Form 10-Q
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

(Mark one)
    X     Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
- --------- Exchange Act of 1934 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1999


          Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
- --------- Exchange Act of 1934 For the transition period from      to
                                                              -----   -----  

Commission File Number 0-26734

                               SanDisk Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 Delaware                                       77-0191793
      (State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

 140 Caspian Court, Sunnyvale, California                         94089
 (Address of principal executive offices)                       (Zip code)

                                 (408) 542-0500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

              (Former name, former address, and former fiscal year,
                         if changed since last report.)

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock as of March 31, 1999

       Common Stock, $0.001 par value                          26,865,588
       ------------------------------                          ----------
                    Class                                   Number of shares

                               SanDisk Corporation



                                                                        Page No.
Item 1. Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements:

        Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
            March 31, 1999 and December 31, 1998........................... 3

        Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
            Three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998..................... 4

        Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
            Three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998..................... 5

        Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements............... 6

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
            and Results of Operations...................................... 9

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.........24

                    PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1. Legal Proceedings................................................. 25

Item 2. Changes in Securities............................................. 25

Item 3. Defaults upon Senior Securities................................... 25

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders............... 25

Item 5. Other Information................................................. 25

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.................................. 26

        Signatures........................................................ 28

                                     Page 2

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                               SanDisk Corporation
                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                 (In thousands)

 ASSETS                                       March 31, 1999  December 31, 1998*
                                              --------------   ---------------
Current Assets:                                

   Cash and cash equivalents                        $  15,430        $  15,384
   Short-term investments                             129,562          119,074
   Accounts receivable, net                            23,509           20,400
   Inventories                                          8,066            8,922
   Deferred tax assets                                 15,900           15,900
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets            3,371            6,694
                                              ---------------- ----------------

Total current assets                                  195,838          186,374

Property and equipment, net                            18,921           17,542
Investment in foundry                                  51,208           51,208
Deposits and other assets                                 620              617
                                              ---------------- ----------------
          Total Assets                              $ 266,587        $ 255,741
                                              ================ ================


Current Liabilities:

   Accounts payable                                 $  15,521         $  6,938
   Accrued payroll and related expenses                 4,772            3,768
   Other accrued liabilities                           11,876            9,745
   Deferred revenue                                    21,034           27,452
                                              ---------------- ----------------
Total current liabilities                              53,203           47,903

Stockholders' Equity:

Common stock                                          187,595          186,120
Retained earnings                                      25,789           21,718
                                              ---------------- ----------------
Total stockholders' equity                            213,384          207,838

          Total Liabilities and
                                              ---------------- ----------------
          Stockholders' Equity                      $ 266,587        $ 255,741
                                              ================ ================

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  condensed  consolidated
financial  statements. 
*  Information  derived  from the  audited  Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                     Page 3

                               SanDisk Corporation
                   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
                (In thousands, except per share data; unaudited)

                                       Three months ended
                                            March 31,
                                         1999            1998
                                   ----------      ----------
   Product                         $  35,926       $  25,426
   License and royalty                 8,210           8,676
                                   ----------      ----------
Total revenues                        44,136          34,102

Cost of sales                         26,509          17,772
                                   ----------      ----------
Gross profits                         17,627          16,330

Operating expenses:
   Research and development            5,212           4,331              
   Sales and marketing                 5,173           3,951                
   General and administrative          2,394           2,044
                                   ----------      ----------
Total operating expenses              12,779          10,326
Operating income                       4,848           6,004
Interest and other income, net         1,604           1,339
                                   ----------      ----------
Income before taxes                    6,452           7,343
Provision for income taxes             2,129           2,640
                                   ----------      ----------
Net income                         $   4,323       $   4,703
                                   ==========      ==========

Net income per share
     Basic                         $    0.16       $    0.18
     Diluted                       $    0.15       $    0.17

Shares used in computing
net income per share
     Basic                            26,767          26,019
     Diluted                          29,314          28,022

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  condensed  consolidated
financial statements.

                                     Page 4

                               SanDisk Corporation
                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                            (In thousands; unaudited)

                                                            Three months ended
                                                                 March 31,
                                                              1999         1998
                                                          --------     --------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                $  4,323     $  4,703
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     provided by operating activities:
        Depreciation                                         1,657        1,351
        Accounts receivable, net                            (3,109)         785
        Inventory                                              856       (4,788)
        Prepaid expenses and other assets                    3,320          401
        Accounts payable                                     8,583       (8,793)
        Accrued payroll and related expenses                 1,004       (1,147)
        Other accrued liabilities                            2,131        2,074
        Deferred revenue                                    (6,418)      (1,427)
                                                          --------     --------
            Total adjustments                                8,024      (11,544)

                                                          --------     --------
     Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities    12,347       (6,841)

Cash flows from investing activities:
        Purchases of short term investments                (45,127)     (48,984)
        Proceeds from sale of short term investments        34,387       46,284
        Acquisition of capital equipment                    (3,036)      (1,825)
                                                          --------     --------
     Net cash used in investing activities                 (13,776)      (4,525)

Cash flows from financing activities:
        Sale of common stock                                 1,475        1,120
                                                          --------     --------
     Net cash provided by financing activities               1,475        1,120

                                                          --------     --------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents            46      (10,246)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period            15,384       20,888
                                                          --------     --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                $ 15,430     $ 10,642
                                                          ========     ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  condensed  consolidated
financial statements.

                                     Page 5

                               SanDisk Corporation

              Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

1.     These interim condensed  consolidated  financial statements are unaudited
       but  reflect,  in  the  opinion  of  management,   all  normal  recurring
       adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position of SanDisk
       Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  (the "Company") as of March 31, 1999,
       and the results of operations  and cash flows for the three month periods
       ended March 31, 1999 and 1998.  Because all the  disclosures  required by
       generally accepted accounting principles are not included,  these interim
       condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction
       with the audited financial  statements and notes thereto in the Company's
       annual  report on Form 10-K/A as of, and for the year ended  December 31,
       1998.  The condensed  consolidated  balance sheet data as of December 31,
       1998 was derived from the audited financial statements.

       The results of operations and cash flows for the three month period ended
       March 31, 1999 are not  necessarily  indicative  of results of operations
       and cash flows for any future period.

2.     The Company's  fiscal year ends on the Sunday closest to December 31, and
       each fiscal  quarter ends on the Sunday closest to March 31, June 30, and
       September  30. The first  fiscal  quarter of 1999 and 1998 ended on March
       28,  1999 and March 29,  1998,  respectively.  Fiscal  year 1998 ended on
       December 27, 1998. For ease of presentation,  the accompanying  financial
       statements  have been  shown as  ending  on the last day of the  calendar

3.     The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with  generally
       accepted accounting  principles requires management to make estimates and
       assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial  statements
       and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

4. The components of inventory consist of the following:

                                     March 31,  December 31,
                                         1999          1998
                                   ----------    ----------
                                        (In thousands)

      Raw materials                $    2,094    $    2,710
      Work-in-process                   3,876         3,818
      Finished goods                    2,096         2,394
                                   ----------    ----------
                                   $    8,066    $    8,922
                                   ==========    ==========

5. The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted  earnings
per share:

                                     Page 6

                                                       Three months ended
                                                           March 31,
                                                         1999         1998
                                                      -------      -------
                                                      (In thousands, except
                                                       per share amounts)
           Numerator for basic and diluted
              net income per share - net income       $ 4,323      $ 4,703
                                                      =======      =======

      Denominator for basic net income per share:
           Weighted average common shares              26,767       26,019
                                                      -------      -------
      Shares used in computing basic net income
      per share                                        26,767       26,019
                                                      =======      =======

      Basic net income per share                      $  0.16      $  0.18
                                                      =======      =======

      Denominator for diluted net income per share:
           Weighted average common shares              26,767       26,019

           Employee stock options and warrants
                to purchase common stock                2,547        2,003
                                                      -------      -------
      Shares used in computing diluted net income
      per share                                        29,314       28,022
                                                      =======      =======
      Diluted net income per share                    $  0.15      $  0.17
                                                      =======      =======

       For the three month  periods  ending March 31, 1999 and 1998,  options to
       purchase  10,753 and 150,706 shares of common stock,  respectively,  have
       been excluded from the earnings per share calculation, as their effect is

6.     To preserve its intellectual property rights, the Company believes it may
       be  necessary  to  initiate  litigation  with one or more third  parties,
       including  but not limited to those the Company has  notified of possible
       patent  infringement.  In  addition,  one or more of  these  parties,  or
       others, may bring suit against the Company.

       In March 1998,  the Company  filed a complaint in federal  court  against
       Lexar Media, Inc.  ("Lexar") for infringement of a fundamental  flashdisk
       patent.  Lexar has disputed the Company's  claim of patent  infringement,
       claimed SanDisk's patent is invalid or unenforceable and asserted various
       counterclaims including unfair competition,  violation of the Lanham Act,
       patent misuse,  interference with prospective  economic advantage,  trade
       defamation and fraud. SanDisk has denied each of Lexar's counterclaims.

