and  entered  into as of July 15,  1998 by and between  SanDisk  Corporation,  a
Delaware Corporation  ('Borrower') and UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA,  N.A. ('Bank').
This  Agreement  amends and restates in its entirety  that certain Trade Finance
Agreement  dated July 1, 1996,  as amended  from time to time,  between Bank and

         SECTION 1.      THE LOAN

         1.1 The Trade Finance Credit  Facility.  Bank will extend to Borrower a
Trade  Finance  Credit  Facility in an amount not to exceed Ten Million  Dollars
($10,000,000); (the 'Trade Finance Credit Facility') to expire on July 15, 1999.
The Trade Finance Credit Facility shall be subject to the following sublimits:

        a. The Clean Advance Line in an amount not to exceed Ten Million Dollars

        b. The Standby  L/C Line in an amount not to exceed Ten Million  Dollars

        1.1.1 Clean Advance Line.  Bank will also make  available an amount that
will not  exceed  the  amount  listed  above  (the  'Clean  Advance  Line')  for
Borrower's  working capital purposes.  All advances under the Clean Advance Line
must be made on or before July 15, 1999, at which time all unpaid  principal and
interest  under the Clean  Advance Line shall be due and  payable.  Borrower may
borrow,  repay and reborrow all or part of the Clean  Advance Line in accordance
with the terms of the  Clean  Advance  Note.  The Clean  Advance  Line  shall be
evidenced by a Promissory  Note (the 'Clean  Advance Note') on the standard form
used by Bank for  commercial  loans.  Bank shall enter each amount  borrowed and
repaid in Bank's  records and such entry shall be deemed to be the amount of the
Clean Advance Line outstanding.  Omission by Bank to make any such entries shall
not discharge  Borrower of its obligation to repay amounts borrowed in full with

        1.1.2 The Standby L/C  Sublimit.  Bank shall  issue,  for the account of
Borrower,  one or more irrevocable,  standby letters of credit (individually,  a
"Standby L/C' and collectively, the 'Standby L/Cs'). All such Standby L/Cs shall
be drawn on such terms and  conditions  as are  acceptable  to Bank and shall be
governed by the terms of (and Borrower  agrees to execute)  Bank's standard form
of Standby UC application  and  reimbursement  agreement.  The aggregate  amount
available  to be drawn  under all  outstanding  Standby  L/Cs and the  aggregate
amount of unpaid  reimbursement  obligations  under drawn Standby L/Cs shall not
exceed Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000). No Standby L/C shall expire after July
15, 1999.

        1.1.3 Trade Finance  Revolving  Lines and Limits.  The aggregate  amount
available to be drawn under each sublimit listed above shall be reduced,  dollar
for dollar,  by the aggregate amount of unpaid principal  obligations  under the
respective  sublimit.  The  aggregate of all unpaid  advances and  reimbursement
obligations shall reduce,  dollar for dollar, the maximum amount available under
the  Trade  Finance  Credit  Facility.  Borrower  may  reborrow  or  obtain  new
extensions of credit under each such sublimit until the  expiration  date of the
Trade Finance Credit Facility, to the extent that Borrower has paid or otherwise
satisfied  prior  borrowings or  extensions of credit,  subject to all terms and
conditions in the Loan Documents.

1.2 Terminology.

As used  herein  the  word  'Loan'  shall  mean,  collectively,  all the  credit
facilities described above.

As used herein the word  'Note'  shall mean,  collectively,  all the  promissory
notes described above.

As used herein,  the words 'Loan Documents' shall mean all documents executed in
connection with this Agreement.

As used herein,  the word 'L/C' shall mean all Commercial  L/Cs and Standby L/Cs
described above.

        1.3 Purpose of Loan. The proceeds of the Trade Finance  Credit  Facility
shall be used to finance Borrower's customary trade cycle. Proceeds of the Clean
Advance Line shall be used for general working capital purposes.

        1.4  Interest.  The unpaid  principal  balance of the Clean Advance Line
shall bear  interest at the rate of zero percent (0%) per annum in excess of the
Reference Rate as more specifically provided in the Clean Advance Note.

        1.5 Trade  Finance Fees.  All fees in connection  with the Trade Finance
Credit Facility will be in accordance  with Bank's standard  schedule of fees as
published from time to time,  except as follows:  Standby L/C Issuance Fee shall
be at Four-Tenth's of One Percent (0.40%) per annum.

        1.6 Balances.  Borrower  shall maintain its major  depository  accounts,
excluding  its broker  accounts,  with Bank until the Note and all sums  payable
pursuant to this Agreement have been paid in full.

        1.7  Disbursement.  Upon  execution  hereof,  Bank  shall  disburse  the
proceeds of the Loan as provided in Bank's standard form Authorization  executed
by Borrower.

