200 West Forsyth Street, Suite 800
                             Jacksonville, FL 32202


                     To be held June 26, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.


     PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of DCX,  INC.
will be held  at  10:00  a.m.  on the  26th  day of  June,  1998 at the  Holiday
Inn--Airport,  Interstate  95 and Airport  Road,  Jacksonville,  Florida for the
following purposes:

     1.   To elect a board of six directors to serve for the ensuing year.

     2.   To approve the Board of Directors  proposed  amendment to Article I of
          Articles of  Incorporation of the Company to change in the name of the
          Company to Integrated Spatial Information Solutions, Inc.

     3.   To approve the Equity Compensation Plan as recommended by the Board of

     4.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Only shareholders of record at the close of business on April 17, 1998, are
entitled  to  notice  of and to vote at the  meeting  or at any  adjournment  or
adjournments  thereof. The proxies are being solicited by the Board of Directors
of the Company.

     Shareholders  are cordially  invited to attend the meeting.  Please specify
your  choices  on the  enclosed  Proxy,  then date,  sign,  and return it in the
enclosed envelope.  If you attend the meeting, you may revoke the Proxy and vote
your shares in person.

     A copy of the 1997 Annual Report to Shareholders is enclosed.

                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                           By:  /s/  Frederick G. Beisser
                                               Frederick G. Beisser, Secretary
Dated: May 20, 1998

                                    DCX, INC.
                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                                  June 26, 1998

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

This  Proxy  Statement  is  furnished  to the  shareholders  of DCX,  INC.  (the
"Company"),  a  Colorado  corporation,  by order of its Board of  Directors,  in
connection  with  the   solicitation  of  Proxies  for  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of the Company.  The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on the 26th
day of June, 1998 at the Holiday  Inn--Airport,  Interstate 95 and Airport Road,
Jacksonville,  Florida for the purposes set forth in the accompanying  Notice of
Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

expected  that this  Proxy  Statement  and form of proxy  will  first be sent to
shareholders  on or about May 20, 1998.  This Proxy Statement is being mailed in
conjunction with the mailing of the Annual Report. Solicitation expenses will be
paid by the Company.  Members of the Board of Directors  are eligible to receive
awards  under the  Equity  Incentive  Plan  submitted  hereby  for  approval  by
shareholders of the Company.

Receipt, Voting and Revocation of Proxies:

All Proxies  that are  properly  executed  and received at or before the meeting
will be voted at the meeting. If a shareholder  specifies how the Proxy is to be
voted on any business to come before the meeting, it will be voted in accordance
with such  specification.  If no specification is made, it will be voted for the
election of the four nominees for directors named.  Management knows of no other
matters to come before the meeting.  If any other  matters are properly  brought
before the meeting, all Proxies will be voted in accordance with the judgment of
the person or persons voting them.

Any Proxy may be revoked by a shareholder  by any of the  following:  1) a later
dated and executed  Proxy  properly  delivered  to the  Secretary of the Company
before the Proxy has been voted; 2) a written notice of revocation  delivered to
Secretary  of the  Company  before the close of  business  on the day before the
meeting  at the  Comjpany's  principal  executive  offices  located  at 200 West
Forsyth Street, Suite 800,  Jacksonville,  Florida; or 3) by appearing in person
at the meeting and revoking the Proxy before the Proxy has been voted.

Record Date, Shares Outstanding, Voting Rights:

Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on April 17, 1998 will be
entitled  to  vote at the  meeting.  As of  that  date  there  were  issued  and
outstanding  11,505,264  shares of Common  Stock,  no par  value.  Each share is
entitled  to one  vote  on  all  matters  submitted  to  the  shareholders.  The
shareholders do not have cumulative voting rights in the election of directors.

One-third  of the shares  entitled to vote,  represented  in person or by proxy,
shall constitute a quorum at any shareholder's  meeting.  A simple majority vote
of the shares  represented  at the meeting and  entitled to vote is necessary to
approve any such matters. Votes will be counted by the Company's transfer agent,
American Securities Transfer, Inc. Abstentions and broker non-votes are included
in determining the presence or absence of a quorum,  but not considered votes in
favor of items of business.


Percentages of shares held by officers and directors of the Company,  as well as
those parties  owning more than five (5) percent of the Company's  common stock,
as of the date of this proxy statement, are as follows:


Security ownership of certain beneficial owners:

Based on Rule 13d-1  filings  under the Exchange  Act, the Company there is only
one party  other than  management  owning  more than five  percent of the common
stock of the Company.

Security ownership of certain beneficial owners:

         Title of          Name of Beneficial                               Amount & Nature of             Percent
          Class (3)           Owner  (1)                                    Beneficial Ownership
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Common            Black & Veatch Holding Company                      608,713                         5.3
                           7500 Ward Parkway
                           Kansas City, MO 64114

Security ownership of management:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Title of          Name of Beneficial                               Amount & Nature of                 Percent
          Class               Owner (1)                                     Beneficial Ownership ()          of Class (3)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Common            Jeanne M. Anderson                                  114,000                            1.0

         Common            John C. Antenucci                                 1,186,475                           10.3
                           President and Director

         Common            Stephen Carreker, Chairman of                          None                            Nil
                           The Board of Directors and CEO

         Common            Frederick G. Beisser                                 10,400                              @
                           Chief Financial Officer, Secretary
                           Treasurer, and Director

         Common            Raymund E. O'Mara                                      None                            Nil

         Common            J. Gary Reed                                           None                            Nil

         Common            Robin Vail                                             None                            Nil
                           Chief Financial Officer

                           All Directors and Officers
                           as a group (7 persons)                            1,310,875                            11.3%

     @    The number of shares  constitutes less than one percent of outstanding

     1.   The  address for each of the  directors  of the company is "In Care Of
          DCX, Inc., 200 West Forsyth Street, Suite 800, Jacksonville, FL 32202.

     2.   The number of shares  beneficially  owned does not  include  2,667,439
          shares which may be acquired under Non Qualified Stock Options held by
          Officers  and  Directors of the  Company.  Such shares and  management
          personnel  holding them are: Ms.  Anderson,  136,000;  Mr.  Antenucci,
          740,042 Mr.  Carreker,  952,092;  Mr.  Beisser,  350,754  shares;  Mr.
          O'Mara,  2,500 shares; Mr. Reed, 486,052 shares and Mr. Vail, 360,000.
     3.   If the options denoted in Note 2, above, were exercised, Directors and
          Officers would have the following  percentages  of outstanding  common
          stock: Ms.  Anderson,  1.8 percent;  Mr.  Antenucci 13.6 percent;  Mr.
          Beisser,  2.5 percent; Mr. Carreker 6.7 percent; Mr. O'Mara, less than
          1%; Mr.  Reed,  3.4  percent,  Mr. Vail 2.5 percent and  Officers  and
          Directors as a group, 28.1 percent.



Related  party  transaction.   Mr.  Antenucci  is  a  minority  partner  in  the
organization that owns the facilities leased by PlanGraphics, Inc. in Frankfort,
Kentucky, at an annual lease cost of approximately  $327,000 per year for 20,500
square feet. The lease,  which exceeds  average fair market values in Frankfort,
Kentucky  by  approximately  20  percent  was  originally  entered  into  by the
Company's  subsidiary,  PlanGraphics,  Inc., in 1995 prior to its acquisition by
the Company.  At the time the lease was entered into the lease rate exceeded the
fair market value for similar facilities in the area, but was considered non the
less  to be in  the  best  interests  of  PlanGraphics,  Inc.  by its  Board  of

                          MATTERS FOR SHAREHOLDER VOTE

                            1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

The Board of Directors  recommends the election as Directors of the six nominees
, Jeanne M. Anderson, John C. Antenucci, Frederick G. Beisser, Stephen Carreker,
Raymund E. O' Mara, and J. Gary Reed, listed below.  Directors hold office until
the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders (tentatively scheduled for June 4, 1999)
and until their  successors  are elected and  qualified  or until their  earlier
death,  resignation  or  removal.  The  Articles of  Incorporation,  as amended,
provide for a Board of  Directors.  At present,  the number of  Directors of the
Company has been set at seven by the Company's Board of Directors.  The Board of
Directors  anticipates  filling the vacancy prior to the end of the fiscal year.
Each member of the present Board of Directors has been nominated for reelection.
The election of directors  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of all
shares  represented  at the annual  meeting and entitled to vote in person or by
Proxy.  If at the time of the Meeting any of the nominees  named below should be
unable  to serve,  which  event is not  expected  to  occur,  the  discretionary
authority  provided in the Proxy will be exercised  to vote for such  substitute
nominee or nominees, if any, as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.

                             Directors and Officers

          Name                  Age       Position
          ----                  ---       --------

    Jeanne M. Anderson           46       Director

    John C. Antenucci            51       Vice Chairman, President and Director

    Frederick G. Beisser         55       Vice President - Finance and 
                                          Administration, Secretary,
                                          Treasurer and Director

    Stephen Carreker             47       Chairman, CEO and Director

    Raymund E. O'Mara            56       Director

    J. Gary Reed                 49       Director

    Robert ("Robin") S. Vail     55       Chief Financial Officer

The Board of Directors  met 14 times  during the 1997 fiscal  year;  no director
participated  in fewer than 75 percent of the  meetings  during his or her term.
The Company has an audit committee comprised of Mr. Carreker, Mr. O'Mara and Ms.
Anderson; and a compensation committee comprised of Mr. O'Mara and Ms. Anderson.
Presently  it  does  not  have a  standing  nominating  committee  or  committee
performing equivalent functions.


