1995 STOCK OPTION PLAN

                  AMENDED AND RESTATED AS OF DECEMBER 17, 1998

                                  ARTICLE One
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS


         This 1995 Stock  Option Plan is intended  to promote the  interests  of
SanDisk Corporation, a Delaware corporation,  by providing eligible persons with
the opportunity to acquire a proprietary  interest,  or otherwise increase their
proprietary  interest,  in the Corporation as an incentive for them to remain in
the service of the Corporation.

         Capitalized terms shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the
attached Appendix.


         A. The Committee shall have sole and exclusive  authority to administer
the Plan with  respect to Section 16 Insiders.  Administration  of the Plan with
respect  to all other  persons  eligible  to  participate  may,  at the  Board's
discretion,  be vested in the  Committee,  or the Board may  retain the power to
administer the Plan with respect to all such persons.

         B. Members of the Committee  shall serve for such period of time as the
Board may determine and shall be subject to removal by the Board at any time.

         C. The Plan Administrator shall, within the scope of its administrative
functions  under  the Plan,  have  full  power  and  authority  (subject  to the
provisions of the Plan) to establish  such rules and  regulations as it may deem
appropriate   for   proper   administration   of  the  Plan  and  to  make  such
determinations  under, and issue such interpretations of, the provisions of such
program and any  outstanding  options  thereunder  as it may deem  necessary  or
advisable.  Decisions  of  the  Plan  Administrator  within  the  scope  of  its
administrative  functions  under  the Plan  shall be final  and  binding  on all
parties who have an interest in the Plan or any option thereunder.

         D. Service on the Committee shall constitute service as a Board member,
and  members  of  the   Committee   shall   accordingly   be  entitled  to  full
indemnification  and reimbursement as Board members for their service. No member
of the Committee shall be liable for any act or omission made in good faith with
respect to the Plan or any option grants made under the Plan.


         A. The persons eligible to participate in the Plan are as follows:

         (i)      Employees,

         (ii)     Non-employee Board members, and

         (iii)    consultants  and  other   independent   advisors  who  provide
                  services to the Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary).

         B. The Plan Administrator shall, within the scope of its administrative
jurisdiction  under the Plan,  have full  authority to determine  which eligible
persons are to receive option grants,  the time or times when such option grants
are to be made,  the  number of shares to be  covered  by each such  grant,  the
status of the granted  option as either an Incentive  Option or a  Non-Statutory
Option,  the time or times at which each option is to become exercisable and the
vesting  schedule (if any)  applicable to the option shares and the maximum term
for which the option is to remain outstanding.


         A. The stock  issuable under the Plan shall be shares of authorized but
unissued  or  reacquired  Common  Stock,  including  shares  repurchased  by the
Corporation  on the open  market.  The maximum  number of shares of Common Stock
which may be issued over the term of the Plan shall not exceed 9,498,711 shares.
Such share reserve  includes (i) the initial  reserve of 3,498,711  shares which
reflects  the 2:3 stock split  adopted by the Board on July 25,  1995,  (ii) the
additional  increase of 2,500,000 shares authorized by the Board on February 10,
1997, and approved by the  stockholders  at the 1997 Annual Meeting and (iii) an
additional  increase of 3,500,000 shares authorized by the Board on December 17,
1998,  subject to stockholder  approval at the 1999 Annual Meeting.  The initial
authorized  share reserve was  comprised of the number of shares which  remained
available for issuance,  as of the Effective Date, under the Predecessor Plan as
last approved by the Corporation's  stockholders  prior to such date,  including
the shares subject to the outstanding options incorporated into the Plan and any
other shares which would have been  available for future option grants under the
Predecessor Plan.

         B. The number of shares of Common Stock  available  for issuance  under
the Plan shall  automatically  increase on the first trading day of January each
calendar year during the term of the Plan, beginning with calendar year 2002, by
an amount equal to four and thirty-six hundreds percent (4.36%) of the shares of
Common Stock  outstanding on the last trading day in December of the immediately
preceding  calendar year, but in no event shall any such annual  increase exceed

         C. No one person  participating  in the Plan may  receive  options  and
separately  exercisable stock appreciation rights for more than 1,000,000 shares
of Common Stock in the aggregate over the term of the Plan.


         D.  Shares of Common  Stock  subject to  outstanding  options  shall be
available for  subsequent  issuance under the Plan to the extent (i) the options
(including  any  options  incorporated  from the  Predecessor  Plan)  expire  or
terminate  for any reason  prior to  exercise  in full or (ii) the  options  are
cancelled in accordance with the cancellation-regrant provisions of Article Two.
In addition,  unvested shares issued under the Plan and subsequently repurchased
by the Corporation,  at the original exercise price paid per share,  pursuant to
the  Corporation's  repurchase  rights under the Plan shall be added back to the
number of shares of Common Stock  reserved for issuance under the Plan and shall
accordingly be available for reissuance  through one or more  subsequent  option
grants under the Plan. However, should the exercise price of an option under the
Plan (including any option  incorporated from the Predecessor Plan) be paid with
shares of Common Stock or should shares of Common Stock otherwise issuable under
the Plan be withheld by the Corporation in satisfaction of the withholding taxes
incurred in connection  with the exercise of an option under the Plan,  then the
number of shares of Common Stock  available for issuance under the Plan shall be
reduced by the gross number of shares for which the option is exercised, and not
by the net number of shares of Common Stock issued to the holder of such option.

