Registration Number 333-38665

                     U.S. Securities And Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form SB-2
                        (Post-Effective Amendment No. 1)

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                 (Name of small business issuer in its charter)

        Delaware                       1330                    95-4580642
- -----------------------      -------------------------      -------------------
(State or jurisdiction          (Primary Standard            (I.R.S. Employer
    of incorporation         Industrial Classification      Identification No.)
    or organization)              Code Number)

1675 Broadway, Suite 1150, Denver, CO 80202; (303) 825-3748
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address and telephone number of principal executive offices)

                                 With a copy to:
                             Alan L. Talesnick, Esq.
                             Francis B. Barron, Esq.
                                Patton Boggs LLP
                               1660 Lincoln Street
                                   Suite 1900
                             Denver, Colorado 80264
                                 (303) 830-1776

1675 Broadway, Suite 1150, Denver, CO 80202; (303) 825-3748
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal place of business or intended principal place of business)

D. Scott Singdahlsen, 1675 Broadway, Suite 1150, Denver, CO 80202;
(303) 825-3748
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Name, address and telephone number of agent for service)

Approximate date of proposed sale to the public:
As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Registration Statement
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If this Form is filed to register additional securities for an offering pursuant
to Rule 462(b) under the Securities Act, please check the following box and list
the  Securities  Act  registration  statement  number of the  earlier  effective
registration statement for the same offering. [ ]

If this Form is a  post-effective  amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(c) under
the  Securities  Act,  check  the  following  box and  list the  Securities  Act
registration  statement number of the earlier effective  registration  statement
for the same offering. [ ]

If this Form is a  post-effective  amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(d) under
the  Securities  Act,  check  the  following  box and  list the  Securities  Act
registration  statement number of the earlier effective  registration  statement
for the same offering. [ ]

If delivery  of the  prospectus  is  expected  to be made  pursuant to Rule 434,
please check the following box. [ ]

                                     CALCULATION OF REGISTRATION FEE
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Title of each class                             Proposed maximum          Proposed maximum
of securities to be     Amount to be            Offering price per        Aggregate offering         Amount of
registered              Registered              unit                      Price                      registration fee
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common Stock,
$.001 par value          4,095,000               $1.59375(1)               $6,526,406(1)             $1,978(1)

Common Stock,
issuable upon
exercise of Class A
Common Stock
Purchase Warrants         -0- (2)                    N/A                        N/A                     N/A

Common Stock,
issuable upon
exercise of Class B
Common Stock
Purchase Warrants         -0- (2)                    N/A                        N/A                     N/A

TOTAL                                                                                                 $ 1,978(3)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  The  price  and  filing  fee  were  determined  at the time of  filing  the
     Registrant's  Initial  Registration  Statement  on Form SB-2 on October 23,

(2)  Pursuant to Registrant's  Registration Statement on Form SB-2 and Amendment
     No. 1 to  Registration  Statement  on Form SB-2  previously  filed with the
     Commission  on October 23, 1997 and November 21,  1997,  respectively,  the
     Registrant had  registered  shares of Common Stock  underlying  Class A and
     Class B Common Stock Purchase Warrants. The warrants were issued as part of
     units which also  included the shares of Common Stock being  registered  on
     this  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 1. The  warrants  have expired and the
     shares  of  common  stock   underlying  the  warrants  are  withdrawn  from

(3)   Previously paid.


                                    [Red Ink]

     Information  contained  herein is subject to  completion  or  amendment.  A
registration  statement  relating  to these  securities  has been filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission is effective. This prospectus is not an offer
to  sell  these  securities  and it is not  soliciting  an  offer  to buy  these
securities in any state where the offer or sale is not permitted.


                         PROSPECTUS DATED MARCH 24, 1999
                              SUBJECT TO COMPLETION

                                                             SELLING STOCKHOLDER

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                        1,750,867 Shares Of Common Stock

     This Prospectus relates to the transfer of up to 1,750,867 shares of Common
Stock of PYR Energy Corporation by the selling  stockholders  identified in this
Prospectus.  The Company will not receive any of the  proceeds  from the sale of
these shares.

     The shares of Common  Stock were  acquired by the selling  stockholders  in
private placement  transactions exempt from registration under federal and state
securities  laws. The selling  stockholders  also acquired  warrants to purchase
shares of common stock in the same private  placements.  Those warrants  expired
without any having been exercised.

     The  selling   stockholders   have  not  entered   into  any   underwriting
arrangements.  The  prices  for  the  Common  Stock  may  be the  market  prices
prevailing  at the time of transfer,  prices  related to the  prevailing  market
prices, or negotiated  prices.  Brokerage fees or commissions may be paid by the
selling stockholders in connection with sales of the Common Stock.

     The  Company's  Common Stock is quoted on the OTC Bulletin  Board under the
symbol  "PYRX".  On March 23,  1999,  the closing  price of the Common Stock was
$2.62 per share.

     Investing  in the  Common  Stock  involves  certain  risks.  See the  "RISK
FACTORS" section beginning on page 3.

     Neither the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  nor any state  securities
commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or determined if this
prospectus  is truthful or  complete.  Any  representation  to the contrary is a
criminal offense.

                 The date of this prospectus is March ___, 1999

                               PROSPECTUS SUMMARY

     The following summary highlights  information contained in this prospectus.
It may not be complete and may not contain all the  information  that you should
consider  before  investing  in the Common  Stock.  You should  read this entire
prospectus  carefully,  including  the "RISK  FACTORS"  section,  the  financial
statements and the notes to the financial statements.

The Company         The  Company  is an  independent  exploration  company  that
                    applies  advanced   three-dimensional  ("3-D")  seismic  and
                    computer   aided   exploration    ("CAEX")   technology   to
                    systematically  explore  for and  exploit  onshore  domestic
                    natural  gas and oil  accumulations  in the  western  United
                    States. The Company's  exploration  activities are primarily
                    focused on the southern San Joaquin basin of California. The
                    Company  does not own any  producing  or proved  oil and gas
                    properties,  and no oil recorded by the Company.  See below,
                    "BUSINESS AND PROPERTIES".

Developments        During fiscal 1998,  the Company and other working  interest
                    owners  commenced  drilling on the Company's  first two test
                    wells - the Bellevue  #1-17 on the Company's East Lost Hills
                    prospect,  which  commenced  drilling  in May 1998,  and the
                    Federal  #67X-30,  which commenced  drilling in July 1998 on
                    the  Company's  School Road  prospect.  The School Road test
                    well  was  plugged  and  abandoned  on  September  18,  1998
                    although the Company is  evaluating  the results in order to
                    determine any possibilities at its School Road acreage.

                    On November  23,  1998,  the East Lost Hills  prospect  well
                    suffered a blowout after  reaching a depth of  approximately
                    17,600  feet out of  targeted  total  depth of 19,000  feet.
                    Bellevue   Resources,   Inc.,  a  subsidiary  of  Elk  Point
                    Resources,  Ltd., is the operator of the well and has worked
                    with well control experts to get the well blowout contained.
                    Surface  containment  facilities  have been  installed and a
                    relief well began  drilling on December 18, 1999. The relief
                    well is b original  well bore so that the original  bore may
                    then be plugged. See "BUSINESS AND  PROPERTIES--Southern San
                    Joaquin Basin, California".

                    In October  and  November  1998,  the  Company  issued  $2.5
                    million  of  convertible   promissory  notes  in  a  private
                    placement.  These notes are  convertible  into the Company's
                    Series   A   convertible   preferred   stock   (subject   to
                    authorization  of  the  preferred  stock  by  the  Company's
                    stockholders),  which would then be convertible  into Common
                    Stock.  If the  Company's  stockholders  do not  approve the
                    preferred  stock  by  April  23,  1999,  the  Notes  may  be
                    converted  directly  into  Common  Stock  a  share.  Also in
                    October 1998,  the Company  issued  266,666 shares of Common
                    Stock in exchange  for oil and gas leases and  seismic  data
                    that were transferred to the Company.

The Offering        The  selling  stockholders  may  sell a total  of  1,750,867
                    shares of Common Stock.  The selling  stockholders  acquired
                    those shares,  along with warrants to purchase Common Stock,
                    in  1997   pursuant  to  private   placements   exempt  from
                    registration  under federal and state  securities  laws. The
                    warrants  expired  without any having been  exercised.  This
                    prospectus will be used by the selling  stockholders to sell
                    the  Common   Stock  they   received  in  the  1997  private

                    The  Common  Stock  may be sold at  market  prices  or other
                    negotiated prices. The selling stockholders have not entered
                    into  any  underwriting  arrangements  for  the  sale of the
                    shares.    See,   "SELLING    STOCKHOLDERS   AND   PLAN   OF

                    The Company will not receive any  proceeds  from the sale of
                    Common Stock by the selling stockholders.

Company Offices     The Company's  offices are located at 1675  Broadway,  Suite
                    1150,  Denver,   Colorado  80202,   telephone  number  (303)

                                  RISK FACTORS


Start-Up Nature Of The Company's Oil And Gas Business; No Profits

     The Company was formed in 1996 and has not had any profit from  operations.
The development of the Company's business will require substantial expenditures.
The Company's future  financial  results will depend primarily on its ability to
locate oil and gas and other hydrocarbons economically in commercial quantities,
on its  ability  to  provide  drilling  site and  target  depth  recommendations
resulting in profitable  productive  wells, and on the market prices for oil and
natural gas.  There can be no assurance that the Company will achieve or sustain
profitability or positive cash flows from its operating activities.

Oil And Gas Prices

     Even if the Company is able to discover or acquire oil and gas  production,
of which  there is no  assurance,  the  Company's  revenues,  profitability  and
liquidity will be highly  dependent upon  prevailing  prices for oil and natural
gas. Oil and gas prices can be extremely  volatile and in recent years have been
depressed  by excess  total  domestic  and  imported  supplies.  There can be no
assurance  that current price levels can be sustained.  Prices also are affected
by  actions  of  state  and  local  agencies,  the  United  States  and  foreign
governments,  and international cartels. These external factors and the volatile
nature of the energy markets make it difficult to estimate  future prices of oil
and natural gas. Any substantial or extended  decline in the price of oil and/or
natural  gas would have a material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  financial
condition and results of operations,  including as a result of reduced cash flow
and  borrowing  capacity.  All of these  factors  are beyond the  control of the

Marketability Of Production

     Sales of oil and natural gas are seasonal in nature, leading to substantial
differences in cash flow at various times throughout the year. The marketability
of the  Company's  gas  production,  if  any,  will  depend  in  part  upon  the
availability,  proximity  and capacity of gas gathering  systems,  pipelines and
processing  facilities.  Federal and state  regulation of oil and gas production
and transportation,  general economic conditions,  changes in supply and changes
in demand all could negativel affect the Company's ability to produce and market
oil and  natural  gas.  If  market  factors  were to  change  dramatically,  the
financial  impact on the Company could be substantial  because the Company would
incur  expenses  without  receiving  revenues  from  sales  of  production.  The
availability  of markets  and the  volatility  of product  prices are beyond the
control of the Company and represent a significant risk to the Company.

Reliance On Industry Participants

     The Company  attempts to limit financial  exposure on a  project-by-project
basis by forming industry alliances where the Company's  technical expertise can
be  complemented  with  the  financial  resources  and  operating  expertise  of
established  companies.  If the  Company  were not able to form  these  industry
alliances,  the Company's  ability to fully implement its business plan could be
limited.  This will have a material,  negative effect on the Company's business,
financial condition and results of operations.


Non-Operator Status
     The Company  focuses  primarily on  providing  3-D imaging and analysis and
relies upon other project participants to provide and complete all other project
operations and  responsibilities  including operating,  drilling,  marketing and
project  administration.  As a result, the Company has only a limited ability to
exercise  control over a  significant  portion of a project's  operations or the
associated costs of those operations. The success of a project is dependent upon
a number of factors  that are outside of the  Company's  area of  expertise  and
project  responsibilities.  These  factors  include:  (1)  the  availability  of
favorable term leases and required permitting for projects, (2) the availability
of future capital  resources by the Company and the other  participants  for the
purchasing  of leases  and the  drilling  of wells,  (3) the  approval  of other
participants  to the  purchasing  of  leases  and the  drilling  of wells on the
projects and (4) the economic conditions at the time of drilling,  including the
prevailing  and  anticipated  prices for oil and gas. The Company's  reliance on
other project  participants  and its limited ability to directly control certain
project costs could have a material  negative effect on the Company's receipt of
expected rates of return on the Company's investment in certain projects.

Ability To Discover Reserves

     The Company's  future success is dependent upon its ability to economically
locate oil and gas reserves in commercial quantities.  Except to the extent that
the  Company  acquires   properties   containing  proved  reserves  or  conducts
successful exploration and development activities,  or both, the proved reserves
of the Company,  if any,  will decline as reserves are  produced.  The Company's
ability to locate reserves is dependent upon a number of factors,  including its
participation in multiple exploration projects and its technological  capability
to locate oil and gas in commercial quantities.  No assurances can be given that
the  Company  will  have  the   opportunity  to  participate  in  projects  that
economically produce commercial  quantities of hydrocarbons in amounts necessary
to meet its business plan or that the projects in which it elects to participate
will be  successful.  There  can be no  assurance  that  the  Company's  planned
projects  will result in  significant  reserves  or that the  Company  will have
future success in drilling  productive wells at low reserve  replacement  costs.
The  Company has not yet  established  any oil and gas  production,  and has not
booked any proved reserves.

Substantial Capital Requirements; Lack of Operating Revenue

     In order to continue its oil and gas exploration  plans fully,  the Company
anticipates that it will need additional  funding. In October and November 1998,
the  Company  closed a private  placement  resulting  in a capital  infusion  of
$2,500,000 from various  investors.  See  "TRANSACTIONS  BETWEEN THE COMPANY AND
RELATED PARTIES--Private  Placement Of Notes". After paying existing outstanding
commitments,  the Company  anticipates  having  approximately  $1,000,000 of the
funds to cover future business expenditures.  The Company does not have a steady
source  of  revenue  to  provide  funding  to  sustain  operations.  There is no
assurance  that the Company will be able to obtain a reliable  source of revenue
to sustain its operations.

Risk Of Exploratory Drilling Activities

     Exploration for oil and natural gas is a speculative  business  involving a
high degree of risk, including the risk that no commercially  productive oil and
gas  reservoirs  will be  encountered.  The  cost of  drilling,  completing  and
operating  wells is often  uncertain and drilling  operations  may be curtailed,
delayed  or  canceled  as a  result  of a  variety  of  factors.  These  include
unexpected formation and drilling  conditions,  pressure or other irregularities
in formations,  equipment failures or accidents,  as well as weather conditions,
compliance  with  governmental  requirements  and  shortages  or  delays  in the
delivery of equipment.  There is no assurance that the expenditures  made by the
Company on its oil and natural gas properties  will result in discoveries of oil
or natural gas in  commercial  quantities.  Some or all of its test wells,  as a
consequence,  may not ultimately be developed  into  producing  wells and may be
abandoned.  If this is the case, the Company will have incurred expenses for the
abandoned well without receiving any revenues from that well.


General Risks Of Oil And Gas Operations

     The nature of the oil and gas business  involves a variety of risks.  These
include the risks of  operating  hazards such as fires,  explosions,  cratering,
blowouts,  such as the blowout at the exploratory  well in which the Company has
an  interest in East Lost  Hills,  and  encountering  formations  with  abnormal
pressures.  The  occurrence  of any of these risks could result in losses to the
Company. The Company expects to maintain insurance against some, but not all, of
these risks in amounts that  management  believes to be reasonable in accordance
with  customary  industry  practices.  The  occurrence of a  significant  event,
however,  that is not fully insured could have a material  adverse effect on the
Company's   financial  position.   See  "BUSINESS  AND   PROPERTIES--Significant
Properties--Southern  San Joaquin Basin,  California" for information concerning
the blowout at the East Lost Hills exploratory well.


     The  Company  competes in the areas of oil and gas  exploration  with other
companies. Many of these competitors may have substantially larger financial and
other  resources than the Company.  From time to time,  there may be competition
for, and shortage of,  exploration,  drilling and  production  equipment.  These
shortages  could lead to an increase in costs and to delays in  operations  that
could have a material  adverse effect on the Company.  The Company may therefore
not be able to acquire desirable properties or equipment required to develop its
properties.  Problems  of this  nature  also  could  prevent  the  Company  from
producing any oil and natural gas it discovers at the rate it desires to do so.

Technology Changes

     The oil  and  gas  industry  is  characterized  by  rapid  and  significant
technological  advancements and introductions of new products and services using
new technologies.  As new technologies  develop,  the Company may be placed at a
competitive  disadvantage,  and  competitive  pressures may force the Company to
implement those new technologies at a substantial cost to the Company.  If other
oil and gas finding  companies  implement new  technologies  before the Company,
those  companies  may be able to  provide  enhanced  capabilities  and  superior
quality  compared  with what the  Company  is able to  provide.  There can be no
assurance  that  the  Company  will be  able to  respond  to  these  competitive
pressures and implement new  technologies  on a timely basis or at an acceptable
cost.  One or more of the  technologies  currently  utilized  by the  Company or
implemented  in the future may become  obsolete.  If this occurs,  the Company's
business,  financial  condition  and results of  operations  could be materially
adversely  affected.  If the  Company  is unable to  utilize  the most  advanced
commercially available technology,  the Company's business,  financial condition
and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected.

Government Regulations And Environmental Risks

     The production and sale of oil and gas are subject to a variety of federal,
state and local government  regulations,  including  regulations  concerning the
prevention  of waste,  the  discharge of  materials  into the  environment,  the
conservation of oil and natural gas, pollution, permits for drilling operations,
drilling  bonds,  reports  concerning  operations,  the  spacing  of wells,  the
unitization  and pooling of  properties,  and various  other  matters  including
taxes.  Many  jurisdictions  have at various  times imposed  limitations  on the
production of oil and gas by restricting  the rate of flow for oil and gas wells
below their actual  capacity to produce.  Although the Company  intends to be in
compliance  with  applicable   environmental   and  other  government  laws  and
regulations,  there can be no assurance  that  significant  costs for compliance
will not be incurred in the  future.  The recent  blowout of the East Lost Hills
exploratory  well in which the Company has an interest  raises a number of these
risks. Although the Company currently believes that costs related to the blowout


and the  release of  potential  pollutants  into the  atmosphere  are covered by
insurance,  there is no  assurance  that this is the  case.  See  "BUSINESS  AND
PROPERTIES--Significant Properties--Southern San Joaquin Basin, California".

Variability Of Operating Results

     The Company's  operating results,  as a start up company in the oil and gas
industry,  may vary significantly  during any financial period. These variations
may be caused by  significant  periods  of time  between  each of the  Company's
discoveries  and  developments,  if any,  of oil or natural  gas  properties  in
commercial  quantities.  These  variations  may also be caused by the volatility
associated   with  oil  and  gas   prices.   See  "--Oil  And  Gas  Prices"  and
"--Marketability Of Production".

Risks Associated With Management Of Growth

     Because of its small size, the Company  desires to grow rapidly in order to
achieve  certain  economies of scale.  Although  there is no assurance that this
rapid  growth  will  occur,  to the  extent  that it does  occur it will place a
significant  strain  on the  Company's  financial,  technical,  operational  and
administrative resources. As the Company increases its services and enlarges the
number of projects it is evaluating or in which it is participating,  there will
be additional demands on the Company's  financial,  technical and administrative
resources.   The  failure  to  continue  to  upgrade  the  Company's  technical,
administrative,  operating and financial  control  systems or the  occurrence of
unexpected  expansion  difficulties,  including the recruitment and retention of
geoscientists  and  engineers,  could  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the
Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.

Dependence On Key Personnel

     The  Company  will  be  highly  dependent  on  the  services  of  D.  Scott
Singdahlsen and its other geological and geophysical staff members.  The loss of
the services of any of them could have a material adverse effect on the Company.
The Company does not have an  employment  contract with Mr.  Singdahlsen  or any
other employee.

