
                      G. F. PROPERTIES, INC., as Landlord,


                         SANDISK CORPORATION, as Tenant

                        Regarding the Premises Located at

                                 111 JAVA DRIVE
                             MOFFETT INDUSTRIAL PARK
                              SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA

                                  June 10, 1998

                                INDUSTRIAL LEASE

                                Table of Contents

SECTION 1.       Lease of Premises                                             1
SECTION 2.       Term of Lease                                                 1
SECTION 3.       Intentionally Omitted                                         2
SECTION 4.       Possession                                                    2
SECTION 5.       Monthly Rent                                                  2
SECTION 6.       Use                                                           4
SECTION 7.       Utilities                                                     5
SECTION 8.       Taxes                                                         5
SECTION 9.       Intentionally Omitted                                         7
SECTION 10.      Repairs and Maintenance                                       7
SECTION 11.      Alterations                                                  10
SECTION 12.      Entry                                                        12
SECTION 13.      Surrender of Premises;  Holding Over                         12
SECTION 14.      Indemnity                                                    13
SECTION 15.      Insurance                                                    13
SECTION 16.      Trade Fixtures                                               15
SECTION 17.      Communications Cables                                        16
SECTION 18.      Signs                                                        17
SECTION 19.      Damage and Destruction                                       17
SECTION 20.      Condemnation                                                 18
SECTION 21.      Assignment and Subletting                                    19
SECTION 22.      Default                                                      22
SECTION 23.      Remedies                                                     23
SECTION 24.      Late Charge                                                  26
SECTION 25.      Default Interest                                             26
SECTION 26.      Waiver of Breach                                             27
SECTION 27.      Estoppel Certificates                                        27
SECTION 28.      Attorney Fees                                                27
SECTION 29.      Security Deposit                                             28
SECTION 30.      Authority                                                    28
SECTION 31.      Notices                                                      29
SECTION 32.      Heirs and Successors                                         29
SECTION 33.      Partial Invalidity                                           29
SECTION 34.      Entire Agreement                                             30
SECTION 35.      Time of Essence                                              30
SECTION 36.      Rent                                                         30
SECTION 37.      Amendments                                                   30
SECTION 38.      Subordination, Nondisturbance and Attornment                 30
SECTION 39.      Merger                                                       31


SECTION 40       Intentionally Omitted                                        31
SECTION 41       Options To Extend Term                                       31
SECTION 42.      Determination Of Monthly Rent for Second Option Term         32
SECTION 43.      Tenant Improvements                                          33
SECTION 44.      Right of First Offer                                         35
SECTION 45.      Hazardous Materials                                          35
SECTION 46.      Existing Rights                                              39
SECTION 47.      Publicity                                                    39
SECTION 48.      Easements                                                    39
SECTION 49.      Covenants and Conditions                                     39
SECTION 50.      Recording                                                    39
SECTION 51.      Transfer by Landlord                                         39
SECTION 52.      Security Measures                                            39
SECTION 53.      Parking                                                      40
SECTION 54.      Broker                                                       40
SECTION 55.      Offer                                                        40
SECTION 56.      Counterparts                                                 40
SECTION 57.      Governing Law                                                40

Exhibit A:       Legal Description
Exhibit B:       Work Letter



                                INDUSTRIAL LEASE

         THIS INDUSTRIAL  LEASE (this "Lease") is entered into on and as of June
10,  1998 by and  between  G. F.  PROPERTIES,  INC.,  a  California  corporation
("Landlord") and SANDISK CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ("Tenant").


         A. Landlord is the owner of that certain real property  located at, 111
Java  Drive,  Sunnyvale,  California,  94089,  in the County of Santa Clara (the
"Property")  comprising  a portion the Moffett  Industrial  Park.  Landlord  has
constructed  on a  portion  of the  Property  that  certain  building  and other
improvements  consisting  of  approximately  Fifty  Thousand,  Three Hundred and
Twenty  (50,320)  rentable  square feet (the  "Building") and one fully enclosed
storage  area  which  extends  beyond the  original  footprint  of the  Building
consisting  of   approximately   Eighteen   Hundred  (1,800)  square  feet  (the
"Warehouse").  For  purposes  of this  Lease,  the term  "Premises"  shall refer
collectively to the Property,  the Building and the Warehouse.  The Premises are
more  particularly  described  in  Exhibit A attached  hereto  and  incorporated

         B. In accordance with the election of Tenant, pursuant to the terms and
provisions of the First  Amendment to  Industrial  Lease dated April 3, 1997, by
and between  Landlord  and Tenant with  respect to the  Premises  located at 140
Caspian Court, Sunnyvale, California ("First Amendment"),  Landlord has given to
the existing  tenant of the Premises at 111 Java Drive the Notice of Termination
of Tenancy on 111 Java Drive provided for in Paragraph 2 of the First  Amendment
to  Industrial  Lease.  The Notice of  Termination  of Tenancy on 111 Java Drive
requires the existing tenant to surrender  possession of the Premises  effective
July 1, 1998.

         C.  Having  exercised  its  rights  under the First  Amendment,  Tenant
desires to lease the Premises  from  Landlord and Landlord  desires to lease the
Premises to Tenant on the terms and conditions contained in this Lease.

         NOW, THEREFORE,  for good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

SECTION 1.     Lease of the Premises.

         Landlord  leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord the Premises
on the terms and conditions contained in this Lease.


SECTION 2.     Term of Lease.

         The term of this Lease (the "Term")  shall  commence  promptly upon the
surrender of the Property and the Premises by the current tenant of the Premises
(the  "Commencement  Date"), and shall terminate on July 31, 2001, unless sooner
terminated  pursuant  to the  terms  of this  Lease  (the  "Termination  Date").
Landlord  shall  expend  its best  efforts  to cause the  current  tenant of the
Premises to vacate the Premises upon the  expiration or earlier  termination  of
its current  lease,  as amended,  provided,  however that if Landlord  shall not
succeed in causing the current  tenant of the Premises to vacate the Premises on
or before December 31, 1998, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease
by giving  Landlord  unequivocal  written notice of its election to so terminate
this Lease no sooner than December 31, 1998 and no later than January 8, 1999.

SECTION 3.     Intentionally Omitted

SECTION 4.     Possession.

         Except as  otherwise  provided in this Lease,  Tenant  agrees to accept
possession  of the  Premises on the  Commencement  Date in its  existing "as is"
condition,  including  but not  limited to all patent  and  latent  defects  and
subject to all  applicable  laws,  ordinances,  and  regulations  governing  and
regulating  the use of the  Premises,  and any recorded  covenants,  conditions,
restrictions,  easements,  licenses or right of ways.  Prior to the execution of
this Lease,  Landlord has provided Tenant with copies of any recorded covenants,
conditions,  restrictions,  easements,  licenses  or  right  of  ways.  Landlord
represents  and  warrants  that to the  best of  Landlord's  knowledge,  without
inquiry or investigation, no ground leases, covenants, conditions, restrictions,
easements,  licenses  or right of ways  burden  the  Premises  except  for those
provided to Tenant by Landlord prior to the execution of this Lease.

SECTION 5.     Monthly Rent.

         (a) Commencing on the Commencement  Date,  Tenant agrees to pay monthly
rent ("Monthly Rent") as follows:

         Months:           Monthly Rent:              Rent per RSF per month:
                                                      Building / Warehouse
7-1-98 to 1-31-99          41,488.20                  $.81 / $.405
2-1-99 to 7-31-99          43,537.00                  $.85 / $.425
8-1-99 to 7-31-01          46,098.00                  $.90 / $.45

         (b) The Monthly Rent shall be payable in advance on the first  calendar
day of each month at the following address: 999 Baker Way, Suite 200, San Mateo,
California,  94404 or at such other  address that Landlord may from time to time
designate by written notice to Tenant. In the event that the Termination Date is
a day other than the last day of


a calendar month,  then the Monthly Rent for the applicable  fractional month of
the Term shall be appropriately prorated.

         (c) Upon  execution of the Lease,  Tenant shall pay to Landlord the sum
of One Hundred  and  Twenty-Four  Thousand  Four  Hundred  Sixty Four and 60/100
(124,464.60) to be applied toward the first three payments of Monthly Rent.

         (d) In the event of a Chronic Delinquency (as hereinafter  defined), at
Landlord's  option,  Landlord  shall have the right,  in  addition  to all other
remedies  under this Lease and at law, to require  that  Monthly Rent be paid by
Tenant quarterly,  in advance.  This provision shall not limit in any way nor be
construed as a waiver of any rights and remedies of Landlord  provided herein or
by law in the event of delinquency.  "Chronic Delinquency" shall mean failure by
Tenant to pay Monthly Rent, or any other payments  required to be paid by Tenant
under  this  Lease,  when  due  in any  of  three  (3)  months  (consecutive  or
non-consecutive) during any twelve (12) month period.

         (e) The Monthly Rent is based upon the mutual  assumptions that (i) the
Building  (less the  subterranean  storage area)  contains  approximately  Fifty
Thousand Three Hundred Twenty  (50,320)  rentable square feet, and (ii) that the
Warehouse contains  approximately One Thousand Eight Hundred (1,800) square feet
("Landlord's  Measurement").  While the Premises  includes both the subterranean
storage space and the partially  enclosed  storage area which extends beyond the
footprint of the  Building,  and while no rent shall be charged to or payable by
Tenant  for  either  of such  spaces  under  this  Lease,  all  other  terms and
provisions  of this Lease shall apply to both of such spaces.  Tenant shall have
the right to cause the  measurement of the Premises in accordance  with Building
Owners and Managers Association standards ANSI Z65.1-1980 (the "BOMA Standards")
and if such  measurement  results in a  determination  that the actual  rentable
square footage of the Premises varies from  Landlord's  Measurement by more than
two percent (2%),  Tenant may submit to Landlord  Tenant's  measurements  of the
Premises  within thirty (30) days after the  Commencement  Date. If Landlord and
Tenant fail to agree on the rentable  square footage of the Premises  within ten
(10) business days after  delivery of Tenant's  measurements  of the Premises to
Landlord,  Landlord  and Tenant  shall  resolve  the dispute by  submitting  the
dispute to an architect reasonably  acceptable to both parties who is . familiar
with the BOMA  Standards  (the  "Architect").  The  Architect  shall  review the
measurements of Tenant and Landlord and if necessary re-measure the Premises and
shall submit its determination of the rentable square footage of the Premises to
Landlord and Tenant within ten (10) business days after the dispute is submitted
to the Architect.  In the event that the Architect  determines that the rentable
square  footage  deviates from  Landlord's  Measurement by more than two percent
(2%),  the  Monthly  Rent  schedule  contained  in Section  5(a) above  shall be
modified  to  reflect  the  correct  rentable  square  footage  of the  Premises
multiplied by the rent per square foot shown in the schedule.  Such modification
shall be  effective  as of the  Commencement  Date and shall be  evidenced by an
amendment to this Lease to be executed by the parties.


          (f) Tenant  shall be entitled to a rent credit which shall be credited
against the rent due from Tenant to Landlord during the first months of the term
of this Lease.  The rent credit shall be calculated by multiplying the number of
full calendar months during which the current tenant of the Premises  remains in
possession  of the Premises  after  December 31, 1997,  by the sum of $5,283.60,
provided,  however,  that Tenant shall only be entitled to such rent credit, and
such rent credit  shall only be credited by Landlord to Tenant,  during any such
holdover  period  if,  when and to the  extent  that the  current  tenant of the
Premises pays its rent, including any holdover rent, for the applicable holdover
periods to Landlord.  Any such rent credit which is for less than one full month
shall be prorated based on the actual number of days of the month involved.

SECTION 6.     Use.

(a) Tenant will occupy and use the  Premises  for  general  office,  electronics
manufacturing, warehousing, and shipping connected therewith and for any related
lawful use.  Tenant  agrees not to use the  Premises for any immoral or unlawful
purpose. Landlord agrees that, subject to Section 18 and to the prior reasonable
review and approval by Landlord and compliance with all applicable  governmental
requirements,  including but not limited to the American with  Disabilities Act,
and any signing criteria in any covenants, conditions, and restrictions recorded
prior to the date of this Lease,  Tenant may erect and  maintain on the Premises
and the building and improvements any signs advertising  Tenant's  business,  as
Tenant may desire.

         (b)  Tenant  shall not  commit  any acts on the  Premises,  nor use the
Premises in any manner that will cause the cancellation of any fire,  liability,
or other insurance  policy insuring or hereinafter  insuring the Premises or the
improvements  on the Premises.  Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expense,
comply with all requirements of Landlord's insurance carriers that are necessary
for  the  continued  maintenance  at  reasonable  rates  of fire  and  liability
insurance policies on the Premises and the improvements on the Premises.

         (c) Tenant shall not commit or allow any waste or any public or private
nuisance in, on or under the Premises.

         (d) Except as  otherwise  provided  in  Sections  10, 19 and 43 hereof,
Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost,  promptly  comply with all laws,  statutes,
ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, recorded covenants and restrictions, and
requirements of all municipal,  state,  and federal  authorities now or later in
force,  including,  but not limited to, all  provisions  of the  Americans  with
Disabilities  Act (the "ADA"),  all seismic  retrofitting  and other  earthquake
protection measures being required by any governmental entity with regard to the
Premises,  any  requirements  of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations,
the requirements of any board of fire  underwriters or other similar body now or
in the future constituted,  and the direction or occupancy certificate issued by
public officers (collectively the "Legal Requirements"),  insofar as they relate
to the condition,  occupancy and use of the Premises,  the  construction  of the
Tenant Improvements (as hereinafter  defined) and the construction of any future
Alterations (as hereinafter defined),


including  but not  limited to the  correction  or  remediation  of a  violation
arising out of or in connection with the construction of Tenant  Improvements or
other  Alterations  done by or on behalf of Tenant or which violation arises out
of or  results  from the  actions  of  Tenant  or any of  Tenant's  contractors,
employees, licensees, invitees or agents. The judgment of any court of competent
jurisdiction  or the  admission  of Tenant in any action or  proceeding  against
Tenant that Tenant has violated any Legal Requirement in the condition,  use, or
occupancy of the Premises,  will be conclusive of that fact as between  Landlord
and Tenant.

SECTION 7.     Utilities.

         From  and  after  the  Commencement  Date,  Tenant  shall  pay,  before
delinquency,  all charges or assessments for telephone, water, sewer, gas, heat,
electricity,   garbage  disposal,  trash  disposal,  fire  sprinkler  and  alarm
monitoring and any and all other  utilities or maintenance  charges and services
of any  kind  that may be used on or in  connection  with  the  Premises.  If an
interruption  or  cessation of utilities  results from the gross  negligence  or
willful  misconduct of Landlord,  its employees,  agents, or contractors and the
Premises  are not  reasonably  usable  by Tenant  for the  conduct  of  Tenant's
business as a result  thereof,  Monthly  Rent not  actually  incurred up to that
point by Tenant shall be abated for the period which commences five (5) business
days after the date Tenant gives to Landlord written notice of such interruption
until such  utilities  are  restored.  Except  the  abatement  of Monthly  Rent,
Landlord  shall  not be  liable  to Tenant  for any  damages  occasioned  by any
interruption   or  cessation  of   utilities,   including  but  not  limited  to
consequential, speculative or anticipatory damages.

SECTION 8.     Taxes.

         (a) Within ten (10)  business  days  after  receipt of an invoice  from
Landlord,  Tenant shall, as additional rent,  reimburse  Landlord for all taxes,
permit,  inspection,  and license  fees,  and other  public  charges of whatever
nature  (other than  penalties and interest for the late payment of taxes except
to the extent that such penalties and interest  arise in connection  with a good
faith protest of such taxes by Landlord) that are assessed  against the Premises
or arise because of the occupancy, use, or possession of the Premises (including
but not limited to taxes on, or which shall be measured  by, any rents or rental
income,  taxes on personal property,  whether of Landlord or Tenant and taxes or
increases in taxes which result from reassessment of the Premises due to changes
in ownership  thereof during the Term or which result from the  reassessment  of
the Premises due to the improvement thereof) (collectively "Real Estate Taxes"),
subsequent to the  Commencement  Date, and all  installments of assessments that
are due or become  due from and after the  Commencement  Date and on or prior to
the  expiration  or  sooner  termination  of  this  Lease.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  "Real  Estate  Taxes"  shall not  include  and  Tenant  shall not be
responsible for any taxes in the nature of estate,  inheritance,  transfer, gift
or franchise  taxes of Landlord or the federal or state income taxes  imposed on
Landlord's  income  from all  sources or net income  taxes  imposed on  Landlord
unless such


net  income  taxes  are in  substitution  or in  lieu of real  estate  taxes  or
assessments against the Premises.