Biographical Sketch of Nominees and Executive Officers

Ms. Jeanne M. Anderson,  retired,  is a former President and CEO of the Company.
She served as President and Chief Executive Officer from October 1, 1991 through
December  31, 1996.  She was Chairman of the Board of Directors  from January 1,
1997 through October 2, 1997 and has been a Director of the Company continuously
since 1987.

Mr. John C. Antenucci,  President, was appointed a director on November 3, 1997.
He is the founder of, and has been president and CEO of PlanGraphics, Inc. since
1979.  He  is  a  former  president  of  AM/FM  International,   a  professional
association for utility industry users of GIS. He is also a former member of the
National Academy of Sciences Advisory Committee for Mapping Sciences, an advisor
to Ohio State  University's  Center for Mapping and editor of a leading textbook
on  geographic   information  systems.  Mr.  Antenucci  holds  an  MS  in  Civil
Engineering/Water  Resources from Catholic  University of America in Washington,
DC and a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from the same institution.

Mr. Frederick G. Beisser,  Vice President - Finance and  Administration,  joined
the  Company as Chief  Financial  Officer in July 1990 and was  promoted  to his
present  position on March 28, 1997.  He was appointed to the Board of Directors
in March 1991, at which time he became Treasurer and was appointed  Secretary on
October  1,  1991.  Mr.  Beisser  is a  Colorado  Certified  Public  Accountant.
Previously  he headed  Budget & Cost  Analysis  for the Air Force  Accounting  &
Finance Center in Denver,  Colorado, from 1985 to 1989. He held Air Force budget
management positions in Europe, and controller and accounting positions with the
Air Force in the United  States and  abroad.  Retired  with the rank of Major in
1989, he holds a Ph.D.  from American  International  University in Canoga Park,
California,  an MBA from Golden Gate  University  in San  Francisco  and a BS in
Business  Administration  from the  University  of Southern  Colorado at Pueblo,
Colorado. In addition he has a diploma from the Air War College.

Mr.  Stephen  Carreker,  Chairman  and CEO,  became a director of the Company on
December  12,  1995.  He was  Director  of  Strategic  Planning  until he became
President and Chief Executive  Officer  effective January 1, 1997. On October 2,
1997 he became  Chairman and CEO. Prior to joining the Company he was manager of
the geographic  information systems department of IDS/IBM Manama,  Bahrain;  was
Vice President,  Geonex  Corporation,  Inc., and GIS Project Manager for Gwinnet
County,  Georgia.  Mr. Carreker has over 20 years of domestic and  international
GIS  experience.  He  holds  a  Bachelor  of  Landscape  Architecture  from  the
University of Georgia and was a Georgia-licensed landscape architect.

Mr.  Raymund E. O'Mara was  appointed  a director  on November 3, 1997.  He is a
principal with Booz Allen & Hamilton,  consultants  since 1996. Prior to joining
Booz  Allen &  Hamilton  Mr.  O' Mara was vice  president  of Mason  and  Hanger
Company,  Lexington,  Kentucky from 1994 to 1996.  Mr.  O'Mara  retired from the
United States Air Force in 1994 with the rank of major general;  from 1993 until
his retirement he was Director,  Defense Mapping Agency, Bethesda,  Maryland and
prior to that was Vice Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command,  Norfolk,  Virginia
for two years.  Mr.  O'Mara holds a Master of Arts from State  University of New
York at  Plattsburgh,  NY and BS in Electrical  Engineering  from the New Jersey
Institute of Technology at Newark.

Mr. J. Gary Reed, Chief Operating Officer of PlanGraphics,  Inc. was appointed a
director on November 3, 1997. He has been employed with  PlanGraphics in several
capacities since 1995. Prior to joining them he held several executive positions
during a 15-year career with Geonex  Corporation  and was named President of the
corporation  in 1994. Mr. Reed holds an MBA from the Keller  Graduate  School of
Management  in Chicago and a BS in Biology from Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute
and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Mr. Robert ("Robin") S. Vail,  became Chief Financial  Officer of the Company on
March 18, 1998. A certified  public  accountant,  he was previously  Director of
Operations  for Price  Waterhouse  in  Houston,  TX from 1990 until  joining the
Company. Prior to that he was a mergers and acquisitions consultant and has held
positions as chief financial officer, CPA firm partner, vice  president--finance
&  administration.  Mr. Vail holds a Master of  Accountancy  from Florida  State
University  and a Bachelor of Business  Administration  from the  University  of

All  directors  hold office until the next annual  meeting of  shareholders  and
serve until their  successors  are duly  elected  and  qualified  or until their
earlier death, resignation or removal.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

Based solely upon a review of Forms 3, 4 and 5 submitted  to the Company  during
and with respect to its most recent fiscal year, the Company  believes that with
the exception of Mr. Antenucci, all directors, officers and any beneficial owner
of more than 10 percent of its registered  shares are in compliance with Section
16(a) of the Exchange Act. Mr.  Antenucci's Form 3 was not timely filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.


Compensation of Directors and Officers

The following table sets forth information concerning the cash compensation paid
and accrued by the Company for services  rendered  during the fiscal year ending
September 30, 1997, to the CEO and other  executive  officers of the Company who
had aggregate  compensation  exceeding $100,000.  Ms. Anderson was President and
CEO through  December 31, 1996. Mr. Carreker became President and CEO on January
1, 1997.  On  November  3, 1997 the  position  of  President  was assumed by Mr.
Antenucci  while Mr.  Carreker  remained CEO and became Chairman of the Board of
Directors.  Eight days of compensation  was paid to Mr. Antenucci as an employee
of  DCX,  Inc.  during  fiscal  year  1997  subsequent  to  the  acquisition  of
PlanGraphics,  Inc. although the table, below,  reflects his entire compensation
during  the year.  Robin Vail  became  Chief  Financial  Officer  subsequent  to
September 30, 1997 and, accordingly does not appear in the table below.

                                                  SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                       Long Term Compensation
                  Annual Compensation                                  Awards
- -----------------------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------

  Name and                                           Other             Restricted       Stock             All Other
  Principal                                          Annual Comp-      Stock            Options           Compen-
  Position        Year     Salary ($)       Bonus    ensation          Awards             (#)             sation ($) @
 ----------       ----     ----------       -----    ----------        ------           -------           ------------

Jeanne M.         1997     $  48,317           -      $58,000#            -            111,000              $  435
Anderson          1996       116,018           -          -               -                -                 1,740
                  1995       116,018           -          -               -             75,000               1,740

Stephen           1997     $ 106,958           -          -               -            660,622                  -

John C.
Antenucci         1997     $114,500            -       20,407*            -            531,851                 2,361

     #    Amount of  $58,000  Other  Annual  Compensation  represents  severance
          payment in connection with Ms. Anderson's resignation as President and
     *    Amount of Other  Annual  Compensation  represents  payment  of certain
          deferred compensation accrued in prior fiscal years for Mr. Antenucci.
     @    Amounts of All Other  Compensation  represent the  Company's  employer
          contribution to 401K Retirement Savings Accounts.

The Company  granted a total of 175,000 stock options to officers of the Company
during  fiscal year 1995 under the 1991 Stock Option Plan.  None were granted in
fiscal year 1996. A total of 30,000 stock options were issued to officers of the
Company  under the 1991 Stock Option Plan during  fiscal year 1997. In addition,
the  Company  granted  1,490,000  incentive  stock  options in  connection  with
officers'  employment  agreements and 61,000  performance  options to a director
during the fiscal year.  As a result of  antidilution  provisions  in employment
agreements,  380,657  additional options were granted to officers of the Company
during FY 1997.


                                               OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                  Number of                 % of Total
                  Securities                Options/SARs
                  Underlying                Granted to
                  Options/SARs              Employees In              Exercise or Base               Expiration
Name              Granted                   Fiscal Year               Price ($/Sh)                   Date
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jeanne M.           61,000                      1.9%                    $1.125/Share               March 27, 2002
Anderson            50,000(3)                   1.4%                    $0.71875/Share             January 28, 1998

Stephen             30,000                      0.8%                    $0.9375/Share              January 6, 2002
Carreker           380,000(1)                  10.9%                    $1.125/Share               March 28, 2002
                   280,622(2)                   8.0%                    $1.125/Share               March 28, 2002

John C             525,000(1)                  15.0%                    $1.75/Share                September 30, 2000
Antenucci            6,851(2)                   0.2%                    $1.75/Share                September 30, 2000

     1.   Grants to Messrs.  Carreker  and  Antenucci in  connection  with their
          employment  agreements  consist of fully vested options of 200,000 and
          300,000 shares,  respectively,  which are immediately exercisable, and
          performance options of 180,000 and 225,000 shares, respectively, which
          vest 35%,  35%, and 30% upon  attainment of certain  management  goals
          over each of the ensuing three fiscal years respectively.

     2.   Messrs.  Carreker and Antenucci also became  entitled to  antidilution
          options 280,622 and 6,851 shares,  respectively as of fiscal year end,
          fully vested or subject to  performance  vesting in  proportion to the
          allocation of vested /performance shares in their original option.