         E. Should any change be made to the Common Stock by reason of any stock
split,  stock  dividend,  recapitalization,  combination of shares,  exchange of
shares or other change affecting the outstanding Common Stock as a class without
the  Corporation's  receipt of consideration,  appropriate  adjustments shall be
made to (i) the maximum  number  and/or class of securities  issuable  under the
Plan,  (ii) the maximum  number  and/or class of  securities  by which the share
reserve  is to  increase  automatically  each  calendar  year  pursuant  to  the
provisions of Section IV.B of this Article One, (iii) the number and/or class of
securities  for which any one  person  may be  granted  options  and  separately
exercisable  stock  appreciation  rights  over the term of the Plan and (iv) the
number  and/or class of  securities  and the exercise  price per share in effect
under  each  outstanding  option  (including  any option  incorporated  from the
Predecessor  Plan) in order to prevent the dilution or  enlargement  of benefits
thereunder. The adjustments determined by the Plan Administrator shall be final,
binding and conclusive.


                                  ARTICLE TWO
                              OPTION GRANT PROGRAM


         Each option  shall be  evidenced  by one or more  documents in the form
approved by the Plan Administrator;  provided,  however, that each such document
shall  comply  with the terms  specified  below.  Each  document  evidencing  an
Incentive  Option shall,  in addition,  be subject to the provisions of the Plan
applicable to such options.

         A. Exercise Price.

                  1. The  exercise  price per  share  shall be fixed by the Plan
Administrator  but shall not be less than eighty-five  percent (85%) of the Fair
Market Value per share of Common Stock on the option grant date.

                  2.  The  exercise  price  shall  become  immediately  due upon
exercise  of the  option and shall,  subject to the  provisions  of Section I of
Article Three and the documents evidencing the option, be payable in one or more
of the forms specified below:

                  (i)      cash or check made payable to the Corporation,

                  (ii)     shares of Common Stock held for the requisite  period
                           necessary  to  avoid a  charge  to the  Corporation's
                           earnings for financial  reporting purposes and valued
                           at Fair Market Value on the Exercise Date, or

                  (iii)    to the  extent  the  option is  exercised  for vested
                           shares,   through  a  special  sale  and   remittance
                           procedure   pursuant  to  which  the  Optionee  shall
                           concurrently provide irrevocable written instructions
                           to (a) a  Corporation-designated  brokerage  firm  to
                           effect the immediate sale of the purchased shares and
                           remit to the  Corporation,  out of the sale  proceeds
                           available on the settlement date, sufficient funds to
                           cover the  aggregate  exercise  price payable for the
                           purchased shares plus all applicable  Federal,  state
                           and local income and employment  taxes required to be
                           withheld  by  the   Corporation  by  reason  of  such
                           exercise  and  (b) the  Corporation  to  deliver  the
                           certificates  for the  purchased  shares  directly to
                           such brokerage firm in order to complete the sale.

         Except to the extent such sale and  remittance  procedure  is utilized,
payment  of the  exercise  price for the  purchased  shares  must be made on the
Exercise Date.

         B. Exercise and Term of Options.  Each option shall be  exercisable  at
such time or times, during such period and for such number of shares as shall be
determined by the Plan  Administrator and set forth in the documents  evidencing
the  option.  However,  no option  shall have a term in excess of ten (10) years
measured from the option grant date.


         C. Effect of Termination of Service.

                  1. The following  provisions  shall govern the exercise of any
options held by the Optionee at the time of cessation of Service or death:

                  (i)      Any option  outstanding at the time of the Optionee's
                           cessation  of  Service  for any reason  shall  remain
                           exercisable  for such  period of time  thereafter  as
                           shall be determined by the Plan Administrator and set
                           forth in the documents  evidencing the option, but no
                           such option shall be exercisable after the expiration
                           of the option term.

                  (ii)     Any  option  exercisable  in  whole or in part by the
                           Optionee  at the  time of death  may be  subsequently
                           exercised  by  the  personal  representative  of  the
                           Optionee's estate or by the person or persons to whom
                           the option is transferred  pursuant to the Optionee's
                           will or in  accordance  with the laws of descent  and

                  (iii)    During the applicable  post-Service  exercise period,
                           the option may not be exercised in the  aggregate for
                           more than the  number of vested  shares for which the
                           option is  exercisable  on the date of the Optionee's
                           cessation  of  Service.  Upon the  expiration  of the
                           applicable  exercise  period or (if earlier) upon the
                           expiration  of the  option  term,  the  option  shall
                           terminate and cease to be outstanding  for any vested
                           shares for which the  option has not been  exercised.
                           However,  the  option  shall,  immediately  upon  the
                           Optionee's cessation of Service,  terminate and cease
                           to be outstanding to the extent it is not exercisable
                           for vested  shares on the date of such  cessation  of

                  (iv)     Should  the  Optionee's  Service  be  terminated  for
                           Misconduct,  then all outstanding options held by the
                           Optionee shall terminate  immediately and cease to be