         (b) Tenant  shall pay directly to the public  authorities  charged with
the  collection  on or before the last day on which  payment may be made without
penalty or interest,  as additional  rent, all taxes,  permit,  inspection,  and
license  fees,  and other  public  charges of whatever  nature that are assessed
against Tenant's personal property, subsequent to the Commencement Date, and all
installments  of  assessments  that are due or  become  due from and  after  the
Commencement  Date and on or prior to the  expiration or sooner  termination  of
this Lease.

         (c) All Real Estate  Taxes  levied on the  Premises for the tax year in
which the  Commencement  Date  falls  shall be  appropriately  prorated  between
Landlord and Tenant, so that Tenant's share will reflect the portion of that tax
year after the Commencement  Date. Taxes levied on the Premises for the tax year
in which  the  Termination  Date  occurs  shall be  similarly  prorated  between
Landlord and Tenant to reflect the period of Tenant's possession of the Premises
during that tax year.  Real Estate  Taxes  reimbursable  from Tenant in any year
shall include only installments of taxes and assessments which would have become
due during such year if Landlord  had elected to pay such taxes and  assessments
in the maximum number of installments thereof.

         (d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section,
Tenant shall have the right to contest or appeal the validity or the legality of
any tax (including penalties and interest), assessment, tax lien, forfeiture, or
other  imposition or charge  against the Premises or any part of the Premises or
any  improvements  (each a "Tax" and  collectively  "Taxes"),  so long as Tenant
diligently  and in good  faith  pursues  such  contest  or appeal  to  fruition;
provided however, that notwithstanding  Tenant's desire to contest or appeal the
validity or the legality of any Tax,  Landlord  shall have the right in its sole
discretion  to pay such Tax and Tenant  shall,  as a condition  precedent to its
right to contest or appeal the  imposition  of any Tax,  reimburse  Landlord for
such Tax in accordance  with Section 8(a).  Any  proceedings  for  contesting or
appealing the validity, legality, or amount of any tax, assessment,  imposition,
or charge,  or to recover  any tax,  assessment,  imposition,  or charge paid by
Tenant,  may be  brought  by  Tenant in the name of  Landlord  or in the name of
Tenant, or both, as Tenant deems advisable.  Landlord agrees that Landlord will,
upon the reasonable  request of Tenant,  execute or join in the execution of any
instrument or document necessary in connection with any proceeding.  However, if
any  proceedings are brought by Tenant,  Tenant agrees to indemnify,  defend and
hold Landlord  harmless for all  reasonable  loss,  cost, or expense that may be
imposed on Landlord in  connection  with the  proceeding.  In any event,  Tenant
shall  notify  Landlord  in advance of any tax contest  proceedings  that Tenant
intends  to  initiate,  and  shall  then  inform  Landlord  of  all  significant
developments  in  the  proceedings  as  they  may  occur.  Upon  the  successful
conclusion of any such contest or appeal, Landlord agrees to, at Landlord's sole
discretion,  either (i) pay over to Tenant such  amounts as shall be returned to
Landlord in connection with such appeal or contest or (ii) apply such amounts as
shall be returned to


Landlord in  connection  with such appeal or contest to amounts  then owing from
Tenant to Landlord under this Lease.

         (e) If  Tenant  has not paid  any tax,  assessment,  or  public  charge
required by this Lease to be paid by Tenant before its delinquency, or if a tax,
assessment, or public charge is contested by Tenant and that tax, assessment, or
public  charge  has  not  been  paid  within  thirty  (30)  days  after  a final
determination  of the validity,  legality,  or amount of the tax,  assessment or
public  charge,  then  Landlord  may,  but shall  not be  required  to,  pay and
discharge the tax, assessment, or public charge. If a tax, assessment, or public
charge,  including penalties and interest,  are paid by Landlord,  the amount of
that  payment  shall be due and  payable  to  Landlord  by Tenant  with the next
succeeding  rental  installment,  and shall bear  interest  at the lesser of ten
percent  (10%) per annum or the highest rate allowed by law from the date of the
payment by Landlord until repayment by Tenant.

         (f) If any assessments for local  improvements  become a lien after the
Commencement  Date,  Tenant shall pay only the  installments  of the assessments
that become due and payable during the Term. On the request of Tenant,  Landlord
agrees to cooperate or join with Tenant in any application that may be necessary
to permit the payment of the assessments in installments.

SECTION 9.     Intentionally Omitted

SECTION 10.     Repairs and Maintenance.

         (a) Except as  otherwise  provided  in  Sections  10, 19 and 43 hereof,
Tenant  shall,  at  Tenant's  sole  expense,  keep  and  maintain  the  Premises
(including  without   limitation,   interior  walls,  roof  membrane,   heating,
ventilation and air conditioning systems, operating systems, sidewalks,  parking
lots, interior and exterior glass, fire sprinklers,  alarms and landscaping that
are part of or adjoin the  Premises) in a clean and good  condition  and repair,
including without limitation  replacements as needed thereof,  and to deliver to
Landlord physical possession of the Premises at the termination of this Lease or
any sooner expiration thereof, in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and
tear excepted. All repairs and replacements required of Tenant shall be promptly
made  with new  materials  of like kind and  quality.  If the work  affects  the
structural  elements  of the  Premises or if the  estimated  cost of any item of
repair or replacement is in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00),  Tenant
shall first obtain  Landlord's  written  approval of the scope of the work,  the
plans  for the work,  the  materials  to be used,  and the  contractor  hired to
perform the work.  In the event that any singular  repair of the roof  membrane,
the HVAC system,  the parking lot, the fire sprinklers or the building operating
systems  of  a  capital  nature  costs  in  excess  of  Fifty  Thousand  dollars
($50,000.00)  (each a "Singular  Capital  Expenditure") or in the event that the
aggregate cost of replacing HVAC units  installed in the Premises  exceeds Fifty
Thousand dollars  ($50,000.00) during the Term (each replacement a "HVAC Capital
Expenditure"),  Tenant  shall have the right to cause  Landlord  to pay for such
Singular  Capital   Expenditure  or  the  excess  over  Fifty  Thousand  Dollars
($50,000.00) of the HVAC Capital Expenditures ("Excess HVAC Capital


Expenditure"), provided that Landlord shall amortize the amount paid by Landlord
over the useful life of such Singular  Capital  Expenditure  or such Excess HVAC
Capital Expenditure, as the case may be, and Tenant shall pay as additional rent
to  Landlord  on or  before  the  first day of the  calendar  month  immediately
following the payment of such Singular  Capital  Expenditure or such Excess HVAC
Capital  Expenditure  by Landlord,  as the case may be, and on each  anniversary
thereof  during the Term,  an amount  equal to the annual  amortization  of such
Singular Capital Expenditure and/or such Excess HVAC Capital Expenditure, as the
case may be.

         (b) Tenant shall maintain continuously throughout the term of the Lease
a service  contract for the maintenance of all heating,  air  conditioning,  and
ventilation  equipment  with  a  licensed  repair  and  maintenance   contractor
reasonably  approved by  Landlord;  the  contract  should  provide for  periodic
inspections  and servicing of the heating,  air  conditioning,  and  ventilation
equipment at least once every ninety (90) days during the term of the Lease (the
"HVAC Contract").

         (c) Tenant shall maintain continuously throughout the term of the Lease
a service  contract for the monitoring of fire  sprinklers and alarms located on
or about the Premises with a licensed service, which contract shall, inter alia,
provide  for the  periodic  testing  and if  necessary  replacement  of the fire
sprinklers  and  alarms  located  on or about the  Premises  (the  "Life  Safety

         (d)  Within  ten (10),  days of the  Commencement  date,  Tenant  shall
provide copies of the HVAC Contract and the Life Safety Contract to Landlord.

         (e) If at any time during the Term,  including  renewals or  extensions
thereof, Tenant fails to maintain the Premises, make any repairs or replacements
as  required  by this  Section or maintain  service  contracts  required by this
Section,  Landlord  shall have the right to, but shall not be required to, enter
the Premises and perform the  maintenance or make the repairs or replacements or
enter  into  appropriate  service  contracts,  as the case  may be,  all for the
account of Tenant and any sums  expended by Landlord in so doing,  together with
interest  at the  lesser of ten  percent  (10%) per  annum or the  highest  rate
allowed by law, shall be deemed  additional  rent and shall be  immediately  due
from Tenant on demand of Landlord.

         (f) Tenant waives the provisions of Civil Code 1941 and 1942 and
any  other law that  would  require  Landlord  to  maintain  the  Premises  in a
tenantable  condition or would provide Tenant with the right to make repairs and
deduct the cost of those repairs from the rent.

         (g) Landlord agrees that after the Substantial Completion of the Tenant
Improvements,  it shall, at its sole expense,  maintain,  repair and comply with
all Legal Requirements regarding the building foundation, the exterior walls and
the roof  structure of the  Premises,  including any latent  defects  discovered
therein; provided however that Landlord shall not be responsible for any repairs
to or maintenance to the building


foundation,  exterior  walls or roof  structure  caused by or resulting from the
actions of Tenant or any of Tenant's contractors, employees, licensees, invitees
or agents other than ordinary and customary wear and tear. Tenant agrees that it
shall be responsible for and shall promptly repair or replace, as necessary, any
part or portion of the  building  foundation,  the  exterior  walls and the roof
structure of the Premises;  which repair or maintenance arises out of or results
from the actions of Tenant or any of Tenant's contractors, employees, licensees,
invitees or agents.  In  addition,  Landlord  agrees that after the  Substantial
Completion of the Tenant  Improvements,  it shall be  responsible  for and shall
promptly repair or replace,  as necessary,  any part or portion of the Premises,
which  repair or  maintenance  arises  out of or  results  from the  actions  of
Landlord or any of Landlord's  contractors,  employees,  licensees,  invitees or
agents (other than Tenant).

         (h) In the event of an emergency  (being defined as an imminent  threat
of  personal  injury to  Tenant's  employees  or  material  damage  to  Tenant's
equipment  or other  property at the  Premises),  Tenant shall have the right to
make such temporary,  emergency  repairs to the roof  structure,  foundation and
exterior  walls of the Premises as may be  reasonably  necessary to prevent such
personal  injury or  material  damage to the  equipment  or  property  of Tenant
situated in the Premises,  provided Tenant has no reasonable alternative and has
either (i) notified  Landlord's  representative  of such  emergency by telephone
(with subsequent  written notice as soon as practicable) and Landlord has failed
to  initiate  emergency  repairs  within a  reasonable  period of time under the
circumstances,  but in no event  longer than  forty-eight  (48) hours after such
telephonic  notification,  or (ii) Tenant has  attempted in good faith to notify
Landlord's  representative  of such  emergency  by  telephone  (with  subsequent
written notice as soon as practicable) and has been unsuccessful in its attempts
to  contact  such  representative  for  a  time  period  commensurate  with  the
circumstances, but in no event more than forty-eight (48) hours after attempting
to contact Landlord. Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for the reasonable,  out-of
pocket costs actually incurred by Tenant in making such emergency repairs to the
roof structure,  foundation or exterior walls, as applicable, within thirty (30)
days after submission by Tenant to Landlord of any invoice therefor, accompanied
by reasonable supporting documentation for the costs so incurred.

         (i)  Landlord  shall keep and maintain the exterior of the Premises and
all  grounds  and  landscaping  in  good  condition,  and  repair  (collectively
"Exterior  Maintenance").  Within  twenty (20) business days after receipt of an
invoice from Landlord,  Tenant shall, as additional rent, reimburse Landlord for
all costs reasonably incurred by Landlord in such Exterior  Maintenance.  Tenant
shall  have the  right to cause  Landlord  to  obtain  no more  than  three  (3)
competitive  bids  for  the  Exterior  Maintenance  from  reputable  independent
contractors. In the event that Tenant causes Landlord to obtain such competitive
bids, Tenant's liability shall be limited to the lesser of the median bid or the
actual cost to Landlord of the Exterior Maintenance.


SECTION 11.     Alterations.

         (a)  Tenant  shall not make or allow  any  alterations,  additions,  or
improvements  to  the  Premises  or any  part  of  the  Premises  (collectively,
"Alterations"),   without   Landlord's   prior  consent,   which  shall  not  be
unreasonably withheld. Consent, however, may be conditioned upon the receipt by,
and  approval  of,  Landlord  of a set  of  plans  and  specifications  for  the
alterations  no later than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled  construction
of the  Alterations  together  with such  additional  information  regarding the
proposed  Alterations  as Landlord  may  reasonably  request  (collectively  the
"Alteration Support"). Landlord agrees to approve or disapprove of such proposed
Alterations  within ten (10) business days  following the receipt the Alteration
Support.  The  installation  of  furnishings,   fixtures,   equipment,  interior
partitions,  non-load bearing walls or decorative  improvements  (other than the
recarpeting  of the  Premises,  which  shall be deemed an  Alteration  for which
Landlord's  consent  must be  obtained),  none of which shall  affect  operating
systems or the  structure of the Premises,  and the  repainting of the Premises,
shall not constitute  "Alterations."  Except as otherwise provided in Section 16
hereof,  all  Alterations and any  furnishings,  fixtures,  equipment,  interior
partitions,  non-load bearing walls or decorative  improvements remaining on the
Premises  after the  termination  or  earlier  expiration  of this  Lease  shall
immediately  become  Landlord's  property  and,  at the  termination  or earlier
expiration of this Lease,  shall remain on the Premises without  compensation to
Tenant,  unless Landlord elects by notice to Tenant to have.  Tenant remove same
and restore the  Premises  to the  condition  of as of the date of this Lease in
which event  Tenant shall cause such removal  and/or  restoration  to be done at
Tenant's sole cost and expense.  Landlord agrees that  contemporaneous  with its
consent to the making of any Alterations and subject to Tenant's express written
request therefore it shall notify Tenant as to which of the Alterations Landlord
may require to be removed prior to the termination or earlier expiration of this
Lease.  If Landlord  fails to notify  Tenant in writing  that it may require the
removal of Alterations as to which Tenant has requested such notification,  then
Landlord shall not be permitted to require the removal of such  Alterations upon
the expiration or earlier  termination of this Lease. In the event that Landlord
requires  Tenant  to  remove  any  Alterations  and any  furnishings,  fixtures,
equipment,   interior   partitions,   non-load   bearing   walls  or  decorative
improvements  and Tenant fails to cause such removal  and/or  restoration  on or
prior to the termination or other earlier expiration of this Lease, such failure
shall be deemed a holdover  under Section 1 3(b) of this Lease,  and in addition
to any other  damages  owing  Landlord  under  this  Section,  Tenant  shall owe
Holdover Rent (as hereinafter defined) for each month or portion thereof of such
failure. All improvements,  additions,  alterations, and repairs and the removal
and  restoration  thereof,  if required under this Lease,  shall be performed in
accordance  with all applicable  laws and at Tenant's sole expense.  Tenant will
indemnify  and defend  Landlord  for all  liens,  claims,  or damages  caused by
remodeling,  improvements,  additions,  alterations, and repairs and the removal
and restoration  thereof,  if required under this Lease.  Landlord agrees,  when
requested by Tenant, to execute and deliver any applications, consents, or other
instruments  reasonably  required to permit  Tenant to do this work or to obtain
permits for the work.


         (b)  Before  any  contract  or  subcontract  is let or other  agreement
executed for the performance of any service, or the furnishing of any materials,
and before any work of any kind or nature is commenced upon the  construction of
Alterations, Tenant will procure and deliver to Landlord a completion bond and a
payment bond,  both in form and  substance  satisfactory  to Landlord  issued by
reputable surety corporations or bonding  corporations  qualified to do business
in California, guaranteeing or otherwise assuring Landlord that the construction
of the  Alterations  will proceed to  completion  with due  diligence,  that the
reconstruction,  when  completed,  will be fully paid for, and that the Premises
will remain free of all mechanics',  laborers' or materialmen's liens or claimed
liens  on  account  of any  services  or  materials  furnished  or labor or work
performed in connection with the construction of the Alterations.

         (c) At  least  ten (10)  days  before  any  construction  commences  or
materials  are  delivered  for any  alterations  that  Tenant  is  making to the
Premises,  whether or not  Landlord's  consent is  required,  Tenant  shall give
written  notice to  Landlord as to when the  construction  is to commence or the
materials  are to be delivered.  Landlord  shall then have the right to post and
maintain on the Premises  any notices that are required to protect  Landlord and
Landlord's  interest in the Premises from any liens for work and labor performed
or materials  furnished in making the alterations;  provided,  however,  that it
shall be Tenant's duty to keep the Premises free and clear of all liens, claims,
and demands for work performed,  materials furnished, or operations conducted on
the  Premises  by or on behalf of  Tenant.  In the event  that  Tenant  fails to
provide Landlord with the notice required by this Section 11 (b), Landlord shall
have the right to cause the  cessation of such  construction  and shall have the
further right to file notices of cessation and/or completion, so as to allow the
Premises to be  protected  from  mechanic's  liens.  Tenant  hereby  irrevocably
appoints  Landlord its  attorney-in-fact  which  appointment  is coupled with an
interest to cause such cessation and to file such notices.