        In July 1998, the federal  district court denied Lexar's request to have
       the case  dismissed  on the  grounds  the  Company  failed to  perform an
       adequate prefiling  investigation.  Discovery in the Lexar suit commenced
       in August  1998.  On  February  22,  1999,  the  Federal  District  Court
       considered  arguments and papers  submitted by the parties  regarding the
       scope and  proper  interpretation  of the  asserted  claims in  SanDisk's
       patent at issue in the Lexar suit. On March 4, 1999, the Federal District
       Court issued its ruling on the proper  construction of the claim terms in
       SanDisk's  patent. A trial date has not yet been set. The Company intends
       to  vigorously  enforce its patents,  but there can be no assurance  that
       these efforts will be successful.

       From  time to  time  the  Company  agrees  to  indemnify  certain  of its
       suppliers  and customers for alleged  patent  infringement.  The scope of
       such indemnity varies but may in some instances  include  indemnification
       for damages and expenses,  including attorneys fees. The Company may from

                                     Page 7

       to time be  engaged  in  litigation  as a result of such  indemnification
       obligations. Third party claims for patent infringement are excluded from
       coverage  under  the  Company's  insurance  policies.  There  can  be  no
       assurance that any future obligation to indemnify the Company's customers
       or suppliers,  will not have a material  adverse  effect on the Company's
       business, financial condition and results of operations.

       Any  litigation,  whether as a plaintiff or as a  defendant,  will likely
       result in  significant  expense to the  Company and divert the efforts of
       the Company's  technical and  management  personnel,  whether or not such
       litigation is ultimately determined in favor of the Company. In the event
       of an  adverse  result  in any  such  litigation,  the  Company  could be
       required to pay substantial damages, cease the manufacture,  use and sale
       of  infringing   products,   expend  significant   resources  to  develop
       non-infringing   technology   or  obtain   licenses  to  the   infringing
       technology,  or discontinue  the use of certain  processes.  Accordingly,
       there  can be no  assurance  that any of the  foregoing  matters,  or any
       future  litigation,  will  not  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the
       Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.

7.     The Company has a credit agreement (the Agreement) with a bank, which was
       renewed  in July  1998.  Under the  provisions  of the  Agreement,  which
       expires in July 1999,  the  Company  may borrow up to $10.0  million on a
       revolving line of credit at the bank's prime interest rate. Amounts under
       the revolving line of credit can be applied to the issuance of letters of
       credit up to the full amount of the credit line. At March 31, 1999,  $1.0
       million of letters of credit were  outstanding.  In  addition,  under the
       Agreement, the Company also has a $15.0 million foreign exchange contract
       line under which the Company may enter into foreign  exchange  contracts.
       As of March 31,  1999,  $4.5  million was  outstanding  under the foreign
       exchange contract portion of the line. The Agreement  contains  covenants
       that require the Company to maintain certain  financial ratios and levels
       of net worth.  The Agreement  prohibits the payment of cash  dividends to

8.     Certain of the Company's purchase  commitments and balance sheet accounts
       are denominated in Japanese Yen. The Company enters into foreign exchange
       contracts to hedge against  changes in foreign  currency  exchange rates.
       The effects of movements in currency  exchange rates on these instruments
       are  recognized  when the related  operating  revenues  and  expenses are
       recognized. The impact of movements in currency exchange rates on foreign
       exchange  contracts  substantially  mitigates  the related  impact on the
       underlying items hedged.

9.     Accumulated  other  comprehensive  income  presented in the  accompanying
       balance sheet consists of the accumulated  unrealized  gains and loses on
       available-for-sale marketable securities, net of the related tax effects,
       for all periods presented.

                                                  Three months ended
                                                       March 31,
                                                  1999           1998
                                              ---------       --------
                                                  (In thousands)

      Net income                              $   4,323       $  4,703

       Unrealized gain (loss) on
           available-for-sale securities           (252)           125
                                              ---------       --------
      Comprehensive income                    $   4,071       $  4,828
                                              =========       ========

Accumulated other comprehensive income was $219,000 and $168,000 at March
31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

                                     Page 8

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
         of Operations

    Certain  statements  in this  discussion  and analysis  are forward  looking
statements  based  on  current  expectations,   and  entail  various  risks  and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from those
expressed in such forward looking  statements.  Such risks and uncertainties are
discussed below and in the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31,
1998 under the heading  "Factors  That May Affect Future  Results."  Readers are
cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward looking statements, which
speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update
these forward looking  statements to reflect events or  circumstances  occurring
after the date hereof.  The following  discussion  should be read in conjunction
with the Company's consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto.


    The Company was  founded in 1988 to develop  and market  flash data  storage
systems.  The  Company  sells  its  products  to the  consumer  electronics  and
industrial/communications  markets. During 1998, the percentage of the Company's
product sales  attributable  to the consumer  electronics  market,  particularly
sales  of  CompactFlash  for  use  in  digital  camera  applications,  increased
substantially. This increase in sales to the consumer market resulted in a shift
to lower capacity  products,  which  typically have lower average selling prices
and gross margins than higher capacity products. In addition, these products are
frequently  sold into the retail  channel,  which  usually has shorter  customer
order lead-times than the other channels used by the Company, thereby decreasing
the Company's ability to accurately forecast future production needs. Subject to
market  acceptance of its  CompactFlash  products,  the Company  believes  these
products  will  continue to represent a majority of the  Company's  sales as the
popularity of consumer applications,  including digital cameras,  increases. The
percentage of sales  attributable  to orders  received and fulfilled in the same
quarter has increased  over time and, in response,  the Company is continuing to
work to shorten its manufacturing cycle times.

    The  Company's  operating  results  are  affected  by a  number  of  factors
including  the  volume of  product  sales,  the  timing of  significant  orders,
competitive  pricing pressures,  the ability of the Company to match supply with
demand,  changes  in product  and  customer  mix,  market  acceptance  of new or
enhanced  versions of the Company's  products,  changes in the channels  through
which  the   Company's   products  are   distributed,   timing  of  new  product
announcements and  introductions by the Company and its competitors,  the timing
of license and royalty revenues,  fluctuations in product costs, availability of
foundry  capacity,  variations in  manufacturing  cycle times,  fluctuations  in
manufacturing  yields and  manufacturing  utilization,  increased  research  and
development  expenses,  and exchange  rate  fluctuations.  In  addition,  as the
proportion  of the  Company's  products  sold  for use in  consumer  electronics
applications continues to increase, the Company's revenues may become subject to
seasonal  declines  in the first  quarter of each year.  See  "Factors  That May
Affect Future Results - Our Operating Results May Fluctuate  Significantly"  and
"There is Seasonality in Our Business."

    Beginning  in late 1995,  the Company  adopted a strategy of  licensing  its
flash  technology,  including  its patent  portfolio,  to  selected  third party
manufacturers  of flash  products.  To date, the Company has entered into patent
cross-license   agreements  with  six  companies,   and  it  intends  to  pursue
opportunities to enter into additional  licenses.  The Company's current license
agreements provide for the payment of license fees, royalties,  or a combination
thereof,  to the  Company.  The  timing and  amount of these  payments  can vary
substantially from quarter to quarter,  depending on the terms of each agreement
and, in some cases,  the timing of sales of products by the other parties.  As a
result,  license and royalty revenues have fluctuated  significantly in the past
and are likely to continue to fluctuate in the future. Given the relatively high
gross margins  associated with license and royalty  revenues,  gross margins and
net income are likely to  fluctuate  more with  changes in license  and  royalty
revenues than with changes in product revenues.

    SanDisk  markets  its  products  using a  combination  of its  direct  sales
organization,   distributors,   manufacturers'  representatives,  private  label
partners, OEMs and retailers.  The Company expects that sales

                                     Page 9

through the retail  channel  will  continue to comprise an  increasing  share of
total revenues in the future,  and that a substantial  portion of its sales into
the  retail  channel  will be made to  participants  that will have the right to
return unsold products. The Company does not recognize revenues from these sales
until the products are sold to the end customers.

    Historically,  a  majority  of the  Company's  sales  have been to a limited
number of customers. The Company expects that sales of its products to a limited
number of customers  will continue to account for a  substantial  portion of its
product  revenues for the foreseeable  future.  The Company has also experienced
significant  changes in the  composition  of its customer base from year to year
and  expects  this  pattern to  continue  as market  demand for such  customers'
products fluctuates. The loss of, or significant reduction in purchases by major
customers,  could  have a material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  business,
financial  condition  and results of  operations.  See "Factors  That May Affect
Future  Results - Sales to a Small Number of Customers  Represent a  Significant
Portion of Our Revenues."

    Due to the  emerging  nature of the  Company's  target  markets  and certain
planned product transitions,  the Company has had difficulty  forecasting future
inventory  levels  required  to  meet  customer  demand.  As a  result  of  both
contractual  obligations  and  manufacturing  cycle times,  the Company has been
required to order  wafers from its  foundries  several  months in advance of the
ultimate shipment of its products.  Under the Company's wafer supply agreements,
there are limits on the number of wafers the Company can order and the Company's
ability to change  that  quantity  is  restricted.  Accordingly,  the  Company's
ability  to react to  significant  fluctuations  in demand for its  products  is
limited.  As a result,  the Company has not been able to match its  purchases of
wafers to specific  customer  orders and  therefore the Company has from time to
time taken write downs for potential  excess  inventory  purchased  prior to the
receipt of customer  orders.  For example,  in the second  quarter of 1998,  the
Company's product gross margins declined to 12% from 30% in the previous quarter
due in part  to a write  down of this  inventory  to  reflect  inventory  at net
realizable  value.  These  adjustments  decrease  gross  margins in the  quarter
reported and have resulted,  and could in the future result,  in fluctuations in
gross margins on a quarter to quarter basis. See "Factors That May Affect Future
Results - Our Operating Results May Fluctuate Significantly."

    Export  sales are an  important  part of the  Company's  business.  In 1998,
product  sales to Japan  declined  19% from the prior  year,  due in part to the
Asian economic crisis.  While a majority of the Company's revenues from sales to
Japan and other Asian  countries  are  derived  from OEM  customers  who plan to
export a portion of their  products  to  countries  outside  of Asia,  the Asian
economic crisis may continue to adversely  effect the Company's  revenues to the
extent that demand for the Company's products in Asia declines. Given the recent
economic  conditions in Asia and the weakness of many Asian currencies  relative
to the United  States  dollar,  the Company's  products may be  relatively  more
expensive in Asia,  which could result in a decrease in the  Company's  sales in
that region. The Company may also experience  pressure on its gross margins as a
result of increased price competition from Asian competitors.  While most of the
Company's sales are denominated in U.S.  Dollars,  the Company  invoices certain
Japanese  customers in Japanese Yen.  Exchange rate  fluctuations  can therefore
affect the Company's  business,  financial  condition and results of operations.
See "Factors  That May Affect  Future  Results - We Face Risks  Associated  with
International Operations."

    For the  foreseeable  future,  the Company  expects to realize a significant
portion of its revenues from recently introduced and new products. Typically new
products  initially have lower gross margins than more mature  products  because
the manufacturing yields are lower at the start of manufacturing each successive
product generation. In addition, manufacturing yields are generally lower at the
start of manufacturing any new product.  To remain  competitive,  the Company is
focusing  on a number of programs to lower its  manufacturing  costs,  including
development  of future  generations  of double density ("D2") flash and advanced
technology  wafers.  There can be no assurance  that such  products or processes
will be  successfully  developed  by the  Company  or that  development  of such
processes will lower manufacturing  costs. In addition,  the Company anticipates
that price  competition  will  increase  in the future,  which  could  result in
decreased average selling prices and lower gross margins.  See "Factors That May
Affect Future Results -We Must Achieve Acceptable Wafer Manufacturing Yields."

                                    Page 10

Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure

         The Company is aware of problems  associated  with computer  systems as
the Year 2000  approaches.  Year 2000 problems are the result of common computer
programming techniques that result in systems that do not function properly when
manipulating  dates later than December 31, 1999.  The issue is complex and wide
ranging.  The problem may affect transaction  processing  computer  applications
used by the Company for accounting,  distribution,  manufacturing,  planning and
communications.  The problem may also affect  embedded  systems such as building
security systems,  machine controllers and production test equipment.  Year 2000
problems with these systems may affect the ability or efficiency  with which the
Company can perform many  significant  functions,  including but not limited to:
order processing and fulfillment,  material planning,  product assembly, product
test,  invoicing  and  financial  reporting.  While there can be no guarantee of
unaffected  operation,   the  completed  implementation  of  the  Company's  new
Management  Information  System,  and the  completed  assessment of its embedded
systems  indicates  limited  exposure in these areas.  The Year 2000 problem may
also affect the  computer  systems of the  Company's  suppliers  and  customers,
potentially  disrupting their operations.  Year 2000 problems with the Company's
business partners may impact the Company's sources of supply and demand.

         Year 2000  Readiness.  The  Company  has a Year  2000  Risk  Management
program  to assess  the  impact of the Year 2000  issue on the  Company,  and to
coordinate remediation  activities.  The Company completed the evaluation of its
products for Year 2000  compliance in the third  quarter of 1998.  The Company's
FlashDisk,   FlashDrive,  Flash  ChipSet,  CompactFlash,   MultiMediaCard,   and
ImageMate  product  lines do not  perform  date  related  processing  and do not
contain  real time clock  circuitry  and  therefore,  are Year 2000  ready.  The
Company's storage and connectivity  products are used as components in a variety
of host systems.  The firmware,  operating  system and  application  software of
these host systems are designed and manufactured by others. The Company makes no
claim with regard to the Year 2000 readiness of host systems  designed by others
in which the Company's  products are used.  Independent  system  designers  make
derivative works from the SanDisk Host Developer's  Toolkit  ("Toolkit")  source
code product.  Sample date related  subroutines and data structures are included
in the Toolkit for use by system designers. Designers modify the sample routines
in order to fit the specific  requirements of their host operating  system.  The
designer is responsible for the formatting and processing  logic associated with
the date values that pass  through the Toolkit  subsystem  and for the Year 2000
readiness  of the  systems in which the Toolkit is used.  The  Company  makes no
claims with regard to the Year 2000  readiness of host  firmware  and  operating
systems designed by others that contain derivative works of the Toolkit.

         The Year  2000  remediation  of the  Company's  transaction  processing
systems was  completed  with the  installation  and testing of the Company's new
management information system in the fourth quarter of 1998. The new system is a
commercially available,  fully integrated MRP II (Materials Requirement Planning
and Accounting system) software application. This system is used for Accounting,
Order  Processing,   Planning,   Inventory  Control,   Shop  Floor  Control  and

         The  Company's  assessment  and  remediation  of Year 2000  problems in
tertiary  business  information  systems  is  on-going.  Well  over  90%  of the
Company's  investment in desktop PC hardware is known to be Year 2000 compliant,
and proven remediation solutions have been identified for the remaining 10%. The
majority of the software  used on these  systems and network  servers are recent
versions of vendor supported,  commercially available products.  Upgrading these
applications  as Year 2000  compliant  patches are  released  by the  respective
vendors has not been a  significant  burden on the Company and is expected to be
completed before the end of 1999.

         The Company's assessment of Year 2000 problems in computer systems used
for facilities control,  machine control and manufacturing  testing is complete,
and remediation is on-going.  The most  significant Year 2000 issue in this area
has been found to be related to older wafer test equipment. This

                                    Page 11

equipment is not expected to be in use in the year 2000.  The Company is phasing
in new  Year  2000  compliant  wafer  test  equipment  in  conjunction  with the
introduction of new generations of flash memory.

         The  Company's  assessment  of Year 2000 risks  related  to  suppliers,
customers  and other third parties is ongoing.  Inquiries  have been made of all
critical  suppliers  and an  assessment  of  their  Year  2000  readiness  is in
progress.  The Company expects to utilize the completed  assessment as the basis
for strategic  decisions regarding alternate material sourcing and/or increasing
inventory  safety stocks by the end of the second quarter of 1999.  SanDisk will
also contact its  significant  customers  regarding their Year 2000 readiness in
order  to  understand  the  potential  for any  disruptions  in  their  ordering
patterns.  Completion  of this review will depend on the  responsiveness  of the
Company's vendors and customers, over which the Company has no control.

         Year  2000 Risk  Management  Program  Costs.  The cost of the Year 2000
project  related to upgrading the Company's core management  information  system
was approximately $1.0 million, $400,000 of which was related to the purchase of
software and hardware which was capitalized by the Company. In the first quarter
of 1999,  the Company  spent  approximately  $100,000 for  application  software
upgrades.  The Company estimates it will cost an additional  $150,000 to upgrade
remaining  non-compliant  application  software  and  to  replace  non-compliant
personal computer systems. The Company would have incurred the majority of these
costs,  in spite of Year 2000 issues,  due to the need to upgrade its management
information system,  application  software and personal computers to support the
Company's  growth.  The Company's Year 2000 remediation  projects will be funded
from operating cash flows.  No material  projects have been deferred in order to
complete  the  Company's  Year 2000  assessment  and  remediation  project.  The
additional  expenses  related  to the  management  of the Year  2000  compliance
program and  completing  the  assessment of the Company's  internal and external
risks are not  expected  to be  material to the  Company's  quarterly  operating

         The costs and time  schedule  for the Year 2000 problem  abatement  are
based on  management's  best estimates for the remediation of Year 2000 problems
uncovered to date. These estimates were derived utilizing numerous  assumptions,
including  that  the  most   significant  Year  2000  risks  have  already  been
identified,  that certain  resources  will continue to be available,  that third
party  plans  will be  fulfilled  and other  factors.  However,  there can be no
guarantee  that these  estimates will be achieved or that the  anticipated  time
schedule  will be met and actual  results  could  differ  materially  from those

         Contingency  Plans.  Specific  contingency  plans for systems that pose
significant  risk to on-going  operations are being developed under the auspices
of the Company's Year 2000 Risk Management program. Should previously undetected
Year 2000  problems  be found in other  systems,  these  systems  will either be
upgraded,  replaced,  turned off, or operated in place with manual procedures to
compensate  for  their  deficiencies.  While the  Company  believes  that  these
alternative  plans  would  be  adequate  to meet  the  Company's  needs  without
materially  impacting  its  operations,  there  can be no  assurance  that  such
alternatives  would be successful  or that the  Company's  results of operations
would not be  materially  adversely  affected  by the delays and  inefficiencies
inherent in conducting operations in this manner.

         Risks Related to Year 2000  Readiness.  Success of the  Company's  Year
2000 compliance effort depends, in part, on the success of its key suppliers and
customers in dealing with their Year 2000 issues.  The Company does not have any
control over the  remediation  efforts of its key  suppliers  and  customers and
cannot fully  determine the extent to which they have  resolved  their Year 2000
compliance issues. The Company currently  purchases several critical  components
from single or sole source vendors. While this issue is being carefully managed,
disruptions in the supply of components from any of these sole source  suppliers
due to Year 2000 issues,  could cause  delays in the  Company's  fulfillment  of
customer orders which could result in reduced or lost revenues. Furthermore, the
Company's  sales have  historically  been to a limited number of customers.  Any
disruption in the purchasing  patterns of these customers or potential customers
due to Year 2000 issues could cause a decline in the Company's  revenues.  There
can be no assurance  that the Company and its key suppliers  and customers  will
identify and  remediate  all  significant  Year 2000 problems on a timely basis.
Furthermore, there can be no assurance that the Company's

                                    Page 12

insurance will cover losses from business  interruptions  arising from Year 2000
problems of the Company or its suppliers.  Year 2000 compliance  problems of the
Company's  key suppliers and customers  could  adversely  affect the  Company's,
business, financial condition and results of operations.

         The foregoing  statements  regarding the Company's  Year 2000 readiness
are based upon  management's  best  estimates  at the present  time,  which were
derived utilizing assumptions  regarding future events,  including the continued
availability  of certain  resources,  third party  modification  plans and other
factors.  There can be no guarantee  that these  estimates  will be achieved and
actual results could differ materially from those anticipated.  Specific factors
that might cause such material  differences include, but are not limited to, the
availability  and cost of personnel  trained in this area, the ability to locate
and correct all relevant  computer  codes,  the nature and amount of programming
required  to upgrade  or replace  each of the  affected  programs,  the rate and
magnitude of related labor and consulting costs and the success of the Company's
external  customers  and  suppliers  in  addressing  the Year  2000  issue.  The
Company's  evaluation  is  on-going  and  it  expects  that  new  and  different
information   will  become   available  to  it  as  the  evaluation   continues.
Consequently, there is no guarantee that all material elements will be Year 2000
ready in time.

Results of Operations

    Product Revenues. SanDisk's product revenues were $35.9 million in the first
quarter of 1999, up $10.5 million or 41% from the first quarter of 1998.  During
the three months ended March 31, 1999, units shipped increased 144%. The largest
increase  in unit  volumes  came  from  sales of  CompactFlash  products,  which
represented  approximately  76% of units  shipped  and 60% of  product  revenues
compared  to 68% of units  shipped  and 45% of  product  revenues  for the first
quarter of 1998.  Average  selling  prices  declined 44% in the first quarter of
1999 compared to the same period of the prior year,  partially due to a shift in
product mix to  CompactFlash,  Flash ChipSet and  MultiMediaCard  products which
have lower  capacities and average  selling prices than the Company's  FlashDisk
products.  The Company anticipates that lower capacity products will continue to
represent a significant  portion of its sales as consumer  applications  such as
digital  cameras  become more popular.  Sales of these lower  capacity  products
generally  have lower  average  selling  prices and gross  margins  than  higher
capacity  products.  The mix of products sold varies from quarter to quarter and
may vary in the future,  affecting the Company's  overall average selling prices
and gross margins.

    The Company continues to experience limited bookings visibility as customers
continue  to  expect  short  lead-times,  particularly  in  the  growing  retail
component of the Company's  business.  A majority of the  Company's  anticipated
second  quarter  revenues,  which are  projected  to  slightly  exceed the level
achieved  in the  first  quarter,  continue  to be turns  business  with  orders
received and fulfilled in the same quarter. Due to a number of factors described
herein and in "Factors That May Affect Future Results," the Company's ability to
adjust its  operating  expenses  is limited in the short term.  As a result,  if
product revenues are lower than anticipated, the Company's results of operations
will be adversely affected.

    Export sales  represented  42% of product  revenue for the first  quarter of
1999  compared  with 46% for the same period of the previous  year.  The Company
expects  international  sales to continue to represent a significant  portion of
its  product  revenues.  In the first  quarter of 1999,  the  Company's  top ten
customers  represented  approximately  61% of product  revenue  with the top two
customers  representing a combined 31% of product revenues.  Sales to the top 10
customers represented approximately 72% of product revenues in the first quarter
of 1998.  The Company  expects that sales to a limited  number of customers will
continue to represent a substantial  portion of its revenues for the foreseeable

    License and Royalty  Revenues.  The Company  currently  earns patent license
fees  and  royalties  under  six  cross-license  agreements  with  Hitachi  Ltd.
("Hitachi"),  Intel  Corporation  ("Intel"),  Samsung  Electronics  Company Ltd.
("Samsung"),   Sharp   Electronics   Corporation   ("Sharp"),   Silicon  Storage
Technology, Inc.

                                    Page 13

("SST") and Toshiba Corporation  ("Toshiba").  License and royalty revenues from
patent cross-license  agreements were $8.2 million in the first quarter of 1999,
down from $8.7 million in the same period of the previous  year due primarily to
the timing of  royalties  earned  under the various  agreements.  Revenues  from
licenses and royalties  decreased to 19% of total  revenues in the first quarter
of 1999 from 25% in the first quarter of 1998.

    Gross  Profits.  In the first  quarter  of 1999,  gross  profits  were $17.6
million,  or 40% of total revenues  compared to $16.3  million,  or 48% of total
revenues in the same period of 1998.  Product gross margins  decreased to 26% of
product  revenues  from 30% in the  first  quarter  of 1998 due  primarily  to a
decline in average selling prices.

    Competition  remains strong and product gross margins are expected to remain
under pressure due to declining average selling prices. The Company is currently
working on a number of cost  reduction  programs  to  strengthen  product  gross
margins in 1999,  including the transition of manufacturing  operations for high
volume products  offshore.  However,  there can be no assurance that the Company
will be successful in these efforts.  Also, increased competition may negatively
affect gross margins in 1999.

    During the first  quarter  of 1999,  the  Company  began  shipping  customer
samples of its  CompactFlash  and FlashDisk  products  utilizing its new 128Mbit
flash chip. This design is currently  undergoing  final internal  qualification,
with full volume production expected to begin in the second quarter of 1999. The
128Mbit flash chip has a lower  manufacturing  cost per megabyte and is expected
to contribute to improved  product gross margins in the second half of 1999. The
initial  production period of each new generation of flash technology is subject
to many risks and  uncertainties as described in "Factors That May Affect Future
Results - We Face Risk in  Transitioning  to New Processes and Products."  There
can be no assurance that the Company will successfully complete the internal and
customer  qualifications  of the 128Mbit flash chips in a timely manner, or that
it will realize the expected cost reductions in the second half of 1999.

    In addition,  in the second  quarter of 1999, the Company will be moving the
high volume production of its CompactFlash cards to Celestica in South China and
the  production  of  its  MultiMediaCard   products  to  Siliconware   Precision
Industries Co. Ltd. and Siliconware  Corporation in Taiwan.  The Company expects
to incur some start up costs related to these  ventures in the second quarter of
1999,  but expects these  investments to reduce future product costs and greatly
expand  production  capacity in the second half of the year. There are many risk
and   uncertainties   involved   with  the  transfer  of   production  to  these
subcontractors as discussed in "Factors That May Affect Future Results - We Face
Risks  Associated  with Our  International  Operations  and -- We  Depend on Our
Suppliers and Third Party  Subcontractors."  Failure to successfully  manage the
transition could result in excess and/or obsolete  inventory or lower of cost or
market valuation  adjustments due to potential  duplication of certain inventory
build  plans.  There can be no  assurance  that the  Company  will  realize  the
expected  product cost reductions or that these  reductions will be large enough
to offset future average selling price declines due to increased competition.

    Research  and  Development.   Research  and  development   expenses  consist
principally of salaries and payroll related  expenses for design and development
engineers,  prototype supplies and contract  services.  Research and development
expenses  were $5.2 million in the first quarter of 1999, up $0.9 million or 20%
from $4.3 million in the same period of 1998.  The increase was primarily due to
increased  salary and related expenses and higher  nonrecurring  engineering and
project related expenses.  Research and development  expenses represented 12% of
total revenues in the first quarter of 1999 compared to 13% in the first quarter
of 1998. The Company expects  research and  development  expenses to continue to
increase in absolute  dollars to support the development and introduction of new
generations of flash data storage products.

    Sales and Marketing.  Sales and marketing  expenses include salaries,  sales
commissions,  benefits and travel expenses for the Company's  sales,  marketing,
customer service and  applications  engineering  personnel.  These expenses also
include other selling and marketing expenses, such as independent manufacturer's
representative  commissions,  advertising  and  tradeshow  expenses.  Sales  and

                                    Page 14

expenses  were $5.2 million in the first  quarter of 1999 up $1.2 million or 31%
from $4.0 million in the first  quarter of 1998.  The increase was primarily due
to increased  salary and related  expenses,  higher  commissions  and  increased
marketing expenses.  Sales and marketing expenses represented  approximately 12%
of total  revenues  in the first  quarters  of both 1999 and 1998.  The  Company
expects sales and  marketing  expenses to increase as sales of its products grow
and as it continues to develop the retail channel for its products.

    General and Administrative.  General and administrative expenses include the
cost of the Company's finance, information systems, human resources, shareholder
relations,  legal  and  administrative  functions.  General  and  administrative
expenses  were $2.4 million in the first quarter of 1999, up $0.4 million or 17%
from $2.0 million in the first  quarter of 1998.  The increase was primarily due
to  increased  salary and related  expenses and higher legal fees as a result of
patent litigation related to the Lexar suit. General and administrative expenses
represented 5% of total revenues in the first quarter of 1999 compared to 6% for
the first  quarter of 1998.  The  Company  expects  general  and  administrative
expenses to increase as the general and administrative functions grow to support
the overall  growth of the Company.  General and  administrative  expenses could
also  increase  substantially  in the future if the Company  continues to pursue
litigation to defend its patent  portfolio.  See "Factors That May Affect Future
Results  -  Risks  Associated  with  Patents,  Proprietary  Rights  and  Related

    Interest and Other Income,  Net.  Interest and other  income,  net, was $1.6
million  in the first  quarter  of 1999  compared  to $1.3  million in the first
quarter of 1999.  The  increase in 1998 was  primarily  due to foreign  currency
transaction gains.

    Provision  for Income  Taxes.  The Company  recorded a provision  for income
taxes at a 33% effective tax rate for the first three months of 1999 compared to
a 36%  effective tax rate for the same period of 1998.  The lower  effective tax
rate in 1999 reflects greater benefits from federal and state tax credits.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

    As of March 31,  1999,  the Company had working  capital of $142.6  million,
which included $15.4 million in cash and cash  equivalents and $129.6 million in
short-term  investments.  The  Company  has a line  of  credit  facility  with a
commercial  bank  under  which it can  borrow up to $10.0  million at the bank's
prime rate. This line of credit  facility  expires in July 1999. As of March 31,
1999, the Company had $1.0 million  committed  under the line of credit facility
for standby letters of credit.  The facility contains covenants that require the
Company to  maintain  certain  financial  ratios  and  levels of net worth,  and
prohibits  the  payment  of cash  dividends  to  stockholders.  The  Company  is
currently in compliance with all covenants in the line of credit agreement.  The
Company  intends to either  renew its line of credit or  negotiate a new line of
credit upon the expiration of its current line.

    Operating  activities provided $12.3 million of cash in the first quarter of
1999 primarily from net income,  an increase in accounts payable of $8.6 million
and a  reduction  in  prepaids  and other  assets of $3.3  million.  These  were
partially  offset by a  decrease  in  deferred  revenue of $6.4  million  and an
increase in accounts receivable of $3.1 million.

    Net cash used in investing  activities of $13.8 million in the first quarter
of 1999  consisted of net purchases of  investments of $10.7 million and capital
equipment  purchases and leasehold  improvements  of $3.0 million.  In the first
quarter of 1999,  cash  provided by  financing  activities  of $1.5 million came
primarily  from the sale of common stock through the Company's  stock option and
employee stock purchase plans.

    Depending on the future demand for the Company's  products,  the Company may
decide to make additional investments,  which could be substantial,  in assembly
and test manufacturing  equipment or foundry capacity to support its business in
the future. Management believes the existing cash and cash

                                    Page 15

equivalents,  short-term  investments  and  available  line  of  credit  will be
sufficient  to meet the  Company's  currently  anticipated  working  capital and
capital expenditure requirements for the next twelve months.

Impact of Currency Exchange Rates

    A portion of the  Company's  revenues are  denominated  in Japanese Yen. The
Company enters into foreign exchange forward  contracts to hedge against changes
in foreign currency exchange rates. At March 31, 1999, one forward contract with
a  notional  amount  of $4.5  million  was  outstanding.  Future  exchange  rate
fluctuations  could have a material  adverse  effect on the Company's  business,
financial condition and results of operations.

Factors That May Affect Future Results

         Our business,  financial  condition and results of operations  could be
impacted by a number of factors including the risk factors listed below.

Our Operating Results May Fluctuate Significantly

         Our   quarterly   and  annual   operating   results   have   fluctuated
significantly  in the past and we expect that they will continue to fluctuate in
the future. This fluctuation is a result of a variety of factors,  including the

o  Unpredictable demand for our products
o  Decline in our average selling prices due to competitive pricing pressures
o  Seasonality in sales of our products for consumer electronics applications
o  Changes in product and customer mix
o  Market acceptance of new or enhanced versions of our products
o  Changes in our distribution channels
o  Timing of license and royalty revenue recognition
o  Fluctuations in product costs, particularly due to fluctuations in 
   manufacturing yields and utilization
o  Availability of foundry capacity
o  Variations in manufacturing cycle times
o  Increased research and development expenses
o  Exchange rate fluctuations
o  Changes in general economic conditions, in particular the economic
   recession in Japan
o  Obsolescence of unsold inventory

         When we order silicon  wafers from our  foundries,  we have to estimate
the number of silicon  wafers needed to fill product  orders several months into
the future. If we overestimate  this number,  we build excess  inventories which
adversely affects our gross margins and operating results.  For example,  in the
second  quarter of 1998,  our product gross margins  declined to 12% from 30% in
the  previous  quarter due in part to a write down of this  inventory to reflect
inventory  at  net  realizable  value.   Because  our  largest  volume  product,
CompactFlash,  is sold into an emerging consumer market, it is very difficult to
accurately  forecast  future  sales.  If sales  fall  below  our  forecast,  our
operating  results  could be  adversely  affected if we are unable to reduce our
operating  expenses.  More  than 50% of our  quarterly  sales  are  from  orders
received and fulfilled in the same quarter (turns  business).  In addition,  our
product order backlog may fluctuate substantially from quarter to quarter.

         Due to anticipated  growth, we increased our expense levels in 1998 and
in the first  quarter of 1999.  Operating  expenses  are expected to continue to
increase  as a  result  of the  need to hire  additional  personnel  to  support
expected growth in sales unit volumes,  marketing and sales efforts and research
and  development  activities.  These expenses cannot be readily scaled back over
the short term. If revenue does

                                    Page 16

not increase  proportionately to operating expenses,  or if revenues decrease or
do not meet  expectations  for a  particular  period,  our  business,  financial
condition and results of operations will be adversely affected.

         Product mix varies quarterly, which affects our overall average selling
prices and gross margins. Our CompactFlash  products,  which currently represent
the majority of our product  revenues,  have lower  average  selling  prices and
gross margins than our higher  capacity  FlashDisk and FlashDrive  products.  We
believe that sales of CompactFlash  products may become an even more significant
percentage  of our product  revenues as consumer  applications,  such as digital
cameras,  become more popular.  Dependence on CompactFlash sales,  together with
lower pricing caused by increased competition,  caused average selling prices to
decline  28% during  1998.  Average  selling  prices  declined  24% in the first
quarter of 1999 compared to the fourth quarter of 1998, partially due to a shift
in product mix to CompactFlash,  Flash ChipSet and MultiMediaCard products which
have lower  capacities and average  selling prices than the Company's  FlashDisk
products. This trend is expected to continue.

         Our intellectual  property  strategy is to cross-license our patents to
other manufacturers of flash products. Under such arrangements,  we earn license
fees and  royalties  on  individually  negotiated  terms.  The timing of revenue
recognition  from these  payments is dependent on the terms of each contract and
on the timing of product shipments by the third parties.  This may cause license
and royalty revenue to fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter.  Because
this revenue has higher gross  margins than product  revenue,  gross margins and
net income  fluctuate more with changes in license and royalty revenue than with
changes in product revenue.

Our Business Depends Upon Consumer Products

         In 1998 and the first quarter of 1999, we received more product revenue
and  shipped  more  units  of  products   destined   for  consumer   electronics
applications,  principally digital cameras, than for any other applications.  We
believe that these products will encounter intense competition and be more price
sensitive than products sold into our other target markets. In addition, we must
spend more on marketing  and  promotion in consumer  markets to establish  brand
name recognition and preference.

         A significant  portion of sales to the consumer  electronics  market is
made  through  distributors  and to  retailers.  Sales  through  these  channels
typically include rights to return unsold inventory. As a result, revenue is not
recognized  until after the product has been sold to the end user. If our retail
customers are not successful in this market,  there could be substantial product
returns,  which may cause harm to our business,  financial condition and results
of operations.

Our Business Depends on Emerging Markets and New Products

          In order for demand for our  products  to grow,  the  markets  for new
products that use CompactFlash and the MultiMediaCard,  such as smart phones and
MP3 portable music players, must develop and grow. If sales of these products do
not grow, our product revenues and profit margins could level off or decline. To
remain  competitive,  we intend to develop new products  with  increased  memory
capacity at a lower cost per megabyte.  The success of this new product strategy
will depend upon, among other things, the following:

o   Our  ability  to  successfully  develop  new  products  with  higher  memory
    capacities at a lower cost per megabyte;
o   The  development of new  applications  or markets for our flash data storage
    products;  o The extent to which  prospective  customers design our products
    into their products and successfully introduce their products;
o   The  extent  to which  our  products  or  technologies  become  obsolete  or
    noncompetitive due to products or technologies developed by others.

                                    Page 17

         If our new  applications  or target markets fail to develop,  or if our
products are not accepted by the market, our business,  financial  condition and
results of operations could suffer.

There Is Seasonality In Our Business

         Sales of our products, in particular the sale of CompactFlash Products,
in the consumer electronics applications market are subject to seasonality. As a
result,  product sales are impacted by seasonal  purchasing patterns with higher
sales  generally  occurring  in the second  half of each year as compared to the
first half of each such year.  In addition,  in the past we have  experienced  a
decrease  in  orders  in the  first  quarter  from our  Japanese  OEM  customers
primarily due to the fact that most  customers in Japan operate on a fiscal year
ending in March and prefer to delay  purchases until the beginning of their next
fiscal  year.  For  example,  our product  revenues  were 24% lower in the first
quarter of 1998 than in the fourth quarter of 1997, mostly due to these seasonal
factors and the Asian  economic  crisis.  However,  we did not  experience  such
seasonality in the first quarter of 1999.

Our Markets Are Highly Competitive

         We compete in an industry  characterized by intense competition,  rapid
technological  changes,  evolving industry standards,  declining average selling
prices  and rapid  product  obsolescence.  Our  competitors  include  many large
domestic  and  international  companies  that have  greater  access  to  foundry
capacity,  substantially  greater  financial,  technical,  marketing  and  other
resources,   broader  product  lines  and  longer  standing  relationships  with
customers. Our primary competitors include flash chip producers such as Advanced
Micro Devices, Inc., Atmel Corporation,  Hitachi Ltd., Intel Corporation, Micron
Technology, Inc., Mitsubishi Electronic Corporation, Samsung Electronics Company
Ltd., Sharp Electronics  Corporation and Toshiba Corporation.  Other competitors
include  companies using data storage  techniques  such as socket flash,  linear
flash and system flash components, as well as package or card assemblers such as
Lexar Media,  Inc.,  M-Systems,  Inc.,  Simple  Technology  Inc.,  SMART Modular
Technologies,   Inc.,  Sony  Corporation,   Kingston  Technology  Company,   TDK
Corporation, Matsushita Battery, Inc. and Viking Components, Inc., which combine
controllers and flash memory chips developed by others into flash storage cards.
Approximately 25 companies have been certified by the  CompactFlash  Association
to manufacture and sell their own brand of  CompactFlash.  We believe that other
manufacturers will enter the CompactFlash market in the future.

         In  addition,  competing  products  have been  introduced  that promote
industry standards that are different from our CompactFlash  product,  including
Toshiba's Smart Media (Solid-State Floppy Disk Card), Sony Corporation's  Memory
Stick,  Panasonic's  recently  introduced  Mega  Storage  cards  and  M-Systems'
Diskonchip(TM)  for embedded storage  applications.  Each competing  standard is
mechanically  and   electronically   incompatible   with   CompactFlash.   If  a
manufacturer of digital cameras or other consumer  electronic devices designs-in
one of these alternative  competing  standards,  CompactFlash will be eliminated
from use in that product.

         In November  1997,  Iomega  Corporation  announced  its Clik  drive,  a
miniaturized,  mechanical, removable disk drive, and claims that it will compete
directly with our flash card  products.  In September  1998,  IBM introduced the
microdrive,  a rotating disk drive in a type II CompactFlash format.  Initially,
this product will compete  directly with our type II CompactFlash  memory cards,
when we  introduce  these  products  in 1999,  for use in high end  professional
digital  cameras.  In October 1998,  M-Systems  introduced their Diskonchip 2000
product  which is expected  to compete  against  our Flash  ChipSet  products in
embedded storage applications.

         According to  independent  industry  analysts,  Sony's  Mavica  digital
camera  captured a considerable  portion of the United States market for digital
cameras in 1998. The Mavica uses a standard  floppy disk to store digital images
and  therefore  uses no  CompactFlash  (or any  other  flash)  cards.  Our sales
prospects for CompactFlash cards will be adversely impacted if the Mavica market
share  continues  at a high  level into the  future.  Also,  our  MultiMediaCard
products are expected to face stiff competition from

                                    Page 18

Toshiba's  SmartMedia  flash cards and Sony's flash Memory  Stick.  Although the
Memory Stick is  proprietary  to Sony, if it is adopted and achieves  widespread
use in future products,  sales of our MultiMediaCard  and CompactFlash  products
may decline.

         We also face  competition  from products based on multilevel cell flash
technology  such  as  Intel's  64Mbit  flash  chip  and  Hitachi's   anticipated
introduction  of their 256Mbit flash chip.  These  products  compete with our D2
multilevel  cell flash  technology.  Multilevel  cell  flash is a  technological
innovation  that allows each flash memory cell to store two bits of  information
instead of the  traditional  single bit stored by the  industry  standard  flash

         Furthermore,  we expect to face competition from existing companies and
from other  companies  that may enter our  existing or future  markets that have
similar  or  alternative  data  storage  solutions  which may be less  costly or
provide  additional  features.  Price is an important  competitive factor in the
market for consumer  products.  Increased  price  competition  could lower gross
margins if our average  selling prices decrease faster than costs and could also
result in lost sales.

         We have  entered into patent  cross-license  agreements  with  Hitachi,
Intel, Samsung,  Sharp, SST and Toshiba. Under these agreements,  each party may
manufacture and sell products that incorporate  technology  covered by the other
party's patents  related to flash memory devices.  As we continue to license our
patents to certain competitors,  competition will increase and may cause harm to
our business, financial condition and results of operations.

         Other competitive factors include:

o  Product cost, availability and performance
o  Adequate foundry capacity
o  Efficiency of production
o  Timing of our new product announcements or introductions
o  Successful protection of our intellectual property rights
o  General market and economic conditions

Our Average Sales Prices Have Declined

         In 1998, the average unit selling  prices of our products  declined 28%
compared to 1997. In the first quarter of 1999,  the average unit selling prices
of our products  declined 24%  compared to the fourth  quarter of 1998.  Because
flash data storage markets are characterized by intense  competition,  we expect
that pricing  pressures from our customers and  competitors  may increase.  This
will  likely  result  in a further  decline  in  average  sales  prices  for our
products.  We  believe  that we can offset  declining  average  sales  prices by
achieving  manufacturing  cost  reductions  and  developing  new  products  that
incorporate  advanced  features and can be sold at higher average gross margins.
However,  if we are  unable to  achieve  such cost  reductions  or remain  price
competitive,  this could result in lost sales, declining gross margins, and as a
result,  our  business,  financial  condition  and results of  operations  could

         From  time to  time,  the  semiconductor  industry  has  experienced  a
significant  downturn and is currently beginning to recover from one of its most
severe down cycles. During most of 1998, the semiconductor  industry experienced
significant production over capacity.  This "buyers market" put margin pressures
on all flash memory  suppliers.  We believe  product  gross  margins will remain
under pressure in the first half of 1999 until the more favorable cost structure
of our 128Mbit flash chip design  begins to have a favorable  impact on the cost
per megabyte of our products.

We Face Risks Associated with Our International Operations

         Our sales are  primarily  denominated  in United States  dollars.  As a
result, if the value of the US dollar increases relative to foreign  currencies,
our products could become less competitive in international

                                    Page 19

markets. For example, our products are relatively more expensive in Asia because
of the  recent  economic  conditions  in Asia  and the  weakness  of many  Asian
currencies  relative to the US dollar.  This resulted in a decrease in our sales
in that  region in 1998.  In fiscal  1998,  sales to Japan  declined to 31.6% of
total product  sales from 38.1% in 1997.  This was primarily due to the Japanese
economic  crisis and market  recession.  In the first quarter of 1999,  sales to
Japan represented 27.6% of product revenue compared to 35.0% for the same period
of 1998. If the current  market  conditions in Japan do not improve,  or if they
decline further, our results of operations may suffer.

         Currently,  all of our wafers are produced by foundries located outside
the United  States and the majority  are  purchased  in United  States  dollars.
Because we currently invoice certain customers in Japanese Yen,  fluctuations in
currencies could adversely affect our business,  financial condition and results
of operations.  Our international  business  activities could also be limited or
disrupted by any of the following:

o  The need to comply with foreign government regulation;
o  General geopolitical risks such as political and economic instability, 
   potential hostilities and changes in diplomatic and trade relationships;
o  Imposition   of   regulatory   requirements,   tariffs,   import  and  export
   restrictions,  and other barriers and restrictions;  
o  Longer payment cycles and greater difficulty in accounts receivable 
o  Potentially adverse tax consequences; 
o  Less protection of our intellectual property rights;
o  Delays in product shipments due to local customs restrictions.

         In the  second  quarter  of  1999,  we  will  begin  using  third-party
subcontractors  in  China  and  Taiwan  for  the  assembly  and  testing  of our
components.  As a  result,  our  business  could  be  harmed  by the  effect  of
political,  economic,  legal and other uncertainties in China. Under its current
leadership,  the Chinese  government has been pursuing economic reform policies,
including the encouragement of foreign trade and investment and greater economic
decentralization.  The  Chinese  government  may not  continue  to  pursue  such
policies  and, even if it continued,  such policies may not be  successful.  The
Chinese government may significantly  alter these policies from time to time. In
addition,  China does not currently have a  comprehensive  and highly  developed
system of laws,  particularly  with respect to the  protection  of  intellectual
property  rights.  As a result,  enforcement  of  existing  and future  laws and
contracts is uncertain,  and the  implementation and interpretation of such laws
may be inconsistent, which could lead to piracy and degradation of the Company's
intellectual property protection among other things.

Sales to a Small Number of Customers Represent a Significant Portion of 
Our Revenues

         More than half of our revenue  comes from a small number of  customers.
For example, sales to the Company's top 10 customers accounted for approximately
59%, 67%, and 71%,  respectively,  of the Company's  product  revenues for 1998,
1997,  and 1996.  In the first  quarter of 1999,  the Company's top 10 customers
represented  approximately  61% of  product  revenue.  If we were to lose any of
these  customers  or  experience  any  material  reduction  in orders from these
customers,  our revenues  and  operating  results  would  suffer.  Our sales are
generally made by standard purchase orders rather than long-term  contracts.  In
addition,  the  composition of our major customer base changes from year to year
as the market demand for our customers' products change.

We Depend on Third Party Foundries for Silicon Wafers

         All of our products  require silicon wafers.  We rely on United Silicon
Corporation ("USC") and United Semiconductor Incorporated ("USIC") in Taiwan for
supplying  our silicon  wafers.  We depend on our  foundries  to (1)  allocate a
portion of their foundry capacity to our needs, (2) produce  acceptable  quality
wafers  with  acceptable  manufacturing  yields and (3)  deliver our wafers on a
timely basis at a competitive

                                    Page 20

price. If our foundries are unable to satisfy these requirements,  our business,
financial condition and operating results may suffer.

         Under the wafer supply agreements with our foundries,  we are obligated
to provide  monthly  rolling  forecasts  for our  anticipated  wafer  purchases.
Generally, the estimates for the first three months of each forecast are binding
commitments.  The estimates  for the  remaining  months may only be changed by a
certain  percentage from the previous month's forecast.  This limits our ability
to react to  fluctuations  in demand for our products and could cause us to have
excess inventory.  In addition,  if we are unable to obtain scheduled quantities
of wafers with  acceptable  price and yields  from any  foundry,  our  business,
financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected.

We Depend on Our Suppliers and Third Party Subcontractors

         We rely on our vendors,  some of which are sole source  suppliers,  for
several of our critical  components.  We do not have long-term supply agreements
with any of these  vendors.  Our  business,  financial  condition  and operating
results could be harmed by delays or reductions in shipments if we are unable to
develop  alternative  sources  or  to  obtain  sufficient  quantities  of  these
components.  For example,  we rely on Motorola,  Inc. and NEC to supply  certain
designs of critical microcontrollers.

         We also rely on third-party  subcontractors to assemble,  and sometimes
test the memory components for our products. We have no long-term contracts with
these  subcontractors  and cannot directly control product  delivery  schedules.
This could lead to product shortages or quality  assurance  problems which could
increase the manufacturing costs of our products and have adverse effects on our
operating results.

         During the second and third  quarters of 1999,  we plan to transfer the
majority of wafer test,  packaged memory final test, card assembly and card test
to subcontractors in Taiwan and China. This increased reliance on subcontractors
is  expected  to  reduce  the  cost of such  operations  and give us  access  to
increased  production  capacity.  During the transition period, we will continue
full  operations  at our  Sunnyvale  production  facility  while  simultaneously
transferring test equipment and training  personnel of our  subcontractors.  Any
significant  problems in this  complex  transfer of  operations  may result in a
disruption  of production  and a shortage of product to meet customer  demand in
the second and third quarters of 1999.

We Face Risk in Transitioning to New Processes and Products

         Successive  generations  of  our  products  incorporate   semiconductor
devices with greater memory  capacity per chip. We are  continually  involved in
joint development  efforts with our foundries to produce  semiconductor  devices
based upon smaller geometry manufacturing  processes. Two important factors that
enable us to decrease the costs per megabyte of our flash data storage  products
are  the   development  of  higher  capacity   semiconductor   devices  and  the
implementation  of  smaller  geometry  manufacturing   processes.  A  number  of
challenges  exist in achieving a lower cost per  megabyte,  including  (1) lower
yields often associated with the early production of new semiconductor  devices,
(2) problems with design and  manufacturing  of products  that will  incorporate
these devices and (3) production  delays.  Because our products are complex,  we
periodically  experience  significant  delays  in  the  development  and  volume
production ramp up of our products. Similar delays could occur in the future and
could harm our business, financial condition and results of operations.

         We have  developed  new products  based on D2 flash  technology,  a new
flash  architecture  designed to store two bits in each flash  memory  cell.  We
believe that the 256Mbit D2 flash design currently in advanced development, will
help us  increase  the  capacity  and  decrease  the costs of certain  products,
enabling  us to  maintain  our  competitive  advantage  and  broaden  our target
markets.  High density flash memory,  such as D2 flash, is a complex  technology
that requires tight manufacturing controls and effective test screens.  Problems
from the shift to volume production for new flash products could impact both

                                    Page 21

reliability and yields and result in increased  manufacturing  costs. We may not
be able to  manufacture  reliable  and  cost  effective  D2  flash  products  in
commercial  volumes  and with  yields  sufficient  to result in lower  costs per
megabyte.  Furthermore,  D2 flash technology needs significantly  improved write
speed so that it can be usefully applied to market  applications such as digital
cameras.  Although  the 256Mbit  design is intended to meet the  improved  write
speed requirements, it is possible that we may not be able to achieve the target
write speed in our future D2 products.

         The  MultiMediaCard  product  family  is  expected  to  undergo a rapid
production ramp during the second and third quarters of 1999. During the startup
phase, it is expected that production yields may be lower than expected, thereby
adversely impacting  MultiMediaCard  product  availability as well as increasing
manufacturing costs and reducing product margins for this product family.

We Must Achieve Acceptable Wafer Manufacturing Yields

         The  fabrication  of our products  requires  wafers to be produced in a
highly controlled and clean environment. Semiconductor companies that supply our
wafers  sometimes  have   experienced   problems   achieving   acceptable  wafer
manufacturing yields.  Semiconductor manufacturing yields are a function of both
our design technology and the foundry's  manufacturing  process technology.  Low
yields may result from design errors or manufacturing  failures.  Yield problems
may not be  determined  or improved  until an actual  product is made and can be
tested.  As a result,  yield problems may not be identified until the wafers are
well into the  production  process.  The risks  associated  with yields are even
greater because we rely on independent  offshore  foundries for our wafers which
increases  the effort and time  required to  identify,  communicate  and resolve
manufacturing  yield  problems.  If the  foundries  cannot  achieve  the planned
yields, it could negatively affect our business, financial condition and results
of operations.

Risks Associated with Patents, Proprietary Rights and Related Litigation

         We rely on a combination  of patents,  trademarks,  copyright and trade
secret laws,  confidentiality  procedures and licensing  arrangements to protect
our  intellectual  property  rights.  In the  past,  we have  been  involved  in
significant disputes regarding our intellectual  property rights and claims that
we may be infringing third parties' intellectual property rights. We expect that
we may be involved in similar  disputes in the future.  We cannot assure you (1)
that any of our patents will not be invalidated, (2) that patents will be issued
for any of our pending  applications,  (3) that any claims allowed from existing
or  pending  patents  will have  sufficient  scope or  strength  or (4) that our
patents will be issued in the primary  countries  where our products are sold in
order to protect our rights and potential commercial advantage. In addition, our
competitors may be able to design around our patents.

         From time to time, it may be necessary to initiate  litigation  against
third parties to preserve our intellectual  property rights. These parties could
in turn bring suit  against us. Such a situation  occurred in March of 1998.  We
filed  a  complaint  in  federal  court  against  Lexar  for  infringement  of a
fundamental  flash disk patent.  Lexar disputed this claim and asserted that our
patent was invalid or unenforceable,  as well as asserting various counterclaims
including  unfair  competition,  violation  of the Lanham  Act,  patent  misuse,
interference with prospective economic advantage, trade defamation and fraud. We
have denied all of these counterclaims. In July 1998, the federal district court
denied Lexar's request to have the case dismissed.  Discovery in this suit began
in August 1998.  On February 22, 1999,  the Federal  District  Court  considered
arguments  and papers  submitted by the parties  regarding  the scope and proper
interpretation  of the asserted claims in SanDisk's patent at issue in the Lexar
suit.  On March 4, 1999,  the Federal  District  Court  issued its ruling on the
proper construction of the claim terms in SanDisk's patent. A trial date has not
yet been set.

         We intend to vigorously  enforce our patents but we cannot be sure that
our efforts will be successful. If we were to have an adverse result in any such
litigation,  we  could  be  required  to  pay  substantial  damages,  cease  the
manufacture,  use and sale of infringing products,  expend significant resources
to develop non-infringing  technology,  discontinue the use of certain processes
or obtain licenses

                                    Page 22

to the infringing technology. Any litigation is likely to result in significant
expense to us, as well as divert the  efforts of our  technical  and  management

         If we decide to incorporate third party technology into our products or
if we are  found to  infringe  on  others'  intellectual  property,  we could be
required to license  intellectual  property from a third party. We may also need
to license some of our intellectual  property to others in order to enable us to
obtain  cross-licenses  to  third  party  patents.  Currently,  we  have  patent
cross-license  agreements with Hitachi,  Intel, Samsung,  Sharp, SST and Toshiba
and we are in discussions with other companies regarding potential cross-license
agreements.  We cannot be certain  that  licenses  will be offered  when we need
them, or that the terms  offered will be  acceptable.  If we do obtain  licenses
from third parties,  we may be required to pay license fees or royalty payments.
In  addition,  if we are  unable to obtain a license  that is  necessary  to the
manufacture of our products,  we could be required to suspend the manufacture of
products or stop our foundries from using processes that may infringe the rights
of  third  parties.  We  cannot  assure  you  that we  would  be  successful  in
redesigning our products or that the necessary  licenses will be available under
reasonable terms.

         We  have  historically   agreed  to  indemnify  various  suppliers  and
customers for alleged patent  infringement.  The scope of such indemnity varies,
but may, in some instances,  include  indemnification  for damages and expenses,
including  attorney's fees. We may periodically engage in litigation as a result
of these indemnification  obligations.  We are not currently engaged in any such
indemnification  proceedings.  Our insurance policies exclude coverage for third
party claims for patent  infringement.  Any future  obligation  to indemnify our
customers or suppliers could have a negative  affect on our business,  financial
condition or results of operations.

Our Rapid Growth May Strain Our Operations

         We have periodically  experienced rapid growth,  which has placed,  and
continues to place, a significant  strain on our personnel and other  resources.
To  accommodate  this  growth,  we must  continue to  implement  and improve our
operational,  financial and  management  information  systems,  as well as hire,
train,  motivate and manage our  employees.  We have had  difficulty in the past
hiring the necessary  engineering,  sales and marketing personnel to support our
growth.  In  addition,  we must make a  significant  investment  in our existing
internal information management systems to support increased  manufacturing,  as
well  as  accounting  and  other  management  related  functions.  Our  systems,
procedures  and controls may not be adequate to support our rapid growth,  which
could in turn negatively affect our business, financial condition and results of

We Depend Upon Certain Key Personnel

         Our  success  greatly  depends on the  continued  contributions  of our
senior management and other key research and development,  sales,  marketing and
operations personnel, including Dr. Eli Harari, the founder, President and Chief
Executive  Officer.  Our  success  will also  depend on our  ability  to recruit
additional  highly  skilled  personnel.  We  cannot  assure  you that we will be
successful  in hiring or retaining  such key  personnel,  or that any of our key
personnel will remain employed with us.

Our Stock Price May Be Volatile

         The market price of our stock has  fluctuated in the past and is likely
to fluctuate in the future. For example, in the twelve month period ending March
31, 1999, our stock price  fluctuated  from a low of $5.125 to a high of $37.00.
We  believe  that  such  fluctuations  could  continue  as a  result  of  future
announcements  concerning us, our competitors or principal  customers  regarding
technological innovations, new product introductions,  governmental regulations,
litigation or changes in earnings estimates by analysts.  In addition, in recent
years the stock market has experienced significant price and volume fluctuations
and the market prices of the securities of high  technology  companies have been
especially  volatile,  often for reasons  outside the control of the  particular
companies. These fluctuations as well as

                                    Page 23

general economic,  political and market conditions may have an adverse affect on
the market price of our Common Stock.

Year 2000 Issues May Harm Our Business

         Many  existing  computer  systems  and  applications  may not  function
properly when using dates beyond  December 31, 1999. We have  established a Year
2000 Risk  Management  program to assess the impact that the Year 2000 issue may
have on our business.  Based on our  assessment to date, all of our flash memory
and connectivity  products are Year 2000 compliant.  Other Year 2000 issues that
we face include:

o  Assessment and remediation of the tertiary business information systems
o  Assessment and remediation of the computer systems used for facilities 
   control, machine control and manufacturing testing
o  Year 2000 compliance of our key suppliers and customers

Our estimated  total costs for Year 2000  compliance  issues are not expected to
have a material adverse affect on our business.  However, the failure of our key
suppliers and customers to take proper remedial efforts could harm our business,
financial condition and results of operations.  See "Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of  Operations-Year  2000 Readiness

We Have Anti-Takeover Provisions

         We have  taken a number  of  actions  that  could  have the  effect  of
discouraging  a takeover  attempt.  For example,  we have adopted a  Shareholder
Rights Plan that would cause substantial  dilution to a stockholder who attempts
to acquire us on terms not approved by our Board of Directors.  In addition, our
Certificate of Incorporation  grants the Board of Directors the authority to fix
the rights,  preferences  and privileges of and issue up to 4,000,000  shares of
Preferred  Stock  without  stockholder  action.  Although  we  have  no  present
intention to issue shares of Preferred  Stock,  such an issuance  could have the
effect of making it more  difficult  and less  attractive  for a third  party to
acquire a majority of our  outstanding  voting stock.  Preferred  Stock may also
have other  rights,  including  economic  rights senior to the Common Stock that
could have a material adverse effect on the market value of the Common Stock. In
addition,  we are subject to the anti-takeover  provisions of Section 203 of the
Delaware General Corporation Law. This section provides that a corporation shall
not engage in any business  combination with any interested  stockholder  during
the  three-year  period  following  the time that such  stockholder  becomes  an
interested  stockholder.  This  provision  could have the effect of  delaying or
preventing a change of control of SanDisk.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

         Please refer to the Company's  form 10-K/A for the year ended  December
31, 1998.

                                    Page 24


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

         The  information  required  by this  item is set forth in Note 6 of the
Notes to the Condensed  Consolidated  Financial  Statements on pages 7 and 8 and
under "Factors That May Affect Future Results - Risks  Associated  with Patents,
Proprietary Rights and Related  Litigation" on pages 22 and 23 of this Form 10-Q
for the quarterly  period ended March 31, 1999,  and is  incorporated  herein by

Item 2.  Changes in Securities

Item 3.  Defaults upon Senior Securities

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Item 5.  Other Information

                                    Page 25

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         A.  Exhibits

     Number                                        Exhibit Title
3.1      Certificate of Incorporation of the Registrant, as amended to date.2
3.2      Form of  Amended  and  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the
3.3      Bylaws of the Registrant, as amended.2
3.4      Form of Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Registrant 2
3.5      Certificate  of  Designation  for the  Series  A  Junior  Participating
         Preferred Stock, as filed with the Delaware Secretary of State on April
         24, 1997.4
4.1      Reference is made to Exhibits 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.2
4.3      Amended  and  Restated   Registration   Rights  Agreement,   among  the
         Registrant and the investors and founders named therein, dated March 3,
4.5      Series F Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement between Seagate Technology,
         Inc. and the Registrant, dated January 15, 1993.2
4.8      Rights Agreement,  dated as of April 18, 1997,  between the Company and
         Harris Trust and Savings Bank.4
4.9      First  Amendment to Rights  Agreement  dated October 22, 1999,  between
         Harris Trust and the Registrant.11
9.1      Amended and Restated  Voting  Agreement,  among the  Registrant and the
         investors named therein, dated March 3, 1995.2
10.10    License  Agreement  between the  Registrant  and Dr. Eli Harari,  dated
         September 6, 1988.2
10.13    1989 Stock Benefit Plan.2
10.14    1995 Stock Option Plan.2
10.15    Employee Stock Purchase Plan.2
10.16    1995 Non-Employee Directors Stock Option Plan.2
10.18    Lease Agreement between the Registrant and G.F. Properties, dated March
         1, 1996.3
10.21    Amendment  to  Lease   Agreement   between  the   Registrant  and  G.F.
         Properties, dated April 3, 1997.5
10.23    Foundry   Venture   Agreement   between  the   Registrant   and  United
         Microelectronics Corporation, dated June 27, 1997.1, 6
10.24    Written Assurances Re: Foundry Venture Agreement between the Registrant
         and United Microelectronics Corporation, dated September 13, 1995.1, 6
10.25    Side Letter between Registrant and United Microelectronics Corporation,
         dated May 28, 1997.1, 6
10.27    Clarification  letter with regards to Foundry Venture Agreement between
         the Registrant and United  Microelectronics  Corporation  dated October
         24, 1997.7
10.28    Lease Agreement between the Registrant and G.F. Properties,  dated June
         10, 1998.8
10.29    Trade  Finance  Agreement  between  the  Registrant  and Union  Bank of
         California, dated July 15, 1998.9
10.30    1995 Stock Option Plan Amended and Restated as of December 17, 1998.
10.31    1995  Non-Employee  Directors Stock Option Plan Amended and Restated as
         of December 17, 1998.
10.32    1995 Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan Amended and Restated as of December
         17, 1998.
21.1     Subsidiaries of the Registrant.10
23.1     Consent of Ernst & Young, LLP, Independent Auditors. 10
27.1     Financial Data Schedule for the quarter ended March 31, 1999. (In EDGAR
         format only)
- ----------

1.       Confidential   treatment  granted  as  to  certain  portions  of  these
2.       Previously  filed  as  an  Exhibit  to  the  Registrant's  Registration
         Statement on Form S-1 (No. 33-96298).

                                    Page 26

3.       Previously filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  1995 Annual Report
         on Form 10-K.
4.       Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Current Report on
         Form 8-K/A dated April 18, 1997.
5.       Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Form 10-Q for the
         quarter ended June 30, 1997.
6.       Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Current Report on
         form 8-K dated October 16, 1997.
7.       Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Form 10-Q for the
         quarter ended September 30, 1997.
8.       Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Form 10-Q for the
         quarter ended June 30, 1998.
9.       Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Form 10-Q for the
         quarter ended September 30, 1998.
10.      Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Annual  Report on
         Form 10-K.
11.      Previously  filed as an Exhibit to the  Registrant's  Current Report on
         Form 8-K dated January 1, 1999.

         B.  Reports on Form 8-K

         During the quarter  ended March 31, 1999,  the Company  filed a current
report on Form 8-K  dated  January  8,  1999,  reporting  the  amendment  to its
shareholders' rights agreement.

                                    Page 27


       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  Report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                               SanDisk Corporation

                               By: /s/ Cindy L. Burgdorf
                                   Cindy L. Burgdorf
                                   Chief Financial Officer, 
                                   Senior Vice President, Finance and
                                   Administration and Secretary

DATED:        May 11, 1999

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