United States

                       Securities and Exchange Commission

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form 10-Q

[X] Quarterly Report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934.

      For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2000


[_] Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.

     For the transition period from _______________ to ______________

                         Commission File Number: 0-19861

                          Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Maryland                                    33-0675505
   (State or other jurisdiction of                   (I.R.S. Employer
    incorporation or organization)                  Identification No.)

           1401 Dove Street
       Newport Beach, CA                                   92660
 (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                (Zip Code)

 Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (949) 475-3600

          Securities  registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                   Name of each exchange on
           Title of each class                         which registered
- ------------------------------------------   ----------------------------------
       Common Stock $0.01 par value                 American Stock Exchange

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [_]

      On May 10, 2000,  the  aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by
non-affiliates of the registrant was approximately  $73.8 million,  based on the
closing  sales price of the Common Stock on the  American  Stock  Exchange.  For
purposes of the  calculation  only,  in addition to  affiliated  companies,  all
directors and executive  officers of the registrant have been deemed affiliates.
The  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  outstanding  as of May 10,  2000 was

                    Documents incorporated by reference: None

                          IMPAC MORTGAGE HOLDINGS, INC.

                           FORM 10-Q QUARTERLY REPORT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

                                                                                                                   Page #


           Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999...............................      3

           Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Earnings (Loss),
           For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2000 and 1999...................................................      4

           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2000 and 1999............      5

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements...........................................................      6

           AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS............................................................................     12

  Item 3.  QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK...........................................     21

                                                  PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

  Item 1.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS....................................................................................     22

  Item 2.  CHANGES IN SECURITIES AND USE OF PROCEEDS............................................................     22

  Item 3.  DEFAULTS UPON SENIOR SECURITIES......................................................................     22

  Item 4.  SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS..................................................     22

  Item 5.  OTHER INFORMATION....................................................................................     22

  Item 6.  EXHIBITS AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K.....................................................................     22

           SIGNATURES                                                                                                23

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                   (dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                             March 31,      December 31,
                                                                                               2000            1999
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------

Cash and cash equivalents.............................................................   $       21,659    $     20,152
Investment securities available-for-sale..............................................           75,233          93,206
Loan Receivables:
   CMO collateral.....................................................................        1,282,327         949,677
   Finance receivables................................................................          222,180         197,119
   Mortgage loans held-for-investment.................................................           12,006         363,435
   Allowance for loan losses..........................................................          (12,768)         (4,029)
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------
        Net loan receivables..........................................................        1,503,745       1,506,202

Investment in Impac Funding Corporation...............................................           17,887          17,372
Due from affiliates...................................................................           14,496          14,500
Accrued interest receivable...........................................................           10,866          11,209
Other real estate owned...............................................................            7,606           8,820
Other assets..........................................................................            1,736           3,969
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------
     Total assets.....................................................................   $    1,653,228    $  1,675,430
                                                                                         ================  ==============


CMO borrowings........................................................................   $    1,179,184    $    850,817
Reverse repurchase agreements.........................................................          222,426         539,687
Borrowings secured by investment securities available-for-sale........................           28,487          31,333
Senior subordinated debentures........................................................            6,765           6,691
Accrued dividends payable.............................................................            3,356           3,570
Due to affiliates.....................................................................               --           2,945
Other liabilities.....................................................................            1,360           1,543
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------
     Total liabilities................................................................        1,441,578       1,436,586
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------

Stockholders' Equity:
Preferred stock; $.01 par value; 5,100,000 shares authorized; none issued or
   outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively..................               --              --
Series A junior participating preferred stock, $.01 par value; 2,500,000 shares
   authorized; none issued and outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999....               --              --
Series B 10.5% cumulative convertible preferred stock, $.01 par value; $30,000
   liquidation value; 1,200,000 shares authorized; none and 1,200,000 issued and
   outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively..................               --              12
Series C 10.5% cumulative convertible preferred stock, $.01 par value; $30,000
   liquidation value; 1,200,000 shares authorized; 1,200,000 and none issued and
   outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively..................               12              --
Common stock; $.01 par value; 50,000,000 shares authorized; 21,400,906 shares
   issued and outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31,1999, respectively........              214             214
Additional paid-in capital............................................................          327,632         327,632
Accumulated other comprehensive loss..................................................             (486)         (7,579)
Notes receivable from common stock sales..............................................             (905)           (905)
Accumulated deficit:
   Cumulative dividends declared......................................................          (96,474)        (93,080)
   Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)............................................          (18,343)         12,550
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------
      Net accumulated deficit.........................................................         (114,817)        (80,530)
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------
        Total stockholders' equity....................................................          211,650         238,844
                                                                                         ----------------  --------------
        Total liabilities and stockholders' equity....................................   $    1,653,228    $  1,675,430
                                                                                         ================  ==============

                See  accompanying  notes to consolidated  financial statements.

                        and COMPREHENSIVE EARNINGS (LOSS)
                      (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                              For the Three Months
                                                                                                 Ended March 31,
                                                                                             2000             1999
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
   Mortgage Assets...................................................................    $    33,591     $      29,687
   Other interest income.............................................................            549               712
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
     Total interest income...........................................................         34,140            30,399
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
   CMO borrowings....................................................................         19,131            17,081
   Reverse repurchase agreements.....................................................          7,352             4,827
   Borrowings secured by investment securities available-for-sale....................            885                --
   Senior subordinated debentures....................................................            315                 7
   Other borrowings..................................................................             42               238
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
     Total interest expense..........................................................         27,725            22,153
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
        Net interest income..........................................................          6,415             8,246
   Provision for loan losses.........................................................         13,183             1,499
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
        Net interest income (loss) after provision for loan losses...................         (6,768)            6,747

   Equity in net earnings of Impac Funding Corporation...............................            408             1,090
   Servicing fees....................................................................            162               466
   Other income......................................................................            791               154
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
        Total non-interest income....................................................          1,361             1,710

   Write-down on investment securities available-for-sale............................         23,979               422
   Professional services.............................................................            660               811
   Loss on disposition of other real estate owned....................................            428               551
   General and administrative and other expense......................................            273               359
   Personnel expense.................................................................            146               119
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
        Total non-interest expense...................................................         25,486             2,262
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
     Net earnings (loss).............................................................        (30,893)            6,195
   Less: Cash dividends on Series C 10.5% cumulative convertible preferred stock.....           (788)             (888)
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
     Net earnings (loss) available to common stockholders............................        (31,681)            5,307

Other comprehensive earnings (loss): Unrealized gains (losses) on securities:

     Unrealized holding gains arising during period..................................         11,262             2,715
     Less:  Reclassification of losses included in earnings (loss)...................         (4,169)              (49)
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
        Net unrealized gains arising during period...................................          7,093             2,666
                                                                                         -------------   ---------------
     Comprehensive earnings (loss)...................................................    $   (23,800)    $       8,861
                                                                                         =============   ===============

     Net earnings (loss) per share--basic.............................................   $     (1.48)    $        0.22
                                                                                         =============   ===============
     Net earnings (loss) per share--diluted...........................................   $     (1.48)    $        0.20
                                                                                         =============   ===============

                See  accompanying  notes to consolidated  financial statements.

                                (in thousands)

                                                                                                 For the Three Months
                                                                                                   Ended March 31,
                                                                                               2000            1999
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------

 Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net earnings (loss).................................................................  $     (30,893)   $      6,195
    Adjustments to reconcile net earnings (loss) to net cash provided by
    operating activities:
       Equity in net earnings of Impac Funding Corporation..............................           (408)         (1,090)
       Provision for loan losses........................................................         13,183           1,499
       Amortization of loan premiums and securitization costs...........................          4,452           4,529
       Loss on disposition of other real estate owned...................................            428             551
       Write-down of investment securities available-for-sale...........................         23,979             422
       Net change in accrued interest receivable........................................            343            (482)
       Net change in other assets and liabilities.......................................           (891)          9,079
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------
         Net cash provided by operating activities......................................         10,193          20,703
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------
  Cash flows from investing activities:
    Net change in CMO collateral........................................................         (3,443)        (60,906)
    Net change in finance receivables...................................................        (25,213)        111,219
    Net change in mortgage loans held-for-investment....................................          9,617         (38,632)
    Proceeds from sale of other real estate owned, net..................................          4,647           1,556
    Purchase of investment securities available-for-sale................................             --          (9,084)
    Net principal reductions on investment securities available-for-sale................            980             441
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------
         Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities............................        (13,412)          4,594
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------
  Cash flows from financing activities:
    Net change in reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings....................       (320,033)        (68,578)
    Proceeds from CMO borrowings........................................................        451,950         186,140
    Repayments of CMO borrowings........................................................       (123,583)       (146,080)
    Dividends paid......................................................................         (3,608)        (12,129)
    Repurchase of common stock..........................................................            --           (3,874)
    Proceeds from dividend reinvestment and stock purchase plan.........................            --              909
    Advances to purchase common stock, net of principal reductions......................            --               13
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------
         Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities............................          4,726         (43,599)
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------

  Net change in cash and cash equivalents...............................................          1,507         (18,302)
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period......................................         20,152          33,876
                                                                                          ---------------  --------------
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of period............................................  $      21,659    $     15,574
                                                                                          ===============  ==============

  Supplementary information:
    Interest paid.......................................................................  $      24,537    $     22,787

  Non-cash transactions:
    Exchange of Series B preferred stock for Series C preferred stock...................  $          --    $        --
    Exchange of common stock for 11% senior subordinated debentures.....................             --           6,448
    Transfer of mortgage loans held-for-investment to CMO collateral....................        337,016             --
    Dividends declared and unpaid.......................................................          3,356           3,156
    Accumulated other comprehensive gain................................................          7,093           2,666
    Loans transferred to other real estate owned........................................          3,861           4,210

                 See  accompanying  notes to consolidated  financial statements.