     3.   Grant was an extension of a previous grant of 50,000.


                                                        Number of                 Value of Unexercised
                                                        Unexercised               In-The-Money
                                                        Stock Options             Stock Options
                                                        at FY-End (#)             at FY-End ($)

                  Shares acquired   Value               Exercisable/              Exercisable/
Name              on Exercise (#)   Realized ($)        Unexercisable             Unexercisable
- ---------         ---------------   --------------      -------------             -------------
Jeanne M.
Former Presi-              -              -             125,000/61,000 (1)       $ 320,188/69,625
Dent & CEO

Chairman & CEO             -              -             510,622/180,000          $ 254,200/202,500-

John C.
Antenucci, Vice
Chairman & President       -              -             306,851/225,000          $      -0-/-0-

     1.   Options for 50,000  shares of DCX common stock were granted  under the
          Company's  1991  Stock  Option  Plan  on May 15,  1992  at a price  of
          $1.21875;  additional  options for 75,000 shares were granted on April
          19,  1995 under the 1991 Plan at  $.71875.  Both  grants  were at fair
          market value;  no options have been  exercised to date. The grant from
          1992 was extended from its original expiration date of May 13, 1997 to
          January 31, 1998.

     2.   Mr. Carreker was granted options for 30,000 shares of DCX common stock
          under the  Company's  1991 Stock  Option  plan on January 2, 1997 at a
          price of  $1.125.  In  connection  with his  employment  agreement  he
          received  fully  vested  stock  options  for  200,000  shares  of  the
          Company's common stock awarded  effective January 7, 1997. In addition
          Mr.  Carreker is entitled to 280,622  antidilution  options related to
          his employment agreement.

     3.   Mr.  Antenucci  received fully vested stock options for 300,000 of DCX
          common  stock at a price of $1.75 in  connection  with his  employment
          agreement  on  September  22,  1997.  In  addition,  Mr.  Antenucci is
          entitled  to 6,851  antidilution  options  related  to his  employment


The Company  does not have a long term  incentive  plan or a defined  benefit or
actuarial form of pension plan.

Employment Agreements.

Messrs.  Carreker,   Antenucci  and  Vail  entered  into  three-year  employment
agreements  effective  January 2, 1997,  September 22, 1997, and March 18, 1998,
respectively,  at salaries of $175,000  (Carreker  and  Antenucci)  and $120,000
(Vail)  per year with  provisions  for  bonuses  of up to 21% of base  salary if
certain goals are achieved.  The executives  received fully vested stock options
for 200,000 shares for Mr. Carreker,  300,000 for Mr. Antenucci, and 200,000 for
Mr. Vail with  performance  options for  180,000,  225,000,  and 160,000  shares
respectively,  which vest upon  attainment  of  certain  performance  goals.  In
addition, Mr. Antenucci received a one-time advance payment of $50,000 of his FY
1998 salary for entering into the  agreement.  The employment  agreements  renew
automatically  for a term of three years if the Company does not  terminate  the
agreements  by  December  31, 1999  (Carreker),  June 30,  2000  (Antenucci)  or
December  31, 2000  (Vail),  unless  earlier  terminated  under the terms of the
Agreement.  Messrs. Carreker,  Antenucci and Vail are entitled to continued base
compensation  for three years  following  date of  termination if not for death,
disability,  cause, voluntary resignation other than constructive termination or
the  expiration  of the  agreement's  term; if  termination  is for one of these
reasons  then all  benefits  including  salary are  continued  for 18 months for
Carreker and Antenucci and no benefits for Vail. Mr.  Antenucci is entitled to a
three  year  consulting  period at one half of  average  annual  salary  for the
immediately preceding 36 month period should he exercise his option to terminate
his employment voluntarily after June 30, 2000.

Director Compensation.

Directors  who are  employees  of the  Company  do not  receive  any  additional
compensation  above  their  full  time  employment   compensation.   Nonemployee
directors  receive  reimbursement  of expenses  incurred  in carrying  out their
duties.  During the fiscal year the Company did not have a standard compensation
arrangement  other  than  reimbursement  of  actual  expenses  for  non-employee
directors.  Ms.  Anderson,  a  non-employee  director,  received  $6,800 for her
services as a director during fiscal year 1997. Mr.
O'Mara was not a director during fiscal year 1997.

For  future  service  as a  non-employee  director  beginning  with  the  Annual
Shareholders'  Meeting on June 25, 1998,  the Board of Directors  has approved a
standard compensation plan which provides for the following:  $1,000 per regular
board  meeting  attended  in  person,  $250 per  scheduled  telephonic  board or
standing  committee meeting;  there is no additional  remuneration for committee
meetings held in  conjunction  with regular board  meetings.  Each  non-employee
director will upon  beginning a new service year at the Annul  Meeting,  receive
five-year options to acquire 10,000 shares of the Company's common stock with an
exercise  price equal to the closing price on the date of the Annual  Meeting or
closest  date which had trading if markets were then closed and vesting one year
from date of grant  provided that the  non-employee  director  attended not less
than 75% of  scheduled  Board  meetings.  In  addition,  non-employee  directors
receive  reimbursement  for reasonable  expenses related to travel,  lodging and
meals and other costs incurred in connection with their duties as a director.

                             THE NAME OF THE COMPANY

The Board of Directors has approved,  subject to approval of the stockholders at
the  Annual  Meeting,  the  change  of the  Company's  name from  DCX,  Inc.  to
Integrated Spatial  Information  Solutions,  Inc., by adopting an amendment (the
"Amendment") to Article I of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company. It is
intended  that  proxies  will be voted  for  approval  of the  Amendment  unless
otherwise directed by stockholders.

There are two primary reasons for changing the name of the Company.  First,  the
Company sold its prior defense subcontracting manufacturing business in 1997. As
part of the sale,  the buyer  purchased  rights to the DCX name, and the Company
agreed to change its name. Therefore the Company has a contractual obligation to
change its name.

Second,  the  Company  has  redirected  its  strategic  business  plan and moved
aggressively  into the Geographic  Information  Systems ("GIS") industry through
its acquisition of the industry leading and well respected PlanGraphics, Inc. in
September,  1997. GIS is the term used to describe the systematic collection and
management of spatial and other  information  using computers and other advanced


The  Company's  objective is to build an  integrated  company in the  geographic
information  systems  ("GIS")  business.  The  Company  intends  to build on the
industry  position of  PlanGraphics  to  consolidate a number of GIS service and
product  organizations  and provide full  service  design,  implementation,  and
operation of GIS computer systems and databases.

The Board  believes the DCX name is associated  with the defense  subcontracting
business,  and the Company is no longer engaged in that business. The Board also
believes the new name will help to build  awareness of the new  direction of the
Company's  business  plans,  and  signify its  decision  to build an  integrated
company in the business.

The affirmative  vote of the holders of at least a majority of the shares of the
Company's  common  stock  represented  at the  meeting  and  entitled to vote is
required to adopt the Amendment.

The Amendment does not change any rights in respect of the authorized  shares of
capital stock of the Company.  Article I of the Articles of Incorporation  would
be amended in its entirety to read as follows:

  The name of the Corporation is Integrated Spatial Information Solutions, Inc.

The Board of Directors has unanimously approved and recommends that stockholders
vote FOR Item 2.


The Board of  Directors  recommends  approval  of the Equity  Compensation  Plan
("Equity  Compensation  Plan") which the Board approved on October 31, 1997. The
purpose of the Equity  Compensation  Plan is to  attract  and retain  directors,
officers,  other employees and  consultants of the Company and its  subsidiaries
and to provide such persons with incentives to continue in the long-term service
of the  Company  and to create in such  persons a more  direct  interest  in the
future  success  of  the  operations  of  the  Company  by  relating   incentive
compensation  to increases in stockholder  value.  The Board believes the Equity
Compensation  Plan  encourages  recipients of stock option grants to promote the
best  interests  of the  Company by  offering  them  incentives  and  rewards in
recognition of their share in the Company's progress.

The affirmative  vote of the holders of at least a majority of the shares of the
Company's  common  stock  represented  at the  meeting  and  entitled to vote is
required to approve the Equity Compensation Plan.

A copy of the Equity  Compensation  Plan is included as Appendix A to this Proxy

Summary of the Equity Compensation Plan

The  following   summary   describes  the  principal   features  of  the  Equity
Compensation Plan. This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
specific  provisions  of the Equity  Compensation  Plan,  the full text of which
accompanies this Proxy Statement as an appendix.

Administration.  The  Equity  Compensation  Plan  will  be  administered  by the
Incentive  Plan Committee  composed  entirely of  non-employee  directors of the
Company as appointed from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Company.
However,  awards to  non-employee  directors  of the Company , if any,  shall be
determined by the Board of Directors.

Structure. The Equity Compensation Plan is divided into three separate programs:
1. Discretionary Stock Option Grant Program under which eligible persons may, at
the  discretion of the Incentive  Plan  Committee or the Board of Directors,  be
granted Stock  Options.  2. The Restricted  Stock Program,  under which eligible
persons may, at the discretion of the Committee or the Board,  be granted rights
to receive shares of Common Stock, subject to certain  restrictions;  and 3. The
Supplemental  Bonus Program under which eligible  persons may, at the discretion
of the  Incentive  Plan  Committee  or the Board,  be granted a right to receive
payment,  in cash,  shares of  common  stock,  or a  combination  thereof,  of a
specified amount.

Eligibility. Options, restricted stock or supplemental bonuses may be granted in
the Incentive Plan  Committee's  discretion to Officers (4), other  employees of
the Company or its subsidiaries  (approximately  70), and consultants (5) of the
Company or its subsidiaries. The Board may make grants to non-employee directors


Effective  Date and Term of the  Plan.  This  Equity  Compensation  Plan  became
effective  on the Plan  Effective  Date,  which was the date of Board  approval,
October  31,  1997.  The Plan  terminates  ten  years  after  such  date or upon
termination of all  outstanding  awards in connection  with a change in control,
whichever is earlier.

Shares  available  under the Plan.  The maximum number of shares of common stock
under the plan  shall not in  aggregate  exceed  4,000,000,  which may be common
stock of original  issuance or treasury  stock or a  combination  thereof.  This
authorization  shall  be  increased  automatically  on  each  succeeding  annual
anniversary date of the Plan Effective Date by an amount of shares equal to that
number of shares equal to one-half of one percent of the  Company's  then issued
and  outstanding  shares of common stock.  No more than 3,500,000  shares may be
issued in connection  with Incentive  Stock Options.  Unused and forfeited stock
from awards  wherein the terms were not met and shares of common stock  received
by the  Company in payment of option  fees or  withholding  taxes  automatically
become available for use under the Plan.  Appropriate  adjustments shall be made
to the number and classes of securities  issuable and awards  outstanding  under
the Plan in the event of stock splits,  stock dividends,  recapitalizations  and
exchange of shares or other change affecting the outstanding common stock.

Terms of Grant.  Each option  shall expire not more than ten years from the date
of grant,  and the terms of thef option grant shall specify the number of shares
and the  option  price per share and the form of  payment  and be  reduced  to a
written stock option agreement executed by an officer of the Company.  Incentive
Stock  Options shall be granted only to employees of the Company or a subsidiary
and the exercise  price shall be not less than fair market  value;  grants to an
employee  who is a ten  percent  holder  shall be  priced  at not less  than 110
percent of the fair  market  value and the option term may not exceed five years
from the date of grant.  Options are not transferable  except by will or laws of
descent and  distribution  and generally  may be exercised  only by the optionee
only  during  existence  of his  relationship  with  the  Company  with  certain
exceptions.  Termination  of an  optionee's  relationship  for other than death,
disability or retirement  results in immediate  termination of the option;  upon
death  or  disability  Incentive  Stock  Options  held  by the  optionee  become
immediately  exercisable and remain so for a period of 12 months  following such
termination  of the  relationship;  and finally,  upon  retirement an optionee's
Incentive  Stock Options shall remain  exercisable  for a period of three months
from his retirement date. The Company receives no consideration for the grant of
options to employees under the Plan, but may issue options as consideration  for
consulting services.

Transferability. During the lifetime of an optionee, Incentive Stock Options are
exercisable  only by the optionee and are not assignable or  transferable.  Upon
death prior to expiration of the option grant term,  the option may be exercised
by the personal representative of the optionee's estate or by the person to whom
the option was transferred by his will or per laws of descent and  distribution.
Upon approval by the Board the optionee may assign a non-statutory  stock option
to his immediate family member or to a trust for such family member(s).

Federal  Income Tax. The Company's  obligation to deliver shares of Common Stock
upon exercise of Stock Options  under this plan are subject to  satisfaction  of
all applicable  federal,  state and local income and employment tax  withholding
requirement.  Accordingly,  it may  withhold or secure  from other  compensation
payable  to  a  participant  any  taxes  required  to  satisfy  its  obligations
therefore.  Amendment.  The Incentive  Plan Committee or the Board will have the
authority  to amend or modify the Equity  Compensation  Plan unless  shareholder
approval is required  under  applicable  law,  provided that any amendment  that
would  materially  modify:  the  number  of  shares  which  may be issued or the
requirements as to participation,  or materially  increase the benefits accruing
to participants will require shareholder approval.

The Board of Directors has granted stock options under the Plan for the purchase
of a total of  1,770,197  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock (No Par Value).
These options were granted :

         In  exchange  for 95,334  options  previously  issued by the  Company's
         subsidiary  PlanGraphics,  Inc.  exchanged  pursuant to the Acquisition
         Agreement,  at a price of $1.00 per share  with an  expiration  date of
         June 25, 2002.

         In  exchange  for 27,535  options  previously  issued by the  Company's
         subsidiary PlanGraphics, Inc. and exchanged pursuant to the Acquisition
         Agreement,  at a price of $0.58 per share  with an  expiration  date of
         June 25, 2002.

         In  exchange  for 12,238  options  previously  issued by the  Company's
         subsidiary PlanGraphics, Inc. and exchanged pursuant to the Acquisition
         Agreement at a price of $1.75 per share with an expiration date of June
         25, 2002.

         765,000 to certain employees of the Company's subsidiary, PlanGraphics,
         Inc., at a price of $1.75 per share  pursuant to employment  agreements
         executed in  connection  with the  Acquisition  Agreement and having an
         expiration date of September 22, 2002.


Consideration  to be received by the Company  upon  exercise of any such options
will be in the form of cash or a bank check for readily available funds.

The market  value as of April 20, 1998 of the  underlying  common  stock for the
above stock option grants was $1.6875 per share, or a total of $1,518,931.

Federal  Income Tax  Consequences.  The tax  treatment  of  Non-Statutory  Stock
Options (NSOs) differs  significantly  from the tax treatment of Incentive Stock
Options (ISOs). No taxable income is recognized when an NSO is granted, but upon
exercise  of an NSO,  the  difference  between the  exercise  price and the fair
market value of those  shares at date of exercise is taxable as ordinary  income
to the  optionee  and is generally  deductible  by the Company.  The fair market
value of the  shares  on the date of  exercise  then  becomes  the tax basis for
computing gain or loss on any  subsequent  sale. No taxable income is recognized
when an ISO is granted and,  generally,  no taxable  income is  recognized  upon
exercise of an ISO unless the alternative  minimum tax applies.  However, a Plan
participant  who  exercises  an ISO  recognizes  taxable  gain or loss  upon the
subsequent  sale of the shares  underlying the option.  Any such gain or loss is
taxed as capital gain or loss  provided  that the shares have been held for more
than one year after  exercise  of the option and two years  after the option was
granted. Earlier sale of the shares (a "disqualifying  disposition") is taxed as
for an NSO with ordinary income on exercise of the option recognized in the year
of disqualifying  disposition and generally is the lesser of the original spread
upon exercise or the excess of the amount realized in the sale of the stock over
the  original  option  price.  If a  participant  is subject to the  alternative
minimum tax, his ISO is treated as if it were an NSO.

                                NEW PLAN BENEFITS
                            Equity Compensation Plan

Name and Position                   Dollar Value ($)       Number of Units
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CEO                                             0                     0

John C. Antenucci                         918,750               525,000(1)
President and Director                     11,989                 6,851(2)
                                          160,820                91,897(3)
                                          209,949               115,994(4)
                                       ----------             ---------
Executive Group Total                   1,301,508               739,742

Raymund E. O'Mara                          10,708                 6,119(5)
J. Gary Reed                              603,750               345,000(1)
                                            4,500                 7,875(2)
                                          105,634                60,362(3)
                                          137,904                76,190(4)
                                       ----------             ---------
Non-Executive Director Group Total        862,496               495,546

Non-Executive Officer Employee Group    1,460,262               893,988

     1.   These options were granted on October 30, 1997 in connection  with the
          employment  agreements  executed by the Company with Mr.  Antenucci as
          President   and  with  Mr.   Reed  as  Chief   Operating   Officer  of
          PlanGraphics,   Inc.  pursuant  to  the  Acquisition   Agreement  with
          PlanGraphics,  Inc. The options  consist of  immediately  fully vested
          options  (300,000 for  Antenucci and 200,000 for Reed) and the balance
          vests in accordance with attainment of certain  management  goals. The
          options are valid for three years from date of grant.

     2.   These  options  were  granted  on October  30,  1997  pursuant  to the
          antidilution  rights clause in the employment  agreements of Antenucci
          and Reed based on the  issuance  of  additional  common  stock for the
          period from date of  acquisition of  PlanGraphics,  Inc. and September
          30, 1997 and are valid for three years from date of grant.

     3.   These  options  were  granted on  February  23,  1998  pursuant to the
          antidilution  rights clause in the employment  agreements of Antenucci
          and Reed for the  issuance  of  additional  common  stock  during  the
          Company's first fiscal quarter and are valid for three years from date
          of grant.


     4.   These options were granted March 31, 1998 pursuant to the antidilution
          rights clause in the  employment  agreements of Antenucci and Reed for
          the issuance of additional  common stock during the  Company's  second
          fiscal quarter and are valid for three years from date of grant.

     5.   These options were issued in exchange for  PlanGraphics,  Inc. options
          which  had been  granted  to Mr.  O'Mara  while he was a  director  of
          PlanGraphics,  Inc.  The  exchange  was  pursuant  to the  acquisition
          agreement with PlanGraphics, Inc.

Current  non-employee  director  option  benefits.  See  discussion  at Director
Compensation under Item 1, Election of Directors, supra.

The Board of Directors has unanimously approved and recommends that stockholders
vote FOR item 3.