         (d) Tenant will not at any time permit any  mechanics',  laborers',  or
materialmen's  liens to stand  against  the  Premises  for any labor or material
furnished  to Tenant or claimed  to have been  furnished  to Tenant or  Tenant's
agents,  contractors,  or subtenants,  in connection  with work of any character
performed  or  claimed  to have  been  performed  on the  Premises  by or at the
direction or sufferance of Tenant; provided, however, that Tenant shall have the
right to contest the validity or amount of any lien or claimed lien, upon giving
to Landlord a bond  assuring that the lien or claimed lien will be paid when and
to the extent  that the lien is  finally  determined  to be valid and owing.  On
final  determination  of the lien or claim of lien,  Tenant will immediately pay
any final judgment rendered, with all property costs and charges, and shall have
the lien  released or judgment  satisfied at Tenant's  sole  expense.  If Tenant
fails to pay the  judgment  promptly  or  otherwise  fails to prevent  any sale,
foreclosure,  or forfeiture of the Premises  because of a lien,  Landlord  shall
have the right,  upon five (5) days' written notice to Tenant, to pay or prevent
this  action,  and the amount  paid by  Landlord  shall be  immediately  due and
payable to Landlord, and shall bear interest at the lesser of ten percent ( 10%)
per  annum or the  highest  rate  allowed  by law from  the date of  payment  by
Landlord until repayment by Tenant.


SECTION 12.     Entry.

         (a) Landlord  and its agents may enter the  Premises at any  reasonable
time upon  reasonable  notice to  Tenant,  it being  agreed  that  notice  given
twenty-four  (24)  hours or more in  advance  shall be deemed  to be  reasonable
notice,  or  immediately  in the case of an  emergency,  for the  purpose of (i)
inspecting  the  Premises;  (ii) posting  notices of  non-responsibility;  (iii)
supplying  any service to be provided  by Landlord to Tenant;  (iv)  showing the
Leased Premises to prospective  purchasers,  mortgagees,  or tenants; (v) making
necessary  alterations,  additions,  or repairs as  required by this Lease or to
otherwise perform  Landlord's duties under this Lease; (vi) to determine whether
Tenant is  complying  with the terms of this Lease;  (vii)  performing  Tenant's
obligations  when Tenant has failed to do so after written notice from Landlord,
if  required by the terms of this Lease;  (vii)  placing on the Leased  Premises
ordinary  for lease  signs or for sale  signs  during the last year of the Term;
(viii) to do other  lawful  acts that may be  necessary  to  protect  Landlord's
interest in the Premises under this Lease and (ix) responding to an emergency.

         (b)  Landlord  shall  have the  right to use any means  Landlord  deems
necessary and proper to enter the Premises in an  emergency.  Any entry into the
Premises  obtained by Landlord in  accordance  with this Section  shall not be a
forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of, the Premises, or an eviction,
actual or constructive,  of Tenant from the Premises,  nor shall such entry give
rise to a claim for rent abatement.

SECTION 13.     Surrender of Premises: Holding Over.

         (a) At the termination of this Lease or any sooner expiration  thereof,
Tenant shall promptly surrender and deliver the Premises to Landlord in good and
tenantable  condition,  casualty,  condemnation  and  reasonable  wear  and tear

         (b) At the end of the Term, or any  extension,  should Tenant hold over
for any reason,  it is agreed that in the absence of a written  agreement to the
contrary,  that tenancy shall be from  month-to-month  only and not a renewal of
this Lease, nor an extension for any further term. Tenant shall pay Monthly Rent
in an amount  (the  "Holdover  Rent")  equal to (i) one  hundred and twenty five
percent  (125%) of the Monthly Rent payable for the month  immediately  prior to
the end of the Term or any extension  thereof for the first month or any portion
thereof  after the end of the Term for which  Tenant  holds  over,  and (ii) one
hundred  and fifty  percent  (150%) of the  Monthly  Rent  payable for the month
immediately prior to the end of the Term or any extension thereof for any period
after the first month after the end of the Term for which Tenant holds over, and
the month-to-month  tenancy shall be subject to every other term, covenant,  and
condition  in  this  Lease  that  is  consistent  with  and  not  contrary  to a
month-to-month tenancy.


SECTION 14.     Indemnity.

         (a)  Tenant  agrees  to  indemnify,  defend,  and  hold  Landlord,  and
Landlord's  employees,  agents  and  contractors  harmless  from all  liability,
penalties,  losses,  damages,  costs,  expenses,  causes of action,  claims,  or
judgments,  including but not limited to attorneys'  fees and costs,  arising by
reason  of any  death,  bodily  injury,  personal  injury,  or  property  damage
resulting  from:  (i) any  cause  occurring  in or  about or  resulting  from an
occurrence  in or about the Premises  during the Term,  (ii) act, work or things
done or permitted to be done or otherwise  suffered,  or any omission to act, in
or  about  the  Premises  by  Tenant  or by any of  Tenant's  agents,  officers,
directors, employees,  contractors,  licensees or invitees, (iii) the negligence
or  willful  misconduct  of  Tenant or  Tenant's  agents,  employees,  invitees,
licensees,  contractors  and  subcontractors,  or (iii) an Event of  Default  by
Tenant.  The  provisions of this Section  14(a) shall survive the  expiration or
sooner termination of this Lease.

         (b) Except as otherwise  provided in this Lease,  Landlord shall not be
liable to Tenant,  nor shall Tenant be entitled to any abatement of rent for any
damage  to  Tenant's  property  or any  injury  to  Tenant  or  any of  Tenant's
employees,  agents, or invitees, or loss to Tenant's business arising out of any
cause,  including  but  not  limited  to  (i)  the  failure,   interruption,  or
installation of any heating, air conditioning,  or ventilation  equipment;  (ii)
the failure,  interruption,  or  installation  of any fire sprinklers or alarms;
(iii) the loss or  interruption  of any  utility  service;  (iv) the  failure to
furnish or delay in fumishing  any  utilities or services;  (v) the  limitation,
curtailment,  rationing, or restriction on the use of water or electricity,  gas
or any other form of utility;  (vi) vandalism,  malicious mischief,  or forcible
entry by  unauthorized  persons  or the  criminal  act of any  person;  or (vii)
seepage,  flooding,  or other  penetration  of water  into  any  portion  of the

SECTION 15.     Insurance.

         (a)  Landlord  agrees  at all  times  during  the Term and  during  any
extension,  to maintain in force, an "all risk" policy of insurance covering the
building  and all  improvements  that may be built or  placed  on the  Premises,
including  extended coverage,  including fire sprinkler  leakage,  vandalism and
malicious  mischief,  in an amount equal to their full insurable  value,  with a
replacement cost endorsement.  Tenant agrees to immediately  reimburse  Landlord
for the  cost of such  insurance  from  time-to-time  as and  when  invoiced  by
Landlord. Furthermore, Tenant shall contribute directly or reimburse Landlord as
the case may be for any deductible  incurred by Landlord in connection  with any
casualty up to but not exceed Fifty Thousand  Dollars  ($50,000.00).  Landlord's
all-risk property insurance shall include a waiver by the insurer of subrogation
and all rights based upon an assignment  from its insured  against  Tenant,  its
officers,  directors employees,  agents, invitees,  licensees and contractors in
connection with any loss or damage thereby insured against. Tenant's obligations
under this Section 15(a) shall not extend to any earthquake  insurance  Landlord
may choose to carry on the Premises.


         (b)  Tenant  agrees  to  procure  and  maintain  commercial   liability
insurance,  including  products  and  completed  operations  insurance,  from  a
responsible  insurance company  authorized to do business in California,  with a
combined  single  limit of not less than One Million  Dollars  ($1,000,000)  for
injury or death to any person or damage to  property  and Five  Million  Dollars
($5,000,000)  excess umbrella  coverage for injury or death or property  damage,
for any  claims,  demands,  or causes of action  of any  person  arising  out of
accidents  occurring on the Premises  during the Term or arising out of Tenant's
use of the Premises.

         (c) Each policy of  insurance  obtained by Tenant  shall be issued by a
responsible  insurance  company  authorized to do business in California with an
A.M.  Best rating of at least A-, and shall be issued in the names of  Landlord,
Tenant,  Ground Lessor and any beneficiary  under any deed of trust covering the
Premises,  if required by the deed of trust, as their  respective  interests may
appear.  Tenant shall deliver a certificate  for each such  insurance  policy to
Landlord with all relevant endorsements.  Each such policy of insurance shall be
primary and noncontributory with any policies carried by Landlord, to the extent
obtainable,  any loss shall be payable  notwithstanding any act or negligence of
Landlord that might otherwise result in forfeiture of insurance, shall contain a
cross-liability  endorsement;  and shall  contain a  severability  clause.  Each
insurance policy shall provide that a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation and
of any material  modification  of coverage shall be given to all named insureds.
The  insurance  coverage  required  under this  Section may be carried by Tenant
under a blanket policy insuring other locations of Tenant's  business,  provided
that the Premises covered by this Lease are specifically  identified as included
under that policy.  Tenant agrees that upon the failure to insure as provided in
this Lease,  or to pay the premiums in the insurance,  Landlord may contract for
the insurance  and pay the  premiums,  and all sums expended by Landlord for the
insurance  shall be  considered  additional  rent  under this Lease and shall be
immediately  repayable by Tenant.  Each policy of  insurance  obtained by Tenant
shall include a waiver by the insurer of  subrogation  and all rights based upon
an  assignment  from its  insured  against  Landlord,  its  officers,  directors
employees,  agents,  invitees,  licensees and contractors in connection with any
loss or damage thereby insured against.

         (d) So that  the  business  of  Tenant  may  continue  with  as  little
interruption  as  possible,  Tenant  shall,  during the Term and any renewals or
extensions,  maintain  at  Tenant's  sole cost and  expense,  insurance  for (i)
Tenant's  personal  property;  inventory,  alterations,  fixtures and  equipment
located on the Premises,  in an amount not less than one hundred  percent (100%)
of their actual  replacement  value,  providing All Risk coverage including fire
sprinkler leakage, vandalism and malicious mischief; and (ii) all plate glass on
the Premises.  The proceeds of such insurance,  so long as this Lease remains in
effect,  shall be used to repair or replace the  personal  property,  inventory,
alterations, fixtures, equipment and plate glass so insured. In addition, Tenant
shall obtain and keep in force,  at all times during the Term or any  extensions
or renewals  thereof,  a policy of  business  interruption  insurance  coverage,
insuring that one hundred  percent (100%) of the Monthly Rent due hereunder will
be paid to Landlord  for a period of not less than one (1) year if the  Premises
are damaged or destroyed or rendered unfit for occupancy by a risk


insured  against  by a policy  of All Risk  coverage  including  fire  sprinkler
leakage, vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements.

         (e) At all times during the Term and any extensions or renewals, Tenant
agrees  to  keep  and  maintain,  or  cause  Tenant's  agents,  contractors,  or
subcontractors to keep and maintain,  workmen's compensation insurance and other
forms of insurance as may from time to time be required by law or may  otherwise
be necessary to protect  Landlord and the Premises from claims of any person who
may at any time work on the Premises,  whether as a servant,  agent, or employee
of Tenant or  otherwise.  This  insurance  shall be maintained at the expense of
Tenant or Tenant's agents, contractors, or subcontractors and not at the expense
of Landlord.

         (f)  Landlord  agrees that it will tender and turn over to Tenant or to
Tenant's insurers the defense of any claims, demands, or suits instituted, made,
or brought against Landlord or against  Landlord and Tenant jointly,  within the
scope of this  Section.  However,  Landlord  shall have the right to approve the
selection of legal  counsel,  to the extent that  selection  is within  Tenant's
control,  which  approval  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or  delayed.  In
addition,  Landlord  shall  retain  the  right at  Landlord's  election  to have
Landlord's  own legal  counsel  participate  as  co-counsel,  to the extent that
claims are made that may not be covered by Tenant's insurers.

         (g) Tenant and Landlord  each waive all rights of  subrogation  against
the other for loss or damage  arising out of or  incident to the perils  insured
against,  which perils occur in, on, or about the  Premises,  whether due to the
negligence,  gross negligence or willful misconduct of either Landlord or Tenant
or any their respective agents, employees,  contractors, or invitees. Tenant and
Landlord shall, upon obtaining the required  policies of insurance,  give notice
to the  insurance  carriers that this mutual  waiver of  subrogation  is in this

         (h)  Landlord  agrees to  procure  and  maintain  commercial  liability
insurance  from a  responsible  insurance  company  authorized to do business in
California, with a combined single limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($
1,000,000)  for  injury or death to any  person or damage to  property,  for any
claims,  demands,  or causes of action of any person  arising  out of  accidents
occurring on the Premises during the Term.

SECTION 16.     Trade Fixtures.

         (a)  Tenant  shall  have the  right,  at any time and from time to time
during  the Term and any  renewals  or  extensions,  at  Tenant's  sole cost and
expense, to install and affix on the Premises items for use in Tenant's trade or
business,   which  Tenant,   in  Tenant's  sole   discretion,   deems  advisable
(collectively  "Trade  Fixtures").  Trade Fixtures  installed in the Premises by
Tenant  shall  always  remain the  property  of Tenant and may be removed at the
expiration  of the  Term or any  extension,  provided  that  any  damage  to the
Premises  caused by the  removal  of the Trade  Fixtures  shall be  repaired  by
Tenant, and further provided that


Landlord shall have the right to keep any Trade Fixtures or to require Tenant to
remove any Trade Fixtures that Tenant might otherwise elect to abandon.

         (b) As security  for Tenant's  performance  of  obligations  under this
Lease, Tenant grants to Landlord a security interest in all Trade Fixtures owned
by Tenant and now or later placed on the Premises by Tenant;  provided  that (i)
Landlord shall  subordinate its lien to the lien of any current or future lender
of Tenant;  and (ii) that each such current or future lender of Tenant  consents
to Landlord's  security interest in the Trade Fixtures.  Any right to remove the
Trade  Fixtures  given  Tenant  by the  provisions  of  Section  16(a)  shall be
exercisable  only if, at the time of the  removal,  an Event of Default  has not
occurred and is not continuing on the part of Tenant in its  performance of this
Lease.  Provided  that no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing on the
part of Tenant,  Landlord agrees to release its security interest from any Trade
Fixture  which  Tenant  desires  to trade in or  replace,  provided,  that  this
security  interest will then attach to the item that replaced the previous Trade
Fixture. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default on the part of Tenant under
this  Lease,  Landlord  shall  immediately  have as to the  Trade  Fixtures  the
remedies  provided to a secured party under relevant  sections of the California
Uniform  Commercial  Code. Upon Landlord's  request to Tenant and subject to the
forgoing terms and conditions,  Tenant agrees to execute and deliver to Landlord
a UCC Financing  Statement together with applicable  continuations  thereof with
regard to Landlord's security interest in the Trade Fixtures.

         (c) Any Trade Fixtures that are not removed from the Premises by Tenant
within thirty (30) days after the Termination  Date shall be deemed abandoned by
Tenant and shall  automatically  become the property of Landlord as owner of the
real  property  to which they are  affixed  and not due to the lien  provided to
Landlord in Section 16(b).

SECTION 17.     Communications Cables.

         Regardless of any  provisions  of this Lease to the contrary,  Landlord
and Tenant agree as follows:

         (a) Cabling and Equipment. Tenant will be responsible, at Tenant's sole
cost, for the  installation,  maintenance,  and repair of all  telecommunication
cabling,  wiring, and risers running throughout the Premises,  together with all
of Tenant's telephones,  telecopiers,  computers, telephone switching, telephone
panels, and related equipment.  Tenant agrees to install,  maintain,  and repair
the  telecommunication  cabling,  wiring,  and  risers  running  throughout  the
Premises in a good and proper manner.

         (b) Right of Entry.  In addition to  Landlord's  other  rights of entry
under  this  Lease,  Landlord  may enter the  Leased  Premises  to  inspect  the
telecommunication  cabling,  wiring, and risers to assure that the installation,
maintenance, and repair are being performed in a good and proper manner.


         (c)  Designated  Provider.  Tenant  agrees  to have  the  installation,
maintenance,  and repair of the  telecommunication  cabling,  wiring, and risers
done by an  independent  contractor  approved in writing in advance by Landlord,
provided  Landlord  shall  not  unreasonably   withhold  its  approval  of  such
independent contractor.

         (d) Indemnity.  Tenant agrees to indemnify,  release,  defend, and hold
Landlord harmless against any damages, claims, or other liability resulting from
Tenant's installation,  repair, or maintenance of the telecommunication cabling,
wiring, and risers, including, but not limited to, the costs of repair.

         (e)  Release.   Tenant  releases  Landlord  from  all  losses,  claims,
injuries,   damages,  or  other  liability,   including,  but  not  limited  to,
consequential damages,  whether to persons or property and no matter how caused,
in any way connected with the interruption of telecommunications services due to
the  failure  of any  telecommunications  cabling,  wiring,  or  risers.  Tenant
expressly  waives the right to claim that any interruption  constitutes  grounds
for a claim of abatement of rent, of constructive  eviction,  or for termination
of the Lease.

SECTION 18.     Signs.

         Tenant shall not maintain nor permit any sign, awning, canopy, marquee,
or other  advertising  to appear or be affixed on any exterior  door,  wall,  or
window of the Premises,  except as permitted by both  applicable  ordinances and
any conditions,  covenants and restrictions  covering the Premises,  and then at
Tenant's  sole  cost  or  expense.  Furthermore,  Tenant  shall  not  place  any
decoration, lettering, or advertising matter on the glass of any exterior window
of the Premises without the prior written  approval of Landlord,  which approval
shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.  If  Tenant  maintains  any sign,  awning,
canopy, marquee,  decoration, or advertising matter in accordance with the terms
of this Section,  Tenant shall maintain it in good  appearance and repair at all
times during this Lease. At the Termination  Date, any of the items mentioned in
this  Section  that are not removed  from the  Premises  by Tenant may,  without
damage or  liability,  be removed and  destroyed by Landlord and Tenant shall be
liable to Landlord for the cost of such removal and destruction.

SECTION 19.     Damage and Destruction.

         If at any time during the Term,  the  Premises are damaged by a fire or
other casualty,  Tenant shall  immediately  notify Landlord of the occurrence of
such fire or casualty.  Landlord shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of
such notice in the event of a casualty  affecting  only the  Premises  and sixty
(60) days from the receipt of such  notice in the event of a casualty  affecting
the Premises and one or more other buildings, to determine the amount of time it
reasonably  estimates  will be required to repair or restore the Premises  after
obtaining a building permit therefor.  If Landlord reasonably estimates that the
time  required to repair or restore the  Premises  exceeds one hundred and fifty
(150) days following the issuance of a building permit therefor, either Landlord
or Tenant


shall have the right to  terminate  this  Lease  upon the notice to other  party
given no later than thirty (30) days  following the giving of notice by Landlord
to Tenant of Landlord's  estimate of the time necessary to repair or restore the
Premises.  If neither  party  elects to  terminate  this  Lease,  or if Landlord
estimates  that  restoration  of the  Premises  shall take one hundred and fifty
(150) days or less to complete, then, subject to receipt of sufficient insurance
proceeds (other than deductibles under such insurance),  Landlord shall promptly
restore the Premises, excluding the improvements installed by Tenant, subject to
delays arising from the  collection of insurance  proceeds or from force majeure
events. Tenant, at Tenant's expense,  shall promptly perform,  subject to delays
arising from the collection of insurance  proceeds or from force majeure events,
all  repairs  or  restoration  not  required  to be done by  Landlord  and shall
promptly  re-enter the Premises and commence doing  business in accordance  with
this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may terminate this Lease
if the  Premises  are  materially  damaged  during the last year of the Term and
Landlord reasonably estimates that it will take more than one-hundred and twenty
(120) days to repair such damage;  provided however,  that Tenant shall have the
right to avoid such  termination  of this Lease by  Landlord by  exercising  its
option to extend the Term in  accordance  with  Section 41 of this Lease for the
first Option Period,  or, if Tenant has previously  exercised the option for the
first Option Period, the second Option Period. If Tenant avoids such termination
by exercising  its rights,  if any,  under Section 41 of this Lease,  all of the
terms and  conditions  of this Section 19 relating to any  restoration  shall be
reinstated  and adhered to by the parties  hereto.  Tenant shall pay to Landlord
with respect to the damage to the Premises the amount of  Landlord's  deductible
within thirty (30) days after presentment of Landlord's invoice. If the Premises
are  damaged  to the  extent  that the  Premises  are  partially  unsuitable  or
inadequate  for the purposes  which  Tenant was using the Premises  prior to the
damage,  the Monthly Rent otherwise payable by Tenant shall be reduced effective
as of the date of the damage so that the new Monthly  Rent  payable  shall be an
amount equivalent to the proportion of the Monthly Rent otherwise payable as the
total floor area of the  Premises  still  reasonably  suitable  for Tenant's use
under this Lease  bears to the total  floor  area of the  Premises  prior to the
damage;  provided that if such partial  destruction  materially  interferes with
Tenant's  intended  use of the  Premises as existing  prior to the damage,  rent
shall be abated  entirely  until Tenant is able to re-enter the Premises and use
the Premises  for purposes for which Tenant was using the Premises  prior to the

SECTION 20.     Condemnation.

         (a) If, during the Term or any renewal or  extension,  the whole of the
Premises  shall be taken  pursuant to any  condemnation  proceeding,  this Lease
shall terminate as of 12:01 a.m. of the date that actual physical  possession of
the  Premises  is taken,  and after  that,  both  Landlord  and Tenant  shall be
released from all obligations under this Lease.

         (b) If, during the Term or any renewal or extension, only a part of the
Premises is taken  pursuant to any  condemnation  proceeding  and the  remaining
portion is not  suitable or adequate for the purposes for which Tenant was using
the Premises prior to the taking, or if the Premises should become unsuitable or
inadequate for those purposes by


reason of the taking  of any other  property  adjacent  to or over the  Premises
pursuant to any condemnation proceeding, or if by reason of any law or ordinance
the use of the Premises  for the  purposes  specified in this Lease shall become
unlawful,  then and after the taking or after the occurrence of other  described
events,  Tenant  shall  have the  option to  terminate,  and the  option  can be
exercised  only  after the  taking or after the  occurrence  of other  described
events by Tenant giving written notice to Landlord  within ten (10) days of such
taking or the occurrence of other  described  events,  and Monthly Rent shall be
paid only to the time when Tenant surrenders possession of the Premises. Without
limiting  the  generality  of the previous  provision,  it is agreed that in the
event  of a  partial  taking  of  the  Premises  pursuant  to  any  condemnation
proceeding,  if the number of square feet of floor area in the portion remaining
after the taking is less than eighty  percent (80%) of the number of square feet
of floor area at the commencement of the Term,  Tenant shall,  after the taking,
have the option to terminate  this Lease upon giving  written notice to Landlord
within  ten ( 10) days of such  taking  or the  occurrence  of  other  described
events,  and Monthly Rent shall be paid only to the time when Tenant  surrenders
possession of the Premises.

         (c)  If  only  a  part  of  the  Premises  is  taken  pursuant  to  any
condemnation proceeding under circumstances that Tenant does not have the option
to  terminate  this Lease as provided in this  Section,  or having the option to
terminate,  Tenant  elects not to terminate,  then Landlord  shall at Landlord's
expense  promptly  proceed to restore the  remainder  of the  Premises to a self
contained  architectural  unit,  and the Monthly Rent  payable  shall be reduced
effective  the  date of the  taking  to an  amount  that  shall  be in the  same
proportion to Monthly Rent payable prior to the taking,  as the number of square
feet of floor area remaining after the taking bears to the number of square feet
of floor area immediately prior to the taking.

         (d) If the whole or any part of the Premises are taken  pursuant to any
condemnation proceeding,  then Landlord shall be entitled to the entirety of any
condemnation award except that portion allocable to Tenant's unsalvageable Trade
Fixtures and provided that Tenant shall have the right to make a separate  claim
against the  condemning  authority  for Tenant's  relocation  costs and Tenant's
business interruption.

SECTION 21.     Assignment and Subletting.

         (a) Tenant shall not assign or  hypothecate  this Lease or any interest
herein (by  operation  of law or  otherwise)  or sublet the Premises or any part
thereof,  or permit the use of the Premises by any party other than Tenant (each
an "Transfer")  without the prior written consent of Landlord which shall not be
unreasonably  withheld.  If Tenant is a corporation,  a partnership or a limited
liability company, the transfer (as a consequence of a single transaction or any
number  of  separate  transactions)  of  fifty  percent  (50%)  or  more  of the
beneficial  ownership  interest  of  the  voting  stock  of  Tenant  issued  and
outstanding  as of the date  hereof  or  partnership  interests  in  Tenant,  or
ownership interests in Tenant, as the case may be, other than as a result of the
open  trading  of  Tenant's  shares on a public  stock  exchange  which does not
constitute a merger, consolidation or other reorganization,


shall  constitute  a  Transfer  hereunder  for which such  consent is  required.
Further, Tenant shall not Transfer this Lease to any corporation which controls,
is controlled by or is under common control with Tenant,  or to any  corporation
resulting from merger or consolidation  with Tenant,  or to any person or entity
which  acquires all the assets as a going concern of the business of Tenant that
is being  conducted  on the  Premises,  without  the prior  written  consent  of
Landlord  which shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.  Any of the foregoing acts
without  such  consent  shall be void,  and,  at the option of  Landlord,  shall
terminate this Lease. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Section,  provided the use of the Premises does not change,  Tenant may Transfer
this Lease  without  first  obtaining  Landlord's  consent  as  follows  (each a
"Permitted Transfer"): (i) to a corporation,  limited liability company or other
entity which results from a merger, consolidation,  reorganization or asset sale
with Tenant in which the surviving entity (A) acquires  substantially all of the
assets of  Tenant as a going  concern,  (B)  assumes,  or is deemed by law to be
liable  for,  all of the  liabilities  of Tenant and (C) has after such  merger,
consolidation,  reorganization  or asset sale a net worth not less than Tenant's
net worth as of the date of this Lease; and (ii) as a result of a sale, issuance
or transfer of the capital  stock of Tenant  provided  Tenant  continues to be a
publicly traded corporation, limited liability company or other entity.

         (b) In the event that Tenant  should  desire to Transfer  this Lease or
any  portion  thereof,  Tenant  shall  first  offer the space  affected  by such
Transfer to Landlord and Landlord  shall have the right within  thirty (30) days
following  such offer to elect to, in Landlord's  sole and absolute  discretion,
terminate  this Lease as to the space affected by the desired  Transfer.  In the
event that Landlord does not notify Tenant within such thirty-day  period of its
election  to  terminate  the  Lease as to the  space  affected  by such  desired
Transfer,  Landlord shall be deemed to have waived its right to so terminate the
Lease as to the space to be affected by the desired Transfer.  In the event that
Landlord  does not  terminate  the Lease as to the space  affected  by  Tenant's
desired  transfer,  and,  within  one-hundred  and twenty  (120) days  following
Landlord's  election  not to  terminate  the Lease as to the space  affected  by
Tenant's Transfer,  Tenant reaches a tentative  agreement to Transfer such space
to a third party,  Tenant shall  provide  Landlord  with written  notice of such
tentative  agreement at least ten (10) business days in advance of the effective
date of such proposed Transfer. Such notice shall include (i) the name and legal
composition of the proposed  sublessee or assignee,  (ii) the nature of business
to be conducted by the proposed sublessee or assignee in the Premises, (iii) the
terms  and  conditions  of  the  proposed  Transfer,  (iv) a  current  financial
statement  of the  proposed  sublessee  or  assignee,  financial  statements  of
proposed  sublessee or assignee  covering the preceding three (3) years, if they
exist,  and,  if  available,  an audited  financial  statement  of the  proposed
sublessee  or assignee  for a period  ending not more than one (1) year prior to
the proposed effective date of the Transfer,  all of which are to be prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, (v) a statement of all
consideration  to be given  on  account  of the  Transfer;  and  (vi) any  other
information  that  Landlord  reasonably  requests.  At any time  within ten (10)
business  days  following  receipt of Tenant's  notice,  Landlord may by written
notice to Tenant  elect to (i) unless  waived in  accordance  with this  Section
21(b), in Landlord's sole and absolute discretion, terminate this Lease as to


the space  affected as of the  effective  date of the  proposed  Transfer,  (ii)
consent to the proposed  subletting  of the Premises or assignment of this Lease
or (iii)  disapprove  of the proposed  Transfer.  If Landlord  does not elect to
terminate  this Lease,  however,  Landlord shall not  unreasonably  withhold its
consent to a proposed  Transfer if Tenant is not in default  under this Lease at
the time Tenant  requests such consent.  Without  limiting  other  situations in
which it may be reasonable  for Landlord to withhold its consent to any proposed
assignment  or sublease,  Landlord and Tenant agree that it shall be  reasonable
for  Landlord  to  withhold  its  consent  in any one or  more of the  following
situations:  (i) if,  in  Landlord's  reasonable  judgment,  the net  worth  and
financial  capability of the proposed subtenant or assignee is not sufficient to
support  the  obligations  of  such  proposed  subtenant  or  assignee;  (ii) in
Landlord's  reasonable  judgment,  the business  history and  reputation  in the
community of the  proposed  subtenant  or assignee  does not meet the  standards
applied by Landlord or (iii) the proposed  subtenant or assignee shall be a then
existing or prospective tenant of Landlord;  provided that in any event Landlord
shall be entitled to exercise its right of  termination in lieu of consenting to
a  transfer,  as set forth  above.  In order for any  Transfer  to be binding on
Landlord, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, promptly after execution thereof, an
executed copy of such  sublease or assignment  whereby the sublessee or assignee
shall expressly assume the obligations of Tenant under this Lease.

         (c) Landlord and Tenant agree that seventy percent (70%) of any rent or
other  consideration  received  or to be  received by or on behalf of or for the
benefit of Tenant as a result of any Transfer, in excess of the aggregate of (i)
the Monthly Rent which  Tenant is  obligated  to pay  Landlord  under this Lease
(prorated  to reflect  obligations  allocable  to that  portion of the  Premises
subject  to such  sublease)  and (ii) any  leasing  commissions  and  reasonable
attorneys'  fees  actually  incurred and paid by Tenant to secure the  Transfer,
shall be payable  to  Landlord  as  additional  rent  under  this Lease  without
affecting or reducing any other obligation of Tenant hereunder. Landlord's share
of such excess rent or other  consideration  shall be paid by the  subtenant  or
assignee  directly  to  Landlord  at  the  same  time  as  such  rent  or  other
consideration is payable to Tenant.

         (d) Regardless of Landlord's  consent, no Transfer shall release Tenant
of  Tenant's  obligation  or alter the  primary  liability  of Tenant to pay the
rental and to perform all other obligations to be performed by Tenant hereunder.
The  acceptance  of rental by Landlord from any other person shall not be deemed
to be a waiver by landlord of any provision hereof. Consent to one assignment or
subletting  shall not be deemed consent to any subsequent or further  Transfers.
In  the  event  of  default  by any  assignee  or  successor  of  Tenant  in the
performance of any of the terms hereof,  Landlord may proceed  directly  against
Tenant  without the  necessity of exhausting  remedies  against said assignee or
successor.  Landlord  may  consent  to  subsequent  Transfers  of this  Lease or
amendments  or  modifications  to this Lease with  assignees of Tenant,  without
notifying Tenant, or any successor of Tenant, and without obtaining its or their
consent  thereto and such action  shall not relieve  Tenant or any  successor of
Tenant of liability under this Lease.


         (e) Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as an additional rent, all reasonable
costs and attorney fees incurred by Landlord in connection  with the evaluation,
processing,  or  documentation  of  any  requested  Transfer,   whether  or  not
Landlord's  consent is granted.  Landlord's  reasonable  costs shall include the
cost of any review or investigation  performed by Landlord or consultant  acting
on behalf of Landlord of:

         (i)     any Hazardous Substances used, stored, released, or disposed of
         by the proposed subtenant or assignee, or

         (ii) violations of any  Environmental Law by the Tenant or the proposed
         subtenant or assignee.

         (f) Any  Transfer  approved by Landlord  shall not be  effective  until
Tenant has  delivered  to  Landlord  an  executed  counterpart  of the  document
evidencing  the Transfer is in form and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to

         (g) Any attempted  Transfer without Landlord's consent shall constitute
an Event of Default. Landlord's consent to any one Transfer shall not constitute
a waiver of the  provision  of Section  21 as to any  subsequent  Transfer  or a
consent to any subsequent Transfer.

         SECTION 22.     Default.

         Any of the following events or occurrences  shall constitute a material
breach of this Lease by Tenant and, after the expiration of any applicable grace
period, shall constitute an event of default (each an "Event of Default"):

          (a) The  failure  by Tenant  to pay any  amount in full when it is due
under the Lease,  provided  however  that once every 12 months  during the Term,
Tenant's  failure to pay any amount  when it is due under the Lease shall not be
an Event of Default if Tenant makes such payment  within three (3) business days
following written notice from Landlord of such failure;

         (b) The failure by Tenant to perform any  obligation  under this Lease,
which by its nature Tenant has no capacity to cure;

         (c) The  failure by Tenant to perform any other  obligation  under this
Lease, if the failure has continued for a period of ten (10) days after Landlord
demands in writing that Tenant cure the failure.  If, however, by its nature the
failure cannot be cured within ten (10) days, Tenant may have a longer period as
is necessary to cure the failure, but this is conditioned upon Tenant's promptly
commencing  to cure  within the ten (10) day period  and  thereafter  diligently
pursuing such cure to completion within  one-hundred and twenty (120) days after
Landlord demands in writing that Tenant cure the failure. Tenant shall indemnify
and defend Landlord against any liability, claim, damage, loss, or penalty that


may be threatened  or may in fact arise from that failure  during the period the
failure is incurred;

         (d) Any of the  following:  a  general  assignment  by  Tenant  for the
benefit of Tenant's creditors; any voluntary filing, petition, or application by
Tenant  under any law  relating  to  insolvency  or  bankruptcy,  whether  for a
declaration of bankruptcy,  a reorganization,  an arrangement,  or otherwise; or
the  dispossession  of Tenant  from the  Premises  (other than by  Landlord)  by
process of law or otherwise; or

         (e) The  appointment of a trustee or receiver to take possession of all
or substantially all of Tenant's assets;  or the attachment,  execution or other
judicial seizure of all or  substantially  all of Tenant's assets located at the
Premises  or of  Tenant's  interest in this  Lease,  unless the  appointment  or
attachment,  execution,  or seizure is discharged within sixty (60) days; or the
involuntary filing against Tenant, or any general partner of Tenant if Tenant is
a partnership, of

         (i) a petition to have Tenant, or any partner of Tenant if  Tenant is a
         partnership, declared bankrupt, or

         (ii) a petition for  reorganization  or arrangement of Tenant under any
         law relating to insolvency or  bankruptcy,  unless,  in the case of any
         involuntary filing, it is dismissed within sixty (60) days;

SECTION 23.     Remedies.

         Upon the  occurrence of an Event of Default,  Landlord,  in addition to
any other rights or remedies  available  to Landlord at law or in equity,  shall
have the right to

         (a)  terminate  this Lease and all rights of Tenant under this Lease by
giving  Tenant  written  notice  that this  Lease is  terminated,  in which case
Landlord may recover from Tenant the aggregate sum of

         (i) the  worth  at the time  of award of any  unpaid rent that had been
         earned at the time of termination;

         (ii) the  worth at the time of  award of the  amount  by which  (A) the
         unpaid rent that would have been  earned  after  termination  until the
         time of award  exceeds  (B) the amount of the rental  loss,  if any, as
         Tenant affirmatively proves could have been reasonably avoided;

         (iii)  the  worth at the time of award of the  amount  by which (A) the
         unpaid rent for the balance of the term after the time of award exceeds
         (B) the amount of rental loss, if any, as Tenant  affirmatively  proves
         could be reasonably avoided;


         (iv) any other  amount  necessary  to  compensate  Landlord for all the
         detriment caused by Tenant's failure to perform Tenant's obligations or
         that, in the ordinary course of things,  would be likely to result from
         Tenant's failure,  including without  limitation the costs and expenses
         incurred by Landlord for:

                  (A) retaking possession of the Premises;

                  (B) cleaning and making repairs and alterations (including the
                  cost of leasehold  improvements  installed in connection  with
                  the releasing of the  Premises,  whether or not the same shall
                  be funded by a reduction of rent, direct payment or otherwise,
                  as amortized over the life of such  improvements to the extent
                  such  amortization  occurs  during  what  would  have been the
                  remaining  portion  of  the  scheduled  Term  of  this  Lease)
                  necessary  to  return  the  Premises  to  good  condition  and
                  preparing the Premises for reletting;

                  (C)  removing,  transporting,  and  storing  any  of  Tenant's
                  property left at the Premises (although Landlord shall have no
                  obligation  to  remove,  transport,  or store  any of the said

                  (D)  reletting  the Premises,  including  without  limitation,
                  brokerage commissions, advertising costs, and attorneys' fees;

                  (E) expert witness fees, court costs and reasonable attorney's

                  (F) any unamortized real estate brokerage  commissions paid in
                  connection with this Lease; and

                  (G)  costs  of  carrying  the   Premises,   such  as  repairs,
                  maintenance,  taxes  and  insurance  premiums,  utilities  and
                  security  precautions,  if any;  and (v) all other  amounts in
                  addition to or in lieu of those  previously  set out as may be
                  permitted from time to time by applicable California law.

         As used in  clauses  (i) and (ii) of Section  23(a),  the "worth at the
time of award" shall be computed by allowing interest at the rate of ten percent
(10%) per annum.  As used in clause  (iii) of Section  23(a),  the "worth at the
time of award" shall be computed by discounting that amount at the discount rate
of the  Federal  Reserve  Bank of San  Francisco  at the time of award  plus one
percent  (1%). As used in this  Section,  the term "rent" shall include  Monthly
Rent as well as any other payments required by Tenant under this Lease.

         (b) continue  this Lease,  and from time to time,  without  terminating
this Lease, either:

         (i)  recover all rent and other  amounts  payable as they become due in
         accordance with California Civil Code ss.1951.4; or


         (ii) relet the Premises or any part on behalf of Tenant on terms and at
         the  rent  that  Landlord,  in  Landlord's  sole  discretion,  may deem
         advisable,  all with the right to make  alterations  and repairs to the
         Premises,  at Tenant's cost, and apply the proceeds of reletting to the
         rent and other amounts  payable by Tenant.  To the extent that the rent
         and other amounts  payable by Tenant under this Lease exceed the amount
         of the  proceeds  from  reletting,  the Landlord may recover the excess
         from Tenant as and when due.

         (c) Upon the  occurrence  of an Event of Default,  Landlord  shall also
have the right, with or without terminating this Lease, to re-enter the Premises
and remove all persons and property  from the  Premises.  Landlord may store the
property  removed  from the  Premises in a public  warehouse or elsewhere at the
expense and for the account of Tenant.

         (d) None of the following  remedial  actions,  alone or in combination,
shall be  construed  as an election by Landlord to  terminate  this Lease unless
Landlord has in fact given Tenant  written  notice that this Lease is terminated
or unless a court of competent  jurisdiction  decrees termination of this Lease:
any act by  Landlord  to  maintain  or  preserve  the  Premises;  any efforts by
Landlord to relet the Premises; any re-entry,  repossession, or reletting of the
Premises;  or any  re-entry,  repossession,  or  reletting  of the  Premises  by
Landlord  pursuant  to this  Section.  If  Landlord  takes  any of the  previous
remedial actions without  terminating  this Lease,  Landlord may nevertheless at
any later time terminate this Lease by written notice to Tenant.

         (e) If Landlord  relets the Premises,  Landlord shall apply the revenue
from the reletting as follows:  first, to the payment of any indebtedness  other
than rent due from  Tenant to  Landlord;  second,  to the payment of any cost of
reletting,  including without limitation finder's fees and leasing  commissions;
third,  to the  payment  of the  cost  of any  maintenance  and  repairs  to the
Premises;  and fourth,  to the payment of rent and other  amounts due and unpaid
under this Lease.  Landlord shall hold and apply the residue, if any, to payment
of future amounts payable under this Lease as the same may become due, and shall
be entitled to retain the eventual  balance with no liability to Tenant.  If the
revenue  from  reletting  during any month,  after  application  pursuant to the
previous provisions, is less than the sum of (i) Landlord's expenditures for the
Premises  during that month and (ii) the  amounts  due from  Tenant  during that
month, Tenant shall pay the deficiency to Landlord immediately upon demand.

         (f) After the occurrence of an Event of Default,  Landlord, in addition
to or in lieu of exercising  other remedies,  may, but without any obligation to
do so,  cure the breach  underlying  the Event of Default for the account and at
the expense of Tenant. However Landlord shall by prior notice first allow Tenant
a reasonable  opportunity to cure, except in cases of emergency,  where Landlord
may  proceed  without  prior  notice  to  Tenant.  Tenant  shall,  upon  demand,
immediately reimburse Landlord for all costs,


including costs of settlements,  defense,  court costs,  and attorney fees, that
Landlord may incur in the course of any cure.

         (g) No security or guaranty for the performance of Tenant's obligations
that Landlord may now or later hold shall in any way constitute a bar or defense
to any action initiated by Landlord for unlawful detainer or for the recovery of
the Premises,  for enforcement of any obligation of Tenant,  or for the recovery
of damages caused by a breach of this Lease by Tenant or by an Event of Default.

         (h)  Except  where  this  is  inconsistent  with  or  contrary  to  any
provisions  of this  Lease,  no right or remedy  conferred  upon or  reserved to
either party is intended to be  exclusive  of any other right or remedy,  or any
right or  remedy  given  or now or  later  existing  at law or in  equity  or by
statute.  Except to the extent that either  party may have  otherwise  agreed in
writing,  no waiver by a party of any violation or  nonperformance  by the other
party of any  obligations,  agreements,  or covenants  under this Lease shall be
deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent  violation or nonperformance of the same
or any other covenant,  agreement,  or obligation,  nor shall any forbearance by
either  party to exercise a remedy for any  violation or  nonperformance  by the
other  party be deemed a waiver by that  party of the  rights or  remedies  with
respect to that violation or nonperformance,  except that acceptance by Landlord
of any amount due or owing  under the Lease  shall be a waiver of any failure of
Tenant to pay such amount.

SECTION 24.     Late Charge.

         Tenant acknowledges that Tenant's failure to pay any installment of the
Monthly  Rent,  or any other  amounts  due under  this Lease as and when due may
cause  Landlord to incur costs not  contemplated  by Landlord when entering into
this Lease,  the exact nature and amount of which would be  extremely  difficult
and  impracticable  to ascertain.  Accordingly,  (i) if any  installment  of the
Monthly  Rent is not  received  by Landlord as and when due or (ii) if any other
amount due under the Lease is not received by Landlord within three (3) business
days after notice to Tenant that such amount is past due,  then,  without notice
to Tenant,  Tenant shall pay to Landlord an amount equal to four percent (4%) of
the past due amount,  which the parties agree  represents a fair and  reasonable
estimate of the costs  incurred  by Landlord as a result of the late  payment by

SECTION 25.     Default Interest.

         If Tenant fails to pay any amount due under this Lease as and when due,
that amount shall bear  interest at the lesser of ten percent (10%) per annum or
the maximum rate then allowable by law from the due date until paid.


SECTION 26.     Waiver of Breach.

         Any  express  or  implied  waiver of a breach of any term of this Lease
shall not constitute a waiver of any further breach of the same or other term of
this Lease;  and the  acceptance  of rent shall not  constitute  a waiver of any
breach of any term of this Lease, except as to the payment of rent accepted.

SECTION 27.     Estoppel Certificates.

         At any time, with at least fifteen (15) days' prior notice by Landlord,
Tenant  shall  execute,  acknowledge,  and  deliver to  Landlord  a  certificate

         (a)      the Commencement Date, the occupancy date and the Term,

         (b)      the amount of the Monthly Rent,

         (c)      the dates to which rent and other charges have been paid,

         (d) that this Lease is  unmodified  and in full force or, if there have
been modifications,  that this Lease is in full force, as modified,  and stating
the date and nature of each modification,

         (e) that no notice has been received by Tenant of any default by Tenant
that has not been cured, except, if any exist, those defaults shall be specified
in the  certificate,  and Tenant shall certify that no event has occurred  that,
but for the expiration of the applicable  time period or the giving of notice or
both, would constitute an Event of Default under this Lease,

         (f) that no default of Landlord is claimed by Tenant,  except,  if any,
those defaults shall be specified in the certificate, and

         (g)  other  matters  as may be  reasonably  requested  by  Landlord  or
Landlord's lenders.

Any such certificate may be relied on by prospective purchasers,  mortgagees, or
beneficiaries under any deed of trust on the Premises or any part of it.

SECTION 28.     Attorney Fees.

         If any action at law or in equity or any other proceeding is brought to
recover  any rent or other sums under  this  Lease,  or for or on account of any
breach or alleged  breach of or to enforce or  interpret  any of the  covenants,
terms, or conditions of this Lease, or for the recovery of the possession of the
Premises,  the  "prevailing  party"  shall be entitled to recover from the other
party as part of  prevailing  party's costs  reasonable  attorney fees and other
costs  incurred in that  action or  proceeding,  including,  but not limited to,


expenses,  in addition to any other  relief to which they may be  entitled.  The
"prevailing party" shall include without limitation (a) a party who dismisses an
action  in  exchange  for  sums  allegedly  due;  (b)  the  party  who  receives
performance  from the other party of an alleged  breach of covenant or a desired
remedy where that is substantially  equal to the relief sought in an action;  or
(c) the party determined to be the prevailing party by a court of law.

SECTION 29.     Security Deposit.

         Tenant has  deposited  with Landlord on or before the execution of this
Lease the sum of Eight Two  Thousand  Nine  Hundred  and  Seventy Six and 40/100
Dollars  ($82,976.40)  which  shall  be held by  Landlord  as  security  for the
performance  of  Tenant's  covenants  and  obligations  under  this  Lease  (the
"Security Deposit"),  it being expressly understood and agreed that the Security
Deposit is not an advance rental deposit or a measure of the Landlord's  damages
in case of Tenant's default.  Landlord agrees to pay to Tenant interest of three
percent  (3%) per annum,  compounded  annually,  on the Security  Deposit,  such
interest to be held with and increase the Security  Deposit on an annual  basis.
Upon the  occurrence of any Event of Default by Tenant,  Landlord may, from time
to time and without  prejudice to any other remedy  provided by this Lease or by
law, use the Security  Deposit to the extent  necessary to make good any arrears
of rent or other  payments or liability  caused by the Event of Default.  Tenant
shall pay to  Landlord on demand the amount that was applied in order to restore
the Security  Deposit to the amount held by Landlord  prior to the  application.
Although the Security Deposit together with any interest  accruing thereon shall
be deemed the  property  of  Landlord,  any  remaining  balance of the  Security
Deposit  shall  promptly  be  returned  by  Landlord to Tenant at the time after
termination of this Lease that all of Tenant's obligations under this Lease have
been  fulfilled to Landlord's  reasonable  satisfaction.  Landlord  shall not be
required to keep the  Security  Deposit  separate  from the general  accounts of
Landlord.  Tenant shall  concurrent  with the  execution  of this Lease  provide
Landlord with its federal  employer  identification  number to allow Landlord to
report on an annual basis the amount of interest paid on the Security Deposit.

SECTION 30.     Authority.

         (a) All individuals  executing this Lease on behalf of Tenant represent
that they are  authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of Tenant.
Tenant shall, prior to the execution of this Lease, deliver to Landlord evidence
of that authority and evidence of due formation,  all reasonably satisfactory to
Landlord.  Tenant  agrees that it shall in a timely  manner obtain all corporate
and other  approvals  necessary  to allow it to execute this Lease and carry out
Tenant's obligations hereunder.

         (b)  All  individuals  executing  this  Lease  on  behalf  of  Landlord
represent  that they are  authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf
of Landlord.  Landlord shall,  prior to the execution of this Lease,  deliver to
Tenant evidence of that authority, all reasonably satisfactory to Tenant.


SECTION 31.     Notices.

         Except as  otherwise  expressly  provided by law,  all notices or other
communications  required or permitted by this Lease or by law to be served on or
given to either  party to this Lease by the other  party shall be in writing and
shall be deemed served when  personally  delivered to the party to whom they are
directed,  or in lieu of the personal  service,  three days following deposit in
the United States Mail,  certified or registered mail, return receipt requested,
postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

                   If to Tenant:   SanDisk Corporation
                                   140 Caspian Court
                                   Sunnyvale, CA 94089
                                   Attn.: Chief Financial Officer

                   With a copy to: Scott Biel, Esq.
                                   Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison LLP
                                   550 West C Street, Suite 1300
                                   San Diego, CA 92101

                   If to Landlord: G.F. Properties, Inc.
                                   999 Baker Way, Suite 200
                                   San Mateo, California, 94404
                                   Attn.: Mr. Jack Pryde

                   With a copy to:  Stephen R. Barbieri
                                    Law Offices of Stephen R. Barbieri
                                    214 Grant Ave., Suite 400
                                    San Francisco, CA 94108

         Either  party,  Tenant or  Landlord,  may  change the  address  for the
purpose  of this  Section  by giving  written  notice of the change to the other
party in the manner provided in this Section.