                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


         Unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,  references  herein  to  the
      "Company"'  refer  to  Impac  Mortgage   Holdings,   Inc.  (IMH)  and  its
      subsidiaries, IMH Assets Corporation (IMH Assets), Impac Warehouse Lending
      Group,  Inc.  (IWLG),  IMH/ICH  Dove St.,  LLC (Dove),  and Impac  Funding
      Corporation  (together  with its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Impac Secured
      Assets Corporation,  IFC), collectively.  References to IMH refer to Impac
      Mortgage Holdings,  Inc. as a separate entity from IMH Assets,  IWLG, Dove
      and IFC.

      1. Basis of Financial Statement Presentation

         The accompanying  consolidated  financial statements have been prepared
      in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  (GAAP) for
      interim  financial  information and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and
      Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly,  they do not include all of the
      information  and  footnotes   required  by  GAAP  for  complete  financial
      statements.  In the opinion of management,  all adjustments (consisting of
      normal recurring adjustments) considered necessary for a fair presentation
      have been included.  Operating  results for the  three-month  period ended
      March 31, 2000 are not  necessarily  indicative of the results that may be
      expected  for  the  year  ending  December  31,  2000.  The   accompanying
      consolidated  financial  statements should be read in conjunction with the
      consolidated  financial  statements  and  related  notes  included  in the
      Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999.

         The operations of IMH have been presented in the consolidated financial
      statements  for the three months ended March 31, 2000 and 1999 and include
      the financial  results of IMH's equity interest in net earnings of IFC and
      IMH Assets, IWLG and Dove as stand-alone  entities.  The financial results
      of Dove are only included in the three months ended March 31, 1999.  The
      results of  operations  of IFC, of which 99% of the  economic  interest is
      owned by IMH,  are included in the results of  operations  of the Company
      as "Equity in net earnings of Impac Funding Corporation."

      2. Organization

         The Company is a mortgage real estate  investment trust (Mortgage REIT)
      which,  together with its  subsidiaries and related  companies,  primarily
      operates three businesses:  (1) the Long-Term Investment  Operations,  (2)
      the Conduit  Operations,  and (3) the Warehouse  Lending  Operations.  The
      Long-Term  Investment   Operations  invests  primarily  in  non-conforming
      residential  mortgage  loans  and  securities  backed by such  loans.  The
      Conduit   Operations   purchases  and  sells  or   securitizes   primarily
      non-conforming  mortgage loans. The Warehouse Lending Operations  provides
      warehouse and repurchase  financing to originators of mortgage loans.  IMH
      is organized as a REIT for federal  income tax purposes,  which  generally
      allows it to pass through qualified income to stockholders without federal
      income tax at the corporate level,  provided that the Company  distributes
      95% of its taxable income to common stockholders.

         Long-Term Investment  Operations.  The Long-Term Investment Operations,
      conducted  by IMH and IMH  Assets,  invests  primarily  in  non-conforming
      residential  mortgage loans and  mortgage-backed  securities secured by or
      representing  interests in such loans and, to a lesser  extent,  in second
      mortgage loans.  Non-conforming residential mortgage loans are residential
      mortgages  that  do  not  qualify  for  purchase  by  government-sponsored
      agencies such as the Federal National Mortgage  Association (FNMA) and the
      Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC). The principal  differences
      between  conforming  loans and  non-conforming  loans  include  applicable
      loan-to-value  ratios,  credit and  income  histories  of the  mortgagors,
      documentation required for approval of the mortgagors,  type of properties
      securing the mortgage loans,  loan sizes,  and the  mortgagors'  occupancy
      status with respect to the mortgaged properties. Second mortgage loans are
      mortgage  loans  secured  by a  second  lien on the  property  and made to
      borrowers   owning   single-family   homes   for  the   purpose   of  debt
      consolidation,  home  improvements,  education  and  a  variety  of  other

         Conduit Operations. The Conduit Operations, conducted by IFC, purchases
      primarily  non-conforming  mortgage loans and, to a lesser extent,  second
      mortgage  loans from its network of third party  correspondents  and other
      sellers.  IFC  subsequently  securitizes  or sells such loans to permanent
      investors,  including the Long-Term Investment Operations.

     IMH owns 99% of the economic  interest in IFC,  while Joseph R.  Tomkinson,
     Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer,  William S. Ashmore,  President and
     Chief Operating Officer,  and Richard J. Johnson,  Executive Vice President
     and Chief Financial Officer,  are the holders of all the outstanding voting
     stock of, and 1% of the economic interest in, IFC.

         Warehouse  Lending   Operations.   The  Warehouse  Lending  Operations,
      conducted  by  IWLG,  provides  warehouse  and  repurchase   financing  to
      affiliated  companies and to approved  mortgage  banks,  most of which are
      correspondents  of IFC, to finance mortgage loans during the time from the
      closing of the loans to their sale or other  settlement with  pre-approved

      3. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

      Method of Accounting

          The  consolidated  financial  statements  are  prepared on the accrual
     basis of  accounting  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
     principles ("GAAP").  The preparation of financial statements in conformity
     with GAAP requires management to make significant estimates and assumptions
     that affect the  reported  amounts of assets,  liabilities  and  contingent
     liabilities  at the  date of the  financial  statements  and  the  reported
     amounts of  revenues  and  expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Actual
     results may differ materially from those estimates.


         Certain amounts in the consolidated financial statements as of December
      31,  1999 and for the three  months  ended  March  31,  1999 may have been
      reclassified to conform to the 2000 presentation.

      New Accounting Statements

         In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board (FASB) issued
      SFAS  No.  133,   "Accounting  for  Derivative   Instruments  and  Hedging
      Activities"  (SFAS 133).  SFAS 133  establishes  accounting  and reporting
      standards  for  derivative   instruments,   including  certain  derivative
      instruments  embedded  in other  contracts,  (collectively  referred to as
      derivatives)  and for  hedging  activities.  It  requires  that an  entity
      recognizes all  derivatives as either assets or liabilities in the balance
      sheets and measures those instruments at fair value. If certain conditions
      are met, a derivative may be specifically designated as (a) a hedge of the
      exposure to changes in the fair value of a  recognized  asset or liability
      or an  unrecognized  firm  commitment,  (b) a  hedge  of the  exposure  to
      variable  cash flows of a  forecasted  transaction,  or (c) a hedge of the
      foreign currency exposure of a net investment in a foreign  operation,  an
      unrecognized  firm  commitment,  an  available-for-sale   security,  or  a
      foreign-currency-denominated  forecasted  transaction.  This  statement is
      effective for all fiscal quarters of fiscal years beginning after June 15,
      1999.  SFAS 133 was amended by SFAS No. 137, which allows deferral of SFAS
      133 for all fiscal quarters of fiscal years beginning after July 15, 2000.
      Management is currently  evaluating the impact of  implementation  of SFAS
      133 on the Company's financial position and results of operations.