Concentration Of Risks; Lack Of Diverse Business Operations

     The  Company  currently  is  pursuing  only  the oil  and  gas  exploration
business.  Although the Company is involved in other oil and gas projects, it is
concentrating  the  majority of its initial oil and gas  exploration  efforts on
approximately  60,000 gross and 31,000 net exploratory  acres in the San Joaquin
basin.  Although the Company is involved in three separate and distinct projects
in the San Joaquin basin, the Company's  exploration efforts are concentrated in
this same general area and this lack of diverse business operations subjects the
Company to a certain degree of concentration of risks. The future success of the
Company may be dependent upon its success in discovering  and developing oil and
gas in commercial  quantities on its San Joaquin properties and upon the general
economic success of the oil and gas industry.

Inactive Trading Of The Common Stock; Possible Volatility Of Stock Price

     There may be no ready  market for the Common  Stock and an investor  cannot
expect to liquidate  his  investment  regardless  of the  necessity of doing so.
Investors  should  recognize the  illiquidity of an investment in this Offering.
Historically,  there has been an extremely  limited public market for the Common
Stock.  There is no assurance  that the market will be sustained or will expand.
See  "INACTIVE  TRADING  OF THE  COMMON  STOCK".  The  prices  of the  Company's


securities are highly  volatile.  Due to the low price of the  securities,  many
brokerage  firms may not  effect  transactions  and may not deal with low priced
securities  as it may not be  economical  for them to do so.  This could have an
adverse  effect on  developing  and  sustaining  the  market  for the  Company's
securities.  In addition,  there is no assurance  that an investor  will be in a
position to borrow funds using the Company's securities as collateral.

     For the foreseeable future,  trading in the Company's  securities,  if any,
will occur in the  over-the-counter  market and the securities will be quoted on
the OTC Bulletin Board. The closing price for the Common Stock on March 23, 1999
was $2.62.  The Company does not  anticipate  that its Common Stock will qualify
for  listing  on the NASDAQ  Stock  market in the near  future.  A holder of the
Company's  securities may be unable to sell its securities  when it wishes to do
so, if at all. In addition, the free transferability of these securities will be
dependent on the  securities  laws of the various states in which it is proposed
these securities be traded.

Penny Stock Regulation

     The  SEC  has  adopted  rules  that  regulate  broker-dealer  practices  in
connection  with  transactions in "penny  stocks".  Generally,  penny stocks are
equity  securities  with a price  of less  than  $5.00  (other  than  securities
registered  on certain  national  securities  exchanges  or quoted on the NASDAQ
system).  If the Company's  shares are traded for less than $5 per share as they
currently  are, the shares will be subject to the SEC's penny stock rules unless
(1) the Company's net tangible  assets  exceed  $5,000,000  during the Company's
first three years of continuous  operations  or  $2,000,000  after the Company's
first three years of continuous  operations;  or (2) the Company has had average
revenue of at least  $6,000,000 for the last three years.  The penny stock rules
require a  broker-dealer,  prior to a transaction in a penny stock not otherwise
exempt  from the  rules,  to deliver a  standardized  risk  disclosure  document
prescribed  by the SEC that  provides  information  about  penny  stocks and the
nature and level of risks in the penny stock market. The broker-dealer also must
provide the customer with current bid and offer  quotations for the penny stock,
the compensation of the broker-dealer and its salesperson in the transaction and
monthly account  statements showing the market value of each penny stock held in
the customer's account. In addition, the penny stock rules require that prior to
a  transaction  in a penny  stock not  otherwise  exempt from those  rules,  the
broker-dealer must make a special written  determination that the penny stock is
a suitable  investment  for the  purchaser and receive the  purchaser's  written
agreement to the transaction. These requirements may have the effect of reducing
the level of trading  activity in the secondary  market for a stock that becomes
subject to the penny  stock  rules.  As long as the  Company's  Common  Stock is
subject to the penny stock  rules,  the holders of the Common  Stock may find it
difficult to sell the Common Stock of the Company.


                           PRICE RANGE OF COMMON STOCK

     The Company's Common Stock is traded in the over-the-counter market and has
been quoted on the OTC  Bulletin  Board since  November  1996.  Effective  as of
November  12,  1997,  the  Company's  trading  symbol was changed from "MRVI" to

     The table  below  presents  the range of high and low sales  prices for the
Company's Common Stock during each of the quarters  indicated.  These quotations
were obtained  from brokers who make a market in the Company's  Common Stock and
reflect interdealer prices, without retail mark up, mark down or commission, and
may not represent actual transactions.

                                                       Sales Prices
         Quarter Ended                            High             Low
         -------------                            ----             ---

     November 30, 1996                            .125            .12
     February 28, 1997                            .0625           .0625
     May 31, 1997                                 .1875           .1875
     August 31, 1997                             1.6875           .25
     November 30, 1997                           2.00            1.4375
     February 28, 1998                           1.875            .6875
     May 31, 1998                                1.4375           .70
     August 31, 1998                             1.1875           .41
     November 30, 1998                           3.5625           .4375
     February 28, 1999                           5.00            1.375

     On March 10, 1999,  the closing sale price for the  Company's  Common Stock
was $2.00 per share.

Number Of Stockholders Of Record

     On March 23, 1999, the number of  stockholders of record of the Company was
approximately 1,200.

                                 DIVIDEND POLICY

     The Company has not declared or paid any cash dividends on its Common Stock
since its formation and does not presently  anticipate paying any cash dividends
on its Common Stock in the foreseeable  future.  The Company is obligated to pay
dividends  at the rate of 10 percent per year on the  $2,500,000  face amount of
Series A Preferred to be issued in exchange for the Notes.  These  dividends are
required to be paid on January 1 and July 1 of each year.  See,  "DESCRIPTION OF
SECURITIES--Series A Preferred Stock".

                             BUSINESS AND PROPERTIES


     The  Company  is an  independent  oil and  gas  exploration  company  whose
strategic focus is the application of advanced three-dimensional ("3-D") seismic
imaging and computer aided exploration technologies in the systematic search for
commercial hydrocarbon reserves, primarily in the onshore western United States.
The Company  attempts to use its technical  experience  and  expertise  with 3-D
seismic  technology  to identify  exploration  and  exploitation  projects  with
significant  potential  economic  return.  The Company intends to participate in


selected  exploration  projects  as a  non-operating,  working  interest  owner,
sharing  both risk and rewards  with its project  participants.  The Company has
pursued, and will continue to pursue, exploration opportunities in regions where
the  Company  believes  significant  opportunity  for  discovery  of oil and gas
exists.  By attempting to reduce  drilling risk through 3-D seismic  technology,
the Company  seeks to improve the expected  return on  investment in its oil and
gas exploration projects.

     During fiscal 1998, the Company incurred  approximately  $439,000 for costs
related  to  continued  leasing  and  optioning  of  acreage   predominately  in
California,  $2,046,000 for costs relating to 3-D seismic  acquisition  over its
Southeast  Maricopa  acreage,  and $118,000 in drilling  costs  associated  with
drilling  the deep  exploration  well at East Lost  Hills.  The  Company  had no
revenues from oil and gas production during 1998.

     During  fiscal  1997,  the  Company  incurred  approximately  $311,000  for
acquisition of acreage and exclusive rights to undertake exploration  activities
with  respect to its  projects.  The Company  undertook  no drilling  and had no
revenues from oil and gas production  during 1997. To finance its operations and
obtain funds for additional  capital  expenditures  relating to its  exploration
projects, the Company sold equity securities through private placement offerings
raising approximately $1,743,000 net to the Company.

     The Company currently  anticipates that it will participate in the drilling
of at least two exploratory  wells during its fiscal year ending August 31, 1999
("1999"),  although the number of wells may increase as additional  projects are
added to the Company's  portfolio.  However,  there can be no assurance that any
such wells will be  drilled,  and if  drilled,  that any of these  wells will be
successful.  See "RISK  FACTORS - Start-Up  Nature Of The  Company's Oil And Gas
Business; No Profits".

     The Company's future financial  results continue to depend primarily on (1)
the Company's ability to discover commercial quantities of hydrocarbons; (2) the
market  price for oil and gas; (3) the  Company's  ability to continue to obtain
and screen potential projects;  and (4) the Company's ability to fully implement
its  exploration  and  development  program.  There can be no assurance that the
Company will be  successful  in any of these  respects or that the prices of oil
and gas  prevailing  at the time of production  will be at a level  allowing for
profitable production.  See "RISK FACTORS - Start-Up Nature of The Company's Oil
And Gas Business;  No Profits," "-  Substantial  Capital  Requirements;  Lack Of
Operating Revenue" and "- Risks Of Exploratory Drilling Activities".


     The Company's business strategy is to continue to enhance shareholder value
by using its technical  experience and expertise with 3-D seismic  technology to
identify  exploration  and  exploitation  projects  with  significant  potential
reserves and economic results based on the application of appropriate technology
and suitable project risk management.  The Company's ongoing goal is to increase
its reserve base through a focus on mature  hydrocarbon basins where it believes
that the historical  under-utilization  of seismic technology creates tremendous
opportunities.  It is the Company's viewpoint that the systematic application of
advanced  seismic imaging and  visualization  to exploration  can  significantly
reduce drilling risk and enhance financial results. The Company's strategy is to
focus on applying 3-D seismic  technology to explore  properties that lie within
these mature basins and that offer oil and gas reserves that would be materially
significant to the Company.


     The Company has a three-pronged  corporate  approach for the application of
exploration  technology  in these mature  basins.  The three  components of this
strategy are set forth below:

     o    Internal  generation of exploration  and  exploitation  prospects with
          special  emphasis on 3-D seismic  application  to  stratigraphic  play

     o    Identification  and exploitation of non-performing  and under-utilized
          existing  3-D  seismic  surveys  and  acreage  positions  in which the
          application  of technical  expertise and advanced  interpretation  and
          visualization   methodologies  could  significantly   impact  drilling

     o    Development of alliances  with  exploration  and production  companies
          that lack advanced technical resources and expertise.

Exploration and Operating Approach

     The Company  focuses  its  technical  resources  on  obtaining  the highest
quality  subsurface image through advanced  geological and geophysical  methods,
which it believes are more likely to result in the cost effective identification
of oil  and gas  reserves  that  are  materially  significant.  The  Company  is
committed to providing its technical  team with access to the required tools and
support  necessary  to retain a  competitive  advantage  in today's  exploration
environment.  The  Company  strives to provide its  geoscientists  with the most
advanced  imaging and  analytical  technology  available  and provides  employee
incentives for the recruitment and motivation of these technical experts.

     The  Company  adheres  to  a  disciplined  approach  to  selective  project
participation.  The Company participates only in those projects that it believes
are likely to maximize the return on its capital  investment,  have  significant
reserve growth  potential,  and benefit from the application of advanced seismic
technology.  The Company believes that these factors result in a positive impact
to  the  finding-cost  and  production  economics.   The  Company  actively  and
continually manages its portfolio of exploration and exploitation  projects. The
aggressive  portfolio  management enables the Company to maximize the investment
of  available  capital in a limited  number of high  impact  geologic  plays and

     The Company  generates many of its  exploration and  exploitation  projects
internally,  and therefore is not dependent on outside parties for project flow.
The Company  strives to control all the  exploration  phases  prior to drilling,
including the acreage position and the application of seismic  technology.  With
the resulting  project  control,  the Company is in the position to fully manage
the exploration process and determine,  subject to its financial resources,  the
appropriate  level of working  interest  that it retains in the  drilling of any
associated  wells.  The Company  aggressively  leverages its project control and
technical  expertise  to potential  industry  partners in an attempt to maximize
return on investment while controlling  capital  exposure.  The Company does not
intend to operate  the  drilling  of project  wells,  but  intends to retain the
flexibility  to maintain a  sufficient  working  interest in projects to enhance
leverage of its technical resources and influence operator actions.

Significant Projects

     The Company's exploration  activities are primarily focused on the southern
San Joaquin  basin of  California.  The Company also has projects  identified in
selective Rocky Mountain basins.  Advanced seismic imaging of the structural and
stratigraphic  complexities,  common to these regions, provides the Company with
enhanced  ability to identify  significant  hydrocarbon  potential.  A number of
these  projects,  especially in the San Joaquin basin,  offer multiple  drilling
opportunities   with  individual  wells  having  the  potential   capability  of
encountering multiple reservoirs.


     The following  provides a summary and status of the  Company's  exploration
areas and significant  projects.  While actively pursuing  specific  exploration
activities in each of the following areas, the Company is continually  reviewing
additional  opportunities  in these  core  areas  and in other  areas  that meet
certain  exploration  and  exploitation  criteria.  There is no  assurance  that
drilling  opportunities  will continue to be  identified in the current  project
portfolio or will be successful if drilled.

     Southern San Joaquin Basin, California

     The San  Joaquin  basin  of  California  has  proven  to be one of the most
productive  hydrocarbon  producing basins in the continental  United States.  To
date, the approximately  14,000 square mile basin has produced in excess of 12.7
billion barrels of oil equivalent,  and contains 25 fields  classified as giant,
with  cumulative  production of more than 100 million  barrels of oil equivalent
("MMBoe"). In calculating barrels of oil equivalent,  the Company uses the ratio
of 6 thousand cubic feet ( Mcf") of gas for one barrel of oil.

     The San Joaquin  contains  six of the 25 largest oil fields in the U.S. All
six of these fields were  discovered  between 1890 and 1911, a full decade prior
to the discovery of the first giant Texas oil field.  The basin  accounts for 34
percent of California's  actively  producing  fields,  yet produces more than 75
percent of the  state's  total oil and gas  production.  Most of the  production
within the basin is located  along the western and  southern end of Kern County.
San  Joaquin  basin  production  totals  for  1997  reported  by the  California
Department  of Oil and Gas for all  producers in the  aggregate  indicate  total
production  of 246.9  MMBoe.  Of this figure,  Kern County  accounts for over 90
percent of the oil production from the San Joaquin basin.

     Exploration Opportunity. For the 100 plus years of its productive life, the
San  Joaquin  basin  has been  dominated  by major oil  companies  and large fee
acreage holdings. As a result of these conditions,  the basin has generally been
under-explored by independent exploration and production companies,  groups that
usually bring advanced  technologies  to their  exploration  efforts.  The large
fields in the basin were all discovered on surface anticlines and produce mostly
heavy oil from depths of less than 5,000 feet. As a consequence, basin operators
have employed only those advanced  engineering  technologies related to enhanced
production  practices  including  steam floods and,  most  recently,  horizontal

     The  basin  as a whole  has  suffered  from a lack of  applied  exploration
technology and deep drilling. Approximately one percent of the total basin wells
have been  drilled to a depth  greater  than  12,000  feet and none of the 2,000
wells  drilled  during 1996 was  drilled to a depth  greater  than 12,000  feet.
Additional 1996  statistics  indicate that the average well depth drilled during
the year was just slightly more than 1,800 feet. Three- dimensional  seismic has
been employed only in limited quantity and in certain areas of the basin.

     Tenneco  and ARCO  shot a  limited  number  of 3-D  surveys  in the mid- to
late-1980s on the  Bakersfield  Arch and to the south in the Yowlumne area. With
the ongoing  retrenchment  of majors in the basin,  independents  such as Torch,
Nuevo Energy,  Vintage  Petroleum,  HarCor Energy and Enron Oil & Gas have moved
into prominent  positions within the basin and are bringing  applied  geoscience
technologies  with them.  More 3-D  surveys  have been  acquired in the last two
years  than in all the  previous  years  combined.  This  trend is  expected  to
accelerate in the upcoming years as a renewed  emphasis is placed on 3-D seismic
exploitation and exploration.

     With limited  exploration in the San Joaquin basin since the "boom" days of
the early 1980s,  the Company believes that multiple  exploration  opportunities
are available.  Deep basin targets, both structural and stratigraphic in nature,
remain  largely  untested with modern  seismic  technology and the drill bit. In
addition,  retrenchment  of the majors in the basin has  caused  many of them to
rethink their  policies  regarding  their large fee acreage  positions.  For the
first time in history,  many of these companies are opening up these fee acreage
positions  to outside  exploration  by  aggressive  independent  companies.  The
Company has identified and negotiated  exclusive access to three  high-potential
exploration plays in the southern San Joaquin basin.


     East Lost Hills.  The Company has identified  and has undertaken  technical
analysis of a deep,  large untested  structure in the footwall of the Lost Hills
thrust.  This prospect lies directly east of and structurally below the existing
Lost Hills  field,  which has  produced in excess of 350 MMBoe from  shallow pay
zones in a large thrusted anticlinal feature.

     This unconventional deep prospect has significant  structural and reservoir
risk,  but the potential for large  reserves  makes it an attractive  play. In a
joint  effort with Denver  based  Armstrong  Resources  LLC  ("Armstrong"),  the
Company has  analyzed  and  interpreted  over 350 miles of  high-resolution  2-D
seismic data to help refine the  structural  mapping of the  prospect.  Advanced
pre-stack depth migration and  interpretation  clearly defines a deep sub-thrust
structure.  Two wells  drilled to the east of the  prospect,  in the  mid-1970s,
proved the productivity  potential of free oil (42 degree API) and gas at depths
below 17,000 feet. Ongoing source rock and maturation modeling suggests that the
oil generation  window exists at depths between 15,000 and 17,000 feet, and that
early migration of hydrocarbons  should preserve  reservoir quality at East Lost

     In early 1998,  the  Company  and  Armstrong  entered  into an  exploration
agreement with a number of established  Canadian  partners to participate in the
drilling of an initial exploratory well to fully evaluate the feature.  Bellevue
Resources,  Inc., a subsidiary of Elk Point Resources,  Ltd., is operator of the
well.  Currently,   other  participants  in  the  well  are:  Berkley  Petroleum
Corporation,  Ceniarth  Inc.,  Paramount  Resources,  Ltd.,  Richland  Petroleum
Corporation,   Westminister  Resources,   Ltd.,  STB  Energy,  Inc.,  Kookaburra
Resources, and Hilton Petroleum Company. PYR received cash consideration for its
share of acreage in this play and a carried 6.475% working  interest through the
tanks in the initial  exploration  well.  PYR owns an  additional  4.1%  working
interest for a total before payout working interest of 10.575%, which reduces to
9.253% after payout in the initial  exploration  well.  The Company owns a total
working interest of 10.575% in the six township area of mutual interest, subject
to a back-in  interest after payout on 900 acres that would reduce the Company's
working interest on those 900 acres to 9.255%. The Company and its joint working
interest owners control  approximately  23,000 gross acres of leasehold over the

     The Bellevue Resources et al. #1-17 East Lost Hills well, located in SE1/4.
Sec 17, T26S, R21E, Kern County, California, commenced drilling on May 15, 1998.
The well is designed to test  prospective  Miocene  sandstone  reservoirs in the
Temblor Formation. During September 1998, the well was sidetracked in an attempt
to gain  better  structural  position  and  delineate  potential  uphole pay. On
November 23, 1998,  the well was drilling at 17,600 feet toward a total depth of
19,000 feet when it blew out and ignited. No personal injuries resulted,  and an
expert well control team was engaged to contain the fire.  Significant  progress
has been made on well control  operations at the Bellevue #1-17.  All debris has
been removed  from the wellsite and flow from the well is being  diverted to two
burn pits. Surface containment  facilities  consisting of separators and storage
tanks have been installed and are collecting  and  separating  hydrocarbons  and
water  from the  well.  Natural  gas  currently  is being  flared  while  liquid
hydrocarbons  and water are being  collected  in the burn pits and above  ground
storage  tanks for  trucking  to  processing  and  disposal  facilities.  Volume
estimates of  hydrocarbons  and water produced are not reliable at this time due
to very high temperatures and fluctuating operating conditions.  A snubbing unit
was deployed to attempt a surface  control kill of the Bellevue  #1-17,  but was
not successful.  A relief well, the Bellevue #1-17R,  began drilling on December
18, 1998.  It was  initially  expected to intersect the wellbore of the Bellevue
#1-17 at a depth of about 13,500 feet.  However,  as drilling  continued and the
characteristics  of the blowout were  examined,  it was determined to attempt to
intersect  the wellbore  below  16,000 feet,  which is expected to occur in late
April or early May 1999.