SECTION 32.     Heirs and Successors.

         This Lease  shall be binding on and shall  inure to the  benefit of the
heirs,  executors,  administrators,  successors,  and  assigns of  Landlord  and

SECTION 33.     Partial Invalidity.

         Should  any  provision  of this  Lease be held by a court of  competent
jurisdiction to be either invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining provisions of
this Lease shall remain in effect, unimpaired by the holding.


SECTION 34.     Entire Agreement.

         This  instrument  constitutes the sole agreement  between  Landlord and
Tenant respecting the Premises,  the leasing of the Premises to Tenant,  and the
specified  lease term, and correctly sets forth the  obligations of Landlord and
Tenant.  Any  agreement  or  representations  respecting  the  Premises or their
leasing by Landlord to Tenant not  expressly  set forth in this  instrument  are

SECTION 35.     Time of the Essence.

         Time is of the essence in this Lease.

SECTION 36.     Rent.

         All  monetary  obligations  of Tenant  to  Landlord  under  the  Lease,
including but not limited to the Monthly Rent shall be deemed rent.

SECTION 37.     Amendments.

         This Lease may be  modified  only in writing  and only if signed by the
parties at the time of the modification.

SECTION 38.     Subordination. Nondisturbance and Attornment.

         (a) This  Lease and the  rights of Tenant  hereunder  are  subject  and
subordinate to any lien of the holder of or beneficiary under a mortgage or deed
of trust which now or in the future  encumbers  the  Premises and to any and all
advances made thereunder, and interest thereon, and all modifications, renewals,
supplements, consolidations and replacements thereof.

          (b) Tenant  agrees  that any lender  may at its  option,  unilaterally
elect to subordinate in whole or in part,  such lien of such mortgage or deed or
trust to this Lease,  provided that such subordination shall be conditioned upon
lender  agreeing to enter into a  nondisturbance  and attornment  agreement with
Tenant  which shall  provide that (i) so long as Tenant is not in default in the
payment  of  rent  or in the  performance  of any of the  terms,  covenants  and
conditions  of this  Lease,  the  beneficiary  under a mortgage or deed of trust
which now  encumbers  the  Premises  and any  purchaser  at a trustee's  sale or
foreclosure  sale shall not interfere  with Tenant's  possession of the Premises
during the term of this Lease,  and (ii) if Landlord's  interest in the Premises
is  transferred to the  beneficiary  under a mortgage or deed of trust which now
encumbers the Premises or any other purchaser at a trustee's sale or foreclosure
sale of the Premises,  Tenant shall agree to be bound to such  transferee  under
all of the terms,  covenants and  conditions of the Lease for the balance of the
term  hereof   (including   any   extensions  or  renewals).   Except  for  such
nondisturbance  agreement,  such subordination or priority of this Lease, as the
case may be, shall be effective  without the  necessity of executing any further
instrument or


agreement to effect such  subordination  or priority;  provided,  however,  that
Tenant  agrees to execute,  acknowledge  and deliver to Landlord upon demand any
and all  instruments  required  by  Landlord,  lessor or lender  evidencing  the
subordination  or  priority  of this Lease,  as the case may be.  Tenant  hereby
irrevocably  appoints  Landlord  as  its  agent  and   attorney-in-fact   (which
appointment is coupled with an interest) to execute, acknowledge and deliver any
such  instruments  in the name of and on behalf of Tenant if Tenant  fails to so
execute,  acknowledge and deliver such instruments  within 10 days after written
request  therefor.  Landlord agrees to use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to
cause any lender or other party to a nondisturbance agreement to agree that upon
taking possession of the Premises it will be bound by the ongoing obligations of
Landlord under this Lease, other than such past obligations with regard to which
Landlord may be then in default.

         (c) Within  thirty (30) days of the  execution  by both parties of this
Lease,  Landlord  shall cause the holder of or  beneficiary  under a mortgage or
deed of trust which now  encumbers  the Premises to enter into a  nondisturbance
and  attornment  agreement  with Tenant which shall  provide that (i) so long as
Tenant is not in default in the payment of rent or in the  performance of any of
the terms,  covenants and  conditions  of this Lease,  the  beneficiary  under a
mortgage or deed of trust which now  encumbers the Premises and any purchaser at
a  trustee's  sale  or  foreclosure  sale  shall  not  interfere  with  Tenant's
possession  of the  Premises  during  the  term  of  this  Lease,  and;  (ii) If
Landlord's  interest in the Premises is transferred to the  beneficiary  under a
mortgage  or deed of  trust  which  now  encumbers  the  Premises  or any  other
purchaser at a trustee's sale or foreclosure sale of the Premises,  Tenant shall
agree to be bound to such  transferee  under  all of the  terms,  covenants  and
conditions  of the Lease  for the  balance  of the term  hereof  (including  any
extensions or renewals).

SECTION 39.     Merger.

         The voluntary or other  surrender of this Lease by Tenant,  or a mutual
cancellation  of the  Lease,  or a  termination  by  Landlord,  shall not work a
merger,  and shall,  at the option of  Landlord,  terminate  all or any existing
subtenancies  or may, at the option of Landlord,  operate as an  assignment to a
Landlord of any of the subtenancies.

SECTION 40.     Intentionally Omitted.

SECTION 41.     Options To Extend Term.

         (a) Tenant shall have the option (collectively the "Extension Options")
to extend the Term,  for two (2)  additional  periods (each an "Option Term") by
giving  Landlord  prior  written  notice of Tenant's  election to exercise  each
Extension  Option  not more  than  nine (9)  months  before  the then  scheduled
expiration  of the  Term  and not  less  than  six (6)  months  before  the then
scheduled expiration of the Term; provided that if there exists an uncured Event
of Default on Tenant's part either at the time of the exercise of such Extension
Option or at the time that the Option Period would commence, Landlord may cancel
Tenant's exercise of such Extension Options in which case such Extension Option


and any other Extension  Options granted by this Lease shall terminate and be of
no further force or effect.

         (b)  The  first  Option  Period  will  extend  the  Term  for a  period
commencing  the day following the  expiration of the original Term of this Lease
(the "First Option  Commencement  Date") and ending on June 30, 2006 (the "First
Option Term"). The Monthly Rent for the First Option Term shall be as follows:

Period:                                              Monthly Rent per RSF:
- -------                                              ---------------------
                                                     Building / Warehouse
First Option Commencement Date-December 31, 2002     $.95 /   $.475
January 1, 2003-June 30,2004                         $1.00 / $.50
July l, 2004-December 31, 2005                       $1.05 / $.525
January 1, 2006-June 30, 2006                        $l.l0 /    $.55

         Except for the Monthly  Rent,  the lease of the  Premises for the First
Option Term shall be on the same terms and  conditions  as are contained in this

         (c) The Second  Option  Term will  extend the First  Option  Term for a
period  commencing the day following the expiration of the First Option Term and
ending on June 30, 2011 (the  "Second  Option  Term").  The Monthly Rent for the
Second Option Term shall be determined in accordance with Section 42 hereof.

         (d) Each of the  Extension  Options are  personal  to the named  tenant
herein and any  Transfer of such  tenant's  interest in the Lease  (other than a
Permitted Transfer),  whether or not consented to by Landlord,  shall cause such
Extension  Option and any subsequent  Extension Option to terminate and be of no
further force or effect.

SECTION 42.     Determination Of Monthly Rent for Second  Option Term.

         For purposes of Section 41(c),  Monthly Rent for the Second Option Term
shall be determined as follows:

         (a) Parties shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt by Landlord of
Tenant's notice electing to exercise the second  Extension  Option,  to agree on
the Monthly Rent for the Second Option Term. If the parties agree on the Monthly
Rent for the Second Option Term, by such date, they shall immediately execute an
amendment to this Lease stating the Monthly Rent for the Second Option Term.

         (b) If the parties  are unable to agree upon the  Monthly  Rent for the
Second Option Term in accordance  with Section 42(a),  then within fourteen (14)
days after the parties fail to agree on the Monthly  Rent for the Second  Option
Term,  each  party at its cost and by giving  notice to the other  party,  shall
appoint a real  estate  appraiser  with at least  five (5)  years  full time MAI
appraisal experience in Santa Clara County, to determine


the  Monthly  Rent for  the  Second  Option  Term,  and  shall  deliver  to said
appraiser as well as the other party, such party's proposal for the Monthly Rent
for the Second Option Term. If a party does not appoint an appraiser within said
fourteen (14) day period and the other party has given notice of the name of its
appraiser,  the single appraiser appointed shall be the sole appraiser and shall
determine  the Monthly  Rent for the Second  Option  Term.  If an  appraiser  is
appointed  by each of the parties as provided in this  section,  they shall meet
promptly  and attempt to set the Monthly  Rent for the Second  Option  Term,  by
agreeing on which party's  proposal most closely reflects the Fair Market Rental
Value for the Second Option Term. If they are unable to agree within thirty (30)
days after the second  appraiser has been appointed,  the appraisers can if they
so agree cause to be appointed a third  appraiser  who meets the  qualifications
stated in this  Section or if they cannot so agree either of the parties to this
Lease, by giving ten (10) days notice to the other party,  can apply to the then
Presiding  Judge of the Santa Clara County Superior Court for the appointment of
a third appraiser who meets the qualifications  stated in this Section.  Each of
the parties shall bear one-half of the cost of  appointing  the third  appraiser
together with one-half of such appraiser's  fee. The third  appraiser,  however,
shall be a person who has not previously  acted in any capacity for either party
during the prior three (3) years. Within thirty (30) days after the selection of
the third appraiser,  a majority of the appraisers shall determine which party's
proposal  more  closely  reflects  the Fair Market  Rental  Value for the Second
Option Term.  As used herein,  "Fair  Market  Rental  Value" shall mean the then
prevailing  annual  rental rate per square foot of rentable  area for mixed used
industrial  space in  comparable  buildings in Santa Clara County which has been
built out for occupancy,  comparable in area and location to the space for which
such rental rate is being  determined  (to the extent that quoted  rental  rates
vary with regard to  location),  being leased for a duration  comparable  to the
term for which such space is being leased and taking into  consideration  rental
concessions and abatements, tenant improvement allowances, if any, being offered
by Landlord,  the "as is" condition of the space,  operating expenses and taxes,
other adjustments to basic rent and other comparable factors.

         (c) After the appraisers  determine which party's proposal more closely
reflects the Fair Market Rental Value for the Second Option Term, the appraisers
shall  immediately  notify the parties and the parties of their findings and the
parties shall immediately execute an amendment to this Lease stating the Monthly
Rent for the  Second  Option  Term based upon the  party's  proposal  which most
closely  reflects  the Fair  Market  Rental  Value for the Second  Option  Term,
provided  however that in no event shall the Monthly Rent for the Second  Option
Term be less than the Monthly Rent immediately preceding the commencement of the
Second Option Term.

SECTION 43.     Tenant Improvements.

         Landlord  agrees to effect a program of Alterations  for the renovation
of the Premises as soon after the  Commencement  Date as the mutual best efforts
of Landlord and Tenant shall allow. All such Alterations effected as part of the
renovation program being hereinafter  referred to as the "Tenant  Improvements."
The renovation  program shall be  accomplished in accordance with the provisions
of Section 11 of this Lease and


the  provisions  of a work letter  agreement  to be agreed upon by Landlord  and
Tenant no later than June 1, 1998, to be marked Exhibit C (Work Letter),  and to
be attached hereto and  incorporated  herein,  in form and substance  similar to
Exhibit B (Work  Letter)  which is  attached  hereto  and  incorporated  herein,
subject to the following provisions:

          (a) Tenant shall bear the cost of the Tenant Improvements and the cost
of architectural and engineering  consultants in connection therewith,  provided
however  that  Landlord  shall  contribute  an amount not to exceed Five Dollars
($5.00) per square foot of Building (specifically not including Warehouse) space
(the  "Unrestricted  Tenant  Improvement   Allowance")  to  be  applied  to  the
construction of new tenant improvements  together with the cost of architectural
and engineering consultants in connection therewith.

         (b) In  addition  to the  Unrestricted  Tenant  Improvement  Allowance,
Landlord  agrees to contribute  an amount not to exceed Two Dollars  ($2.00) per
square  foot of  Building  (specifically  not  including  Warehouse)  space (the
"Restricted  Tenant  Improvement  Allowance")  for the removal and demolition of
existing tenant  improvements  located in the Premises on the Commencement  Date
and the upgrading of the Premises to comply with Legal  Requirements (as defined
in Section 6 hereof) in effect as of the date of this Lease,  including  but not
limited  to  compliance  with  the  ADA,  Title  24 of the  California  Code  of
Regulations,   and  the  Uniform  Building  Code  (collectively  the  "Upgrading
Requirements").  By way of example and not by way of limitation,  the Restricted
Tenant  Improvement  Allowance would be available to pay for the installation of
smoke detectors, door handles, door locks, signage,  handicapped  accessibility,
lighting and  lighting  controls if and to the extent such items are required by
Legal  Requirements in place as of the date of this Lease.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  the Restricted  Tenant  Improvement  Allowance shall not be used for
compliance  with  Legal   Requirements   in  the   construction  of  new  tenant
improvements  but only in causing the compliance with Legal  Requirements of the
existing  improvements,  it being the  intention of the parties  hereto that the
cost of compliance  with Legal  Requirements  in the  construction of new tenant
improvements be paid out of the Unrestricted Tenant Improvement Allowance.

         (c) If and to the  extent  that  either  (i) the cost of the new tenant
improvements  to be  constructed  in the  Premises  (inclusive  of the  cost  of
architectural and engineering  consultants in connection  therewith) exceeds the
Unrestricted Tenant Improvement Allowance or (ii) the cost of improvements to be
constructed  in the Premises  pursuant to the provisions of Section 43(b) exceed
the  aggregate of the  Restricted  Tenant  Improvement  Allowance,  Tenant shall
reimburse Landlord for such excess within fifteen (15) days following receipt by
Tenant of invoices for such excess.

         (d) Landlord  represents and warrants that as of the date of completion
of the Tenant Improvements (i) the Premises and the Tenant Improvements shall be
in full compliance with all applicable Legal  Requirements and shall be built in
a good and  workmanlike  manner with good materials in accordance with the plans
therefore,  (ii) the equipment and the building systems serving the Premises are
in good working order, and


(iii) to the best of  Landlord's  knowledge,  no Hazardous  Substances  exist in
measurable  quantities  in or about  the  Premises.  Landlord  agrees to use its
commercially reasonable efforts to cause any contractor responsible for a latent
defect to cure such latent defect.  Landlord  hereby agrees to indemnify  Tenant
against any inaccuracy in the representations contained in this Section 43(d).

SECTION 44.     Right of First Offer.

         At any time during the Term, Tenant shall have the right of first offer
to acquire the  Premises on the terms and  conditions  set forth in this Section
(the "Right of First Offer"). If at any time during the Term or any extension or
renewal thereof, Landlord elects to sell its interest in the Premises,  Landlord
shall notify Tenant in writing by certified mail, return receipt  requested,  of
its intent to sell its interest in the Premises  (the "Sale  Notice").  The Sale
Notice shall contain the price and terms on which Landlord  intends to offer its
interest in the  Premises on the open  market.  Tenant  shall have  fifteen (15)
business days from said  notification  to notify Landlord in writing of Tenant's
intent to negotiate a purchase of the Premises (the "Exercise  Notice").  Tenant
and  Landlord  shall then have thirty (30) days from  Landlord's  receipt of the
Exercise  Notice to agree on the terms and  conditions  of a  purchase  and sale
agreement covering the Premises (the "Purchase  Agreement").  If Tenant fails to
give the Exercise Notice,  it will be deemed that Tenant has waived its Right of
First Offer.  If Landlord  and Tenant do not enter into the  Purchase  Agreement
covering  the  Premises  within such thirty (30) day period,  Tenant's  Right of
First Offer to purchase the Premises shall terminate and Landlord shall have the
right to sell the Premises to a third party on any terms and conditions it deems
acceptable in its sole discretion. The Right of First Offer shall not apply to a
transfer to a party related to  Landlord..  The Right of First Offer is personal
to the named  tenant  herein and any Transfer of such  tenant's  interest in the
Lease  (other  than  a  Permitted  Transfer),  whether  or not  consented  to by
Landlord, shall cause the Right of First Offer to terminate and be of no further

SECTION 45.     Hazardous Materials.