      4. Net Earnings per Share

         The following table represents the computation of basic and diluted net
     earnings  (loss)  per  share  for the  periods  presented,  as if all stock
     options and cumulative  convertible preferred stock ("Preferred Stock"), if
     dilutive, were outstanding for these periods (in thousands, except
     per share data):

                                                                                                 For the Three Months
                                                                                                   Ended March 31,
                                                                                                   2000           1999
                                                                                             -------------- --------------
         Numerator for basic earnings per share
           Net earnings (loss)............................................................   $    (30,893)  $      6,195
           Less:  Dividends paid to preferred stockholders................................           (788)          (888)
                                                                                             -------------- --------------
              Net earnings (loss) available to common stockholders........................   $    (31,681)  $      5,307
                                                                                             ============== ==============
         Denominator for basic earnings per share--
           Weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period.........         21,401         24,366
           Impact of assumed conversion of cumulative convertible preferred stock.........            --           6,061
           Net effect of dilutive stock options...........................................            --              26
                                                                                             -------------- --------------
              Weighted average common and common equivalent shares........................         21,401         30,453
                                                                                             ============== ==============
           Net earnings (loss) per share--basic............................................  $      (1.48)  $       0.22
                                                                                             ============== ==============
           Net earnings (loss) per share--diluted..........................................  $      (1.48)  $       0.20
                                                                                             ============== ==============

      5. Mortgage Assets

         Mortgage  Assets consist of investment  securities  available-for-sale,
      mortgage   loans   held-for-investment,   CMO   collateral   and   finance
      receivables.  At March 31, 2000 and  December 31,  1999,  Mortgage  Assets
      consisted of the following (in thousands):

                                                                                         March 31,          December 31,
                                                                                            2000                1999
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------

      Investment securities available-for-sale:
               Subordinated securities collateralized by mortgages                    $       69,950      $       94,985
               Subordinated securities collateralized by other loans                           5,710               5,633
               Net unrealized losses                                                            (427)             (7,412)
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
                    Carrying value of investment securities available-for-sale                75,233              93,206
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
      Loan Receivables:
      CMO collateral--
               CMO collateral, unpaid principal balance                                    1,237,539             908,987
               Unamortized net premiums on loans                                              28,214              28,797
               Securitization expenses                                                        16,574              11,893
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
                    Carrying value of CMO collateral                                       1,282,327             949,677

      Finance receivables--
               Due from affiliates                                                           101,152              67,416
               Due from other mortgage banking companies                                     121,028             129,703
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
                    Carrying value of finance receivables                                    222,180             197,119

      Mortgage loans held-for-investment--
               Mortgage loans held-for-investment, unpaid principal balance                   15,124             361,394
               Unamortized net premiums (discounts) on loans                                  (3,118)              2,041
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
                    Carrying value of mortgage loans held-for-investment                      12,006             363,435
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------

                    Carrying value of Gross Loan Receivables                               1,516,513           1,510,231
                    Allowance for loan losses                                                (12,768)             (4,029)
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
                    Carrying value of Net Loan Receivables                                 1,503,745           1,506,202
                                                                                      ----------------    ----------------

                     Total carrying value of Mortgage Assets                          $    1,578,978      $    1,599,408
                                                                                      ================    ================

      6. Segment Reporting

         The basis for the  Company's  segments is to separate  its  entities as
      follows: segments that derive income from investment in long-term Mortgage
      Assets,  segments that derive income by providing short-term financing and
      segments that derive  income from the purchase and sale or  securitization
      of mortgage loans.

         The Company  internally  reviews and  analyzes its segments as follows:
      (1) the Long-Term Investment Operations,  conducted by IMH and IMH Assets,
      invests  primarily  in  non-conforming   residential  mortgage  loans  and
      mortgage-backed  securities  secured by or representing  interests in such
      loans and in second mortgage loans, (2) the Warehouse Lending  Operations,
      conducted  by  IWLG,  provides  warehouse  and  repurchase   financing  to
      affiliated  companies and to approved  mortgage  banks,  most of which are
      correspondents  of IFC,  to finance  mortgage  loans,  and (3) the Conduit
      Operations,  conducted by IFC, purchases non-conforming mortgage loans and
      second mortgage loans from its network of third party  correspondents  and
      other sellers.

         The following  table shows the Company's  reporting  segments as of and
      for the three months ended March 31, 2000 (in thousands):

                                              Long-Term        Warehouse
                                              Investment        Lending                      Intercompany
                                              Operations       Operations     Other (b)     Elimination (c)    Consolidated
                                           ----------------  -------------  ------------   ----------------  ----------------

   Balance Sheet Items:

          CMO collateral                   $     1,282,327   $         --   $        --    $           --    $    1,282,327
          Total assets                           1,514,899        274,599            --          (136,270)        1,653,228
          Total stockholders' equity               283,210         52,069            --          (123,629)          211,650

      Income Statement Items:

          Interest income                  $        26,079   $     10,933   $        --    $       (2,872)   $       34,140
          Interest expense                          23,238          7,359            --            (2,872)           27,725
          Equity interest in net earnings
             of IFC (a)                                 --             --            --               408               408
          Net earnings (loss)                      (34,687)         3,386            --               408           (30,893)

         The following  table shows the Company's  reporting  segments as of and
      for the three months ended March 31, 1999 (in thousands):

                                              Long-Term        Warehouse
                                              Investment        Lending                      Intercompany
                                              Operations       Operations     Other (b)     Elimination (c)    Consolidated
                                           ----------------  -------------  ------------   ----------------  ----------------

   Balance Sheet Items:

          CMO collateral                   $     1,217,289   $         --   $        --    $           --    $    1,217,289
          Total assets                           1,487,795        273,699         5,442          (134,909)        1,632,027
          Total stockholders' equity               291,567         40,486           658           (84,963)          247,748

      Income Statement Items :

          Interest income                  $        24,879   $      6,343   $        17    $         (840)   $       30,399
          Interest expense                          18,493          4,496             4              (840)           22,153
          Equity interest in net earnings
             of IFC (a)                                 --             --            --             1,090             1,090
          Net earnings                               2,105          1,741            43             2,306             6,195

(a)      The Conduit  Operations is accounted for using the equity method and is
         an  unconsolidated  subsidiary of the Company.
(b)      Primarily  includes  the  operations  of  Dove,  of which  the  Company
         owned a 50%  interest,  and  account reclassifications.
(c)      Elimination of intersegment balance sheet and income statement items.

      7. Investment in Impac Funding Corporation

         The Company is entitled to 99% of the earnings or losses of IFC through
      its ownership of all of the  non-voting  preferred  stock of IFC. As such,
      the Company  records its investment in IFC using the equity method.  Under
      this method, original investments are recorded at cost and adjusted by the
      Company's  share of earnings or losses.  Gain or loss on the sale of loans
      or securities by IFC to IMH are deferred and amortized or accreted over
      the estimated  life of the loans or securities  using the interest method.
      The  following is financial  information for IFC for the periods presented
      (in thousands):
                                                       BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                            March 31,        December 31,
                                                                                               2000              1999
                                                                                        -----------------  ----------------
      Cash                                                                              $        12,863    $        8,805
      Investment securities available-for-sale                                                    1,813             1,887
      Investment securities available-for-trading                                                   138                --
      Mortgage loans held-for-sale                                                              103,187            68,084
      Mortgage servicing rights                                                                  15,499            15,621
      Premises and equipment, net                                                                 4,172             3,575
      Due from affiliates                                                                         1,220             4,307
      Accrued interest receivable                                                                   333                48
      Other assets                                                                                9,907            13,919
                                                                                        -----------------  ----------------
               Total assets                                                             $       149,132    $      116,246
                                                                                        =================  ================

                            LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

      Borrowings from IWLG                                                              $       101,150    $       66,125
      Other borrowings                                                                               82               181
      Due to affiliates                                                                          14,500            14,500
      Deferred revenue                                                                            6,307             7,635
      Accrued interest expense                                                                    1,047               843
      Other liabilities                                                                           7,978             9,414
                                                                                        -----------------  ----------------
               Total liabilities                                                                131,064            98,698
                                                                                        -----------------  ----------------

      Shareholders' Equity:
      Preferred stock                                                                            18,053            18,053
      Common stock                                                                                  182               182
      Accumulated deficit                                                                          (107)             (520)
      Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                          (60)             (167)
                                                                                        -----------------  ----------------
             Total shareholders' equity                                                          18,068            17,548
                                                                                        -----------------  ----------------
               Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                               $       149,132    $      116,246
                                                                                        =================  ================

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                            For the Three Months
                                                                                              Ended March 31,

                                                                                          2000             1999
                                                                                     ---------------  ----------------
Interest income..................................................................    $       4,945    $        4,833
Interest expense.................................................................            5,660             4,746
                                                                                     ---------------  ----------------
  Net interest income (loss)                                                                  (715)               87

Gain on sale of loans............................................................            5,221             5,007
Loan servicing income............................................................            1,536             2,141
Other non-interest income........................................................               23               339
                                                                                     ---------------  ----------------
   Total non-interest income.....................................................            6,780             7,487

Personnel expense................................................................            2,322             1,790
General and administrative and other expense.....................................            1,771             1,196
Amortization of mortgage servicing rights........................................            1,192             1,427
Provision for repurchases........................................................               64                20
Write-down on investment securities available-for-sale...........................               --               559
Loss on sale of mortgage servicing rights........................................               --               567
                                                                                     ---------------  ----------------
   Total non-interest expense....................................................            5,349             5,559
                                                                                     ---------------  ----------------
   Net earnings before income taxes..............................................              716             2,015
Income taxes.....................................................................              304               914
                                                                                     ---------------  ----------------
   Net earnings..................................................................    $         412    $        1,101
                                                                                     ===============  ================

      8. Stockholders' Equity

         In February 2000, the Series B Preferred Stock was exchanged for Series
      C Preferred  Stock and the conversion rate was adjusted to $4.72 per share
      convertible  into  5.29661  shares  of  Common  Stock or an  aggregate  of
      6,355,932 shares of Common Stock.

