This FIRST AMENDMENT TO INDUSTRIAL LEASE  ("Amendment"),  is
hereby made and entered into on and as of the third day of April,  1997,  by and
between G.F.  PROPERTIES,  INC., a California  corporation,  as  "Landlord"  and
SANDISK  CORPORATION,  a Delaware  corporation,  as "Tenant",  in respect of the
premises  commonly  known  and  referred  to as 140  Caspian  Court,  Sunnyvale,
California, (the "Premises")

                    WHEREAS,  by that certain  INDUSTRIAL LEASE,  dated March 1,
1996 (the "Lease"), Landlord leased the entirety of the Premises to Tenant, and

                    WHEREAS,  Tenant  has,  under  date of  December  30,  1996,
exercised the First Expansion  Option (as defined in Section 40(a) of the Lease)
with  respect to the  building  commonly  known and referred to as 111 West Java
Drive, Sunnyvale, California ("111 Java"), and

                    WHEREAS, Landlord has, with Tenant's approval,  executed and
delivered to the current  tenant of 111 Java an amendment to the existing  lease
between  Landlord and the current  tenant of 111 Java which  extends the term of
the existing lease on 111 Java until the earlier of December 31, 1998, or twelve
(12) months  following  the giving of notice of election to  terminate by either
Landlord  or the  existing  tenant of Ill Java to the other  party,  one copy of
which is attached hereto,  marked EXHIBIT A, and incorporated by this reference,

                    WHEREAS,  in  order to  accommodate  the  foregoing  without
extending the originally agreed upon term of Tenant's  existing lease,  Landlord
and Tenant are desirous of amending the INDUSTRIAL LEASE as set forth herein,

                    NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the above recitals and
for other fair and valuable consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which
is  hereby  acknowledged,  Landlord  and  Tenant  hereby  covenant  and agree as

1. Exercise of First Expansion  Option.  Landlord and Tenant hereby  acknowledge
and agree that,  by letter dated  December 30, 1996,  Tenant has  exercised  the
First Expansion Option.


2. Notice of Termination of Tenancy on 111 Java.

         (a) Landlord  agrees that,  promptly  upon its receipt from the current
tenant of 111 Java of any notice of  termination  of the tenancy of such tenant,
Landlord  shall  notify  Tenant of such  receipt and of the  consequent  date of
termination of the tenancy.

         (b) Landlord  agrees that,  promptly upon its receipt of written notice
from Tenant at any time prior to December 31,  1997,  that Tenant is desirous of
taking  occupancy  and  possession  of 111 Java twelve  (12) months  thereafter,
Landlord will  promptly  give the current  tenant of 111 Java twelve (12) months
written  notice of  Landlord's  election to  terminate  the lease on 111 Java in
accordance with the applicable  provisions of the lease between Landlord and the
current tenant of 111 Java.

3. Lease Terms - 111 Java.

         Within  thirty  (30) days of the  receipt  by  Landlord  of any  notice
described in either  Section 2(a) or Section  2(b) of this  Amendment,  Landlord
shall  prepare and Landlord  and Tenant shall  execute a lease on 111 Java ("111
Java Lease"),  on the terms and conditions set forth in this Lease,  as amended,
with the following exceptions:

         (a) The initial term of the 111 Java Lease shall commence promptly upon
the vacation of 111 Java by the current tenant of 111 Java.

         (b) The initial term of the 111 Java Lease shall  terminate on July 31,
2001,  unless earlier  terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the Lease.

         (c) The rent  payable  by  Tenant  under  the 111 Java  Lease  shall be
calculated  by applying the "Rent per RSF per month" which applies under Section
5 of the Lease to the then  current  period of the Term to the  rentable  square
feet of 111 Java as  determined  by Landlord  and  submitted  to Tenant upon the
vacation of 111 Java by the current tenant. The rent payable by Tenant under the
111 Java Lease shall be subject to the same increases,  during the same periods,
as apply to the calculation of Monthly Rent under Section 5 of this Lease.

         (d)  During  the  course of the  existing  lease on 111 Java,  Landlord
constructed  for the  benefit  of the  existing  tenant  of 111 Java  three  (3)
additions  to the  original  space within 111 Java.  The  additions  include one
subterranean  storage area which is located  directly  under 111 Java, one fully
enclosed  storage area which extends beyond the original  footprint of 111 Java,
and one  partially  enclosed  storage  area which  extends  beyond the  original
footprint of 111 Java.


                   (i) Landlord and Tenant agree that the  subterranean  storage
                   area under 111 Java and the partially  enclosed  storage area
                   which extends beyond the original footprint of 111 Java shall
                   each be  included  in the 111 Java  Premises,  but the square
                   footage of neither the  subterranean  storage  area under 111
                   Java nor the  partially  enclosed  storage area which extends
                   beyond the  original  footprint of 111 Java shall be included
                   in the  calculation  of  rent  under  Section  3(c)  of  this
                   Amendment or under Section 5 of the Lease.