     At the time that the #1-17 East Lost Hill well was sidetracked,  one of the
participants  (the  "Declining  Participant")  claimed  that it had the right to
decline to  participate  in the  sidetracking  operations and still maintain its
interest in the well, subject to a "non-consent"  penalty.  The operator and the
other  participants  dispute the right of the Declining  Participant to maintain
its  interest in the well on this basis,  and  proceeded  with the  sidetracking
operation  while  denying the  Declining  Participant's  right to  maintain  its
interest.  Although the Company believes its position on this matter is correct,
if it loses this dispute,  the  after-payout  working interest of the Company in
the well and in the other acreage subject to the related  exploration  agreement
could be reduced to approximately  9.085% in the initial exploration well and to
approximately 9.2625% in the other acreage.

     School Road/Southeast  Maricopa. The Company has signed a lease and seismic
option with Chevron  Production,  USA covering  exclusive  exploration rights on
approximately 22,000 acres of fee land in the Maricopa sub-basin at the southern
end of the San Joaquin  valley.  The  Maricopa  sub-basin  represents  a rapidly
subsiding  fore-arc  basin  containing  more than 30,000  feet of  post-Jurassic
sediments.  The  Maricopa  area is the  location  of the major  depo-center  for
deep-water turbidite deposition in the San Joaquin. The majority of oil produced
in the Maricopa sub-basin and on the Bakersfield arch to the north has come from
the Upper Miocene Stevens and older (Eocene) turbidite sands.

     During 1998, the Company  completed  acquisition of approximately 52 square
miles of 3-D  seismic  data over its  Southeast  Maricopa  exploration  project.
Western  Geophysical  Company acted as the Company's seismic  contractor for the
data acquisition. The processed data was delivered to the Company on October 29,
1998 and the Company is  currently  in the process of  interpreting  the data in
order to identify drillable prospects. It is anticipated that the interpretation
will take as long as three  months to complete  before  taking  this  project to
potential  industry partners for  participation.  The Company intends to sell an
appropriate  portion of its  interest in this project in order to receive a cash
consideration  and/or  a  carried  interest  in the  drilling  of  one  or  more
exploration wells. The Company intends to drill at least one exploration well on
this prospect  during calendar 1999. No drilling  commitments  have been made or

     Basin wide, the Stevens sands have produced in excess of 1,350 MMBbl,  with
mean  field  size  being in excess  of 70  MMBbl.  Stevens  sand  production  is
primarily from stratigraphic  traps, and ranges in depth from 7,500 feet to over
14,000 feet.  Reservoir quality is good with porosit es ranging up to the mid 20
percent range. Oil gravities range from 28 to 55 degree API with the lighter oil
occurring in deeper production to the south. With the superior reservoir quality
and light hydrocarbons,  the Stevens' reservoirs make an attractive  exploration
target with significant potential reserves.

     Directly surrounding the Chevron acreage position, five fields produce from
Stevens  equivalent sands.  These fields include Landslide (14.9 MMBoe),  Paloma
(132.9 MMBoe), Rio Viejo (7.9 MMBoe), San Emidio Nose (21.1 MMBoe), and Yowlumne
(117.2 MMBoe). These fields all show stratigraphic trapping mechanisms including
updip sand pinch-outs,  lateral facies variation,  and differential  compaction.
These five fields produced over 1.77 MMBbls of light oil and associated  natural
gas in 1997 (1997 Production Statistics,  California Department of Oil and Gas),
and have cumulative aggregate historical  production in excess of 300 MMBoe. Per
well cumulative  production  ranges from a low of 690 MBbl to 2.1 MMBbl,  with a
mean value of 1.3 MMBbl.

     The objective of the School Road/Southeast  Maricopa exploration program is
to apply advanced 3-D seismic  technology and advanced  interpretation  methods,
within a detailed sequence  stratigraphic  framework,  to identify stratigraphic


relationships and potential traps.  Exploration for Stevens  stratigraphic traps
with 2-D seismic data has proven to be largely  unsuccessful  due to the lack of
sufficient  line density to resolve the  stratigraphic  complexity  necessary to
delineate  trapping  mechanisms.  The discovery of the  Landslide  field in 1985
resulted from the application of 3-D seismic  exploration.  By today's standard,
that data suffered from low fold,  low  frequency,  short offset,  and generally
poor  imaging  of  detailed  stratigraphic  relationships.   Advances  in  field
acquisition,  data  processing,  and  visualization  methods since the mid-1980s
should  allow much more  detailed  seismic  analysis  of  complex  stratigraphic
geometries and trapping mechanisms.

     The School  Road/Southeast  Maricopa  exploration  agreement  with  Chevron
involves a drill-to-earn option on more than 22,000 fee acres, a seismic license
to an existing (1992) 42-square-mile 3-D seismic survey (School Road), more than
200 miles of  proprietary  2-D seismic  data, a  proprietary  regional  sequence
stratigraphic  framework based on extensive,  detailed palynology analysis,  and
all available well file data.  This unique  database is anticipated to allow the
complete  integration  of  geology  and  modern  3-D  seismic  data to  identify
potential trapping opportunities within the stratigraphically  complex turbidite
systems present in the sub-basin. The drill-to-earn option entitles the Company,
for each well it drills, to earn a 100 percent working interest and a 75 percent
net revenue interest in 1,280 acres in the vicinity of the well drilled.

     On June 1, 1998,  the  Company  executed  a  participation  agreement  with
Houston based Seneca Resources for the Company's School Road acreage.  The drill
to  earn   agreement   provided   PYR  with  a   prospect   fee  and  a  carried
through-the-tanks  working  interest in an initial  exploration  well. PYR would
ultimately  retain a 40% working  interest in the School Road acreage.  Drilling
operations  on the Federal  #67X-30  located in SE1/4,  SEC 30, T32S,  R25E were
commenced on July 28, 1998. The well was drilled to a total depth of 12,508 feet
and although  hydrocarbons were  encountered,  detailed log analysis of the well
indicated  that the reservoir  was tight and incapable of sustaining  commercial
production.  The well was plugged and  abandoned on September  18, 1998.  PYR is
currently  evaluating  the  results of the well and  incorporating  the new well
control  into the  seismic  model in order to  determine  any  potential  future
exploration opportunities at its School Road acreage.

     San Emidio.  In November 1998, the Company  exchanged 266,666 shares of its
common  stock for 39 square  miles of 3-D  seismic  data and oil and gas  leases
covering  approximately 5,400 acres adjacent to the Company's Southeast Maricopa
exploration  project.  The Company intends to incorporate  this 3-D seismic data
with the newly  acquired  data at its  Southeast  Maricopa  acreage  in order to
further understand the complex stratigraphic geometries and trapping mechanisms.
After  interpretation  and  evaluation,  there have been two  prospective  areas
identified within the acreage position.  The Company may present this project to
potential  industry partners in conjunction with its Southeast  Maricopa project
or may create an independent  project for presentation.  The Company's  approach
will be to attempt to obtain industry partner  participation in order to receive
a carried interest in the drilling of one or more exploration wells. The Company
expects to drill an  exploration  well here in calendar  year 1999.  No drilling
commitments have been made or received.

     Denver Basin, Colorado and Nebraska

     The Denver  Basin  covers  approximately  60,000  square  miles in parts of
Colorado,  Nebraska  and  Wyoming.  The basin was the second  area in the United
States to produce oil from drilled wells, and has produced more than one billion
barrels of oil equivalent to date.  Published  statistical studies indicate that
an additional 150 MMBoe to 200 MMBoe of reserves remain to be discovered in this
mature basin from Cretaceous reservoirs in stratigraphic traps.


     During  the  past 10  years,  the  Denver  basin  has  been one of the most
actively  drilled  areas in the U.S. due to low  drilling  costs and low reserve
base risk.  Most of the  activity  has  centered  on  down-spaced  drilling  for
Codell/Niobrara  and  Sussex/Shannon/  Parkman targets in the Wattenburg area, a
basin-center gas accumulation.

     As continued  drilling activity has resulted in decreasing  availability of
additional well locations, major Wattenburg operators (HS Resources,  Patina Oil
& Gas, Prima,  NARCO) are  experiencing  significant  retreat,  retrenchment and
consolidation of their operations.  Decreased  activity drilling for shallow gas
offers the Company an  opportunity  to acquire  land and/or  seismic  options to
explore  and  exploit  the  deeper oil prone 'D' and 'J'  sandstone  reservoirs.
Production from these Cretaceous reservoirs results from stratigraphic  trapping
in an incised  valley-fill  depositional  system.  Cretaceous  D-Sand and J-Sand
reservoirs  have been the  traditional  exploration  targets  within  the Denver
basin.  These  reservoirs  account for the majority of production to date in the
basin,  with  cumulative  production  from the D-Sand  totaling  386.6 MMBoe and
J-Sand production totaling 743.4 MMBoe. Modern sequence stratigraphic models and
strong  structural   control  on  deposition   indicate  that  these  traps  are
predictable both in geometry and orientation.

     While seismic data has been employed in the basin since the mid-1950s,  the
success of 2-D seismic  exploration has been limited by  stratigraphic  trapping
and the complex  nature of the reservoir  systems.  The emergence of 3-D seismic
technology  has created  exciting new  exploration  opportunities  in the basin.
While the handful of 3-D surveys acquired to date in the basin have proven to be
economic  successes,  the  downturn  in  basin-wide  activity  has  resulted  in
significant  underutilization  of  this  exploration  application.  The  Company
proposes  to  capitalize  on 3-D  seismic  exploration  opportunities  generated
internally,   and  through  opportunities  arising  from  the  recent,   ongoing
consolidation and retrenchment of major basin operators.

     Exploration Opportunity.  Historically, exploration in the Denver basin has
been  dominated  by  small,   low-cost   operators   employing   subsurface  and
"trend-ology" geological mapping methods. The lack of applied technology and the
stratigraphic  reservoir  complexity  in the basin has  resulted in low drilling
success  rates and overall poor  economic  results.  Expanded use of 3-D seismic
technology  to image  D-Sand and J-Sand  reservoir  should  enhance the economic
results and expedite the discovery  process.  To date,  less than 20 3-D seismic
surveys have been acquired  within the Denver basin.  Geoscientists  employed by
the  Company  have been  directly  involved  in eight of these  projects.  These
projects  have proven the economic  viability of 3-D seismic in  unraveling  the
stratigraphic  complexity and  productivity  of Cretaceous  incised  valley-fill
reservoirs and have resulted in the identification and production of significant
incremental reserves.

     Geological  and  geophysical  methodologies  developed  internally  by  the
Company allow for the identification and differentiation of significant economic
reserves from the background of marginal  producers  common in the Denver basin.
The application of these methodologies  result in the potential for discovery of
significant  reserves with high success rates and low finding costs. The Company
proposes to undertake a systematic exploration/exploitation effort in the Denver
basin. A regional  stratigraphic  framework for  Cretaceous  reservoirs has been
constructed  leading to the  identification  of numerous D-Sand and J-Sand leads
and  prospects.  Detailed  geologic  work is underway to refine  these leads and
prospects with regard to  prospectivity,  reserve potential and applicability of
3-D seismic  imaging.  The centerpiece of the proposed  exploration/exploitation
effort  will  be the  application  of  3-D  seismic  to  delineate  and  resolve
stratigraphic  traps.  Previous  experience  with 3-D seismic  technology in the
Denver  basin  has  provided  a  competitive  advantage  in risk  reduction  and
identification  of  prospective  drilling  locations.  The Company is continuing
efforts to develop and define opportunities in this area.


     Big Horn Basin, Wyoming and Montana

     The Big Horn basin of Wyoming  and Montana is an  asymmetric  intermountain
basin of the Rocky Mountain foreland.  Initial production was established in the
basin in 1906 with the discovery of Garland field.  Cumulative  production  from
the basin is in excess of 2.4 BBO and 1.8 TCF of gas. The vast  majority of this
production has come from Paleozoic reservoirs trapped in basin-margin anticlinal
structures.  The majority of major field discoveries (greater than 90 percent of
field total and cumulative production) were made prior to 1950.

     Exploration  Opportunity.  While most of the early exploration in the basin
was the result of mapping of surface structures, recent exploration efforts have
focused  on  the  application  of  detailed   subsurface  mapping  to  delineate
structural  complexities not previously observed.  Because most of the producing
anticlines are structurally  uncomplicated at their surface  expression,  little
exploration  effort  has  historically  been  applied  to  defining   structural
compartmentalization  and secondary  culminations at depth. The advent of modern
geophysical technology,  including the application of 3-D seismic, has increased
the ability to resolve the structural complexity of producing intervals.  Recent
exploration and  exploitation  success at fields such as Gooseberry,  Manderson,
Golden Eagle,  and Enigma have resulted from this increased effort to understand
and delineate smaller-scaled secondary structural features.

     The Company sees multiple exploration and exploitation opportunities in the
basin to  identify  unrecognized  and  untested  structural  culminations  along
producing  trends.  Multiple  potentially  productive  horizons exist on many of
these structural  features creating attractive project economics and exploration
finding costs.  The Company has identified a number of individual  project focus
areas, and has secured a lease position,  covering approximately 2,080 gross and
2,080 net acres,  on its first  exploration  project in the basin.  There are no
immediate plans to begin drilling on this prospect.

     North Zimmerman Butte. The Company has developed an exploration lead, based
on subsurface geological analysis,  north and west of the Zimmerman Butte field.
Zimmerman Butte field was discovered in 1945 and has produced over 1.3 MMBO from
several reservoirs.  The productive area of the field covers less than 350 acres
on a surface  structural feature that extends along trend for approximately five
miles.  Subsurface  analysis has  indicated  the  possible  presence of multiple
subsidiary  structural  features  along  this  structural  trend.  Based  on the
production  potential of these structural leads, the Company renewed a BLM lease
covering  2080  acres.  The  leasehold  position  covers some but not all of the
prospective acreage along the trend. The Company intends to undertake additional
geological and geophysical  analysis  before drilling a test well.  There are no
immediate plans to commence drilling on this project.

Geological and Geophysical Expertise

     The  Company's  oil and gas finding  capabilities  are  dependent  upon the
effective  application  of 3-D  seismic  imaging  technologies.  The Company has
assembled a technically experienced staff of two in-house geologists in addition
to Mr. Singdahlsen, who is both a geologist and geophysicist.  All these persons
have extensive  experience  involving the  utilization of advanced  seismic data
imaging and analysis,  and have  collectively  participated in more than 100 3-D
seismic projects in diverse geological trends.

     The Company  also has access,  both  in-house and through  consultants,  to
state-of-the-art  exploration  hardware and software  applications.  The Company
owns one  computer  aided  exploration  workstation  running  the full  suite of
GeoGraphix  geologic mapping and analysis  software.  Additionally,  the Company
owns  one   geophysical   workstation   employing  SeisX  2-D  and  3-D  seismic
interpretation  and  analysis  software.  Through a  strategic  alliance  with a
Denver-based   3-D  seismic   consulting   firm   (Interactive   Earth  Sciences
Corporation),  the  Company  has full  access  to  multiple  UNIX-based  seismic
interpretation workstations running the complete  Schlumberger/GeoQuest  seismic
analysis software package. Through this relationship,  the Company also has full
access  to GMA  seismic  modeling  software  as well as  Paradigm  Geophysical's
GeoDepth pre-stack depth migration software package.


Drilling Activities

     During 1998, the Company  commenced the drilling of an initial  exploration
well at its East Lost Hills Prospect.  On November 23, 1998, a blowout  occurred
on this well.  See above "-  Significant  Projects - Southern San Joaquin Basin,
California".  The Company also drilled one unsuccessful  exploratory well at its
School  Road  project.  The  Company  anticipates  the  drilling of at least two
additional  exploratory  wells  during 1999,  depending  on ongoing  exploration
efforts in California and Colorado.


     The Company  currently does not own any oil or gas production.  The Company
has no immediate plans to acquire or purchase any  production.  The Company also
has no booked reserves at the current time and any near-term  reserve  additions
would result from successful exploration efforts.


     The Company currently  controls,  through lease,  farmout,  and option, the
following acreage position as detailed below:

               State                Gross Acres               Net Acres
             -----------            -----------               ---------
             California                59,914                  30,754
             Colorado                      80                      80
             Wyoming                    2,080                   2,080
                                     --------                  -------
             TOTAL                     62,074                  32,914

     Farmout  agreements  require  the  Company  to drill one or more wells in a
specific  time-period  in order for the Company to earn its interest in acreage.
Option  agreements  require the Company to enter into a lease  agreement  and to
make lease payments within a specific time-period,  usually six to 12 months, in
order to obtain a leasehold interest in acreage.

Competitive Advantage

     The Company  believes that the  cumulative  experience of its technical and
management  team,  with  past  exposure  to more than 100 3-D  seismic  projects
covering  approximately 1,500 square miles in diverse geologic trends throughout
the  world  results  in a  strong  competitive  advantage  relative  to  current
competition  in these focus areas.  The Company  currently  has three  full-time
geoscientists  and a  landman  who are  specialists  in a variety  of  technical
aspects  and have  extensive  experience  and  expertise  in  numerous  geologic

     The   Company's   expertise  in  the   application   of  advanced   seismic
interpretation   methods  includes  many  of  the  "cutting-edge"   technologies
necessary  in  today's  competitive  exploration  environment.   These  advanced
techniques include 3-D seismic visualization, attribute analysis, geostatistical
modeling,  pre-stack  depth  migration,  and the  integration  of geological and
engineering  data in  support  of  reservoir  characterization.  These  advanced
seismic  interpretation  methods  allow the Company to leverage  its 3-D seismic
experience  and  expertise  with   significant   exploration  and   exploitation


     The Company  generates  the majority of its  exploration  and  exploitation
projects internally, and therefore is not dependent on third parties for project
flow. This results in full control of all pre-drill exploration phases including
the acreage position and application of seismic technology.

Available Information

     In accordance with the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended (the "Exchange Act"), the Company files reports, proxy statements and
other  information  with the SEC.  These  reports,  proxy  statements  and other
information  can be read and copied at the Public  Reference Room  maintained by
the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20549, Room 1024 and at the
following  Regional  Offices of the SEC:  500 West Madison  Street,  Suite 1400,
Chicago,  Illinois  60661-2511,  and 7 World Trade  Center,  New York,  New York
10048.  Copies of these  materials  also can be obtained at prescribed  rates by
writing  to  the  SEC,  Public  Reference  Section,   450  Fifth  Street,  N.W.,
Washington,  D.C. 20549. You may obtain information  concerning the operation of
the Public  Reference  Room by calling the SEC at  1-800-SEC-0330.  In addition,
materials filed  electronically by the Company with the SEC are available at the
SEC's Internet web site at

     This  prospectus  is  part  of the  Registration  Statement  on  Form  SB-2
(together  with  all  amendments  and  exhibits,  referred  to as  "Registration
Statement") under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"),
that the  Company  filed  with  the SEC.  The  Registration  Statement  contains
information that is not included in this prospectus.

     Statements  contained in this prospectus as to the contents of any contract
or other document are not necessarily complete, and, in each instance, reference
is made to the copy of the  particular  contract or document filed as an exhibit
to the  Registration  Statement.  Each  statement  concerning a document that is
filed as an exhibit is qualified in all respects by reference to the copy of the
document  filed as an  exhibit.  For  further  information  with  respect to the
Company, reference is made to the Registration Statement.

                           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

     The following is a discussion and comparison of the financial condition and
results of  operations  of the  Company as of and for the  twelve  months  ended
August 31, 1998  ("1998"),  and as of and for the eight  months ended August 31,
1997  ("1997").  Also included is a similar  discussion and comparison as of and
for the three month periods ended November 30, 1997 and November 30, 1998. These
discussions  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  the  Company's   Financial
Statements,  the notes related  thereto,  and the other  financial data included
elsewhere in this prospectus.

Results of Operations

         The twelve  months ended  August 31, 1998  ("1998")  compared  with the
eight months ended August 31, 1997 ("1997")

     Oil and Gas Revenues and  Expenses.  At August 31, 1998 (and at December 2,
1998),  the Company did not own any producing or proved oil and gas  properties.
No oil and gas  production  revenues  or  expenses  have  been  recorded  by the
Company.  The Company recorded a dry hole impairment of $15,000  associated with
its unsuccessful exploration well drilled in 1998 on its "School Road" acreage.