         On March 30, 2000,  the Company  declared a first quarter cash dividend
      on common stock of $2.6  million,  or $0.12 per share.  This  dividend was
      paid on April 20, 2000 to common stockholders of record on April 10, 2000.

         On March 30, 2000,  the Company  declared a first quarter cash dividend
      of $788,000 or $0.65625 per share to series C preferred stockholders. This
      dividend was paid on April 25, 2000.

                      RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

         Certain information contained in the following Management's  Discussion
      and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations  constitute
      forward-looking  statements  within  the  meaning  of  Section  27A of the
      Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Exchange Act of
      1934, as amended,  which can be  identified by the use of  forward-looking
      terminology  such  as  "may,"  "will,"   "expect,"   "intend,"   "should,"
      "anticipate,"  "estimate," or "believe" or the negatives  thereof or other
      variations thereon or comparable terminology. The Company's actual results
      may  differ  materially  from  those  contained  in  the   forward-looking
      statements. Factors which may cause a difference to occur include the rate
      of growth and expansion of the Company's  new  divisions,  any delays with
      respect to the  acquisition  of the thrift and loan, the  availability  of
      suitable  opportunities for the acquisition,  ownership and disposition of
      Mortgage  Assets (which depend on the type of Mortgage Asset involved) and
      yields  available  from  time to time on such  Mortgage  Assets,  interest
      rates,  changes  in  estimates  of  book  basis  and tax  basis  earnings,
      fluctuations  and  increase  in  prepayment  rates,  the  availability  of
      suitable  financing  and  investments,  trends in the economy which affect
      confidence  and demand on the Company's  portfolio of Mortgage  Assets and
      other  factors  referenced  in this report and other  reports filed by the
      Company with the SEC, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K.


      Exchange of Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock for Series C
      Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock

         In February 2000, all shares of Series B 10.5%  Cumulative  Convertible
      Preferred  Stock ("Series B Preferred  Stock") were exchanged for Series C
      10.5% Cumulative  Convertible Preferred Stock ("Series C Preferred Stock")
      and the conversion rate was adjusted to $4.72 per share  convertible  into
      5.29661  shares of Common Stock or an  aggregate  of  6,355,932  shares of
      Common Stock.  Other than the foregoing,  the Series C Preferred Stock has
      the same  rights,  preferences  and  privileges  as the Series B Preferred

      Collateralized Mortgage Obligations ("CMOs")

         The  Company  issued a CMO  during the first  three  months of 2000 for
      $452.0   million,   which  was   collateralized   by  $428.1   million  of
      adjustable-rate  mortgages and $27.6 million of fixed-rate mortgages.  The
      issuance  of  CMOs  provides  the  Company  with  immediate  liquidity,  a
      locked-in net interest rate spread and eliminates  the Company's  exposure
      to margin calls on such loans.

      Definitive Agreement to Acquire a California Thrift and Loan

         The Company submitted a new application to state and federal regulatory
      agencies in February 2000. The new application was modified from the prior
      application  in several key areas and to more clearly define the Bank as a
      stand-alone  operation  that  is not  reliant  upon  the  Company  for its
      success. The new Bank plan provides for the marketing of the Bank's unique
      loan products,  which will include  mortgages,  consumer  equity loans and
      loans on small commercial and multi-family properties. On May 8, 2000, the
      FDIC notified the Company that they were extending to July 13, 2000, their
      time to process the Company's  application.  In the event that the Company
      is  unsuccessful  in its  efforts to obtain the Bank  charter,  management
      believes that it will have no adverse  impact on the future  profitability
      of the Company.


         Long-Term Investment Operations: During the first three months of 2000,
      the  Long-Term  Investment  Operations,  conducted  by IMH and IMH Assets,
      acquired $40.3 million of mortgages from IFC as compared to $202.0 million
      of mortgages acquired during the same period in 1999.  Mortgages purchased
      by the Long-Term  Investment  Operations  during the first three months of
      2000  consisted of $33.4  million of  adjustable-rate  mortgages  ("ARMs")
      secured  by first  liens on  residential  property  and $20.9  million  of
      fixed-rate  mortgages  ("FRMs") primarily secured by second trust deeds on
      residential  property.  During the first three months of 2000,  IMH Assets
      issued CMOs totaling  $452.0  million as compared to CMOs totaling  $183.1
      million  during  the same  period  in  1999.  As of March  31,  2000,  the
      Long-Term Investment  Operations' portfolio of mortgage loans consisted of
      $1.3 billion of mortgage  loans held in trust as  collateral  for CMOs and
      $12.0   million   of   mortgage   loans   held-for-investment,   of  which
      approximately 32% were FRMs and 68% were ARMs. The weighted average coupon
      of the Long-Term  Investment  Operations  portfolio of mortgage  loans was
      9.09% at March  31,  2000 with a  weighted  average  margin of 4.21%.  The
      portfolio  of  mortgage  loans   included  79%  of  "A"  credit   quality,
      non-conforming  mortgage  loans  and 21% of "B" and  "C"  credit  quality,
      non-conforming mortgage loans, as defined by the Company. During the first
      three months of 2000,  the  Long-Term  Investment  Operations  acquired no
      securities  from IFC as compared to $9.1 million during the same period in
      1999. These securities were generated primarily from the periodic issuance
      of real estate mortgage investment conduits ("REMICs") by IFC. As of March
      31,  2000,  the  Long-Term  Investment  Operations  had $75.2  million  of
      investment securities available-for-sale.

         Conduit Operations: The Conduit Operations, conducted by IFC, continues
      to support the Long-Term Investment Operations of the Company by supplying
      IMH  and  IMH  Assets  with  mortgages  for  IMH's  long-term   investment
      portfolio.  In acting  as the  mortgage  conduit  for the  Company,  IFC's
      mortgage  acquisitions  increased 81% to $458.8  million  during the three
      months of 2000 as compared to $253.8 million of mortgages  acquired during
      the same period in 1999. IFC sold whole loans to third party  investors or
      securitized $295.9 million, which contributed to the gain on sale of loans
      of $5.2 million,  during the first three months of 2000.  This compares to
      whole loan sales or  securitizations  to third party  investors  of $163.0
      million,  resulting in gain on sale of loans of $5.0  million,  during the
      same  period  in 1999.  Of the  $295.9  million  of whole  loan  sales and
      securitizations  during  the first  three  months of 2000,  IFC issued one
      REMIC for $271.7 million. IFC had deferred income of $6.3 million at March
      31, 2000 as compared to $7.6 million at December 31, 1999. Deferred income
      results  from  the  sale of  mortgages  to IMH,  which  are  deferred  and
      amortized or accreted  over the  estimated  life of the loans.  During the
      first three months of 2000, IFC sold $40.2 million in principal balance of
      mortgages  to IMH as  compared  to $198.8  million  during the first three
      months of 1999.  IFC's  master  servicing  portfolio  increased 4% to $2.9
      billion at March 31, 2000 as compared to $2.8  billion at March 31,  1999.
      The loan delinquency rate of mortgages in IFC's servicing  portfolio which
      were 60 or more days past due,  inclusive of  foreclosures  and delinquent
      bankruptcies,  was 4.33% at March 31, 2000 as  compared  to 4.37%,  5.28%,
      6.18%, and 5.66% for the last four quarter-end periods.

         Warehouse Lending Operations:  At March 31, 2000, the Warehouse Lending
      Operations,  conducted by IWLG,  had $1.5  billion of  warehouse  lines of
      credit available to 55 borrowers,  of which $222.4 million was outstanding
      thereunder,  after elimination of borrowings with the Long-Term Investment
      Operations, including $101.2 million outstanding to IFC.


      For the Three  Months Ended March 31, 2000 as compared to the Three Months
      Ended March 31, 1999

      Results of Operations

          The  Company  recorded a net loss of $(30.9)  million,  or $(1.48) per
     diluted  common share,  during the first quarter of 2000 as compared to net
     earnings of $6.2 million,  or $0.20 per diluted  common  share,  during the
     first  quarter  of 1999.  However,  during the first  quarter of 2000,  the
     Company recognized  non-recurring and non-cash charges ("non-cash charges")
     of (1) $11.9  million to  substantially  increase  the  allowance  for loan
     losses  related to loans  held-for-investment  and CMO  collateral to $12.8
     million  at  March  31,  2000  and  (2)  $23.4  million  on its  investment
     securities  available-for-sale.  The non-cash charges for the first quarter
     of 2000 were  primarily  related to the  write-off of an investment in high
     loan-to-value  ("HLTV")  second trust deeds acquired in 1997 as a result of
     higher than expected delinquencies and losses in the HLTV portfolio.  After
     1997, the Company did not acquire or invest in these HLTV mortgage  assets.
     However,  because of the high  incidence  of  bankruptcies  and  increasing
     delinquencies, the Company determined that it was necessary to dramatically
     increase its current allowance for loan losses and completely  write-off an
     investment  security  backed by such  loans.  Prior to the  recognition  of
     non-cash charges,  the Company's  operating earnings were $4.4 million,  or
     $0.16 per  diluted  common  share,  as  compared  to net  earnings  of $6.2
     million,  or $0.20 per diluted common share, for the first quarter of 1999.
     The write-offs  will  significantly  reduce the Company's  exposure to HLTV
     loans, as management believes the addition to the allowance for loan losses
     is sufficient to absorb losses

      in the HLTV portfolio based on increased  levels of loss and  delinquency,
      which  occurred  during the first  quarter of 2000.  The  Company's  total
      allowance  for  loan  losses  expressed  as a  percentage  of  Gross  Loan
      Receivables, which includes loans held-for-investment,  CMO collateral and
      finance receivables, increased 211% to 0.84% at March 31, 2000 as compared
      to 0.27% at December 31, 1999.

         The Company's  warehouse  lending and mortgage  operations  continue to
      operate  profitably  and  generate  positive  cash  flows.  Total  average
      outstanding finance receivables increased 26% to $318.3 million during the
      first  quarter  of 2000 as  compared  to $253.4  million  during the first
      quarter of 1999.  The  majority  of the  increase  in average  outstanding
      finance receivables was with non-affiliated  companies which increased 58%
      to $109.6  million  during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to $69.5
      million  during the first  quarter of 1999.  IWLG  continued  to provide a
      consistent  contribution to net earnings and earnings per share during the
      first  quarter  of  2000.   During  the  first  quarter  of  2000,  IWLG's
      contribution to earnings and earnings per diluted share was  approximately
      $2.5 million and $0.09,  respectively,  as compared to approximately  $1.7
      million and $0.06,  respectively,  during the first  quarter of 1999.  The
      Company  expects  that IWLG will  continue  to add to its  customer  base,
      increase  its  warehouse  line  commitments  and  increase  average  daily
      outstanding  balances  throughout  the remainder of the year. In addition,
      total loan production at IFC remained  strong as production  increased 81%
      to $458.8  million  during the first quarter of 2000 as compared to $253.8
      million  during the first quarter of 1999. IFC exceeded  production  goals
      for the first quarter of 2000 and, absent any significant  market changes,
      the Company expects that it will meet  production  goals for the remainder
      of the  year.  The  roll  out of  IFC's  automated  underwriting  and loan
      approval system,  called Impac Direct Access System for Lending ("IDASL"),
      to IFC's  customers  during  2000 is  intended  to further  enhance  IFC's
      production capacity without increasing current staff levels.

          Total  assets were $1.7  billion at March 31, 2000 and at December 31,
     1999. The Company's ratio of debt to equity ("Leverage Ratio") increased to
     6.8:1 at March  31,  2000 as  compared  to 6.0:1 at  December  31,  1999 as
     stockholders'  equity  decreased  to $211.7  million as  compared to $238.8
     million,  respectively.  Stockholders'  equity  decreased  as  the  Company
     recorded  $35.3  million of non-cash  charges  during the first  quarter of
     2000.  Excluding  non-cash  charges,  diluted  book  value  (calculated  by
     including  preferred stock conversion  rights of 6.4 million common shares)
     increased  3% to $8.90 per common  share at March 31,  2000 as  compared to
     $8.60 per common share at December 31, 1999.  The  recognition  of non-cash
     charges  decreased  diluted  book value by 14% to $7.63 per common share at
     March 31,  2000.  The  combined  liquidity of the Company and IFC was $34.5
     million at March 31,  2000 as compared  to $29.0  million at  December  31,

         During the first quarter of 2000, the Company  announced a common stock
      dividend  of $0.12  payable  to its  stockholders  on April  20,  2000 for
      stockholders  of record on April 10, 2000. The payment of the common stock
      dividend was greater than previously  anticipated.  The Company's Board of
      Directors  recognizes its commitment to  stockholders to continue to pay a
      common stock  dividend  while the Company's  management  team continues to
      make every effort to increase common stock dividends in the future.

      Net Interest Income

         Net interest  income  decreased  22% to $6.4  million  during the first
      quarter of 2000 as compared to $8.2  million  during the first  quarter of
      1999. The decrease in net interest income during the first quarter of 2000
      was primarily the result of higher CMO borrowing  costs due to an increase
      in one-month London interbank  offered rate ("LIBOR"),  which is the index
      used to reprice the Company's  adjustable-rate  CMO borrowings.  One-month
      LIBOR  increased  during  the  first  quarter  of 2000 as a result  of the
      Federal Reserve Bank increasing short-term interest rates. One-month LIBOR
      averaged  5.92%  during  the first  quarter of 2000 as  compared  to 4.95%
      during the first quarter of 1999. In addition,  January's  borrowing costs
      were higher than expected  because of Year 2000 concerns.  One-month LIBOR
      on December 23, 1999,  the  contractual  effective  repricing  date of CMO
      borrowings  for January 2000, was 6.48%.  By December 30, 1999,  one-month
      LIBOR  decreased 66 basis  points to 5.82% and  averaged  5.81% in January
      2000.  Total interest  income earned on Mortgage  Assets  increased 13% to
      $33.6  million  during  the first  quarter  of 2000 as  compared  to $29.7
      million  during  the first  quarter  of 1999 as  average  Mortgage  Assets
      increased   10%  to  $1.737   billion  as  compared  to  $1.584   billion,
      respectively.   Mortgage   Assets  are   comprised   of   mortgage   loans
      held-for-investment,  CMO collateral,  finance  receivables and investment
      securities  available-for-sale.  The increase in average  Mortgage  Assets
      during the first  quarter of 2000 was  primarily the result of an increase
      in average finance receivables and average CMO collateral of $64.9 million
      and $28.0 million,  respectively.  Average finance  receivables  increased
      during the first  quarter  of 2000 as the  Warehouse  Lending  Operations,
      IWLG,  expanded its business.  The increase in average CMO  collateral was

      due to the  completion of a $452.0  million CMO in January of 2000,  which
      was  collateralized  by $455.7  million of  mortgage  loans.  The yield on
      average  Mortgage  Assets  during  the first  quarter of 2000 was 7.74% as
      compared to 7.50% during the first quarter of 1999. Total interest expense
      on borrowings on Mortgage Assets increased 25% to $27.4 million during the
      first  quarter  of 2000 as  compared  to $21.9  million  during  the first
      quarter  of 1999.  The  increase  in  interest  expense on  borrowings  on
      Mortgage  Assets  was  primarily  due to the  aforementioned  increase  in
      short-term interest rates, which resulted in an increase in yield to 7.07%
      during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared  to a yield of 6.34%  during
      the first quarter of 1999. Net interest  margin  decreased to 1.43% during
      the first quarter of 2000 as compared to 1.96% during the first quarter of
      1999 also primarily due to higher borrowing costs.