         (a) Tenant agrees that any and all handling,  transportation,  storage,
treatment,  disposal,  or use of Hazardous  Substances by Tenant in or about the
Premises shall strictly comply with all applicable Environmental Laws.

         (b) Tenant agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold Landlord harmless from
any liabilities,  losses,  claims,  damages,  penalties,  fines,  attorney fees,
expert fees,  court costs,  remediation  costs,  investigation  costs,  or other
expenses  resulting  from  or  arising  out  of  the  use,  storage,  treatment,
transportation,  release,  or disposal of Hazardous  Substances  on or about the
Premises by Tenant.


         (c) If the presence of Hazardous  Substances  on the Project  caused or
permitted by Tenant results in the contamination or deterioration of the Project
or any water or soil beneath the Project,  Tenant shall promptly take all action
necessary to investigate and remediate that contamination.

         (d) Landlord and Tenant each agree to promptly  notify the other of any
communication received from any governmental entity concerning the contamination
of the  Property or the  Premises by Hazardous  Substances  or the  violation of
Environmental Laws that relate to the Premises.

         (e) Tenant shall not use, handle, store, transport,  generate, release,
or dispose of any Hazardous Substances on, under, or about the Premises,  except
that Tenant may use (i) small  quantities of common chemicals such as adhesives,
lubricants, and cleaning fluids in order to conduct business at the Premises and
(ii) other Hazardous Substances that are necessary for the operation of Tenant's
business all of which shall be used in accordance  with all  Environmental  Laws
(as  hereinafter  defined).  At any time during the term of this  Lease,  Tenant
shall,  within ten (10) days after written  request from  Landlord,  disclose in
writing all Hazardous  Substances that are being used by Tenant on the Premises,
the nature of the use, and the manner of storage and disposal.

         (f) At any time and upon prior written  notice to Tenant,  Landlord may
require  testing  wells to be drilled on the Premises and may require the ground
water to be tested to detect the presence of Hazardous  Substances by the use of
any tests that are then  customarily  used for those  purposes.  Landlord  shall
supply  Tenant with copies of the test  results.  The cost of these tests and of
the  installation,  maintenance,  repair,  and replacement of the wells shall be
paid by Tenant if the tests  disclose  the  existence of facts that give rise to
liability of Tenant pursuant to this Section 45.

         (g)  Landlord  has  provided  to Tenant and Tenant  has  approved  that
certain Phase I  Environmental  Assessment  Moffett  Industrial Park 140 Caspian
Court, 169 Java Drive, 111 Java Drive Sunnyvale,  California ENV01540,  prepared
for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. by All  Environmental,  Inc., dated November 8, 1994,
covering, inter alia, the Premises (the "Phase I ESA"). Landlord shall perform a
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment ("Entrance Assessment"),  consisting of an
update of the Phase I ESA, which Entrance  Assessment  shall be addressed to and
may be relied upon by both Landlord and Tenant. Landlord shall provide a copy of
the  report of the  Entrance  Assessment  to  Tenant.  The cost of the  Entrance
Assessment  shall be paid by Landlord.  Provided  that the  Entrance  Assessment
shows no  material  adverse  changes in the  condition  of the  Property  or the
Premises  from the Phase I ESA,  Tenant  shall be deemed  to have  approved  the
Entrance Assessment upon receipt of the Entrance  Assessment.  In the event that
the Entrance  Assessment shows a material adverse change in the condition of the
Property  or the  Premises  from the  Phase I ESA,  Landlord  shall  immediately
remediate  such  condition  or in the  event  Landlord  refuses  or  fails to so
remediate such condition or fails to complete such remediation within sixty (60)
days following the commencement of such remediation, Tenant shall have the right
to terminate this Lease upon written notice to Landlord.


         (h) Landlord agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold Tenant harmless from
any liabilities,  losses,  claims,  damages,  penalties,  fines,  attorney fees,
expert fees,  court costs,  remediation  costs,  investigation  costs,  or other
expenses  resulting  from or  arising  out of (i) the use,  storage,  treatment,
transportation,  release,  or disposal of Hazardous  Substances  on or about the
Premises  prior to  Tenant's  occupancy  of the  Premises  and (ii) the off site
migration  of  Hazardous  Substances  onto or under the  Premises,  whether such
migration occurs prior to, during or after Tenant's occupancy of the Premises.

         (i) Within fifteen (15) days after vacating the Premises,  Tenant shall
perform,  at  Tenant's  sole  cost and  expense,  a Phase I  Environmental  Site
Assessment  covering the Premises and the Property as necessary to bring current
the Entrance  Assessment prepared by a reputable  environmental  consulting firm
acceptable to Landlord in Landlord's sole  discretion  (the "Exit  Assessment"),
provided,  however,  that the firm which issues the Entrance Assessment shall be
acceptable to Landlord for purposes of issuing the Exit  Assessment,  so long as
such firm remains  licensed and in good  standing  within its  industry.  In the
event that the Exit Assessment  discloses  contamination  of the Property or the
Premises  resulting from or arising out causes other than (i) the use,  storage,
treatment,  transportation,  release, or disposal of Hazardous  Substances on or
about the Premises  prior to Tenant's  occupancy of the Premises or (ii) the off
site migration of Hazardous Substances onto or under the Premises,  occurs prior
to,  during or after  Tenant's  occupancy  of the  Premises,  Tenant  shall,  at
Tenant's sole cost and expense,  immediately  commence and diligently  pursue to
completion the remediation of such  contamination  as well as such other actions
as  may  be  recommended  by  the  Exit  Assessment  (collectively  "Remediation
Actions").  Tenant  acknowledges and agrees that Remediation Actions that extend
beyond the termination or sooner  expiration of this Lease may cause Landlord to
sustain lost rental income.  Accordingly,  if Remediation  Actions extend beyond
the  termination  or sooner  expiration of this Lease,  then Tenant shall pay to
Landlord an amount equal to the Holdover  Rent for the period  during which such
Remediation  Actions extend beyond the termination or sooner  expiration of this
Lease.  Nothing contained herein shall limit or restrict any liability of Tenant
for the completion of the Remediation  Actions in accordance with applicable law
and the recommendations of the Exit Assessment,  nor shall anything herein serve
to limit or restrict Tenant's liability under this Section 45.

         (j) As used herein the following terms have the following meanings:

"Environmental Laws" means all federal,  state, local, or municipal laws, rules,
orders, regulations,  statutes,  ordinances,  codes, decrees, or requirements of
any  government  authority  regulating,  relating  to, or imposing  liability or
standards of conduct concerning any Hazardous  Substance (as later defined),  or
pertaining to occupational  health or industrial hygiene (and only to the extent
that  the  occupational  health  or  industrial  hygiene  laws,  ordinances,  or
regulations  relate to Hazardous  Substances on, under,  or about the Premises),
occupational or  environmental  conditions on, under, or about the Premises,  as
now or may at any later time be in effect.  including  without  limitation,  the


Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) [42 USCS 9601 et seq.]; the Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA)
[42 USCS  6901 et seq.];  the Clean Water Act,  also known as the Federal
Water  Pollution  Control Act (FWPCA) [33 USCS  1251 et seq.];  the Toxic
Substances  Control  Act (TSCA) [15 USCS  2601 et seq.];  the  Hazardous
Materials  Transportation  Act  (HMTA)  [49  USCS  1801  et  seq.];  the
Insecticide,  Fungicide,  Rodenticide  Act [7  USCS  136 et  seq.];  the
Superfund  Amendments and Reauthorization Act [42 USCS 6901 et seq.]; the
Clean Air Act [42 USCS  7401 et seq.];  the Safe  Drinking  Water Act [42
USCS  300f et seq.]; the Solid Waste Disposal Act [42 USCS 6901 et
seq.];  the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation  Act [30 USCS  1201 et
seq.];  the Emergency  Planning and Community  Right to Know Act [42 USCS
11001 et seq.]; the  Occupational  Safety and Health Act [29 USCS 655 and
657]; the California  Underground  Storage of Hazardous  Substances Act [H & S C 25280 et seq.]; the California  Hazardous Substances Account Act [H & S C  25300 et seq.];  the  California  Hazardous  Waste  Control Act [H & S C  25100 et seq.]; the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement
Act [H & S C  24249.5 et seq.];  the  Porter-Cologne  Water  Quality  Act
[Water Code 13000 et seq.] together with any amendments of or regulations
promulgated  under the statutes  cited above and any other  federal,  state,  or
local law, statute, ordinance, or regulation now in effect or later enacted that
pertains to occupational  health or industrial  hygiene,  and only to the extent
that  the  occupational  health  or  industrial  hygiene  laws,  ordinances,  or
regulations relate to Hazardous Substances on, under, or about the Premises,  or
the regulation or protection of the  environment,  including  ambient air, soil,
soil vapor, groundwater, surface water, or land use.

         (ii)     "Hazardous Substances" includes without limitation:

         (A) Those  substances  included  within the  definitions  of  hazardous
substance, hazardous waste, hazardous material, toxic substance, solid waste, or
pollutant  or  contaminant  in  CERCLA,  RCRA,  TSCA,  HMTA,  or under any other
Environmental Law;

         (B)  Those  substances  listed  in  the  United  States  Department  of
Transportation (DOT) Table [49 CFR 172. 101], or by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA),  or any successor  agency,  as hazardous  substances  [40 CFR Part

         (C)  Other  substances,  materials,  and  wastes  that  are  or  become
regulated or classified  as hazardous or toxic under  federal,  state,  or local
laws or regulations; and

         (D) Any  material,  waste,  or  substance  that is (1) a  petroleum  or
refined petroleum product,  (2) asbestos,  (3)  polychlorinated  biphenyl,  (iv)
designated  as a  hazardous  substance  pursuant  to 33 USCS ss.  1321 or listed
pursuant to 33 USCS ss. 1317,  (5) a flammable  explosive,  or (6) a radioactive


SECTION 46.     Existing Rights.

         Landlord  represents and warrants to Tenant that as of the date of this
Lease the Premises are not subject to any  options,  rights of first  refusal or
other similar rights which could affect Tenant's right to occupy the Premises.

SECTION 47.     Publicity.

         Landlord  on  behalf  of  itself  and its  agents  and  representatives
expressly  agrees that it is not  authorized to announce this Lease or the terms
and  conditions  contained  therein to any third party without the prior written
consent of Tenant. SECTION 48. Easements.

         Landlord reserves the right to grant easements, rights, and dedications
that  Landlord  deems  necessary  or  desirable,  and to record  parcel maps and
restrictions,  so  long as  these  easements,  rights,  dedications,  maps,  and
restrictions  do not  unreasonably  interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises.
Tenant agrees to sign any of these documents  within ten (10) days after written
request of Landlord.

SECTION 49.     Covenants and Conditions.

         Each term of this Lease  performable  by Tenant  shall be deemed both a
covenant and a condition.

SECTION 50.     Recording.

         Tenant  shall  have the right to  record a  memorandum  of this  Lease,
subject to Landlord's  prior written  approval of the form and substance of such
memorandum, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

SECTION 51.     Transfer by Landlord.

         If Landlord  transfers the Premises,  Landlord shall be relieved of all
liability for the  performance of Landlord's  obligations  after the date of the
transfer.  However, any prepaid rent or security deposit held by Landlord at the
time of the transfer shall be delivered to the transferee.

SECTION 52.     Security Measures.

         Tenant  acknowledges  that Landlord shall have no obligation to provide
any guard service or other security measures to the Premises, and Tenant assumes
all responsibility for the protection of Tenant, Tenant's agents,  invitees, and
customers,  and the  property of Tenant and of Tenant's  agents,  invitees,  and
customers from acts of third parties.


SECTION 53.     Parking

         Tenant shall be entitled to all parking spaces on the Premises.

SECTION 54.     Broker.

         (a) Tenant  represents  and  warrants to  Landlord  that no real estate
broker,  agent or  finder  negotiated  or was  instrumental  in  negotiating  or
representing  Tenant in the negotiation of this Lease or the consummation hereof
except for CPS, The Commercial  Property Services Company  ("Broker").  Landlord
shall be  responsible  for the payment of the commission or fee, if any, owed to
Broker pursuant to a separate fee agreement between Broker and Landlord.  Tenant
shall pay the commission or fee of any other broker,  agent or finder acting for
Tenant or claiming any  commissions or fees on the basis of contacts or dealings
with Tenant and not  disclosed  herein by Tenant and Tenant shall  indemnify and
hold  Landlord  harmless  from and against  any claims made by any such  broker,
agent or finder of Tenant and any and all costs and damages suffered by Landlord
as a consequence thereof, including without limitation attorneys' fees.

         (b)  Landlord  represents  and  warrants  to Tenant that no real estate
broker,  agent or  finder  negotiated  or was  instrumental  in  negotiating  or
representing  Landlord  in the  negotiation  of this  Lease or the  consummation
hereof except for CPS, The  Commercial  Property  Services  Company  ("Broker").
Landlord shall be responsible  for the payment of the commission or fee. If any,
owed to Broker pursuant to a separate fee agreement between Broker and Landlord.
Landlord  shall pay the  commission or fee of any other broker,  agent or finder
acting for Landlord or claiming any commissions or fees on the basis of contacts
or dealings  with  Landlord  and not  disclosed  herein by Landlord and Landlord
shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any claims made by any
such  broker,  agent or finder  of  Landlord  and any and all costs and  damages
suffered  by Tenant  as a  consequence  thereof,  including  without  limitation
attorneys' fees.

SECTION 55.     Offer.

         Preparation  of  this  Lease  by  Landlord  or  Landlord's   agent  and
submission  to Tenant  shall not be deemed an offer to lease.  This Lease  shall
become  binding on Landlord and Tenant only when fully  executed by Landlord and

SECTION 56.     Counterparts.

         This Lease may be executed in one or more identical counterparts,  each
of which shall be deemed an original and all, taken together,  shall  constitute
one and the same instrument.

SECTION 57.     Governing Law.

         This Lease  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in  accordance  with
California law.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Lease as of the date
first above written.

LANDLORD:                                                     TENANT:

G. F. PROPERTIES, INC.,                              SANDISK CORPORATION,
a California corporation,                            a Delaware corporation,

By: /s/ Stephen R. Barbieri                          By:/s/ Cindy Burgdorf
   --------------------------                           ------------------------
Stephen R. Barbieri, Secretary                       Cindy Burgdorf, CFO

                            EXHIBIT "A" - Page 1 of 1



All of parcel 3 as shown upon that certain map entitled "Parcel Map lying within
the  City of  Sunnyvale,  being a  resubdivision  of  parcel  6 as shown on that
certain  Parcel Map filed in Book 397 of Maps at page 12, Records of Santa Clara
County",  which Map was filed for record in the County of Santa Clara,  State of
California on December 18, 1986 in book 568 of Maps, pages 42 and 43.

Excepting  therefrom from Parcel 3 therein,  that certain portion  described and
conveyed to the Santa Clara County Transit  District in Grant Deed recorded June
2, 1997 under Series No. 13723854,  Official  Records,  being more  particularly
described as follows:

All of that certain property situated in the City of Sunnyvale,  County of Santa
Clara, State of California, and being a portion of Parcel 3, as said Parcel 3 is
shown on that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 568 of Maps,  page 43, Records of
Santa Clara county. California and more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the Southwest corner of Parcel 3, said corner on the Northerly line
of Java Drive  (50.00  foot half  street) as said  Parcel and Drive are shown on
said Parcel Map,  thence  Northerly  along said  Westerly line of said Parcel 3.
North 15 degrees  45' 10" East 6.67 feet,  thence  South 74 degrees 14' 33" East
164.44 feet to a curve;  thence Easterly along said curve concave Northerly with
a radius of 198.00 feet, through a central angle of 4 degrees 34' 26" and an arc
length of 15.8I  feet;  thence  South 78  degrees  48' 59" East  88.34 feet to a
curve:  thence  Easterly  along said curve  concave  Southerly  with a radius of
102.00  feet  through a central  angle of 1 degree  46' 04" and an arc length of
3.15  feet-.  thence  North 15 degrees 45' 27" East 6.12 feet;  thence  South 74
degrees 14' 33" East 23.59 feet; thence north 15 degrees 45' 27" East 6.00 feet;
thence South 74 degrees 14' 33" East 20.00 feet; thence South 15 degrees 45' 27"
West 6.00;  thence  South 74 degrees  14' 33" East 10.00 feet;  thence  South 15
degrees 45' 27" West 6.00 feet;  thence South 74 degrees 14' 33" East 10.25 feet
to a curve,  thence Easterly along said curve concave Northerly with a radius of
47.00 feet  Through a central  angle of 59 degrees  58' 21" and an arc length of
49.20  feet;  thence  South 42 degrees  59' 45" East 3.20 feet to a curve on the
Westerly  line of Borregas  Avenue  (33-00  foot half  street) as said Avenue is
shown on said Parcel Map;  thence along said  Westerly  line of Borregas  Avenue
from a tangent bearing of South 24 degrees 27' 24" West alone said curve concave
Northwesterly with a radius of 50.00 feet, through a central angle of 81 degrees
17' 29" and an arc length of 70.94 feet to said  Northerly  line of Java  Drive;
thence  Westerly  along said Northerly line North 74 degrees 15' 07" West 319.28
feet to the point of beginning.