                  2.  The  Plan   Administrator   shall  have  the   discretion,
exercisable  either at the time an option is  granted  or at any time  while the
option remains outstanding, to:

                  (i)      extend  the period of time for which the option is to
                           remain exercisable following the Optionee's cessation
                           of Service  from the period  otherwise  in effect for
                           that  option  to such  greater  period of time as the
                           Plan Administrator shall deem appropriate,  but in no
                           event  beyond  the  expiration  of the  option  term,

                  (ii)     permit  the  option  to  be  exercised,   during  the
                           applicable  post-Service  exercise  period,  not only
                           with respect to the number of vested shares of Common
                           Stock for which  such  option is  exercisable  at the
                           time of the Optionee's  cessation of Service but also
                           with respect to one or more  additional  installments
                           in which the  Optionee  would have  vested  under the
                           option had the Optionee continued in Service.

         D.  Stockholder   Rights.  The  holder  of  an  option  shall  have  no
stockholder  rights with respect to the shares  subject to the option until such
person shall have  exercised  the option,  paid the exercise  price and become a
holder of record of the purchased shares.


         E. Repurchase Rights. The Plan Administrator  shall have the discretion
to grant  options  which are  exercisable  for unvested  shares of Common Stock.
Should the Optionee  cease  Service  while  holding such  unvested  shares,  the
Corporation  shall have the right to repurchase,  at the exercise price paid per
share, any or all of those unvested shares. The terms upon which such repurchase
right shall be exercisable  (including the period and procedure for exercise and
the appropriate  vesting schedule for the purchased shares) shall be established
by the  Plan  Administrator  and  set  forth  in the  document  evidencing  such
repurchase right.

         F.  Limited  Transferability  of  Options.  During the  lifetime of the
Optionee,  Incentive Options shall be exercisable only by the Optionee and shall
not be assignable or  transferable  other than by will or by the laws of descent
and distribution following the Optionee's death. However, a Non-Statutory Option
may, in connection  with the Optionee's  estate plan, be assigned in whole or in
part during the  Optionee's  lifetime to one or more  members of the  Optionee's
immediate  family  or to a trust  established  exclusively  for one or more such
family  members.  The  assigned  portion may only be  exercised by the person or
persons  who  acquire a  proprietary  interest  in the  option  pursuant  to the
assignment.  The terms  applicable to the assigned  portion shall be the same as
those in effect for the option immediately prior to such assignment and shall be
set forth in such documents issued to the assignee as the Plan Administrator may
deem appropriate.


         The terms specified below shall be applicable to all Incentive Options.
Except as modified by the  provisions of this Section II, all the  provisions of
the  Plan  shall  be  applicable  to  Incentive   Options.   Options  which  are
specifically  designated  as  Non-Statutory  Options  when issued under the Plan
shall not be subject to the terms of this Section II.

         A. Eligibility. Incentive Options may only be granted to Employees.

         B. Exercise Price.  The exercise price per share shall not be less than
one hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on
the option grant date.

         C. Dollar Limitation.  The aggregate Fair Market Value of the shares of
Common Stock  (determined as of the respective date or dates of grant) for which
one or more options  granted to any Employee under the Plan (or any other option
plan of the  Corporation  or any  Parent or  Subsidiary)  may for the first time
become  exercisable as Incentive  Options during any one (1) calendar year shall
not exceed the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000). To the extent the
Employee  holds two (2) or more such options  which become  exercisable  for the
first  time  in  the  same  calendar  year,  the  foregoing  limitation  on  the
exercisability  of such  options as  Incentive  Options  shall be applied on the
basis of the order in which such options are granted.

         D. 10%  Stockholder.  If any  Employee to whom an  Incentive  Option is
granted is a 10%  Stockholder,  then the  exercise  price per share shall not be
less than one hundred ten percent  (110%) of the Fair Market  Value per share of
Common Stock on the option grant date, and the option term shall not exceed five
(5) years measured from the option grant date.



         A. In the event of any Corporate  Transaction,  each outstanding option
shall automatically accelerate so that each such option shall, immediately prior
to the effective date of the Corporate Transaction, become fully exercisable for
all of the shares of Common  Stock at the time subject to such option and may be
exercised for any or all of those shares as fully-vested shares of Common Stock.
However, an outstanding option shall not so accelerate if and to the extent: (i)
such  option is, in  connection  with the  Corporate  Transaction,  either to be
assumed by the successor  corporation (or parent thereof) or to be replaced with
a comparable  option to purchase  shares of the capital  stock of the  successor
corporation (or parent thereof),  (ii) such option is to be replaced with a cash
incentive  program  of the  successor  corporation  which  preserves  the spread
existing on the unvested option shares at the time of the Corporate  Transaction
and provides for subsequent  payout in accordance with the same vesting schedule
applicable to such option or (iii) the acceleration of such option is subject to
other  limitations  imposed by the Plan  Administrator at the time of the option
grant. The determination of option comparability under clause (i) above shall be
made by the Plan Administrator,  and its determination  shall be final,  binding
and conclusive.

         B.   All   outstanding   repurchase   rights   shall   also   terminate
automatically, and the shares of Common Stock subject to those terminated rights
shall  immediately  vest in full,  in the  event of any  Corporate  Transaction,
except to the  extent:  (i) those  repurchase  rights are to be  assigned to the
successor  corporation  (or parent  thereof) in connection  with such  Corporate
Transaction or (ii) such accelerated  vesting is precluded by other  limitations
imposed by the Plan Administrator at the time the repurchase right is issued.

         C. The Plan Administrator shall have the discretion, exercisable either
at the time the  option  is  granted  or at any time  while the  option  remains
outstanding,   to  provide  for  the  automatic  acceleration  of  one  or  more
outstanding  options (and the automatic  termination of one or more  outstanding
repurchase  rights  with the  immediate  vesting of the  shares of Common  Stock
subject to those rights) upon the occurrence of a Corporate Transaction, whether
or not those options are to be assumed or replaced (or those  repurchase  rights
are to be assigned) in the
Corporate Transaction.

         D. Immediately following the consummation of the Corporate Transaction,
all outstanding  options shall terminate and cease to be outstanding,  except to
the extent assumed by the successor corporation (or parent thereof).

         E.  Each  option  which  is  assumed  in  connection  with a  Corporate
Transaction  shall be appropriately  adjusted,  immediately after such Corporate
Transaction,  to apply to the number and class of  securities  which  would have
been issuable to the Optionee in consummation of such Corporate  Transaction had
the option  been  exercised  immediately  prior to such  Corporate  Transaction.
Appropriate  adjustments  shall  also be made to (i) the  number  and  class  of
securities  available  for issuance  under the Plan on both an aggregate and per
Optionee basis following the consummation of such Corporate Transaction and (ii)
the exercise price payable per share under each outstanding option, provided the
aggregate exercise price payable for such securities shall remain the same.


         F.  Any  options  which  are  assumed  or  replaced  in  the  Corporate
Transaction and do not otherwise  accelerate at that time,  shall  automatically
accelerate (and any of the Corporation's  outstanding repurchase rights which do
not  otherwise  terminate  at  the  time  of  the  Corporate  Transaction  shall
automatically  terminate  and the  shares  of  Common  Stock  subject  to  those
terminated  rights shall  immediately  vest in full) in the event the Optionee's
Service should  subsequently  terminate by reason of an Involuntary  Termination
within  twelve  (12)  months  following  the  effective  date of such  Corporate
Transaction.   Any  options  so  accelerated   shall  remain   exercisable   for
fully-vested  shares until the earlier of (i) the  expiration of the option term
or (ii) the  expiration of the one (1)-year  period  measured from the effective
date of the Involuntary Termination.

         G. The Plan Administrator shall have the discretion, exercisable either
at the time the  option  is  granted  or at any time  while the  option  remains
outstanding,  to (i)  provide  for  the  automatic  acceleration  of one or more
outstanding  options (and the automatic  termination of one or more  outstanding
repurchase  rights  with the  immediate  vesting of the  shares of Common  Stock
subject  to those  rights)  upon the  occurrence  of a Change in Control or (ii)
condition any such option  acceleration  (and the termination of any outstanding
repurchase rights) upon the subsequent Involuntary Termination of the Optionee's
Service within a specified period following the effective date of such Change in
Control.  Any options  accelerated in connection  with a Change in Control shall
remain fully  exercisable  until the  expiration  or sooner  termination  of the
option term.

         H. The portion of any Incentive Option accelerated in connection with a
Corporate  Transaction  or Change in  Control  shall  remain  exercisable  as an
Incentive  Option only to the extent the applicable One Hundred  Thousand Dollar
limitation  is not exceeded.  To the extent such dollar  limitation is exceeded,
the  accelerated  portion of such option shall be exercisable as a Non-Statutory
Option under the Federal tax laws.

         I. The grant of options  under the Option Grant Program shall in no way
affect  the  right of the  Corporation  to  adjust,  reclassify,  reorganize  or
otherwise  change its capital or business  structure  or to merge,  consolidate,
dissolve,  liquidate  or sell or  transfer  all or any part of its  business  or


         The Plan Administrator  shall have the authority to effect, at any time
and from time to time,  with the consent of the  affected  option  holders,  the
cancellation  of any or all  outstanding  options under the Option Grant Program
(including  outstanding  options  incorporated from the Predecessor Plan) and to
grant in  substitution  new options  covering  the same or  different  number of
shares of Common  Stock but with an  exercise  price per share based on the Fair
Market Value per share of Common Stock on the new option grant date.


         A. The Plan Administrator  shall have full power and authority to grant
to selected  Optionees  tandem stock  appreciation  rights and/or  limited stock
appreciation rights.

         B. The  following  terms shall  govern the grant and exercise of tandem
stock appreciation rights:

         (i)      One or more  Optionees  may be granted the right,  exercisable
                  upon such terms as the Plan  Administrator  may establish,  to
                  elect between the exercise of the underlying option for shares
                  of Common  Stock and the  surrender of that option in exchange
                  for a distribution  from the Corporation in an amount equal to
                  the  excess  of (A) the  Fair  Market  Value  (on  the  option
                  surrender  date) of the number of shares in which the Optionee
                  is at  the  time  vested  under  the  surrendered  option  (or
                  surrendered  portion thereof) over (B) the aggregate  exercise
                  price payable for such shares.

         (ii)     No such  option  surrender  shall be  effective  unless  it is
                  approved by the Plan  Administrator.  If the  surrender  is so
                  approved, then the distribution to which the Optionee shall be
                  entitled  may be made in shares of Common Stock valued at Fair
                  Market Value on the option  surrender date, in cash, or partly
                  in shares and partly in cash, as the Plan Administrator  shall
                  in its sole discretion deem appropriate.

         (iii)    If  the  surrender  of an  option  is  rejected  by  the  Plan
                  Administrator,  then the Optionee shall retain whatever rights
                  the Optionee had under the surrendered  option (or surrendered
                  portion thereof) on the option surrender date and may exercise
                  such  rights  at any time  prior to the  later of (A) five (5)
                  business days after the receipt of the rejection notice or (B)
                  the last day on which the option is otherwise  exercisable  in
                  accordance  with the terms of the  documents  evidencing  such
                  option, but in no event may such rights be exercised more than
                  ten (10) years after the option grant date.

         C. The  following  terms shall govern the grant and exercise of limited
stock appreciation rights:

         (i)      One or more Section 16 Insiders may be granted  limited  stock
                  appreciation rights with respect to their outstanding options.

         (ii)     Upon  the  occurrence  of  a  Hostile  Take-Over,   each  such
                  individual  holding  one or more  options  with such a limited
                  stock  appreciation  right shall have the unconditional  right
                  (exercisable  for a  thirty  (30)-day  period  following  such
                  Hostile  Take-Over)  to  surrender  each  such  option  to the
                  Corporation,   to  the  extent  the  option  is  at  the  time
                  exercisable  for vested shares of Common Stock.  In return for
                  the  surrendered  option,  the Optionee  shall  receive a cash
                  distribution  from the  Corporation  in an amount equal to the
                  excess  of (A) the  Take-Over  Price of the  shares  of Common
                  Stock  which are at the time  vested  under  each  surrendered
                  option (or surrendered portion thereof) over (B) the aggregate
                  exercise price payable for such shares. Such cash distribution
                  shall  be paid  within  five  (5) days  following  the  option
                  surrender date.


         (iii)    The  Plan  Administrator  shall  pre-approve,  at the time the
                  limited  right is  granted,  the  subsequent  exercise of that
                  right in  accordance  with  the  terms  of the  grant  and the
                  provisions of this Section V.C. No additional  approval of the
                  Plan  Administrator or the Board shall be required at the time
                  of the actual option surrender and cash distribution.

         (iv)     The  balance of the option  (if any)  shall  continue  in full
                  force and effect in accordance  with the documents  evidencing
                  such option.


                                  ARTICLE Three


         A. The Plan  Administrator  may permit any  Optionee  to pay the option
exercise  price  by  delivering  a  promissory  note  payable  in  one  or  more
installments. The terms of any such promissory note (including the interest rate
and the terms of repayment)  shall be established by the Plan  Administrator  in
its sole discretion. Promissory notes may be authorized with or without security
or collateral.  In all events,  the maximum credit available to the Optionee may
not exceed the sum of (i) the aggregate  option  exercise  price payable for the
purchased  shares plus (ii) any Federal,  state and local income and  employment
tax liability incurred by the Optionee in connection with the option exercise.

         B. The Plan Administrator may, in its discretion, determine that one or
more such promissory notes shall be subject to forgiveness by the Corporation in
whole or in part upon such terms as the Plan Administrator may deem appropriate.


         A. The Corporation's  obligation to deliver shares of Common Stock upon
the  exercise of options or stock  appreciation  rights  under the Plan shall be
subject to the  satisfaction of all applicable  Federal,  state and local income
and employment tax withholding requirements.

         B. The Plan  Administrator  may, in its discretion,  provide any or all
holders of Non-Statutory Options with the right to use shares of Common Stock in
satisfaction of all or part of the  Withholding  Taxes to which such holders may
be subject in connection  with the exercise of their options.  Such right may be
provided to any such holder in either or both of the following formats:

         (i)      Stock  Withholding:  The  election  to  have  the  Corporation
                  withhold,  from the shares of Common Stock otherwise  issuable
                  upon the exercise of such  Non-Statutory  Option, a portion of
                  those shares with an aggregate  Fair Market Value equal to the
                  percentage of the Withholding Taxes (not to exceed one hundred
                  percent (100%)) designated by the holder.

         (ii)     Stock Delivery: The election to deliver to the Corporation, at
                  the time the  Non-Statutory  Option is exercised,  one or more
                  shares of Common  Stock  previously  acquired  by such  holder
                  (other than in connection with the option exercise  triggering
                  the  Withholding  Taxes) with an  aggregate  Fair Market Value
                  equal  to the  percentage  of the  Withholding  Taxes  (not to
                  exceed one hundred percent (100%)) designated by the holder.



         A. The Plan became  effective  on the November 7, 1995  Effective  Date
after adoption by the Board on July 25, 1995, and approval by the  Corporation's
stockholders in August 1995.

         B. The Plan was  amended  on  February  10,  1997 (the  "February  1997
Amendment") to effect the following  changes:  (i) increase the number of shares
of  Common  Stock  authorized  for  issuance  over  the  term of the  Plan by an
additional 2,500,000 shares, (ii) render the non-employee Board members eligible
to receive  option  grants under the Plan,  (iii) allow  unvested  shares issued
under the Plan and  subsequently  repurchased  by the  Corporation at the option
exercise  price paid per share to be  reissued  under the Plan and (iv) effect a
series  of  technical  changes  to the  provisions  of the Plan  (including  the
stockholder  approval  requirements)  in order to take  advantage  of the recent
amendments  to Rule 16b-3 of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 which exempts
certain  officer and director  transactions  under the Plan from the short-swing
liability provisions of the Federal securities laws. The February 1997 Amendment
was  approved at the 1997 Annual  Meeting.  All option  grants made prior to the
February 1997 Amendment  shall remain  outstanding in accordance  with the terms
and  conditions  of the  respective  instruments  evidencing  those  options  or
issuances,  and nothing in the February 1997 Amendment shall be deemed to modify
or in any way  affect  those  outstanding  options  or  issuances.  The Plan was
amended on  December  17, 1998 (the  "December  1998  Amendment")  to effect the
following changes:  (i) increase the number of shares of Common Stock authorized
for issuance  over the term of the Plan by an  additional  3,500,000  shares and
(ii)  implement  the  automatic  share  increase  provisions  of Section IV.B of
Article One. The December 1998 Amendment is subject to  stockholder  approval at
the  1999  Annual  Meeting  and  no  option  grants  made  on the  basis  of the
3,500,000-share  increase  authorized by that amendment shall become exercisable
in whole or in part unless and until the December 1998  Amendment is approved by
the stockholders.  Should such stockholder  approval not be obtained at the 1999
Annual  Meeting,  then each option  grant made  pursuant to the  3,500,000-share
increase  authorized by the December 1998 Amendment shall terminate and cease to
remain  outstanding,  and no further option grants shall be made on the basis of
that share increase, and the automatic share increase provisions of Section IV.B
of Article One shall not be implemented.  Subject to the foregoing  limitations,
options may be granted  under the Plan at any time before the date fixed  herein
for the termination of the Plan.

         C. The Plan shall serve as the successor to the  Predecessor  Plan, and
no further  option  grants  shall be made under the  Predecessor  Plan after the
Effective Date. All options  outstanding  under the Predecessor  Plan as of such
date  shall,  immediately  upon  approval  of  the  Plan  by  the  Corporation's
stockholders,  be incorporated into the Plan and treated as outstanding  options
under the Plan. However,  each outstanding option so incorporated shall continue
to be governed solely by the terms of the documents  evidencing such option, and
no  provision  of the Plan  shall be deemed to affect or  otherwise  modify  the
rights or obligations of the holders of such  incorporated  options with respect
to their acquisition of shares of Common Stock.


         D. The  provisions  of the Plan  (including,  without  limitation,  the
option/vesting  acceleration  provisions  of Article Two  relating to  Corporate
Transactions   and  Changes  in  Control)  may,  in  the  Plan   Administrator's
discretion, be extended to one or more options incorporated from the Predecessor
Plan which do not otherwise provide for such acceleration.

         E. The Plan shall  terminate  upon the  earliest of (i) July 24,  2005,
(ii) the date on which all shares  available  for  issuance  under the Plan have
been issued  pursuant to the exercise of the options under the Plan or (iii) the
termination  of  all   outstanding   options  in  connection  with  a  Corporate
Transaction.  Upon such Plan termination,  all options  outstanding on such date
shall  thereafter  continue  to have  force and  effect in  accordance  with the
provisions of the documents evidencing such options.


         A. The Board shall have complete and  exclusive  power and authority to
amend or modify the Plan in any or all respects.  However,  no such amendment or
modification  shall adversely  affect the rights and obligations with respect to
options  or stock  appreciation  rights at the time  outstanding  under the Plan
unless the Optionee  consents to such  amendment or  modification.  In addition,
certain  amendments  may  require   stockholder   approval  in  accordance  with
applicable laws and regulations.

         B.  Options to purchase  shares of Common Stock may be granted that are
in excess of the number of shares then  available  for issuance  under the Plan,
provided any excess shares actually issued are held in escrow until  stockholder
approval of an amendment sufficiently  increasing the number of shares of Common
Stock  available for issuance  under the Plan is obtained.  If such  stockholder
approval is not obtained within twelve (12) months after the date the first such
excess issuances are made, then (i) any unexercised options granted on the basis
of such excess shares shall  terminate and cease to be outstanding  and (ii) the
Corporation  shall promptly  refund to the Optionees the exercise price paid for
any  excess  shares  issued  under the Plan and held in  escrow,  together  with
interest (at the  applicable  Short Term Federal Rate) for the period the shares
were held in escrow, and such shares shall thereupon be automatically  cancelled
and cease to be outstanding.


         Any cash proceeds  received by the Corporation  from the sale of shares
of Common Stock under the Plan shall be used for general corporate purposes.