         The following table summarizes  average balance,  interest and weighted
      average yield on Mortgage Assets and borrowings on Mortgage Assets for the
      first quarters of 2000 and 1999 and includes  interest  income on Mortgage
      Assets and interest  expense related to borrowings on Mortgage Assets only
      (dollars in thousands):

                                                           For the Three Months                For the Three Months
                                                           Ended March 31, 2000                Ended March 31, 1999
                                                    ------------------------------------   ------------------------------------
                                                       Average                 Weighted      Average                 Weighted
                                                       Balance     Interest   Avg. Yield     Balance     Interest   Avg. Yield
                                                    ------------  ---------- -----------  ------------  ---------- ------------

   Investment securities available-for-sale:
     Securities collateralized by mortgages         $     87,875  $    2,879     13.10 %  $     92,576  $    3,102      13.40 %
     Securities collateralized by other loans              5,660         203     14.35           7,911         223      11.28
                                                    ------------  ----------              ------------  ----------
  Total investment securities available-for-sale          93,535       3,082     13.18         100,487       3,325      13.24
                                                    ------------  ----------              ------------  ----------
      Loan receivables:
      CMO collateral                                   1,204,818      20,155      6.69       1,176,853      20,009       6.80
      Mortgage loans held-for-investment                 119,878       2,335      7.79          53,376         802       6.01
      Finance receivables:
        Affiliated                                       208,727       5,176      9.92         183,941       3,984       8.66
        Non-affiliated                                   109,591       2,843     10.38          69,495       1,567       9.02
                                                    ------------  ----------              ------------  ----------
           Total finance receivables                     318,318       8,019     10.08         253,436       5,551       8.76
                                                    ------------  ----------              ------------  ----------
              Total Loan Receivables                   1,643,014      30,509      7.43       1,483,665      26,362       7.11
                                                    ------------  ----------              ------------  ----------
           Total Mortgage Assets                    $  1,736,549  $   33,591      7.74 %  $  1,584,152  $   29,687       7.50 %
                                                    ============  ==========              ============  ==========


      CMO borrowings                                $  1,101,898  $   19,131      6.94 %  $  1,078,797  $   17,081       6.33 %
      Reverse repurchase agreements - mortgages          415,798       7,352      7.07         281,471       4,447       6.32
      Borrowings secured by investment securities
         available-for-sale                               30,271         885     11.69          22,992         380       6.61
                                                    ------------  ----------              ------------  ----------
           Total borrowings on Mortgage Assets      $  1,547,967  $   27,368      7.07 %  $  1,383,260  $   21,908       6.34 %
                                                    ============  ==========              ============  ==========

      Net Interest Spread                                                         0.67 %                                 1.16 %

      Net Interest Margin                                                         1.43 %                                 1.96 %

         Interest Income on Mortgage Assets

         Interest income on CMO collateral  increased 1% to $20.2 million during
      the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to $20.0  million  during the first
      quarter of 1999 as average CMO  collateral  increased to $1.205 billion as
      compared  to  $1.177  billion,   respectively.  The  Long-Term  Investment
      Operations  issued CMOs totaling $567.0 million since the end of the first
      quarter of 2000 while total principal prepayments on CMOs since the end of
      the first  quarter of 1999 were  $425.8  million.  An increase in mortgage
      rates  during  the first  quarter  of 2000 and an  increase  in IFC's loan
      production with prepayment  penalties has contributed to greater stability
      in  prepayments.  During the first  quarter of 2000,  constant  prepayment
      rates ("CPR") on CMO  collateral was 23% CPR as compared to 40% CPR during
      the first  quarter  of 1999.  Due to IFC's  correspondent  agreements  and
      increased  levels  of  prepayment  penalties,  subsequent  CMO  collateral
      acquired by the Long-Term Investment Operations from IFC should contribute
      to a reduction in prepayment rates and stability of earnings. The weighted
      average  yield on CMO  collateral  decreased  to 6.69%  during  the  first
      quarter of 2000 as  compared  to 6.80%  during  the first  quarter of 1999
      primarily due to increased  delinquencies and losses related to HLTV loans
      in the CMO portfolio.  The Company  significantly  increased its allowance
      for loan  losses to provide  for  adequate  levels of  protection  against
      expected  losses in the Company's CMO  portfolio.  Refer to "Provision for
      Loan Losses" for additional detail.

         Interest income on mortgage loans held-for-investment increased to $2.3
      million  during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to $802,000  during
      the first quarter of 1999 as average  mortgage  loans  held-for-investment
      increased to $119.9  million as compared to $53.4  million,  respectively.
      Average mortgage loans held-for-investment increased primarily as mortgage
      loans acquired by the Long-Term Investment  Operations increased to $355.2
      million during the fourth quarter of 1999 in  anticipation of the issuance
      of a CMO in the first  quarter  of 2000.  The  weighted  average  yield on
      mortgage  loans  held-for-investment  increased  to 7.79% during the first
      quarter of 2000 as compared to 6.01% during the first quarter of 1999. The
      increase  in  the  weighted   average  yield  was  primarily  due  to  the
      acquisition of higher-yielding mortgage loans from IFC, which reflected an
      increase in mortgage rates.

         Interest  income on finance  receivables  increased 43% to $8.0 million
      during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to $5.6  million  during the
      first  quarter of 1999 as average  finance  receivables  increased  26% to
      $318.3  million  as  compared  to $253.4  million,  respectively.  Average
      finance  receivables  to  affiliated  companies  increased  13% to  $208.7
      million  during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared  to $183.9  million
      during  the first  quarter  of 1999 as IFC's  mortgage  loan  acquisitions
      increased to $458.8 million as compared to $253.8  million,  respectively.
      As such,  interest income on finance  receivables to affiliates  increased
      30% to $5.2 million  during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to $4.0
      million  during the first quarter of 1999.  The weighted  average yield on
      affiliated finance receivables increased to 9.92% during the first quarter
      of 2000 as compared to 8.66%  during the first  quarter of 1999  primarily
      due to an increase in Bank of America's prime rate ("prime"), which is the
      index used to determine  interest rates on finance  receivables.  Interest
      income on finance receivables to non-affiliated mortgage banking companies
      increased 75% to $2.8 million during the first quarter of 2000 as compared
      to $1.6  million  during  the first  quarter  of 1999 as  average  finance
      receivables  outstanding  to  non-affiliated  mortgage  banking  companies
      increased   58%  to  $109.6   million  as  compared   to  $69.5   million,
      respectively.  Average  finance  receivables to  non-affiliates  increased
      during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to the first quarter of 1999
      primarily due to IWLG's business expansion.  The weighted average yield on
      non-affiliated  finance  receivables  increased to 10.38% during the first
      quarter of 2000 as  compared  to 9.02%  during  the first  quarter of 1999
      primarily  due to an increase in the prime  rate.  The average  prime rate
      increased to 8.83%  during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to 7.75%
      during the first quarter of 1999.

         Interest income on investment securities  available-for-sale  decreased
      6% to $3.1  million  during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to $3.3
      million during the first quarter of 1999 as average investment  securities
      available-for-sale, net of securities valuation allowance, decreased 7% to
      $93.5  million  as  compared  to  $100.5  million,  respectively.  Average
      securities   available-for-sale  decreased  as  the  Long-Term  Investment
      Operations did not purchase and retain  mortgage-backed  securities during
      the first  three  months of 2000 as compared  to $9.1  million  during the
      first three  months of 1999.  The  weighted  average  yield on  investment
      securities  available-for-sale  remained  relatively  constant  at  13.18%
      during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared  to 13.24%  during the first
      quarter of 1999.

         Interest Expense on Mortgage Assets

         Interest  expense  on CMO  borrowings  increased  12% to $19.1  million
      during the first quarter of 2000 as compared to $17.1  million  during the
      first quarter of 1999 as average borrowings on CMO collateral increased 2%
      to $1.102 billion as compared to $1.079  billion,  respectively.  Interest
      expense  increased  during the first  quarter of 2000 as  compared  to the
      first quarter of 1999 due to higher CMO borrowing costs.  One-month LIBOR,
      which is the index  used to  reprice  the  Company's  adjustable-rate  CMO
      borrowings,  increased as a result of the Federal  Reserve Bank increasing
      short-term  interest  rates.  One-month  LIBOR on December 23,  1999,  the
      contractual  effective  repricing date of CMO borrowings for January 2000,
      was 6.48%. By December 30, 1999, one-month LIBOR decreased 66 basis points
      to 5.82% and averaged 5.81% in January 2000. The weighted average yield of
      CMO  borrowings  increased  to 6.94%  during the first  quarter of 2000 as
      compared to 6.33%  during the first  quarter of 1999 as average  one-month
      LIBOR increased to 5.92% as compared to 4.95%, respectively.

         Interest  expense on  reverse  repurchase  agreements  used to fund the
      acquisition  of mortgage  loans and finance  receivables  increased 68% to
      $7.4 million  during the first quarter of 2000 as compared to $4.4 million
      during the first quarter of 1999 as average reverse repurchase  agreements
      increased   48%  to  $415.8   million  as  compared  to  $281.5   million,
      respectively.  These increases were primarily the result of an increase in
      finance  receivables  made  to  non-affiliates  due  to the  expansion  of
      business by the Warehouse Lending  Operations.  The weighted average yield
      on  reverse  repurchase  agreements  increased  to 7.07%  during the first
      quarter of 2000 as compared  6.32% during the first quarter of 1999 due to
      an increase in one-month LIBOR,  which is the interest rate index of these

         The Company  also uses  mortgage-backed  securities  as  collateral  to
      borrow and fund the purchase of  mortgage-backed  securities and to act as
      an additional source of liquidity for the Company's  operations.  Interest
      expense on borrowings secured by investment securities  available-for-sale
      increased 133% to $885,000 during the first quarter of 2000 as compared to
      $380,000  during the first quarter of 1999 as the average balance on these
      borrowings  increased 32% to $30.3  million as compared to $23.0  million,
      respectively.  The weighted average yield of these borrowings increased to
      11.69% during the first quarter of 2000 as compared 6.61% during the first
      quarter of 1999 primarily as the Company  re-securitized  a portion of its
      investment   securities   available-for-sale   portfolio   with  long-term
      financing,  as opposed to short-term reverse repurchase financing which is
      subject to margin calls.  The Company did not have any short-term  reverse
      repurchase financing outstanding at March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999.