        1.8 Controlling  Document. In the event of any inconsistency between the
terms of this  Agreement  and any Note or any of the other Loan  Documents,  the
terms of such Note or other Loan  Documents  will prevail over the terms of this


        Bank  shall not be  obligated  to  disburse  all or any  portion  of the
proceeds  of the Loan  unless  at or prior  to the time for the  making  of such
disbursement,   the  following   conditions   have  been   fulfilled  to  Bank's

        2.1  Compliance.  Borrower  shall have  performed  and complied with all
terms and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with
by it prior to or at the date of the making of such  disbursement and shall have
executed and delivered to Bank the Note and other documents  deemed necessary by

        2.2  Borrowing  Resolution.  Borrower  shall  have  provided  Bank  with
certified  copies of  resolutions  duly  adopted  by the Board of  Directors  of
Borrower,  authorizing  this Agreement and the Loan Documents.  Such resolutions
shall also designate the persons who are authorized to act on Borrower's  behalf
in  connection  with this  Agreement  and to do the things  required of Borrower
pursuant to this Agreement.

        2.3  Continuing  Compliance.  At the time any UC is to be issued,  there
shall not exist  any  event,  condition  or act  which  constitutes  an event of
default under Section 6 hereof or any event, condition or act which with notice,
lapse of time 

or both would constitute such event of default; nor shall there be
any such event,  condition, or act immediately after the disbursement were it to
be made.


        Borrower represents and warrants that:

        3.1  Business  Activity.  The  principal  business  of  Borrower  is the
manufacturing of flash storage products.

        3.2 Affiliates and Subsidiaries.  Borrower's affiliates and subsidiaries
(those entities in which Borrower has either a controlling  interest or at least
a 25%  ownership  interest)  and their  addresses,  and the names of  Borrower's
principal  shareholders,  are as provided on a schedule  delivered to Bank on or
before the date of this Agreement.

        3.3 Authority to Borrow. The execution, delivery and performance of this
Agreement, the Note and all other agreements and instruments required by Bank in
connection  with the Loan are not in  contravention  of any of the  terms of any
indenture,  agreement or undertaking to which Borrower is a party or by which it
or any of its property is bound or affected.

        3.4  Financial   Statements.   The  financial  statements  of  Borrower,
including  both a  balance  sheet at March 31,  1998  together  with  supporting
schedules,  and an income  statement  for the three (3) months  ended  March 31,
1998,  have  heretofore  been  furnished to Bank,  and are true and complete and
fairly  represent the financial  condition of Borrower during the period covered
thereby.  Since March 31, 1998, there has been no material adverse change in the
financial condition or operations of Borrower.

        3.5  Title.  Except for assets  which may have been  disposed  of in the
ordinary  course of business,  Borrower has good and marketable  title to all of
the property reflected in its financial  statements delivered to Bank and to all
property acquired by Borrower since the date of said financial statements,  free
and clear of all liens,  encumbrances,  security  interests  and adverse  claims
except those specifically referred to in said financial statements.

        3.6  Litigation.  There  is  no  litigation  or  proceeding  pending  or
threatened against Borrower or any of its property which is reasonably likely to
affect the financial condition, property or business of Borrower in a materially
adverse  manner or  result  in  liability  in  excess  of  Borrower's  insurance

        3.7 Default. Borrower is not now in default in the payment of any of its
material  obligations,  and  there  exists  no  event,  condition  or act  which
constitutes  an event of default under Section 6 hereof and no condition,  event
or act which with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of

        3.8 Organization. Borrower is duly organized and existing under the laws
of the state of its  organization,  and has the power and  authority to carry on
the business in which it is engaged and/or proposes to engage.

        3.9  Power.  Borrower  has the power and  authority  to enter  into this
Agreement  and to  execute  and  deliver  the  Note  and all of the  other  Loan

        3.10  Authorization.  This  Agreement  and all things  required  by this
Agreement have been duly authorized by all requisite action of Borrower.

        3.11  Qualification.  Borrower is duly qualified and in good standing in
any jurisdiction where such qualification is required.

        3.12 Compliance With Laws.  Borrower is not in violation with respect to
any applicable laws,  rules,  ordinances or regulations  which materially affect
the operations or financial condition of Borrower.

        3.13 ERISA. Any defined benefit pension plans as defined in the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ('ERISA'),  of Borrower meet,
as of the date hereof,  the minimum  funding  standards of Section 302 of ERISA,
and no  Reportable  Event or  Prohibited  Transaction  as  defined  in ERISA has
occurred with respect to any such plan.

