0.24  per  share.  An
aggregate of 335,000 of the Plan Options are exercisable at $0.36 per share, and
the  remaining   50,000  Plan  Options  which  are  currently   outstanding  are
exercisable at $7.25 per share. In October, Mr. Geimer exercised his options and
warrants and  simultaneously  contributed  1,129,110 shares to a Rabbi Trust for
the benefit of Thomas V. Geimer. Under the terms of the Rabbi Trust these shares
will be held in the trust,  and carried as treasury  stock by the  Company.  The
Rabbi Trust provides that upon Mr. Geimer's death, disability, or termination of
his employment the shares will be released  ratably over the subsequent ten (10)
years, unless the Board of Directors determines otherwise. Sales of Common Stock
underlying  Plan Options or shares released by the Rabbi Trust to Mr. Geimer may
adversely affect the price of the Common Stock.

         Important Factors related to Forward-Looking  Statements and Associated
Risks. This Prospectus  contains certain  forward-looking  statements within the
meaning of Section  27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933 and  Section  21E of the
Securities   Exchange   Act  of  1934,   and  the  Company   intends  that  such
forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbors created thereby. These
forward-looking  statements  include the plans and  objectives of management for
future operations,  including plans and objectives  relating to the products and


future  economic  performance  of the Company.  The  forward-looking  statements
included herein are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks
and  uncertainties.  These  forward-looking  statements are based on assumptions
that the Company will continue to provide services and develop,  market and ship
products on a timely  basis,  that  competitive  conditions  within the software
industry will not change materially or adversely,  that demand for the Company's
products and services will remain strong,  that the Company will retain existing
independent  sales  representatives  and  key  management  personnel,  that  the
Company's forecasts will accurately anticipate market demand and that there will
be  no  material  adverse  change  in  the  Company's  operations  or  business.
Assumptions  relating to the foregoing  involve judgments with respect to, among
other things,  future  economic,  competitive  and market  conditions and future
business  decisions,  all of  which  are  difficult  or  impossible  to  predict
accurately and many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although the
Company believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking  statements
are reasonable,  any of the assumptions  could prove inaccurate and,  therefore,
there can be no  assurance  that the  results  contemplated  in  forward-looking
information  will be realized.  In addition,  the business and  operation of the
Company are subject to substantial risks which increase the uncertainty inherent
in such forward-looking  statements.  In light of the significant  uncertainties
inherent in the  forward-looking  information  included herein, the inclusion of
such information  should not be regarded as a  representation  by the Company or
any other person that the objectives or plans of the Company will be achieved.

                                 USE OF PROCEEDS

     The  Company  will not  receive  any of the  proceeds  from the sale of the
Shares offered hereby.  Upon exercise of the Warrants,  the Company will receive
net proceeds of  approximately  $289,800 . Such proceeds will be used as working
capital  and for  general  corporate  purposes.  Net  proceeds  not  immediately
required will be invested principally in U.S. government securities,  short-term
certificates   of   deposit,   money   market   funds   or   other   short-term,
interest-bearing securities.

                           PRICE RANGE OF COMMON STOCK

     Since  November  19,  1996,  the  Company's  Common Stock has traded on the
Nasdaq  National  Market under the symbol "ACLY." Prior to that date, the Common
Stock  was  traded  in the  over-the-counter  market  on the  Nasdaq  Electronic
Bulletin  Board. On January 2, 1998, the last sale price of the Common Stock was
$26.125 per share.

     The table set forth below presents the range, on a quarterly basis, of high
and low bid  prices  per  share of  Common  Stock as  reported  by the  National
Quotation  Bureau,  Inc. The quotations  represent prices between dealers and do
not include  retail  markup,  markdown or  commissions  and may not  necessarily
represent actual  transactions.  The prices for the quarters ended after October
31, 1996, present high and low sale prices as reported by Nasdaq.

Quarter Ended                               High                      Low
- -------------                               ----                      ---

Fiscal 1996
 October 31, 1995(1)                         .56                      .48
 January 31, 1996(1)                         .64                      .44
 April 30, 1996(1)                          1.50                      .80
 July 31, 1996(1)                           4.00                     1.40

Fiscal 1997
 October 31, 1996(1)                       10.125                    3.75
 January 31, 1997                          30-5/8                   7-1/4
 April 30, 1997                            17-3/8                  11-1/4
 July 31, 1997                             18                      12-1/4

Fiscal 1998
 October 31, 1997                          24-5/8                   12

- ------------------------

     (1) These  prices have been  adjusted to reflect the  one-for-four  reverse
stock split that was effected at the close of business on November 18, 1996.


     The Company had  approximately  108  shareholders  of record as of July 31,
1997,  which does not include  shareholders  whose  shares are held in street or
nominee  names.  Management  of the  Company  believes  that  there are over 600
beneficial owners of its Common Stock.