      Provision for Loan Losses

         As a result of the  performance of the Company's HLTV portfolio  during
      the  first  quarter  of 2000,  the  Company  significantly  increased  its
      provision for loan losses.  The Company's  total allowance for loan losses
      expressed as a percentage of Gross Loan Receivables,  which includes loans
      held-for-investment,  CMO  collateral and finance  receivables,  increased
      211% to 0.84% at March 31, 2000 as compared to 0.27% at December 31, 1999.
      The Company  recorded net loan loss provisions of $13.2 million during the
      first quarter of 2000 as compared to $1.5 million during the first quarter
      of 1999.  Net loan  loss  provisions  during  the  first  quarter  of 2000
      includes an additional $11.9 million provision for loan losses to increase
      the  Company's  allowance for loan losses and to provide for losses within
      the  HLTV  portfolio,  which  is based  on  increased  levels  of loss and
      delinquency  which  occurred  during  the first  quarter  of 2000,  and to
      provide for the bulk sale of delinquent loans.

         Due to higher than anticipated  losses in the HLTV portfolio during the
      first  quarter  of 2000,  the  allowance  for  loan  losses  needed  to be
      increased to provide for adequate  levels of protection  against  expected
      losses in the Company's loan portfolios.  The provision for loan losses is
      determined  primarily  on the basis of  management's  judgment of net loss
      potential including specific allowances for known impaired loans,  changes
      in the nature and volume of the  portfolio,  value of the  collateral  and
      current economic conditions that may affect the borrowers' ability to pay.

      Non-Interest Income

         Non-interest  income decreased to $1.4 million during the first quarter
      of 2000 as  compared  to $1.7  million  during  the first  quarter of 1999
      primarily  due to a decrease in equity in net earnings of IFC. The Company
      records 99% of the earnings or losses from IFC as the Company owns 100% of
      IFC's preferred stock,  which  represents 99% of the economic  interest in

         Equity in Net Earnings of IFC

         Equity in net earnings of IFC  decreased  to $408,000  during the first
      quarter of 2000 as compared to $1.1  million  during the first  quarter of
      1999 as IFC's net  earnings  decreased  primarily  due to a  reduction  of
      $802,000 in net interest  income (loss) and by $605,000 in loan  servicing

         Net interest  income  (loss) at IFC.  IFC's net interest  income (loss)
      decreased  to a loss of  $(715,000)  during  the first  quarter of 2000 as
      compared to income of $87,000  during the first quarter of 1999  primarily
      as a result of an increase in borrowing  costs due to an overall  increase
      in the prime rate and the  spread  charged by the  warehouse  lender.  The
      average prime rate  increased to 8.83% during the first quarter of 2000 as
      compared to 7.75% during the first quarter of 1999.

         Non-interest income at IFC. IFC's non-interest income decreased to $6.8
      million  during the first  quarter  of 2000 as  compared  to $7.5  million
      during the first quarter of 1999. The decrease in non-interest  income was
      primarily due to a 29% decrease in loan  servicing  income to $1.5 million
      during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to $2.1  million  during the
      first quarter of 1999.  The decrease in loan  servicing  income during the
      first  quarter of 2000 was  primarily  due to the smaller  number of loans
      whereby IFC owned mortgage servicing rights ("MSRs"),  as (1) $1.5 billion
      of mortgage loans were sold on a servicing  released basis throughout 1999
      and (2) $784.3 million of MSRs were sold in 1999. However, the decrease in
      MSRs was  partially  offset by the  completion of a REMIC  transaction  of
      $271.7 million,  which was sold on a servicing retained basis,  during the
      first  quarter  of 2000 and a  decrease  in CPR on the  overall  servicing
      portfolio  to 16% CPR during the first  quarter of 2000 as compared to 34%
      CPR during the first quarter of 1999.

      Non-Interest Expense

         During the first  quarter of 2000,  non-interest  expense  decreased to
      $5.3 million as compared to $5.6 million  during the first quarter of 1999
      primarily due to a $567,000  decrease in loss on sale of MSR's, a $559,000
      decrease in write-down of investment securities and a decrease of $235,000
      in amortization of MSRs. Excluding impairment and amortization of MSRs and
      write-down of investment securities, non-interest expense increased 40% to
      $4.2 million  during the first quarter of 2000 as compared to $3.0 million
      during the first  quarter of 1999  primarily as a result of an increase in
      personnel  expense.  During the first quarter of 2000,  personnel  expense
      increased  30% as compared  to the first  quarter of 1999 as a result of a
      23%  increase  in staff  levels  to 170  employees  at March  31,  2000 as
      compared  to 138  employees  at  March  31,  1999  due to  increased  loan
      production.  Staff levels were higher  during the first quarter of 2000 as
      IFC reduced  staff during the fourth  quarter of 1998 in  anticipation  of
      lower  production  volumes during the first quarter of 1999 as a result of
      the deterioration of the mortgage-backed  securitization market during the
      latter  half of 1998.  IFC has  increased  staff  levels  since the second
      quarter of 1999 as production volumes have steadily increased.



          Historically,  the Company's business  operations are primarily funded
     from monthly  interest and  principal  payments  from its mortgage loan and
     investment securities portfolios, adjustable- and fixed-rate CMO financing,
     reverse repurchase agreements secured by mortgage loans, borrowings secured
     by mortgage-backed securities, proceeds from the sale of mortgage loans and
     the  issuance of REMICs and  proceeds  from the  issuance  of Common  Stock
     through secondary stock offerings, Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase
     Plan ("DRSPP"),  and its structured  equity shelf program ("SES  Program").
     The  acquisition  of mortgage loans and  mortgage-backed  securities by the
     Long-Term Investment Operations are primarily funded from monthly principal
     and interest payments,  reverse repurchase agreements,  CMO financing,  and
     proceeds  from the sale of Common  Stock.  The  issuance  of CMO  financing
     provides the Long-Term Investment  Operations with immediate  liquidity,  a
     locked-in  interest rate spread and  eliminates  the Company's  exposure to
     margin  calls on such  loans.  The  acquisition  of  mortgage  loans by the
     Conduit Operations are funded from reverse repurchase agreements,  the sale
     of  mortgage  loans and  mortgage-backed  securities  and the  issuance  of
     REMICs.  Short-term warehouse financing,  finance receivables,  provided by
     the  Warehouse  Lending   Operations  are  primarily  funded  from  reverse
     repurchase agreements. During the first quarter of 2000, the Company issued
     no new shares of Common  Stock  through  stock  offerings,  through its SES
     Program, or through its DRSPP.

          The Company's ability to meet its long-term liquidity  requirements is
     subject  to the  renewal of its credit  and  repurchase  facilities  and/or
     obtaining other sources of financing,  including  additional debt or equity
     from time to time. Any decision by the Company's  lenders and/or  investors
     to make additional funds available to the Company in the future will depend
     upon a number of factors,  such as the Company's  compliance with the terms
     of its existing credit arrangements,  the Company's financial  performance,
     industry and market trends in the Company's various businesses, the general
     availability  of and rates  applicable to financing and  investments,  such
     lenders' and/or investors' own resources and policies  concerning loans and
     investments,  and the relative  attractiveness of alternative investment or
     lending opportunities.  The Company believes that current liquidity levels,
     available  financing   facilities  and  additional  liquidity  provided  by
     operating  activities will adequately  provide for the Company's  projected
     funding needs, asset growth and the payment of dividends for the near term.
     The Company is continuously exploring alternatives for increasing liquidity
     and   monitors   current   and  future   cash   requirements   through  its
     asset/liability  committee  ("ALCO").  However,  no assurances can be given
     that such alternatives will be available, or if available, under comparable
     rates and terms as currently exist.