                   (ii)  Landlord  and  Tenant  agree  that the  fully  enclosed
                   storage area which extends  beyond the original  footprint of
                   111 Java shall be included in the 111 Java Premises, it shall
                   be  identified  as  "Warehouse  Space",  and  the  rent  (and
                   increases  in rent under  Section 5 of the Lease)  payable by
                   Tenant for the square footage of the Warehouse Space shall be
                   calculated  at the rate of  one-half of the "Rent per RSF per
                   month" which applies under Section 5 of the Lease to the then
                   current period of the Term to the rentable square feet of 111

         (e)  Landlord  agrees  that  Tenant  shall be entitled to a rent credit
which shall be credited  against the rent due from Tenant to Landlord during the
first  months of the 111 Java Lease.  The rent  credit  shall be  calculated  by
multiplying  the number of full calendar  months during which the current tenant
of 111 Java remains in  possession  of 111 Java after  December 31, 1997, by the
sum of $5,283.60.  Tenant's entitlement to such rent credit shall continue,  but
shall not  increase,  during any period in which the current  tenant of 111 Java
continues its  occupancy and control of 111 Java past the  expiration or earlier
termination of its lease, provided,  however, that Tenant shall only be entitled
to such rent credit  during any such  holdover  period if and to the extent that
the current  tenant of 111 Java actually  pays its rent to Landlord  during such
holdover  period.  Any such rent  credit  which is for less than one full  month
shall be prorated based on the actual number of days of the month involved.

4.  Landlord  shall expend its best  efforts to cause the current  tenant of 111
Java to vacate 111 Java upon the expiration or earlier  termination of its lease
on 111 Java

5. As  required  by the Lease,  Landlord  shall,  prior to the  commencement  of
Tenant's  right to occupancy and  possession of 111 Java and at Landlord's  sole
cost and expense,  provide  Tenant with a current  update of the Phase I ESA, as
the Phase I ESA relates to 111 Java, which shall be the Entrance  Assessment for
111 Java.

6. This Amendment shall not become effective unless and until the current tenant
of ill Java  executes  and  delivers to  Landlord  one copy of EXRIBIT A to this
Amendment within thirty (30) days of the date hereof.


7. Capitalized terms which are used but not defined in this Amendment shall have
the meaning ascribed to them in the Lease.

8. As herein  amended,  the Lease is ratified  and  continues  in full force and

                    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have  executed  this FIRST
AMENDMENT TO INDUSTRIAL LEASE as of the date first above written.


By /s/ Stephen R. Barbieri
- ------------------------------
Stephen R. Barbieri, Secretary

a California corporation,


By /s/ Cindy Burgdorf
- ---------------------------------------
Cindy Burgdorf, Chief Financial Officer

a Delaware corporation,


                                    EXHIBIT A


                    This THIRD AMENDMENT TO COMMERCIAL  LEASE  ("Amendment")  is
hereby made and  entered  into on and as of the ___ day of March,  1997,  by and
between G. F. PROPERTIES,  INC., a California  corporation,  as "Landlord",  and
LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION, a Maryland corporation,  as "Tenant", in respect of
the premises  commonly known and referred to as 111 West Java Drive,  Sunnyvale,
California, (the "Premises").

                    WHEREAS,  by that certain  COMMERCIAL LEASE,  dated November
1986, Landlord leased the entirety of the Premises to Tenant for an initial term
of seven (7) years, and

                    WHEREAS,  by that  certain  FIRST  AMENDMENT  TO  COMMERCIAL
LEASE,  dated  November 30, 1993,  Landlord  and Tenant  amended the  COMMERCIAL
LEASE, and

                    WHEREAS,  by that certain  SECOND  AMENDMENT  TO  COMMERCIAL
LEASE, dated June 1, 1996, Landlord and Tenant amended the COMMERCIAL LEASE, and

                    WHEREAS,  Landlord and Tenant have agreed to extend the term
of the Lease, as amended, for a further term as outlined in this Amendment,

                    NOW,  THEREFORE,  Landlord  and Tenant  hereby  covenant and
agree as follows:

                    1.  Subsection (A) of Section 3 of the Lease,  as amended by
Section 1 of the FIRST  AMENDMENT TO COMMERCIAL  LEASE and as further amended by
Section 1 of the SECOND AMENDMENT TO COMMERCIAL LEASE, is hereby further amended
to read as follows:

                    "(A)  The  extended  term  of this  Lease  shall  expire  on
          December 31, 1998,  unless earlier  terminated in accordance  with the
          provisions  of this  Lease,  as  amended by this  THIRD  AMENDMENT  TO

                    2. The following is added to Section 3 of the Lease:

          '"Notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to the contrary,  either
          Landlord  or Tenant  shall  have the  right,  at any time  during  the
          remaining Term of this Lease,  to terminate this Lease upon giving the
          other party at least twelve (12)  month's  advance  written  notice of
          exercise of this right to terminate and,  twelve (12) months after the
          receipt of such notice by the  non-exercising  party, the term of this
          Lease shall  terminate,  provided,  however,  that neither party shall
          have the  right,  by giving  such  notice)  to extend the Term of this
          Lease beyond December31, 1998."

                    3)   The following is added to Section 4 of the Lease:

          "The Base  Monthly  Rent during that portion of the Term of this Lease
          which commences on January 1, 1998 shall be $62,900.00 per month."

                    4) The  provisions  of Section 4 of the SECOND  AMENDMENT TO
COMMERCIAL  LEASE  shall  continue  to apply  through  the term of the  Lease as

                    5) The  provisions  of  Section 7 of the  Lease  are  hereby
modified to substitute  "one hundred fifty percent  (150%)" for "one hundred ten
percent (110%)".

                    6) As herein amended, the Lease is ratified and continues in
full force and effect.

                    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have  executed  this THIRD
AMENDMENT TO COMMERCIAL LEASE as of the date first above written.

LANDLORD:                             TENANT:

a California corporation,             a Maryland corporation,

By /s/ Stephen R. Barbieri            By
- --------------------------            ---------------------------
Stephen R. Barbieri, Secretary        Name:
