1650 West 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC Canada V6J 1G1
Telephone: (604) 737-8117 Facsimile: (604) 714-5916
Website: www.ellisfoster.com

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Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We were previously the independent  registered public accounting firm for Dragon
Pharmaceutical  Inc. (the "Company") and, under the date of February 5, 2005, we
reported on the financial statements of Dragon Pharmaceutical Inc. as of and for
the year ended  December  31,  2004.  On May 5,  2005,  our  appointment  as the
independent  registered public accounting firm was terminated.  We have reviewed
Dragon Pharmaceutical Inc.'s statements included under Item 4.01 of its Form 8-K
dated July 12, 2005, and we agree with the statements contained therein,  except
that we are not in a position to agree or disagree with the Company's statements
that the change was approved by the Board of Directors.

Yours truly,

/s/  Moore Stephens Ellis Foster Ltd.

Chartered Accountants
David Kong
Direct Line: 604-648-3615

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MSEFA partnership of incorporated professionals
     An independently  owned and operated member of Moore Stephens North America
     Inc., a member of Moore Stephens International Limited
     - members in principal cities throughout the world