        3.14  Regulation U. No action has been taken or is currently  planned by
Borrower, or any agent acting on its behalf, which would cause this Agreement or
the  Note to  violate  Regulation  U or any  other  regulation  of the  Board of
Governors  of the  Federal  Reserve  System or to  violate  the  Securities  and
Exchange Act of 1934, in each case as in effect now or as the same may hereafter
be in effect.  Borrower is not engaged in the business of  extending  credit for
the purpose of  purchasing  or  carrying  margin  stock as one of its  important
activities  and  none of the  proceeds  of the  Loan  will be used  directly  or
indirectly for such purpose.

        3.15  Continuing   Representations.   These   representations  shall  be
considered  to have been made again at and as of the date each L/C is issued and
of each  disbursement  of the Loan and shall be true and correct as of such date
or dates.


        Until the Note and all sums  payable  pursuant to this  Agreement or any
other  of the  Loan  Documents  have  been  paid in  full,  unless  Bank  waives
compliance in writing, Borrower agrees that:

        4.1 Use of Proceeds.  Borrower will use the proceeds of the Loan only as
provided in subsection 1.3 above.

        4.2 Payment of Obligations. Borrower will pay and discharge promptly all
taxes,  assessments and other governmental  charges and claims levied or imposed
upon it or its property, or any part thereof,  provided,  however, that Borrower
shall  have the right in good  faith to  contest  any such  taxes,  assessments,
charges or claims and,  pending the outcome of such contest,  to delay or refuse
payment thereof  provided that adequately  funded reserves are established by it
to pay and discharge any such taxes, assessments, charges and claims.

        4.3  Maintenance  of Existence.  Borrower will maintain and preserve its
existence and assets and all rights,  franchises,  licenses and other  authority
necessary  for the conduct of its  business  and will  maintain and preserve its
property,  equipment and  facilities in good order,  condition and repair.  Bank
may, at reasonable times, visit and inspect any of the properties of Borrower.

        4.4 Records.  Borrower will keep and maintain full and accurate accounts
and  records  of its  operations  according  to  generally  accepted  accounting
principles and will permit Bank to have access thereto,  to make examination and
photocopies thereof, and to make audits during regular business hours. Costs for
such audits shall be paid by Borrower.

        4.5       Information Furnished.  Borrower will furnish to Bank:

        (a) Within forty five (45) days after the close of each fiscal  quarter,
except for the final quarter of each fiscal year, its unaudited balance sheet as
of the close of such fiscal quarter,  its unaudited income and expense statement
with  supportive  schedules and  statement of retained  earnings for that fiscal
quarter, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

        (b)Within one hundred  twenty (1 20) days after the close of each fiscal
year,  a copy of its  statement of  financial  condition  including at least its
balance  sheet as of the close of such  fiscal  year,  its  income  and  expense
statement and retained  earnings  statement  for such fiscal year,  examined and
prepared  on an  audited  basis  by  independent  certified  public  accountants
selected by Borrower and  reasonably  satisfactory  to Bank, in accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that
of the previous year;

        (c)  Such  other  financial  statements  and  information  as  Bank  may
reasonably request from time to time;

        (d) In connection with each financial  statement provided  hereunder,  a
statement  executed by chief financial  officer of Borrower,  certifying that no
default has  occurred and no event exists which with notice or the lapse of time
or both, would result in a default hereunder,

        (e)Prompt  written notice to Son-k of all events of default under any of
the terms or p of this Agreement or of any other agreement,  contract,  document
or instrument  entered,  or to be entered into with Bank,  and of any litigation
which, if decided adversely to Borrower, would have a material adverse effect on
Borrower's financial  condition,  and of any other matter which has resulted in,
or is likely to result in, a material adverse change in its financial  condition
or operations, and

        (f) Prior written  notice to Bank of any changes in Borrower's  officers
and other senior management; Borrower's name; and location of Borrower's assets,
principal place of business or chief executive office.

        4.6 Quick Ratio.  Borrower  shall maintain at all times a ratio of cash,
accounts receivable and marketable securities to current liabilities of not less
than  2.25:1.0,  as such terms are  defined  by  generally  accepted  accounting
principals.  Bank  Line and  Deferred  Revenues  shall be  included  in  current

        4.7 Tangible Net Worth. Borrower will at all times maintain Tangible Net
Worth of not less than One Hundred Seventy Million Dollars  ($170,000,000)  plus
50% of Net  Profit  after  Taxes.  "Tangible  Net  Worth"  shall  mean net worth
increased by  indebtedness  of Borrower  subordinated  to Bank and  decreased by
patents,  licenses,   trademarks,   trade  names,  goodwill  and  other  similar
intangible  assets,  organizational  expenses,  and monies  due from  affiliates
(including officers, shareholders and directors).

        4.8 Debt To Tangible Net Worth.  Borrower  will at all times  maintain a
ratio of total  liabilities  to tangible  net worth of not grater than  0.5:1.0.
"Tangible Net Worth" shall mean net worth  increased by indebtedness of Borrower
subordinated  to Bank and  decreased  by patents,  licenses,  trademarks,  trade
names,  goodwill and other similar intangible assets,  organizational  expenses,
and monies due from affiliates (including officers, shareholders and directors).

        4.9 Profitability.  Borrower will maintain a net profit, after provision
for  income  taxes,  of any  positive  amount,  for any two  consecutive  fiscal
quarters,  as reported at the end of each such fiscal quarter.  Net profit after
tax for any fiscal  quarter  will not reflect a loss  greater  than five percent
(5%) of  Tangible  Net  Worth as of the last  day of the  immediately  preceding
fiscal quarter.

        4.10 Insurance.  Borrower will keep all of its insurable property, real,
personal or mixed,  insured by good and responsible  companies  against fire and
such other risks as are  customarily  insured  against by  companies  conducting
similar  business  with  respect  to like  properties.  Borrower  will  maintain
adequate  worker's   compensation   insurance  and  adequate  insurance  against
liability for damages to persons and property.

        4.11  Additional  Requirements.  Borrower will promptly,  upon demand by
Bank,  take such further  action and execute all such  additional  documents and
instruments  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  as  Bank  in its  reasonable
discretion deems necessary, and promptly supply Bank with such other information
concerning its affairs as Bank may request from time to time.

        4.12 Litigation and Attorneys' Fees.  Borrower will pay promptly to Bank
upon  demand,  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  (including  but not  limited to the
reasonable  estimate of the  allocated  costs and  expenses  of  in-house  legal
counsel and legal  staff) and all costs and other  expenses  paid or incurred by
Bank in  collecting,  modifying  or  compromising  the Loan or in  enforcing  or
exercising its rights or remedies  created by, connected with or provided for in
this  Agreement  or any of the Loan  Documents,  whether or not an  arbitration,
judicial  action  or  other  proceeding  is  commenced.  If such  proceeding  is
commenced,  only the prevailing  party shall be entitled to attorneys'  fees and
court costs.

        4.13 Bank  Expenses.  Borrower will pay or reimburse Bank for all costs,
expenses and fees incurred by Bank in preparing and  documenting  this Agreement
and the loan, and all amendments and  modifications  thereof,  including but not
limited to all filing and recording  fees,  costs of  appraisals,  insurance and
attorneys'  fees,  including the reasonable  estimate of the allocated costs and
expenses of in-house legal counsel and legal staff.

        4.14 Reports Under Pension Plans. Borrower will furnish to Bank, as soon
as possible and in any event within 15 days after  Borrower  knows or has reason
to know that any event or condition with respect to any defined  benefit pension
plans of Borrower  described in Section 3 above has occurred,  a statement of an
authorized  officer  of  Borrower  describing  such event or  condition  and the
action, if any, which Borrower proposes to take with respect thereto.


Until the Note and all other sums  payable  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or any
other  of the  Loan  Documents  have  been  paid in  full,  unless  Bank  waives
compliance in writing, Borrower agrees that:

        5.1 Encumbrances and Liens.  Borrower will not create,  assume or suffer
to exist any mortgage,  pledge, security interest,  encumbrance,  or lien (other
than for taxes not delinquent  and for taxes and other items being  contested in
good faith) on property of any kind, whether real,  personal or mixed, now owned
or hereafter acquired, or upon the income or profits thereof, except to Bank and
except for minor encumbrances and easements on real property which do not affect
its market value, and except for existing liens on Borrower's  personal property
and future  purchase  money  security  interests  encumbering  only the personal
property purchased.

        5.2 Borrowings.  Borrower will not sell,  discount or otherwise transfer
any account  receivable or any note,  draft or other  evidence of  indebtedness,
except to Bank or except to a financial institution at face value for deposit or
collection purposes only and without any fee other than fees normally charged by
the financial institution for deposit or collection services.  Borrower will not
borrow any money,  become  contingently  liable to borrow  money,  nor enter any
agreement to directly or indirectly  obtain borrowed  money,  except pursuant to
agreements made with Bank.

        5.3  Sale of  Assets,  Liquidation  or  Merger.  Borrower  will  neither
liquidate nor dissolve nor enter into any consolidation,  merger, partnership or
other  combination,  nor convey,  nor sell, nor lease all or the greater part of
its assets or  business,  nor  purchase or lease all or the greater  part of the
assets or business of another.

        5.4 Loans,  Advances and  Guaranties.  Borrower will not,  except in the
ordinary course of business as currently conducted,  make any loans or advances,
become a guarantor or surety,  pledge its credit or  properties in any manner or
extend credit.

        5.5  Investments.  Borrower  will not  purchase  the debt or  equity  of
another person or entity except for savings accounts and certificates of deposit
of Bank,  direct U.S.  Government  obligations  and  commercial  paper issued by
corporations  with the top  ratings of Moody's or  Standard & Poor's,  and those
eligible instruments outlined in Borrower's  investment policy provided to Bank,
provided  all such  permitted  investments  shall  mature  with in 30  months of
purchase.  An additional cash  investment in USI, a semiconductor  manufacturing
venture  headed by UMC is  permitted,  provided the  investment  does not exceed
Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) in fiscal year 1998.

        5.6  Payment  of  Dividends.  Borrower  will  not  declare  or  pay  any
dividends,  other than a dividend  payable in its own common stock, or authorize
or make any other distribution with respect to any of its stock now or hereafter

        5.7  Retirement of Stock.  Borrower will not acquire or retire any share
of its capital stock for value.

        5.8 Parent and  Subsidiary  Property.  Borrower  will not  transfer  any
property to its parent or any affiliate of its parent, except for value received
in the  normal  course  of  business  as  business  would be  conducted  with an
unrelated or unaffiliated  entity. In no event shall management fees or fees for
services be paid by Borrower  to any such direct or indirect  affiliate  without
Bank's prior written approval.

        5.9 Capital Expenditures. Borrower will not make capital expenditures in
excess of Fifteen  Million Dollars  ($15,000,000)  in any fiscal year; and shall
only make such  expenditures as are necessary for Borrower in the conduct of its
ordinary course of business.  Each said expenditure  shall be needed by Borrower
in the ordinary course of its business. 

Expenditures  as used in this  subsection  shall  include  the  current  expense
portion of all leases  whether or not  capitalized  and shall also  include  the
current portion of any debt used to finance capital expenditures.


         The  occurrence  of any of the following  events  ('Events of Default')
shall  terminate any obligation on the part of Bank to make or continue the Loan
and automatically, unless otherwise provided under the Note, shall make all sums
of interest and principal and any other amounts owing under the Loan immediately
due and payable,  without notice of default,  presentment or demand for payment,
protest or notice of nonpayment or dishonor, or any other notices or demands:

        6.1  Borrower  shall  default  in the due and  punctual  payment  of the
principal of or the interest on the Note or any of the other Loan Documents; or

        6.2 Any default shall occur under the Note; or

        6.3 Borrower  shall default in the due  performance or observance of any
covenant or condition of the Loan Documents;

        6.4 Any  guaranty  or  subordination  agreement  required  hereunder  is
breached or becomes  ineffective,  or any  Guarantor or  subordinating  creditor
dies, disavows or attempts to revoke or terminate such guaranty or subordination
agreement; or

        6.5 There is a change in  ownership  or control of ten percent (1 0%) or
more of the issued and outstanding stock of Borrower.


        7.1 Additional Remedies.  The rights,  powers and remedies given to Bank
hereunder  shall be cumulative and not  alternative  and shall be in addition to
all rights,  powers and  remedies  given to Bank by law against  Borrower or any
other  person,  including but not limited to Bank's rights of setoff or banker's

        7.2  Non  waiver.  Any  forbearance  or  failure  or  delay  by  Bank in
exercising  any right,  power or remedy  hereunder  shall not be deemed a waiver
thereof and any single or partial  exercise of any right,  power or remedy shall
not precede the further exercise thereof. No waiver shall be effective unless it
is in writing and signed by an officer of Bank.

        7.3  Inurement.  The  benefits  of this  Agreement  shall  inure  to the
successors  and assigns of Bank and the  permitted  successors  and assignees of
Borrower,  and any  assignment of Borrower  without Bank's consent shall be null
and void.

        7.4  Applicable  Law.  This  Agreement  and  all  other  agreements  and
instruments  required by Bank in connection  therewith  shall be governed by and
construed according to the laws of the State of California.

        7.5 Severability. Should any one or more provisions of this Agreement be
determined to be illegal or  unenforceable,  all other  provisions  nevertheless
shall be effective.

        7.6   Integration   Clause.   Except  for  documents   and   instruments
specifically  referenced herein, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between Bank and Borrower regarding the Loan and all prior communications verbal
or  written  between  Borrower  and  Bank  shall  be of  no  further  effect  or
evidentiary value.

        7.7  Construction.  The section and subsection  headings  herein are for
convenience  of  reference  only and  shall not limit or  otherwise  affect  the
meaning hereof.

        7.8 Amendments.  This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by
all parties hereto.

        7.9 Counterparts. Borrower and Bank may execute one or more counterparts
to this Agreement, each of which shall be deemed an original.


        8.1  Any  notices  or  other  communications  provided  for  or  allowed
hereunder shall be effective only when given by one of the following methods and
addressed to the  respective  party at its address given with the  signatures at
the end of this  Agreement and shall be  considered to have been validly  given:
(a) upon delivery, if delivered  personally;  (b) upon receipt, if mailed, first
class postage  prepaid,  with the United States Postal Service;  (c) on the next
business day, if sent by overnight courier service of recognized  standing;  and
(d) upon telephoned confirmation of receipt, if telecopied.