         A. The  implementation of the Plan, the granting of any option or stock
appreciation right under the Plan and the issuance of any shares of Common Stock
upon the exercise of any option or stock  appreciation right shall be subject to
the  Corporation's   procurement  of  all  approvals  and  permits  required  by
regulatory  authorities having jurisdiction over the Plan, the options and stock
appreciation  rights  granted  under it and the  shares of Common  Stock  issued
pursuant to it.


         B. No  shares  of  Common  Stock or other  assets  shall be  issued  or
delivered  under the Plan unless and until there shall have been compliance with
all applicable  requirements of Federal and state securities laws, including the
filing and  effectiveness of the Form S-8 registration  statement for the shares
of Common Stock issuable under the Plan, and all applicable listing requirements
of any stock exchange (or the Nasdaq  National  Market,  if applicable) on which
Common Stock is then listed for trading.


         Nothing  in the Plan  shall  confer  upon  the  Optionee  any  right to
continue  in Service for any period of specific  duration or  interfere  with or
otherwise  restrict in any way the rights of the  Corporation  (or any Parent or
Subsidiary employing or retaining such person) or of the Optionee,  which rights
are hereby expressly reserved by each, to terminate such person's Service at any
time for any reason, with or without cause.



         The following definitions shall be in effect under the Plan:

         A. Board shall mean the Corporation's Board of Directors.

         B. Change in Control shall mean a change in ownership or control of the
Corporation effected through either of the following transactions:

         (i)      the  acquisition,  directly  or  indirectly,  by any person or
                  related  group of persons  (other  than the  Corporation  or a
                  person that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by,
                  or  is  under  common  control  with,  the  Corporation),   of
                  beneficial  ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the
                  1934 Act) of  securities  possessing  more than fifty  percent
                  (50%) of the total combined voting power of the  Corporation's
                  outstanding  securities pursuant to a tender or exchange offer
                  made directly to the Corporation's stockholders, or

         (ii)     a change  in the  composition  of the  Board  over a period of
                  thirty-six  (36)  consecutive  months  or  less  such  that  a
                  majority of the Board members ceases, by reason of one or more
                  contested  elections for Board membership,  to be comprised of
                  individuals   who   either   (A)  have  been   Board   members
                  continuously  since the  beginning  of such period or (B) have
                  been elected or nominated for election as Board members during
                  such  period  by at  least a  majority  of the  Board  members
                  described  in clause  (A) who were still in office at the time
                  the Board approved such election or nomination.

         C. Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         D. Committee  shall mean the committee of two (2) or more  non-employee
Board members appointed by the Board to administer the Plan.

         E. Common Stock shall mean the Corporation's common stock.

         F.   Corporate   Transaction   shall  mean  either  of  the   following
stockholder-approved transactions to which the Corporation is a party:

         (i)      a merger or consolidation in which securities  possessing more
                  than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of
                  the Corporation's  outstanding securities are transferred to a
                  person or persons  different  from the persons  holding  those
                  immediately prior to such transaction; or

         (ii)     the   sale,   transfer   or  other   disposition   of  all  or
                  substantially  all of the  Corporation's  assets  in  complete
                  liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation.

         G. Corporation shall mean SanDisk Corporation, a Delaware corporation.


         H.  Effective  Date shall mean November 7, 1995,  the date on which the
Underwriting Agreement was executed and the initial public offering price of the
Common Stock was established.

         I.  Employee  shall  mean an  individual  who is in the  employ  of the
Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary),  subject to the control and direction
of the employer  entity as to both the work to be  performed  and the manner and
method of performance.

         J.  Exercise  Date shall mean the date on which the  Corporation  shall
have received written notice of the option exercise.

         K. Fair Market  Value per share of Common  Stock on any  relevant  date
shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions:

         (i)      If the  Common  Stock  is at the  time  traded  on the  Nasdaq
                  National  Market,  then the  Fair  Market  Value  shall be the
                  closing selling price per share of Common Stock on the date in
                  question,   as  such  price  is  reported   by  the   National
                  Association  of  Securities  Dealers  on the  Nasdaq  National
                  Market or any successor system. If there is no closing selling
                  price for the Common Stock on the date in  question,  then the
                  Fair Market  Value shall be the closing  selling  price on the
                  last preceding date for which such quotation exists.

         (ii)     If  the  Common  Stock  is at the  time  listed  on any  Stock
                  Exchange,  then the Fair  Market  Value  shall be the  closing
                  selling  price  per  share  of  Common  Stock  on the  date in
                  question  on  the  Stock  Exchange   determined  by  the  Plan
                  Administrator  to be the primary  market for the Common Stock,
                  as such price is officially  quoted in the  composite  tape of
                  transactions on such exchange.  If there is no closing selling
                  price for the Common Stock on the date in  question,  then the
                  Fair Market  Value shall be the closing  selling  price on the
                  last preceding date for which such quotation exists.

         L.  Hostile   Take-Over  shall  mean  a  change  in  ownership  of  the
Corporation  effected  through the acquisition,  directly or indirectly,  by any
person or related group of persons (other than the  Corporation or a person that
directly or indirectly  controls,  is controlled  by, or is under common control
with, the Corporation) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
of the 1934 Act) of securities  possessing  more than fifty percent (50%) of the
total combined voting power of the Corporation's outstanding securities pursuant
to a tender or exchange  offer made directly to the  Corporation's  stockholders
which the Board does not recommend such stockholders to accept.