     Consulting  Fee  Revenue.  The Company  generated  $10,000 and $80,000 from
consulting fees in 1998 and 1997, respectively. These revenues are considered to
be ancillary to the  Company's  focus of  generating  revenues  from oil and gas
production.  These revenues have ceased completely and are not expected to occur
at any time in the future.

     Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization. The Company recorded no depletion
expense from oil and gas  properties in 1998 or 1997. At August 31, 1998 (and at
December 2,1998),  the Company did not own any proved reserves and has no oil or
gas production.  The Company recorded $22,000 and $1,000 in depreciation expense
associated with capitalized office furniture and equipment during 1998 and 1997,
respectively.  The Company also recorded nominal amortization expense associated
with organization costs during 1998 and 1997.

     General and  Administrative  Expense.  The Company  incurred  $675,000  and
$125,000  in  general  and   administrative   expenses  during  1998  and  1997,
respectively.  The increase  results from incurring  costs  associated  with the
hiring of technical personnel, leasing of office space, and legal and accounting
and other costs  associated with  administering  and pursuing the development of
the Company's exploration and exploitation plan. In addition, there is a natural
disparity  occurring  from  comparing a twelve month  period  (1998) to an eight
month period (1997).

     Gain On Sale of Oil and Gas Properties.  During 1998, the Company sold down
a portion of its East Lost Hills  project to  industry  partners  for a total of
$850,000,  resulting in a net gain to the Company of  $556,000.  The Company has
retained a working interest in this property.

     During the fiscal year ended August 31, 1998, the Company's  carrying costs
for  undeveloped   oil  and  gas  properties   increased  by  a  net  amount  of
approximately  $2,180,000.  This net increase is comprised  of  expenditures  on
undeveloped oil and gas prospects of  approximately  $2,689,000,  a reduction in
carrying costs in the prospects  charged to the full cost pool of  approximately
$494,000 from the sale of partial interests in two of the Company's  exploration
projects and a dry hole impairment of $15,000.

     During 1998, the Company incurred $1,936,000 for the 3D seismic acquisition
project at the Company's  Southeast  Maricopa  project,  $549,000 for additional
leasing and outside  seismic  consulting,  $118,000 for the  Company's  share of
drilling costs at the East Lost Hills project,  $54,000 in seismic  reprocessing
costs  associated with the Company's School Road project and $32,000 for outside
geological expenses.

     During 1998,  the Company sold  interests in two of its  prospects,  School
Road and East  Lost  Hills.  Proceeds  of  $200,000  from the sale of a  partial
interest in the School Road prospect were charged  against the full cost pool as
this sale did not  materially  alter the Company's full cost pool as of the date
of  sale.  Proceeds  of  $850,000  were  received  from  the sale of part of the
Company's interest in its East Lost Hills project.  As the sale of this interest
in East Lost Hills was greater than 25% of the Company's undeveloped oil and gas
prospects  as of the  date  of  sale,  gain  was  recognized  in  the  financial
statements  for the year ended August 31, 1998 in the amount of $556,000 and the
Company's  carrying cost of undeveloped oil and gas prospects was reduced by the
basis in the interest sold of $294,000.

     The quarter  ended  November  30,  1998  compared  with the  quarter  ended
November 30, 1997.

     Operations  during the quarter  ended  November 30, 1998  resulted in a net
loss of ($169,468)  compared to a net loss of  ($165,511)  for the quarter ended
November 30, 1997.


     Oil and Gas Revenues and Expenses.  The Company has not owned any producing
or  proved  oil and gas  properties.  Accordingly,  no oil and gas  revenues  or
expenses have been recorded by the Company.

     Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization. The Company recorded no depletion
expense from oil and gas  properties for the quarters ended November 30, 1998 or
1997.  The  Company  has not owned  any  proved  reserves  and had no oil or gas
production.  The  Company  recorded  $6,386 and $3,333 in  depreciation  expense
associated with  capitalized  office furniture and equipment during the quarters
ended November 30, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

     General and  Administrative  Expense.  The Company  incurred  $137,775  and
$187,917  in general  and  administrative  expenses  during the  quarters  ended
November  30,  1998 and 1997,  respectively.  The  decrease  results  from lower
amounts  incurred  for  legal  fees,  accounting  fees,  employee  salaries  and
promotional expenses.

     Interest Expense.  The Company recorded $29,832 in interest expense for the
quarter  ended  November  30, 1998  associated  with the  Company's  convertible

     Consulting Fee Revenue.  The Company generated $10,000 from consulting fees
during the quarter ended  November 30, 1997.  These revenues have ceased and are
not expected to occur in the future.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     At November 30, 1998, the Company had a negative  working capital amount of
($1,422,000).  During the quarter ended November 30, 1998, the Company completed
a private  placement  which  provided a total of $2,500,000 to the Company.  The
private  placement  securities  issued  are  10%  convertible  notes  that  will
automatically  convert to 10%  convertible  preferred stock at the time, if any,
that PYR has obtained  stockholder  approval  for, and issued,  the  convertible
preferred  shares.  The preferred  stock is ultimately  convertible  into common
stock at a conversion price of $.60 per common share. The Company incurred costs
of approximately $75,000 in connection with this issuance of the notes. To date,
the  Company  has  funded  its oil and gas  exploration  activities  principally
through cash provided by the sale of its securities.

     The Company had no  outstanding  long-term  debt at November 30, 1998 other
than a capital  lease  obligation  and has not entered into any  commodity  swap
arrangements or hedging transactions. Although it has no current plans to do so,
it may enter into commodity swap and/or  hedging  transactions  in the future in
conjunction with oil and gas production. Nevertheless, there can be no assurance
that the Company will ever have oil and gas production.

     It is anticipated  that the future  development  of the Company's  business
will require  additional capital  expenditures.  The Company is currently in the
process of interpreting and evaluating 3-D seismic data on two of its California
exploration  projects  and is in the  process  of  drilling  and  evaluating  an
exploration  well at East Lost  Hills.  Depending  upon the  extent of  industry
participation in the two seismic generated exploration projects and the ultimate
results at East Lost Hills,  the Company may require as much as  $4,800,000  for
capital  expenditures  during the next 12 months.  The Company  intends to limit
capital expenditures by forming industry alliances and exchanging an appropriate
portion of its  interest for cash and/or a carried  interest in its  exploration
projects.  Although  currently there are no commitments for additional  funding,
the Company may need to raise additional funds to cover capital expenditures. In
addition,  the  exploratory  well at East Lost  Hills  experienced  a blowout on
November 23, 1998. Although the Company currently believes that costs related to
the blowout and the release of  potential  pollutants  into the  atmosphere  are
covered  by  insurance,  there is no  assurance  that all of the  costs  will be
covered.  See "BUSINESS AND PROPERTIES--  Disclosure  Regarding  Forward-Looking
Statements And Cautionary Statements--Cautionary  Statements" and "--Significant
Properties--Southern San Joaquin Basin, California".


Year 2000 Compliance

     Year 2000  compliance  is the ability of computer  hardware and software to
respond to the problems posed by the fact that computer  programs  traditionally
have used two digits rather than four digits to define an applicable  year. As a
consequence,  any of the Company's  computer  programs that have  date-sensitive
software  may  recognize a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather than the year
2000.  This  could  result  in  a  system  failure  or  miscalculations  causing
interruption of operations, including temporary inability to perform 3-D seismic
analysis  and to  perform  accounting  functions  and  delays in the  receipt of
payments  from  purchasers  of oil  and gas  production,  if  any.  The  Company
currently is reviewing  the  Company's  computers  and software as well as other
equipment that utilizes imbedded computer chips, such as facsimile  machines and
telephone systems.  The Company believes that its review will be completed prior
to June 30, 1999.  The Company has  confirmed  with the maker of its  accounting
software that it is Year 2000 compliant.

     Until the Company's Year 2000 review has been completed, the Company has no
estimate of the cost to correct any potential deficiency in Year 2000 compliance
for its computers and equipment.  Upon the completion of the Company's Year 2000
review,  the Company intends to develop a contingency plan to address  potential
Year 2000 problems.


     The  directors  and  executive  officers of the Company,  their  respective
positions and ages, and the year in which each director was first  elected,  are
set forth in the following table.  Each director has been elected to hold office
until the next annual meeting of stockholders and thereafter until his successor
is elected and has qualified.  Additional  information  concerning each of these
individuals follows the table.

           Name                 Age          Position with the Company         Director Since
           ----                 ---          -------------------------         --------------

D. Scott Singdahlsen             40      Chief Executive Officer,                   1997
                                         President, and Chairman
                                         of the Board

Robert B. Suydam                 60      Vice President--Geology and Director        1998

Andrew P. Calerich               33      Chief Financial Officer                     ---
                                         and Secretary

Keith F. Carney                  41      Director                                   1997

     D. Scott Singdahlsen has served as President,  Chief Executive Officer, and
Chairman  of the  Board  of the  Company  since  August  1997.  Mr.  Singdahlsen
co-founded  PYR  Energy,  LLC  in  1996,  and  served  as  General  Manager  and
Exploration  Coordinator.  In 1992, Mr. Singdahlsen co-founded Interactive Earth


Sciences  Corporation,  a 3-D seismic management and  interpretation  consulting
firm in Denver, where he served as vice president and president and lead seismic
interpretation  specialist from 1992 to 1996. Prior to forming Interactive Earth
Sciences  Corporation,  Mr. Singdahlsen was employed as a Development  Geologist
for Chevron USA in the Rocky Mountain region.  At Chevron,  Mr.  Singdahlsen was
involved in 3-D seismic reservoir  characterization  projects and geostatistical
analysis.  Mr.  Singdahlsen  started  his  career at  UNOCAL  as an  Exploration
Geologist  in Midland,  Texas.  Mr.  Singdahlsen  earned a B.A. in Geology  from
Hamilton College and a M.S. in Structural Geology from Montana State University.

     Robert B.  Suydam has served as a Director  of the  Company  since  October
1998.  Mr.  Suydam has served as  Vice-President  - Geology of the Company since
August 1997 and was  Secretary  of the Company  from August 1997 until May 1998.
Mr. Suydam  co-founded  PYR Energy,  LLC in 1996 and served as Chief  Geologist.
From 1985 until 1996,  Mr. Suydam served as exploration  coordinator  for Snyder
Oil, Gerrity Oil, and Energy Minerals in Denver.  Prior to this employment,  Mr.
Suydam served as Vice President of Exploration for National Oil Company,  and as
Exploration Manager for Hamilton Brothers Oil Company in Denver and Calgary. Mr.
Suydam  started  his  career as an  exploration  geologist  at Texaco in Denver,
Calgary,  and New Orleans. Mr. Suydam earned a B.S. and M.S. in Geology from the
University of Wyoming.

     Andrew P.  Calerich  has served as Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company
since August 1997 and as Secretary of the Company  since May 1998.  From 1993 to
1997,  Mr.  Calerich was a business  consultant  specializing  in accounting for
private oil and gas  producers in Denver.  From 1990 to 1993,  Mr.  Calerich was
employed as corporate Controller at Tipperary Corporation,  a public oil and gas
company  in  Denver.  Mr.  Calerich  began  his  professional  career  in public
accounting in the tax department at Arthur Andersen & Company. Mr. Calerich is a
Certified  Public  Accountant  and earned B.S.  degrees in both  Accounting  and
Business Administration at Regis College.

     Keith F. Carney has served as a Director of the Company  since August 1997.
Since October 1997,  Mr. Carney has been  Executive  Vice-President  of Cheniere
Energy, Inc., a Houston based public oil and gas exploration company.  From July
1997  until  October  1997,  Mr.  Carney  served as Chief  Financial  Officer of
Cheniere Energy.  After earning his M.B.A.  degree from the University of Denver
in 1992,  Mr.  Carney was  employed as a  Securities  Analyst in the oil and gas
exploration/production  sector with Smith  Barney,  Inc.  Mr.  Carney  began his
career as an  exploration  Geologist  at Shell Oil after  earning  B.S. and M.S.
degrees in Geology from Lehigh University.

Other Key Employees - Other key employees of the Company include the following:

     Kenneth R. Berry,  Jr. has served as land  manager  for the  Company  since
October 1997.  Mr. Berry is  responsible  for the  management of all land issues
including  leasing and  permitting.  Mr. Berry has 23 years of  experience as an
independent  landman.  Prior to joining the  Company,  Mr.  Berry  served as the
managing land consultant for Swift Energy Company in the Rocky Mountain  region.
Mr. Berry began his career in the land department with Tenneco Oil Company after
earning a B.A.  degree in Petroleum Land Management at the University of Texas -



     Lisa A. Mallin has served as  Geologist-CAEX  for the Company  since August
1997.  Ms. Mallin is responsible  for all aspects of computer aided  exploration
including mapping and geophysical  workstation system  administration.  Prior to
joining the Company,  Ms. Mallin served in various  exploration  and  production
capacities with Amoco,  Snyder Oil, Intera Information  Technologies,  NICOR Oil
and Gas,  Louisiana Land and Exploration,  and Amerada Hess. Ms. Mallin earned a
B.A. degree in Geology from the University of Northern Colorado.

Board And Committee Meetings

     The Board of Directors  met seven times during the fiscal year ended August
31, 1998 and all directors were present at each of those meetings.

     The Board of Directors  has a  Compensation  Committee,  which met one time
during  the  fiscal  year  ended  August  31,  1998  and  both  members  of  the
Compensation  Committee participated in that meeting. The Compensation Committee
has the authority to establish  policies  concerning  compensation  and employee
benefits for employees of the Company.  The Compensation  Committee  reviews and
makes  recommendations  concerning the Company's  compensation  policies and the
implementation  of those policies and determines  compensation  and benefits for
executive officers.  The Compensation Committee currently consists of the entire
Board. It is anticipated that after the election of additional outside directors
to the Board that the Compensation  Committee will be reelected to consist of at
least two outside directors and not the entire Board of Directors.

     In  connection  with  the  private  placement  of the  Notes,  the  Company
nominated  S.L.  Hutchison  and Bryce W. Rhodes for election as directors at the
Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be held in the first quarter of calendar year
Placement Of Notes".

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange  Act"),  requires  the  Company's  directors,  executive  officers and
holders  of more  than  10% of the  Company's  common  stock  to file  with  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of common stock and other equity securities of the Company.
The Company  believes that during the year ended August 31, 1998,  its officers,
directors  and holders of more than 10% of the Company's  common stock  complied
with all Section  16(a) filing  requirements.  In making these  statements,  the
Company  has  relied  upon the  written  representations  of its  directors  and
officers and the  Company's  review of the monthly  statements  of changes filed
with the Company by its officers and directors.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

     The following  table sets forth in summary form the  compensation  received
during each of the Company's last three successive  completed fiscal years by D.
Scott Singdahlsen,  the Chief Executive  Officer,  President and Chairman Of The
Board of the Company.  No executive officer of the Company,  including the Chief
Executive Officer and the Chairman Of The Board, received total salary and bonus
exceeding $100,000 during any of the last three fiscal years.


Summary Compensation Table

                                                                        Long Term Compensation
                                    Annual Compensation                         Awards                     Payouts

                                                                 Other Annual   Stock       LTIP    All other
Name and Principal Position    Fiscal    Salary       Bonus     Compensation   Awards($)   Options   Payouts      Compensation
                                Year     ($)(1)      ($)(2)        ($)(3)                    (#)     ($)(4)          ($)(5)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

D. Scott Singdahlsen            1998     $75,000      $-0-          -0-          -0-         -0-      -0-              -0-
Chief Executive Officer,
President and Chairman          1997     $10,250       -0-          -0-          -0-         -0-      -0-              -0-
Of the Board
                                1996       --          --            --          --           --      --                --

(1)  The dollar value of base salary  (cash and  non-cash)  received  during the
     year indicated.  Includes $4,000 paid as consulting fees to Mr. Singdahlsen
     by PYR Energy, LLC during the period from January 1, 1997 through August 6,

(2)  The dollar  value of bonus  (cash and  non-cash)  received  during the year

(3)  During the period covered by the Summary  Compensation  Table,  the Company
     did not pay any other  annual  compensation  not  properly  categorized  as
     salary  or  bonus,  including  perquisites  and  other  personal  benefits,
     securities or property.

(4)  The  Company  does not have in effect any plan that is intended to serve as
     incentive  for  performance  to occur over a period  longer than one fiscal
     year except for the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan.

(5)  All other compensation  received that the Company could not properly report
     in any other  column of the Summary  Compensation  Table  including  annual
     Company  contributions or other  allocations to vested and unvested defined
     contribution plans, and the dollar value of any insurance premiums paid by,
     or on behalf of, the Company  with respect to term life  insurance  for the
     benefit of the named executive  officer,  and, the full dollar value of the
     remainder of the premiums paid by, or on behalf of, the Company.

1997 Stock Option Plan

     In August 1997,  the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan (the "1997 Plan") was
adopted by the Board of  Directors of the Company and  subsequently  approved by
the  Company's  stockholders.  Pursuant to the 1997 Plan,  the Company may grant
options to purchase an  aggregate of 1,000,000  shares of the  Company's  Common
Stock to key employees, directors, and other persons who have contributed or are
contributing to the success of the Company.  The options granted pursuant to the
1997  Plan  may be  either  incentive  options  qualifying  for  beneficial  tax
treatment  for the  recipient  or  nonqualified  options.  The 1997  Plan may be
administered by the Board of Directors or by an option committee. Administration
of the 1997 Plan includes  determination  of the terms of options  granted under
the 1997 Plan.  At August 31,  1998,  options to  purchase  246,000  shares were
outstanding under the 1997 Plan.  Options to purchase 435,000  additional shares
subsequently  were  granted and options to purchase  7,500  shares  subsequently
terminated.  As of March 23,  1999,  options to  purchase  326,500  shares  were
available to be granted pursuant to the 1997 Plan.


Compensation Of Outside Directors
     On May 26, 1998,  each  Director of the Company who is not also an employee
of the  Company  ("Outside  Director")  was granted  options to purchase  10,000
shares of Common Stock.  The Options are exercisable for $1.28 per share,  which
was the average of closing bid and ask price of the Common  Stock on the date of
grant.  Options to purchase 2,500 shares became exercisable on each of September
1, 1998 and  December  1, 1998,  and  options to purchase  2,500  shares  become
exercisable on each of March 1, 1999 and June 1, 1999 if the person continues to
be an Outside  Director  through each of those dates.  All the options expire on
May 26, 2001.  Directors also are reimbursed for expenses  incurred in attending
meetings and for other expenses incurred on behalf of the Company.

Employment  Contracts  And  Termination  Of  Employment  And   Change-In-Control

     The Company does not have any written employment  contracts with respect to
any of its officers or other employees.  The Company has no compensatory plan or
arrangement that results or will result from the resignation, retirement, or any
other termination of an executive officer's  employment with the Company or from
a  change-in-control  of the  Company  or a  change  in an  executive  officer's
responsibilities  following  a  change-in-control,  except  that the  1997  Plan
provides for vesting of all  outstanding  options in the event of the occurrence
of a change-in-control.

                         BENEFICIAL OWNERS OF SECURITIES

     As of March 23, 1999,  there were 9,421,470  shares of the Company's Common
Stock  outstanding.  The following  table sets forth certain  information  as of
March 23, 1999, with respect to the beneficial ownership of the Company's Common
Stock by each director and nominee for director,  by all executive  officers and
directors  as a group,  and by each other  person known by the Company to be the
beneficial owner of more than five percent of the Company's Common Stock:


Name and Address of               Number of Shares            Percentage of
Beneficial Owner                  Beneficially Owned (1)      Shares Outstanding
- ----------------                  ----------------------      ------------------

D. Scott Singdahlsen              2,000,000                         21.2%
1675 Broadway, Suite 1150
Denver, Colorado 80202

Robert B. Suydam                  1,300,000(2)                      13.8%
1675 Broadway, Suite 1150
Denver, Colorado 80202

Keith F. Carney                     110,000(3)                       1.2%
915 Bay Oaks Road
Houston, Texas 77008

All Executive Officers            3,447,500(2)(3)(4)                36.5%
and Directors as a group
(four persons)                    

PinOak, Inc.                      1,300,000(2)                      13.8%
5037 South Oak Court
Littleton, Colorado 80127

Victory Oil Company               1,873,333(5)                      16.9%
222 West Sixth Street, Suite 1010
San Pedro, California 90731

Whittier Trust Company              556,734(6)                       5.6%
1600 Huntington Drive
South Pasadena, California 91030

- ----------

     (1) "Beneficial ownership" is defined in the regulations promulgated by the
U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  as having or  sharing,  directly or
indirectly  (i) voting power,  which includes the power to vote or to direct the
voting,  or (ii)  investment  power,  which  includes the power to dispose or to
direct  the  disposition,  of shares of the common  stock of an  issuer.  Unless
otherwise indicated, the beneficial owner has sole voting and investment power.

     (2) The  shares  shown for Mr.  Suydam  are owned of record by PinOak  Inc.
("PinOak").  These  shares are included  twice in the table.  They are listed as
being held beneficially by both PinOak and by Mr. Suydam. PinOak is owned by Mr.
Suydam's wife and Mr. Suydam is the President of PinOak.

     (3) Includes  options to purchase 5,000 shares at $1.28 per share until May
26, 2001 that currently are exercisable or that will become  exercisable  within
the next 60 days.

     (4) Includes  2,500  shares of Common Stock and options to purchase  25,000
shares of Common  Stock  that  currently  are  exercisable  or that will  become
exercisable  within  the next 60 days that are held by Andrew P.  Calerich,  the
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Company,  and 10,000 shares held by
Mr. Calerich's wife's individual retirement account.


     (5) Includes  1,666,667  shares of Common Stock that may be issued upon the
conversion of Notes held by Victory Oil Company.  Also includes  100,000  shares
owned by Crail Fund, a partnership  that is owned by the shareholders of Victory
Placement Of Notes".

     (6) This  beneficial  ownership  was  reported in the Schedule 13D filed by
Victory Oil Company, Whittier Trust Company and other filing parties on November
5, 1998.  These shares consist of shares of Common Stock that may be issued upon
the conversion of convertible  promissory notes held by various holders for whom
Whittier Trust Company serves as trustee and/or agent. See "TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN
THE COMPANY AND RELATED PARTIES-- Private Placement Of Notes".


Acquisition Of PYR Energy, LLC
- ------------------------------

     The Company  acquired  all the  ownership  interest  in PYR Energy,  LLC on
August 6, 1997 in exchange for 4,000,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock.
Mr. Singdahlsen  received 2,000,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock in that
transaction  in  exchange  for the 50 percent of PYR  Energy,  LLC that he owned
immediately  prior to the transaction.  PinOak, a company of which Mr. Suydam is
the  President  and  whose  sole  shareholder  is Mr.  Suydam's  wife,  received
1,300,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock in that transaction in exchange
for PinOak's ownership of 32.5 percent of the ownership interests in PYR Energy,
LLC immediately  prior to the transaction.  In connection with that transaction,
the Company agreed to appoint each of Messrs. Singdahlsen, Carney and Gregory B.
Barnett to constitute all the members of the Company's Board Of Directors.

Loan To PYR Energy, LLC
- -----------------------

     In June 1997, PYR Energy,  LLC borrowed  $275,000 from the Company in order
to fund certain of PYR Energy,  LLC's obligations  pursuant to PYR Energy, LLC's
lease and seismic option in the San Joaquin basin. PYR Energy,  LLC secured that
loan with a pledge  of PYR  Energy,  LLC's  interest  in the  lease and  seismic
option.  The loan accrued  interest at a rate of eight  percent per annum,  with
interest payable at the end of each calendar  quarter.  The loan was effectively
eliminated upon consummation of the Company's acquisition of PYR Energy, LLC.

Sale Of Assets To Former Director And Officer
- ---------------------------------------------

     Effective as of August 6, 1997, the Company sold all the assets not related
to  the  Company's  business  of  oil  and  gas  exploration,   development  and
consulting,  and not  related  to the  Company's  principal  office  in  Denver,
Colorado, to Buddy Young, a stockholder and a former director and officer of the
Company.  The purchase  price for the assets was $32,000,  which was paid in the
form of a release from Mr. Young to the Company of the  Company's  obligation to
repay the  $32,000  it owed to Mr.  Young.  The  Company's  approximate  $32,000
obligation to Mr. Young had been incurred through advances from Mr. Young to the
Company for working capital purposes.  At August 6, 1997, there were outstanding
$17,852 of accounts receivable related to the assets that Mr. Young obtained the
right to receive.  Mr. Young also assumed all liabilities related to the assets.
The Company  also  assigned to Mr. Young the lease for the  Company's  office in
Encino,  California,  and Mr. Young assumed the Company's  obligations under the
lease.  The  Company  obtained  a  release  from  the  landlord  for  additional
obligations under the lease.


     In addition to the accounts receivable  described above, the assets sold to
Mr. Young  consisted  primarily of the Company's  interests in three  television
programs,  "Heartstoppers . . . At The Movies",  a two-hour  television  program
hosted by George  Hamilton,  "Christmas  At The Movies",  a one-hour  television
program  hosted  by  Gene  Kelly,  and  "It's  A  Wonderful  Life  - A  Personal
Remembrance",  an  approximately  15-minute  television  program hosted by Frank
Capra, Jr., and the office furniture and supplies in the Company's former office
in Encino,  California.  The television programs previously had been held by the
Company for  licensing to various  television  and cable  television  operators.
During the year ended August 31, 1997,  the Company  received  licensing fees of
$15,216 for the television programming assets sold to Mr. Young. The low revenue
amount was mainly due to the programs'  previously  having been licensed in most
major  territories.  Because,  as a result of the Company's  acquisition  of PYR
Energy,  LLC,  the Company  determined  to focus its  activities  on oil and gas
exploration,  development  and consulting and to locate its principal  office in
Denver,  Colorado,  the Company  determined that it was in its best interests to
sell the assets of the  Company  that were not related to this  business  and to
assign its office lease in Encino, California.

Private Placement Of Notes
- --------------------------

     In November 1998, the Company completed the sale of convertible  promissory
notes (the  "Notes") in the total amount of  $2,500,000  in a private  placement
transaction   pursuant  to  exemptions  from  federal  and  state   registration
requirements.  Victory Oil Company ("Victory")  purchased $1.0 million of Notes,
and parties  related to Whittier Energy Company  ("WEC")  purchased  $500,000 of
Notes. The remaining $1.0 million of Notes were sold to other  investors.  For a
description  of the Notes and the Series A Preferred  stock into which the Notes
may be converted, see below, "DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES".  The Company agreed to
register  the  transfer by the  investors  of shares of Common Stock that may be
issued upon the conversion of the Notes and the Series A Preferred.

     In connection  with the sale of the Notes,  the Company  agreed to add S.L.
Hutchison and Bryce W. Rhodes to the Board of Directors.  Messrs.  Hutchison and
Rhodes have been  nominated  for election as directors at the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders  pursuant to this agreement.  Mr.  Hutchison is the Chief Financial
Officer of Victory and Mr. Rhodes is a Vice President of WEC.

     As a condition to the sale of the Notes, D. Scott Singdahlsen and Robert B.
Suydam,  who are  directors  and officers of the Company,  entered into a voting
agreement (the "Voting Agreement") with the purchasers of the Notes. Pursuant to
the Voting Agreement, Mr. Singdahlsen and Mr. Suydam each agreed,  respectively,
that he will vote all the shares of Common Stock of the Company  owned by him in
favor of the election of two nominees of the  investors to serve on the Board of
Directors  of the Company  and for the  re-election  of those  nominees or other
nominees at any time that the aggregate percentage ownership of common equity of
the Company underlying the Notes or Series A Preferred owned by the investors is
20 percent or more of the  outstanding  Common Stock.  Mr.  Singdahlsen  and Mr.
Suydam are required to vote for only one nominee at any time after the aggregate
percentage  ownership of common  equity of the Company owned by the investors is
less than 20 percent and greater than or equal to 10 percent of the  outstanding
Common Stock.  The obligation of Mr.  Singdahlsen and Mr. Suydam to vote for any
nominees of the investors  terminates at any time after the percentage ownership
of common  equity of the Company  owned by the investors is less than 10 percent
of the outstanding Common Stock. Mr. Singdahlsen and Mr. Suydam are not required
to vote for the  designated  board  members at any time that the  holders of the
Series A Preferred  have the right voting  separately  as a class to elect those
designated board members.


     Also as a condition to the  investors'  purchase of the Notes,  the Company
entered into an agreement with Victory, WEC, and Catalina Properties Corporation
("Catalina")  pursuant to which  Victory,  WEC and  Catalina  contributed  their
interests in  approximately  5,400 gross acres of leasehold as well as access to
39  square  miles of  existing  of 3-D  seismic  data  adjoining  the  Company's
Southeast Maricopa "Stevens" Exploration Project in California. As consideration
for these  interests,  the Company issued  106,666 shares to Victory,  80,000 to
WEC, and 80,000 to Catalina, for an aggregate of 266,666 shares.

     The  Company was  introduced  to Victory  and WEC by William  Forster.  Mr.
Forster is the son of Gail D. Forster, one of the initial selling  stockholders.
In connection with Mr.  Forster's  introduction,  the Company paid Mr. Forster a
finder's  fee of  $45,000  and  issued to  entities  designated  by Mr.  Forster
warrants to purchase up to 175,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock at an
exercise price of $.75 per share. The Company agreed to register the transfer of
the shares that will be issued if the warrants are exercised.  For a description
of these warrants, see below, "DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES".

     Except as  described  above,  during the fiscal year ended August 31, 1998,
there were no  transactions  between the Company  and its  directors,  executive
officers or known holders of greater than five percent of the  Company's  Common
Stock in which the  amount  involved  exceeded  $60,000  and in which any of the
foregoing persons had or will have a material interest.

                            DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES

     The Company's authorized capital consists of 30,000,000 shares of $.001 par
value Common Stock.  The Company had 9,421,470 shares of Common Stock issued and
outstanding  as of March 22,  1999,  and these  outstanding  shares were held by
approximately 1,200 stockholders. The Company also had outstanding $2,500,000 of
convertible  promissory  notes (the "Notes") held by 56 Note holders.  The Notes
are  automatically  convertible  into Series A Preferred  Stock at such time, if
any,  that the  Company's  stockholders  approve an amendment  to the  Company's
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to provide for preferred  stock.  There also are
outstanding warrants to purchase 175,000 shares of Common Stock that are held by
two holders. The following is a description of the Company's securities.

Common Stock

     Each share of the Common Stock is entitled to share equally with each other
shares of Common Stock in dividends from sources  legally  available  therefore,
when,  as, and if declared by the Board of Directors  and, upon  liquidation  or
dissolution of the Company,  whether voluntary or involuntary,  to share equally
in the assets of the Company that are available for  distribution to the holders
of the Common  Stock.  Each holder of Common Stock of the Company is entitled to
one vote per share for all  purposes,  except that in the election of directors,
each  holder  shall  have the  right to vote such  number of shares  for as many
persons as there are  directors  to be elected.  Cumulative  voting shall not be
allowed in the election of directors or for any other  purpose,  and the holders
of  Common  Stock  have no  preemptive  rights,  redemption  rights or rights of
conversion with respect to the Common Stock.  All  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock and all shares  underlying the Warrants when issued will be fully paid and
nonassessable  by the Company.  The Board of Directors  is  authorized  to issue
additional  shares of Common Stock within the limits authorized by the Company's
Certificate Of Incorporation and without stockholder action.

     All shares of Common Stock have equal voting  rights and voting  rights are
not  cumulative.  The  holders  of more than 50  percent of the shares of Common
Stock of the Company could, therefore, if they chose to do so and unless subject
to a voting agreement to the contrary, elect all the directors of the Company.


     The Company has not paid any cash dividends since its inception.

     The Company has reserved a sufficient  number of shares of Common Stock for
issuance  upon the  exercise of options  under the  Company's  1997 Stock Option


     In November 1998, the Company completed the sale of convertible  promissory
notes (the  "Notes") in the total amount of  $2,500,000  in a private  placement
transaction   pursuant  to  exemptions  from  federal  and  state   registration

     The Notes will  automatically  convert  into  shares of Series A  Preferred
Stock  (the  "Series  A  Preferred")  at the rate of one  share  for  each  $100
principal  amount of Notes if the Series A Preferred is approved by stockholders
prior to April 23, 1999. The Series A Preferred is convertible into Common Stock
at the rate of one  share of Common  Stock  for each  $.60 of the  amount of the
Series A  Preferred.  If the Series A Preferred  is not issued by April 23, 1999
(which requires  stockholder  approval to authorize a class of preferred stock),
the Note holders  have the right to require  that Notes and accrued  interest be
paid on demand or to  convert  the Notes  into  Common  Stock at the rate of one
share of Common Stock for each $.30 of principal amount of Notes rather than the
conversion rate of one share of Common Stock for each $.60 of face amount of the
Series A Preferred.  The full principal amount of the Notes and accrued interest
at the rate of 10 percent  per year is due on October 26, 1999 if the Notes have
not been  converted  into Series A Preferred or Common Stock prior to that time.
The  Company is  required  to make  semi-annual  interest  payments on the Notes
beginning  on the date that is six  months  from the date of each note until the
Notes  are  repaid.  The  Company  has the  right in its  discretion  to pay the
interest  portion of the Notes with Common Stock at a rate based on the weighted
average  trading  price of the Common  Stock for 45 days  prior to the  interest
payment date.

Series A Preferred Stock

     If the  Company's  stockholders  approve  the  amendment  of the  Company's
Certificate of  Incorporation  to authorize  preferred  stock,  the Company will
issue 25,000  shares of Preferred  Stock  designated  as the "Series A Preferred
Stock" (the "Series A  Preferred")  to holders of the Notes.  The following is a
summary of the rights of the Series A Preferred:

     *    Each  share of Series A  Preferred  will have a face value of $100 per

     *    An annual  dividend  of 10  percent  will be  payable  on the Series A
          Preferred semi-annually. The payment will be made either in cash or in
          Common Stock, at the option of the Company. If paid with Common Stock,
          the  Common  Stock  will be  issued  at a rate  based on the  weighted
          average trading price of the Common Stock.

     *    The Series A Preferred shall be convertible, in whole or in part, into
          Common Stock at the rate of one share of Common Stock for each $.60 of
          face value of Series A Preferred (or 166.67 shares of Common Stock for
          each $100 face amount  share of Series A  Preferred).  The  conversion
          right may be exercised at any time and from time to time.

     *    The Company has the right to require holders to convert their Series A
          Preferred into Common Stock in the following circumstances:


          *    The  Company  has the  right to  require  that  one-third  of the
               outstanding Series A Preferred be converted at any time after one
               year  from  issuance  provided  that  the  market  value  of  the
               Company's  Common  Stock is $2.40  per  share,  based on a 45 day
               weighted average trading price.

          *    The  Company  has the right to  require  that  two-thirds  of the
               outstanding  Series A  Preferred  be  converted  two  years  from
               issuance  provided  that the market  value of the Common Stock is
               $3.60 per share.

          *    The  Company  has the  right to  require  all of the  outstanding
               Series A Preferred be  converted  beginning at any time after two
               years from issuance  provided that the market value of the Common
               Stock is $4.80 per share.

          *    The Company  shall have the right,  beginning  two years from the
               issuance,  to require that all the outstanding Series A Preferred
               be converted if the Corporation has accumulated retained earnings
               equal to or greater than $3,750,000.

     *    In a vote of stockholders, other than for the election of directors of
          the  Company,  the holders of the Series A Preferred  are  entitled to
          vote the number of votes  equal to the number of shares into which the
          Series A Preferred  may be  converted,  or 167 votes for each share of
          Series A Preferred.

     *    The holders of the Series A Preferred,  as a separate class,  have the
          right to elect two  members of the Board of  Directors  of the Company
          when 10,000 or more shares of Series A Preferred are  outstanding.  If
          the Board of Directors is increased to a number  greater than six, the
          holders of the Series A  Preferred  may elect  one-third  of the total
          number of directors when 10,000 or more shares are  outstanding.  When
          more  than  5,000  shares  but less  than  10,000  shares  of Series A
          Preferred are outstanding,  the holders of Series A Preferred have the
          right to elect one member of the Board of  Directors.  If the Board of
          Directors is  increased  to a number  greater than six, the holders of
          the Series A  Preferred  may elect  one-sixth  of the total  number of
          directors  when more than 5,000  shares but less an 10,000  shares are


     In connection  with the sale of the Notes,  the Company issued  warrants to
purchase up to 175,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock at an at an exercise
price of $.75 per share.  All of the warrants are currently  exercisable and all
of them expire on October 26, 2003. The Company has the right to repurchase some
or all of the warrants before that time,  depending on whether the trading price
of the  Company's  Common  Stock  meets or  exceeds  certain  goals.  See  also,

Delaware Anti-Takeover Law

     Generally,  Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law ("GCL"), to
which the Company is subject,  prohibits a publicly  held  Delaware  corporation
from engaging in a "business combination" with an "interested stockholder" for a
period of three  years  after the date of the  transaction  in which the  person
became an interested  stockholder,  unless (i) prior to the date of the business
combination,  the  transaction  is  approved  by the board of  directors  of the
corporation,  (ii) upon  consummation of the  transaction  which resulted in the


stockholder becoming an interested stockholder,  the interested stockholder owns
at least 85 percent of the  outstanding  voting stock, or (iii) on or after such
date the business  combination  is approved by the board and by the  affirmative
vote of at least 66 2/3  percent of the  outstanding  voting  stock which is not
owned by the interested stockholder. A "business combination" includes a merger,
asset  sale and other  transactions  resulting  in a  financial  benefit  to the
stockholder.  An  "interested  stockholder"  is  a  person  who,  together  with
affiliates and associates,  owns (or within three years,  did own) 15 percent or
more of the corporation's voting stock.

Transfer Agent And Registrar

     The  transfer  agent and  registrar of the Company is U.S.  Stock  Transfer


     Although the Company's  Common Stock is publicly held,  there  historically
has not been an active trading market for the Common Stock.  See "RISK FACTORS -
Inactive Trading Of The Common Stock; Possible Volatility Of Stock Price".

     To the extent that there is trading in the Company's Common Stock, of which
there is no assurance,  the Common Stock trades in the  over-the-counter  market
and is quoted on the OTC Bulletin  Board.  It is not quoted on the NASDAQ system
or any  exchange.  The closing sale price for the Common Stock on March 23, 1999
was $2.62.  It should be assumed  that even with this OTC  Bulletin  Board price
quote,  there is an extremely limited trading market - and very little liquidity
- - for the Company's Common Stock.


     This prospectus concerns the transfer by the selling  stockholders of up to
1,750,867  shares of Common  Stock.  The selling  stockholders  previously  sold
2,344,133 shares under an earlier prospectus.  The selling stockholders acquired
those shares,  along with Warrants to purchase Common Stock, in 1997 pursuant to
private  placements exempt from registration  under federal and state securities
laws. The Warrants expired without any having been exercised.

     The selling stockholders may transfer their Common Stock at the prices that
they are able to obtain in the market or in negotiated transactions. The Company
will not  receive any  proceeds  form the  transfer  of the Common  Stock by the
selling stockholders.

     It is anticipated that the selling stockholders will offer the Common Stock
in direct sales to private persons and in open market transactions.  The selling
stockholders may offer the shares to or through  registered  broker-dealers  who
will be paid  standard  commissions  or discounts or other  compensation  by the
selling  stockholders.  The selling  stockholders  also may pledge  their common
stock as collateral  for loans.  This  prospectus  may be used by the lender who
receives the pledge of those securities to sell shares of Common Stock if a loan
is not repaid. The selling stockholders have informed the Company that they have
not entered into any  underwriting  arrangement or other agreements with brokers
to transfer any or all of the Common Stock offered under this prospectus.

     The following  table sets forth the name of each selling  stockholder,  the
number of shares of Common  Stock held by the selling  stockholders  before this
offering  (including  shares  issuable upon the  conversion  of the Notes),  the
number of shares of Common Stock to be sold by the selling stockholders, and the
number of shares owned by the selling stockholders after this offering.  None of
the selling  stockholders  has held any position or office,  or had any material
relationship with the Company or its affiliates in the past three years,  except
for Keith F. Carney,  who has been a director of the Company  since August 1997,
and except as  disclosed  in  "TRANSACTIONS  BETWEEN  THE  COMPANY  AND  RELATED
PARTIES".  For additional  information  concerning  the beneficial  ownership of
shares  by  certain  of the  selling  stockholders,  see  "BENEFICIAL  OWNERS OF



                             Number Of
                             Shares Of
                             Common Stock       Number Of       Number Of
                             Owned Before       Shares To Be    Shares Owned
Name                         Offering           Offered (1)     After Offering
- ----                         --------           -----------     --------------

Greyledge LLC                  444,533          444,533            0
BSR Investments Ltd.           240,000          240,000            0
Ostis Ventures                 220,000          220,000            0
Peter T. Dixon, TTEE            50,000           50,000            0
Peter T. Dixon, TTEE            50,000           50,000            0
Joe Sam Robinson               100,000          100,000            0
Hugh F. Smisson, III            40,000           40,000            0
John S. Neel, Jr.               13,334           13,334            0
Ralph O. Hellmold               30,000           30,000            0
Richard Liipfert                36,000           36,000            0
Joseph F. Cullman III           68,000           68,000            0
Betty Brown Williams            33,000           33,000            0
Keith F. Carney                100,000          100,000            0
G. Tyler Runnels                31,000           31,000            0
Holstern Securities            100,000          100,000            0
James E. Moore, TTEE            90,000           90,000            0
David Crockett                  70,000           70,000            0
Ronald Cochran                  35,000           35,000            0
    TOTALS                   1,750,867        1,750,867            0

- ----------

(1)  The number of shares of Common  Stock to be sold  assumes  that the selling
     stockholders  elect to sell all the shares of Common Stock  received in the
     private placements.

                           ON CERTAIN INDEMNIFICATION

     Pursuant to Delaware law, the Company's Board of Directors has the power to
indemnify  officers and directors,  present and former, for expenses incurred by
them in connection  with any proceeding  they are involved in by reason of their
being or having  been an officer or director of the  Company.  The person  being
indemnified  must have acted in good faith and in a manner he or she  reasonably
believed  to be in or not  opposed to the best  interests  of the  Company.  The
Company's  Bylaws  grant this  indemnification  to the  Company's  officers  and


     Insofar as  indemnification  for liability arising under the Securities Act
may be  permitted  to  directors,  officers or persons  controlling  the Company
pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the Company has been advised
that in the opinion of the  Commission  such  indemnification  is against public
policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is, therefore, unenforceable.

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

     Patton  Boggs LLP,  Denver,  Colorado,  acted as counsel for the Company in
connection  with this  offering,  including  the validity of the issuance of the
securities offered hereby.


     The  audited  financial   statements  of  the  Company  appearing  in  this
Prospectus have been examined by Wheeler  Wasoff,  P.C.,  independent  certified
public accountants, as set forth in their report appearing elsewhere herein, and
are included in reliance upon such report and upon the authority of said firm as
experts in accounting and auditing.

                              CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS

     This Prospectus includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of
Section 27A of the  Securities Act Of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act"),
and Section 21E of the Exchange  Act. All  statements  other than  statements of
historical fact included in this Prospectus,  including  without  limitation the
AND PROPERTIES"  regarding the Company's financial position,  business strategy,
plans and  objectives  of management  of the Company for future  operations  and
capital  expenditures,  are  forward-looking  statements.  Although  the Company
believes that the expectations  reflected in the forward-looking  statements and
the  assumptions  upon  which  the  forward-looking  statements  are  based  are
reasonable,  it can give no assurance that such  expectations will prove to have
been correct.

     Additional  statements concerning important factors that could cause actual
results  to  differ  materially  from the  Company's  expectations  ("Cautionary
Statements")  are disclosed in the "RISK FACTORS"  section and elsewhere in this
Prospectus.  All written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to the
Company  or  persons  acting  on its  behalf  subsequent  to the  date  of  this
Prospectus  are  expressly   qualified  in  their  entirety  by  the  Cautionary

                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)

Index To Financial Statements

     Annual Financial Statements

              Independent Auditor's Report                            F-2

              Balance Sheets
                  August 31, 1997 and 1998                            F-3

              Statements of Operations
                  Period from Inception (May 31, 1996) to
                  December 31, 1996, Eight Months Ended
                  August 31, 1997 and Year Ended August 31, 1998      F-4

              Statements of Members'/Stockholders' Equity
                  Period from Inception (May 31, 1996) to
                  December 31, 1996, Eight Months Ended
                  August 31, 1997 and Year Ended August 31, 1998      F-5

              Statements of Cash Flows
                  Period from Inception (May 31, 1996) to
                  December 31, 1996, Eight Months Ended
                  August 31, 1997 and Year Ended August 31, 1998      F-6 - F-7

              Notes to Financial Statements                           F-8 - F-17

     Quarterly Financial Statements

              Balance Sheets as of November 30, 1998
                  and August 31, 1998 (Unaudited)                     FQ-1

              Statements of Operations for the Quarters Ended
                  November 30, 1998 and November 30, 1997 (Unaudited) FQ-2

              Statements of Cash Flows for the Quarters Ended
                  November 30, 1998 and November 30, 1997 (Unaudited) FQ-3

              Notes to Financial Statements                           FQ-4

              Summary of Significant Accounting Policies              FQ-4

                                      F - 1

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT

To The Board of Directors and Stockholders

We have audited the  accompanying  balance  sheets of PYR Energy  Corporation (a
development  stage  company)  as of  August  31,  1997 and 1998 and the  related
statements of operations,  members'/stockholders'  equity and cash flows for the
period from  inception (May 31, 1996) to December 31, 1996, for the eight months
ended August 31, 1997 and for the year ended August 31,  1998.  These  financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management.   Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the financial  position of PYR Energy Corporation as of
August 31, 1997 and 1998,  and the results of its  operations and its cash flows
for the period from inception (May 31, 1996) to December 31, 1996, for the eight
months  ended  August  31,  1997  and for the  year  ended  August  31,  1998 in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                              WHEELER WASOFF, P.C.

Denver, Colorado
October 26, 1998, except for Note 10 (c) 
as to which the date is November 23, 1998.

                                      F - 2

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                                     August 31,      August 31,
                                                        1997            1998
                                                        ----            ----

 Cash                                                $ 1,432,281    $   373,100
 Accounts receivable                                      10,000           --
 Prepaid expenses                                          4,196         16,897
                                                     -----------    -----------

  Total Current Assets                                 1,446,477        389,997
                                                     -----------    -----------

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, at cost                          339,547      2,546,059
                                                     -----------    -----------

OTHER ASSETS                                               3,642          3,546
                                                     -----------    -----------

                                                     $ 1,789,666    $ 2,939,602
                                                     ===========    ===========



 Accounts payable                                    $    60,064    $    44,389
 Accrued property exploration and seismic costs           10,184      1,282,500

 Current portion of capital lease obligation                --            1,441
                                                     -----------    -----------

  Total Current Liabilities                               70,248      1,328,330
                                                     -----------    -----------

CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATION                                    --            2,661
                                                     -----------    -----------



Common stock, $.001 par value
 Authorized 30,000,000 shares
 Issued and outstanding 9,154,804 shares                   9,155          9,155
Capital in excess of par value                         1,768,088      1,768,088
Deficit accumulated during the development stage         (57,825)      (168,632)
                                                     -----------    -----------

                                                       1,719,418      1,608,611
                                                     -----------    -----------

                                                     $ 1,789,666    $ 2,939,602
                                                     ===========    ===========

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                             financial statements.

                                      F - 3

                                            PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                                        (A Development Stage Company)
                                           STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                            Inception         Eight Months          Year               from
                                          (May 31, 1996)         Ended              Ended          Inception to
                                          to December 31,      August 31,         August 31,        August 31,
                                               1996               1997              1998               1998
                                               ----               ----              ----               ----
 Consulting fees                           $    37,528        $    80,000        $    10,000        $   127,528
 Interest                                         --                5,596             36,145             41,741
                                           -----------        -----------        -----------        -----------

                                                37,528             85,596             46,145            169,269
                                           -----------        -----------        -----------        -----------

 General and administrative                     18,518            125,161            675,245            818,924
 Dry hole impairment                              --                 --               15,000             15,000
 Interest                                         --                  351                488                839
 Depreciation and amortization                      47              1,004             22,416             23,467
                                           -----------        -----------        -----------        -----------

                                                18,565            126,516            713,149            858,230
                                           -----------        -----------        -----------        -----------
 Gain on sale of oil and gas prospects            --                 --              556,197            556,197
                                           -----------        -----------        -----------        -----------

                                                18,963            (40,920)          (110,807)          (132,764)

 PREDECESSOR LLC (Note 1)                      (18,963)           (16,905)              --              (35,868)
                                           -----------        -----------        -----------        -----------

NET (LOSS)                                 $      --          $   (57,825)       $  (110,807)       $  (168,632)
                                           ===========        ===========        ===========        ===========

 DILUTED (Note 2)                          $      .005        $     (.009)       $     (.012)       $     (.026)
                                           ===========        ===========        ===========        ===========

 OUTSTANDING (Note 2)                        4,000,000          4,644,351          9,154,804          6,481,943
                                           ===========        ===========        ===========        ===========

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                             financial statements.

                                      F - 4

                                                      PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                                                  (A Development Stage Company)
                                           STATEMENTS OF MEMBERS'/STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
                                   PERIOD FROM INCEPTION (MAY 31, 1996) TO DECEMBER 31, 1996,
                               EIGHT MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1997 AND YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1998

                                                                                   Common Stock          Capital in     During the
                                                                Members'     -------------------------   Excess of     Developmental
                                                                 Equity        Shares         Amount     Par Value         Stage
                                                                 ------        ------         ------     ---------         -----
Inception, May 31, 1996                                       $      --             --     $      --     $      --      $      --
Initial member contributions - cash                                 5,000           --            --            --             --
Member contribution- services                                      12,000           --            --            --             --
Distributions to members                                          (24,000)          --            --            --             --
Net income                                                         18,963           --            --            --             --
                                                              -----------    -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Balance, December 31, 1996                                         11,963           --            --            --             --
Member contributions - cash                                        23,000           --            --            --             --
Member contribution - services                                     24,000           --            --            --             --
Distributions to members                                          (42,000)          --            --            --             --
Net income - January 1, 1997 to August 5, 1997                     16,905           --            --            --             --
Issuance of common stock to members of PYR Energy,                   --
  LLC upon merger ($.008 per share)                               (33,868)     4,000,000         4,000        29,868           --
Recapitalization of shares issued by Mar prior to merger             --        1,059,804         1,060          (724)          --
Sales of common stock pursuant to private placement at
  $.25 per share                                                     --        2,095,000         2,095       521,655           --
Sale of common stock pursuant to private placement at
  $.75 per share                                                     --        2,000,000         2,000     1,498,000           --
Costs of private placements offerings                                --             --            --        (280,711)          --
Net (loss) August 6, 1997 to August 31, 1997                         --             --            --            --          (57,825)
                                                              -----------    -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Balance, August 31, 1997                                             --        9,154,804         9,155     1,768,088        (57,825)
Net (loss)                                                           --             --            --            --         (110,807)
                                                              -----------    -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Balance, August 31, 1998                                      $      --        9,154,804   $     9,155   $ 1,768,088    $  (168,632)
                                                              ===========    ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                             financial statements.

                                      F - 5

                                                  PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                                              (A Development Stage Company)
                                                 STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                           Inception        Eight Months         Year
                                                         (May 31, 1996)        Ended             Ended          Cumulative
                                                         to December 31,     August 31,        August 31,      Amounts from
                                                              1996              1997              1998           Inception
                                                              ----              ----              ----           ---------
 Net income (loss)                                        $    18,963       $   (40,920)      $  (110,807)      $  (132,764)
 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to
  net cash provided by operating activities

   Depreciation and amortization                                   47             1,004            22,416            23,467
   Contributed services                                        12,000            24,000              --              36,000
   Gain on sale of oil and gas prospects                         --                --            (556,197)         (556,197)
   Dry hole impairment                                           --                --              15,000            15,000
 Changes in assets and liabilities
  (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                     (527)           (9,473)           10,000              --
  (Increase) in prepaids                                         --              (2,591)          (12,700)          (15,291)
  Increase (decrease) in accounts payable                         527            45,103           (15,675)           29,955
  Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses                        --              10,183           (10,183)             --
  Other                                                          (474)           (3,277)             --              (3,751)
                                                          -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities              30,536            24,029          (658,146)         (603,581)
                                                          -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------


 Cash paid for furniture and equipment                           --             (29,481)          (43,407)          (72,888)
 Cash paid for undeveloped oil and gas properties                --            (298,178)       (1,406,613)       (1,704,791)
 Proceeds from sale of oil and gas properties                    --                --           1,050,078         1,050,078
                                                          -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

 Net cash (used) in investing activities                         --            (327,659)         (399,942)         (727,601)
                                                          -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------


 Members capital contributions                                  5,000            23,000              --              28,000
 Distributions to members                                     (24,000)          (42,000)             --             (66,000)
 Cash from short-term borrowings                                 --             285,000              --             285,000
 Repayment of short-term borrowings                              --            (285,000)             --            (285,000)
 Proceeds from sale of common stock                              --           2,023,750              --           2,023,750
 Cash paid for offering costs                                    --            (280,711)             --            (280,711)
 Cash received upon recapitalization and merger                  --                 336              --                 336
 Payments on capital lease                                       --                --              (1,093)           (1,093)
                                                          -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

 Net cash (used) provided by financing activities             (19,000)        1,724,375            (1,093)        1,704,282
                                                          -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                                11,536         1,420,745        (1,059,181)          373,100

CASH, BEGINNING OF PERIODS                                       --              11,536         1,432,281              --
                                                          -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

CASH, END OF PERIODS                                      $    11,536       $ 1,432,281       $   373,100       $   373,100
                                                          ===========       ===========       ===========       ===========

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                              financial statements

                                     F - 6


                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
           PERIOD FROM INCEPTION (MAY 31, 1996) TO DECEMBER 31, 1996,


     During the eight  months  ended  August 31, 1997 the Company  paid cash for
     interest on short term borrowings of $351.

     During the year ended August 31, 1998 the Company paid cash for interest of
     $488 on a capital lease.


     In August 1997, 4,000,000 shares of common stock were issued to the members
     of PYR Energy, LLC ("PYR LLC") in exchange for 100 percent of the ownership
     interests  in PYR LLC,  for  which the net  members'  equity in PYR LLC was
     $33,868.  These shares were issued pursuant to a plan of reorganization and
     merger effective August 6, 1997 (Notes 1 and 3).

     During 1996 and 1997 the  President of the Company  performed  services for
     PYR LLC valued at $12,000  and  $24,000,  respectively.  The value of these
     services was charged to members' equity as a non-cash capital contribution.

     During the year ended August 31, 1998,  the Company  entered into a capital
     lease obligation of $5,195 for office equipment.

               The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
                             financial statements.

                                      F - 7

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     PYR Energy  Corporation (the "Company"),  is an independent  energy company
     engaged in the  exploration  and  acquisition  of crude oil and natural gas
     reserves  in  the  Western  United  States,  including  California,  and is
     considered a development stage company as defined by Statement of Financial
     Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 7. The Company's predecessor,  Mar Ventures
     Inc. ("Mar"),  was incorporated  under the laws of the State of Delaware on
     March 27,  1996 for the  purpose of  producing  and  marketing  traditional
     television  programming  and marketing  its film library.  Mar was a public
     company which had no significant  operations as of July 31, 1997. On August
     6, 1997 Mar  acquired  all the  interests  in PYR Energy LLC ("PYR LLC") (a
     Colorado  Limited   Liability   Company  organized  on  May  31,  1996),  a
     development stage company as defined by SFAS No. 7. PYR LLC, an independent
     exploration  company,  was  engaged  in  the  acquisition  of oil  and  gas
     properties for  exploration  and  exploitation in the Rocky Mountain region
     and  California.   As  of  August  31,  1997  PYR  LLC  had  acquired  only
     non-producing  leases and acreage and no exploration  had been commenced on
     the  properties.  Effective  August 6, 1997, Mar  transferred to its former
     president substantially all its assets and liabilities that were related to
     its film library  operations.  The net assets of Mar exchanged  pursuant to
     the transaction with PYR LLC are as follows:

                             Cash          $   336
                             Assets          1,605
                             Liabilities    (1,605)

                                           $   336

     Upon  completion  of the  acquisition  of PYR LLC by Mar, PYR LLC ceased to
     exist as a separate entity. Mar remained as the legal surviving entity and,
     effective   November  12,  1997,   Mar  changed  its  name  to  PYR  Energy
     Corporation. For financial reporting purposes, the business combination was
     accounted for as an additional capitalization of Mar (a reverse acquisition
     with PYR LLC as the acquirer).  The accompanying financial statements as of
     December  31, 1996 and August 31,  1997 and for the periods  then ended are
     those of PYR LLC.  The  operations  of PYR LLC will be the only  continuing
     operations of the Company.

     Prior to the  business  combination,  Mar  loaned  $275,000  to PYR LLC for
     amounts  owed by PYR LLC with  respect to its oil and gas  operations.  The
     loan was  eliminated in conjunction  with the successful  completion of the
     combination of PYR LLC and Mar.

     The  Company is an  exploration  stage oil and gas company and as of August
     31, 1998, has not earned any production  revenue nor found proved  reserves
     on any of its properties.  The Company's  efforts,  since August 1997, have
     been in financing activities and the acquisition of unproven properties and
     related  seismic  data.  The  Company has entered  into  participation  and
     farm-in  agreements  with  industry  partners on certain of its  properties
     pursuant to which these partners have acquired,  for cash, interests in the
     Company's  properties.  During the year ended August 31, 1998,  drilling of
     two test wells was commenced, with one well being plugged and abandoned and
     the other suffering a blowout. (See Note 10 (c)).

                                      F - 8

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     The Company's ability to continue operations is dependent on finding proved
     reserves,  achieving positive cash flow from production revenue, conversion
     of notes to Series A  Preferred  Stock (See Note 10 (a))  and/or  obtaining
     additional  financing and the continuation of entering into agreements with
     industry  partners  for the  exploration  and ultimate  development  of the
     Company's  oil and gas  prospects.  Although cash received from the sale of
     convertible  debt in October  1998 (See Note 10 (a)) may be  sufficient  to
     sustain  operations  for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1999,  management
     intends  to  obtain  additional   funding  for  corporate   operations  and
     exploration  of  properties  by  entering  into  agreements  with  industry
     partners for sale and purchase of  interests in the  Company's  oil and gas
     prospects and participation in the exploration of these prospects.



     Furniture and equipment is recorded at cost.  Depreciation and amortization
     of assets  under  capital  lease is  provided  by use of the  straight-line
     method over the  estimated  useful lives of the related  assets of three to
     five years.

     Expenditures for replacements,  renewals,  and betterments are capitalized.
     Maintenance and repairs are charged to operations as incurred.


     The  Company  follows  the full cost  method to account for its oil and gas
     exploration and  development  activities.  Under the full cost method,  all
     costs incurred which are directly  related to oil and gas  exploration  and
     development are  capitalized  and subjected to depreciation  and depletion.
     Depletable  costs also  include  estimates of future  development  costs of
     proved reserves. Costs related to undeveloped oil and gas properties may be
     excluded  from  depletable  costs until such  properties  are  evaluated as
     either  proved or  unproved.  The net  capitalized  costs are  subject to a
     ceiling  limitation.  Gains  or  losses  upon  disposition  of oil  and gas
     properties  are treated as adjustments  to  capitalized  costs,  unless the
     disposition  represents  a  significant  portion  of the  Company's  proved
     reserves. A separate cost center is maintained for expenditures  applicable
     to  each  country  in  which  the  Company  conducts  exploration  and/  or
     production activities.

     Undeveloped oil and gas prospects consist of leases and acreage acquired by
     the Company for its' exploration and development activities,  including the
     cost of seismic data  acquisition  and  evaluation,  and drilling costs for
     exploration  wells. The cost of these  non-producing  leases is recorded at
     the lower of cost or fair market value.

                                      F - 9

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     The Company has adopted  SFAS No. 121  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  of
     Long-Lived  Assets  and for  Long-Lived  Assets  to Be  Disposed  of" which
     requires  that  long-lived  assets  to be held  and  used be  reviewed  for
     impairment  whenever events or changes in  circumstances  indicate that the
     carrying  amount of an asset may not be  recoverable.  The adoption of SFAS
     121 has not had an impact on the  Company's  financial  statements,  as the
     Company  has  determined  that no  impairment  loss  for  1998  needs to be
     recognized for applicable assets of continuing operations.


     Costs related to the  organization of the Company have been capitalized and
     are being amortized over a period of five years.


     The Company has adopted the  provisions  of SFAS No. 109,  "Accounting  for
     Income Taxes".  SFAS 109 requires  recognition of deferred tax  liabilities
     and assets for the  expected  future tax  consequences  of events that have
     been  included  in the  financial  statements  or tax  returns.  Under this
     method,  deferred tax  liabilities  and assets are determined  based on the
     difference  between  the  financial  statement  and tax basis of assets and
     liabilities  using  enacted  tax rates in effect  for the year in which the
     differences are expected to reverse.

     PYR LLC was taxed as a Limited  Liability Company until August 6, 1997, and
     as such was not  subject to federal  and state  income  tax.  Earnings  and
     losses  through that date were  included in the personal tax returns of its
     members, and PYR LLC did not record an income tax provision.

     At August 31, 1998,  the Company had a net operating loss  carryforward  of
     approximately  $85,000 that may be offset  against  future  taxable  income
     through 2013.

     The Company has fully  reserved the $21,000 tax benefit of  operating  loss
     carryforwards,  by a valuation  allowance of the same  amount,  because the
     likelihood of  realization  of the tax benefit  cannot be  determined.  The
     total tax benefit is attributable to 1997.

     Temporary  differences  between  the time of  reporting  certain  items for
     financial and tax reporting purposes consist primarily of exploration costs
     on oil and gas properties.


     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
     accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make estimates and
     assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
     disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and  liabilities  at  the  date  of the
     financial  statements and reported  amounts of revenues and expenses during
     the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

                                     F - 10

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements



     (Loss)  per  common  share at  August  31,  1998 is  computed  based on the
     weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period then
     ended.  Common shares  issued to the members of PYR LLC upon  completion of
     Mar's  merger  with PYR LLC  (Note 1) are  considered  outstanding  for all
     periods presented.  Convertible equity  instruments,  such as stock options
     and warrants,  are not considered in the  calculation of net loss per share
     as their inclusion would be antidilutive.

     Income (loss) per share has been computed on a pro forma basis based on the
     income (loss) of PYR LLC for the period from inception to December 31, 1996
     and the eight months ended August 31, 1997 as if PYR LLC was a  corporation
     and not a limited  liability  company,  which  distributes its earnings and
     losses to its members.


     In October 1995, SFAS No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" was
     issued.  This new standard  defines a fair value based method of accounting
     for an employee stock option or similar equity  instrument.  This statement
     gives  entities a choice of  recognizing  related  compensation  expense by
     adopting the new fair value  method or to continue to measure  compensation
     using the intrinsic value approach under Accounting  Principles Board (APB)
     Opinion  No.  25.  The  Company  has  elected  to  utilize  APB No.  25 for
     measurement;  and will,  pursuant to SFAS No. 123, disclose  supplementally
     the pro forma effects on net income and earnings per share of using the new
     measurement  criteria.  During the eight months ended August 31, 1997,  the
     Company issued options to purchase shares of its common stock (Note 4). The
     effect of this  issuance on pro forma net income and  earnings per share is
     not material.


     For  purposes of  reporting  cash  flows,  the  Company  considers  as cash
     equivalents all highly liquid  investments  with a maturity of three months
     or less at the time of purchase. On occasion, the Company has cash in banks
     in excess of federally insured amounts.  At August 31, 1997 and 1998, there
     were no cash equivalents.


     In February 1997 SFAS No. 128,  "Earnings  Per Share" was issued  effective
     for periods  ending  after  December  15,  1997.  There is no impact on the
     Company's financial statements from adoption of SFAS No. 128.

     In February 1997 SFAS No. 129,  "Disclosure  of  Information  about Capital
     Structure" was issued effective for periods ending after December 15, 1997.
     The Company has adopted the disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 129 effective
     with the fiscal year ended August 31, 1998.

     In June 1997 SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income", was issued for
     fiscal years beginning  after December 31, 1997,  with earlier  application
     permitted. The Company has elected to adopt SFAS No. 130 effective with the
     fiscal  year  ending  August  31,  1999.  Adoption  of SFAS No.  130 is not
     expected to have a material impact on the Company's financial statements.

                                     F - 11

                            PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     In June 1997 SFAS No. 131,  "Disclosure about Segments of an Enterprise and
     Related  Information" was issued effective for fiscal years beginning after
     December 31,  1997,  with earlier  application  permitted.  The Company has
     elected to adopt SFAS No. 131 effective  with the fiscal year ending August
     31,  1999.  Adoption  of SFAS No.  131 is not  expected  to have a material
     impact on the Company's financial statements.

     In February 1998 SFAS No. 132,  "Employers'  Disclosure  about Pensions and
     Other  Postretirement  Benefits",  was issued  effective  for fiscal  years
     beginning after December 15, 1997, with earlier application encouraged. The
     Company  has elected to adopt SFAS No. 132  effective  with the fiscal year
     ending August 31, 1999.  Adoption of SFAS No. 132 is not expected to have a
     material impact on the Company's financial statements.

     In June 1998 SFAS No.  133,  "Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and
     Hedging  Activities",  was issued for fiscal years beginning after June 15,
     1999. Adoption of SFAS No. 133 is not expected to have a material impact on
     the Company's financial statements.


     Property and equipment consists of the following:

                                                    August 31,     August 31,
                                                       1997           1998
                                                       ----           ----
     Furniture and equipment                       $    29,481    $    72,888
     Asset under capital lease                            --            5,195
                                                   -----------    -----------
                                                        29,481         78,083

     Less accumulated depreciation and amortization       (941)       (23,262)
                                                   -----------    -----------
                                                        28,540         54,821

     Undeveloped oil and gas prospects                 311,007      2,491,238
                                                   -----------    -----------

                                                   $   339,547    $ 2,546,059
                                                   ===========    ===========

     During the year ended August 31, 1998,  the Company  charged to  operations
     $15,000 as an  allocation of its cost basis in a dry hole in which it had a
     carried  working  interest.  This  allocation  was  based on the  Company's
     estimate that this drill location had no future value.  The Company reviews
     and determines the cost basis of drilling  prospects on a drilling location

     Depreciation  expense  for the years  ended  August 31, 1997 and August 31,
     1998 was $941 and $22,321, respectively.

                                     F - 12

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     Capitalized  lease  obligation  at August 31, 1998  consists of a lease for
     office equipment,  repayable in monthly  installments of $150 with interest
     at 10.5%.

     Maturity of this obligation is as follows:

     Year ending August 31,
         1999                                       $1,441
         2000                                        1,616
         2001                                        1,045

     Future minimum payments on capitalized leases are as follows:

     Year ending August 31,
         1999                                       $1,803
         2000                                        1,803
         2001                                        1,062
     Less amount representing interest                 566

     Present value of net minimum lease payments     4,102

     Less current maturity                           1,441

     Long-term portion                              $2,661


     Effective  August 6, 1997 Mar  completed a merger with PYR LLC (Note 1). In
     conjunction  with the  merger,  the members of PYR LLC  received  4,000,000
     shares of common stock of Mar. These shares were recorded at the net member
     equity of PYR LLC as of that date of  $33,868.  The  1,059,804  Mar  shares
     outstanding as of the date of merger were  recapitalized  to the net assets
     of Mar of  $336.  For  financial  statement  reporting  purposes,  this was
     treated  as a  reverse  acquisition  whereby  PYR  LLC was  considered  the
     surviving and reporting entity. For legal purposes,  however,  Mar remained
     as the surviving entity, therefore the capital structure of the Company was
     accordingly restated.

     In July 1997,  the Company  completed the sale of common stock and warrants
     pursuant to a private placement as follows:

     *    2,095,000 units, at a price of $.25 per unit,  consisting of 2,095,000
          shares of common  stock,  warrants  to  purchase  1,047,500  shares of
          common stock at an exercise  price of $1.25 per share  before  October
          31, 1997, and warrants to purchase 1,047,500 shares of common stock at
          an  exercise  price  of $1.75  per  share  before  January  31,  1998.
          Subsequent to the offering,  each of the warrant  expiration dates was
          extended one or more times,  and all the warrants  ultimately  expired
          without having been exercised.

                                     F - 13

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     In August 1997, the Company completed the sale of common stock and warrants
     pursuant to a private placement as follows:

     *    2,000,000 units, at a price of $.75 per unit,  consisting of 2,000,000
          shares of common  stock,  warrants  to  purchase  1,000,000  shares of
          common stock at an exercise  price of $1.25 per share  before  October
          31, 1997, and warrants to purchase 1,000,000 shares of common stock at
          an  exercise  price  of $1.75  per  share  before  January  31,  1998.
          Subsequent to the offering,  each of the warrant  expiration dates was
          extended one or more times,  and all the warrants  ultimately  expired
          without having been exercised.

     Proceeds from these offerings were $523,750 and  $1,500,000,  respectively,
     before costs of the offerings of $280,711.


     In August 1997, the Board of Directors  approved the 1997 Stock Option Plan
     (the "1997 Plan"). Pursuant to the 1997 Plan, the Company may grant options
     to purchase 1,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock to key employees
     and  other  persons  who have or are  contributing  to the  success  of the
     Company.  The  options  granted  pursuant  to the 1997  Plan may be  either
     incentive options qualifying for beneficial tax treatment for the recipient
     or non-qualified  options. The 1997 Plan will be administered by the Option
     Committee,  which  may  consist  of  either  (i)  the  Company's  Board  of
     Directors, or (ii) a Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors, of two
     or more non-employee  directors. No option may be exercisable more than ten
     years after the granting of the option, and no options may be granted under
     the 1997 Plan after  August  13,  2007.  The  exercise  price of  incentive
     options  granted  can  not be  less  than  the  fair  market  value  of the
     underlying common stock on the date the options are granted.

     The status of outstanding  options granted pursuant to the 1997 Plan was as

                                              Number    Weighted       Weighted
                                                of       Average        Average
                                              Shares  Exercise Price  Fair Value
                                              ------  --------------  ----------

     Options Outstanding - Inception             --        --             --
     Granted                                  171,000     $1.50           --
                                             --------     -----          ----

     Options Outstanding - August 31, 1997    171,000     $1.50           --
      (None exercisable)

     Expired                                  (60,000)
     Granted                                  135,000     $1.40          $.31

     Options Outstanding - August 31, 1998    246,000     $1.46          $.26
      (37,000 exercisable)                   ========    

                                     F - 14

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     The Company has adopted the disclosure-only provisions of SFAS No. 123. Had
     compensation cost for the Company's stock option plan been determined based
     on the fair value at the grant date  consistent with the provisions of SFAS
     No. 123, the Company's net loss and loss per share for 1998 would have been
     increased to the pro forma amounts indicated below:

     Net (loss) applicable to common stockholders - as reported   $  (110,807)
     Net (loss) applicable to common stockholders - pro forma     $  (124,555)
     (Loss) per share - as reported                               $      (.01)
     (Loss) per share - pro forma                                 $      (.01)
     Weighted average fair value of options granted in 1998       $       .31

     The fair value of each option grant is estimated on the date of grant using
     the Black-Scholes  option-pricing model with the following weighted-average
     assumptions used for grants:  dividend yield of 0%; expected  volatility of
     25% to 75%; discount rate of 5.50%; and expected lives of 3 to 5 years.

     At August 31,  1998 the  number of  options  exercisable  was  37,000,  the
     weighted  average  exercise price of these options was $1.50,  the weighted
     average  contractual life of the options was 5 years and the exercise price
     was $1.50 per share.


     The Company has entered into a non-cancelable lease, as amended, for office
     facilities. Minimum payments due under this lease are as follows:

              Years ending August 31,

                      1999                        $39,768
                      2000                         39,768
                      2001                         39,768

     Rent  expense was $0,  $8,694 and $35,539 for the period from  inception to
     December 31,  1996,  for the eight months ended August 31, 1997 and for the
     year ended August 31, 1998, respectively.

     The Company has acquired  leases  covering  2,080 acres in Wyoming from the
     Bureau of Land  Management  ("BLM").  In order to  maintain  its  rights to
     explore these properties, the Company is obligated to pay the BLM a maximum
     aggregate $3,120 annually for the undeveloped acres under lease. The amount
     due has been paid for the lease  period  October 1, 1998 to  September  30,

     The Company  entered  into an  agreement  with  Chevron  U.S.A.  Production
     Company  ("Chevron")  for the  Company  to  farm-in  oil and gas  prospects
     located in the San Joaquin basin of  California.  The Company paid $275,000
     upon  execution of the agreement  for certain  rights  including  access to
     certain  proprietary  2D and 3D seismic data.  The  agreement  provides for
     exclusive  rights  to  undertake  oil  and  gas  drilling  and  development
     operations on lands owned in fee by Chevron. As part of the agreement,  the
     Company has an option to undertake the acquisition of additional 3D seismic
     data and has  agreed  to drill a test  well on a  portion  of the  prospect
     areas.  In addition,  as part of the  agreement,  the Company has agreed to
     drill an additional test well on another portion of the prospect areas.

                                     F - 15

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     The  Company  may be subject to various  possible  contingencies  which are
     primarily from  interpretations  of federal and state laws and  regulations
     affecting the oil and gas  industry.  Although  management  believes it has
     complied   with  the  various  laws  and   regulations,   new  rulings  and
     interpretations may require the Company to make adjustments.


     In 1996 and 1997 the  President of the Company  performed  services for PYR
     LLC valued at $12,000  and  $24,000,  respectively.  The value  ascribed to
     these  services was charged to members'  equity  during each of the periods
     ended December 31, 1996 and August 6, 1997 as a capital contribution.

     In 1997 the Company paid an  aggregate  $14,000 in  consulting  fees to its
     President and an entity owned by an officer of the Company; and borrowed an
     aggregate $8,000 from two officers of the Company.  The amount borrowed was
     repaid with interest, at 8%, of $280 by August 31, 1997.

     In 1998 the Company paid $43,530 for services provided to the Company by an
     entity controlled by a former director of the Company.



     The  carrying  amount  reported  in the  balance  sheet for  cash,  prepaid
     expenses,  accounts payable and accrued liabilities approximates fair value
     because  of  the  immediate  or  short-term  maturity  of  these  financial


     Financial   instruments   which   potentially   subject   the   Company  to
     concentrations  of credit risk consist of cash. The Company  maintains cash
     accounts at one financial institution.  At August 31, 1998, cash on deposit
     at  this  financial  institution  exceeded  federally  insured  amounts  by
     approximately  $270,000.  The  Company  periodically  evaluates  the credit
     worthiness of financial  institutions,  and maintains cash accounts only in
     large high quality financial institutions,  thereby minimizing exposure for
     deposits in excess of federally insured amounts.


     In October 1998 the Company completed the sale of $2,300,000,  of a maximum
     $2,500,000,  10%  convertible  notes,  due  October  1999.  The  notes  are
     convertible  into an aggregate  23,000 shares of a newly designed  Series A
     Preferred  Stock  of the  Company.  The  Company  must  obtain  shareholder
                                     F - 16

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements


     approval  for   authorization   of  the  Series  A  Preferred   Stock.   If
     authorization  is not  obtained by April 1999,  the note holders may demand
     payment of  principal  and  interest  of the note,  or elect to convert the
     principal  balance of the notes into shares of the Company's  common stock,
     at the rate of $.30 per share.  In conjunction  with the sale of $1,500,000
     of the notes, the Company agreed to pay a finders fee consisting of $45,000
     and warrants to purchase 175,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an
     exercise price of $.75 per share for a period of five years.

(b)  In October 1998,  the Company  issued an aggregate of 266,666 shares of its
     common stock for assignment to the Company of certain  undeveloped  oil and
     gas prospects in California, including oil and gas leases, seismic data and
     intellectual property.

(c)  On November 23, 1998,  the  Company's  test well being  drilled on its East
     Lost  Hills  prospect  suffered  a  blowout.  The  operator  of the well is
     attempting to get the blowout under control.  If and when this is achieved,
     the  Company  and the other  working  interest  owners  will  evaluate  the
     situation and determine the manner for proceeding. The financial accounting
     impact of this blowout, and any potential environmental implications,  will
     be reflected, pursuant to the Company's accounting policies for oil and gas
     properties, during the fiscal year ended August 31, 1999.

                                     F - 17

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                                        11/30/98        8/31/98
  Cash                                                 $ 1,140,326    $   373,100
  Deposits and prepaid expenses                             42,516         16,897
                                                       -----------    -----------
    Total Current Assets                                 1,182,842        389,997
                                                       -----------    -----------
  Furniture and equipment, net                              50,169         54,821
  Undeveloped oil and gas prospects                      2,935,023      2,491,238
                                                       -----------    -----------
                                                         2,985,192      2,546,059
OTHER ASSETS, net                                           77,893          3,546
                                                       -----------    -----------
                                                       $ 4,245,927    $ 2,939,602
                                                       ===========    ===========


  Accounts payable                                     $    80,070    $    44,389
  Accrued  property exploration and seismic costs             --        1,282,500
  Interest payable                                          22,959           --
  Current portion of capital lease obligation                1,492          1,441
  Convertible debentures                                 2,500,000           --
                                                       -----------    -----------
    Total Current Liabilities                            2,604,521      1,328,330
                                                       -----------    -----------

  Capital lease obligation                                   2,265          2,661
                                                       -----------    -----------
    Total Liabilities                                    2,606,786      1,330,991

  Common stock, $.001 par value
        Authorized 30,000,000 shares
        Issued and outstanding - 9,421,470 shares at
            11/30/98 and 9,154,804 shares at 8/31/98         9,421          9,155
  Capital in excess of par value                         1,967,821      1,768,088
  Deficit accumulated during the development stage        (338,101)      (168,632)
                                                       -----------    -----------
                                                         1,639,141      1,608,611
                                                       -----------    -----------
                                                       $ 4,245,927    $ 2,939,602
                                                       ===========    ===========

                                     FQ - 1

                               PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                            (A Development Stage Company)
                              STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                      Cumulative from
                                                                         Inception -
                                          Three Months    Three Months    5/31/96 to
                                         Ended 11/30/98  Ended 11/30/97    11/30/98
                                         --------------  --------------    --------

  Consulting fees                          $      --      $    10,000    $   127,528
  Interest                                       4,525         15,739         46,266
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------

                                                 4,525         25,739        173,794
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------

  General and administrative                   137,775        187,917        956,699
  Dry hole impairment                             --             --           15,000
  Interest                                      29,832           --           30,671
  Depreciation and amortization                  6,386          3,333         29,853
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------

                                               173,993        191,250      1,032,223
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------

  Gain on sale of oil and gas properties          --             --          556,197
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------
                                              (169,468)      (165,511)      (302,232)

INCOME APPLICABLE TO PREDECESSOR LLC              --             --          (35,868)
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------

NET (LOSS)                                 $  (169,468)   $  (165,511)   $  (338,100)
                                           ===========    ===========    ===========

   COMMON SHARE - BASIC AND DILUTED        $     (.018)   $     (.018)   $     (.050)
                                           ===========    ===========    ===========

   SHARES OUTSTANDING                        9,243,693      9,154,804      6,718,846
                                           ===========    ===========    ===========

                                       FQ - 2

                                       PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                                    (A Development Stage Company)
                                      STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                             Three Months    Three Months  from Inception
                                                            Ended 11/30/98  Ended 11/30/97   to 11/30/98
                                                            --------------  --------------   -----------
  Net income (loss)                                          $  (169,468)   $  (165,511)   $  (302,232)
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
      cash provided by operating activities
    Gain on sale of assets                                          --             --         (556,197)
    Depreciation and amortization                                  6,386          3,333         29,853
    Contributed services                                            --             --           36,000
    Dry hole impairment                                             --             --           15,000
    Changes in assets and liabilities
      (Increase)/decrease in receivables                            --           10,000           --
      (Increase)/decrease in deposits and prepaids               (25,619)       (12,432)       (40,910)
      Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable                     35,681         (8,232)        65,636
      Increase/(decrease) in accrued and other liabilities        22,959         (5,684)        22,959
      Other                                                          (91)          --           (3,842)
                                                             -----------    -----------    -----------
Net cash provided/(used) by operating activities                (130,152)      (178,526)      (733,733)
                                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

  Proceeds from sale of oil and gas interests                       --             --        1,050,078
  Cash paid for furniture and equipment                           (1,734)       (11,935)       (74,622)
  Cash paid for undeveloped oil and gas assets                (1,526,197)      (139,024)    (3,230,988)
                                                             -----------    -----------    -----------
Net cash provided/(used) in investing activities              (1,527,931)      (150,959)    (2,255,532)
                                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

  Members capital contributions                                     --             --           28,000
  Distributions to members                                          --             --          (66,000)
  Cash from short-term borrowings                                   --             --          285,000
  Repayments of short-term borrowings                               --             --         (285,000)
  Proceeds from sale of common stock                                --             --        2,023,750
  Cash paid for offering costs                                      --             --         (280,711)
  Cash received upon recapitalization and merger                    --             --              336
  Increase/(decrease) in convertible debentures                2,500,000           --        2,500,000
  Cash paid for deferred financing costs                         (74,346)          --          (74,346)
  Payments on capital lease                                         (345)          --           (1,438)
                                                             -----------    -----------    -----------
Net cash (used) provided by financing activities               2,425,309           --        4,129,591
                                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH                                  767,226       (329,485)     1,140,326

CASH, BEGINNING OF PERIODS                                       373,100      1,432,281           --
                                                             -----------    -----------    -----------
CASH, END OF PERIODS                                         $ 1,140,326    $ 1,102,796    $ 1,140,326
                                                             ===========    ===========    ===========

                                                   FQ - 3

                             PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                November 30, 1998

The accompanying  interim  financial  statements of PYR Energy  Corporation (the
"Company")  are  unaudited.  In the  opinion of  management,  the  interim  data
includes  all  adjustments,  consisting  only of normal  recurring  adjustments,
necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the interim period.

The  financial  statements  included  herein  have been  prepared by the Company
pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Certain  information  and  footnote  disclosure  normally  included in financial
statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles
have  been  condensed  or  omitted  pursuant  to  such  rules  and  regulations.
Management  believes the  disclosures  made are adequate to make the information
not misleading and recommends that these condensed financial  statements be read
in conjunction with the financial statements and notes included in the Company's
Form 10-KSB as of August 31, 1998.

PYR  Energy  Corporation  (formerly  known as Mar  Ventures  Inc.  ("Mar"))  was
incorporated  under the laws of the State of Delaware on March 27, 1996. Mar had
been a public company which had no  significant  operations as of July 31, 1997.
On August 6, 1997 Mar acquired  all the  interests in PYR Energy LLC ("PYR LLC")
(a Colorado Limited  Liability Company organized on May 31, 1996), a development
stage company as defined by Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards (SFAS)
No. 7. PYR LLC, an independent oil and gas exploration company, had been engaged
in the acquisition of oil and gas properties for exploration and exploitation in
the  Rocky  Mountain  region  and  California.  As of August 6, 1997 PYR LLC had
acquired  only  non-producing  leases and  acreage and no  exploration  had been
commenced on the  properties.  Upon  completion of the acquisition of PYR LLC by
Mar,  PYR LLC ceased to exist as a separate  entity.  Mar  remained as the legal
surviving entity and,  effective  November 12, 1997, Mar changed its name to PYR
Energy Corporation.


     USE OF ESTIMATES - The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity
     with generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make
     estimates and  assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and
     liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date
     of the financial  statements and reported  amounts of revenues and expenses
     during  the  reporting  period.  Actual  results  could  differ  from those

     CASH  EQUIVALENTS  - For  purposes of  reporting  cash  flows,  the Company
     considers as cash equivalents all highly liquid investments with a maturity
     of three  months or less at the time of  purchase.  At November  30,  1998,
     there were no cash equivalents.

                                     FQ - 4

     PROPERTY  AND  EQUIPMENT -  Furniture  and  equipment  is recorded at cost.
     Depreciation  is  provided  by use of the  straight-line  method  over  the
     estimated  useful  lives of the  related  assets  of  three to five  years.
     Expenditures for replacements,  renewals,  and betterments are capitalized.
     Maintenance and repairs are charged to operations as incurred.

     OIL AND GAS  PROPERTIES  - The  Company  follows  the full  cost  method to
     account for its oil and gas exploration and development  activities.  Under
     the full cost method,  all costs incurred which are directly related to oil
     and gas  exploration  and  development  are  capitalized  and  subjected to
     depreciation  and  depletion.  Depletable  costs also include  estimates of
     future  development costs of proved reserves.  Costs related to undeveloped
     oil and gas  properties  may be excluded from  depletable  costs until such
     properties are evaluated as either proved or unproved.  The net capitalized
     costs are subject to a ceiling limitation. Gains or losses upon disposition
     of oil and gas properties are treated as adjustments to capitalized  costs,
     unless the  disposition  represents a significant  portion of the Company's
     proved  reserves.  A separate  cost center is maintained  for  expenditures
     applicable to each country in which the Company conducts exploration and/or
     production   activities.   Undeveloped  oil  and  gas  properties  consists
     primarily of leases and acreage acquired by the Company for its exploration
     and  development  activities.  The cost of these  non-producing  leases  is
     recorded at the lower of cost or fair market value. The Company has adopted
     SFAS No. 121  "Accounting  for the Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for
     Long-Lived  Assets to Be Disposed of" which requires that long-lived assets
     to be held and used be reviewed for impairment  whenever  events or changes
     in  circumstances  indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be
     recoverable.  The  adoption  of  SFAS  121 has  not  had an  impact  on the
     Company's  financial  statements,  as the  Company has  determined  that no
     impairment  loss  through  November  30,  1998  need to be  recognized  for
     applicable assets of continuing operations.

     ORGANIZATION  COSTS - Costs related to the organization of the Company have
     been capitalized and are being amortized over a period of five years.

     INCOME  TAXES - The Company has  adopted  the  provisions  of SFAS No. 109,
     "Accounting  for Income Taxes".  SFAS 109 requires  recognition of deferred
     tax  liabilities  and assets for the expected  future tax  consequences  of
     events that have been included in the financial  statements or tax returns.
     Under this method, deferred tax liabilities and assets are determined based
     on the difference  between the financial  statement and tax basis of assets
     and liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect for the year in which the
     differences are expected to reverse.

                                     FQ - 5

- ------------------------------

Dealer Prospectus Delivery Obligation

Until  (insert  date),  all dealers that
effect transactions in these securities,
whether  or not  participating  in  this
offering,  may be  required to deliver a
prospectus.  This is in  addition to the
dealers'   obligation   to   deliver   a
prospectus  when acting as  underwriters
and  with   respect   to  their   unsold
allotments or subscriptions.

                                                   PYR ENERGY CORPORATION
                                              1,750,867 Shares of Common Stock




PROSPECTUS SUMMARY......................  1
RISK FACTORS............................  3
DIVIDEND POLICY.........................  8
BUSINESS AND PROPERTIES.................  8
MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND                      ________________________
MANAGEMENT.............................. 20              PROSPECTUS
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION.................. 22      ________________________
  COMMON STOCK.......................... 31
  DISTRIBUTION.......................... 31
  CERTAIN INDEMNIFICATION............... 35           March ___, 1999
LEGAL MATTERS........................... 35
EXPERTS................................. 35
FINANCIAL INFORMATION...................F-1

                                     PART II

Item 24. Indemnification Of Directors And Officers.

     The Delaware  General  Corporation  Law provides for  indemnification  by a
corporation of costs incurred by directors,  employees, and agents in connection
with an action,  suit,  or proceeding  brought by reason of their  position as a
director,  employee,  or agent. The person being  indemnified must have acted in
good faith and in a manner that the person  reasonably  believed to be in or not
opposed to the best interests of the corporation.

     In addition to the general indemnification  section,  Delaware law provides
further  protection  for  directors  under  Section  102(b)(7)  of  the  General
Corporation Law of Delaware.  This section was enacted in June 1986 and allows a
Delaware  corporation to include in its Certificate Of Incorporation a provision
that eliminates and limits certain personal liability of a director for monetary
damages for certain breaches of the director's  fiduciary duty of care, provided
that any such  provision  does not (in the words of the  statute)  do any of the

     "eliminate  or limit the  liability of a director (i) for any breach of the
     director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for
     acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct
     or a knowing  violation  of law,  (iii)  under  section  174 of this  Title
     [dealing  with willful or negligent  violation of the  statutory  provision
     concerning  dividends,  stock purchases and  redemptions],  or (iv) for any
     transaction from which the director derived an improper  personal  benefit.
     No such provision  shall eliminate or limit the liability of a director for
     any act or omission occurring prior to the date when such provision becomes
     effective. . ."

     The Board Of  Directors  is  empowered  to make  other  indemnification  as
authorized by the Certificate Of Incorporation,  Bylaws or corporate  resolution
so  long  as  the  indemnification  is  consistent  with  the  Delaware  General
Corporation  Law.  Under the  Company's  Bylaws,  the  Company  is  required  to
indemnify its directors,  officers, and other representatives of the Company for
costs  incurred  by each of  them  in  connection  with  any  action,  suit,  or
proceeding  brought  by reason of their  position  as a  director,  officer,  or

Item 25. Other Expenses Of Issuance And Distribution.

     The  following  is an  itemization  of  all  expenses  (subject  to  future
contingencies)  incurred or to be incurred by the Registrant in connection  with
the registration of the securities  being offered.  The Selling Security Holders
will not pay any of the following expenses.

     Registration and filing fee................................$3,840
     Accounting fees and expenses(1)............................$8,000
     Legal fees and expenses(1)................................$27,000
     Miscellaneous(1).......................................... $4,160
            Total(1)                                           $50,000
- ----------

(1)  Estimated


Item 26. Recent Sales Of Unregistered Securities.

     The  Company  was   organized  as  a  wholly  owned   subsidiary   of  Bexy
Communications,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  ("Bexy").  The  Company  issued
452,000  shares of Common  Stock to Bexy in April 1996 in  exchange  for certain
assets of Bexy  valued at  approximately  $110,000.  The  Company  also  assumed
certain liabilities of Bexy valued at approximately $84,000 in that transaction.
Those  shares  were  issued  in  reliance  on  an  exemption  from  registration
underss.4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act").

     The  Company  issued  28,000  shares of Common  Stock in August,  1996 to a
limited number of persons for services rendered to the Company valued at $2,800.
These  shares  were  issued  in  reliance  on  an  exemption  from  registration
underss.4(2) of the Securities Act.

     The Company  issued  358,654  shares of Common Stock in December  1996 to a
former  president  and  principal  stockholder  in  satisfaction  of  a  $46,625
liability owed by the Company to that former president. These shares were issued
in reliance on an exemption  from  registration  underss.4(2)  of the Securities

     The Company  completed an offering to a limited  number of offerees in July
1997 pursuant to an exemption from  registration  in accordance with Rule 506 of
Regulation D under the  Securities  Act.  The Company  sold in that  offering an
aggregate of 2,095,000  units at $.25 per unit, with each unit consisting of one
share of Common Stock, a Class A Warrant, and a Class B Warrant.

     The Company completed an offering to a limited number of offerees in August
1997 pursuant to an exemption from  registration  in accordance with Rule 506 of
Regulation D under the  Securities  Act.  The Company  sold in that  offering an
aggregate of 2,000,000  units at $.75 per unit, with each unit consisting of one
share of Common Stock, a Class A Warrant, and a Class B Warrant.

     The  Company  completed  an  offering  to a limited  number of  offerees in
November 1998 pursuant to an exemption from registration in accordance with Rule
506 of Regulation D under the Securities  Act. The Company sold in that offering
an aggregate of $2,500,000 of convertible promissory notes which are convertible
into  shares of Series A Preferred  Stock,  which in turn are  convertible  into
shares of Common Stock.

Item 27. Exhibits.

     The  following  is a  complete  list  of  Exhibits  filed  as  part of this
Registration Statement, which Exhibits are incorporated herein.

Number    Description
- ------    -----------

3.1       Certificate  Of  Incorporation  filed with the  Delaware  Secretary Of
          State on March 27, 1996 (1)

3.2       Certificate Of Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation effective
          as of November 12, 1997 filed with the Delaware Secretary Of State (5)

3.3       Bylaws (1)

4.1       Specimen Common Stock Certificate (4)

5.1       Opinion of Patton Boggs LLP  concerning the legality of the securities
          being registered


10.1      Asset  Transfer,  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement dated April 16,
          1996 between the Registrant and Bexy Communications, Inc. (2)

10.2      Form of Purchase And Sale Agreement  dated as of July 31, 1997 between
          the Registrant and a member of PYR Energy, LLC(4)

10.3      Purchase And Sale Agreement effective as of August 6, 1997 between the
          Registrant and Buddy Young (4)

10.4      1997 Stock Option Plan (3)

10.5      Convertible Note Purchase Agreement dated October 26, 1998 between the
          Registrant and various investors (6)

23.1      Consent of Patton Boggs LLP (included in Opinion in Exhibit 5.1)

23.2      Consent of Wheeler Wasoff, P.C.

24.1      Power of Attorney (included in Part II of Registration Statement)

27.1      Financial Data Schedule (7)

- --------------------

(1)  Incorporated by reference from the Company's Registration Statement on Form
     10-SB filed with the Securities And Exchange Commission ("SEC") on June 18,
     1996, File No. 0-20879.

(2)  Incorporated   by  reference   from  the  Company's   Amendment  No.  1  to
     Registration  Statement  and Form 10-SB filed with the SEC on July 3, 1996,
     File No. 0-20879.

(3)  Incorporated  by  reference  from  the  Company's  Preliminary  Information
     Statement filed with the SEC on October 8, 1997.

(4)  Incorporated by reference from the Registrant's  Registration  Statement on
     Form SB-2 filed with the SEC on October 24, 1997, File No. 333-38665.

(5)  Incorporated by reference from the Registrant's  Form 10KSB/A1 for the year
     ended August 31, 1997.

(6)  Incorporated  by  reference  from  Exhibit 2 to the  Schedule  13D filed by
     Victory Oil Company and other filing parties on November 5, 1998.

(7)  Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 27.1 to the  Registrant's  Quarterly
     Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarter  ended  November  30, 1998 and Annual
     Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1997.

Item 28. Undertakings.


1.   The Company hereby undertakes:

     (a) to file,  during any period in which  offers or sales are being made, a
post-effective amendment to the Registration Statement:

          (1) to include  any  prospectus  required  by Section  10(a)(3) of the
     Securities Act of 1933;

          (2)  to  reflect  in  the   prospectus  any  facts  or  events  which,
     individually or together, represent a fundamental change in the information
     in  Registration  Statement  (or the most recent  post-effective  amendment
     thereof); and

          (3) to include any additional or changed  material  information on the
     plan of distribution.

     (b) That for  determining  liability under the Securities Act of 1933, each
post-effective  amendment  shall be  deemed to be a new  registration  statement
relating to the securities  offered therein,  and the offering of the securities
at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof;

     (c) To file a post-effective  amendment to remove from  registration any of
the securities being registered which remain unsold at the end of the offering.

3. Insofar as indemnification  for liabilities  arising under the Securities Act
may be permitted to directors,  officers and controlling  persons of the Company
pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the Company has been advised
that  in  the  option  of  the   Securities   And  Exchange   Commission,   such
indemnification  is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and
is,  therefore,  unenforceable.  In the event  that a claim for  indemnification
against  such  liabilities  (other  than the  payment by the Company of expenses
incurred or paid by a director,  officer or a controlling  person of the Company
in the successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding) is asserted by such
director,  officer or a  controlling  person in connection  with the  securities
being  registered,  the Company  will,  unless in the opinion of its counsel the
matter  has  been  settled  by  controlling  precedent,  submit  to a  court  of
appropriate  jurisdiction  the question  whether such  indemnification  by it is
against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and will be governed by
the final adjudication of such issue.



     In accordance  with the  requirements  of the  Securities  Act of 1933, the
registrant certifies that it has reasonable grounds to believe that it meets all
of the  requirements  of filing on Form SB-2 and  authorized  this  Registration
Statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,  in the City of Denver,
State of Colorado, on March 23, 1999.

                                            PYR ENERGY CORPORATION

                                            By: /s/ D. Scott Singdahlsen
                                               D. Scott Singdahlsen,
                                               Chief Executive Officer

                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

     KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned officers and directors
of the  Registrant,  by  virtue  of  their  signatures  appearing  below to this
Registration  Statement,  hereby  constitute and appoint D. Scott Singdahlsen or
Andrew P. Calerich, and each or either of them, with full power of substitution,
as  attorneys-in-fact  in their  names,  place and stead to execute  any and all
amendments to this  Registration  Statement in the capacities set forth opposite
their name and hereby ratify all that said attorneys-in-fact and each of them or
his substitutes may do by virtue hereof.

     In accordance  with the  requirements  of the  Securities  Act of 1933, the
Registration Statement was signed by the following persons in the capacities and
on the dates indicated.

       Signatures                         Title                        Date
       ----------                         -----                        ----

/s/ D. Scott Singdahlsen     Chief Executive Officer; President   March 23, 1999
D. Scott Singdahlsen         and Chairman Of The Board

/s/ Keith F. Carney          Director                             March 23, 1999
Keith F. Carney

/s/ Robert B. Suydam         Director                             March 23, 1999
Robert B. Suydam

/s/ Andrew P. Calerich       Chief Financial Officer              March 23, 1999
- ----------------------       and Secretary  
Andrew P. Calerich



                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

     The  following  is a  complete  list  of  Exhibits  filed  as  part of this
Registration Statement, which Exhibits are incorporated herein.

Number    Description
- ------    -----------

3.1       Certificate  Of  Incorporation  filed with the  Delaware  Secretary Of
          State on March 27, 1996 (1)

3.2       Certificate Of Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation effective
          as of November 12, 1997 filed with the Delaware Secretary Of State (5)

3.3       Bylaws (1)

4.1       Specimen Common Stock Certificate (4)

5.1       Opinion of Patton Boggs LLP  concerning the legality of the securities
          being registered

10.1      Asset  Transfer,  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement dated April 16,
          1996 between the Registrant and Bexy Communications, Inc. (2)

10.2      Form of Purchase And Sale Agreement  dated as of July 31, 1997 between
          the Registrant and a member of PYR Energy, LLC(4)

10.3      Purchase And Sale Agreement effective as of August 6, 1997 between the
          Registrant and Buddy Young (4)

10.4      1997 Stock Option Plan (3)

10.5      Convertible Note Purchase Agreement dated October 26, 1998 between the
          Registrant and various investors (6)

23.1      Consent of Patton Boggs LLP (included in Opinion in Exhibit 5.1)

23.2      Consent of Wheeler Wasoff, P.C.

24.1      Power of Attorney (included in Part II of Registration Statement)

27.1      Financial Data Schedule (7)

- --------------------

(1)  Incorporated by reference from the Company's Registration Statement on Form
     10-SB filed with the Securities And Exchange Commission ("SEC") on June 18,
     1996, File No. 0-20879.

(2)  Incorporated   by  reference   from  the  Company's   Amendment  No.  1  to
     Registration  Statement  and Form 10-SB filed with the SEC on July 3, 1996,
     File No. 0-20879.

(3)  Incorporated  by  reference  from  the  Company's  Preliminary  Information
     Statement filed with the SEC on October 8, 1997.


(4)  Incorporated by reference from the Registrant's  Registration  Statement on
     Form SB-2 filed with the SEC on October 24, 1997, File No. 333-38665.

(5)  Incorporated by reference from the Registrant's  Form 10KSB/A1 for the year
     ended August 31, 1997.

(6)  Incorporated  by  reference  from  Exhibit 2 to the  Schedule  13D filed by
     Victory Oil Company and other filing parties on November 5, 1998.

(7)  Incorporated by reference from Exhibit 27.1 to the  Registrant's  Quarterly
     Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarter  ended  November  30, 1998 and Annual
     Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1997.