      Long-Term Investment Operations

      Primary Source of Funds

         The  Long-Term  Investment  Operations  uses CMO  borrowings to finance
      substantially  its  entire  mortgage  loan  portfolio.  Terms  of the  CMO
      borrowings  require that an  independent  third party  custodian  hold the
      mortgages.  The maturity of each class is directly affected by the rate of
      principal  prepayments  on the related  collateral.  Equity in the CMOs is
      established  at the time  the CMOs are  issued  at  levels  sufficient  to
      achieve desired credit ratings on the securities from rating agencies. The
      amount of equity invested in CMOs by the Long-Term  Investment  Operations
      is also  determined  by the Company based upon the  anticipated  return on
      equity  as  compared  to  the  estimated  proceeds  from  additional  debt
      issuance.  Total credit loss exposure is limited to the equity invested in
      the CMOs at any point in time.  For the first  three  months of 2000,  the
      Company issued a CMO totaling $452.0 million that were  collateralized  by
      $455.7 million of residential mortgages.  At March 31, 2000, the Long-Term
      Investment  Operations had $1.2 billion of CMO borrowings  used to finance
      $1.3  billion of CMO  collateral.  During the first three  months of 2000,
      total principal  reductions on CMO collateral  provided liquidity of $70.8

         The  Long-Term   Investment   Operations  may  pledge   mortgage-backed
      securities  as  collateral  to  borrow  funds  under  reverse   repurchase
      agreements.  The terms  under  these  reverse  repurchase  agreements  are
      generally for 30 days with interest rates ranging from the one-month LIBOR
      plus a spread  depending on the type of collateral  provided.  As of March
      31, 2000, the Long-Term  Investment  Operations had no amounts outstanding
      under  reverse  repurchase  agreements  secured by  investment  securities

      Primary Use of Funds

         During  the  first  three  months  of 2000,  the  Long-Term  Investment
      Operations  acquired $40.2 million in principal  balance of mortgage loans
      from IFC.

         During the first  three  months of 2000,  the  Company  paid common and
      preferred stock dividends of $3.6 million.

      Warehouse Lending Operations

      Primary Source of Funds

         The Warehouse Lending  Operations  finances the acquisition of mortgage
      loans  by the  Long-Term  Investment  Operations  and  Conduit  Operations
      primarily through borrowings on reverse  repurchase  agreements with third
      party lenders.  IWLG has obtained reverse repurchase facilities from major
      investment  banks to provide  financing  as needed.  Terms of the  reverse
      repurchase agreements require that the mortgages be held by an independent
      third party custodian giving the Warehouse Lending  Operations the ability
      to borrow  against  the  collateral  as a  percentage  of the  outstanding
      principal  balance.  The borrowing  rates vary from 85 basis points to 200
      basis points over  one-month  LIBOR,  depending on the type of  collateral
      provided.  The advance rate on the reverse repurchase agreements are based
      on the type of mortgage  collateral  used and generally  range from 75% to
      101% of the fair market value of the  collateral.  At March 31, 2000,  the
      Warehouse Lending Operations had $222.4 million outstanding on uncommitted
      reverse  repurchase  agreements at a rate of one-month LIBOR plus 0.85% to

      Primary Use of Funds

         During the first three months of 2000, the Warehouse Lending Operations
      increased outstanding finance receivables by $25.1 million.

      Conduit Operations

      Primary Source of Funds

         The Conduit Operations has entered into reverse  repurchase  agreements
      to obtain  financing  of up to $1.1  billion  from the  Warehouse  Lending
      Operations to provide IFC mortgage loan  financing  during the period that
      IFC   accumulates   mortgage  loans  and  until  the  mortgage  loans  are
      securitized and sold. The margins on the reverse repurchase agreements are
      based on the type of collateral  provided and generally  range from 95% to
      100% of the fair market value of the collateral.  During the first quarter
      of 2000, the interest  rates on the borrowings  were indexed to prime plus
      1.00%,  which was 9.00% at March 31, 2000. At March 31, 2000,  the Conduit
      Operations had $101.2  million  outstanding  under the reverse  repurchase

         During the first  three  months of 2000,  the Conduit  Operations  sold
      $295.9  million in  principal  balance of  mortgage  loans to third  party
      investors.  In addition,  IFC sold $40.2  million in principal  balance of
      mortgage  loans to the Long-Term  Investment  Operations  during the first
      three months of 2000. By securitizing  and selling loans on a periodic and
      consistent  basis the reverse  repurchase  agreements  were  sufficient to
      handle IFC's liquidity needs during the first three months of 2000.

      Primary Use of Funds

         During the first three months of 2000, the Conduit Operations  acquired
      $458.8 million of mortgage loans.

      Cash Flows

         Operating  Activities - During the first three months of 2000, net cash
      provided by operating activities was $10.2 million.

         Investing  Activities - During the first three months of 2000, net cash
      used in investing  activities  was $13.4  million.  Cash used in investing
      activities  was  primarily  due to an increase in finance  receivables  of
      $25.2 million as the Warehouse Lending Operations expanded its business.

         Financing  Activities - During the first three months of 2000, net cash
      provided  by  financing  activities  was $4.7  million.  Cash  provided by
      financing  activities was primarily due to proceeds from CMO borrowings of
      $452.0 million, which was mainly offset by repayment of CMO borrowings and
      reverse repurchase agreements of $443.6 million.


         The Financial  Statements and Notes thereto  presented herein have been
      prepared  in  accordance  with GAAP,  which  require  the  measurement  of
      financial  position and operating  results in terms of historical  dollars
      without  considering the changes in the relative purchasing power of money
      over time due to  inflation.  The impact of  inflation is reflected in the
      increased costs of the Company's operations.  Unlike industrial companies,
      nearly all of the assets and  liabilities of the Company's  operations are
      monetary in nature.  As a result,  interest rates have a greater impact on
      the  Company's  operations'  performance  than do the  effects  of general
      levels of inflation.  Inflation affects the Company's operations primarily
      through  its effect on  interest  rates,  since  interest  rates  normally
      increase  during periods of high inflation and decrease  during periods of
      low inflation.  During periods of increasing  interest  rates,  demand for
      mortgage loans and a borrower's  ability to qualify for mortgage financing
      in a purchase  transaction  may be adversely  affected.  During periods of
      decreasing interest rates, borrowers may prepay their mortgages,  which in
      turn may adversely  affect the Company's yield and  subsequently the value
      of its portfolio of Mortgage Assets.


         Securitizations/Sales   -  Hedging   Interest   Rate  Risk.   The  most
      significant   variable  in  the   determination  of  gain  on  sale  in  a
      securitization  is the spread  between the weighted  average coupon on the
      securitized  loans and the  pass-through  interest  rate.  In the  interim
      period between loan origination or purchase and  securitization or sale of
      such loans,  the Company is exposed to interest rate risk. The majority of
      loans are  securitized  or sold within 90 days of origination of purchase.
      However, a portion of the loans are held-for-sale or securitization for as
      long as 12 months (or  longer,  in very  limited  circumstances)  prior to
      securitization  or sale. If interest rates rise during the period that the
      mortgage  loans  are held,  in the case of a  securitization,  the  spread
      between the weighted  average interest rate on the loans to be securitized
      and the  pass-through  interest  rates on the  securities  to be sold (the
      latter  having  increased  as a result of  market  rate  movements)  would
      narrow.  Upon  securitization or sale, this would result in a reduction of
      the Company's related gain or loss on sale.

      Interest-  and  Principal-Only  Strips.  The  Company  had  interest-  and
      principal-only  strips of $14.9 million and $35.7 million  outstanding  at
      March 31, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively.  These instruments are
      carried at the lower of  amortized  cost or market value at March 31, 2000
      and  December  31,  1999.  The Company  values  these  assets based on the
      present  value of future cash flow streams net of expenses  using  various

         These assets are subject to risk of accelerated  mortgage prepayment or
      losses in excess of  assumptions  used in  valuation.  Ultimate cash flows
      realized from these assets would be reduced  should  prepayments or losses
      exceed assumptions used in the valuation.  Conversely, cash flows realized
      would be greater should prepayments or losses be below expectations.

                                                 PART II. OTHER INFORMATION


      Not applicable.


      In February 2000, all shares of Series B 10.5%  Cumulative  Convertible
      Preferred  Stock ("Series B Preferred  Stock") were exchanged for Series C
      10.5% Cumulative  Convertible Preferred Stock ("Series C Preferred Stock")
      and the conversion rate was adjusted to $4.72 per share  convertible  into
      5.29661  shares of Common Stock or an  aggregate  of  6,355,932  shares of
      Common Stock.  Other than the foregoing,  the Series C Preferred Stock has
      the same  rights,  preferences  and  privileges  as the Series B Preferred


      Not applicable.






(a)        Exhibits:

      27 Financial Data Schedule.

      (b)  Reports on Form 8-K:



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
      the  Registrant  has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
      the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


      By:  /s/ Richard J. Johnson
      Richard J. Johnson
      Executive Vice President
      and Chief Financial Officer

      Date:  May 12, 2000