Reserving  therefrom  a  non-exclusive  easement  for the purpose of ingress and
egress and access over so much thereof as lies within the bounds of that certain
"26" common ingress / egress and access easement" as shown upon that certain Map
entitled,  "Parcel  Map"  which Map was filed  for  record in the  office of the
Recorder of the County Of Santa Clara,  State of California on December 18, 1986
in Book 568 of Maps, pages 42 and 43.

Said  easements are reserved as  appurtenant  and for the benefit of Parcel 1, 2
and 3 of the map bereinabove referred to.


A  non-exclusive  easement for the purpose of ingress and egress and access over
Parcels  I and  2 as  lies  within  the  bounds  of  that  certain  "26"  common
ingress/egress  and access  easement",  as shown upon that  certain map entitled
"Parcel  Map" which map was filed for record in the  Office of the  recorder  or
county of Santa Clara,  State of California on December 18. 1986, in Book 568 of
Maps, pages 42 and 43.

                                    EXHIBIT B

                                   WORK LETTER

         THIS WORK LETTER ("Work  Letter")  constitutes  an integral part of the
Industrial  Lease  ("Lease")  dated  as of June  10,  1998 by and  between  G.F.
PROPERTIES, INC., a California corporation ("Landlord") and SANDISK Corporation,
a  Delaware  corporation   ("Tenant").   The  terms  of  this  Work  Letter  are
incorporated in the Lease for all purposes.

         SECTION 1.            Defined Terms

         As used in this Work Letter, the following capitalized terms shall have
the following meanings:

         "Approved Final Working  Plans":  the final working plans and the final
cost  estimate  which are approved by Landlord and Tenant as part of Item #11 on
the Pre-Construction Schedule.

         "Building Cost":     Hard Building Costs plus Soft Building Costs.

         "General Contractor": L and S Hallmark Construction, Inc., whose profit
and  overhead  shall not exceed 7.5% of the total cost of the  Improvements,  it
being   understood   that  the  cost  of  the   General   Contractor's   on-site
superintendent shall not be included within its profit and overhead.

         "Hard Building Costs":  All charges by the General Contractor for labor
and materials supplied for construction of the Improvements.

         "Improvements":  The  Tenant  Improvements  to be  constructed  in  the
Premises, as more particularly shown on the Approved Final Working Plans.

         "Landlord's Representative":     Jack E. Pryde

         "Landlord  Delays":  Delays caused by  Landlord's  work in the Premises
which  may be  required  to  bring  the  Premises  into  compliance  with  Legal
Requirements  or to repair or restore the  existing  structure  and  mechanical,
electrical  and  plumbing  systems to the  condition  required  by the Lease for
Tenant's occupancy of the premises.

         "Pre-Construction  Schedule" Correspondence dated May 21, 1998 from Ned
Cain of L & S Hallmark  Construction,  Inc.  to Jack Pryde of G. F.  Properties,
Inc. referencing "San Disk  Pre-Construction  Schedule",  together with one-page
CONSTRUCTION,  INC.,  one complete  copy of which marked  "Exhibit A",  attached
hereto, and incorporated by this reference.


         "Premises":  That certain 50,320 rentable square feet building  located
at 111 Java Drive, Sunnyvale, California.

         "Punch List Work":  Minor  details of  construction  or  decoration  or
mechanical  adjustments,  which  do not  materially  and  adversely  affect  the
intended use of the Premises by Tenant.

         "Ready for Occupancy": When Landlord's architect has furnished Landlord
with  a  certificate  that  (i)  the  work  to be  done  by  Landlord  has  been
substantially  completed in accordance  with the Final Working Plans (except for
Punch List work),  (ii) that Tenant may legally  occupy the Premises,  and (iii)
that no mechanics' liens exist as to the Improvements.

         "Soft Building  Costs":  All  architectural  and  engineering  charges,
governmental permit fees, utility hook up fees, contractors' insurance and other
miscellaneous soft costs.

         "Tenant Delay":     Any of the following:

         (a) any delay resulting from Tenant's failure to submit  information in
conformance with the Pre-Construction Schedule;

         (b) any delay  resulting  from Tenant's  failure to approve any matters
requiring approval in a timely manner;

         (c) any  delay  resulting  from  Change  Orders,  including  any  delay
resulting  from the need to  revise  any  drawings  as a  result  of any  Change
Order(s); or

         (d) any delay of any other  kind or  nature  in the  completion  of the
Improvements  caused by Tenant  (or  Tenant's  agents or  employees)  including,
without  limitation,  any delay  occasioned  by (i)  Tenant's  occupancy  of the
Premises, or (ii) any course of maintenance, repair or construction conducted by
or on behalf of Tenant to the Premises.

         "Tenant's Representative":     Cindy Burgdorf

         "Unavoidable  Delays":  Delays  due to  acts of  God,  acts  of  public
agencies,  labor disputes,  strikes, fires, freight embargoes,  rainy and stormy
weather, inability to obtain supplies,  materials,  fuels, or permits, delays of
contractors  or  subcontractors,  or other  causes or  contingencies  beyond the
reasonable control of Landlord or Tenant.

         Capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined in this Work Letter will have
the meaning assigned to them in the Lease.


         SECTION 2.     Representatives.

         Tenant  has  designated  the  Tenant's   Representative   as  the  sole
representative  with  respect to the  matters set forth in this Work Letter with
full authority and  responsibility to act on behalf of the Tenant as required in
this Work Letter.  Landlord has designated the Landlord's  Representative as the
sole  representative  with  respect to the matters set forth in this Work Letter
with full authority and  responsibility to act on behalf of Landlord as required
in this Work Letter.  Either party may change the representative under this Work
Letter at any time by giving five (5) days' written notice to the other party.

         SECTION 3.     Procedure and Costs.

         Landlord  and Tenant will comply  with the  procedure  outlined in this
Section  in  preparing,   delivering,   approving,  and  seeking  and  obtaining
regulatory   approval  of  all  matters  relating  to  the  Improvements  to  be
constructed by Landlord.

         (a) Working  Drawings and Cost  Estimates.  Landlord and Tenant  hereby
agree  to  expend  their  individual  best  efforts  to  accomplish  each of the
activities  referenced in the  Pre-Construction  Schedule on or before the dates
assigned to each such activity.  The number of days which any listed activity is
delayed  beyond the date assigned for  completion of any such activity  shall be
allocated as Landlord Delay(s), Tenant Delay(s), or Unavoidable Delay(s), as the
case may be, in the manner outlined in this Agreement.  If the date on which the
Premises is Ready for  Occupancy  occurs on or before April 1, 1999,  no further
action shall be taken with regard to delays and no delay  penalties shall be due
or  payable.  If the date on which the  Premises is Ready for  Occupancy  occurs
after April 1, 1999, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the sum of $2,500 for each day
of Tenant  Delay  between  April 1, 1999 and the date on which the  Premises  is
deemed Ready for Occupancy under this Agreement,  it being understood and agreed
that Tenant shall be entitled to a credit against any delay  penalties which may
become  payable  by Tenant  to  Landlord  in the sum of  $2,500  for each day of
Landlord Delay. Neither party shall be penalized for Unavoidable Delays.

                  (i)  For  purposes  of  this  subsection  (a),  the  following
         numbered line items on the Pre-Construction  Schedule shall be the sole
         responsibility of Tenant: 1 and 3.

                  (ii)  For  purposes  of this  subsection  (a),  the  following
         numbered  line  items  on the  Pre-Construction  Schedule  shall be the
         responsibility of both Landlord and Tenant: 2, 6, 9, and 11.

                  (iii) For purposes of this  subsection  (a), both Landlord and
         Tenant shall share  responsibility  for  providing  full,  complete and
         prompt response and assistance to the General Contractor with regard to
         the following numbered line items on the Pre-Construction  Schedule: 4,
         5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15.


         (b) General Contractor.  Landlord shall execute a construction contract
with  General  Contractor  relating to  construction  of the  Improvements  (the
"Construction  Contract") in accordance  with the Approved  Final Working Plans,
promptly following approval by Landlord and Tenant. Landlord shall cause any and
all assignable  warranties under the Construction  Contract and any subcontracts
entered  into  in  connection  therewith  to be  assigned  to  Tenant  upon  the
completion of the Improvements.

         (c)  Construction  of  Improvements.  Landlord  shall  expend  its best
efforts  to  cause  the  General   Contractor  to  construct  and  complete  the
Improvements  substantially  in accordance with the Approved Final Working Plans
in good and  workmanlike  manner subject only to Tenant Delays,  Landlord Delays
and Unavoidable Delays .

         (d) Changes. If at any time Tenant desires any changes, alterations, or
additions  to any of the  Approved  Final  Working  Plans,  Tenant must submit a
detailed written request to Landlord (a "Change Order").  If construction of the
portion of the Improvements  Tenant seeks to change has not commenced and if the
requested  changes are reasonable  and  practical,  Landlord will seek to comply
with the Change  Order.  Under no  circumstance  will  Landlord  be  required to
undertake  any change,  alteration,  or addition  to any of the  Approved  Final
Working   Plans  prior  to  the   execution   of  a  Change  Order  by  Tenant's
Representative.   If  any  additional  plans,  drawings  of  specifications,  or
modifications  of those items are required as a result of a Change  Order,  they
will be prepared  and approved in the manner set forth in Section  3(a).  Delays
caused by Change Orders shall be Tenant Delays.

         (e) Tenant  Delays.  In the event of any Tenant Delay,  Landlord  shall
expend its reasonable efforts to cause notice of such Tenant Delay(s) to be sent
to Tenant as soon as reasonably  practicable after Landlord becomes aware of any
such Tenant Delay(s),  provided, however, that Landlord's failure to give notice
of any such  Tenant  Delay shall have no impact on the  designation  of any such
delays as Tenant Delay(s).

         SECTION 4.     Payment.

         All amounts payable by Tenant to Landlord pursuant to the provisions of
Paragraph 43 of the Lease shall be due and payable by Tenant within fifteen (15)
calendar days after the  rendering to Tenant of a bill by Landlord,  which bills
shall not be rendered any more frequently than once per calendar month. Tenant's
failure  to pay  within the  fifteen  (15) day time  period  will  constitute  a
monetary  default under the Lease,  and all amounts will then bear interest from
the date on which the bills were  submitted to Tenant until paid in full, at the
lesser of ten percent (10%) per annum or the highest rate allowed by law.


         SECTION 5.     Ready for Occupancy.

         Landlord will cause the General Contractor and the Architect to deliver
to  Tenant a  written  notice  of  substantial  completion  certifying  that the
Improvements  have been  completed in  conformance  with the  provisions  of the
Construction  Contract,  the Approved Final Working Plans, and any Change Orders
("Substantial Completion"). Upon receipt by Tenant of such notice of Substantial
Completion, the Improvements will be deemed delivered to Tenant for all purposes
of the Lease and Landlord's obligations under the provisions of Paragraphs 43(a)
and 43(b) of the Lease shall be deemed to be fully  discharged.  Within five (5)
days after receipt of the notice of Substantial Completion, Tenant shall conduct
a  walk-through  inspection  of  the  Premises  with  Landlord  to  inspect  the
Improvements and the Premises, and Tenant's  representative,  within thirty (30)
days following such inspection shall develop and provide Landlord with a written
list of Punch List Work.  Landlord will diligently cause the General  Contractor
to complete  the Punch List Work within a  reasonable  time  thereafter.  In the
event of any dispute as to substantial  completion of work performed or required
to be performed by Landlord,  the  certificate  of Landlord's  architect will be
conclusive.  Substantial completion will have occurred  notwithstanding Tenant's
submission of a list of Punch List Work to Landlord.

         SECTION 6.     No Agency.

         Nothing  contained in this Letter will make or constitute Tenant as the
agent of Landlord.

         SECTION 7.     Notices.

         Except as  otherwise  expressly  provided by law,  all notices or other
communications  required or permitted by this Work Letter or by law to be served
on or given to either  party to this Work  Letter by the other party shall be in
writing and shall be deemed  served when  personally  delivered  to the party to
whom they are directed,  when sent via  facsimile  with verbal  confirmation  of
receipt  or after  three days  following  deposit  in the  United  States  Mail,
certified  or  registered  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid,
addressed as follows:

                           If to Tenant:   SanDisk Corporation
                                           140 Caspian Court
                                           Sunnyvale, CA 94089
                                           Attn.: Cindy Burgdorf

                           With a copy to: W. Scott Biel, Esq.
                                           Brobeck Phleger & Harrison LLP
                                           550  West C  Street,  Suite
                                           1300 San Diego, CA 92101


                           If to Landlord: G.F. Properties, Inc.
                                           999 Baker Way, Suite 200
                                           San Mateo, California, 94404
                                           Attn.: Mr. Jack E. Pryde

                           With a copy to: Stephen R. Barbieri
                                           Law Offices of Stephen R. Barbieri
                                           214 Grant Ave., Suite 400
                                           San Francisco, CA 94108

         Either  party,  Tenant or  Landlord,  may  change the  address  for the
purpose  of this  Section  by giving  written  notice of the change to the other
party in the manner provided in this Section.

         SECTION 8.     Disputes.

         (a) Dispute  Resolution.  If any dispute arises in connection with this
Work Letter,  such dispute shall be resolved in accordance  with this Section 8.
Such  dispute  shall  be   determined  by  a  panel   consisting  of  Landlord's
Representative,  Tenant's Representative (or another party designated by Tenant)
and Landlord's architect (the "Construction Panel").

         (b) Notice.  All  disputes to be  determined  in  accordance  with this
Section 8 shall be raised by notice to the other party, which notice shall state
with  particularity the nature of the dispute and the demand for relief,  making
specific  reference  by section  number and title to the  provision of this Work
Letter alleged to give rise to the dispute, such notice shall also refer to this
Section 8.

         (c) Procedures.  All  proceedings  contemplated by this Section 8 shall
take place at the locations for all job-site  meetings,  unless the Construction
Panel mutually agrees to another location.

         (d)  Interpretation  and Resolution.  In determining  any dispute,  the
Construction Panel shall apply the pertinent provisions of this Work Letter (and
the Lease,  if  applicable)  without  departure  therefrom in any  respect.  The
Construction  Panel shall not have the power to add to,  modify or change any of
the provisions of this Work Letter to the extent  necessary in applying the same
to the matters to be determined by the Construction  Panel. As part of resolving
a  dispute,  the  Construction  Panel  shall  determine  the  days of  delay  in
completing  Improvements which directly result from the dispute being considered
by the  Construction  Panel,  if any. The days of delay shall be  designated  as
either Tenant Delays,  Landlord Delays or Unavoidable  Delays or any combination
of these three delays, as determined by the Construction Panel.


         (e)  Continued  Performance.  During any  proceedings  pursuant to this
Section, Landlord and Tenant shall, to the extent possible,  continue to perform
and discharge all of their respective obligations under this Work Letter and the

         (f) Binding  Resolution.  The Construction  Panel shall meet within two
(2) business days after notice of the dispute and shall  thereafter  resolve the
issue in dispute within two (2) business days unless it is mutually agreed among
the Construction  Panel members that additional time is necessary to resolve the
dispute,  but in no event  shall  such  additional  time  exceed  five (5) days.
Landlord and Tenant agree that time and strict  punctual  performance are of the
essence with respect to each  provision of this Work Letter and that any and all
decisions of the Construction Panel as to the matter in dispute shall be binding
upon both Landlord and Tenant.

         SECTION 9.     Miscellaneous.

         Except as otherwise specified,  all references in this Work Letter to a
number of days shall be references to calendar days. All references in Exhibit A
to this Work Letter to a number of days shall be references to business days.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have  executed this Work Letter as of
the date first above written.

LANDLORD:                                                     TENANT:

G. F. PROPERTIES, INC.,                              SANDISK CORPORATION,
a California corporation,                            a Delaware corporation,

By:                                                  By: 
   ---------------------------                          ------------------------
Stephen R. Barbieri, Secretary                       Cindy Burgdorf, Chief 
                                                     Financial Officer