                                 DIVIDEND POLICY

     The Company has never  declared or paid cash dividends on its Common Stock.
The Company plans to retain all future earnings (if any) for use in its business
and,  therefore,  does not anticipate  paying any cash or stock dividends in the
foreseeable  future.  Any  payment  of  cash  dividends  in the  future  will be
dependent upon the Company's financial  condition and results of operations,  as
well as other factors that the Board of Directors deems relevant.

                              SELLING SHAREHOLDERS

     The following  table sets forth the number of Shares to be owned by each of
the Selling  Shareholders upon full exercise of the  Representative's  Warrants,
and the  number of Shares to be sold.  The  Company  has been  advised  that the
Selling  Shareholders  have sole voting and investment power with respect to all
of the Shares listed opposite their name.

                                         Amount Of Beneficial Ownership         
                                                               Number of Shares 
Name                            No. Of Shares     % Of Class     Being Offered
- ----                            -------------     ----------     -------------

Jan E. Helen                        13,600             *             13,500
Alan Angelich                        6,100             *              6,100
Linda Walseth                        4,900             *              4,900
Ted Henderson                        3,000             *              3,000
George Levi                          3,000             *              3,000
Mark Buben                           1,000             *              1,000
Janco Partners, Inc.                 3,000             *              3,000

- ---------------------------

* Less than 1%


                              PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION

     The Selling  Shareholders have advised the Company that they intend to sell
the Shares offered as principals for their own accounts. The Shares will be sold
from time to time in the over-the-counter  market, in privately negotiated sales
or on other markets. The Registration Statement of which this Prospectus forms a
part must be current at any time  during  which the  Selling  Shareholders  sell
Shares.  The Company has agreed  that it shall  maintain a current  Registration
Statement for nine months  following  the date of this  Prospectus to enable the
Selling  Shareholders  to sell their Shares.  Any  securities  sold in brokerage
transactions  will  likely  involve  customary  broker's  commissions  which are
payable by the Selling  Shareholders.  The Company will not receive any proceeds
from the sale of Shares by the Selling Shareholders.

                          DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK

Common Stock

     The Company's  Amended Articles of Incorporation  authorize the issuance of
11,000,000  shares of Common  Stock with no par  value.  Each  record  holder of
Common Stock is entitled to one vote for each share held on all matters properly
submitted to the stockholders for their vote. Cumulative voting for the election
of directors is not permitted by the Articles of Incorporation.

     At October  31,  1997,  the Company had  7,832,507  shares of Common  Stock
issued and  outstanding,  including  1,129,110 shares which were acquired by Mr.
Geimer  upon  exercise  of his  warrants  and  options on October  14,  1997 and
simultaneously  contributed to a Rabbi Trust.  Holders of outstanding  shares of
Common Stock are entitled to those dividends  declared by the Board of Directors
out of legally available funds; and, in the event of liquidation, dissolution or
winding up of the  affairs of the  Company,  holders  are  entitled  to receive,
ratably,  the  net  assets  of  the  Company  available  to  stockholders  after
distribution  is made to the  preferred  stockholders,  if  any,  who are  given
preferred rights upon liquidation. Holders of outstanding shares of Common Stock
have no  preemptive,  conversion  or  redemptive  rights.  All of the issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock are, and all unissued shares when offered and
sold will be, duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.  To
the extent that additional shares of the Company's Common Stock are issued,  the
relative interests of then existing stockholders may be diluted.

Outstanding Warrants and Registration Rights

     As of July 31, 1997, 34,500  Representative's  Warrants were outstanding to
purchase an aggregate of 34,500  shares of Common Stock at $8.40 per share.  The
Representative's  Warrants are  exercisable  through  December  2001. The Shares
underlying   the   Representative's   Warrants  are  being   registered  on  the
Registration  Statement of which this Prospectus  forms a part. All fees,  costs
and expenses of such registration,  with the exception of underwriting discounts
and commissions, will be borne by the Company.

Transfer Agent

     American Securities Transfer,  Inc., 938 Quail Street, Suite 101, Lakewood,
Colorado  80215,  serves as the transfer  agent and  registrar for the Company's
Common Stock.


                                  LEGAL MATTERS

     The Company has been represented,  and the legality of the securities being
offered hereby has been passed upon, by Schlueter & Associates,  P.C., 1050 17th
Street, Suite 1700, Denver, Colorado 80265.


     The financial statements  incorporated in this Prospectus by reference from
the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended July 31,  1997,
have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent  auditors,  as stated in
their report incorporated herein by reference,  and have been so incorporated in
reliance  upon the report of such firm given upon their  authority as experts in
accounting and auditing.




                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Available Information ...................................................    2
Incorporation of Certain Documents by Reference .........................    2
Prospectus Summary ......................................................    3
Risk Factors ............................................................    5
Use of Proceeds .........................................................    8
Price Range of Common Stock .............................................    8
Dividend Policy .........................................................    9
Selling Shareholders ....................................................    9
Plan of Distribution ....................................................   10
Description of Capital Stock ............................................   10
Legal Matters ...........................................................   11
Experts .................................................................   11


                         ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                  COMMON STOCK


                                 January 5, 1998