        8.2 The  addresses  to which  notices or demands  are to be given may be
changed from time to time by notice delivered as provided above.

THIS AGREEMENT is executed on behalf of the parties by duly authorized  officers
as of the date first above written.

DELAWARE                                 DELAWARE CORPORATION

- ------------------------------------     -----------------------------------
John Noble                               Eli Harari
Vice President                           President & CEO

- ------------------------------------     -----------------------------------
JamesGoudy                               Cindy Burgdorf
Vice President                           SVP & CFO


                                 PROMISSORY NOTE
                                   (BASE RATE)

Borrower Address: 140 CASPIAN COURT, SUNNYVALE, CA. 94089
Office:  64561   
Loan Number:  8159632704 0080000000
Maturity Date:  JULY 15, 1999
Amount: $10,000,000.00

$10,000,000.00                                                Date JULY 15, 1998

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, on JULY 15, 1999, the undersigned ("Debtor") promises to pay
to the order of UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA, N.A. ("Bank'), as indicated below, the
principal sum of TEN MILLION AND NO/1 00 Dollars ($1  0,000,000,00),  or so much
thereof as is disbursed, together with interest on the balance of such principal
from time to time  outstanding,  at the per annum rate or rates and at the times
set forth below.

1. INTEREST PAYMENTS. Debtor shall pay interest on the 1 5TH day of each QUARTER
(commencing  OCTOBER 15, 1998).  Should  interest not be paid when due, it shall
become  part  of the  principal  and  bear  interest  as  herein  provided.  All
computations of interest under this note shall be made on the basis of a year of
360 days, for actual days elapsed.

        a. BASE INTEREST RATE. At Debtor's option, amounts outstanding hereunder
        in minimum  amounts of at least $1  00,000.00  shall bear  interest at a
        rate, based on an index selected by Debtor,  which is 1.00% per annum in
        excess of Bank's  LIBOR-Rate for the Interest Period selected by Debtor,
        acceptable to Bank.

        No Base  Interest  Rate may be changed,  altered or  otherwise  modified
        until the  expiration  of the Interest  Period  selected by Debtor.  The
        exercise  of  interest  rate  options by Debtor  shall be as recorded in
        Bank's  records,  which  records  shall be prima  facie  evidence of the
        amount  borrowed  under either  interest  option and the interest  rate;
        provided, however, that failure of Bank to make any such notation in its
        records shall not discharge Debtor from its obligations to repay in full
        with  interest  all amounts  borrowed.  In no event  shall any  Interest
        Period extend beyond the maturity date of this note.

        To exercise  this option,  Debtor may, from time to time with respect to
        principal outstanding on which a Base Interest Rate is not accruing, and
        on the  expiration  of any  Interest  Period with  respect to  principal
        outstanding on which a Base Interest Rate has been  accruing,  select an
        index  offered  by Bank for a Base  Interest  Rate Loan and an  Interest
        Period by telephoning an authorized  lending  officer of Bank located at
        the banking office identified below prior to 1 0:00 a.m.,  Pacific time,
        on any Business Day and advising that officer of the selected index, the
        Interest  Period and the Origination  Date selected  (which  Origination
        Date,  for a Base  Interest  Rate Loan  based on the  LIBOR-Rate,  shall
        follow  the date of such  selection  by no more  than  two (2)  Business

        Bank will mail a written  confirmation  of the terms of the selection to
        Debtor  promptly  after  the  selection  is made.  Failure  to send such
        confirmation  shall not affect Bank's rights to collect  interest at the
        rate selected.  If, on the date of the selection,  the index selected is
        unavailable  for any reason,  the selection shall be void. Bank reserves
        the right to fund the principal from any source of funds notwithstanding
        any Base Interest Rate selected by Debtor.

        b. VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. All principal  outstanding hereunder which is
        not bearing  interest at a Base  Interest  Rate shall bear interest at a
        rate per annum equal to the Reference Rate, which rate shall vary as and
        when the Reference Rate changes.

        At  any  time  prior  to the  maturity  of  this  note,  subject  to the
        provisions of paragraph 4, below, of this note, Debtor may borrow, repay
        and  reborrow  hereon so long as the total  outstanding  at any one time
        does not exceed the principal amount of this note.  Debtor shall pay all
        amounts  due under  this note in lawful  money of the  United  States at
        Bank's  SANTA CLARA  VALLEY CBO Office,  or such other  office as may be
        designated by Bank, from time to time.


2. LATE PAYMENTS. If any payment required by the terms of this note shall remain
unpaid ten days after same is due, at the option of Bank, Debtor shall pay a fee
of $100 to Bank.