                                4. OTHER BUSINESS

As of the date of this Proxy Statement,  management of the Company was not aware
of any other  matter to be  presented  at the  Meeting  other  than as set forth
herein.  If any other  matters  properly  come  before  the  meeting,  it is the
intention  of the  Board  of  Directors  to  vote  pursuant  to the  Proxies  in
accordance with their judgment in such matters.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

The  firm  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP,  Certified  Public  Accountants,  audited  the
financial statements of the Company for the period ended September 30, 1997, and
has been  selected to serve in such capacity for the current  fiscal year.  They
will also provide such other  services as may be  necessary.  BDO Seidman LLP is
expected to be present at the annual  meeting and will have the  opportunity  to
make a statement and to respond to appropriate questions.

Proposals by  Shareholders  of the Company to be presented at the Annual Meeting
of  Shareholders  to be held for its fiscal year ended 1998, must be received by
the Board of  Directors  of the  Company no later than  December  30, 1998 to be
considered  for  inclusion in the Company's  proxy  statement and proxy for that

                                    BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                    By:  /s/  Frederick G. Beisser
                                              Frederick G. Beisser, Secretary
Jacksonville, Florida
May 20, 1998


Appendix A.
                                    DCX, Inc.

                            EQUITY COMPENSATION PLAN

                                    ARTICLE I

     The purpose of the DCX, Inc.  Equity  Compensation  Plan (the "Plan") is to
attract and retain directors,  officers, other employees and consultants of DCX,
Inc.  and its  Subsidiaries  and to provide  such  persons  with  incentives  to
continue in the long-term service of the Company and to create in such persons a
more direct  interest in the future  success of the operations of the Company by
relating incentive compensation to increases in stockholder value.

                                   ARTICLE II
                              STRUCTURE OF THE PLAN

     The Plan is divided into three separate programs:

A.   The  Discretionary  Stock Option Grant Program under which eligible persons
     may, at the  discretion  of the  Committee or the Board,  be granted  Stock

B.   The  Restricted  Stock  Program  under which  eligible  persons may, at the
     discretion  of the  Committee  or the Board,  be granted  rights to receive
     shares of Common Stock, subject to certain restrictions; and

C.   The  Supplemental  Bonus Program under which  eligible  persons may, at the
     discretion  of the  Committee  or the Board,  be granted a right to receive
     payment,  in cash, shares of Common Stock, or a combination  thereof,  of a
     specified amount.

                                   ARTICLE III

     As used in this Plan:

     "10%  Stockholder"  shall  mean any  owner of stock  (as  determined  under
Section 424(d) of the Code)  possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total
combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any Subsidiary.

     "Award"  shall  mean a grant  made  under  this  Plan in the  form of Stock
Options, Restricted Stock or Supplemental Bonuses.

     "Board" shall mean the Company's Board of Directors.

     "Change  in  Control"  shall mean a change in  ownership  or control of the
Company effected through any of the following transactions:

         (i) the  acquisition,  directly  or  indirectly  by any person or group
         (within the meaning of Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act)
         other than a trustee or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under an
         employee benefit plan of the Company,  of beneficial  ownership (within
         the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act) of securities possessing
         more than thirty  percent (30%) of the total  combined  voting power of
         the Company's outstanding securities;

         (ii) a change in the composition of the Board over a period of eighteen
         (18)  consecutive  months or less such that fifty percent (50%) or more
         of the Board  members  cease to be  directors  who either (A) have been
         directors  continuously  since the beginning of such period or (B) have
         been  unanimously  elected or  nominated  by the Board for  election as
         directors during such period;

         (iii) a  stockholder-approved  merger  or  consolidation  to which  the
         Company is a party and in which (A) the  Company  is not the  surviving
         entity or (B) securities  possessing  more than thirty percent (30%) of
         the total combined voting power of the Company's outstanding securities
         are  transferred  to a person or  persons  different  from the  persons
         holding those securities immediately prior to such transaction; or


         (iv) the sale,  transfer or other  disposition of all or  substantially
         all of the Company's  assets in complete  liquidation or dissolution of
         the Company.

     "Code" shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended from time
to time.

     "Committee"  shall mean the Employee  Committee  and/or the Incentive  Plan
Committee, as applicable.

     "Common Stock" shall mean the Company's common stock, no par value.

     "Company" shall mean DCX, Inc.

     "Date of Grant" shall mean the date  specified by the  Committee on which a
grant of an Award shall  become  effective,  which shall not be earlier than the
date on which the Committee takes action with respect thereto.

     "Employee"  shall mean an individual who is in the employ of the Company or
any Subsidiary.

     "Employee Committee" shall mean a committee composed of at least one member
of the Board of Directors who may, but need not, be a Non-Employee Director. The
Employee Committee is empowered  hereunder to grant Awards to Eligible Employees
who are not  directors or  "officers"  of the Company as that term is defined in
Rule 16a-1(f) of the Exchange Act nor "covered  employees"  under Section 162(m)
of the Code, and to establish the terms of such Awards at the time of grant, but
shall have no other  authority  with respect to the Plan or  outstanding  Awards
except as expressly granted by the Plan.

     "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Fair Market  Value" of a share of Common Stock on any relevant  date shall
be determined in accordance with the following provisions:

                  (i) If the  Common  Stock is at the time  listed  on any stock
         exchange,  or  traded  on the  Nasdaq  National  Market,  or any  other
         securities  trading market that reports daily the closing selling price
         per share of Common Stock,  the Fair Market Value shall be deemed equal
         to the closing  selling  price per share of Common Stock on the date in
         question  on the stock  exchange  or other  securities  trading  market
         determined  by the  Committee  to be the primary  market for the Common
         Stock,  as such price is officially  quoted on such exchange or trading

                  (ii) If there is no closing selling price for the Common Stock
         on the date in question,  or if the Common Stock is neither listed on a
         stock  exchange or traded on a securities  trading  market that reports
         daily the closing selling price per share of the Common Stock, then the
         Fair   Market   Value  shall  be  deemed  to  be  the  average  of  the
         representative  closing bid and asked prices on the date on question as
         reported by the Nasdaq Stock Market or other reporting  entity selected
         by the Committee.

                  (iii) In the event the Common  Stock is not  traded  publicly,
         the Fair Market Value of a share of Common  Stock shall be  determined,
         in good faith,  by the Committee after such  consultation  with outside
         legal,   accounting  and  other  experts  as  the  Committee  may  deem
         advisable,  and the Committee  shall  maintain a written  record of its
         method of determining such value.

     "Incentive Plan Committee"  shall mean a committee  consisting  entirely of
Non-Employee  Directors of the Board,  who are  empowered  hereunder to take all
action  required  in  the   administration   of  the  Plan  and  the  grant  and
administration  of Awards  hereunder.  The Incentive Plan Committee  shall be so
constituted  at all times as to permit the Plan to comply with Rule 16b-3 or any
successor rule promulgated under the Exchange Act. Members of the Incentive Plan
Committee shall be appointed from time to time by the Board,  shall serve at the
pleasure  of the Board and may  resign  at any time upon  written  notice to the
Board.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any time that there are fewer than two
Non-Employee Directors on the Board or when no Incentive Plan Committee has been
appointed by the Board,  all powers of the  Incentive  Plan  Committee  shall be
vested in the Board.

     "Incentive Stock Option" shall mean a Stock Option that (i) qualifies as an
"incentive  stock  option"  under  Section  422 of  the  Code  or any  successor
provision and (ii) is intended to be an incentive stock option.


     "Non-Employee  Director" shall mean a director of the Company who meets the
definition  of (i) a  "non-employee  director" set forth in Rule 16b-3 under the
Exchange Act, as amended,  or any successor rule and (ii) an "outside  director"
set forth in Treasury Regulation 1.162-27, as amended, or any successor rule.

     "Non-Statutory  Option" shall mean a Stock Option that (i) does not qualify
as an  "incentive  stock  option" under Section 422 of the Code or any successor
provision or (ii) is not intended to be an incentive stock option.

     "Optionee"  shall mean the person so designated in an agreement  evidencing
an outstanding Stock Option.

     "Option Price" shall mean the purchase price payable by a Participant  upon
the exercise of a Stock Option.

     "Participant"  shall  mean a person who is  selected  by the  Committee  to
receive benefits under this Plan and (i) is at that time a director,  officer or
other  Employee  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary,  (ii)  is at  that  time a
consultant or other independent  advisor who provides services to the Company or
a Subsidiary,  or (iii) has agreed to commence serving in any capacity set forth
in (i) or (ii) of this definition.

     "Plan" shall mean the Company's Equity Incentive Plan as set forth herein.

     "Plan  Effective  Date" shall mean October 31, 1997, the date on which this
Plan was approved by the Company's Board of Directors.

     "Redemption  Value" shall mean the amount, if any, by which the Fair Market
Value of one  share of Common  Stock on the date on which  the  Stock  Option is
exercised exceeds the Option Price for such share.

     "Restricted  Stock" shall mean shares of Common Stock granted under Article
VII that are subject to restrictions imposed pursuant to said Article.

     "SEC"  shall  mean the U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and any
successor thereto.

     "Stock  Option"  shall mean a right granted under the Plan to a Participant
to purchase Common Stock at a stated price for a specified period of time.