         M.  Incentive   Option  shall  mean  an  option  which   satisfies  the
requirements of Code Section 422.


         N. Involuntary Termination shall mean the termination of the Service of
any individual which occurs by reason of:

         (i)      such  individual's  involuntary  dismissal or discharge by the
                  Corporation for reasons other than Misconduct, or

         (ii)     such individual's voluntary resignation following (A) a change
                  in his or her position with the Corporation  which  materially
                  reduces his or her level of responsibility, (B) a reduction in
                  his or her  level  of  compensation  (including  base  salary,
                  fringe  benefits and  participation  in  corporate-performance
                  based  bonus  or  incentive  programs)  by more  than  fifteen
                  percent (15%) or (C) a relocation of such  individual's  place
                  of employment by more than fifty (50) miles, provided and only
                  if such  change,  reduction or  relocation  is effected by the
                  Corporation without the individual's consent.

         O.  Misconduct   shall  mean  the  commission  of  any  act  of  fraud,
embezzlement or dishonesty by the Optionee,  any  unauthorized use or disclosure
by such person of  confidential  information or trade secrets of the Corporation
(or any  Parent or  Subsidiary),  or any other  intentional  misconduct  by such
person  adversely  affecting the business or affairs of the  Corporation (or any
Parent or Subsidiary) in a material manner.  The foregoing  definition shall not
be deemed to be inclusive of all the acts or omissions which the Corporation (or
any Parent or Subsidiary) may consider as grounds for the dismissal or discharge
of any Optionee or other person in the Service of the Corporation (or any Parent
or Subsidiary).

         P. 1934 Act shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         Q.  Non-Statutory  Option  shall mean an option not intended to satisfy
the requirements of Code Section 422.

         R. Option Grant  Program  shall mean the option grant program in effect
under the Plan.

         S.  Optionee  shall mean any person to whom an option is granted  under
the Plan.

         T. Parent shall mean any corporation (other than the Corporation) in an
unbroken  chain of  corporations  ending  with the  Corporation,  provided  each
corporation in the unbroken chain (other than the Corporation) owns, at the time
of the determination,  stock possessing fifty percent (50%) or more of the total
combined  voting power of all classes of stock in one of the other  corporations
in such chain.

         U.  Permanent   Disability  or  Permanently  Disabled  shall  mean  the
inability  of the  Optionee  to engage in any  substantial  gainful  activity by
reason of any medically  determinable  physical or mental impairment expected to
result in death or to be of continuous duration of twelve (12) months or more.


         V. Plan shall mean the  Corporation's  1995 Stock Option  Plan,  as set
forth in this document.

         W. Plan  Administrator  shall mean the particular  entity,  whether the
Committee  or the Board,  which is  authorized  to  administer  the Option Grant
Program with respect to one or more classes of eligible  persons,  to the extent
such entity is carrying out its  administrative  functions  under those programs
with respect to the persons under its jurisdiction.

         X.  Predecessor Plan shall mean the  Corporation's  existing 1989 Stock
Benefit Plan.

         Y.  Section  16  Insider  shall  mean an  officer  or  director  of the
Corporation  subject to the short-swing  profit liabilities of Section 16 of the
1934 Act.

         Z. Section 12(g)  Registration  Date shall mean the first date on which
the Common Stock is registered under Section 12(g) of the 1934 Act.

         AA. Service shall mean the provision of services to the Corporation (or
any  Parent  or  Subsidiary)  by a person  in the  capacity  of an  Employee,  a
non-employee  member of the board of directors or a  consultant  or  independent
advisor,  except to the extent otherwise  specifically provided in the documents
evidencing the option grant.

         BB. Stock Exchange shall mean either the American Stock Exchange or the
New York Stock Exchange.

         CC. Subsidiary shall mean any corporation  (other than the Corporation)
in an unbroken chain of corporations  beginning with the  Corporation,  provided
each corporation  (other than the last  corporation) in the unbroken chain owns,
at the time of the  determination,  stock possessing fifty percent (50%) or more
of the total  combined  voting power of all classes of stock in one of the other
corporations in such chain.

         DD. Take-Over Price shall mean the greater of (i) the Fair Market Value
per  share  of  Common  Stock  on the  date the  option  is  surrendered  to the
Corporation in connection with a Hostile  Take-Over or (ii) the highest reported
price per share of Common  Stock paid by the tender  offeror in  effecting  such
Hostile  Take-Over.  However,  if the surrendered option is an Incentive Option,
the Take-Over Price shall not exceed the clause (i) price per share.

         EE. 10% Stockholder  shall mean the owner of stock (as determined under
Code  Section  424(d))  possessing  more  than ten  percent  (10%) of the  total
combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Corporation (or any Parent
or Subsidiary).

         FF.  Underwriting  Agreement  shall  mean  the  agreement  between  the
Corporation and the underwriter or underwriters which managed the initial public
offering of the Common Stock.


         GG.  Withholding  Taxes shall mean the Federal,  state and local income
and employment withholding taxes to which the holder of Non-Statutory Options or
unvested  shares of Common  Stock may  become  subject  in  connection  with the
exercise of such holder's options or the vesting of his or her shares.