3. INTEREST RATE FOLLOWING  DEFAULT.  In the event of default,  at the option of
Bank,  and, to the extent  permitted  by law,  interest  shall be payable on the
outstanding  principal under this note at a per annum rate equal to five percent
(5%) in  excess  of the  interest  rate  specified  in  paragraph  l..b,  above,
calculated  from the date of default  until all amounts  payable under this note
are paid in full.


         a. Amounts outstanding under this note bearing interest at a rate based
         on the  Reference  Rate may be prepaid in whole or in part at any time,
         without penalty or premium. Debtor may prepay amounts outstanding under
         this note bearing  interest at a Base  Interest Rate in whom or in part
         provided  Debtor  has given Bank not less than five (5)  Business  Days
         prior written notice of Debtor's  intention to make such prepayment and
         pays to Bank the liquidated damages due as a result. Liquidated Damages
         shall  also  be  paid,  if  Bank,  for  any  other  reason,   including
         acceleration or  foreclosure,  receives all or any portion of principal
         bearing interest at a Base Interest Rate prior to its scheduled payment
         date.  Liquidated Damages shall be an amount equal to the present value
         of the product of: (i) the difference  (but not less than zero) between
         (a) the Base Interest Rate applicable to the principal  amount which is
         being  prepaid,  and lb) the return  which Bank could obtain if it used
         the amount of such  prepayment  of  principal  to purchase at bid price
         regularly  quoted  securities  issued  by the  United  States  having a
         maturity  date most  closely  coinciding  with the  relevant  Base Rate
         Maturity Date and such  securities were hold by Bank until the relevant
         Base Rate Maturity Date ("Yield Rate"); (ii) a fraction,  the numerator
         of  which  is the  number  of days in the  period  between  the date of
         prepayment and the relevant Base Rate Maturity Date and the denominator
         of which is 360;  and (iii)  the  amount of the  principal  so  prepaid
         (except in the event that principal payments are required and have been
         made as scheduled  under the terms of the Base Interest Rate Loan being
         prepaid,  then an amount equal to the lesser of (A) the amount  prepaid
         or (B) 50% of the sum of (1) the amount  prepaid  and (2) the amount of
         principal  scheduled  under  the terms of the Base  Interest  Rate Loan
         being  prepaid to be  outstanding  at the relevant  Base Rate  Maturity
         Date).  Present value under this note is determined by discounting  the
         above  product  to  present  value  using the Yield  Rate as the annual
         discount factor.

        b. In no event shall Bank be  obligated to make any payment or refund to
        Debtor,  nor  shall  Debtor be  entitled  to any  setoff or other  claim
        against  Bank,  should the return  which  Bank could  obtain  under this
        prepayment  formula exceed the interest that Bank would have received if
        no prepayment had occurred.  All  prepayments  shall include  payment of
        accrued interest on the principal amount so prepaid and shall be applied
        to payment of interest before application to principal.  A determination
        by Bank as to the prepayment fee amount, if any, shag be conclusive.

        c. Bank  shall  provide  Debtor a  statement  of the  amount  payable on
        account of prepayment.  Debtor  acknowledges that (1) Bank establishes a
        Base  Interest  Rate  upon the  understanding  that it apply to the Base
        Interest  Rate  Loan  for the  entire  Interest  Period,  and  (ii)  any
        prepayment may result in Bank incurring  additional  costs,  expenses or
        liabilities;  and  Debtor  agrees to pay these  liquidated  damages as a
        reasonable  estimate  of the costs,  expenses  and  liabilities  of Bank
        associated with such prepayment.

5. DEFAULT AND ACCELERATION OF TIME FOR PAYMENT.  Default shall include, but not
be  limited  to,  any of the  following:  (a) the  failure of Debtor to make any
payment required under this note when due; (b) any breach,  misrepresentation or
other default by Debtor,  any guarantor,  co-maker.  endorser,  or any person or
entity  other  than  Debtor  providing   security  for  this  note  (hereinafter
individually and  collectively  referred to as the "Obligor") under any security
agreement,  guaranty or other  agreement  between Bank and any Obligor;  (c) the
insolvency  of any Obligor or the failure of any Obligor  generally  to pay such
Obligor's debts as such debts become due; (d) the commencement as to any Obligor
of  any  voluntary  or  involuntary   proceeding  under  any  laws  relating  to
bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,  arrangement, debt adjustment or debtor
relief;  (e) the  assignment  by any Obligor  for the benefit of such  Obligor's
creditors;  (f) the  appointment,  or  commencement  of any  proceeding  for the
appointment  of a receiver,  trustee,  custodian or similar  official for all or
substantially  all  of any  Obligor's  property;  (g)  the  commencement  of any
proceeding  for  the  dissolution  or  liquidation  of  any  Obligor;   (h)  the
termination  of  existence or death of any Obligor;  (i) the  revocation  of any
guaranty or subordination  agreement given in connection with this note; (j) the
failure of any Obligor to comply with any order, judgment,  injunction,  decree.
writ or  demand  of any  court or other  public  authority;  (k) the  filing  or
recording against any Obligor,  or the property of any Obligor, of any notice of
levy,  notice to withhold,  or other legal process for taxes other than property
taxes;  (1) the  default  by any  Obligor  personally  liable for  amounts  owed
hereunder on any obligation  concerning the borrowing of money; (m) the issuance
against any Obligor,  or the property of any Obligor, of any writ of attachment,
execution,  or other  judicial lien; or (n) the  deterioration  of the financial
condition of any Obligor  which results in Bank deeming  itself,  in good faith,
insecure. Upon the occurrence of any such default, Bank, in its discretion,  may
cease to advance funds hereunder and may declare all obligations under this note
immediately due and payable; however, upon the occurrence of an event of default
under d, e, f, or g, all  principal  and  interest  shall  automatically  become
immediately due and payable.

6. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS OF DEBTOR. If any amounts owing under this note are not
paid  when  due,  Debtor  promises  to pay all  costs  and  expenses,  including
reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by Bank in the collection or enforcement of
this note. Debtor and any endorsers of this note. for the maximum period of time
and the full extent permitted by law, (a) waive diligence,  presentment, demand,
notice of nonpayment,  protest, notice of protest, and notice of every kind; (b)
waive the right to assert the defense of any statute of  limitations to any debt
or obligation hereunder;  and (c) consent to renewals and extensions of time for
the  payment of any  amounts  due under this note.  The  receipt of any check or
other item of payment by Bank, at its option,  shall not be considered a payment
on account  until such check or other item of payment is honored when  presented
for payment at the drawee bank.  Bank may delay the credit of such payment based
upon Bank's schedule of funds  availability,  and interest under this note shall
accrue  until the funds are deemed  collected.  In any action  brought  under or
arising out of this note, Debtor and any Obligor, including their successors and
assigns,  hereby consent to the  jurisdiction  of any competent court within the
State of 


California, as provided in any alternative dispute resolution agreement
executed between Debtor and Bank, and consent to service of process by any means
authorized by said state's law. The term "Bank'  includes,  without  limitation,
any holder of this note.  This note shall be  construed in  accordance  with and
governed by the laws of the State of California.

7.  DEFINITIONS.  As used herein,  the  following  terms shall have the meanings
respectively  set forth  below:  'Base  Interest  Rate' means a rate of interest
based on the  LIBOR-Rate.  "Base  Interest Rate Loan" means amounts  outstanding
under this note that bear interest at a Base Interest Rate.  'Base Rate Maturity
Date"  means the last day of the  Interest  Period  with  respect  to  principal
outstanding under a Base Interest Rate Loan. 'Business Day' means a day on which
Bank is open for business for the funding of corporate loans,  and, with respect
to the rate of  interest  based on the LIBOR  Rate,  on which  dealings  in U.S.
dollar  deposits  outside  of the  United  States  may be  carried  on by  Bank.
"Interest  Period' means with respect to funds bearing  interest at a rate based
on the LIBOR Rate, any calendar  period of [one, two or three weeks or one, two,
three,  four,  five,  six, nine or twelve  months].  In  determining an Interest
Period,  a month means a period that starts on one  Business  Day in a month and
ends on and includes the day preceding the numerically  corresponding day in the
next month.  For any month in which there is no such  numerically  corresponding
day, then as to that month, such day shall be deemed to be the last calendar day
of such month.  Any Interest  Period which would otherwise and on a non-Business
Day shall end on the next  succeeding  Business Day unless that is the first day
of a month,  in which event such Interest Period shall end on the next preceding
Business Day. "LIBOR Rate" means a per annum rate of interest  (rounded  upward,
if  necessary,  to the  nearest  I /1 00 of 1%) at  which  dollar  deposits,  in
immediately  available  funds and in lawful money of the United  States would be
offered to Bank,  outside of the United States,  for a term  coinciding with the
Interest  Period  selected  by Debtor  and for an amount  equal to the amount of
principal  covered by Debtor's  interest  rate  selection,  plus  Bank's  costs,
including the costs, if any, of reserve  requirements.  'Origination Date' means
the first day of the interest Period.  "Reference Rate" means the rate announced
by Bank from time to time at its corporate  headquarters  as its Reference Rate.
The  Reference  Rate is an index rate  determined by Bank from time to time as a
means of pricing  certain  extensions of credit and is neither  directly tied to
any  external  rate of  interest  or index nor  necessarily  the lowest  rate of
interest charged by Bank at any given time.


         Eli Harari, President & CEO

         Cindy L. Burgdorf, SVP & CFO