     "Subsidiary"  shall  mean  a  corporation,   partnership,   joint  venture,
unincorporated  association or other entity in which the Company has a direct or
indirect ownership or other equity interest;  provided, however, for purposes of
determining whether any person may be a Participant for purposes of any grant of
Incentive Stock Options,  "Subsidiary"  means any subsidiary  corporation of the
Company as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.

     "Supplemental  Bonus" shall mean the right to receive payment in cash of an
amount determined pursuant to Article IX of this Plan.

     "Term"  shall mean the length of time  during  which a Stock  Option may be

                                   ARTICLE IV
                           ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

     A.  Delegation to the  Committee.  This Plan shall be  administered  by the
Incentive Plan Committee.  References  herein to the "Committee"  shall mean the
Employee   Committee  and/or  the  Incentive  Plan  Committee,   as  applicable.
References  herein to the Incentive Plan Committee refer solely to the Incentive
Plan Committee.

     Members of the Incentive  Plan Committee and the Employee  Committee  shall
serve for such period of time as the Board may  determine  and may be removed by
the Board at any time.  The action of a majority of the members of the Incentive
Plan  Committee  and the  Employee  Committee  present at any  meeting,  or acts
unanimously  approved  in  writing,  shall  be the  acts of the  Incentive  Plan
Committee and the Employee Committee, respectively.


         B. Powers of the Committee.  The Incentive  Plan  Committee  shall have
full power and  authority,  subject to the provisions of this Plan, to establish
such rules and regulations as it may deem appropriate for proper  administration
of this Plan and to make such  determinations  under, and issue  interpretations
of,  the  provisions  of this  Plan and any  outstanding  Awards  as it may deem
necessary or advisable.  In addition,  the Incentive Plan  Committee  shall have
full  power  and  authority  to  administer  and  interpret  the  Plan  and make
modifications  as it may deem  appropriate  to conform  the Plan and all actions
pursuant to the Plan to any regulation or to any change in any law or regulation
applicable to this Plan.

     C. Actions of the Committee.  All actions taken and all interpretations and
determinations made by the Committee in good faith (including  determinations of
Fair Market Value) shall be final and binding upon all Participants, the Company
and all other interested  persons.  No director or member of the Committee shall
be personally  liable for any action,  determination or  interpretation  made in
good  faith with  respect  to the Plan,  and all  directors  and  members of the
Committee shall, in addition to their rights as directors, be fully protected by
the Company with respect to any such action, determination or interpretation.

     D. Awards to Officers and Directors.

          1. All Awards to officers  shall be determined  by the Incentive  Plan
Committee.  If the Incentive Plan Committee is not composed as prescribed in the
definition of Incentive  Plan Committee in Article III, the Board shall have the
right to take such  action  with  respect to any Award to an officer as it deems
necessary  or  advisable  to comply with Rule 16b-3 of the  Exchange Act and any
related rules, including but not limited to seeking stockholder  ratification of
such Award or  restricting  the sale of the Award or any shares of Common  Stock
underlying the Award for a period of six-months.

          2. Discretionary  awards to Non-Employee  Directors,  if any, shall be
determined by the Board.

                                    ARTICLE V

     A. Discretionary  Stock Option Grant Program,  Restricted Stock Program and
     Supplemental  Bonus  Program.  The persons  eligible to  participate in the
     Discretionary Stock Option Grant Program,  the Restricted Stock Program and
     the Supplemental Bonus Program are as follows:

         1. Employees of the Company or a Subsidiary;

         2. Members of the Board; and

         3. Consultants and other  independent  advisors who provide services to
            the Company or a Subsidiary.

     B.  Selection  of  Participants.  The  Committee  shall  from  time to time
     determine the  Participants to whom Awards shall be granted pursuant to the
     Discretionary Stock Option Grant Program,  the Restricted Stock Program and
     the Supplemental Bonus Program.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                         SHARES AVAILABLE UNDER THE PLAN

     A.  Maximum  Number.  The  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  issued or
transferred and covered by outstanding  awards granted under this Plan shall not
in the aggregate exceed  4,000,000  shares of Common Stock,  which may be Common
Stock of original  issuance or Common Stock held in treasury,  or a  combination
thereof. This authorization shall be increased  automatically on each succeeding
annual  anniversary of the Plan Effective Date by an amount equal to that number
of shares  equal to  one-half of one  percent of the  Company's  then issued and
outstanding  shares of Common Stock. The shares may be divided among the various
Plan components as the Incentive Plan Committee shall determine,  except that no
more than  3,500,000  Shares shall be issued in connection  with the exercise of
Incentive  Stock Options under the Plan. Any portion of the shares added on each
succeeding  anniversary  of the Plan  Effective Date which are unused during the
Plan year  beginning on such  anniversary  date shall be carried  forward and be
available for grant and issuance in subsequent  Plan years,  while up to 100% of
the shares to be added in the next succeeding Plan year (calculated on the basis
of the current  Plan year's  allocation)  may be borrowed for use in the current
Plan year.  Shares of Common Stock that may be issued upon the exercise of Stock
Options  shall be  applied  to reduce  the  maximum  number of shares  remaining
available for use under the Plan. The Company shall at all times during the term


of the Plan and while any Stock Options are outstanding retain as authorized and
unissued  Common  Stock,  or as treasury  Common  Stock,  at least the number of
shares of Common Stock  required under the provisions of this Plan, or otherwise
assure itself of its ability to perform its obligations hereunder.

     B. Unused and Forfeited  Stock.  The following shares of Common Stock shall
automatically  become available for use under the Plan: (i) any shares of Common
Stock that are subject to an Award under this Plan that are not used because the
terms and  conditions  of the Award are not met,  including any shares of Common
Stock that are subject to a Stock Option that expires or is  terminated  for any
reason,  (ii) any shares of Common Stock with respect to which a Stock Option is
exercised  that are used for full or partial  payment of the Option  Price,  and
(iii) any shares of Common Stock withheld by the Company in  satisfaction of the
withholding  taxes incurred in connection  with the exercise of a  Non-Statutory

     C. Capital Changes.  If any change is made to the Common Stock by reason of
any stock  split,  stock  dividend,  recapitalization,  combination  of  shares,
exchange of shares or other change  affecting the outstanding  Common Stock as a
class without the Company's  receipt of consideration,  appropriate  adjustments
shall be made to (i) the maximum  number  and/or  class of  securities  issuable
under the Plan,  (ii) the number and/or class of securities for which grants are
subsequently  to be made  pursuant  to Article  VI of this  Plan,  and (iii) the
number  and/or  class of  securities  then  included  in each Award  outstanding
hereunder and the Option Price per share in effect under each outstanding  Stock
Option under this Plan. Such adjustments to the outstanding Stock Options are to
be effected  in a manner  that shall  preclude  the  enlargement  or dilution of
rights and benefits under such Stock Options. The adjustments  determined by the
Committee shall be final, binding and conclusive.

                                   ARTICLE VII

     A. Discretionary Grant of Stock Options to Participants.  The Committee may
from time to time authorize grants to Participants of options to purchase shares
of Common Stock upon such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine in
accordance  with the following  provisions (in connection  with any grants under
this  paragraph  VII.A to  Non-Employee  Directors,  "Committee"  shall mean the
entire Board of Directors):

          1. Each grant shall  specify  the number of shares of Common  Stock to
which it pertains;

          2. Each grant shall specify the Option Price per share;

          3. Each grant shall  specify the form of  consideration  to be paid in
satisfaction   of  the   Option   Price  and  the  manner  of  payment  of  such
consideration,  which may  include  (i) cash in the form of currency or check or
other cash  equivalent  acceptable  to the Company,  (ii) shares of Common Stock
that are already  owned by the Optionee and have a Fair Market Value at the time
of exercise that is equal to the Option Price, (iii) shares of Common Stock with
respect to which a Stock Option is exercised, (iv) a recourse promissory note in
favor of the Company,  (v) any other legal  consideration that the Committee may
deem appropriate and (vi) any combination of the foregoing;

          4. Any grant may provide for deferred payment of the Option Price from
the  proceeds  of sale  through a broker of some or all of the  shares of Common
Stock to which the exercise relates;

          5. Any grant may provide that shares of Common Stock issuable upon the
exercise of a Stock Option shall be subject to restrictions  whereby the Company
has the right or obligation to repurchase all or a portion of such shares if the
Participant's  service to the Company is terminated  before a specified time, or
if certain other events occur or conditions are not met;

          6. Successive grants may be made to the same Participant regardless of
whether  any  Stock  Options   previously  granted  to  the  Participant  remain

          7. Each grant shall specify the conditions to be satisfied  before the
Stock Option or installments thereof shall become exercisable,  which conditions
may  include a period or periods of  continuous  service by the  Optionee to the
Company or any  Subsidiary,  the attainment of specified  performance  goals and
objectives,  or the occurrence of specified events; as may be established by the
Committee with respect to such grant;

          8.  All  Stock  Options  that  meet the  requirements  of the Code for
incentive  stock options shall be Incentive  Stock Options unless (i) the option
agreement  clearly  designates  the  Stock  Options  granted  thereunder,  or  a
specified  portion  thereof,  as a  Non-Statutory  Option,  or (ii) a  grant  of
Incentive Stock Options to the Participant would be prohibited under the Code or
other applicable law;


          9. Each grant shall specify the Term of the Stock  Option,  which Term
shall not be greater than 10 years from the Date of Grant; and

          10.  Each grant shall be  evidenced  by an  agreement,  which shall be
executed on behalf of the Company by any officer  thereof and  delivered  to and
accepted by the Optionee  and shall  contain  such terms and  provisions  as the
Committee may determine consistent with this Plan.

     B. Special  Terms  Applicable  to Incentive  Stock  Options.  The following
additional  terms shall be  applicable to all  Incentive  Stock Options  granted
pursuant  to this  Plan.  Stock  Options  that are  specifically  designated  as
Non-Statutory Options shall not be subject to the terms of this paragraph VII.B.

          1.  Incentive  Stock Options shall be granted only to Employees of the
Company or a Subsidiary;

          2. The Option  Price per share  shall not be less than the Fair Market
Value per share of Common Stock on the Date of Grant;

          3. The  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value of the  shares of Common  Stock
(determined  as of the  respective  Date(s)  of  Grant)  with  respect  to which
Incentive  Stock  Options  granted to any Employee  under the Plan (or any other
plan of the Company or a Subsidiary)  are  exercisable for the first time during
any one calendar year shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($100,000).  To the extent the Employee holds two (2) or more such Stock Options
that  become  exercisable  for the first  time in the same  calendar  year,  the
foregoing  limitation on the treatment of such Stock Options as Incentive  Stock
Options  shall be applied on the basis of the order in which such Stock  Options
are granted; and

          4. If any Employee to whom an  Incentive  Stock Option is granted is a
10%  Stockholder,  then the  Option  Price per share  shall not be less than one
hundred ten percent (110%) of the Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on
the Date of Grant,  and the option Term shall not exceed five (5) years measured
from the Date of Grant.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                            RESTRICTED STOCK PROGRAM

     A.  Awards   Granted.   Coincident   with  or  following   designation  for
participation  in the Plan, a Participant  may be granted one or more Restricted
Stock Awards  consisting of shares of Common Stock. The number of shares granted
as a Restricted Stock Award shall be determined by the Committee.

     B. Restrictions.  A Participant's  right to retain a Restricted Stock Award
granted  to such  Participant  under  Article  VII.A  shall be  subject  to such
restrictions,  including but not limited to his or her continuous  employment by
the  Company  for a  restriction  period  specified  by  the  Committee  or  the
attainment of specified  performance goals and objectives,  or the occurrence of
specified  events,  as may be  established by the Committee with respect to such
Award.  The Committee may in its sole discretion  require  different  periods of
employment  or  different  performance  goals and  objectives  with  respect  to
different  Participants,  to different  Restricted  Stock Awards or to separate,
designated portions of the shares constituting a Restricted Stock Award.

     C. Privileges of a Stockholder,  Transferability.  A Participant shall have
all voting,  dividend,  liquidation  and other  rights with respect to shares of
Common Stock in accordance with its terms received by him or her as a Restricted
Stock  Award  under this  Article  VIII upon his or her  becoming  the holder of
record of such shares; provided,  however, that the Participant's right to sell,
encumber or otherwise  transfer such shares shall be subject to the restrictions
established by the Committee with respect to such Award.

     D.  Enforcement of  Restrictions.  The Committee may in its sole discretion
require  a legend  to be  placed  on the  stock  certificates  referring  to the
restrictions  referred to in paragraphs VIII.B and VIII.C.,  in order to enforce
such restrictions.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                           SUPPLEMENTAL BONUS PROGRAM

     A. Non-Statutory Stock Options.  The Committee,  at the time of grant or at
any time prior to  exercise  of any  Non-Statutory  Option,  may  provide  for a
Supplemental  Bonus  from the  Company  or a  Subsidiary  in  connection  with a


specified number of shares of Common Stock then purchasable, or which may become
purchasable,  under such Non-Statutory  Option. Such Supplemental Bonus shall be
payable in cash upon the  exercise  of the  Non-Statutory  Option with regard to
which such Supplemental Bonus was granted. A Supplemental Bonus shall not exceed
the amount  necessary to reimburse the  Participant for the income tax liability
incurred by him or her upon the exercise of the Non-Statutory Option, calculated
using the maximum combined federal and applicable state income tax rates then in
effect and taking into account the tax liability  arising from the Participant's
receipt of the Supplemental Bonus.

     B.  Restricted  Stock  Awards.  The  Committee,  either at such time as the
restrictions  with respect to a Restricted  Stock Award lapse or a Section 83(b)
election is made under the Code by the Participant with respect to shares issued
in  connection  with a Restricted  Stock Award,  may provide for a  Supplemental
Bonus from the Company or a Subsidiary. Such Supplemental Bonus shall be payable
in cash and shall not exceed the amount  necessary to reimburse the  Participant
for the  income  tax  liability  incurred  by him or her with  respect to shares
issued in connection with a Restricted Stock Award, calculated using the maximum
combined federal and applicable state income tax rates then in effect and taking
into account the tax  liability  arising from the  Participant's  receipt of the
Supplemental Bonus.

                                    ARTICLE X
                             TERMINATION OF SERVICE

     A.  Incentive  Stock  Options.  The following  provisions  shall govern the
exercise of any Incentive Stock Options held by any Employee whose employment is

          1. If the Optionee's employment with the Company is terminated for any
reason other than such Optionee's death, disability or retirement, all Incentive
Stock Options held by the Optionee  shall  terminate on the date and at the time
the Optionee's employment terminates, unless the Committee expressly provides in
the terms of the Optionee's Stock Option Agreement that such Stock Options shall
remain exercisable,  to the extent vested on such termination date, for a period
of three (3) months following such termination of employment.

          2. If the Optionee's employment with the Company is terminated because
of such Optionee's death or disability within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of
the  Code,  all  Incentive  Stock  Options  held by the  Optionee  shall  become
immediately  exercisable  and shall be  exercisable  for a period of twelve (12)
months following such termination of employment.

          3. In the event Optionee's employment is terminated due to retirement,
all Incentive  Stock Options held by the Optionee shall remain  exercisable,  to
the extent  such  Stock  Options  were  exercisable  on the date the  Optionee's
employment  terminated,  for  a  period  of  three  (3)  months  following  such
termination of employment.

          4. In no event may any Incentive Stock Option remain exercisable after
the expiration of the Term of the Stock Option. Upon the expiration of any three
(3) or twelve (12) month exercise period,  as applicable,  or, if earlier,  upon
the expiration of the Term of the Stock Option, the Stock Option shall terminate
and shall cease to be outstanding  for any shares for which the Stock Option has
not been exercised.

     B.  Non-Statutory  Options.  The  following  provisions  shall  govern  the
exercise of any Non-Statutory Options:

          1. If the Optionee's  employment,  service on the Board or consultancy
is terminated  for any reason other than such  Optionee's  death,  disability or
retirement,  all  Non-Statutory  Options held by the Optionee shall terminate on
the date of such  termination,  unless the Committee  expressly  provides in the
terms of the Optionee's  Stock Option  Agreement,  that such Stock Options shall
remain  exercisable,  to the  extent  vested  on such  termination  date,  for a
specified period following such termination.

          2. If the Optionee's  employment,  service on the Board or consultancy
is terminated because of such Optionee's death or disability,  all Non-Statutory
Options held by the Optionee shall become  immediately  exercisable and shall be
exercisable until the expiration of the Term of such Stock Options.

          3. If the Optionee's employment service on the Board or consultancy is
terminated because of such Optionee's retirement, all Non-Statutory Options held
by the Optionee shall remain exercisable,  to the extent such Stock Options were
exercisable on the date of such termination, until the expiration of the Term of
such Stock Options.

          4. In no event may any Non-Statutory  Option remain  exercisable after
the  expiration  of the Term of the Stock  Option.  Upon the  expiration  of any


specified  exercise  period  following  termination  of  Optionee's  employment,
service on the Board or consultancy,  or, if earlier, upon the expiration of the
Term of the Stock Option, the Stock Option shall terminate and shall cease to be
outstanding for any shares for which the Stock Option has not been exercised.

     C. Restricted Stock Awards. In the event of the death or disability (within
the meaning of Section  22(e) of the Internal  Revenue  Code) or retirement of a
Participant,   all  employment  period  and  other  restrictions  applicable  to
Restricted  Stock  Awards then held by him or her shall  lapse,  and such Awards
shall become fully  nonforfeitable.  Subject to Articles X and XIV, in the event
of  a  Participant's  termination  of  employment  for  any  other  reason,  any
Restricted Stock Awards as to which the employment period or other  restrictions
have not been satisfied shall be forfeited.

                                   ARTICLE XI

     During the  lifetime of the  Optionee,  Incentive  Stock  Options  shall be
exercisable only by the Optionee and shall not be assignable or transferable. In
the event of the Optionee's death prior to the end of the Term, any Stock Option
may be exercised by the personal  representative of the Optionee's estate, or by
the person(s) to whom the option is transferred  pursuant to the Optionee's will
or in  accordance  with the laws of  descent  and  distribution.  Upon the prior
written consent of the Board and subject to any conditions  associated with such
consent,  a Non-Statutory  Option may be assigned in whole or in part during the
Optionee's  lifetime to one or more members of the Optionee's  immediate  family
(as that term is defined in Rule  16a-1(e)  of the  Exchange  Act) or to a trust
established  exclusively for one or more such family members.  In addition,  the
Board, in its sole discretion,  may allow a Non-Statutory  Option to be assigned
in other circumstances deemed appropriate.  The terms applicable to the assigned
portion  shall be the same as those in effect for the Stock  Option  immediately
prior to such assignment and shall be set forth in such documents  issued to the
assignee as the Committee may deem appropriate.  Notwithstanding  any assignment
or  transfer  of a Stock  Option,  in no  event  may  any  Stock  Option  remain
exercisable after the expiration of the Term of the Stock Option.

                                   ARTICLE XII
                               STOCKHOLDER RIGHTS

     The holder of a Stock Option shall have no stockholder  rights with respect
to the shares subject to the Stock Option until such person shall have exercised
the Stock  Option,  paid the  Option  Price and become a holder of record of the
purchased shares of Common Stock.

                                  ARTICLE XIII
                             ACCELERATION OF VESTING

     The  Committee  may,  at any time in its sole  discretion,  accelerate  the
vesting of any Award made pursuant to this Plan by giving  written notice to the
Participant.  Upon receipt of such notice, the Participant and the Company shall
amend the agreement  relating to the Award to reflect the new vesting  schedule.
The  acceleration  of the  exercise  period  of an Award  shall not  affect  the
expiration date of such Award.

                                   ARTICLE XIV
                                CHANGE IN CONTROL

     In the event of a Change in Control of the Company,  all Awards outstanding
under the Plan as of the day before the  consummation  of such Change in Control
shall  automatically  accelerate  for all purposes  under this Plan so that each
Stock Option shall become fully  exercisable with respect to the total number of
shares subject to such Stock Option and may be exercised for any or all of those
shares as fully-vested shares of Common Stock as of such date, without regard to
the conditions  expressed in the agreements  relating to such Stock Option,  and
the  restrictions on each Restricted  Stock Award shall lapse and such shares of
Restricted Stock shall no longer be subject to forfeiture.


                                   ARTICLE XV

     The Committee shall have the authority,  at any and from time to time, with
the consent of the affected Optionees,  to effect the cancellation of any or all
outstanding  Stock  Options  and/or  any  Restricted  Stock  Awards and grant in
substitution new Stock Options and/or  Restricted Stock Awards covering the same
or different  number of shares of Common Stock. In the case of such a regrant of
a Stock Option,  the Option Price shall be set in accordance with Article VII on
the new Date of Grant.

                                   ARTICLE XVI

     The Committee may, in its sole discretion,  authorize the Company to make a
loan to a Participant in connection with the exercise of a Stock Option, and may
authorize the Company to arrange or guaranty  loans to a Participant  by a third
party in connection with the exercise of a Stock Option.

                                  ARTICLE XVII
                                 TAX WITHHOLDING

     A. Tax  Withholding.  The Company's  obligation to deliver shares of Common
Stock upon the exercise of Stock  Options under the Plan shall be subject to the
satisfaction  of all applicable  federal,  state and local income and employment
tax withholding requirements.

     B. Surrender of Shares.  The Committee may, in its discretion,  provide any
or all holders of  Non-Statutory  Options under the  Discretionary  Stock Option
Grant  Program with the right to use shares of Common Stock in  satisfaction  of
all or part of the  taxes  incurred  by such  holders  in  connection  with  the
exercise of such Stock Options. Such right may be provided to any such holder in
either or both of the following formats:

          1. The  election  to have the  Company  withhold,  from the  shares of
Common Stock otherwise issuable upon the exercise of such Non-Statutory  Option,
a portion of those shares with an aggregate Fair Market Value less than or equal
to the amount of taxes due as designated by such holder; or

          2.  The  election  to  deliver  to  the  Company,   at  the  time  the
Non-Statutory Option is exercised, one or more shares of Common Stock previously
acquired by such holder with an  aggregate  Fair Market Value less than or equal
to the amount of taxes due as designated by such holder.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII
                       EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM OF THE PLAN

     This Plan shall become  effective  on the Plan  Effective  Date.  This Plan
shall terminate upon the earliest of (i) ten (10) years after the Plan Effective
Date or (ii) the  termination  of all  outstanding  Awards in connection  with a
Change in Control.  Upon such plan  termination,  all  outstanding  Awards shall
thereafter  continue to have force and effect in accordance  with the provisions
of the documents evidencing such Awards.

                                   ARTICLE XIX
                              AMENDMENT OF THE PLAN

     A. The Incentive Plan Committee shall have complete and exclusive power
and  authority  to  amend or  modify  the  Plan in any or all  respects,  unless
stockholder  approval of such  amendments  or  modifications  is required  under
applicable  law. No such amendment or modification  shall  adversely  affect the
rights and obligations with respect to Awards  outstanding under the Plan at the
time of such amendment or modification,  unless the Participant consents to such
amendment or modification.

     B. Stock  Options  in excess of the  number of shares of Common  Stock then
available  for  issuance  may be granted  under this Plan,  provided  any excess
shares  actually  issued  under  this Plan  shall be held in escrow  until  such
further  action,  necessary  to approve a  sufficient  increase in the number of
shares  available for issuance under the Plan, is taken.  If such further action
is not obtained within 12 months after the date the first such excess  issuances
are made, then (i) any  unexercised  options granted on the basis of such excess
shares shall terminate and cease to be  outstanding,  and (ii) the Company shall


promptly  refund to the Optionees the exercise  price paid for any excess shares
issued under the Plan and held in escrow,  together with interest for the period
the shares were held in escrow, and such shares shall thereupon be automatically
cancelled and cease to be outstanding.  If stockholder  approval of a sufficient
increase  in the number of shares  subject to the Plan does not occur  within 12
months of the grant of any Stock Option intended to be an Incentive Stock Option
which is granted  pursuant to this  Article  XIX.B,  such Stock  Option shall be
deemed to be a Non-Statutory Option.

                                   ARTICLE XX
                              REGULATORY APPROVALS

     The  implementation  of the Plan,  the granting of any Award under the Plan
and the  issuance of any shares of Common Stock under any Award shall be subject
to the Company's procurement of all approvals and permits required by regulatory
authorities  having  jurisdiction  over the Plan, the Awards granted pursuant to
the Plan and the shares of Common Stock  issued  pursuant to any Award under the
Plan. No Stock Option shall be  exercisable,  no shares of Common Stock or other
assets  shall be issued or  delivered  under the Plan,  and no  transfer  of any
Non-Statutory Option shall be approved by the Committee,  unless and until there
shall have been compliance  with (i) all applicable  requirements of Federal and
state securities laws, if applicable,  including the filing and effectiveness of
a  registration  statement  on Form S-8 under  the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
amended,  covering the shares of Common Stock  issuable under the Plan, and (ii)
all applicable  listing  requirements of any stock exchange or securities market
on which the shares of Common Stock are listed or traded.

                                   ARTICLE XXI
                          NO EMPLOYMENT/SERVICE RIGHTS

     Nothing  in this  Plan  shall  confer  upon any  Participant  any  right to
continue  in service for any period or specific  duration or  interfere  with or
otherwise  restrict  in any way the  rights of the  Company  (or any  Subsidiary
employing or  retaining  such  person) or of the  Participant,  which rights are
hereby  expressly  reserved by each, to terminate  such person's  service at any
time for any reason, with or without Cause.


Appendix B

                           Form of Proxy (Front Side)

                                    DCX, Inc.
                       200 West Forsyth Street, Suite 800
                             Jacksonville, FL 32202

The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the Notice and Proxy Statement dated May
20, 1998,  and hereby  appoints the Board of  Directors of DCX,  Inc.  with full
power of substitution to represent the undersigned and to vote all shares of the
Common  Stock of DCX,  Inc. , which the  undersigned  is  entitled  to vote,  as
indicated on this Proxy at the Meeting of  Shareholders  of DCX, Inc. to be held
on the 26th day of June,  1998,  at the Holiday  Inn--Airport,  I-95 and Airport
Road, Jacksonville, Florida and any adjournment thereof.

[  ]  FOR all nominees listed below                 [  ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to
      (except as indicated to the                        vote for ALL
      contrary below).                                   nominees below:

    (INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee,
                        mark through the nominee's name)

Stephen Carreker              John C. Antenucci          Jeanne M. Anderson    
Frederick G. Beisser          Raymund O'Mara             J. Gary Reed

2.  Amend the Articles of Incorporation to read: The name of the corporation is
    Integrated Spatial Information Solutions, Inc.
              [  ]  FOR         [  ] AGAINST      [  ] ABSTAIN

3. Approve the Equity Compensation Plan 
              [  ] FOR          [  ] AGAINST      [  ] ABSTAIN

4. The Proxy is authorized to vote in their  discretion upon such other business
   as may properly come before the meeting.

                          Form of Proxy (Reverse Side)

ITS EXERCISE.  This Proxy, when properly  executed,  will be voted in accordance
with the specifications indicated by the stockholder.  If no indication is made,
it will be voted FOR the election of the nominees for  directors  listed  above,
FOR the Amendment of the Articles of  Incorporation,  FOR approval of the Equity
Compensation  Plan and in the discretion of the Proxy upon such other matters as
may properly come before the meeting.

I [ ] DO plan to attend the meeting. I [ ] DO NOT plan to attend.

                                  Dated ________________________________, 1998


                                   (Signatures(s) should correspond exactly with
                                   the name in which your  certificate  is 
                                   issued as shown at the left.  Executors,
                                   conservators,  trustees,  etc.  should so
                                   indicated When signing.  Return in the
                                   enclosed envelope.